availables.xml 1.5 MB

  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><plugin-repository><ff>"Graphics"</ff><category name="Graphics"><idea-plugin downloads='37730' size='69289' date='1510836563000' url=''><name>SvgViewer 2</name><id>SvgViewer 2</id><description><![CDATA[An updated version of the SVG Viewer plugin originally released by Andrew Armstrong back in 2004 (I attempted to contact him but his listed email address is no longer valid) This release works with the current versions of the Intellij platform and runs in Intellij and WebStorm. It seems to have trouble in AppCode due to a missing Batik dependency. However I was unable to find a 'depends' node in the plugin.xml file that indicated it works with all Intellij platforms except AppCode so I simply left it out, indicating it works for Intellij only. UPDATE: I've added some dependencies so that this can be used with WebStorm and PhpStorm. It will not work on AppCode, even if it shows up as being available in the browser repository for that product.]]></description><version>2.1</version><vendor email='billdwhite@gmail.com' url='http://www.billdwhite.com'>Bill White</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='111.1' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<ul>
  2. <li>2.0.3 - fixes contributed by Vlad Rassokhin; added missing about html page</li>
  3. <li>2.0.2 - added button to toggle background to allow better visibility of svgs with light colors; adding other web platforms</li>
  4. <li>2.0.1 - adjusted image size to suppress log warnings</li>
  5. <li>2.0 - first release</li>
  6. <li>2.1 - updated release to work with latest intellij ide</li>
  7. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.ultimate</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='8342' size='10535' date='1442370481000' url=''><name>PNG Optimizer</name><id>com.bulenkov.intellij.png.optimizer</id><description><![CDATA[Plugin allows to optimize PNG files by size before commit and manually via context menu in Project View]]></description><version>1.2</version><vendor email='konstantin@bulenkov.com' url='http://bulenkov.com/'>Konstantin Bulenkov</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='131.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<p>1.2</p>
  8. <ul>
  9. <li>Fixed a problem when actual updated state of a png file is visible for the system after the commit</li>
  10. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='8438' size='37915' date='1451923044000' url=''><name>NavMine Demo</name><id>com.navmine.classdiagrams</id><description><![CDATA[Diagrams demo
  11. <br />]]></description><version>1.0</version><vendor email='saleese@gmail.com' url='http://www.navmine.com'>NavMine</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='107.105' /><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.diagram</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='8418' size='45057' date='1458828719000' url=''><name>Base64 image encoder</name><id>ru.mobiledev.plugins.uigd</id><description><![CDATA[Allows to view image as base64-encoded for using in CSS/HTML.
  12. <br /> Available as new button in image editor toolbar. This plugin requires Java 8 to run.]]></description><version>1.0</version><vendor email='tachikomagt@gmail.com' url=''>TachikomaGT</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='143.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Initial release
  13. <br />]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='630' size='91719' date='1511386992000' url=''><name>lottie-idea</name><id>net.olegg.bodylookin</id><description><![CDATA[Basic viewer for Lottie animations.
  14. <br>]]></description><version>0.0.4</version><vendor email='me@olegg.net' url=''>Oleg Godovykh</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<b>0.0.4</b>
  15. <ul>
  16. <li>bodylookin is now lottie-idea!</li>
  17. <li>Updated lottie-web to 5.0.2</li>
  18. </ul>
  19. <b>0.0.3</b>
  20. <ul>
  21. <li>Added file loading from context menu</li>
  22. <li>Added file loading from filesystem</li>
  23. <li>Limit supported files to JSON</li>
  24. </ul>
  25. <b>0.0.2</b>
  26. <ul>
  27. <li>Fixed plugin crash when JavaFX is not present</li>
  28. <li>Added player controls (play, pause, loop)</li>
  29. <li>Updated bodymovin to 4.5.7</li>
  30. </ul>
  31. <b>0.0.1</b>
  32. <ul>
  33. <li>Initial release</li>
  34. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin></category><ff>"Misc"</ff><category name="Misc"><idea-plugin downloads='32837' size='148300' date='1485911662000' url='https://github.com/syllant/idea-plugin-remotesynchronizer'><name>RemoteSynchronizer</name><id>RemoteSynchronizer</id><description><![CDATA[RemoteSynchronizer plugin allows you to synchronize files with remote locations. Instead of manually copying files from your project to other locations using external tools (command line, file explorer, etc.), RemoteSynchronizer launches copies from your IDE, relying on mappings defined for your project. It can also delete obsolete files on remote locations.]]></description><version>1.12</version><vendor email='syllant@gmail.com' url='https://github.com/syllant'>Sylvain Francois</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='133.193' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<b>1.12</b> (01/31/2017)
  35. <ul>
  36. <li>Fix: <a href="https://github.com/syllant/idea-plugin-remotesynchronizer/issues/31" rel="nofollow">Fix a packaging issue causing class files not to be synchronized</a> </li>
  37. </ul>
  38. <b>1.11</b> (05/17/2016)
  39. <ul>
  40. <li>Fix: <a href="https://github.com/syllant/idea-plugin-remotesynchronizer/issues/18" rel="nofollow">Synchronization 'on save' causes entire IDE to hang</a> </li>
  41. <li>Fix: <a href="https://github.com/syllant/idea-plugin-remotesynchronizer/issues/26" rel="nofollow">Remove French translation</a> </li>
  42. <li>Fix: <a href="https://github.com/syllant/idea-plugin-remotesynchronizer/issues/28" rel="nofollow">Invalid expansion for $PROJECT_DIR$</a> </li>
  43. </ul>
  44. <b>1.10</b> (03/20/2016)
  45. <ul>
  46. <li>Fix: <a href="https://github.com/syllant/idea-plugin-remotesynchronizer/issues/20" rel="nofollow">Support for IntelliJ 2016: preferences now displayed in the "Tools" group</a> </li>
  47. <li>Fix: <a href="https://github.com/syllant/idea-plugin-remotesynchronizer/issues/16" rel="nofollow">Remove default key shortcuts and let users define unused combinations!</a> </li>
  48. </ul>
  49. <b>1.9.2</b> (02/19/2014)
  50. <ul>
  51. <li>Fix: <a href="https://github.com/syllant/idea-plugin-revu/issues/10" rel="nofollow">Support for 1.6 JVM</a> </li>
  52. </ul>
  53. <b>1.9.1</b> (01/31/2014)
  54. <ul>
  55. <li>Fix: Fixed compatibility with products other than IDEA </li>
  56. </ul>
  57. <b>1.9</b> (01/29/2014)
  58. <ul>
  59. <li>New: <a href="https://github.com/syllant/idea-plugin-remotesynchronizer/issues/8" rel="nofollow">New option "Synchronize on save"</a> </li>
  60. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>3.6</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='3565' size='11682' date='1487045873000' url=''><name>Spell Checker Java Dictionary</name><id>Spell Checker Java Dictionary</id><description><![CDATA[Standard Java dictionary based on Maven repository]]></description><version>0.3.20170214</version><vendor email='linux_china@hotmail.com' url=''>linux_china</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Add words from Spring Platform BOM]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='181142' size='139481' date='1395616899000' url='http://myregexp.com/ideaPlugin.html'><name>RegexpTester</name><id>org.intellij.RegexpTester</id><description><![CDATA[Regular Expression Tester for IntelliJ IDEA.
  61. <br /> Allows you to experiment with Java regular expressions in a dynamic environment.
  62. <br />
  63. <ul>
  64. <li>Full highlighting of regular expression syntax for an easy visual clue (including bracket matching and error detecting)</li>
  65. <li>Tooltips with context help will be shown when the mouse is over a part of the regex.</li>
  66. <li>Synchronized selection of regular expression and text: Just select part of the regexp to see which part of the text is matched by this part.</li>
  67. </ul> Functionality of this plugin is available as java-applet at
  68. <a href="http://myregexp.com/applet.html" rel="nofollow">http://myregexp.com/applet.html</a>]]></description><version>1.0.5</version><vendor email='sergey.evdokimov85@gmail.com' url=''>Sergey Evdokimov</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='90.1' /><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='98163' size='143977' date='1497551505000' url=''><name>Scratch</name><id>Scratch</id><description><![CDATA[Quickly opens temporary IntelliJ text editor tab.
  69. <br>
  70. <ul>
  71. <li>Alt+C, Alt+C - open default scratch</li>
  72. <li>Alt+C, Alt+S - open list with all scratches</li>
  73. <li>Alt+C, Alt+A - add new scratch</li>
  74. </ul> In scratches list popup:
  75. <ul>
  76. <li>Alt+Insert - add new scratch</li>
  77. <li>Alt+Up/Down - move scratch</li>
  78. <li>Shift+F6 - rename scratch</li>
  79. <li>Delete - delete scratch</li>
  80. <li>Ctrl+Delete - delete without prompt</li>
  81. </ul> (See also "Main menu -&gt; Tools -&gt; Scratch")
  82. <br>
  83. <br> For more details see
  84. <a href="https://github.com/dkandalov/scratch" rel="nofollow">GitHub page</a>.]]></description><version>1.10</version><vendor email='' url='https://github.com/dkandalov/scratch'>Dmitry Kandalov, Vojtech Krasa</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='163.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<ul>
  85. <li>1.10 - migrated scratch files to the same location as IDE scratches</li>
  86. <li>1.08 - fix for exception in IJ 2016.3 when creating new scratch</li>
  87. <li>1.07 - allow creating scratches with the same name but different extensions</li>
  88. <li>1.03 - make scratches always editable (even if they are outside of project root)</li>
  89. <li>1.0 - file types, uses physical files, add/rename/delete/move scratches</li>
  90. <li>0.17 - fix for UTF-8</li>
  91. <li>0.16 - fixed reference to icon</li>
  92. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><rating>4.8</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='36072' size='200548' date='1514697171000' url='https://github.com/jrana/quicknotes'><name>Quick Notes</name><id>Quick Notes</id><description><![CDATA[Quick Notes is a plugin written for IntelliJ IDEA. This plugin adds the ability to manage multiple text notes within the IDEA itself. These could be some tips, notes, code snippets, etc that usually comes to mind while coding and Quick Notes provides an ideal way to save those thoughts quickly and easily.
  93. <p>Quick Notes is compatible with multiple opened IDEA instances, so any change made to any note in one instance of IDEA gets reflected in the other IDEA instances without any delay. </p>
  94. <p><b>Features</b> <br>Quick Notes plugin provides many features aimed towards easy maintenance and quick access to the Notes. Here are some of the major features of this plugin </p>
  95. <ul>
  96. <li>Add and Manage multiple notes</li>
  97. <li>Rename an existing note</li>
  98. <li>Delete an existing note</li>
  99. <li>Manage notes across multiple IDEA instances</li>
  100. <li>Any change in one IDEA instance gets reflected across other IDEA instances</li>
  101. <li>Notes are saved in user's home folder "userhome.ideaquicknotes"</li>
  102. <li>Show or hide line numbers</li>
  103. <li>The toolbar can be placed at top or bottom location</li>
  104. <li>Ability to change Font of notes</li>
  105. <li>Ability to search notes</li>
  106. <li>Ability to save notes to a file</li>
  107. </ul>
  108. <br>
  109. <a href="http://docs.google.com/fileview?id=0B6GyR43t58eXNzQ1ZmUyOTktZDc5NS00ZWRkLTlmMGMtOGQ0ZGIyZjdhM2E0&amp;hl=en" rel="nofollow">Click here</a> to read/download the manual for this plugin.
  110. <br>
  111. <br>For any bugs or suggestions, please leave a comment on the plugin page at
  112. <br>
  113. <a href="http://plugins.intellij.net/plugin/?id=4456" rel="nofollow">http://plugins.intellij.net/plugin/?id=4456</a>
  114. <br>
  115. <br>Quick Notes is an open source project hosted at
  116. <a href="https://github.com/jrana/quicknotes" rel="nofollow">github</a> and you are always welcome to join this project and contribute.]]></description><version>2.9.6</version><vendor email='jsrana@gmail.com' url='https://github.com/jrana/quicknotes'>Jitendra Rana</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='69.7000' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Search is now case insensitive Note title is now also included in search Search pane colors now follow the IDEA color theme Added support for configuring line number color Added new icons for light and dark themes Fixed UI to be better compatible with IDEA theme Added new button on Settings dialog to go to Bug list]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>4.6</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='25633' size='452552' date='1511377369000' url=''><name>Pomodoro-tm</name><id>Pomodoro-tm</id><description><![CDATA[Time management plugin for
  117. <a href="http://pomodorotechnique.com" rel="nofollow">Pomodoro Technique</a>.
  118. <br> How to use it:
  119. <ol>
  120. <li>Choose a task to be accomplished and start pomodoro timer (Ctrl+Shift+P or Cmd+Shift+P).</li>
  121. <li>Work on the task until the timer rings. If distracted during pomodoro, restart timer.</li>
  122. <li>Take a break until the timer rings again.</li>
  123. </ol> For more details see
  124. <a href="https://github.com/dkandalov/pomodoro-tm" rel="nofollow">plugin page on GitHub</a>.]]></description><version>0.60</version><vendor email='' url='http://github.com/dkandalov/pomodoro-tm'>Dmitry Kandalov</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<ul>
  125. Version 0.60:
  126. <li>option to automatically start new pomodoro after break</li>
  127. <li>removed modal dialog during pomodoro break (because it didn't work properly and was a questionable idea)</li>
  128. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><rating>4.8</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='6650' size='5542' date='1346905754000' url=''><name>Shell Process</name><id>Shell Process</id><description><![CDATA[Run a shell command on selected lines]]></description><version>1.3.1</version><vendor email='cyberfox@gmail.com' url='https://code.google.com/archive/p/shell-process'>Morgan Schweers</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='80.8000' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Fix an errant dependency that blocked it from running in RubyMine.]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='33069' size='827765' date='1460914610000' url=''><name>Unicode Browser</name><id>Unicode Browser</id><description><![CDATA[This plugin allows you to browse and search characters and parts of the Unicode™ character set. Insert characters into an editor in one of 10 forms. Decodes coded characters at the cursor position.]]></description><version>0.8.1-15.0</version><vendor email='campus@zumcampus.de' url=''>Christoph Wagner</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='143.2332' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Updated plugin URL]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.xml</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='23017' size='0' date='1331320601000' url=''><name>Color</name><id>Color</id><description><![CDATA[
  129. Find and share color schemes on <a href="http://ideacolorschemes.com">ideacolorschemes.com</a>
  130. ]]></description><version>0.1.6</version><vendor email='ideacolorschemes@gmail.com' url='http://ideacolorschemes.com'>ideacolorschemes.com</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='111.63' /><change-notes><![CDATA[
  131. <ul>
  132. <b>0.1.6 (2012-03-09)</b>
  133. <li>Bug fix: throw NullPointerException sometimes</li>
  134. <li>Load local cached schemes first</li>
  135. <b>0.1.5 (2012-03-09)</b>
  136. <li>Support console font</li>
  137. <li>Bug fix: some colors upload and display incorrectly</li>
  138. <b>0.1.4 (2012-03-05)</b>
  139. <li>Bug fix: fuckin slow!</li>
  140. <li>Synchronize update</li>
  141. <b>0.1.3 (2012-03-04)</b>
  142. <li>optimize memory usage</li>
  143. <li>Bug fix: fail to recovery current scheme</li>
  144. <b>0.1.2 (2012-03-03)</b>
  145. <li>Bug fix: fail to download scheme</li>
  146. <b>0.1.1 (2012-03-01)</b>
  147. <li>Bug fix: cannot upload schemes</li>
  148. <li>Preload all schemes when update</li>
  149. <b>0.1 (2012-02-29)</b>
  150. <li>Upload(share) your current color schemes to <a href="http://ideacolorschemes.com">ideacolorschemes.com</a></li>
  151. <li>Download/Update your color schemes from <a href="http://ideacolorschemes.com">ideacolorschemes.com</a></li>
  152. </ul>
  153. ]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><rating>1.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='1620' size='447064' date='1331494726000' url=''><name>Pomodoro-tm-cd</name><id>Pomodoro-tm-cd</id><description><![CDATA[Pomodoro timer for coding dojo]]></description><version>2.0</version><vendor email='' url='https://github.com/AlexJudge/pomodoro-tm-cd'>AlexJudge</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='80.8000' /><change-notes><![CDATA[
  154. <ul>
  155. <li>2.0 - min time interval 1 min, timer does not stop after break, sygnal rings after each time interval</li>
  156. </ul>
  157. ]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='2694' size='1644' date='1504670726000' url=''><name>Swing Buttons Fix</name><id>RetardedButtonsFix</id><description><![CDATA[By Swing default the Enter always fires default button regardless of selection by arrows or Tab. This plugin fixes it so the focused button is fired with Enter.]]></description><version>1.1</version><vendor email='vojta.krasa@gmail.com' url=''>Vojtech Krasa</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='90.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='5021' size='3143' date='1397061061000' url=''><name>ConsoleUrlLink</name><id>ConsoleUrlLink</id><description><![CDATA[The output to the console as a hyperlink URL. Browser will open when you click on the link.
  158. <a href="https://github.com/siosio/consoleLink" rel="nofollow">https://github.com/siosio/consoleLink</a>]]></description><version>0.6</version><vendor email='' url=''>siosio</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='107.105' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<p>0.5</p> Added support for multiple links inline and links starting with /.
  159. <br />
  160. <p>0.2</p> Added support for file URI scheme.]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>4.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='7141' size='7544807' date='1373569438000' url=''><name>Keymap exporter</name><id>Keymap exporter</id><description><![CDATA[Allows to export IntelliJ IDEA keymaps at the PDF format
  161. <br /> Usage: Main Menu | Tools | Export keymap to PDF]]></description><version>1.1</version><vendor email='denzhdanov@gmail.com' url=''>Denis Zhdanov</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='130.1167' /><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.xml</depends><rating>3.3</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='430357' size='6462618' date='1515680396000' url=''><name>Grep Console</name><id>GrepConsole</id><description><![CDATA[<ul>
  162. <li>Change colors of matching text.</li>
  163. <li>Grep output into a new console tab.</li>
  164. <li>Fold output.</li>
  165. <li>Filter out unwanted lines.</li>
  166. <li>Play sounds on matches.</li>
  167. <li>Clear Console on matches.</li>
  168. <li>Tail files*.</li>
  169. </ul>
  170. <br> *File Tailing:
  171. <br> - Main menu | Tools | Open File in Console
  172. <br> - Main Menu | Help | Tail (IntelliJ) Log in Console
  173. <br> - Project View ToolWindow | right click context menu | Tail
  174. <br> - Drag&amp;Drop "Tail File" panel in main toolbar
  175. <br> - http and Windows context menu integration
  176. <br> - Encoding auto-detection
  177. <br>
  178. <br> Inspired by
  179. <a href="http://marian.schedenig.name/projects/grep-console/" rel="nofollow">Grep Console plugin for Eclipse</a> Used
  180. <a href="http://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/6027?pr=idea" rel="nofollow">Remote call plugin</a> implementation for http integration.
  181. <br>]]></description><version></version><vendor email='vojta.krasa@gmail.com' url='https://github.com/krasa/GrepConsole'>Vojtech
  182. Krasa</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='162.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<br>7.3 (2018-01-11)
  183. <br>- Various fixes
  184. <br>7.1 (2017-11-04)
  185. <br>- Fixed "Runner GrepConsoleTail is not registered" exception on startup
  186. <br>7.1 (2017-11-03)
  187. <br>- Option to disable Run Configuration profile settings
  188. <br>- Fixed filtering of test console #55
  189. <br>7.0 (2017-10-21)
  190. <br>- Run Configuration settings and profiles
  191. <br>- Multiline input filtering - filter out not matched lines if the previous one was filtered out
  192. <br>- Restored old filtering behaviour prior to v6.9 - Sometimes you may want to see only lines that are highlighted. To do this, add a ".*" as the last item and set to "Whole line" and "Filter out".
  193. <br>6.10 (2017-09-27)
  194. <br>- Tail encoding settings and auto-detection
  195. <br>6.9 (2017-09-18)
  196. <br>- Console clearing on match
  197. <br>6.8 (2017-08-07)
  198. <br>- Unpinning of a grep console on closing of the tab
  199. <br>- Jumping to a console from the status bar on a left click
  200. <br>- Status bar colors
  201. <br>- Added a separate grep limit settings
  202. <br>- Gui improvements, rehighlight all button
  203. <br>6.7 (2017-08-02)
  204. <br>- Grep Consoles pinning
  205. <br>- file tail integration fix for Win 10
  206. <br>6.6 (2017-02-09)
  207. <br>- Tail tabs pinning (reopening with a project)
  208. <br>6.5 (2017-02-05)
  209. <br>- Grep sub-console improvements
  210. <br>6.4 (2017-02-04)
  211. <br>- ANSI support deleted, for IJ 2016+
  212. <br>- more strict performance checks
  213. <br>6.3 (2016-08-26)
  214. <br>- grep improvements
  215. <br>6.0 (2016-08-23)
  216. <br>- ability to filter/grep the console output into a new console tab
  217. <br>0.1 (2012-11-13)
  218. <br>- Initial release]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='4741' size='201513' date='1377108006000' url=''><name>SourceFinder</name><id>SourceFinder</id><description><![CDATA[Find and attach sources for binary artifacts by click of a button.]]></description><version>0.1.8-alpha</version><vendor email='' url=''>edio.ee</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='107.105' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Disabled all automatic scanning of binary artifacts to be updated because it caused performance problems. Now it should be done manually by clicking right click -&gt; &quot;Refresh sources&quot; in project explorer.]]></change-notes><depends>Subversion</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='8117' size='3268' date='1394006449000' url=''><name>LiveTemplatePreview</name><id>LiveTemplatePreview</id><description><![CDATA[Live Template preview plugin.]]></description><version>0.3</version><vendor email='siosio12@gmail.com' url='https://github.com/siosio/LiveTempletePreview'>siosio</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='134.1007' /><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='2599' size='591167' date='1368372954000' url=''><name>IntelliJ IDE Distribution Cleaner</name><id>org.nik.distribution-cleaner</id><description><![CDATA[Adds 'Delete Disabled Plugins' action to 'Tools' menu allowing to delete disabled plugins from distribution of IDE to save disk space]]></description><version>1.0</version><vendor email='' url=''>Nikolay Chashnikov</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='111.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='52681' size='34427' date='1508435858000' url=''><name>Multirun</name><id>com.khmelyuk.multirun</id><description><![CDATA[<p>Allows to run multiple run configurations at once: group multiple run configurations and start them in a single click. Not only application and test run configurations can be grouped, but other Multirun configurations can be organized into single run configuration.</p>
  219. <p>Use cases:</p>
  220. <ul>
  221. <li>Start batch of tests for multiple modules or applications</li>
  222. <li>Start multiple applications, like multiple servers or backend + web application</li>
  223. </ul>
  224. <p>Usage:</p>
  225. <ol>
  226. <li>Run -&gt; Edit Configurations...</li>
  227. <li>Find and add a new Multirun configuration</li>
  228. <li>Add other run configurations to the Multirun configuration</li>
  229. <li>Pick options you'd like</li>
  230. <li>Ready to use</li>
  231. </ol>
  232. <p>Multirun + Before Launch Tasks gives even more functionality: read more at <a href="http://goo.gl/KwHvx" rel="nofollow">http://goo.gl/KwHvx</a></p>]]></description><version>1.8</version><vendor email='' url='http://www.khmelyuk.com'>Ruslan Khmelyuk</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='173.3302' until-build='173.*'/><change-notes><![CDATA[Support for IntellijIDEA 2017.3]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>4.8</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='2617' size='518196' date='1370386743000' url=''><name>Download Selection</name><id>com.johnlindquist.plugins.DownloadSelection</id><description><![CDATA[Select a url, type &quot;ctrl+shift+A&quot;, type &quot;Download Selection&quot; or select &quot;Download Selection&quot; from the Tools menu.]]></description><version>1.0</version><vendor email='johnlindquist@gmail.com' url='https://johnlindquist.com/'>johnlindquist.com</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='107.105' /><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='23121' size='6706724' date='1461300223000' url=''><name>Code History Mining</name><id>CodeHistoryMining</id><description><![CDATA[This is proof-of-concept plugin for code history visualization and analysis.
  233. <br> For more details and examples of visualizations see
  234. <a href="https://github.com/dkandalov/code-history-mining#code-history-mining-intellij-plugin" rel="nofollow">GitHub page</a>.
  235. <br>
  236. <br> See also
  237. <a href="http://codehistoryminer.com" rel="nofollow">code history miner</a> web server and CLI with similar functionality.]]></description><version>0.3.1 beta</version><vendor email='dmitry.kandalov [at] gmail.com' url='https://github.com/dkandalov/code-history-mining'>Dmitry Kandalov</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='142.2084' /><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='7134' size='8129' date='1383274132000' url=''><name>IntelliJ task integration for Microsoft team foundation server</name><id>TFSTask integration</id><description><![CDATA[Supports integration with Microsoft Team Foundation Server issue tracking system. To configure synchronization between an TFS system and IntelliJ IDEA choose type of server and enter credentials. IntelliJ IDEA will automatically synchronize the tasks. To run the plugin, the TFS SDK must be Provided from your IDE. To do so, download the SDK from http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=22616. After extraction copy the the redist/native directory and the redist/lib/com.microsoft.tfs.sdk-*.jar file into the lib/ directory of the IDE.]]></description><version>1.0.1</version><vendor email='david.biskupek@gmail.com' url=''></vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='109.105' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Add change notes here.
  238. <br />
  239. <small>most HTML tags may be used</small>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><depends>com.intellij.tasks</depends><rating>3.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='26503' size='1048375' date='1479207728000' url=''><name>ZooKeeper</name><id>zookeeper</id><description><![CDATA[Manage ZooKeeper in IntelliJ IDEA.
  240. <br> After install ZooKeeper plugin, please open "Preferences" to set connection information in "ZooKeeper" item, then you will find a "ZooKeeper" tool windown, click "ZooKeeper" tool window to visit ZK file system.
  241. <br>
  242. <ul>
  243. <li>Double click the leaf to edit node value</li>
  244. <li>Right click editor to update node value into ZooKeeper</li>
  245. <li>Right click ZK tree to execute "edit", "add" and "delete" operation</li>
  246. <li>Recursive support for add and delete operation</li>
  247. <li>Node filter support</li>
  248. <li>Click "Refresh" button on "ZooKeeper" tool window to refress ZK tree or node</li>
  249. <li>Icon for different type, and transparent icon for ephemeral node</li>
  250. <li>Stat tooltip, Copy node path</li>
  251. </ul>]]></description><version>0.0.13</version><vendor email='linux_china@hotmail.com' url='https://twitter.com/linux_china'>Jacky Chan</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='141.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<ul>
  252. <li>0.0.13: Upgrade libraries</li>
  253. <li>0.0.12: Curator updated to 2.8.0 and with slf4j included</li>
  254. <li>0.0.11: IDEA 14.1 support with jars upgraded</li>
  255. <li>0.0.9: zip &amp; unzip support</li>
  256. <li>0.0.9: Copy node path</li>
  257. <li>0.0.8: Bug fix for path filter</li>
  258. <li>0.0.7: Stat tooltip support</li>
  259. <li>0.0.6: Optimized for children count, leaf logic. Transparent icon for ephemeral node</li>
  260. <li>0.0.5: Refresh tree redesign for create, delete and fresh; zk connection optimized; some bugs fixed.</li>
  261. <li>0.0.4: All JetBrains poruducts support</li>
  262. <li>0.0.3: Path filter; Node edit; charset</li>
  263. <li>0.0.2: IntelliJ IDEA 12 support</li>
  264. <li>0.0.1: initial version</li>
  265. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>3.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='2150' size='20190' date='1445095901000' url=''><name>Override File Language</name><id>com.github.mfedko.idea.plugins.filelanguage</id><description><![CDATA[Override file language. Useful for "unknown" files or files without extensions. Similar to SublimeText set syntax functionality.]]></description><version>0.1.1</version><vendor email='mfedko@gmail.com' url='https://github.com/mfedko/idea-file-language'>Mikhail Fedko</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='141.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[0.1.0 - PHPStorm 9.0.2 Exception fixed
  266. <br /> 0.0.3 - made plugin EAP-15 compatible
  267. <br /> 0.0.1 - initial version.]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='2382' size='13442' date='1404237791000' url=''><name>IdeaAscii</name><id>com.jonathonstaff.ideaascii</id><description><![CDATA[IdeaAscii is a simple plugin that allows you to easily add comments (typically section headers/breaks) in ASCII text.
  268. <br /> Check out the repo on GitHub for more details:
  269. <br />
  270. <a href="https://github.com/jonstaff/IdeaAscii" rel="nofollow">https://github.com/jonstaff/IdeaAscii</a>]]></description><version>1.1</version><vendor email='jon@nplexity.com' url='http://www.jonathonstaff.com'>Jonathon Staff</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='131.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Updates to IdeaAscii: support for text on current line, indentations, and selected text! Check it out at https://github.com/jonstaff/IdeaAscii.]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='944' size='468062' date='1446597709000' url='https://code.google.com/archive/p/ideaquickweather'><name>QuickWeather</name><id>QuickWeather</id><description><![CDATA[Quick Weather plugin displays the current weather condition in IDEA status bar. Clicking on the weather condition displays the weather in detail with five days forecast. Weather data is fetched from Yahoo weather.]]></description><version>1.3</version><vendor email='jsrana+idea@gmail.com' url='https://code.google.com/archive/p/ideaquickweather'>Jitendra Rana</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='80.8000' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Version 1.3: Fixed selection of location]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>4.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='9175' size='9647' date='1412873274000' url=''><name>Autoscroll Save</name><id>com.steve.plugins.autoscroll</id><description><![CDATA[At last, a handy way to save your Autoscroll to/from Source settings :)
  271. <br />
  272. <br /> Toggle &quot;Autoscroll to Source&quot;: Crtl-Alt-Shift PAGE UP
  273. <br /> Toggle &quot;Autoscroll from Source&quot;: Crtl-Alt-Shift PAGE DOWN
  274. <br /> Save &quot;Autoscroll to/from Source&quot; settings: Crtl-Alt-Shift END
  275. <br />
  276. <br /> Use the toggle actions to quickly enable / disable autoscroll settings in the active project.
  277. <br />
  278. <br /> Save the autoscroll settings to apply them to currently open projects and all projects opened or created in future.
  279. <br />
  280. <br /> The key bindings can be re-assigned via Settings -&gt; Keymap -&gt; search for &quot;autoscroll&quot;.
  281. <br />
  282. <br /> Saved settings can be disabled in the &quot;autoscroll.xml&quot; file located in config/options, if needed.
  283. <br />
  284. <br />]]></description><version>1.1</version><vendor email='' url=''>Steve Murphy</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='133.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[1.0 - Initial version.
  285. <br /> 1.1 - Enabled for all products.
  286. <br />]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='3517' size='4997502' date='1465531611000' url=''><name>FridayMario</name><id>FridayMario</id><description><![CDATA[The first plugin in the world to gamify development in IntelliJ IDEs.
  287. <br> Basically, it plays sounds from Mario video game on various actions.
  288. <br> See
  289. <a href="http://youtu.be/tlrl25lwWDs" rel="nofollow">youtube video</a>.
  290. <br>
  291. <br> To start/stop use "Main menu -&gt; Tools -&gt; Start/Stop Friday Mario".]]></description><version>0.1.5 easter beta</version><vendor email='dmitry.kandalov@gmail.com' url='https://github.com/dkandalov/friday-mario'>Dmitry Kandalov</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='135.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='2614' size='8420' date='1418548881000' url=''><name>Solve for All integration</name><id>com.solveforall.clients.IdeaPlugin</id><description><![CDATA[Searches for selected text using Solve for All, a customizable ad-free answer engine that can be enhanced by data and plugins from the community. There are many data sets and plugins for developers. Useful for getting inline documentation for JDK classes, python classes and functions, Ruby code objects, HTML elements, Javascript classes and functions, CSS classes, and more.]]></description><version>1.0.4</version><vendor email='help@solveforall.com' url='https://solveforall.com'>Machine Intelligence Services, Inc.</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='93.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<p> Version 1.0.0: </p>
  292. <ul>
  293. <li>Initial release</li>
  294. </ul>
  295. <p></p>
  296. <p> Version 1.0.1: </p>
  297. <ul>
  298. <li> Fixed NoClassDefFoundException when the IDE is not IntelliJ. Confirmed it works in RubyMine. </li>
  299. <li> Added &quot;integration&quot; to the plugin name. </li>
  300. <li> Updated description with more info. </li>
  301. </ul>
  302. <p></p>
  303. <p> Version 1.0.2: </p>
  304. <ul>
  305. <li> Recompile with JDK 1.6 to get it working on machines with JDK 6 as the default JDK. </li>
  306. </ul>
  307. <p></p>
  308. <p> Version 1.0.3: </p>
  309. <ul>
  310. <li> Add a keyboard shortcut (Control-Shift S, A) to trigger the search action. </li>
  311. <li> Add a dialog box to edit the answer query before submitting it to Solve for All. </li>
  312. <li> If there is no selection, try to use the symbol the cursor is on. </li>
  313. </ul>
  314. <p></p>
  315. <p> Version 1.0.4: </p>
  316. <ul>
  317. Workaround UnsupportedOperationException caused by Desktop.getDesktop() not being available in some Linux environments.
  318. <li> Workaround Pair.pair() not being available in older versions of IDEs. </li>
  319. </ul>
  320. <p></p>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='984' size='131120' date='1419940495000' url='https://hashmem.com/docs/plugin/jetbrains'><name>hashMem.com</name><id>com.hashmem.idea</id><description><![CDATA[Do you like
  321. <b>[Ctrl/⌘]+Shift+N</b> pop-up window? Isn't it really fast way to open files?
  322. <br /> Do you want to open
  323. <b>bookmarks</b>/
  324. <b>notes</b> similar way right from your IDE?
  325. <br /> In this case this we made this plugin specially for you!
  326. <br />
  327. <br /> --------------------------------------------
  328. <br /> This plugin provides you an ability to CRUD your bookmarks/notes from IDE and open them very fast using similar to
  329. <b>[Ctrl/⌘]+Shift+N</b> pop-up window approach. + you can synchronize your data with cloud and access it directly from your favorite browser by using appropriate plugin.
  330. <br /> --------------------------------------------
  331. <br />
  332. <br /> It's very easy to create/read bookmark or note - open pop-up window
  333. <b>[Ctrl/⌘]+Shift+~</b> and execute command:
  334. <ul>
  335. <li>note.key - opens note with key note.key</li>
  336. <li>+note.key [note_content] - creates / updates note</li>
  337. <li>-note.key - deletes note</li>
  338. <li>/note.key - open note on hashMem.com</li>
  339. </ul>
  340. <br />
  341. <br /> To open notes faster you can type only part of the key (it works just as [Ctrl/⌘]+Shift+N pop-up window).
  342. <br />
  343. <br /> Few more cool features:
  344. <br />
  345. <ul>
  346. <li>★ Cloud synchronization for free - <a href="http://hashmem.com" rel="nofollow">http://hashmem.com</a></li>
  347. <li>★ Designed for keyboard use</li>
  348. <li>★ Plugins for browsers which use same ideas and principles (we strongly advise you to check it) ( <a href="https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/nmkgaalbomjiafnenbknaoeilejnhnce" rel="nofollow">Chrome</a>, <a href="https://addons.mozilla.org/ru/firefox/addon/hashmemcom/" rel="nofollow">Firefox</a>, <a href="https://addons.opera.com/extensions/details/hashmemcom-zakladki-zametki-v-omnibox/" rel="nofollow">Opera</a> ) </li>
  349. </ul>
  350. <br />
  351. <br /> To report a bug or suggest an idea please contact us by mail (support@hashmem.com) or via
  352. <a href="https://github.com/fedotxxl/hashmem-idea/issues" rel="nofollow">GitHub page</a>]]></description><version>1.3.139</version><vendor email='support@hashmem.com' url='https://hashMem.com'>hashMem.com</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='133.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='130882' size='874210' date='1425657516000' url=''><name>Action Tracker</name><id>org.jetbrains.action-tracker</id><description><![CDATA[Allows to record actions performed by user in IntelliJ IDEs. Use Tools | 'Start Tracking' action to start recording, and Tools | 'Stop Tracking...' to show the recorded data.]]></description><version>0.3</version><vendor email='' url='http://www.jetbrains.com'>JetBrains</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='135.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>3.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='960' size='107677' date='1459266049000' url=''><name>Limited WIP</name><id>LimitedWIP</id><description><![CDATA[Plugin to limit the amount of changes you make at a time. It has two main features:
  353. <ul>
  354. <li>show notifications when current changelist size exceeds limit</li>
  355. <li>automatically revert current changelist after a timeout</li>
  356. </ul>
  357. <br /> See
  358. <a href="https://github.com/dkandalov/limited-wip" rel="nofollow">https://github.com/dkandalov/limited-wip</a> for details.]]></description><version>0.2.5</version><vendor email='dmitry.kandalov [at] gmail.com' url=''>Dmitry Kandalov</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='142.1563' /><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.vcs</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='36123' size='45424' date='1484765980000' url='https://github.com/anthraxx/intellij-awesome-console'><name>Awesome Console</name><id>awesome.console</id><description><![CDATA[Finally a plugin that makes links in your console at least 200% more awesome!
  359. <br>
  360. <br> With this plugin all files and links in the console will be highlighted and can be clicked. Source code files will be opened in the IDE, other links with the default viewer/browser for this type.
  361. <br> Now you just need to configure your favorite Logger to include the file name (and optionally a line number) and you can instantly jump to that file that throws this stupid error.
  362. <br>
  363. <br>
  364. <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/anthraxx/intellij-awesome-console/master/data/screenshot.png" alt="screenshot">
  365. <br>
  366. <br> Links are integrated for the following types:
  367. <ul>
  368. <li>source</li>
  369. <li>file</li>
  370. <li>url</li>
  371. </ul>]]></description><version>0.1337.6</version><vendor email='plugins@battle-over-aiur.de' url=''>awesome productions</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='139.659' /><change-notes><![CDATA[A shiny new release including: - More robust filename detection. - Improved subdirectory detection. - Support for arbitrary URL schemes. - Support for Windows style absolute paths.]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>4.1</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='6026' size='9863' date='1437331047000' url=''><name>Zipper</name><id>com.renemaas.intellij.zipper</id><description><![CDATA[Zipper adds the ability to pack the whole project into a single ZIP file.
  372. <br /> Ideal for creating backups really quickly.
  373. <br />
  374. <br /> Just choose
  375. <em>Menu &gt; Tools &gt; Pack the whole Project</em> or press
  376. <em>CTRL + SHIFT + P</em>]]></description><version>1.1.0</version><vendor email='opensource@renemaas.com' url='https://www.renemaas.com/'>René Maas Mediengestaltung</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='121.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<b>1.1.0</b>
  377. <br /> - Added support for multiple content roots
  378. <br /> - Created ZIP files will be ignored when creating a new ZIP file
  379. <br /> - Some small GUI improvements
  380. <br /> - Refactored some code
  381. <br />
  382. <br />
  383. <b>1.0.4</b>
  384. <br /> - Fixed a bug on Unix systems
  385. <br />
  386. <br />
  387. <b>1.0.3</b>
  388. <br /> - Fixed NullPointerException when dialog gets canceled
  389. <br /> - Added success and error notifications
  390. <br />
  391. <br />
  392. <b>1.0.2</b>
  393. <br /> - Support for content root outside of the project directory
  394. <br />
  395. <br />
  396. <b>1.0.1</b>
  397. <br /> - Fixed a bug on Unix systems concerning the directory separator
  398. <br />
  399. <br />
  400. <b>1.0</b>
  401. <br /> - Initial Release]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='11589' size='35554' date='1447122973000' url=''><name>Open in terminal</name><id>pl.lksztmczk.openinterminal</id><description><![CDATA[This plugin adds possibility for open terminal from editor and project context menu in corresponding file/directory location.
  402. <br />]]></description><version>1.5.1</version><vendor email='lksztmczk@gmail.com' url='https://github.com/luktom'>Łukasz Tomczak</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='131.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Minor fix to make it workable on Windows systems.]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='20103' size='56153' date='1513621962000' url=''><name>Performance Testing</name><id>com.jetbrains.performancePlugin</id><description><![CDATA[Plugin for automated execution of test scripts, capturing performance snapshots and gathering performance statistics.]]></description><version>173.4127.13</version><vendor email='support@jetbrains.com' url='http://www.jetbrains.com'>JetBrains</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='173.4127' until-build='173.*'/><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.ultimate</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='683' size='3998' date='1435575472000' url=''><name>Remove Usage Plugin</name><id>allotria/removeusage</id><description><![CDATA[Plugin that enables &quot;Eclipse like&quot; removal of search items from usage search results.]]></description><version>1.0</version><vendor email='' url='https://github.com/allotria/removeusage'>allotria</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='129.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Selects next occurrence after deleting.]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='1439' size='336598' date='1476149627000' url=''><name>CodinGame IDEA Editor</name><id>ua.pp.madcap.codingame.plugin</id><description><![CDATA[CodinGame IDEA Editor allows you to edit code, execute particular test case and see result directly in Intellij IDEA.
  403. <br>]]></description><version>0.2.2</version><vendor email='madcap99@gmail.com' url='https://bitbucket.org/kalex375/cgedit/'>Oleksandr Kravchenko</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='140.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[0.2.2 * Bugs Fixed 0.2.1 * Bugs Fixed 0.2 * Add support new Codingame IDE * Bugs Fixed]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>1.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='1746' size='24701' date='1492373475000' url=''><name>TranslateMe</name><id>com.lid.intellij.translateme</id><description><![CDATA[This plugin eases working with the code and comments written not in English.
  404. <br> If you deal with the code with variables and error messages in spanish, german
  405. <br> or whatever language just use Alt + Y to get the needed translation.
  406. <br> Plugin employs Yandex Translator.
  407. <br> The language pair can be adjusted in settings or you can choose auto-detection.
  408. <br>
  409. <br>]]></description><version></version><vendor email='vladimir.vs.ivanov@gmail.com' url='https://github.com/vlivanov'>vlivanov&apos;s GitHub</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='131.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[ Fix saving settings; add 2017.1 compatibility
  410. <br> Restore settings
  411. <br> Support in-place translation.
  412. <br> Support language auto-detection.
  413. <br>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='7070' size='363805' date='1457627272000' url=''><name>Android Intent Sender</name><id>com.weezlabs.intentSender</id><description><![CDATA[Plugin allows you to send intents with specified data and extras to android devices or emulators with adb command &quot;broadcast&quot;, &quot;startactivity&quot;, &quot;startservice&quot;.
  414. <br /> Full readme:
  415. <a href="https://github.com/WeezLabs/idea-intent-sender-plugin" rel="nofollow">here</a>]]></description><version>0.7.0</version><vendor email='vfarafonov@weezlabs.com' url='https://weezlabs.com'>Weezlabs</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='131.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<dl>
  416. <dt>
  417. 0.7.0 - 0.5.0
  418. </dt>
  419. <dd>
  420. Minor fixes
  421. </dd>
  422. <dd>
  423. </dd>
  424. </dl>
  425. <dl>
  426. <dt>
  427. 0.4.0
  428. </dt>
  429. <dd>
  430. Implemented autocomplete feature for intent action field
  431. <br /> Added support of string arrays to extra fields
  432. </dd>
  433. <dd>
  434. </dd>
  435. </dl>
  436. <dl>
  437. <dt>
  438. 0.3.0
  439. </dt>
  440. <dd>
  441. Added terminal output displaying
  442. </dd>
  443. <dd>
  444. </dd>
  445. </dl>]]></change-notes><depends>org.jetbrains.android</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='2868' size='2870488' date='1449355496000' url=''><name>Tempore Plugin</name><id>TemposID</id><description><![CDATA[<br />
  446. <img alt="" src="https://www.paypalobjects.com/en_US/i/scr/pixel.gif" width="1" height="1" />
  447. <br /> Absolutely awesome plugin which you can't code without. Don't hesitate, download perfect multifunctional Tempore Plugin with plenty of exiting features.
  448. <br />
  449. <br />
  450. <img src="https://habrastorage.org/files/73d/d57/a73/73dd57a7336e461a9789dcecb991d558.gif" />
  451. <ul>
  452. <li>Helps you to check how much time you spend on your projects.</li>
  453. <br />
  454. <li>Reminds you to take a rest if you code for a long time.</li>
  455. <br />
  456. <li> Automatically stops if you are out of work for more than <br /> five minutes and resumes when you are back. <br /></li>
  457. <br />
  458. <li>You can also stops or resume it manually, just as you want.</li>
  459. <br />
  460. <li>Draws charts to show how much time you spend per day.</li>
  461. <ul>
  462. <li>It's <strong> Red </strong> , if it's less than 4 hours. </li>
  463. <li> <strong> Yellow </strong> , if it's between 4 and 8 hours.</li>
  464. <li> <strong> Green </strong> , if it's more than 8 hours.</li>
  465. </ul>
  466. </ul>
  467. <i><b>Just install the plugin and let it track the time. </b></i>
  468. <br />
  469. <br />
  470. <i><b>To open Statistics Dialog click the clock-widget on the Status Bar (look at the picture). </b></i>
  471. <br />
  472. <br /> I'm trying to create some helpful stuff for this IDE, so
  473. <br /> for me it's more than important to get some feedback from you,
  474. <br /> Please text me, if you want something to be improved or changed.
  475. <br /> Hope you like it.
  476. <br />
  477. <br /> Code with pleasure.
  478. <br />]]></description><version>0.6.0</version><vendor email='ubermensch.dev@gmail.com' url=''></vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='131.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[- Updated GUI - Data export - Settings - More statistics]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>4.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='11552' size='221070' date='1503795524000' url=''><name>Serial Port Monitor</name><id>SerialPortMonitor</id><description><![CDATA[This plugin aims to leverage Arduino development with CLion by providing Serial Monitor Tool Window. It allows you to communicate to your Arduino device without leaving the IDE. Functionality is pretty similar to those, available in Arduino IDE through "Serial Monitor Tool".
  479. <br>
  480. <br>
  481. <b>Features:</b>
  482. <ul>
  483. <li>Serial Monitor Tool Window with project-based persistent settings</li>
  484. <li>Status widget</li>
  485. <li>Duplex Console View (Regular view + HEX)</li>
  486. </ul>
  487. <br>
  488. <b>Note:</b> Only COM port (both hardware and virtual) is currently supported. In order to use virtual COM port please make sure to install all necessary drivers.]]></description><version>0.5.2</version><vendor email='cherkas.da@gmail.com' url='https://bitbucket.org/dmitry_cherkas/intellij-serial-monitor'>Dmitry Cherkas</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='141.245' /><change-notes><![CDATA[See plugin
  489. <a href="https://bitbucket.org/dmitry_cherkas/intellij-serial-monitor" rel="nofollow">home page</a> for change notes]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='6746' size='716076' date='1504511915000' url=''><name>Activity Tracker</name><id>Activity Tracker</id><description><![CDATA[This is a proof-of-concept plugin for tracking and recording IDE user activity. Currently the main feature is recording user activity into csv files. To use the plugin see "Activity tracker" widget in IDE statusbar.
  490. <br>
  491. <br> The main idea is to mine recorded data for interesting user or project-specific insights, e.g. time spent in each part of project or editing/browsing ratio. If you happen to use the plugin and find interesting way to analyze data, get in touch on
  492. <a href="https://twitter.com/dmitrykandalov" rel="nofollow">twitter</a> or
  493. <a href="https://github.com/dkandalov/activity-tracker/issues" rel="nofollow">GitHub</a>.
  494. <br>
  495. <br> For more details see
  496. <a href="https://github.com/dkandalov/activity-tracker" rel="nofollow">project page on github</a>.]]></description><version>0.1.9 beta</version><vendor email='dmitry.kandalov [at] gmail.com' url='https://github.com/dkandalov/activity-tracker'>Dmitry Kandalov</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='1207' size='2782305' date='1464756467000' url='https://github.com/vsch/PluginDevelopersToolbox'><name>Plugin Developer&apos;s Toolbox</name><id>com.vladsch.PluginDevelopersToolbox</id><description><![CDATA[<img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/vsch/PluginDevelopersToolbox/master/assets/images/ScreenShot_sequence_1x.png" width="414" height="155" alt="Screenshot">
  497. <p>For now only one very useful function: <a href="http://www.macrabbit.com/slicy" rel="nofollow">Slicy</a> file mover/renamer.</p>
  498. <p><strong>Plugin website: <a href="http://github.com/vsch/PluginDevelopersToolbox" rel="nofollow"><span>Plugin Developer's Toolbox GitHub Repo</span></a></strong></p>
  499. <p><strong>Bug tracking &amp; feature requests: <a href="https://github.com/vsch/PluginDevelopersToolbox/issues" rel="nofollow"><span>Plugin Developer's Toolbox GitHub Issues</span></a></strong> </p>
  500. <p></p>]]></description><version>1.0.7</version><vendor email='vladimir.schneider@gmail.com' url='http://www.vladsch.com'>Vladimir Schneider</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='141.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[1.0.7 - Minor Tweaks &amp; Bug Fix
  501. <ul>
  502. <li>Fix: slicy files in newly created directories that ended in <code>_dark@2x</code> but did not equal this string would not be properly processed.</li>
  503. </ul> 1.0.6 - Minor Tweaks &amp; Bug Fix
  504. <ul>
  505. <li>Add: different color to newly created files</li>
  506. <li>Fix: slicy files in newly created directories would be ignored unless the directory name was used as a splice to the file name.</li>
  507. </ul> 1.0.5 - Bug Fix
  508. <ul>
  509. <li>Add: skipping of files whose content has not changed to prevent unnecessary VCS caused thrashing.</li>
  510. </ul> 1.0.4 - Bug Fix
  511. <ul>
  512. <li>Add: META-INF to distribution zip</li>
  513. <li>Fix: #3, When a file in a subdirectory is first created by Slicy plugin gives an erroneous warning that file move failed</li>
  514. <li>Fix: #4, Need to have sticky balloon notifications if they contain errors</li>
  515. <li>Change: update Kotlin runtime to 1.0.0-release-IJ143-70</li>
  516. <li>Change: only files located under the project base directory will be processed, otherwise multiple open projects would attempt to process the same files. Now only the project that contains the files under its base directory will process the files.</li>
  517. </ul> 1.0.3 - Min Java Version Fix &amp; Kotlin Runtime
  518. <ul>
  519. <li>Add: plugin version number to notification title</li>
  520. <li>Fix: min java version 1.6</li>
  521. <li>Add: Kotlin run-time jars to distribution</li>
  522. </ul> 1.0.2 - Bug Fix
  523. <ul>
  524. <li>Fix: #2, Change delete/rename and delete/copy operations used to process slicy files into copy contents then delete slicy generated file. Otherwise the files can become un-tracked under VCS because they were deleted.</li>
  525. </ul> 1.0.1 - Bug Fix and Notification Cleanup
  526. <ul>
  527. <li>Fix: #1, Handling of one level directory nesting of Slicy generated directories.</li>
  528. <li>Change: Cleaned up notification of nested files to be useful and cleaner, initial one looked more like a debug trace than a notification</li>
  529. <li>Add: Screenshot to plugin information and readme files</li>
  530. </ul> 1.0.0 - Initial Release
  531. <ul>
  532. <li>Add: <a href="http://www.macrabbit.com/slicy" rel="nofollow">Slicy</a> file renamer: from slicy's <code>_dark@2x.ext</code> to <code>@2x_dark.ext</code> format of IntelliJ</li>
  533. <li>Add: <a href="http://www.macrabbit.com/slicy" rel="nofollow">Slicy</a> file mover: move files created with sub-directory layer groups to files for IntelliJ icon naming conventions. see <a href="https://github.com/vsch/PluginDevelopersToolbox/blob/master/README.md" rel="nofollow">Readme</a></li>
  534. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='933' size='21487' date='1452271185000' url=''><name>ConfigurableFilename</name><id>be.cegeka.intellij.plugin.configurablefilename</id><description><![CDATA[<p>A plugin to allow developers to configure custom filenames using template variables.</p>
  535. <p>Available template variables: </p> ${NAME} name of the new file specified by you in the 'New' dialog ${USER} current user system login name ${NOW} current system date.
  536. <br /> The formatting for the date can be specified by a format string after a semicolon (${NOW;FORMAT}). The default format is yyyy-MM-dd_HH-mm-ss]]></description><version>0.1</version><vendor email='bcremers@gmail.com' url='https://github.com/BartCr/ConfigurableFilenamePlugin'>Bart Cremers</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='141.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[0.1: Initial Release]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='2125' size='8371' date='1500572370000' url='https://github.com/treytrahin/force-shortcuts-intellij-plugin'><name>Force Shortcuts</name><id>Force Shortcuts</id><description><![CDATA[Forces the user to use keyboard shortcuts by blocking click action and displaying the keyboard shortcut in a popup. Can be toggled on/off from the "Tools" drop down in the menu bar]]></description><version>0.4</version><vendor email='treytrahin@gmail.com' url='https://github.com/treytrahin'>Trey Trahin</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Allow usage in all JetBrains IDEA products (WebStorm, PyCharm, etc.)]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='1942' size='134285' date='1486503947000' url=''><name>Classic Icon</name><id>ClassicIcon</id><description><![CDATA[<img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/retomerz/classic-icon-idea/master/win.png" alt="Screenshot">
  537. <br> I Want The Classic IntelliJ IDEA Application Icon Back.
  538. <br> Or specify a custom icon in IDEA_HOME\bin\idea.properties
  539. <br>
  540. <blockquote>
  541. Unix: "classic.icon=/path/to/my/icon.png"
  542. <br> Windows : "classic.icon=c:\\path\\to\\icon.png" (use two '\' as file separator)
  543. </blockquote> Supported products
  544. <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/retomerz/classic-icon-idea/master/resources/ch/retomerz/appcode.png" alt="AppCode">AppCode
  545. <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/retomerz/classic-icon-idea/master/resources/ch/retomerz/clion.png" alt="CLion">CLion
  546. <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/retomerz/classic-icon-idea/master/resources/ch/retomerz/datagrip.png" alt="DataGrip">DataGrip
  547. <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/retomerz/classic-icon-idea/master/resources/ch/retomerz/icon.png" alt="IntelliJ IDEA">IntelliJ IDEA
  548. <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/retomerz/classic-icon-idea/master/resources/ch/retomerz/phpstorm.png" alt="PhpStorm">PhpStorm
  549. <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/retomerz/classic-icon-idea/master/resources/ch/retomerz/pycharm.png" alt="PyCharm">PyCharm
  550. <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/retomerz/classic-icon-idea/master/resources/ch/retomerz/rider.png" alt="Rider">Rider
  551. <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/retomerz/classic-icon-idea/master/resources/ch/retomerz/rubymine.png" alt="RubyMine">RubyMine
  552. <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/retomerz/classic-icon-idea/master/resources/ch/retomerz/webstorm.png" alt="WebStorm">WebStorm]]></description><version>1.3</version><vendor email='' url='https://github.com/retomerz'>Reto Merz</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='143.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[macOS support.]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='748' size='2198' date='1472678898000' url=''><name>Close All Processes</name><id>com.roysom.closeallprocesses</id><description><![CDATA[Single click to kill all processes. Do notice the following: 1. You will not be inquired to approve each process individually. 2. Processes are interrupted (SIGKILL), and therefore will NOT gracefully end.]]></description><version>0.1.0</version><vendor email='' url=''>Roy Sommer</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='141.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><rating>4.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='583' size='893878' date='1515632093000' url=''><name>Auto Sync</name><id>com.demonwav.autosync</id><description><![CDATA[This automates the action of right clicking on a project and clicking synchronize. This can be useful if you need to turn off the IDE's "Auto Synchronize on Frame Activation" due to using network mounted file systems.]]></description><version>1.3</version><vendor email='' url=''>DemonWav</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='173.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Initial release.]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='3942' size='29504' date='1514036383000' url=''><name>A8Translate</name><id>org.ice1000.a8translate</id><description><![CDATA[一款功能强大的翻译插件。
  553. <br> 原作: https://github.com/PingerOne/A8Translate
  554. <br> GitHub: https://github.com/ice1000/A8Translate
  555. <br> 作者: wanpingping, ice1000]]></description><version>1.7</version><vendor email='ice1000kotlin@foxmail.com' url='http://ice1000.org/'>千里冰封</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[优化了错误处理(修复了一个 bug) #1, 优化插件大小]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='126' size='55872' date='1516008552000' url=''><name>IJKL Shortctus</name><id>ijkl-shortcuts</id><description><![CDATA[Plugin which imposes alt-ijkl navigation shortcuts on currently open keymap. The idea is that these shortcuts are more ergonomic for navigation and editing than using keyboard arrows. Some of the shortcuts:
  556. <ul>
  557. <li>alt-i - line up</li>
  558. <li>alt-j - move to previous word</li>
  559. <li>alt-k - line down</li>
  560. <li>alt-l - move to next word</li>
  561. <li>alt-n - move left</li>
  562. <li>alt-m - move right</li>
  563. <li>alt-u - move to start of line</li>
  564. <li>alt-o - move to end of line</li>
  565. <li>alt-shift-ijklmnuo - navigate with selection</li>
  566. <li>alt-d - delete next word</li>
  567. <li>alt-; - delete next character</li>
  568. </ul> Note that in OSX you will need to configure keyboard input source without dead keys. This can be done after plugin startup in notification popup.
  569. <br> For more details see
  570. <a href="https://github.com/dkandalov/ijkl-shortcuts-plugin" rel="nofollow">GitHub</a>.
  571. <br>
  572. <br>]]></description><version>1.13</version><vendor email='dmitry.kandalov@gmail.com' url='https://github.com/dkandalov/ijkl-shortcuts-plugin'>Dmitry Kandalov</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='6269' size='110216' date='1512485658000' url=''><name>IDE Settings Sync</name><id>com.intellij.CloudConfig</id><description><![CDATA[Synchronize settings for IntelliJ-based IDEs across all installations.
  573. <br> To sync, log in with your JetBrains Account (JBA). Settings synced are: UI and editor themes, keymaps, enabled and disabled plugins.
  574. <br>
  575. <br> Enjoy and share your feedback.]]></description><version>173.3850.2</version><vendor email='' url=''>JetBrains</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='173.2378' until-build='173.*'/><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.ultimate</depends><rating>2.7</rating></idea-plugin></category><ff>"Inspection"</ff><category name="Inspection"><idea-plugin downloads='2180' size='226201' date='1143057320000' url=''><name>Inspection-JS for Demetra</name><id>Inspection-JS for Demetra</id><description><![CDATA[Adds over 70 new automated code inspections for IntelliJ IDEA for auditing JavaScript.]]></description><version>1.0.1</version><vendor email='info@sixthandredriver.com' url='http://www.sixthandredriver.com'>Sixth and Red River Software</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='55.5000' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Fix for Irida build 4148]]></change-notes><depends>JavaScript</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='10947' size='10619' date='1463231748000' url=''><name>Zero Width Characters locator</name><id>com.ultrahob.zerolength.plugin</id><description><![CDATA[Inspired by
  576. <a href="http://stackoverflow.com/q/9868796/579828" rel="nofollow">this question</a> on Stack Overflow - this plugin adds an inspection that prevents some hard to find bugs related to invisible zero width characters in source code and resources.]]></description><version>0.93</version><vendor email='' url='https://github.com/harley84/ZeroLengthRadar'>Victor Rosenberg</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Added line separator (\u2028) to inspection - thanks @ookami-kb]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='27192' size='148269' date='1484068691000' url='https://insight.sensiolabs.com/'><name>SensioLabsInsight</name><id>com.sensiolabs.insight</id><description><![CDATA[<p><b>SensioLabs<span>Insight</span></b> is a quality assurance service that analyzes your PHP source code to find problems ranging from performance issues to potential security exploits. <b>SensioLabs<span>Insight</span></b> analyzes any kind of PHP application, but it performs more advanced analyses for Symfony applications, Laravel websites and Drupal modules.</p>
  577. <br>
  578. <p>The result of each analysis is displayed as a highly detailed report with all the found problems. In addition, every error is explained within the context of your own code and includes comprehensive documentation about how to fix it.</p>
  579. <br>
  580. <strong>This plugin seamlessly integrates SensioLabsInsight into PHPStorm</strong>
  581. <br>
  582. <ul>
  583. <li>Get inspection results right into the editor. </li>
  584. <li>Synchronize the inspection to the latest SensioLabsInsight analysis. </li>
  585. <li>Get access to the code quality violations messages. </li>
  586. <li>Use the new SensioLabsInsight panel to perform the most common analysis tasks. </li>
  587. <li>Easily track the evolution of your technical debt in the new SensioLabsInsight panel. </li>
  588. </ul>
  589. <br>
  590. <br>
  591. <p>For any support enquiries, please contact <a href="mailto:support@sensiolabs.com?subject=SensioLabsInsight%20PhpStorm%20Plugin" rel="nofollow">support@sensiolabs.com</a></p>]]></description><version>1.2</version><vendor email='support@sensiolabs.com' url='https://insight.sensiolabs.com/'>SensioLabs</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='163.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[1.2
  592. <ul>
  593. <li>Support PhpStorm 2016.3.x</li>
  594. </ul> 1.1
  595. <ul>
  596. <li>Fix encoding issue in violation file</li>
  597. <li>Migrate to latest IntelliJ api</li>
  598. </ul> 1.0.5
  599. <ul>
  600. <li>Compatibility fixes for IntelliJ IDEA 16 and PhpStorm 11</li>
  601. </ul> 1.0.4
  602. <ul>
  603. <li>Dont display settings form in default project</li>
  604. <li>Compatibility fixes for IntelliJ IDEA 15.0.2 EAP</li>
  605. </ul> 1.0.3
  606. <ul>
  607. <li>PhpStorm9 compatibility</li>
  608. </ul> 1.0.2
  609. <ul>
  610. <li>Fixed possible ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException</li>
  611. </ul> 1.0.1
  612. <ul>
  613. <li>Improve git handling</li>
  614. <li>Fixed some text typos</li>
  615. </ul> 1.0
  616. <ul>
  617. <li>initial release</li>
  618. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>Git4Idea</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.vcs</depends><depends>com.jetbrains.php</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='15285' size='941377' date='1451043262000' url=''><name>RuboCop</name><id>io.github.sirlantis.rubymine.rubocop</id><description><![CDATA[The plugin displays the errors from RuboCop as annotations.]]></description><version>3.1.0</version><vendor email='marceljackwerth@gmail.com' url='https://twitter.com/sirlantis'>Marcel Jackwerth</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='143.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Reworked Bundler/RVM/rbenv support + run also when no .rubocop.yml lis found]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>2.3</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='239084' size='1325514' date='1516376332000' url=''><name>Php Inspections (EA Extended)</name><id>com.kalessil.phpStorm.phpInspectionsEA</id><description><![CDATA[For support and donations please visit
  619. <a href="https://github.com/kalessil/phpinspectionsea" rel="nofollow">Github</a> |
  620. <a href="https://github.com/kalessil/phpinspectionsea/issues" rel="nofollow">Issues</a> |
  621. <a href="https://www.paypal.me/VReznichenko" rel="nofollow">PayPal</a> |
  622. <a href="https://www.patreon.com/kalessil" rel="nofollow">Patreon</a>.
  623. <br>
  624. <br> Please follow me at
  625. <a href="https://twitter.com/kalessil" rel="nofollow">twitter</a> for status updates.
  626. <br>
  627. <br> This plugin is a Static Code Analysis tool for PHP (aka inspections in JetBrains products).
  628. <br>
  629. <br> It covers:
  630. <br> - architecture related issues
  631. <br> - weak types control and possible code construct simplifications
  632. <br> - performance issues
  633. <br> - non-optimal, duplicate and suspicious "if" conditions
  634. <br> - validation of magic methods usage
  635. <br> - regular expressions
  636. <br> - validation of exception handling workflow
  637. <br> - compatibility issues
  638. <br> - variety of time-consuming bugs
  639. <br> - PhpUnit API usage
  640. <br> - security issues
  641. <br>
  642. <br> Some of inspections are expecting conditional statements (e.g. "if") to use group statement for wrapping body expressions. If this requirement is met then additional inspections are applied to the source code.
  643. <br>
  644. <br> For Mac shortcuts, see
  645. <a href="https://www.jetbrains.com/phpstorm/help/keyboard-shortcuts-and-mouse-reference.html" rel="nofollow">this reference card</a>. Windows/Linux ones are:
  646. <br>
  647. <b>Alt + Shift + I</b> to
  648. <b>inspect current file</b> with current profile
  649. <br>
  650. <b>Ctrl + Alt + Shift + I</b> to
  651. <b>run inspection by name</b>
  652. <br>
  653. <b>Ctrl + Shift + F4</b> to
  654. <b>close results</b> of inspection.
  655. <br>
  656. <br> On some projects CPU and therefore battery usage could be intensive, so it should be taken into account when traveling with a laptop.
  657. <br>
  658. <br> Note: we are sending anonymous crash-reports and installation statistics to Google Analytics. You are welcome to
  659. <a href="https://github.com/kalessil/phpinspectionsea/blob/master/src/main/java/com/kalessil/phpStorm/phpInspectionsEA/utils/analytics/AnalyticsUtil.java#L77" rel="nofollow">review</a> the implementation.]]></description><version>2.3.16</version><vendor email='kalessil@gmail.com' url=''>Vladimir Reznichenko</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='162.1889' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Bug-fixes. BTW, it would be awesome to get more supporters on
  660. <a href="https://www.patreon.com/kalessil" rel="nofollow">Patreon</a>.
  661. <br>
  662. <br> - Worked out crash reports for January
  663. <br> - Worked out regressions in PhpStorm 2017.3
  664. <br>
  665. <br> - Callable parameter usage violates definition: resolved false-positives (multiple cases around static type)
  666. <br> - Foreach source to iterate over: added new settings
  667. <br> - Foreach usage possible: resolved false-positives (strings iteration)
  668. <br> - Missing or empty conditionals group statement: bug-fix (doc-block breaks analysis)
  669. <br> - Null reference: resolved false-positives (beberlei/assert assertions)
  670. <br> - One-time use variables:new added new settings
  671. <br> - PhpUnit: bugs and best practices: resolved false-positives (multiple cases)
  672. <br> - Return type hint can be used: resolved false-positives (multiple cases)
  673. <br> - Unnecessary call arguments specification: resolved false-positives (magic constants)
  674. <br> - Unnecessary parentheses: resolved false-positives (multiple cases)
  675. <br> - Unused constructor dependencies: resolved false-positives (multiple cases)
  676. <br> - 'get_class(...)' usage correctness: invoke with language level 7.1+
  677. <br> - 'mkdir(...)' race condition: QF bug-fix (arguments gets lost)
  678. <br>
  679. <br> - Fixed-time string starts with checks: implemented (needs activation)
  680. <br> - Inverted 'if-else' constructs: new patterns
  681. <br> - PhpUnit: bugs and best practices: new patterns
  682. <br> - 'get_class(...)' usage correctness: new patterns
  683. <br>
  684. <br>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><depends>com.jetbrains.php</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='13521' size='16988' date='1510792113000' url=''><name>PHP inheritDoc helper</name><id>com.thanosp.phpstorm.inheritdoc</id><description><![CDATA[Folds inheritDoc docblocks and shows the inherited text instead.
  685. <br> Can suggest to add inheritDoc if a docblock is missing but a parent doc is found.
  686. <br> Can also replace existing docblocks with inheritdoc blocks.]]></description><version>1.5.0</version><vendor email='zinbiel@gmail.com' url='https://github.com/thanosp/phpstorm-inheritdoc'>Thanosp</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='173.3475' /><change-notes><![CDATA[- Added inspection for docblocks that could use inheritdoc and a fix that replaces the docblock - Decreased severity for inspections to information-level - Removed inspection that complained for using inheritdoc's]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><depends>com.jetbrains.php</depends><rating>2.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='10885' size='25812' date='1431880100000' url=''><name>ButterKnife Inspections</name><id>dk.erikzielke.android.butterknife.inspections</id><description><![CDATA[This plugin detect shows inspections for common mistakes using ButterKnife. For now the problems detected are:
  687. <ul>
  688. <li>No call to ButterKnife.inject</li>
  689. <li>That a field exists in all layouts or is optional</li>
  690. <li>That the type of the field matches in all views</li>
  691. </ul>
  692. <p>The detection for which layouts to check for matching ids is based on the following: </p>
  693. <ul>
  694. <li>Each setContentView call in onCreate of an activity</li>
  695. <li>Each inflate in onCreateView in a Fragment</li>
  696. <li>Each inflate in each constructor in a View</li>
  697. <li>Trying to figure out for ViewHolders by data flow analysis and find usages</li>
  698. </ul>
  699. <p></p>]]></description><version>0.1.2</version><vendor email='erikzielke@hotmail.com' url=''>Erik Zielke</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='131.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[support for included xmls support for ViewHolder-pattern]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><depends>org.jetbrains.android</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='8113' size='2465543' date='1436505055000' url=''><name>Spell Checker Spanish Dictionary</name><id>SpellChecker-Dict-Spanish</id><description><![CDATA[Standard Spanish dictionary for Spell Checker plugin]]></description><version>1.0</version><vendor email='' url=''>Sergio de EOM Design Group - www.e-om.com.ar</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='72.7269' /><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>SpellChecker</depends><rating>4.2</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='8049' size='28961' date='1438541639000' url=''><name>phplint</name><id>phplint</id><description><![CDATA[phplint is a Phpstorm plugin for phpLint!]]></description><version>1.0</version><vendor email='625305505@qq.com' url='https://github.com/zenus/ThinkLint'></vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='131.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><depends>com.jetbrains.php</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='398556' size='23570582' date='1511348972000' url='http://intellij.sonarlint.org/'><name>SonarLint</name><id>org.sonarlint.idea</id><description><![CDATA[SonarLint is an IntelliJ IDEA plugin that provides on the fly feedback to developers on new bugs and quality issues injected into Java, JavaScript, PHP and Python code. SonarLint supports SonarSource code analyzers (SonarJava, SonarJS, SonarPHP and SonarPython) as well as custom rules that extend these code analyzers. If your project is analyzed on SonarQube (formerly known as "Sonar"), SonarLint can connect to the server to retrieve the appropriate quality profiles and settings for that project. Java 8 is required to run SonarLint.]]></description><version></version><vendor email='sonarlint@googlegroups.com' url='http://www.sonarsource.com'>SonarSource</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='141.177' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Updates embedded code analyzers. Numerous bug fixes and minor improvements. Support of developer notifications from SonarQube.]]></change-notes><depends>(optional) com.intellij.modules.java</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>4.4</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='704' size='19816' date='1459381208000' url=''><name>Robo Hexar</name><id>com.smilingrob.plugin.robohexar</id><description><![CDATA[I am the grammar robot. I have been activated. Missing punctuation and grammar will be punished.]]></description><version>1.11.2</version><vendor email='smilingrob@gmail.com' url=''>Robert Wallis</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='131.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<li>1.11.2 - Lowered the severity of warnings, and made RoboHexar more human.</li>
  700. <li>1.11.1 - No &quot;Java-Doc&quot; warnings on constructors. Test updates.</li>
  701. <li>1.10 - Fix warning filter for testSomething() methods that are in test.</li>
  702. <li>1.09 - No longer adding &quot;Java-Doc&quot; warnings to @Test methods.</li>
  703. <li>1.08 - Warnings not errors.</li>
  704. <li>1.07 - No longer adding &quot;Java-Doc&quot; warnings to getters and setters.</li>
  705. <li>1.06 - No longer adding &quot;Java-Doc&quot; warnings methods with @Override.</li>
  706. <li>1.05 - Added &quot;Java-Doc&quot; matcher.</li>
  707. <li>1.04 - Fixed &quot;Capitalize&quot; error on @ params</li>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='11088' size='13998' date='1515263453000' url=''><name>cppcheck</name><id>com.github.johnthagen.cppcheck</id><description><![CDATA[Cppcheck plugin for CLion.
  708. <br>
  709. <br>
  710. <b>Features:</b>
  711. <br>
  712. <ul>
  713. <li>Runs cppcheck on the fly while you write code</li>
  714. <li>Highlights lines and displays cppcheck error messages</li>
  715. <li>Supports passing options to cppcheck</li>
  716. </ul>
  717. <br>
  718. <b>Usage:</b>
  719. <br>
  720. <ul>
  721. <li> Install the <a href="http://cppcheck.sourceforge.net/" rel="nofollow">cppcheck tool</a> using directions on its homepage. This plugin does <b>not</b> bundle the cppcheck tool itself, which must be installed separately. </li>
  722. <li>Install this cppcheck plugin into CLion</li>
  723. <li>Configure the plugin with the <b>absolute</b> path to the cppcheck executable into the 'cppcheck path' configuration field</li>
  724. <ul>
  725. <li>Windows
  726. <ul>
  727. <li>File | Settings | cppcheck configuration</li>
  728. <li>Usually the path is C:\Program Files (x86)\Cppcheck\cppcheck.exe</li>
  729. </ul> </li>
  730. <li>macOS
  731. <ul>
  732. <li>CLion | Preferences | cppcheck configuration</li>
  733. <li>In a terminal run `which cppcheck` to find the path to cppcheck. If you installed it with <a href="https://brew.sh/" rel="nofollow">Homebrew</a>, the path will be /usr/local/bin/cppcheck</li>
  734. </ul> </li>
  735. <li>Linux
  736. <ul>
  737. <li>File | Settings | cppcheck configuration</li>
  738. <li>In a terminal run `which cppcheck` to find the path to cppcheck. If you installed it with your system's package manager, it is probably located at /usr/bin/cppcheck</li>
  739. </ul> </li>
  740. </ul>
  741. <br>
  742. <b>Known issues:</b>
  743. <br> cppcheck is not designed to be run on header files (.h) directly, as must be done for this plugin, and as a result may have false positives.
  744. <br> When run on header files directly, cppcheck defaults to C as the language, which will generate false positives for C++ projects. C++ projects should leave --language=c++ appended to the cppcheck options.
  745. <br>
  746. </ul>]]></description><version>1.0.10</version><vendor email='johnthagen@gmail.com' url='http://github.com/johnthagen'>johnthagen</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='143.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Fix formatting on plugin homepage]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>4.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='2120' size='17590874' date='1496759117000' url=''><name>RedPen Plugin</name><id>cc.redpen.intellij</id><description><![CDATA[<p><a href="http://redpen.cc/" rel="nofollow">RedPen</a> is a proofreading tool to help writers or programmers who write technical documents or manuals that need to adhere to a writing standard.</p>
  747. <p>The plugin validates text files with RedPen by adding a 'RedPen' inspection, which is enabled by default after installation.</p>
  748. <p>Some errors can be fixed via quick fixes (Alt + Enter)</p>
  749. <p>Language and variant are autodetected per file, however you can manually override them in IDEA status bar.</p>
  750. <p>RedPen settings can be configured and imported/exported using native RedPen config format. All settings are stored per project.</p>
  751. <p>Custom RedPen dictionaries can be put to <i>.idea/redpen</i> directory and JavaScriptValidator scripts can be put to <i>.idea/redpen/js</i>.</p>
  752. <p>The following file types are supported (provided you have necessary plugins installed): </p>
  753. <ul>
  754. <li>Plain text</li>
  755. <li>Properties</li>
  756. <li>Markdown</li>
  757. <li>AsciiDoc</li>
  758. <li>Re:VIEW</li>
  759. <li>LaTeX</li>
  760. <li>reStructuredText</li>
  761. </ul>
  762. <p>Please report any issues on <a href="https://github.com/redpen-cc/redpen-intellij-plugin/issues" rel="nofollow">GitHub</a>.</p>]]></description><version>1.8.1</version><vendor email='' url='http://redpen.cc'>RedPen</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='143.2281' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<b>1.8.1</b>
  763. <ul>
  764. <li>Fix a failure</li>
  765. </ul>
  766. <b>1.8.0</b>
  767. <ul>
  768. <li>Upgraded to RedPen 1.9.0</li>
  769. <li>reStructuredText format support</li>
  770. </ul>
  771. <b>1.6.0</b>
  772. <ul>
  773. <li>Upgraded to RedPen 1.7.0</li>
  774. </ul>
  775. <b>1.5.0</b>
  776. <ul>
  777. <li>Added LaTeX file format support</li>
  778. <li>Added Re:VIEW file format support</li>
  779. </ul>
  780. <b>1.4.0</b>
  781. <ul>
  782. <li>Upgraded to RedPen 1.6.1</li>
  783. </ul>
  784. <b>1.3.2</b>
  785. <ul>
  786. <li>Upgraded to RedPen 1.5.5</li>
  787. </ul>
  788. <b>1.3.1</b>
  789. <ul>
  790. <li>Upgraded to RedPen 1.5.3</li>
  791. </ul>
  792. <b>1.3</b>
  793. <ul>
  794. <li>Upgraded to RedPen 1.5.2</li>
  795. <li>Added Russian language</li>
  796. <li>Added/improved quick fixes</li>
  797. </ul>
  798. <b>1.2</b>
  799. <ul>
  800. <li>Upgraded to RedPen 1.5.0</li>
  801. <li>All available RedPen validators can now be used</li>
  802. <li>All available validator properties are now shown in Settings dialog</li>
  803. <li>Added Java Properties file format support</li>
  804. <li>Added quick fixes for some validator errors</li>
  805. </ul>
  806. <b>1.1.1</b>
  807. <ul>
  808. <li>Do not support plugin for Intellij Platform builds with Kotlin version below 1.0</li>
  809. </ul>
  810. <b>1.1</b>
  811. <ul>
  812. <li>Bug fixes for Settings</li>
  813. <li>Allow modifying configuration files manually while IDEA is open</li>
  814. </ul>
  815. <b>1.0</b>
  816. <ul>
  817. <li>Save/load of configurations for non-standard languages</li>
  818. <li>Support for JavaScriptValidator</li>
  819. <li>Fixed memory leak after closing the project</li>
  820. </ul>
  821. <b>0.9.x</b>
  822. <ul>
  823. <li>Support for files opened with MultiMarkdown plugin</li>
  824. <li>A few bugfixes with Settings</li>
  825. </ul>
  826. <b>0.9</b>
  827. <ul>
  828. <li>Initial public release</li>
  829. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='3807' size='11712' date='1465648549000' url=''><name>HTML Entity</name><id>HtmlEntity</id><description><![CDATA[Reports any occurrences of illegal HTML characters and provides a quick fix to replace them by their equivalent HTML entity, e.g. replaces '©' with '&amp;copy;'.]]></description><version>1.1</version><vendor email='info@fuhrer.com' url=''>Fuhrer Engineering, Inc.</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.xml</depends><rating>3.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='2451' size='707039' date='1470895770000' url=''><name>Activity kreateIntent Inspection</name><id>com.github.shiraji.kreateintentinspection</id><description><![CDATA[This plugin add a custom inspection that checks Activity implements a companion object method that creates its Intent. If Activity is abstract, it won't warn to implement the method. This plugin is for Kotlin. For Java user, please use "Activity createIntent Inspection".]]></description><version>1.1.0</version><vendor email='isogai.shiraji@gmail.com' url='https://github.com/shiraji'>Shiraji</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='143.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<p>1.1.0</p>
  830. <ul>
  831. <li>Change generated code format (#6)</li>
  832. <li>Fix the problem with import statements (#4)</li>
  833. </ul>
  834. <p>1.0.2</p>
  835. <ul>
  836. <li>Fix the problem with kotlin-plugin 1.0.3 (#2)</li>
  837. </ul>
  838. <p>1.0.1</p>
  839. <ul>
  840. <li>Change plugin name</li>
  841. </ul>
  842. <p>1.0.0</p>
  843. <ul>
  844. <li>Initial release</li>
  845. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>org.jetbrains.kotlin</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='339' size='704811' date='1470965164000' url=''><name>Fragment kewInstance Inspection</name><id>com.github.shiraji.kewinstanceinspection</id><description><![CDATA[This plugin add a custom inspection that checks Fragment implements a companion object method of creating its instance. If the class is abstract, it won't warn to implement newInstance method.]]></description><version>1.1.0</version><vendor email='isogai.shiraji@gmail.com' url='https://github.com/shiraji'>Shiraji</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='143.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<p>1.1.0</p>
  846. <ul>
  847. <li>Generate kotlin like format #3</li>
  848. </ul>
  849. <p>1.0.1</p>
  850. <ul>
  851. <li>Fix the problem with Kotlin plugin 1.0.3</li>
  852. </ul>
  853. <p>1.0.0</p>
  854. <ul>
  855. <li>Initial release</li>
  856. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>org.jetbrains.kotlin</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='2325' size='8846' date='1481794095000' url=''><name>PHP Attention</name><id>com.ferrius.phpStorm.phpattention</id><description><![CDATA[Method calls and some common php functions may return null or false that should be checked. This simple plugin help you don't forget do it. This inspection should be seen as a note rather than warning. It is better to create your own inspection severity type.]]></description><version>1.0</version><vendor email='stnk2009@mail.ru' url='http://www.yourcompany.com'>ferrius</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='141.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><depends>com.jetbrains.php</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='7731' size='56809' date='1510089673000' url=''><name>Yii2 Inspections</name><id>com.kalessil.phpStorm.yii2inspections</id><description><![CDATA[Yii 2 and Craft CMS 3 Inspections for PhpStorm/IdeaUltimate]]></description><version>1.0.2</version><vendor email='kalessil@gmail.com' url=''>Vladimir Reznichenko</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='162.1889' /><change-notes><![CDATA[07 Nov 2017: bug-fixes
  857. <br>
  858. <br> - Support for \yii\base\BaseObject class;
  859. <br>
  860. <br>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><depends>com.jetbrains.php</depends><depends>com.jetbrains.twig</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='457' size='29709' date='1500283690000' url=''><name>intellijLint</name><id>com.lmax.intellijLint</id><description><![CDATA[Some additional inspections, including a type checker for annotated primitives.]]></description><version>0.1.1</version><vendor email='opensource@lmax.com' url='https://github.com/LMAX-Exchange/intellijLint'>LMAX</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Fix broken link in plugin description.]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='1057' size='105953' date='1514989928000' url=''><name>Solidity Solhint</name><id>idrabenia.solidity-solhint</id><description><![CDATA[Solidity Solhint Plugin allow to enable
  861. <a href="https://github.com/protofire/solhint" rel="nofollow">Solhint</a> inspection capabilities in your project. It highlight of warnings / errors found by the linter in editor during code modification.]]></description><version>1.10</version><vendor email='ilya.drobenya@gmail.com' url='http://protofire.io'>ProtoFire</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='143.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[v1.10 Changelog
  862. <br>
  863. <em>Plugin does load configuration from .solhint.json on project load #19</em>
  864. <br>
  865. <em>Plugin could not find solhint on windows #18</em>
  866. <br>
  867. <em>Remove global messages for validation errors #17</em>
  868. <br>
  869. <br> v1.9 Changelog
  870. <br>
  871. <em>Implement cleaning of temporary Solhint files on IDE exit #16</em>
  872. <br>
  873. <em>Implement error notification when Intellij Solidity plugin is not installed #15</em>
  874. <br>
  875. <em>Verify of settings page work correctness on Windows #14</em>
  876. <br>
  877. <em>Implement possibilities to install Solhint through settings dialog #12</em>
  878. <br>
  879. <em>Implement support of error message on settings dialog when Solhint is not installed #11</em>
  880. <br>
  881. <em>Implement support of error message when selected Node.js binary is not correct #10</em>
  882. <br>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='370' size='57730' date='1511116181000' url='https://github.com/pwielgolaski/shellcheck-plugin'><name>Shellcheck</name><id>com.shellcheck</id><description><![CDATA[Analyze script with with shellcheck]]></description><version>0.1.0</version><vendor email='pwielgolaski@gmail.com' url='https://github.com/pwielgolaski/'>Piotr Wielgolaski</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<p>0.1.0 First experimental version.</p>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='1106' size='5694539' date='1516722256000' url=''><name>Php Inspections (EA Ultimate)</name><id>com.kalessil.phpStorm.phpInspectionsUltimate</id><description><![CDATA[A commercial Static Code Analyzer based on
  883. <a href="https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/7622-php-inspections-ea-extended-?" rel="nofollow">Php Inspections (EA Extended)</a>.
  884. <a href="https://twitter.com/kalessil" rel="nofollow">News</a> |
  885. <a href="https://github.com/kalessil/phpinspectionsea/issues" rel="nofollow">Support</a> |
  886. <a href="https://kalessil.github.io/php-inspections-ultimate.html#pricing-mark" rel="nofollow">Pricing</a>.
  887. <br>
  888. <br> Php Inspections (EA Ultimate) is further extending IDE code analysis capabilities, with focus on finding defects, security, performance issues and maintainability. To get a closer look at features (16 new and 7 enhanced inspections) you are welcome to try it 2 weeks for free.
  889. <br>
  890. <br> For Mac shortcuts, see
  891. <a href="https://www.jetbrains.com/phpstorm/help/keyboard-shortcuts-and-mouse-reference.html" rel="nofollow">this reference card</a>. Windows/Linux ones are:
  892. <br>
  893. <b>Alt + Shift + I</b> to
  894. <b>inspect current file</b> with current profile
  895. <br>
  896. <b>Ctrl + Alt + Shift + I</b> to
  897. <b>run inspection by name</b>
  898. <br>
  899. <b>Ctrl + Shift + F4</b> to
  900. <b>close results</b> of inspection.
  901. <br>
  902. <br> On some projects CPU and therefore battery usage could be intensive, so it should be taken into account when traveling with a laptop.
  903. <br>
  904. <br> Note: we are sending anonymous crash-reports and installation statistics to Google Analytics. You are welcome to
  905. <a href="https://github.com/kalessil/phpinspectionsea/blob/master/src/main/java/com/kalessil/phpStorm/phpInspectionsEA/utils/analytics/AnalyticsUtil.java#L77" rel="nofollow">review</a> the implementation.]]></description><version>1.0.4</version><vendor email='kalessil@gmail.com' url=''>Vladimir Reznichenko</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='162.1889' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Bug-fixes and new inspections:
  906. <br>
  907. <br> - Changes from Php Inspections (EA Extended)
  908. <a href="https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/7622-php-inspections-ea-extended-/update/42410" rel="nofollow">v2.3.16</a>
  909. <br>
  910. <br> - Callable parameter usage violates definition: new patterns (instanceof, is_*())
  911. <br> - Null reference: resolved false positives (core functions arguments)
  912. <br> - Missing else keyword: implemented
  913. <br> - Repetitive method calls: implemented
  914. <br> - 'file_put_contents(...)' race condition: new settings
  915. <br>
  916. <br>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><depends>com.jetbrains.php</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin></category><ff>"Intention"</ff><category name="Intention"><idea-plugin downloads='1783' size='14865' date='1161815256000' url=''><name>FQN Improved</name><id>FQN Improved</id><description><![CDATA[<b>FQN plugin</b><br>
  917. Contains the following intentions:
  918. <ul>
  919. <li><b>New Replace Qualified Name With Import</b> is replacing <b>Replace Qualified Name With Import</b> intention from IntentionPowerPack.<br>
  920. Compared to the IntentionPowerPack implementation this is fixing some bugs and is adding new functionalities:
  921. <ul>
  922. <li>will be able to perform the intention only if this is possible.
  923. <li>will be able to apply the intention on expressions too, not only on type definitions.
  924. <li>will add an import statement only if it is needed.
  925. </ul>
  926. <li><b>Replace all qualified name references with import</b> is a new intention that will replace all occurrences of
  927. qualified Java class with their short version. This intention is working like the version above except that will change
  928. all the elements that are the same with the element selected.
  929. </ul>
  930. ]]></description><version>1.0</version><vendor email='' url=''>Dan Cojocar</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='55.5784' /><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>IntentionPowerPack</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='1884' size='517978' date='1370084995000' url=''><name>OpenInDebuggex</name><id>com.johnlindquist.OpenInDebuggex</id><description><![CDATA[Place your cursor on a RegExp. Hit alt+enter, select &quot;Open in Debuggex&quot;. This will launch your RegExp at debuggex.com]]></description><version>1.0</version><vendor email='johnlindquist@gmail.com' url='https://johnlindquist.com/'>johnlindquist.com</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='107.105' /><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='8378' size='15232' date='1413132405000' url=''><name>PHP 1Up!</name><id>com.axeldev.php1Up</id><description><![CDATA[PHP 1Up!
  931. <a href="https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&amp;hosted_button_id=NGHQSNJCYUQ2E" rel="nofollow"><img src="https://www.paypalobjects.com/en_US/i/btn/btn_donate_SM.gif" alt="Donate" /></a>
  932. <p><a href="https://github.com/axelcostaspena/php-1up" rel="nofollow">Source code</a> • <a href="https://github.com/axelcostaspena/php-1up/issues" rel="nofollow">Bug tracker page</a> • <a href="https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&amp;hosted_button_id=NGHQSNJCYUQ2E" rel="nofollow">Give me some love!</a></p>
  933. <br />
  934. <p>PHP 1Up! is a plugin for IntelliJ based IDEs which provides a growing collection of inspections, intentions and other utils for PHP development.</p>
  935. <br />
  936. <p>Features:</p>
  937. <ul>
  938. <li>Convert a single quoted string to a double quoted one completely keeping semantics.</li>
  939. <li>Convert a double quoted string to a single quoted one completely keeping semantics by concatenating the embedded variables.</li>
  940. </ul>]]></description><version>0.1.2</version><vendor email='axl.coding@gmail.com' url='https://github.com/axelcostaspena'>Áxel Costas Pena</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='131.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<p>Change history:</p>
  941. <br />
  942. <p>v0.1.2</p>
  943. <ul>
  944. <li>Fix <a href="https://github.com/axelcostaspena/php-1up/issues/7" rel="nofollow">#7</a>: &quot;Replace quotes with ... variable concatenation&quot; changes numeric array index to string</li>
  945. <li>Fix <a href="https://github.com/axelcostaspena/php-1up/issues/8" rel="nofollow">#8</a>: &quot;Replace quotes with escaping&quot; excessively escapes backslash before newline and end of fragment</li>
  946. <li>Fix <a href="https://github.com/axelcostaspena/php-1up/issues/9" rel="nofollow">#9</a>: &quot;Replace quotes with ... variable concatenation&quot; changes variable as array index to string</li>
  947. </ul>
  948. <br />
  949. <p>v0.1.1</p>
  950. <ul>
  951. <li>Fix <a href="https://github.com/axelcostaspena/php-1up/issues/1" rel="nofollow">#1</a>: Unescaping misses escaped dollar sign</li>
  952. </ul>
  953. <br />
  954. <p>v0.1</p>
  955. <ul>
  956. <li>Add intention &quot;Replace quotes with escaping&quot; as an alternative to &quot;Replace quotes&quot; (<a href="https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/WI-13801" rel="nofollow">WI-13801</a>)</li>
  957. <li>Add intention &quot;Replace quotes with unescaping and variable concatenation&quot; as an alternative to &quot;Replace quotes&quot; (<a href="https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/WI-13801" rel="nofollow">WI-13801</a>)</li>
  958. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><depends>com.jetbrains.php</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='1749' size='41094' date='1493463726000' url=''><name>Nette factory interface generator</name><id>cz.jiripudil.intellij.nette.factoryGenerator</id><description><![CDATA[<a href="https://github.com/jiripudil/intellij-nette-factory-generator" rel="nofollow">Github</a>
  959. <p>This plugin allows you to quickly generate factory interface for your components and other classes.</p>]]></description><version>1.2.0</version><vendor email='me@jiripudil.cz' url='https://jiripudil.cz'>Jiří Pudil</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='143.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[1.2.0
  960. <ul>
  961. <li>Added checkbox to control whether to open the generated factory in the editor (see <a href="https://github.com/jiripudil/intellij-nette-factory-generator/pull/4" rel="nofollow">#4</a>)</li>
  962. </ul> 1.1.2
  963. <ul>
  964. <li>Fixed EOF newline (see <a href="https://github.com/jiripudil/intellij-nette-factory-generator/issues/3" rel="nofollow">#3</a>) </li>
  965. </ul> 1.1.1
  966. <ul>
  967. <li>Fixed compatibility with 2017.1 (see <a href="https://github.com/jiripudil/intellij-nette-factory-generator/issues/2" rel="nofollow">#2</a>) </li>
  968. </ul> 1.1.0
  969. <ul>
  970. <li>Fixed misplacement of phpdoc for PHP &lt; 7.0 (<a href="https://github.com/jiripudil/intellij-nette-factory-generator/issues/1" rel="nofollow">#1</a>)</li>
  971. <li>Generated code follows project's indentation and newline settings</li>
  972. </ul> 1.0.0
  973. <ul>
  974. <li>Initial release.</li>
  975. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><depends>com.jetbrains.php</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin></category><ff>"VCS integration"</ff><category name="VCS integration"><idea-plugin downloads='7501' size='397920' date='1475780213000' url='http://www.seapine.com'><name>Surround SCM</name><id>Surround</id><description><![CDATA[Surround SCM integration. This plug-in requires installing Surround SCM. Visit http://www.seapine.com/surround-scm/upgrades to download the latest Surround SCM version.]]></description><version>10.0.0</version><vendor email='support@seapine.com' url=''>Seapine Software, Inc.</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='131.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Version: 10.0.0]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.vcs</depends><rating>4.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='3056' size='533048' date='1415895607000' url=''><name>MKS</name><id>MKS</id><description><![CDATA[Integrates MKS Source Integrity with IDEA
  976. <br /> See
  977. <a href="http://code.google.com/p/ideamksplugin/" rel="nofollow">here</a> for the googlecode project]]></description><version>0.12</version><vendor email='' url='https://code.google.com/archive/p/ideamksplugin'>Eric Sheffer, Thibaut Fagart</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='129.1359' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<ul>
  978. <li>0.12 : See <a href="http://code.google.com/p/ideamksplugin/issues/list?can=1&amp;q=label%3AMilestone-Release0.12&amp;colspec=ID+Type+Status+Priority+Milestone+Owner+Summary&amp;cells=tiles" rel="nofollow"> googlecode issues resolved in 0.12</a> for complete changes<br /> issue 106 : enable &quot;view change package&quot; action in file history view<br /> issue 102 : Support File History &gt; Annotate<br /> issue 103 : assertion failed &quot;project is already disposed&quot; when closing MKS backed project<br /> issue 104, 105 : better usage of PasswordManager and better handling of disconnection errors<br /> issue 106 : Honor &quot;resynchronize non members&quot; Plugin preference<br /> </li>
  979. <li>0.11.1 : See <a href="http://code.google.com/p/ideamksplugin/issues/list?can=1&amp;q=label%3AMilestone-Release0.11.1&amp;colspec=ID+Type+Status+Priority+Milestone+Owner+Summary&amp;cells=tiles" rel="nofollow"> googlecode issues resolved in 0.1.1</a> for complete changes<br /> issue 101 : regression introduced by Missing files support, locally deleted files prevent report of other changes<br /> </li>
  980. <li>0.11 : See <a href="http://code.google.com/p/ideamksplugin/issues/list?can=1&amp;q=label%3AMilestone-Release0.11&amp;colspec=ID+Type+Status+Priority+Milestone+Owner+Summary&amp;cells=tiles" rel="nofollow"> googlecode issues resolved in 0.11</a> for complete changes<br /> issue 98 : Plugin fails with PyCharm<br /> issue 100 : use IDEA PasswordManager to remember passowrds<br /> </li>
  981. <li>0.10.2 : See <a href="http://code.google.com/p/ideamksplugin/issues/list?can=1&amp;q=label%3AMilestone-Release0.10.2&amp;colspec=ID+Type+Status+Priority+Milestone+Owner+Summary&amp;cells=tiles" rel="nofollow"> googlecode issues resolved in 0.10.2</a> for complete changes<br /> issue 96 : Report locally missing files in the changes view </li>
  982. <li>0.10.1 : See <a href="http://code.google.com/p/ideamksplugin/issues/list?can=1&amp;q=label%3AMilestone-Release0.10.1&amp;colspec=ID+Type+Status+Priority+Milestone+Owner+Summary&amp;cells=tiles" rel="nofollow"> googlecode issues resolved in 0.10.1</a> for complete changes<br /> Fixes an issue appearing with only some MKS versions, preventing acquisition of sandboxes </li>
  983. <li>0.10 : See <a href="http://code.google.com/p/ideamksplugin/issues/list?can=1&amp;q=label%3AMilestone-Release0.10&amp;colspec=ID+Type+Status+Priority+Milestone+Owner+Summary&amp;cells=tiles" rel="nofollow"> googlecode issues resolved in 0.10</a> for complete changes<br /> Main changes <br /> Windows 64 bits compatibility<br /> Bug fixes<br /> </li>
  984. <li>0.9 : See <a href="http://code.google.com/p/ideamksplugin/issues/list?can=1&amp;q=label%3AMilestone-Release0.9&amp;colspec=ID+Type+Status+Priority+Milestone+Owner+Summary&amp;cells=tiles" rel="nofollow"> googlecode issues resolved in 0.9</a> for complete changes<br /> Main changes <br /> IDEA 10.5.4 compatibility<br /> do not log mks password <br /> use a JPassword field when requesting password and bug corrections </li>
  985. <li>0.8.1 : IDEA 9.x compatibility </li>
  986. <li>0.8 : See <a href="http://code.google.com/p/ideamksplugin/issues/list?q=label%3AMilestone%20label%3ARelease0.8&amp;can=1" rel="nofollow">googlecode issues resolved in 0.8</a><br /> Main changes<br /> Support for MKS 2007.<br /> Align on new IDEA 9 VCS OpenAPI<br /> Support for viewing the MKS change package associated to a IDEA changelist<br /> </li>
  987. <li>0.7.4 This a bugfix release. See <a href="http://code.google.com/p/ideamksplugin/issues/list?q=label%3AMilestone%20label%3ARelease0.7.4&amp;can=1" rel="nofollow">googlecode issues resolved in 0.7.4</a><br /> Main changes<br /> Support for IDEA 8.1 EAP<br /> Performance Improvements<br /> Preferences action in popup menu opens the about box.<br /> </li>
  988. <li>0.7.3 This a bugfix release. See <a href="http://code.google.com/p/ideamksplugin/issues/list?q=label%3AMilestone%20label%3ARelease0.7.3&amp;can=1" rel="nofollow">googlecode issues resolved in 0.7.3</a> <br /><br /> Main changes<br /> Support for IDEA 8.x EAP<br /> Auto detect MKS controlled directories<br /> Performance Improvements<br /> Exception when accessing some members' history .<br /> </li>
  989. <li>0.7.2 This a bugfix release. See <a href="http://code.google.com/p/ideamksplugin/issues/list?q=label%3AMilestone%20label%3ARelease0.7.2&amp;can=1" rel="nofollow">googlecode issues resolved in 0.7.2</a> <br /><br /> Main changes<br /> Performance improvements related to non members and projects roots or registered sandboxes being updated.<br /> Date pattern is not persisted<br /> </li>
  990. <li>0.7.1 This a bugfix release. See <a href="http://code.google.com/p/ideamksplugin/issues/list?q=label%3AMilestone%20label%3ARelease0.7.1&amp;can=1" rel="nofollow">googlecode issues resolved in 0.7.1</a> <br /><br /> Main changes<br /> Mks server deployed on windows support.<br /> Better support for non english locales : ability to customize mks date formats<br /> </li>
  991. <li>0.7 <a href="http://code.google.com/p/ideamksplugin/issues/list?q=label%3AMilestone%20label%3ARelease0.7&amp;can=1" rel="nofollow">googlecode issues resolved in 0.7</a> <br /><br /> Vcs Directory Status support<br /> Vcs Member History support, together with Compare With ... actions.<br /> Change package renaming support<br /> Display members with deferred operations pending in the changes view <br /> Improve support for multiple pj files per folder<br /> </li>
  992. <li>0.6 <a href="http://code.google.com/p/ideamksplugin/issues/list?q=Milestone%20Release0.6&amp;can=1" rel="nofollow">googlecode issues resolved in 0.6</a> <br /> View Changes ignores IDEA ignored files <br /> Most MKS actions now applicable on multiple targets (Actions will only be available if applicable on the current selection)<br /> MKS Packages viewed as IDEA ChangeLists in the changes view. Depending on the MKS server, this may be slow to refresh<br /> Suppressed GlobalChanges action as it is now handled by the IDEA Changes view<br /> MKS project files are properly ignored<br /> MKS Changes integration : encoding support per si CLI MKS commands (different commands seem to use different encodings) see the configuration. On windows (france) encoding seems to be IBM437<br /> Files locally modified (without checkout) are distinguished from properly checked out ones. Files need to be moddified (and not just locked)<br /> IDEA 7002+ compatible, tested with 7.0M2 (7123) bugfixes </li>
  993. <li>0.5.0 IDEA 7.x compatible</li>
  994. <li>0.4.0 IDEA 6.x compatible, and added a &quot;MKS changes&quot; tool window, displaying (recursively) all differences between a local sandbox and the MKS project</li>
  995. <li>0.3.4 Added logo for IDEA start screen</li>
  996. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.vcs</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='3960' size='38206' date='1384273109000' url='http://intelli-plugins.sourceforge.net/'><name>ZipChanges</name><id>ZipChanges</id><description><![CDATA[This plugin adds an extra action to the ChangeList popup menu. It allows for creating a zip file containing specific changes.
  997. <p> The plugin searches for a common ancestor to create a meaningful folder structure inside the zip file.</p>]]></description><version>1.1</version><vendor email='bcremers@gmail.com' url=''>Bart Cremers</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='69.7000' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<ul>
  998. <li>Upgrade to work with latest IDEA releases.</li>
  999. <li>Code uploaded to GitHub (thanks Yuri)</li>
  1000. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='6658' size='598937' date='1198275754000' url='http://confluence.jetbrains.com/display/CONTEST/CVS+Revision+Graph'><name>CVS Revision Graph</name><id>CVS Revision Graph</id><description><![CDATA[Draws a graph of all revisions of the current CVS controlled file. The graph can be zoomed in and out to better manage large revision graph history. Not all CVS servers support merge history so if you follow a convention of adding "Merge From: [branchName]" and "Revision: [revisionNumber]" in your commit message when you check in a merged file, the revision graph will draw red merge arrows showing the merge graphically. Right click editor and choose Revision Graph... from within the CVS menu. Offers the ability to add and remove tags to specific revisions in the graph regardless of what is in the sandbox. Provides simple management of merge tags based on a configurable merge tag naming convention. Allows retrieval of any selected revision into your current working copy. Selecting an edge connecting two revisions will automatically perform a comparison. The revision graph can be configured in the configuration dialog to not show tags at all or to filter in or out specified tags based on a regular expression. It can also be configured to filter in or out specified branches. The tag and branch filters can also be dynamically changed while viewing the revision graph. The configuration dialog also contains a revision date filter and the graph can be dynamically filtered with dates.]]></description><version>2.30</version><vendor email='scastrianni@lgc.com' url='http://confluence.jetbrains.com/display/CONTEST/CVS+Revision+Graph'>Shawn Castrianni</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='60.6107' /><change-notes><![CDATA[
  1001. <ul>
  1002. <li>2.30
  1003. <ol>
  1004. <li>Added online help.</li>
  1005. </ol>
  1006. </li>
  1007. <li>2.20
  1008. <ol>
  1009. <li>Enhanced layout algorithm to reduce the overall width needed.</li>
  1010. <li>Fixed bug in branch filters.</li>
  1011. </ol>
  1012. </li>
  1013. <li>2.11
  1014. <ol>
  1015. <li>Added change notes to plugin descriptor.</li>
  1016. <li>Fixed bug in revision date filters.</li>
  1017. </ol>
  1018. </li>
  1019. <li>2.10
  1020. <ol>
  1021. <li>Added revision date filtering both as a default in the configuration dialog and dynamically with a toolbar button in the graph dialog.</li>
  1022. <li>Both filtering in and out and after and/or before date filtering supported.</li>
  1023. </ol>
  1024. </li>
  1025. <li>2.00
  1026. <ol>
  1027. <li>Improved features of filtering tags by specified whether it is a filter in or out.</li>
  1028. <li>Added dynamic changing of the tag filter.</li>
  1029. <li>Added new branch filtering in configuration dialog.</li>
  1030. <li>Added dynamic changing of the branch filter.</li>
  1031. </ol>
  1032. </li>
  1033. <li>1.80
  1034. <ol>
  1035. <li>Added the ability to click on an edge connecting two revisions and perform a comparison.</li>
  1036. <li>Added more options in the configuration dialog to not show tags inside graph cells or to filter out specified tags via a regular expression.</li>
  1037. </ol>
  1038. </li>
  1039. <li>1.70
  1040. <ol>
  1041. <li>Added the ability to zoom in and out of the revision graph.</li>
  1042. <li>Added the ability to retrieve any selected revision into your working copy.</li>
  1043. <li>This would make it easy to check back in an old revision.</li>
  1044. </ol>
  1045. </li>
  1046. <li>1.60
  1047. <ol>
  1048. <li>Added the ability to manage merge tags based on a configurable merge tag naming convention.</li>
  1049. <li>The plugin configuration dialog allows you to specify whether you prefer a 1 or 2 tag merging convention and the format of those merge tags.</li>
  1050. <li>This will be used during the Move Merge Tags operation that is part of the toolbar of the CVS Revision Graph.</li>
  1051. </ol>
  1052. </li>
  1053. <li>1.50
  1054. <ol>
  1055. <li>Added ability to add and remove tags from specific selected revisions in the graph.</li>
  1056. <li>This required a HUGE hack of the CVS integration plugin so it may not be stable on all versions of IntelliJ.</li>
  1057. </ol>
  1058. </li>
  1059. <li>1.41
  1060. <ol>
  1061. <li>Fix minor bug where comparison of two files wouldn't always put the lower rev number on the left.</li>
  1062. <li>Also, IntelliJ 7 fixed a typo in the OpenAPI causing incompatibility. Fixed that.</li>
  1063. </ol>
  1064. </li>
  1065. <li>1.4
  1066. <ol>
  1067. <li>Added compare and refresh actions on the toolbar.</li>
  1068. <li>Compare can compare any two selected revisions in the graph.</li>
  1069. <li>Refresh will recalculate the graph if the repository changes while the graph is active.</li>
  1070. </ol>
  1071. </li>
  1072. <li>1.3
  1073. <ol>
  1074. <li>Switched graph engine to JGraph to drastically improve scrolling performance and to avoid its bug in IntelliJ 6 OpenAPI.</li>
  1075. </ol>
  1076. </li>
  1077. <li>1.1
  1078. <ol>
  1079. <li>Added support for IntelliJ 6.</li>
  1080. <li>Added maximize button to auto size the dialog to fit the actual size of the graph.</li>
  1081. </ol>
  1082. </li>
  1083. <li>1.0
  1084. <ol>
  1085. <li>First pass at a revision graph plugin for CVS.</li>
  1086. <li>This will be expanded to be work with any VCS implementation later.</li>
  1087. </ol>
  1088. </li>
  1089. </ul>
  1090. ]]></change-notes><depends>CVS</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='3871' size='609470' date='1198782060000' url=''><name>Vcs Revision Graph</name><id>Vcs Revision Graph</id><description><![CDATA[Draws a graph of all revisions of the current Vcs controlled file. Currently supports both CVS and Subversion. The graph can be zoomed in and out to better manage large revision graph
  1091. history. Not all Vcs implementations support merge history so if you follow a convention of adding "Merge From: [branchName]" and
  1092. "Revision: [revisionNumber]" in your commit message when you check in a merged file, the revision graph will draw red merge arrows showing the
  1093. merge graphically. Right click editor and choose Revision Graph... from within the Vcs menu. Allows retrieval of any selected revision into your current
  1094. working copy. Selecting an edge connecting two revisions will automatically perform a comparison. The configuration dialog offers generic functionality
  1095. for all Vcs implementations to filter in or out specified branches by branch name and filter in our out specified revisions by date. The CVS implementation
  1096. offers the ability to add and remove tags to specific revisions in the graph regardless of what is in the sandbox. Provides simple management of merge
  1097. tags based on a configurable merge tag naming convention. Tags can be filtered in or out based on a regular expression.]]></description><version>1.10</version><vendor email='scastrianni@lgc.com' url=''>Shawn Castrianni</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='60.6107' /><change-notes><![CDATA[
  1098. <ul>
  1099. <li>1.10
  1100. <ol>
  1101. <li>Added online help.</li>
  1102. </ol>
  1103. </li>
  1104. <li>1.01
  1105. <ol>
  1106. <li>Fixed null pointer exception that occurs due to bug in CVS integration with IntelliJ 7.</li>
  1107. <li>Added stack trace after exception occurs to help diagnose the problem better.</li>
  1108. </ol>
  1109. </li>
  1110. <li>1.00
  1111. <ol>
  1112. <li>Redesign of CVSRevisionGraph to be generic with Vcs implementation specific features.</li>
  1113. <li>Currently only CVS and Subversion are supported.</li>
  1114. </ol>
  1115. </li>
  1116. </ul>
  1117. ]]></change-notes><depends>CVS</depends><depends>Subversion</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='3240' size='765783' date='1235040723000' url='https://launchpad.net/bzr4idea'><name>bzr4idea</name><id>bzr4idea</id><description><![CDATA[
  1118. <p>
  1119. Provides integration with <a href="http://bazaar-vcs.org/">Bazaar</a> distributed version control system.
  1120. <p>
  1121. Features:
  1122. <ul>
  1123. <li>add, remove, rename
  1124. <li>status, commit
  1125. <li>rollback
  1126. <li>history
  1127. <li>push, pull
  1128. </ul>
  1129. <p>
  1130. Requires: Bazaar (v1.11+) with <a href="http://bazaar-vcs.org/XMLOutput">xmloutput</a> plugin (v0.8+).<br>
  1131. <p>
  1132. Visit our <a href="http://launchpad.net/bzr4idea">home page</a>.
  1133. Join us on <a href="http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=49061016481">Facebook</a>.
  1134. Report <a href="http://jira.greenhorn.sk/browse/BZR">issues</a>.
  1135. Watch our <a href="http://jira.greenhorn.sk/browse/BZR?report=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.project:roadmap-panel">progress</a>.
  1136. Snoop on <a href="http://groups.google.com/group/bzr4idea">developer channel</a>.
  1137. <p>
  1138. --<a href="https://launchpad.net/~bzr4idea">bzr4idea team</a>
  1139. ]]></description><version>2.0-M1</version><vendor email='patrikbeno@gmail.com' url='https://launchpad.net/~bzr4idea'>Patrik Beno</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='85.9732' /><change-notes><![CDATA[
  1140. Version 2.0-M1 (development milestone)
  1141. <ul>
  1142. <li>Supports latest IDEA 8.1.
  1143. <li>implemented commands: add, remove, rename, status, commit
  1144. <li>configuration: bzr executable, partial cygwin support
  1145. <li>Known issues:
  1146. <ul>
  1147. <li>Windows/Cygwin: Using bzr@cygwin requires proxy *.cmd (not *bat) executable. (Ask on forum if you need help.)
  1148. <li>Requires a healthy bzr branch with a working tree.
  1149. <li>Other features implemented for git4idea are disabled or might be broken (and may or may not work).
  1150. </ul>
  1151. <li>See also <a href="http://jira.greenhorn.sk/secure/ReleaseNote.jspa?projectId=10040&styleName=Html&version=10050">release notes</a>.
  1152. </ul>
  1153. Version 0.5-SNAPSHOT
  1154. <ul>
  1155. <li>compiled for java5 (https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr4idea/+bug/283448)
  1156. <li>minor fix (https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr4idea/+bug/274536)
  1157. </ul>
  1158. Version 0.4
  1159. <ul>
  1160. <li>bugfixes (
  1161. <a href="https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr4idea/+bug/243067">243067</a>
  1162. <a href="https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr4idea/+bug/262147">262147</a>
  1163. )
  1164. <li>updated Bazaar client library (uses xmlrpc server, requires bzr plugin
  1165. <a href="https://launchpad.net/bzr-xmloutput">xmloutput</a> 0.5+)
  1166. </ul>
  1167. Version 0.3
  1168. <ul>
  1169. <li>migrated to bzr-java-client used by eclipse plugin (joining forces)
  1170. <li>multiple bzr root support
  1171. <li>configurable executable
  1172. </ul>
  1173. Version 0.2
  1174. <ul>
  1175. <li>Basic commands: Checkin, Rollback, Show History, Annotate
  1176. </ul>
  1177. Version 0.1
  1178. <ul>
  1179. <li>Initial implementation: silent propagation of filesystem operations (add,move,rename,copy,...) to Bazaar VCS.
  1180. There is no GUI yet. All VCS operations (commit, revert, etc...) are left to command line...
  1181. </ul>
  1182. ]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.vcs</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='5512' size='875987' date='1297782860000' url='https://launchpad.net/bzr4j'><name>Bzr4IntelliJ</name><id>bzr4intellij</id><description><![CDATA[
  1183. <b>IntelliJ IDEA</b> plugin for Bazaar VCS integration.<br>
  1184. <p>
  1185. System Requirements:
  1186. <ul>
  1187. <li>IntelliJ IDEA 10+ (Ultimate or Community)
  1188. <li>Java 5+
  1189. <li>Bazaar 2.0+
  1190. <ul>
  1191. <li>xmloutput plugin
  1192. </ul>
  1193. </ul>
  1194. ]]></description><version>2.6.1</version><vendor email='patrick@woodworth.org' url='https://launchpad.net/bzr4j'>Patrick Woodworth</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='103.72' /><change-notes><![CDATA[
  1195. Changes since 2.6.0
  1196. <ul>
  1197. <li>[bugfix] <a href="https://launchpad.net/bugs/716279">716279</a>
  1198. </ul>
  1199. Changes since 2.4.3
  1200. <ul>
  1201. <li>[bugfix] <a href="https://launchpad.net/bugs/620420">620420</a>
  1202. </ul>
  1203. Changes since 2.4.2
  1204. <ul>
  1205. <li>[enhancement] Less strict XML handling (thanks Ian)
  1206. <li>[enhancement] Support for lightweight checkouts (thanks Ian)
  1207. </ul>
  1208. Changes since 2.4.1
  1209. <ul>
  1210. <li>[bugfix] <a href="https://launchpad.net/bugs/587035">587035</a>
  1211. <li>[bugfix] <a href="https://launchpad.net/bugs/531260">531260</a>
  1212. <li>[bugfix] <a href="https://launchpad.net/bugs/534959">534959</a>
  1213. </ul>
  1214. Changes since 2.4.0
  1215. <ul>
  1216. <li>[bugfix] <a href="https://launchpad.net/bugs/546925">546925</a>
  1217. <li>[bugfix] <a href="https://launchpad.net/bugs/582772">582772</a>
  1218. </ul>
  1219. Changes since 2.3.1
  1220. <ul>
  1221. <li>[enhancement] Updated to support IDEA 9.0.2.
  1222. </ul>
  1223. Changes since 2.3.0
  1224. <ul>
  1225. <li>[bugfix] <a href="https://launchpad.net/bugs/527601">527601</a>
  1226. <li>[bugfix] <a href="https://launchpad.net/bugs/528067">528067</a>
  1227. </ul>
  1228. Changes since 2.1.1
  1229. <ul>
  1230. <li>[feature] Built-in error reporting.
  1231. <li>[feature] Auto-correction of misconfigured roots.
  1232. <li>[enhancement] Various improvements throughout.
  1233. </ul>
  1234. Changes since 2.1.0
  1235. <ul>
  1236. <li>[bugfix] Suppress inappropriate error dialog popups when invoking commit or rename actions.
  1237. </ul>
  1238. Changes since 2.0.0
  1239. <ul>
  1240. <li>[enhancement] Better integration with IDEA due to revamp based on the hg4idea plugin (thanks Victor!)
  1241. <li>[bugfix] Plays nicer with IntelliJ's builtin shelving capabilities.
  1242. <li>[bugfix] Plays nicer in projects with a heterogeneous VCS configuration.
  1243. </ul>
  1244. Changes since 1.1.9
  1245. <ul>
  1246. <li>[feature] Supports IntelliJ IDEA 9.0
  1247. </ul>
  1248. ]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.vcs</depends><rating>3.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='101935' size='25713436' date='1509028220000' url=''><name>TFS Integration</name><id>TFS</id><description><![CDATA[<a href="http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/vstudio/ff637362.aspx" rel="nofollow">Team Foundation Server</a> provides source code management (either via Team Foundation Version Control or Git), reporting, requirements management, project management (for both agile software development and waterfall teams), automated builds, lab management, testing and release management capabilities. This plugin provides integration with the Team Foundation Server. The following features are available:
  1249. <ul>
  1250. <li>Dedicated page under the Version Control node in the Settings/Preferences dialog.</li>
  1251. <li>Ability to create and manage TFS workspaces.</li>
  1252. <li>Ability to download the files from a TFS server according to the settings from a new or the existing workspace.</li>
  1253. <li>Checkout from TFS Wizard.</li>
  1254. </ul>]]></description><version>173.3415.27</version><vendor email='' url=''>JetBrains</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='173.3415' /><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.vcs</depends><rating>2.8</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='6891' size='828027' date='1412729011000' url='https://github.com/zielu/CVSToolBox'><name>CVSToolBox</name><id>CVSToolBox</id><description><![CDATA[<p>Expands CVS integration by providing additional operations:</p>
  1255. <ol>
  1256. <li>'Create multiple tags' - context and after commit action</li>
  1257. <li>'Create/Move branches' - context action</li>
  1258. <li>'Delete tags' - context action</li>
  1259. </ol>
  1260. <p> You might also like <a href="http://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/6325" rel="nofollow">CVS Revision Graph Plus</a> </p>
  1261. <p> This plugin uses <a href="http://www.famfamfam.com/lab/icons/silk" rel="nofollow">FAMFAMFAM Silk Icons</a> </p>]]></description><version>1.4.13</version><vendor email='cvstoolbox@gmail.com' url='https://github.com/zielu/CVSToolBox'>Łukasz Zieliński</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='138.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Changes in 1.4.13
  1262. <ul>
  1263. <li>Compatibility with Idea 14+</li>
  1264. <ul></ul>
  1265. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>CVS</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='29523' size='605799' date='1415318771000' url='http://code.google.com/hosting/moved?project=svn-rev-graph'><name>SVN Revision Graph</name><id>SVN Revision Graph</id><description><![CDATA[Displays revisions that 'contributed' via copy or merge to the project's selected file or directory under Subversion control, in the form of a revision graph.
  1266. <p>Configuration option is available to include information about related paths from all current branches and tags to the graph (assuming standard directory layout is used for modules in Subversion)</p>
  1267. <p>Based on Shawn Castrianni's VcsRevisionGraph plugin.</p>
  1268. <p>Please submit bug reports and feature requests to plugin's <a href="http://code.google.com/p/svn-rev-graph/issues" rel="nofollow">issue tracker</a>.</p>]]></description><version>1.7</version><vendor email='dmitry.batrak@gmail.com' url=''>Dmitry Batrak</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='139.1' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Version for IDEA 14 has been released. New in this version: * Darcula color scheme * Revision graph is available during project indexing]]></change-notes><depends>Subversion</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='4945' size='436291' date='1375358668000' url='https://github.com/zielu/CVSRevisionGraphPluginPlus'><name>CVS Revision Graph Plus</name><id>CVS Revision Graph Plus</id><description><![CDATA[Draws a graph of all revisions of the current CVS controlled file. The graph can be zoomed in and out to better manage large revision graph history. Not all CVS servers support merge history so if you follow a convention of adding &quot;Merge From: [branchName]&quot; and &quot;Revision: [revisionNumber]&quot; in your commit message when you check in a merged file, the revision graph will draw red merge arrows showing the merge graphically. Right click editor and choose Revision Graph... from within the CVS menu. Offers the ability to add and remove tags to specific revisions in the graph regardless of what is in the sandbox. Provides simple management of merge tags based on a configurable merge tag naming convention. Allows retrieval of any selected revision into your current working copy. Selecting an edge connecting two revisions will automatically perform a comparison. The revision graph can be configured in the configuration dialog to not show tags at all or to filter in or out specified tags based on a regular expression. It can also be configured to filter in or out specified branches. The tag and branch filters can also be dynamically changed while viewing the revision graph. The configuration dialog also contains a revision date filter and the graph can be dynamically filtered with dates.
  1269. <p>Based on Shawn Castrianni's excellent plugin and modified to run with Idea 10+.</p>
  1270. <p>Uses <a href="http://p.yusukekamiyamane.com/" rel="nofollow">Fugue Icons</a></p>]]></description><version>2.42</version><vendor email='cvstoolbox@gmail.com' url='https://github.com/zielu/CVSRevisionGraphPluginPlus'>Łukasz Zieliński</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='114.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<ul>
  1271. <li>2.42
  1272. <ol>
  1273. <li>Action enabled only for files under CVS</li>
  1274. </ol> </li>
  1275. <li>2.41
  1276. <ol>
  1277. <li>Compatible with Idea 11.1 RC</li>
  1278. </ol> </li>
  1279. <li>2.40
  1280. <ol>
  1281. <li>Migrated to Idea 10 config API.</li>
  1282. <li>Workaround for Idea branch reporting bug.</li>
  1283. <li>'Compare Revisions' shortcut (Ctrl+D).</li>
  1284. <li>'Refresh Graph' shortcut (Ctrl+R).</li>
  1285. <li>GUI adjustments.</li>
  1286. <li>Icons refresh.</li>
  1287. <li>Code cleanup.</li>
  1288. <li>Fixed <a href="https://github.com/zielu/CVSRevisionGraphPluginPlus/issues/1" rel="nofollow">issue #1</a></li>
  1289. </ol> </li>
  1290. <li>2.31
  1291. <ol>
  1292. <li>Recompiled for Idea 10+.</li>
  1293. </ol> </li>
  1294. <li>2.30
  1295. <ol>
  1296. <li>Added online help.</li>
  1297. </ol> </li>
  1298. <li>2.20
  1299. <ol>
  1300. <li>Enhanced layout algorithm to reduce the overall width needed.</li>
  1301. <li>Fixed bug in branch filters.</li>
  1302. </ol> </li>
  1303. <li>2.11
  1304. <ol>
  1305. <li>Added change notes to plugin descriptor.</li>
  1306. <li>Fixed bug in revision date filters.</li>
  1307. </ol> </li>
  1308. <li>2.10
  1309. <ol>
  1310. <li>Added revision date filtering both as a default in the configuration dialog and dynamically with a toolbar button in the graph dialog.</li>
  1311. <li>Both filtering in and out and after and/or before date filtering supported.</li>
  1312. </ol> </li>
  1313. <li>2.00
  1314. <ol>
  1315. <li>Improved features of filtering tags by specified whether it is a filter in or out.</li>
  1316. <li>Added dynamic changing of the tag filter.</li>
  1317. <li>Added new branch filtering in configuration dialog.</li>
  1318. <li>Added dynamic changing of the branch filter.</li>
  1319. </ol> </li>
  1320. <li>1.80
  1321. <ol>
  1322. <li>Added the ability to click on an edge connecting two revisions and perform a comparison.</li>
  1323. <li>Added more options in the configuration dialog to not show tags inside graph cells or to filter out specified tags via a regular expression.</li>
  1324. </ol> </li>
  1325. <li>1.70
  1326. <ol>
  1327. <li>Added the ability to zoom in and out of the revision graph.</li>
  1328. <li>Added the ability to retrieve any selected revision into your working copy.</li>
  1329. <li>This would make it easy to check back in an old revision.</li>
  1330. </ol> </li>
  1331. <li>1.60
  1332. <ol>
  1333. <li>Added the ability to manage merge tags based on a configurable merge tag naming convention.</li>
  1334. <li>The plugin configuration dialog allows you to specify whether you prefer a 1 or 2 tag merging convention and the format of those merge tags.</li>
  1335. <li>This will be used during the Move Merge Tags operation that is part of the toolbar of the CVS Revision Graph.</li>
  1336. </ol> </li>
  1337. <li>1.50
  1338. <ol>
  1339. <li>Added ability to add and remove tags from specific selected revisions in the graph.</li>
  1340. <li>This required a HUGE hack of the CVS integration plugin so it may not be stable on all versions of IntelliJ.</li>
  1341. </ol> </li>
  1342. <li>1.41
  1343. <ol>
  1344. <li>Fix minor bug where comparison of two files wouldn't always put the lower rev number on the left.</li>
  1345. <li>Also, IntelliJ 7 fixed a typo in the OpenAPI causing incompatibility. Fixed that.</li>
  1346. </ol> </li>
  1347. <li>1.4
  1348. <ol>
  1349. <li>Added compare and refresh actions on the toolbar.</li>
  1350. <li>Compare can compare any two selected revisions in the graph.</li>
  1351. <li>Refresh will recalculate the graph if the repository changes while the graph is active.</li>
  1352. </ol> </li>
  1353. <li>1.3
  1354. <ol>
  1355. <li>Switched graph engine to JGraph to drastically improve scrolling performance and to avoid its bug in IntelliJ 6 OpenAPI.</li>
  1356. </ol> </li>
  1357. <li>1.1
  1358. <ol>
  1359. <li>Added support for IntelliJ 6.</li>
  1360. <li>Added maximize button to auto size the dialog to fit the actual size of the graph.</li>
  1361. </ol> </li>
  1362. <li>1.0
  1363. <ol>
  1364. <li>First pass at a revision graph plugin for CVS.</li>
  1365. <li>This will be expanded to be work with any VCS implementation later.</li>
  1366. </ol> </li>
  1367. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>CVS</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='5491' size='34403202' date='1450711335000' url=''><name>Rational Team Concert Integration</name><id>RTC4Idea</id><description><![CDATA[Provides integration with Rational Team Concert version control system]]></description><version>4.0.0_03</version><vendor email='' url='http://cm-logic.com/'>CM-Logic</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='80.8000' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Changes in 4.0.0_03
  1368. <ul>
  1369. <li>Added support IntelliJ 15+. </li>
  1370. </ul> Changes in 4.0.0_02
  1371. <ul>
  1372. <li>Porting changes back to IntelliJ 12+. </li>
  1373. </ul> Changes in 4.0.0_01
  1374. <ul>
  1375. <li>Fixing pending changes issues for IntelliJ 14. </li>
  1376. </ul> Changes in 3.9.0_14
  1377. <ul>
  1378. <li>Fixing ToolWindow icons, registration and pending file changes, etc. </li>
  1379. </ul> Changes in 3.9.0_13
  1380. <ul>
  1381. <li>Make license patterns case insensitive </li>
  1382. </ul> Changes in 3.9.0_12
  1383. <ul>
  1384. <li>Fixed issue when loading WorkItem queries (without a personal one) </li>
  1385. <li>Fixed Outgoing File History display issue </li>
  1386. <li>Added Deliver/Accept menu options to the Outgoing/Incoming Pending Changes leaf nodes </li>
  1387. </ul> Changes in 3.9.0_11
  1388. <ul>
  1389. <li>Add support for JSON command parsing </li>
  1390. </ul> Changes in 3.9.0_10
  1391. <ul>
  1392. <li>Add support for license patterns </li>
  1393. </ul> Changes in 3.9.0_09
  1394. <ul>
  1395. <li>Add support for specifying SCM Tools (lscm) path </li>
  1396. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.vcs</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='11879' size='4107' date='1383034732000' url=''><name>Open in GitHub</name><id>com.vexus2.intellij.openingithub</id><description><![CDATA[Open source code into GitHub with default browser.]]></description><version>1.0.6</version><vendor email='hikaru.tooyama@gmail.com' url='https://twitter.com/vexus2'>Vexus2</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='107.105' /><change-notes><![CDATA[version 1.0.6&lt;br&gt; fixed bug.&lt;br&gt; version 1.0.5&lt;br&gt; modified selection line bug.&lt;br&gt; version 1.0.4&lt;br&gt; remove [www] when opening GitHub.&lt;br&gt; version 1.0.3&lt;br&gt; fixed bug.&lt;br&gt;]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='8029' size='9851' date='1448862065000' url=''><name>Copy &amp; Browse as Github or Atlassian Stash Path</name><id>com.squareup.intellij.plugin.copy-as-github-path</id><description><![CDATA[For projects with git repos in the base, it allows you to copy the current file's path on master, and open that with the default browser.
  1397. <br /> Handy when you want to quickly navigate to a file in Intellij and then copy the Github or Atlassian Stash link (including line number) to share with someone else as a URL.
  1398. <br />
  1399. <a href="https://github.com/jawspeak/intellij-plugin-copy-and-open-github-url" rel="nofollow"> Github source</a> and issue tracker.
  1400. <br />]]></description><version>2.1</version><vendor email='' url='https://github.com/jawspeak/intellij-plugin-copy-and-open-github-url'>Jonathan
  1401. Wolter</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='107.105' /><change-notes><![CDATA[fixes bug if project is not at the git checkout root]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='306640' size='122560' date='1507239775000' url=''><name>Git Flow Integration</name><id>Gitflow</id><description><![CDATA[Git Flow Integration]]></description><version>0.6.3</version><vendor email='' url='http://www.opherv.com'>Opher Vishnia</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='162.0' until-build='173.*'/><change-notes><![CDATA[Changelog: https://github.com/OpherV/gitflow4idea/releases/tag/0.6.3]]></change-notes><depends>Git4Idea</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.vcs</depends><depends>com.intellij.tasks</depends><rating>3.5</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='50352' size='11545' date='1421940636000' url=''><name>GitLab integration</name><id>ru.trylogic.idea.gitlab.integration</id><description><![CDATA[<a href="http://gitlab.org/" rel="nofollow">GitLab</a> integration plugin. Support &quot;Open file in browser&quot; command.]]></description><version>1.0.4</version><vendor email='bsideup@gmail.com' url='https://github.com/bsideup'>Sergei BSiDeUp Egorov</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='136.16' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Support for IDEA 14. Tested on 139.1038.]]></change-notes><depends>Git4Idea</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.vcs</depends><rating>2.2</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='53278' size='91179' date='1516736967000' url='https://github.com/zielu/SVNToolBox'><name>SVNToolBox</name><id>zielu.svntoolbox</id><description><![CDATA[Enriches SVN integration Following functionality was added:
  1402. <ul>
  1403. <li><b>Status bar component:</b>
  1404. <ul>
  1405. <li>displays branch for currently open file</li>
  1406. <li>shows tooltip with URL for currently open file</li>
  1407. </ul> </li>
  1408. <li><b>Project View decorations:</b>
  1409. <ul>
  1410. <li>display branch for module</li>
  1411. <li>display branch for switched files</li>
  1412. <li>can be toggled in VCS -&gt; Svn ToolBox</li>
  1413. <li>can be customized in Settings -&gt; Svn ToolBox</li>
  1414. </ul> </li>
  1415. <li><b>Additional Subversion context menu actions:</b>
  1416. <ul>
  1417. <li>'Configure branches' extracted from 'Update' dialog as item</li>
  1418. <li>'Copy URL' to clipboard action</li>
  1419. <li>'Show Lock Info' for current selection</li>
  1420. </ul> </li>
  1421. </ul>]]></description><version>173.0.1</version><vendor email='' url='https://github.com/zielu/SVNToolBox'>Lukasz Zielinski</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='173.0' until-build='173.*'/><change-notes><![CDATA[Changes is 173.0.1
  1422. <ul>
  1423. <li>Fixed character decoding (#22)</li>
  1424. </ul> Changes is 172.0
  1425. <ul>
  1426. <li>Compatible with 2017.2</li>
  1427. </ul> Changes is 163.0
  1428. <ul>
  1429. <li>Fixed tree decorations not showing (#15)</li>
  1430. </ul> Changes is 13.1.1
  1431. <ul>
  1432. <li>'Show Lock Info...' action - owner mapping in CSV - contribution by ABONO</li>
  1433. </ul> Changes is 13.0.6
  1434. <ul>
  1435. <li>Compatible with Idea 13.1</li>
  1436. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>Subversion</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='2229' size='161576' date='1447026967000' url=''><name>Fossil Integration</name><id>fossil4idea</id><description><![CDATA[Allows working with
  1437. <a href="http://www.fossil-scm.org/" rel="nofollow">Fossil</a> - open-source distributed version control. Supported features:
  1438. <ul>
  1439. <li>local changes</li>
  1440. <li>commit/push</li>
  1441. <li>update (pull + checkout)</li>
  1442. <li>file history</li>
  1443. <li>file annotation</li>
  1444. <li>show diff</li>
  1445. <li>run web UI</li>
  1446. <li>checkout (clone + open)</li>
  1447. <li>clone repository</li>
  1448. <li>open repository</li>
  1449. <li>create repository</li>
  1450. </ul>]]></description><version>0.1.6</version><vendor email='Irina.Chernushina@jetbrains.com' url='https://github.com/irengrig/fossil4idea'>Irina Chernushina</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='143.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[IntelliJ IDEA 15, WebStorm 11 etc.]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.vcs</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='7132406' size='526435' date='1515681624000' url=''><name>.ignore</name><id>mobi.hsz.idea.gitignore</id><description><![CDATA[.ignore
  1451. <br>
  1452. <a href="http://ignore.hsz.mobi" rel="nofollow">Website</a> |
  1453. <a href="https://github.com/hsz/idea-gitignore" rel="nofollow">GitHub</a> |
  1454. <a href="https://github.com/hsz/idea-gitignore/issues" rel="nofollow">Issues</a> |
  1455. <a href="https://www.paypal.me/hsz" rel="nofollow">Donate with PayPal</a>
  1456. <br>
  1457. <br>
  1458. <b>.ignore</b> is a plugin for
  1459. <i> .gitignore (Git), .hgignore (Mercurial), .npmignore (NPM), .dockerignore (Docker), .chefignore (Chef), .cvsignore (CVS), .bzrignore (Bazaar), .boringignore (Darcs), .mtn-ignore (Monotone), ignore-glob (Fossil), .jshintignore (JSHint), .tfignore (Team Foundation), .p4ignore (Perforce), .prettierignore (Prettier), .flooignore (Floobits), .eslintignore (ESLint), .cfignore (Cloud Foundry), .jpmignore (Jetpack), .stylelintignore (StyleLint), .stylintignore (Stylint), .swagger-codegen-ignore (Swagger Codegen), .helmignore (Kubernetes Helm), .upignore (Up), .prettierignore (Prettier) </i>files in your project.
  1460. <br>
  1461. <br>
  1462. <b>Features</b>
  1463. <ul>
  1464. <li>Files syntax highlight</li>
  1465. <li>Coloring ignored files in the Project View</li>
  1466. <li>Gitignore templates filtering and selecting in rules generator by name and content</li>
  1467. <li>Show ignored files by specified ignore file (right click on <i>.gitignore</i> file)</li>
  1468. <li>Hide ignored files in Project View</li>
  1469. <li>Create file in currently selected directory</li>
  1470. <li>Generate Gitignore rules basing on <a href="https://github.com/github/gitignore" rel="nofollow">GitHub's templates collection</a></li>
  1471. <li>Add selected file/directory to ignore rules from popup menu</li>
  1472. <li>Suggesting <i>.gitignore</i> file creation for new project</li>
  1473. <li>Entries inspection (duplicated, covered, unused, relative, incorrect syntax, relative entries) with fix actions</li>
  1474. <li>Comments and brackets support</li>
  1475. <li>Navigation to entries in Project view</li>
  1476. <li>Renaming entries from ignore file</li>
  1477. <li>Close opened ignored files action</li>
  1478. <li>Custom user templates with import/export features</li>
  1479. <li>Create custom templates from existing rules</li>
  1480. <li>Favorite templates</li>
  1481. </ul>
  1482. <br>
  1483. <br>
  1484. <i>Compiled with Java 1.6</i>
  1485. <br>
  1486. <br>]]></description><version>2.4.0</version><vendor email='jakub@hsz.mobi' url='http://ignore.hsz.mobi'>hsz</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='123.72' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<a href="https://github.com/hsz/idea-gitignore/tree/v2.4.0" rel="nofollow"><b>v2.4.0</b></a> (2018-01-11)
  1487. <br>
  1488. <br>
  1489. <a href="https://github.com/hsz/idea-gitignore/compare/v2.3.2...v2.4.0" rel="nofollow"><small>Full Changelog</small></a>
  1490. <br>
  1491. <br>
  1492. <i>Implemented enhancements:</i>
  1493. <ul>
  1494. <li>Better access to Notifications settings in "Appearance &amp; Behaviour &gt; Notifications" (<a href="https://github.com/hsz/idea-gitignore/issues/506" rel="nofollow">506</a>)</li>
  1495. <li>"Add to ignore file" action in "Version Control &gt; Unversioned Files" view (<a href="https://github.com/hsz/idea-gitignore/issues/509" rel="nofollow">509</a>)</li>
  1496. </ul>
  1497. <i>Fixed bugs:</i>
  1498. <ul>
  1499. <li>Opening multiple projects in a new window makes IDEA plug-in unresponsive (<a href="https://github.com/hsz/idea-gitignore/issues/510" rel="nofollow">510</a>)</li>
  1500. </ul>
  1501. <a href="https://github.com/hsz/idea-gitignore/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md" rel="nofollow"><b>Full Changelog History</b></a>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>4.2</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='96425' size='8916663' date='1516743797000' url='https://github.com/zielu/GitToolBox'><name>GitToolBox</name><id>zielu.gittoolbox</id><description><![CDATA[Enriches Git Integration with additional features
  1502. <a href="https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/7499?pr=idea_ce" rel="nofollow">[Home]</a>
  1503. <a href="https://github.com/zielu/GitToolBox/issues" rel="nofollow">[Issues]</a>
  1504. <br> Features
  1505. <ul>
  1506. <li><b>Git status display</b> - shows number of ahead / behind commits for current branch as status bar widget and Project View decoration on modules. </li>
  1507. <li><b>Status bar widget</b>
  1508. <ul>
  1509. <li>tooltip shows info for all repositories</li>
  1510. <li>popup menu - status refresh</li>
  1511. <li>popup menu - repository fetch</li>
  1512. </ul> </li>
  1513. <li><b>Auto fetch</b> - runs git fetch at fixed intervals </li>
  1514. <li><b>Push tags on current branch</b> - available in VCS / Git </li>
  1515. <li><b>Behind tracker</b> - shows notification when behind count of current branch changes and is non-zero </li>
  1516. <li><b>Branch name completion in Commit dialog</b> - provides branch name completion inside Commit dialog message </li>
  1517. <li><b>Git Extender integration</b> - can be selected as update action executed from behind tracker popup </li>
  1518. </ul> Configuration
  1519. <b>Windows/Linux:</b>
  1520. <ul>
  1521. <li>File / Settings / Other Settings / Git ToolBox Global</li>
  1522. <li>File / Settings / Other Settings / Git ToolBox Project</li>
  1523. </ul>
  1524. <b>Mac OS (with project open):</b>
  1525. <ul>
  1526. <li>IntelliJ IDEA / Preferences... / Other Settings / Git ToolBox Global</li>
  1527. <li>IntelliJ IDEA / Preferences... / Other Settings / Git ToolBox Project</li>
  1528. </ul>]]></description><version>173.2.1</version><vendor email='' url='https://github.com/zielu/GitToolBox'>Lukasz Zielinski</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='173.0' until-build='173.*'/><change-notes><![CDATA[Changes in 173.2.1
  1529. <ul>
  1530. <li>Auto fetch exclusions (<a href="https://github.com/zielu/GitToolBox/issues/59" rel="nofollow">#59</a>)</li>
  1531. <li>Improve default project handling (<a href="https://github.com/zielu/GitToolBox/issues/65" rel="nofollow">#65</a>)</li>
  1532. <li>Include Mac OS configuration location (<a href="https://github.com/zielu/GitToolBox/issues/66" rel="nofollow">#66</a>)</li>
  1533. <li>Tooltips for configuration options (<a href="https://github.com/zielu/GitToolBox/issues/69" rel="nofollow">#69</a>)</li>
  1534. <li>Performance improvements</li>
  1535. </ul> Changes in 172.1.0
  1536. <ul>
  1537. <li>Restrict compatibility to 172.* (<a href="https://github.com/zielu/GitToolBox/issues/46" rel="nofollow">#46</a>)</li>
  1538. </ul> Changes in 171.3.0
  1539. <ul>
  1540. <li>Restrict compatibility to 171.* (<a href="https://github.com/zielu/GitToolBox/issues/46" rel="nofollow">#46</a>)</li>
  1541. </ul> Changes in 171.2.0
  1542. <ul>
  1543. <li>Git Extender integration (<a href="https://github.com/zielu/GitToolBox/issues/43" rel="nofollow">#43</a>)</li>
  1544. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>Git4Idea</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>4.8</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='23821' size='2064531' date='1502999599000' url=''><name>Perforce IDEA Community Integration</name><id>PerforceIC</id><description><![CDATA[<a href="https://github.com/groboclown/p4ic4idea" rel="nofollow">[ Github ]</a> |
  1545. <a href="https://github.com/groboclown/p4ic4idea/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue" rel="nofollow">[ Open Issues ]</a>
  1546. <p> Associate your IDEA project with Perforce ("p4") through the built-in version control. </p>
  1547. <p> Limitations: </p>
  1548. <ul>
  1549. <li>Does not indicate to the user whether a file is synchronized to the head revision or not.</li>
  1550. <li>No repository browsing.</li>
  1551. <li>No resolving merge conflicts.</li>
  1552. </ul>
  1553. <p> The plugin will keep Your client's open changelists synchronized with the IDEA backed changelists, viewable under the "Changes" view. If the changelists become out of sync, you can force the plugin to re-examine the mappings by pressing the refresh button in the changes view. </p>
  1554. <p> Modifying a file, moving a file, copying a file, refactoring a file, and deleting a file will perform the correct Perforce operations, and put the changes into the currently selected IDEA changelist. Per-file history allows for comparing against the depot versions, even against the inherited file history. </p>
  1555. <p><strong>Getting Started</strong></p>
  1556. <p> Once you install the plugin, you can associate a project directory with Perforce in the project settings (<b>File</b> - <b>Settings...</b>, then navigate to the <b>Version Control</b> panel). Make sure to edit the Perforce configuration to set the proper server connection settings. You can see how the plugin evaluates the properties across your project by viewing the <b>Server Connection</b> tab. </p>
  1557. <p> For most people, the environment variables will be sufficient to use the same mechanism to connect to the Perforce server as what the command-line <code>p4</code> tool does. However, you may need to explicitly set the property values, or use a file that contains the settings. </p>
  1558. <p> For SSL, you will want to use a <code>P4PORT</code> setting that starts with <code>ssl://</code> (such as <code>ssl://perforce:1666</code>). If you have the server registered in the authorized hosts, then make sure that `P4TRUST` setting points to that file; or you can add a SSL server fingerprint setting to explicitly state the expected SSL fingerprint. </p>
  1559. <p> Full documentation on the configuration settings is on the <a href="https://github.com/groboclown/p4ic4idea" rel="nofollow">main project page</a>. </p>
  1560. <p> Please visit the GitHub project <a href="https://github.com/groboclown/p4ic4idea/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue" rel="nofollow">open issues</a> for a list of known issues, or for reporting new ones. </p>]]></description><version>0.9.5</version><vendor email='groboclown@gmail.com' url='https://github.com/groboclown/p4ic4idea'>Groboclown</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='135.1286' /><change-notes><![CDATA[The 0.9.5 release is now available. It includes a fix for Android Studio startup issues, various fixes for changelists, and initial work for creating reviews in swarm.]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.vcs</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='6607' size='257333' date='1507900740000' url=''><name>Visual SourceSafe Integration</name><id>SourceSafe</id><description><![CDATA[<a href="http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/3h0544kx(v=vs.80).aspx" rel="nofollow">Visual SourceSafe</a> is a file-level version control system. This integration allows using Visual SourceSafe from within the product, making even refactoring consequences transparent for the user. The following features are available:
  1561. <ul>
  1562. <li>Dedicated page under the Version Control node in the Settings/Preferences dialog.</li>
  1563. <li>Implementing the most frequently needed commands (Open Source Safe Explorer, Check In/Out, Add, Undo Checkout, Get Latest Version); Next, Previous, Rollback, Old text actions are available from the dedicated gutter bar in changed locations.</li>
  1564. </ul>]]></description><version>173.3188</version><vendor email='' url=''>JetBrains</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='173.3188' /><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.vcs</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='5183' size='206872' date='1432045892000' url=''><name>VCS watch</name><id>mobi.hsz.idea.vcswatch</id><description><![CDATA[VCS watch
  1565. <br />
  1566. <a href="https://github.com/hsz/idea-vcswatch" rel="nofollow">GitHub</a> |
  1567. <a href="https://github.com/hsz/idea-vcswatch/issues" rel="nofollow">Issues</a> | Donate (
  1568. <a href="https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&amp;hosted_button_id=SJAU4XWQ584QL" rel="nofollow">PayPal</a> or
  1569. <a href="https://blockchain.info/address/1BUbqKrUBmGGSnMybzGCsJyAWJbh4CcwE1" rel="nofollow">BTC</a> )
  1570. <br />
  1571. <br />
  1572. <b>VCS watch</b> is a plugin that periodically checks for any changes in the current project's repositories.
  1573. <br />
  1574. <b>Features</b>
  1575. <ul>
  1576. <li>Support GIT repositories</li>
  1577. <li>Support SVN repositories</li>
  1578. <li>Support Mercurial repositories</li>
  1579. </ul>
  1580. <br />
  1581. <br />
  1582. <b>Feature requests</b>
  1583. <ul>
  1584. <li>Exclude project repositories from watching</li>
  1585. <li>Specify watch interval</li>
  1586. </ul>
  1587. <br />
  1588. <br />
  1589. <i>Compiled with Java 1.6</i>
  1590. <br />
  1591. <br />]]></description><version>0.1</version><vendor email='jakub@hsz.mobi' url=''>hsz</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='123.72' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<a href="https://github.com/hsz/idea-vcswatch/tree/v0.1" rel="nofollow">v0.1</a> (2015-05-19)
  1592. <br />
  1593. <br />
  1594. <ul>
  1595. <li>Support GIT repositories</li>
  1596. <li>Support SVN repositories</li>
  1597. <li>Support Mercurial repositories</li>
  1598. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='10173' size='7898' date='1438035735000' url=''><name>Git Status</name><id>com.syndatis.idea.git-status</id><description><![CDATA[Enable Git status for modules in project view Known bugs: after Git operations status does not update instantly]]></description><version>1.2</version><vendor email='piotr.wilkin@syndatis.com' url='http://syndatis.com/'>Syndatis</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='131.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<ul>
  1599. <li>1.2: compatibility with newest GitToolBox, recompiled with Java 1.6 support</li>
  1600. <li>1.1: fixed NullPointer during interactive rebase</li>
  1601. <li>1.0: first version</li>
  1602. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>zielu.gittoolbox</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='23682' size='44759' date='1512634317000' url=''><name>Git Extender</name><id>gr.jchrist.gitextender</id><description><![CDATA[Git Extender adds an option to
  1603. <em>Update All</em> local branches tracking a remote for all git roots in the current project
  1604. <br> Local branches that will be updated are the branches that exist locally and have been configured to track a remote branch.
  1605. <br>
  1606. <p><strong>It requires IDE version 2016.3 or higher and Java 8</strong></p> It tries to fast-forward commits in remote branches to local branches. It can be configured through the settings to attempt a simple merge, if the local branch cannot be merged to the tracked remote using fast-forward only. In this case, if there are conflict errors, the merge will be aborted and an error notification will be shown. The update, then, should be performed manually for the reported branch, in order to resolve the conflicts. Any possible uncommitted changes to the current branch will be stashed
  1607. <br> After updating a branch, if there were any file changes, they will be displayed in IntelliJ Version Control tab. Currently, the correct list of file changes (updated, created, removed) will be displayed. However, when performing a diff for files in a branch other than the currently checked out, the diff will most probably be incorrect.
  1608. <br> This plugin is available under
  1609. <a href="http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0" rel="nofollow">Apache License, Version 2.0</a>]]></description><version>0.4.1</version><vendor email='io.christod@gmail.com' url='https://github.com/JChrist/gitextender'>JChrist</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='163.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Fix issue #8: create UpdateInfoTree in the event dispatch thread]]></change-notes><depends>Git4Idea</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.vcs</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='8352' size='10212380' date='1467183116000' url=''><name>Team Foundation Server - Version Control Integration</name><id>com.michaelbulava.TFSVCS</id><description><![CDATA[Version Control System for Team Foundation Server.]]></description><version></version><vendor email='mbulava@gmail.com' url='https://intellijtfsplugin.codeplex.com/'>Michael Bulava</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='131.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<b></b>
  1610. <li>Due to numerous issues plugin is Compiling with IntelliJ 14.X and Java 1.6 again</li>
  1611. <b></b>
  1612. <li>Corrected missing native files from prior release</li>
  1613. <b></b>
  1614. <li>Recompiled for IntelliJ 2016.1.x</li>
  1615. <b></b>
  1616. <li>Corrected null error when checking out Project for first time</li>
  1617. <b></b>
  1618. <li>Optimization fix for VCS History</li>
  1619. <b></b>
  1620. <li>Corrected error at startup which caused plugin not to function on IntelliJ 15</li>
  1621. <li>More corrections to help ensure file edits properly checkout files from TFS</li>
  1622. <li>Repository tab now shows check-in history of project and/or module(s)</li>
  1623. <li>Need more work on Incoming tab so that Out-of-Date files are properly shown</li>
  1624. <li>Optimized Version Control: Local Changes view.</li>
  1625. <li>Rename/Move refactoring now properly displays in Local Changes view.</li>
  1626. <li>Removed Advanced button from Workspace editor so screen doesn't need to resize</li>
  1627. <b></b>
  1628. <li>Corrected issue where Reconnect Workspace dialog would fill screen vertically.</li>
  1629. <li>Corrected issue where Workspace editor dialog would overfill smaller screens.</li>
  1630. <li>Added File listener to help catch file modifications so they are properly reported to TFS</li>
  1631. <li>Get Latest version action works now.</li>
  1632. <b></b>
  1633. <li>Added reconnect dialog to help fix issue where local cache would become corrupted.</li>
  1634. <b></b>
  1635. <li>Bug fixes when using a project with multiple modules</li>
  1636. <li>Corrected issue that caused IDE to hang when using the Team Foundation Server context menu</li>
  1637. <b></b>
  1638. <li>Initial Release, into plugin repository</li>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.vcs</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='120027' size='1638330' date='1509395677000' url=''><name>GitLab Projects</name><id>com.ppolivka.gitlabprojects</id><description><![CDATA[GitLab Projects Plugin
  1639. <p>Simple plugin that is adding support for GitLab specific actions to JetBrain IDEs</p> Features:
  1640. <ul>
  1641. <li><b>GitLab Checkout dialog</b> - list all users projects on GitLab and provides quick way to clone them locally</li>
  1642. <li><b>GitLab Share dialog</b> - allows quick import of new projects to GitLab, user can specify namespace and project visibility</li>
  1643. <li><b>GitLab Merge Request dialog</b> - user can quickly create new merge requests from current branch</li>
  1644. <li><b>GitLab Merge Request List dialog</b> - user can list and accept all open code reviews</li>
  1645. </ul>]]></description><version>1.4.10</version><vendor email='polivka.pavel@gmail.com' url='http://ppolivka.com'>Pavel Polivka</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='144.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Adding assignee info to list of merge requests.
  1646. <br> Adding assignee info to code review dialog.
  1647. <br> Adding option to assign merge request to me to code review dialog.
  1648. <br>]]></change-notes><depends>Git4Idea</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.vcs</depends><rating>3.8</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='132328' size='15184282' date='1507922655000' url=''><name>Visual Studio Team Services</name><id>com.microsoft.vso.idea</id><description><![CDATA[<br> Visual Studio Team Services is a plugin to enable working with Git and TFVC repositories on Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS) or Team Foundation Server (TFS) 2015+.
  1649. <br>
  1650. <a href="https://github.com/Microsoft/vso-intellij" rel="nofollow">GitHub</a> |
  1651. <a href="https://java.visualstudio.com/Docs/tools/intelliJ" rel="nofollow">Documentation</a> |
  1652. <a href="https://github.com/Microsoft/vso-intellij/issues" rel="nofollow">Issues</a> | Twitter
  1653. <a href="https://twitter.com/VSTS" rel="nofollow">@VSTS</a>
  1654. <br>
  1655. <br>
  1656. <b>Features</b>
  1657. <br>
  1658. <ul>
  1659. <li>Supports authenticating with Team Services and TFS 2015+ to work with source code in Git and TFVC repositories.</li>
  1660. <li>Checkout code from Git and TFVC repositories on Visual Studio Team Services and TFS 2015+.</li>
  1661. <li>Git specific features:</li>
  1662. <ul>
  1663. <li>Import IntelliJ projects into Git repositories on Team Services and TFS 2015+.</li>
  1664. <li>Create pull requests and view your active pull requests.</li>
  1665. <li>Create a new branch and associate it with the work item you are working on.</li>
  1666. <li>Quickly browse to file history or commit details on the web from the IDE.</li>
  1667. </ul>
  1668. <li>TFVC specific features:</li>
  1669. <ul>
  1670. <li>Execute all basic version control actions such as add, delete, rename, move, etc.</li>
  1671. <li>View local changes and history for your files.</li>
  1672. <li>Lock and unlock files and directories.</li>
  1673. <li>Add labels to files and directories.</li>
  1674. <li>Create, view, manage, and edit a workspace.</li>
  1675. <li>Supports using a TFS proxy.</li>
  1676. <li>Local workspace support only.</li>
  1677. </ul>
  1678. <li>View work items based on queries and select one or more work items to associate with your commits or checkins.</li>
  1679. <li>Check the build status of your repository and queue a new build if desired.</li>
  1680. <li>Supports proxy settings configured in the IDE's System Settings section.</li>
  1681. <li>Edit cached project information through configuration management.</li>
  1682. </ul>
  1683. <br>
  1684. <br>
  1685. <i>Compiled with Java 1.6</i>
  1686. <br>
  1687. <i>Compatible with IntelliJ Ultimate and Community editions versions 14.1.7 and later and Android Studio 1.2 and later</i>
  1688. <br>
  1689. <br>
  1690. <b>End User License Agreement &amp; Privacy Policy</b>
  1691. <br> By installing this plugin, you agree to our end user license terms and privacy policy. For information about our privacy policy, please view the
  1692. <a href="http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=528096&amp;clcid=0x409" rel="nofollow">Microsoft Visual Studio Product Family Privacy Statement</a>
  1693. <br>
  1694. <i>Note</i>: When using the TFVC support, this plugin will pass your Team Foundation credentials securely to the TF command line tool. That tool is installed separately and it is up to the user to verify that it is in a secure location on disk and has not been tampered with.]]></description><version>1.125.0</version><vendor email='' url='http://java.visualstudio.com/'>Microsoft Corporation</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='131.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Updating Application Insights package with bug fix.]]></change-notes><depends>Git4Idea</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.vcs</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='2645' size='8407' date='1445270914000' url=''><name>HCP HTML5 applications</name><id>com.sap.hcp.WebStormPlugin</id><description><![CDATA[HCP HTML5 applications]]></description><version>1.2</version><vendor email='guy.roth@sap.com' url='https://www.sap.com/index.html'>SAP</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='131.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Minor bug fix]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='2684' size='22741' date='1452577929000' url=''><name>Git Pair</name><id>com.smilingrob.gitpair</id><description><![CDATA[Pair programming plugin. See who is paired, and pick your teammates in the status bar. Changes the name and email address of your local git user so when you commit you commit as all of the checked people.
  1695. <br />
  1696. <img src="https://github.com/robert-wallis/git-pair.idea/raw/master/docs/screen-shot-gc.png" alt="screenshot" />
  1697. <br />
  1698. <ul>
  1699. <li>Does not depend on or use the git pair plugin, just uses git.</li>
  1700. <li>Supports solo, trio, N, and un-paired development.</li>
  1701. <li>Alphabetically sorts, deterministic paired emails.</li>
  1702. <li>Supports email prefix so pair mail can go to a Google Apps alias, prefix+rob+grumpy@example.com (means prefix@example.com on Google).</li>
  1703. </ul>
  1704. <a href="https://github.com/robert-wallis/git-pair.idea" rel="nofollow">Source code</a> available on GitHub.]]></description><version>1.3</version><vendor email='smilingrob@gmail.com' url=''>Robert Wallis</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='141.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Now supporting global setting in the config to change your git name/email for the whole logged in user (global) instead of just the project.]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='12567' size='67456' date='1511292064000' url='https://github.com/ben-gibson/GitLink'><name>GitLink</name><id>uk.co.ben-gibson.remote.repository.mapper</id><description><![CDATA[Provides shortcuts to open a file or commit in Stash, GitHub, BitBucket, GitLab or GitBlit using the default browser or copy the link to the clipboard.
  1705. <br>
  1706. <br> After installing select your remote host in Settings → Other Settings → GitLink (currently supports GitHub, Stash, BitBucket, GitLab and GitBlit). Make sure you have registered your project's root under the version control settings. Preferences → Version Control (see unregistered roots)
  1707. <br>
  1708. <br> To open a file in the default browser select View → Open in (your selected host). You can also access this action through the
  1709. <i>Select target</i> menu under Navigate → Select in. If you want to view a specific commit, you can do this by right clicking the commit from the
  1710. <i>VCS log tool window</i> and selecting Open in (your selected host).
  1711. <br>
  1712. <br> Note: The current branch is used unless it does not exist on the remote in which case your preferred default, defined in the settings, is used.]]></description><version>2.2.0</version><vendor email='' url='https://github.com/ben-gibson/GitLink'>Ben Gibson</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='139.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<ul>
  1713. <li>Added support for GitBlit. <a href="https://github.com/ben-gibson/GitLink/issues/41" rel="nofollow">#41</a></li>
  1714. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>Git4Idea</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.vcs</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='1284' size='687258' date='1462651945000' url=''><name>GitBlit Plugin</name><id>dk.erikzielke.gitblit</id><description><![CDATA[This plugin is for easily checking out repositories hosted via GitBlit]]></description><version>1.0</version><vendor email='ez@live.dk' url='https://github.com/erikzielke'>Erik Zielke</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='141.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>Git4Idea</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='57420' size='193316' date='1513650768000' url='https://gitee.com/oschina/intellij-gitosc'><name>Gitee</name><id>org.intellij.gitosc</id><description><![CDATA[Allows working with
  1715. <a href="http://gitee.com/" rel="nofollow">码云 - Gitee</a>]]></description><version>2017.3.1</version><vendor email='likui@oschina.cn' url=''>码云</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='173.3727.127' until-build='173.*'/><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>Git4Idea</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='22751' size='2917' date='1469808542000' url=''><name>VCS Annotations Preloader</name><id>com.jetbrains.annotations.preloader</id><description><![CDATA[Git, SVN, Mercurial, and other VCS plugins provide the
  1716. <a href="https://www.jetbrains.com/help/idea/2016.1/working-with-annotations.html" rel="nofollow">Annotate action</a> that displays the last revision and user id for every line of the currently edited file, so you can easily see where this or that code came from. Sometimes this action takes a significant amount of time to run because the IDE has to load and process a lot of data from VCS. This plugin speeds this process up by preloading and caching the data required to run the Annotate action when you open a file. So if you're using the Annotate action often, the plugin is surely worth checking out.]]></description><version>1.0.3</version><vendor email='' url='https://www.jetbrains.com'>JetBrains</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Initial release]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='1882' size='233379' date='1503562000000' url=''><name>Coding.net</name><id>net.coding.git</id><description><![CDATA[Allows working with
  1717. <a href="https://coding.net/" rel="nofollow">Coding.net</a>.
  1718. <br>
  1719. <br>
  1720. <strong>ABOUT CODING</strong>
  1721. <br>
  1722. <br> CODING established in February 2014, is one of the most advanced service platforms for software could-developing in China.
  1723. <br>
  1724. <br>
  1725. <a href="https://coding.net/" rel="nofollow">Coding.net</a> and
  1726. <a href="https://mart.coding.net" rel="nofollow">CodeMart</a> are the major sub-brands of CODING. The former acts as an on-cloud coordinate stage to provide service and tools for on-cloud software developing. The key service of Coding.net includes code trusteeship, project management, product display and WebIDE.
  1727. <br>
  1728. <br>
  1729. <a href="https://mart.coding.net" rel="nofollow">CodeMart</a> was launched on October 2015. It functioned as an crowdsourcing platform. Different from traditional crowdsourcing platforms, the vision of CodeMart is more than an information provider or task-board manager. It’s not only connecting developers and clients, but also supervising the whole process in order to ensure high efficiency and the safety of their on-cloud cooperation.
  1730. <br>
  1731. <br>
  1732. <strong>This Plugin is a <a href="https://mart.coding.net/project/2804" rel="nofollow">CodeMart Project</a>.</strong>
  1733. <br> Develop by
  1734. <a rel="nofollow">r0b1n_0u</a>]]></description><version>1.0.2</version><vendor email='82324767@qq.com' url='https://www.coding.net'>www.coding.net</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='171.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>Git4Idea</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='1779' size='9128' date='1481294853000' url=''><name>Pre Commit Hook Plugin</name><id>com.upsolver.PreCommitHook</id><description><![CDATA[Create a file named "pre-commit-hook.sh" in project root, The plugin will run the hook before any commit with the file changed as arguments.]]></description><version>0.3.1</version><vendor email='yahel.yechieli@gmail.com' url='https://github.com/yahely'>Yahel Yechieli</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='141.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[0.1 - Pre Commit Hook Handler Initial Commit 0.2 - Added Progress Indicator 0.3 - Added Skip Buttons 0.3.1 - Fixed null pointer when committing a deleted file]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='2777' size='38019' date='1492980383000' url=''><name>Commit Message Template</name><id>MHCommitMessageTemplate</id><description><![CDATA[<p>Adds a button to the commit dialog (right above the commit message field), that loads a commit message template.</p>]]></description><version>1.0.3</version><vendor email='' url='http://www.myheritage.com'>MyHeritage</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='135.1230' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<p>1.0.3</p>
  1735. <ul>
  1736. <li>Added the ability to set commentChar when loading template from file.</li>
  1737. </ul>
  1738. <p>1.0.2</p>
  1739. <ul>
  1740. <li>Added the ability to load template from file</li>
  1741. </ul>
  1742. <p>1.0.1</p>
  1743. <ul>
  1744. <li>fixed a bug that caused the template to be lost when a project is re-opened</li>
  1745. </ul>
  1746. <p>1.0</p>
  1747. <ul>
  1748. <li>Initial release</li>
  1749. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.vcs</depends><rating>1.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='654' size='6886' date='1489436584000' url=''><name>Commit message checker</name><id>org.turbanov.commits.message.checker</id><description><![CDATA[Checks that commit message contains reference to the same issue as branch. Useful with one-branch-per-issue policy.]]></description><version>1.0</version><vendor email='turbanoff@gmail.com' url='https://github.com/turbanoff/CommitMessageChecker'>Turbanov Andrey</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='143.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.vcs</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='469' size='2744721' date='1513599267000' url=''><name>Emoji Prefix</name><id>com.github.syuchan1005.emojiprefix</id><description><![CDATA[<span>Easy to 'Emoji Prefix Commit'</span>
  1750. <br>
  1751. <span>Getting Started (in 3 step)</span>
  1752. <br>
  1753. <ol>
  1754. <li>'.emojirc' create your project root.</li>
  1755. <li>Write emojis(emoticons) you want to use</li>
  1756. <li>After that, just commit</li>
  1757. </ol>]]></description><version>1.4.7</version><vendor email='syuchan.dev@gmail.com' url='https://twitter.com/syu_chan_1005'>syuchan1005</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[1.4.7: change ResourceFileIcon and UI.]]></change-notes><depends>Git4Idea</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='705' size='14428' date='1506970349000' url=''><name>Git Branch Cleaner</name><id>com.ppolivka.plugin.gitcleaner</id><description><![CDATA[Simple plugin for deleting unneeded git branches.
  1758. <br> It will list all branches that do not have tracking remotes and allow you to delete them.
  1759. <br> Each deleted branch will also do a check if it's fully merged to current branch.
  1760. <br> Current branch will not be listed.
  1761. <br>]]></description><version>1.0.1</version><vendor email='polivka.pavel@gmail.com' url='http://ppolivka.com'>Pavel Polivka</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='171.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Fix for new 2017 IDE versions.]]></change-notes><depends>Git4Idea</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.vcs</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='645' size='74227' date='1508701637000' url=''><name>Git Scope</name><id>Git Scope</id><description><![CDATA[Git Scope
  1762. <ul>
  1763. <li>1. Adds a Tool-Window for custom diffs - Diff any Revision/Branch </li>
  1764. <li>2. Extends Line-Status-Tracker (LST) - LST changes according to chosen Revision/Branch </li>
  1765. <li>3. Adds a custom Scope "Git Scope" - Perform "Replace in Path" and Inspections etc based on your custom Scope </li>
  1766. </ul>
  1767. <br> The diff (1), LST (2) and the Scope (3)
  1768. <b>automatically refresh</b> On every git-action like checkout/commit/merge and
  1769. <b>editor-actions</b> like modify, create or delete a File.]]></description><version>1.0.1</version><vendor email='' url=''>Michael Woelk</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='171.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Better Description]]></change-notes><depends>Git4Idea</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='564' size='236762' date='1509544141000' url=''><name>ClearCase Integration</name><id>JBClearcasePlugin</id><description><![CDATA[Allows working with
  1770. <a href="http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/rational/products/clearcase/" rel="nofollow">Rational ClearCase version control system</a>. The following features are available:
  1771. <ul>
  1772. <li>Dedicated page under the Version Control node in the Settings/Preferences dialog.</li>
  1773. <li>When ClearCase is enabled, the ClearCase node appears on the VCS menu, and on the context menu of the editor. </li>
  1774. </ul> The plugin support is
  1775. <a href="https://blog.jetbrains.com/idea/2017/10/end-of-support-for-visual-sourcesafe-and-clearcase/" rel="nofollow">discontinued</a> since October 17, 2017]]></description><version>2.0.1</version><vendor email='' url=''>JetBrains</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='173.3188' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Remove unnecessary library from the plugin]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.vcs</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='36' size='611378' date='1516264972000' url=''><name>Zeus Plugin</name><id>com.sunsharing.idea.plugin.zeus</id><description><![CDATA[This is a idea one - key package plugin]]></description><version>1.0.4</version><vendor email='ningyp@sunsharing.com.cn' url='http://www.sunsharing.com.cn'>厦门畅享信息技术有限公司</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<li>1.0.0 New: supports standard SVN catalogs and submits zentao </li>
  1776. <li>1.0.1 New: supports non - standard SVN directories to package and submit zentao paths (the main solution to the old project's package problem) </li>
  1777. <li>1.0.1 New: supports package information push DingTalk group </li>
  1778. <li>1.0.2 New: automatically associative zentao path bug and requirement through the SVN log </li>
  1779. <li>1.0.2 Fixed: repair the problem of non zentao path login verification </li>
  1780. <li>1.0.2 Fixed: DingTalk Webhook for configuration submission problem </li>
  1781. <li>1.0.3 New: new SVN update progress bar </li>
  1782. <li>1.0.3 New: newly added submits zentao and DingTalk backstage progress bar </li>
  1783. <li>1.0.4 Fixed: repair send zentao &lt;&gt; label replacement problem </li>
  1784. <li>1.0.4 Fixed: repair of MAC DingTalk reminding personnel error reporting </li>
  1785. <li>1.0.4 Improved: improved the merge button and the submission button to repeat the click issue </li>
  1786. <li>1.0.4 Improved: improved DingTalk message non line display problem </li>
  1787. <li>1.0.4 New: added the required log check </li>]]></change-notes><depends>Subversion</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin></category><ff>"CVS"</ff><category name="CVS"><idea-plugin downloads='4560' size='3636' date='1359127385000' url=''><name>CVS Info Plug-In</name><id>de.bewalt.intellij.plugin.cvsinfo</id><description><![CDATA[This Plugin shows CVS sticky tags in the project view as known from the Eclipse workbench.
  1788. <p> Known problems: </p>
  1789. <ul>
  1790. <li>After a CVS update not in every case the sticky tags are updated immediately. You have to synchronize the module manually or reopen the project. </li>
  1791. </ul>]]></description><version>1.0.2</version><vendor email='helge@bewalt.de' url='http://www.bewalt.de'>Helge Walter</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='123.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Version 1.0.2: Copyright update and longer description for Guthub deployment.
  1792. <br /> Version 1.0.1: Support for sticky tags on files.
  1793. <br /> Version 1.0.0: Initial release]]></change-notes><depends>CVS</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='1958' size='10228' date='1365527814000' url=''><name>Project Set Loader</name><id>de.bewalt.intellij.plugin.psl</id><description><![CDATA[This plugin loads the modules referenced in a project set file (PSF) into the current project or updates the modules to the sticky tag given in the project set file.
  1794. <br /> The plugin works with project set files from the Eclipse Project Set plugin and only does support CVS.
  1795. <p>To start loading from CVS use &quot;Update modules from project set file&quot; in the context menu of the project set file. </p>
  1796. <p>To do: Automatically launch &quot;Import Modules&quot; wizard.</p>]]></description><version>1.0.1</version><vendor email='helge@bewalt.de' url='http://www.bewalt.de'>Helge Walter</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='123.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Version 1.0.1: Consider case that a module's name may be different from the content root. Version 1.0.0: Initial revision.]]></change-notes><depends>CVS</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='898' size='48942' date='1490926454000' url=''><name>GitGetter</name><id>com.puke.GitGetter</id><description><![CDATA[Clone files from your git repository.
  1797. <br>]]></description><version>1.1</version><vendor email='1129090915@qq.com' url='https://github.com/puke3615/GitGetter'>GitGetter</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='141.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<b>v1.1</b>
  1798. <br> Complete plugin configuration
  1799. <br>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='658' size='4083' date='1504094883000' url=''><name>Check-In Policies for TFS (Team Foundation Server)</name><id>Check-In Policies for TFS (Team Foundation Server)</id><description><![CDATA[This plugin implements the following TFS Check-In Policies:
  1800. <br>
  1801. <ul>
  1802. <li>CheckForCommentsPolicy.CheckForComments</li>
  1803. <li>Microsoft.TeamFoundation.VersionControl.Controls.WorkItemPolicy</li>
  1804. </ul>
  1805. <br> It provides a more "Out of the box" experience for the work with the TFS Integration Plugin]]></description><version>1.0</version><vendor email='' url=''>Simon Heiss (simonheiss87@gmail.com)</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='140.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>TFS</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='1180' size='40218' date='1512589665000' url='https://github.com/JanGatting/GitCommitMessage'><name>Git Commit Message Plugin</name><id>git-commit-message-plugin</id><description><![CDATA[<b>Create Git commit messages.</b>
  1806. <br> The structure is defined within a template, that is customized by the user himself.
  1807. <br> Ticket names are extracted from current git branches, that is defined by a RegEx
  1808. <br> e.g. feature/JiraId-1234 (git branch) - JiraId-1234 (ticket)
  1809. <br>
  1810. <br>
  1811. <b>Donate</b> using
  1812. <a href="https://www.paypal.me/JanGatting" rel="nofollow">PayPal</a>]]></description><version>1.3</version><vendor email='jangatting@gmx.de' url=''>Jan Gatting</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[New feature: The Git or HG Mercurial Branch can be parsed by an regular expression.]]></change-notes><depends>Git4Idea</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.vcs</depends><depends>hg4idea</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin></category><ff>"UI"</ff><category name="UI"><idea-plugin downloads='40448' size='24466' date='1306670437000' url=''><name>BackgroundImage</name><id>BackgroundImage</id><description><![CDATA[Plugin that loads a background image into editors]]></description><version>0.10.1</version><vendor email='chris@kimptoc.net' url=''>Eric Sheffer/Charles DeCroes/Chris Kimpton</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='99.18' /><change-notes><![CDATA[
  1813. <ul>
  1814. <li>Support for IDEA 10.5 and above.
  1815. </ul>
  1816. ]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='51881' size='69921' date='1506277353000' url=''><name>Sexy Editor</name><id>Sexy Editor</id><description><![CDATA[Make your IntelliJ IDE editor
  1817. <b>sexy</b> with a background image in your editor's area :) Use different image(s) for different file sets, on various positions, in random mode, or even in slide-show mode!
  1818. <br>
  1819. <br> This plugin is totally useless, but, hey, you'll become a major geek in the office:) Beware: usage of this plugin may produce some jealousy among your co-workers; or it may attract some romantic and passionate love: use it on your own risk!
  1820. <br>
  1821. <br> https://github.com/igr/idea-sexyeditor]]></description><version>2.1</version><vendor email='igor@jodd.org' url='http://oblac.com'>Oblac.com</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Added two more features: shrink to fit and fixed position. Some cleanup added.]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='5098' size='332938' date='1315103523000' url=''><name>Console Beep</name><id>Console Beep</id><description><![CDATA[Plays a sound when a certain text appears in console]]></description><version>0.2</version><vendor email='' url='https://github.com/ishchenko/idea-console-beep'>Max Ishchenko</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='107.307' /><change-notes><![CDATA[
  1822. <b>0.2</b>
  1823. <ul>
  1824. <li>Four sounds</li>
  1825. <li>Selecting sound type in context menu</li>
  1826. </ul>
  1827. <b>0.1</b>
  1828. <ul>
  1829. <li>Initial version, single sound</li>
  1830. </ul>
  1831. ]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><rating>4.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='14764' size='695950' date='1482041347000' url=''><name>Idea 2016.2 Icon Pack</name><id>com.bulenkov.idea.Idea11IconPack</id><description><![CDATA[Changes new modern icons to the old ones. Welcome back to IntelliJ IDEA 2016.2]]></description><version>3.1.1</version><vendor email='konstantin@bulenkov.com' url='http://bulenkov.com/'>Konstantin Bulenkov</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='163.4281' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Fixed Python icons]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>4.9</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='59749' size='67039' date='1508879028000' url=''><name>Presentation Assistant</name><id>org.nik.presentation-assistant</id><description><![CDATA[This plugin shows name and Win/Mac shortcuts of any action you invoke (View | Descriptions of Actions)]]></description><version>1.0.1</version><vendor email='' url=''>Nikolay Chashnikov</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='172.1' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<ul>
  1832. <li>Time during which hint is shown can be changed (Settings | Appearance &amp; Behavior | Presentation Assistant).</li>
  1833. <li>Position of hints can be changed (Settings | Appearance &amp; Behavior | Presentation Assistant).</li>
  1834. <li>Colors of hints can be changed (Settings | Editor | Color Scheme | Presentation Assistant).</li>
  1835. <li>Fixed bug which caused hint to be never hidden if a dialog is opened.</li>
  1836. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>4.9</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='11571' size='7467' date='1385622306000' url=''><name>SmoothScroll</name><id>SmoothScroll</id><description><![CDATA[Adds smooth and kinetic scrolling to the file editor.]]></description><version>1.0</version><vendor email='hcfields@gmail.com' url='http://www.hccampos.com'>Hugo Campos</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='107.105' /><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><rating>3.6</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='1932' size='59830' date='1504267402000' url=''><name>IDEOM</name><id>com.github.MitI_7.IDEOM</id><description><![CDATA[Customizing the JetBRAINS IDEs.
  1837. <br>
  1838. <p>Features: </p>
  1839. <ul>
  1840. <li>Adding background image in Editors. </li>
  1841. <li>Change icons at Editor. </li>
  1842. <li>Plays sound at certain events(Run, Run Error, Open Project, Close Project). </li>
  1843. </ul>
  1844. <p></p>]]></description><version>0.2.3</version><vendor email='MitI_7@outlook.com' url='https://github.com/MitI-7/IDEOM'>MitI_7</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='131.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Remove file name restrictions]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='700' size='26139' date='1509969442000' url=''><name>Window Decorate Mode Switcher</name><id>by.vkatz.decorate_mode_switcher</id><description><![CDATA[Hide title menu for windows
  1845. <br> Possible issues with fullscreen mode after switching.
  1846. <br>]]></description><version>2.1</version><vendor email='vkatsubo@gmail.com' url=''>vKatz</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[- Add correct idon for all ide's (will be used ide icon) - Add option to remove icon at all - Add option to change icon size - Tested on AndroidStudio &amp; Idea]]></change-notes><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='1111' size='3195' date='1429564259000' url=''><name>Simple Titles</name><id>com.roomj.simpletitles</id><description><![CDATA[Limit the file part of the window title only include the file name. Windows speech recognition fails when a window title is too long, this alleviates the problem.]]></description><version>1.0</version><vendor email='' url='https://github.com/tylercal/simple-titles'>Tyler Elliott</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='131.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<strong>1.0:</strong> initial version
  1847. <br />]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='1060' size='46726' date='1481592094000' url=''><name>TypeNGo</name><id>codeflections.typengo</id><description><![CDATA[Replaces shortcuts with mnemonics. The only shortcut to remember is TypeNGo dialog invocation: Ctrl+\. The default shortcut can be changed in Settings|Keymap|Invoke TypeNGo. Abbreviations can be assigned in Settings|Keymap.]]></description><version>0.5</version><vendor email='dev@codeflections.com' url='https://codeflections.com/typengo/'>Rustam V.</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='163.1' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Customizable command list popup background, shorctuts are displayed along with abbreviations, more default commands, better focus handling on Linux.]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='4271' size='53692' date='1438630961000' url=''><name>BackgroundChibiChara</name><id>org.typowriter.intellij.plugins.backgroundchibichara</id><description><![CDATA[drawing chibi-chara(small cute anime character) images, similar to wallpaper]]></description><version>1.0.6</version><vendor email='cocuh.kk@gmail.com' url='https://github.com/cocuh/intellij-background-chibichara'>cocuh</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='131.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<dl>
  1848. <dt>
  1849. 1.0.6
  1850. </dt>
  1851. <dd>
  1852. fix bugs
  1853. </dd>
  1854. <dt>
  1855. 1.0.5
  1856. </dt>
  1857. <dd>
  1858. compile on jdk6
  1859. </dd>
  1860. <dt>
  1861. 1.0.4
  1862. </dt>
  1863. <dd>
  1864. validate alpha value
  1865. </dd>
  1866. <dt>
  1867. 1.0.3
  1868. </dt>
  1869. <dd>
  1870. clean description
  1871. </dd>
  1872. <dt>
  1873. 1.0.2
  1874. </dt>
  1875. <dd>
  1876. fix description layout
  1877. </dd>
  1878. <dt>
  1879. 1.0.1
  1880. </dt>
  1881. <dd>
  1882. improve descriptions
  1883. </dd>
  1884. <dt>
  1885. 1.0
  1886. </dt>
  1887. <dd>
  1888. implement minimum specification
  1889. </dd>
  1890. </dl>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>4.7</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='1345' size='3248' date='1439255852000' url=''><name>Simple Titles - Project Only</name><id>com.roomj.simpletitlesprojectonly</id><description><![CDATA[Fork of https://github.com/tylercal/simple-titles. Limit the Jetbrains Product window title to only include the project name. This can be useful with using time tracking services.]]></description><version>1.0</version><vendor email='' url='https://github.com/kjaniszewski/simple-titles-project-only'>Krzysztof Janiszewski</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='131.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<strong>1.0:</strong> initial version
  1891. <br />]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='3418' size='15067' date='1484506944000' url='https://bitbucket.org/batrdmi/power-mouse'><name>PowerMouse</name><id>PowerMouse</id><description><![CDATA[Allows to bind actions of your choice to the following mouse gestures performed in editor:
  1892. <ul>
  1893. <li>press-and-hold of right mouse button (bound to "Quick Documentation" by default)</li>
  1894. <li>simultaneous press of left and right mouse buttons (bound to "Show Usages" by default)</li>
  1895. </ul>]]></description><version>2.5</version><vendor email='dmitry.batrak@gmail.com' url=''>Dmitry Batrak</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='171.1' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Version compatible with 2017.1]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='1145958' size='2791642' date='1516541603000' url=''><name>Material Theme UI</name><id>com.chrisrm.idea.MaterialThemeUI</id><description><![CDATA[This will add the
  1896. <a href="https://github.com/equinusocio/material-theme" rel="nofollow">Material Theme</a> look to your IDE.
  1897. <br>
  1898. <br>]]></description><version></version><vendor email='heliosaian@gmail.com' url='https://github.com/mallowigi'>Mallowigi</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='171.4055.1' until-build='181.2784.29'/><change-notes><![CDATA[Changelog
  1899. <ul>
  1900. <li>Fix https://github.com/ChrisRM/material-theme-jetbrains/issues/436</li>
  1901. </ul>
  1902. <ul>
  1903. <li>Change default option of title bar to false</li>
  1904. <li>Add more CLion icons</li>
  1905. <li>Fix background color of the "New Project" sidepanel</li>
  1906. <li>Alert when setting title bar</li>
  1907. </ul>
  1908. <ul>
  1909. <li>Fix Dark Title bar option not applying on Windows</li>
  1910. <li>Fix theming not applying to menus</li>
  1911. <li>Clion icons</li>
  1912. <li>Fix RVM, NVM, cmd, README, Adobe Elements and InDesign associations</li>
  1913. </ul>1.6.0
  1914. <ul>
  1915. <li>Fix <strong>Theme Switching requiring to restart the IDE</strong>. Now switching is becoming as easy as pie!</li>
  1916. <li>New feature: <strong>Windows Title Bar Theming</strong>.
  1917. <ul>
  1918. <li><strong>Note</strong>: this changes the color of the title bar OS-wide, meaning that even after closing the IDE the color will still be set. (see https://www.howtogeek.com/222831/how-to-get-colored-window-title-bars-on-windows-10-instead-of-white/) for setting it. </li>
  1919. </ul> </li>
  1920. <li>Added more other file icons: Atom, Appveyor, Bean, Cabal, Compass, Doxygen, Dylib, Ghostscript, Github, Jquery, JS Minified, Makefile, Manpage, Nib, Godot, Openoffice, Patch, Phalcon, Redme </li>
  1921. <li>Fix the inactive selection background color in trees</li>
  1922. <li>Fix Status Bar Indicator height in HiDPi screens</li>
  1923. <li>Remove buggy Tool Window Header patch</li>
  1924. </ul>1.5.4
  1925. <ul>
  1926. <li>Change color of unfocused tree elements</li>
  1927. <li>New file icons for: Autohotkey, API Blueprint, MACOSX, Jekyll, Mathematica, ReasonML, RestructuredText, Maven, ObjectiveC, Spring, Tomcat, Test Ruby and VHDL. </li>
  1928. <li>Try to fix issue with createResolvedStylesheet by loading the Darcula default properties</li>
  1929. </ul>1.5.3
  1930. <ul>
  1931. <li>Custom Notification Colors for the Custom Themes</li>
  1932. <li>Change default colors of Notifications to Contrast Color</li>
  1933. <li>Revert the buggy fix of the Tool Window Header (also known as the ToolWindowHeader hack) and add a new action "Patch Tool Window Header" to approve the hack of the Window Header (https://github.com/ChrisRM/material-theme-jetbrains/issues/548) </li>
  1934. </ul>
  1935. <ul>
  1936. <li>Better Buttons (closes <a href="https://github.com/ChrisRM/material-theme-jetbrains/issues/561" rel="nofollow">#561</a> and <a href="https://github.com/ChrisRM/material-theme-jetbrains/issues/562" rel="nofollow">#562</a>) </li>
  1937. </ul>1.5.2
  1938. <ul>
  1939. <li>Add background theming for IdeFrame</li>
  1940. </ul>
  1941. <ul>
  1942. <li>Fix Android studio errors</li>
  1943. </ul>1.5.1
  1944. <ul>
  1945. <li>Add expand and collapse icons in ExpandableTexts</li>
  1946. <li>Add Closed icon folder variants for the selected theme</li>
  1947. </ul>1.5.0
  1948. <ul>
  1949. <li>Improved Monokai Theme by inpirting from Monokai Pro</li>
  1950. <li>Material Monokai Pro color scheme</li>
  1951. <li>New icons for switching themes</li>
  1952. <li>Theme branches and tags from the VCS Log window</li>
  1953. <li>Fix issues with invalid stylesheets and border thickness, causing the settings to not load</li>
  1954. </ul>1.4.7
  1955. <ul>
  1956. <li>Fix issue with out of bounds settings (https://github.com/ChrisRM/material-theme-jetbrains/issues/552)</li>
  1957. </ul>1.4.6
  1958. <ul>
  1959. <li>Setting for changing font to Roboto and bigger font in project view</li>
  1960. <li>Actions for switching arrow style</li>
  1961. <li>Fix Dark Title bar setting</li>
  1962. </ul>1.4.5
  1963. <ul>
  1964. <li>Added more UI Icons</li>
  1965. <li>Fix issue with arrows</li>
  1966. </ul>1.4.4
  1967. <ul>
  1968. <li>Add new option to select the style of arrows in trees</li>
  1969. <li>Restore Bold directories</li>
  1970. <li>Fix https://github.com/ChrisRM/material-theme-jetbrains/issues/540 by setting a lighter selection background color on refactor</li>
  1971. </ul>1.4.3
  1972. <ul>
  1973. <li>Add setting for Dark title bar</li>
  1974. <li>Set bigger font in Project View when not using Compact Sidebar or when Sidebar items height &gt; 28</li>
  1975. </ul>
  1976. <ul>
  1977. <li>Fix Install Material Wallpaper action</li>
  1978. <li>Fix Custom Material Theme name</li>
  1979. </ul>
  1980. <ul>
  1981. <li>Remove ToolWindowHeader active background color</li>
  1982. </ul>
  1983. <ul>
  1984. <li>Fix https://github.com/ChrisRM/material-theme-jetbrains/issues/493</li>
  1985. </ul>1.4.1
  1986. <ul>
  1987. <li>Replace close button</li>
  1988. </ul>1.4.0
  1989. <ul>
  1990. <li>Fix issue with Android Studio loading</li>
  1991. <li>Typescript and Javascript decorators addition (for latest Webstorm only)</li>
  1992. <li>Add some more icons</li>
  1993. </ul>1.3.9
  1994. <ul>
  1995. <li>Better File Status Colors by making use of Darcula/IntelliJ color scheme instead like VCS file colors</li>
  1996. </ul>1.3.8
  1997. <ul>
  1998. <li>Use experimental feature to set dark title bar when using dark themes. Only works on latest EAP, but is planned for 2018.X</li>
  1999. </ul>1.3.7
  2000. <ul>
  2001. <li>Fix issue with Android Studio</li>
  2002. </ul>1.3.6
  2003. <ul>
  2004. <li>Remove Custom Wallpaper feature and instead use an action</li>
  2005. </ul>1.3.5
  2006. <ul>
  2007. <li>Fix Search Everywhere in Windows 10</li>
  2008. </ul>1.3.4
  2009. <ul>
  2010. <li>Fix combobox action style because of latest EAP</li>
  2011. </ul>1.3.3
  2012. <ul>
  2013. <li>New action to install <strong>Material File Colors</strong> on demand instead of automatically at start</li>
  2014. </ul>1.3.2
  2015. <ul>
  2016. <li>Fix Custom themes caret color</li>
  2017. <li>Fix Custom themes TabbedPane color</li>
  2018. <li>Fix Groovy and Scala comment color scheme</li>
  2019. <li>Feature: Compact Table Cells</li>
  2020. <li>Shut up error at Android Studio start (this disables the File Icons feature)</li>
  2021. <li>Allow setting custom tree indent between 0 and 10</li>
  2022. <li>Allow setting custom line height between 18 and 36</li>
  2023. <li>Fix: Bold directories will not set bold tabs</li>
  2024. <li>Fix issue with color schemes not being persisted</li>
  2025. </ul>1.3.1
  2026. <ul>
  2027. <li>Fix and implement progress bars for older IDEs</li>
  2028. <li>Fix Markdown Navigator color scheme</li>
  2029. <li>Fix color scheme changing at start</li>
  2030. <li>Deprecating EAP :/</li>
  2031. </ul>1.3.0
  2032. <ul>
  2033. <li>New option: <strong>Light Custom Theme</strong>: Use custom colors with IntelliJ Look and Feel. Used for Light themes.</li>
  2034. <li>Fix Custom Themes styling issues.</li>
  2035. <li>Change light themes notification colors.</li>
  2036. <li>Rename Material Default to <strong>Material Oceanic</strong></li>
  2037. <li>Automatically change color scheme when switching themes</li>
  2038. <li>Add alert to reset custom theme colors when switching Look and Feel</li>
  2039. <li>Change instance fields, static fields and properties colors from Red to White as it is confused with errors.</li>
  2040. <li>Add update notifications.</li>
  2041. </ul>1.2.1
  2042. <ul>
  2043. <li>Fix issue #193</li>
  2044. </ul>1.2.0
  2045. <ul>
  2046. <li>Add new UI Icons for Structure and Web Deployment sections</li>
  2047. <li>New feature: Accent Scrollbars</li>
  2048. <li>Changed Active Tab Highlight to display Tab File Colors if defined, at the cost of having a transparent overlay</li>
  2049. <li>Added Markdown navigator color scheme</li>
  2050. <li>Added Browse Word at Caret plugin colors</li>
  2051. <li>Improve File Colors performance by initializing colors statically (thanks @denofevil)</li>
  2052. <li>Set default ignored file colors to Brown</li>
  2053. <li>Set default scratch colors to default text</li>
  2054. </ul>1.1.2
  2055. <ul>
  2056. <li>Atom One Dark Color Scheme</li>
  2057. </ul>1.1.1
  2058. <ul>
  2059. <li>XCode Development file icons</li>
  2060. <li>Travis file icons</li>
  2061. </ul>1.1.0
  2062. <ul>
  2063. <li>Adding Resharper Hint and Suggestion Colors, improved Unknown Variable color, Debugger Colors and Link Colors</li>
  2064. <li>Updated Lighter scheme default color to be like VSC Lighter Theme</li>
  2065. <li>Improved Lighter Theme Foreground Color</li>
  2066. <li>Fix annotations</li>
  2067. </ul>1.0.2
  2068. <ul>
  2069. <li>Starting writing documentation</li>
  2070. <li>Optimization improvements</li>
  2071. </ul>1.0.0
  2072. <ul>
  2073. <li>Release</li>
  2074. </ul>0.12.0
  2075. <ul>
  2076. <li>New components: slider and radio buttons</li>
  2077. </ul>0.11.0
  2078. <ul>
  2079. <li>Targeting 2017.3</li>
  2080. </ul>0.10.6
  2081. <ul>
  2082. <li>Fix ComboboxAction and IdeaButtonLookAction in 2017.3</li>
  2083. <li>Set default color for "NOT CHANGED" file status</li>
  2084. <li>Set directories color from "Up to date" file status</li>
  2085. <li>Fix issue with Run Configurations</li>
  2086. <li>Fix Scratches Color in the tree</li>
  2087. </ul>0.10.5
  2088. <ul>
  2089. <li>Bug fixes due to the passage to 2017.3</li>
  2090. </ul>0.10.4
  2091. <ul>
  2092. <li>Fix Tabbed Pane color in Arc and One Dark</li>
  2093. <li>Fix background color of list selected items in One Dark</li>
  2094. <li>Add babelrc.json to babel icon association</li>
  2095. <li>Fix (hopefully) the NullPointerException due to not being recognized File Colors</li>
  2096. </ul>0.10.3
  2097. <ul>
  2098. <li>Material One Dark Color Scheme</li>
  2099. </ul>0.10.2
  2100. <ul>
  2101. <li>Atom One Dark Theme</li>
  2102. <li>Move icons outside of fileIcons for better "disable Material Icons"</li>
  2103. </ul>0.10.1
  2104. <ul>
  2105. <li>Fix issue with module directories taking the default icon in PyCharm</li>
  2106. <li>Added icons for the theme switcher (thanks @halacoglu https://github.com/halacoglu/sublime-material-icon-pack)</li>
  2107. <li>Rework MTWallpaper Component to fix remaining issues</li>
  2108. <li>Fix accents not being loaded with Material Theme disabled</li>
  2109. <li>Improve Arc Dark Theme</li>
  2110. </ul>0.10.0 (alpha)
  2111. <ul>
  2112. <li>Two new themes: Monokai and Arc Dark</li>
  2113. <li>Custom Theme Support (alpha - please read README)</li>
  2114. </ul>0.9.4
  2115. <ul>
  2116. <li>Improvements of Lighter Theme. Now Lighter Theme extends IntelliJ Look And Feel instead of Darcula.</li>
  2117. <li>Fix issues with No Material Theme that triggered some NPEs</li>
  2118. <li>Changed Tree foreground color for Lighter Theme</li>
  2119. <li>Added more UI Icons</li>
  2120. </ul>0.9.3
  2121. <ul>
  2122. <li>Fix issue with projects open (https://github.com/mallowigi/material-theme-jetbrains-eap/issues/145)</li>
  2123. <li>Possibly fix issue with 100% CPU (https://github.com/mallowigi/material-theme-jetbrains-eap/issues/143)</li>
  2124. <li>Fix import icon size (https://github.com/mallowigi/material-theme-jetbrains-eap/issues/147)</li>
  2125. <li>Change deprecated color (https://github.com/mallowigi/material-theme-jetbrains-eap/issues/151)</li>
  2126. <li>Improve Disabled Material Theme</li>
  2127. </ul>0.9.2
  2128. <ul>
  2129. <li>Fix issue with File colors for Psi Icons</li>
  2130. <li>Fix issue with CPU 100% usage</li>
  2131. <li>Fix issue with breakpoint icon size</li>
  2132. </ul>
  2133. <ul>
  2134. <li>Fix issue with tool window icons in retina</li>
  2135. <li>Add more ui icons</li>
  2136. </ul>0.9.1
  2137. <ul>
  2138. <li>Remove uppercase bold tabs as a default and fix issue with project settings persistence</li>
  2139. <li>Revert fix of debugger tab height as it breaks other tabs</li>
  2140. </ul>0.9.0
  2141. <ul>
  2142. <li>Add custom accent color configuration</li>
  2143. <li>Add Uppercase bold tabs to look more like MDTabs</li>
  2144. <li>Add Compact Sidebar height configuration</li>
  2145. <li>Reduce minimal length of tabs to 18</li>
  2146. <li>Add a border to the editor when tabs placement is left or right</li>
  2147. <li>More UI Icons</li>
  2148. </ul>0.8.1
  2149. <ul>
  2150. <li>Fix issue with Contrast action button not working</li>
  2151. <li>Fix issues with not themed popups</li>
  2152. <li>Add accent color to non-themed search bars</li>
  2153. <li>Add background color to search result</li>
  2154. </ul>
  2155. <ul>
  2156. <li>Fix issue with custom file statuses not being colorable</li>
  2157. <li>Themed Material Combobox Action button</li>
  2158. </ul>0.8.0
  2159. <ul>
  2160. <li>Fix Checkbox style in Material Components disabled</li>
  2161. <li>Allow customization of file status colors</li>
  2162. <li>Rewrite Wallpaper component to unset the wallpaper on exit</li>
  2163. <li>Fix height of debug tabs</li>
  2164. <li>More UI Icons</li>
  2165. </ul>
  2166. <ul>
  2167. <li>Changed javascript instance member color</li>
  2168. <li>Changed javascript icon</li>
  2169. </ul>0.7.3
  2170. <ul>
  2171. <li>Material Checkboxes</li>
  2172. </ul>
  2173. <ul>
  2174. <li>Fix issue with file colors (https://github.com/mallowigi/material-theme-jetbrains-eap/issues/105)</li>
  2175. <li>Fix issue with line highlight accent (https://github.com/mallowigi/material-theme-jetbrains-eap/issues/104)</li>
  2176. </ul>0.7.2
  2177. <ul>
  2178. <li>Convert old "Bold tabs option" into "bold directories"</li>
  2179. <li>Tree colors like the sublime theme</li>
  2180. <li>Selected Tree Line like in the Sublime Theme</li>
  2181. <li>Set opened folders with accent theme like in Sublime</li>
  2182. <li>Add PHP, Python and more General UI Icons</li>
  2183. </ul>
  2184. <ul>
  2185. <li>Theme the VCS Log Merge and Own Commits</li>
  2186. <li>Better colors for selected Tool Window buttons</li>
  2187. </ul>0.7.1
  2188. <ul>
  2189. <li>Fix Hide File Icons</li>
  2190. <li>Fix Objective C and Coffeescript colors</li>
  2191. <li>Set TabsHeight as scalable for High DPI</li>
  2192. <li>Removing bold tabs support</li>
  2193. </ul>
  2194. <ul>
  2195. <li>Changing accent colors now update icons as well (needs close project)</li>
  2196. <li>VCS icons</li>
  2197. <li>Fix Status Indicator cut on Windows (https://github.com/mallowigi/material-theme-jetbrains-eap/issues/89)</li>
  2198. <li>Fix Project Icon as accent hoverable (https://github.com/mallowigi/material-theme-jetbrains-eap/issues/88)</li>
  2199. <li>Revert default font to 12px since it makes the text too big (blur is okay i guess)</li>
  2200. <li>Fix unreadable font (https://github.com/mallowigi/material-theme-jetbrains-eap/issues/98)</li>
  2201. </ul>
  2202. <ul>
  2203. <li>Fix contrast mode not applying (https://github.com/mallowigi/material-theme-jetbrains-eap/issues/84)</li>
  2204. <li>Fix issues with Action buttons (https://github.com/mallowigi/material-theme-jetbrains-eap/issues/93)</li>
  2205. <li>Set Roboto default size to 14px (https://github.com/mallowigi/material-theme-jetbrains-eap/issues/87)</li>
  2206. <li>Fix Custom Tree Indent (https://github.com/mallowigi/material-theme-jetbrains-eap/issues/92)</li>
  2207. </ul>0.7.0
  2208. <ul>
  2209. <li>Padded table rows</li>
  2210. <li>Material Design Number Inputs (with disabled support)</li>
  2211. <li>Material Design Dropdowns (Comboboxes)</li>
  2212. <li>Material Design Action Buttons Style</li>
  2213. <li>Add more transparency to Tree Selections</li>
  2214. <li>Support for Accent Colors!</li>
  2215. <li>More UI Icons</li>
  2216. <li>Fix Tool Window Issue (https://github.com/mallowigi/material-theme-jetbrains-eap/issues/82)</li>
  2217. </ul>
  2218. <ul>
  2219. <li>Disable PHP file association and instead make use of PHP Psi Icons</li>
  2220. </ul>0.6.0
  2221. <ul>
  2222. <li>Fix issue with Merge branches window</li>
  2223. <li>Put Material Theme options under "Appearance"</li>
  2224. <li>Add Actions for Settings: Compact Sidebar, Compact Statusbar, Material Theme, Material Components, Material Icons, Status Bar Indicator and Project View Decorators </li>
  2225. <li>Add actions for Hide File Icons, Bigger Tabs and set actions as toggles</li>
  2226. <li>Themed Action UI Icons, General UI Icons and Debugger UI Icons</li>
  2227. <li>Refactor classes so we can make use of Actions.</li>
  2228. <li>Inserted Checkstyle and Copyright</li>
  2229. </ul>0.5.3
  2230. <ul>
  2231. <li>Customizable status bar height</li>
  2232. <li>Replace Loader when opening big files with Material one</li>
  2233. <li>Make better colors for Memory Indicator for Darker, Lighter and Palenight</li>
  2234. <li>Fix issue with caret (#379)</li>
  2235. <li>Add docker compose yaml association (thanks @thaffenden)</li>
  2236. <li>Other fixes</li>
  2237. </ul>0.5.2
  2238. <p>Fix many issues related to Lighter theme: - Breakpoint colors - Autocomplete - Tree colors - Notifications color - Progress bar - Memory indicator - Scrollbars - Also removed None theme since we can simply uncheck the option in the settings</p>0.5.1
  2239. <p>Small update so I can have feedback about possible bugs - Material Headers (experimental)</p>0.5.0
  2240. <p>This version is more focused on the UI: - Themed Scrollbars - Material Table Headers - Material Inputs (not applicable everywhere at the moment) - Material Passwords (with option of showing passwords) - Material Tabs - Add option to disable Material Theme only (leaving components, tabs and other options on) - Tab Height customizable - Notification colors - Custom Tree Indents - Better Dialog titles - More UI Icons - Bug fixes (and possibly improvements)</p> 0.4.4
  2241. <ul>
  2242. <li>Added remaining options to TopHitProvider</li>
  2243. <li>Tinted Icon implementation</li>
  2244. <li>Redesigned folders to suit the MT icons (though help is appreciated)</li>
  2245. <li>Added custom file colors (Scope)</li>
  2246. <li>Add theme changer to Quick Switch (Ctrl+~)</li>
  2247. <li>More UI Icons</li>
  2248. </ul>0.4.3
  2249. <ul>
  2250. <li>Fix issue with Statusbar option not being saved</li>
  2251. <li>Add bigger file icons for original ones (sass, php, ruby...)</li>
  2252. <li>More file icons: Chef, Cucumber, EJS, Jinja, Freemarker, PHPunits, Typings, Visio, VS</li>
  2253. <li>Hide exceptions about IndexOutOfBounds</li>
  2254. <li>Show red icon for excluded open files</li>
  2255. <li>Remove old PSI icons to use IntelliJ's</li>
  2256. <li>Change pin icons (alpha)</li>
  2257. <li>Better icons for expand and collapse (alpha)</li>
  2258. <li>Fix bad associations</li>
  2259. </ul>0.4.1
  2260. <ul>
  2261. <li>Change behavior of custom wallpaper to not disable the background if the user unchecks the option, allowing to set custom wallpaper with the IDE </li>
  2262. <li>Add Disable option for the current theme indicator in the status bar</li>
  2263. <li>Fix issue with SQLite icon</li>
  2264. <li>Theme notification popups</li>
  2265. <li>Add Indicator in Status Bar for current theme</li>
  2266. <li>Fix some filelist icons</li>
  2267. </ul>0.4.0
  2268. <ul>
  2269. <li>A lot more file icons!</li>
  2270. <li>Fix partly syntax highlight for HOCON, Groovy, ERB, Scala, Kotlin and Hibernate</li>
  2271. <li>Fix issue with light color schemes not being saved</li>
  2272. <li>Fix issue with Background getting overriden</li>
  2273. <li>Fix issue with settings not being saved</li>
  2274. <li>Fix #92</li>
  2275. <li>Fix: Do not try to replace all icons, if an icon is not provided use Jetbrains one.</li>
  2276. <li>Refactor project: put the selected theme in the MTConfig + better folder structure</li>
  2277. <li>Add more icons: Access, Word, Powerpoint, Excel, Audio, Video, Elm, Go, Hack, Julia, Pug, Kotlin, Maya, Markup, Premiere, Powershell, Rake, Riot, Stata, Sublime, Vim </li>
  2278. <li>Fix PHP + JS Code Schemes</li>
  2279. <li>New: Background image for empty IDE with customization available in options</li>
  2280. <li>New: Option to hide file icons in the Project View</li>
  2281. <li>New: Option to disable Material Icons</li>
  2282. <li>New: Option to disable Project View decorators</li>
  2283. <li>New: Option to select compact (and not compact) project view</li>
  2284. <li>New icons: Akka, Ada, Android</li>
  2285. <li>New UI Icons</li>
  2286. <li>Progress indicators</li>
  2287. <li>Set light version of contrast mode (though it needs to be in IntelliJ LAF)</li>
  2288. <li>Revert better contrast as it breaks theme switching :'(</li>
  2289. <li>Code coverage colors</li>
  2290. <li>Notification, Information and Documentation popups</li>
  2291. <li>Quick info theming</li>
  2292. <li>Parameter info theming</li>
  2293. <li>Smart completion theming</li>
  2294. <li>Documentation popup theming</li>
  2295. <li>Better contrast mode</li>
  2296. <li>Accent tab close button</li>
  2297. </ul>
  2298. <ul>
  2299. <li>Fix association for Angular files</li>
  2300. <li>Fix tests</li>
  2301. </ul>
  2302. <p>Thanks to @mallowigi for taking the project to the next level. This is all him: - Code coverage colors - Notification, Information and Documentation popups - Fix Python Color schemes - Fix Go Color Schemes - New Python component to take the right file icon - Fix next occurence wrong icon - Restore accidently deleted edit icons - C and CPP color schemes - Add option to set bold tabs - Add toggle options to Search Everything - Change trees collapse and expand icons - Themed IDE icons: Checkout, Project Structure, Back, Forward, History, Up, Down, Step Into, Step Out, Compile, Jars, Library... - Other bug fixes and improvements - Fix button background not taking the full width - Themed Memory Indicator - Add .pcss file icon - Fix Console colors - Align text and menu colors with the original theme - Welcome Screen theming - Progress Bar theming - Striped tables theming - Remove some borders added by Darcula - Focused buttons are now distinguable - Paint new breadcrumbs - Restore plugin.xml icon - Make buttons stand out a bit more anyway - Fix Rider error - Fix Ruby Colors schemes - Add option in the settings to enable/disable the new buttons look - Fix issue with Font Scale on HiDPI screens - Put the active tab higlight on the left instead of the right when choosing Placement left. - Messages bundle for easy replacing texts - New Buttons! Now buttons look even more like the Sublime plugin! - Add simple implementation of disabling the Material Theme (only the colors) - Fix some colors again... - Some colors were lost during the last update. This update should fix them. - Fix custom font issue. - Fix issue with theme switcher when some parts of the UI do not update - (hopefully) fix font apply - Updated color schemes to reflect the Sublime plugin's color schemes - New option: <strong>Contrast mode</strong>. This will allow you to apply a higher contrasted Look and feel - Allow resetting the Active Tab settings with the default ones - Updated file status colors: modified, added, ignored, conflicts... - Replace the "asterisk" icon with an "*edit*" material icon - Set Open and closed folders according to open tabs (still buggy) - Now the active tab indicator is following the user's tabs placement settings! - Started creating settings for customizing the plugin. - Active tab indicator color - Active tab indicator thickness - Fixed issue with tabs in last EAP - Update file icons to use the latest icons from the original Sublime theme repository. - Added a new theme, the <strong>Palenight</strong> theme, that is a violet shade of the Default theme. - Prevent file icons from being assigned to classes, methods, etc. - #285 @mjdetullio - Separate psd icons from the images group - #292 @Freezystem - Set parent scheme for dark themes to Darcula - #289 @vsch - Load MT file icons before anything else - #292 @mallowigi - Fix font overriding - #279 @mallowigi - Context and menu lighter border - #281 - Add file association for <code>.yaml</code> files - #297 @thaffenden - Add Dart icon - #296 @seanjohnite - Add <code>htpasswd</code> to htaccess group - @Freezystem - Add icons for <code>package.json, gruntfile, gulpfile</code> and <code>webpack</code> - @mallowigi - Set better color for Parameter hints - @mallowigi</p>0.2.3Changed
  2303. <ul>
  2304. <li>Updated Gradle wrapper</li>
  2305. </ul>Added
  2306. <ul>
  2307. <li>File icon: Rust <code>*.rs</code> - #240</li>
  2308. <li>File icon: ES/ES6 <code>*.es|*.es6</code> - #240</li>
  2309. </ul>0.2.2Fixed
  2310. <ul>
  2311. <li>Android Studio fix. #220</li>
  2312. <li>No need to override the application icons, so those are deleted.</li>
  2313. <li>Fixes UI icons for recent versions of platform. @mallowigi</li>
  2314. <li>Issue #258 fix crashes on Windows for IntelliJ IDEA 2016.3. @bulenkov</li>
  2315. <li>More sensible colors for diffs. @hypnoglow</li>
  2316. </ul>0.2.1Fixed
  2317. <ul>
  2318. <li>Hopefully a final fix for issue #205, IDEA-157843 and IDEA-156327</li>
  2319. </ul>0.2.0Fixed
  2320. <ul>
  2321. <li>Improved visibility for diffs on default color scheme. Thanks @marvhock - #208</li>
  2322. <li>Hopefully fixed issue #205, <a href="https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-157843" rel="nofollow">IDEA-157843</a> and <a href="https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-156327" rel="nofollow">IDEA-156327</a></li>
  2323. <li>Merged recent changes made to the platform</li>
  2324. </ul>Added
  2325. <ul>
  2326. <li>SidePanel background color (Preferences)</li>
  2327. </ul>0.1.9Fixed
  2328. <ul>
  2329. <li>Fails to launch when using Darker or Lighter theme. Thanks @robertfreund - #187</li>
  2330. <li>Kotlin syntax highlighting - #153</li>
  2331. </ul>Added
  2332. <ul>
  2333. <li>File icon: Kotlin - <code>*.kt</code></li>
  2334. <li>File icon: Liquid - Shopify templating language - <code>*.liquid</code></li>
  2335. <li>File icon: Lua - <code>*.lua</code></li>
  2336. <li>File icon: LICENSE files</li>
  2337. </ul>0.1.8Fixed
  2338. <ul>
  2339. <li>In some cases getVirtualFile() for psi elements can be null. Fixes #172, #175 - @anstarovoyt</li>
  2340. <li>Vertical tabs highlight - @Cyberdelia1987</li>
  2341. <li>Fixes an error which caused the plugin to misbehave in non-java ide's. See #177</li>
  2342. </ul>Added
  2343. <ul>
  2344. <li>File icon: React <code>*.jsx</code> - #162</li>
  2345. <li>File icon: PHTML <code>*.phtml</code></li>
  2346. <li>File icon: Gradle <code>*.gradle</code> - #140</li>
  2347. <li>File icon: Text <code>*.txt</code></li>
  2348. </ul>0.1.7Added
  2349. <ul>
  2350. <li>This changelog</li>
  2351. <li>Identifier under caret - Error Stripe Mark</li>
  2352. </ul>Changed
  2353. <ul>
  2354. <li>Don't grab blade files with PHP regex</li>
  2355. </ul>Fixed
  2356. <ul>
  2357. <li>Fix issues with the color schemes.</li>
  2358. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><rating>4.4</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='2592' size='8544' date='1447068905000' url=''><name>Project Label</name><id>com.drinchev.projectlabel</id><description><![CDATA[Project label creates a small label on the bottom right project window with the name and a changeable color.
  2359. <br />
  2360. <br />
  2361. <strong>Note :</strong> For best results install Lato font from Google Fonts]]></description><version>0.9</version><vendor email='drinchev@gmail.com' url='https://github.com/drinchev/project-label'>Ivan Drinchev</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='141.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='1658' size='37262' date='1457183909000' url=''><name>ThinCaret</name><id>com.lostintimedev.java.idea.ThinCaret</id><description><![CDATA[Makes your editor caret 1 pixel thin (for retina users).
  2362. <br />]]></description><version>1.0.1</version><vendor email='support@lostintimedev.com' url='https://lostintimedev.com/'>LostintimeDev</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='131.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[1.0.1 Fixed configuration pane for idea16.
  2363. <br />]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='79788' size='137256' date='1460822433000' url=''><name>Afterglow Theme</name><id>com.widerwille.afterglow</id><description><![CDATA[<p>Theme based on the <a href="https://github.com/YabataDesign/afterglow-theme" rel="nofollow">Afterglow Sublime Text</a> theme. It replaces the sidebar icons and sidebar background colour, source code is available under the MIT license on <a href="https://github.com/JustSid/AfterglowIntelliJ" rel="nofollow">Github</a>. This theme is an extension of the Darcular theme, which should be applied.</p>
  2364. <p>Forks and pull requests are welcome, although I also take Github issues :)</p>]]></description><version>1.0.8</version><vendor email='justsid@widerwille.com' url='http://widerwille.com'>Sidney Just</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='141.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<ul>
  2365. <b>1.0.8</b>
  2366. <li>Fixes icons getting accidentally replaced</li>
  2367. <li>Fixed NullPointerException</li>
  2368. </ul>
  2369. <ul>
  2370. <b>1.0.7</b>
  2371. <li>Added icon for Vue (supporting vue-for-idea and vue.js plugins)</li>
  2372. <li>Fixed files losing their extension (for example the CMake icon in CLion would become the text icon after some time)</li>
  2373. <li>Fixed icons like PyCharm's Python icon not showing their Afterglow goodness</li>
  2374. </ul>
  2375. <ul>
  2376. <b>1.0.6</b>
  2377. <li>Added icon for Swift</li>
  2378. <li>Added icon for Rust (intellij-rust Plugin)</li>
  2379. <li>Fixed slow context (right-click) menus under Windows. If you are still experiencing slow downs, please <a href="https://github.com/JustSid/AfterglowIntelliJ/issues" rel="nofollow">file an issue</a></li>
  2380. <li>Fixed missing folder icon in the Windows File -&gt; New menu</li>
  2381. </ul>
  2382. <ul>
  2383. <b>1.0.5</b>
  2384. <li>Fixed broken file icons in the File -&gt; New menu (big thanks to <a href="https://github.com/gicmo" rel="nofollow">gicmo</a> for the pull request)</li>
  2385. <li>The Afterglow settings are now stored in the IntelliJ app config folder (big thanks to <a href="https://github.com/gicmo" rel="nofollow">gicmo</a> for the pull request)</li>
  2386. </ul>
  2387. <ul>
  2388. <b>1.0.4</b>
  2389. <li>Added support for Gulp and Bower (big thanks to <a href="https://github.com/grundic" rel="nofollow">grundic</a> for the pull request)</li>
  2390. <li>Added support for Scala (big thanks to <a href="https://github.com/drhumlen" rel="nofollow">drhumlen</a> for the pull request)</li>
  2391. <li>Fixed AppCode 3.4 EAP support</li>
  2392. </ul>
  2393. <ul>
  2394. <b>1.0.3</b>
  2395. <li>Fixed some directories not being coloured properply, this especially affected AppCode. Sorry, got too excited with the previous release and released it too early</li>
  2396. <li>Fixed the change log HTML</li>
  2397. </ul>
  2398. <ul>
  2399. <b>1.0.2</b>
  2400. <li>Added support for the original Afterglow color schemes (default, blue, green, orange and magenta). This can be changed in the settings</li>
  2401. <li>Replaced the default collapse and expand icons with the + and - icons from Afterglow</li>
  2402. </ul>
  2403. <ul>
  2404. <b>1.0.1</b>
  2405. <li>Added support for the Markdown and MarkdownSupport plugin</li>
  2406. <li>Added support for the 'npm file' file type</li>
  2407. <li>Fixed the description to be well formed HTML</li>
  2408. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>4.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='3985' size='39505' date='1459428610000' url=''><name>Wallpaper</name><id>org.typowriter.intellij.plugins.wallpaper</id><description><![CDATA[intellij wallpaper plugin]]></description><version>0.0.2</version><vendor email='cocuh.kk@gmail.com' url='http://typowriter.org'>cocuh</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='141.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<dl>
  2409. <dt>
  2410. 0.0.2
  2411. </dt>
  2412. <dd>
  2413. change descriptions
  2414. </dd>
  2415. <dt>
  2416. 0.0.1
  2417. </dt>
  2418. <dd>
  2419. release
  2420. </dd>
  2421. </dl>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>4.2</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='1075' size='8014' date='1460833781000' url=''><name>Window Sizer</name><id>fr.gwallet.intellij.windowsizer</id><description><![CDATA[<p>Center and resize the project window to predefined dimensions, or ask for a custom one if needed.</p>
  2422. <p>Available for IntelliJ platform ≥ 135, <em>/!\ Requires Java 8 Runtime /!\</em></p>
  2423. <p>Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0</p>]]></description><version>1.0.1</version><vendor email='' url='https://github.com/gwallet/intellij-windowsizer'>Guillaume Wallet</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='135.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<dl>
  2424. <dt>
  2425. 1.0.1 - 2016-04-16 : bug fix
  2426. </dt>
  2427. <dd>
  2428. [FIX #1] : Make it available for all IntelliJ platform based product
  2429. </dd>
  2430. <dt>
  2431. 1.0 - 2016-04-14 : Initial release
  2432. </dt>
  2433. <dd>
  2434. <p>3 actions in <em>Window</em> menu :<br></p>
  2435. <ul>
  2436. <li>Resize ... : display a popup to customize the new project window dimension</li>
  2437. <li>Resize 1280 x 720</li>
  2438. <li>Resize 1920 x 1080</li>
  2439. </ul>
  2440. </dd>
  2441. </dl>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='782' size='41924' date='1467901496000' url=''><name>Quick Launch</name><id>com.kotcrab.quicklaunch</id><description><![CDATA[Quick Launch plugin lets you favorite run configurations and quickly access them from new tool window. This greatly help if you constantly need to change active run configuration in your project for example when you have separate configuration for server and application or a game and editor.]]></description><version>1.0</version><vendor email='' url='https://www.kotcrab.com'>Kotcrab</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='141.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[1.0 - Initial release]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='24837' size='39726' date='1494564957000' url=''><name>Background Image Plus</name><id>co.notime.intellijPlugin.backgroundImagePlus</id><description><![CDATA[Set the editor background to a random picture from a folder.
  2442. <br>]]></description><version>1.2.1</version><vendor email='lachlan.krautz@gmail.com' url='http://github.com/lachlankrautz'>Lachlan Krautz</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='162.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[New feature: auto change background at interval]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>4.7</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='6194' size='14002' date='1470142414000' url=''><name>ThemeSwitcher</name><id>com.javils.ThemeSwitcher</id><description><![CDATA[Change the theme of IDE between Darcula and Default depends of the hour that you put into the Settings. You can change the hours in Preferences &gt; Other Settings &gt; Theme Switcher. Or you can change the theme Manually in Tool &gt; Change Theme.]]></description><version>1.2</version><vendor email='javiluke93@gmail.com' url=''>JaviLS</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='131.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Now the plugin change automatically the theme when the times comes.]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>3.5</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='11279' size='51837' date='1508726406000' url=''><name>CPU Usage Indicator</name><id>krasa.CpuUsageIndicator</id><description><![CDATA[CPU Usage Indicator in the status bar, just like the Memory Indicator.
  2443. <br> Also contains actions for performance problems diagnostics.
  2444. <br> - left click on the panel generates a thread dump (useful when the IDE is doing something on the background and you want to know what).
  2445. <br> - configuration GUI for Performance Watcher (IDE's bundled automatic thread dumper for frozen UI). You can configure it to dump even for shorter freezes than is the default: 5 second.
  2446. <br> Note:
  2447. <br> -it is painted in a background thread, not EDT, so it will update even when the GUI is stuck
  2448. <br> -getting the process usage is a quite expensive operation :(
  2449. <br>]]></description><version>1.8</version><vendor email='vojta.krasa@gmail.com' url='https://github.com/krasa/CpuUsageIndicator'>Vojtech
  2450. Krasa</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='172.450' /><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='473' size='33424' date='1511547109000' url=''><name>ColorBlindnessSupport</name><id>com.jetbrains.malenkov.color.blindness.support</id><description><![CDATA[For people with color vision deficiency: a plug-in for IDEs based on the IntelliJ platform.]]></description><version>0.2</version><vendor email='malenkov@gmail.com' url='http://sites.google.com/site/malenkov/'>Sergey Malenkov</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='171.2931' /><change-notes><![CDATA[fixed exception from converted UISettings]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='484' size='261180' date='1481723187000' url=''><name>Flagiarism</name><id>Flagiarism</id><description><![CDATA[<p>The plugin matches root package names to country code top-level domains and replaces 'package' icon with the flag.</p>
  2451. <img width="400" height="361" src="https://plugins.jetbrains.com/files/9311/screenshot_16498.png">
  2452. <br>
  2453. <br>
  2454. <p>Resource files with names like 'name_lang.properties' are also affected.</p>
  2455. <img width="400" height="400" src="https://plugins.jetbrains.com/files/9311/screenshot_16499.png">]]></description><version>1.1</version><vendor email='Vassiliy.Kudryashov@jetbrains.com' url=''>Vassiliy Kudryashov</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='1288' size='714668' date='1503560700000' url=''><name>TinyPic</name><id>com.shenjiajun.TinyPic</id><description><![CDATA[compress images use TinyPng api.
  2456. <br>]]></description><version>1.0.3</version><vendor email='shenjiajun53@qq.com' url='https://github.com/shenjiajun53/TinyPic'>ShenJiajun</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[fix bug that do not work on Android Studio2.3+ 解决不能在Android Studio2.3以上版本使用的bug]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='2222' size='896233' date='1513611640000' url=''><name>hidpi-profiles</name><id>ms.konovalov.intellij.hidpi-profiles</id><description><![CDATA[Plugin provides possibility to create several UI profiles for different screen resolutions and easily toggle between them.
  2457. <br> This plugin might be useful for Linux users with several displays of different resolutions.
  2458. <br>
  2459. <br> To start using this plugin:
  2460. <br> 1) Set up all the fonts sizes in your IDE. Plugin supports:
  2461. <br>
  2462. <ul>
  2463. <li>Default system font size and type;</li>
  2464. <li>Editor font size and type;</li>
  2465. <li>Console font size and type.</li>
  2466. </ul> Then go to
  2467. <b>Settings &gt; Appearance &amp; Behavior &gt; HIDPI profiles &gt; Add current profile</b> and save your profile.
  2468. <br>
  2469. <br>
  2470. <img src="https://github.com/mskonovalov/intellij-hidpi-profiles/raw/2017.1/_preview/create_profile.gif">
  2471. <br>
  2472. <br> 2) Toggle between profiles in main menu "HIDPI profiles"
  2473. <br>
  2474. <br>
  2475. <img src="https://github.com/mskonovalov/intellij-hidpi-profiles/raw/2017.1/_preview/switch_profile.gif">
  2476. <br>
  2477. <br> If you like my plugin and want to thank now you can
  2478. <a href="https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_donations&amp;business=A4M96N5FM5GGY&amp;lc=US&amp;item_name=HIDPI+Profiles+Development&amp;no_note=0&amp;curency_code=USD&amp;bn=PP-DonationsBF:btn_donateCC_LG.gif:NonHosted" rel="nofollow">by me a beer</a>]]></description><version>2017.1.2</version><vendor email='mskonovalov@gmail.com' url=''>mskonovalov</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='171.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<b>Version 2017.1.2:</b>
  2479. <ul>
  2480. <li>Now it is possible to save font family</li>
  2481. <li>Fixed issue with Material Theme UI plugin</li>
  2482. <li>Now profile deactivates automatically when you change one of corresponding settings</li>
  2483. <li>Re-written with Kotlin</li>
  2484. </ul>
  2485. <b>Version 2017.1.1:</b>
  2486. <ul>
  2487. <li>Support for Intellij IDEA 2017.1 and above</li>
  2488. </ul>
  2489. <b>Version 2016.3.1:</b>
  2490. <ul>
  2491. <li>Support for Intellij IDEA 2016.2 and 2016.3</li>
  2492. </ul>
  2493. <b>Version 0.0.1:</b>
  2494. <ul>
  2495. <li>Initial release</li>
  2496. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='4366' size='44215' date='1506965025000' url=''><name>Active Intellij Tab Highlighter</name><id>com.tobszarny.activetabhighlighter.plugin.id</id><description><![CDATA[Active Tab Highlighter Plugin for IntelliJ family IDEs]]></description><version>1.3.1</version><vendor email='tomasz.obszarny.ga@gmail.com' url='https://github.com/tobszarny'>tobszarny</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Fixed issues with "distraction free" and "presentation mode" tobszarny/ActiveTabHighlighterPlugin#6]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>4.5</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='232' size='9960' date='1490538248000' url=''><name>MvpHelpPlugin</name><id>com.dragon.mvphelp</id><description><![CDATA[A mvp development support plugin.
  2497. <br>]]></description><version>1.0</version><vendor email='gweinierfei@126.com' url='https://weinierfei.github.io/'>dragon</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Mvp生成插件
  2498. <br>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='2094' size='7092' date='1493568180000' url=''><name>Branch in Window Title</name><id>io.wisetime.plugins.window.branch</id><description><![CDATA[If a git repository is detected in the parent directory of a module, the current branch name is appended to the project name in the window title. If no git repository is present, the default behaviour / project name is used. This can be used to automate time allocation to ticketing systems via window managers such as WiseTime.]]></description><version>0.5.2</version><vendor email='' url=''>Thomas Haines</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Version 0.5.2 - Improved description and docs. Version 0.5.0 - Initial release.]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='582' size='43117' date='1501052080000' url=''><name>Custom Title</name><id>com.mabdurrahman.intellij.customtitle</id><description><![CDATA[Set your own template for IntelliJ's based IDE title bar. Uses underscore.js templates.
  2499. <br>]]></description><version>0.0.3</version><vendor email='ma.abdurrahman@gmail.com' url='http://github.com/mabdurrahman/custom-title-plugin'>Mahmoud Abdurrahman</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Module info (moduleName, modulePath) added to available variables for "File Title Template"]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='906' size='42672' date='1514722417000' url=''><name>Random Image Background</name><id>io.allandequeiroz.random.image.background</id><description><![CDATA[Set the editor background to a random picture from a folder.
  2500. <br>]]></description><version>1.2.1</version><vendor email='allandequeiroz@gmail.com' url='http://allandequeiroz.io'>Allan de Queiroz</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='162.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Inclusion of opacity control.
  2501. <br>
  2502. <br> -- Usage:
  2503. <br> Settings -&gt; Appearance &amp; Behaviour -&gt; Random Image Background
  2504. <br> -- Set the folder (recursive) to pull random background images from
  2505. <br> -- Set the time to change between images (seconds)
  2506. <br> -- Set the opacity
  2507. <br> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;--Left to dark
  2508. <br> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;--Right to light
  2509. <br>
  2510. <br> To disable the random behaviour, let Time (seconds) empty or to fully disable check the Disabled option
  2511. <br>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>3.7</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='215' size='17602' date='1503472657000' url=''><name>TabNumberIndicator</name><id>com.khande.idea.plugin.TabNumberIndicator</id><description><![CDATA[Display the tab number indicator before the opened file name int editor tabs.
  2512. <br> Switch To Tab 1-10 by default keyboard shortcut alt+[1-9, 0] in Win/Linux or Option+[1-9, 0] in macOS. and you can find the menus in Tools menu.
  2513. <br>]]></description><version>1.0</version><vendor email='komisha@163.com' url='https://github.com/Khande/TabNumberIndicator'>TabNumberIndicator</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Initial release.
  2514. <br>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='7885' size='765429' date='1506592022000' url=''><name>Atom File Icons IDEA</name><id>com.mallowigi</id><description><![CDATA[This is a port of the Atom File Icons (https://github.com/file-icons/atom) for Jetbrains products. The implementation has been taken from the Material Theme plugin (https://github.com/ChrisRM/material-theme-jetbrains)]]></description><version>1.0.4</version><vendor email='heliosaian@gmail.com' url='http://github.com/mallowigi'>Mallowigi</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>4.5</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='56418' size='211260' date='1516802652000' url=''><name>Rainbow Brackets</name><id>izhangzhihao.rainbow.brackets</id><description><![CDATA[<strong>Rainbow Brackets / Rainbow Parentheses for IntelliJ IDEA-based IDEs</strong>
  2515. <br>
  2516. <p>Supported languages:</p>
  2517. <p>Java, Scala, Clojure, Kotlin, Python, Haskell, Agda, Rust, JavaScript, TypeScript, Erlang, Go, Groovy, Ruby, Elixir, ObjectiveC, PHP, C#, HTML, XML, SQL, Apex language ...</p>
  2518. <br>
  2519. <p><img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/izhangzhihao/intellij-rainbow-brackets/IC-2017.2/screenshots/with-scala.png" alt="with-scala"></p>
  2520. <p><img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/izhangzhihao/intellij-rainbow-brackets/IC-2017.2/screenshots/with-kotlin.png" alt="with-kotlin"></p>
  2521. <p><img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/izhangzhihao/intellij-rainbow-brackets/IC-2017.2/screenshots/with-material-theme-ui.png" alt="with-material-theme-ui.png"></p>
  2522. <p><img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/izhangzhihao/intellij-rainbow-brackets/IC-2017.2/screenshots/with-HTML.png" alt="with-HTML.png"></p>]]></description><version>3.1.1</version><vendor email='izhangzhihao@hotmail.com' url='https://github.com/izhangzhihao'>izhangzhihao</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='172.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<p>3.1</p>
  2523. <ul>
  2524. <li>Add specific implement for PHP language</li>
  2525. </ul>
  2526. <br>
  2527. <p>3.0</p>
  2528. <ul>
  2529. <li>Version 3.0 has been released, with all RC features &amp; bug fix</li>
  2530. <li>Fix #23 Inconsistent colors</li>
  2531. <li>Fix #21 Wrong bracket colorization based on spaces</li>
  2532. <li>Fix #19 Kotlin expression inside string bug</li>
  2533. <li>Fix #12 Symbol less "&gt;" is considered as a bracket even without leading "&lt;"</li>
  2534. <li>Fix #11 Same level brackets should have same color</li>
  2535. <li>And much more!</li>
  2536. <li>Add specific implement for java/kotlin/scala/javascript</li>
  2537. <li>Add example to help people add specific implementation for specific language! </li>
  2538. <li>Check out README.md on github https://github.com/izhangzhihao/intellij-rainbow-brackets</li>
  2539. </ul>
  2540. <br>
  2541. <p>3.0-RC5:</p>
  2542. <ul>
  2543. <li>Adjust colors for default light theme. Thanks to https://github.com/YiiGuxing</li>
  2544. </ul>
  2545. <p>3.0-RC4:</p>
  2546. <ul>
  2547. <li>Add specific implement for java/kotlin/scala</li>
  2548. <li>So now in java/kotlin/scala same level brackets should have same color.</li>
  2549. <li>Fix: #19:Kotlin expression inside string bug</li>
  2550. </ul>
  2551. <p>3.0-RC2:</p>
  2552. <ul>
  2553. <li>Remove option for enable/disable rainbow for HTML/XML</li>
  2554. </ul>
  2555. <p>3.0-RC1:</p>
  2556. <ul>
  2557. <li>Add new setting page to control what/how to colorify:</li>
  2558. <li>1. Add option to Enable/disable rainbow</li>
  2559. <li>2. Add option to Enable rainbow for any unsupported languages</li>
  2560. <li>3. Add option to Enable/disable rainbow for HTML/XML</li>
  2561. <li>4. Add option to Enable/disable rainbow for round brackets</li>
  2562. <li>5. Add option to Enable/disable rainbow for squiggly brackets</li>
  2563. <li>6. Add option to Enable/disable rainbow for square brackets</li>
  2564. <li>7. Add option to Enable/disable rainbow for angle brackets</li>
  2565. </ul>
  2566. <p>2.6:</p>
  2567. <ul>
  2568. <li>Add support for salesforce apex language, thanks for https://github.com/onisuly </li>
  2569. </ul>
  2570. <p>2.5:</p>
  2571. <ul>
  2572. <li>Fix Rust support, thanks for https://github.com/fst3a </li>
  2573. </ul>
  2574. <p>2.4:</p>
  2575. <ul>
  2576. <li>Add support for SQL</li>
  2577. </ul>
  2578. <p>2.3:</p>
  2579. <ul>
  2580. <li>Add support for HTML/XML</li>
  2581. </ul>
  2582. <p>2.2:</p>
  2583. <ul>
  2584. <li>Add support for C#</li>
  2585. </ul>
  2586. <p>2.1:</p>
  2587. <ul>
  2588. <li>New identifiable colors</li>
  2589. </ul>
  2590. <p>2.0:</p>
  2591. <ul>
  2592. <li>Rainbowify brackets more faster ! </li>
  2593. </ul>
  2594. <p>1.1:</p>
  2595. <ul>
  2596. <li>Support IntelliJ IDEA based IDEs version 14 and above</li>
  2597. </ul>
  2598. <p>1.0:</p>
  2599. <ul>
  2600. <li>Initial release</li>
  2601. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='128' size='8650' date='1508361196000' url=''><name>Preserve Layout Plugin</name><id>com.duseev.intellij.preservelayout</id><description><![CDATA[This plugin provides Export &amp; Import functionality for IntelliJ window layout. Preserve your favorite layout across different projects.
  2602. <br> Plugin is accessible via
  2603. <b>Window Menu</b>:
  2604. <ul>
  2605. <li><b>Export project layout:</b> export current window layout to 'layout.xml'</li>
  2606. <li><b>Import project layout:</b> import 'layout.xml' into current project</li>
  2607. </ul>
  2608. <br>
  2609. <b>Important Note:</b> You have to reopen a project after layout import to apply changes.
  2610. <br>
  2611. <br> Feature improvements:
  2612. <ul>
  2613. <li>Get rid of need to reopen a project</li>
  2614. </ul>
  2615. <br> Plugin documentation &amp; Sources are available at
  2616. <a href="https://github.com/vduseev/preserve-layout-plugin" rel="nofollow">GitHub</a>]]></description><version>1.1</version><vendor email='vagiz@duseev.com' url='http://duseev.com'>Duseev.com</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Oct 18, 2017 (ver 1.1) - Fixed Issue #17: Plugin does not work in CLion - Plugin Menu is now under Window Menu]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>1.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='307' size='13658' date='1511665592000' url=''><name>Nested Brackets Colorer</name><id>com.github.ArtsiomCh.NestedBracketsColorer</id><description><![CDATA[Coloring nested round () and square [] brackets starting from the second level at next languages:
  2617. <br> -
  2618. <b>Java</b> (built-in Java plugin required)
  2619. <br> -
  2620. <b>Kotlin</b> (built-in
  2621. <a href="https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/6954-kotlin" rel="nofollow">Kotlin plugin</a> required)
  2622. <br> -
  2623. <b>Flex</b> (
  2624. <a href="https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/6606-grammar-kit" rel="nofollow">Grammar-Kit plugin</a> required)
  2625. <br> -
  2626. <b>PHP</b> and
  2627. <b>JavaScript/TypeScript</b> (tested with built-in PHP and JS plugins at PhpStorm)]]></description><version>0.0.2</version><vendor email='achapialiou@gmail.com' url='http://github.com/ArtsiomCh/NestedBracketsColorer'>Artsiom Chapialiou</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[0.0.2 Change colors to less "acidic"
  2628. <br> 0.0.1 Initial release]]></change-notes><depends>(optional) com.intellij.modules.java</depends><depends>(optional) org.jetbrains.idea.grammar</depends><depends>(optional) org.jetbrains.kotlin</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin></category><ff>"Code tools"</ff><category name="Code tools"><idea-plugin downloads='74914' size='2053169' date='1473037194000' url='https://github.com/BasLeijdekkers/MetricsReloaded'><name>MetricsReloaded</name><id>MetricsReloaded</id><description><![CDATA[Automated code metrics for IntelliJ IDEA and IntelliJ Platform IDEs. Lines of Code and file count metrics for all languages supported by your IDE and many more metrics for Java.
  2629. <br>
  2630. <br> Getting started
  2631. <p>Select the menu item <code>Help | Find Action...</code> and search for <code>Calculate Metrics...</code>. Try the <i>Lines of code metrics</i> profile first, if you haven't used MetricsReloaded before. </p>
  2632. <p>Metrics can also be calculated from the command line for integration into build servers. Enter <code>idea metrics -h</code> for help. For this to work IntelliJ IDEA must NOT be running.</p>]]></description><version>1.8</version><vendor email='basleijdekkers@gmail.com' url='https://twitter.com/inspectorbas'>Bas Leijdekkers</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='139.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[MetricsReloaded 1.8. Long overdue update with bugfixes and some minor new features.]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>4.3</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='22087' size='1113575' date='1459294997000' url=''><name>Compare Directories</name><id>Compare Directories</id><description><![CDATA[<p> Allows the fast comparison of two directories or archive files (jar, zip, war... and also tar/gz) based on file contents. Compared directories/archives are shown in a tree view to give a better and easier-to-read overall view of the differences.<br /> Compared directories/archives may contain archives in archives in archives in..., which are all opened and compared compressed file by compressed file.<br /> In IntelliJ IDEA, compiled Java class files can also be compared at the attribute/method level (option when starting the comparison).<br /> Comparisons can be run on any file or directory inside or outside the current project. </p>
  2633. <p> From the comparison tree view, single file differences (on both text and binary files) can easily be viewed and edited with the usual IDEA diff window. Left-side and right-side files can be separately opened as easily.<br /> You can also view differences in compiled Java class structure and bytecode using the usual IDEA diff window, thanks to the built-in Java disassembler.<br /> Blank-only differences in text files are detected, as well as user-defined differences in text files and differences in source file comments, called &laquo;non-significant differences&raquo;.<br /> The plugin provides some basic mass-merging facilities on compared files and directories (copy/delete on compared files or directories). </p>
  2634. <p> This plugin works on any IntelliJ Platform product, except the Java disassembler, which is only available on IntelliJ products bundled with Java ASM4 library. </p>
  2635. <p> For more information, please read the online help bundled with the plugin (complete plugin sources are also bundled for the IDEA plugin developers' convenience). </p>]]></description><version>1.1.4</version><vendor email='descout underscore olivier at yahoo dot fr' url=''>Olivier Descout</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='140.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Fixed regression introduced in previous release when opening diffs under non-Java IntelliJ-Platform-based products, such as PhpStorm.]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><rating>4.1</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='11717' size='162025' date='1491391397000' url='http://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/1124'><name>Tasks</name><id>Tasks</id><description><![CDATA[<p>I am considering rewriting this plugin from scratch. If you like to contribute some ideas, let me know on Github.</p>
  2636. <p></p>
  2637. <p>A plugin for keeping a list of tasks. A todo-list if you like.</p>
  2638. <p>This plugin is a fork of the original plugin with permission of Sergiy Dubovik</p>
  2639. <p>To contact me directly: nlsurfman@hotmail.com</p>
  2640. <p>Bugs can be reported here: <a href="https://github.com/NLSurfMan/tasks/issues" rel="nofollow">https://github.com/NLSurfMan/tasks/issues</a></p>]]></description><version>1.8.4</version><vendor email='nlsurfman@hotmail.com' url='https://github.com/NLSurfMan/tasks'>WarnerJan Veldhuis (Original author: Sergiy Dubovik)</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<p><u><b>Version 1.8.4 changes</b></u></p>
  2641. <p>Enhancements </p>
  2642. <ul>
  2643. <li>Updated the plugin to work with other applications built on the IntelliJ platform. (Tested with PyCharm 2017 and CLion 2017)</li>
  2644. </ul>
  2645. <p><u><b>Version 1.8.3 changes</b></u></p>
  2646. <p>Changes</p>
  2647. <ul>
  2648. <li>Updated to IntelliJ IDEA 2017.1</li>
  2649. </ul>
  2650. <p>Bugfixes</p>
  2651. <ul>
  2652. <li>Intention: switched content of before.java.template and after.java.template</li>
  2653. <li>Removed null from tooltip</li>
  2654. <li>AWT events are not allowed inside write action (https://github.com/NLSurfMan/tasks/issues/27)</li>
  2655. </ul>
  2656. <p><u><b>Version 1.8.2 changes</b></u></p>
  2657. <p>Bugfix</p>
  2658. <ul>
  2659. <li>"TaskSettings" appeared to be a reserved name. Had to change it to "TaskPluginSettings". Because of the name change, you will have to redo your settings</li>
  2660. </ul>
  2661. <p><u><b>Version 1.8 changes</b></u></p>
  2662. <p>Enhancements</p>
  2663. <ul>
  2664. <li>Full Drag and Drop support</li>
  2665. <li>Button for "Mark uncompleted"</li>
  2666. <li>Added frequently used functions on the toolbar</li>
  2667. <li>Tasks now have a long description</li>
  2668. <li>Start/stop buttons for keeping real-time track of spent time</li>
  2669. <li>Updated settings storage to Idea12 standards</li>
  2670. <li>Removed unnecessary code.</li>
  2671. <li>Made TaskSettings and TaskModel an applicationService</li>
  2672. <li>Expand/Collapse All buttons</li>
  2673. <li>Title can be edited directly in the tree by pressing F2</li>
  2674. <li>Changed e.isRightMouseButton() to e.isPopupTrigger()</li>
  2675. </ul>
  2676. <p>Bugfix</p>
  2677. <ul>
  2678. <li>updated to IntelliJ IDEA 12</li>
  2679. <li>Set default button on TaskForm</li>
  2680. <li>Disabled DnD when using filters and groups</li>
  2681. <li>Tree is updated per node, instead of an entire update</li>
  2682. </ul>
  2683. <p>Other</p>
  2684. <ul>
  2685. <li>Updated Copyright notice to 2013</li>
  2686. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='4088' size='9017' date='1188347907000' url=''><name>JDocs API Lookup</name><id>JDocs</id><description><![CDATA[A plugin to access the JDocs apis through IDEA.]]></description><version>0.4.1</version><vendor email='' url=''>DZone, Inc.</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='60.6189' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Added support for proxy connections.]]></change-notes><depends>org.intellij.htmlbrowser</depends><rating>2.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='123487' size='167602' date='1506542219000' url='https://plugins.jetbrains.com/idea/plugin/6149'><name>Shifter</name><id>Shifter</id><description><![CDATA[Detects type of selection, line or keyword at caret and shifts it "up" or "down" on keyboard shortcut. If there's only one shiftable word in a line, it can be shifted without the caret touching it. Lowercase/uppercase or lower case with upper first character of shifted words is maintained.
  2687. <br>
  2688. <br>
  2689. <strong>DEFAULT KEYBOARD SHORTCUTS</strong>
  2690. <ul>
  2691. <li>Ctrl+Shift+Alt+Comma - Shift Down</li>
  2692. <li>Ctrl+Shift+Alt+Period - Shift Up</li>
  2693. <li>Ctrl+Shift+Alt+K - Shift Up More*</li>
  2694. <li>Ctrl+Shift+Alt+J - Shift Down More*</li>
  2695. </ul> Shift more: repeats shifting a value multiple times. The amount of repetitions can be configured in the plugin configuration (default: 10).
  2696. <br>
  2697. <br>
  2698. <strong>Mac Users:</strong> On Macs, the keyboard shortcuts are Comma or Period key together with Shift+Alt+Cmd
  2699. <br>
  2700. <br>
  2701. <strong>Tip: Using Mouse Wheel</strong>
  2702. <br> To setup the mouse wheel to invoke shifting, open the IDE preferences and go to: “Keymap”. Search for “Shift”, than right-click the shifter action items and use the option “Add mouse shortcut”. Mouse shortcuts can include hotkeys, this way for instance “Shift + Wheel Up” can be assigned to “Shift-Up”, “Shift + Wheel Down” to “Shift-Down”.
  2703. <br>
  2704. <br>
  2705. <strong>SHIFTING TYPES</strong>
  2706. <br>
  2707. <strong>Sorting</strong>
  2708. <ul>
  2709. <li>Shifting a multi-line selection sorts the lines alphabetically ascending/descending.</li>
  2710. <li>Shifting a single-line selection, that is a comma- or pipe-separated list, sorts the items ascending/descending.</li>
  2711. <li>Shifting a single-line selection, that is a tupel, flips the items' order (delimiters: ":", "|", ", ", " - ", " + ", " &lt; ", " &gt; ", " &lt;= ", " &gt;= ", " == ", " != ", " === ", " !== ", " || ")</li>
  2712. <li>Shifting a selection that is a camelCased (w/ lower or upper lead character) word pair, flips the order of the words.</li>
  2713. <li>Shifting a selected (from questionmark on) ternary expression, swaps "than" and "else" statements</li>
  2714. <li>Shifting a selected PHP concatenation from two strings / variables, toggles the concatenated items' order</li>
  2715. <li>Shifting a selection from a CSS file, sorts all attributes inside their selectors (alphabetically, vendor-attributes and vendor-styles at the end)</li>
  2716. <li>Shifting selected attribute-style lines inside a CSS (or LESS or SASS) file, sorts them (alphabetically, vendor-attributes and vendor-styles at the end)</li>
  2717. </ul>
  2718. <strong>Numeric Shifting</strong>
  2719. <ul>
  2720. <li>Numeric values - Incrementing/decrementing numbers</li>
  2721. <li>Strings ending with numbers - increments/decrements the postfix</li>
  2722. <li>Numeric block selection: opens dialog to chose: 1. in/decrement each or: 2. replace by enumeration</li>
  2723. <li>UNIX (and millisecond based) timestamps - Increments/decrements by one day, shows a balloon info with the shifted date in human-readable format</li>
  2724. <li>CSS hex RGB colors - Shifts color value lighter/darker</li>
  2725. <li>CSS length values - Shifts numeric length values up/down by 1 (units: em, in, px, pt, cm, rem, vw, vh, vmin, vmax)</li>
  2726. <li>Increment/decrement roman numerals</li>
  2727. </ul>
  2728. <strong>String Manipulations</strong>
  2729. <ul>
  2730. <li>Shifting a selection within a single line: detects and swaps characters: single quote vs. double quote OR slash vs. backslash</li>
  2731. <li>Shifting a selected (or the caret touching a) camel-cased string, converts it into a minus- or underscore-separated path (and vice versa)</li>
  2732. <li>Strings wrapped in single/double quotes and backticks - Shifts to alphabetically next/previous quoted string found in current document</li>
  2733. <li>Strings surrounded by round or square brackets: toggles surrounding "(" and ")" versus "[" and "]"</li>
  2734. <li>Logical operators: toggles between (selected) "&amp;&amp;" and "||"</li>
  2735. <li>HTML en/decoding of selected special characters</li>
  2736. <li>Single characters and string consisting from any amount of the same character can be shifted to the previous/next ASCII value</li>
  2737. <li>Escaped single or double quotes can be unescaped when shifting a selection</li>
  2738. </ul>
  2739. <strong>Code- and DOC Comments</strong>
  2740. <ul>
  2741. <li>Selection which is a block comment or multiple line-comments (e.g. PHP, JavaScript, C syntax) - toggle among comment type (//... vs. /*...*/). Merges multi-line comments into 1 line.</li>
  2742. <li>Selected line of code ending with a trailing //-comment - Moves the comment into a new line before the code</li>
  2743. <li>Selected HTML comment inside a PHP / PHTML file: converts it into a PHP block comment (and vice versa)</li>
  2744. <li>PHP DOC: Shifting a selected PHP doc comment block that contains @param comments w/ variable name but no data type, guesses and inserts data types</li>
  2745. <li>PHP DOC: Shifting while the caret is inside an @param annotation that contains no data type, inserts a data type (guessed from the variable name)</li>
  2746. <li>JsDOC: Shifting w/ the caret touching a data type that is not wrapped in curly brackets, inside an "@param", "@returns" or "@type" annotation: adds the missing curly brackets</li>
  2747. <li>Selected JsDoc block: Convert "@return" into "@returns", add missing curly brackets around data types in "@param", "@returns" and "@type" lines, correct invalid data types into existing data types (bool =&gt; boolean, int(eger) =&gt; number), reduce empty JsDoc lines</li>
  2748. </ul>
  2749. <strong>PHP and JavaScript</strong>
  2750. <ul>
  2751. <li>PHP variables - Shifts to alphabetically next/previous variable found in current document ("shift more" shifts until first variable with a different first letter)</li>
  2752. <li>Selected PHP array - Shifts among long and shorthand syntax (PHP &gt;= 5.4)</li>
  2753. <li>Selection which is a Sizzle-Selector - Converts the selector into a corresponding JavaScript variable declaration</li>
  2754. <li>Selection of multiple JavaScript var declarations in succession - are joined into multiple comma-separated declarations</li>
  2755. </ul>
  2756. <strong>Dictionaric Keyword Shifting</strong>
  2757. <br> Shifter comes with a customizable, file extension specific and globally usable dictionary of shiftable keywords. Some keyword types from the default dictionary:
  2758. <br>
  2759. <ul>
  2760. <li>PHP core magical constants - Shifts PHP's magic constants (__FILE__/__LINE__ etc.)</li>
  2761. <li>CSS orientations and positioning: top/right/bottom/left and absolute/relative, and geographical directions (north/east/south/west)</li>
  2762. <li>Accessibility types: public/private/protected</li>
  2763. <li>MySql data types: Shifts to next bigger/smaller numeric/string type</li>
  2764. <li>Primitive data types of Java, JavaScript, PHP, Objective-C</li>
  2765. <li>Doc comment tags (Java, JavaScript, PHP)</li>
  2766. <li>JavaScript event types (mouse, keyboard, frame/object, form, control, touch)</li>
  2767. <li>Named colors from the sRGB color space (white/lightgray/gray...)</li>
  2768. <li>Text styles (bold, italic...)</li>
  2769. <li>Web image (gif/jpg/png) and audio (au/aif/wav etc.) format extensions</li>
  2770. <li>Full and abbreviated names of months and weekdays and units of time</li>
  2771. <li>Logical operators (and/or/xor/not), arithmetic operations (addition/subtraction...) and arithmetic elements (sum/difference/product..)</li>
  2772. <li>Meta-syntax terms: foo/bar/baz...</li>
  2773. <li>Names of common data collection types (list/set/bag/dictionary/tree...)</li>
  2774. <li>Names of numbers (one/two/three etc.) and ordinal numbers (first/second/third etc.) </li>
  2775. <li>Boolean (paired) keyword values - Toggles true/false, on/off, yes/no (e.g. Objective-C), shown/hidden, show/hide, positive/negative, from/until, enable(d)/disable(d), pass/fail, min/max, expand/collapse, asc/desc, first/last </li>
  2776. </ul>
  2777. <br>Please note: This plugin is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.]]></description><version>1.7.7</version><vendor email='info@stenschke.com' url='https://github.com/kstenschke/shifter-plugin'>Kay Stenschke</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='80.8000' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<ul>
  2778. <li>1.7.7
  2779. <ul>
  2780. <li>Added: Option to shift camel-case selection into minus- or underscore-separated path (and vice versa)</li>
  2781. </ul> </li>
  2782. <li>1.7.6
  2783. <ul>
  2784. <li>Added: Option to un-escape escaped quotes in selection</li>
  2785. <li>Improved: DOC data type detection</li>
  2786. </ul> </li>
  2787. <li>1.7.5
  2788. <ul>
  2789. <li>Improved: Ternary shifting: maintain multi-line formatting, reformat selection after shifting</li>
  2790. <li>Improved: Quotes conversion: extended intention popup options</li>
  2791. <li>Improved: DOC data type detection</li>
  2792. </ul> </li>
  2793. <li>1.7.4
  2794. <ul>
  2795. <li>Improved: Shiftable type detection</li>
  2796. <li>Improved: DOC part detections and shifting</li>
  2797. <li>Improved: JsDoc shifting - added @type completion + correction, improved detect / complete / correct annotations</li>
  2798. </ul> </li>
  2799. <li>1.7.3
  2800. <ul>
  2801. <li>Improved: Plugin settings UI</li>
  2802. </ul> </li>
  2803. </ul>
  2804. <br>
  2805. <a href="https://github.com/kstenschke/shifter-plugin/blob/master/CHANGELOG.textile" rel="nofollow">...Read full changelog on github</a>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='1880' size='37343' date='1315449433000' url='https://github.com/johnlindquist/open-source-plugins'><name>Embedder</name><id>Embedder</id><description><![CDATA[Embedder allows you to selection a file, multiple files, or a directory of files and embed them in the
  2806. currently open ActionScript file. If you run into any problems, please
  2807. leave descriptive comments on my github page:
  2808. https://github.com/johnlindquist/open-source-plugins
  2809. ]]></description><version>0.2.3</version><vendor email='johnlindquist@gmail.com' url='https://johnlindquist.com/'>johnlindquist
  2810. </vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='80.8000' /><change-notes><![CDATA[
  2811. 0.2.3
  2812. Changed instantiate dialog from ok/cancel to yes/no
  2813. dt>0.2.2
  2814. Auto-imports flash.display.Bitmap when you instantiate.
  2815. 0.2.1
  2816. Converts dashes in filenames to underscores. (Need to review all invalid characters for a future release)
  2817. 0.2
  2818. Allowing embed of any asset type. Added instantiate dialog. Removed from tools menu and added to
  2819. Project View Popup.
  2820. 0.1
  2821. Initial Release: Adding support for ActionScript files.
  2822. ]]></change-notes><depends>JavaScript</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='46435' size='853842' date='1341321564000' url=''><name>Assets Compressor</name><id>Assets Compressor</id><description><![CDATA[Compressing js and css files, go to Refactor &gt; Compress]]></description><version>1.2.1</version><vendor email='memo@abdelmonem.com' url=''>Abdelmonem Ahmed</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='93.13' /><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>2.5</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='8356' size='39851' date='1421281605000' url='https://github.com/janickr/shortcuttranslator'><name>Shortcut Translator</name><id>Shortcut Translator</id><description><![CDATA[Translates shortcuts from one keymap to another. Let's say you want to try this Jetbrains IDE you heard about, but you are used to the Eclipse / TextMate / Emacs / Netbeans shortcuts. Sure, you can easily change your keymap in IDEA / RubyMine / PyCharm ... But you want to learn the default Intellij shortcuts, just like you learned the TextMate shortcuts in TextMate and the Eclipse shortcuts in Eclipse. This plugin together with the ctrl+shift+a shortcut wil get you up to speed in no time. press Ctrl+Shift+K to activate the plugin or select &quot;Translate Shortcut&quot; from the help menu]]></description><version>1.0.1</version><vendor email='shortcuttranslator@janickreynders.be' url='http://janickreynders.be'>Janick Reynders</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='80.8000' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<p>version 1.0.1</p>
  2823. <ul>
  2824. <li>Added button to swap source and destination keymaps (Mark T. Kennedy)</li>
  2825. </ul>
  2826. <p>version 1.0</p>
  2827. <ul>
  2828. <li>Made the plugin available for multiple JetBrains IDEs</li>
  2829. </ul>
  2830. <p>version 0.6</p>
  2831. <ul>
  2832. <li>The plugin remembers which keymaps were selected</li>
  2833. <li>More information is given about the action the shortcut performs</li>
  2834. <li>Fixed minor layout issues</li>
  2835. </ul>
  2836. <p>version 0.5</p>
  2837. <ul>
  2838. <li>Initial release</li>
  2839. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='37326' size='111028' date='1426680860000' url='http://www.coexec.com/en/home'><name>Realigner</name><id>Realigner</id><description><![CDATA[The Realigner plugin adds three tools for reformatting text:
  2840. <ul>
  2841. <li>Join (Ctrl+Shift+Alt+J) - Removes newlines from selected lines, optionally joining them using a &quot;glue&quot; string.</li>
  2842. <li>Split (Ctrl+Shift+Alt+L)- Replaces arbitrary strings with newlines.*</li>
  2843. <li>Wrap / Unwrap (Ctrl+Shift+Alt+W) - Adds or removes a prefix- and postfix- string to a selection, the current line or each of multiple selected lines. Frequently used wraps can be stored as quick-wrap buttons, hint: quick-wrap buttons can be selected via cursor up/down keys as well.</li>
  2844. </ul>
  2845. <br />
  2846. <b>Mac Users: </b>On Macs, the keyboard shortcuts are J, L or W together with Shift+Alt+Cmd
  2847. <br />
  2848. <br /> *Splitting with an empty delimiter and w/o selection inserts a newline at the soft-wrap boundary.
  2849. <br />
  2850. <br /> Realigner is helpful e.g. for:
  2851. <ul>
  2852. <li>Reformatting lines into comma-separated lists</li>
  2853. <li>Converting lists into lines</li>
  2854. <li>Breaking up long URLs for easier analysis</li>
  2855. <li>Quickly commenting-out multiple lines of code even if that particular language is not supported</li>
  2856. <li>Quickly un-commenting lines of code even if that particular language is not supported</li>
  2857. <li>Commenting-out / un-commenting using keyboards with layouts not compliant to the keyboard shortcuts for the similar in-built function</li>
  2858. <li>Reformatting long lines to wrap at the soft-wrap boundary (120 chars)</li>
  2859. </ul>
  2860. <br />Please note: This plugin is distributed on an &quot;AS IS&quot; BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.]]></description><version>1.5.1</version><vendor email='kay@coexec.com' url='http://www.coexec.com/'>Kay Stenschke</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='80.8000' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<ul>
  2861. <li>1.5.1 Changed join: parts are now trimmed from whitespace before joining </li>
  2862. <li>1.5.0
  2863. <ul>
  2864. <li>Improved keyboard accelerator: quick-wraps can now be applied w/ ENTER key</li>
  2865. <li>Improved UI: globalized mode options (instead of being quick-wrap exclusive)</li>
  2866. <li>Improved UI: removed explicit un/wrap buttons, renamed &quot;Autodetect&quot; to &quot;Toggle&quot;</li>
  2867. </ul> </li>
  2868. <li>1.4.2 Added undo/redo capability to all text fields of realigner dialogs</li>
  2869. <li>1.4.1 Compiled for JDK 1.6 (was 1.7 w/ 1.4.0), minor code optimization</li>
  2870. <li>1.4.0 Added multi-caret support to wrapping</li>
  2871. </ul>
  2872. <br />
  2873. <a href="https://github.com/kstenschke/realigner-plugin/blob/master/CHANGELOG.textile" rel="nofollow">...Read full changelog on github</a>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='7156' size='90594' date='1350931274000' url=''><name>Pastebin</name><id>Pastebin-IDEA</id><description><![CDATA[Pastebin.com plugin for Intellij IDEA]]></description><version>0.9.3</version><vendor email='yuri.denison@jetbrains.com' url=''></vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='121.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[fixed icons bug]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.xml</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='23822' size='87377' date='1496441789000' url=''><name>Referencer</name><id>Referencer</id><description><![CDATA[The plugin adds three new tools for inserting, copying and navigating among references out of the edited file(s) and other contexts. To copy and insert items, a list suggestions is added to the editor, taken from various contexts:
  2874. <ul>
  2875. <li>File(s)</li>
  2876. <li>Text selection</li>
  2877. <li>Caret position in the editor</li>
  2878. <li>Date and time</li>
  2879. <li>And more....</li>
  2880. </ul>
  2881. <br> When evoking the referencer plugin, a list of reference items taken from the current contexts is opened.
  2883. <br>
  2884. <ul>
  2885. <li>Ctrl+Shift+Alt+V twice - Open list of references for inserting into the current document</li>
  2886. <li>Ctrl+Shift+Alt+C twice - Open list of references for copying to clipboard</li>
  2887. <li>Ctrl+Shift+Alt+G twice - Open list of jump destinations in current file for going to</li>
  2888. </ul>
  2890. <br> All parsed items in the following list are relative to the current caret position, for example "previous classname" refers to the first classname found when searching backwards starting from the caret position. Some references are only specifically available for certain file types.
  2891. <br>
  2892. <br>
  2893. <ul>
  2894. <li>Current date/time formatted as YYYY-MM-DD and YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS</li>
  2895. <li>Current UNIX timestamp in seconds and milliseconds</li>
  2896. </ul>
  2897. <ul>
  2898. <li>Path to current file</li>
  2899. <li>Current filename</li>
  2900. <li>Current filename::line number</li>
  2901. <li>Path to current file::line number</li>
  2902. <li>When having a multi-line selection: File path / selection: line num. sel. start - line num. sel. end</li>
  2903. <li>When having opened more than one file: list of paths to all opened files</li>
  2904. </ul>
  2905. <ul>
  2906. <li>PHP files: list of method names in current file</li>
  2907. <li>PHP files: previous classname::previous method name</li>
  2908. <li>PHP files: previous classname::line number</li>
  2909. <li>PHP files: previous classname</li>
  2910. <li>PHP files: previous function name</li>
  2911. <li>PHP files: previous/next variable name</li>
  2912. </ul>
  2913. <ul>
  2914. <li>JavaScript files: namespace.classname</li>
  2915. <li>JavaScript files: namespace.classname.previous method name</li>
  2916. <li>JavaScript files: namespace.classname::line number</li>
  2917. <li>JavaScript files: previous/next method name</li>
  2918. <li>JavaScript files: filepath formatted as namespace</li>
  2919. </ul>
  2920. <ul>
  2921. <li>General word-completions: all continuations to the word to the left of the caret, found in the current file</li>
  2922. </ul>
  2924. <br>
  2925. <ul>
  2926. <li>All lines with bookmarks in the current file</li>
  2927. <li>All lines with PHP or JavaScript method declarations in the current file</li>
  2928. <li>All lines with occurrences of any of the configured dynamic jump patterns in the current file</li>
  2929. </ul>
  2930. <br> Please note: This plugin is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.]]></description><version>1.2.0</version><vendor email='info@stenschke.com' url=''>Kay Stenschke</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='80.8000' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<ul>
  2931. <li>1.2.0
  2932. <ul>
  2933. <li>Updated plugin settings implementation to be compatible w/ recent Open API</li>
  2934. <li>Added option to copy or insert list of all method names from current file</li>
  2935. <li>Improved PHP file methods indexer</li>
  2936. <li>Improved Darcula compatibility</li>
  2937. <li>Modernized source code</li>
  2938. </ul> </li>
  2939. <li>1.1.1
  2940. <ul>
  2941. <li>Sorted "Go To..." jump destination from configured patterns alphabetically</li>
  2942. <li>Sorted "Go To..." methods alphabetically</li>
  2943. <li>Made section headers within options popup more visually obvious</li>
  2944. <li>Bugfix: Destination patterns were utilized even if not yet stored (= would list all lines)</li>
  2945. </ul> </li>
  2946. <li>1.1.0
  2947. <ul>
  2948. <li>Added: plugin settings with dynamic "Go To..." jump patterns</li>
  2949. <li>Added: PHP and JavaScript methods listing in "Go To..." menu</li>
  2950. <li>Bugfix: IndexOutOfBoundsException in go to bookmark action</li>
  2951. <li>Reduced changelog to previous five versions, added separate full changelog</li>
  2952. </ul> </li>
  2953. <li>1.0.12 Bugfix: Opening Referencer on first character of document caused IndexOutOfBoundsException</li>
  2954. <li>1.0.11
  2955. <ul>
  2956. <li>Added: notification when there are no bookmarks for going to</li>
  2957. <li>Improved compatibility: Compiled with JDK target bytecode version 1.6 (was 1.7)</li>
  2958. </ul> </li>
  2959. </ul>
  2960. <br>
  2961. <a href="https://github.com/kstenschke/referencer-plugin/blob/master/CHANGELOG.textile" rel="nofollow">...Read full changelog on github</a>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='78360' size='73811' date='1405874161000' url=''><name>Dummy Text Generator</name><id>Dummy Text Generator</id><description><![CDATA[The plugin adds a random text generator, capable of creating witty texts in different genres. Created text can be inserted newly at the caret, or replace a selection.
  2962. <br /> The dummy text generator is added to the main menu, tools menu and into the generate... popup (Alt+Insert).
  2963. <br />
  2964. <br /> The plugin allows to choose from several genres:
  2965. <br />
  2966. <ul>
  2967. <li>Culinary Inspirations</li>
  2968. <li>Esoteric Wisdom</li>
  2969. <li>Fake Latin (similar to &quot;Lorem Ipsum&quot; blindtext)</li>
  2970. <li>Pirate Lingo</li>
  2971. <li>Science Fiction</li>
  2972. </ul>
  2973. <br /> When replacing a multi-lined selection of text, the generated dummy text maintains the amount of lines. When replacing a selection of text within a single line, the amount of words is roughly being maintained.
  2974. <br /> When the replaced text selection consists fully of lower-cased or capital letters or begins with a capital letter, that previous casing is maintained. Furthermore, the presence or absence of a trailing punctuation mark of a replaced text selection is being maintained.
  2975. <br />
  2976. <br />Please note: This plugin is distributed on an &quot;AS IS&quot; BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.]]></description><version>1.0.11</version><vendor email='info@stenschke.com' url=''>Kay Stenschke</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='107.105' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<ul>
  2977. <li>1.0.11
  2978. <ul>
  2979. <li>Exchanged icons with retina / darcula theme compatible ones</li>
  2980. <li>Extended cookery vocabulary</li>
  2981. </ul></li>
  2982. <li>1.0.10 Improved declensions, extended vocabulary and sentence vicissitude</li>
  2983. <li>1.0.9 Bugfix: Generating dummytext w/o selection caused null pointer exception.</li>
  2984. <li>1.0.8 Improved text length maintenance</li>
  2985. <li>1.0.7
  2986. <ul>
  2987. <li>Added preservation of empty lines</li>
  2988. <li>Removed medical drama genre</li>
  2989. </ul></li>
  2990. </ul>
  2991. <a href="https://github.com/kstenschke/dummytext-plugin/blob/master/CHANGELOG.textile" rel="nofollow">...Read full changelog on github</a>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>4.5</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='413590' size='88373' date='1490187282000' url=''><name>Android ButterKnife Zelezny</name><id>eu.inmite.android.plugin.butterknifezelezny</id><description><![CDATA[Plugin for generating ButterKnife injections from selected layout XMLs in activities/fragments/adapters.]]></description><version>1.6.0</version><vendor email='android@avast.com' url='http://github.com/avast'>Avast</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='123.72' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<ul>
  2992. <li>Added support for Unbinder in ButterKnife 8</li>
  2993. <li>Added support for generating separate OnClick methods</li>
  2994. <li>Updated test-app</li>
  2995. <li>Fixed bugs</li>
  2996. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='6980' size='426912' date='1398109578000' url=''><name>Gist Templates</name><id>com.gisttemplates</id><description><![CDATA[Fetch gists from one or several github gists accounts and use them as templates inside IntelliJ.
  2997. <br /> If you like it don't forget to rank and comment the plugin
  2998. <a rel="nofollow">on JetBrains site</a>.
  2999. <br /> If you don't, please drop by our github repository and submit an
  3000. <a href="https://github.com/geowarin/gist-templates-plugin/issues" rel="nofollow">issue</a> or propose an improvement !
  3001. <br />]]></description><version>0.3.6</version><vendor email='geowarin@gmail.com' url='http://geowarin.github.io/gist-templates-plugin/'>Geoffroy Warin</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='117.418' /><change-notes><![CDATA[v0.3.6 : Fixed compatibility issues with API 131 (AppCode, Intellij 13.0...)]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><depends>org.jetbrains.plugins.github</depends><rating>1.5</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='4808' size='14627912' date='1456667429000' url='http://www.snip2code.com/Static/Downloads#intellij_plugin'><name>Snip2Code Plugin for IntelliJ</name><id>com.snip2code.intellij.plugin</id><description><![CDATA[This plugin allows the user to interact with Snip2Code service directly from within IntelliJ IDEA.
  3002. <br /> The user is able to select a piece of code and directly add it to his personal basket in one click.
  3003. <br /> The user has also access to the standard search engine to retrieve his own snippets and the public ones.
  3004. <br /> Snip2Code offers a solution to store and publish software snippets and maintain such snippets always up to date.
  3005. <br /> This solutions appeals to the needs of software companies who want to provide continuous access to the best snippets of code despite personnel changes, as well as software gurus and academics who need a tool to propagate or share with others the best snippets in their communities.]]></description><version>1.8.1</version><vendor email='info@snip2code.com' url='http://www.snip2code.com'>Snip2Code</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='131.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Fix on Windows 7 instances of IDEA 15]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='83311' size='112789' date='1424819470000' url='http://dej.in.ua/emmet-everywhere/'><name>Emmet Everywhere</name><id>ua.in.dej.myEmmet</id><description><![CDATA[EmmetEverywhere Plugin for IntelliJ IDEA
  3006. <br /> ==================================
  3007. <br />
  3008. <br /> WARNING!
  3009. <br /> v.1.2.3+ for JAVA 1.8
  3010. <br /> v.1.2.2 for JAVA 1.7
  3011. <br />
  3012. <br /> Use HTML Emmet anywhere.
  3013. <br /> For example in Google Closure Template (*.soy files).
  3014. <br /> Just type your code and press CTRL+ALT+]
  3015. <br />
  3016. <br /> Here’s an example: this abbreviation
  3017. <br />
  3018. <br /> #page&gt;div.logo+ul#navigation&gt;li*5&gt;a{Item $}
  3019. <br />
  3020. <br /> ...can be transformed into
  3021. <br />
  3022. <br /> &lt;div id=&quot;page&quot;&gt;
  3023. <br /> &lt;div class=&quot;logo&quot;&gt;&lt;/div&gt;
  3024. <br /> &lt;ul id=&quot;navigation&quot;&gt;
  3025. <br /> &lt;li&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;&quot;&gt;Item 1&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/li&gt;
  3026. <br /> &lt;li&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;&quot;&gt;Item 2&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/li&gt;
  3027. <br /> &lt;li&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;&quot;&gt;Item 3&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/li&gt;
  3028. <br /> &lt;li&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;&quot;&gt;Item 4&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/li&gt;
  3029. <br /> &lt;li&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;&quot;&gt;Item 5&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/li&gt;
  3030. <br /> &lt;/ul&gt;
  3031. <br /> &lt;/div&gt;
  3032. <br />
  3033. <br /> more information about Emmet:
  3034. <br /> http://emmet.io/
  3035. <br />]]></description><version>1.2.5</version><vendor email='efim@dej.in.ua' url='http://dej.in.ua/emmet-everywhere/'>Efim Vl. Dejin</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='107.105' /><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='12519' size='7446' date='1404347175000' url=''><name>AndroidAccessors</name><id>com.jonathonstaff.androidaccessors</id><description><![CDATA[AndroidAccessors is designed to generate getters and setters for Android projects. It removes leading m's from field names so the external methods are cleaner.
  3036. <br /> For more details, look at the repo on GitHub:
  3037. <br />
  3038. <a href="https://github.com/jonstaff/AndroidAccessors" rel="nofollow">https://github.com/jonstaff/AndroidAccessors</a>]]></description><version>1.1</version><vendor email='jon@nplexity.com' url='http://www.jonathonstaff.com'>Jonathon Staff</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='107.105' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Updated AndroidAccessors to support a leading 's' in field names. Check out the repo at https://github.com/jonstaff/AndroidAccessors.]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='78373' size='105653' date='1510749566000' url=''><name>PHP Remote Interpreter</name><id>org.jetbrains.plugins.phpstorm-remote-interpreter</id><description><![CDATA[Allows to create php interpreter for remote run via ssh]]></description><version>173.3727.8</version><vendor email='' url=''>JetBrains</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='173.3727' until-build='173.*'/><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>(optional) com.jetbrains.php</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.ultimate</depends><depends>com.jetbrains.plugins.webDeployment</depends><depends>org.jetbrains.plugins.remote-run</depends><rating>4.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='1876' size='119298299' date='1413807074000' url=''><name>CxViewer</name><id>com.checkmarx.intellij</id><description><![CDATA[Checkmarx plugin for IntelliJ allows retrieving scan results from the Checkmarx scan server. Full user's manual can be found here: http://www.checkmarx.com/instructions]]></description><version></version><vendor email='support@checkmarx.com' url='https://www.checkmarx.com/'>Checkmarx.com Ltd.</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='111.69' /><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='2057' size='8306855' date='1433874829000' url=''><name>Appstrakt Translations Sync</name><id>com.appstrakt.syncTranslation</id><description><![CDATA[Synchronize your Google Sheets directly into your strings.xml
  3039. <br />]]></description><version>1.7.1</version><vendor email='jasper.vandeklundert@appstrakt.com' url='http://www.appstrakt.com'>Appstrakt</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='131.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Changed the logic for finding the key column to be more forgiving.
  3040. <br /> Fixed login error
  3041. <br /> Changed the indent from tabs to 4 spaces which is now the default in Android Studio.
  3042. <br /> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
  3043. <br /> Added shortcut to sync the translations (default: cmd/win - ctrl - s)
  3044. <br /> Added option to give a default column which will be used as default
  3045. <br /> Added option to ignore certain columns
  3046. <br /> Added tooltips in the settings to clarify some things
  3047. <br /> Missing strings.xml files which are noted in the Google Sheet will be made and placed in the corresponding resource folder
  3048. <br /> Fixed some issues
  3049. <br /> Added support for tabs
  3050. <br /> Added support for regions
  3051. <br /> Added support for multiple flavors
  3052. <br /> Changed login flow from cmdline to browser
  3053. <br /> Added support for not formatted strings
  3054. <br /> Added support for special characters
  3055. <br /> Initial release
  3056. <br />]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='1720' size='93227' date='1416874525000' url=''><name>Explore Trace</name><id>ExploreTrace</id><description><![CDATA[Works with Java thread dumps.
  3057. <br /> Reads thread dump from clipboard buffer.
  3058. <br />
  3059. <br />Menu: Analyze -&gt; Explore Stack Trace
  3060. <br />
  3061. <br /> Features:
  3062. <br />
  3063. <ul>
  3064. <li>automatic grouping of similar threads - works well for dumps with thread pools</li>
  3065. <li>patterns for socket, I/O, waiting for process detection</li>
  3066. <li>prioritizes by different factors</li>
  3067. <li>allows view editing - reorder or delete &quot;not interesting&quot; threads</li>
  3068. <li>filters by thread category (jdk/pools/socket/waiting etc)</li>
  3069. <li>remove all not interesting and export back into text</li>
  3070. <li>navigation into code also by method name: useful when code had changed</li>
  3071. <li>removes email prefixes like &quot;&gt;&quot; or concatenates lines cut by Windows console</li>
  3072. <li>on start jdk threads (except EDT) and thread pools already filtered</li>
  3073. </ul>]]></description><version>0.1.1</version><vendor email='Irina.Chernushina@jetbrains.com' url='https://github.com/irengrig/exploretrace'>Irina Chernushina</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='139.224' /><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.xdebugger</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='3150' size='49286' date='1418481324000' url=''><name>Hash Generator</name><id>ru.itbasis.plugins.intellij.hashGenerator</id><description><![CDATA[Plugin to calculate Hash code for the text string]]></description><version>0.3</version><vendor email='Victor@Alenkov.name' url='https://github.com/BorzdeG'>Victor Alenkov</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='131.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<p>version 0.3</p>
  3074. <ul>
  3075. <li>change: package name</li>
  3076. <li>change: contact information</li>
  3077. </ul>
  3078. <p>version 0.2.2</p>
  3079. <ul>
  3080. <li>add: calculate BCrypt (maximum number of rounds = 10)</li>
  3081. </ul>
  3082. <p>version 0.1</p>
  3083. <ul>
  3084. <li>add: calculate CRC32</li>
  3085. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='126811' size='59502' date='1517058130000' url=''><name>Save Actions</name><id>com.dubreuia</id><description><![CDATA[<p>Supports configurable, Eclipse like, save actions, including "organize imports", "reformat code", "rearrange code", "compile file" and some quick fixes for Java like "add / remove 'this' qualifier", etc. The plugin executes the configured actions when the file is synchronised (or saved) on disk.</p>
  3086. <p><strong>Features</strong></p>
  3087. <ul>
  3088. <li>Organize imports</li>
  3089. <li>Run on file save or shortcut (or both)</li>
  3090. <li>Reformat code (whole file or only changed text)</li>
  3091. <li>Rearrange code (reorder methods, fields, etc.)</li>
  3092. <li>Include / exclude files with regex support</li>
  3093. <li>Works any file type (Java, Python, XML, etc.)</li>
  3094. <li>Uses a settings file per project you can commit</li>
  3095. <li>Available keymaps for activation</li>
  3096. <li>Other IDE support (Eclipse *.epf files)</li>
  3097. <li>Automatically fix Java inspections (Intellij IDEA only)</li>
  3098. </ul>
  3099. <p><strong>Compatibility (build 163.7743.44, 2016.3.6, JDK 1.6)</strong></p>
  3100. <ul>
  3101. <li>Intellij IDEA</li>
  3102. <li>PyCharm</li>
  3103. <li>PHPStorm</li>
  3104. <li>AndroidStudio</li>
  3105. <li>WebStorm</li>
  3106. </ul>
  3107. <p><strong>Documentation</strong></p>
  3108. <ul>
  3109. <li><a href="https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/7642-save-actions" rel="nofollow">Jetbrains plugin page</a></li>
  3110. <li><a href="https://github.com/dubreuia/intellij-plugin-save-actions" rel="nofollow">Github README</a></li>
  3111. <li><a href="https://github.com/dubreuia/intellij-plugin-save-actions/issues" rel="nofollow">Github issues</a></li>
  3112. <li><a href="https://twitter.com/dubreuia" rel="nofollow">Twitter</a></li>
  3113. </ul>]]></description><version>0.26</version><vendor email='dubreuil.alex@gmail.com' url='https://www.github.com/dubreuia'>Alexandre DuBreuil</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='163.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Release notes:
  3114. <a href="https://github.com/dubreuia/intellij-plugin-save-actions/releases" rel="nofollow">https://github.com/dubreuia/intellij-plugin-save-actions/releases</a>]]></change-notes><rating>4.7</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='5116' size='107643' date='1483108058000' url=''><name>Jackson Generator Plugin</name><id>pl.klamborowski.plugin.jacksongenerator</id><description><![CDATA[This plugin allows you to generate Jackson ready java files from provided Json formatted string.
  3115. <br>
  3116. <br> How to use:
  3117. <ul>
  3118. <li>Select folder from Project Window , click RMB (right mouse button) &gt; New &gt; JacksonGenerator.</li>
  3119. <li>Enter main class name and json string in dialog.</li>
  3120. <li>Click OK.</li>
  3121. </ul>]]></description><version>1.2.2</version><vendor email='support@klamborowski.pl' url='http://klamborowski.pl/'>Klamborowski.pl</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='131.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[1.2.2 Center dialog on screen]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='16085' size='286872' date='1423346783000' url='https://github.com/inmite/android-selector-chapek'><name>Android Selectors Generate</name><id>com.eunut.android.plugin.selectors.generate</id><description><![CDATA[This plugin automatically generates drawable selectors from appropriately named Android resources.]]></description><version>1.0.4</version><vendor email='i@eunut.com' url='https://eunut.com/'>Chaly</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='107.105' /><change-notes><![CDATA[File name suffix Drawable state _normal (default state) _pressed state_pressed _focused state_focused _disabled state_enabled (false) _checked state_checked _selected state_selected _hovered state_hovered _checkable state_checkable _activated state_activated _windowfocused state_window_focused
  3122. <br />
  3123. <b>Plugin HomePage</b>
  3124. <br />
  3125. <a href="https://github.com/inmite/android-selector-chapek" rel="nofollow">https://github.com/inmite/android-selector-chapek</a>
  3126. <br />
  3127. <b>1.0.4</b> (02/08/2015)
  3128. <ul>
  3129. <li>解决生成的文件有两个_selector的问题 </li>
  3130. </ul>
  3131. <b>1.0.3</b> (01/25/2014)
  3132. <ul>
  3133. <li>生成的文件添加_selector </li>
  3134. <li>解决使用xml作为Drawable时生成的文件中包含多余的.xml </li>
  3135. </ul>
  3136. <b>1.0.2</b> (09/03/2013)
  3137. <ul>
  3138. <li>Support for all drawable directories </li>
  3139. </ul>
  3140. <b>1.0.1</b> (08/20/2013)
  3141. <ul>
  3142. <li>Support for all IntelliJ Platform Products </li>
  3143. </ul>
  3144. <b>1.0</b> (08/19/2013)
  3145. <ul>
  3146. <li>Initial release </li>
  3147. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>3.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='2532' size='79323' date='1516081769000' url=''><name>ServiceStack</name><id>net.servicestack.ideaplugin</id><description><![CDATA[Integration with ServiceStack Web Services, includes support for Java, Kotlin and TypeScript Add ServiceStack Reference.]]></description><version></version><vendor email='team@servicestack.net' url='https://servicestack.net/'>ServiceStack</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='131.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Fix Add ServiceStack Reference when using Custom paths]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='851' size='1577834' date='1439388327000' url=''><name>ttt-idea</name><id>com.pojosontheweb.ttt</id><description><![CDATA[A plugin for the
  3148. <a href="https://github.com/pojosontheweb/ttt" rel="nofollow">Typed Text Templates framework</a>. Provides
  3149. <ul>
  3150. <li>TTT paths (source and gen folders) can be configured from the modules settings page, via a new tab</li>
  3151. <li>Compile action for generating the Java sources from the templates</li>
  3152. <li>Detect .ttt file change and re-gen template Java sources transparently</li>
  3153. </ul> No language support is bundled with the plugin. We recommend associating .ttt files to JSP Editor for the best UX (completion etc).
  3154. <br />]]></description><version>0.1-beta4</version><vendor email='remi@rvkb.com' url='http://www.pojosontheweb.com'>POJOs on the Web</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='131.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[TTT compiler output tool window]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='1681' size='158302' date='1439033877000' url=''><name>MageWizards</name><id>com.jadi</id><description><![CDATA[Miscellaneous Magento code generation.
  3155. <br /> See Tools -&gt; MageWizards.
  3156. <br />
  3157. <p>Features available:</p>
  3158. <ul>
  3159. <li>Product attribute wizard</li>
  3160. </ul>
  3161. <p>Report bugs and suggest features <a href="https://github.com/nevvermind/storm-mage-wizards/issues" rel="nofollow">here</a>.</p>]]></description><version>1.0-alpha2</version><vendor email='' url=''>nevvermind</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='131.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<ul>
  3162. <li> <b>1.0-alpha1</b> (20 Jul 2015)
  3163. <ul>
  3164. <li>initial release</li>
  3165. </ul> </li>
  3166. <li> <b>1.0-alpha2</b> (8 Aug 2015)
  3167. <ul>
  3168. <li>added test cases</li>
  3169. </ul> </li>
  3170. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='15689' size='44773' date='1447319355000' url=''><name>Android Selector</name><id>importre.intellij.android.selector</id><description><![CDATA[Generate selectors for background drawable
  3171. <br /> You can use `colorButtonNormal` simply,
  3172. <br /> but make easily touch feedback of normal `View`s as well as `Button`s with this plugin.
  3173. <br />
  3174. <br /> 1. Set your colors(in `res/values/colors.xml`).
  3175. <br /> 2. Select `New -&gt; Android Selector(or Ctrl/Cmd + N)` on your `res` directory.
  3176. <br /> 3. Select filename, color, pressed and pressed-v21 respectively.
  3177. <br />
  3178. <br /> - ripple drawable is generated in drawable-v21 directory.
  3179. <br /> - normal drawable is generated in drawable directory.
  3180. <br />
  3181. <br /> Dependency
  3182. <br /> - com.android.support:appcompat-v7:22.+]]></description><version>0.2.0</version><vendor email='jaeweheo@gmail.com' url='http://import.re'>importre</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='141.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[- Implementation of color selection based on `res/values/colors.xml`
  3183. <br /> - Changing icon]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='41802' size='1079725' date='1460334285000' url=''><name>Android Methods Count</name><id>xyz.marcato.ideaplugin.methodscount</id><description><![CDATA[A plugin to get information about the number of methods on Android libraries.]]></description><version>1.1.5</version><vendor email='dario@marcato.xyz' url='http://www.methodscount.com'>Dario Marcato</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='139.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<b>1.1.5</b>
  3184. <ul>
  3185. <li>Bug fixes</li>
  3186. </ul>
  3187. <b>1.1.4</b>
  3188. <ul>
  3189. <li>Bug fixes</li>
  3190. </ul>
  3191. <b>1.1.3</b>
  3192. <ul>
  3193. <li>Added persistent cache to reduce network calls</li>
  3194. </ul>
  3195. <b>1.1.2</b>
  3196. <ul>
  3197. <li>Improved support for Groovy variables</li>
  3198. </ul>
  3199. <b>1.1.1</b>
  3200. <ul>
  3201. <li>Experimental support for Groovy variables (only if running on Android Studio with latest Android plugin)</li>
  3202. </ul>
  3203. <b>1.0.0</b>
  3204. <ul>
  3205. <li>Initial release</li>
  3206. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>org.jetbrains.android</depends><rating>3.3</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='2572' size='205843' date='1515871211000' url=''><name>Ultimate PasteBin</name><id>com.github.kennedyoliveira.ultimatepastebin</id><description><![CDATA[<p>Best plugin ever for PasteBin in IntelliJ IDEA.</p>
  3207. <p>You'll love this plugin!</p>
  3208. <p>With this plugin you can easily see all your pastes, get links for them, create new pastes, download pastes, open pastes in editor, see trending pastes and more!</p>
  3209. <p>Check the project page <a href="https://kennedyoliveira.github.io/ultimate-pastebin-intellij-plugin" rel="nofollow">Ultimate PasteBin IntelliJ IDEA</a> to see some pictures, and informatino!</p>
  3210. <p>If you like this plugin, make us happy by donating! <a href="https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_donations&amp;business=CR4K3FDKKK5FA&amp;lc=GB&amp;item_name=Kennedy%20Oliveira&amp;item_number=ultimate%2dpastebin&amp;currency_code=USD&amp;bn=PP%2dDonationsBF%3abtn_donate_LG%2egif%3aNonHosted" rel="nofollow">Donate</a></p>]]></description><version>1.5.2</version><vendor email='kennedy.oliveira@outlook.com' url='https://github.com/kennedyoliveira'>Kennedy Oliveira</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='143.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Version 1.5.2
  3211. <ul>
  3212. <li>Fixing <a href="https://github.com/kennedyoliveira/ultimate-pastebin-intellij-plugin/issues/6" rel="nofollow">#6</a></li>
  3213. <li>Fixing <a href="https://github.com/kennedyoliveira/ultimate-pastebin-intellij-plugin/issues/19" rel="nofollow">#19</a></li>
  3214. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='10821' size='17478963' date='1450872663000' url=''><name>POJO Generator</name><id>uk.me.jeffsutton.pojogen</id><description><![CDATA[Generate Java objects from XML and JSON files.
  3215. <br />
  3216. <br /> JSON generation using jsonschema2pojo and supports Gson or Jackson2 annotations.
  3217. <br /> XML generation is done using a custom parser and supports Simple XML annotations.
  3218. <br />
  3219. <br /> As with all automatic class generators, output should be reviewed and modified as required.]]></description><version>1.2.2</version><vendor email='indieboy1979@gmail.com' url=''>Jeff Sutton</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='141.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>3.4</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='259' size='1945397' date='1455669199000' url=''><name>SPOJ Submitter</name><id>com.develmagic.spoj.submitter</id><description><![CDATA[This plugin submits your solution to SPOJ code challenge (http://www.spoj.com). It has some overview of your latest submits including memory and time performance statistics.
  3220. <br />
  3221. <img src="http://develmagic.com/static/SPOJSubmitter.png" />]]></description><version>1.8</version><vendor email='formanko@develmagic.com' url=''>Develmagic.com - Martin Formanko</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='131.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='2282' size='7931' date='1457904912000' url=''><name>Aligner</name><id>com.aqqxa.plugin.aligner</id><description><![CDATA[对齐]]></description><version>1.0</version><vendor email='hi@aqqxa.com' url=''>AQ</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='141.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='3912' size='882755' date='1465600438000' url=''><name>Code comments</name><id>com.jmg.codecomment</id><description><![CDATA[Add comments to code without change it.]]></description><version>2.1</version><vendor email='indulgent@inbox.ru' url=''>indulgent</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='141.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Version 2.1: Add "Download comments" button for export all comments to file.]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='1358' size='4885' date='1464633374000' url=''><name>Path hide</name><id>com.pyango.gmbh</id><description><![CDATA[This is a very small plugin to remove the project path in the tree view to prevent horizontal scrolling.]]></description><version>1.0</version><vendor email='webmaster@pyango.ch' url='http://pyango.ch'>Pyango GmbH</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='141.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[- Add initial classes and overwrite the PsiDirectoryNode to prevent displaying the project or module path]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='1271' size='523459' date='1476213477000' url=''><name>Haxe Checkstyle</name><id>haxe.checkstyle</id><description><![CDATA[<b>Haxe Checkstyle</b> is a static analysis tool to help developers write Haxe code that adheres to a coding standard.
  3222. <br>
  3223. <br> Code conventions improve readability, allowing team members to understand each other's code better.
  3224. <br>
  3225. <br> Ideal for any project that wants to enforce coding conventions.
  3226. <br>
  3227. <br> Static analysis is usually performed as part of a code review.
  3228. <br>
  3229. <br> It automates the process of checking Haxe code to spare developers of this boring (but important) task.
  3230. <br>]]></description><version>1.1</version><vendor email='adiinteractive@gmail.com' url='https://github.com/HaxeCheckstyle/haxe-checkstyle'>HaxeCheckstyle</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='143.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[initial release]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='16650' size='14824906' date='1505654161000' url=''><name>Swagger Codegen</name><id>main.kotlin.com.jimschubert.intellij.swaggercodegen</id><description><![CDATA[Swagger Codegen
  3231. <br>
  3232. <a href="https://github.com/jimschubert/intellij-swagger-codegen" rel="nofollow">GitHub</a>&nbsp;
  3233. <a href="https://github.com/jimschubert/intellij-swagger-codegen/issues" rel="nofollow">Issues</a>
  3234. <br>
  3235. <br> The
  3236. <b>Swagger Codegen</b> plugin allows you to generate client, server, or documentation code from your Swagger/OpenAPI specifications
  3237. <em>within your IDE</em>.
  3238. <br>
  3239. <br>
  3240. <a href="https://paypal.me/JamesSchubert" rel="nofollow">beer $$</a>]]></description><version>0.1.0</version><vendor email='james.schubert@gmail.com' url='https://jimschubert.us'>Jim Schubert</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='143.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<dl>
  3241. <dt>
  3242. <a href="https://github.com/jimschubert/intellij-swagger-codegen/tree/v0.1.0" rel="nofollow">0.1.0</a>
  3243. </dt>
  3244. <dd>
  3245. Update to Swagger Codegen 2.2.3
  3246. </dd>
  3247. <dt>
  3248. <a href="https://github.com/jimschubert/intellij-swagger-codegen/tree/v0.0.5" rel="nofollow">0.0.5</a>
  3249. </dt>
  3250. <dd>
  3251. <ul>
  3252. <li>UX: Display balloon on successful/failed generation.</li>
  3253. <li>Fix possible 'empty language' panel before language selection.</li>
  3254. <li>Fix <a href="https://github.com/jimschubert/intellij-swagger-codegen/issues/4" rel="nofollow">missing swagger input or config</a> issue.</li>
  3255. </ul>
  3256. </dd>
  3257. <dt>
  3258. <a href="https://github.com/jimschubert/intellij-swagger-codegen/tree/v0.0.4" rel="nofollow">0.0.4</a>
  3259. </dt>
  3260. <dd>
  3261. Update to Swagger Codegen 2.2.2, with support for JSON files and newest idea version
  3262. </dd>
  3263. <dt>
  3264. <a href="https://github.com/jimschubert/intellij-swagger-codegen/tree/v0.0.3" rel="nofollow">0.0.3</a>
  3265. </dt>
  3266. <dd>
  3267. Update to Swagger Codegen 2.2.1
  3268. </dd>
  3269. <dt>
  3270. <a href="https://github.com/jimschubert/intellij-swagger-codegen/tree/v0.0.2" rel="nofollow">0.0.2</a>
  3271. </dt>
  3272. <dd>
  3273. Include notice: Swagger® is a registered trademark of SmartBear Software, Inc.
  3274. </dd>
  3275. <dt>
  3276. <a href="https://github.com/jimschubert/intellij-swagger-codegen/tree/v0.0.1" rel="nofollow">0.0.1</a>
  3277. </dt>
  3278. <dd>
  3279. Magic
  3280. </dd>
  3281. </dl>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='1119' size='35832' date='1470382470000' url=''><name>CopyWithStyle</name><id>com.peterae86.copy</id><description><![CDATA[This plugin allows copying code from editor to clipboard with colors and style! Select lines you want copy, and then right click on the editor, you can see "Copy with style" options on the first line]]></description><version>1.0.3</version><vendor email='peterae87@gmail.com' url=''>..</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='141.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[1.0 basic
  3282. <br> 1.0.1 just modify the description, no need to update
  3283. <br> 1.0.2 fix style bug
  3284. <br> 1.0.3 fix line overflow style
  3285. <br>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='6916' size='40507775' date='1510154372000' url=''><name>Scalagen, Java to Scala converter</name><id>org.github.feiwongreed</id><description><![CDATA[<p> This plugin allows you to convert Java code into Scala. Selection in current editor will be converted if any and the whole document if nothing is selected. </p>
  3286. <ul>
  3287. <li>Default shortcut is <em>Ctrl+K, Ctrl+G</em></li>
  3288. <li>Supports quick opening of Scala scrathes (default shortcut is <em>Ctrl+K, Ctrl+S</em>) and Java scratches (default shortcut is <em>Ctrl+K, Ctrl+J</em>)</li>
  3289. </ul>]]></description><version>1.0.8</version><vendor email='pshirshov@gmail.com' url='https://github.com/pshirshov/idea-scalagen'>pshirshov</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[mac compatibility, scala 2.11]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><depends>org.intellij.scala</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='575' size='54119' date='1468389030000' url=''><name>varname-go-die</name><id>Royll.ID</id><description><![CDATA[Android Studio plugin(根据中文在线查找翻译并生成指定格式的变量名称) .
  3290. <br>]]></description><version>1.0</version><vendor email='liulou.zh@gmail.com' url='https://github.com/lololiu'>Roy</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='141.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<b>1.0</b> (7/13/2016)
  3291. <ul>
  3292. <li>Initial release</li>
  3293. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='400' size='8702' date='1483064833000' url=''><name>HasteIt</name><id>de.lukweb.hasteit</id><description><![CDATA[With HasteIt you can quickly share your current file or selected text to
  3294. <a href="http://hastebin.com" rel="nofollow">Hastebin</a>.]]></description><version>1.03</version><vendor email='info@lukweb.de' url='https://github.com/LukWebsForge/HasteIt'>LukWeb</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='141.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[This update fixes a problem occuring when trying to upload a file or selection to hastebin.]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='1609' size='11120' date='1472460711000' url=''><name>Bunyan Pretty Print</name><id>BunyanConsole</id><description><![CDATA[Plugin for IntelliJ IDEs to pretty print JSON log through Bunyan.
  3295. <br>
  3296. <em>You'll need globally installed bunyan command line tool (npm install -g bunyan) for this plugin to work.</em>]]></description><version>1.0.6</version><vendor email='compl.yue@icloud.com' url='https://github.com/complyue/BunyanConsole'>Compl Yue</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='141.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Work around NPE in finding bunyan]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='246' size='7211' date='1470638318000' url=''><name>Metadroid Plugin</name><id>com.thangiee.metadroid</id><description><![CDATA[Enable proper Intellij highlighting for Metadroid macros.]]></description><version>0.1.1</version><vendor email='thangiee12@gmail.com' url='https://github.com/Thangiee/Metadroid'>Thang Le</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='143.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[0.1.1 * Show default and repeated parameter in completion]]></change-notes><depends>org.intellij.scala</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='1393' size='12275' date='1471302729000' url=''><name>FindViewById to BindView</name><id>tw.yalan.android.plugin.findviewbyidtobindview</id><description><![CDATA[Android plugin for converting findViewById(R.id.xx) to ButterKnife field.]]></description><version>1.2</version><vendor email='ch8154@gmail.com' url='https://github.com/ch8154/findviewbyid-to-bindview'>Yalan</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='123.72' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<b>1.2</b> (8/16/2016)
  3297. <ul>
  3298. <li>Fix some bugs.</li>
  3299. <li>Add some rule when parsing class.</li>
  3300. </ul>
  3301. <b>1.1</b> (8/13/2016)
  3302. <ul>
  3303. <li>Fix plugin depends.</li>
  3304. </ul>
  3305. <b>1.0</b> (8/13/2016)
  3306. <ul>
  3307. <li>First release</li>
  3308. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='1921' size='38464' date='1471521178000' url=''><name>Easy-Translation</name><id>com.gogh.android.plugin.translation</id><description><![CDATA[An Intellij/Android Studio plugin that support Chinese English words or sentence translation of each other, this function is simple, but very useful, if you have any questions or suggestions in the course, you can always feedback.
  3309. <br>
  3310. <br>
  3311. <p> Instructions(important update): </p>
  3312. <li>1. Double click to select the English word you want to translate. </li>
  3313. <li>2. Press shortcut key(Alt + A) to view translation result. </li>
  3314. <li>3. To Step 2. you also can right click the word and select menu item "Translate". </li>
  3315. <li>4. Another way is to press shortcut(Alt + S) display translation content in tool window(Floation Mode or Pinned Mode). </li>
  3316. <li>5. Press shortcut key(Shift + F10) to select an translation engine(Goole or YouDao) to translate it in web page . </li>
  3317. <br>
  3318. <p> Fixed: </p>
  3319. <li>1. Solve the garbage problem. </li>
  3320. <li>2. The balloon support for mouse events. </li>]]></description><version>1.04.07</version><vendor email='xiaofeng355@gmial.com' url='http://xiaofeng.site/'>Gogh&apos;s Blog</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='141.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Modify compatibility.]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='6279' size='108379022' date='1478857941000' url=''><name>autodoc</name><id>com.ludditelabs.autodocintellij.plugin</id><description><![CDATA[Validate and auto fix source code documentation.
  3321. <ul>
  3322. <li><b>Code -&gt; Autodoc current file</b> to generate documentation strings for Python and Java.</li>
  3323. <li><b>Code -&gt; Autodoc current project</b> to generate documentation strings for all files of a project.</li>
  3324. </ul>]]></description><version>0.1.3</version><vendor email='autodoc@ludditelabs.io' url='http://autodoc.ai/'>Luddite Labs</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='141.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<dl>
  3325. <dt>
  3326. 0.1.3
  3327. </dt>
  3328. <dd>
  3329. <ul>
  3330. <li>Better UI.</li>
  3331. <li>Usage statistics.</li>
  3332. </ul>
  3333. </dd>
  3334. <dt>
  3335. 0.1.2
  3336. </dt>
  3337. <dd>
  3338. <ul>
  3339. <li>MacOS support.</li>
  3340. </ul>
  3341. </dd>
  3342. <dt>
  3343. 0.1.1
  3344. </dt>
  3345. <dd>
  3346. <ul>
  3347. <li>Update metadata.</li>
  3348. </ul>
  3349. </dd>
  3350. <dt>
  3351. 0.1.0
  3352. </dt>
  3353. <dd>
  3354. <ul>
  3355. <li>Initial release.</li>
  3356. </ul>
  3357. </dd>
  3358. </dl>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>3.4</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='10037' size='210521' date='1508938057000' url=''><name>PHP Docker</name><id>org.jetbrains.plugins.phpstorm-docker</id><description><![CDATA[Allows to create php interpreter for remote run inside docker container]]></description><version>173.3415.21</version><vendor email='' url=''>JetBrains</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='173.3415' until-build='173.*'/><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>Docker</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.ultimate</depends><depends>com.jetbrains.php</depends><depends>com.jetbrains.plugins.webDeployment</depends><depends>org.jetbrains.plugins.phpstorm-remote-interpreter</depends><depends>org.jetbrains.plugins.remote-run</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='1967' size='6269' date='1498657002000' url=''><name>3v4l pl4g1n</name><id>me.artspb.idea.eval.plugin</id><description><![CDATA[The plugin allows you to run your code on more than 150 different PHP versions using
  3359. <a href="https://3v4l.org/" rel="nofollow">3v4l.org</a>. Read more about the website
  3360. <a href="https://3v4l.org/about" rel="nofollow">here</a> and support its author if you like the idea. Usage To execute a PHP script you just have to right click on the file and select "3v4l();" from the menu. You could also use the keyboard command Ctrl + Alt + Shift + E (default). The plugin will open your browser with the result of the script on the 3v4l.org website.]]></description><version>0.4</version><vendor email='contact@artspb.me' url='https://artspb.me'>Artem Khvastunov</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='162.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[0.4
  3361. <ul>
  3362. <li>The action now works in a dumb mode.</li>
  3363. <li>The POST request is updated according to the latest 3v4l.org API changes.</li>
  3364. </ul> 0.3
  3365. <ul>
  3366. <li>Fixed bug: actual editor's content is used instead of file's (can be outdated).</li>
  3367. </ul> 0.2
  3368. <ul>
  3369. <li>Added ability to submit a selected code fragment instead of the whole file.</li>
  3370. </ul> 0.1
  3371. <ul>
  3372. <li>Implemented a simple action to submit an execution request. Default web browser will be opened automatically.</li>
  3373. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><depends>com.jetbrains.php</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='349' size='50082' date='1479068356000' url=''><name>Freasy Monad Plugin</name><id>com.thangiee.freasy-monad</id><description><![CDATA[Enable proper Intellij highlighting for Freasy-Monad macros.]]></description><version>0.5.1</version><vendor email='thangiee12@gmail.com' url='https://github.com/Thangiee/Freasy-Monad'>Thang Le</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='143.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Targets library version 0.5.x]]></change-notes><depends>org.intellij.scala</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='237' size='88903' date='1481534949000' url=''><name>LeeInjectView</name><id>cn.leeii.plugin.annotation</id><description><![CDATA[只能用于自己的框架,其他框架请谨慎下载~]]></description><version>1.1.1</version><vendor email='leeiidesu@gmail.com' url=''>Lee</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='2.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[新增对ButterKnife 8.4.0 的适配]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='735' size='10474305' date='1479233098000' url=''><name>BeTranslate</name><id>co.lujun.plugin.betranslate</id><description><![CDATA[Generate Android string resource from Excel
  3374. <br>
  3375. <a href="https://github.com/whilu/BeTranslate" rel="nofollow">BeTranslate on GitHub</a>]]></description><version>1.0.5</version><vendor email='lujun.byte@gmail.com' url='https://www.lujun.co/'>lujun</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='141.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<li> 1.0.5(2016-11-15)<br> - Support edit the target language </li>
  3376. <li> 1.0.4(2016-11-11)<br> - Support ignore [translatable="false"] attribute<br> - Fix bugs </li>
  3377. <li> 1.0.3(2016-9-14)<br> - Support resize window<br> - Fix bugs </li>
  3378. <li> 1.0.2(2016-9-13)<br> - Support fill 'string.xml'<br> - Support export 'string.xml' to Excel<br> - Fix bugs </li>
  3379. <li> 0.9.0(2016-9-10)<br> - Alpha version(0.9.0)<br> </li>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='676' size='38375' date='1476448855000' url=''><name>Refactoring</name><id>com.funivan.phpstorm.refactoring</id><description><![CDATA[Improve your productivity.
  3380. <br>
  3381. <br>
  3382. <b>Edit usages</b> - find some statements with PhpStorm and edit it.
  3383. <br>
  3384. <b>Find magic method</b> - detect who is calling your magic methods
  3385. <br>
  3386. <b>Unimport class</b> - revers action of the import class
  3387. <br>
  3388. <br> Support
  3389. <br>
  3390. <a href="https://github.com/funivan/PhpStorm-Refactoring-Plugin/blob/master/README.md#modules" rel="nofollow">How to use</a>
  3391. <br> GitHub :
  3392. <a href="https://github.com/funivan/PhpStorm-Refactoring-Plugin" rel="nofollow">funivan/PhpStorm-Refactoring-Plugin</a>
  3393. <br> Have some question?
  3394. <br> Twitter:
  3395. <a href="http://twitter.com/funivan" rel="nofollow">@funivan</a>]]></description><version>0.0.5</version><vendor email='dev@funivan.com' url='http://funivan.com'>Funivan</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='131.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Rewrite plugin description. Fix typos]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><depends>com.jetbrains.php</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='1241' size='37596' date='1476388415000' url=''><name>ColorPanelHelper</name><id>co.lujun.plugin.colorpanelhelper</id><description><![CDATA[Convert color with alpha value to hex format
  3396. <br>
  3397. <a href="https://github.com/whilu/colorpanelhelper" rel="nofollow">ColorPanelHelper on GitHub</a>]]></description><version>1.0.0</version><vendor email='lujun.byte@gmail.com' url='https://www.lujun.co/'>lujun</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='141.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<li> 1.0.0(2016-10-13)<br> - Beta version </li>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='1623' size='3361337' date='1482115888000' url=''><name>Geocoding Plugin</name><id>teeschke.geocode</id><description><![CDATA[This plugin is made for engineers working with Location-Based-Services / -Applications. Thus you can replace address names by its coordinates (Geocoding) and vice versa (Reverse Geocoding). It enables you to create test-locations quickly or resolve coordinates to its addresses within your IntelliJ Editor.
  3398. <br>
  3399. <br> After you installed the plugin you have a new action group
  3400. <b>Geocode</b> inside your
  3401. <b>Refactoring</b> context menu.
  3402. <br>
  3403. <br>
  3404. <b>Shortcuts</b>
  3405. <br> =========
  3406. <br>
  3407. <b>Alt</b> +
  3408. <b>Cmd</b> +
  3409. <b>G</b> for geocoding
  3410. <br>
  3411. <b>Shift</b> +
  3412. <b>Alt</b> +
  3413. <b>Cmd</b> +
  3414. <b>G</b> for reverse geocoding
  3415. <br>
  3416. <br>
  3417. <b>Geocoding Context Menu</b>
  3418. <br> ===================
  3419. <br>
  3420. <img src="https://github.com/dnltsk/intellij-geocoding-plugin/raw/master/src/main/resources/META-INF/context-menu.png" title="Geocode Context Menu">
  3421. <br>
  3422. <br>
  3423. <b>Create Sample Data Demo</b>
  3424. <br> =====================
  3425. <br>
  3426. <img src="https://github.com/dnltsk/intellij-geocoding-plugin/raw/master/src/main/resources/META-INF/geocoding.gif" title="Create Sample Data Demo">
  3427. <br>
  3428. <br>
  3429. <b>Reverse Geocoding Demo</b>
  3430. <br> =====================
  3431. <br>
  3432. <img src="https://github.com/dnltsk/intellij-geocoding-plugin/raw/master/src/main/resources/META-INF/reverse-geocoding.gif" title="Reverse Geocoding Demo">
  3433. <br>
  3434. <br>
  3435. <b>Geocoding Plugin Preferences</b>
  3436. <br> =========================
  3437. <br>
  3438. <img src="https://github.com/dnltsk/intellij-geocoding-plugin/raw/master/src/main/resources/META-INF/preferences.png" title="Geocode Context Menu">
  3439. <br>
  3440. <br> License
  3441. <br> =======
  3442. <br> Source Code under Apache 2.0
  3443. <br> Geocoded data is provided under the ODbL via Nominatim / OpenStreetMap®
  3444. <br>
  3445. <br>]]></description><version>1.1.1</version><vendor email='daniel.teske@gmail.com' url='https://github.com/dnltsk/intellij-geocoding-plugin'>dnltsk</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='131.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[updated github username (teeschke =&gt; dnltsk)]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='1017' size='2362009' date='1479322027000' url=''><name>Appaie</name><id>com.jamhub.appaie.plugin.dbot</id><description><![CDATA[Appaie - Deploy a coding bot to create native android app automatically
  3446. <br>
  3447. <em>Developer SDK for Android</em>]]></description><version>2.1</version><vendor email='arun@appaie.com' url='http://appaie.com/'>Appaie</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='141.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Version 2.1. Security features added
  3448. <br>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='228' size='45278' date='1482214690000' url=''><name>Loopeer Model Format</name><id>loopeer</id><description><![CDATA[an Android Studio plugin for generating model using loopeer data dictionary.
  3449. <br>]]></description><version>0.2</version><vendor email='liuzizhang@loopeer.com' url='https://github.com/loopeer/android-plugin-loopeermodel'>loopeer</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='141.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<b>0.1</b> (11/18/2016)
  3450. <ul>
  3451. <li>Initial release</li>
  3452. </ul>
  3453. <b>0.2</b> (12/19/2016)
  3454. <ul>
  3455. <li>兼容英文冒号</li>
  3456. <li>正则表达式验证数据合法性</li>
  3457. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='125' size='45983' date='1514383387000' url=''><name>JFramework</name><id>com.rodziu.plugins.JFramework</id><description><![CDATA[<p>JFramework support for PhpStorm.</p>]]></description><version>1.5.1</version><vendor email='mateusz.rohde@gmail.com' url='http://mateuszrohde.pl'>Rodziu</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='173.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[1.5.1
  3458. <ul>
  3459. <li>FIX java.lang.NullPointerException in JFrameworkComponent.</li>
  3460. </ul> 1.5.0
  3461. <ul>
  3462. <li>LogMonitor - watch for changes in /data/logs.</li>
  3463. </ul> 1.4.5
  3464. <ul>
  3465. <li>FIX AddAngularInjectablesIntention not working in PHPStorm 2017.3.</li>
  3466. </ul> 1.4.3 - 1.4.4
  3467. <ul>
  3468. <li>FIX AddAngularInjectablesIntention not working in PHPStorm 2017.2.</li>
  3469. </ul> 1.4.2
  3470. <ul>
  3471. <li>FIX AddUpdateParametersIntention replacing same parameter many times.</li>
  3472. </ul> 1.4.1
  3473. <ul>
  3474. <li>FIX java.lang.NullPointerException in AddAngularInjectablesIntention.</li>
  3475. </ul> 1.4.0
  3476. <ul>
  3477. <li>Add AngularJS injectables intention.</li>
  3478. </ul> 1.3.2
  3479. <ul>
  3480. <li>FIX java.util.regex.PatternSyntaxException in AddUpdateParametersIntention</li>
  3481. </ul> 1.3.1
  3482. <ul>
  3483. <li>FIX NullPointerException in BindParametersIntention</li>
  3484. </ul> 1.3.0
  3485. <ul>
  3486. <li>Sql::prepare - Create update parameters intention</li>
  3487. </ul> 1.2.1
  3488. <ul>
  3489. <li>FIX NullPointerException in InsertParametersIntention</li>
  3490. </ul> 1.2.0
  3491. <ul>
  3492. <li>LanguageStrings completion in Smarty / HTML / JavaScript</li>
  3493. <li>Optimized performance of template suggestions and go to template in applyStyle</li>
  3494. </ul> 1.1.2
  3495. <ul>
  3496. <li>fix NullPointerException in PhpHelper.getPrepareQueryElement</li>
  3497. </ul> 1.1.1
  3498. <ul>
  3499. <li>fix applyStyle - available for every class</li>
  3500. </ul> 1.1.0
  3501. <ul>
  3502. <li>Common::applyStyle - go to style file</li>
  3503. </ul> 1.0.1
  3504. <ul>
  3505. <li>Fix bind parameters intention - order &amp; placeholders regex</li>
  3506. </ul> 1.0.0
  3507. <ul>
  3508. <li>Common::applyStyle - template suggestions</li>
  3509. <li>Sql::prepare - Create insert parameters intention</li>
  3510. <li>Sql::prepare - Create bind parameters intention</li>
  3511. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>JavaScript</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><depends>com.jetbrains.php</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='916' size='391421' date='1481785128000' url=''><name>simplexml-format</name><id>Royll.SimpleXmlFormat.ID</id><description><![CDATA[A plugin you can generate javabean from xml]]></description><version>1.01</version><vendor email='liulou.zh@gmail.com' url=''>Roy</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='141.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[fix bug]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='920' size='94717' date='1508120838000' url=''><name>MVPManager</name><id>com.xujiaji.plugin.MVPManager</id><description><![CDATA[通过MVPManager可以快速的管理MVP框架
  3512. <br> 正向生成MVP所需的代码和自动创建实现类,并实现方法。
  3513. <br> 逆向MVP代码增添或删除方法,而不需手动在接口和实现类中进行两次操作。
  3514. <br> Through the MVPManager can quickly manage the MVP framework
  3515. <br> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Generate the code required for MVP and automatically create the implementation class, and implement methods.
  3516. <br> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Reverse MVP code to add or remove methods, without having to manually in the interface and the implementation class in two operations.
  3517. <br>]]></description><version>2.0.0</version><vendor email='jiajixu@qq.com' url='https://github.com/xujiaji'>No Company</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[1. 可以将创建的所有文件放一个包中; 2. 通过单选按钮切换文件创建位置(单包/多包); 3. 预览创建的文件所在包的位置; &gt;1. You can create all the files in a package. &gt;2. Through the radio button to switch the file to create the location (single package / multi-pack). &gt;3. Preview the location of the file where the file was created.]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='339' size='42794' date='1481710517000' url=''><name>MvpCreatePlugin</name><id>com.zx.mvphelper.unique.plugin.id</id><description><![CDATA[Android Studio插件,一个生成mvp框架代码的插件.
  3518. <br>]]></description><version>1.0</version><vendor email='zhangxunzz@126.com' url='https://github.com/xunzzz'>xun</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[1.0.
  3519. <br>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='801' size='16507524' date='1485804991000' url=''><name>JDT AstView</name><id>org.santoslab.compilers</id><description><![CDATA[This plugin provides Eclipse JDT AST Viewer for Java source code.]]></description><version>0.0.1-3</version><vendor email='robby@santoslab.org' url='http://robby.santoslab.org'>Robby, SAnToS Lab, Kansas State University</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='143.1184' /><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='21072' size='88074' date='1483076503000' url=''><name>Android ButterKnife Plugin Plus</name><id>life.iuni.android.plugin.butterknife</id><description><![CDATA[Plugin for generating ButterKnife injections from selected layout XMLs in activities/fragments/adapters.
  3520. <br> Add some new features based on on the Android ButterKnife Zelezny(Version 1.6.0-SNAPSHOT).
  3521. <br>]]></description><version>1.0.0-SNAPSHOT</version><vendor email='q568660429@gmail.com' url='https://github.com/OriginalLove/Android-ButterKnife-Plugin-Plus'>wincomit</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='141.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<b>1.0.0-SNAPSHOT</b>
  3522. <ul>
  3523. <li>Include Android ButterKnife Zelezny(Version 1.6.0-SNAPSHOT) all the functions.</li>
  3524. <li>Add function allows you to choose whether to initialize the butterKnife in activities/fragments.</li>
  3525. <li>In the Android Studio settings interface, you can set whether the class can initialize the ButterKnife default value.</li>
  3526. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='2250' size='5654' date='1503912588000' url=''><name>Yii::t</name><id>com.xu</id><description><![CDATA[Yii::t helper.
  3527. <br>
  3528. <em> Yii::t("site","translate") autocomplete</em>
  3529. <ul>
  3530. <li>1.select the text "translate"</li>
  3531. <li>2.Alt+3</li>
  3532. <li>3. Yii::t("site","translate") has autocomplete </li>
  3533. </ul>]]></description><version>1.2</version><vendor email='412530435@qq.com' url='https://github.com/xuzhenjun130/Yii-t'>sherman</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[fix bug]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><depends>com.jetbrains.php</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='308' size='20649393' date='1512488311000' url=''><name>Teamscale IntelliJ Plugin</name><id>com.teamscale.ide.intellij</id><description><![CDATA[Teamscale Plugin for Intellij Platform]]></description><version>3.8.2</version><vendor email='' url='http://www.cqse.eu'>CQSE GmbH</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='163.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[v3.8.2 NPE fix if Findingsview is not open]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='1366' size='11109' date='1486713916000' url=''><name>Code blocks sorter</name><id>eu.osimowicz.plugins.intellij.CodeBlocksSorter</id><description><![CDATA[It will sort your code depends on indentation , comments, brackets etc. eg. You may select whole class and sort all your method alphabetically - pleas notice that eg. Private keyword is also a part of line with your method name so it will sort your methods by accessibility.]]></description><version>0.1.1</version><vendor email='grzegorz@osimowicz.eu' url=''>Grzegorz Osimowicz</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<ul>
  3534. <li> <strong>0.1.1</strong>
  3535. <ul>
  3536. <li>Fixed sorting json properties</li>
  3537. <li>Some code improvements</li>
  3538. </ul> </li>
  3539. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='259' size='31601' date='1488510828000' url=''><name>IDsCreate</name><id>com.axter.plugin.IDsCreate</id><description><![CDATA[Plugin for generating code from selected layout XMLs in java file(via R.layout.xxx)
  3540. <ul>
  3541. <li>support declare/findViewById/setOnClickListener.</li>
  3542. <li>support ButterKnife Annotate fields and listeners.</li>
  3543. </ul>]]></description><version>1.5.1</version><vendor email='milyqs@163.com' url=''>axter</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='141.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Version 1.5.1 (3/3/2017)
  3544. <ul>
  3545. <li>In order to support Android Studio search plugin</li>
  3546. </ul> Version 1.5 (2/3/2017)
  3547. <ul>
  3548. <li>增加国际化,支持英文和中文</li>
  3549. </ul> Version 1.4 (24/2/2017)
  3550. <ul>
  3551. <li>增加局部变量声明</li>
  3552. <li>增加View.OnClickListener事件支持</li>
  3553. <li>支持ButterKnife Annotate listeners with @OnClick</li>
  3554. </ul> Version 1.3 (29/7/2016)
  3555. <ul>
  3556. <li>支持ButterKnife Annotate fields with @BindView </li>
  3557. </ul> Version 1.2 (27/7/2016)
  3558. <ul>
  3559. <li>支持自动import View相关的包</li>
  3560. <li>细节体验优化</li>
  3561. </ul> Version 1.1 (27/7/2016)
  3562. <li>增加驼峰命名</li>
  3563. <li>增加存储记录功能</li> Version 1.0 (26/7/2016)
  3564. <ul>
  3565. <li>支持变量声明</li>
  3566. <li>支持在指定的方法内(默认initView方法) findViewById</li>
  3567. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='3089' size='11145' date='1489719160000' url=''><name>MVPPlugin</name><id>com.yugai.mvp</id><description><![CDATA[This is a can help developers to quickly generate the MVP template plug-ins
  3568. <br>
  3569. <em>What's the problem can be feedback on my email</em>]]></description><version>1.4</version><vendor email='784787081@qq.com' url='https://yugai.github.io'>MaYi</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='131.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[修复低版本显示不兼容问题
  3570. <br>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='1755' size='2590270' date='1491302098000' url=''><name>CCLines</name><id>2017031807130000</id><description><![CDATA[统计代码行数,允许在设置界面添加用户自定义统计类型。(Statistics the number of lines of code, allowing the user to add a custom statistical type in the settings interface.)]]></description><version>1.4</version><vendor email='2505652@qq.com' url='https://github.com/cbchena/CCLines'>Devin</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Fixed some bugs.]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='445' size='16123' date='1510139780000' url=''><name>idea-sourcetrail</name><id>io.sourcetrail.idea</id><description><![CDATA[Sourcetrail plugin for idea IDEs like Intellij or CLion. Provides synchronization with Sourcetrail.
  3571. <br>]]></description><version>0.4.7</version><vendor email='mail@coati.io' url='https://www.sourcetrail.com'>Coati Software</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Release 0.4.7: Fixed NoClassDefFoundError that occurred in CLion.
  3572. <br> Release 0.4: First release.
  3573. <br>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='276' size='64053' date='1494236488000' url=''><name>FindViewByX</name><id>cyningxu.findviewbyx</id><description><![CDATA[A plugin which automatic generation "findViewById" code.]]></description><version>1.1</version><vendor email='cyningxu@163.com' url='http://git.oschina.net/cyningxu/findviewbyx'>FindViewByX</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='93.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[The first version, there may be many deficiencies.Thanks for using.]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='907' size='8432' date='1497909379000' url=''><name>Sourcegraph</name><id>com.sourcegraph.jetbrains</id><description><![CDATA[Sourcegraph for JetBrains IDEs (IntelliJ, PyCharm, Goglang, etc.)
  3574. <br>]]></description><version>1.1.1</version><vendor email='hi@sourcegraph.com' url='https://sourcegraph.com'>Sourcegraph</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<ul>
  3575. <li>v1.1.1 - Fixed search shortcut.
  3576. <ul>
  3577. <li>Updated the search URL to reflect a recent Sourcegraph.com change.</li>
  3578. </ul> </li>
  3579. <li>v1.1.0 - Configurable Sourcegraph URL
  3580. <ul>
  3581. <li>Added support for using the plugin with on-premises Sourcegraph instances.</li>
  3582. </ul> </li>
  3583. <li>v1.0.0 - Initial Release
  3584. <ul>
  3585. <li>Basic Open File &amp; Search functionality.</li>
  3586. </ul> </li>
  3587. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='618' size='18038' date='1495682053000' url=''><name>ButterKnifeKiller</name><id>com.maihaoche.cx5</id><description><![CDATA[This is a tool to remove butterknife codes. How to use: First, open the file with butterkinfe in the editor and choose the codes to be replaced; Second, right click and the popup menu will contain a "CX5" item. Click the "CX5" and choose which situation you should use. There are totally three situations,"Activity","Fragment" and "ViewHolder" which convert codes with "findViewById","contentView.findViewById" and "itemView.findViewById". After the codes converted, a row of function call codes is generated,e.g. "findView()" for activity or "findView(itemView)" for viewHolder. This function call should be used to replace "ButterKnife.bind(this)" or "ButterKnife.bind(this,itemView)" with your own.
  3588. <br> Git:https://github.com/WangYangYang2014/KillButterKnife
  3589. <br>
  3590. <em>MaiHaoChe</em>]]></description><version>1.2</version><vendor email='yangyang1@maihaoche.com' url='http://b.maihaoche.com/'>MaiHaoChe.</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='161.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[This time the github website is absolutely added to description.]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='9867' size='6320' date='1497371446000' url=''><name>python-typing-adder</name><id>me.aristotll.python.typing.adder</id><description><![CDATA[<a rel="nofollow"></a>README
  3591. <p>Using intellij to infer Python typing and</p>
  3592. <p>add type comments using the <code>typing</code> module.</p>
  3593. <p>See more from <a href="https://www.jetbrains.com/help/pycharm/2017.1/type-hinting-in-pycharm.html" rel="nofollow">https://www.jetbrains.com/help/pycharm/2017.1/type-hinting-in-pycharm.html</a></p>
  3594. <p>Move cursor to the element, and press <code>ctrl shift Y</code> to add the type comments.</p>
  3595. <p><a rel="nofollow"><img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/aristotll/python-typing-adder/master/imgs/typing-comments-added.gif" alt="typing-comments-added"></a></p>
  3596. <p>Before:</p>
  3597. <pre><span>def</span> <span>greeting_with_type</span>(<span>name</span>):
  3598. <span>return</span> <span><span>'</span>Hello <span>'</span></span> <span>+</span> name</pre>
  3599. <p>After:</p>
  3600. <pre><span>def</span> <span>greeting_with_type</span>(<span>name</span>): <span># <span>type:</span> <span>(</span><span>str</span><span>)</span> <span>-&gt;</span> <span>str</span></span>
  3601. <span>return</span> <span><span>'</span>Hello <span>'</span></span> <span>+</span> name
  3602. </pre>
  3603. <p>It depends on the <code>Python</code> plugin of intellij, and I think Pycharm also works.</p>]]></description><version>1.1</version><vendor email='aristotll.good@gmail.com' url=''>aristotll</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[first release]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>3.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='477' size='300664' date='1508225508000' url=''><name>BrownBat</name><id>brown.bat</id><description><![CDATA[1.groovy 测试用例生成 如果你的代码是这样的:
  3604. <br> @MonitorSwagger
  3605. <br> @RestController
  3606. <br> @RequestMapping(value = SOME_STRING + "/company")
  3607. <br> public class TestController {
  3608. <br> @ApiResponses(value = {
  3609. <br> @ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "error")
  3610. <br> })
  3611. <br> @PostMapping("/xxxx/xx")
  3612. <br> public ResponseEntity filter(@ApiParam(value = "搜索过滤参数", required = true) @RequestBody Object request) throws SuspendExecution {
  3613. <br> return new ResponseEntity&lt;&gt;(response, HttpStatus.OK);
  3614. <br> }
  3615. <br> }
  3616. <br> 你将会在剪切办得到这样一个东西:
  3617. <br> /**
  3618. <br> * error
  3619. <br> */
  3620. <br> @Test
  3621. <br> public void filter_404() {
  3622. <br> def headers = userLogin(accountInfo.dj)
  3623. <br> def body = [
  3624. <br> "request" : "Object"
  3625. <br> ]
  3626. <br> def res = restClient().post(
  3627. <br> path: "/api/company/xxxx/xx",
  3628. <br> contentType: JSON,
  3629. <br> body : body,
  3630. <br> headers: headers)
  3631. <br> assert res.status == 404202
  3632. <br> } ps : def restClient = new RESTClient("")
  3633. <br> 如果你的Object是一个其他实体,我将会把所有字段都对应读取出来
  3634. <br> 没有默认快捷键,因为我写不来,自己改. 建议ctrl + 1
  3635. <br>
  3636. <br> 2.Simple Plugin (位于上边栏最后一个):
  3637. <br> step1: 拥有一台linux系统的电脑
  3638. <br> step2: 安装expect
  3639. <br> step3: 安装terminator
  3640. <br> step4: 配置config, 配置文件 在.IntelliJIdea2016.3/config/plugins/bb中
  3641. <br>
  3642. <br> config 格式 : 中间用空格隔开
  3643. <br> 别名 帐号 密码 ip 注释
  3644. <br> 别名 最好用英文,支持中文。如果没有密码,用?代替。当通过这个插件登录过一次远程服务器。系统自动加入别名,可以直接用别名登录。
  3645. <br>
  3646. <br> 效果类似: ssh username@ip ,自动帮助你输入密码,完成登录。
  3647. <br> 没有默认快捷键,因为我写不来,自己改. 建议ctrl + 2
  3648. <br>
  3649. <br> 3.translate baidu of camel case:百度翻译并且返回驼峰式译文
  3650. <br> 先选择你要翻译的一段话
  3651. <br> 右键 选中 translate of CamelCase 翻译内容自动填充到剪切版, ctrl + v 粘帖
  3652. <br> 没有默认快捷键,因为我写不来,自己改. 建议ctrl + 3
  3653. <br> 中文中间不要出现空格
  3654. <br>
  3655. <br> 4.redis client(linux客户端)
  3656. <br> 使用点击菜单Simple plugin -&gt; redisClient. by -&gt; dongqiang.wu@socialcredits.com 使用方法: 输入ip,端口点击确定,选定哪个db. 关于搜索: *name* ,*表示模糊匹配. 左边可以多选,右键删除或者刷新]]></description><version>1.3.5</version><vendor email='xin.hu@socialcredits.com' url='xin.hu@socialcredits.com'>socialcredits</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='141.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[add redis client]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='408' size='933761' date='1499329358000' url=''><name>NewDataClassAction</name><id>cn.kotliner.dataclass</id><description><![CDATA[Create Data Class on the fly!!
  3657. <br>
  3658. <a href="https://github.com/enbandari" rel="nofollow"> openSource</a>]]></description><version>1.0.b5a0799-SNAPSHOT</version><vendor email='bennyhuo@kotliner.cn' url=''>bennyhuo</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='107.121' /><change-notes><![CDATA[fixbug]]></change-notes><depends>org.jetbrains.kotlin</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='388' size='24337' date='1500917939000' url=''><name>Focus on Active Task</name><id>org.jeto.taskfocus</id><description><![CDATA[Focuses the project tree view on the active task, only displaying relevant files/paths.]]></description><version>0.9.5</version><vendor email='jeremy.touati@gmail.com' url='https://pleesher.com'>Jeto</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[0.9.5: - Alt-click can now be used on the Project view tree to temporarily unfilter elements (nodes) - Elements whose children are filtered will now have a small "Filtered" visual indicator written next to them - Files within External Libraries node are now filtered just like any other files - Fixed "selection flickering" sometimes happening when Autoscroll from Source was enabled - Fixed Favorites view being impacted by this plugin when it wasn't intended (may be looked into in a future version) - Some optimizations have been made to have the plugin work quite a bit quicker]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><depends>com.intellij.tasks</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='93' size='5740231' date='1504258971000' url=''><name>Speachme</name><id>com.me.speachme.intelliSpeach</id><description><![CDATA[Comment your code with your speachme platform
  3659. <br> Create video &amp; screencast in your idea product
  3660. <br> Warning: This is a beta version.
  3661. <br>
  3662. <br> For more informations please contact speachme.
  3663. <br>]]></description><version>0.9.6</version><vendor email='support@speach.me' url='https://speach.me'>Speachme</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='171.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[0.9.6 Change settings panel Add help Panel 0.9 Bug Fixes Add synchronize widget 0.8 Bug Fixes Add link "Edit Speach" Add link "View my profil"]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>4.7</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='1158' size='91310' date='1500783951000' url=''><name>Awesome Pojo Generator</name><id>com.test.jinesh.json.to.pojo</id><description><![CDATA[Plugin to generate Pojo classes from json.
  3664. <br>
  3665. <a href="https://github.com/jineshfrancs/AwesomePojoGenerator" rel="nofollow">Source code</a> Avilable here.]]></description><version>1.1</version><vendor email='jineshfrancisofficial@gmail.com' url='https://github.com/jineshfrancs'>jineshfrancs</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='141.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Added notes and support for all products]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='1773' size='35128' date='1500905598000' url=''><name>Git Commit Template</name><id>commit-template-idea-plugin</id><description><![CDATA[<p>Create a commit message with the following template:</p>
  3666. <pre>
  3667. &lt;type&gt;(&lt;scope&gt;): &lt;subject&gt;
  3668. &lt;BLANK LINE&gt;
  3669. &lt;body&gt;
  3670. &lt;BLANK LINE&gt;
  3671. &lt;footer&gt;
  3672. </pre>]]></description><version>1.0.0</version><vendor email='damien.arrachequesne@gmail.com' url=''></vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.vcs</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='2253' size='161068' date='1516060392000' url=''><name>deep-assoc-completion</name><id>lv.midiana.misc.phpstorm-plugins.deep-keys</id><description><![CDATA[<ul>
  3673. <li>PHP associative array auto-completion inferred from other functions (in other files).</li>
  3674. <li>Go To key Definition.</li>
  3675. <li>Specify array keys and reference functions in phpdoc.</li>
  3676. <li>Preserve type info of object placed in an associative array.</li>
  3677. </ul> This plugin greatly extends phpstorm's associative array completion and typing
  3678. <br>
  3679. <br>
  3680. <img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/5202330/30349574-179c80e2-981c-11e7-9783-c7b9e6076c5c.png">
  3681. <br>
  3682. <img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/5202330/30355696-9d6aa368-983d-11e7-8b8a-6b4f5afcee0e.png">
  3683. <br>
  3684. <img src="https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/5202330/26426602/0f72f554-40e2-11e7-8873-30b873310746.png">
  3685. <br>
  3686. <img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/5202330/34743879-3e690ff0-f583-11e7-8dee-dd8c86b78917.png">]]></description><version>2018.01.15.001</version><vendor email='safronevev@gmail.com' url='http://midiana.lv/entry/phpstorm-deep-keys'>Klesun</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<li>#28 Temporary workaround for memory overflow caused by circular references: set expression limit guards to 2000 for now; catch and ignore memory overflow exception; hackishly remove duplicates before resolving IDEA type so that it was just 2 types instead of 7536 duplicates</li>
  3687. <li>Fix method name completion in [$someObj, ''] - $someObj was unresolved whet it was arg with a type hint</li>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.database</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><depends>com.jetbrains.php</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='8481' size='148211' date='1513593268000' url=''><name>JsonToKotlinClass</name><id>wu.seal.tool.jsontokotlin</id><description><![CDATA[An plugin for Kotlin to convert Json String into Kotlin data class code
  3688. <br>
  3689. <em>Kotlin</em>
  3690. <em>Json</em>]]></description><version>1.5.1</version><vendor email='sealkingking@163.com' url='https://www.github.com/wuseal'>Seal</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[1.Fix a bug about only number json property.
  3691. <br>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='71' size='48495' date='1507229797000' url=''><name>Gherkin TS Runner</name><id>com.buczkowski.gherkintsrunner</id><description><![CDATA[Since there is no easy way to run Feature/Scenario that solution come with help.
  3692. <br> This plugin after open or modification of file with .feature extension add icons in icons area which allow to run either Scenario or Feature.
  3693. <br>
  3694. <br> Settings have to be filled for proper work of this plugin.
  3695. <br>
  3696. <br>
  3697. <a href="https://github.com/KariiO/Gherkin-TS-Runner" rel="nofollow">GitHub Repository</a>]]></description><version>1.1.1</version><vendor email='buczkowski.korneliusz@gmail.com' url=''>Korneliusz Buczkowski</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Change document listener]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='172771' size='7873837' date='1513068273000' url=''><name>Alibaba Java Coding Guidelines</name><id>com.alibaba.p3c.smartfox</id><description><![CDATA[Alibaba Java Coding Guidelines plugin support.]]></description><version>1.0.3</version><vendor email='' url=''>alibaba</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='141.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<ul>
  3698. 1.0.3
  3699. <li>fix <a href="https://github.com/alibaba/p3c/issues/191" rel="nofollow">https://github.com/alibaba/p3c/issues/191</a></li>
  3700. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>(optional) com.intellij.modules.java</depends><depends>(optional) com.intellij.velocity</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.vcs</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.xdebugger</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.xml</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='951' size='960673' date='1509506103000' url=''><name>GoogleTranslation</name><id>com.xiuyukeji.plugin.translation</id><description><![CDATA[GoogleTranslation
  3701. <br>
  3702. <b> <a href="https://github.com/a483210/GoogleTranslation" rel="nofollow">Home Page</a> </b>
  3703. <br>
  3704. <br> The plugin is based on the following items
  3705. <br>
  3706. <br>
  3707. <b> <a href="https://github.com/ssut/py-googletrans" rel="nofollow">py-googletrans</a> | <a href="https://github.com/lsj9383/translate-set" rel="nofollow">translate-set</a> | <a href="https://github.com/Skykai521/ECTranslation" rel="nofollow">ECTranslation</a> | <a href="https://github.com/YiiGuxing/TranslationPlugin" rel="nofollow">TranslationPlugin</a> </b>
  3708. <br>
  3709. <br> Plugin for translate English to Chinese.
  3710. <br>
  3711. <br> General Usage Instructions:
  3712. <ul>
  3713. <li>Choose the word you want translate.</li>
  3714. <li>Press CTRL + Alt + 1.</li>
  3715. <ul></ul>
  3716. </ul>]]></description><version>1.0.2</version><vendor email='a483210@163.com' url='https://github.com/a483210'>a483210</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[修改注释为英文]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='142' size='2778' date='1511194467000' url=''><name>Clean Architecture Plugin</name><id>es.n10.clean.plugin.id</id><description><![CDATA[Create the Clean Architecture directory structure in your projects]]></description><version>1.1</version><vendor email='edgarmiro@gmail.com' url='https://github.com/edgarmiro'>Edgar Miró</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='131.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Targetting more products]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='2364' size='2591607' date='1515071262000' url=''><name>idea-mybatis-generator</name><id>com.jlh.plugin.idea.mybatis.generator</id><description><![CDATA[mybatis 生成器
  3717. <br> 注意:url中需要使用jdbc:mysql://xxxx:3306的形式
  3718. <br> mybatis-generate
  3719. <br> To generate sql template for mybatis
  3720. <br> Tips: the example of url like this jdbc:mysql://xxxx:3306
  3721. <br>]]></description><version>2.3</version><vendor email='472327024@qq.com' url='https://gitee.com/rohou'>小螺号嘀嘀吹</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[1、修复插件无法初始化的问题
  3722. <br> 1、Fix the problems That can't init plugin
  3723. <br>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='330' size='199164' date='1511160887000' url=''><name>gopkgm</name><id>com.gopkgm.plugin</id><description><![CDATA[goland package-manager
  3724. <a href="https://github.com/yinzj1993/gopkgm" rel="nofollow">GitHub</a>]]></description><version>0.1</version><vendor email='' url=''>gopkgm</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='141.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.go</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='108' size='766709' date='1511628965000' url=''><name>QuickSloth</name><id>com.br.quicksloth</id><description><![CDATA[QuickSloth
  3725. <br>
  3726. <br>
  3727. <a href="https://github.com/quicksloth/quicksloth-intellij-plugin" rel="nofollow">GitHub</a> |
  3728. <a href="https://github.com/quicksloth/quicksloth-intellij-plugin/issues" rel="nofollow">Issues</a>
  3729. <br>
  3730. <br>
  3731. <b>QuickSloth</b> is a plugin for code recommendations based in a modular evaluator system. By now, we only support
  3732. <i>Python</i> recommendations.
  3733. <br>
  3734. <br>
  3735. <b>Features</b>:
  3736. <ol>
  3737. <li>Use user current file to get some code context</li>
  3738. <li>Insert in Code or Copy to Clipboard the recommendation</li>
  3739. <li>Recommendations sorted by relevance for user</li>
  3740. </ol>
  3741. <br>
  3742. <br>
  3743. <b>How to use it</b>:
  3744. <ol>
  3745. <li>Use the shortcut to initiate (Ctrl+Alt+K or Cmd+Alt+K), it'll appear a dialog waiting for the search</li>
  3746. <li>Type the search inside the text field (like: 'read file') and use enter or click in search</li>
  3747. <li>After successful search, select desired code lines and decide between insert in code or copy to clipboard</li>
  3748. </ol>
  3749. <br>
  3750. <br>
  3751. <i>Warning: We use your current file to get some data (comments and libs) and help in order to a better recommendation</i>
  3752. <br>
  3753. <br>
  3754. <br> For more details see
  3755. <a href="https://github.com/quicksloth" rel="nofollow">Plugin organization on GitHub</a> or talk with us in our
  3756. <a href="https://gitter.im/quicksloth/QuickSlothPlugin?utm_source=share-link&amp;utm_medium=link&amp;utm_campaign=share-link" rel="nofollow">chat</a>]]></description><version>1.0-beta.2</version><vendor email='quicksloth.plugin@gmail.com' url='https://github.com/quicksloth'>QuickSloth</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='141.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<b>Version 1.0-beta2</b>
  3757. <ul>
  3758. <li> Update email </li>
  3759. <li> Update documentation </li>
  3760. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='232' size='839457' date='1514460906000' url=''><name>hunspell</name><id>hunspell</id><description><![CDATA[Provides hunspell dictionary support]]></description><version>173.4301.7</version><vendor email='' url=''>JetBrains</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='173.4301' until-build='173.*'/><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.ultimate</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='635' size='156967' date='1514105610000' url=''><name>1024 Tools</name><id>com.atomdu.plugin</id><description><![CDATA[这是汇集全网优质网址及资源的编程导航工具,主要面向中国用户。
  3761. <br>
  3762. <em>This is a programming navigation tool that brings together the quality website and resources of the whole network, mainly for Chinese users.</em>
  3763. <br>
  3764. <br> 及时收录编程、算法、工具、学习等分类的网址导航和内容,让您的编程更简单。
  3765. <br>
  3766. <em>Make your programming easier by including the web site navigation and content of programming, algorithms, tools, learning, etc.</em>
  3767. <br>]]></description><version>1.0.3</version><vendor email='260603323@qq.com' url='http://www.atomdu.com'>atomdu</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='105.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[加入了把英文代码翻译成中文代码的工具。
  3768. <br>
  3769. <em>Join the tool that translates English code into Chinese code.</em>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='82' size='133953' date='1514613269000' url=''><name>Xbatis-Plugin</name><id>me.xiongjinteng.plugin.xbatis</id><description><![CDATA[A simple reference contributor for ibatis in JAVA AND SQL XML.
  3770. <br> And I will make it support for Mybatis in the future.
  3771. <br>]]></description><version>0.0.3</version><vendor email='xiongjinteng@gmail.com' url='https://ansafari.github.io'>GitHub</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='143.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[v0.0.3:
  3772. <br> 1. 优化Java对象扫描范围为Spring Bean,且字面量在方法内.
  3773. <br> 2. 区分Ibatis/Mybatis,新增SqlMap,Mapper内部元素之间依赖的查找.
  3774. <br> v0.0.2:支持Ibatis mapper.xml 与 JAVA DAO 中的 statementName 的映射跳转.
  3775. <br>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.spring</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='198' size='5204' date='1515316755000' url=''><name>Kotlin Variable Completion Plugin</name><id>com.github.bassaer.kotlin_variable_completion_plugin</id><description><![CDATA[Kotlin completion plugin for Android Studio &amp; IntelliJ]]></description><version>0.0.1</version><vendor email='app.nakayama@gmail.com' url='https://github.com/bassaer/kotlin-variable-completion-plugin'>Tsubasa Nakayama</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[First release]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='533' size='468180' date='1515980686000' url=''><name>stylus-assist</name><id>vip.guco.stylusassist</id><description><![CDATA[<b>Shortcut Key:</b>
  3776. <p>windows: <code>Alt + insert</code>, Mac: <code>control + Enter</code></p>
  3777. <b>Feature:</b>
  3778. <ul>
  3779. <li>GoCss
  3780. <ul>
  3781. <li>Jump to stylus css
  3782. <ul>
  3783. <li>.vue file</li>
  3784. <li>.pug jump to .styl file</li>
  3785. </ul> </li>
  3786. <li>new class model
  3787. <ul>
  3788. <li>If plugin can not find selected class,it will think you want to create a new class,such as:$style.aBC =&gt; .a-b-c</li>
  3789. </ul> </li>
  3790. </ul> </li>
  3791. <li>PasteCss format some css you copy from another place, such as chrome or files
  3792. <ul>
  3793. <li>margin:0; =&gt; margin 0</li>
  3794. </ul> </li>
  3795. </ul> Vue template jump to stylus, somebody who want find css from .vue template or .pug template!
  3796. <br>]]></description><version>1.2.4</version><vendor email='raiyeeeric@gmail.com' url='https://github.com/raiyeeeric/stylus-assist'>stylus-assist</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='162.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<ul>
  3797. <li>1.1.0 新增pug文件跳转styl文件的支持</li>
  3798. <li>1.1.1 修复bug</li>
  3799. <li>1.1.2 打包问题</li>
  3800. <li>1.1.3 新增光标位置自动选择,适用于:.~"的class</li>
  3801. <li>1.1.4 优化了选择逻辑,手动选择和自动选择将更加流畅,不光适用于.~"</li>
  3802. <li>1.1.5 修复了一个匹配bug,之前container有可能会误匹配到.container-any,现在将正确匹配到.container</li>
  3803. <li>1.2.0 新增功能PasteCss,该功能可以将从chrome中调试的css样式,直接按照标准格式粘贴入stylus</li>
  3804. <li>1.2.2 支持更多平台</li>
  3805. <li>1.2.3 修复了一个依赖问题,这个问题会导致WebStorm上运行PasteCss出错</li>
  3806. <li>1.2.4 应平台要求,添加新的英文描述,需要中文描述的,可以去github查看。</li>
  3807. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='105' size='5758' date='1515682560000' url=''><name>Iterm Plugin</name><id>com.sonnk.iterm</id><description><![CDATA[ITerm Plugin.
  3808. <br> Tweaked from https://github.com/sburlyaev89/IDEA-Native-Terminal-Plugin to launch Iterm instead of Terminal on Mac]]></description><version>0.0.8</version><vendor email='nguyenkims@hotmail.com' url='https://github.com/nguyenkims/IDEA-Native-Terminal-Plugin'>Son NK</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='162.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Inspired from https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/9966-native-terminal-plugin but open Iterm on Mac instead of Terminal.]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='32' size='54341' date='1516525732000' url=''><name>Groupper</name><id>ua.in.dej.groupper</id><description><![CDATA[This plugin doesn't move/rename files or folders!
  3809. <br> This plugin allow you to group files by name.
  3810. <br> You can group/ungroup files in folder by context menu or group/ungroup all files in project (File -&gt; Settings -&gt; Groupper -&gt; Groping always)
  3811. <br> You can change pattern to any other value (default value: [^\.]{1,}(?=\.) )
  3812. <br> 'Hide Folding Prefix' take potability hide part of filename with complete with pattern.
  3813. <br> You can navigate between files in group by popup ( Ctrl + Alt + \ )
  3814. <br> Ctrl + Alt + ' - switch to next file
  3815. <br> Ctrl + Alt + ; - switch to prev file
  3816. <br>]]></description><version>1.2</version><vendor email='efim@dej.in.ua' url='https://dej.in.ua'>Dej Inc.</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='107.105' /><change-notes><![CDATA[bugfix]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='32' size='49971419' date='1515817718000' url=''><name>HUAWEI IDE Assistant</name><id>com.huawei.ide</id><description><![CDATA[Help HUAWEI developers to accelerate the development process of their apps]]></description><version>1.0</version><vendor email='' url='http://developer.huawei.com'>HUAWEI</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[This plugin is developed by out team, in Huawei Technologies Co.
  3817. This plugin could help developer finish their app with functions like remotest, emui ai assistant , ai model trans and so on.
  3818. The plugin release version is 1.0.
  3819. thx for reading and use.]]></change-notes><depends>org.jetbrains.android</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='53' size='2668511' date='1516190690000' url=''><name>REST Editor Client Contrib</name><id>org.mvnsearch.rest-editor-client-contrib</id><description><![CDATA[Contrib for REST Editor Client with Swagger &amp; Spring MVC support]]></description><version>0.2.0</version><vendor email='linux_china@hotmail.com' url=''>linux_china</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='173.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[0.2.0:
  3820. <ul>
  3821. <li>Live Templates: post.form, post.json, post.stream and post.upload</li>
  3822. <li>Method refer to method reference like: com.foobar.HelloController.hi</li>
  3823. <li>Json example data generation</li>
  3824. <li>Code polishing</li>
  3825. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.jetbrains.restClient</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='12' size='11132' date='1516728449000' url=''><name>IntelliTidy</name><id>tv.twelvetone.intellij.plugins.intellitidy</id><description><![CDATA[The IntelliTidy plugin for IntelliJ provides a single action for closing all documents and collapsing all trees. See
  3826. <a href="http://www.twelvetone.tv/docs/developer-tools/intellij-plugins/intellitidy" rel="nofollow">IntelliTidy</a> for more information.]]></description><version>1.0.1</version><vendor email='support@twelvetone.tv' url='http://www.twelvetone.tv'>TwelveTone LLC</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<li>feature: Move actions to Window menu</li>]]></change-notes><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin></category><ff>"Fun stuff"</ff><category name="Fun stuff"><idea-plugin downloads='21352' size='257348' date='1453678278000' url=''><name>Dilbert Daily Strip</name><id>Dilbert</id><description><![CDATA[Displays the cartoon strip of the day from the dilbert.com website.]]></description><version></version><vendor email='mark@codebrewer.org' url=''>Codebrewer</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='144.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<b>Version 1.5.0</b>
  3827. <ul>
  3828. <li>Fix: The plug-in's settings are now editable in IntelliJ IDEA 16 EAP (and in other products built on the same branch of IntelliJ Platform).</li>
  3829. <li>Fix: The tooltip on the current cartoon strip now shows the correct date once more (instead of &quot;The strip couldn't be retrieved&quot;).</li>
  3830. </ul>
  3831. <b>Version 1.4.1</b>
  3832. <ul>
  3833. <li>Fix: The plug-in is now compatible with CLion.</li>
  3834. </ul>
  3835. <b>Version 1.4.0</b>
  3836. <ul>
  3837. <li>Fix: An update to the dilbert.com website broke the plug-in by removing the 'fast' URL.</li>
  3838. <li>Change: The helpset documentation has been removed as it no longer works (presumably due to changes in the IntelliJ Platform help system).</li>
  3839. </ul>
  3840. <b>Version 1.3.3</b>
  3841. <ul>
  3842. <li>Fix: The toolwindow background colour is no longer explicitly set to white.</li>
  3843. <li>Fix: The toolwindow button icon is now the preferred 13x13 size.</li>
  3844. <li>Fix: The plug-in is now compatible with any product built on IntelliJ Platform.</li>
  3845. <li>Fix: The toolwindow title is now just &quot;Dilbert&quot; rather than &quot;Dilbert Dilbert&quot;.</li>
  3846. </ul>
  3847. <b>Version 1.3.2</b>
  3848. <ul>
  3849. <li>Fix: Updated for IDEA 10.5 EAP (no longer bundles commons-httpclient, commons-codec or commons-logging).</li>
  3850. </ul>
  3851. <b>Version 1.3.1</b>
  3852. <ul>
  3853. <li>Fix: The toolbar action buttons are now available in IDEA's &quot;dumb&quot; mode <em>e.g.</em> when indexes are being rebuilt.</li>
  3854. <li>Fix: The keyboard shortcuts for the toolbar actions now work once more.</li>
  3855. </ul>
  3856. <b>Version 1.3.0</b>
  3857. <ul>
  3858. <li>Fix: A change to IDEA prior to the IDEA 10.0 final release resulted in the plug-in's toolbar often painting incorrectly.</li>
  3859. <li>Fix: Prevented the circumstances in which the error <em>&quot;Access to realized (ever shown) UI components should be done only from the AWT event dispatch thread, revalidate(), invalidate() &amp; repaint() is ok from any thread&quot;</em> is logged.</li>
  3860. <li>New: The plug-in's toolwindow is now available in IDEA's &quot;dumb&quot; mode <em>e.g.</em> when indexes are being rebuilt.</li>
  3861. </ul>
  3862. <b>Version 1.2.1</b>
  3863. <ul>
  3864. <li>Fix: A change to the IDEA OpenAPI during the IDEA 8.x EAP phase resulted in the plug-in generating the error <em>&quot;Access is allowed from event dispatch thread only.&quot;</em>.</li>
  3865. </ul>
  3866. <b>Version 1.2.0</b>
  3867. <ul>
  3868. <li>Fix: An update to the dilbert.com website broke the plug-in by changing URL formats and no longer sending the HTTP <em>Last-Modified</em> header with replies.</li>
  3869. </ul>
  3870. <b>Version 1.1.0</b>
  3871. <ul>
  3872. <li>Fix: If IDEA is configured to send authentication information to an HTTP proxy then the authentication information is sent pre-emptively, avoiding problems with proxy servers that fail to respond with HTTP status code 407.</li>
  3873. <li>Fix: The strip is fetched asynchronously rather than synchronously in the AWT event dispatch thread.</li>
  3874. <li>New: Strips may be scheduled for automatic daily download.</li>
  3875. </ul>
  3876. <b>Version 1.0.1</b>
  3877. <ul>
  3878. <li>Fix: Any anticipated exception caught when downloading the strip results in an 'error' image being displayed rather than the exception being reported to IDEA's log.</li>
  3879. <li>Fix: Help system typos corrected.</li>
  3880. <li>New: The 'About' window can now be dismissed with the Esc key, removing any dependency at all on the mouse.</li>
  3881. <li>New: IDEA's HTTP proxy settings are honoured.</li>
  3882. </ul>
  3883. <b>Version 1.0.0</b>
  3884. <ul>
  3885. <li>Initial release</li>
  3886. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>4.7</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='3144' size='535539' date='1400440784000' url=''><name>TweetCode</name><id>com.github.denofevil.TweetCode</id><description><![CDATA[Tweets selected code]]></description><version>1.2</version><vendor email='dennis.ushakov@jetbrains.com, alexander.zolotov@jetbrains.com' url='https://github.com/denofevil/TweetCode'>Dennis Ushakov, Alexander Zolotov</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='107.105' /><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='2958' size='64850' date='1345567864000' url=''><name>Geek And Poke</name><id>com.abelsky.idea.geekandpoke</id><description><![CDATA[Displays comic strips from the famous Geek And Poke, http://geekandpoke.typepad.com]]></description><version>0.1.1</version><vendor email='andy@abelsky.com' url=''>Andy Belsky</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='107.105' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Updated Geek&amp;Poke to version 0.1.1 - this minor patch fixes an issue with entries caching.]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='2954' size='300668' date='1357499357000' url=''><name>IdeaTweet</name><id>com.github.hotchemi.IdeaTweet</id><description><![CDATA[Simple tweet plugin.]]></description><version>1.0</version><vendor email='hot.chemistry21@gmail.com' url='https://github.com/hotchemi/IdeaTweet'>Shintaro Katafuchi</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='107.105' /><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='2125' size='2894' date='1363041969000' url=''><name>Post to Instacode</name><id>com.eugeny.instacode.idea</id><description><![CDATA[Lets you post code snippets to
  3887. <a href="http://instacod.es" rel="nofollow">instacod.es</a>]]></description><version>1.2</version><vendor email='e@ajenti.org' url='http://instaco.de/'>Instacode</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='107.105' /><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='54698' size='8640' date='1391763972000' url=''><name>Bootstrap</name><id>com.jasonnz.bootstrap</id><description><![CDATA[Bootstrap 3 live templates / snippets
  3888. <p><a href="https://github.com/JasonMortonNZ/bootstrap3-phpstorm-plugin" rel="nofollow">GitHub Homepage</a></p>
  3889. <br />
  3890. <p>Follow me on Twitter: <a href="https://twitter.com/JasonMortonNZ" rel="nofollow"><b>@JasonMortonNZ</b></a></p>]]></description><version>0.1.1</version><vendor email='@JasonMortonNZ' url='https://github.com/JasonMortonNZ/bootstrap3-phpstorm-plugin'>@JasonMortonNZ</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='107.105' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<dl>
  3891. &lt;
  3892. <dt>
  3893. No changes so far...
  3894. </dt>
  3895. <dd></dd>
  3896. </dl>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><rating>4.5</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='16716' size='88235' date='1403344518000' url='http://www.codeivate.com'><name>Codeivate</name><id>com.codeivate.plugin</id><description><![CDATA[Personal code analytics and motivation, requires a Codeivate account.
  3897. <br /> Checkout
  3898. <a href="http://www.codeivate.com/" rel="nofollow">www.codeivate.com</a> for more details.
  3899. <br /> Feedback / bugs http://codeivate.userecho.com/ or
  3900. <a href="http://twitter.com/codeivate" rel="nofollow">@codeivate</a> on twitter]]></description><version>0.2.4</version><vendor email='paul@codeivate.com' url='http://www.codeivate.com'>Codeivate</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='107.105' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<strong>Fixes/improvements</strong>
  3901. <br />
  3902. <em>0.2.4</em>
  3903. <ul>
  3904. <li>Fixes IDE name reporting.</li>
  3905. </ul>
  3906. <em>0.2.3</em>
  3907. <ul>
  3908. <li>Fixed org.json.simple.JSONObject cannot be cast to org.json.simple.JSONArray Exception.</li>
  3909. </ul>
  3910. <em>0.2.2</em>
  3911. <ul>
  3912. <li>Improved ActionScript support.</li>
  3913. <li>Properly trim user_id and user_token to stop errors with authenticating.</li>
  3914. <li>Added IDE name to upload.</li>
  3915. <li>Fix ANY language to report as &quot;Plain text&quot;.</li>
  3916. </ul>
  3917. <em>0.2.1</em>
  3918. <ul>
  3919. <li>Improved detection of language in new files.</li>
  3920. <li>Improved detection of HTML in some files.</li>
  3921. </ul>
  3922. <em>0.2.0</em>
  3923. <ul>
  3924. <li>Improved settings page.</li>
  3925. </ul>
  3926. <em>0.1.9 and below</em>
  3927. <ul>
  3928. <li>Re-complied with Java 1.6</li>
  3929. <li>Improved settings page, now accessible by clicking Codeivate widget bottom right.</li>
  3930. <li>Added clickable links to settings page, and added more useful links</li>
  3931. <li> </li>
  3932. <li>Added users signature to Settings page (enter username to see)</li>
  3933. <li>Improved authentication</li>
  3934. <li>Fixed apply button modal showing up on all settings forms</li>
  3935. <li>Fixed bug with trying to remove settings</li>
  3936. <li>Fixed bug with not fetching new machine name if it was blank</li>
  3937. <li>Fixed small bug with TEXT language</li>
  3938. <li>Fixed null pointer for users with no settings.</li>
  3939. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>1.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='3163' size='488560' date='1429485706000' url=''><name>ADNCode</name><id>net.stateful.jetbrains.ADNCode</id><description><![CDATA[Posts selected code to App.net. (Requires an App.net account)
  3940. <p>Uploads image of text selection to App.net w/post text (code comment?).</p>]]></description><version>1.3</version><vendor email='mark@stateful.net' url='https://github.com/mgrimes/adncode'>Mark Grimes</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='131.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Update; sync with latest SDK]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='3230' size='5460' date='1422757658000' url=''><name>What The Commit</name><id>com.eclectide.intellij.whatthecommit</id><description><![CDATA[Integration for whatthecommit.com
  3941. <p>Adds a button to the commit dialog (right above the commit message field), that loads a random commit message.</p>]]></description><version>1.1</version><vendor email='darekkay@eclectide.com' url='https://darekkay.com/'>Eclectide</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='135.1230' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Fixed: Plugin doesn't work while indexing files]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.vcs</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='677' size='319164' date='1426182778000' url=''><name>Pudelek plugin for Intellij IDEA</name><id>eu.meshuga.pudelek</id><description><![CDATA[Remake of
  3942. <a href="https://sites.google.com/site/pudelekeclipseplugin/" rel="nofollow">Pudelek Eclispe Plug-in</a>]]></description><version>1.1</version><vendor email='' url=''>meshuga</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='131.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='6625' size='40505' date='1483371184000' url=''><name>AtSoundtrack</name><id>biz.paluch.atsoundtrack</id><description><![CDATA[AtSoundtrack
  3943. <br>
  3944. <a href="https://github.com/mp911de/atsoundtrack" rel="nofollow">GitHub</a> |
  3945. <a href="https://github.com/mp911de/atsoundtrack/issues" rel="nofollow">Issues</a>
  3946. <p>Plugin that provides @soundtrack using iTunes and Spotify. This plugin works only if you use a Mac. @soundtrack can be used either with code completion or as variable in the file templates. </p>
  3947. <p>To setup @soundtrack in your templates: Open <strong>Preferences</strong> go to <strong>Editor</strong> -&gt; <strong>File and Code Templates</strong> -&gt; <strong>Includes</strong> and select "File Header" <br> Add the following code: </p>
  3948. <pre><code>
  3949. #if (${soundtrack} &amp;&amp; ${soundtrack} != "")
  3950. * @soundtrack ${soundtrack}
  3951. #end
  3952. </code></pre> Language support
  3953. <ul>
  3954. <li>CoffeeScript</li>
  3955. <li>CSS</li>
  3956. <li>HTML</li>
  3957. <li>Java</li>
  3958. <li>JavaScript</li>
  3959. <li>Kotlin</li>
  3960. <li>PHP</li>
  3961. <li>Python</li>
  3962. <li>Ruby</li>
  3963. <li>Scala (and ScalaScript)</li>
  3964. <li>SQL</li>
  3965. <li>XML</li>
  3966. </ul>
  3967. <i>Compiled with Java 1.8 using 1.6 compatibility.</i>]]></description><version>1.2.1</version><vendor email='mpaluch@paluch.biz' url='http://www.paluch.biz'>mp911de</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='143.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Fix auto-completion with at-prefix for PhpStorm.]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='18769' size='2553478' date='1436791886000' url=''><name>Snake</name><id>com.jetbrains.hackathon2015.S</id><description><![CDATA[<p>A snake game inside your code structure in IntelliJ.</p>
  3968. <p>Make your code more Python-like by helping the snake eat all the curly braces and semicolons!</p>
  3969. <p>To start the game type 'snake' in the editor or use &quot;Tools | Run Snake&quot; action.</p>]]></description><version>1.0.1</version><vendor email='andrey.vlasovskikh@gmail.com' url=''>JetBrains</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='141.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<p>1.0.1</p>
  3970. <ul>
  3971. <li>Renamed the plug-in to Snake</li>
  3972. </ul>
  3973. <p>1.0:</p>
  3974. <ul>
  3975. <li>Initial release</li>
  3976. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='12222' size='160644864' date='1516247853000' url=''><name>idear</name><id>com.jetbrains.idear</id><description><![CDATA[Speech recognition for IntelliJ IDEA. Idear listens to voice commands and assists with simple actions like debugging, navigation, and refactoring. For a complete list of commands, please see the
  3977. <a href="https://github.com/breandan/idear/blob/master/src/main/resources/org.openasr.idear/grammars/command.gram" rel="nofollow">command grammar</a>.]]></description><version>1.3.2</version><vendor email='idear@ndan.co' url='http://github.com/OpenASR/idear'>OpenASR</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='131.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<dl>
  3978. <dt>
  3979. 1.3.2
  3980. </dt>
  3981. <dd>
  3982. Fix a LineUnavailableException issue affecting some users.
  3983. </dd>
  3984. <dt>
  3985. 1.3.1
  3986. </dt>
  3987. <dd>
  3988. Fix an NPE on recent versions of the IntelliJ Platform.
  3989. </dd>
  3990. <dt>
  3991. 1.3
  3992. </dt>
  3993. <dd>
  3994. Add AWS speech synthesis and recognition.
  3995. </dd>
  3996. <dt>
  3997. 1.2.1
  3998. </dt>
  3999. <dd>
  4000. Add a dedicated Kotlin runtime to dependencies.
  4001. </dd>
  4002. <dt>
  4003. 1.2
  4004. </dt>
  4005. <dd>
  4006. Introduces debugging and AceJump navigation.
  4007. </dd>
  4008. </dl>]]></change-notes><depends>AceJump</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='992' size='437856' date='1441360708000' url=''><name>Soa Debugger</name><id>com.alaster.soa.requests</id><description><![CDATA[Debugger for soa services. You can send json request to service and get a json response.]]></description><version>1.03</version><vendor email='' url=''>alaster</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='123.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[...]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='43437' size='16442756' date='1499465381000' url=''><name>Power Mode II</name><id>de.ax.powermode</id><description><![CDATA[Power Mode
  4009. <span>Based on the activate-power-mode atom plugin and forked from Baptiste Mesta on Github.</span> Features
  4010. <ul>
  4011. <li>Exploding falling sparks</li>
  4012. <li>Editor shaking</li>
  4013. <li>Flames</li>
  4014. <li>Heatup based on typing speed. The more you type the more happens.</li>
  4015. <li>Keyboard shortcut to toggle power mode [shift ctrl alt O]</li>
  4016. <li>Choose particle colors and transparency within a color space</li>
  4017. <li>Adjust particle velocity and gravitation</li>
  4018. <li>Modify the animation frame rate</li>
  4019. <li>Multi caret support</li>
  4020. <li>Animation on caret movement</li>
  4021. <li>Play music folder: volume based on heatup</li>
  4022. <li>Play next song action: [shift ctrl alt M]</li>
  4023. <li>Visualize bigger file editing with "BAM!"</li>
  4024. <li>See your power level in the indicator box</li>
  4025. <li>Customizable animation images</li>
  4026. <li>Everything is configurable</li>
  4027. </ul> Usage
  4028. <ol>
  4029. <li>Install the plugin</li>
  4030. <li>ENTER POWER MODE in Preferences &gt; Appearance &gt; Power mode II</li>
  4031. <li>CHANGE THE SLIDERS and options to your liking</li>
  4032. </ol>
  4033. <a href="https://github.com/axaluss/power-mode-intellij-plugin/releases/latest" rel="nofollow"><img width="40" src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/axaluss/power-mode-intellij-plugin/master/images/download.png"> Latest Release Download</a>
  4034. <br>
  4035. <a href="https://www.paypal.me/AlexanderThom" rel="nofollow"> <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/axaluss/power-mode-intellij-plugin/master/images/beer.png"> Want to Donate a Beer? </a>]]></description><version>3.14.159265</version><vendor email='axaluss@gmail.com' url='https://github.com/axaluss/power-mode-intellij-plugin'>Alexander Thom</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='143.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><rating>4.5</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='5611' size='79453' date='1511115433000' url=''><name>Code::Stats</name><id>net.codestats.plugin.atom.intellij</id><description><![CDATA[Code::Stats plugin for the IntelliJ/JetBrains range of IDEs.]]></description><version>1.0.6</version><vendor email='mikko.ahlroth@gmail.com' url='https://codestats.net/'>CodeStats</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[1.0.6: Send plugin version as user agent header when programming. Moved repos to GitLab.]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>4.5</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='647' size='84626' date='1502738662000' url=''><name>Dissemination: 2d ASCII game</name><id>com.outofmemory.entertainment.dissemination</id><description><![CDATA[when programmer closes IDE, the secret life of computer program begins: binary goo starts to grow in dirty code and if nobody takes an action, it will eventually spawn bugs. Here comes the code guardian. With his weapon he fights the goo to keep code clean, but every time fails: bugs are inevitable
  4036. <br>
  4037. <br> use "Tools | Play Dissemination" action to launch the game
  4038. <br>
  4039. <br> !!!do not play the game in files with uncommitted changes!!!]]></description><version>1.3</version><vendor email='outofmemorygames@gmail.com' url='http://outofmemorygames.com'>OutOfMemory Games</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='131.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='16633' size='6954447' date='1506504612000' url=''><name>Nyan Progress Bar</name><id>some.awesome</id><description><![CDATA[Pretty progress bars for IJ based IDEs.]]></description><version>1.10</version><vendor email='dmitry.batkovich@jetbrains.com' url=''>Dmitry Batkovich</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='141.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<em>1.10 remove hidpi bug workaround (see: https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-171404). Kudos to Anton Tarasov!</em>
  4040. <br>
  4041. <em>1.9 minor fixes </em>
  4042. <br>
  4043. <em>1.8 hidpi fixes, don't play sound on startup </em>
  4044. <br>
  4045. <em>1.7 fix: infinitely played sound</em>
  4046. <br>
  4047. <em>1.6 more friendly indeterminate progress bar</em>
  4048. <br>
  4049. <em>1.4 indeterminate progress bar is updated as was suggested by the guru of UX (Denis Fokin)</em>
  4050. <br>
  4051. <em>1.3 cool indeterminate progress bar</em>
  4052. <br>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='1002' size='153727' date='1472254406000' url=''><name>Translator</name><id>com.juanfelippo.translator</id><description><![CDATA[Easy Translate to any language!!!! For FREEE!!!!.
  4053. <br> Default language is English ("en"). Go Settings-&gt;Other Settings -&gt;Translator]]></description><version>1.0</version><vendor email='jafelippo@gmail.com' url='https://twitter.com/JuanFelippo'>Juan Felippo</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='141.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><rating>1.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='4022' size='4408' date='1489194736000' url=''><name>stackoverflow</name><id>com.bruce.intellijpluin.stackoverflow</id><description><![CDATA[go to stackoverflow by right click]]></description><version>1.1</version><vendor email='gejun123456@gmail.com' url=''>stackoverflow</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='141.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='765' size='10827' date='1497185318000' url=''><name>TIOBE index for Kotlin</name><id>KotlinTIOBE</id><description><![CDATA[<p>A small widget for status bar that shows actual <a href="https://www.tiobe.com/tiobe-index/" rel="nofollow">TIOBE index</a> for <a href="https://kotlinlang.org/" rel="nofollow">Kotlin language</a></p>]]></description><version>1.0.4</version><vendor email='Vassiliy.Kudryashov@jetbrains.com' url=''>Vassiliy Kudryashov</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='387' size='8427196' date='1497358392000' url=''><name>Automate Live Templates</name><id>edu.jetbrains.plugin.lt</id><description><![CDATA[Plugin for searching frequent structures in code
  4054. <br> For usage: Analyze -&gt; Find templates in project -&gt; Manually -&gt; Add template -&gt; Check in Live Templates -&gt; Use]]></description><version>1.01</version><vendor email='baidin.d1993@gmail.com' url='https://github.com/baydindima'>DmitriyBaidin</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='171.4694.23' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Add change notes here.
  4055. <br>
  4056. <em>most HTML tags may be used</em>]]></change-notes><depends>org.intellij.scala</depends><depends>org.jetbrains.kotlin</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='3262' size='16331238' date='1515261734000' url=''><name>IntelliJ Discord Integration</name><id>com.tsunderebug.discordintellij</id><description><![CDATA[Adds rich presence integration to IntelliJ. Doesn't support your language? Request it via
  4057. <a href="https://goo.gl/forms/8DDDUZ8QcOvZQLXm1" rel="nofollow">this form</a>. Features:
  4058. <ul>
  4059. <li>What file you're editing, what language you're using, and what IDE you prefer will now be shown in Discord!</li>
  4060. <li>You can see how long since you started working on a project!</li>
  4061. <li>"What if my project is a surprise or I'm under an NDA?" You can disable the Rich Presence from showing per-project!</li>
  4062. <li>Amazing flat icons mainly created by <a href="http://github.com/HelloWorld017/" rel="nofollow">HelloWorld017</a>.</li>
  4063. </ul>]]></description><version>1.5.1</version><vendor email='tsunderebug@tsunderebug.com' url='https://www.github.com/TsundereBug'>Anthony Cerruti</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='172.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Fixed bug with C# and/or F#]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>3.5</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='1651' size='3900776' date='1515615090000' url=''><name>Discord Integration</name><id>com.almightyalpaca.intellij.plugins.discord</id><description><![CDATA[<b> Discord Integration</b>
  4064. <br>Publishes rich presence information about your current project to Discord.
  4065. <br>For bugs or feature requests visit
  4066. <a href="https://github.com/Almighty-Alpaca/Intellij-Discord-Integration" rel="nofollow">the official github</a> or contact me on Discord (
  4067. <a href="https://discordapp.com/channels/@me/107490111414882304" rel="nofollow">Almighty Alpaca#6242</a>).
  4068. <br>
  4069. <br>
  4070. <br>
  4071. <b> Features:</b>
  4072. <ul>
  4073. <li>Shows the Project and File as well as the IDE and language you're using in Discord</li>
  4074. <li>Shows beautiful icons for you the IDE and language</li>
  4075. <li>Supports a wide range of languages</li>
  4076. <li>Automatically hides when you go AFK</li>
  4077. <li>Somewhat secretive? Hide your project quickly with the quick settings button</li>
  4078. <li>Highly configurable via the plugin's settings menu</li>
  4079. <li>Works even if you have multiple IDEs open at the same time and syncs across all of them</li>
  4080. </ul>]]></description><version>0.6.0</version><vendor email='' url='https://github.com/Almighty-Alpaca'>Almighty Alpaca</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<b> v0.6.0 - More languages &amp; options, quick settings button and bug fixes</b>
  4081. <ul>
  4082. <li>Added an option to reset the open time after an inactivity timeout</li>
  4083. <li>Added Handlebars.js (<a href="https://github.com/Almighty-Alpaca/Intellij-Discord-Integration//issues/16" rel="nofollow">#16</a>)</li>
  4084. <li>Added Shell (<a href="https://github.com/Almighty-Alpaca/Intellij-Discord-Integration//issues/18" rel="nofollow">#18</a>)</li>
  4085. <li>Added Elixir (<a href="https://github.com/Almighty-Alpaca/Intellij-Discord-Integration//issues/17" rel="nofollow">#17</a>)</li>
  4086. <li>Added Erlang</li>
  4087. <li>Added option hide the presence after a period of inactivity (<a href="https://github.com/Almighty-Alpaca/Intellij-Discord-Integration//issues/10" rel="nofollow">#10</a>)</li>
  4088. <li>Fixed switching between multiple projects (<a href="https://github.com/Almighty-Alpaca/Intellij-Discord-Integration//issues/12" rel="nofollow">#12</a>)</li>
  4089. <li>The RPC connection will now be closed if there's nothing to show</li>
  4090. <li>Added a button to fast enable/disable rich presence per project</li>
  4091. <li>Added Golo</li>
  4092. <li>Added .htaccess</li>
  4093. <li>Added .cxml and .fxml to XML</li>
  4094. <li>Added Git</li>
  4095. <li>Fixed ConcurrentModificationExceptions when running multiple instances</li>
  4096. </ul>
  4097. <b> v0.5.0 - Settings and more</b>
  4098. <ul>
  4099. <li>Added Vue.js</li>
  4100. <li>Fixed file name change handling</li>
  4101. <li>Fixed rare issue with locale settings (<a href="https://github.com/Almighty-Alpaca/Intellij-Discord-Integration//issues/13" rel="nofollow">#13</a>)</li>
  4102. <li>Added YAML</li>
  4103. <li>Updated Java-DiscordRPC to v1.3.1 and utilized it's new equals methods</li>
  4104. <li>Implemented settings menu (<a href="https://github.com/Almighty-Alpaca/Intellij-Discord-Integration//issues/15" rel="nofollow">#15</a>)</li>
  4105. </ul>
  4106. <b> v0.4.0 - More languages, faster sync and a small bug fix</b>
  4107. <ul>
  4108. <li>Fixed elapsed time</li>
  4109. <li>Sync is now done after a small delay which will speed up the process if you open multiple files rapidly</li>
  4110. <li>Fixed compatibility with Android Studio</li>
  4111. <li>Added TypeScript (<a href="https://github.com/Almighty-Alpaca/Intellij-Discord-Integration//issues/8" rel="nofollow">#8</a>)</li>
  4112. <li>Added Lua</li>
  4113. </ul>
  4114. <b> v0.3.0 - Some bug fixes and new assets</b>
  4115. <ul>
  4116. <li>Fixed name for files without extension</li>
  4117. <li>Added MPS</li>
  4118. <li>Fixed C++ and C# asset names</li>
  4119. <li>Added CMake as language</li>
  4120. <li>Fixed NPE on older versions of CLion (<a href="https://github.com/Almighty-Alpaca/Intellij-Discord-Integration//issues/5" rel="nofollow">#5</a>)</li>
  4121. <li>Updated Java-DiscordRPC to v1.3.0</li>
  4122. </ul>
  4123. <b> v0.2.0 - Language and IDE Info</b>
  4124. <ul>
  4125. <li>The IDE distribution and the language of the current file are now shown as images of the rich presence.</li>
  4126. </ul>
  4127. <b> v0.1.0 - Birth</b>
  4128. <ul>
  4129. <li>Initial Release</li>
  4130. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>3.4</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='246' size='1128455' date='1514872239000' url=''><name>Gitmoji</name><id>io.github.biezhi.plugins.gitmoji</id><description><![CDATA[<p>This is a plugin that helps you pick the right emoji expression when git is submitted.<br><br></p>
  4131. <b>Usage</b>
  4132. <br>
  4133. <pre> » Input the changes you want to submit the content.</pre>
  4134. <pre> » <a href="https://gitmoji.carloscuesta.me/" rel="nofollow">reference commit rules.</a></pre>
  4135. <br>
  4136. <br>
  4137. <br>
  4138. <br>
  4139. <p> 这是一个帮助你在git提交的时候选择正确的 emoji 表情的插件。<br> </p>
  4140. <b>使用方法</b>
  4141. <br>
  4142. <pre> » 输入你要提交的改动内容即可,提交规则可参考 <a href="http://gitmoji.surge.sh/" rel="nofollow">提交日志规则</a></pre>
  4143. <br>
  4144. <br>
  4145. <br>
  4146. <br>
  4147. <b><a href="https://github.com/biezhi/gitmoji-plugin" rel="nofollow">Source Code</a></b>]]></description><version>1.0.1</version><vendor email='biezhi.me@gmail.com' url='https://github.com/biezhi'>王爵nice</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[fixed java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: URI is not hierarchical]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='47' size='26355' date='1516795566000' url=''><name>KataKataTaaaaaaan</name><id>com.github.syuchan1005.katakatataaaaaaan</id><description><![CDATA[This plugin is IntelliJ IDEA version of
  4148. <a href="https://qiita.com/ampersand/items/3ef94ebe9cba8c07a157" rel="nofollow">article</a>.
  4149. <em>How to use?</em> Hit a keyboard! (in Editor)]]></description><version>1.1.1</version><vendor email='syuchan.dev@gmail.com' url='https://twitter.com/syu_chan_1005'>syuchan1005</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[fix StartupAbortedException]]></change-notes><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin></category><ff>"Security"</ff><category name="Security"><idea-plugin downloads='910' size='2731247' date='1511819015000' url=''><name>Fortify On Demand</name><id>fortify.fod</id><description><![CDATA[Fortify on Demand is a Software as a Service (SaaS) solution that enables your organization to build and expand a Software Security Assurance program quickly, easily, and affordably. An application submitted to Fortify on Demand undergoes a security assessment where it is analyzed for a variety of software security vulnerabilities. With this IntelliJ extension, you can upload your code to Fortify on Demand for static assessment. (c) Copyright 2017 EntIT Software LLC. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. The only warranties for EntIT Software LLC products and services are set forth in the express warranty statements accompanying such products and services. Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an additional warranty. EntIT Software LLC shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein.]]></description><version>17.4.0</version><vendor email='fortifytechsupport@hpe.com' url=''>(c) Copyright 2017 EntIT Software LLC</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='162.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Added the ability to view security issues in the plugin]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='57' size='1694112' date='1516565968000' url=''><name>Node Security</name><id>mobi.hsz.idea.nodesecurity</id><description><![CDATA[Node Security
  4150. <br>
  4151. <a href="http://ignore.hsz.mobi" rel="nofollow">Website</a> |
  4152. <a href="https://github.com/hsz/idea-nodesecurity" rel="nofollow">GitHub</a> |
  4153. <a href="https://github.com/hsz/idea-nodesecurity/issues" rel="nofollow">Issues</a> |
  4154. <a href="https://www.paypal.me/hsz" rel="nofollow">Donate with PayPal</a>
  4155. <br>
  4156. <br> IntelliJ
  4157. <b>Node Security</b> plugin that indicates which Node packages in your project are vulnerable.
  4158. <br> Plugin checks your dependencies against [nodesecurity.io](nodesecurity-io) service.
  4159. <br>
  4160. <br>
  4161. <b>Features</b>
  4162. <ul>
  4163. <li>Highlight vulnerable dependencies in `package.json` file.</li>
  4164. <li>Verify package.json files when project is opened</li>
  4165. </ul>
  4166. <br>
  4167. <br>]]></description><version>0.2.0</version><vendor email='jakub@hsz.mobi' url='https://github.com/hsz/idea-nodesecurity'>hsz</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='123.72' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<a href="https://github.com/hsz/idea-nodesecurity/tree/v0.2.0" rel="nofollow"><b>v0.2.0</b></a> (2018-01-21)
  4168. <br>
  4169. <br>
  4170. <a href="https://github.com/hsz/idea-nodesecurity/compare/v0.2.0" rel="nofollow"><small>Full Changelog</small></a>
  4171. <br>
  4172. <br>
  4173. <i>Implemented enhancements:</i>
  4174. <ul>
  4175. <li>Highlight vulnerable dependencies</li>
  4176. <li>Fetch advisories from nodesecurity.io</li>
  4177. <li>Verify package.json files when project is opened</li>
  4178. </ul>
  4179. <a href="https://github.com/hsz/idea-nodesecurity/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md" rel="nofollow"><b>Full Changelog History</b></a>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin></category><ff>"Tools integration"</ff><category name="Tools integration"><idea-plugin downloads='21300' size='404754' date='1198080513000' url=''><name>Spell Checker English Dictionary</name><id>SpellChecker-Dict-English</id><description><![CDATA[Standard english dictionary for Spell Checker plugin]]></description><version>1.1</version><vendor email='' url=''>Sergiy Dubovik, Alexey Efimov</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='72.7269' /><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>SpellChecker</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='16477' size='863673' date='1198080560000' url=''><name>Spell Checker German Dictionary</name><id>SpellChecker-Dict-German</id><description><![CDATA[Standard german dictionary for Spell Checker plugin]]></description><version>1.0</version><vendor email='' url=''>Sergiy Dubovik, Alexey Efimov</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='72.7269' /><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>SpellChecker</depends><rating>4.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='11919' size='485313' date='1198080603000' url=''><name>Spell Checker Russian Dictionary</name><id>SpellChecker-Dict-Russian</id><description><![CDATA[Standard russian dictionary for Spell Checker plugin]]></description><version>1.0</version><vendor email='' url=''>Sergiy Dubovik, Alexey Efimov</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='72.7269' /><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>SpellChecker</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='497392' size='9522952' date='1511862370000' url='http://www.jetbrains.com/teamcity/'><name>TeamCity Integration</name><id>Jetbrains TeamCity Plugin</id><description><![CDATA[Integration with JetBrains TeamCity - innovative solution for continuous integration and build management.]]></description><version>2017.2.50574</version><vendor email='teamcity-support@jetbrains.com' url='http://www.jetbrains.com/teamcity/'>JetBrains, s.r.o.</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='133.1800' /><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>(optional) CVS</depends><depends>(optional) ClearcasePlugin</depends><depends>(optional) Coverage</depends><depends>(optional) Emma</depends><depends>(optional) Git4Idea</depends><depends>(optional) JUnit</depends><depends>(optional) PerforceDirectPlugin</depends><depends>(optional) Subversion</depends><depends>(optional) TFS</depends><depends>(optional) TestNG-J</depends><depends>(optional) com.intellij.modules.java</depends><depends>(optional) com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>3.7</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='462521' size='10144835' date='1429537894000' url='https://www.atlassian.com/software/ide-connectors/overview'><name>Atlassian Connector for IntelliJ IDE</name><id>Atlassian Connector for IntelliJ IDE</id><description><![CDATA[Atlassian Connector for IntelliJ IDE provides integration for the following Atlassian products:
  4180. <ul>
  4181. <li>JIRA 3.12 and above</li>
  4182. <li>Bamboo 2.7 and above</li>
  4183. <li>Crucible 2.4 and above</li>
  4184. <li>FishEye 2.4 and above</li>
  4185. </ul>]]></description><version>3.0.16, SVN:1504201227</version><vendor email='' url='https://www.atlassian.com/'>Atlassian</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='95.627' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Change Notes
  4186. <ol>
  4187. <li>Compatibility with IDEA 13</li>
  4188. <li>bugfixes</li>
  4189. </ol>
  4190. <p>Fore more information please see the <a rel="nofollow">Release Notes</a>.</p>]]></change-notes><depends>Subversion</depends><rating>3.5</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='103697' size='461579' date='1505892232000' url='https://github.com/ishchenko/idea-nginx'><name>nginx Support</name><id>ideanginx9</id><description><![CDATA[nginx server support for IntelliJ IDEA
  4191. <br> Runs/reloads configuration/stops nginx server from IDEA.
  4192. <br> Configuration file syntax highlighting, auto-completion and inspections. By default .nginx files are registered as nginx files. To use other extensions you will need to associate those files with the correct file type. If you have the Lua extension installed Lua syntax highlighting will be enabled for *_by_lua_block directives used by the lua-nginx-module.]]></description><version>0.1.6</version><vendor email='' url='https://github.com/ishchenko/idea-nginx'>Max Ishchenko</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='142.3304' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<b>0.1.6</b>
  4193. <ul>
  4194. <li>Fix bundle not found exception (issue <a href="https://github.com/ishchenko/idea-nginx/issues/63" rel="nofollow">63</a>).</li>
  4195. <b>0.1.5</b>
  4196. <ul>
  4197. <li>Fix compatible builds to 142.3304+</li>
  4198. </ul>
  4199. <b>0.1.4</b>
  4200. <ul>
  4201. <li>Fix set_by_lua_block syntax error (<a href="https://github.com/ishchenko/idea-nginx/issues/55" rel="nofollow">issue 55</a>).</li>
  4202. <li>Fix race condition with lexer (thanks abregar!) (issues <a href="https://github.com/ishchenko/idea-nginx/issues/58" rel="nofollow">58</a>, <a href="https://github.com/ishchenko/idea-nginx/issues/56" rel="nofollow">56</a>).</li>
  4203. <li>Update NGINX and OpenResty keywords.</li>
  4204. </ul>
  4205. <b>0.1.3</b>
  4206. <ul>
  4207. <li>Update NGINX and OpenResty keywords.</li>
  4208. <li>Add default extension .nginx. This enables use with scratch files.</li>
  4209. <li>Partial fix for Lua block parsing when Lua contains braces. This works as long as the Lua braces are balanced. Otherwise the Lua block get expanded to the next closing brace. In this case the Lua shouldn't be valid anyway.</li>
  4210. <li>Fix PID path with spaces failing.</li>
  4211. </ul>
  4212. <b>0.1.2</b>
  4213. <ul>
  4214. <li>Added Lua language injection to *by_lua_block directives. The Lua plugin must be installed for this to work!</li>
  4215. <li>Fixed some deprecated methods</li>
  4216. </ul>
  4217. <b>0.1.1</b>
  4218. <ul>
  4219. <li>Added OpenResty keywords from</li>
  4220. <li>Added support for local variables using set directives</li>
  4221. <li>Added double quotes to denote strings as well as single quotes</li>
  4222. <li>Updated keywords to Nginx 1.9.15</li>
  4223. <li>Fixed wrong number of argument annotations (e.g. server_name with multiple values)</li>
  4224. </ul>
  4225. <b>0.1.0</b>
  4226. <ul>
  4227. <li>Idea 15 compatibility - PlatformDependentToolsInstaller could be app service now and appropriate implementation selected by "os" attribute</li>
  4228. </ul>
  4229. <b>0.0.15</b>
  4230. <ul>
  4231. <li>FileTypeFactory for type registration</li>
  4232. </ul>
  4233. <b>0.0.14</b>
  4234. <ul>
  4235. <li>Deprecated FileChooser fixed</li>
  4236. </ul>
  4237. <b>0.0.13</b>
  4238. <ul>
  4239. <li>Built for IDEA 12 and later</li>
  4240. <li>Documentation and autocompletion update for nginx 1.4</li>
  4241. </ul>
  4242. <b>0.0.12</b>
  4243. <ul>
  4244. <li>Built for IDEA 11 and later</li>
  4245. </ul>
  4246. <b>0.0.11</b>
  4247. <ul>
  4248. <li>-V output pattern parser fixed again, should work for all versions</li>
  4249. <li>Documentation and autocompletion update for nginx 1.1.1</li>
  4250. <li>Built for IDEA 10.5.x and later</li>
  4251. </ul>
  4252. <b>0.0.10</b>
  4253. <ul>
  4254. <li>-V output pattern fixed for versions 0.8.23+ and 0.7.64+</li>
  4255. <li>Works for all Jetbrains platform products (since build 93.94)</li>
  4256. <li>Documentation and autocompletion update for nginx 0.8.35</li>
  4257. </ul>
  4258. <b>0.0.9</b>
  4259. <ul>
  4260. <li>Now only "Run" button is enabled for nginx run configuration.</li>
  4261. <li>Works for WebIDE.</li>
  4262. <li>Documentation and autocompletion update.</li>
  4263. </ul>
  4264. <b>0.0.8</b>
  4265. <ul>
  4266. <li>Documentation and autocompletion update.</li>
  4267. </ul>
  4268. <b>0.0.7</b>
  4269. <ul>
  4270. <li>Open included files with ctrl+b (Go to Declaration).</li>
  4271. </ul>
  4272. <b>0.0.6</b>
  4273. <ul>
  4274. <li>Autoformat support.</li>
  4275. </ul>
  4276. <b>0.0.5</b>
  4277. <ul>
  4278. <li>Quick documentation lookup support for directives and variables. Only for those that can be found at wiki.nginx.org.</li>
  4279. <li>$arg_&lt;PARAM&gt;, $http_&lt;PARAM&gt; and $cookie_&lt;PARAM&gt; are not highlighted as unknown anymore.</li>
  4280. <li>Warning when choosing nginx executable. Running "nginx -V" can be cancelled and default parameter values will be used.</li>
  4281. </ul>
  4282. <b>0.0.4</b>
  4283. <ul>
  4284. <li>Basic $variable support. Autocompletion and name checks are available. No checks for parent context and no support for variables in strings yet.</li>
  4285. </ul>
  4286. <b>0.0.3</b>
  4287. <ul>
  4288. <li>Log files can be shown in tabs next to console</li>
  4289. </ul>
  4290. <b>0.0.2</b>
  4291. <ul>
  4292. <li>Autocompletion is context-aware</li>
  4293. <li>Directive list is taken from sources, not from docs</li>
  4294. <li>More advanced inspections like checking if a directive can reside in a context</li>
  4295. <li>Should work on Mac</li>
  4296. </ul>
  4297. <b>0.0.1</b>
  4298. <ul>
  4299. <li>First release. Won't work for Mac.</li>
  4300. <li>Basic autocompletion and inspections.</li>
  4301. </ul>
  4302. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>3.2</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='2563' size='168035' date='1260400560000' url=''><name>Ebean weaver</name><id>Ebean weaver</id><description><![CDATA[Post-compile Ebean weaving]]></description><version>1.2</version><vendor email='' url='http://www.avaje.org'>Mario Ivankovits</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='90.10000' /><change-notes><![CDATA[
  4303. ]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='105394' size='695369' date='1507638244000' url='https://github.com/zolotov/css-x-fire'><name>CSS-X-Fire</name><id>CSS-X-Fire</id><description><![CDATA[<p>Connects Firebug CSS editor with any IDE with CSS capabilities (IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate, PhpStorm, WebStorm, PyCharm, RubyMine).</p>
  4304. <p>Please read the installation guidelines here: <a href="http://code.google.com/p/css-x-fire/wiki/Installation" rel="nofollow">http://code.google.com/p/css-x-fire/wiki/Installation</a></p>
  4305. <p>Style with pleasure!</p>]]></description><version>1.48</version><vendor email='alexander.zolotov@jetbrains.com' url='https://github.com/ronniekk/css-x-fire'>JetBrains</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='173.3188' until-build='173.*'/><change-notes><![CDATA[<ul>
  4306. 1.48
  4307. <li>Compatibility with 2017.3</li>
  4308. </ul>
  4309. <ul>
  4310. 1.47
  4311. <li>Compatibility with 2017.2</li>
  4312. </ul>
  4313. <ul>
  4314. 1.46
  4315. <li>Compatibility with 2017.1</li>
  4316. </ul>
  4317. <ul>
  4318. 1.45
  4319. <li>Compatibility with 2016.3</li>
  4320. </ul>
  4321. <ul>
  4322. 1.44
  4323. <li>Compatibility with 2016.2</li>
  4324. </ul>
  4325. <ul>
  4326. 1.43
  4327. <li>Fix bug with backspace in popups.</li>
  4328. </ul>
  4329. <ul>
  4330. 1.41
  4331. <li>Compatibility with 2016.1.</li>
  4332. </ul>
  4333. <ul>
  4334. 1.40
  4335. <li>Signed extension</li>
  4336. <li>Fixed applying particular style</li>
  4337. <li>Fixed keyboard shortcuts on Mac</li>
  4338. </ul>
  4339. <ul>
  4340. 1.39
  4341. <li>Compatibility with 141.* builds.</li>
  4342. <li>Cleanup UI.</li>
  4343. </ul>
  4344. <ul>
  4345. 1.38
  4346. <li>Compiled for IDE build 138.</li>
  4347. </ul>
  4348. <ul>
  4349. 1.37
  4350. <li>Compiled for IDE build 129.</li>
  4351. </ul>
  4352. <ul>
  4353. 1.36
  4354. <li>Bumped Firefox and Firebug versions.</li>
  4355. <li>Fixed regression with disabled actions in popup menu.</li>
  4356. </ul>
  4357. <ul>
  4358. 1.35
  4359. <li> Disable plugin actions when outside of plugin context ( <a href="https://github.com/ronniekk/css-x-fire/issues/27" rel="nofollow">Issue 27</a> and <a href="http://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-101062" rel="nofollow">IDEA-101062</a>) </li>
  4360. </ul>
  4361. <ul>
  4362. 1.34
  4363. <li>Compiled for IDE build 125.57.</li>
  4364. <li> <a href="https://github.com/ronniekk/css-x-fire/issues/22" rel="nofollow">Issue 22</a>, <a href="https://github.com/ronniekk/css-x-fire/issues/25" rel="nofollow">Issue 25</a> Darcula support. </li>
  4365. <li> <a href="https://github.com/ronniekk/css-x-fire/issues/23" rel="nofollow">Issue 23</a> Internal Error: NullPointerException </li>
  4366. </ul>
  4367. <ul>
  4368. 1.33
  4369. <li>Compiled for IDE build 126.92.</li>
  4370. <li> <a href="https://github.com/ronniekk/css-x-fire/issues/21" rel="nofollow">Issue 21</a> Use <a href="https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/firesass-for-firebug/" rel="nofollow">FireSass</a> source mapping for filename filter (when applicable). </li>
  4371. </ul>
  4372. <ul>
  4373. 1.32
  4374. <li> <a href="https://github.com/ronniekk/css-x-fire/issues/20" rel="nofollow">Issue 20</a> Compiled for IDE build 124.373. </li>
  4375. <li> <a href="https://github.com/ronniekk/css-x-fire/issues/19" rel="nofollow">Issue 19</a> Added keyboard shortcuts. </li>
  4376. </ul>
  4377. <ul>
  4378. 1.31
  4379. <li> <a href="https://github.com/ronniekk/css-x-fire/issues/12" rel="nofollow">Issue 17</a> Compiled for IDE build 121. </li>
  4380. </ul>
  4381. <ul>
  4382. 1.30
  4383. <li> <a href="https://github.com/ronniekk/css-x-fire/issues/10" rel="nofollow">Issue 10</a>, <a href="https://github.com/ronniekk/css-x-fire/issues/11" rel="nofollow">Issue 11</a>, <a href="https://github.com/ronniekk/css-x-fire/issues/12" rel="nofollow">Issue 12</a> Internal Error: IllegalArgumentException. </li>
  4384. </ul>
  4385. <ul>
  4386. 1.29
  4387. <li>Support for Firebug 1.10.</li>
  4388. <li>Bumped Firefox version to 20.</li>
  4389. </ul>
  4390. <ul>
  4391. 1.28
  4392. <li><a href="https://github.com/ronniekk/css-x-fire/issues/7" rel="nofollow">Issue 7</a> Fix for NullPointerException.</li>
  4393. </ul>
  4394. <ul>
  4395. 1.27
  4396. <li><a href="https://github.com/ronniekk/css-x-fire/issues/2" rel="nofollow">Issue 2</a> Added folders with popup actions in tree view.</li>
  4397. <li><a href="https://github.com/ronniekk/css-x-fire/issues/1" rel="nofollow">Issue 1</a> Resolve mixins and variables defined in other files.</li>
  4398. </ul>
  4399. <ul>
  4400. 1.26
  4401. <li>Variables support.</li>
  4402. <li>Mixins support.</li>
  4403. </ul>
  4404. <ul>
  4405. 1.25
  4406. <li>Bumped Firefox version to 12.</li>
  4407. </ul>
  4408. <ul>
  4409. 1.24
  4410. <li><a href="http://code.google.com/p/css-x-fire/issues/detail?id=27" rel="nofollow">Issue 27</a> Support for the !important construct.</li>
  4411. <li>Support for Firefox 9.</li>
  4412. <li><a href="http://code.google.com/p/css-x-fire/issues/detail?id=29" rel="nofollow">Issue 29</a> Fix for false positives in nested rules.</li>
  4413. </ul>
  4414. <ul>
  4415. 1.23
  4416. <li>Support for Firefox 8.</li>
  4417. <li> <a href="http://code.google.com/p/css-x-fire/issues/detail?id=4" rel="nofollow">Issue 4</a> and <a href="http://code.google.com/p/css-x-fire/issues/detail?id=5" rel="nofollow">Issue 5</a> Initial support for Less and Sass (nested rules). </li>
  4418. </ul>
  4419. <ul>
  4420. 1.22
  4421. <li>Internal caching of selector and media query searches.</li>
  4422. </ul>
  4423. <ul>
  4424. 1.21
  4425. <li><a href="http://code.google.com/p/css-x-fire/issues/detail?id=23" rel="nofollow">Issue 23</a> Fixed compability issues with latest EAP's.</li>
  4426. </ul>
  4427. <ul>
  4428. 1.20
  4429. <li>Enabled (automatic) xpi updates from Firefox.</li>
  4430. <li>Support for Firefox 7.</li>
  4431. </ul>
  4432. <ul>
  4433. 1.19
  4434. <li><a href="http://code.google.com/p/css-x-fire/issues/detail?id=22" rel="nofollow">Issue 22</a> Fixed hotkey error.</li>
  4435. <li>Support custom key binds for all actions.</li>
  4436. </ul>
  4437. <ul>
  4438. 1.18
  4439. <li><a href="http://code.google.com/p/css-x-fire/issues/detail?id=21" rel="nofollow">Issue 21</a> Reduce filter for currently opened files.</li>
  4440. <li>Support for Firefox 5.</li>
  4441. </ul>
  4442. <ul>
  4443. 1.17
  4444. <li><a href="http://code.google.com/p/css-x-fire/issues/detail?id=18" rel="nofollow">Issue 18</a> Quick navigation from all nodes with double click or middle mouse click.</li>
  4445. <li><a href="http://code.google.com/p/css-x-fire/issues/detail?id=19" rel="nofollow">Issue 19</a> Toggle option for automatic expand of changes tree.</li>
  4446. </ul>
  4447. <ul>
  4448. 1.16
  4449. <li><a href="http://code.google.com/p/css-x-fire/issues/detail?id=17" rel="nofollow">Issue 17</a> Spam protection when using arrow keys in Firebug.</li>
  4450. </ul>
  4451. <ul>
  4452. 1.15
  4453. <li>New settings form.</li>
  4454. <li><a href="http://code.google.com/p/css-x-fire/issues/detail?id=11" rel="nofollow">Issue 11</a> Configurable route mappings.</li>
  4455. <li><a href="http://code.google.com/p/css-x-fire/issues/detail?id=14" rel="nofollow">Issue 14</a> Clear pending changes on page leave or refresh (optional settings).</li>
  4456. </ul>
  4457. <ul>
  4458. 1.14
  4459. <li><a href="http://code.google.com/p/css-x-fire/issues/detail?id=13" rel="nofollow">Issue 13</a> Made server IP configurable for remote setup (in about:config, filter on cssxfire for options).</li>
  4460. </ul>
  4461. <ul>
  4462. 1.13
  4463. <li>Also delete trailing semi-colon when removing a declaration.</li>
  4464. </ul>
  4465. <ul>
  4466. 1.12
  4467. <li><a href="http://code.google.com/p/css-x-fire/issues/detail?id=12" rel="nofollow">Issue 12</a> Compatible with Firefox 4.</li>
  4468. </ul>
  4469. <ul>
  4470. 1.11
  4471. <li>Fixed linking against latest EAPs.</li>
  4472. </ul>
  4473. <ul>
  4474. 1.10
  4475. <li><a href="http://code.google.com/p/css-x-fire/issues/detail?id=8" rel="nofollow">Issue 8</a> Support for addition of selectors.</li>
  4476. <li>Enqueue incoming changes when in 'dumb' mode (when indices are updated in background).</li>
  4477. </ul>
  4478. <ul>
  4479. 1.9
  4480. <li><a href="http://code.google.com/p/css-x-fire/issues/detail?id=6" rel="nofollow">Issue 6</a> Support for CSS media queries.</li>
  4481. <li>Improved selector search/match accuracy.</li>
  4482. </ul>
  4483. <ul>
  4484. 1.8
  4485. <li>Added navigation buttons (prev, next) in toolbar with automatic jump-to-code.</li>
  4486. <li>Toolbar filter(s) group with popup and proper descriptions.</li>
  4487. </ul>
  4488. <ul>
  4489. 1.7
  4490. <li><a href="http://code.google.com/p/css-x-fire/issues/detail?id=7" rel="nofollow">Issue 7</a> Reduce filter for incoming changes (match specific file only when possible).</li>
  4491. </ul>
  4492. <ul>
  4493. 1.6
  4494. <li>Fixed updating of UI - keeping tree state and put expand icon on correct nodes.</li>
  4495. <li>Error message and disable tool if local web server cannot be started.</li>
  4496. </ul>
  4497. <ul>
  4498. 1.5
  4499. <li><a href="http://code.google.com/p/css-x-fire/issues/detail?id=2" rel="nofollow">Issue 2</a> Support for Firebug Lite (Google Chrome and Firefox).</li>
  4500. <li>Changes which are invalid may only be removed.</li>
  4501. </ul>
  4502. <ul>
  4503. 1.4
  4504. <li><a href="http://code.google.com/p/css-x-fire/issues/detail?id=3" rel="nofollow">Issue 3</a> Trigger automatic upload etc. when applying changes.</li>
  4505. </ul>
  4506. <ul>
  4507. 1.3
  4508. <li><a href="http://code.google.com/p/css-x-fire/issues/detail?id=1" rel="nofollow">Issue 1</a> Installation help.</li>
  4509. <li>Removed Firefox constraint in internal web server.</li>
  4510. </ul>
  4511. <ul>
  4512. 1.2
  4513. <li>Support for removing properties in Firebug.</li>
  4514. <li>Fixed broken images on help page when not using Firefox.</li>
  4515. </ul>
  4516. <ul>
  4517. 1.1
  4518. <li>Track modifications in source code and invalidate elements in tree view.</li>
  4519. <li>Offer help page dialog on first run or after upgrade.</li>
  4520. <li>Declaration nodes (leafs) are navigatable with double-click or enter key.</li>
  4521. <li>Right-click a node selects it and brings up popup menu.</li>
  4522. </ul>
  4523. <ul>
  4524. 1.0
  4525. <li>Initial version</li>
  4526. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>(optional) org.jetbrains.plugins.less</depends><depends>(optional) org.jetbrains.plugins.sass</depends><depends>com.intellij.css</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>4.9</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='2406' size='67688' date='1311044823000' url=''><name>webOS-Storm</name><id>com.mojojungle.webosstorm</id><description><![CDATA[Developer tools for HP webOS developers. Requires a valid installation of the HP webOS SDK 2.1 or 3.0 to function properly.]]></description><version>1.2</version><vendor email='j.kovacs@mojojungle.com' url='http://www.mojojungle.com'>MojoJungle</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='99.18' /><change-notes><![CDATA[
  4527. <ul>
  4528. <li>1.2
  4529. <ul>
  4530. <li>Lets you create run configurations for projects that are not in the top level directory (via right click in Project view)</li>
  4531. </ul>
  4532. </li>
  4533. <li>1.1
  4534. <ul>
  4535. <li>Compatability with WebIDE 2.0 and webOS SDK 2.1</li>
  4536. </ul>
  4537. </li>
  4538. </ul>
  4539. ]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='100405' size='260214' date='1487243661000' url=''><name>Jenkins Control Plugin</name><id>Jenkins Control Plugin</id><description><![CDATA[A Jenkins Plugin for Intellij]]></description><version>0.10.2016</version><vendor email='david.boissier [at] gmail [dot] com' url='http://codinjutsu.blogspot.ru/'>Programisci.eu
  4540. David Boissier,
  4541. Yuri Novitsky (support of PPP),</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Jenkins 2 support]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>3.8</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='179373' size='214549' date='1510238321000' url=''><name>Command Line Tool Support</name><id>com.jetbrains.php.framework</id><description><![CDATA[Supports command execution. Provides completion and parameter info for Zend Framework Tool, Symfony, third party command-line tools via XML descriptor.]]></description><version>173.3622.27</version><vendor email='' url=''>JetBrains</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='173.3622' until-build='173.*'/><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>(optional) com.jetbrains.php</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.ultimate</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.xml</depends><rating>4.5</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='7400' size='4285273' date='1369916710000' url=''><name>Create Jira Ticket</name><id>Create Jira Ticket</id><description><![CDATA[Creates Atlassian Jira-Tickets directly from Comments in Sourcecode based on configurable rules.]]></description><version>1.2.2</version><vendor email='' url=''>Carsten Thiele</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='99.18' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Fixed Idea 12 compatibility issue]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>1.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='4030' size='8186273' date='1512642660000' url=''><name>CollabNet Tools</name><id>CollabNet Tools</id><description><![CDATA[CollabNet Connector for IntelliJ IDEA provides IDEA IDE integration for CollabNet TeamForge.]]></description><version>1.1.4</version><vendor email='' url='http://www.collab.net'>CollabNet</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='107.105' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<ul>
  4542. <li>1.1.3: Fixes for IntelliJ 2017.3 compatibility</li>
  4543. <li>1.1.2: Eliminate usage of removed API</li>
  4544. <li>1.1.0: VCS integration</li>
  4545. <li>1.0.8: CAC support</li>
  4546. <li>1.0.7: Branding changes and workflow features</li>
  4547. <li>1.0.6: Task repository integration</li>
  4548. <li>1.0.5: Fix query wizard so buttons show without resizing on OSX</li>
  4549. <li>1.0.4: Fixed to open modal dialogs using correct method</li>
  4550. <li>1.0.2: Fix add attachment file chooser exception and add support for teams and autosumming points</li>
  4551. <li>1.0.1: IntelliJIDEA 13 compatibility</li>
  4552. <li>0.2.1: Project settings for default server and default credentials</li>
  4553. <li>0.2.0: Global setting to show or not show artifact tool tips</li>
  4554. <li>0.1.9: Create new artifacts</li>
  4555. <li>0.1.8: Custom artifact editor dialog</li>
  4556. <li>0.1.7: Fix all-trackers, single-project query scope so that only selected project is included</li>
  4557. <li>0.1.6: Fix behavior when switching between projects</li>
  4558. <li>0.1.3: Initial version</li>
  4559. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>(optional) com.intellij.tasks</depends><depends>Git4Idea</depends><depends>Subversion</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='443787' size='1680094' date='1481551637000' url=''><name>Mongo Plugin</name><id>Mongo Plugin</id><description><![CDATA[Mongo integration for Intellij]]></description><version>0.10.2016</version><vendor email='david.boissier [at] gmail [dot] com' url='http://codinjutsu.blogspot.com'>David Boissier</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Bug fixes and introducing DBRef Navigation (experimental)]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>3.7</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='15731' size='183488' date='1488526530000' url=''><name>FontStorage plugin</name><id>com.webfont.ideaplugin</id><description><![CDATA[Use custom free fonts in your projects.]]></description><version>2.0</version><vendor email='pull@fontstorage.com' url='https://fontstorage.com/'>FontStorage</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='107.105' /><change-notes><![CDATA[2.0 - Version for FontStorage 1.0 - First version]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='23755' size='339057' date='1492185478000' url=''><name>Code Review for IntelliJ IDEA</name><id>codeReview4idea</id><description><![CDATA[Plugin provides IDEA integration with Code Review Tools (such as Crucible from Atlassian)
  4560. <br>
  4561. <br>
  4562. <p>Main features:</p>
  4563. <ul>
  4564. <li> Dashboard toolwindow </li>
  4565. <li> View separated commits in one review item </li>
  4566. <li> Show diff for commit </li>
  4567. <li> Add general comments </li>
  4568. <li> Add reply to general comments </li>
  4569. <li> Add versioned comment (right-click) </li>
  4570. <li> Add reply to versioned comment (right-click on comments list) </li>
  4571. </ul>
  4572. <br>
  4573. <p>Important note:</p> Plugin works only with IDEA trunk builds and git repositories]]></description><version>0.5.6</version><vendor email='kt@jetbrains.com' url='https://github.com/ktisha/Crucible4IDEA'>Ekaterina Tuzova</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='172.767' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<p>0.5.6 version:</p> Fixed compatibility issues with Idea 2017.2
  4574. <p>0.5.5 version:</p> Fixed compatibility issues with Idea 2017.1
  4575. <p>0.5.4 version:</p> Fixed compatibility issues with Idea 16
  4576. <p>0.5.3 version:</p> Fixed compatibility issues with Idea 15
  4577. <p>0.5.1 version:</p> Fixed compatibility issues with Idea 14
  4578. <p>0.5 version:</p> Thanks to
  4579. <a href="https://github.com/dmitry-cherkas" rel="nofollow">dmitry-cherkas</a>
  4580. <ul>
  4581. <li> [feature] Added "Open in browser" action for reviews/comments. #63 </li>
  4582. <li> [feature] Added more filters (ReadyToClose, InDraft, etc). </li>
  4583. <li> [feature] Agile style review support. #57 </li>
  4584. <li> [bugfix] Fixed some exceptions. #58, 60, 62 </li>
  4585. </ul>
  4586. <p>0.4 version:</p> [Important note] Plugin works only with IDEA trunk builds
  4587. <ul>
  4588. <li> [feature] Better comments ui. </li>
  4589. <li> [feature] Support comment drafts: show them differently; let publish drafts; automatically post a draft when the popup is closed via Esc. </li>
  4590. </ul>
  4591. <p>0.3.2 version:</p> [Important note] Plugin works only with IDEA trunk builds
  4592. <ul>
  4593. <li> [feature] HTML in comments; better comments ui. </li>
  4594. <li> [enhancement] Remember if general comments should be shown; remember splitter proportion. </li>
  4595. <li> [enhancement] Remember new comment popup dimensions. </li>
  4596. <li> [bugfix] Better calculate the size of existing comments popup. </li>
  4597. </ul>
  4598. <p>0.3.1 version:</p> [Important note] Plugin works only with IDEA trunk builds
  4599. <ul>
  4600. <li> [bugfix] Fix crash happening for patches containing ADDED files.</li>
  4601. </ul>
  4602. <p>0.3 version:</p> [Important note] Plugin works only with IDEA trunk builds
  4603. <ul>
  4604. <li> [feature] Support review of patch files</li>
  4605. </ul>
  4606. <p>0.2.5 version:</p> [Important note] Plugin works only with IDEA trunk builds
  4607. <ul>
  4608. <li> [bugfix] Do not report successful test connection in case of Malformed URL exception.</li>
  4609. <li> [bugfix] Plugin now works with Crucible over https.</li>
  4610. </ul>
  4611. <p>0.2.4 version:</p> [Important note] Plugin works only with IDEA trunk builds
  4612. <ul>
  4613. <li> [bugfix] Fix the line number of new comments.</li>
  4614. <li> [bugfix] Rebuild the plugin according to the changes in git4idea API.</li>
  4615. </ul>
  4616. <p>0.2.3 version:</p> [Important note] Plugin works only with IDEA trunk builds
  4617. <ul>
  4618. <li> [bugfix] Small usability enhancements </li>
  4619. <li> [bugfix] Fix the case when file from commit doesn't exist yet/anymore </li>
  4620. </ul>
  4621. <p>0.2.2 version:</p> [Important note] Plugin works only with IDEA trunk builds
  4622. <ul>
  4623. <li> [bugfix] Fix after IDEA API change </li>
  4624. <li> [bugfix] Encoding support </li>
  4625. <li> [bugfix] Better comment popup layout</li>
  4626. </ul>
  4627. <p>0.2.1 version: </p> [Important note] Plugin works only with IDEA trunk builds
  4628. <ul>
  4629. <li> Plugin built with java 1.6 </li>
  4630. </ul>
  4631. <p>0.2 version: </p> [Important note] Plugin works only with IDEA trunk builds
  4632. <ul>
  4633. <li> [enhancement] Added complete review action </li>
  4634. <li> [enhancement] Moved plugin-server communication to JSON </li>
  4635. <li> [enhancement] Sort reviews/commits by date by default </li>
  4636. <li> [enhancement] Added a timeout to HTTP queries. </li>
  4637. <li> [enhancement] Hideable general comments panel </li>
  4638. <li> [enhancement] Added toolwindow icon </li>
  4639. <li> [enhancement] Improved file comments tree UI </li>
  4640. <li> [bugfix] DataContext NPE </li>
  4641. <li> [bugfix] update review on adding file comment </li>
  4642. <li> [bugfix] adding and showing comments for the diff chain </li>
  4643. <li> [bugfix] exception on double click if changed column order </li>
  4644. </ul>
  4645. <p>0.1 - Initial revision: </p>
  4646. <ul>
  4647. <li> Dashboard toolwindow </li>
  4648. <li> View separated commits in one review item </li>
  4649. <li> Show diff for commit </li>
  4650. <li> Add general comments </li>
  4651. <li> Add reply to general comments </li>
  4652. <li> Add versioned comment (right-click) </li>
  4653. <li> Add reply to versioned comment (right-click on comments list) </li>
  4654. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>Git4Idea</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><rating>3.7</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='169834' size='7671446' date='1513162214000' url=''><name>SonarQube Community Plugin</name><id>org.mayevskiy.intellij.sonar</id><description><![CDATA[Connects SonarQube to IntelliJ IDEA]]></description><version>2.2.0</version><vendor email='sonarqube-intellij-plugin@googlegroups.com' url='https://github.com/sonar-intellij-plugin/sonar-intellij-plugin'>SonarQube Community Intellij Plugin
  4655. Team</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='173.3727' until-build='173.*'/><change-notes><![CDATA[<p> 2.2.0 </p>
  4656. <ul>
  4657. <li>Fixes #191: Make compatible with IDEA 2017.2</li>
  4658. </ul>
  4659. <p></p>
  4660. <p> 2.1.4 </p>
  4661. <ul>
  4662. <li>Fixes #179: use the latest sonar-ws library to be compatible with latest SonarQube versions</li>
  4663. </ul>
  4664. <p></p>
  4665. <p> </p>
  4666. <p> 2.1.3 </p>
  4667. <ul>
  4668. <li>Make compatible with IDEA 2017.2</li>
  4669. </ul>
  4670. <p></p>
  4671. <p> 2.1.2 </p>
  4672. <ul>
  4673. <li>Fixes #177: implement compatibility with IDEA v.2017.1</li>
  4674. </ul>
  4675. <p></p>
  4676. <p> </p>
  4677. <p> 2.1.1 </p>
  4678. <ul>
  4679. <li>Fixes #166: NullPointerException after viewing Sonar options in Project Structure</li>
  4680. <li>Fixes #168: Getting NoSuchMethodError after updating to Intellij IDEA 2016.3</li>
  4681. </ul>
  4682. <p></p>
  4683. <p> 2.1.0 </p>
  4684. <ul>
  4685. <li>Fixes #158: NoSuchFieldError: PROXY_LOGIN when trying to log into remote server with proxy</li>
  4686. </ul>
  4687. <p></p>
  4688. <p> 2.0.12 </p>
  4689. <ul>
  4690. <li>Fixes #144: Calling invokeAndWait from read-action leads to possible deadlock</li>
  4691. </ul>
  4692. <p></p>
  4693. <p> 2.0.11 </p>
  4694. <ul>
  4695. <li>Fixes #125: authenticate when grabbing rule details</li>
  4696. </ul>
  4697. <p></p>
  4698. <p> 2.0.10 </p>
  4699. <ul>
  4700. <li>Fixes #136: NPE while using SonarQube 5.2</li>
  4701. </ul>
  4702. <p></p>
  4703. <p> 2.0.9 </p>
  4704. <ul>
  4705. <li>Fixes #123: inspections visible in idea 14.1+</li>
  4706. </ul>
  4707. <p></p>
  4708. <p> 2.0.8 </p>
  4709. <ul>
  4710. <li>Fixes #123: inspections are visible again in idea 14.1+</li>
  4711. </ul>
  4712. <p></p>
  4713. <p> 2.0.7 </p>
  4714. <ul>
  4715. <li>Fixes #121: increased timeout when downloading issues from 10 secs to 1 min</li>
  4716. </ul>
  4717. <p></p>
  4718. <p> 2.0.6 </p>
  4719. <ul>
  4720. <li>Fixes #105: Annotations not shown in PHPStorm 7.1</li>
  4721. <li>Fixes #106: Annotations in PHPStorm shown twice per File</li>
  4722. </ul>
  4723. <p></p>
  4724. <p> 2.0.5 </p>
  4725. <ul>
  4726. <li>Fixes #92: perform matching issues to files in parallel</li>
  4727. <li>Fixes #93: Add more verbose information on loading SonarQube resources from server</li>
  4728. <li>Fixes #81: Occurrences of SONAR_USER_PASSWORD should not be displayed</li>
  4729. <li>Fixes #77: $MODULE_NAME is not expanded when analyzing for "Whole project"</li>
  4730. </ul>
  4731. <p></p>
  4732. <p> 2.0.4 </p>
  4733. <ul>
  4734. <li>Fixes #88: Please show some progress while processing downloaded violations</li>
  4735. <li>Fixes #91: Inspection is not cancellable while downloaded issues are analysed</li>
  4736. <li>Fixes #87: Inspections in editor are not refreshed if rerun inspection</li>
  4737. <li>Fixes #86: Rename Sonar to SonarQube</li>
  4738. <li>Fixes #71: Path to sonar-report.json with PROJECT_BASE_DIR does not work on windows</li>
  4739. </ul>
  4740. <p></p>
  4741. <p> 2.0.3 </p>
  4742. <ul>
  4743. <li>Fixes #80: When starting a local analysis script the SonarQube tool window should be shown</li>
  4744. <li>Fixes #76: IDEA hangs and eats all memory</li>
  4745. <li>Fixes #66: It should be possible to put analysis in background Fixes</li>
  4746. <li>Fixes #72: Canceling a local analysis does not work</li>
  4747. </ul>
  4748. <p></p>
  4749. <p> 2.0.2 </p>
  4750. <ul>
  4751. <li>Fixes #53: Adopt API changes in IntelliJ14</li>
  4752. </ul>
  4753. <p></p>
  4754. <p> 2.0.1 </p>
  4755. <ul>
  4756. <li>Fixes #84: download more then one resources in one analysis</li>
  4757. <li>Fixes #73: download or local analysis only if inspections are enabled in current context</li>
  4758. <li>Fixes #70: Project is not yet initialized exception in DocumentChangeListener</li>
  4759. <li>Fixes #67: alternative working dir does not work in pycharm</li>
  4760. <li>Fixes #64: sonar resources not sorted alpha-numerically</li>
  4761. <li>Fixes #62: Remove space in start of script</li>
  4762. </ul>
  4763. <p></p>
  4764. <p> 2.0.0 </p>
  4765. <ul>
  4766. <li>Issues download and incremental analysis with sonar 4.x</li>
  4767. </ul>
  4768. <p></p>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>3.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='1915' size='1054579' date='1379641637000' url=''><name>TF Uploader</name><id>ro.catalin.prata.tfuploader</id><description><![CDATA[TF Uploader helps you upload your Android builds to Test Flight without having to open the browser and got to your project's page.
  4769. <br /> You just have to add the notes of your new build, set the path for the build (only once), add a team and the upload API token from test flight site and you are ready to send the Android builds right from your favorite IDE.]]></description><version>2.5</version><vendor email='prata.catalin@gmail.com' url='http://myandroidsolutions.blogspot.ru/'>My Blog</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='107.105' /><change-notes><![CDATA[V1.5 Added: - module support (the apk file path is updated accordingly to the selected module)
  4770. <br /> - android project version code and name edit V2.0 Added: - bug fixing - added build notification popup - added new validation rule V2.0 Added: - bug fixing - added build notification popup - added new validation rule V2.5 Added: - bug fixing]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><depends>org.jetbrains.android</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='155046' size='1962485' date='1515330588000' url=''><name>Gerrit</name><id>com.urswolfer.intellij.plugin.gerrit</id><description><![CDATA[<p> Gerrit Code Review Tool Integration </p>
  4771. <p> Only <strong>Gerrit 2.6 or newer</strong> is supported (missing / incomplete REST API in older versions) </p>
  4772. <p> Features: </p>
  4773. <ul>
  4774. <li>Do reviews directly from your IDE (voting and commenting)</li>
  4775. <li>List and query changes</li>
  4776. <li>Optimized push dialog for Gerrit operations (refs/for, add reviewers, ...)</li>
  4777. <li>Compare (Diff) changes against your local clone (much more comfortable than in Web UI because of well known syntax highlighting and other IDE features)</li>
  4778. <li>Submit changes</li>
  4779. <li>Notifications for new changes which are waiting for your review</li>
  4780. <li>Cherry-Pick and checkout changes into your local clone</li>
  4781. <li>Star (and unstar) changes</li>
  4782. <li>File and line based comments (<strong>Gerrit 2.7 or newer only</strong>)<br> Usage: Add new comments in file diff window with right click on line; remove not yet submitted comments with a click on comment icon. Comments need to be submitted with "Submit" or any "+/-" action. </li>
  4783. <li>Clone and set up Gerrit projects directly in IDE (commit-message-hook is automatically added)</li>
  4784. <li>Abandon changes</li>
  4785. <li>Publish and delete draft changes</li>
  4786. </ul>
  4787. <p></p>
  4788. <p> If you find any issues, please report them (please use the GitHub issue tracker instead of review comments). </p>
  4789. <p> This plugin uses <a href="https://github.com/uwolfer/gerrit-rest-java-client" rel="nofollow">gerrit-rest-java-client</a> for communication with Gerrit REST API. If you need to build a Java application which needs to communicate with Gerrit, this library probably supports you quite a lot. </p>
  4790. <p> If you like this plugin, you can support it: </p>
  4791. <ul>
  4792. <li>Spread it: Tell your friends who are using IntelliJ and Gerrit about this plugin (or even bring them to use these fantastic products!)</li>
  4793. <li>Vote for it: Write your review and vote for it at the <a href="http://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/7272" rel="nofollow">IntelliJ plugin repository</a>.</li>
  4794. <li>Star it: <a href="https://github.com/uwolfer/gerrit-intellij-plugin" rel="nofollow">Star it at GitHub</a>. GitHub account required.</li>
  4795. <li>Improve it: Report bugs or feature requests. Or even fix / implement them by yourself - everything is open source!</li>
  4796. <li>Donate: You can find donation-possibilities in the <a href="https://github.com/uwolfer/gerrit-intellij-plugin#donations" rel="nofollow">README</a> file.</li>
  4797. </ul>
  4798. <p></p>]]></description><version>1.0.5-146</version><vendor email='uwolfer@fwo.ch' url='https://github.com/uwolfer/gerrit-intellij-plugin'>Urs Wolfer</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='146.939' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<p> See for all changes: https://github.com/uwolfer/gerrit-intellij-plugin/commits/ </p>
  4799. <p> </p>
  4800. <ul>
  4801. <li><strong>Important Note:</strong> You can report exception-issues directly from your IDE. Please add at least a comment what you have done when it occurred / how you can reproduce it. It would be even better when add an email address so I can contact you in case of questions.</li>
  4802. <li>Would you like to try test-builds of this plugin before official release? Please check out: <a href="https://github.com/uwolfer/gerrit-intellij-plugin#pre-releases" rel="nofollow"> https://github.com/uwolfer/gerrit-intellij-plugin#pre-releases</a>.</li>
  4803. <li>1.0.5</li>
  4804. <ul>
  4805. <li>improved labels and documentation for improved usability</li>
  4806. <li>minor fixes and improvements</li>
  4807. </ul>
  4808. <li>1.0.4</li>
  4809. <ul>
  4810. <li>optimize checkout: display smart file checkout dialog when required</li>
  4811. <li>performance optimization: do not execute unnecessary Git fetches</li>
  4812. <li>fix random startup notification "Insufficient dependencies for Gerrit plugin"</li>
  4813. <li>many minor fixes and improvements</li>
  4814. </ul>
  4815. <li>1.0.3</li>
  4816. <ul>
  4817. <li>fixes related to password-safe</li>
  4818. <li>UI optimizations</li>
  4819. <li>many minor fixes and improvements</li>
  4820. </ul>
  4821. <li>1.0.2</li>
  4822. <ul>
  4823. <li>fix multiple IntelliJ instances (project windows) support</li>
  4824. </ul>
  4825. <li>1.0.1</li>
  4826. <ul>
  4827. <li>checkout: set remote branch for simpler push</li>
  4828. <li>checkout: create unique branch name (fixes issue when change was checked out before already)</li>
  4829. <li>many minor fixes and improvements</li>
  4830. </ul>
  4831. <li>1.0.0</li>
  4832. <ul>
  4833. <li>add columns "Project" and "Topic" (optional) (thanks to eekboom)</li>
  4834. <li>handle hyperlinks in change details (thanks to eekboom)</li>
  4835. <li>minor fixes and improvements</li>
  4836. </ul>
  4837. <li></li>
  4838. <ul>
  4839. <li>fix compatibility with IntelliJ 2016.3 EAP (tool window is blank)</li>
  4840. <li>allow using the tool window while IntelliJ is creating index</li>
  4841. <li>minor fixes and improvements</li>
  4842. </ul>
  4843. <li></li>
  4844. <ul>
  4845. <li>fix automatic update for IntelliJ 2016.2 (by bumping version number)</li>
  4846. <li>improvements in error reporting flow</li>
  4847. </ul>
  4848. <li></li>
  4849. <ul>
  4850. <li>fix displaying most significant label in change list</li>
  4851. <li>minor fixes and improvements</li>
  4852. </ul>
  4853. <li></li>
  4854. <ul>
  4855. <li>fix loading changes with older Gerrit versions when env is non-English</li>
  4856. <li>fix NumberFormatException when using JRE 6</li>
  4857. <li>do not 'git reset' when checking out a change which was checked out before already</li>
  4858. </ul>
  4859. <li>0.9.8</li>
  4860. <ul>
  4861. <li>add support for setting custom review labels when supported by server (other than Code-Review and Verified)</li>
  4862. <li>add support for publish / delete draft changes</li>
  4863. <li>add column "status" to change list</li>
  4864. <li>reviewer and owner filter: allow filtering by username</li>
  4865. <li>disable actions when not permitted</li>
  4866. <li>fix status-filter option "All"</li>
  4867. <li>many minor fixes and improvements</li>
  4868. <li>Note: Updates for IntelliJ versions older than 14 are no longer provided</li>
  4869. </ul>
  4870. <li></li>
  4871. <ul>
  4872. <li>fixes (including Java 6 support)</li>
  4873. </ul>
  4874. <li></li>
  4875. <ul>
  4876. <li>update gerrit-rest-java-client to v0.8.6 (which contains many improvements and a fix for upcoming Gerrit 2.12 release)</li>
  4877. <li>minor fixes</li>
  4878. </ul>
  4879. <li></li>
  4880. <ul>
  4881. <li>fixes (including special fixes for users on Win)</li>
  4882. </ul>
  4883. <li></li>
  4884. <ul>
  4885. <li>many fixes and small improvements</li>
  4886. </ul>
  4887. <li></li>
  4888. <ul>
  4889. <li>minor fixes and improvements</li>
  4890. </ul>
  4891. <li></li>
  4892. <ul>
  4893. <li>build with target-level 1.6 again</li>
  4894. </ul>
  4895. <li>0.9.7</li>
  4896. <ul>
  4897. <li>add capability to filter for project</li>
  4898. <li>add support for loading more change while scrolling in list with Gerrit &lt; 2.9</li>
  4899. <li>fix handling of expired sessions</li>
  4900. <li>checkout dialog: get fetch information dynamically (instead of hardcoded HTTP-URL)</li>
  4901. <li>many minor fixes and improvements</li>
  4902. </ul>
  4903. <li></li>
  4904. <ul>
  4905. <li>IntelliJ 14.1 only: disable unsupported oneside-diff-viewer for displaying Gerrit changes</li>
  4906. </ul>
  4907. <li></li>
  4908. <ul>
  4909. <li>IntelliJ 14.1 only: fix push dialog</li>
  4910. </ul>
  4911. <li>0.9.6</li>
  4912. <ul>
  4913. <li>dynamically show label columns according to server support ("Verify", "Core-Review", ...)</li>
  4914. <li>IntelliJ 14: add support for multi-repository-projects in push dialog (limitation: it does not work cleanly with setting "Push to Gerrit by default" activated - in this case all repos are selected on dialog show)</li>
  4915. <li>fix COMMIT_MSG review for first commit in a new Git repository</li>
  4916. <li>fix reviews with comments for Gerrit &gt;= 2.10</li>
  4917. <li>many minor fixes and improvements</li>
  4918. </ul>
  4919. <li></li>
  4920. <ul>
  4921. <li>fix write-operations when using LDAP logins</li>
  4922. <li>fix login issues with googlesource.com Gerrit instances</li>
  4923. <li>minor fixes</li>
  4924. </ul>
  4925. <li></li>
  4926. <ul>
  4927. <li>add save and cancel buttons to comment popup</li>
  4928. <li>minor fixes and improvements for exception reports - please make sure that you add an email address when you send an exception report from your IDE (in some case I need to ask you for more information)</li>
  4929. </ul>
  4930. <li>0.9.5</li>
  4931. <ul>
  4932. <li>new action to add reviewers to a change</li>
  4933. <li>support for LDAP authentication (when login in happens with a HTML form)</li>
  4934. <li>fix authentication when HTTP digest method is used</li>
  4935. <li>fix branch filter for some project setups</li>
  4936. <li>many minor fixes and improvements</li>
  4937. </ul>
  4938. <li>0.9.4</li>
  4939. <ul>
  4940. <li>change-number-column is available in list (hidden by default)</li>
  4941. <li>change-id and change-number columns are hidden by default (can be enabled in plugin settings)</li>
  4942. <li>change-number is displayed in change detail panel</li>
  4943. <li>new action to copy change-id in list</li>
  4944. <li>"git review" like checkout (check-out action automatically creates a named branch)</li>
  4945. <li>improved focus handling of comment dialog (comments are not loosed anymore in some cases when focus is loosed; text field is focused when opened)</li>
  4946. <li>fix for Gerrit &gt;= 2.10: fix display of account information (list, change details)</li>
  4947. <li>many minor fixes and improvements</li>
  4948. </ul>
  4949. <li>0.9.3</li>
  4950. <ul>
  4951. <li>add action to checkout selected change</li>
  4952. <li>show notification balloons again (review notification, errors)</li>
  4953. <li>fix keyboard navigation in change list</li>
  4954. </ul>
  4955. <li>0.9.2</li>
  4956. <ul>
  4957. <li>password settings / safe fixes</li>
  4958. <li>fix compatibility with latest IDEA 14 EAP</li>
  4959. <li>alternative branch push doesn't respect manual change</li>
  4960. <li>minor fixes and improvements</li>
  4961. </ul>
  4962. <li>0.9.1</li>
  4963. <ul>
  4964. <li>lazily load changes list (25 changes initially; more will be loaded when you scroll down)</li>
  4965. <li>fix file comments when using IntelliJ on MS Win</li>
  4966. <li>order file comments according to date in diff viewer</li>
  4967. <li>minor fixes and improvements</li>
  4968. </ul>
  4969. <li>0.9.0</li>
  4970. <ul>
  4971. <li>add support to select patch sets in grid</li>
  4972. <li>show commit message as a file in changes browser</li>
  4973. <li>add support to select diff base in change browser (patch sets can be diffed against each other)</li>
  4974. <li>show comments and comment drafts count in changes browser</li>
  4975. <li>save draft comments in Gerrit (available now after IntelliJ restart and in web UI)</li>
  4976. <li>improve notification and error handling for review and submit action</li>
  4977. <li>find Git repository if Git remote name equals Gerrit project name</li>
  4978. <li>many minor fixes and improvements</li>
  4979. </ul>
  4980. <li>0.8.1</li>
  4981. <ul>
  4982. <li>improve usability for file comments (add, reply, edit)</li>
  4983. <li>new editor with preview for file comments</li>
  4984. <li>add option to not send notification mails in review dialog</li>
  4985. <li>minor fixes and improvements</li>
  4986. </ul>
  4987. <li>0.8.0</li>
  4988. <ul>
  4989. <li>add support for range comments (visible in "new" Gerrit Web UI)</li>
  4990. <li>fix handling of comma separated user names in push dialog</li>
  4991. <li>improve HTTP proxy handling</li>
  4992. <li>improve SSL certificate handling (support for IntelliJ 13.1 certificate manager, certificates signed by an untrusted authority)</li>
  4993. <li>fix handling when Gerrit url and git remote url are not equal</li>
  4994. <li>major refactoring</li>
  4995. <li>many minor fixes and improvements</li>
  4996. </ul>
  4997. <li>0.7.0</li>
  4998. <ul>
  4999. <li>add settings in push dialog (allows to push to Gerrit without modifying remote branch; can be activated by default in plugin settings)</li>
  5000. <li>action to abandon a change</li>
  5001. <li>many minor fixes and improvements</li>
  5002. </ul>
  5003. <li>0.6.2</li>
  5004. <ul>
  5005. <li>improve review comment dialog (editor with spell-checking, better size, preview)</li>
  5006. <li>better display of comment (properly display multi-line and formatted comments)</li>
  5007. <li>show review status (and CC'ed reviewers) in change detail panel</li>
  5008. <li>fix possible indefinite HTTP request loop (in case of Gerrit server errors)</li>
  5009. <li>minor fixes and improvements</li>
  5010. </ul>
  5011. <li>0.6.1</li>
  5012. <ul>
  5013. <li>fix issues with multiple windows (projects)</li>
  5014. <li>fix Gerrit checkout in case of empty settings</li>
  5015. <li>improve icons (hi-dpi ready)</li>
  5016. <li>add custom error handler: you can report exceptions now directly from IDE</li>
  5017. </ul>
  5018. <li>0.6</li>
  5019. <ul>
  5020. <li>support for starring changes (show in list and set / unset icon)</li>
  5021. <li>use IntelliJ action infrastructure more consistently (allows user configuration like keyboard shortcut)</li>
  5022. <li>add support for anonymous (readonly; useful for e.g. Android and Gerrit development instances where REST API authentication is not supported yet)</li>
  5023. <li>fixed more ssl issues (port from commons-httpclient v3 to apache.httpcomponents v4)</li>
  5024. <li>add support for file comments on both sides (parent and revision)</li>
  5025. <li>set file review status to reviewed when opening files in diff viewer </li>
  5026. <li>many minor fixes and improvements</li>
  5027. </ul>
  5028. <li>0.5</li>
  5029. <ul>
  5030. <li>display code review and verified status in list</li>
  5031. <li>show comments (and actions) in change detail panel</li>
  5032. <li>add filters for changes list (fulltext, status, branch, owner, reviewer, starred changes)</li>
  5033. <li>asynchronously load data from Gerrit (UI does not block anymore when connection is slow)</li>
  5034. <li>improve review notifications (show after start even when Gerrit tool window is not open)</li>
  5035. <li>add setting to show all changes (instead of changes from current project only)</li>
  5036. <li>fix remembering self-signed certs</li>
  5037. <li>fix for self signed ssl connections</li>
  5038. <li>remove fetch action from user-interface (no real use-case for it)</li>
  5039. <li>internal: migrate to Google Guice for dependency management (major refactoring)</li>
  5040. <li>many minor fixes and improvements</li>
  5041. </ul>
  5042. <li>0.4.1</li>
  5043. <ul>
  5044. <li>performance improvement (reduced HTTP transfer sizes)</li>
  5045. <li>add support for HTTPS servers on non-default port with self-signed certs</li>
  5046. <li>fix timezone handling</li>
  5047. <li>improve HTTP authentication flow (again!) (everyone who had authentication issues should try again)</li>
  5048. <li>many minor fixes and improvements</li>
  5049. </ul>
  5050. <li>0.4.0</li>
  5051. <ul>
  5052. <li>improve HTTP authentication flow (everyone who had authentication issues should try again)</li>
  5053. <li>set up Gerrit commit message hook after checkout (now you can checkout and set up Gerrit projects without any command line command)</li>
  5054. <li>allow shortcuts for actions</li>
  5055. <li>fix for Gerrit instances not running on root (e.g. example.com/r) of domain (thanks to magnayn)</li>
  5056. <li>fix for working with multiple IntelliJ windows at the same time</li>
  5057. <li>many minor fixes and improvements</li>
  5058. </ul>
  5059. <li>0.3.1</li>
  5060. <ul>
  5061. <li>fix for projects containing '/' (slash) in their name</li>
  5062. </ul>
  5063. <li>0.3.0</li>
  5064. <ul>
  5065. <li>add support for multi-VCS projects</li>
  5066. <li>improve error-handling</li>
  5067. <li>add IntelliJ 13 EAP support</li>
  5068. </ul>
  5069. <li>0.2.0</li>
  5070. <ul>
  5071. <li>add support for file based comments (view and add) (Gerrit 2.7 or newer only)</li>
  5072. <li>better error messages (e.g. connection and authentication errors)</li>
  5073. </ul>
  5074. </ul>
  5075. <p></p>]]></change-notes><depends>Git4Idea</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>4.8</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='4199' size='3122' date='1384261274000' url=''><name>Open in Marked</name><id>com.vexus2.intellij.marked</id><description><![CDATA[Open markdown file into Markdown Viewer Marked.
  5076. <br /> Default keymap is &quot;Ctrl+Alt+M&quot;.
  5077. <br /> You need to install 'Marked'.
  5078. <br /> Visit this site.
  5079. <br /> http://markedapp.com/]]></description><version>0.2</version><vendor email='hikaru.tooyama@gmail.com' url='https://twitter.com/vexus2'>Vexus2</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='107.105' /><change-notes><![CDATA[version 0.2
  5080. <br /> Fixed bug.
  5081. <br /> version 0.1
  5082. <br /> Initial release.
  5083. <br />]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='178020' size='32233' date='1513387982000' url=''><name>Dash</name><id>com.paperetto.dash</id><description><![CDATA[<p>A smart and simple plugin that provides keyboard shortcut access for Dash, Velocity or Zeal in IntelliJ IDEA, RubyMine, WebStorm, PhpStorm, PyCharm, DataGrip, CLion, GoLand and Android Studio.</p>
  5084. <p></p>
  5085. <b>Usage</b>
  5086. <p></p>
  5087. <p>The default <b>shortcut</b> assigned to smart-search is <b>Cmd-Shift-D</b> (Mac OS X) or <b>Ctrl-Shift-D</b> (Windows, Linux).</p>
  5088. <p>A <b>menubar command</b> named either "<b>Smart-Search Documentation</b>" can be found in the "Tools" menu.</p>
  5089. <p>The plugin either searches for the statement at caret position or the current selection. It will identify the programming language in use and request filtered results accordingly. A non filtered search over all documentation entries can be invoked by adding the <b>Alt</b> modifier key to the shortcut. "<b>Search all Documentation</b>" is also available in the tools menu. </p>
  5090. <p></p>
  5091. <b>Configuration</b>
  5092. <p></p>
  5093. <b>Shortcut</b>
  5094. <p>You can change the shortcut at Preferences -&gt; Keymap -&gt; Plug-ins -&gt; Dash.</p>
  5095. <b>Toolbar Icon</b>
  5096. <p>You can add a button to the toolbar. Right-click the menubar -&gt; Customize […]. You will find the button under "Plug-ins -&gt; Dash".</p>
  5097. <p></p>
  5098. <b>Supported API Documentation Browsers</b>
  5099. <p></p>
  5100. <b>Kapeli Dash (Mac OS X)</b>
  5101. <p>Dash is an API Documentation Browser and Code Snippet Manager. Dash stores snippets of code and instantly searches offline documentation sets for 150+ APIs (for a full list, see below). You can even generate your own docsets or request docsets to be included. <a href="http://kapeli.com/dash" rel="nofollow">http://kapeli.com/dash</a></p>
  5102. <b>Velocity (Windows)</b>
  5103. <p>Velocity gives your Windows desktop offline access to over 150 API documentation sets (provided by Dash for OS X). <a href="https://velocity.silverlakesoftware.com" rel="nofollow">https://velocity.silverlakesoftware.com</a></p>
  5104. <b>Zeal (Linux &amp; Windows)</b>
  5105. <p>Zeal is a simple offline API documentation browser inspired by Dash (OS X app). <a href="http://zealdocs.org" rel="nofollow">http://zealdocs.org</a></p>]]></description><version>3.3</version><vendor email='' url='https://github.com/gdelmas/IntelliJDashPlugin'>Gerard Delmàs</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='123.72' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<pre>
  5106. 3.3
  5107. - Added non-smart "Search all Documentation" option
  5108. - Java 9 SDK detection
  5109. 3.2.5
  5110. - Fixed Zeal Support
  5111. - Go, Elixir &amp; Erlang support
  5112. 3.2.4
  5113. - Dockerfile support
  5114. 3.2.3
  5115. - Dash 2.3 Remote redirection support
  5116. - Clojure support
  5117. 3.2.2 ActionScript support
  5118. 3.2.1 Fixed an issue where
  5119. context filters would not work
  5120. 3.2
  5121. - Toolbar icon support
  5122. - Velocity support on Windows
  5123. - Zeal support on Linux
  5124. 3.1
  5125. - language detection support in strings
  5126. - project settings sql dialect will be used
  5127. to filter search results
  5128. - android project support
  5129. - java search results according to projects
  5130. sdk version
  5131. - python search results according to
  5132. projects sdk version
  5133. - added language support for: Bash, Go,
  5134. Haskell, Lua, Markdown, Scala, TypoScript
  5135. - extended language support for: angularjs,
  5136. momen, require, awsjs, jasmine, sinon,
  5137. tornado, sqlalchemy, numpy, scipy, salt,
  5138. polymerdart, angulardart
  5139. - performance and stability improvements
  5140. 3.0.1 Fixed missing Ruby context recognition
  5141. 3.0 Added Context aware search
  5142. 2.2 Compatibility and stability fixes
  5143. 2.1 Added Ruby syntax support, stability fixes
  5144. 2.0 Added Dash docset keyword support
  5145. </pre>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='125664' size='2698027' date='1491603375000' url=''><name>ANTLR v4 grammar plugin</name><id>org.antlr.intellij.plugin</id><description><![CDATA[<p> This plugin is for ANTLR v4 grammars and includes ANTLR 4.7. It works with Intellij 15, 2016.1-2017.3. It should work in other Jetbrains IDEs. </p>
  5146. <ul>
  5147. <li> syntax highlighting </li>
  5148. <li> syntax error checking </li>
  5149. <li> semantic error checking </li>
  5150. <li> navigation window </li>
  5151. <li> goto-declaration </li>
  5152. <li> find usages </li>
  5153. <li> rename tokens </li>
  5154. <li> rename rules </li>
  5155. <li> comment grammar rule lines with meta-/ (1.7) </li>
  5156. <li> grammar/comment folding (1.7) </li>
  5157. <li> generates parser code; shortcut (ctrl-shift-G / meta-shift-G) but it's in Tools menu and popups. </li>
  5158. <li> code completion for tokens, rule names; </li>
  5159. <li> finds tokenVocab option for code gen if there is a tokenVocab option, don't warn about implicit tokens. </li>
  5160. <li> handles separate parsers and lectures like TParser.g4 and TLexer.g4 (1.7) </li>
  5161. <li> Parse tree nodes show the alternative number the parser chose to match that node. (1.7) </li>
  5162. <li> has live grammar interpreter for grammar preview. Right click on rule and say "Test ANTLR Rule". </li>
  5163. <li> view parse trees in hierarchy (sideways tree) view. (1.8) </li>
  5164. <li> can view parse trees for input matched in more than one way (ambiguities) (1.7) </li>
  5165. <li> can view lookahead trees to show how input directed ANTLR to match a particular alternative (1.7) </li>
  5166. <li> changes to grammar seen in parse tree upon save of grammar. </li>
  5167. <li> works with all Jetbrains IDEs (1.8) </li>
  5168. <li> refactoring: extract rule, inline rule (1.8), dup rule to make refs unique (1.9) </li>
  5169. </ul>
  5170. <p>Generates code in /gen/package/YourGrammarRecognizer.java unless you override in the configuration dialog. Shortcut to generate parsers is ctrl-shift-G / meta-shift-G but it's in Tools menu, popups. Code completion for tokens, rule names. finds tokenVocab option for code gen if there is a tokenVocab option, don't warn about implicit tokens. shortcut conflicted with grammar-kit plugin. Has live grammar interpreter for grammar preview. Right click on rule and say "Test ANTLR Rule". Changes to grammar seen in parse tree upon save of grammar. </p>
  5171. <p> You can configure the ANTLR tool options per grammar file; right-click in a grammar or on a grammar element within the structured view. When you change and save a grammar, it automatically builds with ANTLR in the background according to the preferences you have set. ANTLR tool errors appear in a console you can opened by clicking on a button in the bottom tab. </p>
  5172. <p> You can use the ctrl-key while moving the mouse and it will show you token information in the preview editor box via tooltips. </p>
  5173. <p> Errors within the preview editor are now highlighted with tooltips and underlining just like a regular editor window. The difference is that this window's grammar is specified in your grammar file. </p>
  5174. <p>See <a href="https://github.com/antlr/intellij-plugin-v4/blob/master/README.md" rel="nofollow">README.md</a> for more details. </p>
  5175. <p> For really big files and slow grammars, there is an appreciable delay when displaying the parse tree or profiling information. </p>
  5176. <p> <a href="https://github.com/antlr/intellij-plugin-v4" rel="nofollow">Github source</a></p>]]></description><version>1.8.4</version><vendor email='parrt@antlr.org' url='https://github.com/antlr/intellij-plugin-v4'>ANTLR Project</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='143.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Upgrade antlr to 4.7 (from 4.6), fix a few null-ptr exceptions. Requires at least Intellij 15.x now and Java 7 because ANTLR 4.7 needs Java 7!]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>4.2</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='34310' size='1073164' date='1481846519000' url=''><name>Source Synchronizer</name><id>org.wavescale.sourcesync</id><description><![CDATA[<br>
  5177. <a href="https://github.com/fioan89/sourcesync" rel="nofollow">GitHub</a> |
  5178. <a href="https://github.com/fioan89/sourcesync/issues" rel="nofollow">Issues</a> | Donate (
  5179. <a href="https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_donations&amp;business=E6F2NPVCNZK4C&amp;lc=US&amp;currency_code=USD&amp;bn=PP%2dDonationsBF%3abtn_donateCC_LG%2egif%3aNonHosted" rel="nofollow">PayPal</a> )
  5180. <br>
  5181. <br> Source Synchronizer is a powerful plugin for performing one-way file synchronization for your project.
  5182. <br>It synchronizes the remote target so that it will match your local project. It features support for FTP, FTPS, SFTP and SCP protocols. You can filter the uploaded files, or you can simply opt to sync out only selected or changed files.]]></description><version>1.9</version><vendor email='fioan89@gmail.com' url=''>wavescale.org</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='123.72' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Changes in version 1.9:
  5183. <ul>
  5184. <li>Add support for OS X 10.11</li>
  5185. <li>Fix passwordless SSH for SFTP connections</li>
  5186. <li>Add support for passphrase keys for SFTP connections</li>
  5187. <li>Add support for passwordless SCP connections</li>
  5188. <li>Fix issues with known_hosts file on Windows machines</li>
  5189. <li>Fix issue with hidden files and directories not showing through private key file chooser</li>
  5190. <li>Fix issue with private key file chooser forcing you to select the public key instead of the private one</li>
  5191. <li>Fix issues with configuration and target window not getting on top of the IDE</li>
  5192. <li>Make the configuration, target and module selection window to always open in the center of IDE</li>
  5193. <p></p>
  5194. <li><b>All previous configurations will be lost!</b></li>
  5195. </ul>
  5196. <br>
  5197. <br> Changes in version 1.8:
  5198. <ul>
  5199. <li>Add support for IntelliJ IDEA 15.x</li>
  5200. <li>Add support for PyCharm 5.x</li>
  5201. <li>Fix upload of files over FTPS connections using explicit TLS security</li>
  5202. <li>Set the configuration window to be always on top</li>
  5203. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.vcs</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='251197' size='1102576' date='1512843924000' url='https://github.com/pbreault/adb-idea'><name>ADB Idea</name><id>com.developerphil.adbidea</id><description><![CDATA[Adds the following ADB commands to Android Studio and Intellij:
  5204. <br>
  5205. <ul>
  5206. <li>ADB Uninstall App</li>
  5207. <li>ADB Kill App</li>
  5208. <li>ADB Start App</li>
  5209. <li>ADB Restart App</li>
  5210. <li>ADB Clear App Data</li>
  5211. <li>ADB Clear App Data and Restart</li>
  5212. <li>ADB Revoke Permissions</li>
  5213. <li>ADB Start App With Debugger</li>
  5214. <li>ADB Restart App With Debugger</li>
  5215. </ul>
  5216. <br> There are two basic ways to invoke a command:
  5217. <ul>
  5218. <li>Through the Tools-&gt;Android-&gt;ADB Idea menu</li>
  5219. <li>By searching for "ADB" in "Find Actions" (osx: cmd+shift+a, windows/linux: ctrl+shift+a)</li>
  5220. </ul>]]></description><version>1.5.0</version><vendor email='' url='http://www.developerphil.com'>Philippe Breault</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='171.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<b>1.5.0</b>
  5221. <ul>
  5222. <li>FEATURE: Revoke Runtime Permissions</li>
  5223. <li>BUGFIX: Support apps using string templating in the applicationId in the gradle build file</li>
  5224. <li>BUGFIX: Show an appropriate error message instead of crashing when gradle is syncing </li>
  5225. </ul>
  5226. <b>1.4.1</b>
  5227. <ul>
  5228. <li>BUGFIX: No Device </li>
  5229. </ul>
  5230. <b>1.4.0</b>
  5231. <ul>
  5232. <li>FEATURE: Restart the app and attach the debugger</li>
  5233. </ul>
  5234. <b>1.3.0</b>
  5235. <ul>
  5236. <li>FEATURE: Checkbox to reuse the same devices for the current session</li>
  5237. <li>FEATURE: Only show notifications for errors</li>
  5238. </ul>
  5239. <b>1.2.8</b>
  5240. <ul>
  5241. <li>BUGFIX: NoSuchMethodException on Android Studio 2.2 Preview</li>
  5242. </ul>
  5243. <b>1.2.7</b>
  5244. <ul>
  5245. <li>BUGFIX: Can't start or restart on Android Studio 2.1 Preview</li>
  5246. </ul>
  5247. <b>1.2.6</b>
  5248. <ul>
  5249. <li>BUGFIX: NoSuchMethodException on Android Studio 2.0 Preview 8</li>
  5250. </ul>
  5251. <b>1.2.5</b>
  5252. <ul>
  5253. <li>BUGFIX: NoSuchMethodException on Android Studio 2.0 Preview 5</li>
  5254. </ul>
  5255. <b>1.2.4</b>
  5256. <ul>
  5257. <li>BUGFIX: NoSuchMethodError on Android Studio 2.0 Preview 1</li>
  5258. </ul>
  5259. <b>1.2.3</b>
  5260. <ul>
  5261. <li>BUGFIX: NoSuchMethodError on Android Studio 1.5</li>
  5262. </ul>
  5263. <b>1.2.2</b>
  5264. <ul>
  5265. <li>BUGFIX: Doesn't work on Android Studio 1.4 with multiple devices attached</li>
  5266. </ul>
  5267. <b>1.2.1</b>
  5268. <ul>
  5269. <li>BUGFIX: Can't start or restart app in Android Studio 1.4</li>
  5270. </ul>
  5271. <b>1.2.0</b>
  5272. <ul>
  5273. <li>FEATURE: New "ADB Operations Popup...". Windows: Ctrl+Alt+Shift+A - Mac OSX: Ctrl+Shift+A</li>
  5274. </ul>
  5275. <b>1.1.4</b>
  5276. <ul>
  5277. <li>BUGFIX: Start &amp; Restart is broken when the activity is merged in the manifest.</li>
  5278. </ul>
  5279. <b>1.1.3</b>
  5280. <ul>
  5281. <li>BUGFIX: Fixed crash in Android Studio 0.8.10</li>
  5282. </ul>
  5283. <b>1.1.2</b>
  5284. <ul>
  5285. <li>BUGFIX: Fixed device chooser in Android Studio 0.6+</li>
  5286. </ul>
  5287. <b>1.1.1</b>
  5288. <ul>
  5289. <li>BUGFIX: Fixed crash in Android Studio 0.4.4</li>
  5290. <li>BUGFIX: Don't show test projects in the module selection dialog</li>
  5291. </ul>
  5292. <b>1.1.0</b>
  5293. <ul>
  5294. <li>Now support Build-Types and flavors in Gradle projects</li>
  5295. <li>Now support projects with more than one application module</li>
  5296. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><depends>org.jetbrains.android</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='99146' size='5412239' date='1514982159000' url=''><name>Robot Framework Support</name><id>amailp.intellij.robot</id><description><![CDATA[Robot Framework support plugin for IntelliJ Idea
  5297. <ul>
  5298. <li>Syntax highlighting</li>
  5299. <li>Code completion support:
  5300. <ul>
  5301. <li>User defined keywords from .robot files</li>
  5302. <li>User defined keywords from Static Python libraries <sup>[*]</sup></li>
  5303. <li>Robot Library keywords <sup>[*]</sup></li>
  5304. </ul> </li>
  5305. <li>Jump to keyword definition, from local file and from the recursively imported resources</li>
  5306. <li>Jump to resource</li>
  5307. <li>Find usages / rename of keywords and resources</li>
  5308. <li>Structure view for test cases and keywords</li>
  5309. </ul> [*] requires PyCharm or Python plugin from JetBrains]]></description><version>0.16.4</version><vendor email='amailp@gmail.com' url=''>Valerio Angelini</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' until-build='173.*'/><change-notes><![CDATA[0.16.4 - 2 January 2018
  5310. <ul>
  5311. <li>Updated to support Idea 2017.3</li>
  5312. <li> </li>
  5313. </ul> 0.16.3 - 10 August 2017
  5314. <ul>
  5315. <li>Updated to support Idea 2017.2</li>
  5316. </ul> 0.16.2 - 12 March 2017
  5317. <ul>
  5318. <li>Bug fixed: Jump to python definition does not ignore spaces</li>
  5319. <li>Updated to support Idea 2017.1</li>
  5320. </ul> 0.16.1 - 19 September 2016
  5321. <ul>
  5322. <li>Bug fixed: PatternSyntaxException for keywords containing variables</li>
  5323. <li>Updated to support from Idea 2016.1 until 2016.2</li>
  5324. </ul> 0.16 - 26 August 2016
  5325. <ul>
  5326. <li>Jump to definition partial support for python keywords and libraries</li>
  5327. <li>Updated to support Idea 2016.2</li>
  5328. </ul> 0.15 - 18 March 2016
  5329. <ul>
  5330. <li>Updated to support Idea 2016.1</li>
  5331. </ul> 0.14.2 - 12 January 2016
  5332. <ul>
  5333. <li>Variables can be now defined in multiple lines</li>
  5334. <li>Rebuilt again using JDK 7, this time for real :)</li>
  5335. </ul> 0.14.1 - 11 January 2016
  5336. <ul>
  5337. <li>Rebuilt using JDK 7</li>
  5338. </ul> 0.14 - 11 January 2016
  5339. <ul>
  5340. <li>Syntax highlighting support added for list and dictionary variables</li>
  5341. <li>Resources are now resolved also relatively to the module source roots </li>
  5342. </ul> 0.13 - 16 December 2015
  5343. <ul>
  5344. <li>Updated to support Idea 15</li>
  5345. </ul> 0.12 - 24 March 2015
  5346. <ul>
  5347. <li>Updated to support Idea 14.1</li>
  5348. </ul> 0.11 - 18 January 2015
  5349. <ul>
  5350. <li>Updated to support Idea 14</li>
  5351. </ul> 0.10.2 - 13 August 2014
  5352. <ul>
  5353. <li>Bug fixed: usage of class com.jetbrains.python.psi.stubs.PyModuleNameIndex removed to maintain retro-compatibility with Idea 12</li>
  5354. </ul> 0.10.1 - 23 July 2014
  5355. <ul>
  5356. <li>Bug fixed: usage of class com.intellij.psi.util.QualifiedName removed to maintain retro-compatibility with Idea 12</li>
  5357. </ul> 0.10 - 17 May 2014
  5358. <ul>
  5359. <li>User defined keywords from Static Python libraries support (requires Python or Python CE JetBrains plugin)</li>
  5360. </ul> 0.9.2 - 12 May 2014
  5361. <ul>
  5362. <li>Bug fixed: Python libraries are only loaded from external resources</li>
  5363. </ul> 0.9.1 - 8 May 2014
  5364. <ul>
  5365. <li>Robot framework library keywords completion support enabled in PyCharm</li>
  5366. </ul> 0.9 - 7 May 2014
  5367. <ul>
  5368. <li>Robot framework library keywords completion support (requires Python or Python CE JetBrains plugin)</li>
  5369. <li>Navigate to source support in structure view</li>
  5370. </ul> 0.8.1 - 4 May 2014
  5371. <ul>
  5372. <li>Bug #3 fixed: Embedded variables surrounded with quotes raises fatal error</li>
  5373. </ul> 0.8 - 27 Apr 2014
  5374. <ul>
  5375. <li>Find usages support</li>
  5376. <li>Structure view support</li>
  5377. <li>Refactor/rename support</li>
  5378. <li>Support for comment/uncomment lines</li>
  5379. <li>Jump to definition supports multiple definitions</li>
  5380. <li>Jump to definition supports ignorable Given/When/Then/And</li>
  5381. <li>Jump to definition supports embedded variables</li>
  5382. </ul> 0.7.1 - 12 Mar 2014
  5383. <ul>
  5384. <li>Fixed trivial bug</li>
  5385. </ul> 0.7 - 12 Mar 2014
  5386. <ul>
  5387. <li>Given/When/Then/And are ignored in jump to definition</li>
  5388. <li>Given/When/Then/And are proposed in autocompletion for any keyword</li>
  5389. </ul> 0.6 - 11 Mar 2014
  5390. <ul>
  5391. <li>Robot File templates added</li>
  5392. <li>Support added for JetBrains products other than IntelliJ</li>
  5393. <li>First version published on repo</li>
  5394. </ul> 0.5 - 3 Mar 2014
  5395. <ul>
  5396. <li>Rewritten build scripts, the plugin size is 10% compared to the old one (~6MB to 650KB)</li>
  5397. </ul> 0.3 - 12 Feb 2014
  5398. <ul>
  5399. <li>Keyword autocompletion support (not working still for python defined keywords)</li>
  5400. <li>Jump to definition support (ctrl-click) for keywords and resources</li>
  5401. <li>Quick preview support (ctrl-shift-i)</li>
  5402. <li>Improved highlighting: Ellipsis</li>
  5403. </ul> 0.2 - 6 Feb 2014
  5404. <ul>
  5405. <li>Improved highlighting: Comments, Settings, Ellipsis</li>
  5406. <li>Minor bugs fixed</li>
  5407. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>3.8</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='173962' size='2479486' date='1513136768000' url=''><name>Upsource Integration</name><id>com.jetbrains.upsource</id><description><![CDATA[Integration with JetBrains Upsource
  5408. <br>
  5409. <br>
  5410. <b>Note:</b> If you want to have access to the most recent bug fixes and features of the plugin, you can install it from the
  5411. <b>alpha</b> channel. To do so please add the following
  5412. <a href="https://www.jetbrains.com/idea/help/managing-enterprise-plugin-repositories.html" rel="nofollow">custom plugin repository</a>: https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugins/alpha/7431]]></description><version>2017.3.2598.5</version><vendor email='' url=''>JetBrains</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='171.1233' /><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.vcs</depends><rating>4.6</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='6948' size='1652687' date='1401890805000' url=''><name>COLT WebStorm Plugin</name><id>com.codeOrchestra.colt.js.webStormPlugin</id><description><![CDATA[COLT live coding tool integration plugin]]></description><version>1.1.15</version><vendor email='support@codeorchestra.com' url='http://codeorchestra.com/'>CodeOrchestra</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='131.1' /><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='41006' size='1191880' date='1413339225000' url=''><name>GitLab Integration Plugin</name><id>com.neon.intellij.plugins.gitlab</id><description><![CDATA[GitLab Integration plugin:
  5413. <br />
  5414. <br /> Lets you interact with gitlab from within your IDE.
  5415. <br />
  5416. <br /> Features:
  5417. <br />
  5418. <ul>
  5419. <li>List projects (by namespaces) and their issues</li>
  5420. <li>Filter issues by author, assignee or custom text</li>
  5421. <li>Re-open / close issues (right click)</li>
  5422. <li>Edit issues (double click)</li>
  5423. </ul>
  5424. <br /> Please, leave a comment or drop me an email with any issues/reports.
  5425. <br />
  5426. <br /> After plugin install, go to IDE preferences, and look for Gitlab Integration.
  5427. <br /> You'll need the host and your API key from your gitlab (which you can find under Profile Settings -&gt; Account)
  5428. <br />]]></description><version>1.0.6</version><vendor email='diogo.sousa.neves@gmail.com' url=''>Diogo Neves</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='133.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[( in development )
  5429. <b>v1.0.7</b>
  5430. <br />
  5431. <ul>
  5432. <li>to be announced</li>
  5433. </ul> ( 2014-10-14 )
  5434. <b>v1.0.6</b>
  5435. <br />
  5436. <ul>
  5437. <li>Java 6 / 7 versions</li>
  5438. <li>displaying issue Iid instead of Id</li>
  5439. </ul> ( 2014-07-08 )
  5440. <b>v1.0.5</b>
  5441. <br />
  5442. <ul>
  5443. <li>Fixed possible ssl error (ignoring certificate errors by default)</li>
  5444. </ul> ( 2014-07-07 )
  5445. <b>v1.0.4</b>
  5446. <br />
  5447. <ul>
  5448. <li>bug fixes</li>
  5449. </ul> ( 2014-06-23 )
  5450. <b>v1.0.3</b>
  5451. <br />
  5452. <ul>
  5453. <li>Issues list filter</li>
  5454. <li>minor improvements</li>
  5455. </ul> ( 2014-04-29 )
  5456. <b>v1.0.2</b>
  5457. <br />
  5458. <ul>
  5459. <li>Set plugin dependency to build 133 (IntelliJ IDEA 13, PyCharm 3.1, WebStorm 7, PhpStorm 7) - intellij 13 was the first to support java7</li>
  5460. </ul> ( 2014-04-29 )
  5461. <b>v1.0.1</b>
  5462. <br />
  5463. <ul>
  5464. <li>Improves in the issue editing view</li>
  5465. </ul> ( 2014-04-25 )
  5466. <b>v1.0</b>
  5467. <br />
  5468. <ul>
  5469. <li>Plugin creation</li>
  5470. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>3.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='3228' size='100612' date='1399221496000' url=''><name>IntelliLab</name><id>eu.broth.intellilab</id><description><![CDATA[Seamless integration of GitLab issues and IntelliJ local tasks.
  5471. <br />
  5472. <br /> Beyond that, you can also create new and edit existing issues. Due to limitations of GitLab, deleting issues is not supported.]]></description><version>0.5</version><vendor email='' url='https://github.com/broth-eu'>Bastian Roth</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='131.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.tasks</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='20642' size='21881' date='1514808865000' url=''><name>Cucumber for Scala</name><id>com.github.danielwegener.cucumber-scala</id><description><![CDATA[Enables Reference tracking of glue code when using cucumber-scala DSL. Requires Scala language integration from Community Repo and the JetBrains cucumber plugin. Issue tracking at https://github.com/danielwegener/intellij-cucumber-scala/issues]]></description><version>2017.3.1</version><vendor email='daniel@wegener.me' url='http://daniel.wegener.me'>Daniel Wegener</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='173.3942.27' until-build='174.0'/><change-notes><![CDATA[0.1.0: Initial release. 0.2.0: Supports glue code classes that implement ScalaDsl indirectly. 0.3.0: Release for IntelliJ14 (unchanged functionality) 0.3.1: Release for IntelliJ 14.1 (unchanged functionality) 0.3.2: Release for IntelliJ 15.0 (unchanged functionality) 0.3.3: Release for IntelliJ 15.0.2, scala-plugin 2.0.4, support inheriting step definitions from traits (#16) 0.3.4: Release for IntelliJ 2016.1 (scala-plugin 3.0.0) 0.3.5: Release for IntelliJ 2016.2 (scala-plugin 2016.2.0) 0.3.6: Release for IntelliJ 2016.3 0.3.7: Release for IntelliJ 2016.3 (fix renamed gherkin dependency) 2017.1.1: Release for IntelliJ 2017.1 (scala-plugin 2017.1.8) 2017.1.2: fix compatibility with external changes in scala plugin 2017.2.0: Release for IntelliJ 2017.2 (scala-plugin 2017.2.4) 2017.2.1: Release for IntelliJ 2017.2 (scala-plugin 2017.2.4) (oops :)) 2017.3.0: Release for IntelliJ 2017.3 (scala-plugin 2017.3.9) 2017.3.1: Release for IntelliJ 2017.3.1 (scala-plugin 2017.3.11)]]></change-notes><depends>gherkin</depends><depends>org.intellij.scala</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='17381' size='726248' date='1405096474000' url=''><name>PhpMetrics</name><id>com.hal.phpmetrics.id</id><description><![CDATA[<a href="http://www.phpmetrics.org" rel="nofollow">PhpMetrics</a> integration.
  5473. <p> PhpMetrics is a static analysis tool for PHP. </p>
  5474. <p> Documentation available on <a href="http://www.phpmetrics.org/documentation/index.html" rel="nofollow">www.phpmetrics.org website</a>. </p>]]></description><version>0.1</version><vendor email='' url='http://www.lepine.pro'>Jean-François Lépine</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='107.105' /><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><rating>3.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='1300' size='3097' date='1406866993000' url=''><name>Open in LightPaper</name><id>com.skiftio.intellij.lightpaper</id><description><![CDATA[Open markdown file into Markdown Viewer LightPaper.
  5475. <br /> Default keymap is &quot;Ctrl+Alt+M&quot;.
  5476. <br /> You need to install 'LightPaper'.
  5477. <br /> Visit this site.
  5478. <br /> http://clockworkengine.com/lightpaper-mac/]]></description><version>0.2</version><vendor email='shawn@skift.io' url=''>Skift Creative</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='107.105' /><change-notes><![CDATA[version 0.2
  5479. <br /> Initial release.
  5480. <br />]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='3044' size='1656869' date='1410889601000' url=''><name>Checker Framework Support</name><id>com.intellij.checker-framework</id><description><![CDATA[The Checker Framework enhances Java type system to make it more powerful and useful. This lets software developers detect and prevent errors in their Java programs. The Checker Framework includes compiler plug-ins (&quot;checkers&quot;) that find bugs or verify their absence.]]></description><version>1.0</version><vendor email='ovchinnikov.daniel@gmail.com' url=''>Daniil Ovchinnikov</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='135.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='5063' size='2014247' date='1446304538000' url=''><name>fir.im upload</name><id>fir.im.plug.idea</id><description><![CDATA[<b>fir.im upload</b>
  5481. <br />
  5482. <b>ONLY 2 STEPS To Distribute Beta Applications</b>
  5483. <br />
  5484. <b>FIR.im provides beta app distribution services for free in a fast and safe way by 2 steps: upload IPA/APK, download and install by a short URL . FIR is short for Fly It Remotely.</b>
  5485. <br />
  5486. <b>fir.im http://fir.im</b>]]></description><version>2.3</version><vendor email='yh@fir.im' url='https://fir.im/'>FIR.im</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='107.105' /><change-notes><![CDATA[添加取消上传]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><depends>org.jetbrains.android</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='6672' size='3118' date='1445454530000' url=''><name>PHP-DI plugin</name><id>com.pulyaevskiy.phpstorm.phpdi</id><description><![CDATA[PHP-DI plugin for PhpStorm
  5487. <br />
  5488. <br /> This is very simple plugin which only implements type provider for services returned from PHP-DI container.]]></description><version>1.2</version><vendor email='' url='https://github.com/pulyaevskiy/phpstorm-phpdi'>Anatoly Pulyaevskiy</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='131.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Added support for make() method. See https://github.com/pulyaevskiy/phpstorm-phpdi/pull/3]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><depends>com.jetbrains.php</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='1038785' size='19741036' date='1510741287000' url=''><name>Docker integration</name><id>Docker</id><description><![CDATA[This plugin lets you download and build
  5489. <a href="https://www.docker.com/" rel="nofollow">Docker</a> images, create and start Docker containers, and carry out other related tasks.
  5490. <br>
  5491. <a href="https://www.jetbrains.com/help/idea/docker.html" rel="nofollow">Documentation</a>]]></description><version>173.3727.15</version><vendor email='michael.golubev@jetbrains.com' url='https://www.jetbrains.com'>JetBrains</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='173.3727' until-build='173.*'/><change-notes><![CDATA[<p>173.2605: </p>
  5492. <ul>
  5493. <li>IDEA-171370 - Docker: new UI for Docker Deployment Run configuration - separate config types</li>
  5494. <li>IDEA-174375 - Docker run configuration - support --build-arg's</li>
  5495. <li>IDEA-172716 - Docker - allow build-only Dockerfile run configurations</li>
  5496. <li>IDEA-174209 - Support custom dockerfile names</li>
  5497. <li>IDEA-154517 - Docker: support alternate names for compose yml</li>
  5498. <li>IDEA-170244 - Docker: provide completion and navigation for ADD instruction values</li>
  5499. </ul>
  5500. <p>3.0.0: </p>
  5501. <ul>
  5502. <li>IDEA-171031 - Docker: provide completion inside docker-compose.yml files</li>
  5503. <li>IDEA-172464 - Dockerfile inspections</li>
  5504. <li>IDEA-170253 - Docker: Validate the number of arguments for instructions in the Dockerfile</li>
  5505. <li>IDEA-167262 - New interface for Docker, Execution, Deployment &gt; Docker page</li>
  5506. </ul>
  5507. <p>2.6.0: </p>
  5508. <ul>
  5509. <li>Switched to docker-java v3.0.10</li>
  5510. </ul>
  5511. <p>2.5.5: </p>
  5512. <ul>
  5513. <li>IDEA-172233 - Dockerfile: respect variables declared in ARG instructions</li>
  5514. <li>IDEA-170246 - Docker: Support HEALTHCHECK and SHELL commands</li>
  5515. <li>IDEA-172226 - Support multi-stages FROM AS syntax</li>
  5516. <li>IDEA-172464 - Dockerfile inspections</li>
  5517. </ul>
  5518. <p>2.5.4: </p>
  5519. <ul>
  5520. <li>IDEA-166774 - Allow to test/run Dockerfile with one click</li>
  5521. <li>IDEA-155575 - Allow to create a Container from the chosen Dockerfile from Project view</li>
  5522. </ul>
  5523. <p> </p>
  5524. <ul>
  5525. <li>IDEA-159881 Ignored .env file in docker compose</li>
  5526. <li>IDEA-167369 Jackson UnrecognizedPropertyExceptions when authenticating at Docker Registry</li>
  5527. <li>IDEA-169385 Docker: parser error for ENV declarations containing punctuation</li>
  5528. <li>IDEA-171013 Docker: Defining DOCKER_HOST env var to anything but URI renders Docker integration useless</li>
  5529. </ul>
  5530. <p>2.5.3: </p>
  5531. <ul>
  5532. <li>IDEA-168519 Editor support for Dockerfile variables</li>
  5533. <li>IDEA-152530 Docker api url is wrong for Linux</li>
  5534. <li>PY-23041 NPE is thrown on adding docker-compose interpreter if service description is empty</li>
  5535. <li>PY-22753 Throwing exception on parsing port string with envs inside fixed</li>
  5536. </ul>
  5537. <p>2.5.2: </p>
  5538. <ul>
  5539. <li>IDEA-152660 Docker Log console does not support ANSI color codes</li>
  5540. <li>IDEA-153202 Docker plugin - allow to hide stopped containers and untagged (none:none) images</li>
  5541. <li>IDEA-168191 red code shown for valid "||" operator in Dockerfile</li>
  5542. </ul>
  5543. <p>2.5.0: </p>
  5544. <ul>
  5545. <li>IDEA-159223 Support direct connection via unix:// on Mac OS X</li>
  5546. </ul>
  5547. <p>2.4.1: </p>
  5548. <ul>
  5549. <li>Aligned with 2016.3</li>
  5550. <li>PY-21465 Switched to use Netty 4.1.5 to fix multiple problems</li>
  5551. <li>IDEA-152432 Docker plugin suggests using Dockerfile from libraries</li>
  5552. <li>IDEA-162047 Performance problem on startup from Dockerfile detection</li>
  5553. </ul>
  5554. <p>2.4.0: </p>
  5555. <ul>
  5556. <li>IDEA-161514 Docker Deployment run configuration hangs</li>
  5557. <li>Allow to cancel pullImage() and exec() operations; more correct counting of total and current download sizes</li>
  5558. <li>IDEA-152971 - Docker: dedicate view is not created on first server registration until project is reopened</li>
  5559. <li>"Pipe closed" exception on reading container's stderr fixed</li>
  5560. <li>Merged with remote execution integrations:</li>
  5561. <ul>
  5562. <li>PY-20999 InvalidStateException on adding Python docker interpreter fixed</li>
  5563. <li>Stuck of the debugger on exiting a Python script fixed</li>
  5564. <li>Updating progress indicator status with stdout messages from running docker container</li>
  5565. <li>PY-20860 Built-ins aren't resolved for Docker remote interpreter</li>
  5566. <li>Docker remote run - use docker agent in remote language integrations</li>
  5567. <li>PY-20743 I have just upgraded and now python interpreter is not working for docker-compose</li>
  5568. <li>PY-20358 Reloading generated skeletons keeps on running</li>
  5569. <li>WEB-22719 Node remote interpreter: Docker: correct error message when server is not selected</li>
  5570. <li>PY-20358 Reloading generated skeletons keeps on running</li>
  5571. </ul>
  5572. </ul>
  5573. <p>2.3.3: </p>
  5574. <ul>
  5575. <li>Docker - more secure version of the warning suggested for IDEA-153973</li>
  5576. </ul>
  5577. <p>2.3.2: </p>
  5578. <ul>
  5579. <li>IDEA-153973 - show warning about socat-based workaround</li>
  5580. <li>DSGN-2940 - Create new Docker icons</li>
  5581. <li>improve error handling</li>
  5582. <li>IDEA-155582 - Docker. Error is displayed for "!" in the correct Dockerfile in the Editor.</li>
  5583. <li>IDEA-155150 - Dockerfile editor misidentifies $(...) as syntax error</li>
  5584. <li>IDEA-155508 - Docker. Error is displayed for the correct Dockerfile in the Editor.</li>
  5585. </ul>
  5586. <p>2.3.1: </p>
  5587. <ul>
  5588. <li>IDEA-153973 - Plugin: Docker fails to connect via unix:// on Mac OS X</li>
  5589. <li>IDEA-157736 - Deploying docker container fails because HostConfig was removed in docker v1.12</li>
  5590. <li>IDEA-155356 - Docker: Order containers and Images in the Docker View</li>
  5591. <li>IDEA-142322 - Add possibility to close attached console</li>
  5592. <li>IDEA-155340 - Docker: Add possibility to "inspect" for images - tab for image properties</li>
  5593. <li>IDEA-151199 - Docker: (on win / mac): Compute the local volume bindings considering virtual box path mapping</li>
  5594. </ul>
  5595. <p>2.3.0: </p>
  5596. <ul>
  5597. <li>IDEA-153414 - Docker-compose Redeploy should rebuild before deploying</li>
  5598. <li>show existing mounts in volume bindings runtime editor</li>
  5599. <li>fixed IDEA-150433 - Dockerfile editor should recognize multiline quotes</li>
  5600. <li>IDEA-146876 - Docker: code style for Dockerfile</li>
  5601. <li>IDEA-148564 - New help pages for Docker available</li>
  5602. </ul>
  5603. <p>2.2.1: </p>
  5604. <ul>
  5605. <li>IDEA-155691 - Docker: attach fails for remote Docker with insecured HTTP access</li>
  5606. </ul>
  5607. <p>2.2.0: </p>
  5608. <ul>
  5609. <li>IDEA-154430 - Docker Compose: scale action for services</li>
  5610. <li>IDEA-154429 - Docker Compose: start/stop action for services</li>
  5611. <li>IDEA-150970 - Docker: edit container settings in the Docker view - show all container names in the Properties tab</li>
  5612. <li>fixed WEB-21233 ClassNotFoundException is thrown by Docker when any Remote Node.js interpreter is present</li>
  5613. </ul>
  5614. <p>2.1.5: </p>
  5615. <ul>
  5616. <li>fixed IDEA-146347 Docker Plugin fails to attach to container running on server bound to unix socket</li>
  5617. </ul>
  5618. <p>2.1.4: </p>
  5619. <ul>
  5620. <li>fixed IDEA-153513 Docker: terminals for Attach and Exec are broken</li>
  5621. </ul>
  5622. <p>2.1.3: </p>
  5623. <ul>
  5624. <li>fixed IDEA-153303 Docker Run/Debug window missing labels for inputs</li>
  5625. </ul>
  5626. <p>2.1.2: </p>
  5627. <ul>
  5628. <li>fixed IDEA-153214 Docker plug-in depends on SSH Remote Run which is not available in Community Edition</li>
  5629. </ul>
  5630. <p>2.1.1: </p>
  5631. <ul>
  5632. <li>fixed IDEA-153110 PhpStorm fails to open PHP Interpreter dialog</li>
  5633. </ul>
  5634. <p>2.1.0: </p>
  5635. <ul>
  5636. <li>IDEA-137765 Support docker-compose - initial</li>
  5637. <li>IDEA-151921 Docker Compose: show composed services / containers in separate subtree in Docker view</li>
  5638. <li>IDEA-150970 Docker: edit container settings in the Docker view - volume bindings tab</li>
  5639. <li>IDEA-151479 Don't show detected docker files from project libraries</li>
  5640. </ul>
  5641. <p>2.0.1.alpha: </p>
  5642. <ul>
  5643. <li>Docker Machine supported</li>
  5644. <li>IDEA-150969 Docker: replace utility subnodes in the docker tree with tabbed ui</li>
  5645. <li>IDEA-150970 Docker: edit container settings in the Docker view - environment variables tab</li>
  5646. <li>IDEA-150970 Docker: edit container settings in the Docker view - port bindings tab</li>
  5647. <li>fixed IDEA-151477 Dockerfile false negative syntax error message</li>
  5648. </ul>
  5649. <p>2.0.0: </p>
  5650. <ul>
  5651. <li>IDEA-150968 Docker: provide Docker view separately from Application servers</li>
  5652. </ul>
  5653. <p>1.7.6: </p>
  5654. <ul>
  5655. <li>fixed IDEA-148830 Building Docker images takes forever in IDEA 15</li>
  5656. <li>OC-13026 Disable Docker plugin for AppCode until we will decide to include Deployment section in settings</li>
  5657. </ul>
  5658. <p>1.7.5: </p>
  5659. <ul>
  5660. <li>fixed IDEA-145814 Dockerfile synthax errors</li>
  5661. <li>Exec supported with Unix socket - see IDEA-146347</li>
  5662. <li>IDEA-137782 Docker: detect dockerfile and suggest to create run config</li>
  5663. </ul>
  5664. <p>1.7.4: </p>
  5665. <ul>
  5666. <li>IDEA-148572 Dockerfile editor: provide completions for keywords</li>
  5667. <li>IDEA-144536 Dockerfile in project root does not work with files in project root</li>
  5668. <li>IDEA-146993 Added validation for the colon in the 'Host path' field to the volume binding dialog</li>
  5669. <li>IDEA-138981 Disable ability "Show processes" for not running containers</li>
  5670. <li>IDEA-145812 Missing icon for dockerfile</li>
  5671. </ul>
  5672. <p>1.7.3: </p>
  5673. <ul>
  5674. <li>Exec session supports both input and output</li>
  5675. </ul>
  5676. <p>1.7.2: </p>
  5677. <ul>
  5678. <li>Dedicated application component for Docker Registry accounts</li>
  5679. <li>Allow to test connection to a Docker Registry</li>
  5680. <li>Pre-select registry of the image being pushed</li>
  5681. <li>Pull from Docker Hub by default</li>
  5682. <li>Fix: disable pull action for other clouds</li>
  5683. </ul>
  5684. <p>1.7.1: </p>
  5685. <ul>
  5686. <li>Supported pull and push to a Docker Registry</li>
  5687. <li>IDEA-146001 Docker: show details of the created container on successful deploy</li>
  5688. </ul>
  5689. <p>1.7.0: </p>
  5690. <ul>
  5691. <li>IDEA-145858 Docker: improve status workflow in the Application Servers tool window</li>
  5692. <li>IDEA-145971 Docker: group containers and images under dedicated tree nodes in the Application Servers view</li>
  5693. </ul>
  5694. <p>1.6.1: </p>
  5695. <ul>
  5696. <li>IDEA 15 EAP build 143.116 supported</li>
  5697. </ul>
  5698. <p>1.6.0: </p>
  5699. <ul>
  5700. <li>Dockerfile language initial support</li>
  5701. <li>fixed IDEA-145630 Docker: deployment process interrupted if base image needs to be pulled</li>
  5702. </ul>
  5703. <p>1.5.0: </p>
  5704. <ul>
  5705. <li>IDEA-145427 Docker: support full set of the options from Docker 1.21 remote api</li>
  5706. <li>IDEA-138992 Simplify converting options for command line docker util into json</li>
  5707. <li>provide existing container names in link creation dialog</li>
  5708. </ul>
  5709. <p>1.4.1: </p>
  5710. <ul>
  5711. <li>fixed several NPEs, see IDEA-145239, IDEA-145240, IDEA-145237</li>
  5712. </ul>
  5713. <p>1.4.0: </p>
  5714. <ul>
  5715. <li>IDEA-144399 Support for Docker Toolbox</li>
  5716. <li>IDEA-144850 Docker: run a command in a running container</li>
  5717. <li>IDEA-144983 Docker: improve UI for configuring container options</li>
  5718. <li>IDEA-145154 Docker: allow to configure links to other containers</li>
  5719. <li>IDEA-144612 Docker support: mount to volume current project</li>
  5720. </ul>
  5721. <p>1.3.1: </p>
  5722. <ul>
  5723. <li>Built with Java 6, notify Java 7 required</li>
  5724. </ul>
  5725. <p>1.3.0: </p>
  5726. <ul>
  5727. <li>Moved to IDEA 15</li>
  5728. <li>Added TTY support in console</li>
  5729. </ul>
  5730. <p>1.2.1: </p>
  5731. <ul>
  5732. <li>Fix: unable to build list of containers due null as a container name</li>
  5733. </ul>
  5734. <p>1.2.0: </p>
  5735. <ul>
  5736. <li>Provided console (bash) access to a running container</li>
  5737. </ul>
  5738. <p>1.1.0: </p>
  5739. <ul>
  5740. <li>Added possibility to configure a container for an existing image</li>
  5741. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>(optional) com.intellij.javaee</depends><depends>(optional) com.intellij.modules.java</depends><depends>(optional) com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><depends>(optional) org.jetbrains.plugins.remote-run</depends><depends>(optional) org.jetbrains.plugins.yaml</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.json</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.remoteServers</depends><rating>4.7</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='883' size='11389' date='1430174684000' url=''><name>TargetProcess Tasks Connector</name><id>net.andrevus.jetbrains.tasks.targetprocess</id><description><![CDATA[Plugin which integrate Target Process with IDE.
  5742. <br />]]></description><version>1.0.1</version><vendor email='andrevus@gmail.com' url='https://github.com/andrevus/jetbrains-targetprocess-tasks'>Andrevus</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='131.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[First version]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><depends>com.intellij.tasks</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='661' size='32241915' date='1478023321000' url=''><name>RTCTasks</name><id>org.rtctasks</id><description><![CDATA[task provider]]></description><version>1.40</version><vendor email='elh.maayan@gmail.com' url=''>Elhanan Maayan</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='141.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Add change notes here.
  5743. <br>
  5744. <em>most HTML tags may be used</em>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.tasks</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='5024' size='207880' date='1457437947000' url=''><name>Review board</name><id>com.ritesh.intellij.plugin.reviewboard</id><description><![CDATA[<p>Review Board Code Review Tool</p>
  5745. <p>Only <strong>Reviewboard 2.0.5 or newer</strong> is supported</p>
  5746. <p>Features: </p>
  5747. <ul>
  5748. <li>Do reviews directly from your IDE</li>
  5749. <li>View all, pending or submitted reviews</li>
  5750. <li>Compare (Diff) changes in review locally</li>
  5751. <li>Submit changes to the reviewboard server</li>
  5752. <li>Comment on reviews <br />Usage: Add new comments in file diff window with click on line;</li>
  5753. <li>Submit/Discard Reviews</li>
  5754. </ul>
  5755. <p></p>
  5756. <p>Limitations: </p>
  5757. <ul>
  5758. <li>Viewing multiple reviews is not supported</li>
  5759. <li>Updating diff is not supported</li>
  5760. </ul>
  5761. <p></p>
  5762. <p>If you find any issues, please report them (please use the <a href="https://github.com/ritesh-kapoor/review-board-idea-plugin/issues" rel="nofollow">GitHub issue tracker</a> instead of review comments).</p>
  5763. <p>If you like this plugin, you can support it by writing review and voting for it on IntelliJ plugin repository </p>]]></description><version>0.1.3</version><vendor email='riteshkapoor.opensource@gmail.com' url='https://github.com/ritesh-kapoor/review-board-idea-plugin'>Ritesh Kapoor</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='131.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<p>Change Notes</p>
  5764. <p>Version 0.1.3 </p>
  5765. <ul>
  5766. <li>Bug fixes</li>
  5767. <li>Allowing explict path for RBtools</li>
  5768. <li>Support to mark comments as issues</li>
  5769. </ul>
  5770. <p></p>
  5771. <p>Version 0.1.2 </p>
  5772. <ul>
  5773. <li>Bug fixes</li>
  5774. <li>Support for PyCharm 5</li>
  5775. <li>Now diff can be generated through rbtools (Option is available in settings)</li>
  5776. </ul>
  5777. <p></p>
  5778. <p>Version 0.1.1 </p>
  5779. <ul>
  5780. <li>Bug fixes</li>
  5781. <li>Adding Subversion support</li>
  5782. <li>Supporting IDEA 15</li>
  5783. </ul>
  5784. <p></p>
  5785. <p>Version 0.1.0 </p>
  5786. <ul>
  5787. <li>Bug fixes</li>
  5788. <li>Performance improvements</li>
  5789. <li>Usability improvements</li>
  5790. </ul>
  5791. <p></p>]]></change-notes><depends>Git4Idea</depends><depends>Subversion</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='1720' size='51795' date='1438802924000' url=''><name>Plugin Importer+Exporter</name><id>com.github.shiraji.pluginimporterexporter</id><description><![CDATA[This plugin currently has two main features.
  5792. <ul>
  5793. <li>Dump which plugins are installed to a JSON file</li>
  5794. <li>Download all plugins from a JSON file</li>
  5795. </ul> This plugin DOES NOT export actual plugins.
  5796. <br />
  5797. <br />
  5798. <a href="https://github.com/shiraji/plugin-importer-exporter" rel="nofollow">GitHub</a> |
  5799. <a href="https://github.com/shiraji/plugin-importer-exporter/issues" rel="nofollow">Issues</a>]]></description><version>0.0.1</version><vendor email='isogai.shiraji@gmail.com' url='https://github.com/shiraji'>Shiraji</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='131.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<p>0.0.1</p>
  5800. <ul>
  5801. <li>Initial release</li>
  5802. </ul>]]></change-notes><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='694' size='1607072' date='1450451168000' url=''><name>Clever Cloud Integration</name><id>com.clever-cloud.clever-idea</id><description><![CDATA[<a href="https://www.clever-cloud.com" rel="nofollow">Clever Cloud</a> integration in IntelliJ IDEA.
  5803. <br /> Include:
  5804. <br />
  5805. <ul>
  5806. <li>Detection and association of Clever Cloud applications with the current project.</li>
  5807. <li>Clone a Clever Cloud application</li>
  5808. <li>Push on Clever Cloud action</li>
  5809. <li>Integration of logs inside the IDE</li>
  5810. </ul>]]></description><version>0.5</version><vendor email='gauthier.pogam-lemontagner@clever-cloud.com' url='https://www.clever-cloud.com/'>Clever Cloud</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='142.5047' /><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>Git4Idea</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.vcs</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='97539' size='1460272' date='1472582893000' url=''><name>Android WiFi ADB</name><id>com.github.pedrovgs.androidwifiadb</id><description><![CDATA[Provides an action which allow you quickly connect your Android device over WiFi to install, run and debug your applications without a USB connected by pressing one button.
  5811. <br> Connect your device using a USB cable and press the Android WiFi ADB button. Once the device be connected over WiFi you'll see an IntelliJ/Android Studio notification. Now you can disconnect your USB cable and enjoy deploying, running and debugging your applications over WiFi.
  5812. <br> The version 2.0 enables a window to check which of your devices are connected or not and connect/disconnect it manually if needed.]]></description><version>2.4</version><vendor email='pedrovicente.gomez at gmail dot com' url='https://github.com/pedrovgs'>Pedro Vicente Gomez Sanchez</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='131.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[2.4: Generate the plugin binary using Java 1.6 instead of Java 1.8. 2.3: Update the main action configuration to be shown in the NavBarToolBar and also in the MainToolBar if the first on is disabled.
  5813. <br> 2.2: Update error message shown when the device is not properly connected.
  5814. <br> 2.1: Fix bug associated to some device installations where the adb installation was not recognized.
  5815. <br> 2.0: Add a new Android WiFi ADB control panel showing all the devices connected by USB to be able to connect/disconnect devices individually.
  5816. <br> 1.2: Remove the usage of the ANDROID_HOME environment variable. This variable is not needed now.
  5817. <br> 1.1: Fixes for Windows and Linux.
  5818. <br> 1.0: Initial version.
  5819. <br>]]></change-notes><depends>org.jetbrains.android</depends><rating>3.8</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='106097' size='8782357' date='1511760785000' url=''><name>Bitbucket Linky</name><id>com.atlassian.bitbucket.references</id><description><![CDATA[<p> <strong>Bitbucket Linky</strong> provides easy navigation to <a href="https://www.atlassian.com/software/bitbucket" rel="nofollow">Atlassian Bitbucket</a>. </p>
  5820. <p> Linky automatically detects repositories hosted on <strong>Bitbucket Cloud</strong> or <strong>Bitbucket Server</strong>. </p>
  5821. <p> Both Git and Mercurial repositories are supported. <em>In most cases, no configuration is required.</em> However, if Linky can't detect your repository automatically, you can manually point it to the repository in the IDE settings. </p>
  5822. <p> Linky uses <strong>Git integration</strong> and <strong>hg4idea</strong> plugins to integrate with Git and Mercurial, respectively. These plugins come with every JetBrains IDE, but you might need to enable them in order to use Bitbucket Linky actions. Both dependencies are optional though, so you can enable only one for the VCS you are using. </p>
  5823. <p> <strong>Please note that Linky is not officially supported by Atlassian.</strong> </p>
  5824. <p> Linky provides the following actions in your project: </p>
  5825. <p> <strong>Copy the link / Open in the Browser</strong> <br> Copies or opens a link to the selected file or commit in Bitbucket. Provides an easy way to generate link to a specific place in the code or to navigate to your repository from the IDE. <br> <strong>Shortcuts:</strong> </p>
  5826. <ul>
  5827. <li>Copy link: <strong>Ctrl+Shift+X,C</strong> on Windows / <strong>Cmd+Shift+X,C</strong> on Mac</li>
  5828. <li>Open in Browser: <strong>Ctrl+Shift+X,B</strong> on Windows / <strong>Cmd+Shift+X,B</strong> on Mac</li>
  5829. </ul>
  5830. <strong>Available for:</strong>
  5831. <ul>
  5832. <li>Files opened in the editor, including historical versions. Selected lines are included in the link.</li>
  5833. <li>Editor tabs.</li>
  5834. <li>Files in the Project tree tool window.</li>
  5835. <li>Files in the commit details panel in the Version Control tool window.</li>
  5836. <li>Files shown in the diff window.</li>
  5837. <li>Commits in the annotation gutter.</li>
  5838. <li>Commits in the VCS log shown in the Version Control tool window.</li>
  5839. <li>Pull Requests in the Related Pull Requests tool window.</li>
  5840. </ul>
  5841. <strong>Note:</strong> Linky will show a warning if the link you created is pointing to a commit that has not been pushed yet.
  5842. <p></p>
  5843. <p> <strong>Find related Pull Requests</strong> <br> Shows a list of all Pull Requests which include the selected commit. <br> <strong>Available for Bitbucket Cloud repositories only:</strong> </p>
  5844. <ul>
  5845. <li>Commits in the annotation gutter.</li>
  5846. <li>Commits in the VCS log shown in the Version Control tool window.</li>
  5847. </ul>
  5848. <strong>Notes:</strong>
  5849. <ul>
  5850. <li> Authentication with Bitbucket Cloud is required. Linky will suggest to configure OAuth when you trigger this action for the first time. OAuth refresh and access tokens will be saved in your IDE's preferred password storage. </li>
  5851. <li> <a href="https://marketplace.atlassian.com/plugins/org.bitbucket.prlinks/cloud/overview" rel="nofollow">Pull Request Commit Links</a> add-on for Bitbucket Cloud is required on either your account or the account that owns the repository you're working on. Linky will suggest to install that add-on if it is unable to find it when you trigger this action. </li>
  5852. </ul>
  5853. <p></p>
  5854. <p> <strong>Open Pull Request creation page in the Browser</strong> <br> Opens the Pull Request creation page in Bitbucket with pre-filled source and target branches. Source branch will be the branch your local repository is at, target branch will be either the default repository branch, or the branch you manually set for this repository in the Linky configuration. <br> <strong>Shortcut:</strong> <strong>Ctrl+Shift+X,P</strong> on Windows / <strong>Cmd+Shift+X,P</strong> on Mac <br> <strong>Available:</strong> </p>
  5855. <ul>
  5856. <li>Anywhere in the project via the shortcut if the project contains only one repository hosted on Bitbucket.</li>
  5857. <li>Otherwise, only on current (non-historical) versions of the files in your repository, including editor tabs and Project tree.</li>
  5858. </ul>
  5859. <p></p>
  5860. <p> <strong>Contributors</strong> <br> Huge thanks to <strong>Brent Plump</strong>, <strong>Zaki Salleh</strong> and <strong>Piotr Wilczyński</strong>! </p>]]></description><version>5.0</version><vendor email='dpenkin@atlassian.com' url='https://bitbucket.org/atlassianlabs/intellij-bitbucket-references-plugin'>Atlassian Labs</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='163.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<p> <strong>5.0:</strong> released on 27.11.2017 </p>
  5861. <ul>
  5862. <li> <strong>New:</strong> Create Bitbucket Snippet action </li>
  5863. <li> <strong>Change:</strong> The action that triggered OAuth dance is resumed after OAuth is configured </li>
  5864. <li> <strong>Change:</strong> Simplify link configuration settings </li>
  5865. </ul>
  5866. <p></p>
  5867. <p> <strong>4.2:</strong> released on 20.11.2017 </p>
  5868. <ul>
  5869. <li> <strong>Change:</strong> Brand new icons </li>
  5870. <li> <strong>New:</strong> Double click on the related Pull Request opens it in the Browser </li>
  5871. <li> <strong>Fix:</strong> Handle Pull Requests with unknown author (e.g. deleted user) </li>
  5872. </ul>
  5873. <p></p>
  5874. <p> <strong>4.1:</strong> released on 27.10.2017 </p>
  5875. <ul>
  5876. <li> <strong>Fix:</strong> Crash on missing optional dependency </li>
  5877. <li> <strong>Fix:</strong> Speed up revision status check for Git repositories </li>
  5878. <li> <strong>Fix:</strong> Wrong revision status warning for commit actions </li>
  5879. </ul>
  5880. <p></p>
  5881. <p> <strong>4.0:</strong> released on 25.10.2017 </p>
  5882. <ul>
  5883. <li> <strong>New:</strong> Find related Pull Requests action </li>
  5884. <li> <strong>Change:</strong> Update Bitbucket icons </li>
  5885. </ul>
  5886. <p></p>
  5887. <p> <strong>3.6:</strong> released on 12.10.2017 </p>
  5888. <ul>
  5889. <li> <strong>Fix:</strong> Discovery of a wrong Bitbucket instance type </li>
  5890. <li> <strong>Fix:</strong> Crash on certain type of Git remote repository URL format </li>
  5891. <li> <strong>Fix:</strong> Update plugin description to mention dependencies on Git and Mercurial plugins </li>
  5892. </ul>
  5893. <p></p>
  5894. <p> <strong>3.5:</strong> released on 12.09.2017 </p>
  5895. <ul>
  5896. <li> <strong>Fix:</strong> Compatibility issues with Hg plugin </li>
  5897. <li> <strong>New:</strong> Create Pull Request action is available in VCS tool window for projects with single repository </li>
  5898. <li> <strong>New:</strong> Linky warns if link was created for a commit that has not been pushed to the remote </li>
  5899. <li> <strong>Change:</strong> Low level logs of HTTP requests during Bitbucket discovery </li>
  5900. </ul>
  5901. <p></p>
  5902. <p> <strong>3.4:</strong> released on 06.05.2017 </p>
  5903. <ul>
  5904. <li> <strong>Fix:</strong> Remote selection algorithm in case of multiple registered remotes is now deterministic </li>
  5905. <li> <strong>New:</strong> Configurable remote selection strategy: automatic selection or fixed remote </li>
  5906. <li> <strong>New:</strong> Linky actions added to the VCS log, changes viewer and diff viewer </li>
  5907. </ul>
  5908. <p></p>
  5909. <p> <strong>3.3:</strong> released on 22.03.2017 </p>
  5910. <ul>
  5911. <li> <strong>New:</strong> Linky actions available in older revisions of a file </li>
  5912. </ul>
  5913. <p></p>
  5914. <p> <strong>3.2:</strong> released on 02.03.2017 </p>
  5915. <ul>
  5916. <li> <strong>Fix:</strong> Compatibility issues with IntelliJ 2016.1 and 2016.2 </li>
  5917. </ul>
  5918. <p></p>
  5919. <p> <strong>3.1:</strong> released on 23.02.2017 </p>
  5920. <ul>
  5921. <li> <strong>Fix:</strong> Branch name escaping in Create Pull Request link </li>
  5922. <li> <strong>Fix:</strong> File line reference in Commit link for Bitbucket Cloud </li>
  5923. </ul>
  5924. <p></p>
  5925. <p> <strong>3.0:</strong> released on 19.02.2017 </p>
  5926. <ul>
  5927. <li> <strong>New:</strong> Copy commit link action </li>
  5928. <li> <strong>New:</strong> Configuration screens for manual linking to Bitbucket instance </li>
  5929. <li> <strong>New:</strong> Configurable default target branch for <i>Create pull request</i> action </li>
  5930. <li> <strong>Change:</strong> Update action icons </li>
  5931. <li> <strong>Change:</strong> Revamp discovered hosting properties storage </li>
  5932. <li> <strong>Change:</strong> Change the way Bitbucket is discovered </li>
  5933. </ul>
  5934. <p></p>
  5935. <p> <strong>2.4:</strong> released on 05.09.2016 </p>
  5936. <ul>
  5937. <li> <strong>Fix:</strong> Handle special characters in branch name (applicable to 'Create Pull Request' action) </li>
  5938. <li> <strong>New:</strong> Support git:// protocol scheme </li>
  5939. </ul>
  5940. <p></p>
  5941. <p> <strong>2.3:</strong> released on 26.05.2016 </p>
  5942. <ul>
  5943. <li> <strong>New:</strong> Introduced 'Create Pull Request' action </li>
  5944. </ul>
  5945. <p></p>
  5946. <p> <strong>2.2:</strong> released on 04.03.2016 </p>
  5947. <ul>
  5948. <li> <strong>Fix:</strong> Revert changes to line number inclusion/exclusion </li>
  5949. </ul>
  5950. <p></p>
  5951. <p> <strong>2.1:</strong> released on 30.01.2016 </p>
  5952. <ul>
  5953. <li> <strong>Fix:</strong> Fix URL construction on Windows </li>
  5954. <li> <strong>Fix:</strong> Fix Hg repositories discovery </li>
  5955. <li> <strong>New:</strong> Bitbucket Cloud development environment support </li>
  5956. </ul>
  5957. <p></p>
  5958. <p> <strong>2.0:</strong> released on 27.01.2016 </p>
  5959. <ul>
  5960. <li> <strong>New:</strong> Include the selected file and line in the link to the Commit view </li>
  5961. <li> <strong>Change:</strong> Improve text selections handling </li>
  5962. <li> <strong>Change:</strong> Link points to the commit hash instead of the branch name, whenever possible </li>
  5963. <li> <strong>Change:</strong> Optimize hosting application discovery process </li>
  5964. </ul>
  5965. <p></p>
  5966. <p> <strong>1.6:</strong> released on 15.01.2016 </p>
  5967. <ul>
  5968. <li> <strong>Fix:</strong> Optional dependencies on Git and Hg plugins </li>
  5969. <li> <strong>Fix:</strong> Support spaces and other special characters in file path </li>
  5970. <li> <strong>Change:</strong> User-centric URL for Bitbucket Server personal projects </li>
  5971. </ul>
  5972. <p></p>
  5973. <p> <strong>1.5:</strong> released on 01.01.2016 </p>
  5974. <ul>
  5975. <li> <strong>New:</strong> Bitbucket actions are available during indexing time </li>
  5976. <li> <strong>Fix:</strong> Support for multiple mercurial repositories within one project </li>
  5977. <li> <strong>Fix:</strong> Bitbucket actions are disabled for ignored and untracked files </li>
  5978. </ul>
  5979. <p></p>
  5980. <p> <strong>1.4:</strong> released on 19.11.2015 </p>
  5981. <ul>
  5982. <li> <strong>Fix:</strong> Support for more types of remote URLs. </li>
  5983. </ul>
  5984. <p></p>
  5985. <p> <strong>1.3:</strong> released on 17.11.2015 </p>
  5986. <ul>
  5987. <li> <strong>New:</strong> Bitbucket rediscovery attempts </li>
  5988. <li> <strong>Change:</strong> First keystroke of shortcuts mapped to Ctrl/Cmd+Shift+X </li>
  5989. </ul>
  5990. <p></p>
  5991. <p> <strong>1.2:</strong> released on 03.11.2015 </p>
  5992. <ul>
  5993. <li> <strong>Fix:</strong> Mercurial commit hash handling </li>
  5994. <li> <strong>Change:</strong> Shortcuts have single second keystroke </li>
  5995. </ul>
  5996. <p></p>
  5997. <p> <strong>1.0:</strong> released on 03.11.2015 </p>
  5998. <ul>
  5999. <li> <strong>New:</strong> 'Copy link' and 'Open' actions for files and 'Open' action for commits shown in the gutter </li>
  6000. </ul>
  6001. <p></p>]]></change-notes><depends>(optional) Git4Idea</depends><depends>(optional) hg4idea</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>4.5</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='5660' size='1545818' date='1482287329000' url=''><name>StringTemplate v4 plugin</name><id>org.antlr.jetbrains.st4plugin</id><description><![CDATA[<p> This plugin is for StringTemplate v4 .stg files. It works with Intellij 13.x+. It should work in other Jetbrains IDEs. </p>
  6002. <p> <a href="https://github.com/antlr/jetbrains-plugin-st4" rel="nofollow">Github source</a></p>]]></description><version>0.5</version><vendor email='parrt@antlr.org' url='https://github.com/antlr/jetbrains-plugin-st4'>ANTLR Project</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='133.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Bug fixes. Darcula looks good now. Delimiters work. See https://github.com/antlr/jetbrains-plugin-st4/issues?utf8=%E2%9C%93&amp;q=is%3Aissue%20is%3Aclosed%20milestone%3A0.5]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='667' size='523965' date='1448875149000' url=''><name>imdone</name><id>io.imdone.imdone-plugin</id><description><![CDATA[Open
  6003. <a href="http://imdone.io" rel="nofollow">imdone-atom</a> task links in intellij.]]></description><version>1.0</version><vendor email='imdone@innobuilt.com' url='https://imdone.io/'>imdone</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='131.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<li>Open imdone-atom task links in intellij</li>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='8058' size='18380002' date='1454009400000' url=''><name>ReST Console</name><id>uk.me.jeffsutton.restconsole</id><description><![CDATA[A simple ReST console for IntelliJ.
  6004. <br />Create and test network calls using OK HTTP.
  6005. <br />Supports import of requests in Charles Proxy XML format, and DHC Json format.]]></description><version>1.2.1</version><vendor email='indieboy1979@gmail.com' url=''>Jeff Sutton</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='141.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[1.2.1 Change from Java 8 to Java 7 1.2 Add support for Basic Auth 1.1.1 Change platform targeting]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='240' size='31498793' date='1515863367000' url=''><name>Sireum v3</name><id>org.sireum.intellij</id><description><![CDATA[<a href="http://sireum.org" rel="nofollow">Sireum</a> is a software analysis platform being developed at SAnToS Laboratory, Kansas State University. This plugin integrates Sireum tools such as the Logika program verifier and natural deduction proof checker for propositional, predicate, and programming logics with IntelliJ.]]></description><version>3.2</version><vendor email='robby@santoslab.org' url='http://robby.santoslab.org'>Robby, SAnToS Lab, Kansas State University</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='173.3727' /><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='411' size='2766501' date='1458989934000' url=''><name>Leanpub</name><id>com.hadihariri.leanpub</id><description><![CDATA[A plugin for Leanpub that allows you to generate previews as well as publish books, directly from inside the IDE. Works on all IntelliJ-based IDE's]]></description><version>1.0.3</version><vendor email='mail@hadihariri.com' url='http://hadihariri.com'>Hadi Hariri</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='15335' size='336133' date='1511035474000' url=''><name>YouTrack Integration Plugin</name><id>com.github.jk1.ytplugin</id><description><![CDATA[<p>Extends bundled task management plugin to provide deeper integration with YouTrack bug tracker:</p>
  6006. <ul>
  6007. <li>Adds command window to execute YouTrack commands from IDE</li>
  6008. <li>Supports code navigation when clicking on Java stack traces in issue tracker</li>
  6009. <li>Provides issue browser</li>
  6010. <li>Renders YouTrack wiki markup</li>
  6011. <li>Recognizes YouTrack issue ids in Java code comments and VCS history</li>
  6012. </ul>
  6013. <p>Compatibility: YouTrack 5.2+</p>
  6014. <p></p>
  6015. <br>
  6016. <p>If you like this plugin, you can support it:</p>
  6017. <p></p>
  6018. <ul>
  6019. <li>Spread it: Tell your friends who are using YouTrack about this plugin</li>
  6020. <li>Vote for it: Write your review and vote for it at the IntelliJ plugin repository</li>
  6021. <li>Star it: Star it <a href="https://github.com/jk1/youtrack-idea-plugin" rel="nofollow">at GitHub</a></li>
  6022. <li>Improve it: Report bugs or feature requests. Or even fix / implement them by yourself - everything is open source!</li>
  6023. </ul>]]></description><version>0.8</version><vendor email='' url='https://github.com/jk1/youtrack-idea-plugin'></vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='171.0' until-build='181.*'/><change-notes><![CDATA[<ul>
  6024. <li> Pin action added to open issues in a separate tool window tab </li>
  6025. <li> Comment action added to quickly comment on a selected issue</li>
  6026. <li> Command execution is now possible from a tool window</li>
  6027. <li> Plugin API exposed to allow cross plugin integration features </li>
  6028. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><depends>com.intellij.tasks</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='604' size='13613' date='1462199455000' url=''><name>Connector to assigned Targetprocess entities</name><id>com.targetprocess.assigned.entities.plugin</id><description><![CDATA[Adds support of Targetprocess server into Jetbrains' IDE (IDEA, WebStorm, etc.). Retrieves assigned entities from Targetprocess server.
  6029. <br>]]></description><version>1.1</version><vendor email='vkhomyackov@gmail.com' url='https://github.com/victor-homyakov/jetbrains-targetprocess-assigned-entities'>Victor Homyakov</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='141.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Fixed bugs: - Order loaded entities by id desc / by update time desc - Search entered substring in name/entityId]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.xml</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='6061' size='3266070' date='1462029141000' url='https://github.com/gen0083/AdbFriendly'><name>ADB Friendly</name><id>jp.gcreate.plugins.adbfriendly</id><description><![CDATA[ADB Friendly is a Android Studio plugin to provide some useful functions via ADB.
  6030. <br> The plugin can rotate screen on connected devices or emulators only now. But I will add to some features. If you have requests feel free to contact me :)
  6031. <br> Usage:
  6032. <br> Install the plugin then icon is added to toolbar.
  6033. <br> If you using Android Studio, it was added to the menu inside Tools &gt; Android.
  6034. <br> Click the icon or menu then dialog pop up.
  6035. <br>
  6036. <br> Now the plugin automatically connect to adb but it was not work well on Windows.
  6037. <br> If your devices are not shown on the dialog, please try to run some adb command (e.g. "adb devices") from the terminal. (You can use adb command, the plugin can access adb and display devices.)]]></description><version>0.2.0</version><vendor email='archiherewego@gmail.com' url='http://gcreate.jp/'>G-Create</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='141.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<dl>
  6038. <dt>
  6039. 0.2.0
  6040. </dt>
  6041. <dd>
  6042. Added connect to adb feature.
  6043. </dd>
  6044. <dt>
  6045. 0.1.0
  6046. </dt>
  6047. <dd>
  6048. Screen rotate function added.
  6049. </dd>
  6050. </dl>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='343' size='4230984' date='1469431219000' url=''><name>stock</name><id>com.backkoms</id><description><![CDATA[After installing this plugin, you can choose the stock, and add to the "my stock" tool window, and then you will receive the latest price information.
  6051. <br> Note: currently only supports A-share market]]></description><version>1.0.2</version><vendor email='peterae87@gmail.com' url=''>backkoms</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='141.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[1.0 basic
  6052. <br> 1.0.1 fix some bug
  6053. <br> 1.0.2 fix bug
  6054. <br>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='4491' size='5133421' date='1479167446000' url=''><name>LDAP browser</name><id>org.majki.intellij.ldapbrowser</id><description><![CDATA[Plugin to browse LDAP servers
  6055. <br> Using Apache Directory LDAP API version 1.0.0-RC1
  6056. <br> Currently supported authentication methods are anonymous and simple authentication
  6057. <br>]]></description><version>1.3</version><vendor email='support@majki.org' url=''>Majki</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='141.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[NPE fix]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>2.5</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='2094' size='5103' date='1470350253000' url=''><name>Android TV Remote</name><id>com.github.aayvazyan</id><description><![CDATA[This plugin adds a remote controler toolwindow to connect and remotely control your Android TV or other android device.]]></description><version>1.2</version><vendor email='ariay@live.at' url='https://github.com/aayvazyan-tgm'>Find me on Github</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='141.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Improved check if adb is correctly installed]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='57510' size='844844' date='1516538840000' url=''><name>Translation</name><id>cn.yiiguxing.plugin.translate</id><description><![CDATA[Translation
  6058. <br>
  6059. <p> <b> <a href="http://yiiguxing.github.io/TranslationPlugin" rel="nofollow">Website</a> | <a href="https://github.com/YiiGuxing/TranslationPlugin" rel="nofollow">GitHub</a> | <a href="https://github.com/YiiGuxing/TranslationPlugin/issues" rel="nofollow">Issues</a> | <a href="http://yiiguxing.github.io/TranslationPlugin/start.html" rel="nofollow">Doc</a> </b> </p>
  6060. <br>
  6061. <p><b>A translation plugin.</b></p>
  6062. <br>
  6063. <p><b>Features:</b> </p>
  6064. <ul>
  6065. <li>Multiple translation engines.
  6066. <ul>
  6067. <li>Google translate.</li>
  6068. <li>Youdao translate.</li>
  6069. </ul> </li>
  6070. <li>Multiple languages inter-translation.</li>
  6071. <li>Text to speech.</li>
  6072. <li>Automatic word selection.</li>
  6073. <li>Automatic word division.</li>
  6074. </ul>
  6075. <p></p>
  6076. <br>
  6077. <p><img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/YiiGuxing/TranslationPlugin/master/images/screenshots.gif" alt="screenshots.gif"></p>
  6078. <br>
  6079. <p><a href="https://github.com/YiiGuxing/TranslationPlugin/issues" rel="nofollow">Send feedback</a></p>]]></description><version>2.0.1</version><vendor email='yii.guxing@gmail.com' url='https://github.com/YiiGuxing'>Yii.Guxing</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='171.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<ul>
  6080. <li>加入状态栏图标</li>
  6081. <li>BUG修复</li>
  6082. </ul>
  6083. <br>
  6084. <a href="https://github.com/YiiGuxing/TranslationPlugin/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md" rel="nofollow"><b>Full Changelog History</b></a>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='84071' size='173822' date='1508496638000' url=''><name>Gherkin</name><id>gherkin</id><description><![CDATA[Provides support of Gherkin language]]></description><version>173.3302</version><vendor email='' url=''>JetBrains</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='172.4343' /><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.xml</depends><rating>4.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='163098' size='97724364' date='1516262088000' url=''><name>MaxCompute Studio</name><id>OdpsStudio</id><description><![CDATA[<p> <strong><a rel="nofollow">MaxCompute</a></strong> is a big data processing platform developed by Alibaba Cloud independently. It is a fast and cloud-based big data solution that supports multiple distributed data storage and processing models, which can provide massive data warehouse and big data modeling service. </p>
  6085. <p></p>
  6086. <p> <strong>MaxCompute Studio</strong> is a plugin for IntelliJ platform allowing data developers works with MaxCompute platform including authoring SQL scripts, UDF extensions, MapReduce programs and other functions like local debugging, data browsing and uploading/downloading, job browsing and analytics, etc. </p>
  6087. <p> Features include: </p>
  6088. <ul>
  6089. <li>MaxCompute SQL language support </li>
  6090. <li>MaxCompute function development </li>
  6091. <li>MaxCompute data management </li>
  6092. <li>MaxCompute job management </li>
  6093. </ul>
  6094. <p></p>]]></description><version></version><vendor email='xueming.xm@alibaba-inc.com' url='http://www.aliyun.com'>Alibaba Cloud Inc.</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='141.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<p>Changes in Version </p>
  6095. <ul>
  6096. <li>Enhancement: </li>
  6097. <ul>
  6098. <li> support python UDF develop in external studio version </li>
  6099. <li> format sql based on OdpsQl code style rule </li>
  6100. <li> support download complex type and record limit when local run UDF </li>
  6101. <li> support write unstructured unit test </li>
  6102. <li> with icon when code completion </li>
  6103. <li> show line number in query result view </li>
  6104. <li> order project name in project explorer </li>
  6105. </ul>
  6106. </ul>
  6107. <ul>
  6108. <li>Bug Fix: </li>
  6109. <ul>
  6110. <li> ManagedMessageLoader hang by unreachable network </li>
  6111. <li> project.name should not appear in column context for code completion </li>
  6112. <li> ddl table and keyword 'IN' not shown for code completion </li>
  6113. <li> can't bind MaxCompute project with odps_config.ini </li>
  6114. <li> open specific entity should add table to project explorer if it not exists </li>
  6115. </ul>
  6116. </ul>
  6117. <p>Changes in Version </p>
  6118. <ul>
  6119. <li>Bug Fix: </li>
  6120. <ul>
  6121. <li> fix import table cause memory rise when data file is big </li>
  6122. <li> fix editor collapse in statement mode sometimes </li>
  6123. <li> fix table not shown after project name and dot </li>
  6124. </ul>
  6125. </ul>
  6126. <p>Changes in Version 2.8.2: </p>
  6127. <ul>
  6128. <li>New Features: </li>
  6129. <ul>
  6130. <li> add table creation editor </li>
  6131. <li> support open logview by off-line file and save job as off-line file </li>
  6132. <li> record user sql history when submit script </li>
  6133. </ul>
  6134. </ul>
  6135. <ul>
  6136. <li>Enhancement: </li>
  6137. <ul>
  6138. <li> optimize instance detail table sort </li>
  6139. <li> use - to show I/O records on job graph when job is running </li>
  6140. <li> 2.0 builtin function document </li>
  6141. <li> sql editor performance </li>
  6142. <li> use ak account to create MaxCompute project connection </li>
  6143. <li> user can edit studio code template </li>
  6144. <li> auto import maven changes when new MaxCompute java module </li>
  6145. <li> show column type and function signature when hover the element in sql editor </li>
  6146. <li> show multi sql query result when submit script in statement mode </li>
  6147. </ul>
  6148. </ul>
  6149. <ul>
  6150. <li>Bug Fix: </li>
  6151. <ul>
  6152. <li> fix chinese garbled </li>
  6153. <li> fix data import bug </li>
  6154. <li> fix display job operation bug </li>
  6155. <li> show user original exception message when download resource failed </li>
  6156. </ul>
  6157. </ul>
  6158. <p>Changes in Version </p>
  6159. <ul>
  6160. <li>Enhancement: </li>
  6161. <ul>
  6162. <li> Hide pot details in Summary(JSON) tab. </li>
  6163. <li> Optimize project meta sync speed </li>
  6164. <li> Compile script in background when click graph tab </li>
  6165. <li> Live template enhancement </li>
  6166. <li> Enable config for sql editor keyword word-case </li>
  6167. <li> Optimize memory usage in job detail </li>
  6168. </ul>
  6169. </ul>
  6170. <ul>
  6171. <li>Bugfix: </li>
  6172. <ul>
  6173. <li> Fix job graph replay and heat map bug </li>
  6174. <li> Fixed active job list issue for public projects </li>
  6175. <li> Fixed testing project connection timeout issue </li>
  6176. <li> Fix some other bugs </li>
  6177. </ul>
  6178. </ul>
  6179. <p>Changes in Version </p>
  6180. <ul>
  6181. <li>Enhancement: </li>
  6182. <ul>
  6183. <li> Add IO bytes columns to job detail page </li>
  6184. <li> More smooth vertical scroll bar </li>
  6185. <li> Provide default endpoint when add MaxCompute project </li>
  6186. <li> Update job graph resouce bundle </li>
  6187. <li> Support zoom in/out function by mouse wheel </li>
  6188. <li> Truncate long operation message and use tooltip to display detail. </li>
  6189. </ul>
  6190. </ul>
  6191. <ul>
  6192. <li>Bugfix: </li>
  6193. <ul>
  6194. <li> Fix wrong display status in job detail page </li>
  6195. <li> and more... </li>
  6196. </ul>
  6197. </ul>
  6198. <p>Changes in Version 2.8.1: </p>
  6199. <ul>
  6200. <li> New Features: </li>
  6201. <ul>
  6202. <li> New job detail page integrated with timeline and analysis features </li>
  6203. <li> Visible table schema editor </li>
  6204. <li> New job graphs showing execution plan, progress, I/O data, and more. </li>
  6205. <li> New visual table schema editor </li>
  6206. <li> Table and function navigation </li>
  6207. <li> List builtin functions in project explorer </li>
  6208. </ul>
  6209. </ul>
  6210. <ul>
  6211. <li>Enhancement: </li>
  6212. <ul>
  6213. <li> Job details UI enhancement </li>
  6214. <li> Job progress view UI enhancement </li>
  6215. <li> Better code completion </li>
  6216. <li> Job queuing list UI enhancement </li>
  6217. </ul>
  6218. </ul>
  6219. <ul>
  6220. <li>Bugfix: </li>
  6221. <ul>
  6222. <li> Fix null pointer cased by DS_Store file </li>
  6223. <li> Fix no Deploy to server menu in windows </li>
  6224. <li> Fix max_pt function error in script editor </li>
  6225. <li> and more... </li>
  6226. </ul>
  6227. </ul>
  6228. <p>Changes in Version </p>
  6229. <ul>
  6230. <li>Enhancement: </li>
  6231. <ul>
  6232. <li> Table data preview grid support sort by type value not literal string </li>
  6233. </ul>
  6234. </ul>
  6235. <ul>
  6236. <li>Bugfix: </li>
  6237. <ul>
  6238. <li> Some bug fix </li>
  6239. </ul>
  6240. </ul>
  6241. <p>Changes in Version </p>
  6242. <ul>
  6243. <li>Bugfix: </li>
  6244. <ul>
  6245. <li> Some bug fix </li>
  6246. </ul>
  6247. </ul>
  6248. <p>Changes in Version 2.8.0: </p>
  6249. <ul>
  6250. <li> New Features: </li>
  6251. <ul>
  6252. <li> Support new data type import/export </li>
  6253. <li> Support FAQ Robot in studio </li>
  6254. </ul>
  6255. <li>Enhancement: </li>
  6256. <ul>
  6257. <li> Table data import/export enhancement </li>
  6258. <li> Support manually set tunnel endpoint in adding or modifying project connection </li>
  6259. <li> New job list view </li>
  6260. <li> Integrate job queue list with job list view </li>
  6261. </ul>
  6262. <li>Bugfix: </li>
  6263. <ul>
  6264. <li> Some bug fix </li>
  6265. </ul>
  6266. </ul>
  6267. <p>Changes in Version </p>
  6268. <ul>
  6269. <li> hotfix: fix issue of not being able to sync project meta data. </li>
  6270. <li> bugfix: some job explorer ui issues. </li>
  6271. </ul>
  6272. <p>Changes in Version 2.7.0: </p>
  6273. <ul>
  6274. <li>New Features: </li>
  6275. <ul>
  6276. <li>Jobs: Show waiting instances queue</li>
  6277. <li>Jobs: Show state transitions of running instances</li>
  6278. <li>SQL Editor: Go to definition support for udf/table</li>
  6279. <li>SQL Editor: Code folding and brace matching</li>
  6280. <li>SQL Editor: Live templates for SQL</li>
  6281. <li>UDF: Add Maven support for UDF modules</li>
  6282. <li>UDF: One click to package and deploy UDF to MaxCompute</li>
  6283. <li>Others: Support external table</li>
  6284. <li>Others: Show user usage statistics </li>
  6285. </ul>
  6286. <li>Enhancement: </li>
  6287. <ul>
  6288. <li>Jobs: Job Explorer supports more filters</li>
  6289. <li>Jobs: Job list support customized columns</li>
  6290. <li>Jobs: Better UI and performance</li>
  6291. <li>Jobs: Graph now supports multiple Fuxi jobs and merge job</li>
  6292. <li>Jobs: Better graph layout algorithm</li>
  6293. <li>SQL Editor: Built-in function usage and examples inline help </li>
  6294. <li>SQL Editor: Show table, function usages in SQL script</li>
  6295. <li>SQL Editor: Better SQL formatting</li>
  6296. <li>Project Explorer: Open generated file after data export</li>
  6297. </ul>
  6298. <li>Bugfix: </li>
  6299. <ul>
  6300. <li>Submission of modified user SQL in single statement mode</li>
  6301. <li>Variable submission should not be activated in comments</li>
  6302. <li>Keyword suggestion breaks after syntax errors</li>
  6303. <li>Failed to paste text in SQL editor with leading "@@"</li>
  6304. <li>ClassCastException on LateralView</li>
  6305. <li>Python UDF cannot be resolved in project explorer</li>
  6306. <li>Cannot retrieve meta data when access across projects</li>
  6307. <li>New UDF cannot be listed in project explorer</li>
  6308. <li>Graph overlapped with script mode</li>
  6309. <li>Cannot access meta after packaging authentication</li>
  6310. <li>more minor bugs.</li>
  6311. </ul>
  6312. </ul>
  6313. <p> Changes in Version </p>
  6314. <ul>
  6315. <li> Change: Remove limitation on service mode job submission </li>
  6316. <li> Bug fix: DDL submission issue on public projects </li>
  6317. </ul>
  6318. <p> Changes in Version </p>
  6319. <ul>
  6320. <li> Change: Update MaxCompute compiler version </li>
  6321. <li> Bug fix: Can't open help document in IDEA 2016.x </li>
  6322. </ul>
  6323. <p> Changes in Version </p>
  6324. <ul>
  6325. <li> Enhancement: Data preview performance </li>
  6326. <li> Bug fixes </li>
  6327. </ul>
  6328. <p> Changes in Version </p>
  6329. <ul>
  6330. <li> Bug fixes </li>
  6331. </ul>
  6332. <p> Changes in Version 2.6.2: </p>
  6333. <ul>
  6334. <li> Feature: Unstructured data handler template and examples </li>
  6335. <li> Feature: Support live template in SQL Editor </li>
  6336. <li> Feature: Support decimal type in data import/export </li>
  6337. <li> Feature: Support variable replacement in SQL script on submission </li>
  6338. <li> Feature: Table partition list and partition data preview </li>
  6339. <li> Feature: Running job progress visualization and replay </li>
  6340. <li> Enhancement: Job detail view UI enhancement </li>
  6341. <li> Enhancement: Job running log view performance enhancement </li>
  6342. <li> Enhancement: Add contextual help documentation for many dialogs </li>
  6343. <li> Enhancement: Job execution plan can display input/output table/view now </li>
  6344. <li> Enhancement: Better formatting of job json summary </li>
  6345. <li> Bug fixes: fixed some bugs </li>
  6346. </ul>
  6347. <p> Changes in Version 2.6.1: </p>
  6348. <ul>
  6349. <li> Fix some bugs </li>
  6350. </ul>
  6351. <p> Changes in Version 2.6.0: </p>
  6352. <ul>
  6353. <li>History job execution replay </li>
  6354. <li>Script mode submission (experimental feature) </li>
  6355. <li>Python UDF support (Alibaba internal use only) </li>
  6356. <li>Java UDF debugging (Alibaba internal use only) </li>
  6357. <li>D2 integration (Alibaba internal use only) </li>
  6358. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.xml</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='16069' size='11914' date='1481091296000' url=''><name>ReactNativeTools</name><id>com.yuyh.reactnative.tools</id><description><![CDATA[ReactNativeTools, to make it easier to execute react-native commands]]></description><version>1.1</version><vendor email='smuyyh@gmail.com' url='https://github.com/smuyyh/ReactNativeTools'>Pax, co.ltd.</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='141.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[add debugger-ui plugin.]]></change-notes><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='3531' size='55106' date='1482602239000' url=''><name>Translate</name><id>com.huangmb.idea</id><description><![CDATA[<p>This is a Chinese-English translate plugin for IDEA and Android Studio. It supports translate the words that you selected or automatically identified word around caret in editor. It also provides a translate panel that you can input any word or phrase want to translate just like a dictionary app.<br> </p> Usage:
  6359. <br>
  6360. <p> Move the caret int the word you want to translate or pick it,and then use one of the method following, the translate result will be shown in a balloon nearby caret for a moment.<br> </p>
  6361. <ul>
  6362. <li>(Recommended)Press the translate keyboard-shortcut,default shortcut is Ctrl+Command+T(Mac) or Alt+T(Windows),please change shortcut if conflict.You can specify shortcut by yourself.</li>
  6363. <li>Click Translate button in Toolbar,it may located in the last of Toolbar usually.</li>
  6364. <li>Choose Translate pop menu by mouse right click </li>
  6365. <li>(Not Recommended)Choose Menu in Translate -&gt; Translate to translate. It's not recommended because it may lose the focus of editor in Windows and unable to pick the words</li>
  6366. </ul>
  6367. <p>The translate panel is in View -&gt; Tool Window -&gt; Translate,the panel is simple but useful.</p> Tips:
  6368. <br>
  6369. <ul>
  6370. <li>You don't need to specified the language because it can identify the language automatically.</li>
  6371. <li>It supports translate phrase if you pick them in editor or input phrase in translate panel.</li>
  6372. <li>It supports CamelHump code style,such as "HelloWorld" can be separated as "hello world" automatically,but word like "JSON" will no be separated.</li>
  6373. <li>It is on line translate service,so It will does not work if there has no network</li>
  6374. </ul> screenshot:
  6375. <br>
  6376. <img src="http://git.oschina.net/hmb/idea-translate-plugin/raw/master/screenshot/translate.png?dir=0&amp;filepath=screenshot%2Ftranslate.png&amp;oid=a497bf9853246a94d62443a762b450c9f5d2cf5b&amp;sha=a32a8cc224502b175c0392cdc2403fd8a9387db4">
  6377. <br>
  6378. <img src="http://git.oschina.net/hmb/idea-translate-plugin/raw/master/screenshot/panel.png?dir=0&amp;filepath=screenshot%2Fpanel.png&amp;oid=f8b849ab02584868b8a0caf5775af570ef38b412&amp;sha=a32a8cc224502b175c0392cdc2403fd8a9387db4">
  6379. <br> Power by YouDao translate engine.]]></description><version>1.1</version><vendor email='huangmb413@163.com' url=''>bob</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='141.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<ul>
  6380. <li> 1.0(2016-12-13)<br> -Support get words selected by user or pick word around caret.<br> -Support translate panel,a simple dictionary.<br> -Add some toggle entries:shortcut,main menu,pop menu.<br> -Support Chinese-English and English-Chines translate.<br> -Fix some bug(such as disconnect http accidentally). </li>
  6381. <li> 1.1(2016-12-19)<br> -Fix out of index bug if there has no word at the caret's location.<br> -Add an entry to ToolBar. </li>
  6382. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='29194' size='240377' date='1516341295000' url=''><name>React Native Console</name><id>com.github.beansoftapp.reatnative.idea</id><description><![CDATA[React Native Console an IDEA/WebStorm/Android Studio Plugin for One-Click run React Native command
  6383. <br>
  6384. <br>
  6385. <a href="https://github.com/beansoftapp/react-native-console" rel="nofollow">https://github.com/beansoftapp/react-native-console</a>
  6386. <br>
  6387. <br> Features
  6388. <br> One-Click run following commands:
  6389. <br> Ctrl + F2 to reload android js bundle
  6390. <br> list and run scripts in package.json
  6391. <br> react-native run-android
  6392. <br> react-native link
  6393. <br> react-native run-ios
  6394. <br> run with physical iOS device
  6395. <br> list all iOS devices(include simulator and physical) and run target one
  6396. <br> npm run start
  6397. <br> npm install
  6398. <br> Open dev menu on Android device(adb shell input keyevent 82)
  6399. <br> forward android device request to dev machine(adb reverse tcp:8081 tcp:8081)
  6400. <br> Android Reloading JavaScript
  6401. <br> open React Native debugger ui(Chrome browser required)
  6402. <br> react-native log-android
  6403. <br> react-native log-ios
  6404. <br> gradlew assembleRelease
  6405. <br> react-native bundle --platform android/ios --dev false
  6406. <br> yarn
  6407. <br> jest
  6408. <br> react-native uninstall
  6409. <br> react-native start
  6410. <br> gradlew clean
  6411. <br> react-native react-native-git-upgrade
  6412. <br> yarn add project, dev, global dependencies
  6413. <br> npm add project, dev, global dependencies
  6414. <br> auto install and run react-devtools
  6415. <br> Last Edit Location(main toolbar)
  6416. <br> Reveal file in Finder/Explorer(main toolbar)
  6417. <br> Reveal project folder in Finder/Explorer
  6418. <br> Specify js project work directory, eg ./jsapp (optional, see https://github.com/beansoftapp/react-native-console for more info)
  6419. <br>
  6420. <br> New: one-click rerun commands, reuse console window, tabs with title and icon, search in console output.
  6421. <br> Auto detect React Native package.json or build.gradle in current folder and parent/children folder(eg only coding Java in Android Studio), thus the command will auto execute in the correct folder
  6422. <br>
  6423. <br> 功能 一键运行下列功能:
  6424. <br> Ctrl + F2 安卓设备重新加载JS bundle
  6425. <br> 列出并执行package.json中的scripts定义
  6426. <br> react-native run-android
  6427. <br> react-native link
  6428. <br> react-native run-ios
  6429. <br> 一键真机运行
  6430. <br> 列出所有iOS设备(包括模拟器和真机设备)并选中运行
  6431. <br> npm run start
  6432. <br> npm install
  6433. <br> 安卓设备上打开开发菜单(adb shell input keyevent 82)
  6434. <br> 安卓设备网络请求转发到开发机(adb reverse tcp:8081 tcp:8081)
  6435. <br> 安卓设备重新载入JavaScript
  6436. <br> 打开 React Native debugger ui(需要Chrome浏览器)
  6437. <br>
  6438. <br> react-native log-android
  6439. <br> react-native log-ios
  6440. <br> gradlew assembleRelease
  6441. <br> react-native bundle --platform android/ios --dev false
  6442. <br> yarn
  6443. <br> jest
  6444. <br> react-native uninstall
  6445. <br> react-native start
  6446. <br> gradlew clean
  6447. <br> react-native react-native-git-upgrade
  6448. <br> yarn 添加项目, 开发和全局依赖
  6449. <br> npm 添加项目, 开发和全局依赖
  6450. <br> 自动安装运行 react-devtools
  6451. <br> 最近编辑位置(主工具栏)
  6452. <br> 在Finder/Explorer中显示文件(main toolbar)
  6453. <br> 在Finder/Explorer中显示项目目录
  6454. <br> 指定JS项目工作目录, 例如 ./jsapp (可选, 更多信息参考 https://github.com/beansoftapp/react-native-console)
  6455. <br>
  6456. <br> 最近更新: 一键重新执行, 重用执行窗口, 可读性强的图标和标题, 执行结果支持查找.
  6457. <br> 自动在当前目录和父级目录检测 React Native的package.json文件位置(比如在Android Studio中只开发Java代码时), 这样所有的npm相关的命令都会自动在正确的目录执行
  6458. <br>
  6459. <br>
  6460. <br>
  6461. <b>Contributors</b>
  6462. <br>
  6463. <a href="https://github.com/beansoftapp" rel="nofollow">beansoft@126.com</a>
  6464. <br>
  6465. <b>Installation</b>
  6466. <br> First, please setup your React Native dev env:
  6467. <a href="https://facebook.github.io/react-native/docs/getting-started.html>https://facebook.github.io/react-native/docs/getting-started.html</a>,
  6468. Then install this plugin to your IDE, then you" rel="nofollow"></a>Java 8 required to run the IDE.
  6469. <br>
  6470. <br>
  6471. <b>ISSUES</b>
  6472. <br>
  6473. <a href="https://github.com/beansoftapp/react-native-console/issues" rel="nofollow">Submit Suggestions or Bugs</a>
  6474. <br>
  6475. <br>
  6476. <img src="https://download.plugins.jetbrains.com/9564/screenshot_17392.png" width="552" height="201">
  6477. <br>
  6478. <br>]]></description><version>1.1.3</version><vendor email='beansoft@126.com' url='https://github.com/beansoftapp/react-native-console'>BeanSoft</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='139.1603' /><change-notes><![CDATA[No new features. Fix Bug Update failed for ActionGroup: Rerun, which cause the plugin crash. https://github.com/beansoftapp/react-native-console/issues/21]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><depends>org.jetbrains.plugins.terminal</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='3262' size='398959' date='1510306641000' url=''><name>PHP latest</name><id>me.artspb.idea.php.latest.plugin</id><description><![CDATA[The plugin brings the latest stable versions of the PHP interpreter to PhpStorm or IntelliJ IDEA with the PHP plugin. The Xdebug extension is bundled and enabled by default.]]></description><version>0.3</version><vendor email='contact@artspb.me' url='https://artspb.me'>Artem Khvastunov</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[0.3
  6479. <ul>
  6480. <li>Ability to download an interpreter during indexing.</li>
  6481. </ul> 0.2
  6482. <ul>
  6483. <li>PHP 7.1 for both macOS and Linux.</li>
  6484. </ul> 0.1
  6485. <ul>
  6486. <li>PHP7 for macOS.</li>
  6487. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><depends>com.jetbrains.php</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='21198' size='924938' date='1504093146000' url=''><name>ADB WiFi Connect</name><id>dk.appdictive.adbwificonnect</id><description><![CDATA[ADB WiFi Connect enables you to ADB connect to your Android devices over WiFi to run and debug your Android apps without needing a USB cable (except for initial connect).&lt;\br&gt; The window shows you a live updated list of Android devices connected to the computer - including their Android version name and SDK levels. For each USB connected Android device you can connect to it over WiFi and then save the connection for future use so next time you won't even need the cable at all! After establishing connection over WiFi you can unplug the USB cable and continue developing and debugging wirelessly.]]></description><version>1.7</version><vendor email='team.appdictive@gmail.com' url='https://github.com/appdictive'>Appdictive</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='131.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[1.7 Removed JFoenix library that caused the plugin not to work on some Linux distributions (issue reported on Github).]]></change-notes><depends>org.jetbrains.android</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='3333' size='920856' date='1513665189000' url=''><name>Biu</name><id>net.avenwu.tools.biu</id><description><![CDATA[An IntelliJ IDEA plugin which makes PNG compression much more convenient.
  6488. <br> It's powered by the well known pngquant library and API from tinypng.]]></description><version>0.2.0</version><vendor email='chaobinwu89@gmail.com' url='https://avenwu.github.io/biu'>Chaobin Wu</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='131.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[* Fix bug. * Display compressed count for each key. * API Key is now allowed to be delete.]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='3781' size='2103175' date='1514964882000' url=''><name>SmartQQ</name><id>cn.ieclipse.smartqq.intellij</id><description><![CDATA[An anti-boss plugin for you to chat with your QQ/Wechat friends privately.
  6489. <br> 一个防Boss的QQ/微信聊天插件,让老板以为你是在写代码,其实,你是在聊天,不过,做为程序猿,怎么可能有时间聊天,哈哈。
  6490. <br> about more:
  6491. <a href="https://github.com/Jamling/SmartQQ4Intellij/" rel="nofollow">https://github.com/Jamling/SmartQQ4Intellij/</a>]]></description><version>2.1.2</version><vendor email='li.jamling@gmail.com' url='https://github.com/Jamling/SmartQQ4Intellij'>Jamling</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='141.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Add code review. 添加源代码Review功能,修复断开连接后,还可以打开聊天窗口的问题]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='172' size='1302309' date='1516779302000' url=''><name>marklogic-intellij-plugin</name><id>uk.co.reecedunn.intellij.plugin.marklogic</id><description><![CDATA[<p>MarkLogic integration, providing an error log viewer, and support for running and profiling the following query types on MarkLogic:</p>
  6492. <ol>
  6493. <li>XQuery</li>
  6494. <li>Server-side JavaScript (MarkLogic 8 or later)</li>
  6495. <li>SQL (MarkLogic 8 or later, run only)</li>
  6496. <li>SPARQL Query (MarkLogic 7 or later, run only)</li>
  6497. <li>SPARQL Update (MarkLogic 8 or later, run only)</li>
  6498. </ol>]]></description><version>0.2.1</version><vendor email='msclrhd@gmail.com' url='http://reecedunn.co.uk'>Reece H. Dunn</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='173.0' until-build='173.*'/><change-notes><![CDATA[Release 0.2.1:
  6499. <p>Run Configuration:</p>
  6500. <ol>
  6501. <li>Determine the MarkLogic version from the MarkLogic server.</li>
  6502. </ol>
  6503. <p>Bug Fixes:</p>
  6504. <ol>
  6505. <li>Report the correct namespace-qualified type names for types on MarkLogic &gt;= 8.0.</li>
  6506. <li>Fix an exception when running queries with IntelliJ 2017.3.</li>
  6507. <li>Support MarkLogic version numbers like '9.0-3'.</li>
  6508. <li>Improve reporting various error conditions.</li>
  6509. <li>Add IntelliJ 2018.1 support.</li>
  6510. </ol>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='1976' size='4520' date='1503582314000' url=''><name>Native Terminal Plugin</name><id>com.sburlyaev.terminal.plugin</id><description><![CDATA[Native Terminal Plugin.
  6511. <br>]]></description><version>0.0.8</version><vendor email='sburlyaev2016@gmail.com' url='https://github.com/sburlyaev89'>Sergey Burlyaev</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='162.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[- Added Mac support.
  6512. <br> - Added Linux support (gnome-terminal).
  6513. <br> - Added the Command Prompt icon to the Main Tool Bar.
  6514. <br> - Fixed NPE issue on Android Studio.]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='275' size='2865' date='1504998340000' url=''><name>CurNotes</name><id>de.cusp.cu.curNotes</id><description><![CDATA[Save Notes that belong to the project
  6515. <p>You can save notes that belong to the project. They will be saved in the .idea-folder.</p>
  6516. <p>So if you don't track your .idea-folder with git, the notes are also not tracked.</p>
  6517. <p>So you can call it "private notes".</p>]]></description><version>1.0.0</version><vendor email='dev@cusp.de' url='https://www.cusp.de'>Jörg Wrase - computer-und-sound</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='100' size='1105745' date='1507071507000' url=''><name>Offline Review Board</name><id>com.senthil</id><description><![CDATA[Plugin for Review board with notifications and offline support.]]></description><version>0.1</version><vendor email='sen.mnnit@gmail.com' url='https://www.linkedin.com/in/senthilkrp/'>Senthil kumar</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>Git4Idea</depends><depends>Subversion</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='758' size='152227' date='1511145331000' url=''><name>XMake</name><id>org.tboox.xmake</id><description><![CDATA[A XMake integration plugin in Intellij Platform
  6518. <br>
  6519. <p><a href="https://github.com/tboox/xmake-idea" rel="nofollow">Source Code</a> | <a href="https://gitter.im/tboox/tboox?utm_source=badge&amp;utm_medium=badge&amp;utm_campaign=pr-badge&amp;utm_content=badge" rel="nofollow">Gitter</a> | <a href="http://xmake.io/pages/donation.html#donate" rel="nofollow">Donate</a> | <a href="http://xmake.io" rel="nofollow">XMake Homepage</a></p> Features:
  6520. <ul>
  6521. <li>xmake</li>
  6522. <ul>
  6523. <li>C/C++/Objc/Swift/Rust/Dlang/Golang ... support</li>
  6524. <li>Cross-platform support</li>
  6525. <li>Lua syntax</li>
  6526. <li><a href="https://github.com/tboox/xmake" rel="nofollow">More features and info about xmake</a></li>
  6527. </ul>
  6528. <li>Quickstart</li>
  6529. <li>Create project</li>
  6530. <li>Project configuration</li>
  6531. <li>Run configuration</li>
  6532. <li>Menu tools</li>
  6533. <li>Tool windows</li>
  6534. <li>Build and run</li>
  6535. <li>Goto error and waring problems</li>
  6536. </ul>
  6537. <p>中国朋友可以加QQ群交流及反馈BUG: 343118190</p>]]></description><version>1.0.4</version><vendor email='waruqi@gmail.com' url='http://www.tboox.org'>tboox.org</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[modify rebuild icon]]></change-notes><depends>(optional) com.intellij.modules.java</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='171' size='92606' date='1516896361000' url='https://github.com/asiaon123/ReviewBoard-Plugin-For-IntelliJ-IDEA'><name>Review Board Support(IDEA &lt; 2018)</name><id>com.guyazhou.tools.plugin.reviewboard4intellij</id><description><![CDATA[Note:
  6538. <ul>
  6539. <li><span>The version 1.x ONLY support IDEA that version is less than 181.2218(IDEA 2018)</span> </li>
  6540. <li>Due to compability issue of official API, `Review Board Support` will be available for IDEA 2018 and later</li>
  6541. </ul> Features:
  6542. <ul>
  6543. <li>Support Subversion, and Git will be available soon too</li>
  6544. <li>Auto review for users@lvmama</li>
  6545. </ul> About:
  6546. <ul>
  6547. <li><a href="https://github.com/asiaon123/ReviewBoard-Plugin-For-IntelliJ-IDEA/blob/master/README.md" rel="nofollow">Usage</a></li>
  6548. <li><a href="https://github.com/asiaon123/ReviewBoard-Plugin-For-IntelliJ-IDEA/issues" rel="nofollow">Issues</a></li>
  6549. <li><a href="https://github.com/asiaon123/ReviewBoard-Plugin-For-IntelliJ-IDEA/tree/1.x" rel="nofollow">Source</a></li>
  6550. </ul> Thanks:
  6551. <ul>
  6552. <li>@kaneg supports basic code</li>
  6553. </ul>]]></description><version>1.4</version><vendor email='asiaon123@gmail.com' url='http://www.guyazhou.com'>asiaon123</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Archive 1.x 1.x only suppourt IDEA that version is less than 181.2218(2018) Add image to commit action]]></change-notes><depends>Git4Idea</depends><depends>Subversion</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='3' size='67165' date='1515863559000' url=''><name>Sireum v3 Injector</name><id>org.sireum.intellij.injector</id><description><![CDATA[<a href="http://sireum.org" rel="nofollow">Sireum</a> is a software analysis platform being developed at SAnToS Laboratory, Kansas State University. This plugin provides an IntelliJ Scala language injector for the Sireum language.]]></description><version>3.2</version><vendor email='robby@santoslab.org' url='http://robby.santoslab.org'>Robby, SAnToS Lab, Kansas State University</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='173.3727' /><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><depends>org.intellij.scala</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='14' size='24246' date='1515963510000' url=''><name>ElmExternalTools</name><id>org.elm.tools.external</id><description><![CDATA[<p> Provides external tools for the <a href="http://elm-lang.org" rel="nofollow">Elm</a> programming language. </p> External tools:
  6554. <br>
  6555. <ul>
  6556. <li>Annotations using elm-make</li>
  6557. </ul>]]></description><version>1.0.0</version><vendor email='' url='http://www.github.com/jlagerweij'>Jos Lagerweij</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='173.4127' until-build='173.*'/><change-notes><![CDATA[Initial upload]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin></category><ff>"JBehave"</ff><category name="JBehave"><idea-plugin downloads='3561' size='13614' date='1447772640000' url='https://github.com/ulmanA/JBehaveSupportExtension'><name>JBehave Support Extension</name><id>jbehave-support-plugin-extension</id><description><![CDATA[IntelliJ IDEA Plugin for JBehave Support That plugin is extension for JBehave Support plugin
  6558. <p> The plugin provides the following features: </p>
  6559. <ul>
  6560. <li>Step Completion on .story files - Suggests all the JBehave Steps that exist on the Project and its Libraries</li>
  6561. </ul>
  6562. <p> <br /> <br /> Thanks to everyone who contributed to JBehave Support: <a href="https://github.com/witspirit/IntelliJBehave/graphs/contributors" rel="nofollow">https://github.com/witspirit/IntelliJBehave/graphs/contributors</a> </p>]]></description><version>1.02</version><vendor email='ulman.avi@gmail.com' url='https://github.com/ulmanA'>Avi Ulman</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='133.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>jbehave-support-plugin</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin></category><ff>"Network"</ff><category name="Network"><idea-plugin downloads='57342' size='70820' date='1510318447000' url=''><name>Node.js Remote Interpreter</name><id>org.jetbrains.plugins.node-remote-interpreter</id><description><![CDATA[Allows to configure Node.js interpreters for remote environments;
  6563. <br> run, debug, and profile Node.js applications remotely
  6564. <br> (currently working only though SSH)]]></description><version>173.3622.29</version><vendor email='' url=''>JetBrains</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='173.3622' until-build='173.*'/><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>(optional) Docker</depends><depends>JavaScript</depends><depends>JavaScriptDebugger</depends><depends>NodeJS</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.ultimate</depends><depends>com.jetbrains.plugins.webDeployment</depends><depends>org.jetbrains.plugins.remote-run</depends><rating>3.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='555' size='67383' date='1476367086000' url=''><name>Open Uploader</name><id>me.fingerart.idea.openuploader</id><description><![CDATA[File (default.Apk) upload plugin, do not need to open the page directly to the APK file or other files uploaded to the server, support for custom upload path and parameter information.]]></description><version>1.0.1</version><vendor email='fingerart.me@gmail.com' url='http://fingerart.me'>FingerArt</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='141.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[v1.0.1 Add:
  6565. <br>- Compatibility with IntelliJ Platform Products
  6566. <br> v1.0.0 Add:
  6567. <br>- Open Uploader
  6568. <br>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='3524' size='380075' date='1509640288000' url=''><name>Api Debugger</name><id>me.fingerart.idea.apidebugger</id><description><![CDATA[<p>A plugin to help you easily complete the API debugging.</p>
  6569. <br>
  6570. <p>Like this plugin? <b>Give it a star</b> at <a href="https://github.com/fingerart/ApiDebugger" rel="nofollow">GitHub</a> and spread the word!</p>]]></description><version>2.0.1</version><vendor email='george@chengguo.io' url='http://fingerart.me'>FingerArt</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='141.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Support HTTPS; Fix POST error;]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='880' size='134058' date='1500052011000' url=''><name>Beame Insta-ssl plugin</name><id>com.beame.io.insta.ssl</id><description><![CDATA[Beame.io Jetbrains plugin
  6571. <p> Beame-insta-ssl provides HTTPS tunnel for exposing your work. </p>
  6572. <p> Beame.io tunneling infrastructure allows you to expose local HTTP port so it's accessible via https://YOUR-RANDOM-ID.beameio.net to anyone with the link. </p>
  6573. <p> The encryption is end-to-end. TLS is terminated on your machine. </p>
  6574. <p> <a href="https://github.com/beameio/beame-insta-ssl" rel="nofollow">Github</a> </p>
  6575. <p> <a href="https://ypxf72akb6onjvrq.ohkv8odznwh5jpwm.v1.p.beameio.net/insta-ssl" rel="nofollow">Get initial registration token</a> </p> Prerequisites
  6576. <ul>
  6577. <li><a href="https://nodejs.org/en/download/" rel="nofollow"> Node.js version 6.9.x</a></li>
  6578. <li><a href="https://www.npmjs.com/package/beame-insta-ssl" rel="nofollow">Beame-insta-ssl</a></li>
  6579. </ul>]]></description><version>1.0.0</version><vendor email='support@beame.io' url='https://www.beame.io'>Beame.io</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<p> <b>v 1.0.0</b> </p>
  6580. <ul>
  6581. <li>Run http/tcp tunnel</li>
  6582. <li>Register credentials support</li>
  6583. <li>Invite friend</li>
  6584. </ul>
  6585. <p></p>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin></category><ff>"Editor"</ff><category name="Editor"><idea-plugin downloads='2860128' size='2005246' date='1513099634000' url='http://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/164'><name>IdeaVim</name><id>IdeaVIM</id><description><![CDATA[<p>Vim emulation plug-in for IDEs based on the IntelliJ platform.</p>
  6586. <p>IdeaVim supports many Vim features including normal/insert/visual modes, motion keys, deletion/changing, marks, registers, some Ex commands, Vim regexps, configuration via ~/.ideavimrc, macros, window commands, etc.</p>
  6587. <p>See also:</p>
  6588. <ul>
  6589. <li><a href="https://github.com/JetBrains/ideavim" rel="nofollow">GitHub repository</a>: documentation and contributing</li>
  6590. <li><a href="http://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issues/VIM" rel="nofollow">Issue tracker</a>: feature requests and bug reports</li>
  6591. </ul>]]></description><version>0.49</version><vendor email='' url=''>JetBrains</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='171.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<p>0.49:</p>
  6592. <ul>
  6593. <li>Enabled zero-latency typing for Vim emulation</li>
  6594. <li>Support for <code>iskeyword</code> option</li>
  6595. <li>Various bug fixes</li>
  6596. </ul>
  6597. <p>0.48:</p>
  6598. <ul>
  6599. <li>Various bug fixes</li>
  6600. </ul>
  6601. <p>0.47:</p>
  6602. <ul>
  6603. <li>Various bug fixes</li>
  6604. </ul>
  6605. <p>0.46:</p>
  6606. <ul>
  6607. <li>Support for <code>incsearch</code> option for showing search results while typing</li>
  6608. <li>Support for <code>it</code> and <code>at</code> tag block selection</li>
  6609. <li>Support for vim-surround commands <code>ys</code>, <code>cs</code>, <code>ds</code>, <code>S</code>, enable it with <code>set surround</code> in your ~/.ideavimrc</li>
  6610. <li>Support for <code>={motion}</code> formatting command</li>
  6611. <li>Various bug fixes</li>
  6612. </ul>
  6613. <p>0.44:</p>
  6614. <ul>
  6615. <li>Fixed typing keys in completion menus and typing with the plugin disabled</li>
  6616. </ul>
  6617. <p>0.43:</p>
  6618. <ul>
  6619. <li>Fixed running the plugin with Java 6</li>
  6620. </ul>
  6621. <p>See also the complete <a href="https://github.com/JetBrains/ideavim/blob/master/CHANGES.md" rel="nofollow">changelog</a>.</p>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>4.4</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='7500' size='567823' date='1367066855000' url=''><name>eSnippet Pro plugin</name><id>eSnippet Pro plugin</id><description><![CDATA[Make it to access code snippet repository easy! The central repository is
  6622. <a href="http://snippet.mvnsearch.org" rel="nofollow">http://snippet.mvnsearch.org</a>. You can find all source code at
  6623. <a href="http://code.google.com/p/esnippet" rel="nofollow">http://code.google.com/p/esnippet</a>
  6624. <ul>
  6625. Features List:
  6626. <li>Snippet repository</li>
  6627. <li>Snippet Search</li>
  6628. <li>Snippet Live Template</li>
  6629. <li>Snippet Editing</li>
  6630. </ul>]]></description><version>1.4.3</version><vendor email='linux_china@hotmail.com' url='http://snippet.mvnsearch.org'>linux_china</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='129.1' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<ul>
  6631. Change list in 1.4.3
  6632. <li>Compile for IDEA 12</li>
  6633. <li>Remove some agents</li>
  6634. </ul>
  6635. <ul>
  6636. Change list in 1.4.2
  6637. <li>Compile for IDEA 10.5</li>
  6638. </ul>
  6639. <ul>
  6640. Change list in 1.4.0
  6641. <li>Work on IDEA 9.0 only</li>
  6642. <li>Bug fix for IDEA 9.0</li>
  6643. <li>Icon support for popup items</li>
  6644. </ul>
  6645. <ul>
  6646. Change List in 1.3.1
  6647. <li>Bug fix for file fragment creation</li>
  6648. </ul>
  6649. <ul>
  6650. Change List in 1.3
  6651. <li>Add RubyMine suport</li>
  6652. <li>Mvnsearch URL Switch only one setting</li>
  6653. </ul>
  6654. <ul>
  6655. Change List in 1.2
  6656. <li>EAP 8.1 Build</li>
  6657. <li>Bug fix for DZone snippet search</li>
  6658. <li>Bug fix for completion</li>
  6659. <li>Remove word selection for completion</li>
  6660. <li>Mnemonic completion with hint support</li>
  6661. </ul>
  6662. <ul>
  6663. Change List in 1.1.2
  6664. <li>Bug fix for class cast exception</li>
  6665. </ul>
  6666. <ul>
  6667. Change List in 1.1.1
  6668. <li>Bug fix for datacontext between events</li>
  6669. <li>Minor bugs fixed</li>
  6670. </ul>
  6671. <ul>
  6672. Change List in 1.1
  6673. <li>Syntax color high light introduced by jsyntaxpane</li>
  6674. <li>Fix DZone snippet repository query logic</li>
  6675. <li>Fix regexlib.com snippet repository query logic</li>
  6676. <li>Minor bug fix </li>
  6677. </ul>
  6678. <ul>
  6679. Change List in 1.0.1
  6680. <li>Compiled by Jdk 1.5</li>
  6681. </ul>
  6682. <ul>
  6683. Change List in 1.0
  6684. <li>Initial Version </li>
  6685. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>4.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='235876' size='46091' date='1337717461000' url=''><name>Key promoter</name><id>Key promoter</id><description><![CDATA[Shows to user how easy he can make same action using only keyboard(menus and toolbar button mouse clicks initiates shortcut display)]]></description><version>1.0.11</version><vendor email='' url=''>Patrick Scheibe (originally Dmitry Kashin, former maintainer athiele)</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='107.587' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<ul>
  6686. <li> 1.0.11 </li>
  6687. <ul>
  6688. <li>Fixed "Plugin settings are reset to initial state on restart" - http://code.google.com/p/key-promoter/issues/detail?id=11 (thanks to Evgeny Shepelyuk)</li>
  6689. </ul>
  6690. <li> 1.0.10 </li>
  6691. <ul>
  6692. <li>Menus support for Windows fixed(probably for all platforms except Mac) - http://code.google.com/p/key-promoter/issues/detail?id=8</li>
  6693. <li>Multiple shortcuts supported(all of the rendered) - http://code.google.com/p/key-promoter/issues/detail?id=3</li>
  6694. </ul>
  6695. <li> 1.0.9 </li>
  6696. <ul>
  6697. <li>Idea 10.5 and 11 supported now</li>
  6698. <li>Position of popup in case of dual monitor configuration fixed</li>
  6699. <li>Popup appeared always on top now(for example over dialogs)</li>
  6700. </ul>
  6701. <li> 1.0.8 </li>
  6702. <ul>
  6703. <li> Maia and RubyMine (since 8000) compatible version. (RubyMine repack)</li>
  6704. </ul>
  6705. <li> 1.0.6 </li>
  6706. <ul>
  6707. <li> Selena (since 6767) compatible version. </li>
  6708. </ul>
  6709. <li> 1.0.4 </li>
  6710. <ul>
  6711. <li> NPE fixed. </li>
  6712. </ul>
  6713. <li> 1.0.3 </li>
  6714. <ul>
  6715. <li> Popup text template configurable now. </li>
  6716. <li> Possible to set number of uncshortcutted action invocation (or even turn off this feature by 0 value). </li>
  6717. <li> Minor improvements and bugfixes. </li>
  6718. </ul>
  6719. <li> 1.0.2 </li>
  6720. <ul>
  6721. <li> Popup redraw issues fixed. </li>
  6722. <li> Right click now ignored. </li>
  6723. <li> Refactored and source bundled with plugin (<a href="http://plugins.intellij.net/plugin/?id=1017">PluginPacker plugin</a> used for packaging). </li>
  6724. <li> Bugfixes. </li>
  6725. </ul>
  6726. <li> 1.0 </li>
  6727. <ul>
  6728. <li> Keyboard shortcut association suggested each 3 actio invocations by mouse(not possible to turn off be design :) ). </li>
  6729. <li> Popup UI impoved. </li>
  6730. <li> Fixed dialogs overlapping issue. </li>
  6731. </ul>
  6732. <li> 0.9 </li>
  6733. <ul>
  6734. <li> Popup follow the mouse possible now. </li>
  6735. <li> Per shortcut stats for invocations (count displayed in tip popup). </li>
  6736. </ul>
  6737. <li> 0.8 </li>
  6738. <ul>
  6739. <li> Previous shortcuts hiding once new appeared. </li>
  6740. <li> Alpha channel transparency for background added. </li>
  6741. </ul>
  6742. <li> 0.7 </li>
  6743. <ul>
  6744. <li> Added configuration </li>
  6745. <li> Added support for buttons that has mnemonics (disabled by default)(Known issue: For Mac Alt displayed as mnemonic trigger) </li>
  6746. </ul>
  6747. <li> 0.6 </li>
  6748. <ul>
  6749. <li> Tool window button click added </li>
  6750. <li> Animation changed </li>
  6751. <li> Mac menus clicks now supported (thanks to Yegor Yarko and Dmitry Jemerov) </li>
  6752. </ul>
  6753. </ul>
  6754. ]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>4.5</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='51303' size='6759' date='1371987555000' url='https://github.com/syllant/idea-plugin-linessorter'><name>Lines Sorter</name><id>org.sylfra.idea.plugins.linessorter</id><description><![CDATA[Add
  6755. <em>Sort Lines</em> action in
  6756. <em>Edit</em> menu to sort selected lines or whole file if selection is empty.]]></description><version>1.0.1</version><vendor email='syllant@gmail.com' url='https://github.com/syllant'>Sylvain FRANCOIS</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='90.10000' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<b>1.0.1</b> (06/23/2013)
  6757. <ul>
  6758. <li>Support for all IntelliJ Platform Products </li>
  6759. </ul>
  6760. <b>1.0</b> (01/16/2011)
  6761. <ul>
  6762. <li>Initial release </li>
  6763. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>4.8</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='38652' size='44676' date='1412022324000' url='https://github.com/sitano/intellij-code-outline/'><name>Code Outline 2</name><id>CodeOutline2</id><description><![CDATA[Shows a zoomed out &quot;outline&quot; of your code while you're editing it.]]></description><version>0.5.4</version><vendor email='john.koepi@gmail.com' url=''>Ivan</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='123.72' /><change-notes><![CDATA[0.5.4 - Fix NPE thrown when foremost window is not a text editor #10 - Help me choose an icon for panel, please!]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='41658' size='1467998' date='1504281783000' url=''><name>TextMate bundles support</name><id>org.jetbrains.plugins.textmate</id><description><![CDATA[This plugin provides TextMate bundles support]]></description><version>173.1961</version><vendor email='' url=''>JetBrains</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='173.1961' until-build='173.*'/><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>4.3</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='2711' size='2503' date='1370650392000' url=''><name>Tab to Next Splitter</name><id>com.jacksingleton.tabtonextsplitter</id><description><![CDATA[IntelliJ plugin to move the current editor tab to the next splitter window (with the keyboard)
  6764. <br /> This seems to currently only be possible by dragging a tab from one splitter pane to another using the mouse, making split pane mode very inconvenient.
  6765. <br /> Default key binding is 'shift alt tab'
  6766. <br /> https://github.com/jacksingleton/tab-to-next-splitter]]></description><version>0.3</version><vendor email='tabtonextsplitter@jacksingleton.com' url=''>Jack Singleton</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='107.105' /><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='458211' size='742872' date='1490503205000' url='https://github.com/Vektah/CodeGlance'><name>CodeGlance</name><id>net.vektah.codeglance</id><description><![CDATA[Embeds a code minimap similar to the one found in Sublime into the editor pane. Works with both light and dark themes using your customized colors for syntax highlighting.]]></description><version>1.5.2</version><vendor email='adam@vektah.net' url='https://github.com/Vektah/CodeGlance'>Vektah</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='107.105' /><change-notes><![CDATA[1.5.2
  6767. <ul>
  6768. <li>Add support for transparent backgrounds</li>
  6769. <li>Add an option to lock the width</li>
  6770. <li>Bugfix: Assertion error</li>
  6771. </ul> 1.5.1
  6772. <ul>
  6773. <li>Fix a bug that causes the minimap not to render</li>
  6774. <li>Added a min editor width to automatically disable codeglance. Thanks github.com/bukajsytlos</li>
  6775. </ul> 1.5.0
  6776. <ul>
  6777. <li>Complete overhaul of scrolling logic. Smoother, faster, more accurate</li>
  6778. <li>A cleaner look. Old renderer is available still in settings</li>
  6779. <li>Correctly renders multiple cursors</li>
  6780. <li>Fix a bug injecting into some custom editors</li>
  6781. <li>Don't automatically re-enable CodeGlance on boot</li>
  6782. </ul> 1.4.6
  6783. <ul>
  6784. <li>Add min and max documentWidth</li>
  6785. <li>Remove a useless warning</li>
  6786. <li>Fix a bug when encountering tokens past the end of the document</li>
  6787. </ul> 1.4.5
  6788. <ul>
  6789. <li>Add support for 171.3556 EAPs</li>
  6790. <li>Fix a race condition when folding</li>
  6791. </ul> 1.4.4
  6792. <ul>
  6793. <li>Increase maximum file size to 1MB, up from 20k</li>
  6794. </ul> 1.4.3
  6795. <ul>
  6796. <li>Fixed a memory leak</li>
  6797. <li>Reduced the total memory used to about half</li>
  6798. <li>Lots of dead bugs.</li>
  6799. </ul> 1.4.2
  6800. <ul>
  6801. <li>Bugfix: Disable retina scaling. This should fix some of the current retina issues.</li>
  6802. </ul> 1.4.1
  6803. <ul>
  6804. <li>Bugfix: NPE in getLine</li>
  6805. <li>Bugfix: Increase render queue to 1000 requests</li>
  6806. </ul> 1.4.0
  6807. <ul>
  6808. <li>Scrolling while hovering over the overview now works</li>
  6809. <li>Add a keybind to show/hide codeglance. Default is control shift G</li>
  6810. <li>Display editor selection in real time</li>
  6811. <li>Selection is now resizeable</li>
  6812. <li>Configurable viewport color</li>
  6813. </ul> 1.3.2: Fixed a memory leak 1.3.1: Fix a NPE in offsetToScreenSpace() 1.3.0: Folding support
  6814. <ul>
  6815. <li>Dragging is now relative to the start point. This means less sudden jumping around</li>
  6816. <li>This required some fairly heavy changes to the coordinate code.</li>
  6817. </ul> 1.2.3: Added scale config item!
  6818. <ul>
  6819. <li>Fix regression of 'Already disposed'</li>
  6820. <li>Added ability to disable CodeGlance without restarting</li>
  6821. </ul> 1.2.2: Added scale config item!
  6822. <ul>
  6823. <li>Fixed an NPE in PhpStorm</li>
  6824. <li>Fixed clicking on a section of code in a long file, dragging still behaves the same with percentage based movement.</li>
  6825. <li>Pixels per line is now configurable</li>
  6826. </ul> 1.2.1: Scale fixes
  6827. <ul>
  6828. <li>Fixed a rendering issue for osx with vertical stretching.</li>
  6829. <li>Fixes stretching of the view area when looking at large files.</li>
  6830. <li>Increased viewport visibility a touch.</li>
  6831. </ul> 1.2: Smaller with transparency
  6832. <ul>
  6833. <li>Now uses a transparent selection box and the maximum documentWidth is limited to 100 chars. This will probably become configurable</li>
  6834. <li>Increased the number of render jobs that can be in the queue</li>
  6835. <li>Improved handling of very long lines.</li>
  6836. </ul> 1.1a: Misc fixes
  6837. <ul>
  6838. <li>Use new BufferedImage instead of UiUtil for Idea 11.x compatibility.</li>
  6839. <li>Limited panel injection only to text editors</li>
  6840. <li>Fixed a bug with split panes not displaying correctly on restart</li>
  6841. </ul> 1.1: Small performance and aesthetic improvements
  6842. <ul>
  6843. <li>Optimized the rendering loop a little</li>
  6844. <li>Fixed a bug with scrolling in large files and the reticule not matching the top correctly.</li>
  6845. <li>Made character weighting non random, removes the 'film grain' effect when rapidly updating a document.</li>
  6846. </ul> 1.0: Initial release of the plugin:
  6847. <ul>
  6848. <li>Worker thread for rendering</li>
  6849. <li>Color rendering using intelij's tokenizer</li>
  6850. <li>Scrollable!</li>
  6851. <li>- Embedded into editor window</li>
  6852. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>4.9</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='815' size='112988' date='1511036607000' url=''><name>Sticky Selection</name><id>com.mnw.stickyselection</id><description><![CDATA[You can mark a selection to be permanently highlighted, even when your caret moves away. Inspired by "Style token" of Notepad++.
  6853. <br>You can define an arbitrary number of Paint Groups. Selecting the appropriate editor action (keystroke or context menu), the all occurrences of currently selected text will be added to the Paint Group and will be permanently highlighted (until you clear the selection with an other editor action). So you can have different text fragments to be selected with the same Paint Group. The Paint Groups are kept when IntelliJ is closed.
  6854. <ul>
  6855. <li>You can set different colours for each Paint Group </li>
  6856. <li>You can set a marker to be visible on the right side of the editor </li>
  6857. <li>You can add multiple selections to the same group </li>
  6858. <li>You can convert a Paint Group to multi caret selection (and thus edit, copy, delete, etc. it) </li>
  6859. <li>For convenience you can undo the last addition (until the document is edited) </li>
  6860. <li>You can cycle through each element in a given Paint Group or in all Paint Groups </li>
  6861. <li>Keymap actions are added dynamically for paint, clear and convert as you add more Paint Group </li>
  6862. </ul>
  6863. <br>Undo works up until the document is changed, or the editor is closed. Navigating in a specific Paint Group works like this:
  6864. <ul>
  6865. <li>If the caret is inside a Paint Group upcoming navigation will move caret among the Paints in that Paint Group. </li>
  6866. <li>If the caret is not inside a Paint Group the plugin will find the closest selection (in the direction the navigation happens), and will select that Paint Group for upcoming navigation </li>
  6867. <li>In the setting you can select if you wish the navigation to continue from the beginning of the document when you have reached the end of the document (or from the end if you have reached the beginning, when navigating to the other direction) </li>
  6868. <li>If caret is moved, decision starts from the beginning. </li>
  6869. </ul>
  6870. <br>Default shortcuts (but I highly encourage to define your own or at least check with your current shortcuts)&gt;
  6871. <ul>
  6872. <li>Press <em>Ctrl + Alt + F9</em> to paint a selection (showing popup for selecting Paint Group). If nothing is selected, then the plugin tries to select automatically the word or block under the caret. </li>
  6873. <li>Press <em>Ctrl + Alt + F10</em> than <em>F9</em> to clear a selection (showing popup for selecting Paint Group). </li>
  6874. <li>Press <em>Ctrl + Alt + F10</em> than <em>F10</em> to clear all selections. </li>
  6875. <li>Press <em>Ctrl + Alt + F8</em> to undo last selection. </li>
  6876. <li>Press <em>Ctrl + Alt + quote</em> to navigate to next Paint in the current Paint Group. </li>
  6877. <li>Press <em>Ctrl + Alt + semicolon</em> to navigate to previous Paint in the current Paint Group. </li>
  6878. </ul>
  6879. <br>Note: control + alt on Mac is (I guess) meta + alt
  6880. <p>If you find this plugin useful, please consider inviting me for a beer. I develop this plugin in my free time and I'm more motivated when I have a beer on desk :-) <br> http://PayPal.Me/mnwDevelopment/</p>]]></description><version>2.4</version><vendor email='mikinw.development@gmail.com' url='https://github.com/mikinw/StickySelection'>MikiNW</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='135.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[v2.4 fixed: exception when changing color, fixed: lingering highlights when changing color
  6881. <br> v2.3 fixed: caret can jump to deleted highlight, fixed: preferences page does not respond to Paint Group changes, fixed: exception after "paint, convert, paint, undo"
  6882. <br> v2.2 fixed: exception during first start, fixed: incorrectly restored Paint after reopening the IDE (when the document has changed)
  6883. <br> v2.1 persisting selections when IDE gets closed
  6884. <br> v2.0 redesign and lots of new features (navigation, convert, arbitrary number of groups, visual hints, undo)
  6885. <br> v1.2
  6886. <br> v1.0 this is the first release
  6887. <br>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='16792' size='45298868' date='1390025767000' url=''><name>CocosEditor(IDEA13)</name><id>com.makeapp.cocos2dx</id><description><![CDATA[IDE to create multi platform Cocos2d-x games using Javascript or Lua Script.
  6888. <br /> With Cocos2d-x Editor you can:
  6889. <ul>
  6890. <li>Develop Cocos2d-x games on Windows, Mac OS </li>
  6891. <li>Scene design you can add labels,label menu items, image label items, sprite from image files and from texture atlas files, create animations from texture atlas.</li>
  6892. <li>New layers to the scene can be added. </li>
  6893. <li>The property grid allows to change any property to the nodes or layers. </li>
  6894. <li>Add folders, images, textures, lua files and sounds to the project. </li>
  6895. <li>Create a Cocos2d-x JavaScript game for both native and web (Lua game for native only). </li>
  6896. <li>Develop games with call tip hints and autocompletion of cocos2d-x JavaScript API. </li>
  6897. <li>A texture packer is included in the solution, can create a texture atlas or edit an existing one. </li>
  6898. <li>Debug JavaScript codes easily(3.0Alpha1+). </li>
  6899. <li>The simulator supports multi device sizes and zooming.</li>
  6900. <li>Publish your game for Android ,IOS , web and desktop with only one click. </li>
  6901. <li>Support IntelliJ IDEA (Ultimate Edition | Community Edition),Android Studio. </li>
  6902. </ul> http://blog.makeapp.co/]]></description><version>1.0-beta</version><vendor email='support@makeapp.co' url='http://blog.makeapp.co'>Shanghai YiJun Network Info Technologies Inc.</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='133.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<ul>
  6903. Change list in 1.0-beta:
  6904. <br />
  6905. <li>Support IntelliJ IDEA (Ultimate Edition | Community Edition),Android Studio</li>
  6906. <li>Support Mac system</li>
  6907. <li>Optimize animation designer.</li>
  6908. <li>bug fix.</li>
  6909. </ul>
  6910. <ul>
  6911. Change list in 1.0-alpha2:
  6912. <br />
  6913. <li>new particles system and designer.</li>
  6914. <li>optimize Scene designer.</li>
  6915. <li>bug fix.</li>
  6916. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.ui-designer-new</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='25710' size='71691' date='1450284954000' url=''><name>Base64 Helper</name><id>com.mnr.java.intellij.idea.plugin.base64helper</id><description><![CDATA[It's a plugin to encode/decode [hex]string, based on Base64 algorithm.
  6917. <br />]]></description><version>1.8</version><vendor email='' url=''>MNR</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='107.105' /><change-notes><![CDATA[version 1.8:
  6918. <ul>
  6919. <li>Bug fix, the undo doesn't work sometimes</li>
  6920. <li>Update the license info</li>
  6921. </ul> version 1.7:
  6922. <ul>
  6923. <li>Fix the typos inside the plugin.xml</li>
  6924. </ul> version 1.6:
  6925. <ul>
  6926. <li>Get back to use JDK 6, to be compatible with older projects</li>
  6927. </ul> version 1.5:
  6928. <ul>
  6929. <li>Bug fix, shouldn't try to modify a read-only document</li>
  6930. </ul> version 1.4:
  6931. <ul>
  6932. <li>Bug fix, wrong line separators exception</li>
  6933. </ul> version 1.3:
  6934. <ul>
  6935. <li>Modify structure to support independent popup menu</li>
  6936. <li>Change shortcut because last one had conflict with IntelliJ default shortcut (Ctrl+Alt+6)</li>
  6937. </ul> version 1.2:
  6938. <ul>
  6939. <li>Add shortcuts (Ctrl+Alt+B)</li>
  6940. </ul> version 1.1:
  6941. <ul>
  6942. <li>Supports undo/redo in IDE editor</li>
  6943. </ul> version 1.0:
  6944. <ul>
  6945. <li>Initial release</li>
  6946. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='23425' size='10295' date='1396186139000' url=''><name>Relative Line Numbers</name><id>org.vayafulano.relativeLineNumbers</id><description><![CDATA[<p>Simple plugin to show line numbers relative to the current caret position.</p>
  6947. <p>Specially useful if you are using IdeaVim and want to quickly move the caret a few lines up or down from the current position.</p>]]></description><version>1.0.1</version><vendor email='' url=''>@vayafulano</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='107.105' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<p>1.0.1:</p>
  6948. <ul>
  6949. <li>Enable / Disable the plugin in &quot;Tools &gt; Relative line numbers plugin &gt; Enable&quot;</li>
  6950. <li>Show current line number on caret's position under &quot;Tools &gt; Relative line numbers plugin &gt; Show current line&quot;</li>
  6951. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>4.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='1395' size='11426' date='1394748509000' url=''><name>LineOps</name><id>net.kodare.lineops</id><description><![CDATA[Operations on lines:
  6952. <ul>
  6953. <li>Batch bookmark lines</li>
  6954. <li>Invert bookmarks</li>
  6955. <li>Clear bookmarks</li>
  6956. <li>Copy bookmarked lines</li>
  6957. <li>Cut bookmarked lines</li>
  6958. <li>Delete bookmarked lines</li>
  6959. </ul>]]></description><version>1.0</version><vendor email='boxed@killingar.net' url=''>Kodare</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='123.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Add change notes here.
  6960. <br />
  6961. <em>most HTML tags may be used</em>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='4674' size='7992' date='1401345626000' url=''><name>Front End Alignment</name><id>intellij.frontendalignment</id><description><![CDATA[Front End Alignment provides a simple action 'Regex Align' for aligning selected lines of code according to a regular expression.]]></description><version>1.1</version><vendor email='' url='https://github.com/jmulieri/front-end-alignment'>Jon Mulieri</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='107.105' /><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='6202' size='41650' date='1472140076000' url=''><name>Tab Shifter</name><id>socrates.tabshifter</id><description><![CDATA[This is a plugin with a bunch of actions to move tabs between editor splits and resize splits. Actions are added to "Main Menu -&gt; Window -&gt; Tab Shifter".
  6962. <br> OSX shortcuts:
  6963. <ul>
  6964. <li>ctrl+alt+] - shift tab right</li>
  6965. <li>ctrl+alt+[ - shift tab left</li>
  6966. <li>ctrl+alt+P - shift tab up</li>
  6967. <li>ctrl+alt+; - shift tab down</li>
  6968. <li>alt+ctrl+[ - stretch split left</li>
  6969. <li>alt+ctrl+] - stretch split right</li>
  6970. </ul> Other OS shortcuts:
  6971. <ul>
  6972. <li>alt+shift+] - shift tab right</li>
  6973. <li>alt+shift+[ - shift tab left</li>
  6974. <li>alt+shift+P - shift tab up</li>
  6975. <li>alt+shift+; - shift tab down</li>
  6976. <li>ctrl+alt+[ - stretch split left</li>
  6977. <li>ctrl+alt+] - stretch split right</li>
  6978. </ul> To move focus between splits:
  6979. <ul>
  6980. <li>ctrl+alt+shift+] - right</li>
  6981. <li>ctrl+alt+shift+[ - left</li>
  6982. <li>ctrl+alt+shift+P - up</li>
  6983. <li>ctrl+alt+shift+; - down</li>
  6984. <li>ctrl+alt+. - recommended binding for built-in Goto Next Splitter action</li>
  6985. </ul> These actions are similar to built-in "Move Right/Down" tab actions and essentially fix usability issues. If you like the idea, please vote for
  6986. <a href="https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-68692" rel="nofollow">this issue on youtrack</a>. For more details see
  6987. <a href="https://github.com/dkandalov/tab-shift" rel="nofollow">GitHub page</a>.
  6988. <br>
  6989. <br> Plugin idea by
  6990. <a href="https://twitter.com/sandromancuso" rel="nofollow">Sandro Mancuso</a> at
  6991. <a href="http://socratesuk.org/" rel="nofollow">SoCraTes UK 2013</a>. Created using
  6992. <a href="https://github.com/dkandalov/live-plugin" rel="nofollow">LivePlugin</a>.]]></description><version>0.25</version><vendor email='dmitry.kandalov@gmail.com' url='https://github.com/dkandalov/tab-shifter'>Dmitry Kandalov</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='111.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='19002' size='136740' date='1425601849000' url=''><name>Copy/Paste Stack</name><id>com.kstenschke.copypastestack</id><description><![CDATA[Copy/paste stack is an advanced copy history manager including a clipboard viewer.
  6993. <br /> The plugin adds a tool window of copy history items, similar to the standard copy history built-in, but possible to be kept persistently open and with some additional features:
  6994. <br />
  6995. <ul>
  6996. <li>Copy/paste stack provides an unlimited long list of of copied string items, from the current and recent sessions. Copy/paste stack caches its content, allowing you to keep copied items for as long as needed (instead of limiting their availability to the current editing session). </li>
  6997. <li>The full text of selected copied items can be previewed in an editable text pane.</li>
  6998. <li>One or multiple selected items can be inserted into the editor via [ENTER] key, [SPACE] or double click, and can be copied back to the clipboard </li>
  6999. <li>Items are automatically trimmed from surrounding whitespace.</li>
  7000. <li>The list of copied items can be sorted chronologically or alphabetically, and grouped using color tags</li>
  7001. <li>When pasting items back into the editor, they can be wrapped with a prefix and postfix string, and a delimiter when pasting multiple items at once. </li>
  7002. <li>The plugin also includes a viewer for the current textual or image clipboard contents</li>
  7003. </ul>
  7004. <br />Please note: This plugin is distributed on an &quot;AS IS&quot; BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.]]></description><version>1.1.5</version><vendor email='kay@coexec.com' url='http://www.coexec.com/'>Kay Stenschke</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='131.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<ul>
  7005. <li>1.1.5 Corrected Meta-Info</li>
  7006. <li>1.1.4 Made UI more intuitive: changed order of copy and paste buttons in menu</li>
  7007. <li>1.1.3 Added undo/redo capability to clip preview editor</li>
  7008. <li>1.1.2
  7009. <ul>
  7010. <li>Improved compatibility: color tagging clip items did not work with Java VMs &lt; 1.7</li>
  7011. <li>Replaced inline textarea with jEditor</li>
  7012. <li>Added optional right-to-left detection, toggeling editor orientation</li>
  7013. </ul> </li>
  7014. <li>1.1.1&gt;
  7015. <ul>
  7016. <li>Bugfix: Inserting items did not replace but insert after a given selection</li>
  7017. <li>Added refresh button for current clipboard viewer</li>
  7018. </ul> </li>
  7019. <li>1.1.0
  7020. <ul>
  7021. <li>Added viewer for current clipboard contents (text and image)</li>
  7022. <li>Added grouping of copy items by color tags (click refresh to update color sorting)</li>
  7023. <li>Reduced inline changelog to previous five items, added separate full changelog</li>
  7024. </ul> </li>
  7025. </ul>
  7026. <br />
  7027. <a href="https://github.com/kstenschke/copypastestack-plugin/blob/master/CHANGELOG.textile" rel="nofollow">...Read full changelog on github</a>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='312' size='823006' date='1502441856000' url=''><name>open file to pane plugin</name><id>siosio.FileOpenPlugin</id><description><![CDATA[open file to left or right pane.]]></description><version>0.5</version><vendor email='siosio12@gmail.com' url=''>siosio</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='172.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<p>0.2</p> menu label was changed.
  7028. <br>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='3804' size='6792555' date='1515592780000' url=''><name>TagMyCode</name><id>com.tagmycode.intellij</id><description><![CDATA[Provides the support for
  7029. <a href="https://tagmycode.com" rel="nofollow">TagMyCode</a>.
  7030. <br> This plugin allows you to manage your own snippets.
  7031. <br>
  7032. <br>
  7033. <b>Features:</b>
  7034. <br> * Add snippets: you can save your code snippets including description, language, and tags
  7035. <br> * Snippets management (CRUD): snippets are stored locally and you can filter, sort, create, modify, edit or delete them directly from the IDE
  7036. <br> * Quick search: you can search your snippets and insert them directly into the document
  7037. <br>]]></description><version>2.1.1</version><vendor email='support@tagmycode.com' url='https://tagmycode.com'>TagMyCode</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='133.696' /><change-notes><![CDATA[* Quick Search dialog is now resizable
  7038. <br> * fixed bug: NoClassDefFound CredentialAttributes
  7039. <br> * fixed syntax highlight for PHP and HTML * if refresh token is not valid user will be automatically logged out]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='5107' size='16967' date='1466358826000' url=''><name>Fast-Scrolling</name><id>de.santiv.fastscrolling</id><description><![CDATA[<strong>Fast-Scrolling</strong> is a small plugin, that allows you to scroll up and down faster in a big file, by holding a configurable key (the default key is
  7040. <em>[CTRL]</em>) and moving the mouse wheel.
  7041. <br> If you any problems try to change the hotkey to
  7042. <em>[ALT]</em>.
  7043. <br> Inspired by the scrolling behavior of Eclipse.
  7044. <br>]]></description><version>1.2</version><vendor email='sven@santiv.de' url='http://santiv.de/'>Sven Drees</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='131.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Enable plugin support for other platforms (only tested with PhpStorm 8.0.1). Changing default step to 500 for a better experience.]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>4.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='9170' size='4505' date='1474015760000' url=''><name>Scroll From Source</name><id>luonq.ScrollFromSource</id><description><![CDATA[Set the keyboard shortcut to the function of "Scroll From Source" in Project Panel.
  7045. <br>
  7046. <br> You can set the special shortcut by yourself to all OS(Window/Linux/Mac)
  7047. <br>
  7048. <br> Default shortcut is Command+Control+S for Mac.
  7049. <br>]]></description><version>1.1.3</version><vendor email='qinnanluo@sina.com' url='https://github.com/luonanqin/intellij-idea-plugins/tree/master/ScrollFromSource'>luonanqin</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='143.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<p>1.1.3:</p>
  7050. <ul>
  7051. <li>Fix: disable all null judgement</li>
  7052. </ul>
  7053. <p>1.1.2:</p>
  7054. <ul>
  7055. <li>Fix: Prevent null pointer error when PhpStorm 10 cannot find project window</li>
  7056. </ul>
  7057. <p>1.1.1:</p>
  7058. <ul>
  7059. <li>Fix: Open the project window if it's closed</li>
  7060. </ul>
  7061. <p>1.1.0:</p>
  7062. <ul>
  7063. <li>Discard use reflecting to solve this problem</li>
  7064. <li>Fix bug to adapt Intellij idea 15 &amp; WebStorm 11</li>
  7065. </ul>
  7066. <p>1.0.1:</p>
  7067. <ul>
  7068. <li>Fix bug to adapt Intellij idea 14</li>
  7069. </ul>
  7070. <p>1.0.0:</p>
  7071. <ul>
  7072. <li>Initial version</li>
  7073. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='2754' size='1953' date='1418666702000' url=''><name>Non Project Files Unlocker</name><id>krasa.nonProjectFilesUnlocker</id><description><![CDATA[Disables annoying dialog for unlocking non-project files -
  7074. <a href="https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-125379" rel="nofollow">IDEA-125379</a>.]]></description><version>1.1</version><vendor email='vojta.krasa@gmail.com' url=''>Vojtech Krasa</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='139.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>4.9</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='833' size='5652' date='1422373035000' url=''><name>KopyPasta</name><id>com.robinmalfait.KopyPasta</id><description><![CDATA[<p>A nice and simple plugin to share your code!</p>
  7075. <p>Your code will be send to kopy.io and the link will be in your clipboard.</p>
  7076. <p>It will also open your default browser for you!</p> Usage:
  7077. <p>In any file you can generate a new KopyPasta! just press your generate shortcut. Code -&gt; Generate.</p>]]></description><version>1.3</version><vendor email='malfait.robin@gmail.com' url='https://robinmalfait.com/'>Robin Malfait</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='131.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<ul>
  7078. <li>Selection is better now.</li>
  7079. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='56848' size='260327908' date='1485382433000' url=''><name>gfm</name><id>com.github.shyykoserhiy.gfm</id><description><![CDATA[<p>GitHub markdown plugin for intellij platform.</p> Features
  7080. <ul>
  7081. <li>GitHub flavored preview.</li>
  7082. <li>Full offline support.</li>
  7083. <li>Plays well with other markdown plugins.</li>
  7084. </ul> License
  7085. <p><a href="http://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php" rel="nofollow">MIT License</a>.</p>
  7086. <p>Many thanks to the <a href="http://www.teamdev.com" rel="nofollow">TeamDev</a> for providing a free license for <a href="http://www.teamdev.com/jxbrowser" rel="nofollow">JxBrowser</a>, an amazing lightweight Chromium-based Swing/JavaFX component.</p>]]></description><version>0.1.13</version><vendor email='shyyko.serhiy@gmail.com' url='https://github.com/shyykoserhiy/gfm-plugin'>Shyyko Serhiy</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='131.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<p> <b>0.1.13</b> </p>
  7087. <ul>
  7088. <li> Fixed <a href="https://github.com/ShyykoSerhiy/gfm-plugin/issues/106" rel="nofollow">Local images are not loaded properly (fixed by https://github.com/demotodo).</a> </li>
  7089. </ul>
  7090. <b>0.1.12</b>
  7091. <ul>
  7092. <li> Fixed <a href="https://github.com/ShyykoSerhiy/gfm-plugin/issues/115" rel="nofollow">Invalid editor created by provider com.github.shyykoserhiy.gfm.editor.GfmPreviewProvider</a> </li>
  7093. </ul>
  7094. <b>0.1.11</b>
  7095. <ul>
  7096. <li> Fixed <a href="https://github.com/ShyykoSerhiy/gfm-plugin/issues/113" rel="nofollow">Editor of class com.intellij.openapi.editor.impl.EditorImpl hasn't been released</a> </li>
  7097. </ul>
  7098. <b>0.1.10</b>
  7099. <ul>
  7100. <li> Resolved <a href="https://github.com/ShyykoSerhiy/gfm-plugin/issues/105" rel="nofollow">Update width of preview to match updated GitHub CSS</a> </li>
  7101. </ul>
  7102. <b>0.1.9</b>
  7103. <ul>
  7104. <li> Fixed <a href="https://github.com/ShyykoSerhiy/gfm-plugin/issues/103" rel="nofollow">Gfm does not retain encoding in Windows, garbles non-ASCII text</a> </li>
  7105. <li> Fixed <a href="https://github.com/ShyykoSerhiy/gfm-plugin/issues/102" rel="nofollow">Chinese garbled on Windows platform</a> </li>
  7106. <li> Fixed <a href="https://github.com/ShyykoSerhiy/gfm-plugin/issues/68" rel="nofollow">German umlauts (ä,ö,ü,ß)</a> </li>
  7107. <li> Fixed <a href="https://github.com/ShyykoSerhiy/gfm-plugin/issues/64" rel="nofollow">Cyrillic support</a> </li>
  7108. </ul>
  7109. <b>0.1.8</b>
  7110. <ul>
  7111. <li> Fixed <a href="https://github.com/ShyykoSerhiy/gfm-plugin/issues/91" rel="nofollow">Doesnt work with Mac and IntelliJ 15 Preview (JNA incompatibility)</a> </li>
  7112. </ul>
  7113. <b>0.1.7</b>
  7114. <ul>
  7115. <li> Fixed <a href="https://github.com/ShyykoSerhiy/gfm-plugin/issues/89" rel="nofollow">Windows 10 support(on some versions of jre)</a> </li>
  7116. </ul>
  7117. <b>0.1.6</b>
  7118. <ul>
  7119. <li> Resolved <a href="https://github.com/ShyykoSerhiy/gfm-plugin/issues/75" rel="nofollow">Change css textArea in settings to editor</a> </li>
  7120. <li> Resolved <a href="https://github.com/ShyykoSerhiy/gfm-plugin/issues/67" rel="nofollow">Syntax coloring would be a really nice enhancement!</a> </li>
  7121. <li> Resolved <a href="https://github.com/ShyykoSerhiy/gfm-plugin/issues/65" rel="nofollow">Export html</a> </li>
  7122. <li> Resolved <a href="https://github.com/ShyykoSerhiy/gfm-plugin/issues/60" rel="nofollow">Simple Web Viewer</a> </li>
  7123. <li> Resolved <a href="https://github.com/ShyykoSerhiy/gfm-plugin/issues/23" rel="nofollow">Add export to html</a> </li>
  7124. <li> Fixed <a href="https://github.com/ShyykoSerhiy/gfm-plugin/issues/82" rel="nofollow">Back button doesn't work in JxBrowser</a> </li>
  7125. <li> Fixed <a href="https://github.com/ShyykoSerhiy/gfm-plugin/issues/80" rel="nofollow">Hot(js) refresh of markdown is broken in master</a> </li>
  7126. </ul>
  7127. <b>0.1.5</b>
  7128. <ul>
  7129. <li> Resolved <a href="https://github.com/ShyykoSerhiy/gfm-plugin/issues/70" rel="nofollow">Update JxBrowser to 5.4</a> </li>
  7130. <li> Resolved <a href="https://github.com/ShyykoSerhiy/gfm-plugin/issues/73" rel="nofollow">Darcula Scheme support (dark background, light font)</a> </li>
  7131. <li> Fixed <a href="https://github.com/ShyykoSerhiy/gfm-plugin/issues/69" rel="nofollow">IDE Fatal Error: IPC process exited. Exit code: 127</a> </li>
  7132. </ul>
  7133. <b>0.1.4</b>
  7134. <ul>
  7135. <li> Resolved <a href="https://github.com/ShyykoSerhiy/gfm-plugin/issues/53" rel="nofollow">add option for fixed vs. full-width rendering</a> </li>
  7136. <li> Fixed <a href="https://github.com/ShyykoSerhiy/gfm-plugin/issues/57" rel="nofollow">CJK Support</a> </li>
  7137. <li> Fixed <a href="https://github.com/ShyykoSerhiy/gfm-plugin/issues/49" rel="nofollow">Reload button doesn't work properly.</a> </li>
  7138. </ul>
  7139. <b>0.1.3</b>
  7140. <ul>
  7141. <li> Fixed <a href="https://github.com/ShyykoSerhiy/gfm-plugin/issues/47" rel="nofollow">Listeners are not released in Preview after close.</a> </li>
  7142. <li> Fixed <a href="https://github.com/ShyykoSerhiy/gfm-plugin/issues/44" rel="nofollow">Error message: Channel is already closed.</a> </li>
  7143. <li> Fixed <a href="https://github.com/ShyykoSerhiy/gfm-plugin/issues/43" rel="nofollow">Preview is reloaded even if tab is not truly visible.</a> </li>
  7144. <li> Resolved <a href="https://github.com/ShyykoSerhiy/gfm-plugin/issues/42" rel="nofollow">Option to merge/replace Markdown preview tab with gfm tab.</a> </li>
  7145. <li> Fixed <a href="https://github.com/ShyykoSerhiy/gfm-plugin/issues/30" rel="nofollow">Maintain scroll position for preview(Jx).</a> </li>
  7146. <li> Fixed <a href="https://github.com/ShyykoSerhiy/gfm-plugin/issues/29" rel="nofollow">Maintain scroll position for preview(FX).</a> </li>
  7147. </ul>
  7148. <b>0.1.2</b>
  7149. <ul>
  7150. <li> Fixed <a href="https://github.com/ShyykoSerhiy/gfm-plugin/issues/24" rel="nofollow">Add popup for "not supported offline generation platform".</a> </li>
  7151. <li> Fixed <a href="https://github.com/ShyykoSerhiy/gfm-plugin/issues/35" rel="nofollow">Add warning if offline is NOT supported and fallback to online.</a> </li>
  7152. <li> Fixed <a href="https://github.com/ShyykoSerhiy/gfm-plugin/issues/33" rel="nofollow">Empty preview on Win 7(64bit).</a> </li>
  7153. </ul>
  7154. <b>0.1.1</b>
  7155. <ul>
  7156. <li> Fixed <a href="https://github.com/ShyykoSerhiy/gfm-plugin/issues/27" rel="nofollow">Memory leak with JXBrowser (not disposed in GfmPreviewJX)</a> </li>
  7157. </ul>
  7158. <b>0.1.0</b>
  7159. <ul>
  7160. <li> Added JxBrowser as more reliable rendering engine than Java FX WebView or Lobo. </li>
  7161. </ul>
  7162. <b>0.0.6</b>
  7163. <ul>
  7164. <li> Added offline generation(default). Minor bug fixes. </li>
  7165. <li> Resolved <a href="https://github.com/ShyykoSerhiy/gfm-plugin/issues/21" rel="nofollow">cross compile c markdown libraries</a> </li>
  7166. <li> Resolved <a href="https://github.com/ShyykoSerhiy/gfm-plugin/issues/22" rel="nofollow">add option to prefer offline generation all the time in settings</a> </li>
  7167. <li> Resolved <a href="https://github.com/ShyykoSerhiy/gfm-plugin/issues/5" rel="nofollow">Add offline generation</a> </li>
  7168. <li> Resolved <a href="https://github.com/ShyykoSerhiy/gfm-plugin/issues/19" rel="nofollow">Add offline generation using https://rubygems.org/gems/github-markdown.</a> </li>
  7169. </ul>
  7170. <b>0.0.5</b>
  7171. <ul>
  7172. <li> Fixed <a href="https://github.com/ShyykoSerhiy/gfm-plugin/issues/16" rel="nofollow">"java.io.IOException: $APP_CONFIG not found" when IntelliJ looses focus.</a> </li>
  7173. </ul>
  7174. <b>0.0.4</b>
  7175. <ul>
  7176. <li> Fixed <a href="https://github.com/ShyykoSerhiy/gfm-plugin/issues/9" rel="nofollow">Preview is not updated after external document change.</a> </li>
  7177. <li> Resolved <a href="https://github.com/ShyykoSerhiy/gfm-plugin/issues/6" rel="nofollow">Add a way to reload preview (button, hotkey).</a> </li>
  7178. <li> Resolved <a href="https://github.com/ShyykoSerhiy/gfm-plugin/issues/13" rel="nofollow">Refactor GfmPreviewXXX to extend AbstractGfmPreview.</a> </li>
  7179. <li> Resolved <a href="https://github.com/ShyykoSerhiy/gfm-plugin/issues/10" rel="nofollow">Add to settings ability to prefer Lobo over JFX as more lightweight solution.</a> </li>
  7180. </ul>
  7181. <b>0.0.3</b>
  7182. <ul>
  7183. <li> Fixed <a href="https://github.com/ShyykoSerhiy/gfm-plugin/issues/4" rel="nofollow">Preview is cut when preview window is small.</a> </li>
  7184. <li> Fixed <a href="https://github.com/ShyykoSerhiy/gfm-plugin/issues/2" rel="nofollow">Header is always README.md.</a> </li>
  7185. <li> Fixed <a rel="nofollow">Css styles not render if plugin is deployed as jar file.</a> </li>
  7186. </ul>
  7187. <b>0.0.2</b>
  7188. <ul>
  7189. <li> Fixed <a href="https://github.com/ShyykoSerhiy/gfm-plugin/issues/1" rel="nofollow">Css styles not applied(github removed css from cdn)</a> </li>
  7190. </ul>
  7191. <b>0.0.1</b>
  7192. <ul>
  7193. <li> Initial version. </li>
  7194. </ul>
  7195. <p></p>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>4.6</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='562' size='626112' date='1435873368000' url=''><name>Spell Checker Bulgarian Dictionary</name><id>SpellChecker-Dict-Bulgarian</id><description><![CDATA[Standard bulgarian dictionary for Spell Checker plugin]]></description><version>1.0</version><vendor email='' url=''>Angel Zaprianov</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='1.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>SpellChecker</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='7058' size='215746' date='1448062344000' url=''><name>Emacs+</name><id>com.mulgasoft.emacsplus</id><description><![CDATA[<p>Emacs like enhancements for IntelliJ IDEA. The new keymaps <b>Emacs+</b> and <b>Mac Emacs+</b>:</p>
  7196. <ul>
  7197. <li>Add comment commands, including a reasonable comment-dwim <b><i>M-;</i></b> and comment-next/previous/kill for files whose language is <i>backed</i> by a Psi file</li>
  7198. <li>Implement Emacs style forward-word <b><i>M-f</i></b> and backward-word <b><i>M-b</i></b></li>
  7199. <li>Enhance <b><i>C-s</i></b> and <b><i>C-r</i></b> to support additional sub-commands on the search string, including:
  7200. <ul>
  7201. <li>isearch yank commands <b><i>C-w</i></b>, <b><i>C-y</i></b>, <b><i>M-y</i></b> and <b><i>C-M-y</i></b></li>
  7202. <li>isearch history <b><i>M-n</i></b> and <b><i>M-p</i></b></li>
  7203. <li>state toggles <b><i>M-c, M-m, M-w</i></b> and <b><i>M-r</i></b></li>
  7204. <li>proper exiting behavior on <b><i>C-g</i></b> and <b><i>ENTER</i></b></li>
  7205. </ul> <br /> </li>
  7206. <li>Extend the default Kill Ring behavior so that the following bindings behave as expected:
  7207. <ul>
  7208. <li>yank <b><i>C-y</i></b>, yank-pop <b><i>M-y</i></b> and append-next-kill <b><i>C-M-w</i></b> </li>
  7209. </ul> <br /> </li>
  7210. <li>Enhance <b><i>C-x b</i></b> to respond to more keystrokes (e.g. <b><i>C-g, C-n, C-p</i></b>, etc.) and use <i>Recent Files</i> for searches</li>
  7211. <br />
  7212. <li>Implement tri-state recenter <b><i>C-l</i></b></li>
  7213. <li>Implement most of the expected case, space and transposition commands</li>
  7214. <li>Add basic movement bindings on some, but not all, tool windows</li>
  7215. <li>Add <b><i>C-g</i></b> on some, but not all, tool windows and dialogs</li>
  7216. <li>Add <b><i>C-x 1</i></b> and <b><i>C-x 0</i></b> in tool windows</li>
  7217. <li>Add Command as Meta on MacOS when using the <b>Mac Emacs+</b> keymap</li>
  7218. <li>Add assorted bindings of IntelliJ commands to more closely emulate Emacs</li>
  7219. </ul>
  7220. <br />]]></description><version>0.3.200</version><vendor email='support@mulgasoft.com' url='http://www.mulgasoft.com/intellemacsplus'>MulgaSoft</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='131.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<i>β 0.3.200</i>
  7221. <br />
  7222. <ul>
  7223. <li>Restore isearch changes after IntelliJ's backward incompatible changes in IDEA 15</li>
  7224. <br />
  7225. <li>Add back-to-indentation <b><i>M-m</i></b></li>
  7226. <li>Add delete-indentation <b><i>M-^</i></b> (and <b><i>C-u M-^</i></b>)</li>
  7227. </ul>
  7228. <i>β 0.3.110</i>
  7229. <br />
  7230. <ul>
  7231. <li>Support multiple carets in comment commands</li>
  7232. <li>Support additional movement commands on <b><i>C-x b</i></b></li>
  7233. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>4.2</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='2012' size='14714' date='1448249682000' url=''><name>Joined / Wraparound / Continuous Tab Scrolling</name><id>com.jawspeak.joined-tab-scrolling</id><description><![CDATA[<p>Let multiple tabs scroll continuously together. Two side by side let you see more code in context on a widescreen monitor. (Or have multiple, not limited to two).</p>
  7234. <p>Works great with <a href="https://github.com/Vektah/CodeGlance" rel="nofollow">CodeGlance</a> for a Sublime style preview pane in the right gutter.</p>
  7235. <p>TODO - lots more.<br /> This is Alpha, so may be buggy. Report any issues here: <a href="https://github.com/jawspeak/intellij-joined-tab-scrolling/issues" rel="nofollow">https://github.com/jawspeak/intellij-joined-tab-scrolling/issues</a>.</p>]]></description><version>0.3-alpha</version><vendor email='' url='https://github.com/jawspeak/intellij-joined-tab-scrolling/issues'>Joined Tab Scrolling issue tracker</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='131.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[0.3-alpha released!]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>4.3</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='18714' size='2010264' date='1506787964000' url=''><name>IDEA Mind Map</name><id>nb-mind-map-idea</id><description><![CDATA[<img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/raydac/netbeans-mmd-plugin/master/assets/screenshotIdeaThumb.jpg">
  7236. <br> IDE-integrated mind map editor, it is ported version of
  7237. <a href="http://www.igormaznitsa.com/netbeans-mmd-plugin/" rel="nofollow">the NetBeans Mind Map editor</a>. It allows to create and edit mind maps represented by MMD files. The Editor allows to keep simple text notes, web links and links to files just in mind map topics.
  7238. <br>
  7239. <ul>
  7240. <li><a href="http://www.sciareto.org/" rel="nofollow">The Project home page</a></li>
  7241. <li><a href="https://github.com/raydac/netbeans-mmd-plugin" rel="nofollow">The Github project sources</a></li>
  7242. <li><a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TUU25dsOfM" rel="nofollow">The Screencast about the NetBeans version</a></li>
  7243. </ul>]]></description><version>1.4.1</version><vendor email='' url='https://www.igormaznitsa.com'>Igor Maznitsa</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='139.1803' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<ul>
  7244. <li>Removed use of javax.xml.bind.DatatypeConverter to make compatible with Java 9</li>
  7245. <li>Improved print preview panel</li>
  7246. <li>Reworked processing of print preview, removed buffered image use</li>
  7247. <li>Changed default shortcuts for MacOS, fixed processing of space button</li>
  7248. <li>Fixed D'n'D processing of topics</li>
  7249. <li>fixed issue "Project Project (Disposed) test already disposed" [#25](https://github.com/raydac/netbeans-mmd-plugin/issues/25)</li>
  7250. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='670' size='2133' date='1450506856000' url=''><name>ctttr</name><id>com.bowmanb.ctttr</id><description><![CDATA[Close tabs to the right, for Android Studio, IntelliJ IDEA, and other JetBrains products.]]></description><version>1.0.1</version><vendor email='bowmanb@gmail.com' url='https://github.com/bowmanb/ctttr'>Brian Bowman</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='141.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='456' size='3394' date='1453715703000' url=''><name>ReverseText</name><id>me.zheteng.idea.reverse</id><description><![CDATA[Reverse Selected Text 1. Select text 2. Edit-&gt;Reserve Text (ctrl =)]]></description><version>1.0.1</version><vendor email='junyuecao@gmail.com' url='http://zheteng.me'>JunyueCao</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='117.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[First Release]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='244' size='3182' date='1454011940000' url=''><name>SplitString</name><id>com.xgheaven.splitString</id><description><![CDATA[This a plugin for split string with single quote and double quote. The Action showed in
  7251. <em>Tools Menu</em> -&gt;
  7252. <em>Split String</em>]]></description><version>0.1.1</version><vendor email='619943612@qq.com' url='https://github.com/XGHeaven/jetbrains-split-string'>XGHeaven</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='141.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[The first version]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='3140' size='9274' date='1468279511000' url=''><name>Close Editor Tabs Left Right</name><id>com.github.tom-power.close-tab-left-right</id><description><![CDATA[IntelliJ plugin to close all open editor tabs to the left and right of your current one, includes actions, context menu and editor tabs items.
  7253. <br>]]></description><version>1.1.1</version><vendor email='' url='https://github.com/tom-power/close-tab-left-right'>Tom Power</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='141.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Add editor tabs items]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>4.6</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='575' size='4660' date='1455617726000' url=''><name>Hopefully</name><id>com.zenefits.hopefully</id><description><![CDATA[Easily find the definition of
  7254. <em>outermost</em> Class/Function which current line belongs to.
  7255. <br />
  7256. <br />
  7257. <b>Usage</b>:
  7258. <br />
  7259. <ul>
  7260. <li>Hot-key: <em>command + shift + J</em>.</li>
  7261. <li>Single hit: Show definition within a popup.</li>
  7262. <li>Double hit: Jump to the line of definition.</li>
  7263. </ul>]]></description><version>1.0.3</version><vendor email='xu.zhang@zenefits.com' url='https://www.zenefits.com/'>Xu Zhang</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='141.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<ul>
  7264. <li>1.0.3 - Added Java &amp; Python support.</li>
  7265. <li>1.0.2 - Added JS &amp; CSS support.</li>
  7266. <li>1.0.1 - Changed retrieving method.</li>
  7267. <li>1.0.0 - Initial release.</li>
  7268. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='20968' size='10616032' date='1455893561000' url=''><name>AndroidStudioSuperPlugin</name><id>com.idea.android.superplugins.plugins</id><description><![CDATA[AndroidStudioSuperPlugin Features
  7269. <ul>
  7270. <li><a href="https://github.com/Haehnchen/idea-android-studio-plugin" rel="nofollow">Android Studio Prettify</a></li>
  7271. <li><a href="https://github.com/zzz40500/GsonFormat" rel="nofollow">GsonFormat</a></li>
  7272. <li><a href="https://github.com/tmorcinek/android-codegenerator-plugin-intellij" rel="nofollow">Android Code Generator</a></li>
  7273. <li><a href="https://github.com/inmite/android-selector-chapek" rel="nofollow">SelectorChapek</a></li>
  7274. <li><a href="https://github.com/mcharmas/android-parcelable-intellij-plugin" rel="nofollow">Android Parcelable Generator</a></li>
  7275. <li><a href="https://github.com/dmytrodanylyk/folding-plugin" rel="nofollow">folding-plugin</a></li>
  7276. <li><a href="https://github.com/armandAkop/Lifecycle-Sorter" rel="nofollow">Lifecycle-Sorter</a></li>
  7277. </ul>]]></description><version>1.0.0</version><vendor email='b2b2244424@gmail.com' url='https://github.com/b2b2244424/AndroidStudioSuperPlugin'>b2b2244424</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='131.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[1.0.0
  7278. <ul>
  7279. <li>Add &quot;Android Studio Prettify&quot;</li>
  7280. <li>Add &quot;GsonFormat&quot;</li>
  7281. <li>Add &quot;Android Code Generator&quot;</li>
  7282. <li>Add &quot;SelectorChapek&quot;</li>
  7283. <li>Add &quot;Android Parcelable Generator&quot;</li>
  7284. <li>Add &quot;folding-plugin&quot;</li>
  7285. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>org.jetbrains.android</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='2844' size='57439' date='1498682996000' url=''><name>Extra Actions</name><id>cz.daku.intellij.extraActions</id><description><![CDATA[<p>This plugin provides some additional actions:</p>
  7286. <b>Split Selection into Lines</b>
  7287. <p>Adds a new caret at each line of the selection, it works the same way as in Sublime Text.<br> Recommended shortcut: <code>CTRL+SHIFT+L</code></p>
  7288. <b>Split Selection</b>
  7289. <p>Splits selection into multiple carets by custom character(s).<br> Recommended shortcut: <code>CTRL+SHIFT+ALT+L</code></p>
  7290. <b>Toggle Quotes</b>
  7291. <p>Switches between single and double quotes inside a string literal. It works in most languages and with multiple carets. For JavaScript/CoffeeScript a plugin "JavaScript Intention Power Pack" must be enabled.<br> Recommended shortcut: <code>CTRL+'</code></p>
  7292. <b>Break Quotes</b>
  7293. <p>Splits string literal at the caret position and adds concatenation<br> operators with the caret between them. For example:<br> <code>var a = "Hello |world.";</code><br> will become<br> <code>var a = "Hello " + | + "world.";</code>.<br> It works in most languages and with multiple carets.<br> Recommended shortcut: <code>CTRL+.</code></p>
  7294. <b>Move Caret to Next/Previous Paragraph</b>
  7295. <p>Moves caret to the first empty line.<br> Recommended shortcut: <code>CTRL+DOWN/UP</code></p>
  7296. <b>Move Caret to Next/Previous Paragraph with Selection</b>
  7297. <p>Moves caret to the first empty line with selection.<br> Recommended shortcut: <code>CTRL+SHIFT+DOWN/UP</code></p>
  7298. <b>Select in Project</b>
  7299. <p>Shows current file in the project tool window.<br> Recommended shortcut: <code>CTRL+SHIFT+Y</code></p>
  7300. <b>Search Online</b>
  7301. <p>Searches the selection or word at the caret via Google.<br> Recommended shortcut: <code>SHIFT+F1</code></p>
  7302. <b>Shortcuts</b>
  7303. <p>No shortcuts are set by default. This is done to prevent conflicts.<br> You can easily set them by going to <em>Settings|Keymap|Plugins|Extra Actions</em>.</p>]]></description><version>1.2.1</version><vendor email='danielkurecka@gmail.com' url='http://github.com/danielkurecka/intellij-extra-actions'>Daniel Kurecka</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='135.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<b>1.2.1</b>
  7304. <br>
  7305. <ul>
  7306. <li>Better formatting of plugin description</li>
  7307. </ul>
  7308. <b>1.2</b>
  7309. <br>
  7310. <ul>
  7311. <li>Togle Quotes for PHP: added option to choose whether special characters will be escaped</li>
  7312. <li>Togle Quotes for HTML/XML: properly escaped quotes inside attributes</li>
  7313. </ul>
  7314. <b>1.1</b>
  7315. <br>
  7316. <ul>
  7317. <li>New action: Search Online</li>
  7318. <li>Toggle Quotes action now works with Ruby, HTML and other languages</li>
  7319. </ul>
  7320. <b>1.0</b>
  7321. <br>
  7322. <ul>
  7323. <li>First relase</li>
  7324. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='5050' size='49542' date='1458733263000' url=''><name>Smooth Scroller</name><id>com.weebly.opus1269.smoothscroller</id><description><![CDATA[This plugin provides smooth and inertial scrolling to all text editors. It provides acceleration effects with easing so you can &quot;fling&quot; like on a cell phone.
  7325. <br />
  7326. <br /> There are several tuning options available under Tools -&gt; Smooth Scroller Options...
  7327. <br /> Between these and the touchpad or mouse settings on your hardware, you should be able to get the effect you desire.]]></description><version>1.3.0</version><vendor email='igreilly1269@gmail.com' url='https://github.com/opus1269'>Mike Updike</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='141.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Version 1.3.0 - Add Scroll Multiplier setting to the options
  7328. <br />
  7329. <br /> Version 1.2.0 - Support all editors of class TextEditor
  7330. <br />
  7331. <br /> Version 1.1.1 - Allow install on all IntelliJ based products
  7332. <br />
  7333. <br /> Version 1.1.0 - Improve scrolling algorithm
  7334. <br />
  7335. <br /> Version 1.0.0 - Initial release]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>4.2</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='7769' size='8486' date='1500654106000' url=''><name>UUID Generator</name><id>com.github.leomillon.uuidgenerator</id><description><![CDATA[A universally unique identifier (UUID) generator.
  7336. <br>
  7337. <br> For example :
  7338. <em>123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000</em>.
  7339. <br>
  7340. <br> You will find it in the
  7341. <strong>Generate popup</strong> -&gt;
  7342. <strong>Random UUID</strong>.]]></description><version>1.2.0</version><vendor email='' url=''>Léo Millon (@leo_millon)</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='141.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<b>Changes in version 1.2.0:</b>
  7343. <ul>
  7344. <li> It is now possible to toggle uuid dashes (Action : <strong>Toggle UUID dashes</strong>).<br> For example :<br> <em>123e4567e89b12d3a456426655440000</em> to <em>123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000</em><br> <em>123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000</em> to <em>123e4567e89b12d3a456426655440000</em> </li>
  7345. </ul>
  7346. <b>Changes in version 1.1.0:</b>
  7347. <ul>
  7348. <li>#2: Support of multi caret and selection</li>
  7349. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>4.8</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='1221' size='839601' date='1465614843000' url=''><name>Breakpoints Manager</name><id>com.github.shiraji.breakpointsmanager</id><description><![CDATA[The IntelliJ plugin that helps share/save breakpoints]]></description><version>1.0.1</version><vendor email='isogai.shiraji@gmail.com' url='https://github.com/shiraji'>Shiraji</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='143.381' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<p>1.0.1</p>
  7350. <ul>
  7351. <li>Fix problem with applying multiple breakpoints</li>
  7352. <li>Add disable breakpoints feature</li>
  7353. <li>Add enable breakpoints feature</li>
  7354. </ul>
  7355. <p>Older version changes are listed on <a href="https://github.com/shiraji/breakpoints-manager/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md" rel="nofollow">CHANGELOG.md</a></p>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='15182' size='8809766' date='1493350740000' url=''><name>Weex</name><id>com.weex.darin</id><description><![CDATA[<ul>
  7356. <li>Will transform weex file to js automatically</li>
  7357. <li>Render weex file automatically</li>
  7358. <li>Support display rendering result on playground or taobao App</li>
  7359. <li>Support Webstorm, Intellij Idea, Android Studio and so on</li>
  7360. <li>JavaScript syntax support </li>
  7361. </ul>]]></description><version>1.2</version><vendor email='taobao-mobile-test@service.alibaba.com' url='https://github.com/weexteam/weex-intellij-plugin'>Darin</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='141.2147483647' /><change-notes><![CDATA[1. Transform faster And render faster
  7362. <br> 2. Support Windows
  7363. <br> 3. Reduce this size of this plugin
  7364. <p></p>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.xml</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='1056' size='3510' date='1495680403000' url=''><name>Copy The Path</name><id>me.xfcy.idea.CopyThePath</id><description><![CDATA[The function for this plugin is to copy the relative path from the project root directory of the files which has been opened in the edtior.
  7365. <br> [Usage]
  7366. <br> menu bar-&gt;Tools-&gt;Copy The Path-&gt;Copy The Path
  7367. <br> or binding shortcut like ctrl+shift+c.
  7368. <br> Then paste it to anywhere you want.
  7369. <br>
  7370. <br> 这个插件可以复制编辑器中打开的文件相对于其所在项目根目录的相对路径。
  7371. <br> [使用方式]
  7372. <br> 菜单栏-&gt;Tools-&gt;Copy The Path-&gt;Copy The Path
  7373. <br> 或者给他绑定一个快捷键,比如 ctrl+alt+c
  7374. <br> 然后在需要使用的地方粘贴。
  7375. <br>]]></description><version>0.0.3</version><vendor email='xfcypc@foxmail.com' url='https://www.xfcy.me/'>Cheny Wang</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='139.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[1. Fix a NullPointerException]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='2825' size='53222' date='1476538356000' url=''><name>Android SharedPreferences editor</name><id>com.github.shchurov.prefseditor</id><description><![CDATA[Experimental SharedPreferences Editor plugin for AndroidStudio and IntelliJ IDEA.
  7376. <br> Doesn't require any additional software or dependencies.
  7377. <br>
  7378. <br> WARNING: It uses ADB commands that might not work on some Android devices.
  7379. <br>
  7380. <br> Setup:
  7381. <ol>
  7382. <li>Install</li>
  7383. <li>Restart IDE</li>
  7384. <li>Tools menu -&gt; SharedPreferences Editor</li>
  7385. </ol> Please leave all your bug-reports and feature-requests on
  7386. <a href="https://github.com/shchurov/SharedPreferences-Editor-Plugin" rel="nofollow">Github page</a>.]]></description><version>1.08</version><vendor email='shchurov.m@gmail.com' url='https://github.com/shchurov/SharedPreferences-Editor-Plugin'>Mykhailo Shchurov</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='143.1184' /><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><depends>org.jetbrains.android</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='490' size='817793' date='1474165262000' url=''><name>ServiceNow Plugin</name><id>com.service-now.plugin.idea</id><description><![CDATA[<a rel="nofollow"></a>servicenow-plugin
  7387. <p>The plugin exists to simplify the developing process while you edit Servicenow scripts. With this plugin, you will be able to download, edit and upload the script back to your instance and then test it afterwards.</p>
  7388. <a rel="nofollow"></a>Installation
  7389. <p>The Installation is simple. You can install the plugin in any editor of your choice from the Jetbrains family. Although I think WebStorm is the best for editing javascript, but the plugin should work with IntelliJ and others too. After the installation, you will see the new options in the <code>Tools</code> menu of your IDE.</p>
  7390. <p><img src="https://p1.picsto.re/W0Png.png"></p>
  7391. <p>As you can see, you have three options. Either to Download or Upload a script or in the end, modify the config file. If your config file does not exists, then if you initiate a Download or Upload of a script, the plugin will detect it and ask you to fill out the form.</p>
  7392. <a rel="nofollow"></a>Config File
  7393. <p>The Config file consits of three options for now.</p>
  7394. <ul>
  7395. <li>domain (<a href="http://dev9770870.service-now.com" rel="nofollow">dev9770870.service-now.com</a>) // Just the plain domain, not an url!!</li>
  7396. <li>username (admin)</li>
  7397. <li>password (your password)</li>
  7398. </ul>
  7399. <p><img src="https://p1.picsto.re/tadlK.png"></p>
  7400. <p>If you fill out the config file with invalid information, the plugin will not work and display some kind of error message to inform you about this problem.</p>
  7401. <a rel="nofollow"></a>Usage
  7402. <a rel="nofollow"></a>Download
  7403. <p>The usage is simple, like you could see before, there are shortcodes avaliable to the various tasks, so you do not need to open the Tools menu all the time. If you would like to display the Download form, you use the <code>Ctrl+Alt+G</code> shortcut and the Download form will be displayed right away.</p>
  7404. <p><img src="https://p1.picsto.re/JKACx.png"></p>
  7405. <p>There is an example for filling out the input field, but to be sure.</p>
  7406. <p>The first value is the tablename, which is sys_script (a.k.a. system script, a.k.a. business rule).</p>
  7407. <p>The second value is the field name, which is in most of the cases <code>script</code>.</p>
  7408. <p>The third value is the sys_id, which is the unique identifier for the given script. These values are separated with the <code>:</code> delimiter. If you fill these out correctly, you should be able to download the script successfully.</p>
  7409. <a rel="nofollow"></a>Upload
  7410. <p>After you edit your previously downloaded script, you should be ready to upload it, to do so, you can use the <code>Ctrl+Alt+U</code> shortcut. If you have your script open in the web editor of ServiceNow, then you should be able to see the changes, after the script is uploaded.</p>
  7411. <p>I plan to do some more improvements, like code autocomplete and others. I am still learning about this system of plugin development. If there is something to be improved (which I am sure there is), then please make a pull request or raise an issue. If you have new features suggestions then please create an issue for that.</p>
  7412. <p>The project is licensed under the MIT License.</p>]]></description><version>0.1.1</version><vendor email='r@richardszolar.me' url=''>Richard Szolár</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='131.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Various initial bugfixes]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='545' size='6763' date='1475677395000' url=''><name>Easy Literal</name><id>tu.wenbo.easyliteral</id><description><![CDATA[A easy way to input literal value.
  7413. <br> It can:
  7414. <br>
  7415. <pre>make the world a better place</pre> &lt;-&gt;
  7416. <pre>"make", "the", "world", "a", "better", "place"</pre>
  7417. <br>
  7418. <pre>name=Tom,friend=Jerry</pre> &lt;-&gt;
  7419. <pre>"name": "Tom", "friend": "Jerry"</pre>
  7420. <br> If you do not want quote the value, you can add a "+" before it:
  7421. <br>
  7422. <pre>age=+20</pre> -&gt;
  7423. <pre>"age": 20</pre> If you do not want select the text you want to convert, just add a back quote symbol before you input:
  7424. <br>
  7425. <pre>`what a wonderful day</pre> -- press shortcut --&gt;
  7426. <pre>"what", "a", "wonderful", "day"</pre>]]></description><version>0.3</version><vendor email='er3456qi@outlook.com' url=''>Wnbot</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='141.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[v0.3:
  7427. <br> If you do not want select the text you want to convert, just add a ` before you input:
  7428. <br>
  7429. <pre>`what a wonderful day</pre> -- press shortcut --&gt;
  7430. <pre>"what", "a", "wonderful", "day"</pre>
  7431. <br> v0.2:
  7432. <br> If you do not want quote the value, you can add a "+" before it:
  7433. <br>
  7434. <pre>age=+20</pre> -&gt;
  7435. <pre>"age": 20</pre>
  7436. <br> v0.1:
  7437. <br> First version. Basic function.
  7438. <br>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='702' size='11366' date='1490595862000' url=''><name>DimenHelper</name><id>me.aheadlcx.dimenhelper</id><description><![CDATA[create others value dimen file by your current dimen file.
  7439. <br>]]></description><version>1.3</version><vendor email='aheadlcxzhang@gmail.com' url='https://github.com/aheadlcx/DimenHelper'>aheadlcx</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='1.3' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Fix known bug.]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='2975' size='45427' date='1512396059000' url=''><name>MultiTypeTemplates</name><id>&gt;me.drakeet.plugin.multitype</id><description><![CDATA[An intellij idea plug to create and generate MultiType Item and ItemViewBinder easily.
  7440. <br>
  7441. <br> MultiType: An Android library to create multiple item types list views easily and flexibly
  7442. <a href="https://github.com/drakeet/MultiType" rel="nofollow">https://github.com/drakeet/MultiType</a>]]></description><version>1.4.0</version><vendor email='drakeet.me@gmail.com' url='https://drakeet.me'>drakeet</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='131.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<li>Supported generate inner "Item &amp; ItemViewBinder" codes</li>
  7443. <li>Supported create "Item &amp; ItemViewBinder" or "Only ItemViewBinder" class files</li>
  7444. <li>Supported MultiType v3.4.0</li>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><depends>org.jetbrains.android</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='1101' size='97988' date='1479306412000' url=''><name>Yandex Translate</name><id>ru.limydesign.plugins.yandex.translate</id><description><![CDATA[This plugin is intended for quick translation of selected text.]]></description><version>0.1.0</version><vendor email='support@limydesign.ru' url=''>LimyDesign Studio</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<ul>
  7445. <li>All translate to English language.</li>
  7446. <li>Add multilanguage support.</li>
  7447. <li>Add auto getting supported languages.</li>
  7448. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.xml</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='2274' size='4113658' date='1515276572000' url='http://github.com/vsch/MissingInActions'><name>Missing In Actions</name><id>com.vladsch.MissingInActions</id><description><![CDATA[<img src="https://github.com/vsch/MissingInActions/raw/master/resources/icons/Mia_logo@2x.png?" height="24" width="42">Missing In Actions
  7449. <p>Adds missing editor actions for end of word navigation but that is just the beginning:</p>
  7450. <ul>
  7451. <li>Automatic Selection stack, stores last 5 selections by default. Recall last selection or any previous selection from a list.</li>
  7452. <li>Enable Auto Indent Lines after move line/selection up or down actions to have lines indented automatically.</li>
  7453. <li>Use Smart Paste to eliminate case change and prefix edits when pasting identifiers. MIA will match case and style of identifier at destination when you paste. Undo to get results before MIA adjusted them. <p>Copy <code>myColumnData</code> and paste it over <code>DEFAULT_VALUE</code> to get <code>COLUMN_DATA</code>, reverse the order and get <code>myDefaultValue</code>.</p> <p>Works when pasting at the <strong>beginning</strong>, <strong>end</strong> and <strong>middle</strong> of identifiers.</p> <p>Supports: <strong>camelCase</strong>, <strong>PascalCase</strong>, <strong>snake_case</strong>, <strong>SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE</strong>, <strong>dash-case</strong>, <strong>dot.case</strong>, <strong>slash/case</strong></p> <p>Default prefixes: <code>my</code>, <code>our</code>, <code>is</code>, <code>get</code>, <code>set</code> to allow pasting over member fields, static fields, getters and setters.</p> </li>
  7454. <li>Enable Auto Line Selections and select full lines without loosing time or column position by moving the caret to the start of line when selecting or pasting. <strong>Choose</strong> whether you want to <strong>paste full line</strong> selections: <strong>above</strong> or <strong>below</strong> the current line regardless of the caret’s column.</li>
  7455. <li>Toggle between selection and multiple carets on selected lines to save time re-selecting the same text again.</li>
  7456. <li>Filter multiple carets saves you time when creating multiple carets by removing carets on blank or comment lines so you can edit only code lines.</li>
  7457. <li>Enhanced Paste from History dialog:
  7458. <ul>
  7459. <li><strong>combine</strong>, <strong>arrange</strong> and <strong>reverse</strong> the order of content entries</li>
  7460. <li><strong>combine multiple</strong> clipboard contents <strong>with caret information intact</strong></li>
  7461. <li><strong>paste and re-create multiple carets</strong> from information already stored on the clipboard</li>
  7462. <li><strong>duplicate line/block for each caret</strong> in the clipboard content and <strong>put a caret on the first line</strong> of the block, ready for multi-caret select and paste</li>
  7463. <li>see caret information stored on the clipboard for each content entry</li>
  7464. </ul> </li>
  7465. <li>Many more options and adjustments to make multiple caret text editing fast, efficient and easy.</li>
  7466. </ul>
  7467. <p><strong>Plugin website: <a href="http://github.com/vsch/MissingInActions" rel="nofollow"><span>Missing In Actions GitHub Repo</span></a></strong></p>
  7468. <p><strong>Bug tracking &amp; feature requests: <a href="http://github.com/vsch/MissingInActions" rel="nofollow"><span>Missing In Actions GitHub Issues</span></a></strong></p>]]></description><version>1.4.2</version><vendor email='vladimir.schneider@gmail.com' url='http://www.vladsch.com'>Vladimir Schneider</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='162.2147483647' /><change-notes><![CDATA[1.4.2 - Enhancement Release
  7469. <ul>
  7470. <li> <p>Add: replace arbitrary string to another string on paste. Useful for quick pasting of template code with changes without needing to edit after paste (treat this as a user provided macro variable).</p> <p>Can add RegEx search or plain string. Plain string search is case sensitive.</p> </li>
  7471. <li> <p>Add: replace user string on paste and duplicate for every character caret of another content. Plain string search is not case sensitive.</p> <p>For example: if pasting <code>int FormatAbc(int abc) { myAbc = abc; return myAbc; }</code> with the user search string set to <code>Abc</code>, with clipboard data for the replacement contains 3 carets with <code>def</code>, <code>myHij</code> and <code>setKlmnop</code> then the paste will result in the following being pasted in:</p> <pre><code>int FormatDef(int def) { myDef = def; return myDef; }
  7472. int FormatHij(int hij) { myHij = hij; return myHij; }
  7473. int FormatKlmnop(int klmnop) { myKlmnop = klmnop; return myKlmnop; }
  7474. </code></pre> </li>
  7475. <li> <p>Add: Replace Macro Variables on Enhanced paste and on duplicate for carets paste. Currently only file name derivations are supported. When pasting in a file with name <code>multi-line-image-url</code> the following will be changed as shown:</p>
  7476. <ul>
  7477. <li><code>__Filename__</code> to <code>multi-line-image-url</code> (as is)</li>
  7478. <li><code>__FILENAME__</code> to <code>MULTILINEIMAGEURL</code> (uppercase)</li>
  7479. <li><code>__filename__</code> to <code>multilineimageurl</code> (lowercase)</li>
  7480. <li><code>__FileName__</code> to <code>MultiLineImageUrl</code> (pascal case)</li>
  7481. <li><code>__fileName__</code> to <code>multiLineImageUrl</code> (camel case)</li>
  7482. <li><code>__file-name__</code> to <code>multi-line-image-url</code> (dash case)</li>
  7483. <li><code>__FILE-NAME__</code> to <code>MULTI-LINE-IMAGE-URL</code> (screaming dash case)</li>
  7484. <li><code>__file.name__</code> to <code>multi.line.image.url</code> (dot case)</li>
  7485. <li><code>__FILE.NAME__</code> to <code>MULTI.LINE.IMAGE.URL</code> (screaming dot case)</li>
  7486. <li><code>__file_name__</code> to <code>multi_line_image_url</code> (snake case)</li>
  7487. <li><code>__FILE_NAME__</code> to <code>MULTI_LINE_IMAGE_URL</code> (screaming snake case)</li>
  7488. <li><code>__file/name__</code> to <code>multi/line/image/url</code> (slash case)</li>
  7489. <li><code>__FILE/NAME__</code> to <code>MULTI/LINE/IMAGE/URL</code> (screaming slash case)</li>
  7490. </ul> </li>
  7491. </ul> 1.4.0 - Bug Fix Release
  7492. <ul>
  7493. <li> <p>Fix: NPE when projects are being rapidly opened and closed.</p> </li>
  7494. <li> <p>Fix: #17, Caret don’t move across tab-indented lines</p> </li>
  7495. <li> <p>Fix: Remove highlighted word carets would not remove the last selection if all carets contained highlighted word selections</p> </li>
  7496. <li> <p>Fix: size of color chip when using HiDPI displays that need scaling.</p> </li>
  7497. </ul> 1.3.0 - Bug Fix Release
  7498. <ul>
  7499. <li> <p>Fix: #16, Hide disabled buttons breaks Recall Selection List and Swap Selection actions</p> </li>
  7500. <li> <p>Fix: #15, Selection continuation with the mouse and Shift modifier is broken</p> </li>
  7501. <li> <p>Add: multi-caret search accept not found carets action to allow excluding carets with matching search position.</p> </li>
  7502. </ul> 1.2.0 - Enhancement Release
  7503. <ul>
  7504. <li> <p>Fix: Exclude $ from being considered as part of identifier for purposes of determining word start/end boundary for highlighted words.</p> </li>
  7505. <li> <p>Fix: conversion from dash, dot and slash to snake case was not working.</p> </li>
  7506. <li> <p>Add: hide disabled toolbar buttons option to settings</p> </li>
  7507. <li> <p>Add: button versions of recall selection and swap text to eliminate button text to save toolbar real-estate</p> </li>
  7508. </ul> 1.1.6 - Enhancement Release
  7509. <ul>
  7510. <li>Change: make <code>Line Selection Mode</code>, <code>Forward Search Caret Spawning</code> and <code>Backward Search Caret Spawning</code> actions toggle actions to show when active.</li>
  7511. </ul> 1.1.5 - Enhancement Release
  7512. <ul>
  7513. <li> <p>Change: Recall selection from list action text from <code>Recall Selection</code> to <code>Selections</code> to shorten the toolbar button.</p> </li>
  7514. <li> <p>Change: split settings into tabbed pane per category</p> </li>
  7515. </ul> 1.1.4 - Enhancement Release
  7516. <ul>
  7517. <li> <p>Add: Line Isolation Mode to “highlight” the isolated lines by “lowlighting” the non isolated lines. Especially useful when duplicating a method or methods for modification. This allows isolating the copies which are to be modified so that they are not confused with the originals.</p> </li>
  7518. <li> <p>Add: Dark scheme color persistence. Colors in settings reflect the current Dark/Light scheme selection.</p> </li>
  7519. </ul> 1.1.3 - Bug Fix &amp; Enhancement Release
  7520. <ul>
  7521. <li>Change: allow overlapping selection text swapping by eliminating overlapping part of selections from the swap.</li>
  7522. <li>Fix: exception in some cases when swapping text and more than set limit of stored selections is already present.</li>
  7523. </ul> 1.1.2 - Enhancement Release
  7524. <ul>
  7525. <li>Fix: bump up version compatibility to 162.*</li>
  7526. </ul> 1.1.1 - Enhancement Release
  7527. <ul>
  7528. <li>Fix: exception caused by api change</li>
  7529. </ul> 1.1.0 - Enhancement Release
  7530. <ul>
  7531. <li> <p>Add: Selection Stack to automatically store the last N selections for a file</p> </li>
  7532. <li> <p>Add: Recall/Swap selection actions and toolbar buttons</p> </li>
  7533. <li> <p>Add: Swap Selection Text actions and toolbar buttons to swap currently selected text with text from a stored selection.</p> </li>
  7534. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='3039' size='46665' date='1481576088000' url=''><name>Bemmet for IDEA</name><id>info.bem.bemmet</id><description><![CDATA[Bemmet plugin for IDEA]]></description><version>0.1.3</version><vendor email='amel.truelife@gmail.com' url='https://github.com/amel-true/bemmet-idea'>amel-true</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='141.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='4652' size='4501321' date='1480111646000' url=''><name>Brad&apos;s Theme</name><id>com.bpleslie.idea.BradsTheme</id><description><![CDATA[This will add the
  7535. <a href="https://github.com/bpleslie/brads-theme" rel="nofollow">Brad's Theme</a> to your IDE.
  7536. <br>
  7537. <br>]]></description><version>0.2.2</version><vendor email='bradleypleslie@gmail.com' url='http://www.brad-leslie.com'>Brad Leslie</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='143.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><rating>1.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='1077' size='1130129' date='1480833798000' url=''><name>Idea 162 Icon Pack</name><id>com.kraft.idea162IconPack</id><description><![CDATA[Changes the new "flat" icons to the old 2016.2 ones]]></description><version>1.1</version><vendor email='philipp@asdff45.de' url=''>Philipp Kraft</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='163.7743' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Added Standard-Plugins of IDEA (Ultimate)]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='5131' size='592210' date='1507670624000' url=''><name>DeltaHex Editor</name><id>org.exbin.deltahex.intellij</id><description><![CDATA[<p>Hexadecimal editor based on deltahex library. Use "Open as Hex" action in main "File" menu or in project files context menu.</p> Preview
  7538. <p><img src="http://deltahex.exbin.org/images/deltahex-intellij-plugin-preview-0.1.1.png" alt="deltahex-intellij-plugin-preview"></p> Features
  7539. <ul>
  7540. <li>Show data as hexadecimal codes and text preview</li>
  7541. <li>Insert and overwrite edit modes</li>
  7542. <li>Support for selection and clipboard actions</li>
  7543. <li>Support for undo/redo</li>
  7544. <li>Support for encoding selection</li>
  7545. <li>Support for showing unprintable/whitespace characters</li>
  7546. <li>Codes can be also binary, octal or decimal</li>
  7547. <li>Searching for text / hexadecimal code with matching highlighting</li>
  7548. <li>Delta mode - Changes are stored only in memory till save</li>
  7549. <li>Support for huge files</li>
  7550. </ul>]]></description><version>0.1.5</version><vendor email='hajdam@users.sf.net' url='http://deltahex.exbin.org'>ExBin Project</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<ul>
  7551. <li>Values panel made editable</li>
  7552. <li>Byte order support for floating point numbers in values panel</li>
  7553. <li>Added thread for values panel updating</li>
  7554. <li>Fixed files closing on window closing</li>
  7555. <li>Fixed clipboard charset translation</li>
  7556. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='2289' size='40077' date='1485844994000' url=''><name>Code screenshots</name><id>one.util.ideaplugin.screenshoter</id><description><![CDATA[<p>Select a code and press a hot-key (Ctrl+Alt+Shift+A by default) to copy it as the image (make a screenshot).</p>
  7557. <p>Default hot-key can be changed in Settings|Keymap (search for "Copy as image" action)</p>
  7558. <p>Some plugin options are available under Editor|Copy image options</p>]]></description><version>1.2</version><vendor email='tagir.valeev@jetbrains.com' url='https://github.com/amaembo/screenshoter/'>Tagir Valeev</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='162.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<ul>
  7559. <li>Version 1.2: IDEA 2017.1 support, HiDPI mode support; default hot-key changed to Ctrl+Alt+Shift+A.</li>
  7560. <li>Version 1.1: options page added (Editor|Copy image options); minor fixes.</li>
  7561. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>4.5</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='240' size='7532' date='1488798066000' url=''><name>Undo Scroll</name><id>be.waines.idea.undo-scroll</id><description><![CDATA[Press CTRL-Z or CTRL-Shift-Z, hold down CTRL, and scroll to stream through undo and redo events.]]></description><version>1.0</version><vendor email='wannes.sels@gmail.com' url='https://github.com/wannessels'>Wannes Sels</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='131.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Initial release]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='1268' size='10608' date='1492541149000' url=''><name>Polymer Snippets</name><id>de.ifahrentholz.snippets.polymer</id><description><![CDATA[<img width="55" height="44" src="https://www.polymer-project.org/images/logos/p-logo.png">
  7562. <br>
  7563. <br> A collection of common Polymer templates / snippets.
  7564. <br>
  7565. <br>
  7566. <p><a href="https://github.com/ifahrentholz/intellij-polymer-live-templates" rel="nofollow">GitHub Homepage</a></p>
  7567. <p><a href="https://github.com/ifahrentholz/intellij-polymer-live-templates/issues" rel="nofollow">Issues</a></p>]]></description><version>1.1.1</version><vendor email='ingof.work@gmail.com' url='https://github.com/ifahrentholz/intellij-polymer-live-templates'>@ifahrentholz</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='107.105' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<dl>
  7568. <dt>
  7569. Fix installation issue.
  7570. </dt>
  7571. </dl>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='3120' size='19697' date='1494928489000' url=''><name>IdeaVimExtension</name><id>IdeaVimExtension</id><description><![CDATA[<p> 为IdeaVim插件增加自动切换为英文输入法的功能<br> </p>
  7572. <p> 通过在编辑器中normal模式下输入 :set keep-english-in-normal 来启用该功能.<br> 或者直接将该命令加入到~/.ideavimrc<br> 如果需要回到insert模式时恢复输入法,请使用 :set keep-english-in-normal-and-restore-in-insert </p>
  7573. <p> <a href="https://github.com/hadix-lin/ideavim_extension" rel="nofollow">GitHub Repository</a>: 源码和问题反馈 </p>
  7574. <p>The plugin is an extension of 'IdeaVim' , can switch to English input source in normal mode and restore input source in insert mode.</p> How To Enable:
  7575. <p>In normal mode ,in an editor input <code>:set keep-english-in-normal</code> for auto swith to English input source.</p>
  7576. <p>use <code>:set keep-english-in-normal-and-restore-in-insert</code>, if you want to restore original input source after return insert mode.</p>
  7577. <p>Or add the command to the file <code>~/.ideavimrc</code></p> Notice:
  7578. <p>The plugin only support <strong>macOS</strong></p>
  7579. <p><a href="https://github.com/hadix-lin/ideavim_extension" rel="nofollow">GitHub Repository</a>Source and Feedback</p>]]></description><version>1.1.3</version><vendor email='hadix.lin@gmail.com' url=''>hadix</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='143.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[1.1.3
  7580. <br> 解决一个偶尔出现的空值异常问题. resolve a NPE problem which happen rarely;
  7581. <br> 1.1.2
  7582. <br> 增加英文说明.append information in English.
  7583. <br> 1.1.1
  7584. <br> 更改自动注册的按键映射为
  7585. <code>:nnoremap &lt;Esc&gt; a&lt;Esc&gt;&lt;Esc&gt;</code>保证在normal模式下按esc切换到英文输入法.并且执行一次默认操作
  7586. <br>
  7587. <br> 1.1
  7588. <br> 自动注册按键映射
  7589. <code>:nmap &lt;Esc&gt; a&lt;Esc&gt;</code>以保证normal模式下可以按esc切换到英文输入法.
  7590. <br> 添加回到insert模式恢复为原来的输入方式的能力
  7591. <br>
  7592. <br> 1.0
  7593. <br> 首次发布,macOS下,退出插入模式可以自动切换到英文输入法]]></change-notes><depends>IdeaVIM</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='616' size='2787' date='1491916748000' url=''><name>Error Item Line Marker</name><id>com.gamache.intellij.ErrorItemLineMarker</id><description><![CDATA[Displays an icon in the left gutter to indicate an error on the line.]]></description><version>1.0</version><vendor email='chrisgamachecodes@gmail.com' url='https://github.com/cgamache'>Chris Gamache</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='813' size='10000891' date='1511360905000' url=''><name>Translator</name><id>org.intellij.plugin.jojoldu.translator</id><description><![CDATA[Translator
  7594. <br>
  7595. <b> <a href="https://github.com/jojoldu/translator" rel="nofollow">GitHub</a> </b>
  7596. <br>
  7597. <br>
  7598. <strong>Translation plugin For Korean User</strong>
  7599. <br>
  7600. <ul>
  7601. <li>Translate : option+1</li>
  7602. <li>Translate &amp; Replace : option+2</li>
  7603. <li>Open Translate Dialog : option+3</li>
  7604. </ul>
  7605. <br>
  7606. <br>
  7607. <i>Compiled with Java 1.8</i>]]></description><version>0.0.14</version><vendor email='jojoldu@gmail.com' url='https://github.com/jojoldu'>jojoldu</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='171.3566.24' until-build='181.*'/><change-notes><![CDATA[<a href="https://github.com/jojoldu/translator/tree/0.0.14" rel="nofollow"><b>v0.0.14</b></a> (2017-11-22)
  7608. <br>
  7609. <br>
  7610. <ul>
  7611. <li>0.0.14: IntelliJ Version Update (2017.1 to 2018.1)</li>
  7612. <li>0.0.10: Add Translate Dialog</li>
  7613. <li>0.0.9: Add Default Mode</li>
  7614. <li>0.0.8: Add Naver Translate Api</li>
  7615. <li>0.0.7: Bug Fix</li>
  7616. <li>0.0.6: Async Translate Event</li>
  7617. <li>0.0.5: Add Auto Select Feature</li>
  7618. <li>0.0.4: Add Loading Popup</li>
  7619. <li>0.0.3: Bug Fix</li>
  7620. <li>0.0.2: Add Translate &amp; Replace Feature</li>
  7621. <li>0.0.1: Project initiate</li>
  7622. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='2591' size='852622' date='1514277320000' url=''><name>Auto Switch Input Source In IdeaVim Mode</name><id>AutoSwitchIm</id><description><![CDATA[Auto Switch Input Source In IdeaVim Mode For MAC Only An plugin for auto switching input method while using IdeaVim plugin FOR MAC ONLY
  7623. <br>
  7624. <li>Auto switch to specified IME while in normal/visual mode</li>
  7625. <li>Auto switch to specified IME while returning back insert mode</li>
  7626. <li>Auto switch to specified IME while leaving idea </li>
  7627. <li>Auto switch to specified IME while idea re-focused</li> Author and the project page
  7628. <a href="https://github.com/rieonke/idea-auto-switch-im" rel="nofollow">Follow this link to Github</a>
  7629. <br>
  7630. <br> ??MAC?? ?IdeaVim????????
  7631. <br>
  7632. <li>?normal/visual ????????????</li>
  7633. <li>???????????????????????</li>
  7634. <li>?idea???????????????</li>
  7635. <li>???idea?????????</li> ???????
  7636. <a href="https://github.com/rieonke/idea-auto-switch-im" rel="nofollow">???GitHub</a>]]></description><version>1.4.3</version><vendor email='rieon@rieon.cn' url='http://rieon.cn'>Rieon Ke</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Enhanced input source list 改进了输入法列表]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='796' size='38012' date='1513345749000' url=''><name>Current date generator</name><id>com.j92.current-date-generator</id><description><![CDATA[Date generator
  7637. <p>Generates the current date in different formats.</p> Configuration
  7638. <p>The default format is : yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssXXX. Go in Preferences to `Date generator` and customize the format. </p>]]></description><version>1.1</version><vendor email='joostvdriel@gmail.com' url='http://joostvandriel.nl'>Joost van Driel</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Made the date format configurable.]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='7466' size='71379' date='1514481458000' url=''><name>Directory editor</name><id>org.jetbrains.plugins.dired</id><description><![CDATA[<p>Text editor for directories.</p>
  7639. <p>Supports renaming, copying, deleting and adding files.</p>
  7640. <p>Highlights duplicated and incorrect file names.</p>
  7641. <p>The code is hackathon-quality, so PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, make sure you're changing content of a directory that is backed up or located under VCS.</p>]]></description><version>1.0.13</version><vendor email='' url='https://www.jetbrains.com/go/'>JetBrains</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='172.3317' until-build='173.*'/><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>4.7</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='5416' size='2447871' date='1501569166000' url=''><name>Yaoqiang BPMN Editor</name><id>org.yaoqiang.bpmn.editor.plugin</id><description><![CDATA[an Open Source BPMN 2.0 Modeler
  7642. <br>
  7643. <br>
  7644. <a href="https://github.com/Blenta/intellij-bpmn-editor" rel="nofollow">GitHub</a> |
  7645. <a href="https://github.com/Blenta/intellij-bpmn-editor/issues" rel="nofollow">Issues</a> | Donate (
  7646. <a href="https://sourceforge.net/p/bpmn/donate/" rel="nofollow">PayPal</a> )]]></description><version>1.0.5</version><vendor email='shi_yaoqiang@yahoo.com' url='http://bpmn.sourceforge.net/'>Yaoqiang</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='247' size='824824' date='1503777189000' url=''><name>Path Title</name><id>com.hadihariri.pathtitle</id><description><![CDATA[Set the window title to include full path]]></description><version>0.1</version><vendor email='mail@hadihariri.com' url='http://hadihariri.com'>Hadi Hariri</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='131.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<strong>0.1:</strong> First version
  7647. <br>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>4.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='214' size='4382' date='1504634701000' url=''><name>Duplicate Lines</name><id>DuplicateLines</id><description><![CDATA[<p> Allows to duplicate the entire selected lines, not just down (like you already can by default), but also up. In both cases, unlike the original action, it will preserve the original selection after the duplication. </p>
  7648. <p> Supports single lines, multiple selected lines, multiple carets and block selection. </p>
  7649. <p> Default shortcuts are "Shift + Ctrl + Alt + Up/Down" and "Shift + Command + Option + Up/Down" for macOS. </p>]]></description><version>1.0</version><vendor email='me@josepmari.es' url='https://github.com/xusoo/duplicate-lines-intellij-plugin'>Josep Marí</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[1.0.0 - First release]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='215298' size='105090' date='1516401901000' url=''><name>CSV Plugin</name><id>net.seesharpsoft.intellij.plugins.csv</id><description><![CDATA[Lightweight CSV plugin that supports editing files in CSV format.
  7650. <br>
  7651. <br>
  7652. <b>Features:</b>
  7653. <br>
  7654. <ul>
  7655. <li>CSV file detection</li>
  7656. <li>syntax validation</li>
  7657. <li>syntax highlighting (configurable)</li>
  7658. <li>content formatting (configurable)</li>
  7659. <li>quick fix inspections</li>
  7660. <li>intentions, e.g. Quote/Unquote (all)</li>
  7661. <li>structure view (header-entry layout)</li>
  7662. <li>support for ',' or ';' as value separator</li>
  7663. </ul>
  7664. <br> After installation &amp; restart, the IDE needs some time to re-index files before the plugin becomes active.
  7665. <br>
  7666. <br>
  7667. <em><b>Note:</b> Default code formatting is 'Tabularize'. Can be changed in Settings -&gt; Editor -&gt; Code Style -&gt; CSV</em>
  7668. <br>
  7669. <br>
  7670. <br>
  7671. <br>
  7672. <span> <b>IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate/PhpStorm/DataGrip/etc.:</b> The plugin is fully compatible with the <em>'Edit as Table...'</em> functionality.<br><br> In IDE releases prior v2017.3, the shortcut in the editor context menu becomes invisible when using this plugin. However, the option can still be accessed via Toolbar -&gt; Edit -&gt; <em>'Edit as Table...'</em>. </span>]]></description><version>1.4.1</version><vendor email='' url='https://github.com/SeeSharpSoft/intellij-csv-validator'>Martin Sommer</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Handle tabs as 1-length character - fixes 'Tabularize' for csv files with tabs
  7673. <br> Fix default settings initialization]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='104' size='27403' date='1509208110000' url=''><name>TabMover</name><id>com.mnw.tabmover</id><description><![CDATA[TabReorder plugin allows to reorder and move editor tabs using keyboard shortcuts.
  7674. <br>Default shortcuts, but I recommend checking them with your current keymap:
  7675. <br>-
  7676. <i>Control+Alt+Shift+Left</i> to move tab left;
  7677. <br>-
  7678. <i>Control+Alt+Shift+Right</i> to move tab right;
  7679. <br>-
  7680. <i>Control+Alt+Shift+Up</i> to make tab first;
  7681. <br>-
  7682. <i>Control+Alt+Shift+Down</i> to make tab last;
  7683. <br>-
  7684. <i>no default keystroke</i> to move tab to previous splitter (tabgroup) within the same window;
  7685. <br>-
  7686. <i>no default keystroke</i> to make tab to next splitter (tabgroup) within the same window;
  7687. <br>-
  7688. <i>Control+Alt+Shift+PageUp</i> to move tab to previous splitter or window (depending on which comes first);
  7689. <br>-
  7690. <i>Control+Alt+Shift+PageDown</i> to make tab to next splitter or window (depending on which comes first);
  7691. <br>-
  7692. <i>Control+Alt+Shift+OpenBracket</i> to focus previous splitter or window (depending on which comes first);
  7693. <br>-
  7694. <i>Control+Alt+Shift+CloseBracket</i> to focus next splitter or window (depending on which comes first);
  7695. <br>-
  7696. <i>Control+Alt+Shift+D</i> to open a new window with the current tab;
  7697. <br>-
  7698. <i>Control+Alt+Shift+P,P</i> to move all pinned tabs to the beginning of the tablist;
  7699. <br>-
  7700. <i>Control+Alt+Shift+P,T</i> to pin all tabs that are not pinned. Or if all tabs are pinned, unpin all;
  7701. <br>-
  7702. <i>Alt+Shift+T</i> show action popup with possible actions;
  7703. <br>The plugin is open source (LGPL). 1.3]]></description><version>1.3.0</version><vendor email='mikinw.development@gmail.com' url='https://github.com/mikinw/TabMover'>MikiNW</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='135.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[1.3 - pin all tabs, move pinned tabs to start, action popup 1.2 - move tab to new window 1.1 - move tab to next splitter or next window 1.1 - focus next window]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='74' size='25502' date='1509281200000' url=''><name>Permute list element/xml attribute</name><id>com.mnw.permute</id><description><![CDATA[This plugin can
  7704. <b>swap items in a list left or right</b>. Eg. in a parameter list you can move parameters freely, keeping the format (whitespaces in between elements are kept intact). It works similar to the "Flip" intention when your caret is on a coma, but this plugin
  7705. <br> - does not need to stand on the coma, it can stand on the parameter, array item, etc.
  7706. <br> - works in free texts and comments (not just psiFiles)
  7707. <br> - tries to find the element even if the caret is on whitespace character
  7708. <br> - handles selection, so you can move more elements at the same time
  7709. <br>
  7710. <p>The plugin treats comas (',') as element separators, and treats ('()', '&lt;&gt;', '{}', '[]') as list boundaries. Each swap will happen inside these boundaries. However if an element itself has these boundaries, the swap still happens. </p>
  7711. <p><b>Note:</b> The plugin does not deal with unclosed boundary characters inside a string. It will give you a warning about badly formatted string. In this case you can select the whole string and perform the swap without trouble. </p>
  7712. <p>The plugin can also <b>rearrange xml attributes</b> in an xml tag. For this it uses a different approach, it uses intellij's psi hierarchy. </p>
  7713. <p>The keyboard shortcuts for these two function can be the same, because normally they won't interfere with each other. </p>
  7714. <p>Default shortcuts (but I recommend checking them with your current keymap): <br>- <i>Shift+Alt+K</i> swap list element forward OR swap xml attribute forward <br>- <i>Shift+Alt+L</i> swap list element backward OR swap xml attribute backward </p>
  7715. <p>If you find this plugin useful, please consider inviting me for a beer. I develop this plugin in my free time and I'm more motivated when I have a beer on desk :-) <br> http://PayPal.Me/mnwDevelopment/</p>]]></description><version>1.0</version><vendor email='mikinw.development@gmail.com' url=''>MikiNW</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='135.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[1.0 - first release: swap list elements, rearrange xml attributes]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='94' size='855349' date='1509981144000' url=''><name>KJump</name><id>com.werfad</id><description><![CDATA[A simplify plugin ported from vim-EasyMotion plugin for Intellij Platform IDE. And can be integrated with IdeaVim.
  7716. <br>
  7717. <br> There are no default activated shortcut. You can assign KJump activation shortcuts in Settings-&gt;Keymap-&gt;KJump menu, such as etc, or integrate with IdeaVim by add below section in ~/.ideavimrc:
  7718. <br> nmap s :action KJumpAction
  7719. <br>]]></description><version>0.0.2</version><vendor email='' url='https://github.com/a690700752/KJump'>Github</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[2017-11-6 v0.0.2 compat with IntelliJ Platform Products]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='39' size='960429' date='1515423584000' url=''><name>GoogleTranslation by huyquansu</name><id>suphuyquansu.plugin.translation.GoogleTranslation</id><description><![CDATA[GoogleTranslation
  7720. <br>
  7721. <b> <a rel="nofollow">Home Page</a> </b>
  7722. <br>
  7723. <br> suphuyquansu This Plugin for Webstorm help you Translate English to Vietnamese
  7724. <br>
  7725. <br> General Usage Instructions:
  7726. <ul>
  7727. <li>Choose the word you want translate.</li>
  7728. <li>Press CTRL + Alt + 1.</li>
  7729. <ul></ul>
  7730. </ul>]]></description><version>1.0.3</version><vendor email='aiitsme@gmail.com' url='https://github.com/aiitsme'>aiitsme</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[support webstorm.]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='3' size='15870' date='1516826003000' url=''><name>Go To Occurrence</name><id>com.frost_fox.goto</id><description><![CDATA[Plugin is build for fast navigation through sources. After firing plugin by assigned keystroke you are able to write down text you want move to in pop-up area. While modifying text closes occurrence of input text will be marked as selected in editor. After pressing enter caret will be moved to the start of that occurrence.]]></description><version>1.0</version><vendor email='dmytro.konowalow@gmail.com' url='https://github.com/FrostF0X'>FrostF0x</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='173.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[initial change notes]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin></category><ff>"Search and replace"</ff><category name="Search and replace"><idea-plugin downloads='8505' size='50877' date='1362457441000' url=''><name>SyncEdit 2</name><id>SyncEdit 2</id><description><![CDATA[SyncEdit allows you to refactor words in your code in a more flexible manner than that found in the default editor. The user first highlights a range of code, then selects any word within that range and begins editing. All other occurrences of that word within the selection will simultaneously update. Whereas the default rename refactoring works against only recognized variables, SyncEdit works against any word, regardless of it usage. SyncEdit can do things like change the visibility of several methods at once from public to private or easily comment out multiple System.out.println statements across multiple methods as long as they are included in the selection. This is version 2 of the original SyncEdit plugin created by Nathan Brown. It has not been updated since 2006 and has not worked cleanly since IntelliJ IDEA version 9. I have to patched it and I hope to add additional functionality but for now it is mostly an updated release of the original code. The first version had no published license and attempts at contacting the author were unsuccessful so I have simply updated the freely available version and am releasing it as an open source plugin.
  7731. <br />
  7732. <br /> A &quot;SyncEdit Mode&quot; menu item is added to the Search and Editor Popup menus. Simply select a range to be edited, enter &quot;SyncEdit Mode&quot; and all words in the marked range become 'live' - any changes to an instance of a word changes all matching strings in real-time.
  7733. <br />
  7734. <br /> When in SyncEdit mode, pressing TAB/Ctrl+TAB will take you forward to the next/previous SyncEditable word found, respectively.
  7735. <br />
  7736. <br /> The decision about the word to SyncEdit is determined by a 'Select Word' type operation at the current cursor location (respecting any CamelHump settings) when a modification is made. However, you can SyncEdit a custom region of text by first selecting it and then invoking the SyncEdit action again, or even just start typing to replace the substring completely.
  7737. <br />
  7738. <br /> There is also a &quot;Paste with SyncEdit&quot; action added to the Edit Menu - this will execute a paste and automatically enter SyncEdit Mode for the range of the pasted text, great for tweaking pasted code fragments for the context they are used in.
  7739. <br />
  7740. <br /> The mode can be exited by pressing either escape or enter - once to exit SyncEdit on a word, and once again to stop SyncEditing a range. The colors used by the SyncEdit plugin can be customised on the Plugins tab of the editor Colors &amp; Fonts settings.
  7741. <br />]]></description><version>2.0.2</version><vendor email='billdwhite@gmail.com' url=''>Bill White</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='111.1' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<ul>
  7742. <li>2.0.2 - Added settings panel with option to enabled/disable syncedit feature and to switch between using global/word selection. Fixed bug where syncedit would not stay active if multiple intellij windows were open at the same time. </li>
  7743. </ul>
  7744. <ul>
  7745. <li>2.0.1 - Fixed issue with preventing multiple selections. Fixed default coloring and default mode keystroke. Fixed errors for unusable selections. Reactivating syncedit outside selection now toggles off syncedit mode. Updated to work in other JetBrains platforms (AppCode, WebStorm, etc)</li>
  7746. </ul>
  7747. <p> </p>
  7748. <ul>
  7749. <li>2.0.0 - Changing version to correspond with name. Now works with multiple project windows open. Refactors whole words only now instead of words and substrings in other words.</li>
  7750. </ul>
  7751. <p> </p>
  7752. <ul>
  7753. <li>1.0.0 - Initial version directly built upon SyncEdit originally created by Nathan Brown (last updated 2006)</li>
  7754. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>4.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='655' size='358199' date='1489931108000' url=''><name>Code Search</name><id>com.senthil.codesearch</id><description><![CDATA[Codesearch plugin to search SearchCode server]]></description><version>1.0</version><vendor email='sen.mnnit@gmail.com' url='https://www.behance.net/salmabikutty'>Senthil Kumar</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='126' size='9080' date='1509374710000' url=''><name>Unitize</name><id>de.yannik_sc.java.intelli_j.plugins.unitize</id><description><![CDATA[This plugin wraps CSS properties in the unitize mixin from Shopware in less files by pressing Ctrl + U e.g. margin: 10px 0 10px; /* Becomes */ .unitize-margin(10px, 0); With the `@nounitize` CSS annotation (© Yannik_Sc) you can disable the unitizer for a single line. By pressing Ctrl + Shift + Alt + U, you can unitize a whole file. The source code can be found on: https://gitlab.com/Yannik_Sc/IntelliJ_Unitize]]></description><version>1.0</version><vendor email='yannik@yannik-sc.de' url=''>Yannik</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[1.0: Release]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin></category><ff>"J2ee"</ff><category name="J2ee"><idea-plugin downloads='68914' size='9378298' date='1508240067000' url=''><name>IDEA Jetty Runner</name><id>JettyRunner-GK</id><description><![CDATA[A plugin that allows you to quickly run Jetty from IntelliJ IDEA.
  7755. <br>
  7756. <br> If you require full support please consider buying the IntelliJ IDEA Enterprise Edition.
  7757. <br> This plugin should be Win / Mac / Linux compatible.
  7758. <br>
  7759. <br> Compatible with
  7760. <b>servlet-api</b> versions:
  7761. <i>3.1, 3.0, 2.5, 2.4, 2.3, 2.2</i>.
  7762. <br> Protocols: HTTP / 1.1 (RFC 7230), HTTP / 2 (RFC 7540), WebSocket (RFC 6455, JSR 356), FastCGI.
  7763. <br> Many thanks for the kind contributions on GitHub, cheers guys!
  7764. <br>
  7765. <br> Minimum requirement: JVM / JDK / JRE v8
  7766. <br> tags: jetty, container, webapp, runner, tomcat, runner]]></description><version>1.2.1</version><vendor email='guikeller@gmail.com' url='https://github.com/guikeller/jetty-runner'>IntelliJ Jetty Runner</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='131.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Version 1.2.1 - Github Pull Request #46 - Jetty 9.4.x - Improved code readability.]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='3354' size='211439' date='1508808448000' url='https://gitee.com/baomidou/mybatis-plus'><name>MyBatisX</name><id>com.baomidou.plugin.idea.mybatisx</id><description><![CDATA[MybatisX plugin]]></description><version>.0.1.0</version><vendor email='jobob@qq.com' url='https://mp.baomidou.com'>MybatisX</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[2017.10.20
  7767. <ul>
  7768. <li>mybatisx-0.1.0</li>
  7769. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>(optional) com.intellij.spring</depends><depends>(optional) com.intellij.sql</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='24' size='5039423' date='1516782230000' url=''><name>Generator Code Plugin</name><id>com.github.fartherp.plugin</id><description><![CDATA[根据选择的数据库,匹配数据库中的所有表,自动生成bo类、dao接口、service接口及实现和mapping文件。
  7770. <br>
  7771. <br> According to the selected database, matching all the tables of the database, automatically generate domain class, dao interface, service interface and mapping files.
  7772. <br> 作者: CK
  7773. <br> 邮箱: yuqiang.cui@gmail.com
  7774. <br> 主页: https://github.com/fartherp/generator-idea-plugins]]></description><version>1.0.1</version><vendor email='yuqiang.cui@gmail.com' url='https://github.com/fartherp/generator-idea-plugins'>fartherp</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[新增代码结构,添加部分检验]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin></category><ff>"Plugin development"</ff><category name="Plugin development"><idea-plugin downloads='37164' size='94353' date='1482009043000' url='https://github.com/cmf/psiviewer'><name>PsiViewer</name><id>PsiViewer</id><description><![CDATA[A Program Structure Interface (PSI) tree viewer. This plugin may be useful for developers who are considering using the PSI interface in their own plugins.]]></description><version>3.28.93</version><vendor email='' url=''>Andrew Armstrong, Bas Leijdekkers, Vince Mallet, Ole Matzura, Jacques Morel, Colin Fleming, Jon Akhtar</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='130.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Support for reference highlighting]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>4.8</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='41459' size='728879' date='1510285309000' url='https://github.com/JetBrains/Grammar-Kit'><name>Grammar-Kit</name><id>org.jetbrains.idea.grammar</id><description><![CDATA[BNF Grammars and JFlex lexers editor. Readable parser/PSI code generator.]]></description><version>2017.1.1</version><vendor email='gregory.shrago@jetbrains.com' url=''>Greg Shrago</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='171.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<ul>
  7775. <li>Generator: per-rule psiPackage and psiImplPackage attributes</li>
  7776. <li>Inspections: comment-based inspection suppression</li>
  7777. <li>Editor: improved java references highlighting and "Create Class" quick fixes</li>
  7778. <li>JFlex: new download link and VM options to override defaults</li>
  7779. </ul>
  7780. <a href="https://github.com/JetBrains/Grammar-Kit#change-log" rel="nofollow">Full change log...</a>]]></change-notes><depends>(optional) com.intellij.copyright</depends><depends>(optional) com.intellij.diagram</depends><depends>(optional) com.intellij.modules.java</depends><rating>4.8</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='23611' size='28472191' date='1513086643000' url=''><name>LivePlugin</name><id>LivePlugin</id><description><![CDATA[This is a plugin for IntelliJ IDEs to write plugins at runtime without having to restart IDE. It uses Groovy as main scripting language and has experimental support for Kotlin.
  7781. <br>
  7782. <br> To get started:
  7783. <ul>
  7784. <li>open "Plugins" tool window</li>
  7785. <li>select one of the plugin entries in the panel (entries are folders, and "plugin.groovy" are startup scripts for plugins)</li>
  7786. <li>click "Run" icon to execute plugin (or use keyboard shortcut "alt+C, alt+E" or "ctrl+shift+L")</li>
  7787. </ul> If the above worked fine:
  7788. <ul>
  7789. <li>modify "plugin.groovy" and rerun plugin to see results</li>
  7790. <li>add built-in plugin examples and experiment with them</li>
  7791. <li>for more details see <a href="https://github.com/dkandalov/live-plugin" rel="nofollow">readme on GitHub</a></li>
  7792. </ul> If something doesn't work, feel free to
  7793. <a href="https://github.com/dkandalov/live-plugin/issues" rel="nofollow">report an issue</a>.
  7794. <br> (To use alt+... shortcuts on OSX with JDK8 you might need to edit keyboard layout, please see
  7795. <a href="https://github.com/dkandalov/live-plugin/wiki/Alt-keyboard-shortcuts-on-osx" rel="nofollow">this wiki page</a>.)]]></description><version>0.6.1 beta</version><vendor email='dmitry.kandalov [at] gmail.com' url='https://github.com/dkandalov/live-plugin'>Dmitry Kandalov</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='163.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<ul>
  7796. Version 0.6.0:
  7797. <li>experimental support for Kotlin</li>
  7798. <li>dropped Scala and Clojure from UI (existing plugins should still run)</li>
  7799. <li>simplified settings menu</li>
  7800. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='26941' size='1777255' date='1506159662000' url=''><name>IntelliJ API Watcher</name><id>com.jetbrains.intellij.api.watcher</id><description><![CDATA[The plugin provides 'Find External Usages' action which allows developers to quickly find plugins which use IntelliJ platform classes, methods or fields and 'Check external usages' option in 'Commit Changes' dialog which checks that changes in IntelliJ platform classes don't break external plugins.
  7801. <p></p>
  7802. <p> <br><b>Note:</b> it makes no sense to install this plugin if you don't contribute to IntelliJ IDEA sources. Also the plugin requires connection to a server which isn't accessible outside of JetBrains internal network.</p>]]></description><version>6.13.0</version><vendor email='support@jetbrains.com' url='http://www.jetbrains.com'>JetBrains</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='171.3566.24' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<p>6.13.0</p>
  7803. <ul>
  7804. <li>Fix PR-974: Pre-push check processes changes for commits made by other developers:
  7805. <ul>
  7806. <li>from now only the commits of the current user will be checked</li>
  7807. <li>performance improvement on rebase and force-push of a feature-branch</li>
  7808. </ul> </li>
  7809. <li>Fix some incorrect warnings on:
  7810. <ul>
  7811. <li>addition of a new abstract method</li>
  7812. <li>moving a method or a field upward in the classes hierarchy</li>
  7813. <li>removing a method that has an implementation in its parent</li>
  7814. </ul> </li>
  7815. <li>In conflicts panel a new popup option 'Open Current Version' is added. It allows to navigate to the current version of the modified code.</li>
  7816. </ul>
  7817. <p>6.1.0 - 6.12.0</p>
  7818. <ul>
  7819. <li>Various analysis bug fixes</li>
  7820. <li>Presentation and message fixes</li>
  7821. </ul>
  7822. <p>6.0.0</p>
  7823. <ul>
  7824. <li>More intelligent API conflicts analysis</li>
  7825. </ul>
  7826. <p>5.13.0</p>
  7827. <ul>
  7828. <li>Fix long-running check tasks in Kotlin files</li>
  7829. <li>Increase the connection timeout: fix the spurious connection failures</li>
  7830. </ul>
  7831. <p>5.12.0</p>
  7832. <ul>
  7833. <li>Check only the commits of the current user before push: rebasing a feature-branch on master and then force-pushing it is not so slow</li>
  7834. <li>Replace the annoying 'see bytecode' popup with a suggestion on top of the opened class file</li>
  7835. </ul>
  7836. <p>5.11.0</p>
  7837. <ul>
  7838. <li>Fix the LOG.assertTrue errors on some commits</li>
  7839. </ul>
  7840. <p>5.9.0 and 5.10.0</p>
  7841. <ul>
  7842. <li>Fix the 'Read access is allowed from EDT only' problem</li>
  7843. </ul>
  7844. <p>5.8.0</p>
  7845. <ul>
  7846. <li>Hot fix of 5.7.0: fixed highlighting of the Kotlin</li>
  7847. </ul>
  7848. <p>5.7.0</p>
  7849. <ul>
  7850. <li>PR-245: Added pre-push IntelliJ API checks (they are enabled by default and can be disabled in the API Watcher settings)</li>
  7851. <li>PR-244: More support for working offline: added offline sessions</li>
  7852. <li>PR-522: Added an option to see the bytecode of the class file containing the usages</li>
  7853. <li>PR-517: Adjusted Find External Usages panel borders</li>
  7854. </ul>
  7855. <p>5.6.0</p>
  7856. <ul>
  7857. <li>Fixed NoClassDefFoundError on the IDEA merged with Android Studio sources</li>
  7858. </ul>
  7859. <p>5.5.0</p>
  7860. <ul>
  7861. <li>Fixed NoClassDefError during Kotlin classes API check</li>
  7862. </ul>
  7863. <p>5.4.0</p>
  7864. <ul>
  7865. <li>Sources search fixes</li>
  7866. <li>Multi-selection fixes</li>
  7867. </ul>
  7868. <p>5.2.0 and 5.3.0</p>
  7869. <ul>
  7870. <li>Minor usability fixes</li>
  7871. <li>Fixes in the server side</li>
  7872. </ul>
  7873. <p>5.1.0</p>
  7874. <ul>
  7875. <li>Saving toggle states</li>
  7876. <li>A tiny improvement of the methods highlighting in the decompiled code</li>
  7877. <li>Minor bugfixes</li>
  7878. </ul>
  7879. <p>5.0.0</p>
  7880. <ul>
  7881. <li>Kotlin code usages search (including Kotlin classes, methods and fields)</li>
  7882. <li>Added check of Java to Kotlin source conversion (do not be surprised that the API Watcher complains on some "deleted" methods: they are actually deleted in the resulting bytecode. In some cases adding the appropriate annotations may help (e.g. if static method is moved to the Companion-Object @JvmStatic is expected)</li>
  7883. <li>Find External Usages from the Project View</li>
  7884. <li>Searching for packages works again</li>
  7885. <li>Added new button in the usages panel: "Open Source code". For the classes of the currently opened Project (i.e. IJ Ultimate project) it will open their current source. For the external plugins which have specified their source-code url (e.g. on github.com) it will try to search them and open in the editor. The other button "Open Decompiled class" now serves for loading and opening a .class-file from the Plugin Repository (an actual indexed usage). Don't be surprised if these two files don't match.</li>
  7886. <li>Added some more intelligent analysis of binary breakages (so decreased an amount of false-positives when the API Watcher complains on a breakage but actually there are no problems) Not all possible cases are considered, so don't hesitate to create new issues on YouTrack.</li>
  7887. </ul>
  7888. <p>4.4.0</p>
  7889. <ul>
  7890. <li>Fixed non-decompiled class-file problem</li>
  7891. </ul>
  7892. <p>4.3.0</p>
  7893. <ul>
  7894. <li>Usability fixes</li>
  7895. </ul>
  7896. <p>4.2.0</p>
  7897. <ul>
  7898. <li>Usages of classes in XML descriptors</li>
  7899. <li>Various bug fixes</li>
  7900. </ul>
  7901. <p>4.1.0</p>
  7902. <ul>
  7903. <li>Properties search</li>
  7904. </ul>
  7905. <p>4.0.0</p>
  7906. <ul>
  7907. <li>Decompiled code highlighting improvements</li>
  7908. </ul>
  7909. <p>3.7.0</p>
  7910. <ul>
  7911. <li>Various bug fixes</li>
  7912. </ul>
  7913. <p>3.6.0</p>
  7914. <ul>
  7915. <li>Relocation of default indexing server to http://intellij-api-watcher-prod.labs.intellij.net:80</li>
  7916. <li>More correct error handling</li>
  7917. </ul>
  7918. <p>3.5.0</p>
  7919. <ul>
  7920. <li>Various bug fixes</li>
  7921. </ul>
  7922. <p>3.4.0</p>
  7923. <ul>
  7924. <li>Remake of pre-commit dialog (no more unexpected closing)</li>
  7925. <li>Convenient "Update plugin" button</li>
  7926. <li>TeamCity-plugin indexed separately</li>
  7927. </ul>
  7928. <p>3.1.0</p>
  7929. <ul>
  7930. <li>More descriptive notifications</li>
  7931. </ul>
  7932. <p>3.0.0</p>
  7933. <ul>
  7934. <li>Added pre-commit check option ("Check external usages") which checks risky IntelliJ API changes (e.g deleting methods, changing access modifiers) since last VCS revision. It checks if there were any usages in external plugins. In case there were some usages, pretty informative usages panel will be shown. Otherwise commit will be passed as always. </li>
  7935. </ul>
  7936. <p>2.9</p>
  7937. <ul>
  7938. <li>Request performance improved</li>
  7939. <li>Added possibility to search package usages</li>
  7940. <li>Multi-selection in left side double-pane</li>
  7941. <li>Server auto-updating indices (always recent versions of plugins!)</li>
  7942. </ul>
  7943. <p>2.8</p>
  7944. <ul>
  7945. <li>Got rit of annoying read-access exception</li>
  7946. <li>Now you can discover list of indexed plugins at http://unit-753.labs.intellij.net:8080/status</li>
  7947. <li>New icons</li>
  7948. </ul>
  7949. <p>2.7</p>
  7950. <ul>
  7951. <li>New icons for different class-types</li>
  7952. <li>Server-side improvements</li>
  7953. <li>New error notifications</li>
  7954. </ul>
  7955. <p>2.2</p>
  7956. <ul>
  7957. <li>Added notification error when plugin is out-of-date</li>
  7958. <li>Added support of searching for usages of inherited classes</li>
  7959. <li>Fixed bug with methods override case</li>
  7960. </ul>
  7961. <p>2.1</p>
  7962. <ul>
  7963. <li>Client-server protocol changes</li>
  7964. <li>Various bug fixes</li>
  7965. </ul>
  7966. <p>2.0</p>
  7967. <ul>
  7968. <li>Added support of overriding/implementing methods</li>
  7969. <li>Got rid of irritating warning</li>
  7970. </ul>
  7971. <p>1.4.5</p>
  7972. <ul>
  7973. <li>Added shortcut for browser</li>
  7974. <li>Various bug fixes</li>
  7975. </ul>
  7976. <p>1.4.4</p>
  7977. <ul>
  7978. <li>Added expand/collapse all buttons</li>
  7979. </ul>
  7980. <p>1.4.3</p>
  7981. <ul>
  7982. <li>Added show in browser button</li>
  7983. </ul>
  7984. <p>1.4.2</p>
  7985. <ul>
  7986. <li>Got rid of unnecessary IDEA-build setting</li>
  7987. <li>Added sorting of plugins and classes by name</li>
  7988. </ul>
  7989. <p>1.4.1</p>
  7990. <ul>
  7991. <li>Added new usage type: Class static member access</li>
  7992. </ul>
  7993. <p>1.4:</p>
  7994. <ul>
  7995. <li>Added navigation by searched element</li>
  7996. <li>Speed search in results</li>
  7997. <li>Various bug fixes</li>
  7998. </ul>
  7999. <p>1.3:</p>
  8000. <ul>
  8001. <li>Added warning messages</li>
  8002. <li>Added shortcuts</li>
  8003. </ul>
  8004. <p>1.2:</p>
  8005. <ul>
  8006. <li>Added close button</li>
  8007. <li>Added group by usage type button</li>
  8008. <li>Added possibility to load and open class</li>
  8009. <li>Various bug fixes</li>
  8010. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>(optional) org.jetbrains.kotlin</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='1205' size='1109060' date='1453472576000' url=''><name>ViewHolder for Android</name><id>com.rd.app.plugin.</id><description><![CDATA[Enter short description for your plugin here.
  8011. <br />
  8012. <em>most HTML tags may be used</em>]]></description><version>1.0</version><vendor email='hbh@erongdu.com' url='http://www.yourcompany.com'>Hubert</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='131.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Add change notes here.
  8013. <br />
  8014. <em>most HTML tags may be used</em>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='463' size='1745841' date='1459292372000' url=''><name>PainPoints</name><id>com.philipleder.plugin.painpoint</id><description><![CDATA[Pain Points. Boo boos. Yuckyness. H@CKS]]></description><version>1.17.9</version><vendor email='phil@philipleder.com' url='http://philipleder.com'>Phil Leder</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='131.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[1.17.9 Hotfix. 1.17.8 Very strict database retry, and now using invoke later on database queries. 1.17.6 Figuring out how to change this when loading from an enterprise repo.]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='1274' size='585851' date='1473329758000' url=''><name>Panda Image Compression</name><id>com.thea.plugin.imagecompression</id><description><![CDATA[This will help you to compress jpg or png images.]]></description><version>1.0</version><vendor email='1139280884@qq.com' url='http://www.jianshu.com/u/68debfc01c4f'>Thea</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='141.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[1.0: First version released.]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='1264' size='105446' date='1489638241000' url=''><name>TemplateBuilder</name><id>TemplateBuilder</id><description><![CDATA[<b><a href="https://puke3615.github.io/2017/03/06/TemplateBuilder/" rel="nofollow">Click Here For User Guide</a><br></b>
  8015. <br>
  8016. <b>Quick Start</b>
  8017. <br> 1. Select .java or .xml(layout resource) files
  8018. <br> 2. Key down ALT + T
  8019. <br> 3. Configure template info
  8020. <br> 4. Restart your IDE and try it
  8021. <br>
  8022. <br>
  8023. <b>Don't repeat yourself and enjoy your time.</b>
  8024. <br>]]></description><version>2.0</version><vendor email='1129090915@qq.com' url='http://puke3615.github.io'>Contact me</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='141.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<b>v2.0</b>
  8025. <br> 1. Compat for jdk1.6+
  8026. <br> 2. Compat multi IntelliJ products
  8027. <br> 3. Optimize judgment about Activity
  8028. <br>
  8029. <br>
  8030. <b>v1.10</b>
  8031. <br> 1. Delete old template when perform overwriting operation
  8032. <br>
  8033. <br>
  8034. <b>v1.9</b>
  8035. <br> 1. Fix bug that templates can't be generated in different package path
  8036. <br> 2. Change default template name from project name to module name
  8037. <br>
  8038. <br>
  8039. <b>v1.8</b>
  8040. <br> 1. Fix the issue that the build.gradle.ftl file can't be merged sometimes
  8041. <br>
  8042. <br>
  8043. <b>v1.7</b>
  8044. <br> 1. Fix bug on Windows OS
  8045. <br> 2. Show confirm dialog when template already exists
  8046. <br>
  8047. <br>
  8048. <b>v1.6</b>
  8049. <br> 1. Supports Windows OS
  8050. <br> 2. Supports store configuration message
  8051. <br> 3. Add input data validating
  8052. <br> 4. Modify ui style
  8053. <br>
  8054. <br>
  8055. <b>v1.5</b>
  8056. <br> 1. Largely reduce the plugin size
  8057. <br>
  8058. <br>
  8059. <b>v1.4</b>
  8060. <br> 1. Fix bug that crash occurs on startup for Android Studio 2.3
  8061. <br>
  8062. <br>
  8063. <b>v1.3</b>
  8064. <br> 1. Supports editing configuration files
  8065. <br> 2. Change some logic about building templates
  8066. <br> 3. fix some issues
  8067. <br>
  8068. <br>
  8069. <b>v1.2</b>
  8070. <br> 1. Automatically add the activity to the AndroidManifest.xml
  8071. <br> 2. Supports editing a build.gradle file
  8072. <br> 3. Supports select folder
  8073. <br> 4. Supports select drawable
  8074. <br>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='167' size='292385' date='1488930579000' url=''><name>Hodor</name><id>com.coursehero.hodor</id><description><![CDATA[Hodor live templates for Hodor front-end framework]]></description><version>1.0.0</version><vendor email='@haripaddu' url='https://github.com/course-hero/hodor'>@haripaddu</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='107.105' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<dl>
  8075. <dt>
  8076. No changes so far...
  8077. </dt>
  8078. <dd></dd>
  8079. </dl>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='344' size='77546' date='1492158571000' url=''><name>AiJokerFindView</name><id>com.joker.find.view</id><description><![CDATA[This if plugin for find view by
  8080. <a href="https://github.com/JakeWharton/kotterknife" rel="nofollow">kotterknife</a> .
  8081. <br>
  8082. <em>most HTML tags may be used</em>]]></description><version>1.0</version><vendor email='474916963@qq.com' url=''>xiaolu</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Add change notes here.
  8083. <br>
  8084. <em>most HTML tags may be used</em>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='1285' size='79113' date='1511407076000' url=''><name>XmlToJson</name><id>com.meizu.flyme.mall.XmlToJson</id><description><![CDATA[This Plugin is a tool for my company's project to convert the xml text to json text. It rewrite the rules of JsonOject parsing xml so that the xml tag header is the same as its own attribute as an attribute, and the parsing logic of the special attribute is added.]]></description><version>1.2</version><vendor email='ruhw.cn@gmail.com' url='http://www.meizu.com'>MEIZU</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Compatible with changes of String class in Java8]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='387' size='391124' date='1497516613000' url='https://github.com/sunary/options-completion-phpstorm-plugin'><name>Options completion plugin</name><id>com.sunary.options-completion-phpstorm-plugin</id><description><![CDATA[Options completion plugin
  8085. <br> Parses phpDocumentor's hash description (https://github.com/phpDocumentor/fig-standards/blob/master/proposed/phpdoc.md#7-describing-hashes) and shows supported keys.
  8086. <br> Features:
  8087. <br>
  8088. <ul>
  8089. <li>Complete array keys for function parameters</li>
  8090. <li>Show elements type in completion</li>
  8091. <li>Support enum</li>
  8092. </ul>]]></description><version>1.0.1</version><vendor email='boss@aku.vn' url='http://www.aku.vn'>Nhat Vo Van</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='107.105' /><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><depends>com.jetbrains.php</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='100' size='43737' date='1508989411000' url=''><name>EventbusUtil Automatic generation of code</name><id>com.zq.plugin</id><description><![CDATA[EventbusUtil Automatic generation of code]]></description><version>1.0</version><vendor email='401483850@qq.com' url='http://www.jianshu.com/u/aeec620e84b5'>happyZq</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[EventbusUtil Automatic generation of code]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='111' size='324152' date='1509610794000' url=''><name>Selector Generator</name><id>com.bianxiaoyan.selector</id><description><![CDATA[自动生成android Selector Drawable&amp;Color.
  8093. <br>]]></description><version>1.0.0</version><vendor email='243716195@qq.com' url='https://github.com/BianXiaoYan/Generate-SelectorDrawable.git'>Guohe</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[File name suffix Drawable state _normal (default state) _pressed state_pressed _p state_pressed _focused state_focused _disabled state_enabled _checked state_checked _selected state_selected _hovered state_hovered _checkable state_checkable _activated state_activated _windowfocused state_window_focused
  8094. <br>
  8095. <b>Plugin HomePage</b>
  8096. <br> 这个插件是参考了
  8097. <a href="https://github.com/skibug/SelectorGeneratorPlus" rel="nofollow">https://github.com/skibug/SelectorGeneratorPlus</a>增加mipmap支持。
  8098. <br>
  8099. <b>1.1.0</b> (2017/10/25)
  8100. <br>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin></category><ff>"TeamWork"</ff><category name="TeamWork"><idea-plugin downloads='20115' size='1496939' date='1202307731000' url=''><name>Jira Browser</name><id>Jira Browser</id><description><![CDATA[
  8101. The Jira Issue Browser plugin integrates the Atlassian Jira ( http://www.atlassian.com ) issue tracking
  8102. system into the IntelliJ IDEA development environment. The plugin provides quick access to assigned and
  8103. outstanding issues and the ability to annotate classes/methods worked on whilst developing against an issue.
  8104. The plugin also provides the ability to create, comment, and resolve issues direct fromm the IntelliJ
  8105. environment.
  8106. ]]></description><version>0.3.1</version><vendor email='' url=''>Mark Derricutt</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='72.7312' /><change-notes><![CDATA[
  8107. ]]></change-notes><depends>WebServicesPlugin</depends><rating>1.7</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='51608' size='1110032' date='1458753173000' url='https://www.jetbrains.com'><name>IDETalk</name><id>IDETalk</id><description><![CDATA[A plugin for code-related communications between developers.
  8108. <p> </p>
  8109. <ul>
  8110. <li>Exchange messages with your fellow developers right inside the IDE. You can reach your colleagues from your local network or use Jabber for distant communications. </li>
  8111. <li>Right click in your editor and send a &quot;code pointer&quot; - a reference to that particular point in the file. </li>
  8112. <li>Send stacktrace to a user from your contact list. The stacktrace will be navigatable on the receiving side. </li>
  8113. <li>View list of files opened in IDEA by any of your IDEtalk contacts. Hide your files from viewing, if you don't like to be spied. </li>
  8114. <li>View differences between your files and files of your contact.</li>
  8115. </ul>]]></description><version>145.258.11</version><vendor email='' url=''>JetBrains</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.258' /><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><rating>4.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='2296' size='507003' date='1198288756000' url=''><name>Grok</name><id>Grok</id><description><![CDATA[ A fully extensible implementation expertise mining framework. The framework supports
  8116. heuristic metrics that quantitatively mines artifacts-centric expertise levels from
  8117. version control and issue tracker repositories.
  8118. <p>
  8119. An integrated communication infrastructure links developers seeking help on given
  8120. software artifact to the appropriate experts. The skilled experts subset is deduced by
  8121. a user-defined metric evaluated at runtime. The communications facilities includes
  8122. sending emails, sharing code pointers using IDEtalk, submitting bug reports or
  8123. new feature requests.
  8124. <p>
  8125. By default, the expertise query/help action is mapped to Ctrl+Shift+F1.
  8126. ]]></description><version>1.0.4</version><vendor email='info@olympya.com' url=''>Paulo Mattos and Hugo Baés</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='75.7590' /><change-notes><![CDATA[
  8127. 1.0.3:<br>
  8128. Implemented support for automatic workgroup creation.
  8129. 1.0.2:<br>
  8130. Fixed yet another plugin upload problem. <br><br>
  8131. 1.0.1:<br>
  8132. Fixed .zip layout problem. <br><br>
  8133. 1.0:<br>
  8134. Initial release. <br><br>
  8135. ]]></change-notes><depends>IDEtalk</depends><rating>3.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='13320' size='641640' date='1458520997000' url='https://github.com/syllant/idea-plugin-revu'><name>reVu</name><id>org.sylfra.idea.plugins.revu</id><description><![CDATA[Team Code Reviewer for Intellij IDEA. Simple and flexible, created specially for IDEA.]]></description><version>2.7.3</version><vendor email='syllant@gmail.com' url='https://github.com/syllant'>Sylvain FRANCOIS</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='133.193' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<b>2.7.3</b> (03/20/2016)
  8136. <ul>
  8137. <li>Refactor settings components for IntelliJ 16/2016 apis </li>
  8138. <li><a href="https://github.com/syllant/idea-plugin-revu/issues/46" rel="nofollow">Issue #46 &quot;Not supported because it's bad for hibernation; use scheduleWithFixedDelay() instead&quot;</a> </li>
  8139. </ul>
  8140. <b>2.7.2</b> (07/21/2015)
  8141. <ul>
  8142. <li><a href="https://github.com/syllant/idea-plugin-revu/issues/39" rel="nofollow">Issue #39 &quot;File already exists in VFS&quot; error</a> </li>
  8143. </ul>
  8144. <b>2.7.1</b> (03/01/2014)
  8145. <ul>
  8146. <li><a href="https://github.com/syllant/idea-plugin-revu/issues/35" rel="nofollow">Issue #35 NPE in logs when creating review without defined login</a> </li>
  8147. </ul>
  8148. <b>2.7</b> (12/13/2013)
  8149. <ul>
  8150. <li><a href="https://github.com/syllant/idea-plugin-revu/issues/32" rel="nofollow">Issue #32 IntelliJ Idea 13 Support</a> </li>
  8151. </ul>
  8152. <b>2.6</b> (11/09/2013)
  8153. <ul>
  8154. <li>Fix: <a href="https://github.com/syllant/idea-plugin-revu/issues/28" rel="nofollow">Issue #28 Support git when selecting revisions</a> </li>
  8155. <li>Fix: <a href="https://github.com/syllant/idea-plugin-revu/issues/29" rel="nofollow">Issue #29 Improve performance for &quot;Annotate for review</a> </li>
  8156. <li>Fix: <a href="https://github.com/syllant/idea-plugin-revu/issues/23" rel="nofollow">Issue #23 AnnotationListener not exist in Idea 12</a> </li>
  8157. <li>New: Review files chmoded to avoid VCS read-only issues (<a href="https://github.com/syllant/idea-plugin-revu/issues/25" rel="nofollow">Issue #25 Revu and TFS</a>) </li>
  8158. <li>Thanks to <a href="https://github.com/blabno" rel="nofollow">Bernard Labno</a> for contributions </li>
  8159. </ul>
  8160. <b>2.6rc4</b> (06/23/2013)
  8161. <ul>
  8162. <li>Support for all IntelliJ Platform Products </li>
  8163. </ul>
  8164. <b>2.6rc3</b> (12/08/2012)
  8165. <ul>
  8166. <li>Fix: Compatibility issues with IDEA 12 (<a href="https://github.com/syllant/idea-plugin-revu/issues/18" rel="nofollow">Issue #18 (not working in IDEA 12)</a>) </li>
  8167. <li>Fix: Compatibility issues with IDEA 11 (<a href="https://github.com/syllant/idea-plugin-revu/issues/9" rel="nofollow">Issue #9 (Does not work with IDEA Build #IU-117.912)</a>, <a href="https://github.com/syllant/idea-plugin-revu/issues/5" rel="nofollow">Issue #5 (Internal IDE error when saving a review)</a>) </li>
  8168. <li>Fix: Bug in validation of revision numbers (<a href="https://github.com/syllant/idea-plugin-revu/issues/7" rel="nofollow">Issue #7 (Can't enter revision number)</a>) </li>
  8169. <li>Fix: lots of other declared issues (<a href="https://github.com/syllant/idea-plugin-revu/issues?milestone=1&amp;state=closed" rel="nofollow">Closed issues</a>) </li>
  8170. <li>Thanks to <a href="https://github.com/blabno" rel="nofollow">Bernard Labno</a> for help </li>
  8171. </ul>
  8172. <b>2.6rc2</b> (04/25/2012)
  8173. <ul>
  8174. <li>Fix: Compatibility issues with IDEA 11 </li>
  8175. </ul>
  8176. <b>2.6rc1</b> (03/12/2012)
  8177. <ul>
  8178. <li>(not publicly available) </li>
  8179. <li>Fix: Compatibility issues with IDEA 11 </li>
  8180. </ul>
  8181. <b>2.5</b> (12/18/2010)
  8182. <ul>
  8183. <li>Fix (<a href="http://code.google.com/p/idea-revu/issues/detail?id=16" rel="nofollow">Issue 16</a>): XSD schema registration did not work anymore </li>
  8184. <li>Fix (<a href="http://code.google.com/p/idea-revu/issues/detail?id=17" rel="nofollow">Issue 17</a>): display of issues with same summary </li>
  8185. <li>Fix (<a href="http://code.google.com/p/idea-revu/issues/detail?id=19" rel="nofollow">Issue 19</a>): titles of Noted &amp; Assignees tabs are now refreshed after changes </li>
  8186. </ul>
  8187. <b>2.0.1</b> (10/21/2010)
  8188. <ul>
  8189. <li>Fix: Wrong assertion related to VCS in some cases </li>
  8190. </ul>
  8191. <b>2.0</b> (04/30/2010)
  8192. <ul>
  8193. <li>New: Reviewing mode, with custom VCS annotations </li>
  8194. <li>New: File scope management with selected files to review </li>
  8195. <li>New: Tree view instead of table view </li>
  8196. <li>New: Filtering and grouping features to help navigating betweens issues </li>
  8197. <li>New: Creation of review from VCS changes </li>
  8198. <li>New: New main menu </li>
  8199. <li>New: Active in diff mode </li>
  8200. <li>New: Color management for issue statuses </li>
  8201. <li>New: Lots of miscellaneous hints to improve usability </li>
  8202. <li>Fix: lots of miscellaneous fixes, minor, major and critical! </li>
  8203. </ul>
  8204. <b>1.0</b> (12/16/2008)
  8205. <ul>
  8206. <li>Initial release </li>
  8207. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>3.5</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='4026' size='453045' date='1282765353000' url=''><name>Bugzilla task provider</name><id>org.bugzilla.tasks</id><description><![CDATA[Allows for access of your bugzilla tasks.]]></description><version>0.1</version><vendor email='' url=''>Freshly Baked Apps</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='80.8000' /><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.tasks</depends><rating>2.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='1671' size='2489218' date='1318826497000' url=''><name>Kanbanery for IntelliJ</name><id>pl.project13.intellij.kanbanery</id><description><![CDATA[
  8208. <p>
  8209. Use <a href="http://www.kanbanery.com">Kanbanery</a> as IntelliJ <b>Tasks</b> resource.
  8210. You can choose tasks from your Kanban board (or multiple boards) and start hacking on them.
  8211. Be sure to take a look at the <a href="https://github.com/ktoso/kanbanery-for-intellij">README in the github repo</a>, as it contains a nice preview of this plugin :-)
  8212. </p>
  8213. <p>
  8214. Task titles (and reference ID's) are then added automatically to each commit so Kanbanery will know that some commit is about some task.
  8215. </p>
  8216. <p>
  8217. You will need to create a Kanbanery account to use this plugin, but don't worry - it's free :-)
  8218. </p>
  8219. ]]></description><version>1.0</version><vendor email='konrad.malawski@java.pl' url=''>
  8220. project13.pl
  8221. </vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='80.8000' /><change-notes><![CDATA[
  8222. <strong>v1.0</strong>
  8223. <ul>
  8224. <li>Initial release</li>
  8225. </ul>
  8226. ]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.tasks</depends><rating>4.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='7766' size='69365' date='1490103796000' url=''><name>wide-task-browser</name><id>wide-task-browser</id><description><![CDATA[Displays complete task list]]></description><version>0.1.16</version><vendor email='' url=''>ol-loginov</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='139.658' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Version 0.1.16 changes:
  8227. <ul>
  8228. <li>Use non-modal update progress on startup</li>
  8229. </ul> Version 0.1.15 changes:
  8230. <ul>
  8231. <li>Remove closed tasks after update</li>
  8232. </ul> Version 0.1.14 changes:
  8233. <ul>
  8234. <li>IDEA ui style</li>
  8235. <li>More information about repository error (in baloon text)</li>
  8236. </ul> Version 0.1.13 changes:
  8237. <ul>
  8238. <li>simple task state filter</li>
  8239. </ul> Version 0.1.12 changes:
  8240. <ul>
  8241. <li>use built-in open task dialog</li>
  8242. <li>use built-in icons</li>
  8243. </ul> Version 0.1.11 changes:
  8244. <ul>
  8245. <li>mantis repository support</li>
  8246. </ul> Version 0.1.10 changes:
  8247. <ul>
  8248. <li>built with java 6</li>
  8249. </ul> Version 0.1.9 changes:
  8250. <ul>
  8251. <li>migration up to IDEA 14</li>
  8252. </ul> Version 0.1.8 changes:
  8253. <ul>
  8254. <li>add scroll support for task details</li>
  8255. <li>style changes</li>
  8256. </ul> Version 0.1.7 changes:
  8257. <ul>
  8258. <li>works with tasks without createdAt and updatedAt dates</li>
  8259. <li>use right pane for some information</li>
  8260. </ul> Version 0.1.6 changes:
  8261. <ul>
  8262. <li>baloon is non-sticky now</li>
  8263. <li>sorting in task tree is more user-friendly</li>
  8264. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><depends>com.intellij.tasks</depends><rating>4.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='1324' size='1413111' date='1341097267000' url=''><name>Launchpad Tasks Provider</name><id>Launchpad Tasks Provider</id><description><![CDATA[Launchpad tasks / bugs in your favorite IDE. https://launchpad.net/lp-intellij-tasks-provider for project page containing bug reports and feature requests. https://github.com/norrs/launchpad-intellij-tasks-provider for forking and making pull requests!]]></description><version>1.1</version><vendor email='' url=''>norrs</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='80.8000' /><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.tasks</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='6793' size='12634' date='1403098413000' url=''><name>iceScrum for Intellij</name><id>iceScrum for Intellij</id><description><![CDATA[<p> Use <a href="http://www.icescrum.org" rel="nofollow">iceScrum</a> (or <a href="https://www.kagilum.com/icescrum-pro/" rel="nofollow">iceScrum Pro</a>) as IntelliJ <b>Tasks</b> resource. </p>
  8265. <p> You can choose tasks from your project and start them.<br /> Be sure to take a look at the <a href="https://www.kagilum.com/documentation/icescrum-intellij-integration/" rel="nofollow">iceScrum &amp; Intellij integration</a> documentation, as it contains a full preview of this plugin. </p>
  8266. <p> Task titles (and reference ID's) are then added automatically to each commit so your iceScrum Pro version (as it have an integration with SVN / GIT) will know that some commit is about some task. </p>]]></description><version>1.3.2</version><vendor email='contact@kagilum.com' url=''>Kagilum</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='80.8000' /><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.tasks</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='2985' size='28457' date='1411434459000' url=''><name>InteliZilla</name><id>org.intelizilla</id><description><![CDATA[Task Provider for bugzilla]]></description><version>1.2</version><vendor email='' url=''>Elhanan Maayan</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='107.105' /><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.tasks</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='2238' size='1184087' date='1389319797000' url=''><name>Rally ALM Tasks Integration</name><id>Rally ALM Tasks Integration</id><description><![CDATA[Rally ALM Tasks Integration]]></description><version>1.0.1</version><vendor email='' url=''>sergiy.beley@gmail.com</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='107.105' /><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.tasks</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='55125' size='2839793' date='1501376245000' url='https://floobits.com'><name>Floobits</name><id>com.floobits.unique.plugin.id</id><description><![CDATA[Floobits lets you collaborate on code in real-time across multiple text editors and IDEs.
  8267. <br> You need a Floobits account. Create one at https://floobits.com Features include being able to see other people's cursor and highlights, being able to summon, and also follow edits automatically.]]></description><version>1.6.7</version><vendor email='info@floobits.com' url='https://floobits.com'>Floobits</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='131.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Fixed a bug where escaped HTML was shown in the user list.]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>4.3</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='33715' size='2732273' date='1414495525000' url=''><name>Settings Repository</name><id>org.jetbrains.settingsRepository</id><description><![CDATA[<p>Supports sharing settings between installations of IntelliJ Platform based products used by the same developer (or team) on different computers.</p>
  8268. <p>Synchronization is performed automatically after successful completion of "Update Project" or "Push" actions. Also you can do sync using VCS -&gt; Sync Settings.</p>
  8269. <p>See <a href="https://github.com/develar/settings-repository" rel="nofollow">project page</a> for more info.</p>]]></description><version></version><vendor email='' url=''>JetBrains</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='140.143' /><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.xml</depends><rating>2.3</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='1366' size='5208072' date='1459837713000' url=''><name>COLA Tests</name><id>com.github.bmsantos.idea.cola</id><description><![CDATA[COLA Tests is a small framework designed to facilitate the usage of JUnit tests with Gherkin stories/scenarios. It is much simpler to use than any other similar framework because it injects the stories directly in the JUnit POJO and, due to this nature, it does not require a JUnitRunner.]]></description><version>0.5.5</version><vendor email='bmrosantos@gmail.com' url='https://github.com/bmsantos/cola-idea-plugin'>COLA Tests</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='143.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[COLA Tests IDEA Plugin: - COLA Tests 0.5.5 support - Update for IDEA 2016 Release details: https://github.com/bmsantos/cola-tests/wiki/Releases Documentation &amp; Tutorials: https://github.com/bmsantos/cola-tests/wiki Examples: https://github.com/bmsantos/cola-examples]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='1203' size='30925' date='1431426835000' url=''><name>AZK Control</name><id>com.bft.control.idea</id><description><![CDATA[AZK Control tasks and time tracking integration]]></description><version>1.1</version><vendor email='control_support@bftcom.com' url='http://www.bftcom.com'>BFT, LLC</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='135.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<p>Version 1.1</p>
  8270. <ul>
  8271. <li>Fetching tasks from server fixed.</li>
  8272. </ul>
  8273. <p>Version 1.0</p>
  8274. <ul>
  8275. <li>Implemented basic tasks features.</li>
  8276. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><depends>com.intellij.tasks</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='1875' size='25549' date='1446104394000' url=''><name>Taiga.io Tasks</name><id>com.busybusy.Taiga.io.Task</id><description><![CDATA[<p>Enable the use of <a href="https://taiga.io" rel="nofollow">taiga.io</a> as an IntelliJ task server.</p>]]></description><version>1.1.7</version><vendor email='trevor@busybusy.com' url='http://www.busybusy.com'>busybusy</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='141.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<p>1.1.7 - opening the website from the task on custom api URL's now works as it should</p>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><depends>com.intellij.tasks</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='613' size='11350393' date='1443888322000' url=''><name>VersionOne task provider</name><id>VersionOne</id><description><![CDATA[Task provider for Version One platform]]></description><version>1.0</version><vendor email='patricksafarov@gmail.com' url=''>Patrick Safarov</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='131.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.tasks</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='7760' size='21583' date='1475535333000' url=''><name>Slack Storm</name><id>com.bryansharpe.slackstorm</id><description><![CDATA[Allows posting a selection of text to a Slack channel via incoming webhooks]]></description><version>1.8</version><vendor email='' url='http://www.bryansharpe.com'>Bryan Sharpe</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='131.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[1.1 - Documentation and cleanup
  8277. <br> 1.2 - Ability to run multiple channels
  8278. <br> 1.3 - Post File and line numbers. Allow user aliases
  8279. <br> 1.4 - Update to urlConnection to support newer IntelliJ products
  8280. <br> 1.5 - Fix critical bug
  8281. <br> - Change to attachment format
  8282. <br> 1.6 - Ability to remove one specific channel
  8283. <br> - Choice on icon sender
  8284. <br> - Better response checking
  8285. <br> 1.7 - Ability to edit a channel
  8286. <br> - Better Escaping
  8287. <br> 1.8 - Ability to edit target channel
  8288. <br> - Better webhook URL handling
  8289. <br> - Show full path to project file
  8290. <br>
  8291. <br>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>4.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='1613' size='4624961' date='1517060624000' url=''><name>Wrike plugin</name><id>com.wrike.plugin.intellij</id><description><![CDATA[Integrate your development workflow with Wrike, link commits with corresponding Wrike tasks]]></description><version>0.14.5</version><vendor email='support@team.wrike.com' url=''>Wrike</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='131.0' until-build='190.*'/><change-notes><![CDATA[fix npe in configuration window]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><depends>com.intellij.tasks</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='134' size='64258' date='1489139827000' url=''><name>JLA Plugin</name><id>com.dianping.unique.plugin.id</id><description><![CDATA[JLA Tools]]></description><version>1.5</version><vendor email='jianjian.mei@dianping.com' url='http://www.dianping.com'>Joker</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='131.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[fix plugin error in android studio 2.3 add quick create MVP files]]></change-notes><depends>org.jetbrains.android</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='236' size='885756' date='1500891428000' url=''><name>CodeWithMe plugin</name><id>CodeWithMe plugin</id><description><![CDATA[CodeWithMe plugin]]></description><version>1.0</version><vendor email='' url='https://codewithme.today/'>CodeWithMe</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<p>1.0</p>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin></category><ff>"XML"</ff><category name="XML"><idea-plugin downloads='22906' size='113432' date='1400712101000' url='https://github.com/syllant/idea-plugin-xstructure'><name>xStructure</name><id>org.sylfra.idea.plugins.xstructure</id><description><![CDATA[Provides a flexible way for displaying structure of XML files to make navigation easier. xStructure allows to configure node rendering to display attributes or tag values. It allows also to hide some nodes to make structure tree more compact.]]></description><version>1.5.1</version><vendor email='syllant@gmail.com' url='https://github.com/syllant'>Sylvain FRANCOIS</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='135.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<b>1.5.1</b> (05/21/2014)
  8292. <ul>
  8293. <li>Fix: Compatibility issue with branch 135 for all IntelliJ Platform Products </li>
  8294. </ul>
  8295. <em> </em>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='33730' size='216428' date='1323363528000' url=''><name>XmlSearchAndReplace</name><id>XmlSearchAndReplace</id><description><![CDATA[Provides dreamweaver-like feature to find and replace xml tags. Allows you to create powerfull and complex patterns with GUI and perform search and replace of them.]]></description><version>0.0.7</version><vendor email='andrey.zaytsev@jetbrains.com' url=''>JetBrains</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='111.69' /><change-notes><![CDATA[updated to use with IntelliJ IDEA 11 and fixed some bugs!]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.xml</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='45124' size='286358' date='1378240596000' url='https://github.com/inmite/android-selector-chapek'><name>SelectorChapek for Android</name><id>eu.inmite.android.plugin.selectorchapek</id><description><![CDATA[This plugin automatically generates drawable selectors from appropriately named Android resources.]]></description><version>1.0.2</version><vendor email='android@inmite.eu' url='http://www.inmite.eu'>Inmite</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='107.105' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<b>1.0.2</b> (09/03/2013)
  8296. <ul>
  8297. <li>Support for all drawable directories </li>
  8298. </ul>
  8299. <b>1.0.1</b> (08/20/2013)
  8300. <ul>
  8301. <li>Support for all IntelliJ Platform Products </li>
  8302. </ul>
  8303. <b>1.0</b> (08/19/2013)
  8304. <ul>
  8305. <li>Initial release </li>
  8306. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='13773' size='4107041' date='1495390105000' url=''><name>Android Strings.xml To CSV Converter</name><id>com.pandawarrior.androidXMLConverter</id><description><![CDATA[Android XML to CSV converter.
  8307. <br>
  8308. <p>Allows you to translate strings.xml, arrays.xml, plurals.xml into different languages in spreadsheet form, and vice versa.</p>
  8309. <p><em>NOTE<em></em></em></p>
  8310. <em><em> <p>You can access the plugin from the "Tools" menu at the IDE toolbar</p> <br> <p>Changelog</p> <p></p> <p>2.0.1</p> <p>Support more rows of data</p> <p>Bug fixes and improves stability</p> <a href="https://github.com/pandawarrior91/Android-strings-xml-csv-converter" rel="nofollow">GitHub</a></em></em>]]></description><version>2.0.1</version><vendor email='pandawarrior91@gmail.com' url='https://github.com/pandawarrior91'>Liew Jun Tung</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='131.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='11891' size='9295' date='1445457112000' url=''><name>Android Styler</name><id>pro.alex_zaitsev.androidstyler</id><description><![CDATA[This plugin will save you a lot of time if you work with android layouts. You can easily create styles from view attributes.
  8311. <br />
  8312. <br /> Usage:
  8313. <br /> 1. copy lines with future style from your layout.xml file
  8314. <br /> 2. paste it to styles.xml file with Ctrl+Shift+D
  8315. <br /> 3. enter name of new style in the modal window
  8316. <br /> 4. your style is prepared!
  8317. <br />
  8318. <br />]]></description><version>1.0.1</version><vendor email='alex.zaitsev.pro@gmail.com' url=''>Alex Zaitsev</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='131.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[1.0.1 - Fix compatibility to make available for Android Studio]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='6305' size='39577' date='1451046489000' url=''><name>android databinding</name><id>com.heaven7.plugin.android.databinding</id><description><![CDATA[this is a plugin of android-databinding framework.
  8319. <br />
  8320. <em>most HTML tags may be used</em>]]></description><version>1.0</version><vendor email='donshine723@gmail.com' url='https://github.com/LightSun/android-databinding'>YourCompany</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='141.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[a simple plugin of android-databinding.
  8321. <br />
  8322. <em>most HTML tags may be used</em>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='9580' size='11676' date='1503569146000' url=''><name>LayoutFormatter</name><id>me.drakeet.layoutformatter</id><description><![CDATA[Retrofit your Android layout XML files.
  8323. <br>
  8324. <br> It will adjust your attributes order in accordance with the rules, and it will adjust some attributes to the front, and take some attributes at the end of the rows. It will make your code format more nice.
  8325. <br>
  8326. <br> It is open source.
  8327. <a href="https://github.com/drakeet/LayoutFormatter" rel="nofollow">https://github.com/drakeet/LayoutFormatter</a>
  8328. <br> Related articles:
  8329. <a href="https://drakeet.me/layoutformatter" rel="nofollow">当我们谈 XML 布局文件代码的优雅性</a>]]></description><version>1.2.0</version><vendor email='drakeet.me@gmail.com' url='https://drakeet.me'>drakeet</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='131.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[v1.2.0
  8330. <br> - Supported all of attrs of ConstraintLayout
  8331. <br> - Supplied some attrs of aligns
  8332. <br> v1.1.5
  8333. <br> - Removed a rule: android:singleLine="true"(It's deprecated) -&gt; android:maxLines="1"(It's DEPRECATED, too!);
  8334. <br>
  8335. <br>
  8336. <br> v1.1.2
  8337. <br> - Supported Windows system;
  8338. <br> - Fixed the "/&gt;&lt;" bug.
  8339. <br>
  8340. <br> v1.1.1
  8341. <br> - Adjusted the location of the Action to RefactoringMenu;
  8342. <br> - Supported UNDO;
  8343. <br> - Support one key to format all XML files on the entire project or folder;
  8344. <br> - Add default keyboard-shortcut: ctrl alt F (command alt F).
  8345. <br>
  8346. <br> v1.0.4
  8347. <br> - Fixed the bad style that "&gt;" or "/&gt;" may be moved to a newline;
  8348. <br> - Added "fill_parent" to "match_parent";
  8349. <br> - Added "dip" to "dp".
  8350. <br>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><depends>org.jetbrains.android</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='4408' size='69770' date='1470925291000' url=''><name>Material Design Specs</name><id>com.thbs.materialdesign</id><description><![CDATA[Android Studio &amp; IntelliJ Plugin for Android UI widgets with Material Design specifications.
  8351. <br>This plugin helps to drag and drop the generated code to our XML layouts.]]></description><version>1.3</version><vendor email='torryharriscoe@gmail.com' url='https://github.com/torryharris/Material-Design-Specs'>Torry Harris Business Solution</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='141.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[1.0:First version released.
  8352. <br> 1.0.1:Fixed compatibility to make available for Android Studio.
  8353. <br> 1.2:Fixed issue related with rating bar image when save button is clicked.
  8354. <br> 1.3:Added github link.]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='131' size='324068' date='1509520220000' url=''><name>Selector Generator Plus</name><id>com.guohe.selector</id><description><![CDATA[自动生成android Selector Drawable&amp;Color.
  8355. <br>]]></description><version>1.0.2</version><vendor email='huhansan0613@gmail.com' url='https://github.com/skibug/SelectorGeneratorPlus'>Guohe</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[v1.0.2 fix generate color bug]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='2644' size='5099' date='1512410814000' url='https://github.com/cedricziel/idea-xliff'><name>XLIFF Support</name><id>com.cedricziel.idea.xliff</id><description><![CDATA[XLIFF Plugin
  8356. <a href="https://github.com/cedricziel/idea-xliff" rel="nofollow">GitHub Repository</a>
  8357. <br>
  8358. <strong>beta quality</strong>]]></description><version>v0.0.4</version><vendor email='cedric@cedric-ziel.com' url='https://www.cedric-ziel.com'>Cedric Ziel</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='173.3' until-build='173.*'/><change-notes><![CDATA[0.0.3
  8359. <ul>
  8360. <li>Provide XLIFFFileViewProvider</li>
  8361. </ul> 0.0.1
  8362. <ul>
  8363. <li>Add support for the xlf file type</li>
  8364. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.xml</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin></category><ff>"Modeling and CASE tools"</ff><category name="Modeling and CASE tools"><idea-plugin downloads='12558' size='207836' date='1430911249000' url=''><name>SequencePluginReload</name><id>SequencePluginReload</id><description><![CDATA[Simple Sequence Diagram Generator. fixed version of SequencePlugin , work from 10.5.x.
  8365. <br /> Thanks ksibilev@yahoo.com for the great work of SequencePlugin..]]></description><version>1.0.4</version><vendor email='' url=''>fanhuagang@gmail.com</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='139.1117' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<dl>
  8366. <dt>
  8367. 1.0.4
  8368. </dt>
  8369. <dd>
  8370. fixbug: go to source
  8371. </dd>
  8372. <dt>
  8373. 1.0.3
  8374. </dt>
  8375. <dd>
  8376. fixbug: NPE when call psiMethod.getContainingClass() on enum class.
  8377. </dd>
  8378. <dt>
  8379. 1.0.2
  8380. </dt>
  8381. <dd>
  8382. Add Sequence Diagram... menu under the Tools menu and Editor popup menu group with Diagram.
  8383. </dd>
  8384. <dd>
  8385. fixbug: method name with generic type.
  8386. </dd>
  8387. </dl>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.diagram</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='382650' size='5619143' date='1501790049000' url=''><name>PlantUML integration</name><id>PlantUML integration</id><description><![CDATA[PlantUML diagramming tool integration]]></description><version>2.9.0</version><vendor email='' url=''>Eugene Steinberg</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='162.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<p>2.9</p>
  8388. <ul>
  8389. <li>PlantUml library upgrade to v1.2017.15</li>
  8390. <li>Exception fixes</li>
  8391. </ul>
  8392. <p>2.8</p>
  8393. <ul>
  8394. <li>PlantUml library upgrade to v1.2017.12</li>
  8395. </ul>
  8396. <p>2.7</p>
  8397. <ul>
  8398. <li>Fixed opening in an external editor for multiple-page diagrams</li>
  8399. <li>Fixed edge cases for Copy and Save diagram actions</li>
  8400. </ul>
  8401. <p>2.6</p>
  8402. <ul>
  8403. <li>NPE fix for AndroidStudio</li>
  8404. <li>PlantUml library upgrade to v2017.08</li>
  8405. <li>Added support for *.plantuml file extension</li>
  8406. </ul>
  8407. <p>2.5</p>
  8408. <ul>
  8409. <li>Disabled asserts in PlantUml - they were causing slow rendering</li>
  8410. <li>PlantUml library upgrade to 8053</li>
  8411. </ul>
  8412. <p>2.4</p>
  8413. <ul>
  8414. <li>PlantUml library upgrade to 8051</li>
  8415. <li>Changed default shortcuts to Ctrl+Alt+Shift+F and G</li>
  8416. <li>NPE fix</li>
  8417. </ul>
  8418. <p>2.3.1</p>
  8419. <ul>
  8420. <li>Fixed ASCII image rendering and typos</li>
  8421. </ul>
  8422. <p>2.3</p>
  8423. <ul>
  8424. <li>Path to Graphviz dot executable was ignored</li>
  8425. <li>PlantUml library upgrade to 8043</li>
  8426. <li>Added a low memory watcher for cache clearing</li>
  8427. </ul>
  8428. <p>2.2</p>
  8429. <ul>
  8430. <li>Toggle button for disabling automatic rendering</li>
  8431. <li>When auto-rendering is disabled, update and reload button will be red</li>
  8432. <li>ALT+D shortcut for diagram update</li>
  8433. <li>ALT+F shortcut for diagram reload</li>
  8434. <li>Page titles fixed for partial rendering</li>
  8435. <li>Usage manual</li>
  8436. <li>About dialog reworked</li>
  8437. <li>IJ 12 compatibility fix</li>
  8438. </ul>
  8439. <p>2.1</p>
  8440. <ul>
  8441. <li>Scrolling fixed for 2016.2</li>
  8442. <li>Remembering selected page per file</li>
  8443. <li>New right click action: Generate PlantUML Server link to clipboard</li>
  8444. <li>Page titles in the dropdown page selector</li>
  8445. </ul>
  8446. <p>2.0</p>
  8447. <ul>
  8448. <li>PlantUml library upgrade to 8042</li>
  8449. <li>Images can be copied to clipboard as ASCII Art</li>
  8450. <li>Fixed: @startditaa` not recognized</li>
  8451. <li>Added a configurable delay between key up event and rendering run</li>
  8452. <li>Disabled URL links rendering by default - doubles rendering time</li>
  8453. <li>A lot of caching and optimizations</li>
  8454. <li>Added incremental rendering - only changed pages will be rendered</li>
  8455. <li>Added partial rendering mode - useful in large files - the document will be splitted by (@)newpage and each piece will be rendered by itself.</li>
  8456. <li>Added intentions to disable syntax check, and enable partial rendering - available on the start tag (@startuml,...)</li>
  8457. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><rating>4.9</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='5787' size='221386' date='1467233923000' url=''><name>Kevoree Modeling Framework IDEA plugin</name><id>org.kevoree.modeling.idea.plugin</id><description><![CDATA[Authors : Francois Fouquet, Gregory Nain Contributors : Thomas Hartmann, Assaad Moawad Development environment for modeling.]]></description><version>29</version><vendor email='fouquet.f@gmail.com' url='http://kevoree.org/'>Kevoree</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='139.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[V29: MAJOR rewrite for the MWG &amp; KMF V28: Adding a first version of KMF-Base64 conversion tool
  8458. <br> V27: Minor change in the default completion
  8459. <br> V26: Homogeneous relation declaration with new annotations with maxBound
  8460. <br> V25: New feature (Array param for function)
  8461. <br> V24: Fix completion for function and fix formatting for comments
  8462. <br> V23: Minor bugfix for template generator
  8463. <br> V22: Minor change, change a completion contribution
  8464. <br> V21: New syntax with generic annotator
  8465. <br> V20: Fix completion for enum
  8466. <br> V19: Add support for Kinfer, new syntax for .mm file, enhance typeChecker
  8467. <br> V18: Add CONTINUOUS as primitive type
  8468. <br> V17: Fix ECORE multiplicity management
  8469. <br> V16: Fix annotations completion
  8470. <br> V15: Fix precision annotation, initiate infer classes
  8471. <br> V14: Fix html output directory
  8472. <br> V13: Fix templates for intiale project creation
  8473. <br> V12: Fix output directories for generation for Java and JS
  8474. <br> V11: Support for KMFv4
  8475. <br> V10: Support IntelliJ 14
  8476. <br> V9: First version supporting Operation declaration in .mm
  8477. <br> V8: Fix Enum generation to ECore (attribute)
  8478. <br> V7: Fix Enum generation to ECore (eClassifier)
  8479. <br> V6: Add @learn management into ECore import/export
  8480. <br> V5: Add @learn annotation management
  8481. <br> V4: Add support for enum
  8482. <br> V3: Improve refresh strategy for structure, add support for KMFv3
  8483. <br> V2: fix bad template.
  8484. <br> V1: initial version.
  8485. <br>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin></category><ff>"Menu components"</ff><category name="Menu components"><idea-plugin downloads='4690' size='2921178' date='1499977376000' url=''><name>Main Menu toggler</name><id>com.bashorov.mainMenuToggler</id><description><![CDATA[<p>Main Menu visibility toggler for IDEs based on the IntelliJ platform.</p>]]></description><version>0.2.1</version><vendor email='bashorov@gmail.com' url=''>bashor</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='143.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Fixed restoring of persisted state on recent versions of the IntelliJ platform.]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='2257' size='2468' date='1423581651000' url=''><name>Recent Projects Extender</name><id>com.steve.plugins.recentprojects</id><description><![CDATA[Extends the size of your &quot;Reopen Recent Projects&quot; list (alt-R) to 50.
  8486. <br />
  8487. <br /> In IntelliJ you can do this via ctrl+shift+A, type &quot;Registry&quot;, hit enter and modify &quot;ide.max.recent.projects&quot;.
  8488. <br />
  8489. <br /> This plugin is made for IDE's where the &quot;Registry&quot; action is not available (e.g. Android Studio)
  8490. <br />
  8491. <br />
  8492. <i>If you find this plugin useful, please consider leaving a Star-rating and comment :)</i>
  8493. <br />]]></description><version>1.0</version><vendor email='' url=''>Steve Murphy</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='133.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[1.0 - Initial version.
  8494. <br />]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>4.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='827' size='773197' date='1465499166000' url=''><name>Clear Ignore This Update</name><id>com.github.shiraji.clearignorethisupdate</id><description><![CDATA[Too scaled to press "Ignore This Update" button? This is the plugin that undo pressing "Ignore This Update"]]></description><version>1.0.1</version><vendor email='isogai.shiraji@gmail.com' url='https://github.com/shiraji'>Shiraji</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='143.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<p>1.0.1</p>
  8495. <ul>
  8496. <li>Available to all products</li>
  8497. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='1067' size='15174' date='1487020326000' url=''><name>Run Configuration as Action</name><id>org.turbanov.run.configuration.as.action</id><description><![CDATA[Register all run configuration as actions.
  8498. <br> It's allows to create button in toolbar to run specific configuration.]]></description><version>1.1</version><vendor email='turbanoff@gmail.com' url='https://github.com/turbanoff/RunConfigurationAsAction'>Turbanov Andrey</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='143.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Properly load custom actions to Navigation Bar Toolbar]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='104' size='37565' date='1514390546000' url=''><name>Copy Path Helper</name><id>com.devwook.copy_path_helper</id><description><![CDATA[Help to copy file path.
  8499. <br>
  8500. <ul>
  8501. <li>Copy in a variety of styles with config your self. </li>
  8502. <li>Shortcuts : ctrl + shift + Q</li>
  8503. <li>Copy Eg) /project/domain/Book.php -d 2017</li>
  8504. <li>Config menu location : Tools &gt; Copy Path Helper Setting</li>
  8505. </ul>]]></description><version>1.1.1</version><vendor email='lejewk@naver.com' url='http://devwook.tistory.com'>DEV WOOK</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Phpstorm support.]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin></category><ff>"Reporting"</ff><category name="Reporting"><idea-plugin downloads='228677' size='161246' date='1510946526000' url='http://plugins.intellij.net/plugin/?idea&amp;id=4509'><name>Statistic</name><id>Statistic</id><description><![CDATA[Shows project statistic. This plugin shows files sorted by their extension along with size, line count LOC etc. User can select (Project/Module/Package/File) scope using the 'Refresh on selection' button. (This plugin requires Java 1.8)]]></description><version>3.4</version><vendor email='tomas.topinka@jpower8.com' url='http://www.jpower8.com'>Ing. Tomas Topinka</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='80.8000' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Python comments calculation bug fixed.]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>4.3</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='5537' size='48092' date='1381788018000' url=''><name>PHPStats - SLOC Counter</name><id>com.ramgec.geciauskas.phpstats.plugin</id><description><![CDATA[SLOC Counter for your PHP project
  8506. <br />]]></description><version>1.1</version><vendor email='ramunas.geciauskas@gmail.com' url='http://www.geciauskas.com'>Ramunas Geciauskas</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='107.105' /><change-notes><![CDATA[PHPStats (version 1.1) released.]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><depends>com.jetbrains.php</depends><rating>1.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='189510' size='40247' date='1489902241000' url='https://wakatime.com'><name>WakaTime</name><id>com.wakatime.intellij.plugin</id><description><![CDATA[Metrics, insights, and time tracking automatically generated from your programming activity.
  8507. <br>
  8508. <br>
  8509. <b>Installation</b>
  8510. <br>
  8511. <br> 1. Inside your IDE, select Preferences -&gt; Plugins -&gt; Browse Repositories....
  8512. <br>
  8513. <br> 2. Search for wakatime.
  8514. <br>
  8515. <br> 3. Click the green Install Plugin button and confirm the installation.
  8516. <br>
  8517. <br> 4. Re-launch your IDE.
  8518. <br>
  8519. <br> 5. Enter your
  8520. <a href="https://wakatime.com/settings?apikey=true" rel="nofollow">api key</a>, then click Save.
  8521. <br>
  8522. <br> 6. Use your IDE like you normally do and your time will be tracked for you automatically.
  8523. <br>
  8524. <br> 7. Visit https://wakatime.com to see your logged time.
  8525. <br>
  8526. <br> Source Code:
  8527. <a href="https://github.com/wakatime/jetbrains-wakatime" rel="nofollow">https://github.com/wakatime/jetbrains-wakatime</a>]]></description><version>9.0.1</version><vendor email='support@wakatime.com' url='https://wakatime.com'>WakaTime</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='123.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[9.0.1 (2017-03-18)
  8528. <br> ++++++++++++++++++
  8529. <br>
  8530. <br> - Allow spaces in python path. #84
  8531. <br>
  8532. <br>
  8533. <br> 9.0.0 (2017-02-20)
  8534. <br> ++++++++++++++++++
  8535. <br>
  8536. <br> - Get project in same thread as file, to prevent matching files with the wrong project. #9
  8537. <br>
  8538. <br>
  8539. <br> 8.0.0 (2017-02-20)
  8540. <br> ++++++++++++++++++
  8541. <br>
  8542. <br> - Use language detected from IDE over auto-detected language. #83
  8543. <br>
  8544. <br>
  8545. <br> 7.0.10 (2017-02-11)
  8546. <br> ++++++++++++++++++
  8547. <br>
  8548. <br> - Catch all exceptions when getting plugin instance for api key prompt. #82
  8549. <br>
  8550. <br>
  8551. <br> 7.0.9 (2016-08-24)
  8552. <br> ++++++++++++++++++
  8553. <br>
  8554. <br> - Log time to last used project if the project failed to be detected. #75
  8555. <br>
  8556. <br>
  8557. <br> 7.0.8 (2016-06-06)
  8558. <br> ++++++++++++++++++
  8559. <br>
  8560. <br> - No longer using String.joins because it's not available on versions of Java before 1.8.
  8561. <br>
  8562. <br>
  8563. <br> 7.0.7 (2016-06-06)
  8564. <br> ++++++++++++++++++
  8565. <br>
  8566. <br> - Ability to track activity from scrolling and mouse click events for when reading code but not editing.
  8567. <br>
  8568. <br>
  8569. <br> 7.0.6 (2016-06-06)
  8570. <br> ++++++++++++++++++
  8571. <br>
  8572. <br> - Python must return successful exit code before being used to run wakatime-cli.
  8573. <br>
  8574. <br>
  8575. <br> 7.0.5 (2016-05-17)
  8576. <br> ++++++++++++++++++
  8577. <br>
  8578. <br> - Prevent logging warning when wakatime-cli closes stdin pipe after receiving all data.
  8579. <br>
  8580. <br>
  8581. <br> 7.0.4 (2016-05-16)
  8582. <br> ++++++++++++++++++
  8583. <br>
  8584. <br> - Fix bug causing crash when editing files without an open project.
  8585. <br>
  8586. <br>
  8587. <br> 7.0.3 (2016-05-12)
  8588. <br> ++++++++++++++++++
  8589. <br>
  8590. <br> - Use common resources folder location in AppData folder for Windows and user home folder for Mac/Linux.
  8591. <br>
  8592. <br>
  8593. <br> 7.0.2 (2016-05-05)
  8594. <br> ++++++++++++++++++
  8595. <br>
  8596. <br> - Bug fix for versions of Java without java.time.Duration available.
  8597. <br>
  8598. <br>
  8599. <br> 7.0.1 (2016-05-05)
  8600. <br> ++++++++++++++++++
  8601. <br>
  8602. <br> - Make sure all heartbeats are sent before exiting IDE
  8603. <br>
  8604. <br>
  8605. <br> 7.0.0 (2016-05-05)
  8606. <br> ++++++++++++++++++
  8607. <br>
  8608. <br> - Queue heartbeats and send to wakatime-cli every 10 seconds to prevent from forking too many Python processes
  8609. <br>
  8610. <br>
  8611. <br> 6.0.7 (2016-04-29)
  8612. <br> ++++++++++++++++++
  8613. <br>
  8614. <br> - prevent NullPointerException from undefined proxy
  8615. <br>
  8616. <br>
  8617. <br> 6.0.6 (2016-04-29)
  8618. <br> ++++++++++++++++++
  8619. <br>
  8620. <br> - use proxy from wakatime.cfg file when downloading dependencies
  8621. <br>
  8622. <br>
  8623. <br> 6.0.5 (2016-02-08)
  8624. <br> ++++++++++++++++++
  8625. <br>
  8626. <br> - log messages as warnings instead of errors
  8627. <br>
  8628. <br>
  8629. <br> 6.0.4 (2016-02-07)
  8630. <br> ++++++++++++++++++
  8631. <br>
  8632. <br> - handle java.net.UnknownHostException when checking wakatime-core version
  8633. <br> - prevent deleting wakatime-core when starting IDE without internet connection
  8634. <br>
  8635. <br>
  8636. <br> 6.0.3 (2016-02-05)
  8637. <br> ++++++++++++++++++
  8638. <br>
  8639. <br> - add debug checkbox to settings menu
  8640. <br>
  8641. <br>
  8642. <br> 6.0.2 (2016-01-04)
  8643. <br> ++++++++++++++++++
  8644. <br>
  8645. <br> - ability to edit proxy from settings menu
  8646. <br> - catch and log network exceptions when downloading dependencies
  8647. <br>
  8648. <br>
  8649. <br> 6.0.1 (2015-11-20)
  8650. <br> ++++++++++++++++++
  8651. <br>
  8652. <br> - use embeddable python on windows
  8653. <br>
  8654. <br>
  8655. <br> 6.0.0 (2015-11-20)
  8656. <br> ++++++++++++++++++
  8657. <br>
  8658. <br> - install python locally instead of for all users
  8659. <br> - detect python binary from windows registry when machine is 64bit architecture
  8660. <br> - bug fixes around async installing python and wakatime core
  8661. <br> - close output stream after downloading files
  8662. <br>
  8663. <br>
  8664. <br> 5.0.4 (2015-10-06)
  8665. <br> ++++++++++++++++++
  8666. <br>
  8667. <br> - fix bug preventing finding python from system PATH
  8668. <br>
  8669. <br>
  8670. <br> 5.0.3 (2015-10-02)
  8671. <br> ++++++++++++++++++
  8672. <br>
  8673. <br> - use JNA to read python binary location from Windows registry
  8674. <br>
  8675. <br>
  8676. <br> 5.0.2 (2015-10-02)
  8677. <br> ++++++++++++++++++
  8678. <br>
  8679. <br> - catch NullPointerException when reading from Windows registry
  8680. <br> - check for python in default install location, in case reading from registry fails
  8681. <br>
  8682. <br>
  8683. <br> 5.0.1 (2015-10-02)
  8684. <br> ++++++++++++++++++
  8685. <br>
  8686. <br> - read python path from default value of registry key
  8687. <br>
  8688. <br>
  8689. <br> 5.0.0 (2015-10-02)
  8690. <br> ++++++++++++++++++
  8691. <br>
  8692. <br> - move WakaTime menu under Tools menu
  8693. <br> - find python binary location from Windows registry keys if not in PATH
  8694. <br> - check latest wakatime cli version from GitHub repository instead of hard-coding
  8695. <br>
  8696. <br>
  8697. <br> 4.0.21 (2015-08-30)
  8698. <br> ++++++++++++++++++
  8699. <br>
  8700. <br> - pass api key to wakatime cli in case python unable to read config file
  8701. <br> - upgrade wakatime cli to v4.1.7
  8702. <br> - default request timeout of 30 seconds
  8703. <br>
  8704. <br>
  8705. <br> 4.0.20 (2015-08-30)
  8706. <br> ++++++++++++++++++
  8707. <br>
  8708. <br> - upgrade wakatime cli to v4.1.4
  8709. <br> - fix local session caching
  8710. <br> - new --entity and --entitytype command line arguments
  8711. <br>
  8712. <br>
  8713. <br> 4.0.19 (2015-08-25)
  8714. <br> ++++++++++++++++++
  8715. <br>
  8716. <br> - upgrade wakatime cli to v4.1.2
  8717. <br> - send hostname in X-Machine-Name header
  8718. <br> - catch exceptions from pygments.modeline.get_filetype_from_buffer
  8719. <br> - upgrade requests package to v2.7.0
  8720. <br> - handle non-ASCII characters in import path on Windows, won't fix for Python2
  8721. <br> - upgrade argparse to v1.3.0
  8722. <br> - move language translations to api server
  8723. <br> - move extension rules to api server
  8724. <br> - detect correct header file language based on presence of .cpp or .c files named the same as the .h file
  8725. <br> - fix bug in offline caching which prevented heartbeats from being cleaned up
  8726. <br>
  8727. <br>
  8728. <br> 4.0.18 (2015-08-03)
  8729. <br> ++++++++++++++++++
  8730. <br>
  8731. <br> - execute wakatime cli in non-ui-blocking thread
  8732. <br> - display warning when running in debug mode
  8733. <br>
  8734. <br>
  8735. <br> 4.0.17 (2015-08-03)
  8736. <br> ++++++++++++++++++
  8737. <br>
  8738. <br> - wait for wakatime cli to finish executing before reading version number
  8739. <br> - obfuscate api key in debug log
  8740. <br>
  8741. <br>
  8742. <br> 4.0.16 (2015-08-03)
  8743. <br> ++++++++++++++++++
  8744. <br>
  8745. <br> - generate path to cli using File class to prevent mismatched separator
  8746. <br>
  8747. <br>
  8748. <br> 4.0.15 (2015-08-01)
  8749. <br> ++++++++++++++++++
  8750. <br>
  8751. <br> - bump version to fix bad release
  8752. <br>
  8753. <br>
  8754. <br> 4.0.14 (2015-07-31)
  8755. <br> ++++++++++++++++++
  8756. <br>
  8757. <br> - more verbose debug logging when checking current wakatime cli version
  8758. <br>
  8759. <br>
  8760. <br> 4.0.13 (2015-07-31)
  8761. <br> ++++++++++++++++++
  8762. <br>
  8763. <br> - if Java missing cacerts, download dependencies without verifying ssl cert
  8764. <br>
  8765. <br>
  8766. <br> 4.0.12 (2015-06-29)
  8767. <br> ++++++++++++++++++
  8768. <br>
  8769. <br> - correct priority for project detection
  8770. <br> - upgrade wakatime cli to v4.1.0
  8771. <br>
  8772. <br>
  8773. <br> 4.0.11 (2015-06-26)
  8774. <br> ++++++++++++++++++
  8775. <br>
  8776. <br> - correctly log message from py.warnings module
  8777. <br> - guess language using multiple methods, then use most accurate guess
  8778. <br> - use entity and type for new heartbeats api resource schema
  8779. <br> - fix offline logging
  8780. <br> - limit language detection to known file extensions, unless file contents has a vim modeline
  8781. <br> - upgrade wakatime cli to v4.0.16
  8782. <br>
  8783. <br>
  8784. <br> 4.0.10 (2015-05-18)
  8785. <br> ++++++++++++++++++
  8786. <br>
  8787. <br> - fix threading issue
  8788. <br>
  8789. <br>
  8790. <br> 4.0.9 (2015-05-17)
  8791. <br> ++++++++++++++++++
  8792. <br>
  8793. <br> - use separate thread for executing wakatime cli process to prevent blocking UI
  8794. <br>
  8795. <br>
  8796. <br> 4.0.8 (2015-05-16)
  8797. <br> ++++++++++++++++++
  8798. <br>
  8799. <br> - fix bug with auto detecting project name
  8800. <br> - correctly display caller and lineno in log file when debug is true
  8801. <br> - project passed with --project argument will always be used
  8802. <br> - new --alternate-project argument
  8803. <br> - upgrade wakatime cli to v4.0.13
  8804. <br>
  8805. <br>
  8806. <br> 4.0.7 (2015-03-10)
  8807. <br> ++++++++++++++++++
  8808. <br>
  8809. <br> - reuse SSL connection across processes for improved performance
  8810. <br> - upgrade wakatime cli to v4.0.11
  8811. <br>
  8812. <br>
  8813. <br> 4.0.6 (2015-03-10)
  8814. <br> ++++++++++++++++++
  8815. <br>
  8816. <br> - fix paths to wakatime cli
  8817. <br> - delete old wakatime cli folder before updating
  8818. <br>
  8819. <br>
  8820. <br> 4.0.5 (2015-03-10)
  8821. <br> ++++++++++++++++++
  8822. <br>
  8823. <br> - upgrade external wakatime package to v4.0.4
  8824. <br>
  8825. <br>
  8826. <br> 4.0.4 (2015-01-19)
  8827. <br> ++++++++++++++++++
  8828. <br>
  8829. <br> - upgrade external wakatime package to v4.0.1
  8830. <br> - don't log time against atlassian-ide-plugin.xml file
  8831. <br>
  8832. <br>
  8833. <br> 4.0.3 (2015-01-19)
  8834. <br> ++++++++++++++++++
  8835. <br>
  8836. <br> - upgrade external wakatime package to v3.0.5
  8837. <br> - fix crashing caused by error dialog being displayed in non-gui background thread
  8838. <br> - only warn about python if not found after installing
  8839. <br>
  8840. <br>
  8841. <br> 4.0.2 (2015-01-04)
  8842. <br> ++++++++++++++++++
  8843. <br>
  8844. <br> - upgrade external wakatime package to v3.0.3
  8845. <br> - install python if not already installed
  8846. <br>
  8847. <br>
  8848. <br> 4.0.1 (2014-12-25)
  8849. <br> ++++++++++++++++++
  8850. <br>
  8851. <br> - upgrade external wakatime package to v3.0.2
  8852. <br> - detect frameworks from JavaScript and JSON files
  8853. <br>
  8854. <br>
  8855. <br> 4.0.0 (2014-12-23)
  8856. <br> ++++++++++++++++++
  8857. <br>
  8858. <br> - upgrade external wakatime package to v3.0.1
  8859. <br> - detect libraries and frameworks for C++, Java, .NET, PHP, and Python files
  8860. <br>
  8861. <br>
  8862. <br> 3.1.9 (2014-12-22)
  8863. <br> ++++++++++++++++++
  8864. <br>
  8865. <br> - upgrade external wakatime package to v2.1.11
  8866. <br> - fix bug in offline logging when no response from api
  8867. <br>
  8868. <br>
  8869. <br> 3.1.8 (2014-12-05)
  8870. <br> ++++++++++++++++++
  8871. <br>
  8872. <br> - upgrade external wakatime package to v2.1.9
  8873. <br> - fix bug preventing offline heartbeats from being purged after uploaded
  8874. <br> - fix UnicodeDecodeError when building user agent string
  8875. <br> - handle case where response is None
  8876. <br> - upgrade pygments to v2.0.1
  8877. <br> - always log an error when api key is incorrect
  8878. <br>
  8879. <br>
  8880. <br> 3.1.7 (2014-11-18)
  8881. <br> ++++++++++++++++++
  8882. <br>
  8883. <br> - upgrade external wakatime package to v2.1.6
  8884. <br> - fix list index error when detecting subversion project
  8885. <br>
  8886. <br>
  8887. <br> 3.1.6 (2014-11-12)
  8888. <br> ++++++++++++++++++
  8889. <br>
  8890. <br> - upgrade external wakatime package to v2.1.4
  8891. <br> - when Python was not compiled with https support, log an error to the log file
  8892. <br>
  8893. <br>
  8894. <br> 3.1.5 (2014-11-10)
  8895. <br> ++++++++++++++++++
  8896. <br>
  8897. <br> - upgrade external wakatime package to v2.1.3
  8898. <br> - correctly detect branch for subversion projects
  8899. <br>
  8900. <br>
  8901. <br> 3.1.4 (2014-10-29)
  8902. <br> ++++++++++++++++++
  8903. <br>
  8904. <br> - download wakatime-cli without blocking UI thread
  8905. <br>
  8906. <br>
  8907. <br> 3.1.3 (2014-10-04)
  8908. <br> ++++++++++++++++++
  8909. <br>
  8910. <br> - pass api key to wakatime-cli as command line argument so it doesn't have to read config file
  8911. <br>
  8912. <br>
  8913. <br> 3.1.2 (2014-09-30)
  8914. <br> ++++++++++++++++++
  8915. <br>
  8916. <br> - upgrade external wakatime package to v2.1.1
  8917. <br> - fix bug where binary file opened as utf-8
  8918. <br>
  8919. <br>
  8920. <br> 3.1.1 (2014-09-30)
  8921. <br> ++++++++++++++++++
  8922. <br>
  8923. <br> - upgrade external wakatime package to v2.1.0
  8924. <br> - python3 compatibility changes
  8925. <br>
  8926. <br>
  8927. <br> 3.1.0 (2014-08-31)
  8928. <br> ++++++++++++++++++
  8929. <br>
  8930. <br> - prevent logging mock:// files on every keystroke
  8931. <br>
  8932. <br>
  8933. <br> 3.0.10 (2014-08-29)
  8934. <br> ++++++++++++++++++
  8935. <br>
  8936. <br> - upgrade external wakatime package to v2.0.8
  8937. <br> - suppress output from svn command
  8938. <br>
  8939. <br>
  8940. <br> 3.0.9 (2014-08-27)
  8941. <br> ++++++++++++++++++
  8942. <br>
  8943. <br> - upgrade external wakatime package to v2.0.7
  8944. <br> - fix support for subversion projects on Mac OS X
  8945. <br>
  8946. <br>
  8947. <br> 3.0.8 (2014-08-24)
  8948. <br> ++++++++++++++++++
  8949. <br>
  8950. <br> - fix bug where exception always thrown
  8951. <br>
  8952. <br>
  8953. <br> 3.0.7 (2014-08-21)
  8954. <br> ++++++++++++++++++
  8955. <br>
  8956. <br> - when executing wakatime python cli fails, retry up to 3 times before logging error
  8957. <br>
  8958. <br>
  8959. <br> 3.0.6 (2014-08-07)
  8960. <br> ++++++++++++++++++
  8961. <br>
  8962. <br> - upgrade external wakatime package to v2.0.6
  8963. <br> - fix unicode bug by encoding json POST data
  8964. <br>
  8965. <br>
  8966. <br> 3.0.5 (2014-07-25)
  8967. <br> ++++++++++++++++++
  8968. <br>
  8969. <br> - upgrade external wakatime package to v2.0.5
  8970. <br> - use unique logger namespace to prevent collisions in shared plugin environments
  8971. <br> - option in .wakatime.cfg to obfuscate file names
  8972. <br>
  8973. <br>
  8974. <br> 3.0.4 (2014-06-18)
  8975. <br> ++++++++++++++++++
  8976. <br>
  8977. <br> - upgrade external wakatime package to v2.0.4
  8978. <br>
  8979. <br>
  8980. <br> 3.0.3 (2014-06-05)
  8981. <br> ++++++++++++++++++
  8982. <br>
  8983. <br> - print debug messages to idea.log when ~/.wakatime.cfg has debug=true
  8984. <br>
  8985. <br>
  8986. <br> 3.0.2 (2014-05-27)
  8987. <br> ++++++++++++++++++
  8988. <br>
  8989. <br> - Support for older IDEA 12 platforms
  8990. <br>
  8991. <br>
  8992. <br> 3.0.1 (2014-05-26)
  8993. <br> ++++++++++++++++++
  8994. <br>
  8995. <br> - Fix bug in offline queue preventing completed tasks from being purged
  8996. <br>
  8997. <br>
  8998. <br> 3.0.0 (2014-05-25)
  8999. <br> ++++++++++++++++++
  9000. <br>
  9001. <br> - Support for offline time logging
  9002. <br>
  9003. <br>
  9004. <br> 2.0.2 (2014-05-08)
  9005. <br> ++++++++++++++++++
  9006. <br>
  9007. <br> - Fix NoClassDefFoundError bug
  9008. <br>
  9009. <br>
  9010. <br> 2.0.1 (2014-05-07)
  9011. <br> ++++++++++++++++++
  9012. <br>
  9013. <br> - Prevent NoClassDefFoundError when looking up IDE's project
  9014. <br>
  9015. <br>
  9016. <br> 2.0.0 (2014-05-06)
  9017. <br> ++++++++++++++++++
  9018. <br>
  9019. <br> - Set project name using IDE's project
  9020. <br>
  9021. <br>
  9022. <br> 1.3.1 (2014-04-28)
  9023. <br> ++++++++++++++++++
  9024. <br>
  9025. <br> - Use correct path to wakatime-cli on Windows platform
  9026. <br>
  9027. <br>
  9028. <br> 1.3.0 (2014-04-18)
  9029. <br> ++++++++++++++++++
  9030. <br>
  9031. <br> - Fix Illegal/unsupported escape sequence bug with Windows paths
  9032. <br>
  9033. <br>
  9034. <br> 1.2.0 (2014-04-16)
  9035. <br> ++++++++++++++++++
  9036. <br>
  9037. <br> - Fix NullPointerException bug
  9038. <br>
  9039. <br>
  9040. <br> 1.1.0 (2014-03-21)
  9041. <br> ++++++++++++++++++
  9042. <br>
  9043. <br> - Support Windows operating system
  9044. <br> - Download and unzip wakatime-cli first time plugin is run
  9045. <br>
  9046. <br>
  9047. <br> 1.0.0 (2014-03-21)
  9048. <br> ++++++++++++++++++
  9049. <br>
  9050. <br> - Birth
  9051. <br>
  9052. <br>
  9053. <a href="https://github.com/wakatime/jetbrains-wakatime/blob/master/HISTORY.rst" rel="nofollow">See more changes...</a>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>4.6</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='2109' size='10797' date='1406677341000' url=''><name>Basic COCOMO calculator</name><id>com.nelchael.idea.projectcost</id><description><![CDATA[Plugin allows calculation of Basic COCOMO (Constructive Cost Model) estimates. Following classes of software projects are supported:
  9054. <ul>
  9055. <li>Organic</li>
  9056. <li>Semi-detached</li>
  9057. <li>Embedded</li>
  9058. </ul> To ignore files in some directory create
  9059. <i>.cocomoignore</i> file and add a prefix per line. Valid prefixes need to start with &quot;/&quot;, for example: add &quot;/target/&quot; to ignore Maven output directory.]]></description><version>2014.07.29</version><vendor email='krzysiek.pawlik@people.pl' url=''>Krzysztof Pawlik</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='131.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<ul>
  9060. <li>Added ability to ignore files in specific prefixes.</li>
  9061. <li>Initial release.</li>
  9062. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='10484' size='4039556' date='1511542408000' url=''><name>Completion Stats Collector</name><id>com.intellij.stats.completion</id><description><![CDATA[This plugin collects data about your usage of code completion, anonymises and sends it to us. Note, the plugin doesn�t send any of your personal data or code. All we send is just numbers calculated based on your completion usage patterns]]></description><version>0.0.537</version><vendor email='vitaliy.bibaev@jetbrains.com' url='http://www.jetbrains.com'>JetBrains</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='172.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Completion items from subsequent code completion invokations are added automatically on typing, no need to invoke completion multiple times now.]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='787' size='37634' date='1464119779000' url='https://iTimeTrack.com/'><name>iTimeTrack</name><id>com.iTimeTrack.intellij.plugin</id><description><![CDATA[Metrics, insights, and time tracking automatically generated from your programming activity.
  9063. <br>
  9064. <br>
  9065. <b>Installation</b>
  9066. <br>
  9067. <br> 1. Inside your IDE, select Preferences -&gt; Plugins -&gt; Browse Repositories....
  9068. <br>
  9069. <br> 2. Search for iTimeTrack.
  9070. <br>
  9071. <br> 3. Click the green Install Plugin button and confirm the installation.
  9072. <br>
  9073. <br> 4. Re-launch your IDE.
  9074. <br>
  9075. <br> 5. Enter your
  9076. <a href="http://itimetrack.com/app/#!/settings-general" rel="nofollow">api key</a>, then click Save.
  9077. <br>
  9078. <br> 6. Use your IDE like you normally do and your time will be tracked for you automatically.
  9079. <br>
  9080. <br> 7. Visit https://iTimeTrack.com to see your logged time.
  9081. <br>
  9082. <br> Source Code:
  9083. <a href="https://github.com/itimetrack/itimetrack-jetbrains" rel="nofollow">https://github.com/iTimeTrack/iTimeTrack-jetbrains</a>]]></description><version>7.0.5</version><vendor email='support@itimetrack.com' url='https://iTimeTrack.com'>iTimeTrack</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='123.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[7.0.5 (2016-05-17)
  9084. <br> ++++++++++++++++++
  9085. <br>
  9086. <br> - Prevent logging warning when wakatime-cli closes stdin pipe after receiving all data.
  9087. <br>
  9088. <br>
  9089. <br> 7.0.4 (2016-05-16)
  9090. <br> ++++++++++++++++++
  9091. <br>
  9092. <br> - Fix bug causing crash when editing files without an open project.
  9093. <br>
  9094. <br>
  9095. <br> 7.0.3 (2016-05-12)
  9096. <br> ++++++++++++++++++
  9097. <br>
  9098. <br> - Use common resources folder location in AppData folder for Windows and user home folder for Mac/Linux.
  9099. <br>
  9100. <br>
  9101. <br> 7.0.2 (2016-05-05)
  9102. <br> ++++++++++++++++++
  9103. <br>
  9104. <br> - Bug fix for versions of Java without java.time.Duration available.
  9105. <br>
  9106. <br>
  9107. <br> 7.0.1 (2016-05-05)
  9108. <br> ++++++++++++++++++
  9109. <br>
  9110. <br> - Make sure all heartbeats are sent before exiting IDE
  9111. <br>
  9112. <br>
  9113. <br> 7.0.0 (2016-05-05)
  9114. <br> ++++++++++++++++++
  9115. <br>
  9116. <br> - Queue heartbeats and send to wakatime-cli every 10 seconds to prevent from forking too many Python processes
  9117. <br>
  9118. <br>
  9119. <br> 6.0.7 (2016-04-29)
  9120. <br> ++++++++++++++++++
  9121. <br>
  9122. <br> - prevent NullPointerException from undefined proxy
  9123. <br>
  9124. <br>
  9125. <br> 6.0.6 (2016-04-29)
  9126. <br> ++++++++++++++++++
  9127. <br>
  9128. <br> - use proxy from wakatime.cfg file when downloading dependencies
  9129. <br>
  9130. <br>
  9131. <br> 6.0.5 (2016-02-08)
  9132. <br> ++++++++++++++++++
  9133. <br>
  9134. <br> - log messages as warnings instead of errors
  9135. <br>
  9136. <br>
  9137. <br> 6.0.4 (2016-02-07)
  9138. <br> ++++++++++++++++++
  9139. <br>
  9140. <br> - handle java.net.UnknownHostException when checking wakatime-core version
  9141. <br> - prevent deleting wakatime-core when starting IDE without internet connection
  9142. <br>
  9143. <br>
  9144. <br> 6.0.3 (2016-02-05)
  9145. <br> ++++++++++++++++++
  9146. <br>
  9147. <br> - add debug checkbox to settings menu
  9148. <br>
  9149. <br>
  9150. <br> 6.0.2 (2016-01-04)
  9151. <br> ++++++++++++++++++
  9152. <br>
  9153. <br> - ability to edit proxy from settings menu
  9154. <br> - catch and log network exceptions when downloading dependencies
  9155. <br>
  9156. <br>
  9157. <br> 6.0.1 (2015-11-20)
  9158. <br> ++++++++++++++++++
  9159. <br>
  9160. <br> - use embeddable python on windows
  9161. <br>
  9162. <br>
  9163. <br> 6.0.0 (2015-11-20)
  9164. <br> ++++++++++++++++++
  9165. <br>
  9166. <br> - install python locally instead of for all users
  9167. <br> - detect python binary from windows registry when machine is 64bit architecture
  9168. <br> - bug fixes around async installing python and wakatime core
  9169. <br> - close output stream after downloading files
  9170. <br>
  9171. <br>
  9172. <br> 5.0.4 (2015-10-06)
  9173. <br> ++++++++++++++++++
  9174. <br>
  9175. <br> - fix bug preventing finding python from system PATH
  9176. <br>
  9177. <br>
  9178. <br> 5.0.3 (2015-10-02)
  9179. <br> ++++++++++++++++++
  9180. <br>
  9181. <br> - use JNA to read python binary location from Windows registry
  9182. <br>
  9183. <br>
  9184. <br> 5.0.2 (2015-10-02)
  9185. <br> ++++++++++++++++++
  9186. <br>
  9187. <br> - catch NullPointerException when reading from Windows registry
  9188. <br> - check for python in default install location, in case reading from registry fails
  9189. <br>
  9190. <br>
  9191. <br> 5.0.1 (2015-10-02)
  9192. <br> ++++++++++++++++++
  9193. <br>
  9194. <br> - read python path from default value of registry key
  9195. <br>
  9196. <br>
  9197. <br> 5.0.0 (2015-10-02)
  9198. <br> ++++++++++++++++++
  9199. <br>
  9200. <br> - move WakaTime menu under Tools menu
  9201. <br> - find python binary location from Windows registry keys if not in PATH
  9202. <br> - check latest wakatime cli version from GitHub repository instead of hard-coding
  9203. <br>
  9204. <br>
  9205. <br> 4.0.21 (2015-08-30)
  9206. <br> ++++++++++++++++++
  9207. <br>
  9208. <br> - pass api key to wakatime cli in case python unable to read config file
  9209. <br> - upgrade wakatime cli to v4.1.7
  9210. <br> - default request timeout of 30 seconds
  9211. <br>
  9212. <br>
  9213. <br> 4.0.20 (2015-08-30)
  9214. <br> ++++++++++++++++++
  9215. <br>
  9216. <br> - upgrade wakatime cli to v4.1.4
  9217. <br> - fix local session caching
  9218. <br> - new --entity and --entitytype command line arguments
  9219. <br>
  9220. <br>
  9221. <br> 4.0.19 (2015-08-25)
  9222. <br> ++++++++++++++++++
  9223. <br>
  9224. <br> - upgrade wakatime cli to v4.1.2
  9225. <br> - send hostname in X-Machine-Name header
  9226. <br> - catch exceptions from pygments.modeline.get_filetype_from_buffer
  9227. <br> - upgrade requests package to v2.7.0
  9228. <br> - handle non-ASCII characters in import path on Windows, won't fix for Python2
  9229. <br> - upgrade argparse to v1.3.0
  9230. <br> - move language translations to api server
  9231. <br> - move extension rules to api server
  9232. <br> - detect correct header file language based on presence of .cpp or .c files named the same as the .h file
  9233. <br> - fix bug in offline caching which prevented heartbeats from being cleaned up
  9234. <br>
  9235. <br>
  9236. <br> 4.0.18 (2015-08-03)
  9237. <br> ++++++++++++++++++
  9238. <br>
  9239. <br> - execute wakatime cli in non-ui-blocking thread
  9240. <br> - display warning when running in debug mode
  9241. <br>
  9242. <br>
  9243. <br> 4.0.17 (2015-08-03)
  9244. <br> ++++++++++++++++++
  9245. <br>
  9246. <br> - wait for wakatime cli to finish executing before reading version number
  9247. <br> - obfuscate api key in debug log
  9248. <br>
  9249. <br>
  9250. <br> 4.0.16 (2015-08-03)
  9251. <br> ++++++++++++++++++
  9252. <br>
  9253. <br> - generate path to cli using File class to prevent mismatched separator
  9254. <br>
  9255. <br>
  9256. <br> 4.0.15 (2015-08-01)
  9257. <br> ++++++++++++++++++
  9258. <br>
  9259. <br> - bump version to fix bad release
  9260. <br>
  9261. <br>
  9262. <br> 4.0.14 (2015-07-31)
  9263. <br> ++++++++++++++++++
  9264. <br>
  9265. <br> - more verbose debug logging when checking current wakatime cli version
  9266. <br>
  9267. <br>
  9268. <br> 4.0.13 (2015-07-31)
  9269. <br> ++++++++++++++++++
  9270. <br>
  9271. <br> - if Java missing cacerts, download dependencies without verifying ssl cert
  9272. <br>
  9273. <br>
  9274. <br> 4.0.12 (2015-06-29)
  9275. <br> ++++++++++++++++++
  9276. <br>
  9277. <br> - correct priority for project detection
  9278. <br> - upgrade wakatime cli to v4.1.0
  9279. <br>
  9280. <br>
  9281. <br> 4.0.11 (2015-06-26)
  9282. <br> ++++++++++++++++++
  9283. <br>
  9284. <br> - correctly log message from py.warnings module
  9285. <br> - guess language using multiple methods, then use most accurate guess
  9286. <br> - use entity and type for new heartbeats api resource schema
  9287. <br> - fix offline logging
  9288. <br> - limit language detection to known file extensions, unless file contents has a vim modeline
  9289. <br> - upgrade wakatime cli to v4.0.16
  9290. <br>
  9291. <br>
  9292. <br> 4.0.10 (2015-05-18)
  9293. <br> ++++++++++++++++++
  9294. <br>
  9295. <br> - fix threading issue
  9296. <br>
  9297. <br>
  9298. <br> 4.0.9 (2015-05-17)
  9299. <br> ++++++++++++++++++
  9300. <br>
  9301. <br> - use separate thread for executing wakatime cli process to prevent blocking UI
  9302. <br>
  9303. <br>
  9304. <br> 4.0.8 (2015-05-16)
  9305. <br> ++++++++++++++++++
  9306. <br>
  9307. <br> - fix bug with auto detecting project name
  9308. <br> - correctly display caller and lineno in log file when debug is true
  9309. <br> - project passed with --project argument will always be used
  9310. <br> - new --alternate-project argument
  9311. <br> - upgrade wakatime cli to v4.0.13
  9312. <br>
  9313. <br>
  9314. <br> 4.0.7 (2015-03-10)
  9315. <br> ++++++++++++++++++
  9316. <br>
  9317. <br> - reuse SSL connection across processes for improved performance
  9318. <br> - upgrade wakatime cli to v4.0.11
  9319. <br>
  9320. <br>
  9321. <br> 4.0.6 (2015-03-10)
  9322. <br> ++++++++++++++++++
  9323. <br>
  9324. <br> - fix paths to wakatime cli
  9325. <br> - delete old wakatime cli folder before updating
  9326. <br>
  9327. <br>
  9328. <br> 4.0.5 (2015-03-10)
  9329. <br> ++++++++++++++++++
  9330. <br>
  9331. <br> - upgrade external wakatime package to v4.0.4
  9332. <br>
  9333. <br>
  9334. <br> 4.0.4 (2015-01-19)
  9335. <br> ++++++++++++++++++
  9336. <br>
  9337. <br> - upgrade external wakatime package to v4.0.1
  9338. <br> - don't log time against atlassian-ide-plugin.xml file
  9339. <br>
  9340. <br>
  9341. <br> 4.0.3 (2015-01-19)
  9342. <br> ++++++++++++++++++
  9343. <br>
  9344. <br> - upgrade external wakatime package to v3.0.5
  9345. <br> - fix crashing caused by error dialog being displayed in non-gui background thread
  9346. <br> - only warn about python if not found after installing
  9347. <br>
  9348. <br>
  9349. <br> 4.0.2 (2015-01-04)
  9350. <br> ++++++++++++++++++
  9351. <br>
  9352. <br> - upgrade external wakatime package to v3.0.3
  9353. <br> - install python if not already installed
  9354. <br>
  9355. <br>
  9356. <br> 4.0.1 (2014-12-25)
  9357. <br> ++++++++++++++++++
  9358. <br>
  9359. <br> - upgrade external wakatime package to v3.0.2
  9360. <br> - detect frameworks from JavaScript and JSON files
  9361. <br>
  9362. <br>
  9363. <br> 4.0.0 (2014-12-23)
  9364. <br> ++++++++++++++++++
  9365. <br>
  9366. <br> - upgrade external wakatime package to v3.0.1
  9367. <br> - detect libraries and frameworks for C++, Java, .NET, PHP, and Python files
  9368. <br>
  9369. <br>
  9370. <br> 3.1.9 (2014-12-22)
  9371. <br> ++++++++++++++++++
  9372. <br>
  9373. <br> - upgrade external wakatime package to v2.1.11
  9374. <br> - fix bug in offline logging when no response from api
  9375. <br>
  9376. <br>
  9377. <br> 3.1.8 (2014-12-05)
  9378. <br> ++++++++++++++++++
  9379. <br>
  9380. <br> - upgrade external wakatime package to v2.1.9
  9381. <br> - fix bug preventing offline heartbeats from being purged after uploaded
  9382. <br> - fix UnicodeDecodeError when building user agent string
  9383. <br> - handle case where response is None
  9384. <br> - upgrade pygments to v2.0.1
  9385. <br> - always log an error when api key is incorrect
  9386. <br>
  9387. <br>
  9388. <br> 3.1.7 (2014-11-18)
  9389. <br> ++++++++++++++++++
  9390. <br>
  9391. <br> - upgrade external wakatime package to v2.1.6
  9392. <br> - fix list index error when detecting subversion project
  9393. <br>
  9394. <br>
  9395. <br> 3.1.6 (2014-11-12)
  9396. <br> ++++++++++++++++++
  9397. <br>
  9398. <br> - upgrade external wakatime package to v2.1.4
  9399. <br> - when Python was not compiled with https support, log an error to the log file
  9400. <br>
  9401. <br>
  9402. <br> 3.1.5 (2014-11-10)
  9403. <br> ++++++++++++++++++
  9404. <br>
  9405. <br> - upgrade external wakatime package to v2.1.3
  9406. <br> - correctly detect branch for subversion projects
  9407. <br>
  9408. <br>
  9409. <br> 3.1.4 (2014-10-29)
  9410. <br> ++++++++++++++++++
  9411. <br>
  9412. <br> - download wakatime-cli without blocking UI thread
  9413. <br>
  9414. <br>
  9415. <br> 3.1.3 (2014-10-04)
  9416. <br> ++++++++++++++++++
  9417. <br>
  9418. <br> - pass api key to wakatime-cli as command line argument so it doesn't have to read config file
  9419. <br>
  9420. <br>
  9421. <br> 3.1.2 (2014-09-30)
  9422. <br> ++++++++++++++++++
  9423. <br>
  9424. <br> - upgrade external wakatime package to v2.1.1
  9425. <br> - fix bug where binary file opened as utf-8
  9426. <br>
  9427. <br>
  9428. <br> 3.1.1 (2014-09-30)
  9429. <br> ++++++++++++++++++
  9430. <br>
  9431. <br> - upgrade external wakatime package to v2.1.0
  9432. <br> - python3 compatibility changes
  9433. <br>
  9434. <br>
  9435. <br> 3.1.0 (2014-08-31)
  9436. <br> ++++++++++++++++++
  9437. <br>
  9438. <br> - prevent logging mock:// files on every keystroke
  9439. <br>
  9440. <br>
  9441. <br> 3.0.10 (2014-08-29)
  9442. <br> ++++++++++++++++++
  9443. <br>
  9444. <br> - upgrade external wakatime package to v2.0.8
  9445. <br> - suppress output from svn command
  9446. <br>
  9447. <br>
  9448. <br> 3.0.9 (2014-08-27)
  9449. <br> ++++++++++++++++++
  9450. <br>
  9451. <br> - upgrade external wakatime package to v2.0.7
  9452. <br> - fix support for subversion projects on Mac OS X
  9453. <br>
  9454. <br>
  9455. <br> 3.0.8 (2014-08-24)
  9456. <br> ++++++++++++++++++
  9457. <br>
  9458. <br> - fix bug where exception always thrown
  9459. <br>
  9460. <br>
  9461. <br> 3.0.7 (2014-08-21)
  9462. <br> ++++++++++++++++++
  9463. <br>
  9464. <br> - when executing wakatime python cli fails, retry up to 3 times before logging error
  9465. <br>
  9466. <br>
  9467. <br> 3.0.6 (2014-08-07)
  9468. <br> ++++++++++++++++++
  9469. <br>
  9470. <br> - upgrade external wakatime package to v2.0.6
  9471. <br> - fix unicode bug by encoding json POST data
  9472. <br>
  9473. <br>
  9474. <br> 3.0.5 (2014-07-25)
  9475. <br> ++++++++++++++++++
  9476. <br>
  9477. <br> - upgrade external wakatime package to v2.0.5
  9478. <br> - use unique logger namespace to prevent collisions in shared plugin environments
  9479. <br> - option in .wakatime.cfg to obfuscate file names
  9480. <br>
  9481. <br>
  9482. <br> 3.0.4 (2014-06-18)
  9483. <br> ++++++++++++++++++
  9484. <br>
  9485. <br> - upgrade external wakatime package to v2.0.4
  9486. <br>
  9487. <br>
  9488. <br> 3.0.3 (2014-06-05)
  9489. <br> ++++++++++++++++++
  9490. <br>
  9491. <br> - print debug messages to idea.log when ~/.wakatime.cfg has debug=true
  9492. <br>
  9493. <br>
  9494. <br> 3.0.2 (2014-05-27)
  9495. <br> ++++++++++++++++++
  9496. <br>
  9497. <br> - Support for older IDEA 12 platforms
  9498. <br>
  9499. <br>
  9500. <br> 3.0.1 (2014-05-26)
  9501. <br> ++++++++++++++++++
  9502. <br>
  9503. <br> - Fix bug in offline queue preventing completed tasks from being purged
  9504. <br>
  9505. <br>
  9506. <br> 3.0.0 (2014-05-25)
  9507. <br> ++++++++++++++++++
  9508. <br>
  9509. <br> - Support for offline time logging
  9510. <br>
  9511. <br>
  9512. <br> 2.0.2 (2014-05-08)
  9513. <br> ++++++++++++++++++
  9514. <br>
  9515. <br> - Fix NoClassDefFoundError bug
  9516. <br>
  9517. <br>
  9518. <br> 2.0.1 (2014-05-07)
  9519. <br> ++++++++++++++++++
  9520. <br>
  9521. <br> - Prevent NoClassDefFoundError when looking up IDE's project
  9522. <br>
  9523. <br>
  9524. <br> 2.0.0 (2014-05-06)
  9525. <br> ++++++++++++++++++
  9526. <br>
  9527. <br> - Set project name using IDE's project
  9528. <br>
  9529. <br>
  9530. <br> 1.3.1 (2014-04-28)
  9531. <br> ++++++++++++++++++
  9532. <br>
  9533. <br> - Use correct path to wakatime-cli on Windows platform
  9534. <br>
  9535. <br>
  9536. <br> 1.3.0 (2014-04-18)
  9537. <br> ++++++++++++++++++
  9538. <br>
  9539. <br> - Fix Illegal/unsupported escape sequence bug with Windows paths
  9540. <br>
  9541. <br>
  9542. <br> 1.2.0 (2014-04-16)
  9543. <br> ++++++++++++++++++
  9544. <br>
  9545. <br> - Fix NullPointerException bug
  9546. <br>
  9547. <br>
  9548. <br> 1.1.0 (2014-03-21)
  9549. <br> ++++++++++++++++++
  9550. <br>
  9551. <br> - Support Windows operating system
  9552. <br> - Download and unzip wakatime-cli first time plugin is run
  9553. <br>
  9554. <br>
  9555. <br> 1.0.0 (2014-03-21)
  9556. <br> ++++++++++++++++++
  9557. <br>
  9558. <br> - Birth
  9559. <br>
  9560. <br>
  9561. <a href="https://github.com/wakatime/jetbrains-wakatime/blob/master/HISTORY.rst" rel="nofollow">See more changes...</a>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='4245' size='16114' date='1512348041000' url=''><name>Git Time Metric</name><id>io.edgeg.gtm.intellij</id><description><![CDATA[<img src="https://avatars2.githubusercontent.com/u/19735693?v=3&amp;s=200" alt="" height="100" width="100">
  9562. <b>Simple, seamless, lightweight time tracking for all your git projects</b>
  9563. <br>
  9564. <br>
  9565. <b>Git Time Metrics (GTM)</b> is a tool to automatically track time spent reading and working on code that you store in a Git repository.
  9566. <br> By installing GTM and using supported plug-ins for your favorite editors, you can immediately realize better insight into how you are spending your time and on what files.
  9567. <br>
  9568. <br>
  9569. <b>Installation</b>
  9570. <br>
  9571. <br> Installing GTM is a two step process. First, it's recommended you install the GTM executable that the plug-in integrates with and then install the JetBrains GTM plug-in. Please submit an issue if you have any problems and/or questions.
  9572. <br>
  9573. <br> 1. Follow the
  9574. <a href="https://github.com/git-time-metric/gtm/blob/master/README.md" rel="nofollow">Getting Started</a> section to install the GTM executable for your operating system.
  9575. <br>
  9576. <br> 2. Install the plug-in from your JetBrains IDE, select Preferences -&gt; Plugins -&gt; Browse Repositories... and search for "Git Time Metric".
  9577. <br>
  9578. <br>
  9579. <b>Note</b> - to enable time tracking for a Git repository, you need to initialize it with
  9580. <b>gtm init</b> otherwise it will be ignored by GTM. This is done via the command line. You can run this within the JetBrains IDE terminal.
  9581. <br>
  9582. <br>
  9583. <code> &gt; cd /path/to/your/project<br> &gt; gtm init</code>
  9584. <br>
  9585. <br> To report a bug, please submit an issue on the
  9586. <a href="https://github.com/git-time-metric/gtm-jetbrains-plugin/issues" rel="nofollow">GitHub Page</a>.
  9587. <br> Consult the
  9588. <a href="https://github.com/git-time-metric/gtm/blob/master/README.md" rel="nofollow">README</a> and
  9589. <a href="https://github.com/git-time-metric/gtm/wiki" rel="nofollow">Wiki</a> for more information.]]></description><version>1.0.13</version><vendor email='gtm@edgeg.io' url='https://github.com/git-time-metric/gtm-jetbrains-plugin'>Git Time Metric</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='139.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin></category><ff>"Web"</ff><category name="Web"><idea-plugin downloads='35748' size='658315' date='1389294364000' url=''><name>Webmaster</name><id>com.strintec.intellij.webmaster</id><description><![CDATA[Provides some extra features for web-developers (see 'Webmaster' item in 'Tools', Editor popup and Project View popup)]]></description><version>0.3</version><vendor email='' url=''>Strintec</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='112.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<b>0.3</b>
  9590. <ul>
  9591. <li>The plugin is now compatible with IDEA 13</li>
  9592. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>4.2</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='2921437' size='199630' date='1513092913000' url=''><name>LiveEdit</name><id>com.intellij.plugins.html.instantEditing</id><description><![CDATA[<p>Provides live edit HTML/CSS/JavaScript.</p>
  9593. <p><a href="https://www.jetbrains.com/webstorm/help/live-edit.html" rel="nofollow">Docs</a></p>
  9594. <p><a href="http://blog.jetbrains.com/webide/2012/08/liveedit-plugin-features-in-detail/" rel="nofollow">Screencasts</a></p>
  9595. <p><a href="https://confluence.jetbrains.com/display/WI/LiveEdit" rel="nofollow">Troubleshooting</a></p>
  9596. <p><a href="https://confluence.jetbrains.com/display/WI/LiveEdit" rel="nofollow"><b>Since version 0.5 LiveEdit works as part of JavaScript debug session only.</b></a></p>]]></description><version>173.3942.31</version><vendor email='' url='https://www.jetbrains.com'>JetBrains</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='173.3942' until-build='173.*'/><change-notes><![CDATA[<p><a href="https://confluence.jetbrains.com/display/WI/LiveEdit" rel="nofollow">Since version 0.5 LiveEdit works as part of JavaScript debug session only.</a></p>]]></change-notes><depends>JavaScript</depends><depends>JavaScriptDebugger</depends><depends>com.intellij.css</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.xml</depends><rating>4.2</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='13847' size='113061' date='1409787250000' url=''><name>Get gist (Beta)</name><id>com.kodokux.github</id><description><![CDATA[Get gist for Github]]></description><version></version><vendor email='johnathan@kodokuman.com' url=''>Kodokux System And Support</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='131.48' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Bug fix : https://github.com/johna1203/getGists/issues/13 https://github.com/johna1203/getGists/issues/10 https://github.com/johna1203/getGists/issues/7]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><depends>org.jetbrains.plugins.github</depends><rating>4.5</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='79354' size='26673' date='1510318464000' url=''><name>Polymer &amp; Web Components</name><id>com.intellij.plugins.webcomponents</id><description><![CDATA[Polymer &amp; Web Components support]]></description><version>173.3622.29</version><vendor email='' url=''>JetBrains</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='173.3622' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<ul>
  9597. <li>Polymer Support</li>
  9598. <li>Initial Support</li>
  9599. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>(optional) com.intellij.css</depends><depends>JavaScript</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.xml</depends><rating>2.1</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='14070' size='4045' date='1393004787000' url=''><name>GoogleIt</name><id>org.root.GoogleIt</id><description><![CDATA[Google instant search.
  9600. <br /> Use Ctrl+shift+g to search selected text]]></description><version>0.11</version><vendor email='aistar.neron@gmail.com' url=''>ROOT</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='107.105' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Fix description]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='56417' size='4451024' date='1459688851000' url='https://github.com/idok/scss-lint-plugin'><name>scss-lint</name><id>com.wix.scss.lint</id><description><![CDATA[SCSS Lint intellij integration.
  9601. <br />
  9602. <p>Support displaying SCSS Lint warnings as intellij inspections</p>]]></description><version>1.0.18</version><vendor email='sir_simon_x@yahoo.com' url='https://github.com/idok'>Ido</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='131.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<p>1.1.2 Bug fixes</p>
  9603. <p>1.1.1 Bug fixes</p>
  9604. <p>1.1.0 Idea 145 compatibility</p>
  9605. <p>1.0.18 Bug fixes</p>
  9606. <p>1.0.17 Bug fixes</p>
  9607. <p>1.0.16 Bug fixes</p>
  9608. <p>1.0.15 Bug fixes</p>
  9609. <p>1.0.14 Bug fixes</p>
  9610. <p>1.0.13 Fix compatibility issue with scss-lint 0.39.0</p>
  9611. <p>1.0.12 Bug fixes</p>
  9612. <p>1.0.11 Remove YAML dependency</p>
  9613. <p>1.0.10 Fix PhpStorm compatibility issue</p>
  9614. <p>1.0.9 Fix WebStorm 9 compatibility issue</p>
  9615. <p>1.0.8 Add quick fix to sort properties</p>
  9616. <p>1.0.7 Fixed an NPE bug.</p>
  9617. <p>1.0.6 Window path issue and other bug fixes.</p>
  9618. <p>1.0.5 Bug fixes.</p>
  9619. <p>1.0.4 Bug fixes.</p>
  9620. <p>1.0.3 Fix execution issue on windows.</p>
  9621. <p>1.0.2 Bug fixes.</p>
  9622. <p>1.0.1 First version.</p>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='79211' size='133398' date='1515661752000' url=''><name>Meteor</name><id>com.jetbrains.plugins.meteor</id><description><![CDATA[Support for Meteor framework
  9623. <br>
  9624. <b>Note:</b> The plugin is a part of WebStorm IDE and you don't need install it manually for WebStorm
  9625. <br>
  9626. <br>
  9627. <b>Features:</b>
  9628. <p>* Meteor project generator</p>
  9629. <p>* Resolve for Meteor templates/helpers in Spacebars</p>
  9630. <p>* Navigate to Meteor Spacebars templates from *.js code </p>
  9631. <p>* JavaScript code completion for Meteor core methods</p>
  9632. <p>* Spacebars code completion for templates/helpers</p>
  9633. <p>* Server/Client debug, navigate to error from console</p>
  9634. <p>* Autoimport Meteor non-standard packages as external library for code completion (the action also available in the 'packages' file)</p>
  9635. <p>* Inspections for Spacebars</p>
  9636. <p>* Meteor-angular plugin support</p>]]></description><version>173.4301.12</version><vendor email='' url=''>JetBrains</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='173.4301' until-build='173.*'/><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>JavaScript</depends><depends>JavaScriptDebugger</depends><depends>com.dmarcotte.handlebars</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>2.9</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='341439' size='67521' date='1507041210000' url='https://github.com/bodiam/intellij-bootstrap'><name>Bootstrap 3</name><id>nl.jworks.intellij.bootstrap3</id><description><![CDATA[Bootstrap 3 and Bootstrap 4 live templates / snippets.
  9637. <br>
  9638. <p><a href="https://github.com/bodiam/intellij-bootstrap3" rel="nofollow">Documentation / list of snippets</a></p>
  9639. <br>
  9640. <p>Follow me on Twitter: <a href="https://twitter.com/epragt" rel="nofollow"><b>@epragt</b></a></p>]]></description><version>4.0.4</version><vendor email='erik.pragt@jworks.nl' url='http://www.jworks.nl'>Jworks</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='131.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Bugfix 55 and 56. Thanks mwalker212, Antoniossss and zolotov for helping out!]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><rating>4.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='85317' size='3444788' date='1506261815000' url='https://github.com/idok/react-templates-plugin'><name>React-Templates</name><id>com.wix.react-templates</id><description><![CDATA[React Templates integration.
  9641. <br>
  9642. <p>Add new React Templates file type for *.rt files</p>
  9643. <p>Build rt files on the fly</p>
  9644. <p>Inspect rt files</p>
  9645. <p>Completion for rt-* attributes</p>
  9646. <p>Completion for react attributes</p>]]></description><version>1.1.2</version><vendor email='sir_simon_x@yahoo.com' url='https://github.com/idok'>Ido</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='143.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<p>1.1.2 Fix NPE</p>
  9647. <p>1.1.1 Bug fixes</p>
  9648. <p>1.1.0 Support new features of react-templates</p>
  9649. <p>1.0.30 Bug fixes</p>
  9650. <p>1.0.29 Fix other file grouping</p>
  9651. <p>1.0.28 Bug fixes</p>
  9652. <p>1.0.27 Support branch 143 - IntelliJ IDEA 15, WebStorm 11, PyCharm 5, PhpStorm 10, RubyMine 8, AppCode 3.3, CLion 1.2</p>
  9653. <p>1.0.26 Fix NPE</p>
  9654. <p>1.0.25 Fix NPE and add switch to controller/code behind file</p>
  9655. <p>1.0.24 branch 141 - IntelliJ IDEA 14.1, WebStorm 10, PyCharm 4.1 support</p>
  9656. <p>1.0.23 branch 139 - IntelliJ IDEA 14, WebStorm 9, PyCharm 4, PhpStorm 8, RubyMine 7 support</p>
  9657. <p>1.0.22 Better support for rt syntax, project template and live template</p>
  9658. <p>1.0.21 Bug fixes</p>
  9659. <p>1.0.20 Fix crash</p>
  9660. <p>1.0.19 Better typescript support (thanks <a href="https://github.com/1two" rel="nofollow">1two</a>)</p>
  9661. <p>1.0.18 Add typescript/es6 support</p>
  9662. <p>1.0.17 Bug fixes</p>
  9663. <p>1.0.16 initial support for inline expressions in RT</p>
  9664. <p>1.0.15 Bug fixes</p>
  9665. <p>1.0.14 Bug fixes</p>
  9666. <p>1.0.13 Bug fixes, better error reporting</p>
  9667. <p>1.0.12 Bug fixes</p>
  9668. <p>1.0.11 Update docs</p>
  9669. <p>1.0.10 create controller with react-templates file</p>
  9670. <p>1.0.9 add modules support for react-templates 0.1.5</p>
  9671. <p>1.0.8 add react attributes to code completion, fix temp files issue</p>
  9672. <p>1.0.7 improved error handling</p>
  9673. <p>1.0.6 Bug fixes. fix sort issue</p>
  9674. <p>1.0.5 Bug fixes.</p>
  9675. <p>1.0.4 Add new RT file.</p>
  9676. <p>1.0.3 Add quick docs for rt-* attributes.</p>
  9677. <p>1.0.2 Add option to build common JS output.</p>
  9678. <p>1.0.1 Add rt.js files as child nodes.</p>
  9679. <p>1.0.0 First version.</p>]]></change-notes><depends>JavaScript</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>4.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='11320' size='16238' date='1448313121000' url='https://github.com/manolenso/intellij-foundation5'><name>Zurb Foundation 5</name><id>com.manolenso.intellij.foundation5</id><description><![CDATA[Zurb Foundation 5 live template snippets
  9680. <br />
  9681. <p>Follow me on Twitter: <a href="https://twitter.com/manolenso" rel="nofollow"><b>@manolenso</b></a></p>
  9682. <br />
  9683. <p>Snippets enhancement: <a href="https://github.com/manolenso/intellij-foundation5/labels/snippets/enhancement" rel="nofollow"><b>Enhancement</b></a></p>
  9684. <i>Compiled with Java 1.6</i>]]></description><version>2.4</version><vendor email='' url='https://github.com/manolenso/intellij-foundation5'>Manolenso</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='139.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<br /> 2.4 update cdn libs to 5.5.3
  9685. <br /> 2.3 update cdn libs to 5.5.2
  9686. <br /> 2.2 added utility placeholder
  9687. <br /> 2.1 correct bug in zf-nvib
  9688. <br /> 2.0 correct and simplify button components
  9689. <br /> 1.9 correct mistake trigger name &amp; update some components
  9690. <br /> 1.8 added typography and rewrite some structure components
  9691. <br /> 1.7 added callouts &amp; prompts components
  9692. <br /> 1.6 added content components, some of them use Emmet plugin!
  9693. <br /> 1.5 added forms components
  9694. <br /> 1.4 added media components
  9695. <br /> 1.3 added navigation components
  9696. <br /> 1.2 added structure components rename trigger
  9697. <br /> 1.1 added buttons components, bug fixes
  9698. <br /> 1.0 Initial release
  9699. <br />]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='1698' size='4312' date='1441799938000' url=''><name>HoogleIt</name><id>org.root.HoogleIt</id><description><![CDATA[Haskell - Hoogle instant search.
  9700. <br /> Use ctrl+shift+h to search selected text in Hoogle. If no text is selected, the word under cursor is selected.]]></description><version>0.3</version><vendor email='aistar.neron@gmail.com, mrkafk@gmail.com' url='https://github.com/mrkafk/HoogleIt'>ROOT, Marcin Krol</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='107.105' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Init
  9701. <br />
  9702. <small>most HTML tags may be used</small>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>4.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='26038' size='593836' date='1510492291000' url='https://github.com/idok/sass-lint-plugin'><name>Sass Lint</name><id>com.wix.sasslint</id><description><![CDATA[Sass Lint intellij integration.
  9703. <br>
  9704. <p>Support displaying Sass Lint warnings as intellij inspections</p>]]></description><version>1.0.8</version><vendor email='sir_simon_x@yahoo.com' url='https://github.com/idok'>Ido</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='139.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<p>1.0.8 Bug fixes.</p>
  9705. <p>1.0.7 Fixed issue https://github.com/idok/sass-lint-plugin/issues/5 with pull request https://github.com/idok/sass-lint-plugin/pull/19.</p>
  9706. <p>1.0.6 Bug fixes.</p>
  9707. <p>1.0.5 Bug fixes.</p>
  9708. <p>1.0.4 Bug fixes.</p>
  9709. <p>1.0.3 Bug fixes.</p>
  9710. <p>1.0.2 Bug fixes.</p>
  9711. <p>1.0.1 Bug fixes.</p>
  9712. <p>1.0.0 First version.</p>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><depends>org.jetbrains.plugins.sass</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='10149' size='38384' date='1503412827000' url='https://github.com/manolenso/intellij-foundation6'><name>Zurb Foundation 6</name><id>com.manolenso.intellij.foundation6</id><description><![CDATA[Zurb Foundation 6 live template snippets
  9713. <br>
  9714. <p>Releases: <a href="https://github.com/manolenso/intellij-foundation6/releases" rel="nofollow">Changelog</a></p>
  9715. <p>Follow me on Twitter: <a href="https://twitter.com/manolenso" rel="nofollow">@manolenso</a></p>
  9716. <p>Gitter: <a href="https://gitter.im/manolenso/intellij-foundation6" rel="nofollow">intellij-foundation6</a></p>
  9717. <p>Snippets enhancement: <a href="https://github.com/manolenso/intellij-foundation6/labels/snippets/enhancement" rel="nofollow"><b>Enhancement</b></a></p>
  9718. <i>Compiled with Java 1.6</i>]]></description><version>1.8.0</version><vendor email='' url='https://github.com/manolenso/intellij-foundation6'>Manolenso</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='139.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<br> 1.8.0 Update Foundation 6.4.3
  9719. <br> 1.7.1 Update Foundation 6.3.1
  9720. <br> 1.7.0 Update Foundation 6.3.0
  9721. <br> 1.6.1 Update Foundation 6.2.4
  9722. <br> 1.6.0 Update Foundation 6.2.3
  9723. <br> 1.5.1 missing 6.2.1 css
  9724. <br> 1.5.0 Update Foundation 6.2.1, orbit slider
  9725. <br> 1.4.0 simplify orbit slider add utility
  9726. <br> 1.3.0 Update Foundation 6.2.0, simplify and add components
  9727. <br> 1.2.0 Add row flex, version cdn lib
  9728. <br> 1.1.0 Update cdn Motion UI 1.2.0
  9729. <br> 1.0.0 Initial release
  9730. <br>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='15741' size='5755683' date='1462415563000' url=''><name>Markup to SCSS</name><id>com.xcodersteam.idea.plugins.mkupscss</id><description><![CDATA[Adds option to generate SCSS from selected markup
  9731. <br> Supports PHP, JSX, AngularJS and HTML
  9732. <br>
  9733. <br>
  9734. <a href="https://github.com/semoro/MarkupToSCSS" rel="nofollow">https://github.com/semoro/MarkupToSCSS</a>
  9735. <br> Howto:
  9736. <br> Open file with markup(.php, .jsx, .js, .html)
  9737. <br> Select block to generate scss template
  9738. <br> Press RMB, select Generate SCSS from context menu
  9739. <br> ???????
  9740. <br> Paste to your scss file
  9741. <br> PROFIT!
  9742. <br>]]></description><version>0.2.1</version><vendor email='sem-oro@yandex.ru' url=''>XCodersTeam</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='141.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[JSX bugfixes, and more precisely language checking]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='1798' size='26359' date='1460954853000' url=''><name>OnlineSearch</name><id>io.github.maddouri.intellij.OnlineSearch</id><description><![CDATA[<p>Search the selected text using <b>any</b> online search engine.</p>
  9743. <p> </p>
  9744. <ul>
  9745. <li>Compatible with all IntelliJ-based IDEs</li>
  9746. <li>Add custom search engines' URLs in (Settings | Other settings | OnlineSearch)</li>
  9747. <li>Launch the search from the editor's context menu (Select text | Right-click | OnlineSearch | Select a search engine)</li>
  9748. <li>Map a search engine to a keyboard shortcut (Settings | Keymap | &lt;search engine name&gt;)</li>
  9749. <li>Pop up the search engine list with a keyboard shortcut (Settings | Keymap | OnlineSearch)</li>
  9750. <li>Works with other IDE "views" that have text areas (e.g. Diff, Debugger Console, Run Console, etc.)</li>
  9751. <li>If you don't see the context menu entry, try a keyboard shortcut to show OnlineSearch's popup</li>
  9752. <li>Out-of-the-box support for Google, Github, GrepCode, CppReference, and others (Ability to add/remove/reorder any number of search engines)</li>
  9753. </ul>
  9754. <p></p>]]></description><version>1.1.2</version><vendor email='' url='https://github.com/maddouri/IntelliJ-OnlineSearch'></vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='141.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<ul>
  9755. <li>Fix the bug caused by 1.1.1 (ill-formed URLs were generated for pre-1.1.1 users)</li>
  9756. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='283' size='19077' date='1469131935000' url=''><name>lang tip</name><id>com.umu.langtip</id><description><![CDATA[language text tip
  9757. <p> umu内部开发插件,快速提示多语言词条占位符所表示的中文意思,方便开发使用 </p> 使用
  9758. <ul>
  9759. <li>选中占位符lang_xxx</li>
  9760. <li>按下 SHIFT Ctrl P (Command SHIFT P on a Mac) 或者右键点击"多语言占位符提示" </li>
  9761. <li>代码窗口显示红色hint提示</li>
  9762. </ul>]]></description><version>1.0</version><vendor email='daoyu@umu.com' url='http://www.fleven.com'>daoyuly</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='131.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Version 1.0: Initial version.]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='1688' size='124273' date='1475885401000' url='https://github.com/sertae/stylint-plugin'><name>Stylint</name><id>com.stylint</id><description><![CDATA[<p><a href="https://github.com/SimenB/stylint" rel="nofollow">Stylint</a> Intellij integration. Support displaying Stylint warnings as Intellij inspections. More: <a href="https://github.com/sertae/stylint-plugin" rel="nofollow">Documentation</a> | <a href="https://github.com/sertae/stylint-plugin/issues" rel="nofollow">Issues</a><br><br></p>
  9763. <p> <b>Installation:</b><br> Install <a href="https://github.com/SimenB/stylint" rel="nofollow">stylint</a> and <a href="https://github.com/sertae/stylint-json-reporter" rel="nofollow">stylint-json-reporter</a><br> <code>npm install -g stylint stylint-json-reporter</code><br><br> </p>
  9764. <p> <b>Configuration:</b> </p>
  9765. <ul>
  9766. <li>Go to preferences, Stylint plugin page and check `Enable` plugin.</li>
  9767. <li>Select the path to the Stylint executable.</li>
  9768. <li>Set the `.stylintrc` file, or Stylint will use the default settings.</li>
  9769. <li>By default, Stylint plugin annotate the editor with warning or error based on the Stylint configuration, you can check the 'Treat all stylint issues as warnings' checkbox to display all issues from stylint as warnings.</li>
  9770. <li>Stylint plugin will also try to highlight error in the right place. If you prefer more verbose display you can check the 'Highlight whole line' setting. Otherwise Stylint plugin will highlight whole lines only for those errors where more precise display was not possible.</li>
  9771. <li>Show column number setting is mostly for debugging, but maybe someone will find it useful.</li>
  9772. </ul>
  9773. <p></p>
  9774. <p> <b>Requirements:</b> </p>
  9775. <ul>
  9776. <li>Intellij branch 145: IntelliJ IDEA 2016.1, WebStorm 2016.1, PhpStorm 2016.1</li>
  9777. <li>stylint &gt;= 1.5.0</li>
  9778. <li>stylint-json-reporter &gt;= 0.3.1</li>
  9779. </ul>
  9780. <p></p>]]></description><version>0.2.0</version><vendor email='wojciech.czerniak@sertae.com' url='http://sertae.com'>Sertae</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<p>0.2.0 Update description. Prepare plugin for public use.</p>
  9781. <p>0.1.0 First experimental version.</p>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><depends>org.jetbrains.plugins.stylus</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='21307' size='30775' date='1480786561000' url=''><name>React CSS Modules</name><id>com.intellij.react.css.modules</id><description><![CDATA[<p>React CSS Modules support for components written in JavaScript and TypeScript.</p>
  9782. <p>Provides the following features:</p>
  9783. <ul>
  9784. <li>Completion and error highlighting for CSS classes used in React styleName attributes</li>
  9785. <li>Completion and error highlighting for CSS classes used in styles string literals, e.g. styles['my-class']</li>
  9786. <li>Intention to create missing CSS class from usage in React</li>
  9787. <li>Integrates React references to CSS class names with 'Find Usages', 'Rename', and 'Go to Declaration'</li>
  9788. </ul>]]></description><version>1.0.1</version><vendor email='' url=''>Jim Kynde Meyer - jimkyndemeyer@gmail.com</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='163.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<ul>
  9789. <li>1.0.1: Support for ES6 imports.</li>
  9790. <li>1.0: Initial version.</li>
  9791. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>JavaScript</depends><depends>NodeJS</depends><depends>com.intellij.css</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='3996' size='40965' date='1483479047000' url=''><name>IntelliJ Stylelint Plugin</name><id>com.jokerzoid.intellij.plugin.stylelint</id><description><![CDATA[Stylelint plugin for all products based on IntelliJ Platform (IntelliJ IDEA, RubyMine, WebStorm, PhpStorm, PyCharm, AppCode, etc.)
  9792. <br>
  9793. <br> Configure the path to the
  9794. <code>stylelint</code> executable through Preferences -&gt; Tools -&gt; Stylelint]]></description><version>1.3</version><vendor email='' url='https://github.com/Jardinero/stylelint-plugin'>Jardinero</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='141.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Version 1.3: STYLELINT_HOME is no longer a requirement. Now the path to the executable can be set through Preferences.]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='579' size='104514' date='1486719773000' url='https://github.com/AbnerZheng/RegularPlugin'><name>Regularjs Support</name><id>com.netease.regular</id><description><![CDATA[<a href="https://regularjs.github.io" rel="nofollow">Regularjs</a> support.
  9795. <p>Thanks for GoJet plugin, it help this project a lot.</p>]]></description><version>0.3.1</version><vendor email='' url='https://github.com/abnerzheng'>Abner Zheng</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='143.379' /><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='1157' size='4429062' date='1489128749000' url=''><name>Full Stack Tools</name><id>com.cainiao.fktools</id><description><![CDATA[Full Stack Tools for Web Developers
  9796. <em>enable your full stack abilities</em>]]></description><version>1.0.7</version><vendor email='' url='https://www.cainiao.com/'>Cainiao</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<ul>
  9797. <li>repository support</li>
  9798. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>1.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='12842' size='64003' date='1499252927000' url=''><name>LaravelStorm</name><id>com.smartbit8.laravelStorm.intellij</id><description><![CDATA[Useful tools for laravel development in IntelliJIdea and PhpStorm]]></description><version>1.1</version><vendor email='3mmar.g97@gmail.com' url=''>SmartBit8</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Show Laravel logs in the run window .
  9799. <br> Add PHP interpreter selector in run configuration settings.
  9800. <br> Web browser won't open if the Laravel server doesn't start.
  9801. <br> Fix some bugs .]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><depends>com.jetbrains.php</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='2517' size='17931145' date='1506679401000' url=''><name>Import Cost</name><id>ImportCost</id><description><![CDATA[This extension will display inline in the editor the size of the imported package. Calculates the size of imports and requires. Currently supports:
  9802. <ul>
  9803. <li>Default importing: <code>import Func from 'utils';</code> </li>
  9804. <li>Entire content importing: <code>import * as Utils from 'utils';</code> </li>
  9805. <li>Selective importing: <code>import {Func} from 'utils';</code> </li>
  9806. <li>Selective importing with alias: <code>import {orig as alias} from 'utils';</code> </li>
  9807. <li>Submodule importing: <code>import Func from 'utils/Func';</code> </li>
  9808. <li>Require: <code>const Func = require('utils').Func;<code> </code></code></li>
  9809. </ul>]]></description><version>1.0.3</version><vendor email='dennis.ushakov@jetbrains.com' url='https://github.com/denofevil/import-cost'>Dennis Ushakov, Andrey Starovoyt</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='172.3317' until-build='173.*'/><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>JavaScript</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.xml</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='6314' size='18503' date='1505301416000' url=''><name>Styled Components</name><id>com.deadlock.scsyntax</id><description><![CDATA[Language Support For
  9810. <a href="https://github.com/styled-components/styled-components" rel="nofollow">React Styled Components</a>]]></description><version>1.0.5</version><vendor email='hossam.saraya@gmail.com' url='http://www.saraya.io'>Kodehouse</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='172.3317' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Add injection in .attrs()`` method]]></change-notes><depends>JavaScript</depends><depends>com.intellij.css</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><depends>org.jetbrains.plugins.less</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='5254' size='69467' date='1515480212000' url=''><name>ReactPropTypes</name><id>com.suming.react.PropTypes</id><description><![CDATA[Auto Generate code for React's Component PropTypes (ES5 is not supported for the time being)
  9811. <br> Usage Instructions:
  9812. <br> 1. Select or take the cursor in your Component's name
  9813. <br> 2. Press command + N (Windows is alt + insert) show Generate Group and select PropTypesGenerate, or press shift + command + alt + P (Windows is shift + ctrl + alt + P) in the macOS
  9814. <br> 3. Edit the PropTypes Table to modify default type
  9815. <br> If you have any question or want to see more detail introductions, you can jump to Github.
  9816. <br>]]></description><version>1.0.7</version><vendor email='dpzxsm@sina.com' url='https://github.com/dpzxsm/ReactPropTypes-Plugin'>Su Ming</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='143.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[The emergency repair of a bug that cause superfluous props]]></change-notes><depends>JavaScript</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin></category><ff>"Framework integration"</ff><category name="Framework integration"><idea-plugin downloads='923' size='18964' date='1270518156000' url=''><name>Robotlegs Up Down Plugin</name><id>Robotlegs Up Down Plugin</id><description><![CDATA[Helper plguin for Robotlegs MVCS developers]]></description><version>0.1.4</version><vendor email='' url=''>Visfleet Ltd Labs</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='80.8000' /><change-notes><![CDATA[
  9817. ]]></change-notes><depends>JavaScript</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='1210' size='43318' date='1335175497000' url=''><name>Robotlegs</name><id>Robotlegs</id><description><![CDATA[
  9818. Robotlegs Support for IntelliJ
  9819. <ul>
  9820. <li>Adds a Robotlegs tool window to let you explore the mappings in your project.</li>
  9821. <li>Use CTRL + SHIFT + G to jump to a mapped class (from view->mediator, event->command, etc)
  9822. </li>
  9823. <li>File issues here: https://github.com/johnlindquist/open-source-plugins/issues
  9824. </li>
  9825. </ul>
  9826. ]]></description><version>0.4</version><vendor email='johnlindquist@gmail.com' url='https://johnlindquist.com/'>johnlindquist</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='80.8000' /><change-notes><![CDATA[
  9827. 0.4.1
  9828. Added simple sort for all columns<br>
  9829. 0.4
  9830. Fixed for IntelliJ 11.1.1<br>
  9831. 0.3
  9832. Added switching between mapped classes with ctrl+shift+G (think "Go to mapped class"). Next steps: I
  9833. need to clean up the code base before taking it any further, then start work on code generation.<br>
  9834. 0.2
  9835. Fixed bugs from real-world user-testing (handling conditionals, multiple args, etc)
  9836. <br>
  9837. 0.1
  9838. Initial Beta Release: Browse your project for mapped classes and inject a class with
  9839. right-click.<br>
  9840. ]]></change-notes><depends>JavaScript</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.ultimate</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.xml</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='2011672' size='311285' date='1516114827000' url='https://github.com/JetBrains/intellij-plugins/tree/master/AngularJS'><name>AngularJS</name><id>AngularJS</id><description><![CDATA[Support for AngularJS and Angular]]></description><version>173.4301.22</version><vendor email='' url=''>johnlindquist, JetBrains</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='173.4301' until-build='173.*'/><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>JavaScript</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><rating>4.2</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='137623' size='616873' date='1417879017000' url='http://magicento.com/'><name>Magicento</name><id>Magicento</id><description><![CDATA[/////////////////////////////////////////////////
  9842. <br /> /////////////////////////////////////////////////
  9843. <br /> Go to www.magicento.com to get the full version
  9844. <br /> Don't install this version if you have the full version
  9845. <br />
  9846. <br /> Plugin for Magento development
  9847. <br /> Please read the full list of features with a brief explanation of how to use them here:
  9848. <br />
  9849. <a href="http://www.magicento.com/#features" rel="nofollow">www.magicento.com/#features</a>]]></description><version>2.4.0</version><vendor email='contacto@enriquepiatti.com' url='http://magicento.com/'>Enrique Piatti</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='117.105' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<p> 2.9.0 </p>
  9850. <ul>
  9851. <li>Bugfixes:
  9852. <ul>
  9853. <li>NullPointer Exceptions and IllegalStateException</li>
  9854. <li>Compatibility issues with PhpStorm8 multicaret system</li>
  9855. <li>ConnectionException bugfix for PhpStorm 8.0.2+</li>
  9856. <li>Foreach type inference when using &quot;as $index =&gt; $value&quot; was assigned to $index instead of $value</li>
  9857. <li>Wrong type inference for $this-&gt;getResource() inside Collections</li>
  9858. <li>Go to Controller/Action from handle inside admin layout xml files was not working</li>
  9859. <li>Go to layout xml handle from action inside admin controllers was not working</li>
  9860. </ul> </li>
  9861. <li>New action: &quot;Create Grid and Form&quot;. Use ALT+M anywhere to create a grid and form in the admin</li>
  9862. <li>URI autocomplete doesn't need the first character to work now. Example: Mage::getModel([CTRL+SPACE HERE])</li>
  9863. <li>Improved ::createBlock type inference.</li>
  9864. <li>Evaluate with Magento action remember the last evaluated code (no need to type it again when prompting)</li>
  9865. <li>New action: &quot;Add to Solved Rewrite Conflict&quot;. Use ALT+M when editing some class with a rewrite conflict (you can mark the class that is solving the clonfict easier with this)</li>
  9866. <li>Autcomplete works for Mage::getStoreConfigFlag too. Mage::getStoreConfigFlag('[CTRL+SPACE HERE]')</li>
  9867. </ul>
  9868. <p></p>
  9869. <p> 2.8.0 </p>
  9870. <ul>
  9871. <li>Bugfixes:
  9872. <ul>
  9873. <li>NullPointer Exceptions</li>
  9874. <li>Improvements in Goto and Type inferences over factories strings</li>
  9875. </ul> </li>
  9876. <li>New action: &quot;Create Controller&quot;. Use ALT+M &gt; Create Controller anywhere.</li>
  9877. <li>New action: &quot;Go To Controller&quot;. Use ALT+M &gt; Go To Controller anywhere and type the URL or the frontname/controller/action</li>
  9878. <li>New action &quot;Go to template from other package theme&quot;. Use ALT+M inside any .phtml file to jump to the same template from another package/theme</li>
  9879. <li>New Action to copy to clipboard relative path for templates and layout xml files. Use ALT+M &gt; Copy Relative Path when editing some .phtml or .xml layout file</li>
  9880. <li>Go to Controller from handle in Layout XML files. Use CTRL+B when cursor is over any handle to jump to the Controller/Action for that handle</li>
  9881. <li>Go to Handle from Controller. Use CTRL+B when cursor is over any action method name (method declaration) inside a Controller class. Use CTRL+SPACE inside any xml file from the layout</li>
  9882. <li>Autocomplete for handle nodes in layout (xml) files now includes all possible controller/actions from the code</li>
  9883. <li>Type inference improvements. Now works with chained methods returning $this like -&gt;load() and -&gt;loadByAttribute and -&gt;addAttributeToFilter, etc (even when Magento is defining, incorrectly, the @return type as Mage_Core_Model_Abstract instead of using @return $this)</li>
  9884. <li>Added autocomplete for registry keys from Magento core. Mage::registry('[CTRL+SPACE HERE]')</li>
  9885. <li>Added type/class recognition for registry keys from Magento core. Mage::registry('current_product')-&gt;[CTRL+SPACE HERE]</li>
  9886. <li>Added &quot;go to character position&quot; support for Magicento PHP Scripts. Just append &quot;::POSITION&quot; to the filepath to open (see more details when creating a Magicento Php Script)</li>
  9887. <li>Compare with original File Action now works with original files from &quot;Community&quot; pool</li>
  9888. <li>Evaluate in Magento is showing the result inside the information panel too (to allow copy and check previous results). And is not showing with a dialog if the result is too long.</li>
  9889. <li>Added autocomplete for system config paths inside $installer-&gt;setConfigData('CTRL+SPACE HERE')</li>
  9890. <li>Compare templates and layout files dialog now only shows packages and themes containing the file to compare (same relative path)</li>
  9891. <li>Compare With Original action works with original files not included in the current project (Mage.php not in the current project)</li>
  9892. </ul>
  9893. <p></p>
  9894. <p> 2.7.0 </p>
  9895. <ul>
  9896. <li>Bugfixes:
  9897. <ul>
  9898. <li>NullPointerExceptions</li>
  9899. <li>StringIndexOutOfBoundsException</li>
  9900. <li>Foreach item type detection conflict when using PhpDoc annotations</li>
  9901. </ul> </li>
  9902. <li>Goto for skin images. Use CTRL+B (CTRL+CLICK) when the cursor is over any skin url (filepath ending with .jpg .gif or .png)</li>
  9903. <li>Autocomplete and Goto for &quot;helper&quot; method inside Block classes: $this-&gt;helper('[CTRL+B] and also [CTRL+SPACE]')-&gt;[CTRL+SPACE]</li>
  9904. <li>Improved validation for Module Creator dialog</li>
  9905. <li>Magicento menu (ALT+M) now works when there isn't any opened file</li>
  9906. <li>New Copy Layout File action. ALT+M inside any .xml from the layout to copy it to another package/theme</li>
  9907. <li>New Compare Layout File action. ALT+M inside any .xml from the layout to compare it with another package/theme</li>
  9908. <li>Magicento PHP Scripts now supports interaction with the IDE. Use $GLOBALS['MagicentoActions'][some valid action here] (create a script to see the instructions)</li>
  9909. <li>New Magicento PHP Scripts: &quot;copy to local&quot; was updated (now it opens the local file created). Added Test script to show new Magicento Actions capabilities</li>
  9910. <li>Added new config for omitting Magicento notifications. Set a list of regular expressions and the messages matching that (and not marked internally as important) won't be show anymore</li>
  9911. <li>New Go to Observer action. Use ALT+M &gt; Go To Observer and type the event name (or part of it)</li>
  9912. <li>Added foreach item type inference when looping collections annotated with @var. Ex: /** @var $collection Mage_Catalog_Model_Resource_Product_Collection */ foreach($collection as $item){ $item-&gt;[CTRL+SPACE] }</li>
  9913. <li>New intention for adding @var PHPDoc. Use ALT+ENTER when the cursor is over any $variable and select &quot;Add @var PHPDoc&quot; (this should be work better than the default intention from PhpStorm)</li>
  9914. <li>Performance optimizations</li>
  9915. </ul>
  9916. <p></p>
  9917. <p> 2.6.5 </p>
  9918. <ul>
  9919. <li>Bugfixes:
  9920. <ul>
  9921. <li>NullPointerExceptions</li>
  9922. <li>Autocomplete for helpers without &quot;/data&quot; was not working: Mage::helper('customer')-&gt;[HERE]</li>
  9923. <li>Goto observer|cron method from config.xml definition now works when the method is defined in a parent class too</li>
  9924. <li>Foreach model detection now recognizes collections from foreach(Mage::getResourceModel('collection_uri_here') as $model)</li>
  9925. </ul> </li>
  9926. <li>Added factory autocomplete for $this-&gt;helper([CTRL+SPACE HERE]) inside templates (.phtml files)</li>
  9927. <li>Source Model autocomplete inside system.xml now supports custom source models from current module</li>
  9928. <li>Goto for skin urls. Use CTRL+B (CTRL+CLICK) when the cursor is over any skin url (filepath ending with .js or .css</li>
  9929. </ul>
  9930. <p></p>
  9931. <p> 2.6.0 </p>
  9932. <ul>
  9933. <li>Bugfixes:
  9934. <ul>
  9935. <li>NullPointerExceptions</li>
  9936. <li>Nested objects inside statements beginning with Mage::get* were getting the wrong type</li>
  9937. </ul> </li>
  9938. <li>Improved autocomplete when using getCollection, getResource, _getResource, getResourceCollection methods</li>
  9939. <li>Added automatic Model detection inside foreach loop with collections. foreach($collection as $model) =&gt; no need to use @var for $model</li>
  9940. <li>Added GoTo for observer methods. Use CTRL+B when the cursor is over a method name inside some Observer class to jump to the event|cron node from the config.xml for that method.</li>
  9941. <li>Added data installer and mysql4 prefix options to Module Creator dialog</li>
  9942. <li>Add quotes automatically if needed when using factory autocomplete. Mage::getModel([CTRL+SPACE HERE])</li>
  9943. <li>Added autocomplete for SQL conditions in addAttributeToFilter and addFieldToFilter. Use Ctrl+Space *-&gt;addAttributeToFilter('*', array( '[HERE]' ))</li>
  9944. <li>Added Camelize Data Key intention for setData and getData methods. Use ALT+ENTER to convert -&gt;setData('some_key', $someValue) to -&gt;setSomeKey($someValue)</li>
  9945. <li>Added delay setting for PHP features. This could be useful if you have your own external script for uploading the eval.php to your server</li>
  9946. <li>Added button for testing PHP settings in Magicento Settings form</li>
  9947. </ul>
  9948. <p></p>
  9949. <p> 2.5.2 </p>
  9950. <ul>
  9951. <li>Bugfixes:
  9952. <ul>
  9953. <li>NullPointerExceptions</li>
  9954. <li>Bugfix &quot;Add @method PhpDoc&quot; action for PhpStorm 6.0.3</li>
  9955. </ul> </li>
  9956. </ul>
  9957. <p></p>
  9958. <p> 2.5.1 </p>
  9959. <ul>
  9960. <li>Bugfixes in Create Model Triad and Add @method PHP Doc actions</li>
  9961. <li>Added Time Out config for PHP features (File &gt; Settings &gt; Magicento)</li>
  9962. </ul>
  9963. <p></p>
  9964. <p> 2.5.0 </p>
  9965. <ul>
  9966. <li>Bugfixes:
  9967. <ul>
  9968. <li>NullPointerExceptions</li>
  9969. <li>Return correct type for chained methods from factory methods, ex: Mage::getModel('catalog/product')-&gt;getCategory()-&gt;[CTRL+SPACE]</li>
  9970. <li>Magicento Php Scripts Toolwindow Icon</li>
  9971. <li>Create Observer Method Intention in PhpStorm v7</li>
  9972. <li>Avoid false positive on malformed config.xml detection</li>
  9973. </ul> </li>
  9974. <li>New action for generating PhpDoc @method in models automatically. Just use ALT+M &gt; Add @method Php Doc when the cursor is inside a Model. If you are using the Magicento Php Script: &quot;Get Varien Object Keys&quot; please update it (download it again)</li>
  9975. <li>New action for creating Model, ResourceModel and Collection. Use ALT+M &gt; Create Model Triad anywhere</li>
  9976. <li>Go to cron method defintion from config.xml. Use Ctrl+B (or Ctrl+Click) when the cursor is over config/crontab/jobs/*/run/model/[HERE]</li>
  9977. <li>New Intention for creating cron method from config.xml (it will create the class too if it doesn't exist). Just use ALT+ENTER when the cursor is over config/crontab/jobs/*/run/model/[HERE]</li>
  9978. <li>Improved UI for setting rewrite conflicts already solved (so Magicento avoid notifications about those conflicts). Go to File &gt; Settings &gt; Magicento &gt; Rewrite conflicts solved</li>
  9979. <li>Added autocomplete for &quot;-&gt;setTemplate('[HERE]')&quot;</li>
  9980. <li>Added autocomplete for &quot;-&gt;getBlockClassName('[HERE]')&quot;</li>
  9981. <li>Added autocomplete for &quot;-&gt;getIdxName('[HERE]')&quot;</li>
  9982. </ul>
  9983. <p></p>
  9984. <p> 2.4.0 </p>
  9985. <ul>
  9986. <li>Bugfixes:
  9987. <ul>
  9988. <li>NullPointerExceptions</li>
  9989. <li>Copy template action was using always the original filename</li>
  9990. <li>Code completion (Ctrl+Space) for factory strings now show always the full result (no need to press ctrl+space again)</li>
  9991. <li>Custom Magicento Template properties now are available when creating a Module with Magicento too</li>
  9992. </ul> </li>
  9993. <li>New autocomplete for get/set/uns/has methods on models (just use CTRL+SPACE as always, it works when you have the prefix already typed: Mage::getModel('catalog/product')-&gt;get[CTRL+SPACE HERE])</li>
  9994. <li>New action for saving the model data keys from the DB so Magicento can give you autocomplete for magic get and set methods. Use ALT+M &gt; Search Model Data Keys whe the cursor is over Mage::getModel('[HERE]').</li>
  9995. <li>New Intention for creating layout xml file from config.xml. Use ALT + ENTER when the cursor is over the filename for the new layout update inside your confg.xml</li>
  9996. <li>New Intention for camelizing raw data keys, use ALT + ENTER when the cursor is over some: -&gt;getsomething_here and it will be converted to -&gt;getSomethingHere() (you need to prefix the method with get, set, uns or has to invoke the intention)</li>
  9997. <li>New config option for disabling autoformat when using autocomplete in layout xml files (File &gt; Settings &gt; Magicento &gt; Enable Autoformat for XML code completion in Layour files)</li>
  9998. </ul>
  9999. <p></p>
  10000. <p> 2.3.0 </p>
  10001. <ul>
  10002. <li>Bugfixes:
  10003. <ul>
  10004. <li>NullPointerExceptions</li>
  10005. </ul> </li>
  10006. <li>New Intention for creating Observer from Mage::dispatchEvent calls. Use ALT + ENTER when the cursor is over the event name and select Create Observer, it will create the xml definition on the selected module and the observer class/method if it doesn't exist.</li>
  10007. <li>Extended list in code completion list for events in config.xml.</li>
  10008. </ul>
  10009. <p></p>
  10010. <p> 2.2.0 </p>
  10011. <ul>
  10012. <li>Bugfixes:
  10013. <ul>
  10014. <li>Tooltips for long labels on Magicento config panel</li>
  10015. <li>Toggle template hints works with FPC enabled too</li>
  10016. <li>Assure modules are always sorted alphabetically in rewrite class/controller action dropdown</li>
  10017. </ul> </li>
  10018. <li>Added ${MAGENTO_MODULE_VERSION}, ${MAGENTO_MODULE_NAMESPACE}, and ${MAGENTO_MODULE} properties to File Templates (you can use them in your templates)</li>
  10019. <li>Added support for projects with Magento core code in External Library (you need to set the Mage.php file path to that external path). All files created by Magicento are created in the current project.</li>
  10020. <li>Enhanced Copy Template action. Now is possible to change the target file path</li>
  10021. <li>New &quot;Compare Template&quot; action (Alt+M when editing any .phtml file) for comparing the template with some template with the same relative path but in a different package or theme</li>
  10022. <li>Added GoTo for Observers &lt;method&gt; in config.xml (use Ctrl+B etc when the cursor is over the method name on the observer definition inside config.xml)</li>
  10023. <li>New Magicento Intentions (Alt+Enter):
  10024. <ul>
  10025. <li>Create Template File (Alt+Enter over some relative path to any .phtml, this works in php and xml code too)</li>
  10026. <li>Create Observer Method (Alt+Enter when the cursor is over some &lt;method&gt; value in config.xml, this will create the observer too if it doesn't exist yet)</li>
  10027. </ul> </li>
  10028. <li>Added option for disabling the autodisable Magicento feature when the IDE restarts after some crash</li>
  10029. <li>Added action for enabling Magicento quickly when it is disabled (Alt+M &gt; Enable Magicento)</li>
  10030. </ul>
  10031. <p></p>
  10032. <p> 2.0.1 </p>
  10033. <ul>
  10034. <li>Bugfixes:
  10035. <ul>
  10036. <li>Bugfix for Action: Goto Block definition in Layout</li>
  10037. <li>NullPointerExceptions</li>
  10038. </ul> </li>
  10039. <li>Added var $GLOBALS['Magicento']['current_project_path'] to php scripts</li>
  10040. </ul>
  10041. <p></p>
  10042. <p> 2.0.0 </p>
  10043. <ul>
  10044. <li>Bugfixes:
  10045. <ul>
  10046. <li>Freeze IDE bugfix (you need PHPStorm 6.0.3+)</li>
  10047. <li>Detect rewrite conflicts</li>
  10048. <li>Detect factories with params</li>
  10049. <li>IndexOutOfBounds and NullPointer exceptions</li>
  10050. </ul> </li>
  10051. <li>Added support for the new EP in PhpStorm 6.0.3</li>
  10052. <li>Added toolwindow for creating php scripts, now you can extend the features from Magicento using your custom code, in PHP! (tutorial here: <a href="http://www.magicento.com/#magicento-php-scripts" rel="nofollow">www.magicento.com/#magicento-php-scripts</a>)</li>
  10053. <li>Added new setting for enabling/disabling automatic autocomplete (this could be useful if PHPStorm stills freezing)</li>
  10054. <li>Added check for detecting when PHPStorm hangs so the next time you start it Magicento will be disabled (and you don't need to uninstall it, but if that doesn't work either please check www.magicento.com/#faq-ide-broken)</li>
  10055. <li>Create PhpStorm Meta Namespace action is enabled again (Alt+M anywhere). You can use this action for getting safe automatic autocomplete on factories even when that feature is disabled from Magicento Settings</li>
  10056. <li>New action &quot;Go to layout definition&quot;, use Alt+M inside any .phtml file to jump to the block/action node where that template is used</li>
  10057. <li>New action &quot;Check rewrite conflicts&quot;, use Alt+M anywhere to check if there is some rewrite conflict in your Magento</li>
  10058. <li>New settings for Rewrite conflicts checks. Go to File &gt; Settings &gt; Magicento</li>
  10059. <li>Auto check for malformed nodes in config.xml (for example class names with a new line at the end)</li>
  10060. <li>Better and more autocomplete features for config.xml and layout xml</li>
  10061. <li>Autocomplete for the correct collection/resource when chaining Mage::getModel(...)-&gt;getCollection() and Mage::getModel(...)-&gt;getResource()</li>
  10062. <li>Added extra protection for IDE freezes. Now if the IDE hangs you can kill the process and when you start the IDE again Magicento will be disabled automatically, so you don't need to remove it and reinstall it. And after restarting the IDE you can enable Magicento again and it should work (IDE hangs should not happen too often any way)</li>
  10063. <li>Support for PHP features with remote hosts (see how to configure it properly here: <a href="http://www.magicento.com/#configuration-php-http-remote" rel="nofollow">www.magicento.com/#configuration-php-http-remote</a> )</li>
  10064. <li>New action for clearing Magicento cache (this could be useful when Magicento doesn't seem to be reading the lastest changes)</li>
  10065. </ul>
  10066. <p></p>
  10067. <p> 1.7.1 </p>
  10068. <ul>
  10069. <li>Bugfixes:
  10070. <ul>
  10071. <li>Freeze IDE bugfix</li>
  10072. </ul> </li>
  10073. <li>Check for rewrite conflicts when using Rewrite Class action</li>
  10074. <li>Added support for the 1.8/1.13 $_factory Mage factory method wrapper</li>
  10075. <li>IMPORTANT! please check this brief tutorial for solving problems with Magicento and take advantage of all the features <br /> <a href="http://www.magicento.com/#features" rel="nofollow">www.magicento.com/#features</a> </li>
  10076. </ul>
  10077. <p></p>
  10078. <p> 1.6.2 </p>
  10079. <ul>
  10080. <li>Bugfixes:
  10081. <ul>
  10082. <li>Rewrite Class Action bugfix</li>
  10083. </ul> </li>
  10084. </ul>
  10085. <p></p>
  10086. <p> 1.6.2 </p>
  10087. <ul>
  10088. <li>Bugfixes:
  10089. <ul>
  10090. <li>BlockTypeProvider bugfix</li>
  10091. </ul> </li>
  10092. </ul>
  10093. <p></p>
  10094. <p> 1.6.0 </p>
  10095. <ul>
  10096. <li>Bugfixes:
  10097. <ul>
  10098. <li>Better autocomplete for resource models uri (factory string). Mage::getResourceModel('[CTRL+SPACE HERE]') and $this-&gt;_init('[CTRL+SPACE HERE]') inside Models</li>
  10099. <li>Quotes in Add Translation action are not escaped now when they are added to the .csv file</li>
  10100. <li>Rewrite Class Action bugfix</li>
  10101. </ul> </li>
  10102. <li>Factories are recognized automatically, PHPSTORM META file is not needed anymore (requires PHPStorm 6+)</li>
  10103. <li>Block type is infered automatically inside template (.phtml) files for $this var (this feature can be enabled/disabled from Magicento Settings)</li>
  10104. <li>Code completion works automatically for $this-&gt;helper('...')-&gt;[CTRL+SPACE HERE] inside .phtml files</li>
  10105. <li>Autocomplete for observer class name in config.xml is offering the factory version of the class name too</li>
  10106. </ul>
  10107. <p></p>
  10108. <p> 1.4.2 </p>
  10109. <ul>
  10110. <li>Bugfixes:
  10111. <ul>
  10112. <li>Autocomplete for class names</li>
  10113. <li>Generate mapping for Helper classes not defined in config.xml</li>
  10114. </ul> </li>
  10115. </ul>
  10116. <p></p>
  10117. <p> 1.4.1 </p>
  10118. <ul>
  10119. <li>Bugfixes:
  10120. <ul>
  10121. <li>Compiled with JDK6 for better compatibility</li>
  10122. <li>Suggestions from Magicento when using code completion for &quot;extends&quot; have higher priority on the list now (they should appear first always)</li>
  10123. </ul> </li>
  10124. </ul>
  10125. <p></p>
  10126. <p> 1.4.0 </p>
  10127. <ul>
  10128. <li> New action &quot;Create PHPSTORM_META namespace&quot;:<br /> use Alt+M when editing any file to select this action and create a new file in the project rot called &quot;magicento.phpstorm.meta.php&quot;, this file will contain information used by PHPStorm (+v6.x) to recognize the factory class type automatically </li>
  10129. <li> New action &quot;Add Factory to PHPSTORM_META Namespace&quot;:<br /> use Alt+M when the cursor is over some factory string, ie: Mage::getModel('[HERE]'), to update the PHPSTORM_META file with the correct class for that factory. </li>
  10130. </ul>
  10131. <p></p>
  10132. <p> 1.3.0 </p>
  10133. <ul>
  10134. <li>Bugfixes:
  10135. <ul>
  10136. <li>NullPointerExceptions</li>
  10137. </ul> </li>
  10138. <li>Enhancend goto (Ctrl+B, Middle click, Ctrl+Click) for Layout XML
  10139. <ul>
  10140. <li>Now it works with &quot;alias&quot; inside templates which are assigned directly from the Block class (like $this-&gt;getChildHtml('topLinks') inside header.phtml)</li>
  10141. <li>Goto handle definition from &gt;update handle=&quot;[HERE]&quot;&lt;</li>
  10142. </ul> </li>
  10143. <li>Enhanced Rewrite Class action
  10144. <ul>
  10145. <li>Added support for Rewriting controllers (Alt+M &gt; Rewrite Controller when editing some controller, put the cursor inside the class).</li>
  10146. <li>Suggested class name now includes the original module name too to follow convention and avoid collitions</li>
  10147. <li>Rewrite works for default classes from magento even when they are not declared in config.xml</li>
  10148. </ul> </li>
  10149. <li>Autocompletion for xml files inside app/etc/modules/*.xml</li>
  10150. </ul>
  10151. <p></p>
  10152. <p> 1.2.0 </p>
  10153. <ul>
  10154. <li>Bugfixes:
  10155. <ul>
  10156. <li>Disable magicento automatically for non Magento projects</li>
  10157. <li>NullPointerExceptions</li>
  10158. </ul> </li>
  10159. <li>Added magento dictionary from https://github.com/tim-bezhashvyly/phpstorm-magento-dictionary</li>
  10160. <li>Autocomplete observer method names in config.xml in camelCase to follow coding standard</li>
  10161. <li>Autocomplete for common &quot;extends&quot; (use Ctrl+Space after extends keyword)</li>
  10162. <li>New actions for translating text.
  10163. <ul>
  10164. <li>Select any html text or any string in php and use Alt+M &gt; Translate Text for wrapping that text with $this-&gt;__() * <br />(Tip: use Ctrl+W for selecting the text to translate quickly) <br />* You could do the same using the native Surround With Live Templates functionality (check http://blogs.jetbrains.com/idea/tag/surround-with/) </li>
  10165. <li> Use Alt+M &gt; Add Translation when the cursor is over $this-&gt;__('[HERE]') to define a new translation (it will be appended to the selected csv file, or create a new csv if not exist). </li>
  10166. </ul> </li>
  10167. </ul>
  10168. <p></p>
  10169. <p> 1.0.1 </p>
  10170. <ul>
  10171. <li>Bugfixes:
  10172. <ul>
  10173. <li>Small bugfix for NullPointerException</li>
  10174. </ul> </li>
  10175. </ul>
  10176. <p></p>
  10177. <p> 1.0 </p>
  10178. <ul>
  10179. <li>Bugfixes:
  10180. <ul>
  10181. <li>Reset installer action was showing an error message even when it was working fine</li>
  10182. <li>Flush FPC is working with PHP too and not only with HTTP</li>
  10183. <li>PHP features using HTTP can return HTML and XML tags now</li>
  10184. <li>Toggle template hints should work on any website and store now too</li>
  10185. </ul> </li>
  10186. <li>Enhanced Go to Block action (now it searches on addItemRenderer actions too)</li>
  10187. <li>Evaluate in magento can now be used to execute arbitrary PHP code (just go to Magicento Settings and uncheck the new option &quot;use var_dump&quot;). Is your responsability to show or not some output, write valid PHP code (included semicolon)</li>
  10188. <li>Layout features:
  10189. <ul>
  10190. <li>XML code completion (use Ctrl+Space on nodes and attributes)</li>
  10191. <li>XML documentation (use Ctrl+Q over any node or attrbiute)</li>
  10192. <li>Goto template action (use Alt+M when editing some Block)</li>
  10193. <li>Goto xml handles (use Ctrl+B or middle click on any handle to go to other declarations of the same handle in another files)</li>
  10194. <li>Goto xml layout definitions for block names inside layout xml (use Ctrl+B or middle click over any name=[HERE] on any layout xml file)</li>
  10195. <li>Goto xml block definition in layout Action (use Alt+M when editing any Block class to go to the block node definition in layout xml)</li>
  10196. <li>Goto xml layout definitions for block names inside templates (use Ctrl+B or middle click over any name in getChild, getChildHtml, getBlock, getBlockHtml([HERE]) call)</li>
  10197. <li>Autocomplete for getChild, getChildHtml, getBlock and getBlockHtml on templates (use Ctrl+Space)</li>
  10198. <li>Config options for enabling/disabling layout features and choosing packages and themes (File &gt; Settings &gt; Magicento)</li>
  10199. </ul> </li>
  10200. </ul>
  10201. <p></p>
  10202. <p> 0.9.8 </p>
  10203. <ul>
  10204. <li>Bugfixes:
  10205. <ul>
  10206. <li>Fixed Rewrite Class action (it was not generating the correct node inside config.xml)</li>
  10207. </ul> </li>
  10208. </ul>
  10209. <p></p>
  10210. <p> 0.9.7 </p>
  10211. <ul>
  10212. <li>Bugfixes:
  10213. <ul>
  10214. <li>Fixed autodetect for Mage.php</li>
  10215. <li>Fixed PHP features using HTTP (it should work fine on Virtual Machines now too)</li>
  10216. <li>Fixed Layout xml code completion errors</li>
  10217. </ul> </li>
  10218. <li>Added autocomplete for -&gt;getTable([CTRL+SPACE here]) calls</li>
  10219. <li>Added autocomplete for -&gt;createBlock([CTRL+SPACE here]) calls</li>
  10220. <li>Added autocomplete for -&gt;_init([CTRL+SPACE here]) calls on models, resources and collections</li>
  10221. <li>Added action for flushing Magento cache (Alt+M)</li>
  10222. <li>Added action for rewriting Blocks, Helpers and Models (Alt+M over the original class to rewrite)</li>
  10223. </ul>
  10224. <p></p>
  10225. <p> Video with all the features: <a href="http://www.magicento.com" rel="nofollow">www.magicento.com</a> </p>
  10226. <p> 0.9 </p>
  10227. <ul>
  10228. <li>Bugfixes:
  10229. <ul>
  10230. <li>Fixed bug in notification of duplicate rewrites</li>
  10231. </ul> </li>
  10232. <li>New action for reseting core_resource table so the installer script can be executed again. Just use Alt+M when editing any installer script</li>
  10233. <li>New action for Going to the Block from any template. Just use Alt+M when editing any template file</li>
  10234. <li>New action for adding @var $this to any template. Just use Alt+M when editing any template file</li>
  10235. <li>Starting code completion on layout xml files. In this release only handles are supported.</li>
  10236. </ul>
  10237. <p></p>
  10238. <p> 0.8.2 </p>
  10239. <ul>
  10240. <li>Bugfixes for PHPStorm 5</li>
  10241. </ul>
  10242. <p></p>
  10243. <p> 0.8 </p>
  10244. <ul>
  10245. <li>Bugfixes:
  10246. <ul>
  10247. <li>Fixed bug for settings with multiple projects</li>
  10248. <li>Fixed bug for Access is allowed from event dispatch thread only</li>
  10249. <li>Fixed bug in magicento settings panel</li>
  10250. </ul> </li>
  10251. <li>New action for creating a new module. Just use Alt+M (Option+M) and complete the form</li>
  10252. <li>Magicento now will detect automatically when you have multiple rewrites on the same class, and will show you a warning</li>
  10253. <li>Autocomplete for &quot;sections/tab&quot; in system.xml</li>
  10254. <li>Added goto observers feature: use Ctrl+B (or middle click) over the event name in <br /> Mage::dispatchEvent('EVENT_NAME', $params); </li>
  10255. <li>New action for copying the current template to a new package/theme, just use Alt+M (Option+M) when editing any .phtml file</li>
  10256. <li>New action for comparing the current file with the original one, it works for any file type. For design it will try to compare against &quot;base/default&quot; for frontend and against &quot;default/default&quot; for adminhtml. For files inside /code/local|community it will try to compare against /code/core/</li>
  10257. <li>New setting option for executing PHP code in magento using an HTTP request directly (useful when PHP is not accesible directly for example when using VM).</li>
  10258. <li>New action for setting the store (used for evaluating code in magento), just use Alt+M (Option+M)</li>
  10259. <li>New action for enabling/disabling template hints (Alt+M)</li>
  10260. </ul>
  10261. <p></p>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><depends>com.jetbrains.php</depends><rating>3.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='84149' size='81795' date='1389384284000' url=''><name>Framework MVC Structure Support</name><id>com.jetbrains.php.framework.structure</id><description><![CDATA[Provides MVC structure information for framework-based projects. Currently supports Symfony 2 and Yii.]]></description><version>133.326</version><vendor email='' url='http://www.jetbrains.com/phpstorm/'>JetBrains</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='133.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[PhpStorm 7.1 Release 133.326 version]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.ultimate</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.xml</depends><depends>com.jetbrains.php</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='81261' size='374912' date='1405554491000' url=''><name>YiiStorm</name><id>YiiStorm</id><description><![CDATA[<p>Yii framework integration for PhpStorm.</p>
  10262. <br />
  10263. <b>Provides:</b>
  10264. <ul>
  10265. <li>References to view file from render method.</li>
  10266. <li>CAction $this-&gt;getController()-&gt;render('view') references to CController::render() wich use what CAction.</li>
  10267. <li>Reference to widget from widget-call.</li>
  10268. <li>References to related model in relations().</li>
  10269. <li>Qick creating view files by select autocompleter variant + auto-phpdoc.</li>
  10270. <li>Yii::t('category','line') autocomplete and quick-create.</li>
  10271. <li>Migrations manager.</li>
  10272. </ul>]]></description><version></version><vendor email='mazx@ya.ru' url='http://mazx.ru/'>mazx</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='138.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Fix bugs with build support]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><depends>com.jetbrains.php</depends><rating>4.8</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='1351' size='9566626' date='1366591316000' url='http://randoriframework.com'><name>Randori Compiler</name><id>Randori Compiler</id><description><![CDATA[<p>The Randori Framework is a tool that helps in making LARGE Javascript application development manageable.</p>
  10273. <p>It consists of an Actionscript cross-compiler and a client-side JavaScript framework.</p>
  10274. <p>Please visit <a href="http://randoriframework.com" rel="nofollow">http://randoriframework.com</a> for more information.</p>
  10275. <p>To quickly get started please follow these <a href="https://github.com/RandoriAS/randori-plugin-intellij/wiki/_pages" rel="nofollow">lessons</a>.</p>]]></description><version>0.2.4</version><vendor email='' url=''>Teoti Graphix, LLC</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='123.169' /><change-notes><![CDATA[0.2.4 changes:
  10276. <ul>
  10278. <li>[plugin-enhancement] &quot;New Randori File&quot; menu is now bundled into one dialog.</li>
  10279. <li>[plugin-enhancement] all Randori specific menu items are only available when a Randori project is active.</li>
  10280. <li>[plugin-feature] Randori specific CSS code completions.</li>
  10281. <li>[compiler-bug] Fixed Incremental compile using direct reverse dependencies.</li>
  10282. <li>[compiler-bug] Fixed delegate member access in Function arguments passing scope.</li>
  10283. <li>[compiler-bug] Fixed named inner function generation.</li>
  10284. <li>[compiler-bug] Fixed non resolving identifer in object literal.</li>
  10285. <li>[compiler-bug] Fixed JavaScript export=false defaults to declared type's qualifiedname.</li>
  10286. <li>[compiler-bug] Fixed small getter issue in container block.</li>
  10287. <li>[compiler-feature] Added Gradle build system.</li>
  10288. <li>[compiler-feature] incremental compilation implemented.</li>
  10289. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>JavaScript</depends><depends>com.intellij.css</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='2570648' size='2370132' date='1514315709000' url='https://github.com/Haehnchen/idea-php-symfony2-plugin'><name>Symfony Plugin</name><id>fr.adrienbrault.idea.symfony2plugin</id><description><![CDATA[Symfony Plugin
  10290. <a href="http://symfony2-plugin.espend.de/" rel="nofollow">Documentation</a> |
  10291. <a href="https://github.com/Haehnchen/idea-php-symfony2-plugin-doc" rel="nofollow">Doc on GitHub</a> |
  10292. <a href="https://www.paypal.me/DanielEspendiller" rel="nofollow">Donate</a>
  10293. <br> Install
  10294. <ul>
  10295. <li>Activate plugin per project in "File -&gt; Settings -&gt; Languages &amp; Framework -&gt; PHP -&gt; Symfony" or use auto configuration notification</li>
  10296. <li>(Required) Install <a href="https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/7320" rel="nofollow">PHP Annotations</a></li>
  10297. <li>(Optional) Configure a default project connection in "Remote Hosts Access / Remote Hosts" to enable support for remote files in plugin settings</li>
  10298. <li>(Optional) Ignore Symfony "cache" directory because of duplicate classes "Settings -&gt; Project -&gt; Directories"</li>
  10299. <li>(Optional) Install <a href="https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/8133" rel="nofollow">PHP Toolbox</a></li>
  10300. <li>(Optional) To support <b>XLIFF translations</b> add "*.xlf" / "*.xliff" to XML "Editor" -&gt; "File Types"</li>
  10301. </ul> Features: Version
  10302. <p>This plugin supports Symfony 2, 3, 4, ...</p> Dependency Injection Container
  10303. <ul>
  10304. <li>References for services in ContainerInterface::get()</li>
  10305. <li>Detect ContainerInterface::get() result type</li>
  10306. <li>References for services, tags, events, methods, ... inside yaml, xml and php</li>
  10307. <li>Indexer to provide live editing without a compiled container</li>
  10308. <li>Tagged class indexer</li>
  10309. </ul> Doctrine
  10310. <ul>
  10311. <li>ORM QueryBuilder support, including chaining and nested methods</li>
  10312. <li>References and TypeProvider for doctrine getRepository</li>
  10313. <li>TypeProvider for EntityRepository::find/findOneBy/findAll/findBy</li>
  10314. <li>Field and relations resolving and annotation and yaml</li>
  10315. </ul> Templates/Twig
  10316. <ul>
  10317. <li>Template names in all file references</li>
  10318. <li>Provide Template implements and extends goto on linemarker </li>
  10319. <li>Assets file references like javascript, stylesheets and more</li>
  10320. <li>Support @Template annotations</li>
  10321. <li>Trans and transchoice support with annotator, quickquick and translation extraction action</li>
  10322. <li>References for block names (completion back since PhpStorm8)</li>
  10323. <li>Variable TypeProvider similar to php with several scopes and providers like docblocks, controller, actions, template inclusion, ...</li>
  10324. <li>Macro implements goto on linemarker</li>
  10325. <li>Filter, Function, Macro and Extension support</li>
  10326. </ul> Forms
  10327. <ul>
  10328. <li>References for form types</li>
  10329. <li>Form field name references on data_class</li>
  10330. <li>References for form options, extension, ...</li>
  10331. </ul> Routing
  10332. <ul>
  10333. <li>References for UrlGenerator::generate() related calls</li>
  10334. <li>Autocomplete route name in twig templates</li>
  10335. <li>Go to for routing name methods</li>
  10336. <li>CodeFolding to display real route uri instead of its name</li>
  10337. <li>Route parameter completion</li>
  10338. </ul> Other
  10339. <ul>
  10340. <li>Annotator which notice unknown route, template, service, assets, ...</li>
  10341. <li>Several stub indexer to provide some live generation provider in replacement for compiled container</li>
  10342. <li>Linemarker and "Related File" to provide possible goto targets and controller action</li>
  10343. <li>Search Everywhere support and custom search for only Symfony related Symbols "Navigate &gt; Symfony Symbol"</li>
  10344. <li>Bridge for <a href="http://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/7320" rel="nofollow">PHP Annotations</a> to support annotation related stuff</li>
  10345. <li>Dotenv and Docker environments variable extraction for DIC parameter</li>
  10346. </ul> Related Plugins
  10347. <ul>
  10348. <li><a href="http://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/7320" rel="nofollow">PHP Annotations</a></li>
  10349. <li><a href="http://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/7487" rel="nofollow">Drupal Symfony Bridge</a></li>
  10350. <li><a href="http://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/7532" rel="nofollow">Laravel Plugin</a></li>
  10351. <li><a href="http://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/7410" rel="nofollow">Shopware Plugin</a></li>
  10352. <li><a href="http://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/8133" rel="nofollow">PHP Toolbox</a></li>
  10353. </ul>
  10354. <a href="https://github.com/Haehnchen/idea-php-symfony2-plugin/contributors" rel="nofollow">Contributors</a>
  10355. <ul>
  10356. <li><a href="https://github.com/Haehnchen" rel="nofollow">Daniel Espendiller</a></li>
  10357. </ul>]]></description><version></version><vendor email='daniel@espendiller.net' url='http://espend.de'>Daniel Espendiller</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='173.4127' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<ul>
  10358. <li>Fix assets reading and provide explicit resolving for asset files instead of rescanning them to improve performance and drop massive `opendirectoryd` cpu time <a href="https://github.com/Haehnchen/idea-php-symfony2-plugin/issues/809" rel="nofollow">#809</a> <a href="https://github.com/Haehnchen/idea-php-symfony2-plugin/issues/1118" rel="nofollow">#1118</a></li>
  10359. <li>Support iterator in twig loop completion <a href="https://github.com/Haehnchen/idea-php-symfony2-plugin/issues/1097" rel="nofollow">#1097</a> <a href="https://github.com/Haehnchen/idea-php-symfony2-plugin/issues/1035" rel="nofollow">#1035</a></li>
  10360. <li>Migrate LineMarker target to leaf elements to fix performance warning / error <a href="https://github.com/Haehnchen/idea-php-symfony2-plugin/issues/1122" rel="nofollow">#1122</a></li>
  10361. <li>[Security] support voter attributes in is_granted and has_role security annotation <a href="https://github.com/Haehnchen/idea-php-symfony2-plugin/issues/892" rel="nofollow">#892</a></li>
  10362. <li>Visit parent blocks for Twig variables <a href="https://github.com/Haehnchen/idea-php-symfony2-plugin/issues/1035" rel="nofollow">#1035</a></li>
  10363. <li>Add support for PhpClass references in ParamConverter::class annotation property</li>
  10364. </ul>
  10365. <br>
  10366. <a href="https://github.com/Haehnchen/idea-php-symfony2-plugin/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md" rel="nofollow">see full changelog</a> |
  10367. <a href="https://www.paypal.me/DanielEspendiller" rel="nofollow">Donate</a>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><depends>com.jetbrains.php</depends><depends>com.jetbrains.twig</depends><depends>de.espend.idea.php.annotation</depends><depends>org.jetbrains.plugins.yaml</depends><rating>4.9</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='11362' size='77913' date='1503748759000' url=''><name>Nette framework helpers</name><id>Nette framework helpers</id><description><![CDATA[Nette development with pleasure]]></description><version>0.4.3</version><vendor email='' url=''>juzna.cz</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='171.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[0.4.3
  10368. <ul>
  10369. <li>ComponentTypeProvider: upgrade to PhpTypeProvider3</li>
  10370. <li>Remove Nette object support</li>
  10371. </ul> 0.4.2
  10372. <ul>
  10373. <li>ComponentTypeProvider: Fixed index access during indexing</li>
  10374. </ul> 0.4.1
  10375. <ul>
  10376. <li>Fixed RuntimeException Invalid Signature</li>
  10377. <li>Fixed StackOverflowException</li>
  10378. <li>Fixed: find magic methods only in the Nette Object</li>
  10379. </ul> 0.4.0
  10380. <ul>
  10381. <li>Fixed deadlocks</li>
  10382. <li>Added support for dash separated subcomponents in getComponent or array access + components refactoring</li>
  10383. </ul> 0.3.1
  10384. <ul>
  10385. <li>Fixed StringIndexOutOfBoundsException exception in ClassFinder</li>
  10386. </ul> 0.3.0
  10387. <ul>
  10388. <li>Added component tree popup</li>
  10389. <li>Added inspection that createComponent returns UI\Form</li>
  10390. <li>Added EventInvocationGoToDeclarationHandler [#15]</li>
  10391. <li>Added predefined Nette Code style [#20]</li>
  10392. <li>Added support for @persistent annotation (completion and inspection)</li>
  10393. <li>Fixed few issues in TypeProviders causing ide freeze</li>
  10394. </ul> 0.2.0
  10395. <ul>
  10396. <li>Components: created completion contributor for component access using ArrayAccess or getComponent method</li>
  10397. <li>Components: created reference contributor from ArrayAccess/getComponent access to createComponent* method</li>
  10398. <li>Components: added references search for "Find usages" action</li>
  10399. <li>Components: added TypeProvider for components access</li>
  10400. <li>Components: added refactoring support (rename component access when renaming createComponent* method)</li>
  10401. <li>@inject annotation completion provider</li>
  10402. <li>@inject annotation inspection: check if property is public</li>
  10403. <li>Added listener generator action for nette/object events (experimental)</li>
  10404. <li>Refactoring, removed deprecated stuffs..</li>
  10405. <li>Removed Pd\Entity support</li>
  10406. </ul> 0.1.0
  10407. <ul>
  10408. <li>Initial version</li>
  10409. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><depends>com.jetbrains.php</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='28208' size='53724' date='1507117372000' url=''><name>Google App Engine Support for PHP</name><id>com.jetbrains.php.gae</id><description><![CDATA[Google App Engine Support for PHP]]></description><version>173.2941.7</version><vendor email='' url=''>JetBrains</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='173.2941' until-build='173.*'/><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.ultimate</depends><depends>com.jetbrains.php</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='42771' size='59395' date='1443166467000' url=''><name>CakeStorm</name><id>com.vexus2.cakestorm</id><description><![CDATA[CakeStorm is a PHPStorm plugin for CakePHP developers.
  10410. <br />Provides the ability to easily jump between files.
  10411. <br />
  10412. <br />
  10413. <ul>
  10414. <li>Ctrl+B(Ctrl+Click) - Go to declaration</li>
  10415. <li>Ctrl+; S - CakePHP SmartJump</li>
  10416. <li>Ctrl+; V - CakePHP SmartJump with Vertical Tab</li>
  10417. <li>Ctrl+; H - CakePHP SmartJump with Horizontal Tab</li>
  10418. </ul> For more details please visit GitHub page
  10419. <a href="https://github.com/vexus2/cake-storm" rel="nofollow">https://github.com/vexus2/cake-storm</a>]]></description><version>0.6.1</version><vendor email='hikaru.tooyama@gmail.com' url='https://github.com/vexus2'>Vexus2</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='107.105' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<p>version 0.6.0</p>
  10420. <ul>
  10421. <li>Fixed Bug.</li>
  10422. </ul>
  10423. <ul>
  10424. <li>CakePHP3 Support.</li>
  10425. </ul>
  10426. <p>version 0.5.3</p>
  10427. <ul>
  10428. <li>Fixed bug.</li>
  10429. </ul>
  10430. <p>version 0.5.2</p>
  10431. <ul>
  10432. <li>Fixed bug for PhpStorm7</li>
  10433. </ul>
  10434. <p>version 0.5.1</p>
  10435. <ul>
  10436. <li>Fixed &quot;Plugin&quot; jump bug for CakePHP 1.3.X</li>
  10437. </ul>
  10438. <p>version 0.5</p>
  10439. <ul>
  10440. <li>Support Smart Jump and Go to Declaration in &quot;Plugin&quot; Directory. (ex: /app/Plugin/Example/Controller/ExampleController)</li>
  10441. </ul>
  10442. <p>version 0.4.3</p>
  10443. <ul>
  10444. <li>Fixed bug.</li>
  10445. </ul>
  10446. <p>version 0.4.2</p>
  10447. <ul>
  10448. <li>Fixed bug.</li>
  10449. </ul>
  10450. <p>version 0.4.1</p>
  10451. <ul>
  10452. <li>Add a references to Layouts files.</li>
  10453. <li>Fixed bug.</li>
  10454. </ul>
  10455. <p>version 0.4</p>
  10456. <ul>
  10457. <li>Add Open File in New Tab to &quot;SmartJump&quot;.</li>
  10458. <li>Default keymap is &quot;C-; V&quot; for Horizontal Open, &quot;C-; H&quot; for Vertical Open.</li>
  10459. </ul>
  10460. <p>version 0.3.3</p>
  10461. <ul>
  10462. <li>Fixed PersistentStateComponent.</li>
  10463. </ul>
  10464. <p>version 0.3.2</p>
  10465. <ul>
  10466. <li>Fixed bug.</li>
  10467. </ul>
  10468. <p>version 0.3.1</p>
  10469. <ul>
  10470. <li>Fixed bug when first boot.</li>
  10471. </ul>
  10472. <p>version 0.3</p>
  10473. <ul>
  10474. <li>Add a references to Model, View, to the Element from any files.</li>
  10475. </ul>
  10476. <p>version 0.2</p>
  10477. <ul>
  10478. <li>The name of SmartJump has been changed to CakePHP SmartJump.</li>
  10479. <li>Add View =&gt; Element jump for CakePHP SmartJump.</li>
  10480. <li>CakePHP SmartJump will display a pop-up in any scene.</li>
  10481. <li>CakePHP SmartJump can jump to Fixture &lt;=&gt; Model &lt;=&gt; ModelTestCase. </li>
  10482. <li>Modified to display at the top of the list the current action.</li>
  10483. <li>Fixed a bug in when arguments are included in the 'render'.</li>
  10484. </ul>
  10485. <p>version 0.1</p>
  10486. <ul>
  10487. <li>initial release.</li>
  10488. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><depends>com.jetbrains.php</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='2874' size='46779' date='1413481083000' url=''><name>Kdyby Events support</name><id>cz.juzna.intellij.kdyby.events</id><description><![CDATA[Support for
  10489. <strong>Kdyby Events</strong> library]]></description><version>0.2.1</version><vendor email='juzna.cz@gmail.com' url=''>Jan Dolecek</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='129.1' /><change-notes><![CDATA[- Added alternative completion provider for PHP5.5+ (::class syntax) - Fixed &quot;Event not found&quot; in wrong context]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><depends>com.jetbrains.php</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='815002' size='258259' date='1511889772000' url='https://github.com/Haehnchen/idea-php-annotation-plugin'><name>PHP Annotations</name><id>de.espend.idea.php.annotation</id><description><![CDATA[PHP Annotation
  10490. <br>
  10491. <a href="https://github.com/Haehnchen/idea-php-annotation-plugin" rel="nofollow">GitHub</a> |
  10492. <a href="https://github.com/Haehnchen/idea-php-annotation-plugin/issues" rel="nofollow">Issues</a> |
  10493. <a href="https://www.paypal.me/DanielEspendiller" rel="nofollow">Donate</a>
  10494. <br> Installation
  10495. <ul>
  10496. <li>Just install and be happy</li>
  10497. <li>Optional: Install <a href="http://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/7219" rel="nofollow">Symfony Plugin</a></li>
  10498. <li>Optional: Install <a href="https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/8133" rel="nofollow">PHP Toolbox</a></li>
  10499. <li>Optional: Configure plugin "Languages &amp; Framework &gt; PHP &gt; Annotations"</li>
  10500. </ul> Features
  10501. <ul>
  10502. <li>Youtube: <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hACeHnUbHYo" rel="nofollow">PhpStorm: PHP Annotations Plugin</a></li>
  10503. <li>Attach PhpClass to their DocTag to support "Code &gt; Optimize Imports"</li>
  10504. <li>Auto alias detection on use statement</li>
  10505. <li>Filter annotation classes on targets like method, class, property, ...</li>
  10506. <li>Goto for doc tags and property names</li>
  10507. <li>Detect annotation property values on phpclass property name including types</li>
  10508. <li>Index classes with @Annotation inside doc block</li>
  10509. <li>Plugin extension point</li>
  10510. <li>Doctrine related providers</li>
  10511. <li>Class import annotator</li>
  10512. <li>Class constants in DocTags</li>
  10513. <li>Doctrine ORM intention and quickfixes for: repository and properties</li>
  10514. <li>Auto alias import for annotation class</li>
  10515. </ul> Related Plugins
  10516. <ul>
  10517. <li><a href="http://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/8133" rel="nofollow">PHP Toolbox</a></li>
  10518. <li><a href="http://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/7487" rel="nofollow">Drupal Symfony Bridge</a></li>
  10519. </ul>]]></description><version>5.2.1</version><vendor email='daniel@espendiller.net' url='http://www.espend.de'>Daniel Espendiller</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='171.3780' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<a href="https://www.paypal.me/DanielEspendiller" rel="nofollow">Donate</a>
  10520. <ul>
  10521. <li>Add extension point: Create use alias setting from third party plugin <a href="https://github.com/Haehnchen/idea-php-annotation-plugin/issues/99" rel="nofollow">#99</a> <a href="https://github.com/Haehnchen/idea-php-annotation-plugin/issues/97" rel="nofollow">#97</a></li>
  10522. <li>Add alias for Swagger-PHP <a href="https://github.com/Haehnchen/idea-php-annotation-plugin/issues/96" rel="nofollow">#96</a> @derrabus</li>
  10523. </ul>
  10524. <br>
  10525. <a href="https://github.com/Haehnchen/idea-php-annotation-plugin/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md" rel="nofollow">see full changelog</a>]]></change-notes><depends>(optional) de.espend.idea.php.toolbox</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><depends>com.jetbrains.php</depends><rating>4.7</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='118914' size='65294' date='1454637322000' url='https://github.com/Fedott/WebStormRequireJsPlugin'><name>Require.js plugin</name><id>com.fedot.idea.requirejs</id><description><![CDATA[Require js plugin
  10526. <br /> Features:
  10527. <br /> - Completion file paths
  10528. <br /> - Reference find files
  10529. <br /> - Completion path for loader plugin (path start with &quot;module!&quot;)
  10530. <br /> - Paths support
  10531. <br /> - Map support
  10532. <br /> - Package support
  10533. <br />]]></description><version>0.25</version><vendor email='fedotru@gmail.com' url='https://github.com/Fedott/'>Vladimir Fedorov</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='143.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Version 0.25
  10534. <br /> - Fixed errors in new version IDEA platform
  10535. <br /> Version 0.24
  10536. <br /> - Added resolving urls
  10537. <br /> - Added resolving plugins (example hbs)
  10538. <br /> - Fixed problem for package with slash in name
  10539. <br /> Version 0.23
  10540. <br /> Very thanks, msvab (https://github.com/msvab) - Fixed ConcurrentModificationException Version 0.22.1
  10541. <br /> - Build with support java 6
  10542. <br /> Version 0.22
  10543. <br /> - Fixed work on Idea platform 141(WebStorm 10, Idea 14.1, PhpStorm 9, etc)
  10544. <br /> Version 0.21
  10545. <br /> Very thanks, gseguin (https://github.com/gseguin) - Added option to override requirejs' baseUrl
  10546. <br /> - Fixed resolve NullPointerException (Issue #33)
  10547. <br /> - Added resolving magic module &quot;require&quot;
  10548. <br /> Version 0.20
  10549. <br /> - Fix multi modules project bugs
  10550. <br /> - Added resolving magic AMD modules (exports, module)
  10551. <br /> Version 0.19
  10552. <br /> - Added map support
  10553. <br /> - Fix bugs
  10554. <br /> - Refactoring packages and paths supports
  10555. <br /> Version 0.18
  10556. <br /> - Improve packages support
  10557. <br /> - Fix all tests
  10558. <br /> Version 0.17
  10559. <br /> - Fix issue with requirejs loader plugin and packages reference resolving
  10560. <br /> Version 0.16
  10561. <br /> Very thanks, idok (https://github.com/idok)
  10562. <br /> - Added support for requirejs packages
  10563. <br /> - Plugin will now detect changes in the requirejs config file and load them automatically
  10564. <br /> Version 0.15
  10565. <br /> - Added support config object as the global variable require
  10566. <br /> - Added support define config in html file
  10567. <br /> - Now for the new projects, the plugin is disabled by default
  10568. <br /> - Fixed bugs
  10569. <br /> Version 0.14
  10570. <br /> - Fix reference resolve, when baseUrl not set in config
  10571. <br /> - Fix completion, when baseUrl not set in config
  10572. <br /> - Fix reference resolve, when moduleName repeat in path
  10573. <br /> Version 0.13
  10574. <br /> - Added supports require.js loader plugins (exclamation mark separator) (example: tpl!template.html)
  10575. <br /> - Fix stack overflow error
  10576. <br /> Version 0.12
  10577. <br /> - Fixed compatibility issue with symfony2 plugin. You plugin settings will be lost
  10578. <br /> - Fixed completion for alias if baseUrl set
  10579. <br /> - Config properties as string now work
  10580. <br /> Version 0.11
  10581. <br /> - Added completion and reference resolve for paths declared in the config file
  10582. <br /> - Added support configs start with require({}), requirejs({}), require.config({}), requirejs.config({})
  10583. <br /> Version 0.10
  10584. <br /> - Big refactoring. You plugin settings will be lost
  10585. <br /> - Refactor settings page
  10586. <br /> - Fix bug &quot;Already disposed&quot;
  10587. <br /> - Added getting started section on readme
  10588. <br /> - Added enable\disable plugin
  10589. <br /> - Added tests for completion
  10590. <br /> - Added tests for reference
  10591. <br /> Version 0.9:
  10592. <br /> - Added reference for relative paths
  10593. <br /> - Show notification for wrong settings Version 0.8:
  10594. <br /> - Added autocompletion relative paths
  10595. <br /> Version 0.7:
  10596. <br /> - Added autocompletion for paths start with dot
  10597. <br /> Version 0.6:
  10598. <br /> - Refactor settings page
  10599. <br /> - Added setting path to require js config file
  10600. <br /> Version 0.5:
  10601. <br /> - Now the plugin works on jdk 1.6. It is necessary for Mac OS X.
  10602. <br />]]></change-notes><depends>JavaScript</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><rating>4.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='2568' size='4665' date='1384109305000' url=''><name>FlowStorm</name><id>de.sandstormmedia.flowstorm</id><description><![CDATA[Helpers for TYPO3 Flow and Neos:
  10603. <ul>
  10604. <li>ObjectManagerInterface-&gt;get() Type Inference</li>
  10605. </ul> Additionally, you should also install the
  10606. <b>PHP Annotation</b> plugin.
  10607. <br /> Work in progress:
  10608. <ul>
  10609. <li>autocompletion for class names in strings</li>
  10610. </ul>]]></description><version>0.1</version><vendor email='sebastian.kurfuerst@sandstorm-media.de' url='https://sandstorm.de/'>sandstorm|media</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='107.105' /><change-notes><![CDATA[0.1
  10611. <ul>
  10612. <li>Initial version.</li>
  10613. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><depends>com.jetbrains.php</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='21702' size='94357' date='1510238323000' url=''><name>Drupal Support</name><id>com.jetbrains.php.drupal</id><description><![CDATA[Drupal Support]]></description><version>173.3622.27</version><vendor email='' url=''>JetBrains</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='173.3622' until-build='173.*'/><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>(optional) JavaScript</depends><depends>(optional) com.intellij.css</depends><depends>(optional) com.jetbrains.php.framework</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.ultimate</depends><depends>com.jetbrains.php</depends><depends>com.jetbrains.plugins.ini4idea</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='10365' size='8648' date='1396576478000' url=''><name>ZF1 integration plugin</name><id>com.dirzys.phpstormzf1</id><description><![CDATA[Zend Framework 1 integration plugin.
  10614. <br /> Adds menu item &quot;Go to view script...&quot; and &quot;Go to controller action...&quot; to the Navigate menu.]]></description><version>1.0.4</version><vendor email='vladas.dirzys@gmail.com' url=''>Vladas Diržys</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='131.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Added navigation from view script to controller action.]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><depends>com.jetbrains.php</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='61827' size='388979' date='1514479122000' url='https://github.com/Haehnchen/idea-php-shopware-plugin'><name>Shopware Plugin</name><id>de.espend.idea.shopware</id><description><![CDATA[Shopware Plugin
  10615. <br>
  10616. <br>
  10617. <a href="https://github.com/Haehnchen/idea-php-shopware-plugin/issues" rel="nofollow">Issues</a> |
  10618. <a href="https://www.paypal.me/DanielEspendiller" rel="nofollow">Donate</a> Installation
  10619. <ul>
  10620. <li>Install <a href="https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/7219" rel="nofollow">Symfony Plugin</a> and enable it per project</li>
  10621. <li>(Required) Install <a href="https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/7320" rel="nofollow">PHP Annotations</a></li>
  10622. <li>(Optional) Install <a href="https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/8133" rel="nofollow">PHP Toolbox</a></li>
  10623. </ul> Features
  10624. <ul>
  10625. <li>PHP: Subscriber name completion for controller/hooks/events</li>
  10626. <li>PHP: Type provider for Manager::getResources</li>
  10627. <li>PHP: Event and method references for subscriber events</li>
  10628. <li>PHP: Magic method type provider</li>
  10629. <li>PHP: Bootstrap::getInfo, Bootstrap::Path, ModelManager::addAttribute/generateAttributeModels</li>
  10630. <li>PHP: Enlight_Controller_Router::assemble array parameter</li>
  10631. <li>PHP: Custom config and event name indexer</li>
  10632. <li>PHP: Quickfix for subscriber method generation and content</li>
  10633. <li>PHP: Linemarker for subscriber methods</li>
  10634. <li>Smarty: References for files, controller, actions, widgets</li>
  10635. <li>Smarty: Block references on extends path</li>
  10636. <li>Smarty: Namespace tag support</li>
  10637. <li>Smarty: Blockname and include indexer</li>
  10638. <li>Smarty: Template include, extends linemarker</li>
  10639. <li>Smarty: Support templates libraries/include paths</li>
  10640. <li>Smarty: Blockname implements and overwrite linemarker</li>
  10641. <li>Shopware: Theme and assets</li>
  10642. <li>Shopware: Snippets index for template usage in backend and frontend</li>
  10643. <li>Shopware: Snippets references for Smarty and ExtJs files</li>
  10644. <li>PHP/Smarty: Template controller references for php and smarty</li>
  10645. <li>Symfony: Custom container loader</li>
  10646. <li>Symfony: Shopware service container ids in subscriber</li>
  10647. <li>Doctrine: Extension for Symfony Plugin</li>
  10648. <li>Doctrine: Lifecycle event completion for subscriber</li>
  10649. <li>ExtJs: Doctrine Model and controller targets</li>
  10650. <li>ExtJs: Controller action linemarker and goto</li>
  10651. <li>Generator: Shopware project installer</li>
  10652. <li>Generator: Plugin boilerplates</li>
  10653. <li>PHP Toolbox: internal JSON configuration</li>
  10654. </ul>]]></description><version>2.9</version><vendor email='daniel@espendiller.net' url='http://espend.de'>Daniel Espendiller</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='171.3780' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<ul>
  10655. <li>Optimize performance LineMarkerProvider targets must be attached to leaf elements <a href="https://github.com/Haehnchen/idea-php-shopware-plugin/issues/69" rel="nofollow">#69</a></li>
  10656. </ul>
  10657. <br>
  10658. <a href="https://github.com/Haehnchen/idea-php-shopware-plugin/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md" rel="nofollow">see full changelog</a> |
  10659. <a href="https://www.paypal.me/DanielEspendiller" rel="nofollow">Donate</a>]]></change-notes><depends>JavaScript</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><depends>com.jetbrains.php</depends><depends>fr.adrienbrault.idea.symfony2plugin</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='67708' size='34388' date='1510760587000' url=''><name>Cucumber.js</name><id>cucumber-javascript</id><description><![CDATA[Provides support of Cucumber.js]]></description><version>173.3727.2</version><vendor email='' url=''>JetBrains</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='173.3727' /><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>JavaScript</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.ultimate</depends><depends>gherkin</depends><rating>3.6</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='55823' size='1508125' date='1415698973000' url=''><name>actiBPM</name><id>actiBPM</id><description><![CDATA[Activiti Designer plugin for Intellij Idea. Initial version.]]></description><version>3.E-8</version><vendor email='uzbssr@gmail.com' url=''>Timur Abakumov</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='123.1' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Added Generate PNG Action Note: Please remove bpmn from &quot;File and Code Templates&quot;]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.xml</depends><rating>4.2</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='40010' size='98741' date='1510238332000' url=''><name>WordPress Support</name><id>com.jetbrains.php.wordPress</id><description><![CDATA[WordPress Support]]></description><version>173.3622.27</version><vendor email='' url=''>JetBrains</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='173.3622' until-build='173.*'/><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>(optional) com.jetbrains.php.framework</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.ultimate</depends><depends>com.jetbrains.php</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='211348' size='83510' date='1508417958000' url=''><name>PhoneGap/Cordova Plugin</name><id>com.github.masahirosuzuka.PhoneGapIntelliJPlugin</id><description><![CDATA[PhoneGap/Cordova integration for InteliJ Platform.
  10660. <br>
  10661. <b>Note:</b> The plugin is a part of WebStorm IDE and you don't need install it manually for WebStorm
  10662. <br>
  10663. <br>
  10664. <p>* PhoneGap/Cordova Project wizard</p>
  10665. <p>* Run PhoneGap/Cordova application from IntelliJ toolbar</p>
  10666. <p>* Code completion for event types</p>
  10667. <p>* Ionic support</p>
  10668. <p>See README.md</p>]]></description><version>173.3302.13</version><vendor email='masahiro.suzuka@gmail.com' url=''>masahirosuzuka, JetBrains</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='173.3302' until-build='173.*'/><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>(optional) JavaScript</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>3.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='1359' size='7849' date='1399674588000' url=''><name>MediaWiki Support</name><id>org.mediawiki</id><description><![CDATA[<p><a href="https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/MediaWiki" rel="nofollow">MediaWiki</a> Support for PhpStorm.</p>
  10669. <p>Source is available at <a href="https://github.com/reedy/phpstorm-plugin-mediawiki" rel="nofollow">GitHub</a>, pull requests and issues welcome.</p>]]></description><version>0.3</version><vendor email='reedy@wikimedia.org' url='https://github.com/reedy/phpstorm-plugin-mediawiki'>Sam Reed (reedy)</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='131.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<p> <strong>Version 0.3</strong> </p>
  10670. <ul>
  10671. <li>Javascript Code Style</li>
  10672. </ul>
  10673. <strong>Version 0.2</strong>
  10674. <ul>
  10675. <li>Search MediaWiki.org via right click menus with selected text</li>
  10676. <li>Minor improvements in PHP Code Style</li>
  10677. </ul>
  10678. <strong>Version 0.1</strong>
  10679. <ul>
  10680. <li>Initial version</li>
  10681. <li>Basic settings from <a href="https://github.com/siebrand/MediaWiki-PHPStorm/tree/7.1.3" rel="nofollow">Siebrand Mazeland</a> and <a href="https://www.mediawiki.org/w/index.php?title=PhpStorm&amp;oldid=938244" rel="nofollow">Physikerwelt</a></li>
  10682. </ul>
  10683. <p></p>
  10684. <p> <strong>Legal stuff</strong> </p>
  10685. <p>License : GNU GPL v2 or later</p>
  10686. <p>Sources : <a href="https://github.com/reedy/phpstorm-plugin-mediawiki" rel="nofollow">https://github.com/reedy/phpstorm-plugin-mediawiki</a></p>
  10687. <p></p>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.ultimate</depends><depends>com.jetbrains.php</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='25569' size='102137' date='1513698849000' url='https://github.com/Haehnchen/idea-php-drupal-symfony2-bridge'><name>Drupal Symfony Bridge</name><id>de.espend.idea.php.drupal</id><description><![CDATA[Drupal Symfony Bridge
  10688. <br>
  10689. <a href="https://github.com/Haehnchen/idea-php-drupal-symfony2-bridge" rel="nofollow">GitHub</a> |
  10690. <a href="https://github.com/Haehnchen/idea-php-drupal-symfony2-bridge/issues" rel="nofollow">Issues</a> |
  10691. <a href="http://symfony2-plugin.espend.de/" rel="nofollow">Documentation (Symfony Plugin)</a> |
  10692. <a href="https://www.paypal.me/DanielEspendiller" rel="nofollow">Donate</a>
  10693. <br>
  10694. <p>Integrates support for Symfony components in Drupal8 with <a href="http://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/7219" rel="nofollow">Symfony Plugin</a></p> Install
  10695. <ul>
  10696. <li>Enabled Symfony Plugin per project (File &gt; Settings &gt; Symfony Plugin)</li>
  10697. <li>Install <a href="https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/7320" rel="nofollow">Php Annotation</a> plugin to enjoy all the annotation stuff</li>
  10698. <li>Plugin needs a valid PhpStorm indexer, use "File &gt; Invalidate Caches / Restart" if something crazy is going on</li>
  10699. </ul> Features
  10700. <ul>
  10701. <li>Twig/PHP: Routing</li>
  10702. <li>Twig/PHP: Gettext support (just throw in a full po file into project)</li>
  10703. <li>PHP: Config index</li>
  10704. </ul> Features (from Symfony)
  10705. <ul>
  10706. <li>Full container support</li>
  10707. <li>Twig extensions</li>
  10708. <li>and more...</li>
  10709. </ul> Todo
  10710. <ul>
  10711. <li>Twig variables types and completion</li>
  10712. <li>Twig namespaces for include, extends, macros, ...</li>
  10713. <li>Child mapping of \Drupal\Core\Config\Config::get</li>
  10714. </ul>]]></description><version>0.5.1</version><vendor email='daniel@espendiller.net' url='http://www.espend.de'>Daniel Espendiller</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='171.3780' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<ul>
  10715. <li>Fix Symfony Plugin usage for dropped API usages <a href="https://github.com/Haehnchen/idea-php-drupal-symfony2-bridge/issues/43" rel="nofollow">#43</a> <a href="https://github.com/Haehnchen/idea-php-drupal-symfony2-bridge/issues/42" rel="nofollow">#42</a> @mglaman</li>
  10716. </ul>
  10717. <br>
  10718. <a href="https://github.com/Haehnchen/idea-php-drupal-symfony2-bridge/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md" rel="nofollow">see full changelog</a> |
  10719. <a href="https://www.paypal.me/DanielEspendiller" rel="nofollow">Donate</a>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><depends>com.jetbrains.php</depends><depends>com.jetbrains.twig</depends><depends>de.espend.idea.php.annotation</depends><depends>fr.adrienbrault.idea.symfony2plugin</depends><depends>org.jetbrains.plugins.yaml</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='26157' size='77294' date='1507117368000' url=''><name>Behat Support</name><id>com.jetbrains.php.behat</id><description><![CDATA[Allows to use Behat BDD test framework for PHP]]></description><version>173.2941.7</version><vendor email='' url=''>JetBrains</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='173.2941' until-build='173.*'/><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>(optional) org.jetbrains.plugins.phpstorm-remote-interpreter</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.ultimate</depends><depends>com.jetbrains.php</depends><depends>gherkin</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='78827' size='6775274' date='1497273690000' url=''><name>hybris integration</name><id>ccom.intellij.idea.plugin.hybris.impex</id><description><![CDATA[This plugin is an open source plugin for SAP Hybris Commerce integration.
  10720. <br>
  10721. <br> Bug tracker:
  10722. <a href="https://hybris-integration.atlassian.net/projects/IIPS" rel="nofollow">Intellij IDEA Plugin Support</a>
  10723. <br>
  10724. <br> If you have any questions you can send an email to:
  10725. <br>
  10726. <a href="mailto:AlexanderBartash@gmail.com?cc=martin.zdarsky@hybris.com" rel="nofollow">Alexander Bartash</a> (repo owner)
  10727. <br>
  10728. <a href="mailto:martin.zdarsky@hybris.com?cc=AlexanderBartash@gmail.com" rel="nofollow">Martin Zdarsky-Jones</a>
  10729. <br>
  10730. <br>
  10731. <b>Features:</b>
  10732. <br> - Import of Hybris extensions to Intellij IDEA.
  10733. <br> - Automatic configuration of Spring, Web and Ant Intellij IDEA plugins.
  10734. <br> - Custom editor for impex files with automatic formatting, find usages and go to declaration actions.
  10735. <br> - Custom editor for items.xml with validation and easy navigation.
  10736. <br> - Visualization of business process graph (use context menu of the file "Diagrams/Show Diagram", only Ultimate IDEA).
  10737. <br> - Enhanced project view tree.
  10738. <br> - Syntax highlighting for flexible search queries.
  10739. <br>
  10740. <br>
  10741. <b>Contribution guidelines:</b>
  10742. <br> - Please read
  10743. <a href="http://developercertificate.org/" rel="nofollow">Contributor License Agreement</a>
  10744. <br> - Available tasks are in our
  10745. <a href="https://hybris-integration.atlassian.net/projects/IIP" rel="nofollow">JIRA</a> (requires a login but you can
  10746. <a href="https://hybris-integration.atlassian.net/admin/users/sign-up" rel="nofollow">sign-up</a>) also you can suggest new features or report bugs without login on our
  10747. <a href="https://hybris-integration.atlassian.net/projects/IIPS" rel="nofollow">Support Desk</a> it has anonymous access.
  10748. <br> -
  10749. <a href="https://hybris-integration.atlassian.net/wiki/display/IIPPS/How+to+Configure+Project+Environment+For+Plugin+Developers" rel="nofollow">How to Configure Project Environment For Plugin Developers</a>
  10750. <br> - We are working with
  10751. <a href="https://www.atlassian.com/git/tutorials/making-a-pull-request/" rel="nofollow">Pull Requests</a> because it allows us to review the code before merging it. You need to fork this repository, implement a feature in a separate branch, then send us a pull request.
  10752. <br> - Be sure to include into your pull request and all commit messages the following line: "Signed-off-by: Your Real Name your.email@email.com" otherwise it can not be accepted. Use your real name (sorry, no pseudonyms or anonymous contributions).
  10753. <br> - For additional questions you can send an email to
  10754. <a href="mailto:AlexanderBartash@gmail.com?cc=martin.zdarsky@hybris.com" rel="nofollow">Alexander Bartash</a> or
  10755. <a href="mailto:martin.zdarsky@hybris.com?cc=AlexanderBartash@gmail.com" rel="nofollow">Martin Zdarsky-Jones</a>
  10756. <br>
  10757. <br> By installing thing plugin you agree to sending us anonymous statistics about plugin usage. We do not collect any information about you or your project. We just want to know which features from this plugin our users need most and learn new ways to make thing plugin better.
  10758. <br>
  10759. <br>
  10760. <b>Developers:</b>
  10761. <br> - Alexander Bartash
  10762. <br> - Vlad Bozhenok
  10763. <br> - Martin Zdarsky-Jones
  10764. <br> - Alexander Nosov
  10765. <br> - Eugene Kudelevsky
  10766. <br> - Michael Golubev
  10767. <br> - Dan Wanigasekera
  10768. <br> - Markus Priegl
  10769. <br> - Sergei Aksenenko
  10770. <br> - Roger Ye
  10771. <br> - Hector Longarte]]></description><version>6.3</version><vendor email='AlexanderBartash@gmail.com' url='https://hybris-integration.atlassian.net/wiki/display/IIPPS/Intellij+IDEA+Plugin+Public+Space'>Alexander Bartash</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='172.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Task
  10772. <ul>
  10773. <li> [<a href="https://hybris-integration.atlassian.net/browse/IIP-261" rel="nofollow">IIP-261</a>] - Create module dependency chart </li>
  10774. <li> [<a href="https://hybris-integration.atlassian.net/browse/IIP-262" rel="nofollow">IIP-262</a>] - Enable Maven import in 2017.2 </li>
  10775. <li> [<a href="https://hybris-integration.atlassian.net/browse/IIP-263" rel="nofollow">IIP-263</a>] - Ensure the setting "clean output directory" is off upon opening a Hybris project </li>
  10776. <li> [<a href="https://hybris-integration.atlassian.net/browse/IIP-236" rel="nofollow">IIP-236</a>] - Add findUsage by code for "collectiontype" </li>
  10777. <li> [<a href="https://hybris-integration.atlassian.net/browse/IIP-245" rel="nofollow">IIP-245</a>] - Remove ANSI color coding from ant console </li>
  10778. <li> [<a href="https://hybris-integration.atlassian.net/browse/IIP-247" rel="nofollow">IIP-247</a>] - When we trigger modulegen we need to trigger ant clean all prior to refresh project </li>
  10779. <li> [<a href="https://hybris-integration.atlassian.net/browse/IIP-249" rel="nofollow">IIP-249</a>] - Reformat all source code to ease up code reviews </li>
  10780. <li> [<a href="https://hybris-integration.atlassian.net/browse/IIP-250" rel="nofollow">IIP-250</a>] - Disable explicitly annotated Spring beans </li>
  10781. <li> [<a href="https://hybris-integration.atlassian.net/browse/IIP-251" rel="nofollow">IIP-251</a>] - Disable Spring plugin configuration panel </li>
  10782. <li> [<a href="https://hybris-integration.atlassian.net/browse/IIP-253" rel="nofollow">IIP-253</a>] - Support ANSI color for Hybris Ant tasks </li>
  10783. <li> [<a href="https://hybris-integration.atlassian.net/browse/IIP-254" rel="nofollow">IIP-254</a>] - Ddd Kotlin lang support to project </li>
  10784. <li> [<a href="https://hybris-integration.atlassian.net/browse/IIP-265" rel="nofollow">IIP-265</a>] - Create RunConfiguration for jUnit tests </li>
  10785. <li> [<a href="https://hybris-integration.atlassian.net/browse/IIP-268" rel="nofollow">IIP-268</a>] - Detect circular dependencies in module dependency chart </li>
  10786. <li> [<a href="https://hybris-integration.atlassian.net/browse/IIP-220" rel="nofollow">IIP-220</a>] - Execute flexible search via IntelliJ IDEA on remote instance Hybris </li>
  10787. <li> [<a href="https://hybris-integration.atlassian.net/browse/IIP-255" rel="nofollow">IIP-255</a>] - Ask users for permission to send statistics </li>
  10788. </ul> Bug
  10789. <ul>
  10790. <li> [<a href="https://hybris-integration.atlassian.net/browse/IIP-136" rel="nofollow">IIP-136</a>] - Add an additional step to the import dialog telling user that he\she should run "ant clean all" </li>
  10791. </ul> New Feature Request
  10792. <ul>
  10793. <li> [<a href="https://hybris-integration.atlassian.net/browse/IIPS-46" rel="nofollow">IIPS-46</a>] - During 'Refresh project' pop up extension selection dialog </li>
  10794. <li> [<a href="https://hybris-integration.atlassian.net/browse/IIPS-49" rel="nofollow">IIPS-49</a>] - Allow overriding config folder i.e. HYBRIS_CONFIG_DIR when importing </li>
  10795. <li> [<a href="https://hybris-integration.atlassian.net/browse/IIPS-50" rel="nofollow">IIPS-50</a>] - Auto-create custom search scopes for Hybris projects to ease searching in a project </li>
  10796. </ul> Fault
  10797. <ul>
  10798. <li> [<a href="https://hybris-integration.atlassian.net/browse/IIPS-45" rel="nofollow">IIPS-45</a>] - ClassCastException in PsiItemXmlUtil: EnhancerByJetBrainsMainCglib cannot be cast to Items </li>
  10799. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>4.8</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='512959' size='330380' date='1514721234000' url='https://github.com/Haehnchen/idea-php-laravel-plugin'><name>Laravel Plugin</name><id>de.espend.idea.laravel</id><description><![CDATA[Laravel Plugin
  10800. <br>
  10801. <br>
  10802. <a href="https://github.com/Haehnchen/idea-php-laravel-plugin/issues" rel="nofollow">Issues</a> |
  10803. <a href="https://www.paypal.me/DanielEspendiller" rel="nofollow">Donate</a>
  10804. <br> Install
  10805. <ul>
  10806. <li>Install plugin and active it per Project under "Settings &gt; Languages &amp; Frameworks &gt; PHP &gt; Laravel"</li>
  10807. <li>Use "<a href="https://github.com/barryvdh/laravel-ide-helper" rel="nofollow">Laravel IDE Helper Generator</a>" to generate ide classes</li>
  10808. <li>Configure root Views directory, if not using default file structure</li>
  10809. <li>(Enable autopopup for completion in plugin setting)</li>
  10810. </ul>
  10811. <br> Features
  10812. <ul>
  10813. <li>PHP/Route: Controller completion and goto</li>
  10814. <li>PHP/Route: Router::resource references</li>
  10815. <li>PHP/Route: detect route names on "as" key</li>
  10816. <li>PHP/View: completion and goto for view templates</li>
  10817. <li>PHP/Config: "providers" class array completion</li>
  10818. <li>PHP/Config: Config key indexer, completion and goto</li>
  10819. <li>PHP/Translation: Translation key indexer, completion and goto</li>
  10820. <li>PHP: Service dic</li>
  10821. <li>Blade: extends, include and Php usage linemarker</li>
  10822. <li>Blade: section, yield, stack overwrite and implements linemarker</li>
  10823. <li>Blade: Improvements in Blade template name completion and navigation</li>
  10824. <li>Blade: trans directive</li>
  10825. <li>Template: Index for Php usage</li>
  10826. </ul> Todo
  10827. <ul>
  10828. <li>Try to remove "IDE Helper Generator" deps; mostly done :)</li>
  10829. <li>Require Symfony2 Plugin, to reduce duplicate code</li>
  10830. <li>Support trans/transChoice translation syntax</li>
  10831. </ul>]]></description><version>0.15</version><vendor email='daniel@espendiller.net' url='http://espend.de'>Daniel Espendiller</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='173.4127' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<ul>
  10832. <li>Fix typo in settings form @Luiz* <a href="https://github.com/Haehnchen/idea-php-laravel-plugin/pull/160</" rel="nofollow">#160</a></li>
  10833. <li>Replace deprecated ScalarIndexExtension usages in indexing process</li>
  10834. <li>Support Blade includeWhen, includeFirst for template references <a href="https://github.com/Haehnchen/idea-php-laravel-plugin/pull/164" rel="nofollow">#164</a> <a href="https://github.com/Haehnchen/idea-php-laravel-plugin/pull/152" rel="nofollow">#152</a> <a href="https://github.com/Haehnchen/idea-php-laravel-plugin/pull/158" rel="nofollow">#158</a> <a href="https://github.com/Haehnchen/idea-php-laravel-plugin/pull/142" rel="nofollow">#142</a></li>
  10835. <li>Use new directory SLOT_DIRECTIVE and COMPONENT_DIRECTIVE for completion parameter pattern <a href="https://github.com/Haehnchen/idea-php-laravel-plugin/pull/167" rel="nofollow">#167</a></li>
  10836. <li>Provide indexer for all Blade include directives and use some new Blade apis <a href="https://github.com/Haehnchen/idea-php-laravel-plugin/pull/165" rel="nofollow">#165</a></li>
  10837. <li>Replace cost intensive template resolving on path visiting</li>
  10838. <li>Convert Blade template file navigation to lazy target implementation</li>
  10839. <li>Convert Blade template include navigation to lazy target implementation</li>
  10840. <li>Config files matching refactored + tests added @Adel <a href="https://github.com/Haehnchen/idea-php-laravel-plugin/pull/169" rel="nofollow">#169</a> <a href="https://github.com/Haehnchen/idea-php-laravel-plugin/pull/166" rel="nofollow">#166</a></li>
  10841. <li>Fix "component" and "slot" navigation</li>
  10842. <li>Provide directory navigation for Blade template strings</li>
  10843. <li>Fix performance issue for Blade linemarkers: targets must be attached to leaf elements <a href="https://github.com/Haehnchen/idea-php-laravel-plugin/pull/161" rel="nofollow">#161</a></li>
  10844. <li>Provide references for assets <a href="https://github.com/Haehnchen/idea-php-laravel-plugin/pull/170" rel="nofollow">#170</a></li>
  10845. </ul>
  10846. <br>
  10847. <a href="https://github.com/Haehnchen/idea-php-laravel-plugin/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md" rel="nofollow">see full changelog</a> |
  10848. <a href="https://www.paypal.me/DanielEspendiller" rel="nofollow">Donate</a>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><depends>com.jetbrains.php</depends><depends>com.jetbrains.php.blade</depends><rating>4.7</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='512' size='172625' date='1471880180000' url='https://github.com/letsdrink/ouzo-phpstorm-plugin'><name>Ouzo framework plugin</name><id>com.github.letsdrink.intellijplugin</id><description><![CDATA[Ouzo framework plugin
  10849. <br>
  10850. <a href="http://ouzoframework.org/" rel="nofollow">ouzoframework.org</a>
  10851. <br> What's new:
  10852. <ul>
  10853. <li>Support for legacy namespaces (only for legacy ouzo applications)</li>
  10854. </ul>
  10855. <br>
  10856. <br> Features:
  10857. <ul>
  10858. <li>Completion for array keys in constructor and create, createNoValidation, newInstance, where, assignAttributes and updateAttributes Model's methods based on Models @property tags</li>
  10859. <li>Translation extraction action for twig</li>
  10860. <li>Translation extraction action</li>
  10861. <li>References for translation keys</li>
  10862. <li>References for controllers and actions in routes</li>
  10863. <li>References for views</li>
  10864. <li>References for partials</li>
  10865. <li>References for models in relation definition</li>
  10866. <li>Navigation from Controllers actions to corresponding views (with 'Go To/Ouzo View' and 'Navigate/Related symbol' (Ctrl+Alt+Home))</li>
  10867. <li>Navigation from views to Controllers actions (with 'Navigate/Related symbol' (Ctrl+Alt+Home))</li>
  10868. <li>Annotate unused translations</li>
  10869. <li>Annotate invalid entries in translation files</li>
  10870. <li>Annotate missing translations</li>
  10871. <li>Add missing translation intention action</li>
  10872. <li>Edit translation intention action</li>
  10873. <li>Show all usages of a translation key</li>
  10874. <li>Remove unused translation intention action</li>
  10875. <li>Rename refactoring for translation keys</li>
  10876. <li>Translation key completion</li>
  10877. </ul>]]></description><version>1.6.10</version><vendor email='ouzo-framework@googlegroups.com' url='http://ouzoframework.org/'>Ouzo contributors</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='107.105' /><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><depends>com.jetbrains.php</depends><depends>com.jetbrains.twig</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='66689' size='161977' date='1513955670000' url=''><name>Blade Support</name><id>com.jetbrains.php.blade</id><description><![CDATA[Blade Support]]></description><version>173.4127.29</version><vendor email='' url=''>JetBrains</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='173.4127' until-build='173.*'/><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.ultimate</depends><depends>com.jetbrains.php</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='9452' size='71883' date='1457606728000' url=''><name>Bitrix Framework Support</name><id>pro.opcode.bitrix</id><description><![CDATA[<p>Bitrix is popular in the former Soviet Union region, so there is no much sense to me and you to communicate in a foreign language. But you can feel free to write me in English anyway.</p>
  10878. <p>Функционал:</p>
  10879. <ul>
  10880. <li>Поддержка папок bitrix и local.</li>
  10881. <li>Переход на файл компонента, шаблона компонента (поддерживаются Twig и Smarty), шаблона сайта а так же на директории и файлы, найденные в строковых переменных.</li>
  10882. <li>Переход на файл включаемой области при клике в вызове IncludeComponent('bitrix:main.include', ...);?&gt; на значение ключа 'AREA_FILE_SUFFIX'.</li>
  10883. <li>Корректное определение типов и автокомплит для <a href="http://dev.1c-bitrix.ru/api_help/main/general/magic_vars.php" rel="nofollow">специальных переменных</a> и <a href="http://dev.1c-bitrix.ru/learning/course/?COURSE_ID=43&amp;LESSON_ID=2829#variables" rel="nofollow">переменных шаблона</a>.</li>
  10884. <li>Автокомплит компонента и его шаблона в процессе набора $APPLICATION-&gt;IncludeComponent(...) и CBitrixComponent::includeComponentClass(...)</li>
  10885. <li>Решена проблема с подсветкой bitrix как неразрешённого пути в вызовах require($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]."/bitrix/header.php"); и похожих конструкциях.</li>
  10886. <li>Безопасный рефакторинг файлов с автоматическим обновлением их вызовов в строковых переменных.</li>
  10887. <li>Поиск использований, например файла some.css, в вызовах $APPLICATION-&gt;SetAdditionalCSS('...some.css'), во всех файлах проекта.</li>
  10888. <li>Шаблоны создания типовых страниц и разделов сайта.</li>
  10889. </ul>
  10890. <p><a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=37w7U65nVRU" rel="nofollow">Демо-видео</a></p>
  10891. <p>Пожелания и сообщения об ошибках можете отправлять на почту или оставлять в <a href="http://redmine.vizh.ru/projects/proj060/issues" rel="nofollow">Кабинете</a>. Там же можете <a href="http://redmine.vizh.ru/projects/proj060/roadmap" rel="nofollow">посмотреть планы</a> по развитию.</p>]]></description><version>0.1.7</version><vendor email='star.absorber@gmail.com' url=''>opCode</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='139.1' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<p><b>0.1.7</b></p>
  10892. <ul>
  10893. <li>Исправление ошибок</li>
  10894. </ul>
  10895. <p><b>0.1.6</b></p>
  10896. <ul>
  10897. <li>Автокомплит следующим суперглобальным переменным в .parameters.php: $componentName, $templateProperties, $arCurrentValues, $arComponentParameters и $componentPath</li>
  10898. <li>Автокомплит следующим суперглобальным переменным в component.php: $componentName, $componentTemplate, $parentComponentName, $parentComponentPath и $parentComponentTemplate</li>
  10899. </ul>
  10900. <p><b>0.1.5</b></p>
  10901. <ul>
  10902. <li>Автокомплит компонента, его шаблона и переход к ним в вызове CBitrixComponent::includeComponentClass(...)</li>
  10903. </ul>
  10904. <p><b>0.1.4</b></p>
  10905. <ul>
  10906. <li>Несколько типовых шаблонов в диалоге создания страницы</li>
  10907. </ul>
  10908. <p><b>0.1.3</b></p>
  10909. <ul>
  10910. <li>Доступность переменных $arResult, $arParams, $componentPath и подобных им в файлах result_modifier.php</li>
  10911. </ul>
  10912. <p><b>0.1.2</b></p>
  10913. <ul>
  10914. <li>Создание типового раздела Битрикс сайта</li>
  10915. </ul>
  10916. <p><b>0.1.1</b></p>
  10917. <ul>
  10918. <li>Особая обработка путей в вызовах $APPLICATION-&gt;IncludeFile() в <a href="http://dev.1c-bitrix.ru/api_help/main/reference/cmain/includefile.php" rel="nofollow">соответствии с документацией Битрикс</a></li>
  10919. <li>Создание типовой страницы Битрикс сайта</li>
  10920. </ul>
  10921. <p><b>0.1</b></p>
  10922. <ul>
  10923. <li>Ошибка определения ссылок на файлы в строках с конкатенацией</li>
  10924. <li>Автокомплит шаблона компонента в процессе набора $APPLICATION-&gt;IncludeComponent(&quot;bitrix:component&quot;, ...)</li>
  10925. </ul>
  10926. <p><b>0.0.9</b></p>
  10927. <ul>
  10928. <li>Переход к коду компонента в class.php, если он есть и к component.php в противном случае.</li>
  10929. <li>Поддержка нестандартных расширений для шаблонов компонентов: template.twig, template.tpl</li>
  10930. <li>Исправлена ошибка: BxPathReference has unsatisfied dependency</li>
  10931. </ul>
  10932. <p><b>0.0.8</b></p>
  10933. <ul>
  10934. <li>Переход на файлы header.php и footer.php шаблонов сайта</li>
  10935. <li>При поиске шаблонов компонента был опущен третий шаг <a href="http://dev.1c-bitrix.ru/learning/course/index.php?COURSE_ID=43&amp;LESSON_ID=2829#template_search" rel="nofollow">алгоритма поиска шаблона компонента</a>.</li>
  10936. </ul>
  10937. <p><b>0.0.7</b></p>
  10938. <ul>
  10939. <li>Корректное определение файлов в строках с конкатенацией, например в 'ind'.'ex.c'.'ss' или $APPLICATION-&gt;SetAdditionalCSS($APPLICATION-&gt;GetCurDir().'/some.css')</li>
  10940. <li>Доступность переменных $arResult, $arParams и $componentPath в файлах component.php</li>
  10941. <li>Поддержка PhpStorm</li>
  10942. </ul>
  10943. <p><b>0.0.6</b></p>
  10944. <ul>
  10945. <li>Решена проблема с подсветкой bitrix в вызовах require($_SERVER[&quot;DOCUMENT_ROOT&quot;].&quot;/bitrix/modules/main/include.php&quot;);</li>
  10946. <li>Поддержка безопасного удаления файлов с предупреждением о их использованиях в вызовах, например $APPLICATION-&gt;SetAdditionalCSS('/some.css')</li>
  10947. <li>Поддержка переименования и перемещения файлов с автоматическим обновлением их вызовов, например $APPLICATION-&gt;SetAdditionalCSS('/some.css')</li>
  10948. <li>Поиск использований, например файла some.css, в вызовах $APPLICATION-&gt;SetAdditionalCSS('...some.css'), во всех файлах проекта.</li>
  10949. <li>Вышеперечисленную &quot;магию&quot; лучше <a href="http://vizh.share.s3.amazonaws.com/bxfs/refactoring.mov" rel="nofollow">посмотреть наглядно</a>. В целом, тема интересная и есть куда развивать: автокомплит, например, создание отсутствующего файла и т.п.</li>
  10950. </ul>
  10951. <p><b>0.0.5</b></p>
  10952. <ul>
  10953. <li>Решена проблема с подсветкой bitrix в вызовах require($_SERVER[&quot;DOCUMENT_ROOT&quot;].&quot;/bitrix/header.php&quot;);</li>
  10954. <li>Автокомплит переменных, доступных в шаблоне компонента. Это $arResult, $arParams, $componentPath и другие, <a href="http://dev.1c-bitrix.ru/learning/course/?COURSE_ID=43&amp;LESSON_ID=2829#variables" rel="nofollow">описанные тут</a>.</li>
  10955. </ul>
  10956. <p><b>0.0.4</b></p>
  10957. <ul>
  10958. <li>Автокомплит компонента в процессе набора $APPLICATION-&gt;IncludeComponent(...)</li>
  10959. </ul>
  10960. <p><b>0.0.3</b></p>
  10961. <ul>
  10962. <li>Переход на директории и файлы, найденные в строковых переменных.</li>
  10963. </ul>
  10964. <p><b>0.0.2</b></p>
  10965. <ul>
  10966. <li>Корректное определение типов и автокомплит для <a href="http://dev.1c-bitrix.ru/api_help/main/general/magic_vars.php" rel="nofollow">специальных переменных</a> $APPLICATION, $USER и $DB</li>
  10967. </ul>
  10968. <p><b>0.0.1</b></p>
  10969. <ul>
  10970. <li>Переход на шаблон компонента, расположенный внутри (bitrix|local)/templates/...</li>
  10971. <li>Переход на файл включаемой области при клике в вызове IncludeComponent('bitrix:main.include', ...);?&gt; на значение ключа 'AREA_FILE_SUFFIX'.</li>
  10972. <li>Поддержка папок bitrix и local.</li>
  10973. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><depends>com.jetbrains.php</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='1055' size='136346' date='1492709057000' url=''><name>eZ</name><id>com.flageolett.eZ.completion</id><description><![CDATA[Unofficial eZ-plugin. Provides completion for contentclasses and attributes in eZ Publish 5.x / Platform.]]></description><version></version><vendor email='henning.kvinnesland@gmail.com' url='https://github.com/whitefire/eZ-completion'>Flageolett</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[
  10974. <ul>
  10975. <li>Completions added for getField and getFieldValue in twig (and their twig-shortcuts: field and fieldValue)</li>
  10976. </ul>
  10977. <ul>
  10978. <li>Cached-completions are now cleared if the bundle returns an invalid result.</li>
  10979. </ul> 1.0.4
  10980. <ul>
  10981. <li>Yaml-completions for: controllers, views, matchers and their available values.</li>
  10982. <li>Automatic content-type detection based on yml-configuration.</li>
  10983. <li>ContentType-completions in twig.</li>
  10984. </ul> 1.0.3
  10985. <ul>
  10986. <li>Plugin is now disabled by default. Be sure to enable! :)</li>
  10987. <li>Added completions for configResolver-&gt;getParameter(...)</li>
  10988. <li>Added completions for repository-&gt;canUser/hasAccess(...)</li>
  10989. <li>Improved presentation of completions.</li>
  10990. <li>Added completions for available fields on Content-objects.</li>
  10991. <li>Type-providers are also available for said fields.</li>
  10992. <li>Added completions for fields in twig.</li>
  10993. <li>Added field-completions and type-providers for translation/field-helpers.</li>
  10994. <li>Completions are now persisted and loaded from cache upon project-open.</li>
  10995. <li>Added create eZDoc-intention.</li>
  10996. <li>Field-descriptions are now available as annotations.</li>
  10997. <li>Plugin no longer tries to resolve types or provide completions if indexing is in progress.</li>
  10998. </ul> 1.0.2
  10999. <ul>
  11000. <li>It is now possible to disable the plugin per project.</li>
  11001. <li>Plugin is now compiled using java 1.6 (issue#4)</li>
  11002. <li>Remote dependencies are now optional.</li>
  11003. <li>Added support for the assetic-watch command.</li>
  11004. <li>Background-actions now shows progress.</li>
  11005. <li>Environment is now optional.</li>
  11006. <li>Completions are no longer case-sensitive.</li>
  11007. <li>Inserted values are now available in completion-list.</li>
  11008. </ul> 1.0.1
  11009. <ul>
  11010. <li>Added support for local and remote PHP-interpreters.</li>
  11011. <li>Added error-notifications</li>
  11012. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><depends>com.jetbrains.php</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='585' size='1266681' date='1434535186000' url=''><name>THOP Builder</name><id>com.saffrontech.idea.thop</id><description><![CDATA[Write Thought Processes in IDEA. Plug-in currently supports downloading of all THOPS, editing and uploading a THOP, running a THOP and printing result in the console (debug output collected via debug(..) are visible when run using Debug action)
  11013. <ul>
  11014. <li>Set-up your SMB connection per project in Tools-&gt;Connect SMB... </li>
  11015. <li>Select one or more .js files, use Upload THOP(s) in context menu </li>
  11016. <li>Select a directory, use Download THOPs in context menu to download all THOPS </li>
  11017. <li>Select one or more .js files to Delete THOP(s) using context menu </li>
  11018. <li>Full support for Run Configurations: Run THOPs by right clicking -&gt; Create, Run or Debug </li>
  11019. </ul>]]></description><version>1.3.0</version><vendor email='support@saffrontech.com' url=''>Saffron Technology Inc.</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='131.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[1.3.0 Initial support for THOP 2.0 layer 1.2.4 Bugfix for invalid configuration data 1.2 Note: Delete your existing THOP runtime configurations for this update to work
  11020. <ul>
  11021. <li>Added accessKey to connection data </li>
  11022. <li>New runtime configuration options: </li>
  11023. <li>Running THOP uploads the latest code automatically (configurable, default: true) </li>
  11024. <li>THOPs runs asynchronously and don't block the main UI thread anymore </li>
  11025. </ul> 1.1 Initial release]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='7711' size='1051347' date='1429278478000' url=''><name>Sails/Treeline</name><id>com.jaumard.sails</id><description><![CDATA[<a href="http://www.sailsjs.org" rel="nofollow">Sails</a> or
  11026. <a href="http://treeline.io" rel="nofollow">Treeline</a> integration for InteliJ Platform.
  11027. <br />
  11028. <br /> * Sails/Treeline Project wizard
  11029. <br /> * Run Sails/Treeline application from IntelliJ toolbar
  11030. <br /> * Generate project with SASS or LESS preprocessor
  11031. <br /> * Generate API from IDE
  11032. <br /> * Generate Models from IDE
  11033. <br /> * Generate Controllers from IDE
  11034. <br /> * Generate Adapters from IDE
  11035. <br /> * Beta Auto completion Model (name and methods)
  11036. <br /> * Beta Auto completion Service (only name)
  11037. <br />
  11038. <br /> Right click on api, models, controllers, adapters folder to generate files from IDE or use &quot;shift control alt G&quot; or &quot;shift cmd alt G&quot; shortcut
  11039. <br /> Need some feedbacks and testers for Windows ! @jaumard on twitter or jimmy.aumard at gmail dot com
  11040. <br />
  11041. <br />]]></description><version>1.4.5</version><vendor email='jimmy.aumard@gmail.com' url=''>Jimmy Aumard</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='131.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[1.4.5 -&gt; add beta autocompletion models (name/methods) and services (name)]]></change-notes><depends>JavaScript</depends><depends>NodeJS</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='5336' size='16313' date='1429269289000' url=''><name>ZF2 Module Creator</name><id>org.anathan.zf2modulecreator</id><description><![CDATA[A plugin that creates new module for Zend Framework 2 project.
  11042. <br />
  11043. <br /> It assumes the project structure is of ZendSkeletonApplication.
  11044. <br />
  11045. <br /> In a ZF2 project, right click on the project view, and choose &quot;New -&gt; Module&quot;.
  11046. <br />
  11047. <br /> Although the plugin name is Module Creator, any suggestion or feedback for more integration is welcome (
  11048. <a href="https://github.com/anathan2586/zf2modulecreator/" rel="nofollow">repository</a> or
  11049. <a href="mailto:jenfoong@gmail.com" rel="nofollow">email</a>).]]></description><version>0.2.1</version><vendor email='jenfoong@gmail.com' url='https://github.com/bluebaroncanada/zf2modulecreator'>Alan Ng</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='138.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[0.2.1
  11050. <ul>
  11051. <li>Fixed compatibility with PhpStorm 8</li>
  11052. </ul> 0.2
  11053. <ul>
  11054. <li>Added sample routes to generated module.config.php</li>
  11055. </ul> 0.1
  11056. <ul>
  11057. <li>Initial version</li>
  11058. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><depends>com.jetbrains.php</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='1608' size='160021' date='1511085124000' url=''><name>Go! AOP Framework</name><id>com.aopphp.go.framework</id><description><![CDATA[Go! AOP Plugin
  11059. <br>
  11060. <a href="https://github.com/goaop/idea-plugin" rel="nofollow">GitHub</a> |
  11061. <a href="https://github.com/goaop/idea-plugin/issues" rel="nofollow">Issues</a>
  11062. <br>
  11063. <br> This plugin adds a support for aspect-oriented programming in PHP with Go! AOP plugin for IDEA products, allowing for natural experience with advised methods, pointcuts and aspects. Installation
  11064. <ul>
  11065. <li>Open "Settings &gt; "Plugins", select "Browse Repositories" and type "Go! AOP"</li>
  11066. <li>Install it and <a href="http://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/7320" rel="nofollow">PHP Annotations Plugin</a>, then restart your IDE</li>
  11067. </ul> Features
  11068. <ul>
  11069. <li>Go! AOP pointcut syntax highlighting and parsing</li>
  11070. <li>Analysis of pointcuts and insertion of line markers for navigation to the concrete advice</li>
  11071. <li>Highlighting of incorrect doctrine annotations for @access, @execution and @within pointcuts</li>
  11072. <li>Completion of doctrine annotations for @access, @execution and @within pointcuts</li>
  11073. <li>Completion of visibility modifiers and pointcut keywords</li>
  11074. <li>Automatic injection of pointcut language into the Go\Lang\Annotation\* annotations</li>
  11075. <li>Color settings adjustment for pointcut expressions</li>
  11076. <li>Support for the <a href="https://github.com/lisachenko/php-deal" rel="nofollow">Php-Deal Design-by-Contract</a> framework for PHP </li>
  11077. </ul> Todo
  11078. <ul>
  11079. <li>Completion contributor for class names and reference provider</li>
  11080. </ul>]]></description><version>1.2.1</version><vendor email='lisachenko.it@gmail.com' url='http://go.aopphp.com'>Go! AOP Framework</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='131.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Version 1.2.1 of plugin has more efficient indexation and has fixes to be compatible with upcoming version 2018.1]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><depends>com.jetbrains.php</depends><depends>de.espend.idea.php.annotation</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='8143' size='16402' date='1448481945000' url='https://github.com/Bixie/intellij-uikit'><name>UIkit</name><id>nl.bixie.intellij.uikit</id><description><![CDATA[UIkit live templates / snippets
  11081. <br />
  11082. <p>Check <a href="https://github.com/Bixie/intellij-uikit" rel="nofollow">Github repository</a> for list of snippets and for contributing</p>]]></description><version>1.1.3</version><vendor email='info@bixie.nl' url='http://www.bixie.nl'>Bixie</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='80.8000' /><change-notes><![CDATA[1.1.3 UIkit 2.24.0 - new icons and components
  11083. <br /> 1.1.2 UIkit 2.22.0 - new icons
  11084. <br /> 1.1.1 Added slideshows
  11085. <br /> UIkit 2.21.0
  11086. <br /> 1.1 Added icons and custom templates
  11087. <br /> 1.0 Initial release
  11088. <br />]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='1782' size='79326' date='1436932709000' url=''><name>Demandware Studio Plugin</name><id>com.demandware.studio</id><description><![CDATA[Demandware development tools. JDK8+ Required.]]></description><version>0.1.0</version><vendor email='nek4life@gmail.com' url=''>Charlie Choiniere</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='131.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Still on the way to version 1.0.]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='3075' size='119369' date='1506019888000' url='https://github.com/Haehnchen/idea-php-oxid-plugin'><name>OXID Plugin</name><id>de.espend.idea.oxid</id><description><![CDATA[OXID Plugin
  11089. <br>
  11090. <br>
  11091. <a href="https://github.com/Haehnchen/idea-php-oxid-plugin/issues" rel="nofollow">Issues</a> |
  11092. <a href="https://www.paypal.me/DanielEspendiller" rel="nofollow">Donate</a>
  11093. <br> Because of code sharing install
  11094. <a href="https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/7219" rel="nofollow">Symfony Plugin</a> and enable it per project
  11095. <br>
  11096. <br> Dependencies
  11097. <ul>
  11098. <li><a href="http://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/7219" rel="nofollow">Symfony Plugin</a></li>
  11099. </ul> Features
  11100. <ul>
  11101. <li>PHP: Periodically scans module metadata for class inheritance and exports them to ".phpstorm-oxid.meta.php" in your project root</li>
  11102. <li>PHP: Metadata file exists inspector in array values</li>
  11103. <li>PHP: oxLang::translateString support</li>
  11104. <li>PHP: TypeProvider, references for factory function: oxNew, oxRegistry::get</li>
  11105. <li>PHP: Custom class inheritance TypeProvider for factories that a extended by metafile</li>
  11106. <li>PHP: oxConfig::*ConfigParam</li>
  11107. <li>PHP: Completion and navigation in all metadata files; array key and value context</li>
  11108. <li>Smarty: Block references and linemarker</li>
  11109. <li>Smarty: File includes references</li>
  11110. <li>Smarty: File metadata parser for template related stuff</li>
  11111. <li>Smarty: Ident oxmultilang, oxcontent</li>
  11112. </ul>]]></description><version>0.5</version><vendor email='daniel@espendiller.net' url='http://espend.de'>Daniel Espendiller</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='171.3780' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<ul>
  11113. <li>Move OxidMetadataFileInspection into PsiElementVisitor</li>
  11114. <li>Migration to PhpTypeProvider3 for PhpStorm 2017.3 <a href="https://github.com/Haehnchen/idea-php-oxid-plugin/issues/12" rel="nofollow">#12</a></li>
  11115. <li>Fix com.intellij.openapi.project.IndexNotReadyException in custom trait generator for class overwrites <a href="https://github.com/Haehnchen/idea-php-oxid-plugin/issues/10" rel="nofollow">#10</a></li>
  11116. </ul>
  11117. <br>
  11118. <a href="https://github.com/Haehnchen/idea-php-oxid-plugin/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md" rel="nofollow">see full changelog</a> |
  11119. <a href="https://www.paypal.me/DanielEspendiller" rel="nofollow">Donate</a>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><depends>com.jetbrains.php</depends><depends>fr.adrienbrault.idea.symfony2plugin</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='10669' size='5581' date='1438078575000' url=''><name>ThinkStorm</name><id>ThinkStorm</id><description><![CDATA[<p>Thinkphp framework integration for PhpStorm.</p>
  11120. <br />
  11121. <b>Provides:</b>
  11122. <ul>
  11123. <li>References to class file from D(),M() function</li>
  11124. <li>D(),M() function autocomplete and quick-create.</li>
  11125. </ul>]]></description><version>0.0.4</version><vendor email='625305505@qq.com' url='https://github.com/zenus/ThinkStorm'></vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='131.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<p> 0.0.2 </p>
  11126. <ul>
  11127. <li>change name <strong>php-complete</strong> to <strong>ThinkStorm</strong></li>
  11128. <li>support for phpstorm 9</li>
  11129. <li>compiled by jdk6.0</li>
  11130. </ul>
  11131. <p></p>
  11132. <p> 0.0.3 </p>
  11133. <ul>
  11134. <li>To support D('xxx','Logic') you need define function like this:</li>
  11135. <li>function DL($logic){ return D($logic,'Logic');}</li>
  11136. <li>function DS($service){ return D($service,'Service');}</li>
  11137. <li>then get object of class xxxxLogic and enjoy all the convenience as use D function</li>
  11138. <ul>
  11139. <p></p>
  11140. <p> 0.0.4 </p>
  11141. <ul>
  11142. <li>fix ide error tips bug</li>
  11143. <ul>
  11144. <p></p>
  11145. </ul>
  11146. </ul>
  11147. </ul>
  11148. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><depends>com.jetbrains.php</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='556' size='77025' date='1500917122000' url=''><name>Nextras Orm Plugin</name><id>org.nextras.orm.intellij</id><description><![CDATA[Provides support for
  11149. <a href="https://github.com/nextras/orm/" rel="nofollow">Nextras ORM</a> – an ORM library for PHP.]]></description><version>0.4.3</version><vendor email='hrach.cz@gmail.com' url='http://www.nextras.org'>Nextras</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='131.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<p>0.4.3</p>
  11150. <ul>
  11151. <li>fixes and optimization</li>
  11152. </ul>
  11153. <p>0.4.2</p>
  11154. <ul>
  11155. <li>add referece searcher</li>
  11156. <li>add support for HasMany::get()</li>
  11157. <li>fixes, refactoring</li>
  11158. </ul>
  11159. <p>0.4.1</p>
  11160. <p>0.4.0</p>
  11161. <ul>
  11162. <li>completion and references in findBy/getBy/orderBy methods</li>
  11163. <li>marker for navigation from repository phpdoc method to original mapper method</li>
  11164. <li>type provider for persist and persistAndFlush methods</li>
  11165. <li>type provider for collections</li>
  11166. </ul>
  11167. <p>0.3.0</p>
  11168. <ul>
  11169. <li>field name completion in setValue/setReadOnlyValue</li>
  11170. <li>references from setValue/setReadOnlyValue to field on an entity (goto, refactoring)</li>
  11171. <li>@propety-read inspection with quick fix</li>
  11172. <li>whole setReadOnlyValue expression completion</li>
  11173. </ul>
  11174. <p>0.2.0</p>
  11175. <ul>
  11176. <li>basic support for modifiers highlighting</li>
  11177. <li>container modifier's argument is treated as ClassName</li>
  11178. <li>updated modifier names for ORM 2.0</li>
  11179. </ul>
  11180. <p>0.1.0</p>
  11181. <ul>
  11182. <li>basic support for ORM Entity getters/setters generation</li>
  11183. <li>completion for modifier names</li>
  11184. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><depends>com.jetbrains.php</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='47581' size='98839' date='1513093038000' url=''><name>Yeoman</name><id>com.jetbrains.plugins.yeoman</id><description><![CDATA[Yeoman integration]]></description><version>173.3942.31</version><vendor email='' url=''>JetBrains</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='173.3942' until-build='173.*'/><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>JavaScript</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>4.5</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='14870' size='212088' date='1515527593000' url=''><name>Magento PhpStorm</name><id>com.magento.idea.magento2plugin</id><description><![CDATA[Magento PhpStorm plugin, created to improve life-work balance while working with Magento 2]]></description><version>0.2.3</version><vendor email='' url='https://github.com/magento/magento2-phpstorm-plugin'>Magento Inc.</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='172.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Please, find change notes
  11185. <a href="https://github.com/magento/magento2-phpstorm-plugin/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md" rel="nofollow">here</a>]]></change-notes><depends>JavaScript</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><depends>com.jetbrains.php</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='174' size='47099' date='1447390789000' url=''><name>BEAR.Sunday Plugin</name><id>idea.bear.sunday</id><description><![CDATA[BEAR.Sunday plugin.]]></description><version>0.2</version><vendor email='shingo4092@gmail.com' url=''>Shingo Kumagai</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='141.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><depends>com.jetbrains.php</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='54435' size='1315978' date='1508839836000' url=''><name>Ember.js</name><id>com.emberjs</id><description><![CDATA[This plugin provides basic
  11186. <a href="http://emberjs.com/" rel="nofollow">Ember.js</a> support to all JetBrains IDEs that support JavaScript.
  11187. <p>Features:</p>
  11188. <ul>
  11189. <li>Ember.js project discovery when imported from existing sources</li>
  11190. <li>Automatically sets the language level to ES6</li>
  11191. <li>Marks <code>app</code>, <code>public</code> and <code>tests</code> folders as source, resource and test folders</li>
  11192. <li>Marks <code>node_modules</code> and <code>bower_components</code> as library folders</li>
  11193. <li>Enable JSHint using <code>.jshintrc</code></li>
  11194. <li>Quick navigation via <code>Navigate → Class...</code> and <code>Navigate → Related Symbol...</code>for all major app components</li>
  11195. <li>Generate Ember.js files via <code>ember generate</code></li>
  11196. <li>Basic reference resolving and completion for e.g. <code>DS.belongsTo('user')</code></li>
  11197. <li>Live Templates</li>
  11198. </ul>]]></description><version>2017.3.2-0</version><vendor email='' url='https://github.com/turbo87/'>Tobias Bieniek</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='173.3188' until-build='173.*'/><change-notes><![CDATA[see
  11199. <a href="https://github.com/Turbo87/intellij-emberjs/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md" rel="nofollow">https://github.com/Turbo87/intellij-emberjs/</a>]]></change-notes><depends>(optional) com.dmarcotte.handlebars</depends><depends>(optional) org.jetbrains.plugins.yaml</depends><depends>JavaScript</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>4.3</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='145985' size='8770' date='1459303318000' url=''><name>Vue.js</name><id>Vue.js</id><description><![CDATA[Support for Vue.js]]></description><version>1.1.0</version><vendor email='johnmkelly86@gmail.com' url=''>John Kelly</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='141.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Fixed autocompletion for real. Increased *.vue file recognition. Fixed plugin loading issues.]]></change-notes><depends>JavaScript</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>3.9</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='104314' size='305422' date='1505641161000' url='https://github.com/Haehnchen/idea-php-toolbox'><name>PHP Toolbox</name><id>de.espend.idea.php.toolbox</id><description><![CDATA[PHP Toolbox
  11200. <a href="https://github.com/Haehnchen/idea-php-toolbox" rel="nofollow">GitHub</a> |
  11201. <a href="https://github.com/Haehnchen/idea-php-toolbox-json-files" rel="nofollow">Json Examples</a> |
  11202. <a href="https://www.paypal.me/DanielEspendiller" rel="nofollow">Donate</a>
  11203. <br>
  11204. <p> This plugin provides "Method References" and "Type Provider" extracted from the Symfony Plugin. You can configure the plugin with simple per project files <code>.ide-toolbox.metadata.json</code> to support for eg <code>$f-&gt;('date_time')-&gt;format, new Datetime('caret')</code>. Also it improves some PhpStorm Core functionality. </p> Features:
  11205. <ul>
  11206. <li>PHP: More type hint variable completion variants</li>
  11207. <li>PHP: Better callable arrays completion and navigation</li>
  11208. <li>PHP: Global string navigation for class, method and function syntax</li>
  11209. <li>JSON plugin references extract from Symfony Plugin: schema see <a href="https://github.com/Haehnchen/idea-php-toolbox" rel="nofollow">README</a></li>
  11210. <li>Basic json files for: Behat, PHPUnit, Doctrine, Symfony, Twig and PHP Core</li>
  11211. <li>Json REST-Server inside PhpStorm</li>
  11212. </ul>]]></description><version>0.4.6</version><vendor email='daniel@espendiller.net' url='http://espend.de'>Daniel Espendiller</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='171.3780' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<ul>
  11213. <li>Fix PhpDoc hashes don't work for constructor parameters <a href="https://github.com/Haehnchen/idea-php-toolbox/issues/74" rel="nofollow">#74</a> <a href="https://github.com/Haehnchen/idea-php-toolbox/issues/50" rel="nofollow">#50</a> @podhy</li>
  11214. </ul>
  11215. <br>
  11216. <a href="https://github.com/Haehnchen/idea-php-toolbox/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md" rel="nofollow">see full changelog</a> |
  11217. <a href="https://www.paypal.me/DanielEspendiller" rel="nofollow">Donate</a>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><depends>com.jetbrains.php</depends><depends>com.jetbrains.twig</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='4106' size='106818' date='1496391821000' url=''><name>BitrixLangCompletion</name><id>com.bitrixsoft.lang</id><description><![CDATA[Плагин помогает работать с языковыми файлами в проекте под управлением 1C-Битрикс: Управление Сайтом или Битрикс24.
  11218. <br> Пока реализовано следующее:
  11219. <br> - Переход по коду языковой фразы из вызова GetMessage()
  11220. <br> - Автодополнение кода фразы при вызове GetMessage()
  11221. <br> - Показ значения языковой фразы прямо в коде на месте вызова GetMessage() или loc::getMessage()
  11222. <br> - Немецкие языковые файлы автоматически открываются в кодировке ISO-8859-15
  11223. <br> - Подсветка строк с русскими символами в контексте PHP, как кандидатов на вынесение в языковой файл - Функция создания языковой фразы из строки с русскими символами (alt+Enter) - Переход в файл, где зарегистрировано js-расширение]]></description><version>0.4.3</version><vendor email='petrichenko@bitrix.ru' url=''>Petrichenko Evgeniy</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='141.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[- Исправление ошибок]]></change-notes><depends>JavaScript</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><depends>com.jetbrains.php</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='616' size='3873' date='1454861181000' url=''><name>MinutePHP view / controller switcher</name><id>com.minutephp.framework</id><description><![CDATA[Fast way to switch between view and controller in a single keystroke.
  11224. <br />
  11225. <em>Designed to run with Minute framework only.</em>]]></description><version>1.0</version><vendor email='dev@minutephp.com' url=''>Minute framework</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='141.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[First version]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><depends>com.jetbrains.php</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='266' size='155091' date='1459806287000' url=''><name>Catberry Framework support</name><id>org.buffagon.intellij.catberry</id><description><![CDATA[Catberry is a framework with Flux architecture, isomorphic web-components and progressive rendering.
  11226. <br />
  11227. <br /> Main features:
  11228. <ul>
  11229. <li>Create Catberry project.</li>
  11230. <li>Create Catberry components.</li>
  11231. <li>Create Catberry stores.</li>
  11232. <li>Auto-completion catberry-tags in template and navigation to components.</li>
  11233. <li>Navigation to cat-component template from tag declaration.</li>
  11234. <li>Auto-completion cat-store attributes in template and navigation to store.</li>
  11235. </ul>]]></description><version>0.4.2</version><vendor email='prokofiev.ad@yandex.ru' url='https://m.vk.com/buffagon'>Prokofiev Alex</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='139.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<ul>
  11236. <li>Change config search rules.</li>
  11237. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>JavaScript</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.json</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.xml</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='3701' size='71143' date='1510238324000' url=''><name>Joomla! Support</name><id>com.jetbrains.php.joomla</id><description><![CDATA[Joomla! Support]]></description><version>173.3622.27</version><vendor email='' url=''>JetBrains</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='173.3622' until-build='173.*'/><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.database</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.ultimate</depends><depends>com.jetbrains.php</depends><depends>com.jetbrains.plugins.ini4idea</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='48630' size='233229' date='1510907531000' url='https://github.com/wuzhizhan/intellij-mybatis-plugin.git'><name>Free MyBatis plugin</name><id>cn.wuzhizhan.plugin.mybatis</id><description><![CDATA[Free Mybatis plugin
  11238. <br> This Plugin is fork from https://github.com/rockjava/intellij-mybatis-plugin]]></description><version>2017.11.17</version><vendor email='wuzhizhan@wuzhizhan.cn' url='https://github.com/wuzhizhan'>wuzhizhan</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='132.947' /><change-notes><![CDATA[2017.11.17
  11239. <ul>
  11240. <li>修正mapper 文件 #{参数}弹出错误</li>
  11241. </ul> ]]&gt;]]></change-notes><depends>(optional) com.intellij.spring</depends><depends>(optional) com.intellij.sql</depends><rating>4.7</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='2854' size='113303' date='1470522738000' url=''><name>MaGinto</name><id>com.udari</id><description><![CDATA[Plugin, created to improve life-work balance while working with Magento 2
  11242. <br> Features
  11243. <br> Create Magento 2 Components
  11244. <ul>
  11245. <li>Module</li>
  11246. <li>Controller</li>
  11247. <li>Database model</li>
  11248. <li>Copy template files to theme</li>
  11249. <li>Copy less files to theme</li>
  11250. <li>Create new theme</li>
  11251. </ul> Code helpers
  11252. <ul>
  11253. <li>Navigate to template files from layout xml</li>
  11254. </ul>]]></description><version>0.2.3</version><vendor email='gihan.seneviratna@gmail.com' url=''>B G Kavinga</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='139.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[- Theme creation - Copying LESS files from parent themes]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><depends>com.jetbrains.php</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='3858' size='450532' date='1500921932000' url=''><name>Oro PHPStorm Plugin</name><id>com.oroplatform.idea.oroplatform</id><description><![CDATA[Oro PHPStorm Plugin Plugin for the PHPStorm that will help to increase the development speed on the projects based on the OroPlatform.]]></description><version>1.0.14</version><vendor email='' url='https://github.com/orocrm/oro-phpstorm-plugin'>Oro Inc.</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.258' /><change-notes><![CDATA[1.0.14
  11255. <ul>
  11256. <li>[#13] Fix possible deadlock and crash</li>
  11257. </ul> 1.0.13
  11258. <ul>
  11259. <li>Better autocomplete for conditions in workflows.yml</li>
  11260. <li>Support for translations autocomplete and navigation in more places</li>
  11261. <li>Support for imported files in datagrids.yml</li>
  11262. </ul> 1.0.12
  11263. <ul>
  11264. <li>Better autocomplete for actions / conditions in workflows.yml</li>
  11265. <li>Fixed navigation to actions / conditions in workflows.yml</li>
  11266. </ul> 1.0.11
  11267. <ul>
  11268. <li>Fixed support for scopes in workflows.yml</li>
  11269. <li>Fixed two possible NullPointerExceptions</li>
  11270. </ul> 1.0.10
  11271. <ul>
  11272. <li>Navigation and improved support for form types, api form types, actions, conditions and mass action providers</li>
  11273. </ul> 1.0.9
  11274. <ul>
  11275. <li>Improved autocomplete for actions.yml</li>
  11276. </ul> 1.0.8
  11277. <ul>
  11278. <li>Fix support for form_type in api.yml</li>
  11279. <li>Fix support for autocomplete asset filepaths (eg. in assets.yml) starting with quote char</li>
  11280. <li>Navigation to translations sources</li>
  11281. </ul> 1.0.7
  11282. <ul>
  11283. <li>Autocomplete for scopes in workflows.yml</li>
  11284. </ul> 1.0.6
  11285. <ul>
  11286. <li>Improved autocomplete for layout update yml files</li>
  11287. <li>Navigation from twig templates to layout updates</li>
  11288. </ul> 1.0.5
  11289. <ul>
  11290. <li>Fix completion for yaml files created from scratch</li>
  11291. </ul> 1.0.4
  11292. <ul>
  11293. <li>A lot of improvements for autocomplete in various files, especially in: workflows.yml, system_configuration.yml, api.yml, actions.yml and navigation.yml</li>
  11294. </ul> 1.0.3
  11295. <ul>
  11296. <li>Improved autocomplete for requirejs.yml files</li>
  11297. </ul> 1.0.2
  11298. <ul>
  11299. <li>Improved autocomplete for layout update files</li>
  11300. <li>Fix NullPointerException for autocomplete at the end of file</li>
  11301. </ul> 1.0.1
  11302. <ul>
  11303. <li>Improved autocomplete for entity.yml</li>
  11304. <li>Improved autocomplete for api.yml</li>
  11305. </ul> 1.0.0
  11306. <ul>
  11307. <li>The same as 1.0.0-beta6 - only change versioning</li>
  11308. </ul> 1.0.0-beta6
  11309. <ul>
  11310. <li>Improve performance by reducing number of reindexing.</li>
  11311. </ul> 1.0.0-beta5
  11312. <ul>
  11313. <li>Full support for requirejs modules</li>
  11314. </ul> 1.0.0-beta4
  11315. <ul>
  11316. <li>update autocomplete for dashboards.yml</li>
  11317. </ul> 1.0.0-beta3
  11318. <ul>
  11319. <li>inspection for lack of value</li>
  11320. <li>autocomplete for "label" properties in datagrids.yml</li>
  11321. <li>improve autocomplete for "data_type" property in api.yml</li>
  11322. </ul> 1.0.0-beta2
  11323. <ul>
  11324. <li>inspection for duplicate properties</li>
  11325. <li>improve "data_transformer" suggestions in api.yml</li>
  11326. </ul> 1.0.0-beta1
  11327. <ul>
  11328. <li>improve workflows.yml support</li>
  11329. <li>inspections for value types</li>
  11330. </ul> 1.0.0-alpha23
  11331. <ul>
  11332. <li>Small fixes for system_configuration.yml and api.yml</li>
  11333. </ul> 1.0.0-alpha22
  11334. <ul>
  11335. <li>Support for PhpStorm 2016.3+</li>
  11336. </ul> 1.0.0-alpha21
  11337. <ul>
  11338. <li>Autocomplete for more layouts yaml files: <b>theme.yml</b>, <b>assets.yml</b>, <b>requirejs.yml</b>, <b>images.yml</b></li>
  11339. </ul> 1.0.0-alpha20
  11340. <ul>
  11341. <li>Support for Oro Platform 2.+</li>
  11342. <li>Autocomplete for layouts yaml files</li>
  11343. </ul> 1.0.0-alpha19
  11344. <ul>
  11345. <li>Autocomplete for entity methods added dynamically during application execution</li>
  11346. </ul> 1.0.0-alpha18
  11347. <ul>
  11348. <li>Autocomplete for the <b>search.yml</b></li>
  11349. </ul> 1.0.0-alpha17
  11350. <ul>
  11351. <li>Autocomplete for the <b>navigation.yml</b></li>
  11352. </ul> 1.0.0-alpha16
  11353. <ul>
  11354. <li>Autocomplete for the <b>dashboard.yml</b></li>
  11355. </ul> 1.0.0-alpha15
  11356. <ul>
  11357. <li>Autocomplete for the <b>actions.yml</b></li>
  11358. </ul> 1.0.0-alpha14
  11359. <ul>
  11360. <li>[#5] bug fix for reindex during php field rename refactoring</li>
  11361. <li>Fixes for <b>api.yml</b> inspections</li>
  11362. </ul> 1.0.0-alpha13
  11363. <ul>
  11364. <li>Autocomplete for the <b>api.yml</b></li>
  11365. </ul> 1.0.0-alpha12
  11366. <ul>
  11367. <li>Autocomplete for the <b>system_configuration.yml</b></li>
  11368. <li>Autocomplete for mixins in the <b>datagrid.yml</b></li>
  11369. </ul> 1.0.0-alpha11
  11370. <ul>
  11371. <li>Improvements for the plugin enabling / disabling feature</li>
  11372. <li>Improvements for doctrine entity references support</li>
  11373. <li>Improvements for Oro Platform detection logic</li>
  11374. </ul> 1.0.0-alpha10
  11375. <ul>
  11376. <li>Autocomplete for the <b>acl.yml</b></li>
  11377. <li>Autocomplete for the <b>entity.yml</b></li>
  11378. <li>Autocomplete for the <b>datagrid.yml</b></li>
  11379. <li>Autocomplete for the <b>workflow.yml</b></li>
  11380. <li>Possibility to navigate via RequireJS modules</li>
  11381. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>JavaScript</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><depends>com.jetbrains.php</depends><depends>com.jetbrains.twig</depends><depends>org.jetbrains.plugins.yaml</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='98' size='137015' date='1485172449000' url=''><name>Spryker Plugin</name><id>pav.sprykerFileCreator.plugin</id><description><![CDATA[Spryker Plugin
  11382. <br> Functions
  11383. <ul>
  11384. <li>Creation of Spryker-Classes</li>
  11385. <li>DocBlock Updater</li>
  11386. </ul>]]></description><version>0.2.0</version><vendor email='tobias.rosenstock@project-a.com' url='https://www.project-a.com/en'>Project A Ventures</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='141.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<br> 0.2.0
  11387. <ul>
  11388. <li>Added Spryker Bundle generator.</li>
  11389. </ul>
  11390. <br> 0.1.0
  11391. <ul>
  11392. <li>DocBlock Updater</li>
  11393. <li>Class creator for Spryker</li>
  11394. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><depends>com.jetbrains.php</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='171' size='42664' date='1469120920000' url=''><name>Elgg support for PHP Storm</name><id>org.elgg.ps</id><description><![CDATA[Adds support for Elgg.
  11395. <br>
  11396. <br> Features include:
  11397. <br>
  11398. <ul>
  11399. <li>View completion</li>
  11400. <li>Goto view declaration</li>
  11401. </ul>]]></description><version>1.0.1</version><vendor email='brett@elgg.org' url='https://elgg.org/'>Elgg</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='141.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Initial release.]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><depends>com.jetbrains.php</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='4235' size='1399923' date='1506699335000' url=''><name>AureliaStorm</name><id>AureliaStorm</id><description><![CDATA[This plugin brings support for
  11402. <a href="http://aurelia.io/" rel="nofollow">Aurelia</a> framework to the IntelliJ platform Features:
  11403. <ul>
  11404. <li>Code insight for specific Aurelia attributes (such as <code>*.bind</code> or <code>*.trigger</code>)</li>
  11405. <li>Syntax highlighting in <code>${}</code> interpolations</li>
  11406. <li>Controller properties completion and navigation</li>
  11407. </ul> Either
  11408. <code>aurelia-framework.js</code>,
  11409. <code>aurelia-bootstrapper.js</code> or
  11410. <code>aurelia-core.js</code> must be present in the project sources or attached libraries]]></description><version>0.6</version><vendor email='dennis.ushakov@jetbrains.com' url='https://github.com/denofevil/AureliaStorm'>Dennis Ushakov</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='162.1628' /><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>JavaScript</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.xml</depends><rating>4.6</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='39859' size='515936' date='1514798338000' url=''><name>NativeScript</name><id>org.igu.plugins.nativescript</id><description><![CDATA[NativeScript support.
  11411. <p>Donate(<a href="https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&amp;hosted_button_id=7NR8L985QZ97J" rel="nofollow">PayPal</a>) </p>
  11412. <br>
  11413. <ul>
  11414. <li>Wizard project creation</li>
  11415. <li>Run/Debug configuration</li>
  11416. <li>Code assistance</li>
  11417. <li>Plugins management</li>
  11418. <li>Live templates</li>
  11419. <li>Angular support</li>
  11420. <li>Vue support</li>
  11421. </ul>]]></description><version>0.7.0</version><vendor email='issam.guissouma@laposte.net' url=''>iguissouma</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='172.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Add new build configuration Fix WEB-30441 `Invalid or unexpected token` when `tns generate component`]]></change-notes><depends>AngularJS</depends><depends>JavaScript</depends><depends>JavaScriptDebugger</depends><depends>com.intellij.css</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><depends>org.jetbrains.plugins.terminal</depends><rating>4.2</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='11388' size='53429' date='1503323183000' url=''><name>Basis.js framework plugin</name><id>com.basisjs</id><description><![CDATA[<a href="http://basisjs.com" rel="nofollow">Basis.js</a> integration plugin for JetBrains IntelliJ platform.
  11422. <br>
  11423. <b>Features (there are not much features <i>for now</i>):</b>
  11424. <br>
  11425. <i>- remote inspector integration:</i>
  11426. <br> Allows you to inspect basis.js apps from your favorite IntelliJ-base IDE
  11427. <br>
  11428. <a href="https://youtu.be/JBPkF5beq0g" rel="nofollow">Video demo</a>
  11429. <br>
  11430. <br> Feel free to contribute!]]></description><version>0.1.5</version><vendor email='s.melukov@gmail.com' url='http://basisjs.com'>Basis.js</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='162.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Removed web view notifications]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='797' size='42774989' date='1505921906000' url=''><name>Neuroph For Intellij</name><id>com.thomas.needham.neurophidea</id><description><![CDATA[Allows for easy integration of the Neuroph libraries into intellij products and easy to use example neural networks]]></description><version>1.1.0</version><vendor email='06needhamt@gmail.com' url='https://github.com/06needhamt/Neuroph-Intellij-Plugin'>Tom Needham</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='141.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Finally, Release 1.1 is Here Plugin Now Works on JetBrains 2017.X.X Products Bump Kotlin, Scala and Groovy SDK versions]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='446' size='49376015' date='1476935221000' url=''><name>Argus-CIT</name><id>org.argus.cit.intellij</id><description><![CDATA[Argus CIT plugin provides Jawa language support, and integrates Argus products (eg., Argus-SAF, jawa2java, etc) for Android APK analysis.]]></description><version>1.0.2</version><vendor email='' url='http://fgwei.arguslab.org/'>Argus Laboratory: Fengguo (Hugo) Wei</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='162.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Change jawa language file extension from .pilar to .jawa]]></change-notes><depends>org.jetbrains.android</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='532' size='1118497' date='1479211743000' url=''><name>Incl</name><id>com.e16din.incl</id><description><![CDATA[Incl - plugin for including android libraries and plugins by one action. 1. Press [SHIFT + CMD(CTRL) + A] 2. Enter "Include " 3. Check action from expanded list: * Include Dagger2 (Incl) * Include ButterKnife (Incl) * Include apt (Incl) * Include jitpack (Incl) * Include Java 8 compatibility (Incl) * Include Vkontakte (Incl) * Include Fresco (Incl) * Include appcompat (Incl) * Include BaseProject (Incl) * Include DataManager (Incl)]]></description><version>0.1.2</version><vendor email='bigusov@gmail.com' url='https://github.com/e16din'>e16din</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='141.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.all</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='5190' size='1638181' date='1516924054000' url='https://github.com/karollewandowski/aem-intellij-plugin'><name>AEM IntelliJ Plugin</name><id>co.nums.intellij.aem</id><description><![CDATA[<strong>Intellij Platform plugin for Adobe Experience Manager</strong>
  11431. <br>
  11432. <br>
  11433. <a href="https://github.com/karollewandowski/aem-intellij-plugin" rel="nofollow">GitHub</a> |
  11434. <a href="https://github.com/karollewandowski/aem-intellij-plugin/issues" rel="nofollow">Bug Tracker</a> |
  11435. <a href="https://www.paypal.me/klewandowski86" rel="nofollow">Donate with PayPal</a>
  11436. <br>
  11437. <br> Features:
  11438. <br>
  11439. <ul>
  11440. <li>HTL/Sightly support (HTML files under <code>jcr_root</code> directory)
  11441. <ul>
  11442. <li>syntax validation and highlighting</li>
  11443. <li>autocompletion, inspections and documentation for:
  11444. <ul>
  11445. <li>block attributes (<code>data-sly-*</code>)</li>
  11446. <li>global objects (<code>properties</code>, <code>currentPage</code>, <code>wcmmode</code>, etc.)</li>
  11447. <li>properties (<code>jcr:title</code>, <code>cq:lastModified</code>, <code>sling:resourceType</code>, etc.)</li>
  11448. <li>built-in expression options (<code>context</code>, <code>addSelector</code>, <code>i18n</code>, etc.)</li>
  11449. <li>display contexts (<code>html</code>, <code>scriptToken</code>, <code>unsafe</code>, etc.)</li>
  11450. <li>use objects (Use API objects and Sling Models)</li>
  11451. <li>block variables (eg. <code>data-sly-use.variable</code>)</li>
  11452. <li>template parameters (eg. <code>data-sly-template.myTemplate="${ @ param1, param2}"</code>)</li>
  11453. </ul> </li>
  11454. </ul> </li>
  11455. </ul>
  11456. <p> <i>If you find the plugin helpful and it boosts your productivity, please consider PayPal donation, so I can stay motivated and provide new features faster.</i> </p>]]></description><version>0.8</version><vendor email='' url='https://github.com/karollewandowski'>Karol Lewandowski</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='143.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Changes:
  11457. <ul>
  11458. <li>improved typing experience by providing more completions inspection, quick fixes, etc.</li>
  11459. <li>improved HTL syntax highlighting</li>
  11460. <li>parsing optimizations and improvements</li>
  11461. <li>stability improvements (code coverage increased to 76%)</li>
  11462. <li>bug fixes</li>
  11463. </ul> Full release details can be found on Github: https://github.com/karollewandowski/aem-intellij-plugin/releases/tag/v0.8]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='3437' size='49205' date='1514460909000' url=''><name>PHPSpec BDD Framework</name><id>com.jetbrains.php.phpspec</id><description><![CDATA[Allows to use PHPSpec Specification-oriented BDD test framework for PHP]]></description><version>173.4301.7</version><vendor email='' url=''>JetBrains</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='173.4301' until-build='173.*'/><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.ultimate</depends><depends>com.jetbrains.php</depends><depends>org.jetbrains.plugins.yaml</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='2140' size='205083' date='1516047244000' url='https://github.com/cvette/intellij-neos'><name>Neos Support</name><id>vette.neos</id><description><![CDATA[<p>Support for the Neos CMS.</p>
  11464. <br>
  11465. <p> <b>Features</b> </p>
  11466. <ul>
  11467. <li>Fusion / TypoScript2 language support
  11468. <ul>
  11469. <li>Configurable syntax highlighting</li>
  11470. <li>Basic formatting</li>
  11471. <li>Brace matching</li>
  11472. <li>Breadcrumb navigation</li>
  11473. <li>Code folding</li>
  11474. <li>Structure view</li>
  11475. <li>EEL helper references (Ctrl+Click navigation to class/method)</li>
  11476. <li>Prototype references (Ctrl+Click navigation to prototype definition)</li>
  11477. <li>Resource references (Ctrl+Click navigation to resources)</li>
  11478. </ul> </li>
  11479. <li>Completion for node type definitions</li>
  11480. <li>"Go to definition" for node types / supertypes / constraints in NodeTypes.yaml</li>
  11481. </ul>
  11482. <p></p>]]></description><version>0.1.24-SNAPSHOT</version><vendor email='neos@christianvette.de' url='https://github.com/cvette/intellij-neos'>Christian Vette</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[0.1.24
  11483. <ul>
  11484. <li>Adds language injection for Fusion DSL (HTML -&gt; AFX)</li>
  11485. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><depends>com.jetbrains.php</depends><depends>org.jetbrains.plugins.yaml</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='213' size='14390450' date='1483729972000' url=''><name>Grafter Macro Support</name><id>org.sth.grafter-macro-support</id><description><![CDATA[Provides syntax support for the Grafter library]]></description><version>1.0.0</version><vendor email='' url=''>Shane Auckland</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='143.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>org.intellij.scala</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='44547' size='202884' date='1514399774000' url=''><name>Yii2 Support</name><id>com.yii2support</id><description><![CDATA[<b>Plugin contains the following functionality</b>
  11486. <br>
  11487. <ul>
  11488. <li>Suggests for render() methods</li>
  11489. <li>i18n</li>
  11490. <li>Configuration arrays for object instantiation</li>
  11491. <li>ActiveQuery, Query and migrations (database connection is required)</li>
  11492. <li>Autocomplete in model's rules method</li>
  11493. <li>Calculates return type for Yii::createObject call and one/all method calls of ActiveRecord</li>
  11494. <li>Url autocomplete</li>
  11495. </ul>
  11496. <br> Detailed information can be found in
  11497. <a href="https://github.com/nvlad/yii2support/blob/master/README.md" rel="nofollow">README.md</a>]]></description><version></version><vendor email='support@nvlad.com' url='http://nvlad.com'>NVlad</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<ul>
  11498. <li>Form's field method autocomplete</li>
  11499. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.database</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><depends>com.jetbrains.php</depends><rating>4.9</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='3661' size='6364134' date='1505065272000' url=''><name>AEM Tools</name><id>com.aemtools</id><description><![CDATA[AEM Tools is a plugin which contains set of AEM related extensions and features
  11500. <ul>
  11501. <li><b>HTL</b>(<b>Sightly</b>) support:
  11502. <ul>
  11503. <li><b>Syntax Highlighting</b></li>
  11504. <li><b>Code Completion</b></li>
  11505. <li><b>Code Navigation</b></li>
  11506. <li><b>Rename Refactoring</b></li>
  11507. <b> <li><b>Quick Documentation</b> (ctrl+q)</li> <li><b>Java Use API support (Sling Models &amp; Use Classes)</b></li> </b>
  11508. </ul><b> <i> Note: to make the completion work, AEM dependencies should be present in project's POM, the project should be indexed </i> </b></li>
  11509. <b> <li><b>OSGi</b>
  11510. <ul>
  11511. <li><b>Resolve OSGi configs for OSGi services (Felix only)</b> (configs presented via gutter icon)</li>
  11512. </ul> </li> <li>dialog.xml completion for <b>Classic UI</b></li> </b>
  11513. </ul>]]></description><version>0.8.1</version><vendor email='dmytrotroynikov@gmail.com' url='https://github.com/DmytroTroynikov/aemtools'>Dmytro Troynikov</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='131.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<ul>
  11514. <li> Added "Mark As -&gt; HTL Root" action which allows to mark any folder as HTL Root, all HTML files under HTL roots will be considered as HTL files. </li>
  11515. <li> Added localization keys completion: ${'&lt;caret&gt;' @ i18n} in this example under caret all available in project i18n keys will be proposed as completion variants. </li>
  11516. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>(optional) com.intellij.modules.java</depends><depends>(optional) com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='247' size='27094' date='1487958038000' url=''><name>Dingo API plugin</name><id>ru.adelf.idea.dingo</id><description><![CDATA[Dingo API Plugin
  11517. <br>
  11518. <br>
  11519. <a href="https://github.com/adelf/idea-php-dingo-plugin/issues" rel="nofollow">Issues</a>
  11520. <br> Features
  11521. <ul>
  11522. <li>Route: Controller completion and goto</li>
  11523. </ul>]]></description><version>0.1.2</version><vendor email='adel.faiz@gmail.com' url=''>Adel Fayzrakhmanov</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[0.1.2
  11524. <ul>
  11525. <li>Fix NPE in ControllerReferences <a href="https://github.com/adelf/idea-php-dingo-plugin/issues/1" rel="nofollow">#1</a></li>
  11526. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><depends>com.jetbrains.php</depends><depends>de.espend.idea.laravel</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='732' size='74455' date='1493392784000' url=''><name>UI5 Helper</name><id>de.uniorg.ui5helper</id><description><![CDATA[<p> This plugins adds some codeInsight and framework knowledge for Open- and SAPUI5 to IDEA IDEs. It does not do much in its current state, it is not "production ready" and it will not save your time for now. </p> Things it may be able to do now (experimental):
  11527. <ul>
  11528. <li>XMLView: Go To Controller</li>
  11529. <li>Controller: Go To (XML)View</li>
  11530. <li>Collapse the controller name in the XMLView</li>
  11531. <li>complete target names in manifest.json</li>
  11532. <li>Provide API Docs in XMLView</li>
  11533. <li>References to event handler implementation in XMLViews</li>
  11534. </ul> Things that will (or will not) come:
  11535. <ul>
  11536. <li>Settings to enable or disable certain features</li>
  11537. <li>Understanding &amp; support for the UI5 binding syntax incl. completion, references, syntax checking</li>
  11538. <li>Indexer for UI5 classes including metadata and inheritance tree</li>
  11539. <li>Go to Controller, go to View, go to formatter, go to event handler, ...</li>
  11540. <li>support for manifest metadata like routes etc.</li>
  11541. </ul> Changelog
  11542. <dl>
  11543. <dt>
  11544. 0.2.5
  11545. </dt>
  11546. <dd>
  11547. <ul>
  11548. <li>References to event handlers</li>
  11549. <li>Caching for API docs</li>
  11550. <li>Version selection in settings actually works.</li>
  11551. <li>Completion in XML Views</li>
  11552. <li>Gathers some knowledge about own ui5 classes. Not that useful for now.</li>
  11553. </ul>
  11554. </dd>
  11555. <dt>
  11556. 0.2.4
  11557. </dt>
  11558. <dd>
  11559. <ul>
  11560. <li>First implementation of API docs in XMLViews. More to come!</li>
  11561. </ul>
  11562. </dd>
  11563. <dt>
  11564. 0.2.3
  11565. </dt>
  11566. <dd>
  11567. <ul>
  11568. <li>Bugfix: controllerName lookup for "sap.ui.core.mvc.XMLView" should work just like "sap.ui.core.mvc.View"</li>
  11569. </ul>
  11570. </dd>
  11571. <dt>
  11572. 0.2.2
  11573. </dt>
  11574. <dd>
  11575. <ul>
  11576. <li>Feature: Controller: go to View</li>
  11577. </ul>
  11578. </dd>
  11579. </dl>]]></description><version>0.2.5</version><vendor email='m.schmale@uniorg.de' url='http://www.uniorg.de'>UNIORG Solutions GmbH</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='171.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[- References to event handlers - Caching for API docs - Version selection in settings actually works. - Completion in XML Views - Gathers some knowledge about own ui5 classes. Not that useful for now.]]></change-notes><depends>JavaScript</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.xml</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='317112' size='163184' date='1515661782000' url='https://github.com/JetBrains/intellij-plugins/tree/master/vuejs'><name>Vue.js</name><id>org.jetbrains.plugins.vue</id><description><![CDATA[Support for Vue.js]]></description><version>173.4301.12</version><vendor email='' url=''>JetBrains</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='173.4301' until-build='173.*'/><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>JavaScript</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><rating>4.9</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='7704' size='274358' date='1513718826000' url='https://github.com/cedricziel/idea-php-typo3-plugin'><name>TYPO3 CMS Plugin</name><id>com.cedricziel.idea.typo3</id><description><![CDATA[TYPO3 CMS Plugin
  11580. <a href="https://github.com/cedricziel/idea-php-typo3-plugin" rel="nofollow">GitHub Repository</a>
  11581. <br>
  11582. <strong>beta quality</strong>
  11583. <br> Features:
  11584. <br> Autocompletion enhancements
  11585. <p> The plugin reads the local project and tries to parse out usage of well-known APIs and provides you with autocompletion on points it knows for example possible parameter names. </p>
  11586. <ul>
  11587. <li>Autocompletion for calls to IconFactory::getIcon with available Icons and preview</li>
  11588. <li>Line marker for Icon-Api usages with jump-to-definition and preview</li>
  11589. <li>TypeProvider for `$GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']`, `$GLOBALS['TSFE']` and `$GLOBALS['BE_USER']`</li>
  11590. <li>Line marker for extbase entities</li>
  11591. </ul>
  11592. <br> Service Locator &amp; Extbase Dependency Injection Container
  11593. <p> The plugin provides you with greater code stability, since the return types of instance creations are inferred, giving you stable auto-completion and insight into the written code. </p>
  11594. <ul>
  11595. <li>infer return type of GeneralUtility::makeInstance() calls without meta file</li>
  11596. <li>infer return type of GeneralUtility::makeInstanceService() calls without meta file</li>
  11597. <li>infer return type of ObjectManager::get() calls without meta file</li>
  11598. </ul> Routing
  11599. <br> Backend
  11600. <br>
  11601. <p> The plugin parses the available route names in the core and extensions. More precisely it parses the `Configuration/Backend/(Ajax)Routes.php` files. </p>
  11602. <ul>
  11603. <li>completion for backend route names on BackendUtility::getAjaxUrl()</li>
  11604. <li>completion for backend route names on UriBuilder::buildUriFromRoute()</li>
  11605. <li>annotations for both valid and invalid route references</li>
  11606. <li>line marker to allow quick navigation to the route definition</li>
  11607. </ul>
  11608. <br> TCA
  11609. <ul>
  11610. <li>completion for built-in TCA render types</li>
  11611. <li>completion for built-in TCA column types</li>
  11612. </ul>
  11613. <br> Code inspections
  11614. <br>
  11615. <ul>
  11616. <li>Extbase property injection (@inject) performance inspection</li>
  11617. <li>TCA renderTypes (+ inspections)</li>
  11618. <li>TCA column types (+ inspections)</li>
  11619. </ul>
  11620. <br> Code generation
  11621. <br>
  11622. <ul>
  11623. <li>Extbase ActionController</li>
  11624. <li>Extbase ActionController action</li>
  11625. <li>Extbase Entity class</li>
  11626. <li>Fluid ViewHelper</li>
  11627. <li>Fluid Styled Content Element (experimental)</li>
  11628. </ul>
  11629. <br> Credits
  11630. <p>Thank you to <a href="https://github.com/Haehnchen" rel="nofollow">Daniel Espendiller</a> and <a href="https://github.com/adrienbrault" rel="nofollow">Adrien Brault</a> for providing their <a href="https://github.com/Haehnchen/idea-php-symfony2-plugin" rel="nofollow">Symfony2 Plugin</a> in the first place. It is a great inspiration for possible solutions and parts of the code.</p>
  11631. <a href="https://github.com/cedricziel/idea-php-typo3-plugin/graphs/contributors" rel="nofollow">Contributors</a>
  11632. <ul>
  11633. <li><a href="https://github.com/cedricziel" rel="nofollow">Cedric Ziel</a></li>
  11634. <li><a href="https://github.com/cedricziel/idea-php-typo3-plugin/graphs/contributors" rel="nofollow">GitHub Contributors</a></li>
  11635. </ul>]]></description><version>v0.2.40</version><vendor email='cedric@cedric-ziel.com' url='https://www.cedric-ziel.com'>Cedric Ziel</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='172.0' until-build='173.*'/><change-notes><![CDATA[<ul>
  11636. <li>allow wildcard symbol in TCA allowed index</li>
  11637. <li>generate new entity to Entity sub-namespace</li>
  11638. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><depends>com.jetbrains.php</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='263442' size='87968' date='1515675492000' url=''><name>.env files support</name><id>ru.adelf.idea.dotenv</id><description><![CDATA[<a href="https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/9525--env-files-support" rel="nofollow">Homepage</a> |
  11639. <a href="https://github.com/adelf/idea-php-dotenv-plugin/" rel="nofollow">Github</a> |
  11640. <a href="https://github.com/adelf/idea-php-dotenv-plugin/issues" rel="nofollow">Issues</a>.
  11641. <br>
  11642. <br> Features
  11643. <ul>
  11644. <li>Environment variables completion for PHP, JavaScript, Python and Ruby languages</li>
  11645. <li>Dockerfile and docker-compose.yml files support.</li>
  11646. <li>Go to declaration(in .env file) and usages(in code), by Ctrl(Cmd)+click or hot key(Ctrl(Cmd)-B, etc.)</li>
  11647. <li>.env file commenter</li>
  11648. </ul>]]></description><version>0.6</version><vendor email='adel.faiz@gmail.com' url='http://adelf.ru'>Adel Fayzrakhmanov</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='172.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[0.6
  11649. <ul>
  11650. <li>JavaScript support</li>
  11651. <li>Duplicate keys inspection</li>
  11652. <li>Small fixes</li>
  11653. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='42' size='3098184' date='1513780829000' url=''><name>K2 E-Shop Integration</name><id>cz.k2.eshop</id><description><![CDATA[This plugin enables custom functionality used in our company when developing our eshop.
  11654. <br> You can click-through file references in the GetTemplate function, and use file completion for all the files.
  11655. <br> Various other useful features, such as translation assistance, are also implemented.
  11656. <br>]]></description><version>1.6</version><vendor email='Daniel.Zvir@k2.cz' url='http://www.k2.cz'>K2 atmitec s.r.o.</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[1.6: GetTemplate fix for non-concatenated expressions
  11657. <br> 1.5: Translate targets concrete translations, GetTemplate works with suffixes
  11658. <br> 1.4: Translate function has references to all files with specified translation
  11659. <br> 1.3: Translate function shows both standard and special translations properly
  11660. <br> 1.2: GetTemplate fix for Windows users, Translate function shows translations
  11661. <br> 1.1: Code completion of phtml files in the GetTemplate function
  11662. <br> 1.0: Enables references to phtml files from the GetTemplate function
  11663. <br>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><depends>com.jetbrains.php</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='11234' size='106946' date='1514724133000' url='https://github.com/Haehnchen/idea-php-phpunit-plugin'><name>PHPUnit Enhancement</name><id>de.espend.idea.php.phpunit</id><description><![CDATA[<a href="https://github.com/Haehnchen/idea-php-phpunit-plugin" rel="nofollow">GitHub</a> |
  11664. <a href="https://www.paypal.me/DanielEspendiller" rel="nofollow">Donate</a>
  11665. <p>Fork of <a href="https://github.com/maxfilatov/phpuaca/" rel="nofollow">PHPUnit Autocomplete Assistant</a></p>
  11666. <p>PhpStorm plugin to provide smart autocomplete, code navigation and refactoring features for mocked class methods.</p>
  11667. <p></p>Feature list
  11668. <p></p>
  11669. <ul>
  11670. <li> <p>method autocomplete for class, abstract class and trait mock objects;</p>
  11671. <ul>
  11672. <li>type providers: getMock, getMockForAbstractClass, etc. will return mock object with methods of mocking class and PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_MockObject;</li>
  11673. <li> <p>supported PHPUnit methods:</p> <p>PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_MockBuilder::setMethods</p> <p>PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase::getMock</p> <p>PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase::getMockClass</p> <p>PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase::getMockForAbstractClass</p> <p>PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase::getMockForTrait</p> <p>PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_Builder_InvocationMocker::method</p> </li>
  11674. </ul> </li>
  11675. <li>code navigation (go to declaration, find usages, etc.) and refactoring (rename methods);</li>
  11676. <li>highlighting of incorrect method usages;</li>
  11677. <li>Prophecy support.</li>
  11678. </ul>]]></description><version>3.8</version><vendor email='daniel@espendiller.net' url='http://espend.de'>Daniel Espendiller</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='173.2290' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<ul>
  11679. <li>Fix performance issue: migrate test linemarker runner to leaf elements</li>
  11680. </ul>
  11681. <a href="https://github.com/Haehnchen/idea-php-phpunit-plugin/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md" rel="nofollow">see full changelog</a> |
  11682. <a href="https://www.paypal.me/DanielEspendiller" rel="nofollow">Donate</a>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><depends>com.jetbrains.php</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='18656' size='69763' date='1513687288000' url=''><name>Laravel Insight</name><id>net.rentalhost.idea.laravelInsight</id><description><![CDATA[<strong>Laravel Insight</strong> is a very helpful PhpStorm IDE plugin that introduces a lot of features when you are working with Laravel Framework.
  11683. <br>
  11684. <br>
  11685. <ul>
  11686. <li>Better <strong>Blade</strong> support (eg. <em>folding</em>);</li>
  11687. <li>Better <code>Eloquent\Model</code> support (eg. <em>query scopes completion</em>);</li>
  11688. <li>Better <code>Support\Fluent</code> support;</li>
  11689. </ul> Read all features and details at
  11690. <a href="https://github.com/rentalhost/laravel-insight/wiki" rel="nofollow">official Wiki</a>.]]></description><version></version><vendor email='david.rodrigues@rentalhost.net' url='https://rentalhost.net/'>Rentalhost.net</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='171.2147483647' until-build='173.*'/><change-notes><![CDATA[Changes on
  11691. <code></code>
  11692. <ul>
  11693. <li><strong>Blade</strong> (<em>Reverted</em>): added support to comments folding again (FR <a href="https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/WI-39264" rel="nofollow">#WI-39264</a>);</li>
  11694. <li><strong>Development</strong> (<em>Added</em>): added a <a href="https://github.com/rentalhost/laravel-insight/blob/master/development/DEVELOPMENT.md" rel="nofollow">development guide</a>;</li>
  11695. <li><strong>Plugin</strong> (<em>Fixed</em>): recompiled to support PS 2017.3+ builds;</li>
  11696. <li><strong>Return type support</strong> (<em>Disabled</em>): disabled temporarily due to software limitation (waiting for IntelliJ IDEA 2017.3.2);</li>
  11697. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><depends>com.jetbrains.php</depends><depends>com.jetbrains.php.blade</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='90' size='2327595' date='1502454004000' url=''><name>Longevity</name><id>longevity.idea-plugin</id><description><![CDATA[Longevity macro support for IntelliJ IDEA]]></description><version>1.2</version><vendor email='' url='http://longevityframework.org/'>Longevity</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='143.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>org.intellij.scala</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='169' size='195418' date='1503937188000' url=''><name>Grav Support</name><id>net.offbeatpioneer.intellij.plugins.gravsupport</id><description><![CDATA[Grav Support for IntelliJ Community Edition, Ultimate and PhpStorm
  11698. <br>]]></description><version>0.3.2</version><vendor email='dominik@offbeat-pioneer.net' url='http://www.offbeat-pioneer.net/'>Offbeat-Pioneer</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='172.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<p> <span>0.3.2</span> </p>
  11699. <ul>
  11700. <li> Simply switch to the template from a content page. The filename of the <code>.md</code> file is evaluated as well as the <code>template</code> variable in the header of the markdown file. You will find an Twig icon on the gutter and provides navigation to the related template files. </li>
  11701. </ul>
  11702. <p></p>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><depends>org.jetbrains.plugins.yaml</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='20' size='750252' date='1504868989000' url=''><name>Feather-ts code support</name><id>com.feather-ts.intellij</id><description><![CDATA[Syntax highlighting plugin for templates and annotations in
  11703. <a href="http://www.feather-ts.com" rel="nofollow">Feather-Ts</a> projects.]]></description><version>1.0.9</version><vendor email='support@feather-ts.com' url='http://www.feather-ts.com'>Feather-ts</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Fix interference with react projects when using attributes like style={{...}}]]></change-notes><depends>JavaScript</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='532' size='32231' date='1509915943000' url=''><name>Chocolate CakePHP</name><id>com.daveme.intellij.chocolateCakePHP</id><description><![CDATA[NOTE: This plugin is very pre-release. Autocompletion and navigation for CakePHP. Only version 2 of the framework at the moment is supported, but eventually version 3 support will eventually be implemented.
  11704. <br>
  11705. <br> Current features:
  11706. <ul>
  11707. <li>Navigate and autocomplete $this-&gt;Model-&gt;someMethod and $this-&gt;Component-&gt;someMethod inside controllers</li>
  11708. <li>Navigate and autocomplete $this-&gt;ViewHelper-&gt;someMethod inside view files.</li>
  11709. <li>Navigate from controller to view file by clicking on Cake Icon in the left gutter</li>
  11710. <li>Navigate to models, components, and views by Control/Cmd-clicking inside $uses, $components, and $views variables in a controller</li>
  11711. </ul>]]></description><version>0.2</version><vendor email='dmeybohm@gmail.com' url=''>David Meybohm</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='171.3780' /><change-notes><![CDATA[- Fix navigation for projects with symlinks outside of project root - Enable navigation/autocomplete for view helpers - Better implementation of typeProvider3 interface that supports completion on values returned from dynamic properties]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><depends>com.jetbrains.php</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='551' size='14333' date='1512202162000' url='https://github.com/shamcode/intellij-ember-snippets'><name>Ember Snippets</name><id>com.shamcode.intellij.embersnippets</id><description><![CDATA[Port of
  11712. <a href="http://emberjs.com/" rel="nofollow">Ember.js</a> rfc176 compliant imports from
  11713. <a href="https://github.com/mattmcmanus/atom-ember-snippets" rel="nofollow">atom-ember-snippets</a>]]></description><version>1.1</version><vendor email='' url='https://github.com/shamcode'>Eugene Burnashov</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Add liveTemplates for ember-decorators]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='197' size='4939' date='1510833614000' url=''><name>Postfix completion templates for the Twig template language</name><id>com.cedricziel.idea.twig.postfix</id><description><![CDATA[Provides Postfix completion for the Twig template language. trans postfix completion Trigger:
  11714. <pre>{{ "".trans }}</pre> Result:
  11715. <pre>{{ "" | trans }}</pre>
  11716. <a href="https://youtu.be/jNFdgjdd-T8" rel="nofollow">DEMO</a>]]></description><version>v0.0.2</version><vendor email='cedric@cedric-ziel.com' url='http://www.cedric-ziel.com'>com.cedricziel</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='172.0' until-build='173.*'/><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><depends>com.jetbrains.twig</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='14' size='58311' date='1512442202000' url=''><name>FuelCMS Plugin</name><id>lt.martynassateika.fuelcms</id><description><![CDATA[A PhpStorm plugin for FUEL CMS development.]]></description><version>0.1.0</version><vendor email='' url='http://www.martynassateika.lt'>Martynas Sateika</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[0.1.0 (2017-12-05):
  11717. <ul>
  11718. <li>Support for 'Generate' commands</li>
  11719. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><depends>com.jetbrains.php</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='32' size='104472' date='1516180747000' url='https://github.com/c0nstantx/silex-idea-plugin'><name>Pimple Plugin</name><id>c0nstantx.phpstorm.silex.plugin.id</id><description><![CDATA[Code completion for Pimple PHP Dependency Injection Container
  11720. <p>This plugin is based on Silex/Pimple Plugin (https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/7809-silex-pimple-plugin)</p>
  11721. <p>Plugin needs pimple container dump (pimple.json) in project root directory. To create it follow instruction at https://github.com/c0nstantx/silex-pimple-dumper</p>]]></description><version>1.0.1</version><vendor email='kostasxx@gmail.com' url='https://github.com/c0nstantx'>C0nstantx</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='171.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Bug fix (Fix signature expression check)]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><depends>com.jetbrains.php</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='51' size='23156' date='1517081676000' url=''><name>NodeConfig</name><id>com.flageolett.nodeconfig</id><description><![CDATA[Adds Support for code-completion and goto for js/json config-files.]]></description><version>1.0.1</version><vendor email='henning.kvinnesland@gmail.com' url='https://github.com/whitefire/nodeconfig'>Flageolett</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='173.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Fix duplicate/invalid completions when using multiple environments.]]></change-notes><depends>JavaScript</depends><depends>com.intellij.css</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin></category><ff>"Profiling"</ff><category name="Profiling"><idea-plugin downloads='190282' size='4493905' date='1511433191000' url='https://www.ej-technologies.com/products/jprofiler/overview.html'><name>JProfiler</name><id>JProfiler</id><description><![CDATA[The official JProfiler plugin for JProfiler by ej-technologies. With this plugin, selected run configurations can be profiled with JProfiler from within IDEA.]]></description><version>17.1.4</version><vendor email='support@ej-technologies.com' url='https://ej-technologies.com/'>ej-technologies GmbH</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='162.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[The configured JProfiler installation directory was overwritten by an invalid location on each update]]></change-notes><depends>(optional) com.intellij.javaee</depends><depends>(optional) org.intellij.grails</depends><depends>(optional) org.jetbrains.kotlin</depends><rating>3.3</rating></idea-plugin></category><ff>"Database"</ff><category name="Database"><idea-plugin downloads='1003008' size='24219915' date='1506024988000' url='http://www.jetbrains.net/confluence/display/CONTEST/Database+Navigator'><name>Database Navigator</name><id>DBN</id><description><![CDATA[<b>Database development, scripting and navigation tool</b>
  11722. <br> This product adds extensive database development and maintenance capabilities to the IntelliJ IDEA development environment and related products. Along with a qualified and IDE-compliant SQL and PL/SQL editor, it provides advanced database connection management, script execution support, database objects browsing, data and code editor, support for database compiler operations, method execution and debugging, database objects factory, as well as various navigation capabilities between all its components.
  11723. <br> See features overview on the
  11724. <a href="http://www.jetbrains.net/confluence/display/CONTEST/Database+Navigator" rel="nofollow">support page</a>.
  11725. <br>
  11726. <br>
  11727. <b>Supported Databases:</b>
  11728. <ul>
  11729. <li>Oracle </li>
  11730. <li>MySQL </li>
  11731. <li>SQLite </li>
  11732. <li>PostgreSQL </li>
  11733. </ul>
  11734. <br>
  11735. <br>
  11736. <br> This tool is free for personal and commercial usage.
  11737. <br>
  11738. <a href="https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&amp;hosted_button_id=3QAPZFCCARA4J" rel="nofollow">Donations</a> are very welcome though.
  11739. <br>]]></description><version>3.0.7621.0</version><vendor email='dancioca@bluewin.ch' url=''>Dan Cioca</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='172.1' until-build='173.*'/><change-notes><![CDATA[<ul>
  11740. <li><b>3.0.7621</b>
  11741. <ul>
  11742. - Parallel / asynchronous statement execution (using pool connections)
  11743. <br> - Data grid column info tooltips
  11744. <br> - Stability and cosmetic improvements
  11745. <br>
  11746. </ul> </li>
  11747. <li><b>3.0.7248</b>
  11748. <ul>
  11749. - Support for latest IDE EAP versions
  11750. <br> - Source editor breadcrumbs
  11751. <br> - Data editor - qualified CLOB / TEXT editor
  11752. <br> - Bug fixes and performance improvements
  11753. <br>
  11754. </ul> </li>
  11755. <li><b>3.0.6893</b>
  11756. <ul>
  11757. - Support for latest IDE releases
  11758. <br> - Workspace restore option
  11759. <br> - Spellchecking support for database file editors
  11760. <br> - Bug fixes and cosmetics
  11761. <br>
  11762. </ul> </li>
  11763. <li><b>3.0.6112</b>
  11764. <ul>
  11765. - More accurate transaction status handling
  11766. <br> - Readonly pool connections for metadata load
  11767. <br> - Fixed SQLite meta-data issues
  11768. <br> - Support for latest IDE releases
  11769. <br> - Optimizations: more responsive code editors
  11770. <br> - Bug fixes
  11771. <br>
  11772. </ul> </li>
  11773. <li><b>3.0.5866</b>
  11774. <ul>
  11775. - Fixed SQLite connection issues with Mac OSX
  11776. <br> - Amazon Redshift connectivity support
  11777. <br> - Support for latest IDE releases
  11778. <br> - Memory optimizations
  11779. <br> - Bug fixes
  11780. <br>
  11781. </ul> </li>
  11782. <li><b>3.0.5723</b>
  11783. <ul>
  11784. - SQLite support
  11785. <br> - Multiple attached databases (sqlite)
  11786. <br> - General bug fixes
  11787. <br>
  11788. </ul> </li>
  11789. <li><b>3.0.5111</b>
  11790. <ul>
  11791. - Support for latest IDE EAP versions
  11792. <br> - Request tracker move to JIRA
  11793. <br> - Bug fixes and performance improvements
  11794. <br>
  11795. </ul> </li>
  11796. <li><b>3.0.5023</b>
  11797. <ul>
  11798. - Environment types - editing control for code and data
  11799. <br> - "Cancel" action for unresponsive loads in data editors
  11800. <br> - Outdated sources notification
  11801. <br> - Configurable default editors
  11802. <br> - Recover connections after statement execution errors (MySQL, PostgreSQL)
  11803. <br> - Recover dataset editor after edit errors (MySQL, PostgreSQL)
  11804. <br> - JDWP debugger stability improvements
  11805. <br> - Bug fixes
  11806. <br>
  11807. </ul> </li>
  11808. </ul>
  11809. <a href="http://confluence.jetbrains.net/display/CONTEST/DBN+-+Change+Notes" rel="nofollow">See full release notes</a>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>4.5</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='11039' size='19159' date='1339129292000' url=''><name>Sql Generator</name><id>Sql Generator</id><description><![CDATA[Data Source extension plugin. generate the following SQL statement.
  11810. <ul>
  11811. <li>SELECT(condition by primary key)</li>
  11812. <li>INSERT</li>
  11813. <li>UPDATE(condition by primary key)</li>
  11814. <li>DELETE(condition by primary key)</li>
  11815. </ul>]]></description><version>1.0</version><vendor email='' url=''>siosio</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='117.117' /><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.ultimate</depends><depends>com.intellij.persistence.database</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='17261' size='402432' date='1515578237000' url='http://sqldalmaker.sourceforge.net/'><name>SQL DAL Maker</name><id>dal-mpe</id><description><![CDATA[SQL DAL Maker is a generator of DTO and DAO classes. Target programming languages: PHP, Java, C++, Python, Ruby.
  11816. <br>
  11817. <br> To generate the class, you declare it in XML meta-program.
  11818. <br>]]></description><version></version><vendor email='sqldalmaker@gmail.com' url=''></vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='111.69' /><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='3921' size='42384' date='1364866714000' url=''><name>Magento DDL Generator</name><id>ua.com.psw.magento.database</id><description><![CDATA[PHPStorm plugin that can easily generate Magento sql setup scripts from database tables.
  11819. <br /> Usage instructions:
  11820. <br /> 1. Create DataSource in the Database pane
  11821. <br /> 2. Go Tools/Generate Magento DDL]]></description><version>0.1.0</version><vendor email='psw1986@gmail.com' url=''>Ruslan Voitenko</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='107.105' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<p><b> - 0.1.0</b></p>
  11822. <ul>
  11823. <li>Added unique keys generating</li>
  11824. <li>Fixed length for TEXT type columns</li>
  11825. <li>DataSoures lists as root nodes in Tree (as in native Database Pane). DataSources combox removed</li>
  11826. <li>Added filtering of DataSources other than MySQL Driver in DataSources Tree</li>
  11827. <li>Minor bug fixes</li>
  11828. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.persistence.database</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='20954' size='20419' date='1488000784000' url=''><name>Sql Generator</name><id>org.yseasony.sqlgenerator</id><description><![CDATA[idea Sql Generator plugin
  11829. <br>
  11830. <ul>
  11831. <li>Easy Sql Generator</li>
  11832. <li>How to use, github: <a href="https://github.com/yseasony/idea-sql-generator-tool" rel="nofollow">https://github.com/yseasony/idea-sql-generator-tool</a></li>
  11833. <li>issues: <a href="https://github.com/yseasony/idea-sql-generator-tool/issues" rel="nofollow">issues</a></li>
  11834. <li>donate: <a href="https://www.paypal.me/yseasony" rel="nofollow">paypal</a></li>
  11835. </ul>
  11836. <br>]]></description><version>2.0</version><vendor email='yseasony@gmail.com' url='https://github.com/yseasony'>yseasony</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='143.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Support after idea 15.]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.database</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='4320' size='57818' date='1479509822000' url=''><name>DbUnit Extractor</name><id>li.ktt</id><description><![CDATA[DbUnit Extractor - copy selected rows from SQL Console as DbUnit XML.
  11837. <br>
  11838. <br> Authors
  11839. <ul>
  11840. <li>Pawel Salata</li>
  11841. <li>Robert Kapala</li>
  11842. </ul> Source code and documentation
  11843. <ul>
  11844. <li> <a href="https://github.com/kTT/dbunit-extractor" rel="nofollow">github.com/kTT/dbunit-extractor</a> </li>
  11845. </ul>
  11846. <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YjBO2bImpvY" rel="nofollow">Screen cast</a>]]></description><version>1.2</version><vendor email='salatapawel0@gmail.com' url='http://ktt.li'>Pawel Salata</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='163.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[fixes @NotNull exception]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.database</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.ultimate</depends><rating>4.5</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='33704' size='4432069' date='1490090188000' url=''><name>Graph Database support</name><id>com.neueda4j.intellij.plugin.cypher</id><description><![CDATA[<p> <a href="https://github.com/neueda/jetbrains-plugin-graph-database-support" rel="nofollow"> Integration with Graph Databases </a> </p>
  11847. <p> <b>Features:</b> </p>
  11848. <ul>
  11849. <li>Manage data sources.</li>
  11850. <li>Write and execute queries.</li>
  11851. <li>Explore query results in graph or table view.</li>
  11852. </ul>
  11853. <p></p>
  11854. <p> <b>Supported databases:</b> </p>
  11855. <ul>
  11856. <li>Neo4j 3.0+ (Bolt)</li>
  11857. </ul>
  11858. <p></p>
  11859. <p> <b>Supported query languages:</b> </p>
  11860. <ul>
  11861. <li>Cypher</li>
  11862. <ul>
  11863. <li>Understands queries in `.cyp`, `.cypher` or `.cql` files.</li>
  11864. <li>Syntax highlight and error reporting.</li>
  11865. <li>Refactoring support for identifiers, labels, relationship types and properties.</li>
  11866. <li> Autocompletion support for identifiers, labels, relationship types, properties and stored procedures. Information gathered from existing queries and configured data sources. </li>
  11867. <li>Code reformatting.</li>
  11868. <li>Inspections: database warnings, function checks, type system.</li>
  11869. <li>Auto-inject Cypher language for: <a href="https://github.com/neo4j/neo4j" rel="nofollow">neo4j</a>, <a href="https://github.com/neo4j/neo4j-ogm" rel="nofollow">neo4j-ogm</a>, <a href="https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-data-neo4j" rel="nofollow">spring-data-neo4j</a>, <a href="https://github.com/neo4j/neo4j/tree/3.1/community/neo4j-harness" rel="nofollow">neo4j-harness</a>, <a href="https://github.com/nigelsmall/py2neo" rel="nofollow">py2neo</a>. </li>
  11870. </ul>
  11871. </ul>
  11872. <p></p>]]></description><version>2.5.0</version><vendor email='dmitry.vrublevsky@neueda.com' url='https://neueda.lv'>Neueda R&amp;D</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='163.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[See
  11873. <a href="https://github.com/neueda/jetbrains-plugin-graph-database-support/releases" rel="nofollow">https://github.com/neueda/jetbrains-plugin-graph-database-support/releases</a>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>4.2</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='25769' size='5976145' date='1513175980000' url=''><name>Iedis</name><id>com.seventh7.widget.iedis</id><description><![CDATA[<p>Plugin for redis.</p>
  11874. <p>The plugin provides the following features:</p>
  11875. <ul>
  11876. <li>Redis lua editor and runner support('Lua' plugin is required!).</li>
  11877. <li>Redis lua debugger support for both sync and async mode.</li>
  11878. <li>Redis command console support for debugger.</li>
  11879. <li>Evaluate of code fragment support in debugger.</li>
  11880. <li>Print redis call details when stepping over in debugger.</li>
  11881. <li>Redis command documentation for lua editor.</li>
  11882. <li>Redis function auto-completion for lua editor.</li>
  11883. <li>Redis commands auto-completion for lua editor.</li>
  11884. <li>Integrate redis commands with IntelliJ as a custom language.</li>
  11885. <li>Add advanced redis console and all commands are supported.</li>
  11886. <li>Commands and keywords autocompletion.</li>
  11887. <li>Commands documentation.</li>
  11888. <li>Commands formatting.</li>
  11889. <li>More friendly command execution view.</li>
  11890. <li>Preview console result as json, xml etc.</li>
  11891. <li>Console history support.</li>
  11892. <li>History pattern autocompletion.</li>
  11893. <li>Easily configure redis server.</li>
  11894. <li>Configure and inspect the slow log.</li>
  11895. <li>Manage client list.</li>
  11896. <li>Print 'redis.debug' result to console.</li>
  11897. <li>Select database when running Lua script.</li>
  11898. <li>Support MessagePack, Python pickle and XML.</li>
  11899. </ul>
  11900. <br>]]></description><version>2.43</version><vendor email='service@codesmagic.com' url='https://www.codesmagic.com'>CodesMagic</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='163.9166' /><change-notes><![CDATA[2.43
  11901. <ul>
  11902. <li>Minor bug fixes.</li>
  11903. </ul> 2.42
  11904. <ul>
  11905. <li>Fix host and port detecting issue when Redis is running under cluster mode.</li>
  11906. </ul> 2.41
  11907. <ul>
  11908. <li>Fix file formatting issue.</li>
  11909. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>4.2</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='548' size='38804' date='1487244427000' url=''><name>OrmliteRawSqlGenerator</name><id>com.andyken.ormlite.rawsqlgenerator</id><description><![CDATA[Plugin for generating the raw sql of ormlite class
  11910. <br>
  11911. <a href="https://github.com/andyken/android-ormlite-rawsql-generator" rel="nofollow"> openSource</a>]]></description><version>1.3</version><vendor email='njufyx@163.com' url='https://github.com/andyken'>njufyx@163.com</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='141.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<b>1.3</b> (16/2/2017)
  11912. <ul>
  11913. <li>Using the android.database.sqlite as prefix for SQLiteDatabase and SQLiteStatement</li>
  11914. <li>Fix some bugs</li>
  11915. </ul>
  11916. <b>1.2</b> (7/2/2017)
  11917. <ul>
  11918. <li>change the entity name</li>
  11919. </ul>
  11920. <b>1.1</b> (7/2/2017)
  11921. <ul>
  11922. <li>Add support for raw update sql</li>
  11923. <li>Parse field using ormlite annotation</li>
  11924. </ul>
  11925. <b>1.0</b> (6/2/2017)
  11926. <ul>
  11927. <li>Add support for raw insert sql</li>
  11928. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin></category><ff>"Obfuscation"</ff><category name="Obfuscation"><idea-plugin downloads='2391' size='191154' date='1503040598000' url=''><name>A Powerful Java String Encryptor</name><id>com.dingxiang.plugin.StringEncryptor</id><description><![CDATA[This tool could encrypts plaintext string in your java code. Usage: Right Click-&gt;DXJavaStringEncryptor
  11929. <em></em>]]></description><version>1.0</version><vendor email='dev@dingxiang-inc.com' url='http://www.dingxiang-inc.com'>Dingxiang Technologies Co., Ltd.</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='141.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[version 1.0
  11930. <br>
  11931. <em></em>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin></category><ff>"Languages"</ff><category name="Languages"><idea-plugin downloads='7860' size='156004' date='1442112938000' url='https://github.com/siddii/scriptmonkey'><name>Script Monkey</name><id>Script Monkey</id><description><![CDATA[<p> <b>Script Monkey</b> breaks the boundaries of Java and helps Java achieve the power &amp; flexibilities of interpreted/dynamic languages. In other words, it helps Java achieve the best of both worlds. </p>
  11932. <p> Thanks to the embedded <b>Rhino</b> &amp; <b>Scripting API</b> for being part of Java since v1.6. It's an <b>all-in-one</b> plugin which means, anything that was possible only by writing a plugin can be done using <b>plugin-scripts(simple javascript code)</b>. And, any tasks that makes more sense to be scripted can be implemented using this tool.<br /> </p>
  11933. <p> Instead of explaining what this plugin can do in words, we wanted to show some in action. </p>
  11934. <ol>
  11935. <li><a href="http://scriptmonkey.boxysystems.com/demos/HelloRhino/HelloRhino.htm" rel="nofollow">Say 'Hello' to Rhino</a> </li>
  11936. <li><a href="http://scriptmonkey.boxysystems.com/demos/CommandShell/CommandShell.htm" rel="nofollow">Let's do some command shell scripting</a></li>
  11937. <li><a href="http://scriptmonkey.boxysystems.com/demos/TimebarPluginScript/TimebarPluginScript.htm" rel="nofollow">Timebar plugin script</a></li>
  11938. </ol>
  11939. <p></p>
  11940. <p> Getting Started </p>
  11941. <ul>
  11942. <li><a href="http://code.google.com/p/scriptmonkey/wiki/HowScriptMonkeyWorks" rel="nofollow">How &quot;Script Monkey&quot; IntelliJ plugin works?</a></li>
  11943. <li><a href="http://code.google.com/p/scriptmonkey/wiki/HowToWritePluginScripts" rel="nofollow">How to write plugin scripts?</a></li>
  11944. </ul>
  11945. <p></p> For the latest information &amp; documentations, please visit the
  11946. <a href="http://code.google.com/p/scriptmonkey/" rel="nofollow">project's homepage</a>]]></description><version>1.2.8</version><vendor email='siddique@boxysystems.com' url='http://boxysystems.com/'>Siddique Hameed</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='141.1550' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<ul>
  11947. <u>Version 1.2.8 changes:</u>
  11948. <li>Fix missing scripts jar for component initialization of the scripts directory under build 142.x of IDEs.</li>
  11949. <li>Change script panels now re-use command processor between runs and enable the interactive prompt so that globals can be examined after script is evaluated to ease debugging.</li>
  11950. <li>Change result printing in interactive shell to do some formatting based on result type and also print null for commands that return null and are not all white space.</li>
  11951. </ul>
  11952. <ul>
  11953. <u>Version 1.2.7 changes:</u>
  11954. <li>Fix EditorImpl not released, again. Finally figured out that it was the Script panels that were causing this.</li>
  11955. <li>Change code to modify classloader to find nashorn.jar to the same one used in vsch/idea-multimarkdown plugin.</li>
  11956. <li>Change ant build of source zip to put the zip under project root instead of under src so it does not complain about including itself.</li>
  11957. </ul>
  11958. <ul>
  11959. <u>Version 1.2.6 changes:</u>
  11960. <li>Fix scripts were not stoppable via stop action. Now an attempt is made to interrupt a thread and if it does not respond within 2 seconds, then the thread is stopped. Works in all but one case which is unstoppable.</li>
  11961. <li>Add stop script action button to JS Shell pane so that accidental infinite loops could be terminated instead of hanging the shell.</li>
  11962. <li>Change JS Shell pane now flushes accumulated text from a running script every 100ms instead of waiting for it to terminate.</li>
  11963. </ul>
  11964. <ul>
  11965. <u>Version 1.2.5 changes:</u>
  11966. <li>Fix editor was not released error, really fixed it this time.</li>
  11967. </ul>
  11968. <ul>
  11969. <u>Version 1.2.4 changes:</u>
  11970. <li>Fix editor was not released error.</li>
  11971. </ul>
  11972. <ul>
  11973. <u>Version 1.2.3 changes:</u>
  11974. <li>Change move global var definition in engine init to address issue #8.</li>
  11975. </ul>
  11976. <ul>
  11977. <u>Version 1.2.2 changes:</u>
  11978. <li>Add catch assertion errors when executing commands in the shell, otherwise they abort the shell processor.</li>
  11979. <li>Add text printed to the shell pane converts \r\n and \r to \n to avoid assert fail in document insert.</li>
  11980. <li>Change timebar.js to nashorn recommended Java.type() usage and use function(){} to SAM conversion.</li>
  11981. <li>Change remove loading of nashorn:mozilla_compat.js because it screws up exception reporting in eval.</li>
  11982. </ul>
  11983. <ul>
  11984. <u>Version 1.2.1 changes:</u>
  11985. <li>Fixed with() was hiding all engine scope bindings, now using global scope instead. The way engines are created global scopes are not shared anyway.</li>
  11986. <li>Fixed text printed through window.println via timer would be interpreted as user typed command</li>
  11987. <li>Change timebar.js to be reloadable without adding new labels</li>
  11988. </ul>
  11989. <ul>
  11990. <u>Version 1.2.0 changes:</u>
  11991. <li>Fixed timebar.js to work with nashorn script engine.</li>
  11992. <li>Changed since build to 141 since it cannot find script engine even if running IDEA jre 1.8</li>
  11993. <li>Changed toolwindow pane to standard editor with JS highlighting. This is WIP, needs better handling of editing and executing prior command lines.</li>
  11994. <li>Add Set script file name so that exceptions report the right source</li>
  11995. <li>Add line and column offsets to exceptions reported for the Script Monkey JS Shell</li>
  11996. </ul>
  11997. <ul>
  11998. <u>Version 1.1.1 changes:</u>
  11999. <li>Compatible with IntelliJ v14 and v15 EAP ommunity Edition &amp; WebStorm</li>
  12000. </ul>
  12001. <ul>
  12002. <u>Version 1.0.2 changes:</u>
  12003. <li>Compatible with IntelliJ v12 Community Edition &amp; WebStorm</li>
  12004. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.vcs</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.xdebugger</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.xml</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='5143820' size='1675775' date='1505553906000' url='https://www.plugin-dev.com/project/bashsupport/'><name>BashSupport</name><id>BashSupport</id><description><![CDATA[Bash language support for the IntelliJ platform.
  12005. <br> Supports syntax highlighting, rename refactoring, documentation lookup, inspections, quickfixes and much more.]]></description><version></version><vendor email='mail@plugin-dev.com' url='https://www.plugin-dev.com/'>Joachim Ansorg</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='173.2290' until-build='173.*'/><change-notes><![CDATA[<b>Changes in version 1.6.12:</b>
  12006. <ul>
  12007. <li>#457: Unresolved Variable Warning on Linebreak</li>
  12008. <li>#459: Fixed formatting of redirects with process substitutions</li>
  12009. <li>#460: Parse commands separated by |&amp;</li>
  12010. <li>#462: Unexpected Token w/ declare and some other constructs</li>
  12011. <li>#465: BashShebang NPE</li>
  12012. <li>#467: Deadlock in BashSupport</li>
  12013. <li>#468: Functions assumed to have curly brace body</li>
  12014. <li>#469: Support variables defined by `printf -v` </li>
  12015. <li>#473: Support heredocs where the end marker is followed by a backtick</li>
  12016. <li>#474: Support semicolon after command which starts a heredoc</li>
  12017. </ul>
  12018. <br>
  12019. <b>Changes in version 1.6.11:</b>
  12020. <ul>
  12021. <li>#394: Renaming a variable shows 'Renaming unknown type $1' in the dialog</li>
  12022. <li>#401: Parameter expansion parsing error</li>
  12023. <li>#404: Using array variable without quotes generates a warning "Simple use of array variable"</li>
  12024. <li>#411: NPE in OSUtil.findBestExecutable</li>
  12025. <li>#412: Syntax Errors on valid code involving regular expression</li>
  12026. <li>#433: BashCommandManipulator: Cannot modify a read-only file</li>
  12027. <li>#444: Formatter removes space after empty string variable assignment</li>
  12028. <li>#452: Concurrent modification in BashVarDefImpl</li>
  12029. <li>#453: A weird light blue background is seen over my code area</li>
  12030. <li>#454: Using "mapfile" results in "Array use of non-array variables"</li>
  12031. <li>#456: NPE in BashVarDefImpl</li>
  12032. </ul>
  12033. <br>
  12034. <b>Changes in version 1.6.10:</b>
  12035. <ul>
  12036. <li>#451: Fix stub exceptions triggered by BashSupport while looking for include files (Thanks to <a href="https://github.com/kshchepanovskyi" rel="nofollow">@kshchepanovskyi</a>). If you include non-bash files, then this might break. Let me know in that case..</li>
  12037. <li>#450: If a script has an exit call on toplevel we assume that all following lines contain non-bash/binary data. The content after the exit command will be highlighed as binary data. Before an exception was thrown and IDEA had to be restarted.</li>
  12038. <li>#449: Don't warn on variable identifiers declared in an eval block</li>
  12039. <li>Removed "Build" step from default Bash run configuration</li>
  12040. </ul>
  12041. <br>
  12042. <b>Changes in version 1.6.9:</b>
  12043. <ul>
  12044. <li>#432: Unexpected token on correct line with here-string</li>
  12045. <li>#427: Wrong autoformatting for wrapped heredoc</li>
  12046. <li>#418: Fix to parsed structure of variable assignment lists</li>
  12047. </ul>
  12048. <br>
  12049. <b>Changes in version 1.6.8:</b>
  12050. <ul>
  12051. <li>#431: The arithmetic bitwise assignments are now correctly parsed.</li>
  12052. <li>#426: Fixed parsing of arithmetic operators "^", "^^", "," ",,"</li>
  12053. <li>#426: (Very) basic support to parse patterns in arithmetic expressions</li>
  12054. <li>#424: Error displaying the folding elements in the HERE-document when there are variables in the text</li>
  12055. <li>#420: Assignment chains in arithmetic expressions have to static replacement values (an exception was thrown for $((a=1,b=2,=3)), for example)</li>
  12056. <li>#419: Parsing error with double-pipe in subshell contained in list parenthesis</li>
  12057. </ul>
  12058. <br>
  12059. <b>Changes in version 1.6.7:</b>
  12060. <ul>
  12061. <li>#413: Fix variable and function resolving in files which are outside of a module content root</li>
  12062. <li>#409: Jump to function def does not work in language injected string literals</li>
  12063. <li>#408: All variables in injected language chunks are flagged as unresolved</li>
  12064. </ul>
  12065. <br>
  12066. <b>Changes in version 1.6.6:</b>
  12067. <ul>
  12068. <li>#391/#358: Removed maximum levels of chained comamnds in the parser</li>
  12069. </ul>
  12070. <br>
  12071. <b>Changes in version 1.6.5:</b>
  12072. <ul>
  12073. <li>#398: Error updating LexerEditorHighlighter, resulted in many error while working in a Bash script.</li>
  12074. <li>#399: Potential fix for java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: BashIcons</li>
  12075. </ul>
  12076. <br>
  12077. <b>Changes in version 1.6.4:</b>
  12078. <ul>
  12079. <li>Sorry for the many releases!</li>
  12080. <li>#397: Tokens after a here string start were not always detected properly</li>
  12081. <li>Index version increased to avoid PSI index exceptions</li>
  12082. </ul>
  12083. <br>
  12084. <b>Changes in version 1.6.3:</b>
  12085. <ul>
  12086. <li>#395: Hotfix to make BashSupport work again with scripts containing errors</li>
  12087. <li>#396: Check for working directory only if the module is valid</li>
  12088. </ul>
  12089. <br>
  12090. <b>Changes in version 1.6.2:</b>
  12091. <ul>
  12092. <li>Increase stub index version to handle index vs. psi exceptions</li>
  12093. <li>Improved parsing to be more error resistant, functions and commands which contain faulty code will now be recognized more often</li>
  12094. <li>Handle line continuations in case pattern lists</li>
  12095. </ul>
  12096. <br>
  12097. <b>Changes in version 1.6.1:</b>
  12098. <ul>
  12099. <li>#361: Added support for the mapfile and readarray Bash builtin comamnds</li>
  12100. <li>#349: Support unicode characters in scripts, warn about invalid identifiers which include illegal characters</li>
  12101. <li>#392: Reformatting changes code in eval strings and redirect tokens</li>
  12102. <li>#388: Reformatting heredocs changes content</li>
  12103. <li>#350: Redirection in eval statement is flagged as error</li>
  12104. <li>#245: No possibly incorrect warnings about unused parameters if shift is used in the function inside of a loop.</li>
  12105. <li>#391: New inspection to highlighting unresolved, but globally registered variables (to have a separate highlighting level and inspection description)</li>
  12106. <li>#393: Update JFlex to the latest version</li>
  12107. <li>#357: Added a potential fix for the problem</li>
  12108. </ul>
  12109. <br>
  12110. <b>Changes in version 1.6.0:</b>
  12111. <ul>
  12112. <li>Compatible with builds &gt;= 162.x, dropped support for builds 135.x to 161.x (Sorry! I'm unable to maintain 5 more branches.)</li>
  12113. <li>#389: Files with line continuations were not parsed properly and may break the whole project (might have broken your project!)</li>
  12114. <li>#377: NPE in UnregisterGlobalVariableQuickfix</li>
  12115. <li>#367: Fixed parsing of redirects in subshells inside of conditional commands, e.g. [[ $(&lt; $1) ]]</li>
  12116. <li>#367: Fixed parsing of here-strings, e.g. "tr [:lower:] [:upper:] &lt;&lt;&lt; [abc]"</li>
  12117. <li>#379: Undo "Register Global Variable" doesn't work</li>
  12118. <li>#368: Added debugging messages for arithmetic expressions</li>
  12119. <li>#383: Handle division by zero in arithmetic expressions and show a warning in the code</li>
  12120. <li>#388: References for files are now searched in the module content scope and not in the module scope.</li>
  12121. <li>Added support for the ## parameter expansion operator</li>
  12122. <li>#351: Added debug message for further diagnosis</li>
  12123. </ul>
  12124. <br>
  12125. <a href="https://github.com/jansorg/BashSupport/blob/idea-162.x/Changelog.md" rel="nofollow">Full changelog</a>]]></change-notes><depends>(optional) org.intellij.intelliLang</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>4.3</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='16665' size='23388' date='1271254329000' url='http://yeungda.github.io/coffeescript-idea/'><name>coffeescript-idea</name><id>coffeescript-idea</id><description><![CDATA[Syntax highlighting for CoffeeScript]]></description><version>0.1-1-gae5a</version><vendor email='' url=''>David Yeung</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='80.8000' /><change-notes><![CDATA[coffeescript-idea is a plugin for IntelliJ IDEA and RubyMine that provides basic syntax highlighting for CoffeeScript. It is licensed under the Apache License 2.0.]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.xml</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='28270' size='3345541' date='1492527954000' url=''><name>Non-Dairy Soy Plugin</name><id>Non-Dairy Soy Plugin</id><description><![CDATA[<p>A plugin to help with the development of Closure Templates (soy files).</p>
  12126. <p>This plugin includes support for syntax highlighting, code folding, find usages and go to declaration on parameters and templates, and Structure view.</p>
  12127. <p>This plugin is still under development, and updates are subject to our available free time.</p>]]></description><version>0.7.1</version><vendor email='' url='https://github.com/Non-Dairy-Soy-Plugin/Non-Dairy-Soy-Plugin'>Non-Dairy Soy plugin</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='143.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<p> <b>v0.7.1</b> </p>
  12128. <ul>
  12129. <li>fix the bug when the plugin could crash the IDE (unbalanced markers)</li>
  12130. <li>support a leading % in the css command</li>
  12131. <li>support "kind" attributes on "let" elements (thanks to @codahale)</li>
  12132. </ul>
  12133. <b>v0.7.0</b>
  12134. <ul>
  12135. <li>support {alias as} syntax</li>
  12136. <li>support @param syntax</li>
  12137. <li>support kind attribute</li>
  12138. </ul>
  12139. <p></p>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><rating>3.9</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='461840' size='2262470' date='1506736863000' url='http://bitbucket.org/sylvanaar2/lua-for-idea/'><name>Lua</name><id>Lua</id><description><![CDATA[Lua language integration for IntelliJ
  12140. <br>
  12141. <b>Features:</b>
  12142. <br>
  12143. <ul>
  12144. <li>Some Automatic FrameXML Injections (World of Warcraft)</li>
  12145. <li>Type Inference Based Completions (<b>Experimental</b>)</li>
  12146. <li>Introduce Variable Refactoring (<b>Experimental</b>)</li>
  12147. <li>Modules support (<b>Experimental</b>)</li>
  12148. <li>Debugger (<b>Experimental</b>)</li>
  12149. <li>LuaDoc Creation, Highlighting and Folding</li>
  12150. <li>Live Templates ("Zen Lua")</li>
  12151. <li>Custom API Support including custom function signatures and documentation</li>
  12152. <li>Lua Standard Library Information via Quickhelp (ctrl-Q)</li>
  12153. <li>Goto Symbol</li>
  12154. <li>Safe Delete</li>
  12155. <li>Rename Identifier</li>
  12156. <li>JavaHelp For Lua 5.1</li>
  12157. <li>Go to definition</li>
  12158. <li>find usages</li>
  12159. <li>Code formatting</li>
  12160. <li>Speculative completion as an option (Settings|Lua)</li>
  12161. <li>Code completion</li>
  12162. <li>1 quickfix</li>
  12163. <li>6 code intentions</li>
  12164. <li>11 code inspection</li>
  12165. <li>Script execution and run configurations</li>
  12166. <li>Kahlua REPL Console</li>
  12167. <li>Lua REPL Console</li>
  12168. <li>Structure view</li>
  12169. <li>Syntax checking</li>
  12170. <li>Highlighting of Upvalues, Parameters and Fields</li>
  12171. <li>Highlighting global vs local variables</li>
  12172. <li>Customizable Syntax highlighting</li>
  12173. <li>Code folding for code blocks and comments</li>
  12174. <li>Brace Matching for do blocks, long strings and comments, and (, { , [</li>
  12175. <li>Minor feature: comment in/out.</li>
  12176. </ul>]]></description><version>1.0.111</version><vendor email='sylvanaar@mindspring.com' url='https://www.ohloh.net/accounts/sylvanaar'>sylvanaar</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' until-build='173.*'/><change-notes><![CDATA[<dl>
  12177. <dt>
  12178. 1.0a55-59
  12179. </dt>
  12180. <dd>
  12181. IDEA 13 Support
  12182. </dd>
  12183. <dt>
  12184. 1.0a42-54
  12185. </dt>
  12186. <dd>
  12187. Intermission, go get a popcorn.
  12188. </dd>
  12189. <dt>
  12190. 1.0a41
  12191. </dt>
  12192. <dd>
  12193. Many fixes to path handling in the run configurations
  12194. </dd>
  12195. <br>
  12196. <dt>
  12197. 1.0a40
  12198. </dt>
  12199. <dd>
  12200. Improvements to completions and type inferences
  12201. </dd>
  12202. <br>
  12203. <dt>
  12204. 1.0a26-39
  12205. </dt>
  12206. <dd>
  12207. Bug Fixes
  12208. </dd>
  12209. <br>
  12210. <dt>
  12211. 1.0a24-5
  12212. </dt>
  12213. <dd>
  12214. Introduces type inference based completions. Very experimental. Large number of pending fixes, disabled by default
  12215. </dd>
  12216. <br>
  12217. <dt>
  12218. 1.0a19-23
  12219. </dt>
  12220. <dd>
  12221. Bug Fixes
  12222. </dd>
  12223. <br>
  12224. <dt>
  12225. 1.0a18
  12226. </dt>
  12227. <dd>
  12228. IDEA 11 Support (110+)
  12229. </dd>
  12230. <br>
  12231. <dt>
  12232. 1.0a17
  12233. </dt>
  12234. <dd>
  12235. IDEA 11 Support
  12236. </dd>
  12237. <br>
  12238. <dt>
  12239. 1.0a16
  12240. </dt>
  12241. <dd>
  12242. Bug Fixes
  12243. </dd>
  12244. <br>
  12245. <dt>
  12246. 1.0a15
  12247. </dt>
  12248. <dd>
  12249. Major performance fixes for various global variable cases
  12250. </dd>
  12251. <br>
  12252. <dt>
  12253. 1.0a14
  12254. </dt>
  12255. <dd>
  12256. Introduce Variable Refactoring (experimental)
  12257. </dd>
  12258. <br>
  12259. <dt>
  12260. 1.0a12-3
  12261. </dt>
  12262. <dd>
  12263. Bug Fixes
  12264. </dd>
  12265. </dl>]]></change-notes><depends>(optional) com.intellij.copyright</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>4.5</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='5598' size='22106' date='1326315304000' url=''><name>Google Closure Soy Templates</name><id>Google Closure Soy Templates</id><description><![CDATA[Google Closure Soy Templates custom language plugin for IntelliJ IDEA]]></description><version>0.2.2</version><vendor email='vrungelru@gmail.com' url='http://shchekoldin.com/'>Alexander Shchekoldin</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='107.587' /><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>1.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='464792' size='8892798' date='1425599336000' url='https://github.com/t3hnar/CmdSupport'><name>CMD Support</name><id>CMD Support</id><description><![CDATA[<strong>CMD support plugin for Intellij Idea</strong>
  12266. <br />
  12267. <a href="https://github.com/t3hnar/CmdSupport" rel="nofollow">Sources</a> |
  12268. <a href="https://github.com/t3hnar/CmdSupport/issues" rel="nofollow">Issues</a>
  12269. <br />
  12270. <br />
  12271. <strong>Features</strong>
  12272. <ul>
  12273. <li>Enables highlighting</li>
  12274. <li>Adds new actions</li>
  12275. </ul>
  12276. <br />
  12277. <em>Compiled with Java 1.6</em>]]></description><version>1.0.5</version><vendor email='' url=''>Yaroslav Klymko aka t3hnar</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='135.1230' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<strong>Changes in version 1.0.5:</strong>
  12278. <ul>
  12279. <li>Fix annoying exceptions</li>
  12280. </ul>
  12281. <strong>Changes in version 1.0.4:</strong>
  12282. <ul>
  12283. <li>Add new icon</li>
  12284. <li>Made compatible with Darcula theme</li>
  12285. <li>Add 'New cmd script' action</li>
  12286. </ul>
  12287. <strong>Changes in version 1.0.3:</strong>
  12288. <ul>
  12289. <li>Make compatible with new Intellij Idea</li>
  12290. </ul>
  12291. <strong>Changes in version 1.0.1:</strong>
  12292. <ul>
  12293. <li>Added 'Run Cmd Shell action'</li>
  12294. <li>Added 'Run Cmd Script' action</li>
  12295. </ul>
  12296. <strong>Changes in version 1.0.0:</strong>
  12297. <ul>
  12298. <li>Created cmd highlighting</li>
  12299. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='12195' size='187586' date='1296759570000' url=''><name>CoffeeBrew</name><id>org.coffebrew</id><description><![CDATA[Plugin for CoffeeScript language support]]></description><version>0.2.0</version><vendor email='' url='https://github.com/netzpirat/coffee-brew'>Michael Kessler
  12300. </vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='80.9000' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Start of a minimal PSI: Words can be selected now (Fixes #4)
  12301. The maia and indeax plugins have been unified.
  12302. ]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.xml</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='1245' size='247268' date='1300151029000' url='http://teatrove.sourceforge.net'><name>TeaCup</name><id>tea</id><description><![CDATA[Language Support for the scripting language Tea.]]></description><version>0.6</version><vendor email='Brian.R.Jackson@espn.com' url='http://www.espn.com'>ESPN</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='103.72' /><change-notes><![CDATA[
  12303. Release Notes - TeaCup - Version 0.6
  12304. Bug
  12305. <ul>
  12306. <li>[<a href='http://jira.espn.com/browse/TEACUP-3'>TEACUP-3</a>] - Get variables with later assignments resolving correctly
  12307. </li>
  12308. <li>[<a href='http://jira.espn.com/browse/TEACUP-4'>TEACUP-4</a>] - Attempting to rename parameter, claims invalid identifier
  12309. </li>
  12310. <li>[<a href='http://jira.espn.com/browse/TEACUP-5'>TEACUP-5</a>] - Variables first defined without &#39;define&#39; keyword don&#39;t have references resolved
  12311. </li>
  12312. <li>[<a href='http://jira.espn.com/browse/TEACUP-6'>TEACUP-6</a>] - NPE in VariantsProcessor
  12313. </li>
  12314. <li>[<a href='http://jira.espn.com/browse/TEACUP-9'>TEACUP-9</a>] - Renaming template parameter replaces type instead of parameter name
  12315. </li>
  12316. </ul>
  12317. New Feature
  12318. <ul>
  12319. <li>[<a href='http://jira.espn.com/browse/TEACUP-10'>TEACUP-10</a>] - Navigate through to declaration of called template
  12320. </li>
  12321. </ul>
  12322. See <a href="http://jira.espn.com/secure/IssueNavigator.jspa?reset=true&jqlQuery=project+%3D+TEACUP+AND+status+%3D+Open+ORDER+BY+priority+DESC&mode=hide">Open Issues</a>
  12323. Release Notes - TeaCup - Version 0.5 (March 7, 2011)
  12324. <ul>
  12325. <li>Refactored for IDEA 10.0</li>
  12326. <li>[TEACUP-1] Hitting Enter in a text block outside of a code region doesn't create new lines</li>
  12327. </ul>
  12328. <br>
  12329. Known-issues:
  12330. <ul>
  12331. <li>None</li>
  12332. </ul>
  12333. Release Notes - TeaCup - Version 0.4
  12334. <ul>
  12335. <li>Rewrote for IDEA 8.1</li>
  12336. </ul>
  12337. <br>
  12338. Known-issues:
  12339. <ul>
  12340. <li>Adding new lines in plain-text blocks</li>
  12341. </ul>
  12342. Release Notes - TeaCup - Version 0.3
  12343. <ul>
  12344. <li>Added language injection into static text blocks based on contentType call.</li>
  12345. <li>Added JVM-level debugging support. Templates must be under a folder marked as source. Viewing scoped variables requires Trove 1.6.2-espn.</li>
  12346. </ul>
  12347. <br>
  12348. Known-issues:
  12349. <ul>
  12350. <li>assignment current redefines a variable, blocking earlier assignments for reference resolution</li>
  12351. <li>Language injection doesn't maintain context across scriptlet blocks.</li>
  12352. <li>Language injection doesn't update contentType properly. Requires restart if contentType changes.</li>
  12353. </ul>
  12354. Release Notes - TeaCup - Version 0.2 (March 7, 2011)
  12355. <ul>
  12356. <li>Added brace matching</li>
  12357. <li>Added folding for block statements</li>
  12358. <li>Added commenting support (Ctrl-/, Ctrl-Shift-/)</li>
  12359. <li>Added reference resolution for local variables, foreach variables and template parameters</li>
  12360. <li>Find usage support for local variables, foreach variables and template parameters</li>
  12361. <li>Rename refactor support for local variables, foreach variables and template parameters</li>
  12362. <li>Fixed all parsing issues</li>
  12363. </ul>
  12364. <br>
  12365. Known-issues:
  12366. <ul>
  12367. <li>assignment current redefines a variable, blocking earlier assignments for reference resolution</li>
  12368. </ul>
  12369. ]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='9174' size='33271' date='1347028716000' url='http://jodd.org/doc/props.html'><name>Jodd Props Support</name><id>org.jodd.idea.props</id><description><![CDATA[<p> Enables editing of <a href="http://jodd.org" rel="nofollow">Jodd</a> props files.<br /> <b>Features</b>: </p>
  12370. <ul>
  12371. <li>Highlighting keys and values</li>
  12372. <li>Highlight profiles in keys</li>
  12373. <li>Highlight macros in values</li>
  12374. <li>Customizable highlighting colors</li>
  12375. <li>Code folding for section blocks</li>
  12376. <li>Triplequote multiline values</li>
  12377. </ul>
  12378. <p></p>]]></description><version>0.6</version><vendor email='info@jodd.org' url='http://jodd.org'>Jodd Team</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='103.72' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Jodd Props Idea plugin updated to version 0.6.]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.xml</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='7801' size='46247' date='1322466979000' url=''><name>BEM Support</name><id>BEM Support</id><description><![CDATA[BEM Plugin: BEMHTML language support]]></description><version>1.0.13</version><vendor email='' url='https://github.com/afelix/bemidea-bemhtml'>BEM</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='99.18' /><change-notes><![CDATA[
  12379. Changelog is here: <a href="https://github.com/afelix/bemidea-bemhtml/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md">CHANGELOG.md</a>.
  12380. ]]></change-notes><depends>JavaScript</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.xml</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='186093' size='1764822' date='1516114835000' url=''><name>Dart</name><id>Dart</id><description><![CDATA[Support for the Dart programming language.]]></description><version>173.4301.22</version><vendor email='' url=''>JetBrains</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='173.4301' until-build='173.*'/><change-notes><![CDATA[<ul>
  12381. <li>Improvements and bug fixes</li>
  12382. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.xml</depends><rating>4.3</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='215111' size='1794570' date='1502529275000' url=''><name>R Language Support</name><id>R4Intellij</id><description><![CDATA[This plugin provides an integration of R, which is a language for statistical computing and graphics, into Intellij IDEA.
  12383. <p></p>
  12384. <br> The plugin provides syntax and error highlighting, import-aware code completion, various inspections and quick-fixes, intelligent code folding, refactorings, code reformatting, run configurations, an integrated console, and an interactive debugger.
  12385. <p></p>
  12386. <br> You can read more about the features and find more documentation on the
  12387. <a href="http://holgerbrandl.github.io/r4intellij" rel="nofollow">project page</a>
  12388. <p></p> Feel welcome to report issues or to suggest features by submitting a ticket to our
  12389. <a href="https://github.com/holgerbrandl/r4intellij/issues" rel="nofollow">issue tracker</a>.
  12390. <p></p>
  12391. <br> This plugin is developed under BSD-
  12392. <a href="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/holgerbrandl/r4intellij/master/LICENSE" rel="nofollow">license</a>.
  12393. <p></p> Copyright (c) 2013-2017 Ekaterina Tuzova, Holger Brandl
  12394. <p></p>]]></description><version>1.0.8</version><vendor email='' url='http://holgerbrandl.github.io/r4intellij/'>Holger Brandl, Ekaterina Tuzova</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.258' /><change-notes><![CDATA[* more informative feedback on indexing errors]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.xdebugger</depends><rating>4.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='1936' size='435564' date='1434730811000' url=''><name>Frozen Idea</name><id>FrozenIdea</id><description><![CDATA[ICE framework support.]]></description><version></version><vendor email='xblackcat@gmail.com' url='https://code.google.com/archive/p/ice-framework-idea-plugin'>xBlackCat</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='139.1' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<b></b> - Fix language parser (constants in enum and JavaDoc like comments)]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='361384' size='74566' date='1510749567000' url=''><name>Apache config (.htaccess) support</name><id>com.intellij.apacheConfig</id><description><![CDATA[Apache config (.htaccess) support]]></description><version>173.3727.8</version><vendor email='' url=''>JetBrains</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='173.3727' until-build='173.*'/><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='1610' size='35003' date='1331212499000' url='https://github.com/berkel/FestSupport'><name>Fest Support</name><id>FestSupport</id><description><![CDATA[
  12395. <a href="https://github.com/mailru/fest">Fest templater</a> support
  12396. ]]></description><version>1.3.3</version><vendor email='dmitry@shkinev.ru' url=''>Dmitry Shkinev</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='55.5784' /><change-notes><![CDATA[
  12397. <b>1.3</b>
  12398. <ul>
  12399. <li>Add new inspection (Nested attributes tag)</li>
  12400. <li>Restructuring XSD</li>
  12401. </ul>
  12402. <b>1.2</b>
  12403. <ul>
  12404. <li>Refactoring</li>
  12405. </ul>
  12406. <b>1.1</b>
  12407. <ul>
  12408. <li>Add autocomplete and validation</li>
  12409. <li>Add new Fest file template</li>
  12410. </ul>
  12411. <b>1.0</b>
  12412. <ul>
  12413. <li>Add syntax highlighting</li>
  12414. </ul>
  12415. ]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.xml</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='101770' size='2076073' date='1511220991000' url=''><name>Haxe Toolkit Support</name><id>com.intellij.plugins.haxe</id><description><![CDATA[<a href="https://haxe.org" rel="nofollow"><img src="https://haxe.org/img/haxe-logo-horizontal-on-dark.png" height="21" width="107"></a>
  12416. <b>The Cross-platform Toolkit</b>
  12417. <b>Documentation:</b>
  12418. <a href="http://intellij-haxe.org" rel="nofollow">Project Web Site</a>
  12419. <b>Release Notes:</b>
  12420. <a href="https://github.com/HaxeFoundation/intellij-haxe/blob/master/README.md" rel="nofollow">README</a>
  12421. <b>Source Code:</b>
  12422. <a href="https://github.com/HaxeFoundation/intellij-haxe" rel="nofollow">GitHub</a>
  12423. <b>Support:</b>
  12424. <a href="http://community.haxe.org/" rel="nofollow">Community Discourse</a>
  12425. <b>Enterprise Support:</b>
  12426. <a href="http://bishtonsoftwaresolutions.com/" rel="nofollow">Bishton Software Solutions</a>
  12427. <a href="https://www.patreon.com/EricBishton" rel="nofollow"><img height="30" width="30" src="https://c5.patreon.com/external/logo/downloads_logomark_color_on_navy.png"></a>
  12428. <a href="https://www.patreon.com/EricBishton" rel="nofollow"><b>BECOME A PATRON</b></a> Professionally maintained by Bishton Software Solutions
  12429. <p></p>]]></description><version>0.11.2 for IDEA 2017.x</version><vendor email='' url=''>Haxe Community (Original sources provided by JetBrains.)</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='171.1' until-build='175.*'/><change-notes><![CDATA[0.11.2: (Haxe Foundation Release) Parsing fixes: - Expressions inside of type parameters. - Make sequential operators cause syntax errors. - Allow anonymous local function declarations. - External function declarations with simple bodies getting 'Unexpected semicolon' messages. - Custom meta-data with empty parenthesis. - Named nested (local) function declarations. - Prototype functions in abstract .types. - Allow @arrayaccess - Array access where the name is parenthesized. - Allow @Final on property declarations. - Allow and recover from variable declarations that don't require a semicolon (e.g. preceded by a block). - Allow trailing comma inside of an object literal. - Allow trailing comma at the end of an array literal. - Block statements when used as an initializer. Fix NPE when haxelib.json was missing from a library. Fix an exception when the Haxe SDK is set up incorrectly. Added Adobe AIR target Refactor haxelib library dependency detection and project update. For FindUsages, ask whether to search for base class/interface usages. Fix bug with environment variables not being passed through to forked processes in some cases. (Issue #659) Add haxelib and neko directories to (the start of) the Path before forking a process. Better tracking of settings changes. Better parsing of HXML/lime (or "haxelib run lime") output. Fix IndexOutOfBoundsException when checking for static extensions and static member methods have no parameters. (Issue #652) Better parser recovery for "extends" and "implements" statements. (Issue #137) Fixed identifier resolving for dot-references defined in "type params." (Issue#674) Fixed parameter count resolution for anonymous functions. (Partially closes issue #521.) Add neko and haxelib directories to the PATH/Path environment variable when running plugin commands (affects lime, etc.). Better cache coherency for completions. Improved hxml parsing. Added mechanism to track project and module settings changes. Improve locating files when traversing the stack frames during debugging.]]></change-notes><depends>(optional) com.intellij.flex</depends><depends>(optional) com.intellij.modules.ultimate</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>4.3</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='786228' size='86814' date='1507128461000' url='https://github.com/dmarcotte/idea-handlebars'><name>Handlebars/Mustache</name><id>com.dmarcotte.handlebars</id><description><![CDATA[<a href="http://handlebarsjs.com/" rel="nofollow">Handlebars</a> and
  12430. <a href="http://mustache.github.com/" rel="nofollow">Mustache</a> template support
  12431. <br>
  12432. <br>
  12433. <b>Note:</b> The plugin is a part of WebStorm IDE and you don't need install it manually for WebStorm
  12434. <br>
  12435. <br>]]></description><version>173.2941.6</version><vendor email='' url='https://github.com/dmarcotte'>dmarcotte, JetBrains</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='173.2941' until-build='173.*'/><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>(optional) JavaScript</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>4.1</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='398772' size='53000' date='1511356851000' url=''><name>Ini4Idea</name><id>com.jetbrains.plugins.ini4idea</id><description><![CDATA[Provides ".ini" files support.]]></description><version>173.3727.84</version><vendor email='' url=''>JetBrains</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='173.3727' until-build='173.*'/><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>4.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='76309' size='378082' date='1486378449000' url=''><name>GLSL Support</name><id>GLSL</id><description><![CDATA[Support for the OpenGL Shading Language]]></description><version>1.16</version><vendor email='' url=''>Foundation</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='139.1117' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<p>1.16</p>
  12436. <ul>
  12437. <li>Fix certain operator sequences freezing the IDE</li>
  12438. </ul>
  12439. <p>1.15</p>
  12440. <ul>
  12441. <li>Fix '#define's which contain their name freezing the IDE</li>
  12442. </ul>
  12443. <p>1.14</p>
  12444. <ul>
  12445. <li>Allow custom highlighting for uniforms, varyings and attributes</li>
  12446. </ul>
  12447. <p>1.13</p>
  12448. <ul>
  12449. <li>Add autocompletion for struct members</li>
  12450. <li>Add checking of constructor call parameters</li>
  12451. <li>Support scalar conversion constructors</li>
  12452. <li>Fix support for modulo operator</li>
  12453. <li>Minor fixes and improvements</li>
  12454. </ul>
  12455. <p>1.12</p>
  12456. <ul>
  12457. <li>Fix lexer not being thread safe and failing when parsing many files at the same time</li>
  12458. <li>Many minor fixes in parsing and error reporting</li>
  12459. </ul>
  12460. <p>1.11</p>
  12461. <ul>
  12462. <li>Major improvements to handling of preprocessor #define directives</li>
  12463. <li>Add checking of switch statement correctness</li>
  12464. <li>Improvements to Deduce Expression Type action</li>
  12465. <li>Distinguish between function call and constructor</li>
  12466. </ul>
  12467. <p>1.10</p>
  12468. <ul>
  12469. <li>Rewrite preprocessor token parsing to be much more robust</li>
  12470. <li>Parse multidimensional struct members correctly</li>
  12471. <li>Improve autocomplete and finding usages</li>
  12472. <li>Parse switch statements correctly</li>
  12473. <li>Overhaul new file creation, allow custom templates for all supported file extensions</li>
  12474. <li>Warn on incorrect array indexes</li>
  12475. <li>Warn on incorrect const variable handling</li>
  12476. <li>Add function parameter lookup</li>
  12477. <li>Support 4.50 opaque types (samplers)</li>
  12478. <li>Many smaller fixes and improvements</li>
  12479. </ul>
  12480. <p>1.9</p>
  12481. <ul>
  12482. <li>Vastly improved under-the-hood handling of types, operators and arrays</li>
  12483. <li>Added basic renaming and find-usages support (WIP feature)</li>
  12484. <li>Parse initializer lists correctly</li>
  12485. <li>Allow the use of multi-dimensional arrays</li>
  12486. <li>Added retina icons</li>
  12487. <li>Changed highlighting of unreachable code</li>
  12488. <li>Warn on use of reserved identifiers</li>
  12489. <li>Repeated swizzles are no longer L values</li>
  12490. <li>Add type checking for conditional expressions</li>
  12491. <li>Fix issues with return types</li>
  12492. <li>Improve unreachable statement marking</li>
  12493. <li>Many small fixes and improvements</li>
  12494. </ul>
  12495. <p>1.8</p>
  12496. <ul>
  12497. <li>Support for basic #define token replacement (everything except function-like)</li>
  12498. <li>Parse "layout qualifier statements"</li>
  12499. <li>Handling syntax and grammar errors is more robust</li>
  12500. <li>Fix variable declarations with already-defined struct types not parsing correctly</li>
  12501. <li>Improve highlighting of GLES precision statements</li>
  12502. </ul>
  12503. <p>1.7.1</p>
  12504. <ul>
  12505. <li>Fix problem in parsing which could cause the plugin to freeze</li>
  12506. <li>Improve handling of GLES precision statements</li>
  12507. </ul>
  12508. <p>1.7</p>
  12509. <ul>
  12510. <li>Add missing return; warning</li>
  12511. <li>Add support for layout qualifiers</li>
  12512. <li>Add support for interface blocks</li>
  12513. <li>Add error highligting in Project view</li>
  12514. <li>Add invalid initializer type warning</li>
  12515. <li>Add support for bitwise operators</li>
  12516. <li>Fix Convert Vector Components action</li>
  12517. </ul>
  12518. <p>1.6</p>
  12519. <ul>
  12520. <li>Improved unreachability analyzing</li>
  12521. <li>Recognize more file extensions</li>
  12522. <li>Improved token lexing around #if preprocessor statements</li>
  12523. <li>Added support for more native types (uint, double, uvec, dvec, dmat)</li>
  12524. </ul>
  12525. <p>1.5</p>
  12526. <ul>
  12527. <li>Brace folding for compound statements</li>
  12528. <li>Added more qualifiers from glsl 450</li>
  12529. <li>Improved highlighting, especially on dark themes</li>
  12530. <li>Parsing is a bit more robust</li>
  12531. </ul>
  12532. <p>1.4</p>
  12533. <ul>
  12534. <li>Added support for GL ES precision modifiers and statements</li>
  12535. </ul>
  12536. <p>1.3</p>
  12537. <ul>
  12538. <li>Fixed compatibility with CLion</li>
  12539. <li>Fix minor bugs</li>
  12540. </ul>
  12541. <p>Notable older changes</p>
  12542. <p> </p>
  12543. <ul>
  12544. <li>Update to support Intellij 14</li>
  12545. <li>Update color scheme handling</li>
  12546. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>3.9</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='24548' size='90938' date='1464959882000' url=''><name>NEON support</name><id>NEON support</id><description><![CDATA[Nette Object Notation - ne-on.org]]></description><version>0.4.1</version><vendor email='' url=''>juzna.cz</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='139.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[0.4.1
  12547. <ul>
  12548. <li>Lexer: fixed EAP compatibility</li>
  12549. </ul> 0.4.0.
  12550. <ul>
  12551. <li>Multiline string support</li>
  12552. <li>Better keyword completion</li>
  12553. <li>Class completion for a incomplete key</li>
  12554. <li>Show duplicate key error</li>
  12555. <li>Better error for a bad indent</li>
  12556. <li>Parser: some fixes</li>
  12557. </ul> 0.3.1
  12558. <ul>
  12559. <li>Parser: fixed blank line at a file beginning</li>
  12560. </ul> 0.3.0
  12561. <ul>
  12562. <li>Added structure view</li>
  12563. <li>Parser, lexer: many fixes and features</li>
  12564. <li>Completion: suggest interfaces</li>
  12565. <li>Completion: better class and namespace completion</li>
  12566. <li>Completion: improved keyword completion, added Nette 2.3 keywords</li>
  12567. <li>Added GoToClassHandler</li>
  12568. <li>Added NeonEnterHandler</li>
  12569. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><depends>com.jetbrains.php</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='223874' size='1774760' date='1515232558000' url='http://ignatov.github.com/intellij-erlang'><name>Erlang</name><id>org.jetbrains.erlang</id><description><![CDATA[<p>Erlang support for IntelliJ IDEA, RubyMine, WebStorm, etc.</p>
  12570. <p> Feel free to file new feature requests as an issue on <a href="https://github.com/ignatov/intellij-erlang/issues" rel="nofollow">GitHub</a>, just like a bug. </p>
  12571. <p> <a href="https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&amp;hosted_button_id=C344TC8DDC5UN" rel="nofollow">Donate</a> to support the project. </p>]]></description><version>0.10.967</version><vendor email='ignatovs@gmail.com' url=''>Sergey Ignatov</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='173.3727' until-build='173.*'/><change-notes><![CDATA[<ul>
  12572. <li>Fix Erlang scratch file creation, <a href="https://github.com/ignatov/intellij-erlang/issues/765" rel="nofollow">#765</a></li>
  12573. <li>Allow arguments with spaces in run configurations, <a href="https://github.com/ignatov/intellij-erlang/issues/764" rel="nofollow">#764</a></li>
  12574. <li>Support for the new dialyzer map syntax, <a href="https://github.com/ignatov/intellij-erlang/issues/741" rel="nofollow">#741</a></li>
  12575. <li>Improve formatter, fix <a href="https://github.com/ignatov/intellij-erlang/issues/738" rel="nofollow">#738</a></li>
  12576. <li>Fix infinite reindexing, <a href="https://github.com/ignatov/intellij-erlang/issues/732" rel="nofollow">#732</a></li>
  12577. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='357508' size='158436' date='1509553135000' url=''><name>Pug (ex-Jade)</name><id>com.jetbrains.plugins.jade</id><description><![CDATA[Support for
  12578. <a href="https://github.com/pugjs/pug" rel="nofollow">Pug</a> (formerly known as
  12579. <a href="http://jade-lang.com/" rel="nofollow">Jade</a>), a template language for JavaScript]]></description><version>173.3531.1</version><vendor email='' url=''>JetBrains</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='173.3531' until-build='173.*'/><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>(optional) com.intellij.plugins.html.instantEditing</depends><depends>(optional) com.intellij.plugins.watcher</depends><depends>JavaScript</depends><depends>com.intellij.css</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.xml</depends><rating>3.6</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='8574' size='76003' date='1470849970000' url=''><name>Org4Idea</name><id>Org4Idea</id><description><![CDATA[An OrgMode editor for IntelliJ IDEA]]></description><version>0.3.1</version><vendor email='skuro@skuro.tk' url=''>Carlo Sciolla</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='107.105' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Outlines are now foldable!]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='10650' size='39914' date='1513175337000' url=''><name>JSFL Support</name><id>JSFL Support</id><description><![CDATA[Support of JSFL, the scripting language for automating Adobe Flash.]]></description><version>3.3.3</version><vendor email='' url=''>Evgeniy Polyakov</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='173.0' until-build='173.*'/><change-notes><![CDATA[<p>3.3.3</p> Compatible with IntelliJ IDEA 2017.3.
  12580. <p>3.3.2</p> Compatible with IntelliJ IDEA 2017.2.
  12581. <p>3.3.1</p> Compatible with IntelliJ IDEA 2017.1.
  12582. <p>3.3.0</p> Compatible with IntelliJ IDEA 2016.3. New icons for jsfl file type.
  12583. <p>3.2.1</p> Compatible with IntelliJ IDEA 2016.2.
  12584. <p>3.2.0</p> Compatible with IntelliJ IDEA 2016. Updating help url in external documentation provider.
  12585. <p>3.1.3</p> Compatible with IntelliJ IDEA 15.
  12586. <p>3.1.2</p> Compatible with IntelliJ IDEA 14.1.
  12587. <p>3.1.1</p> Reworked annotations in JSFL API:
  12588. <ul>
  12589. <li>Added braces in @type and @return annotations.</li>
  12590. <li>Added missing array element types.</li>
  12591. <li>Added ElementFindAndSelect type.</li>
  12592. <li>Added @class and @extends annotations.</li>
  12593. <li>Changed {String} to {*} in trace methods.</li>
  12594. <li>Added annotations for duck-typing objects like points, rectangles etc.</li>
  12595. <li>Added annotations for alternative argument type, mostly for color values {String|Number}.</li>
  12596. <li>Various fixes in API description.</li>
  12597. </ul>
  12598. <p>3.1.0</p>
  12599. <ul>
  12600. <li>Language dialect of *.jsfl files has been set to JavaScript 1.8 since Flash environment supports it starting Flash CC. For the complete list of new language features see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/New_in_JavaScript/1.8.</li>
  12601. <li>Added link to external documentation for most of API elements. The documentation is available via Shift+F1 or Quick Documentation Lookup. For more details see https://www.jetbrains.com/idea/help/viewing-external-documentation.html.</li>
  12602. <li>Reworked description of JSFL API. All methods and fields are now defined in the prototype that allows to display more info in code completion and hints. Cache invalidation might be required to get updated JSFL libraries!</li>
  12603. <li>Fixed description of some API elements (SpriteSheetExporter, SymbolInstance.useBackgroundColor, FontItem, etc)</li>
  12604. <li>Added element type of all arrays.</li>
  12605. </ul>
  12606. <p>3.0.2</p> Compatible with IntelliJ IDEA 14.
  12607. <p>3.0.1</p> Compatible with IntelliJ IDEA 13.1.
  12608. <p>3.0.0</p> Compatible with IntelliJ IDEA 13. JSFL library has been updated for Flash CC http://help.adobe.com/en_US/flash/cs/extend/WS5b3ccc516d4fbf351e63e3d118a9024f3f-7fe7CS5.html
  12609. <p>2.1.1</p> Compatible with IntelliJ IDEA 12.1.6.
  12610. <p>2.1.0</p> Compatible with IntelliJ IDEA 12.1.
  12611. <p>2.0.2</p> Language dialect of *.jsfl files is set to JavaScript 1.6 because Flash environment uses this version of the language. Earlier language dialect depended on JavaScript settings. Now it is strictly defined. For more information see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/JavaScript/New_in_JavaScript/1.6.
  12612. <p>2.0.1</p> Decreased JDK version. Now the plugin can be run on 1.6 JDK.
  12613. <p>2.0.0</p> Compatible with IntelliJ IDEA 12.
  12614. <p>1.1.1</p> Changed icons. Now they are more compatible with IntelliJ IDEA design.
  12615. <p>1.1</p> JSFL library has been verified according to an official documentation http://help.adobe.com/en_US/flash/cs/extend/index.html
  12616. <ul>
  12617. <li>Added Flash CS5, CS5.5, CS6 API</li>
  12618. <li>Added version information of each of API elements</li>
  12619. <li>Removed API elements that are not available since Flash CS5: Screen, ScreenOutline, document versioning</li>
  12620. <li>Added marking of optional method parameters</li>
  12621. <li>Added marking of read-only properties</li>
  12622. </ul>
  12623. <p>1.0</p>
  12624. <ul>
  12625. <li>JSFL files based on JavaScript files</li>
  12626. <li>Core library for Flash CS5 and earlier versions</li>
  12627. <li>Running JSFL files in associated application</li>
  12628. <li>Templates for JSFL commands and tools</li>
  12629. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>JavaScript</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='3026' size='38702' date='1355766268000' url=''><name>JaggeryEditor</name><id>JaggeryEditorSupport</id><description><![CDATA[IDE support for Jaggery. Syntax highlighting, code completion and code formatting are enabled
  12630. <br />]]></description><version>2.0</version><vendor email='' url='http://jaggeryjs.org/'>WSO2</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='123.72' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Code formatting for javascript part.
  12631. <br /> variables visible among blocks of tags]]></change-notes><depends>JavaScript</depends><rating>2.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='41107' size='49733' date='1386008504000' url=''><name>GNU GetText files support (*.po)</name><id>org.jetbrains.plugins.localization</id><description><![CDATA[This plugin enables support for GNU GetText files (*.po)]]></description><version>134.SNAPSHOT</version><vendor email='' url=''>JetBrains</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='130.1' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<ul>
  12632. <li>Added spell-checking support (PY-11477)</li>
  12633. <li>Fixed select word behavior (PY-7533)</li>
  12634. <li>Added *.pot extension as default (PY-11161)</li>
  12635. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>1.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='63446' size='139940' date='1386012330000' url=''><name>ReStructuredText Support</name><id>org.jetbrains.plugins.rest</id><description><![CDATA[This plugin enables support for reStructuredText files (*.rst)]]></description><version>134.SNAPSHOT</version><vendor email='' url=''>JetBrains</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='130.1' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<ul>
  12636. <li>Added inspection for title &amp; underline length math (PY-10998)</li>
  12637. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>2.4</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='63222' size='78523' date='1505214334000' url=''><name>Slim</name><id>org.jetbrains.plugins.slim</id><description><![CDATA[Slim language support]]></description><version>173.2099.14</version><vendor email='' url=''>JetBrains</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='173.2099' until-build='173.*'/><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.css</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>3.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='219025' size='604630' date='1512049073000' url=''><name>Puppet Support</name><id>com.intellij.lang.puppet</id><description><![CDATA[This plugin provides Puppet language support. Current features include:
  12638. <ul>
  12639. <li> Syntax highlighting and auto-formatting for puppet manifests written using either Puppet 3.x or Puppet 4 (future) language syntax; </li>
  12640. <li> Code assistance (completion, find usages, quick definition, etc.) for variables, classes, resource types and parameters, facts and external functions and types; </li>
  12641. <li> Unresolved symbols error highlighting; </li>
  12642. <li> Ability to set up several environments to use different <code>modulepath</code> for resolving symbols defined in modules and a mechanism to synchronize selected environment with the current git branch automatically. </li>
  12643. </ul>]]></description><version>173.3727.127</version><vendor email='' url=''>JetBrains</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='173.3727' until-build='173.*'/><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>(optional) org.jetbrains.plugins.yaml</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>3.4</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='1645' size='164686' date='1364658978000' url='https://github.com/Ladicek/IntelliFrog'><name>IntelliFrog</name><id>cz.ladicek.intellifrog</id><description><![CDATA[SmartFrog Plugin for IntelliJ IDEA]]></description><version>0.4</version><vendor email='ladicek@gmail.com' url=''>Ladislav Thon</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='123.72' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<p>0.4</p>
  12644. <ul>
  12645. <li>code navigation</li>
  12646. <li>code completion</li>
  12647. <li>find usages</li>
  12648. <li>rename refactoring</li>
  12649. <li>safe delete</li>
  12650. </ul>
  12651. <p>0.3</p>
  12652. <ul>
  12653. <li>two small parsing issue fixes</li>
  12654. <li>navigate to Java class from arbitrary string</li>
  12655. <li>navigate to SmartFrog script from #include</li>
  12656. <li>completion of SmartFrog scripts inside #include</li>
  12657. </ul>
  12658. <p>0.2</p>
  12659. <ul>
  12660. <li>small parsing issue fix</li>
  12661. <li>structure view</li>
  12662. <li>highlighting known attributes</li>
  12663. <li>navigate to component class</li>
  12664. </ul>
  12665. <p>0.1</p>
  12666. <ul>
  12667. <li>SmartFrog parsing with reasonable error recovery</li>
  12668. <li>syntax highlighting</li>
  12669. <li>brace matching</li>
  12670. <li>commenting</li>
  12671. <li>creating new .sf files</li>
  12672. <li>keyword completion</li>
  12673. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='23602' size='178297' date='1493331958000' url='https://github.com/raket/idea-silverstripe'><name>SilverStripe Template Language Support</name><id>com.raket.silverstripe</id><description><![CDATA[<a href="http://www.silverstripe.org/" rel="nofollow">SilverStripe</a> template language support
  12674. <br>
  12675. <br> Issues, feature requests and contributions welcome:
  12676. <a href="https://github.com/raket/idea-silverstripe" rel="nofollow">https://github.com/raket/idea-silverstripe</a>]]></description><version></version><vendor email='marcus@raket.nu' url='https://github.com/raket/idea-silverstripe'>Raket
  12677. Webbyrå</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='129.196' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<strong>Version</strong>
  12678. <ul>
  12679. <li><b>Changes</b></li>
  12680. <li>Remove the automatic $ creation</li>
  12681. </ul>
  12682. <strong>Version</strong>
  12683. <ul>
  12684. <li><b>Bugfixes</b></li>
  12685. <li>Turn off type provider. Fixes #66</li>
  12686. <li>Fix version file not found. Fixes #67</li>
  12687. </ul>
  12688. <strong>Version</strong>
  12689. <ul>
  12690. <li><b>Bugfixes</b></li>
  12691. <li>Fix null pointer in class search</li>
  12692. <li>Set never changed in cache provider</li>
  12693. <li>Tested with PHPStorm 7.1.4 and 8.0.1</li>
  12694. </ul>
  12695. <strong>Version 0.9.1</strong>
  12696. <ul>
  12697. <li><b>Features</b></li>
  12698. <li>Fixed concurrency issues in variable resolves</li>
  12699. <li>Exclude test classes from resolves</li>
  12700. <li>Create live template context for SilverStripe templates</li>
  12701. <li>Bundled live templates for all the common tags</li>
  12702. </ul>
  12703. <strong>Version 0.9</strong>
  12704. <ul>
  12705. <li><b>Features</b></li>
  12706. <li>PHPStorm 6.0.1+ only</li>
  12707. <li>Total parser rewrite</li>
  12708. <li>Theme dir and theme file resolves</li>
  12709. <li>Fix bug in translation identifiers</li>
  12710. <li>Expanded variable resolves. Ctrl+clicking variables now also checks the db, has_one, has_many, many_many and belongs_many_many arrays.</li>
  12711. </ul>
  12712. <strong>Version 0.8.1</strong>
  12713. <ul>
  12714. <li><b>Features</b></li>
  12715. <li>Surround descriptors. By pressing ctrl+alt+t you can surround selected text with either an if, loop or with statement.</li>
  12716. </ul>
  12717. <strong>Version 0.8</strong>
  12718. <ul>
  12719. <li><b>Features</b></li>
  12720. <li>Variables are named elements</li>
  12721. <li>Variable resolves. Ctrl+click will now try to resolve to a method with that name or a method prefixed by get.</li>
  12722. </ul>
  12723. <strong>Version 0.7.2</strong>
  12724. <ul>
  12725. <li><b>Features</b></li>
  12726. <li>Project component for tracking SilverStripe version</li>
  12727. <li>Readded refactor to include insertion of include tag</li>
  12728. </ul>
  12729. <strong>Version 0.7.1</strong>
  12730. <ul>
  12731. <li><b>Features</b></li>
  12732. <li>Underscores are now valid in variable names.</li>
  12733. <li>References added to require tag. The file names are now ctrl+clickable leading to the file in question. themedCSS is currently NOT theme aware and will suggest all matches.</li>
  12734. </ul>
  12735. <strong>Version 0.7</strong>
  12736. <ul>
  12737. <li><b>Features</b></li>
  12738. <li>Annotates free strings to allow easy conversion to strings or variables.</li>
  12739. <li>Added &lt;, &lt;=, &gt;, &gt;= comparison operators with a warning if they are used in SilverStripe versions lower than 3.1.</li>
  12740. <li>Added require tag.</li>
  12741. <li>Fixed fatal error in include refactor when a project is opened without an open file.</li>
  12742. <li>Change highlighting colors to align more with PHP.</li>
  12743. </ul>
  12744. <strong>Version 0.6.1</strong>
  12745. <ul>
  12746. <li><b>Features</b></li>
  12747. <li>Fixes reformat bug after removing text when refactoring to include file.</li>
  12748. <li>Correctly parses advanced versions of loop, with and control.</li>
  12749. <li>"&lt;" is no longer interpreted as a bad character.</li>
  12750. <li>Typing "{" should now consistently yield "{$}".</li>
  12751. </ul>
  12752. <strong>Version 0.6</strong>
  12753. <ul>
  12754. <li><b>Features</b></li>
  12755. <li>Refactor selected text to include file. This command moves the selected text to an include file. Defaults to ctrl+F6.</li>
  12756. <li>Fix parser bug for else_if statements.</li>
  12757. </ul>
  12758. <strong>Version 0.5.1</strong>
  12759. <ul>
  12760. <li><b>Features</b></li>
  12761. <li>Major bugfix that would freeze the lexer in some cases.</li>
  12762. <li>Add YAML references for translations. It is now possible to ctrl+click an element in a yaml translation file to find the corresponding tag.</li>
  12763. <li>Gutter icon removed for include files.</li>
  12764. </ul>
  12765. <strong>Version 0.5</strong>
  12766. <ul>
  12767. <li><b>Features</b></li>
  12768. <li>Added the cached tag</li>
  12769. <li>Proper parsing of translation tags</li>
  12770. <li>Custom error messages for translation tag</li>
  12771. <li>Parse advanced include statments</li>
  12772. <li>Proper parsing of var statements</li>
  12773. <li>Basic spellchecking</li>
  12774. <li>Auto focus for autocomplete</li>
  12775. <li>Bug fix in formatter</li>
  12776. </ul>
  12777. <strong>Version 0.4</strong>
  12778. <ul>
  12779. <li><b>Features</b></li>
  12780. <li>Proper file resolution for include statements. It's now possible to ctrl+click or command+click include statements directly to navigate to the correct file. We're keeping the icon in the gutter for clarity</li>
  12781. <li>Bugfix for autocomplete of block statements. This both fixes a bug that missed the autocomplete and caused an exception when searching for files in some cases</li>
  12782. </ul>
  12783. <strong>Version 0.3</strong>
  12784. <ul>
  12785. <li><b>Features</b></li>
  12786. <li>Code completion for include statement. It will show a list of possible include files in the current project</li>
  12787. <li>Annotation and quickfix of missing include files. A missing file will be annotated and can be quickfixed to automatically create the file</li>
  12788. <li>Goto include file. Correct include statement shows a marker in the gutter that when clicked leads to the file</li>
  12789. <li>Comments support. The plugin now supports the Code -&gt; Comment shortcuts and will create an SS shortcut around the selected text</li>
  12790. </ul>
  12791. <strong>Version 0.2</strong>
  12792. <ul>
  12793. <li><b>Features</b></li>
  12794. <li>Code completion for block statements Writing out the opening statement will autocomplete the closing statement</li>
  12795. <li>Automatic placing of caret when pressing enter between start and close block</li>
  12796. <li>Code formatting for both HTML and the SilverStripe template language.</li>
  12797. <li>Proper parsing of if/else_if statements</li>
  12798. <li>Basic support of &lt;%t %&gt;</li>
  12799. </ul>
  12800. <strong>Version 0.1</strong>
  12801. <br> First version of the plugin. It brings basic tag recognition, syntax highlighting, brace matching and code folding. It also recognizes HTML as a separate language and allows the formatting of HTML inside an ss file.
  12802. <ul>
  12803. <li><b>Features</b></li>
  12804. <li>Basic tag recognition. Recognizes the following tags:
  12805. <ul>
  12806. <li>&lt;% if $Var %&gt; - &lt;% else_if %&gt; - &lt;% else %&gt; - &lt;% end_if %&gt;</li>
  12807. <li>&lt;% loop $Var %&gt; - &lt;% end_loop %&gt;</li>
  12808. <li>&lt;% with $Var %&gt; - &lt;% end_with %&gt;</li>
  12809. <li>&lt;% control $Var %&gt; - &lt;% end_control %&gt;</li>
  12810. <li>&lt;%-- Comment --%&gt;</li>
  12811. <li>&lt;% include File %&gt;</li>
  12812. <li>&lt;% base_tag %&gt;</li>
  12813. <li>Var statements, both {$Var} and $Var is supported.</li>
  12814. </ul> </li>
  12815. <li>Basic syntax highlighting</li>
  12816. <li>Brace matching</li>
  12817. <li>Code folding</li>
  12818. <li>HTML is recognized and can be formatted.</li>
  12819. <li>Error messages for mismatching blocks and unexpected blocks.<br> Error messages for syntax errors in Var statements. </li>
  12820. <li>Message about unrecognized tags.</li>
  12821. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><depends>com.jetbrains.php</depends><depends>org.jetbrains.plugins.yaml</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='37390' size='298366' date='1426909162000' url=''><name>Pig</name><id>org.apache.pig.plugin.idea</id><description><![CDATA[Apache Pig Language Plugin]]></description><version>1.7</version><vendor email='brandon.kearby at gmail com' url=''>Brandon Kearby &amp; Russell Melick</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='107.105' /><change-notes><![CDATA[IntelliJ - Pig Plugin
  12822. <p> Pig Plugin adds <a href="http://pig.apache.org" rel="nofollow">Apache Pig</a> Language support to <a href="http://www.jetbrains.com/idea" rel="nofollow">IntelliJ</a> Note: you may already have .pig files associated with the text editor. Go to IDE Settings -&gt; File Types to assign them to the pig plugin if nothing happens after you install it. </p> Features
  12823. <ul>
  12824. <li>Find Usages and refactoring support for UDFs and pig variables</li>
  12825. <li>Data Type Auto-completion on schema</li>
  12826. <li>Keyword highlighting</li>
  12827. <li>Code commenting/uncommenting</li>
  12828. <li>Brace matching</li>
  12829. <li>Syntax and errors highlighting</li>
  12830. <li>Comment folding</li>
  12831. <li>Doc Style Comments</li>
  12832. <li>Custom Color Settings Page</li>
  12833. </ul> Change log Version 1.7
  12834. <ul>
  12835. <li>Find Usages and refactoring support for UDFs and pig variables</li>
  12836. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='55107' size='117033' date='1408661822000' url='https://github.com/yifanz/Intellij-Dust'><name>Dust</name><id>com.linkedin.intellij.dust</id><description><![CDATA[<a href="http://linkedin.github.com/dustjs/" rel="nofollow">Dust</a> Template Support
  12837. <br />
  12838. <br /> Issues, feature requests, source code:
  12839. <a href="https://github.com/yifanz/Intellij-Dust" rel="nofollow">https://github.com/yifanz/Intellij-Dust</a>]]></description><version>0.3.8</version><vendor email='' url='https://github.com/yifanz'>Yi-Fan Zhang</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='110.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<b>Version 0.3.8</b>
  12840. <ul>
  12841. <li> Allow hyphen inside of identifiers </li>
  12842. </ul>
  12843. <b>Version 0.3.7</b>
  12844. <ul>
  12845. <li> Use system dependent file separator when resolving partials </li>
  12846. <li> Fixed parsing errors with single period path expressions </li>
  12847. <li> Allow multiple colon tags </li>
  12848. </ul>
  12849. <b>Version 0.3.6</b>
  12850. <ul>
  12851. <li> Allow path expression inside subscript </li>
  12852. <li> Fix bugs in subscript tokenizer rule </li>
  12853. </ul>
  12854. <b>Version 0.3.5</b>
  12855. <ul>
  12856. <li> Allow self-closing section tags in grammar </li>
  12857. </ul>
  12858. <b>Version 0.3.4</b>
  12859. <ul>
  12860. <li> Fixed bug with parsing numeric key tag </li>
  12861. </ul>
  12862. <b>Version 0.3.3</b>
  12863. <ul>
  12864. <li> Fixed bug with using current context and numbers as attribute values </li>
  12865. </ul>
  12866. <b>Version 0.3.2</b>
  12867. <ul>
  12868. <li> Fixed bug in comment parsing </li>
  12869. </ul>
  12870. <b>Version 0.3.1</b>
  12871. <ul>
  12872. <li> Fixed compatibility issues with Intellij 11 and set it as the minimum supported version </li>
  12873. <li> Fixed bugs in left curly brace and identifier token patterns in lexer </li>
  12874. </ul>
  12875. <b>Version 0.3</b>
  12876. <ul>
  12877. <li> Added closing tag auto-completion </li>
  12878. <li> Added dust partial tag goto reference shortcut &quot;Ctrl+b&quot; </li>
  12879. <li> Fix parsing error on self closing block tags </li>
  12880. <li> Fix brace matcher bug when key tags are used in attribute strings </li>
  12881. <li> Remove redundant HTML pattern rules in Dust lexer </li>
  12882. </ul>
  12883. <b>Version 0.2</b>
  12884. <ul>
  12885. <li> Added Dust brace match highlighting </li>
  12886. <li> Added &quot;Ctrl+/&quot; shortcut for Dust comments </li>
  12887. <li> Fix syntax highlighting for subscript operator in tags (e.g. {#section[0]}...{/section[0]}) </li>
  12888. <li> Added TODO highlighting in comments </li>
  12889. </ul>
  12890. <b>Version 0.1.2</b>
  12891. <ul>
  12892. <li> Fix syntax highlighting when javascript is present in template </li>
  12893. </ul>
  12894. <b>Version 0.1.1</b>
  12895. <ul>
  12896. <li> Enable plugin for all JetBrain products </li>
  12897. </ul>
  12898. <b>Version 0.1</b>
  12899. <ul>
  12900. <li> Provides syntax highlighting for Dust templates </li>
  12901. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='41644' size='6091237' date='1500726017000' url='http://mathematicaplugin.halirutan.de'><name>Mathematica Support</name><id>de.halirutan.mathematica</id><description><![CDATA[<strong>Mathematica (Wolfram Language) support for IntelliJ IDEA</strong>
  12902. <br>
  12903. <br>
  12904. <a href="https://github.com/halirutan/Mathematica-IntelliJ-Plugin" rel="nofollow">GitHub</a> |
  12905. <a href="https://github.com/halirutan/Mathematica-IntelliJ-Plugin/issues" rel="nofollow">Bug Tracker</a> |
  12906. <a href="https://www.paypal.me/halirutan" rel="nofollow">Donate</a>
  12907. <br>
  12908. <br> This plugin turns your IntelliJ IDEA into a powerful coding environment for Mathematica. For more information check out the
  12909. <a href="http://mathematicaplugin.halirutan.de" rel="nofollow">official website</a>. I have started to create user-friendly documentation of various features on the
  12910. <a href="https://github.com/halirutan/Mathematica-IntelliJ-Plugin/wiki" rel="nofollow">Wiki pages of GitHub</a>. If you want to discuss specific topics, then ping me (
  12911. <a href="http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/users/187/halirutan?tab=profile" rel="nofollow">halirutan</a>) in the dedicated
  12912. <a href="http://chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/8636/intellijidea-plugin-for-mathematica" rel="nofollow">chat room on stackexchange</a>.
  12913. <br>
  12914. <b>Features:</b>
  12915. <ul>
  12916. <li>Advanced syntax highlighting including patterns, anonymous functions, comment tags, and more</li>
  12917. <li>CamelHump autocompletion for all built-in Mathematica functions, local variables and package definitions</li>
  12918. <li>Smart completion for function options, messages and comment tags</li>
  12919. <li>Coloring and resolving of Module/Block/Table/... variables</li>
  12920. <li>Renaming of variables and functions</li>
  12921. <li>Code folding support for localization constructs like Module, With, Block, ... </li>
  12922. <li>Quick documentation lookup for all built-in symbols and operators</li>
  12923. <li>Structured View for package definitions</li>
  12924. <li>Correct display of Mathematica's <a href="https://reference.wolfram.com/language/guide/ListingOfNamedCharacters.html" rel="nofollow">named characters</a> </li>
  12925. <li>Inspections for version mismatch of symbols, possible errors through multiplicaton at linebreak, and missing commas and semicolons </li>
  12926. <li>Autocompletion suggestions sorted by importance</li>
  12927. <li>Highlighting and smart inserting of braces, brackets and parenthesis</li>
  12928. <li>Quick navigation between symbol usages with Navigate - Related Symbol</li>
  12929. </ul>]]></description><version>2.4.4</version><vendor email='' url='http://mathematicaplugin.halirutan.de'>Patrick Scheibe</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='172.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<i>New features and bug-fixes:</i>
  12930. <br>
  12931. <ul>
  12932. <li>Fixed issue that prevents creating a new project in IDEA 2017.2</li>
  12933. <li>Include system information on reporting errors with empty user message</li>
  12934. <li>A better error reporter that creates issues on GitHub automatically</li>
  12935. <li>Spell check for symbols, comments and strings</li>
  12936. <li>Code folding based on section comments like (* ::Section:: *)</li>
  12937. <li>SurroundWith (Ctrl+Alt+T) will now do something useful when pressed without an active selection</li>
  12938. <li>Added Ctrl+Space completion inside comments</li>
  12939. <li>Reimplemented parsing of comments and comment annotation</li>
  12940. <li>Fixed null exception (<a href="https://halirutan.myjetbrains.com/youtrack/issue/MMAP-88" rel="nofollow">MMAP-91</a>)</li>
  12941. <li>Added guard to fix exception (<a href="https://halirutan.myjetbrains.com/youtrack/issue/MMAP-88" rel="nofollow">MMAP-88</a>) </li>
  12942. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='3704' size='302986' date='1373833486000' url=''><name>LiveScriptIdea</name><id>org.livescriptidea</id><description><![CDATA[Plugin for LiveScript language support]]></description><version>0.1.7</version><vendor email='racklin@gmail.com' url='https://github.com/racklin/livescript-idea'>Rack Lin</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='80.9000' /><change-notes><![CDATA[0.1.7 changes:
  12943. <ul>
  12944. <li>[feature]Add LiveScript File Watcher To Compile LiveScript File To JavaScirpt.</li>
  12945. </ul> 0.1.6 changes:
  12946. <ul>
  12947. <li>[feature]Add Preview Compiled LiveScript File</li>
  12948. </ul> 0.1.5 changes:
  12949. <ul>
  12950. <li>[feature]Add &lt;&lt;&lt; &lt;&lt;&lt;&lt; import super let export var from keywords</li>
  12951. <li>[feature]Add backticks ` support</li>
  12952. </ul> 0.1.4 changes:
  12953. <ul>
  12954. <li>[feature]Add CodeStyle with a Code Style settings preference pane</li>
  12955. </ul> 0.1.3 changes:
  12956. <ul>
  12957. <li>[feature]LiveScript File / Class Templates</li>
  12958. <li>[bugfix]Fixes some lexer statements</li>
  12959. <li> </li>
  12960. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>JavaScript</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.ultimate</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='2102' size='1845097' date='1515968069000' url='https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/7291-textmapper'><name>Textmapper</name><id>org.textmapper.idea</id><description><![CDATA[Textmapper support
  12961. <br>
  12962. <b>Features:</b>
  12963. <br>
  12964. <ul>
  12965. <li>Customizable syntax highlighting</li>
  12966. <li>Navigation (go to declaration)</li>
  12967. <li>Find usages, Rename, File structure</li>
  12968. <li>On-the-fly validation, compiler</li>
  12969. </ul>]]></description><version>0.9.18</version><vendor email='egryaznov@gmail.com' url='http://textmapper.org/'>Evgeny Gryaznov</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='129.713' /><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='165858' size='55127' date='1507128506000' url=''><name>EJS</name><id>com.jetbrains.lang.ejs</id><description><![CDATA[<a href="http://embeddedjs.com/" rel="nofollow">EJS</a> support]]></description><version>173.2941.6</version><vendor email='' url=''>JetBrains</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='173.2941' until-build='173.*'/><change-notes><![CDATA[<ul>
  12970. <li>Initial support</li>
  12971. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>JavaScript</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>2.6</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='137551' size='80214' date='1514460911000' url=''><name>Twig Support</name><id>com.jetbrains.twig</id><description><![CDATA[Twig Template Language Support]]></description><version>173.4301.7</version><vendor email='' url=''>JetBrains</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='173.4301' until-build='173.*'/><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.ultimate</depends><rating>4.5</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='72560' size='97011' date='1509553134000' url=''><name>Stylus support</name><id>org.jetbrains.plugins.stylus</id><description><![CDATA[Stylus language support]]></description><version>173.3531.1</version><vendor email='' url=''>JetBrains</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='173.3531' /><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>(optional) com.intellij.copyright</depends><depends>(optional) com.intellij.plugins.watcher</depends><depends>com.intellij.css</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>3.7</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='1246' size='803354' date='1384260547000' url=''><name>DeftIDEA</name><id>org.dylanfoundry.deft</id><description><![CDATA[<p>This plugin provides support for the <a href="http://opendylan.org/" rel="nofollow">Dylan</a> programming language.</p>]]></description><version>0.4.2</version><vendor email='' url='http://dylanfoundry.org/'>Dylan Foundry</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='129.239' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<p>0.4.2</p>
  12972. <ul>
  12973. <li>Initial support for smart indenting as you type. This doesn't dedent yet.</li>
  12974. <li>Add live templates for define suite (defs) and define test (defte).</li>
  12975. <li>Fix another null pointer exception.</li>
  12976. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='14200' size='66240' date='1402161917000' url='https://github.com/webschik/idea-doT'><name>doT</name><id>com.webschik.doT</id><description><![CDATA[Plugin for
  12977. <a href="http://olado.github.io/doT/index.html" rel="nofollow">doT.js</a> templates support.
  12978. <br />
  12979. <a href="https://www.liqpay.com/?do=clickNbuy&amp;button=i67533662223" rel="nofollow">Donate with LiqPay</a>]]></description><version>1.5.4</version><vendor email='' url='https://github.com/webschik'>webschik</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='107.105' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Add change notes here.
  12980. <br />
  12981. <small>most HTML tags may be used</small>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='96215' size='525937' date='1513193765000' url=''><name>Thrift Support</name><id>com.intellij.plugins.thrift</id><description><![CDATA[Support for Thrift language]]></description><version>0.9.8</version><vendor email='' url=''>@fedor</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.1' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<p>0.9.8:</p>
  12982. <ul>
  12983. <li>Proper handling of relative imports</li>
  12984. </ul>
  12985. <p>0.9.7:</p>
  12986. <ul>
  12987. <li>Erlang support</li>
  12988. <li>Bug fixes</li>
  12989. <li>Support all IntelliJ-based IDEs</li>
  12990. </ul>
  12991. <p>0.9.6:</p>
  12992. <ul>
  12993. <li>Support for generated_annotations=undated</li>
  12994. <li>Java 6 bytecode level</li>
  12995. </ul>
  12996. <p>0.9.5:</p>
  12997. <ul>
  12998. <li>Add Thrift v0.9.2 compiler options</li>
  12999. <li>ID duplication inspection</li>
  13000. </ul>
  13001. <p>0.9.4:</p>
  13002. <ul>
  13003. <li>Always absolute from source roots paths in includes</li>
  13004. </ul>
  13005. <p>0.9.3:</p>
  13006. <ul>
  13007. <li>Bug fixed and performance improvements</li>
  13008. </ul>
  13009. <p>0.9.2:</p>
  13010. <ul>
  13011. <li>Store relative to module folder paths for output folder</li>
  13012. <li>Fixed resolving for source roots with packages prefixes</li>
  13013. </ul>
  13014. <p>0.9.1:</p>
  13015. <ul>
  13016. <li>Compile thrift files within Idea</li>
  13017. </ul>
  13018. <p>0.9:</p>
  13019. <ul>
  13020. <li>Type Annotations</li>
  13021. <li>Bug fixes</li>
  13022. </ul>
  13023. <p>0.7:</p>
  13024. <ul>
  13025. <li>Improved include resolver</li>
  13026. <li>Unresolved include inspection</li>
  13027. </ul>
  13028. <p>0.6:</p>
  13029. <ul>
  13030. <li>Bug fixes</li>
  13031. </ul>
  13032. <p>0.5:</p>
  13033. <ul>
  13034. <li>Rename Refactoring fixes</li>
  13035. </ul>
  13036. <p>0.4:</p>
  13037. <ul>
  13038. <li>Bug fixes</li>
  13039. </ul>
  13040. <p>0.3:</p>
  13041. <ul>
  13042. <li>Find usages</li>
  13043. <li>Structure View</li>
  13044. <li>Fields and Functions in Go to by Symbol Name</li>
  13045. </ul>
  13046. <p>0.2:</p>
  13047. <ul>
  13048. <li>References</li>
  13049. <li>Go to implementation</li>
  13050. <li>Icons</li>
  13051. </ul>
  13052. <p>0.1:</p>
  13053. <ul>
  13054. <li>Syntax error highlighting via parser</li>
  13055. <li>Simple code highlighting</li>
  13056. <li>Completion</li>
  13057. <li>Commenter</li>
  13058. <li>Brace matching</li>
  13059. <li>Quote handler</li>
  13060. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.vcs</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.xdebugger</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.xml</depends><rating>4.5</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='71431' size='1001914' date='1505427772000' url=''><name>I-Pascal</name><id>com.siberika.idea.pascal</id><description><![CDATA[Pascal support for IDEA.
  13061. <br>]]></description><version>1.40</version><vendor email='argb32@gmail.com' url='http://www.siberika.com/ipascal.htm'>siberika.com</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='133.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[LLDB debugger backend, find usages optimization]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><rating>4.3</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='1453' size='60629' date='1399508210000' url=''><name>Conkitty</name><id>com.hoho.conkitty</id><description><![CDATA[Conkitty Template Engine Support]]></description><version>0.5.0</version><vendor email='dakota@brokenpipe.ru' url='https://github.com/hoho'>Marat Abdullin</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='107.105' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Conkitty 0.5.x support.]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='130933' size='2105161' date='1516618317000' url='https://github.com/shalupov/idea-cloudformation'><name>AWS CloudFormation</name><id>AWSCloudFormation</id><description><![CDATA[<p>Amazon AWS CloudFormation language support </p>
  13062. <p> </p>
  13063. <p>Open any *.template, *.json or *.yaml file with CloudFormation language inside. There should be number of features available: </p>
  13064. <ul>
  13065. <li>Template validation
  13066. <ul>
  13067. <li>Overall file structure</li>
  13068. <li>References to resources, conditions, parameters, mappings</li>
  13069. <li>Resource types and properties</li>
  13070. </ul> </li>
  13071. <li>File structure (aka Go to member) (Ctrl-F12 on Windows): fast jump to any entity in the file</li>
  13072. <li>Completion in Ref clause</li>
  13073. <li>Completion of resources types and properties</li>
  13074. <li>Live template for Ref clause: type "ref" and press Tab</li>
  13075. <li>Ctrl-Click on any reference to jump to its definition</li>
  13076. <li>Quick Documentation for resource types and properties</li>
  13077. <li>Format file</li>
  13078. </ul>]]></description><version>0.5.42</version><vendor email='leonid@shalupov.com' url='https://github.com/shalupov'>Leonid Shalupov</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='171.3566.24' until-build='181.*'/><change-notes><![CDATA[sync to doc]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><depends>org.jetbrains.plugins.yaml</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='101283' size='223023' date='1464730154000' url=''><name>IntelliBot</name><id>com.millennialmedia.intellibot</id><description><![CDATA[IntelliBot, Robot Framework Support
  13079. <p>The IntelliBot plugin for IntelliJ/Pycharm adds smart editing features to support the <a href="http://robotframework.org/" rel="nofollow">Robot Framework</a>.</p>
  13080. <p>Make sure to <a href="https://github.com/millennialmedia/intellibot/wiki/Python-Interpreter" rel="nofollow">setup your IDE correctly</a> to gain Python support.</p>
  13081. <p>Find us in <a href="https://github.com/millennialmedia/intellibot" rel="nofollow">Github</a>.</p>
  13082. <ul>
  13083. <li><a href="https://github.com/millennialmedia/intellibot/wiki/Features" rel="nofollow">Feature Set</a></li>
  13084. <li><a href="https://github.com/millennialmedia/intellibot/wiki" rel="nofollow">Wiki</a></li>
  13085. <li><a href="https://github.com/millennialmedia/intellibot/issues" rel="nofollow">Issue tracker</a></li>
  13086. <li><a href="https://github.com/millennialmedia/intellibot/wiki/Change-Notes" rel="nofollow">Complete Change Notes</a> </li>
  13087. </ul>]]></description><version></version><vendor email='intellibot@millennialmedia.com' url='http://www.millennialmedia.com'>Millennial Media</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='143.381' /><change-notes><![CDATA[0.10
  13088. <ul>
  13089. <li>corrected RobotFramework 3.x built in variables</li>
  13090. <li>improved some python library imports (thanks to Tillaert)</li>
  13091. <li>added 'keyword' decorator for python keywords (thanks to Tillaert)</li>
  13092. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='225194' size='27357067' date='1510859923000' url='https://github.com/asciidoctor/asciidoctor-intellij-plugin'><name>AsciiDoc</name><id>org.asciidoctor.intellij.asciidoc</id><description><![CDATA[<p><a href="http://www.methods.co.nz/asciidoc/" rel="nofollow">AsciiDoc</a> language support for IntelliJ platform.</p>
  13093. <p> </p>
  13094. <p>AsciiDoc is a text document format, similar to formats like Markdown, for writing notes, documentation, articles, books, ebooks, slideshows, web pages, man pages and blogs. AsciiDoc files can be translated to many formats including HTML, PDF, EPUB, man page. AsciiDoc is, in contrast to Markdown, highly configurable: both the AsciiDoc source file syntax and the backend output markups (which can be almost any type of SGML/XML markup) can be customized and extended by the user. </p>
  13095. <p>If you want to use the JavaFX instead of the Swing preview, you'll need to run IntelliJ with 64bit Java. If your IntelliJ distribution doesn't come with 64bit Java, you'll need to have an environment variable `IDEA_JDK` or `IDEA_JDK64` pointing to the installation folder of a 64bit Java. See <a href="https://intellij-support.jetbrains.com/hc/en-us/articles/206544879-Selecting-the-JDK-version-the-IDE-will-run-under" rel="nofollow">Jetbrains support database</a> for more information.</p>]]></description><version>0.19.2</version><vendor email='erik.pragt@jworks.nl' url='http://asciidoctor.org'>Asciidoctor Project</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='143.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Fix NullPointerExceptions when used with IntelliJ Language Injection and Fragment Editor]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>4.5</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='1201' size='61111' date='1396271892000' url=''><name>Coocoo</name><id>com.hoho.coocoo</id><description><![CDATA[Coocoo DSL for MVC applications]]></description><version>0.0.5</version><vendor email='dakota@brokenpipe.ru' url='https://github.com/hoho'>Marat Abdullin</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='107.105' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Plugin is in early development stage.]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='76277' size='2852993' date='1439567803000' url=''><name>Haskell</name><id>Haskell</id><description><![CDATA[Haskell language support]]></description><version>0.5.2</version><vendor email='' url='http://www.jetbrains.com/'>JetBrains Inc.</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='139.1659' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Added ability to report exceptions Fixed: #68, #82, #91, #52, #41, #98, #97, #108, #72, #109]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.xdebugger</depends><rating>3.6</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='27189' size='147030' date='1467390523000' url=''><name>Latte</name><id>com.jantvrdik.intellij.latte</id><description><![CDATA[Provides support for
  13096. <a href="https://github.com/nette/latte/" rel="nofollow">Latte</a> – a template engine for PHP.]]></description><version>0.3.3</version><vendor email='' url=''>Jan Tvrdík</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='139.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<p>0.3.3</p>
  13097. <ul>
  13098. <li>fixed null pointer exception</li>
  13099. </ul>
  13100. <p>0.3.2</p>
  13101. <ul>
  13102. <li>fixed disappearing comments</li>
  13103. <li>Latte 2.4: added new macros</li>
  13104. <li>Latte 2.4: added AUTO_EMPTY support</li>
  13105. <li>Latte 2.4: added info about deprecated macro(s)</li>
  13106. </ul>
  13107. <p>0.3.1</p>
  13108. <ul>
  13109. <li>fixed phpstorm 9.0 compatibility</li>
  13110. </ul>
  13111. <p>0.3.0</p>
  13112. <ul>
  13113. <li>fixed comment parsing ("todo" support)</li>
  13114. <li>added "modifier not allowed" inspection</li>
  13115. <li>added structure view</li>
  13116. <li>improved macro folding</li>
  13117. </ul>
  13118. <p>0.2.0</p>
  13119. <ul>
  13120. <li>html/xml support</li>
  13121. <li>better macro content parsing</li>
  13122. <li>parsing of n:macros content</li>
  13123. </ul>
  13124. <p>0.1.1</p>
  13125. <ul>
  13126. <li>implemented basic html tags and macros folding</li>
  13127. <li>typing '}' is ignored when the next character is '}'</li>
  13128. </ul>
  13129. <p>0.1.0-rc1 / 0.1.0</p>
  13130. <ul>
  13131. <li>selecting attribute macro from code-completion list auto-inserts ="" and put caret inside those quotes</li>
  13132. </ul>
  13133. <p>0.1.0-beta3</p>
  13134. <ul>
  13135. <li>typing '{' auto-inserts '}'</li>
  13136. </ul>
  13137. <p>0.1.0-beta2</p>
  13138. <ul>
  13139. <li>fixed minimum required IDEA build number to 133.326</li>
  13140. </ul>
  13141. <p>0.1.0-beta1</p>
  13142. <ul>
  13143. <li>registering new macro will force re-analyzing of all project files</li>
  13144. </ul>
  13145. <p>0.1.0-alpha7</p>
  13146. <ul>
  13147. <li>name of closing HTML tag must be the same the opening tag</li>
  13148. <li>implemented basic commenter</li>
  13149. <li>hard coded fix for macro _ which can be both pair and unpaired</li>
  13150. </ul>
  13151. <p>0.1.0-alpha6</p>
  13152. <ul>
  13153. <li>implemented support for custom attribute macros</li>
  13154. <li>only a single top-level {block} macro can be auto-closed</li>
  13155. </ul>
  13156. <p>0.1.0-alpha5</p>
  13157. <ul>
  13158. <li>plugin is now really compatible with Java 6</li>
  13159. </ul>
  13160. <p>0.1.0-alpha4</p>
  13161. <ul>
  13162. <li>implemented support for custom macros</li>
  13163. <li>macros are auto-closed at end of file</li>
  13164. </ul>
  13165. <p>0.1.0-alpha3</p>
  13166. <ul>
  13167. <li>plugin should be compatible with Java 6</li>
  13168. <li>new icon for Latte file</li>
  13169. </ul>
  13170. <p>0.1.0-alpha2</p>
  13171. <ul>
  13172. <li>fixed macro comment priority when macro comment contained a quote</li>
  13173. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><depends>com.jetbrains.php</depends><rating>4.8</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='9883' size='24257' date='1422135448000' url=''><name>Tree syntax highlighter</name><id>ru.hyoo.jin.tree</id><description><![CDATA[<a href="http://hyoo.ru/?article=%D0%A4%D0%BE%D1%80%D0%BC%D0%B0%D1%82+Tree;author=Nin+Jin" rel="nofollow">Tree</a> - very simple, readable, compact structural format. Better than xml, json, yaml and other.
  13174. <br />
  13175. <a href="https://github.com/nin-jin/tree-plugin" rel="nofollow">Sources: https://github.com/nin-jin/tree-plugin</a>
  13176. <br />]]></description><version>1.3</version><vendor email='nin-jin@ya.ru' url=''>Jin</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='131.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[better error hlighting]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='108524' size='456362' date='1507213088000' url=''><name>TypoScript Plugin</name><id>de.sgalinski.typoscript.plugin.id</id><description><![CDATA[<img alt="Logo - sgalinski Internet Services" src="https://www.sgalinski.de/fileadmin/external/new_phpstorm.png">
  13177. <br>
  13178. <br>
  13179. <p> <strong>Please uninstall the TypoScript plugin from Intellij before you install this one, because this combination can lead to crashes and unforeseeable problems.</strong> </p>
  13180. <br>
  13181. <p> Do you know, that this is just a demo of the commercial version of this plugin? In the full version are more features and no ads. You can buy the <a href="https://www.sgalinski.de/typo3-produkte-webentwicklung/typoscript-phpstorm-webstorm-intellij/?utm_source=phpstorm&amp;utm_medium=banner&amp;utm_term=typoscript%20plugin&amp;utm_campaign=phpstorm-typoscript" rel="nofollow">typoscript plugin</a> in our store. From 9,99€ incl. VAT. </p>
  13182. <br>
  13183. <p> This plugin provides support for the TypoScript configuration language of the <a href="http://typo3.org/" rel="nofollow">TYPO3 CMS</a> and for Neos Fusion of <a href="https://www.neos.io/?utm_source=phpstorm&amp;utm_medium=banner&amp;utm_term=typoscript%20plugin&amp;utm_campaign=phpstorm-typoscript" rel="nofollow">Neos</a>. </p>
  13184. <br>
  13185. <strong>Neos Fusion Feature Highlights:</strong>
  13186. <ul>
  13187. <li>Code Highlighting</li>
  13188. <li>Code Folding</li>
  13189. <li>Code Formatting</li>
  13190. <li>Error Detection</li>
  13191. <li>Breadcrumb</li>
  13192. </ul>
  13193. <br>
  13194. <strong>TypoScript Feature Highlights:</strong>
  13195. <ul>
  13196. <li>Code Highlighting</li>
  13197. <li>Code Folding</li>
  13198. <li>Code Formatting</li>
  13199. <li>Code Auto Completion with multi file support</li>
  13200. <li>Code Type Annotation</li>
  13201. <li>Code Documentation (Ctrl+Q on Windows/Unix, Ctrl-J on Mac)</li>
  13202. <li>File auto completion for INCLUDE_TYPOSCRIPT values</li>
  13203. <li>Go to file support for INCLUDE_TYPOSCRIPT values</li>
  13204. <li>Error Detection</li>
  13205. <li>Structure Tree</li>
  13206. <li>Breadcrumb, can be disabled in the TypoScript settings (File -&gt; Settings -&gt; IDE Settings -&gt; TypoScript)</li>
  13207. </ul>
  13208. <strong>TypoScript Commercial Feature Highlights:</strong>
  13209. <ul>
  13210. <li>No ads.</li>
  13211. <li>File auto completion for EXT: values.</li>
  13212. <li>Go to file support for EXT: values.</li>
  13213. <li>More in developement...</li>
  13214. </ul>
  13215. <p> The TypoScript code value annotation is an additional feature for the code auto completion.<br> You can assign a specified data value for any keyword to let PhpStorm know, how to handle keywords that are not defined inside the project or the included tsref.xml. </p>
  13216. <p> You can easy advance the tsref.xml by creating a new file called "tsref_additionals_[1,2,...].xml" in the folder "de/sgalinski/typocript/resources/". Then you can add your special values. </p>
  13217. <br>
  13218. <strong>Syntax:</strong>
  13219. <pre>
  13220. // @var [Key] [Type]
  13221. </pre>
  13222. <strong>Example:</strong>
  13223. <pre>
  13224. // @var plugin.tx_ext.someProperty stdWrap
  13225. plugin.tx_ext.someProperty {
  13226. ...
  13227. }
  13228. </pre>
  13229. <strong>Example2:</strong>
  13230. <pre>
  13231. plugin {
  13232. /** My description
  13233. * to this specific
  13234. * variable
  13235. *
  13236. * @var .tx_ext TEXT
  13237. */
  13238. tx_ext.someProperty {
  13239. ...
  13240. }
  13241. }
  13242. </pre>
  13243. <p> We will deliver bugfixes in the future. Please check for updates regularly.<br> If you find bugs or have feature requests, please open a ticket in our public <a href="https://gitlab.sgalinski.de/phpstorm/phpstorm-typoscript-plugin/issues?utm_source=phpstorm&amp;utm_medium=banner&amp;utm_term=typoscript%20plugin&amp;utm_campaign=phpstorm-typoscript" rel="nofollow">issue tracker</a>. </p> License
  13244. <p> In general the usage of this software requires the payment of a small fee. Details about the commercial licence can be found here:<br> https://www.binpress.com/license/view/l/584559e2265a202dd18f33e106dc7fb2<br> <br> The already released software in our free related gitlab projects belongs to the MIT licence:<br> <br> Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:<br> The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.<br> THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. </p>]]></description><version>1.9.0</version><vendor email='stefan@sgalinski.de' url='(https://www.sgalinski.de)'>sgalinski Internet Services</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='143.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<a href="https://gitlab.sgalinski.de/phpstorm/phpstorm-typoscript-plugin/milestones/10" rel="nofollow"><strong>1.9.0</strong></a>
  13245. <p><a href="https://www.sgalinski.de/news/open-source/typoscript-plugin-190/" rel="nofollow">Blog article</a></p>
  13246. <ul>
  13247. <li>TypoScript</li>
  13248. <ul>
  13249. <li>[FEATURE] Introduction of ".typoscript" as a new TypoScript file extension.</li>
  13250. <li>[FEATURE] Adds more files, which are recognized as TypoScript. (constants.ts, setup.ts, constants.typoscript, setup.typoscript)</li>
  13251. <li>[FEATURE] Improvement of the RAM and CPU usage for some cases.</li>
  13252. <li>[FEATURE] Basic support for the new custom conditions.</li>
  13253. <li>[FEATURE] Adds a quickfix for the old comment type with just one slash.</li>
  13254. <li>[BUGFIX] Incorrectly mentioned error while referencing with the shorthand syntax. Finally fixed after 2 years, Hooray! :)</li>
  13255. <li>[BUGFIX] The include TypoScript line shows an error, if the "EXT:" isn't prefixed with a "FILE:" or "DIR:".</li>
  13256. <li>[BUGFIX] The comma is shown as a bug within the TypoScript functions like "replaceString(,|)".</li>
  13257. <li>[BUGFIX] Some exceptions were shown in the latest IDE versions.</li>
  13258. </ul>
  13259. </ul>
  13260. <a href="https://gitlab.sgalinski.de/phpstorm/phpstorm-typoscript-plugin/network/1.8.0" rel="nofollow"><strong>1.8.0</strong></a>
  13261. <p><a href="https://www.sgalinski.de/news/open-source/typoscript-plugin-180/" rel="nofollow">Blog article</a></p>
  13262. <ul>
  13263. <li>Neos Fusion</li>
  13264. <ul>
  13265. <li>[FEATURE] Adding more file extensions. (.fusion .nf)</li>
  13266. <li>[FEATURE] Update of the parser, so we have a better performance.</li>
  13267. </ul>
  13268. <li>TypoScript</li>
  13269. <ul>
  13270. <li>[FEATURE] Adds an auto completion for the new conditions in the INCLUDE_TYPOSCRIPT lines.</li>
  13271. <li>[FEATURE] Update of the parser, so we have a better performance.</li>
  13272. <li>[FEATURE] Creation of a new notification with license dialog.</li>
  13273. <li>[TASK] Now the notification will appear after 100 starts.</li>
  13274. <li>[BUGFIX] The auto formatting adds a space after an equals in conditions.</li>
  13275. </ul>
  13276. </ul>
  13277. <a href="https://gitlab.sgalinski.de/phpstorm/phpstorm-typoscript-plugin/network/v1.7" rel="nofollow"><strong>1.7</strong></a>
  13278. <ul>
  13279. <li>Neos Fusion</li>
  13280. <ul>
  13281. <li><a href="https://gitlab.sgalinski.de/phpstorm/phpstorm-typoscript-plugin/issues/125" rel="nofollow">[BUGFIX] A dot (".") in prototype object name breaks formating of whole file</a></li>
  13282. </ul>
  13283. <li>TypoScript</li>
  13284. <ul>
  13285. <li><a href="https://gitlab.sgalinski.de/phpstorm/phpstorm-typoscript-plugin/issues/126" rel="nofollow">[FEATURE][Enterprise] Autocompletion and goto declaration for the ext path values.</a></li>
  13286. <li><a href="https://gitlab.sgalinski.de/phpstorm/phpstorm-typoscript-plugin/issues/111" rel="nofollow">[FEATURE] Update the tsref.xml to "TYPO3 7.6".</a></li>
  13287. <li><a href="https://gitlab.sgalinski.de/phpstorm/phpstorm-typoscript-plugin/issues/109" rel="nofollow">[TASK] Adaptation of the notification dialog.</a></li>
  13288. <li><a href="https://gitlab.sgalinski.de/phpstorm/phpstorm-typoscript-plugin/issues/123" rel="nofollow">[BUGFIX] Autocompletion of the ext paths in the include TypoScript lines don't work, if there's no space within "FILE:" / "DIR:" and "EXT:".</a></li>
  13289. <li><a href="https://gitlab.sgalinski.de/phpstorm/phpstorm-typoscript-plugin/issues/118" rel="nofollow">[BUGFIX] Valid syntax is marked as an error in the conditions.</a></li>
  13290. <li><a href="https://gitlab.sgalinski.de/phpstorm/phpstorm-typoscript-plugin/issues/114" rel="nofollow">[BUGFIX] A colon within a keyword is marked as an error.</a></li>
  13291. <li><a href="https://gitlab.sgalinski.de/phpstorm/phpstorm-typoscript-plugin/issues/120" rel="nofollow">[BUGFIX] Worker exited due to java.util.ConcurrentModificationException.</a></li>
  13292. <li><a href="https://gitlab.sgalinski.de/phpstorm/phpstorm-typoscript-plugin/issues/116" rel="nofollow">[BUGFIX] Exception - StackOverflow</a></li>
  13293. <li><a href="https://gitlab.sgalinski.de/phpstorm/phpstorm-typoscript-plugin/issues/115" rel="nofollow">[BUGFIX] NullPointer Exception and other error in IntelliJ IDEA 15.0.3</a></li>
  13294. </ul>
  13295. </ul>
  13296. <a href="https://gitlab.sgalinski.de/phpstorm/phpstorm-typoscript-plugin/network/v1.6" rel="nofollow"><strong>1.6</strong></a>
  13297. <ul>
  13298. <li>TypoScript</li>
  13299. <ul>
  13300. <li>[FEATURE] Massive improvements of the description of each element. (Ctrl+Q on Windows/Unix, Ctrl-J on Mac) ;)</li>
  13301. <li>[FEATURE] A possibility to choose the source for the auto completion and documentation within the ide settings</li>
  13302. <li>[FEATURE] External libraries are considered now, so they are available as variables</li>
  13303. <li>[FEATURE] Inline documentation for variables without a type. It's mostly like the PHP-doc syntax. An example is in the plugin description</li>
  13304. <li>[FEATURE] Strong performance boost for the auto completion and documentation</li>
  13305. <li>[FEATURE] Implementation of the goto deceleration for include TypoScript lines</li>
  13306. <li>[FEATURE] Some smaller improvements...</li>
  13307. <li>[BUGFIX] ...and bugfixes</li>
  13308. </ul>
  13309. </ul>
  13310. <a href="https://gitlab.sgalinski.de/phpstorm/phpstorm-typoscript-plugin/network/v1.5" rel="nofollow"><strong>1.5</strong></a>
  13311. <ul>
  13312. <li>Neos Fusion</li>
  13313. <ul>
  13314. <li><a href="https://gitlab.sgalinski.de/phpstorm/phpstorm-typoscript-plugin/issues/98" rel="nofollow">[BUGFIX][TS2] Negation is not allowed in EEL expressions</a></li>
  13315. <li><a href="https://gitlab.sgalinski.de/phpstorm/phpstorm-typoscript-plugin/issues/92" rel="nofollow">[BUGFIX][TS2] Dash is not allowed within a keyword</a></li>
  13316. <li><a href="https://gitlab.sgalinski.de/phpstorm/phpstorm-typoscript-plugin/issues/101" rel="nofollow">[BUGFIX][TS2] Just include without a colon isn't marked as error</a></li>
  13317. </ul>
  13318. <br>
  13319. <li>TypoScript</li>
  13320. <ul>
  13321. <li><a href="https://gitlab.sgalinski.de/phpstorm/phpstorm-typoscript-plugin/issues/81" rel="nofollow">[FEATURE][TS1] Adds the function names to the tsref.xml</a></li>
  13322. <li><a href="https://gitlab.sgalinski.de/phpstorm/phpstorm-typoscript-plugin/commit/c800005159e84f4e749c31fc476e7fd289f5a728" rel="nofollow">[FEATURE][TS1] Adds the possibility to advance the tsref.xml with content</a></li>
  13323. <li><a href="https://gitlab.sgalinski.de/phpstorm/phpstorm-typoscript-plugin/issues/96" rel="nofollow">[BUGFIX][TS1] Some correct conditions are not allowed and causes a crash</a></li>
  13324. <li><a href="https://gitlab.sgalinski.de/phpstorm/phpstorm-typoscript-plugin/issues/94" rel="nofollow">[BUGFIX][TS1] Parenthesises are not allowed within a function call</a></li>
  13325. <li><a href="https://gitlab.sgalinski.de/phpstorm/phpstorm-typoscript-plugin/issues/93" rel="nofollow">[BUGFIX][TS1] NullPointerException if after one condition a empty block begins</a></li>
  13326. <li><a href="https://gitlab.sgalinski.de/phpstorm/phpstorm-typoscript-plugin/issues/91" rel="nofollow">[BUGFIX][TS1] Pipe is not allowed within a condition</a></li>
  13327. <li><a href="https://gitlab.sgalinski.de/phpstorm/phpstorm-typoscript-plugin/issues/89" rel="nofollow">[BUGFIX][TS1] NullPointerException for wrong conditions</a></li>
  13328. <li><a href="https://gitlab.sgalinski.de/phpstorm/phpstorm-typoscript-plugin/issues/88" rel="nofollow">[BUGFIX][TS1] Sometimes a keyword dosen't haves auto completions</a></li>
  13329. <li><a href="https://gitlab.sgalinski.de/phpstorm/phpstorm-typoscript-plugin/issues/87" rel="nofollow">[BUGFIX][TS1] No other keywords are allowed after a constant</a></li>
  13330. <li><a href="https://gitlab.sgalinski.de/phpstorm/phpstorm-typoscript-plugin/issues/84" rel="nofollow">[BUGFIX][TS1] A formatting error occours, if a new brace is added within a keyword chain</a></li>
  13331. <li>And tons of other bugfixes...</li>
  13332. </ul>
  13333. </ul>
  13334. <a href="https://gitlab.sgalinski.de/phpstorm/phpstorm-typoscript-plugin/network/v1.4" rel="nofollow"><strong>1.4</strong></a>
  13335. <ul>
  13336. <li>Neos Fusion</li>
  13337. <ul>
  13338. <li><a href="https://gitlab.sgalinski.de/phpstorm/phpstorm-typoscript-plugin/issues/73" rel="nofollow">Empty prototype in one line is not mentioned as error</a></li>
  13339. </ul>
  13340. <br>
  13341. <li>TypoScript</li>
  13342. <ul>
  13343. <li><a href="https://gitlab.sgalinski.de/phpstorm/phpstorm-typoscript-plugin/issues/57" rel="nofollow">Rewrite of the Lexer and Parser</a></li>
  13344. <li><a href="https://gitlab.sgalinski.de/phpstorm/phpstorm-typoscript-plugin/issues/17" rel="nofollow">Outside a block, it should not be able to set a dot in front of a key value</a></li>
  13345. <li><a href="https://gitlab.sgalinski.de/phpstorm/phpstorm-typoscript-plugin/issues/52" rel="nofollow">Auto format don't remove multiple empty lines</a></li>
  13346. <li><a href="https://gitlab.sgalinski.de/phpstorm/phpstorm-typoscript-plugin/issues/60" rel="nofollow">Auto documentation bugs</a></li>
  13347. <li><a href="https://gitlab.sgalinski.de/phpstorm/phpstorm-typoscript-plugin/issues/61" rel="nofollow">"@" within "#"-commented line creates an error</a></li>
  13348. <li><a href="https://gitlab.sgalinski.de/phpstorm/phpstorm-typoscript-plugin/issues/65" rel="nofollow">Multiple conditions throws an error</a></li>
  13349. <li><a href="https://gitlab.sgalinski.de/phpstorm/phpstorm-typoscript-plugin/issues/66" rel="nofollow">end of condition with [global] or [end] is not recognized</a></li>
  13350. <li><a href="https://gitlab.sgalinski.de/phpstorm/phpstorm-typoscript-plugin/issues/67" rel="nofollow">Using constants as keys confuses formatting.</a></li>
  13351. <li><a href="https://gitlab.sgalinski.de/phpstorm/phpstorm-typoscript-plugin/issues/71" rel="nofollow">Condition implicitly ending previous condition is marked as syntax error</a></li>
  13352. <li><a href="https://gitlab.sgalinski.de/phpstorm/phpstorm-typoscript-plugin/issues/75" rel="nofollow">Auto completion for [end], [else], [global]</a></li>
  13353. </ul>
  13354. </ul>
  13355. <a href="https://gitlab.sgalinski.de/phpstorm/phpstorm-typoscript-plugin/network/v1.3" rel="nofollow"><strong>1.3</strong></a>
  13356. <ul>
  13357. <li>[FEATURE][TS2] Neos support</li>
  13358. <ul>
  13359. <li>[FEATURE][TS2] Syntax highlighter</li>
  13360. <li>[FEATURE][TS2] Syntax error detection</li>
  13361. <li>[FEATURE][TS2] Brace matcher</li>
  13362. <li>[FEATURE][TS2] Code formatter</li>
  13363. <li>[FEATURE][TS2] Folding builder</li>
  13364. <li>[FEATURE][TS2] Breadcrumb</li>
  13365. </ul>
  13366. <br>
  13367. <li>[FEATURE][TS1] Implementation of a breadcrumb bar for the editor</li>
  13368. <li>[TASK][TS1] Change of the element type in the code autocompletion</li>
  13369. <li>[BUGFIX][TS1] The autocompletion does not work in some cases.</li>
  13370. <li>[BUGFIX][TS1] FLUIDTEMPLATE is missing in the tsref.xml.</li>
  13371. <li>[BUGFIX][TS1] An extra brace will be created if a block begins directly after a keyword.</li>
  13372. <li>[BUGFIX][TS1] Sometimes the code documentation is not shown.</li>
  13373. </ul>
  13374. <strong>1.2</strong>
  13375. <ul>
  13376. <li>[FEATURE] Implementation of the "jump to" function to the structure tree.</li>
  13377. <li>[FEATURE] Implementation of an asc and desc sorter of the structure tree.</li>
  13378. <li>[FEATURE] Implementation of a spellchecker in comments.</li>
  13379. <li>[FEATURE] Implementation of a possibility to change the default file extension in the settings dialog of the IDE.</li>
  13380. <li>[BUGFIX] The multi line values are not visible in the structure tree.</li>
  13381. </ul>
  13382. <strong>1.1.1</strong>
  13383. <ul>
  13384. <li>[BUGFIX] A new TypoScript file cannot be created</li>
  13385. <li>[BUGFIX] NoSuchMethodError for current_position_ on startup</li>
  13386. </ul>
  13387. <strong>1.1</strong>
  13388. <ul>
  13389. <li>Extremely reduced the memory footprint</li>
  13390. <li>Improved the overall plugin performance</li>
  13391. <li>Constants as key values don't are marked as syntax errors anymore</li>
  13392. <li>Fixed the conflicts with the Intellij TypoScript plugin</li>
  13393. <li>Some additional minor fixes</li>
  13394. </ul>
  13395. <strong>1.0</strong>
  13396. <ul>
  13397. <li>Initial release</li>
  13398. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='120343' size='2285761' date='1515348843000' url=''><name>Elixir</name><id>org.elixir_lang</id><description><![CDATA[<p></p>
  13399. <p> <a href="https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_donations&amp;business=Kronic%2eDeth%40gmail%2ecom&amp;lc=US&amp;item_name=Elixir%20plugin%20for%20IntelliJ%20IDEA&amp;currency_code=USD&amp;bn=PP%2dDonationsBF%3abtn_donate_LG%2egif%3aNonHosted" rel="nofollow"> Donate </a> </p>
  13400. <p> Elixir support for JetBrains IDEs </p>
  13401. <ul>
  13402. <li>IntelliJ IDEA</li>
  13403. <li>AppCode</li>
  13404. <li>CLion</li>
  13405. <li>Gogland</li>
  13406. <li>PhpStorm</li>
  13407. <li>PyCharm</li>
  13408. <li>Rubymine</li>
  13409. <li>WebStorm</li>
  13410. </ul>
  13411. <b>Features:</b>
  13412. <ul>
  13413. <li>Elixir SDK with Internal Erlang SDK</li>
  13414. <li>Syntax highlighting and semantic annotation</li>
  13415. <li>Grammar Parsing (So good, it found bugs in the native Elixir tokenizer and parser)</li>
  13416. <li>Inspections with Quick Fixes</li>
  13417. <li>Code Folding</li>
  13418. <li>Commenter</li>
  13419. <li>File Templates</li>
  13420. <li> Graphical Debugger
  13421. <ul>
  13422. <li>Breakpoints</li>
  13423. <li>Stepping</li>
  13424. <li> Stack Frames
  13425. <ul>
  13426. <li>Go up and Down stack without stepping program</li>
  13427. <li>Collapse and expanded nested data structures in local variables</li>
  13428. </ul> </li>
  13429. </ul> </li>
  13430. <li>Delimiter/Brace Auto-insertion</li>
  13431. <li>Delimiter/Brace Matching</li>
  13432. <li>Embedded Elixir (EEx) Templates</li>
  13433. <li>Compilation</li>
  13434. <li> Run Configurations
  13435. <ul>
  13436. <li>Mix</li>
  13437. <li>Mix ExUnit</li>
  13438. </ul> </li>
  13439. <li> Completion
  13440. <ul>
  13441. <li> Module Names
  13442. <ul>
  13443. <li>Aliases in Elixir Source</li>
  13444. <li>Atoms in Elixir Source</li>
  13445. <li>Decompiled Aliases from <code>.beam</code> files (Elixir SDK, Erlang SDK, and <code>_build</code>)</li>
  13446. <li>Decompiled Atoms from <code>.beam</code> files (Elixir SDK, Erlang SDK, and <code>_build</code>)</li>
  13447. </ul> </li>
  13448. <li> Function and Macro Names
  13449. <ul>
  13450. <li>Elixir Source</li>
  13451. <li>Decompiled from <code>.beam</code> files (Elixir SDK, Erlang SDK, and <code>_build</code>)</li>
  13452. </ul> </li>
  13453. <li>Module Attributes</li>
  13454. <li>Parameters and Variables</li>
  13455. </ul> </li>
  13456. <li>Formatting</li>
  13457. <li> Go To
  13458. <ul>
  13459. <li>Definition (of macro or function from usage)</li>
  13460. <li> Symbol </li>
  13461. <li>Module Aliases (Source or Decompiled)</li>
  13462. <li>Function and Macro Names (Source or Decompiled)</li>
  13463. <li>Test</li>
  13464. <li>Test Subject</li>
  13465. </ul> </li>
  13466. <li> Refactor
  13467. <ul>
  13468. <li> Rename
  13469. <ul>
  13470. <li>Moduel Attribute</li>
  13471. <li>Parameters and Variables</li>
  13472. </ul> </li>
  13473. </ul> </li>
  13474. <li>Structure View</li>
  13475. </ul>]]></description><version>7.2.1</version><vendor email='Kronic.Deth@gmail.com' url=''>Luke Imhoff</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='163.15529.5' /><change-notes><![CDATA[* Use `documentionRootType` to indirectly get the documentation `OrderRootType` in the Erlang SDK Type, so that it works in Small IDEs that have more than `CLASSES` and `SOURCES` root types installed. * The [`credo`](https://github.com/rrrene/credo) annotator is disabled by default as numerous users find running `mix credo` in the background has a negative impact on their system performance. If you like to try enabling the annotation, you can turn it on using the configuration. 1. Preferences &gt; Editor &gt; Inspections &gt; Elixir 2. Check "Credo" 3. Click OK to save and close Preferences If you notice a degradation the in the responsiveness of the editor, it is recommended you disable the annotator again. 1. Preferences &gt; Editor &gt; Inspections &gt; Elixir 2. Uncheck "Credo" 3. Click OK to save and close Preferences * Protect from `PsiFile` being `null` in `Local` credo inspector * Run `Qualified#moduleName` `getText` in Read Action. * Scratch Files have a `Project`, but not a `Module`, so change flow to use `Project` when `Module` is `null` in credo annotator. * Don't add `.bat` to `mix` on Windows. `mix` is never run as an executable. It is either run as a script to `elixir.bat` OR as an argument to `erl.exe` when `erl.exe` is running `elixir`.]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>4.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='677' size='515548' date='1448454741000' url=''><name>LeekScript</name><id>com.plopiplop.leekwars</id><description><![CDATA[Support for the LeekScript language (http://leekwars.com).]]></description><version>1.1.3</version><vendor email='' url=''>bjansen</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='131.1' /><change-notes><![CDATA[IDEALeek is now compatible with other JetBrains IDEs.]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='6522' size='235430' date='1514461356000' url='https://github.com/phalcon/zephir-idea-plugin'><name>Zephir</name><id>com.zephir</id><description><![CDATA[Language support for the
  13476. <a href="http://zephir-lang.com" rel="nofollow">Zephir Language</a>
  13477. <p>Zephir - Ze(nd Engine) Ph(p) I(nt)r(mediate) - is a high level language that eases the creation and maintainability of extensions for PHP. Zephir extensions are exported to C code that can be compiled and optimized by major C compilers such as gcc/clang/vc++. Functionality is exposed to the PHP language.</p>]]></description><version>0.3.2</version><vendor email='support@phalconphp.com' url='https://zephir-lang.com'>Zephir Team</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='130.1' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Improved syntax recognition and completion.]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='1577' size='62956' date='1419038923000' url=''><name>Mathematica REPL</name><id>repl.simple.mathematica.id</id><description><![CDATA[This plugin allows to connect IntellyJ Idea(TM) to Mathematica(TM) Kernel
  13478. <br /> and have minimal front-end to Mathematica session, control evaluation
  13479. <br /> and kernel. You can evaluate your code directly in the REPL without running full Mathematica Front-End.
  13480. <br /> To use this plugin you need a full installation of Mathematica for given platform. The plugin will depends on the JLink Mathematica component and some native libraries.
  13481. <br /> The following functionality is available:
  13482. <ul>
  13483. <li>Creating new Mathematica session tabs at the Mathematica REPL toolbar. </li>
  13484. <li>Starting/Stopping Kernel Link. </li>
  13485. <li>Evaluate selection in the REPL/Find information on the selected symbol. </li>
  13486. </ul> Please note that front end support is basic so the advanced features like Manipulate or dialogs are not supported.
  13487. <br /> The plugin does not provide syntax highlight support for Mathematica language. There is another great plugin for that Mathematica Support. Please refer to the
  13488. <a href="https://github.com/halirutan/Mathematica-IntelliJ-Plugin" rel="nofollow">Mathematica-IntelliJ-Plugin</a>.]]></description><version>0.0.2</version><vendor email='dubrousky@gmail.com' url='https://github.com/dubrousky/Mathematica-REPL'>Aliaksandr Dubrouski</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='107.105' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Change notes.
  13489. <br />
  13490. <ul>
  13491. <li>Added validation of selected paths</li>
  13492. <li>Added kernel connection timeout and connection dissposal</li>
  13493. <li>Added actions to the title and tool window</li>
  13494. <li>Added color customisation</li>
  13495. <li>Fixed error reporting dialog missing in the plugin.xml</li>
  13496. </ul>
  13497. <br /> Full list of changes and bugfixes is available at
  13498. <a href="https://github.com/dubrousky/Mathematica-REPL/wiki" rel="nofollow">Git</a>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='1834' size='51564' date='1427319967000' url=''><name>Emblem</name><id>com.emblem.unique.plugin.idid234234</id><description><![CDATA[Emblem template support]]></description><version>0.1.3</version><vendor email='' url='https://bitbucket.org/patrick_pircher/'>Patrick Pircher</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='121.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[0.1.3 Fixed a crash]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>3.5</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='1461' size='272104' date='1422061542000' url=''><name>Purescript Plugin</name><id>in.twbs.pure</id><description><![CDATA[Plugin for PureScript language support.]]></description><version>0.0.1</version><vendor email='ikarienator@gmail.com' url='https://github.com/ikarienator'>Bei Zhang</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='139.1' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<p> <b>v0.0.1</b> </p>
  13499. <ul>
  13500. <li>First publish.</li>
  13501. </ul>
  13502. <p></p>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='34265' size='113132' date='1422387794000' url=''><name>LaTeX</name><id>mobi.hsz.idea.latex</id><description><![CDATA[LaTeX plugin for IntelliJ IDEA
  13503. <br />
  13504. <a href="https://github.com/hsz/idea-latex" rel="nofollow">GitHub</a> |
  13505. <a href="https://github.com/hsz/idea-latex/issues" rel="nofollow">Issues</a> | Donate (
  13506. <a href="https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&amp;hosted_button_id=V6QCW4DR2XWY4" rel="nofollow">PayPal</a> or
  13507. <a href="https://blockchain.info/address/1BUbqKrUBmGGSnMybzGCsJyAWJbh4CcwE1" rel="nofollow">BTC</a> )
  13508. <br />
  13509. <br />
  13510. <b>Features</b>
  13511. <ul>
  13512. <li>Syntax highlighting</li>
  13513. <li>Editor toolbar actions with shortcuts</li>
  13514. <li>Code folding</li>
  13515. </ul>
  13516. <b><i>Feature requests:</i></b>
  13517. <ul>
  13518. <li><i>suggesting functions' names</i></li>
  13519. <li><i>obtaining installed packages</i></li>
  13520. <li><i>generating PDF files</i></li>
  13521. <li><i>preview generated PDF files</i></li>
  13522. <li><i>and more...</i></li>
  13523. </ul>
  13524. <br />
  13525. <br />
  13526. <i>Compiled with Java 1.6</i>
  13527. <br />
  13528. <br />]]></description><version>0.2</version><vendor email='jakub@hsz.mobi' url=''>hsz</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='123.72' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Version 0.2
  13529. <ul>
  13530. <li>Toolbar actions: bold, italic, underline, align left, align center, align right</li>
  13531. <li>Color settings page</li>
  13532. <li>Sections folding</li>
  13533. </ul> Version 0.1.1
  13534. <ul>
  13535. <li>Fixed syntax highlighting (better BNF and Flex rules)</li>
  13536. </ul> Version 0.1
  13537. <ul>
  13538. <li>Basic syntax highlighting</li>
  13539. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='7996' size='594392' date='1443710379000' url='https://github.com/idok/coffee-lint-plugin'><name>CoffeeLint</name><id>com.wix.coffeelint</id><description><![CDATA[CoffeeLint intellij integration.
  13540. <br />
  13541. <p>Support displaying CoffeeLint warnings as intellij inspections</p>
  13542. <p>Support for custom CoffeeLint rules</p>]]></description><version>1.0.5</version><vendor email='sir_simon_x@yahoo.com' url='https://github.com/idok'>Ido</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='139.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<p>1.0.5 Bug fixes.</p>
  13543. <p>1.0.4 Add --ext CLI option to include additional file extension.</p>
  13544. <p>1.0.3 Use temp folder for temp files.</p>
  13545. <p>1.0.2 Bug fixes.</p>
  13546. <p>1.0.1 Bug fixes.</p>
  13547. <p>1.0.0 First version.</p>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><depends>org.coffeescript</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='6719' size='517621' date='1427300811000' url=''><name>D Language Support</name><id>org.dlangplugin</id><description><![CDATA[D Language support for IntelliJ IDEA 14]]></description><version>0.0.8</version><vendor email='sheknitrtch@vivaldi.net' url=''>D Lang</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='139.1' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Early alpha release]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='4350' size='195570' date='1427671467000' url=''><name>NSIS plugin</name><id>com.krylysov.nsisplugin</id><description><![CDATA[NSIS syntax highlighting plugin]]></description><version>0.2.0</version><vendor email='artem@krylysov.com' url='https://github.com/akrylysov/intellij-nsis'>Artem Krylysov</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='131.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Initial version.]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='16429' size='44327' date='1431020468000' url=''><name>PHP RegExp Support</name><id>com.dryabov.phpStorm.phpregexp</id><description><![CDATA[Support of regular expressions parsing in PhpStorm]]></description><version>0.9.3</version><vendor email='dryabov@yandex.ru' url='https://github.com/dryabov'>Denis Ryabov</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='131.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<dl>
  13548. <dt>
  13549. 0.9.3 (07 May 2015)
  13550. </dt>
  13551. <dd>
  13552. Rebuild for JDK 1.7 (fixed PluginException)
  13553. </dd>
  13554. <dt>
  13555. 0.9.2 (03 May 2015)
  13556. </dt>
  13557. <dd>
  13558. Fixed issue with incorrect escape character annotation
  13559. <br /> Added support of Perl5 embedded comments
  13560. </dd>
  13561. <dt>
  13562. 0.9.1 (15 Apr 2015)
  13563. </dt>
  13564. <dd>
  13565. Fixed possible &quot;infinite&quot; loop in regex checker
  13566. </dd>
  13567. <dt>
  13568. 0.9.0 (13 Apr 2015)
  13569. </dt>
  13570. <dd>
  13571. Initial release
  13572. </dd>
  13573. </dl>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><depends>com.jetbrains.php</depends><rating>1.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='304634' size='89276' date='1496264322000' url=''><name>YAML/Ansible support</name><id>YAML/Ansible support</id><description><![CDATA[<p>YAML/Ansible support with Jinja2 tags</p>
  13574. <p>Based on NEON by juzna.cz</p>
  13575. <br>
  13576. <b>Provides:</b>
  13577. <ul>
  13578. <li>Index of all roles in Goto Class...</li>
  13579. <li>Index of all properties in Goto Symbol...</li>
  13580. <li>Reference Jinja2 variable declaration</li>
  13581. <li>Reference to role declaraion</li>
  13582. <li>Various completions</li>
  13583. <li>Documentation lookup</li>
  13584. </ul>]]></description><version>0.9.5</version><vendor email='vermut@kid.lv' url='https://github.com/vermut/intellij-ansible'>Pavel Veretennikov</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='141.713' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<p>Changes 0.9.5: Fixed few NPE's and network access assertion error</p>
  13585. <p>Changes 0.9.4: Lexer: fixed EAP compatibility (backported from juzna/Neon)</p>
  13586. <p>Changes 0.9.3: fixes crash parsing unfinished quoted scalars</p>
  13587. <p>Changes 0.9.2: improved quoted parsing</p>
  13588. <p>Changes 0.9.1: rebuilt with Java6</p>
  13589. <p>Changes 0.9.0: fixed multiline: | <br>notation</p>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>4.5</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='3295364' size='3288908' date='1516024845000' url=''><name>Markdown support</name><id>org.intellij.plugins.markdown</id><description><![CDATA[Markdown support for IntelliJ products]]></description><version>173.4301.21</version><vendor email='' url='http://www.jetbrains.com'>JetBrains</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='173.4301' until-build='173.*'/><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>2.9</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='172633' size='3000268' date='1513108676000' url='https://github.com/hurricup/Perl5-IDEA'><name>Perl</name><id>com.perl5</id><description><![CDATA[<p>Camelcade plugin provides support for the following languages and frameworks:</p>
  13590. <ul>
  13591. <li>Perl5 &amp; Pod</li>
  13592. <li>Mojolicious</li>
  13593. <li>HTML::Mason</li>
  13594. <li>Mason2</li>
  13595. <li>Template Toolkit 2</li>
  13596. </ul> More information may be found in our
  13597. <a href="https://github.com/hurricup/Perl5-IDEA/wiki" rel="nofollow">Wiki</a>.
  13598. <p></p>
  13599. <br>
  13600. <br>
  13601. <a href="https://github.com/hurricup/Perl5-IDEA/issues" rel="nofollow">Bug Tracker</a> |
  13602. <a href="https://twitter.com/CamelcadeIDE" rel="nofollow">Twitter</a> |
  13603. <a href="https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/camelcade" rel="nofollow">Google Group</a> |
  13604. <a href="https://github.com/hurricup/Perl5-IDEA" rel="nofollow">Sources</a>
  13605. <br>
  13606. <br>
  13607. <p><a href="https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&amp;hosted_button_id=HJCUADZKY5G7E" rel="nofollow"><img src="https://www.paypalobjects.com/en_GB/i/btn/btn_donate_LG.gif" alt="Donate to support Project"></a></p>]]></description><version>2017.4.1</version><vendor email='hurricup@evstigneev.com' url='http://www.evstigneev.com'>Alexandr Evstigneev</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='173.3727' until-build='173.*'/><change-notes><![CDATA[<p>Updates: </p>
  13608. <ul>
  13609. <li>Run with Coverage is now available. Requires <code>Devel::Cover</code> module</li>
  13610. <li><code>List::MoreUtils</code> imports should work properly. Plugin supposes PP implementations. <a href="https://github.com/Camelcade/Perl5-IDEA/issues/1658" rel="nofollow">#1658</a></li>
  13611. <li><code>Test::More</code> imports should work properly even with import argument. <a href="https://github.com/Camelcade/Perl5-IDEA/issues/1657" rel="nofollow">#1657</a></li>
  13612. <li>Typing the <code>&lt;</code> inside bare <code>&lt;&gt;</code> transforms diamond to here-doc opener. <a href="https://github.com/Camelcade/Perl5-IDEA/issues/1660" rel="nofollow">#1660</a></li>
  13613. <li>Deparsing errors are now more informative. <a href="https://github.com/Camelcade/Perl5-IDEA/issues/1650" rel="nofollow">#1650</a></li>
  13614. </ul>
  13615. <p></p>
  13616. <p>Fixes: </p>
  13617. <ul>
  13618. <li>Resolving to declarations in compounds, nested in do/eval/sub, <a href="https://github.com/Camelcade/Perl5-IDEA/issues/1646" rel="nofollow">#1646</a></li>
  13619. <li>Parsing <code>&amp;&amp;</code> after <code>__PACKAGE__</code>, <a href="https://github.com/Camelcade/Perl5-IDEA/issues/1655" rel="nofollow">#1655</a></li>
  13620. </ul>
  13621. <p></p>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>4.8</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='122032' size='2052287' date='1516120505000' url=''><name>HashiCorp Terraform / HCL language support</name><id>org.intellij.plugins.hcl</id><description><![CDATA[This plugin adds support for
  13622. <a href="https://github.com/hashicorp/hcl" rel="nofollow">HashiCorp Configuration Language (HCL)</a> and
  13623. <a href="https://github.com/hashicorp/hil" rel="nofollow">HashiCorp Interpolation Language (HIL)</a>, as well as their combination used in
  13624. <a href="https://www.terraform.io/" rel="nofollow">Terraform</a> configuration files (.tf).
  13625. <br>
  13626. <br> The HCL format is also used for
  13627. <a href="https://www.nomadproject.io/" rel="nofollow">Nomad</a> (.nomad files).
  13628. <br> Features: For file formats usign HCL (.hcl, .tf, .nomad):
  13629. <ul>
  13630. <li>Syntax highlighting</li>
  13631. <li>Structure outline in the 'Structure' tool window</li>
  13632. <li>Code formatter with the 'Reformat code' action available</li>
  13633. <li>Code folding</li>
  13634. <li>The 'Comment/Uncomment' action</li>
  13635. </ul> For HIL files:
  13636. <ul>
  13637. <li>Syntax highlighting</li>
  13638. </ul>
  13639. <a href="https://www.terraform.io/" rel="nofollow">Terraform</a> specific support: In both configuration files and interpolations:
  13640. <ul>
  13641. <li>Autocompletion</li>
  13642. <li>Find Usages / Go to definition for resources, providers, variables and their properties</li>
  13643. <li>Rename Refactoring</li>
  13644. <li>Introduce Variable Refactoring (for string property values)</li>
  13645. <li>Several inspections</li>
  13646. <li>Report usage of deprecated properties</li>
  13647. <li>Unresolved reference checks (in interpolations)</li>
  13648. <li>Check required/missing properties in resource/provider</li>
  13649. <li><a href="https://www.terraform.io/docs/configuration/interpolation.html" rel="nofollow">Predefined Terraform methods</a> autocompletion in interpolations</li>
  13650. <li>(WIP) Better properties validation (type checking)</li>
  13651. <li>(WIP) Working with dependent modules</li>
  13652. <li>(WIP) Type-specific autocompletion in interpolations</li>
  13653. </ul>]]></description><version></version><vendor email='vlad.rassokhin+intellij+hcl@gmail.com' url='https://github.com/VladRassokhin'>Vladislav Rassokhin</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='143.2000' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<ul>
  13654. <li>Updated model data to match Terraform v0.11.2</li>
  13655. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='2749' size='22062' date='1435888260000' url=''><name>Oxidize</name><id>com.techern.oxidize</id><description><![CDATA[A plugin for Rust in IntelliJ IDEA. Currently contains very little in terms of features, but more will be added in coming versions.]]></description><version>0.0.1</version><vendor email='cruzjbishop@gmail.com' url=''>Cruz Bishop (Holding for Techern in 2016)</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='131.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[0.0.1: Initial filetype support for Rust source and library files, as well as the Cargo Project file type]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='1483' size='13515053' date='1438464114000' url=''><name>NSIS Language Support</name><id>com.jotc.nsis.plugin.nsis</id><description><![CDATA[Language support for NSIS]]></description><version>1.0</version><vendor email='jot.company@gmail.com' url=''>JOT Company</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='131.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='2733237' size='21446825' date='1512235622000' url='http://github.com/vsch/idea-multimarkdown'><name>Markdown Navigator</name><id>com.vladsch.idea.multimarkdown</id><description><![CDATA[<img src="https://github.com/vsch/idea-multimarkdown/raw/master/assets/images/MNLogo.png?" height="20" width="20">Markdown Navigator 2.0
  13656. <p><strong><a href="http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown" rel="nofollow"><span>Markdown</span></a> language support for IntelliJ platform</strong></p>
  13657. <p><strong>A Markdown plugin</strong> with GFM and a <strong>matching</strong> preview style.</p>
  13658. <p><strong>Get Markdown Navigator <a href="http://vladsch.com/product/markdown-navigator" rel="nofollow">enhanced edition</a> to unlock all productivity features.</strong></p> Document with pleasure!
  13659. <p>Work with <a href="http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown" rel="nofollow">Markdown</a> files like you do with other languages in the IDE, by getting full support for:</p>
  13660. <ul>
  13661. <li><strong>Paste images</strong> into documents for fast screen capture links</li>
  13662. <li><strong>Drag &amp; Drop files and images</strong> for fast link insertion</li>
  13663. <li><strong>Formatting</strong> to cleanup documents with a key stroke</li>
  13664. <li><strong>Navigation and Find Usages</strong> to find references without effort</li>
  13665. <li><strong>Copy Markdown</strong> as <strong>JIRA</strong>, <strong>YouTrack</strong> or <strong>HTML</strong> formatted text</li>
  13666. <li>Convert <strong>HTML to Markdown by pasting</strong> it into a Markdown document.</li>
  13667. <li><strong>Export</strong> to <strong>HTML</strong> or <strong>PDF</strong> to share with others</li>
  13668. <li><strong>Refactoring</strong> of all referencing elements:
  13669. <ul>
  13670. <li>files ⟺ links</li>
  13671. <li>headings ⟺ ref anchors</li>
  13672. <li>footnotes ⟺ footnote refs</li>
  13673. <li>references ⟺ ref links/ref images</li>
  13674. </ul> </li>
  13675. <li><strong>Completions</strong> to reduce typing:
  13676. <ul>
  13677. <li>link address ⇐ files</li>
  13678. <li>ref anchors ⇐ headings</li>
  13679. <li>footnote refs ⇐ footnotes</li>
  13680. <li>ref links/ref images ⇐ references</li>
  13681. <li>link text ⇐ ref anchor/link address</li>
  13682. </ul> </li>
  13683. <li><strong>Error and Warning</strong> annotations to help catch mistakes early</li>
  13684. <li><strong>Intention actions</strong> for fast results with less effort</li>
  13685. <li><strong>Wrap on Typing</strong> to keep it nicely formatted as you edit</li>
  13686. <li><strong>GitHub style rendering</strong> that you are used to, out of the box</li>
  13687. <li><strong>Fast typing response</strong> for distraction free editing</li>
  13688. <li><strong>Fully customizable</strong> to adjust to your preferences and project needs</li>
  13689. </ul>
  13690. <p><img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/vsch/idea-multimarkdown/master/assets/images/plugin_description_img2.png" alt="Screenshot"></p>]]></description><version>2.4.0</version><vendor email='vladimir.schneider@gmail.com' url='http://github.com/vsch'>Vladimir Schneider</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='143.2370' /><change-notes><![CDATA[2.4.0 - Bug Fix &amp; Enhancement Release
  13691. <ul>
  13692. <li>Fix: #517, Invalid tool tip for “Show Breadcrumb text”</li>
  13693. <li>Change: #520, Not working: As you type automation: Double of bold/emphasis markers and remove inserted ones if a space is typed. Enable these options in code style, disabled by default.</li>
  13694. <li>Fix: #509, Text with colons is incorrectly interpreted as an invalid emoji shortcut</li>
  13695. <li>Add: #507, How to be sure that HTML auto generated link will have unchanged url. Link format option for HTML export: page relative, project relative, http: absolute, file: absolute if option <code>Link to exported HTML</code> is not selected.</li>
  13696. <li>Add: #466, Indents with 4 spaces instead of 2 as I like. Code style option for indent size added sets number of spaces to insert when pressing tab.</li>
  13697. <li>Change: Remove attribute and settings migration from pre 2.3.0 versions.</li>
  13698. <li>Add: nested heading outline collapsing</li>
  13699. <li>Fix: improved HTML to markdown conversion from Apple Mail copied text.</li>
  13700. <li>Fix: don’t show emoji completions in link address part ( http: triggers it)</li>
  13701. <li>Fix: abbreviation navigation and refactoring was not implemented</li>
  13702. <li>Fix: line markers generate for leaf elements only, performance improvement</li>
  13703. <li>Fix: swing preview on linux not showing fixed pitch font for code</li>
  13704. <li>Fix: Task list items now require indent at task item marker not item content, to match GitHub parsing rules. Indenting to content column treats children as inline code and child list items not separated by a blank line as lazy continuation lines.</li>
  13705. <li>Fix: formatter for new task item indentation rules.</li>
  13706. <li>Fix: remove <code>Replace File Content</code> option from non-image target ref drop downs in paste/modify image dialog, and all link options from copy/drop image dialog and link drop/paste ref options dialog.</li>
  13707. <li>Fix: #489, Paste Image does not create file if parent directory does not exist.</li>
  13708. <li>Fix: #484, Open links in preview, not browser. Option added to preview settings to have page relative and repo relative links resolve to GitHub files when selected. When not selected they resolve to local project files.</li>
  13709. <li>Fix: #486, Multi-line links do not preview correctly, when in <code>Line</code> preview element highlight mode.</li>
  13710. <li>Fix: #481, Will not allow me to crop beyond 200px, now limits are derived from the image dimensions and image operations.</li>
  13711. <li>Fix: Update to latest flexmark-java supporting CommonMark Spec 0.28.</li>
  13712. <li>Fix: TOC entries would exclude typographic characters when “text only” option was used with typographic parser extension enabled.</li>
  13713. <li>Fix: HTML to Markdown not adding HTML comment between consecutive lists</li>
  13714. <li>Fix: #479, Multi-line URL images are not converted in PDF export or Copy HTML Mime</li>
  13715. <li>Add: Show “Apply all ‘…’” intention on any element option to allow showing file level intentions to be available on any element. Otherwise only shown on elements which they affect.</li>
  13716. <li>Add: enable image intentions on multi-line URL image links</li>
  13717. <li>Add: Code Folding option in settings for embedded image links</li>
  13718. <li>Add: HTML generation options to convert image links to embedded images, with separate option for <a href="http:" rel="nofollow">http://</a> and <a href="https:" rel="nofollow">https://</a> image urls.</li>
  13719. <li>Add: base64 embedded image display in Swing Preview browser</li>
  13720. <li>Add: <code>Base64 Encoded</code> as a link format for pasted images and dropped files to the Paste Image dialog.</li>
  13721. <li>Fix: base64 encode intention would keep path of url if it was present</li>
  13722. <li>Fix: image reference links to references with base64 encoded images would show as unresolved</li>
  13723. <li>Add: intentions to convert images to base64 encoding and vice-versa</li>
  13724. <li>Fix: base64 encoded embedded images did not display in JavaFX preview</li>
  13725. <li>Fix: preview navigation to links with anchor refs and line anchor refs</li>
  13726. <li>Fix: dropping a file in a document appends <code>null</code> string to the file name in error.</li>
  13727. <li>Fix: #468, Move (refactoring) of .md files breaks links to sections in same file.</li>
  13728. <li>Fix: reference paste with line ref anchor would always paste page relative format URL regardless of the link paste format (set with file copy drop action).</li>
  13729. <li>Fix: diagnostics/713, tree view icon update before <code>FileManager</code> has been initialized will to return markdown file type (without resolving sub-type).</li>
  13730. <li>Add: Convert markdown to HTML intention for fenced code and indented code blocks.</li>
  13731. <li>Fix: unresolved link references would be rendered in HTML instead of being treated as plain text. Broken by <code>Reference</code> link map code.</li>
  13732. <li>Fix: paste reference past end of line will insert spaces to caret column before inserting link.</li>
  13733. <li>Fix: links from FQN references with spaces did not url encode the link.</li>
  13734. <li>Fix: reference to link conversion for PhpStorm to truncate the reference at the <code>:</code> since PhpStorm is not able to convert FQN strings with class method names.</li>
  13735. <li>Add: use QualifiedNameProviders to resolve reference to link conversion.</li>
  13736. <li>Add: logic to not convert qualified string to link when caret is inside inline code, fenced code or between two back-ticks.</li>
  13737. <li>Fix: HTTP links with anchor refs should not highlight anchor links as unresolved.</li>
  13738. <li>Add: paste of file reference with or without line number converted to paste of link with GitHub line ref anchor added if line number is part of the reference. This will insert/replace link.</li>
  13739. <li>Fix: non-vcs projects links without a path would show unresolved even when files exist.</li>
  13740. </ul> 2.3.8 - Bug Fix Release
  13741. <ul>
  13742. <li>Add: GitHub Line reference anchors in the form <code>L#</code> or <code>L#-L#</code> for line ranges. Now navigating to such an anchor in a project file will move the caret to the line and if second form is used select the lines.</li>
  13743. <li>Add: with JavaFX browser clicking on task item box in preview toggles open/closed task status in source.</li>
  13744. <li>Fix: image refs and image links to non-raw GitHub image files to show as warning. Only show warning for references not in raw when referenced by image refs.</li>
  13745. <li>Add: Apply all ‘…’ in file intentions where these make sense.</li>
  13746. <li>Add: intention to convert between typographic symbols and markdown smarts/quotes extension text.</li>
  13747. <li>Add: <code>HTML block deep parsing</code> parser option to allow better handling of raw text tag parsing when they are not the first tag on the first line of the block.</li>
  13748. <li>Add: split inline code class <code>line-spliced</code> for code elements split across multiple lines not to appear as two inline code elements in preview.</li>
  13749. <li>Fix: HTML generation with line source line highlighting when inline styling spans source lines</li>
  13750. <li>Add: #74, Launching external URLs inside the browser, now <code>navigate to declaration</code> opens url in browser, ftp or mail client depending on the link. Can also use line markers for navigation of these elements.</li>
  13751. <li>Fix: parsing of lists in fixed 4 spaces mode would not allow last item to be loose</li>
  13752. <li>Fix: reference to non-image but not used as image target warning not raw.</li>
  13753. <li>Fix: exception when navigating next/previous table cells in editor without an associated virtual file.</li>
  13754. <li>Fix: #461, TOC with HTML generated content causes exception if skipping heading levels</li>
  13755. <li>Fix: #460, TOC options do not change default Heading level</li>
  13756. <li>Fix: #459, PDF export does not resolve local ref anchors</li>
  13757. <li>Fix: #456, Register r markdown code chunk prefix</li>
  13758. <li>Fix: #453, Option to hide toolbar</li>
  13759. <li>Fix: #454, Incorrect filename inspection error, weak warning now only for wiki link targets that contain spaces in resolved link.</li>
  13760. <li>Fix: flexmark-java issue 109, image ref loosing title tag.</li>
  13761. <li>Add: GitBook compatible include tags when <code>GitBook compatibility mode</code> is enabled in <code>Parser</code> options.</li>
  13762. <li>Fix: Nested stub index exception in reference search</li>
  13763. <li>Fix: breadcrumb tooltip of task items would be missing the task item marker</li>
  13764. <li>Fix: completions broken on Windows</li>
  13765. <li>Fix: document format erroneously creates column spans for some tables.</li>
  13766. <li>Fix: diagnostics/531, line painter provider passed line number &gt; document line count.</li>
  13767. <li>Fix: diagnostics/498, highlight in preview causing exception</li>
  13768. <li>Fix: diagnostics/497, flexmark-java lib erroneous assert failure</li>
  13769. <li>Fix: #447, Exported HTML has unexpected CSS and JS URLs</li>
  13770. <li>Fix: #445, there should no be default language injection in bare code chunks</li>
  13771. <li>Add: handling of optional quotes for jekyll include tags. Either single <code>'</code> or double <code>"</code> quotes will be ignored if the file name is wrapped in them.</li>
  13772. <li>Fix: API break with version 2016.2.3 by using EditorModificationUtil methods missing from that version.</li>
  13773. <li>Fix: #444, Markdown Navigator 2.3.7 breaks paste of github checkout url</li>
  13774. <li>Fix: #441, false positive typo annotation in header, caused by using IdentifierSplitter instead of TextSplitter to handle elements that can have references.</li>
  13775. <li>Fix: #442, Image Paste in Windows always pastes absolute <a rel="nofollow">file://</a> regardless of selection</li>
  13776. <li>Add: Insert table column on right actions and changed description of previous action to insert table column on left.</li>
  13777. <li>Fix: exception when exporting PDF or Copy HTML Mime</li>
  13778. <li>Fix: #440, Auto links should not appear in fenced code</li>
  13779. <li>Add: #411, Network drives links are not resolved correctly, URI links outside of project now error highlighted if the file does not exist</li>
  13780. <li>Add: #433, Support external links for the Link Map (eg. JIRA link), Reference to Link Map to allow creating automatic reference URLs from Reference IDs</li>
  13781. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>(optional) com.intellij.tasks</depends><depends>(optional) org.intellij.intelliLang</depends><depends>(optional) org.jetbrains.plugins.yaml</depends><depends>Git4Idea</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>4.2</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='12196' size='744841' date='1439538581000' url=''><name>CSharp</name><id>in.xiv.cs</id><description><![CDATA[CSharp language support.
  13782. <br />
  13783. <em>very experimental state</em>
  13784. <br />Right now only syntax support and grammar validation]]></description><version>0.1</version><vendor email='d@xiv.in' url='http://s.xiv.in/'>XIV</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='131.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Alpha:First version ever.
  13785. <br />]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='1453' size='117121' date='1515731018000' url=''><name>K</name><id>idea.k</id><description><![CDATA[k/q Language Support (kx.com). Features:
  13786. <ul>
  13787. <li>Syntax highlighting</li>
  13788. <li>Navigate to declaration</li>
  13789. <li>Code completion</li>
  13790. <li>Find usages</li>
  13791. <li>Rename refactoring</li>
  13792. <li>File structure</li>
  13793. <li>Go to symbol</li>
  13794. <li>Color settings</li>
  13795. </ul>]]></description><version>0.9.7</version><vendor email='antonio.andrade@me.com' url=''>Antonio Andrade</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='131.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<strong>0.9.7</strong>
  13796. <br>
  13797. <ul>
  13798. <li>Fixes resolution of references when implicit lambda params are used</li>
  13799. <li>Fixes syntax error for commands (e.g. \l) using paths</li>
  13800. </ul>
  13801. <strong>0.9.6</strong>
  13802. <br>
  13803. <ul>
  13804. <li>Enables completion of cross-file var/fns in default namespace</li>
  13805. <li>Fixes k.png icon lookup on some Intellij versions</li>
  13806. </ul>
  13807. <strong>0.9.5</strong>
  13808. <br>
  13809. <ul>
  13810. <li>MIT license</li>
  13811. <li>Maintenance release</li>
  13812. </ul>
  13813. <strong>0.9.3</strong>
  13814. <br>
  13815. <ul>
  13816. <li>Fixes lexer bug with namespace declarations</li>
  13817. </ul>
  13818. <strong>0.9.2</strong>
  13819. <br>
  13820. <ul>
  13821. <li>k4/q partial block comments support</li>
  13822. <li>Fixes NPE on windows while resolving references</li>
  13823. <li>Other small fixes</li>
  13824. </ul>
  13825. <strong>0.9.0</strong>
  13826. <br>
  13827. <ul>
  13828. <li>New, more flexible grammar. Supports k3,k4 and q</li>
  13829. <li>New unit tests for completion, references, renaming &amp; parsing</li>
  13830. </ul>
  13831. <strong>0.8.1</strong>
  13832. <br>
  13833. <ul>
  13834. <li>Fixes NPE</li>
  13835. </ul>
  13836. <strong>0.8</strong>
  13837. <br>
  13838. <ul>
  13839. <li>q support</li>
  13840. <li>Structure View</li>
  13841. <li>Auto-complete</li>
  13842. <li>Find usages</li>
  13843. </ul>
  13844. <strong>0.3</strong>
  13845. <br>
  13846. <ul>
  13847. <li>Small grammar fixes</li>
  13848. </ul>
  13849. <strong>0.2</strong>
  13850. <br>
  13851. <ul>
  13852. <li>Basic Function Completion</li>
  13853. <li>Basic Function Rename</li>
  13854. <li>Basic Go to Symbol</li>
  13855. <li>Basic Search Everywhere</li>
  13856. </ul>
  13857. <strong>0.1</strong>
  13858. <br>
  13859. <ul>
  13860. <li>Syntax Highlighting</li>
  13861. <li>Braces/Brackets/Parens Matching</li>
  13862. <li>Customizable Color Settings</li>
  13863. <li>Line Comments</li>
  13864. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='1230' size='34164' date='1462027834000' url=''><name>LiveScriptBrains</name><id>lv.modo.livescriptbrains</id><description><![CDATA[Plugin for supporting LiveScript in JetBrains IDEs.]]></description><version>0.0.1f</version><vendor email='modo@modo.lv' url='http://modo.lv'>Martins &quot;@modo_lv&quot; Osis</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='131.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='1023' size='328867' date='1467911688000' url=''><name>TL Schema support</name><id>net.pavelk.tlschema.colorer</id><description><![CDATA[Supports TL schema files coloring and several inspections]]></description><version>1.2</version><vendor email='kunyavskiy@gmail.com' url=''>Pavel Kunyavskiy</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='131.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Support of Find Usages and references]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='12501' size='91515' date='1507207833000' url=''><name>Apache Avro™ support</name><id>claims.bold.intellij.avro</id><description><![CDATA[A plugin adding support for Apache Avro™.]]></description><version>0.3.1</version><vendor email='abigail@bold.claims' url='https://github.com/AbigailBuccaneer/intellij-avro'>Abigail</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='143.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<ul>
  13865. <li>0.3.0: Multiple parsing improvements</li>
  13866. <li>0.2.1: Parsing of non-primitive default values</li>
  13867. <li>0.2.0: Full parsing of Avro™ IDL source code</li>
  13868. <li>0.1.0: Initial release</li>
  13869. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='930' size='207292' date='1450433887000' url=''><name>Courier schema language</name><id>org.coursera.courier.plugin</id><description><![CDATA[Courier Schema Language plugin.
  13870. <br />
  13871. <em>See github.com/coursera/courier</em>]]></description><version>1.5.0</version><vendor email='' url='https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/courier'>Courier OSS Project</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='131.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='527' size='216715' date='1495718774000' url=''><name>Spj Plugin</name><id>com.ky-proj.spjplugin</id><description><![CDATA[Custom language plugin for 101NEO framework.
  13872. <br> This plugin is the most sophisticated environment for developing 101NEO framework.
  13873. <br>
  13874. <br> Functions:
  13875. <ul>
  13876. <li>Completion and Annotations depending on Neo version and .prj settings</li>
  13877. <li>Syntax highlights</li>
  13878. <li>Changing highlight color settings</li>
  13879. <li>basic code formatting and indent</li>
  13880. <li>Structure view</li>
  13881. </ul>]]></description><version>1.1.0</version><vendor email='' url=''>Y.Kaneko</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='139.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[(2017/05/25) v1.1.0: Support "try" blocks fo Neo4.
  13882. <br> (2017/05/07) v1.0.6: Add some annotations.
  13883. <br> (2017/04/03) v1.0.5: Add Completion for SpjDocs.
  13884. <br> (2017/03/23) v1.0.4: Support IDEA 2017.1.
  13885. <br> (2017/03/22) v1.0.3: Fixed some bugs.
  13886. <br> (2017/03/21) v1.0.1: Fixed some bugs.
  13887. <br> (2016/03/20) v1.0.0: Support Neo4. Support Preferences to specify Neo version and .prj file for the project.
  13888. <br> (2016/10/28) v0.6.2: Fixed some bugs.
  13889. <br> (2016/08/25) v0.6.1: Support SpjDocs at the head of procedure blocks.
  13890. <br> (2016/08/06) v0.5.7: Add support for new built-in functions. Fixed some bugs.
  13891. <br> (2016/08/01) v0.5.6: Fixed some bugs.
  13892. <br> (2016/07/28) v0.5.5: Fixed some bugs.
  13893. <br> (2016/07/27) v0.5.4: Add folding support for.procedure blocks
  13894. <br> (2016/07/26) v0.5.3: Fixed some bugs.
  13895. <br> (2016/07/12) v0.5.2: Fixed some bugs.
  13896. <br> (2016/07/08) v0.5.1: Add "Find Usage" for procedures and Commenter.
  13897. <br> (2016/07/08) v0.5.0: Add "Go To Declaration" for calling procedures.
  13898. <br> (2016/06/22) v0.4.5: Add support for new libraries(hash, csv, json).
  13899. <br> (2016/02/26) v0.4.4: Fixed some bugs.
  13900. <br> (2016/02/10) v0.4.3: Fixed some bugs.
  13901. <br> (2015/12/16) v0.4.2: Fixed some bugs.
  13902. <br> (2015/12/10) v0.4.1: Fixed some bugs.
  13903. <br> (2015/12/10) v0.4.0: Add auto completion for variables and arguments in the same file
  13904. <br> (2015/11/24) v0.3.3: Fixed some bugs.
  13905. <br> (2015/11/21) v0.3.2: Fixed some bugs. Add annotation on calling undefined procedures
  13906. <br> (2015/11/19) v0.3.1: Fixed some bugs
  13907. <br> (2015/11/17) v0.3.0: Structure View and auto completion for user-defined procedures
  13908. <br> (2015/11/16) v0.2.1: Bug fix &amp; add support for new built-in functions
  13909. <br> (2015/11/15) v0.2.0: Auto Completion support for built-in commands and functions
  13910. <br> (2015/11/01) v0.1.0: first release
  13911. <br>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='169591' size='13216430' date='1511833820000' url='https://cursive-ide.com'><name>Cursive</name><id>com.cursiveclojure.cursive</id><description><![CDATA[<p>Provides full Clojure and ClojureScript language support.</p>
  13912. <p></p>
  13913. <ul>
  13914. <li><b>Intelligent Editor</b> featuring code completion, syntax highlighting and real-time error highlighting.</li>
  13915. <li><b>First-class ClojureScript</b> nearly all functionality is equivalent in Clojure and ClojureScript.</li>
  13916. <li><b>Code Navigation</b> project and structure views, navigation to symbols, namespaces, classes, and Find Usages.</li>
  13917. <li><b>REPL Integration</b> full integration with nREPL and clojure.main style REPLs for Clojure and ClojureScript.</li>
  13918. <li><b>Test Integration</b> interactive running of clojure.test tests, with failures marked in the editor and visual diffs.</li>
  13919. <li><b>Leiningen Support</b> full support for Leiningen including support for large multi-module projects.</li>
  13920. <li><b>Structural Editing</b> full support for paredit style editing.</li>
  13921. <li><b>Code Formatting</b> smart, customisable formatting support.</li>
  13922. <li><b>Clojure Debugger</b> full support for debugging Clojure, including expression evaluation and debug REPLs.</li>
  13923. <li><b>Refactorings</b> seamless rename, extract let, automatic imports and requires, and more.</li>
  13924. <li><b>Interop Support</b> best in class support for Java interop, including smart completion using type inference.</li>
  13925. </ul>
  13926. <p>Built on: 2017-12-19 16:03</p>
  13927. <p>Built from: 1.6.3-eap2</p>]]></description><version>1.6.2-2017.3</version><vendor email='cursive@cursive-ide.com' url='https://ideogram.co.nz'>Ideogram, Ltd.</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='173.0' until-build='173.*'/><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>(optional) com.intellij.copyright</depends><depends>(optional) org.jetbrains.idea.maven</depends><depends>(optional) org.jetbrains.kotlin</depends><rating>4.3</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='43554' size='1903891' date='1514915842000' url=''><name>JS GraphQL</name><id>com.intellij.lang.jsgraphql</id><description><![CDATA[<p>GraphQL language support including Relay.QL tagged templates in JavaScript and TypeScript.</p>
  13928. <p>Provides the following features:</p>
  13929. <ul>
  13930. <li>Schema-aware completion, error highlighting, and documentation</li>
  13931. <li>Syntax highlighting, code-formatting, folding, commenter, and brace-matching</li>
  13932. <li>'Find Usages' and 'Go to Declaration' for schema types and fields</li>
  13933. <li>Schema viewer and 'Go to Implementation' for schema interfaces</li>
  13934. <li>'Structure view' to navigate GraphQL and GraphQL Schema files</li>
  13935. <li>Configurable GraphQL schema retrieval and reloading based on a local file or a url using 'then-request'</li>
  13936. <li>Execute queries with variables against configurable endpoints</li>
  13937. </ul>]]></description><version>1.6.3</version><vendor email='' url=''>Jim Kynde Meyer - jimkyndemeyer@gmail.com</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='162.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<ul>
  13938. <li>1.6.3: 'Editor &gt; Code Style' never loads In WebStorm 2017.3.</li>
  13939. <li>1.6.2: Resolve fragment references under progress in annotator to ensure WebStorm 2017.3 compatibility.</li>
  13940. <li>1.6.1: 2017.3 compatibility.</li>
  13941. <li>1.6.0: Support for Relay Modern fragments. Language Service 1.5.0: Support for loading the schema from .graphql file (Relay Modern projects).</li>
  13942. <li>1.5.4: Only show the error console automatically on the first error in the project. Fixes Int variables being sent as floats. Fixes auto-import is not placed on a new line in JS files with GraphQL templates.</li>
  13943. <li>1.5.3: Support Relay Modern graphql.experimental tag.</li>
  13944. <li>1.5.2: Pass "variables" in payload to GraphQL server as JSON.</li>
  13945. <li>1.5.1: Compatible with IntelliJ IDEA 2017.1 EAP tagged template expressions.</li>
  13946. <li>1.5.0: Language Service 1.4.0 based on graphql 0.9.1 and codemirror-graphql 0.6.2. Experimental support for GraphQL Endpoint Language (.graphqle)</li>
  13947. <li>1.4.4: Fixes Assertion failed: Caret model is in its update process.</li>
  13948. <li>1.4.3: GraphQL configuration page for indentation. Language Service 1.3.2: Object literal for variables in getFragment closes Relay.QL template expression.</li>
  13949. <li>1.4.2: Language Service 1.3.1: Support __schema root in schema.json.</li>
  13950. <li>1.4.1: Support for gql tagged templates used by Apollo and Lokka GraphQL Clients. Fixes false Error in Relay Mutation.</li>
  13951. <li>1.4.0: Language Service 1.2.0 based on graphql 0.7.0 and codemirror-graphql 0.5.4. Basic editor support for GraphQL Schema (.graphqls)</li>
  13952. <li>1.3.3: Fixes compatibility issue with IDEA 2016.2.2</li>
  13953. <li>1.3.2: Removes GraphQL schema from scratch file formats.</li>
  13954. <li>1.3.1: Fixes compatibility issue with WebStorm 2016.2 EAP.</li>
  13955. <li>1.3.0: Adds support for GraphQL Scratch Files. Query results are now formatted.</li>
  13956. <li>1.2.0: Contextual query support: Execute buffer, selection, or named operations at the caret position in the GraphQL editor</li>
  13957. <li>1.1.1: Completion after ... fragment spread operator. Language Service 1.1.1 based on graphql 0.4.16 and codemirror-graphql 0.2.2</li>
  13958. <li>1.1.0: Find usages, schema viewer, structure view</li>
  13959. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>JavaScript</depends><depends>NodeJS</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='68' size='179844' date='1452899631000' url=''><name>FFDL Plugin</name><id>com.fatfractal.plugins.idea.ffdl</id><description><![CDATA[Provides syntax highlighting for FFDL files.]]></description><version>1.1</version><vendor email='support@fatfractal.com' url='http://fatfractal.com'>FatFractal, Inc.</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='107.105' /><change-notes><![CDATA[- Adds support for private collection]]></change-notes><depends>JavaScript</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='108854' size='291596' date='1457311919000' url=''><name>SnakeYAML plugin</name><id>SnakeYAML plugin</id><description><![CDATA[YAML parser/highlighter for Intellij IDEA platform IDEs
  13960. <p>Includes complete YAML loading pipeline under the hood. Capable of validating YAML on all levels. </p>
  13961. <p>Meant to serve a base dependency for all YAML-based languages - Ansible, Salt, Cloudify. </p>Note for Professional/Ultimate edition users
  13962. <p>Those editions already include basic YAML support. In case you want to enable this plugin, you'll need to reassign file type mappings:</p>
  13963. <p>Go to `Preferences &gt; Editor &gt; File Types` and move `YAML` registered patterns to `SnakeYAML`.</p>]]></description><version>1.17.0</version><vendor email='vermut@kid.lv' url='https://github.com/vermut/intellij-snakeyaml'>Pavel Veretennikov</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='134.625' /><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>2.6</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='24206' size='694193' date='1511986048000' url=''><name>AppleScript Support</name><id>com.intellij.plugin.applescript</id><description><![CDATA[<p>Provides support for writing and executing scripts with <a href="https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/documentation/AppleScript/Conceptual/AppleScriptLangGuide/introduction/ASLR_intro.html" rel="nofollow">AppleScript</a>.<br> For applications with legacy dictionary formats <b>requires installed Xcode</b> for dictionary file generation.<br><br></p>
  13964. <b>Wiki:</b>
  13965. <a href="https://github.com/ant-druha/AppleScript-IDEA" rel="nofollow">How to AppleScript</a>
  13966. <br>
  13967. <b>Plugin page:</b>
  13968. <a href="https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/8149" rel="nofollow">https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/8149</a>]]></description><version>0.118</version><vendor email='andrey.dernov@gmail.com' url='https://twitter.com/ant_druha'>Andrey</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='173.2463' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<dl>
  13969. <dt>
  13970. 0.118
  13971. </dt>
  13972. <dd>
  13973. · Formatter and structure view fixes
  13974. </dd>
  13975. </dl>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><rating>3.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='641' size='9873322' date='1510091198000' url=''><name>Winstanley WDL</name><id>org.broadinstitute.winstanley</id><description><![CDATA[Winstanley provides WDL language support to the IntelliJ IDEA IDE. For the WDL language specification, see https://github.com/broadinstitute/wdl. For a workflow engine runner which supports WDL, see https://github.com/broadinstitute/cromwell.]]></description><version>0.1.10</version><vendor email='workflow-description-language@googlegroups.com' url=''>WDL at Broad Institute</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='141.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Minor bug fix release. More details at https://github.com/broadinstitute/winstanley/releases/tag/v0.1.10]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='378' size='155575' date='1453801940000' url=''><name>Sutr Language Plugin</name><id>com.slalom.idea.aws.avs.sutr</id><description><![CDATA[This plugin provides language support for Sutr, the Slalom implementation of AVS Utterance.
  13976. <br />]]></description><version>0.7.3</version><vendor email='stryderc@slalom.com' url='https://www.slalom.com/'>Slalom</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='131.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[0.7.3 - Support added for 'from import ' statements. '_' now valid for Type name declarations. 0.7.2 - Implement error annotations for duplicate types. Pop up messages and compilation validation added.
  13977. <br /> 0.7.1 - Add generator for Node/python. Copy Custom Type List action added.
  13978. <br /> 0.7.0 - Implement error annotations for types, slots, and duplicates. Rename refactoring enabled. Commenter hot key enabled.
  13979. <br />]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='292361' size='3632224' date='1516619425000' url=''><name>Rust</name><id>org.rust.lang</id><description><![CDATA[Rust language support]]></description><version></version><vendor email='' url=''>JetBrains</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='172.0' until-build='181.*'/><change-notes><![CDATA[<a href="https://intellij-rust.github.io/2018/01/22/changelog-65.html" rel="nofollow"> https://intellij-rust.github.io/2018/01/22/changelog-65.html</a>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='13278' size='5214512' date='1490205881000' url=''><name>SQLDelight</name><id>com.squareup.sqldelight</id><description><![CDATA[Android sqlite interface generator.
  13980. <br> Generates interfaces for safely running SQLite statements and
  13981. <br> mapping back from a cursor.]]></description><version>0.6.1</version><vendor email='' url='https://github.com/square'>Square, Inc.</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<p> 0.6.1 </p>
  13982. <ul>
  13983. <li>New: Delete Update and Insert statements without arguments get </li>compiled statements generated.
  13984. <li>Fix: Using clause within a view used in a subquery doesn</li>'t error.
  13985. <li>Fix: Duplicate types on generated Mapper removed.</li>
  13986. <li>Fix: Subqueries can be used in expressions that check against arguments.</li>
  13987. </ul>
  13988. <p></p>
  13989. <p> 0.6.0 </p>
  13990. <ul>
  13991. <li>New: Select queries are now exposed as a `SqlDelightStatement` factory instead of string constants.</li>
  13992. <li>New: Query JavaDoc is now copied to statement and mapper factories.</li>
  13993. <li>New: Emit string constants for view names.</li>
  13994. <li>Fix: Queries on views which require factories now correctly require those factories are arguments.</li>
  13995. <li>Fix: Validate the number of arguments to an insert matches the number of columns specified.</li>
  13996. <li>Fix: Properly encode blob literals used in where clauses.</li>
  13997. </ul>
  13998. <p></p>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><depends>org.jetbrains.android</depends><depends>org.jetbrains.plugins.gradle</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='22386' size='300643' date='1489207277000' url=''><name>Elm language plugin</name><id>org.elmlang.intellijplugin</id><description><![CDATA[Plugin for Elm language support.
  13999. <br>
  14000. <br> Features
  14001. <ul>
  14002. <li>Supports Elm 0.18 (If you need to have different version supported, see <a href="http://durkiewicz.github.io/elm-plugin/#releases" rel="nofollow">this link</a>)</li>
  14003. <li>Parsing the syntax</li>
  14004. <li>Syntax highlighting and color settings page</li>
  14005. <li>Going to declaration</li>
  14006. <li>Highlighting unresolved references with a quick-fix option to add an import statement</li>
  14007. <li>Code completion</li>
  14008. <li>Spellchecking</li>
  14009. <li>Brace matching</li>
  14010. <li>Rename refactoring</li>
  14011. </ul>]]></description><version>0.7.2</version><vendor email='elm.intellij.plugin@gmail.com' url='https://durkiewicz.github.io/elm-plugin/'>Kamil Durkiewicz</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='141.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Fixed bugs: - GLSL code is not parsed as Elm code anymore, - "effect" can be used as a function name, - dot can be used in custom operators.]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='76652' size='46305' date='1516618118000' url=''><name>Toml</name><id>org.toml.lang</id><description><![CDATA[TOML language support]]></description><version></version><vendor email='' url='https://github.com/intellij-rust/intellij-rust'></vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='162.0' until-build='181.*'/><change-notes><![CDATA[<ul>
  14012. <li>Fix PSI structure: inline tables are now values.</li>
  14013. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='812' size='5360914' date='1475366323000' url=''><name>Decode</name><id>ru.mipt.acsl.decode.idea.plugin</id><description><![CDATA[Device components description language tools. http://acsl-mipt.github.io/]]></description><version>0.5.0.SNAPSHOT</version><vendor email='acsl@mipt.ru' url=''>ACSL</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='131.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='209869' size='16768584' date='1501428100000' url=''><name>Protobuf Support</name><id>io.protostuff.protostuff-jetbrains-plugin</id><description><![CDATA[<a href="https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/" rel="nofollow">Google Protobuf</a> support for JetBrains products.
  14014. <br>
  14015. <br> Features:
  14016. <ul>
  14017. <li>Full Proto3 support.</li>
  14018. <li>Custom include path for proto files.</li>
  14019. <li>Usage search for messages, enums and fields (for standard and custom options).</li>
  14020. <li>Syntax validation for proto2/proto3. Checks for reserved/duplicated field tags and names. Highlight unresolved reference errors. </li>
  14021. <li>Fonts &amp; Colors configuration.</li>
  14022. <li>Structure View.</li>
  14023. <li>Code formatting.</li>
  14024. <li>Navigation to message, enum or service by name (Ctrl+N)</li>
  14025. <li>Rename refactoring (files, messages, enums and fields).</li>
  14026. </ul>
  14027. <br>
  14028. <a href="https://github.com/protostuff/protobuf-jetbrains-plugin/wiki/Roadmap" rel="nofollow">Roadmap</a> |
  14029. <a href="https://github.com/protostuff/protobuf-jetbrains-plugin/issues" rel="nofollow">Issue tracker</a> |
  14030. <a href="https://gitter.im/protostuff/protobuf-jetbrains-plugin" rel="nofollow">Chat</a>
  14031. <br>]]></description><version>0.10.2</version><vendor email='jetbrains-plugin@protostuff.io' url=''>Kostiantyn Shchepanovskyi</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='171.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<a href="https://github.com/protostuff/protobuf-jetbrains-plugin/releases/tag/v0.10.2" rel="nofollow"> <b>v0.10.2</b> </a> (2017-07-30)
  14032. <br>
  14033. <br> This release contains multiple fixes:
  14034. <ul>
  14035. <li> Fix NullPointerException on opening plugin settings without open project. </li>
  14036. <li> Do not highlight extend block for custom options in proto3 as error. </li>
  14037. <li> Fix rare ClassCastException when running "go to class action". </li>
  14038. <li> Fix resolving references to types defined inside of oneof + group blocks. </li>
  14039. </ul>
  14040. <br>
  14041. <a href="https://github.com/protostuff/protobuf-jetbrains-plugin/releases" rel="nofollow"> <b>Full Changelog</b> </a>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='878' size='101416' date='1462462691000' url=''><name>Jet Template Language Support</name><id>io.github.jhsx.GoJetPlugin</id><description><![CDATA[Go Jet support for intellij ===== This intellij plugin adds support for the Jet template engine http://github.com/CloudyKit/jet - [x] Parser - [x] Lexer - [x] Multilayer Syntax highlighter - [ ] Formatting - [ ] Auto-completion - [ ] Write tests]]></description><version>0.2</version><vendor email='' url='https://github.com/jhsx'></vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='143.379' /><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='5822' size='1100885' date='1505441584000' url=''><name>OpenResty Lua Support</name><id>com.github.Deadleg.idea-openresty-lua-support</id><description><![CDATA[Adds lua-nginx-module auto-completion and documentation to Lua code. You must have the Lua plugin installed, otherwise this will throw an ungraceful exception.]]></description><version>0.0.4</version><vendor email='' url='http://Deadleg.github.io'>Deadleg</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='141.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<b>0.0.4</b>
  14042. <ul>
  14043. <li>Update OpenResty keywords.</li>
  14044. <li>Improve error handling (issues <a href="https://github.com/Deadleg/idea-openresty-lua-support/issues/3" rel="nofollow">3</a> and <a href="https://github.com/Deadleg/idea-openresty-lua-support/issues/4" rel="nofollow">4</a>).</li>
  14045. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>Lua</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='455' size='47478' date='1464774934000' url=''><name>RtplPlugin</name><id>com.lichfaker.plugin.id</id><description><![CDATA[Support for Rtpl.]]></description><version>1.0.1</version><vendor email='lichfaker@gmail.com' url='https://github.com/LichFaker/RtplPlugin'>LichFaker</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='141.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<dl>
  14046. <dt>
  14047. 20160601
  14048. </dt>
  14049. <dd>
  14050. highlight the rtpl
  14051. </dd>
  14052. </dl>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.xml</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='374' size='399450' date='1500457160000' url=''><name>Squirrel</name><id>com.sqide.test</id><description><![CDATA[Squirrel language support.]]></description><version>1.0.1</version><vendor email='neochief@shvetsgroup.com' url='http://shvetsgroup.com'>Shvets Group</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='131.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='4502' size='16505' date='1503397788000' url=''><name>Paste Images into Markdown</name><id>com.github.holgerbrandl.pasteimages/</id><description><![CDATA[Paste images into MarkDown documents directly from clipboard
  14053. <br> Images files are deposited in a configurable directory relative to the markdown document.]]></description><version>1.1.2</version><vendor email='holgerbrandl@gmail.com' url='https://github.com/holgerbrandl/pasteimages'></vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='141.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[* allow to specify sub-directories for images]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>3.5</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='34548' size='8014133' date='1502893151000' url=''><name>RAML Plugin For IntelliJ</name><id>org.mule.tooling.intellij.raml</id><description><![CDATA[RAML Plugin For IntelliJ]]></description><version>0.13</version><vendor email='achaval@gmail.com' url='https://github.com/machaval/mule-esb-plugin'>Mariano Achaval</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[v0.13
  14054. <ul>
  14055. <li> <p>Enhancements</p>
  14056. <ul>
  14057. <li>Generates RAML 1.0 Types from the XSD (Beta) </li>
  14058. <li>RAML Parser updated to version 1.0.14 </li>
  14059. </ul> </li>
  14060. </ul> v0.11
  14061. <ul>
  14062. <li> <p>Enhancements</p>
  14063. <ul>
  14064. <li>RAML Parser updated to version 1.0.10 </li>
  14065. <li>Documentation</li>
  14066. </ul> </li>
  14067. </ul> v0.10
  14068. <ul>
  14069. <li> <p>Enhancements</p>
  14070. <ul>
  14071. <li>Code style settings added, default indent set to 2 </li>
  14072. <li>Bug fixes</li>
  14073. </ul> </li>
  14074. </ul> v0.9
  14075. <ul>
  14076. <li> <p>Enhancements</p>
  14077. <ul>
  14078. <li>RAML Parser updated to version 1.0.7 </li>
  14079. <li>Bug fixes</li>
  14080. </ul> </li>
  14081. </ul> v0.8
  14082. <ul>
  14083. <li> <p>Enhancements</p>
  14084. <ul>
  14085. <li>Bug fixes</li>
  14086. </ul> </li>
  14087. </ul> v0.7
  14088. <ul>
  14089. <li> <p>Enhancements</p>
  14090. <ul>
  14091. <li>Support for go to file on import tag</li>
  14092. <li>New Icon.</li>
  14093. <li>Support for PhpStorm and WebStorm.</li>
  14094. </ul> </li>
  14095. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><depends>org.jetbrains.plugins.yaml</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='85156' size='83661' date='1509553187000' url=''><name>PostCSS support</name><id>org.intellij.plugins.postcss</id><description><![CDATA[<p>This plugin brings support for <a href="http://postcss.org" rel="nofollow">PostCSS</a>:</p>
  14096. <ul>
  14097. <li>The IDE now recognises .pcss files. You can also enable PostCSS support for your .css files in <em>Preferences | Languages &amp; Frameworks | Stylesheets | Dialects</em>.</li>
  14098. <li>Syntax highlighting for PostCSS syntax. You can additionally configure it in <em>Preferences | Editor | Colors &amp; Fonts</em>.</li>
  14099. <li>Intelligent code completion.</li>
  14100. <li>Configurable Code style and auto-formatting.</li>
  14101. <li><em>Go to declaration</em>, <em>Go to symbol</em>, and <em>Find usages</em> actions are available for custom selectors and custom media queries.</li>
  14102. <li>Rename custom selectors and custom media queries with ease.</li>
  14103. </ul>
  14104. <p>The following PostCSS plugins are supported:</p>
  14105. <ul>
  14106. <li><a href="https://github.com/postcss/postcss-custom-properties" rel="nofollow">postcss-custom-properties</a></li>
  14107. <li><a href="https://github.com/pascalduez/postcss-apply" rel="nofollow">postcss-apply</a></li>
  14108. <li><a href="https://github.com/postcss/postcss-custom-media" rel="nofollow">postcss-custom-media</a></li>
  14109. <li><a href="https://github.com/postcss/postcss-media-minmax" rel="nofollow">postcss-media-minmax</a></li>
  14110. <li><a href="https://github.com/postcss/postcss-custom-selectors" rel="nofollow">postcss-custom-selectors</a></li>
  14111. <li><a href="https://github.com/jonathantneal/postcss-nesting" rel="nofollow">postcss-nesting</a></li>
  14112. <li><a href="https://github.com/postcss/postcss-nested" rel="nofollow">postcss-nested</a></li>
  14113. </ul>]]></description><version>173.3531.1</version><vendor email='' url=''>JetBrains</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='173.3531' until-build='173.*'/><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>(optional) com.intellij.copyright</depends><depends>com.intellij.css</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>4.6</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='815' size='87761' date='1513619097000' url=''><name>NixIDEA</name><id>nix-idea</id><description><![CDATA[NixIDEA
  14114. <br> A Nix(nixpkgs/NixOS/nixops) language plugin for Intellij IDEA.
  14115. <br>
  14116. <a href="https://github.com/NixOS/nix-idea" rel="nofollow">GitHub</a> | Consider donating to the NixOS
  14117. <a href="https://nixos.org/nixos/community.html" rel="nofollow">organization</a>
  14118. <br>
  14119. <br>
  14120. <b>Features</b>
  14121. <ul>
  14122. <li>Syntax highlighting</li>
  14123. </ul>]]></description><version></version><vendor email='ed@cflags.cc' url='http://nixos.org'>NixOS</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='172.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[* Compatibility with IDEA 2017.2 and newer * Improvements to parser]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='2395' size='4454844' date='1512073320000' url=''><name>xquery-intellij-plugin</name><id>uk.co.reecedunn.intellij.plugin.xquery</id><description><![CDATA[XQuery 1.0, 3.0, and 3.1 language support with error recovery and support for: Full Text 1.0, and 3.0; Update Facility 1.0, and 3.0; Scripting Extension 1.0. Supports the BaseX, MarkLogic 6.0 to 8.0, and Saxonica XQuery vendor extensions.]]></description><version>1.0</version><vendor email='msclrhd@gmail.com' url='http://reecedunn.co.uk'>Reece H. Dunn</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='173.3727' until-build='173.*'/><change-notes><![CDATA[Release 1.0:
  14124. <p>Language Support:</p>
  14125. <ol>
  14126. <li>Full Text 1.0 and 3.0 support.</li>
  14127. <li>MarkLogic 7.0 and 8.0 schema-components <code>KindType</code> tests.</li>
  14128. <li>Saxon 9.8 <code>tuple</code> and <code>union</code> types, and <code>declare type</code> prolog statements.</li>
  14129. <li>BaseX Full Text <code>fuzzy</code> option.</li>
  14130. <li>Recover when <code>=</code> is used instead of <code>:=</code>.</li>
  14131. <li>Improved multi-statement expression parsing and error reporting for MarkLogic 6.0, and W3C Scripting XQuery extensions.</li>
  14132. </ol>
  14133. <p>Bug Fixes:</p>
  14134. <ol>
  14135. <li>Fix tokenizing <code>`{...}`</code> expressions outside XQuery 3.1 string interpolation contexts.</li>
  14136. <li>Report a parser error when a TypedFunctionTest does not have a return type clause.</li>
  14137. <li>Report a parse error when an unpaired <code>}</code> is used in direct element contents.</li>
  14138. <li>Fix parsing pragmas with EQNames, and optional pragma contents.</li>
  14139. <li>Fix resolving functions referenced in the current library module.</li>
  14140. <li>Fix support for ProcessCanceledException thrown when creating PSI nodes.</li>
  14141. </ol>
  14142. <p>Inspections:</p>
  14143. <ol>
  14144. <li>XPST0003: Final statement semicolon inspection for MarkLogic and Scripting Extension syntax differences.</li>
  14145. <li>XPST0003: Reserved function inspection. This is split out from the unsupported construct inspection.</li>
  14146. <li>XPST0003: Saxon/XQuery map key-value separators. This is split out from the unsupported construct inspection.</li>
  14147. <li>XPST0017: Undefined function inspection. This is experimental, as it currently reports many false positives.</li>
  14148. <li>XQST0031: Extend the inspection to check unsupported XQuery versions in different MarkLogic transactions, and check for XDMP-XQUERYVERSIONSWITCH errors.</li>
  14149. <li>XQST0033: Duplicate namespace prefix.</li>
  14150. <li>XPST0081: Unbound QName prefix.</li>
  14151. </ol>
  14152. <p>IntelliJ Integration:</p>
  14153. <ol>
  14154. <li>Moved the MarkLogic run configuration to a separate plugin.</li>
  14155. </ol>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.xml</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='12945' size='804079' date='1516199693000' url=''><name>Clojure-Kit</name><id>org.jetbrains.idea.clojure</id><description><![CDATA[Clojure and ClojureScript]]></description><version>0.7.2</version><vendor email='gregory.shrago@jetbrains.com' url=''>Greg Shrago</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='171.3780' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<ul>
  14156. <li>IntelliJ Platform 2018.1 API compatibility</li>
  14157. <li>Clojure 1.9.0 compatibility (##Inf, ##-Inf, ##NaN)</li>
  14158. </ul>
  14159. <a href="https://github.com/gregsh/Clojure-Kit#change-log" rel="nofollow">Full change log...</a>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='815' size='3864350' date='1489582456000' url=''><name>AmbientTalk IDE</name><id>edu.vub.ideAT</id><description><![CDATA[AmbientTalk language support]]></description><version>2.0.4</version><vendor email='fmyter@vub.ac.be' url='soft.vub.ac.be'>Software Languages Lab (Vrije Unversiteit Brussel)</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='141.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Version 1
  14160. <ul>
  14161. <li>REPL functionality</li>
  14162. <li>Run configuration set-up</li>
  14163. <li>Basic syntax highlighting</li>
  14164. </ul> Version 2
  14165. <ul>
  14166. <li>Overhaul of REPL functionality/li&gt; </li>
  14167. <li>Fixed bugs as detailed at: https://github.com/myter/IntelliJAT/issues </li>
  14168. </ul> Version 2.0.1
  14169. <ul>
  14170. <li>Fixed bug where jlobby would not contain project classpath </li>
  14171. </ul> Version 2.0.2
  14172. <ul>
  14173. <li>Windows users can now run .at files, interaction with the REPL is still bugged and to be fixed </li>
  14174. </ul> Version 2.0.3
  14175. <ul>
  14176. <li>Fixed Windows REPL functionality </li>
  14177. </ul> Version 2.0.4
  14178. <ul>
  14179. <li>Made available for Android Studio </li>
  14180. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='10124' size='180145' date='1503991696000' url=''><name>Weex Language Support</name><id>com.taobao.weex.lang</id><description><![CDATA[Weex Language support for Intellij.
  14181. <br> Target weex version: 0.7+
  14182. <br>
  14183. <b>Features:</b>
  14184. <br>
  14185. <ul>
  14186. <li>weex file structural inspection</li>
  14187. <li>weex component tag completion and lint</li>
  14188. <li>weex component attributes completion and lint</li>
  14189. <li>lint and quick fix for mustache</li>
  14190. <li>references link and find usages support</li>
  14191. <li>custom weex rules support</li>
  14192. <li>open declaration for component</li>
  14193. <li>completion for JS</li>
  14194. <li>open document by tag</li>
  14195. <li>documents search</li>
  14196. </ul>
  14197. <br>
  14198. <b>Todo:</b>
  14199. <br>
  14200. <ul>
  14201. <li>running and debug configuration support</li>
  14202. </ul>
  14203. <br>
  14204. <b>For Chinese developers:</b>
  14205. <br> 加入QQ群
  14206. <b>335401226</b> 更快地反馈问题和获取支持
  14207. <br>
  14208. <br> This is an unofficial tool, but I will use my spare time to ensure support for it.
  14209. <br> Welcome any feedback for this plugin or weex.]]></description><version>2.0.7</version><vendor email='furmint@foxmail.com' url='https://github.com/misakuo/weex-language-support'>moxun</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='141.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<ul>
  14210. <li><b>2.0.7:</b> <br> Fix can not select custom rules. </li>
  14211. <li><b>2.0.6:</b> <br> Remove the invalid descriptionDirectoryName declare. </li>
  14212. <li><b>2.0.5:</b> <br> Fix issue <a href="https://github.com/misakuo/weex-language-support/issues/11" rel="nofollow">#11</a>. </li>
  14213. <li><b>2.0.4:</b> <br> Some misc issue fix. </li>
  14214. <li><b>2.0.1:</b> <br> Distinguish the difference of weex and vue. </li>
  14215. <li><b>2.0:</b> <br> Vue syntax support!!! <br> open document on tag(trigger from intention action); <br> documents search; <br> and more new features. </li>
  14216. <li><b>1.2.4:</b> <br> fix problems with html editor. </li>
  14217. <li><b>1.2.3:</b> <br> support the '' tag; fix the wrong annotation with in line expression. </li>
  14218. <li><b>1.2.2:</b> <br> update new file template. </li>
  14219. <li><b>1.2.1:</b> <br> more broadly support for completion by intention. </li>
  14220. <li><b>1.2.0:</b> <br> support for tag text completion <a href="https://github.com/misakuo/weex-language-support/issues/7" rel="nofollow">#7</a> (active by intention); <br> fix issue <a href="https://github.com/misakuo/weex-language-support/issues/6" rel="nofollow">#6</a>. <br> other bug fix. </li>
  14221. <li><b>1.1.1:</b> <br> better support for component in node_modules; <br> fix issue <a href="https://github.com/misakuo/weex-language-support/issues/4" rel="nofollow">#4</a>. </li>
  14222. <li><b>1.1:</b> <br> support tag &amp; attribute completion from local and global node_modules(need to set); <br> support open deceleration from weex tag to .we file; <br> bug fix and other optimization. </li>
  14223. <li><b>1.0.2:</b> <br> restore new file action. </li>
  14224. <li><b>1.0.1:</b> <br> fix issue on attribute completion; <br> support 'repeat={{item in list}}'; <br> fix issue <a href="https://github.com/misakuo/weex-language-support/issues/1" rel="nofollow">#1</a>. </li>
  14225. <li><b>1.0:</b> <br> created. </li>
  14226. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>JavaScript</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.xml</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='792' size='166454' date='1477414530000' url=''><name>Djinni IDL file support</name><id>com.dropbox.djinni.ideaplugin</id><description><![CDATA[Add some basic navigation, code-completion and error highlighting support to .djinni files. License Copyright 2015-2016 Dropbox, Inc.
  14227. <br>
  14228. <br> Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
  14229. <br> you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
  14230. <br> You may obtain a copy of the License at
  14231. <br>
  14232. <br> &nbsp;&nbsp;
  14233. <a href="http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0" rel="nofollow">http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0</a>
  14234. <br>
  14235. <br> Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
  14236. <br> distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
  14237. <br> WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
  14238. <br> See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
  14239. <br> limitations under the License.]]></description><version>0.8</version><vendor email='' url='https://github.com/dropbox/djinni'>Dropbox Djinni Github Project</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='139.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Initial release.]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='210' size='3295797' date='1488640493000' url=''><name>MontiSecArc Language Plugin</name><id>de.monticore.lang.montisecarc.MontiSecArcLanguagePlugin</id><description><![CDATA[This projects brings the MontiSecArc language to the popular IntelliJ IDE. The plugin provides a deep integration of secure architecture files into the IDE. Allowing the fast creation of secure architectures and an plain learning curve.]]></description><version>0.8.13</version><vendor email='thomas.buning@rwth-aachen.de' url=''></vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='143.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.vcs</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='1301' size='2265423' date='1480803963000' url=''><name>LLVM</name><id>io.alef.vypa</id><description><![CDATA[LLVM language support]]></description><version>0.0.2-alpha</version><vendor email='' url='https://github.com/snefru/io.vypa.llvm'></vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='139.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='1202' size='2732540' date='1495818822000' url=''><name>MQL Idea</name><id>ru.investflow.mql</id><description><![CDATA[MQL4 language support.]]></description><version>171.1.15</version><vendor email='mike.fursov@gmail.com' url='http://investflow.ru/mqlidea'>Investflow.Ru</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='171.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<ul>
  14240. <li>Navigation: Goto Class, Goto Symbol (by function)</li>
  14241. <li>Parser: Nested templates &amp; multiline #define block</li>
  14242. <li>Docs: updated</li>
  14243. <li>Build: 'Log Encoding' parameter</li>
  14244. <ul></ul>
  14245. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='5078' size='12138' date='1482176994000' url=''><name>A8Translate</name><id>org.a8sport.translate.unique.a8translate</id><description><![CDATA[A powerful translation plug-in.
  14246. <br> GitHub:https://github.com/PingerOne/A8Translate
  14247. <br> Blog:http://www.jianshu.com/p/bf54eddfba6e
  14248. <br>]]></description><version>1.4</version><vendor email='wanpingping@yuntutv.net' url='http://www.a8tiyu.com/'>A8Sport</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[1. Improved display format for translation results.
  14249. <br> 2. Processing abnormal results.
  14250. <br> 3. Add to the plugin repository.
  14251. <br> 4. Updated English description.
  14252. <br>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>3.5</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='158' size='2090242' date='1482165674000' url=''><name>ResMan file support plugin</name><id>com.dtforce.resman.plugin</id><description><![CDATA[Plugin for IntelliJ/PhpStorm facilitating usage of
  14253. <a href="https://github.com/DTForce/resman" rel="nofollow">ResMan</a> translate.]]></description><version>1.0.1</version><vendor email='info@dtforce.com' url='http://www.dtforce.com'>DT&gt;Force</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<p>1.0.1</p>
  14254. <ul>
  14255. <li>Fixed FoldingDescriptor priority.</li>
  14256. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='9991' size='2913876' date='1514571466000' url=''><name>Kubernetes and OpenShift Resource Support</name><id>com.github.tinselspoon.intellij.kubernetes</id><description><![CDATA[Provides assistance for editing YAML files containing Kubernetes resources. Optionally adds support for OpenShift resources in addition to native Kubernetes resources.
  14257. <p> </p>Usage YAML files are auto-detected - add in a "kind" or "apiVersion" element at the top level and the completion will be activated.
  14258. <p> <strong>OpenShift completion is optional and disabled by default.</strong> To add OpenShift completion or change the version of Kubernetes in use, go to <strong>Settings &gt; Languages &gt; Kubernetes and OpenShift</strong>. </p>Features
  14259. <ul>
  14260. <li>Auto-completion of properties within resources.</li>
  14261. <li>Popup documentation of properties.</li>
  14262. <li>Inspections to detect and fix invalid, duplicated, and missing required properties.</li>
  14263. <li>Supports Kubernetes 1.2 to 1.9 top-level resources.</li>
  14264. </ul> Current Limitations
  14265. <ul>
  14266. <li>Only YAML files are supported; no JSON support.</li>
  14267. </ul>]]></description><version>0.9</version><vendor email='' url='https://github.com/tinselspoon'>Nick Tinsley</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='162.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[0.9: Add support for Kubernetes 1.9. Please note if you are using "latest API version" (the default) this will now be the version used for completion.]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><depends>org.jetbrains.plugins.yaml</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='1978' size='65719' date='1483727784000' url=''><name>NASM Assembly Support</name><id>com.NASMSupport</id><description><![CDATA[Simple code highlighter for NASM x86/x64 assembly language
  14268. <br>
  14270. <br>
  14271. <b>TODO:</b>
  14272. <ul>
  14273. <li>Autoformatter</li>
  14274. <li>More completion</li>
  14275. <li>C/C++ integration</li>
  14276. <li>Grammar bugs</li>
  14277. <li>Macros</li>
  14278. <li>Data directives</li>
  14279. </ul>]]></description><version>0.1.13</version><vendor email='wojciech@gruszka.eu' url='http://django.bugfullabs.pl/'>Wojciech Gruszka</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='141.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Init version.
  14280. <br>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='912' size='3309451' date='1484228041000' url=''><name>HDLine</name><id>com.activemesa.hdline</id><description><![CDATA[HDLine (pronounced 'headline') provides support for HDL languages (VHDL, Verilog, SystemVerilog). See the Release Note for information on supported features.]]></description><version>0.0.1</version><vendor email='inbox@activemesa.fogbugz.com' url=''>ActiveMesa</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='131.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<ul>
  14281. <li><strong>0.0.1</strong> — Basic highlighting of VHD files. </li>
  14282. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>4.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='1241' size='513804' date='1509309601000' url=''><name>Pebble</name><id>com.github.bjansen.intellij.pebble</id><description><![CDATA[Support for the Pebble templating engine.]]></description><version>0.3</version><vendor email='' url='https://github.com/bjansen'>Bastien Jansen</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='143.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<b>v0.3</b>
  14283. <ul>
  14284. <li>auto completion (block names, functions etc)</li>
  14285. <li>navigation to properties and functions</li>
  14286. <li>code formatting of the templated language</li>
  14287. <li>support for declarations from pebble-spring (including auto completion)</li>
  14288. <li>Parameter Info tooltip on functions</li>
  14289. <li>new intention to detect unknown variables and add '@pebvariable' hints</li>
  14290. <li>navigation to files specified in extends/include/import directives</li>
  14291. <li>fixed bugs in the parser</li>
  14292. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>(optional) com.intellij.spring</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='167' size='1448473' date='1484520402000' url=''><name>Lasca plugin</name><id>lasca.intellij.plugin</id><description><![CDATA[<p> This plugin is for Lasca Programming Language</p>]]></description><version>0.0.1</version><vendor email='anemish@newniverse.com' url=''>Lasca Project</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='133.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='1346' size='3739196' date='1516260977000' url=''><name>ReasonML language plugin</name><id>reasonml</id><description><![CDATA[Reason language plugin.]]></description><version>0.35</version><vendor email='giraud.contact@yahoo.fr' url='https://github.com/giraud/reasonml-idea-plugin'>H.Giraud</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='143.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<p>For all the changes, go to github <a href="https://github.com/reasonml-editor/reasonml-idea-plugin/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md" rel="nofollow">CHANGELOG</a></p>
  14293. <p>To see how to integrate reason tools (bsc, refmt), go to the website.</p>
  14294. <p></p>
  14295. <b>version 0.35</b>
  14296. <ul>
  14297. <li>Fix an infinite loop in PsiModule</li>
  14298. <li>Improve parsers</li>
  14299. </ul>
  14300. <b>version 0.34</b>
  14301. <ul>
  14302. <li>Fix a NPE with the folding code when comments are too small</li>
  14303. <li>Fix #28, maybe</li>
  14304. <li>Fix #25, minimal support for .ml4 files</li>
  14305. </ul>
  14306. <b>version 0.33</b>
  14307. <ul>
  14308. <li>Fix #22</li>
  14309. <li>Fix #21</li>
  14310. </ul>
  14311. <b>version 0.32</b>
  14312. <ul>
  14313. <li>Updated notification message when bsb not found</li>
  14314. <li>Improve lexer</li>
  14315. <li>Implements 'go to' for Open expression (simple case)</li>
  14316. </ul>
  14317. <b>version 0.31</b>
  14318. <ul>
  14319. <li>val expressions (OCaml) are displayed in the structure view</li>
  14320. <li>Exceptions are displayed in the structure view</li>
  14321. <li>Incorrect handling of characters in parser</li>
  14322. <li>Improve OCaml parser</li>
  14323. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>3.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='512' size='111752' date='1507272155000' url=''><name>Coco/R grammar support</name><id>de.qrdn.coco_idea</id><description><![CDATA[Plugin for Jetbrains IDEs to support grammar files (*.atg) of the
  14324. <a href="http://ssw.jku.at/Coco/" rel="nofollow">Coco/R</a> compiler generator.
  14325. <br> I'm happy to getting your issues, code, feature requests or simply an "I'm using it!" stance here or on the
  14326. <a href="https://github.com/azrdev/coco-idea-plugin" rel="nofollow">projects' GitHub site</a>.]]></description><version>6</version><vendor email='azrdev@qrdn.de' url='https://github.com/azrdev/coco-idea-plugin'>azrdev</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='141.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[v6
  14327. <ul>
  14328. <li>Implement language injection: Semantic actions/attributes are subject to the language they're written in (Syntax currently Java/C++ specific). <br>Set the language via Settings → Languages &amp; Frameworks → Template Data Languages</li>
  14329. </ul> v5
  14330. <ul>
  14331. <li>Implement brace matching for instrumentation code delimiters</li>
  14332. <li>(Internal) Lexer matches braces separate from instrumentation code</li>
  14333. </ul> v4
  14334. <ul>
  14335. <li>Implement Find Usages</li>
  14336. <li>Implement Folding</li>
  14337. <li>Fix Reference highlighting for large files</li>
  14338. <li>Fix plugin errors about TextRange &amp; CachedValue</li>
  14339. </ul> v3 first published version. features complete parser, syntax highlighting, file structure view, basic reference support.]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='1313' size='104599' date='1487016768000' url=''><name>Fluid Plugin - Free Version</name><id>de.sgalinski.fluid.plugin.demo.id</id><description><![CDATA[<img alt="Logo - sgalinski Internet Services" src="http://www.sgalinski.de/fileadmin/external/new_phpstorm.png">
  14340. <br>
  14341. <br>
  14342. <strong>Product information "Fluid support for PHPStorm and IntelliJ"</strong>
  14343. <p> To support your regular work on Fluid templates, we created this plugin for the popular IntelliJ IDEs from Jetbrains.<br> <br> <strong>This is a free version of the Fluid Plugin</strong><br> If you want the full stack of features, then buy the enterprise edition in our <a href="https://shop.sgalinski.de/products/5/fluid-support-for-phpstorm-and-intellij" rel="nofollow">shop</a>. </p>
  14344. <strong>The current core features of the enterprise edition</strong>
  14345. <ul>
  14346. <li>Auto completion for Fluid Layouts, Partials, Sections, ViewHelpers,&nbsp;inline&nbsp;ViewHelpers, ViewHelper arguments and most of the controller view parameters</li>
  14347. <li>Quick documentation for Fluid ViewHelpers,&nbsp;inline&nbsp;ViewHelpers and the ViewHelper arguments</li>
  14348. <li>Jumping to the specific files: To the Partials, Layout, Sections within the Layout, controller by clicking on the controller view parameters, ViewHelper,&nbsp;inline&nbsp;ViewHelpers and ViewHelper arguments</li>
  14349. <li>Support for xmlns view helper usages</li>
  14350. <li>Support of Neos view helpers</li>
  14351. <li>Support of the Fluid standalone extension</li>
  14352. <li>Code highlighting for inline ViewHelpers</li>
  14353. <li>Error detection for inline ViewHelpers</li>
  14354. <li>Possible error annotations for inline ViewHelpers and ViewHelper usages</li>
  14355. <li>Brace matching for inline ViewHelpers</li>
  14356. </ul>
  14357. <strong>Further Information</strong>
  14358. <p> Learn more about the plugin on our dedicated <a href="https://www.sgalinski.de/typo3-produkte-webentwicklung/typo3-fluid-phpstorm-webstorm-intellij/" rel="nofollow">product page</a>&nbsp;(german). </p>
  14359. <strong>License</strong>
  14360. <p> In general the usage of this software requires the payment of a small fee. Details about the commercial licence can be found here:<br> https://www.binpress.com/license/view/l/584559e2265a202dd18f33e106dc7fb2<br> <br> The already released software in our free related gitlab projects belongs to the MIT licence:<br> <br> Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:<br> The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.<br> THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. </p>]]></description><version>1.0.1</version><vendor email='stefan@sgalinski.de' url='https://www.sgalinski.de/'>sgalinski Internet Services</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='143.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<strong>1.0</strong>
  14361. <ul>
  14362. <li>Initial release with the code base of 1.4.0 of the "Fluid Plugin - Enterprise"</li>
  14363. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.xml</depends><depends>com.jetbrains.php</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='8415' size='4219175' date='1510518886000' url='https://github.com/Ruben-Sten/TeXiFy-IDEA'><name>TeXiFy IDEA</name><id>nl.rubensten.texifyidea</id><description><![CDATA[<p> Plugin for LaTeX and BibTeX support in IntelliJ, featuring: </p>
  14364. <ul>
  14365. <li>Syntax highlighting</li>
  14366. <li>Autocomplete of labels, (custom defined) commands and environments</li>
  14367. <li>Writer ergonomics - writing LaTeX made less cumbersome</li>
  14368. <li>Run configurations for LaTeX and BibTeX (pdfLaTeX, bibtex)</li>
  14369. <li>Inspections. Intentions. And heaps more inspections.</li>
  14370. <li>Full BibTeX support</li>
  14371. <li>Formatter for LaTeX and BibTeX</li>
  14372. <li>Structure view for LaTeX and BibTeX with filters</li>
  14373. <li>Code folding for imports, sections, and environments</li>
  14374. <li>SumatraPDF support with forward and backward search</li>
  14375. <li>Unicode math preview</li>
  14376. <li>Gutter icons for quick compilation and file includes</li>
  14377. <li>Fancy icons that fit in with the IntelliJ style</li>
  14378. <li>Brace matching</li>
  14379. <li>Word counting tool</li>
  14380. <li>File templates for <code>.tex</code>, <code>.sty</code>, <code>.cls</code> and <code>.bib</code> files</li>
  14381. <li>Automagically import packages of common commands</li>
  14382. <li>Go to declaration of labels</li>
  14383. <li>Shortcuts for styling text</li>
  14384. <li>Line commenter</li>
  14385. <li>Support for user-created document classes and packages</li>
  14386. <li>Toggle star action</li>
  14387. <li>Words of encouragement</li>
  14388. </ul>
  14389. <p> All critique, questions, suggestions, requests, bug reports, kudos, and (non-)creative ideas are welcome on the <a href="https://github.com/Ruben-Sten/TeXiFy-IDEA" rel="nofollow">plugin’s GitHub page</a>. If you want to directly chat with us, take a peek at the project's <a href="https://gitter.im/TeXiFy-IDEA" rel="nofollow">gitter</a>. </p>]]></description><version>0.5</version><vendor email='' url='https://ruben-sten.github.io/home/index.html'>Ruben-Sten</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='141.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<p><strong>Beta 0.5</strong></p>
  14390. <p> The newest TeXiFy IDEA, with loads of new functionality. Starring in this release: <em>BibTeX support</em>! But also many more <em>inspections</em> and much, much, much, MUCH more. Check out the complete changelog to get an idea of this superhuman release. </p>
  14391. <p> We thank everyone who submitted issues and provided feedback to make TeXiFy IDEA better. Your input is valuable and well appreciated. </p>
  14392. <br>
  14393. <p> <em>Additions</em> </p>
  14394. <ul>
  14395. <li>Added BibTeX support (highlighting, formatter, autocomplete, structure view, and more). (<a href="https://github.com/Ruben-Sten/TeXiFy-IDEA/issues/144" rel="nofollow">#144</a>)</li>
  14396. <li>Added loads of inspections. Again. (<a href="https://github.com/Ruben-Sten/TeXiFy-IDEA/issues/114" rel="nofollow">#114</a>)</li>
  14397. <li>Added support for multipe content roots. (<a href="https://github.com/Ruben-Sten/TeXiFy-IDEA/issues/42" rel="nofollow">#42</a>)</li>
  14398. <li>Added breadcrumbs for environments and commands. (<a href="https://github.com/Ruben-Sten/TeXiFy-IDEA/issues/128" rel="nofollow">#128</a>)</li>
  14399. <li>Added lookup of package documentation of commands using texdoc. (<a href="https://github.com/Ruben-Sten/TeXiFy-IDEA/issues/2" rel="nofollow">#2</a>)</li>
  14400. <li>Added support for <code>\DeclareMathOperator</code> (autocomplete &amp; structure view). (<a href="https://github.com/Ruben-Sten/TeXiFy-IDEA/issues/130" rel="nofollow">#130</a>)</li>
  14401. <li>Added amsmath environments to default environment list. (<a href="https://github.com/Ruben-Sten/TeXiFy-IDEA/issues/115" rel="nofollow">#115</a>)</li>
  14402. <li>Added intention to change <code>displaymath</code> &amp; <code>equation*</code> environments to <code>\[..\]</code>. (<a href="https://github.com/Ruben-Sten/TeXiFy-IDEA/issues/114" rel="nofollow">#114</a>)</li>
  14403. <li>Added new icons to the LaTeX menu. (<a href="https://github.com/Ruben-Sten/TeXiFy-IDEA/issues/135" rel="nofollow">#135</a>)</li>
  14404. <li>Added navigation gutter icon for local style files. (<a href="https://github.com/Ruben-Sten/TeXiFy-IDEA/issues/163" rel="nofollow">#163</a>)</li>
  14405. <li>Added auto insertion of <code>{}</code> when typing multiple characters in sub- or super script in math mode. (<a href="https://github.com/Ruben-Sten/TeXiFy-IDEA/issues/112" rel="nofollow">#112</a>)</li>
  14406. <li>Added auto insertion of <code>\leftX</code> and <code>\rightX</code>. (<a href="https://github.com/Ruben-Sten/TeXiFy-IDEA/issues/110" rel="nofollow">#110</a>)</li>
  14407. <li>Added auto insertion of <code>\item</code>s in listing environments. (<a href="https://github.com/Ruben-Sten/TeXiFy-IDEA/issues/108" rel="nofollow">#108</a>)</li>
  14408. <li>Added autocomplete for default CTAN package names. (<a href="https://github.com/Ruben-Sten/TeXiFy-IDEA/issues/167" rel="nofollow">#167</a>)</li>
  14409. <li>Added code folding for imports. (<a href="https://github.com/Ruben-Sten/TeXiFy-IDEA/issues/226" rel="nofollow">#226</a>)</li>
  14410. <li>Added code folding for section contents. (<a href="https://github.com/Ruben-Sten/TeXiFy-IDEA/issues/226" rel="nofollow">#226</a>)</li>
  14411. </ul>
  14412. <br>
  14413. <p> <em>Changes</em> </p>
  14414. <ul>
  14415. <li>Updated icons to make them fancier. (<a href="https://github.com/Ruben-Sten/TeXiFy-IDEA/issues/135" rel="nofollow">#135</a>)</li>
  14416. <li>Math environments have math syntax highlighting. (<a href="https://github.com/Ruben-Sten/TeXiFy-IDEA/issues/28" rel="nofollow">#28</a>)</li>
  14417. <li>Math environments now have math autocompletion. (<a href="https://github.com/Ruben-Sten/TeXiFy-IDEA/issues/115" rel="nofollow">#115</a>)</li>
  14418. <li>Environment autocomplete auto-imports packages. (<a href="https://github.com/Ruben-Sten/TeXiFy-IDEA/issues/115" rel="nofollow">#115</a>)</li>
  14419. <li>MissingImports inspection also checks environment dependencies. (<a href="https://github.com/Ruben-Sten/TeXiFy-IDEA/issues/115" rel="nofollow">#115</a>)</li>
  14420. <li>Seperated <code>\bibitem</code>s from <code>\label</code>s. (<a href="https://github.com/Ruben-Sten/TeXiFy-IDEA/issues/129" rel="nofollow">#129</a>)</li>
  14421. <li><code>\bibitem</code>s get included in the structure view. (<a href="https://github.com/Ruben-Sten/TeXiFy-IDEA/issues/129" rel="nofollow">#129</a>)</li>
  14422. <li><code>UnresolvedReference</code> inspection also checks <code>\bibitem</code>s. (<a href="https://github.com/Ruben-Sten/TeXiFy-IDEA/issues/129" rel="nofollow">#129</a>)</li>
  14423. <li>When inserting a label with the MissingLabel inspection, the cursor will be moved to the end of the label. (<a href="https://github.com/Ruben-Sten/TeXiFy-IDEA/issues/133" rel="nofollow">#133</a>)</li>
  14424. <li>Autocompletion of <code>\include</code> omits the <code>.tex</code> extension. (<a href="https://github.com/Ruben-Sten/TeXiFy-IDEA/issues/118" rel="nofollow">#118</a>)</li>
  14425. <li>Autocomplete of labels now only shows labels within the document (and inclusions). (<a href="https://github.com/Ruben-Sten/TeXiFy-IDEA/issues/102" rel="nofollow">#102</a>)</li>
  14426. <li>Environments added with <code>\newenvironment</code> are now added to the autocomplete. (<a href="https://github.com/Ruben-Sten/TeXiFy-IDEA/issues/137" rel="nofollow">#137</a>)</li>
  14427. <li>Made the contents of a <code>.cls</code> file show up as inclusion in the structure view. (<a href="https://github.com/Ruben-Sten/TeXiFy-IDEA/issues/145" rel="nofollow">#145</a>)</li>
  14428. <li>Commands defined in a <code>.cls</code> file show up in the autocomplete. (<a href="https://github.com/Ruben-Sten/TeXiFy-IDEA/issues/143" rel="nofollow">#143</a>)</li>
  14429. <li><code>LabelConvention</code> inspection now updates all other references in the file set. (<a href="https://github.com/Ruben-Sten/TeXiFy-IDEA/issues/114" rel="nofollow">#114</a>)</li>
  14430. <li>Changed the demo text in <code>LatexColorSettingsPage</code>. (<a href="https://github.com/Ruben-Sten/TeXiFy-IDEA/issues/158" rel="nofollow">#158</a>)</li>
  14431. <li>Inclusion commands get indexed to improve performance. (<a href="https://github.com/Ruben-Sten/TeXiFy-IDEA/issues/163" rel="nofollow">#163</a>)</li>
  14432. <li>Definition commands get indexed to improve performance. (<a href="https://github.com/Ruben-Sten/TeXiFy-IDEA/issues/186" rel="nofollow">#186</a>)</li>
  14433. <li>Spell checker now ignores optional arguments. (<a href="https://github.com/Ruben-Sten/TeXiFy-IDEA/issues/166" rel="nofollow">#166</a>)</li>
  14434. <li>Comment environments are decoupled from the comment package when they are defined elsewhere. (<a href="https://github.com/Ruben-Sten/TeXiFy-IDEA/issues/169" rel="nofollow">#169</a>) (<a href="https://github.com/Ruben-Sten/TeXiFy-IDEA/issues/170" rel="nofollow">#170</a>)</li>
  14435. <li>Math mode now gets ignored in word count. (<a href="https://github.com/Ruben-Sten/TeXiFy-IDEA/issues/182" rel="nofollow">#182</a>)</li>
  14436. <li>Certain environments get ignored in word count. (<a href="https://github.com/Ruben-Sten/TeXiFy-IDEA/issues/182" rel="nofollow">#182</a>)</li>
  14437. <li>Auto insertion of <code>{}</code> after multiletter super- or subscript happens in math-esque environments. (<a href="https://github.com/Ruben-Sten/TeXiFy-IDEA/issues/183" rel="nofollow">#183</a>)</li>
  14438. <li>After compilation, the line where the cursor is will be highlighted in SumatraPDF. (<a href="https://github.com/Ruben-Sten/TeXiFy-IDEA/issues/184" rel="nofollow">#184</a>)</li>
  14439. <li>Hugely improved performance of file set detection. (<a href="https://github.com/Ruben-Sten/TeXiFy-IDEA/issues/186" rel="nofollow">#186</a>)</li>
  14440. <li>Files in resource directories do now show up in file autocomplete. (<a href="https://github.com/Ruben-Sten/TeXiFy-IDEA/issues/204" rel="nofollow">#204</a>)</li>
  14441. <li>Words starting with a capital are no longer regarded as a valid sentence end. (<a href="https://github.com/Ruben-Sten/TeXiFy-IDEA/issues/209" rel="nofollow">#209</a>)</li>
  14442. </ul>
  14443. <br>
  14444. <p> <em>Bug fixes</em> </p>
  14445. <ul>
  14446. <li>Fixed comments in math mode not being properly highlighted. (<a href="https://github.com/Ruben-Sten/TeXiFy-IDEA/issues/111" rel="nofollow">#111</a>)</li>
  14447. <li>Fixed <code>\input</code> and <code>\include</code> not working in PyCharm. (<a href="https://github.com/Ruben-Sten/TeXiFy-IDEA/issues/119" rel="nofollow">#119</a>)</li>
  14448. <li>Fixed <code>\RequirePackage</code> not being treated as <code>\usepackage</code>. (<a href="https://github.com/Ruben-Sten/TeXiFy-IDEA/issues/147" rel="nofollow">#147</a>)</li>
  14449. <li>Fixed missing document class inspection checking in non-<code>.tex</code> files. (<a href="https://github.com/Ruben-Sten/TeXiFy-IDEA/issues/127" rel="nofollow">#127</a>)</li>
  14450. <li>Fixed file inclusion checking not being relative to the document root. (<a href="https://github.com/Ruben-Sten/TeXiFy-IDEA/issues/117" rel="nofollow">#117</a>)</li>
  14451. <li>Fixed initial contents of environments not being added to the environment when autocompleted. (<a href="https://github.com/Ruben-Sten/TeXiFy-IDEA/issues/137" rel="nofollow">#137</a>)</li>
  14452. <li>Fixed New Latex file menu action not showing in PyCharm. (<a href="https://github.com/Ruben-Sten/TeXiFy-IDEA/issues/121" rel="nofollow">#121</a>)</li>
  14453. <li>Fixed <code>\begin</code> not showing the environment autocomplete in math mode. (<a href="https://github.com/Ruben-Sten/TeXiFy-IDEA/issues/142" rel="nofollow">#142</a>)</li>
  14454. <li>Fixed some inspections having conflicting short names. (<a href="https://github.com/Ruben-Sten/TeXiFy-IDEA/issues/125" rel="nofollow">#125</a>)</li>
  14455. <li>Fixed nested math environments not being supported by the parser. (<a href="https://github.com/Ruben-Sten/TeXiFy-IDEA/issues/61" rel="nofollow">#61</a>)</li>
  14456. <li>Fixed commands containing <code>@</code> not being recognised. (<a href="https://github.com/Ruben-Sten/TeXiFy-IDEA/issues/5" rel="nofollow">#5</a>)</li>
  14457. <li>Fixed <code>LatexColorSettingsPage</code> not showing annotation highlighting in demo. (<a href="https://github.com/Ruben-Sten/TeXiFy-IDEA/issues/157" rel="nofollow">#157</a>)</li>
  14458. <li>Fixed <code>\RequirePackage</code> and <code>\usepackage</code> not being recognised in file sets. (<a href="https://github.com/Ruben-Sten/TeXiFy-IDEA/issues/162" rel="nofollow">#162</a>)</li>
  14459. <li>Fixed <code>UnresolvedReference</code> errors appearing everywhere ‘randomly’. (<a href="https://github.com/Ruben-Sten/TeXiFy-IDEA/issues/165" rel="nofollow">#165</a>)</li>
  14460. <li>Fixed indentation issues with <code>TooLargeSection</code> inspection. (<a href="https://github.com/Ruben-Sten/TeXiFy-IDEA/issues/114" rel="nofollow">#114</a>)</li>
  14461. <li>Fixed autocomplete not showing up in non-standard environments. (<a href="https://github.com/Ruben-Sten/TeXiFy-IDEA/issues/161" rel="nofollow">#161</a>)</li>
  14462. <li>Fixed auto insertion of <code>{}</code> after multiletter super- or subscript. (<a href="https://github.com/Ruben-Sten/TeXiFy-IDEA/issues/183" rel="nofollow">#183</a>)</li>
  14463. <li>Fixed parser not allowing stars in math mode. (<a href="https://github.com/Ruben-Sten/TeXiFy-IDEA/issues/171" rel="nofollow">#171</a>)</li>
  14464. <li>Fixed inspections working in comment environments. (<a href="https://github.com/Ruben-Sten/TeXiFy-IDEA/issues/196" rel="nofollow">#196</a>)</li>
  14465. <li>Fixed crashes. (<a href="https://github.com/Ruben-Sten/TeXiFy-IDEA/issues/125" rel="nofollow">#125</a>) (<a href="https://github.com/Ruben-Sten/TeXiFy-IDEA/issues/141" rel="nofollow">#141</a>) (<a href="https://github.com/Ruben-Sten/TeXiFy-IDEA/issues/149" rel="nofollow">#149</a>) (<a href="https://github.com/Ruben-Sten/TeXiFy-IDEA/issues/160" rel="nofollow">#160</a>) (<a href="https://github.com/Ruben-Sten/TeXiFy-IDEA/issues/198" rel="nofollow">#198</a>)</li>
  14466. </ul>
  14467. <br>
  14468. <p> Full list of releases available on the <a href="https://github.com/Ruben-Sten/TeXiFy-IDEA/releases" rel="nofollow">GitHub releases page</a>. </p>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>4.7</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='22511' size='3957180' date='1515897843000' url=''><name>Intellij-Solidity</name><id>me.serce.solidity</id><description><![CDATA[IntelliJ solidity support
  14469. <p> You can support the plugin development by clicking star on <a href="https://github.com/intellij-solidity/intellij-solidity" rel="nofollow">GitHub</a> and rating it on the <a href="https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/9475-intellij-solidity" rel="nofollow">plugin page</a>. </p>
  14470. <p> Contributions are always welcome! </p>]]></description><version>2.0.4</version><vendor email='sergeicelov@gmail.com' url='https://github.com/intellij-solidity'>Intellij Solidity</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='163.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<p> <b>v2.0.4</b> </p>
  14471. <ul>
  14472. <li>Support for new inline assembly features</li>
  14473. <li>Constructor renaming, thanks @0v1se</li>
  14474. <li>Fix for boolean array constructors, thanks @ZitRos</li>
  14475. <li>Allow for reporting exceptions from your IDE directly to maintainers, please click report if you catch an exception</li>
  14476. <li>Resolving bugfixes</li>
  14477. <li>Grammar fixes</li>
  14478. </ul>
  14479. <b>v2.0.3</b>
  14480. <ul>
  14481. <li>Improvements to spacing rules, thanks @moodysalem</li>
  14482. <li>Highlighting improvements, thanks @idrabenia</li>
  14483. <li>Multiple formatting fixes</li>
  14484. <li>Autocompletion improvements for literals</li>
  14485. <li>Import resolving for rule-sets</li>
  14486. <li>Grammar fixes</li>
  14487. </ul>
  14488. <p></p>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>4.8</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='1490' size='2392610' date='1516613918000' url=''><name>Ballerina</name><id>org.ballerinalang</id><description><![CDATA[<a href="http://ballerinalang.org" rel="nofollow">Ballerina</a> is a general purpose, concurrent and strongly typed programming language with both textual and graphical syntax, optimized for integration. This plugin supports development of Ballerina programs with IntelliJ IDEA. Please note that the graphical syntax of Ballerina is not yet supported by this plugin. For that, you can use
  14489. <a href="http://ballerinalang.org/downloads/" rel="nofollow">Ballerina Composer</a> which is available in Ballerina Tools distribution.
  14490. <br>]]></description><version>0.9.9</version><vendor email='ballerinalang@wso2.com' url='http://wso2.org'>WSO2 Inc.</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='163.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<ul>
  14491. <li>Ballerina 0.95.8 grammar support.</li>
  14492. <li>Ballerina test run support.</li>
  14493. <li>Ballerina user repository support improvements.</li>
  14494. <li>Code completion improvements.</li>
  14495. </ul>
  14496. <a href="https://github.com/ballerinalang/plugin-intellij/milestone/20?closed=1" rel="nofollow">View all changes and bug fixes.</a>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='103' size='9495' date='1491968936000' url=''><name>plugin-mix</name><id>org.diydyq.miapp</id><description><![CDATA[Mix file recognizer.
  14497. <em>1. Support "mix" file extension</em>]]></description><version>1.0</version><vendor email='diydyq@126.com' url=''></vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='141.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[change list:
  14498. <br>
  14499. <em>v1.0 Support "mix" file extension</em>]]></change-notes><depends>JavaScript</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='3559' size='976933' date='1516307737000' url=''><name>Fortran</name><id>org.jetbrains.fortran</id><description><![CDATA[Fortran language support
  14500. <br> The plugin supports FORTRAN 77, FORTRAN 90, FORTRAN 95, FORTRAN 2003 and FORTRAN 2008 source code. Several nonstandard extensions are also supported. Lexer, parser, syntax highlighter, debugger, commenter, formatter, folding, navigation, structure view, brace matcher and some inspections are provided.]]></description><version>2017.3-5</version><vendor email='' url='https://github.com/satamas/fortran-plugin'></vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='173.0' until-build='173.*'/><change-notes><![CDATA[Fix pretty printers]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>4.3</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='362' size='306128' date='1506976713000' url=''><name>MIB support</name><id>pl.jakubchmura.snmp.mib</id><description><![CDATA[MIB file support for the IntelliJ platform.
  14501. <br> Supports syntax highlighting, rename refactoring, code completion, structure view, go to actions.]]></description><version>1.5.3</version><vendor email='chmura.jakub@gmail.com' url=''>Jakub Chmura</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<b>1.5</b>
  14502. <br>
  14503. <ul>
  14504. <li>Performance improvements</li>
  14505. <li>Go to OID actions (by name in whole project, by name or number in file)</li>
  14506. <li>Line markers (gutter icons) in groovy and properties files</li>
  14507. </ul>
  14508. <b>1.4</b>
  14509. <br>
  14510. <ul>
  14511. <li>Filters in structure view</li>
  14512. <li>Fixes (defval, hexvalues)</li>
  14513. </ul>
  14514. <b>1.3</b>
  14515. <br>
  14516. <ul>
  14517. <li>Support for RFC1155</li>
  14518. <li>Simple documentation for MIB node</li>
  14519. </ul>
  14520. <b>1.2</b>
  14521. <br>
  14522. <ul>
  14523. <li>Performance improvements</li>
  14524. </ul>
  14525. <b>1.1</b>
  14526. <br>
  14527. <ul>
  14528. <li>Support for tables and commenter</li>
  14529. </ul>
  14530. <b>1.0</b>
  14531. <br>
  14532. <ul>
  14533. <li>Basic support for SMIv2</li>
  14534. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>(optional) com.intellij.properties</depends><depends>(optional) org.intellij.groovy</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='263894' size='254344' date='1515278247000' url=''><name>Ideolog</name><id>com.intellij.ideolog</id><description><![CDATA[Interactive viewer for '.log' files.
  14535. <p> Features: </p>
  14536. <ul>
  14537. <li>Code highlighting based of log level: error, warn, info, etc.</li>
  14538. <li>Intention to highlight columns (time, category, threads, stack frames) in log file editor.</li>
  14539. <li>Folding of uninteresting events</li>
  14540. <li>Hyperlinks of stack traces in log</li>
  14541. <li>Navigation to source code that emit log events (F7).</li>
  14542. <li>Go to next error action (Shift + F7)</li>
  14543. <li>Extends selection</li>
  14544. <li>Intention tp highlight distance between events (marks time as red)</li>
  14545. <li>Advanced error stripe (heat map)</li>
  14546. <li>Custom log format more info: <a href="https://github.com/JetBrains/ideolog/wiki/Custom-Log-Formats" rel="nofollow">https://github.com/JetBrains/ideolog/wiki/Custom-Log-Formats</a></li>
  14547. </ul>
  14548. <p></p>
  14549. <p> Issue tracker: <a href="https://github.com/JetBrains/ideolog/issues" rel="nofollow">https://github.com/JetBrains/ideolog/issues</a> </p>]]></description><version></version><vendor email='' url=''>JetBrains</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='173.3727' until-build='173.*'/><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='1491' size='21862733' date='1499714338000' url='https://github.com/overstory/marklogic-intellij-plugin'><name>XQuery Support + MarkLogic Debugger</name><id>org.intellij.xquery.marklogic</id><description><![CDATA[XQuery 3.0/3.1 Language Support, with MarkLogic Debugger
  14550. <p> Forked from <a href="http://ligasgr.github.io/intellij-xquery/" rel="nofollow">XQuery Language Support</a> plugin by Grzegorz Ligas. MarkLogic extensions added by <a href="mailto:ron@overstory.co.uk" rel="nofollow">Ron Hitchens</a> of <a href="http://overstory.co.uk/" rel="nofollow">OverStory Ltd</a>. </p>
  14551. <p> See the Wiki at <a href="https://github.com/overstory/marklogic-intellij-plugin/wiki" rel="nofollow">https://github.com/overstory/marklogic-intellij-plugin/wiki</a> </p>]]></description><version>0.9.2-BETA</version><vendor email='ron@overstory.co.uk' url='http://overstory.co.uk/'>OverStory Ltd in association with MarkLogic</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='163.7743' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Fix small packaging bug that left some help fiies out of the 0.9.1-beta distribution.]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='1779' size='218528' date='1514910266000' url=''><name>NASM Language</name><id>com.nasmlanguage</id><description><![CDATA[NASM language for JetBrains IDEs
  14552. <br> Version 0.2.5 pre-release
  14553. <br> Features
  14554. <ul>
  14555. <li>FPU, MMX, SSE, SSE2, SSE3, SSE4, AVX, AVX2, AVX512, Virtualization, and General instruction support</li>
  14556. <li>Syntax highlighting</li>
  14557. <li>Single and multiline macro support</li>
  14558. <li>Conditional assembly directives support</li>
  14559. <li>Preprocessor directives support</li>
  14560. <li>Structure support</li>
  14561. <li>Brace matching for braces, macros, preprocessor, and structs</li>
  14562. </ul>
  14563. <br> Planned Features
  14564. <ul>
  14565. <li>Goto symbol</li>
  14566. <li>Code completion</li>
  14567. <li>Debugger support</li>
  14568. </ul>]]></description><version>0.2.5</version><vendor email='aidankhoury@gmail.com' url='https://github.com/dude719'>Aidan Khoury</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='143.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Added .RDATA section directive.]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='23278' size='5434620' date='1515296528000' url=''><name>EmmyLua</name><id>com.tang</id><description><![CDATA[Support for Lua programming language.
  14569. <br>
  14570. <p><a href="https://github.com/EmmyLua" rel="nofollow">Source Code</a> | <a href="https://gitter.im/emmylua/Lobby?utm_source=share-link&amp;utm_medium=link&amp;utm_campaign=share-link" rel="nofollow">Gitter</a> | <a href="https://emmylua.github.io/donate.html" rel="nofollow">Donate</a> | <a href="https://emmylua.github.io/?plugin" rel="nofollow">Doc</a></p> Features:
  14571. <ul>
  14572. <li>Syntax highlighting</li>
  14573. <ul>
  14574. <li>Highlight global value</li>
  14575. <li>Highlight local/param value</li>
  14576. <li>Highlight up value</li>
  14577. </ul>
  14578. <li>Code completion</li>
  14579. <ul>
  14580. <li>Keyword completion</li>
  14581. <li>Basic completion</li>
  14582. <li>Type inferred based completion</li>
  14583. </ul>
  14584. <li>Debugger</li>
  14585. <ul>
  14586. <li>Attach Debugger(Windows only)</li>
  14587. <li>Remote Debugger(Mobdebug.lua)</li>
  14588. </ul>
  14589. <li>Lua 5.3 support</li>
  14590. <li>Find usages</li>
  14591. <li>Rename</li>
  14592. <li>Go to definition</li>
  14593. <li>Go to symbol</li>
  14594. <li>Go to class</li>
  14595. <li>Go to file</li>
  14596. <li>Parameter name hints</li>
  14597. <li>Comment based type/class annotation</li>
  14598. <li>Structure view</li>
  14599. <li>Comment in/out</li>
  14600. <li>Color settings page</li>
  14601. <li>Method override line marker</li>
  14602. <li>Quick Documentation</li>
  14603. <li>Live templates</li>
  14604. <li>Postfix completion templates</li>
  14605. <li>Code formatter</li>
  14606. <li>Code intentions</li>
  14607. <li>Code inspections</li>
  14608. <li>Lua Standard Library/API</li>
  14609. <li>Region folding</li>
  14610. <li>Lua Check Tool</li>
  14611. </ul>
  14612. <p>中国朋友可以加QQ群29850775交流及反馈BUG</p>]]></description><version>1.2.2</version><vendor email='love.tangzx@qq.com' url=''>tangzx</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='171.0' until-build='173.*'/><change-notes><![CDATA[<strong>1.2.2</strong>
  14613. <ul>
  14614. <li>[IMPROVE]improved performance when opening files</li>
  14615. <li>[NEW]settings : 'recognize global name as type'</li>
  14616. <li>[NEW]settings : additional sources root</li>
  14617. <li>[NEW]new inspection : global name can be local(disabled by default)</li>
  14618. <li>[NEW]read write access detector</li>
  14619. <li>fix bug #87 #88 #93</li>
  14620. <a href="https://tangzx.github.io/emmydoc/changelogs.html?plugin" rel="nofollow">Full changelog</a>
  14621. </ul>
  14622. <strong>1.2.1</strong>
  14623. <ul>
  14624. <li>[IMPROVE]faster attach debugger</li>
  14625. <li>[IMPROVE]provide icons for processes list</li>
  14626. <li>[Experimental]show memory files</li>
  14627. <li>[Experimental]lua profiler</li>
  14628. <li>[IMPROVE]improve formatting</li>
  14629. <li>[IMPROVE]highlight unary &amp;&amp; binary expression range</li>
  14630. <li>[NEW]now support use .net dll as lib to provide lua apis (useful for unity developers)</li>
  14631. <li>fix bug #43 #72 #79 #81 #83 #86</li>
  14632. <a href="https://tangzx.github.io/emmydoc/changelogs.html?plugin" rel="nofollow">Full changelog</a>
  14633. </ul>
  14634. <strong>1.2.0</strong>
  14635. <ul>
  14636. <li>[NEW] Breadcrumbs info</li>
  14637. <li>[NEW] Spell checker support</li>
  14638. <li>[NEW] New inspection: Local name hides previous</li>
  14639. <li>[Experimental] Type checker. Settings - Editor - Inspections - Lua &gt; Lint &gt; Type safety (Contribution from @Perry van Wesel)</li>
  14640. <li>[IMPROVE] Performance optimization</li>
  14641. <li>[IMPROVE] Structure View (Contribution from @Marco Qualizza)</li>
  14642. <li>[IMPROVE] Emmydoc now supports markdown</li>
  14643. <li>[IMPROVE] Name suggestion</li>
  14644. <li>[IMPROVE] Variable name suggestion/completion</li>
  14645. <li>[FIX] Bug #54 #55 #63 #66 #69</li>
  14646. <a href="https://tangzx.github.io/emmydoc/changelogs.html?plugin" rel="nofollow">Full changelog</a>
  14647. </ul>
  14648. <strong>1.1.9</strong>
  14649. <ul>
  14650. <li>[UPDATE] Compatible with IDEA 2017.3(173)</li>
  14651. <li>[NEW] Add new annotation: @overload, used for mark overload functions (@optional is obsolete)</li>
  14652. <li>[NEW] Add new annotation: @language, used for inject language to lua string</li>
  14653. <li>[NEW] Add new inspection: Show warning for duplicated local declaration</li>
  14654. <li>[NEW] Show method separators</li>
  14655. <li>[NEW] Show local variable type hints</li>
  14656. <li>[NEW] Show parameter type hints</li>
  14657. <li>[NEW] Show function return type hints</li>
  14658. <li>[NEW] Add new postfix template "if_not"</li>
  14659. <li>[IMPROVE] Infer type from constructor call (settings/Languages.../EmmyLua)</li>
  14660. <li>[IMPROVE] Add auto completion and references for label(Lua 5.3)</li>
  14661. <li>[IMPROVE] You can toggle on/off 'smart enter' (settings/Languages.../EmmyLua)</li>
  14662. <li>[IMPROVE] You can toggle on/off 'show words in file' (settings/Languages.../EmmyLua)</li>
  14663. <li>[FIX] Support forward declaration local-function</li>
  14664. <li>[FIX] Crash when type --[ at EOF</li>
  14665. <li>[FIX] Fix some bugs</li>
  14666. <a href="https://tangzx.github.io/emmydoc/changelogs.html?plugin" rel="nofollow">Full changelog</a>
  14667. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='296' size='90809' date='1511353203000' url=''><name>Elements</name><id>com.testvagrant.optimus.elements</id><description><![CDATA[Store elements id's for optimus]]></description><version>1.2</version><vendor email='optimus@testvagrant.com' url='http://www.testvagrant.com'>Testvagrant</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='141.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[V1.2: Added formatting changes V1.1: Updated structure of elements to match json V1.0: First plugin]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='98' size='1385448' date='1517079456000' url=''><name>Rholang</name><id>coop.rchain.lang</id><description><![CDATA[Language support for
  14668. <b><a href="https://github.com/rchain/Rholang" rel="nofollow">Rholang</a></b>.
  14669. <em>Official language for <a href="https://www.rchain.coop" rel="nofollow">RChain</a> distributed virtual machine.<br><br></em>]]></description><version>0.0.4</version><vendor email='grospic@gmail.com' url='https://rchain.coop'>RChain.coop</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='135.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<ul>
  14670. <li><b>0.0.4 @AbnerZheng</b>:
  14671. <ul>
  14672. <li>Implemented folding feature.</li>
  14673. <li>Added initial tests.</li>
  14674. </ul> </li>
  14675. <li><b>0.0.3</b>:
  14676. <ul>
  14677. <li>Syntax: Contracts as processes (recursive).</li>
  14678. <li>Syntax: Fix arithmetic operators.</li>
  14679. <li>New file icon.</li>
  14680. </ul> </li>
  14681. <li><b>0.0.2</b>: Update plugin name.</li>
  14682. <li><b>0.0.1</b>: Syntax highlighting and comments support. Initial version.</li>
  14683. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='3361' size='451258' date='1512734772000' url=''><name>Bamboo Soy</name><id>com.google.bamboo.id</id><description><![CDATA[Syntax highlighting, autocompletion and static analysis for your closure template files.]]></description><version>1.3</version><vendor email='' url=''>Google</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='163.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<p> <b>Release notes for 1.3</b> </p>
  14684. <ul>
  14685. <li>Formatter: Better support for spacing in and around expressions,</li>
  14686. <li>General stability and robustness improvements,</li>
  14687. <li>Fixed ClassCastException occurring when jumping to definitions,</li>
  14688. <li>More consistent handling of CSS literals,</li>
  14689. </ul>
  14690. <p></p>
  14691. <p> <b>Release notes for 1.2</b> </p>
  14692. <ul>
  14693. <li>Automatic insertion of closing characters for `"`, `'`, `(` and `[`,</li>
  14694. <li>Code style settings are now available,</li>
  14695. <li>Pressing enter after an open tag now places the cursor at the right indentation level,</li>
  14696. <li>Formatting improvements:</li>
  14697. <ul>
  14698. <li>Continuation indent on multiline `alias`,</li>
  14699. <li>Continuation indent on tag attributes,</li>
  14700. <li>Improved frormatting for deeply nested tags,</li>
  14701. </ul>
  14702. <li>Live templates for `{let}` and `{let /}`,</li>
  14703. <li>Add support for `stricthtml="true"` in template definition blocks,</li>
  14704. <li>Better context-detection for where variable autocompletion should trigger,</li>
  14705. <li>Fixed various NPEs and bugs that occured on partial/incomplete code constructs,</li>
  14706. </ul>
  14707. <p></p>
  14708. <p> <b>Release notes for 1.1</b> </p>
  14709. <ul>
  14710. <li>Autocompletion now respects block scoping</li>
  14711. <li>Performance improvements to parsing and indexing phase</li>
  14712. <li>Fixed bug where Soy parser would not correctly delegate to HTML</li>
  14713. </ul>
  14714. <p></p>
  14715. <p> <b>Release notes for 1.0</b> </p>
  14716. <ul>
  14717. <li>HTML highlighting and completion</li>
  14718. <li>Autoformatting</li>
  14719. <li>Structure view</li>
  14720. <li>Autoclosing of soy tags when typing "{/"</li>
  14721. <li>Doc comment support for @param, @inject and let statements</li>
  14722. <li> Completion improvements
  14723. <ul>
  14724. <li>Kind keyword and supported literals in string literal</li>
  14725. <li>Show type in parameter identifier suggestions</li>
  14726. <li>Only deltemplates are suggested for delcalls and vice verso for normal templates</li>
  14727. </ul> </li>
  14728. <li>Indexing of files is now persisted accross restarts</li>
  14729. <li>Stability and bug fixes</li>
  14730. </ul>
  14731. <p></p>
  14732. <p> <b>Release notes for 1.0-alpha.5</b> </p>
  14733. <ul>
  14734. <li>Added completion for visibility="private" in template open tags.</li>
  14735. <li>Recognize usage of variables inside string literals, like {msg desc="$variable"}.</li>
  14736. <li>Fix referencing of variables declared in let statements.</li>
  14737. <li>Disallow referencing @inject declarations from template call sites.</li>
  14738. <li>Fix checking for slash before closing brace on single-tag call statements.</li>
  14739. <li>Parser accepts index access of parenthesized expressions, like ($foo)[0]</li>
  14740. <li>Parser accepts `for` statements with empty body.</li>
  14741. </ul>
  14742. <p></p>
  14743. <p> <b>Release notes for 1.0-alpha.4</b> </p>
  14744. <ul>
  14745. <li>Fix issue where identifiers suggestions from let statements would begin with an invalid double-$,</li>
  14746. <li>Properly recognize map/list access as an expression (it would previously show as a parsing error in certain cases),</li>
  14747. <li>Remove auto-adding of single quote, it's annoying when typing vanilla text.</li>
  14748. </ul>
  14749. <p></p>
  14750. <p> <b>Release notes for 1.0-alpha.3</b> </p>
  14751. <ul>
  14752. <li>Improved alias support:
  14753. <ul>
  14754. <li>Suggest aliased namespaces in autocompletion results for templates in a {call},</li>
  14755. <li>Provide autocompletion after using a namespace alias as identifier</li>
  14756. </ul> </li>
  14757. <li>Adds support for union and record types in parameter definitions,</li>
  14758. <li>Autocompletion for `kind` of parameters {text, html, uri, attributes, ...},</li>
  14759. <li>Live template for {param} adds `kind="text"` as default based on usage stats.</li>
  14760. <li>Improvements to live templates:
  14761. <ul>
  14762. <li>Automatically open completion suggestions for {param} and {alias} live templates,</li>
  14763. <li>Renamed the single line {call} and {param} triggers to scall and sparam to avoid colliding with most probable case which is to have open-close tags.</li>
  14764. </ul> </li>
  14765. </ul>
  14766. <p></p>
  14767. <p> <b>Release notes for 1.0-alpha.2</b> </p>
  14768. <ul>
  14769. <li>Adds documentation tooltips for references ( Ctrl-hover to show or Ctrl-Q to trigger quick documentation),</li>
  14770. <li>Adds support for union and record types in parameter definitions,</li>
  14771. <li>Adds support for alias declaration that omit the alias identifier {alias my.namespace},</li>
  14772. <li>Adds support for identifiers that are part of identifier expressions. For example in {print($foo.bar.baz)}, the identifier $foo is correctly recognized and will be a reference to the site where it’s declared,</li>
  14773. <li>Fixes parsing issues where `uri` was not allowed as parameter name,</li>
  14774. <li>Fixes NPE when desugaring aliases.</li>
  14775. </ul>
  14776. <p></p>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='366' size='922902' date='1500854117000' url=''><name>TickScript language support</name><id>org.intellij.plugins.tickscript</id><description><![CDATA[This plugin adds support for
  14777. <a href="https://docs.influxdata.com/kapacitor/v1.3/tick/" rel="nofollow">TICKScript Language</a> which is used in
  14778. <a href="https://www.influxdata.com/time-series-platform/#kapacitor" rel="nofollow">Kapacitor</a> framework for processing, monitoring, and alerting on time series data.
  14779. <br> Features: For file with TICKScript (.tick):
  14780. <ul>
  14781. <li>Syntax highlighting</li>
  14782. <li>Structure outline in 'Structure' tool window</li>
  14783. <li>Comment/Uncomment action</li>
  14784. <li>Find Usages / Go to definition for variables</li>
  14785. </ul>]]></description><version>0.1.0</version><vendor email='vlad.rassokhin+intellij+tickscript@gmail.com' url='https://github.com/VladRassokhin'>Vladislav Rassokhin</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='141.3000' /><change-notes><![CDATA[0.1.0
  14786. <p>Basic language support with syntax highlighting</p>
  14787. <p>Simple Find Usages support for variables</p>
  14788. <p>Commenter (Cmd/Ctrl + /)</p>
  14789. <p>Matching braces helper: closing brace/paren added when open one inputed</p>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='903' size='249680' date='1516545920000' url=''><name>Glagol DSL</name><id>com.glagol</id><description><![CDATA[Syntax highlighting and language support for Glagol DSL]]></description><version>1.2</version><vendor email='joan.grigorov@gmail.com' url='http://glagol-dsl-docs.readthedocs.io'>Bulgaria PHP User Group</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='141.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Added Glagol Query Language grammar. Added better syntax highlighting for annotation.]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='13' size='40210' date='1505217799000' url=''><name>EtfApp-language-support</name><id>com.sgaop.etf.lang</id><description><![CDATA[etf app 项目编辑器插件]]></description><version>1.1.8</version><vendor email='306955302@qq.com' url='http://www.sgaop.com/'>黄川</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='171.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[支持Etf App项目的开发工具 1、创建可选多模版项目 2、创建可选多模版的Etf文件 Support the development tools for the Etf App project 1, create an optional multi-template project 2. Create an optional multi-template Etf file]]></change-notes><depends>JavaScript</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.xml</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='301' size='112972' date='1510779094000' url=''><name>VCL/Varnish language plugin</name><id>rocks.blackcat.vcl</id><description><![CDATA[Support for the Varnish Configuration Language]]></description><version>0.2</version><vendor email='jakubkania@blackcat.rocks' url='http://blackcat.rocks'>Jakub Kania</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='143.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[v0.2 * Added some missing keywords * Add proper handling of inline C v0.1 Just starting]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='13051' size='72848' date='1511282912000' url=''><name>Context Free Grammar</name><id>codes.rudolph.idea.cfg</id><description><![CDATA[Adds support for EBNF-like context free grammars.
  14790. <br> This plugin currently is meant for working with grammars in the specification and/or documentation phase.
  14791. <br> For a detailed description read the
  14792. <a href="https://github.com/JonasRudolph/idea-plugin-context-free-grammar/blob/master/README.md" rel="nofollow">README</a>.
  14793. <br> Read the
  14794. <a href="https://github.com/JonasRudolph/idea-plugin-context-free-grammar/blob/master/TODO.md" rel="nofollow">TODO-List</a> for knowing what I plan to add or change in future releases.
  14795. <br> Made by
  14796. <a href="http://www.rudolph.codes" rel="nofollow">Jonas Rudolph</a>]]></description><version>0.3.1</version><vendor email='jonas.ru@gmx.de' url='http://www.rudolph.codes'>Jonas Rudolph</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Read the
  14797. <a href="https://github.com/JonasRudolph/idea-plugin-context-free-grammar/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md" rel="nofollow">Change Log</a>.]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='560' size='4690096' date='1510249529000' url='https://github.com/Saigut/intellij-scheme'><name>Scheme</name><id>intellij-scheme</id><description><![CDATA[Plugin for Scheme language support]]></description><version>0.1.1</version><vendor email='' url='https://saigut.com'>Tony Saigut</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='103.72' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Support for all IntelliJ products]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='133' size='27128071' date='1513375039000' url=''><name>LSP Support</name><id>com.github.gtache.lsp</id><description><![CDATA[Adds LSP (Language Server Protocol) support for IntelliJ]]></description><version>1.3.0</version><vendor email='guillaume.tache@epfl.ch' url='https://github.com/gtache'>gtache</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='171.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[-formatting, rangeFormatting, onTypeFormatting seem to be working
  14798. <br> -signatureHelp seems to be working
  14799. <br> -codeAction seems to be working
  14800. <br> -showMessage, showMessageRequest seem to be working
  14801. <br> -No need to restart IntelliJ anymore after changing server settings
  14802. <br> -Now uses TextFieldWithBrowseButton for server definitions
  14803. <br> -Better handling of null responses from servers
  14804. <br> -Better handling of server crashes
  14805. <br> -Fixes server icons position on multiple projects
  14806. <br> -Updates Coursier to 1.0.0 and Flexmark to 0.28.18]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='1740' size='6477630' date='1516879133000' url=''><name>PowerShell</name><id>com.intellij.plugin.adernov.powershell</id><description><![CDATA[Provides
  14807. <a href="https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/scripting/powershell-scripting" rel="nofollow">PowerShell</a> intellisense and script execution support for IntelliJ IDEs.
  14808. <br>
  14809. <br>
  14810. <b>Plugin page:</b>
  14811. <a href="https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/10249" rel="nofollow">https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/10249</a>]]></description><version>1.0.1</version><vendor email='andrey.dernov@gmail.com' url='https://bitbucket.org/adernov/powershell/issues?status=new&amp;status=open'>Andrey</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='163.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<dl>
  14812. <dt>
  14813. 1.0.1 Bug fix update
  14814. <br>
  14815. </dt>
  14816. <dd>
  14817. ·
  14818. <a href="https://bitbucket.org/adernov/powershell/issues/8" rel="nofollow">8</a> - Exception shown on LSP communication failure
  14819. </dd>
  14820. <dd>
  14821. ·
  14822. <a href="https://bitbucket.org/adernov/powershell/issues/9" rel="nofollow">8</a> - Language server fails to start if path to startup script contains spaces.
  14823. </dd>
  14824. </dl>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='34' size='68863' date='1512818411000' url=''><name>TSS editor</name><id>be.programaths.idea.plugins.editors.tss</id><description><![CDATA[A simple TSS editor]]></description><version>1.0</version><vendor email='christian.baune@programaths.be' url='https://www.programaths.be'>Programaths</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Initial release]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='531' size='427893' date='1514577882000' url=''><name>Elm</name><id>org.elm.klazuka</id><description><![CDATA[Provides support for the
  14825. <a href="http://elm-lang.org" rel="nofollow">Elm</a> programming language.
  14826. <br> Features:
  14827. <br>
  14828. <ul>
  14829. <li>Code completion</li>
  14830. <li>Go to declaration</li>
  14831. <li>Go to symbol</li>
  14832. <li>Find usages</li>
  14833. <li>Rename refactoring</li>
  14834. <li>Syntax highlighting</li>
  14835. <li>Mark unresolvable references as errors</li>
  14836. <li>'Import' quick fix for unresolved references</li>
  14837. <li>Structure view</li>
  14838. <li>Spell checking</li>
  14839. <li>etc.</li>
  14840. </ul>]]></description><version>0.9.1</version><vendor email='' url='https://github.com/klazuka'>Keith Lazuka</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='162.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[New feature: 'add import' intention on unresolved references]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='69' size='1256450' date='1515399426000' url='https://github.com/bzixilu/dotplugin'><name>dotplugin</name><id>org.plugin.dot.id</id><description><![CDATA[This plugin provides basic editing support for dot language files (dot and gv) in IntelliJ IDEA]]></description><version>1.0.1</version><vendor email='bzixilu@gmail.com' url=''>bzixilu</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='141.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='70' size='362817' date='1516858256000' url=''><name>Lice</name><id>org.lice.lang</id><description><![CDATA[Lice language support.
  14841. <br> Functions provided:
  14842. <br>
  14843. <br>
  14844. <ul>
  14845. <li>Semantics-based highlighting and error reporting</li>
  14846. <li>Code completions</li>
  14847. <li>Inspections and quick fixes</li>
  14848. <li>Try Evaluate</li>
  14849. <li>In-place evaluation</li>
  14850. <li>Renaming</li>
  14851. <li>SDK configuration and code execution</li>
  14852. <li>Bread crumb, code folding, spell checking, structure view</li>
  14853. </ul>]]></description><version>1.8</version><vendor email='ice1000kotlin@foxmail.com' url='http://ice1000.org'>ice1000</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[1.8
  14854. <br>
  14855. <ul>
  14856. <li>Improved completion</li>
  14857. <li>Supported renaming</li>
  14858. <li>Bug fixes</li>
  14859. </ul>
  14860. <br> 1.7.1
  14861. <br>
  14862. <ul>
  14863. <li>Improved Windows capability and command line output</li>
  14864. <li>Removed classes that are not working</li>
  14865. </ul>
  14866. <br> 1.7
  14867. <br>
  14868. <ul>
  14869. <li>Some minor changes and internal refactorings</li>
  14870. <li>Improved parser, try-eval error reporter and annotator</li>
  14871. <li>Better handling functions and anonymous functions when try-eval</li>
  14872. <li>Support conversion of prelude functions in in-place evaluation</li>
  14873. <li>Added download option for v3.3.2 and removed older buggy versions</li>
  14874. </ul>
  14875. <br> 1.6
  14876. <br>
  14877. <ul>
  14878. <li>A fatal bug fix. Now it's tested and verified to be bugless</li>
  14879. </ul>
  14880. <br> 1.5
  14881. <br>
  14882. <ul>
  14883. <li>Basic reference resolving, marking unresolved references</li>
  14884. <li>Add in-place evaluation</li>
  14885. <li>Support Lice v3.3.1 and v3.3.2 (final stable version)</li>
  14886. <li>Fix bug of finding plugin path</li>
  14887. </ul>
  14888. <br> 1.4
  14889. <br>
  14890. <ul>
  14891. <li>Parser and action bug fixes</li>
  14892. <li>Added bread crumb, code folding, structure view and spell checker</li>
  14893. </ul>
  14894. <br> 1.3
  14895. <br>
  14896. <ul>
  14897. <li>Try evaluate action</li>
  14898. <li>Support Lice v3.3.0</li>
  14899. </ul>
  14900. <br> 1.2
  14901. <br>
  14902. <ul>
  14903. <li>Fixed no default working directory bug</li>
  14904. <li>Improved File IO</li>
  14905. <li>Added some basic quick fixes</li>
  14906. <li>Improved SDK settings</li>
  14907. </ul>
  14908. <br> 1.1
  14909. <br>
  14910. <ul>
  14911. <li>Fixed color settings bug</li>
  14912. <li>Added SDK configuration and code execution</li>
  14913. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='38' size='1561122' date='1516882462000' url=''><name>CovScript</name><id>org.covscript</id><description><![CDATA[CovScript language support.
  14914. <br> Functions provided:
  14915. <br>
  14916. <ul>
  14917. <li>Syntax highlighting, error reporting</li>
  14918. <li>Inspections and quick fixes</li>
  14919. <li>Semantic-based highlights</li>
  14920. <li>Jump to definition</li>
  14921. <li>Renaming</li>
  14922. <li>Code completion</li>
  14923. <li>Try Evaluate</li>
  14924. <li>SDK management</li>
  14925. <li>Code execution with handy configurator</li>
  14926. <li>Bread crumbs, spell checking, code folding, structure view</li>
  14927. </ul>]]></description><version>1.6</version><vendor email='ice1000kotlin@foxmail.com' url='http://covscript.org'>ice1000</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[1.6
  14928. <br>
  14929. <ul>
  14930. <li>Auto-popup completions</li>
  14931. <li>Parser fatal bug fix</li>
  14932. <li>SDK Configuration fatal bug fix</li>
  14933. <li>Detail improvements</li>
  14934. </ul>
  14935. <br> 1.5
  14936. <br>
  14937. <ul>
  14938. <li>Reference resolving bug fixes</li>
  14939. <li>New run configurator UI, added validation</li>
  14940. <li>Lots of minor improvements</li>
  14941. <li>Context-based completions</li>
  14942. </ul>
  14943. <br> 1.4
  14944. <br>
  14945. <ul>
  14946. <li>Bug fixes</li>
  14947. <li>Internal refactorings, rebuild AST</li>
  14948. <li>More inspections (mainly context-based)</li>
  14949. <li>Completion improvements</li>
  14950. <li>Reference resolving (jump to definition)</li>
  14951. <li>Renaming</li>
  14952. </ul>
  14953. <br> 1.3
  14954. <br>
  14955. <ul>
  14956. <li>Bug fixes</li>
  14957. <li>Quick fixes improvements</li>
  14958. <li>Version string detection</li>
  14959. <li>Try evaluate based on cs_repl</li>
  14960. </ul>
  14961. <br> 1.2
  14962. <br>
  14963. <ul>
  14964. <li>Bug fixes</li>
  14965. <li>Bread crumbs, spell checking, code folding, structure view supports</li>
  14966. <li>Improved quick fixes</li>
  14967. </ul>
  14968. <br> 1.1
  14969. <br>
  14970. <ul>
  14971. <li>SDK configuration</li>
  14972. <li>Completion improvements</li>
  14973. <li>Code execution</li>
  14974. <li>Some basic quick fixes</li>
  14975. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='14' size='4233423' date='1515263552000' url=''><name>Ngspice netlist plugin</name><id>org.ngs.adapter.plugin</id><description><![CDATA[<p>Ngspice plugin</p>
  14976. <p> <a href="https://github.com/dv1520/ngspice-idea-plugin" rel="nofollow">Github source</a></p>]]></description><version>0.001</version><vendor email='dv1520@yandex.ru' url='https://github.com/dv1520/ngspice-idea-plugin'>Ngspice Plugin</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='133.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='3' size='110432' date='1516907210000' url=''><name>Graql</name><id>com.intellij.lang.graql</id><description><![CDATA[Graql language support]]></description><version>1.0</version><vendor email='support@sourceplusplus.com' url='https://sourceplusplus.com'>Source++</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin></category><ff>"JavaScript"</ff><category name="JavaScript"><idea-plugin downloads='14314' size='346252' date='1194017418000' url='http://www.bindows.net/documentation/tools/intellij_plugin/'><name>Bindows Plugin</name><id>Bindows Plugin</id><description><![CDATA[
  14977. Launch and debug Bindows AJAX applications directly from within IntelliJ IDEA.<br>
  14978. The debugging features enable you to send messages to a console window inside IntelliJ IDEA from your code.
  14979. This works for both Internet Explorer and Firefox. <br>
  14980. You can also send JavaScript code to be evaluated inside any running browser instance from IntelliJ IDEA.
  14981. This enables you to remote control the browser, check the values of variables and even rewrite whole methods during runtime.<br>
  14982. Check our web site for more information on how to use these features.<br>
  14983. We also have an xml schema that will give you code completion of Bindows classes in xml. The schema is included in the plugin
  14984. and automatically installed. <br>You also have the ability to add multiple Bindows distributions and quickly switch between them.
  14985. ]]></description><version>1.0b6</version><vendor email='support@bindows.net' url='http://www.bindows.net'>MB Technologies Inc</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='72.7361' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<p><b>Bindows plugin for IntelliJ IDEA</b><br>
  14986. Version: 1.0 beta 6
  14987. </p>
  14988. <p><b>About</b></p>
  14989. This is a beta version. Please contact us at support@bindows.net to suggest
  14990. features and report problems. More information about the plugin is available here
  14991. <a href="http://www.bindows.net/documentation/tools/intellij_plugin/">http://www.bindows.net/documentation/tools/intellij_plugin/</a>
  14992. <p><b>Release Notes Beta 6</b></p>
  14993. <ul>
  14994. <li>Linux support restored</li>
  14995. <li>Support for InfiView 1.5b<br>
  14996. A special InfiView version of the Bindows schema has been included together with the InfiView schema.
  14997. This enables code completion in InfiView ADF's. A special InfiView ADF live template called niv (NewInfiView) has also been added.
  14998. This feature requires a copy of InfiView. InfiView also need to be launched with a special InfiView version of
  14999. Bindows, that comes with InfiView.
  15000. </li>
  15001. <li>Added support for JsDoc generation (alpha version)<br>
  15002. Go into the module dependant settings in the Bindows facet to add and remove .js files, set output path and generate documentation
  15003. for your Bindows source code. Settings are currently not saved but generation should work as expected.
  15004. </li>
  15005. <li>Fixed a bug which occured when you have two projects open and one has the Bindows facet
  15006. and the other does not. If the console had been opened in the Bindows enabled project and the non-bindows
  15007. enabled project was closed; IDEA would crash.
  15008. </li>
  15009. <li>Fixed a bug where it was sometimes impossible to close the project because the console window was not open.</li>
  15010. <li>Changed Mac shortcut keys for launching Bindows apps to Ctrl+B because it is not possible to use Alt+B on Macs.</li>
  15011. <li>Changed the live template loading logic so that existing live templates are overwritten with the ones that come with the plugin.
  15012. This enables us to update existing templates. If you have modified our templates you should back them up before installing this update./>
  15013. </ul>
  15014. <p><b>Known Issues in Beta 6</b></p>
  15015. <ul>
  15016. <li>If there is an error in the JavaScript you're sending, such as a typo, you
  15017. will get a generic error message saying "XMLHttp problems, Could not send
  15018. message". In the future we will extend this with slightly more elaborate
  15019. messages.
  15020. </li>
  15021. <li>Mac OS X: Bindows popup menus do not work in the embedded browser component of IDEA. This causes GridPanel2Designer to be unusable on Mac OS X and
  15022. also normal menus to not work. Another thing to note is that the ok button on alert boxes also does not work. This is a JetBrains bug and we are waiting
  15023. for a fix.
  15024. </li>
  15025. <li>GridPanel2Designer is currently using our online Bindows distribution. Changing your active Bindows distro
  15026. does not reflect in the designer. The reason for this is that you need at least Bindows 3.0 to use the BiGridPanel2 layout manager.
  15027. This has the side effect that you will not be able to use the designer if you do not have an internet connection.
  15028. </li>
  15029. <hr>
  15030. </ul>
  15031. <p><b>Release Notes Beta 5 rev 1</b></p>
  15032. <ul>
  15033. <li>Fixed a problem where the plugin would crash when a registered Bindows folder had been removed or renamed
  15034. without the plugin knowing about it.
  15035. </li>
  15036. </ul>
  15037. <p><b>Release Notes Beta 5</b></p>
  15038. <ul>
  15039. <li><b>Facet support</b><br>
  15040. The Bindows plugin now support IntelliJ IDEA's facet architecture. This represents a major workflow change.<br>
  15041. To be able to use the features of the plugin you must have the "Bindows Facet" added to your project.
  15042. (At least one of the modules in the project must have the facet.)<br>
  15043. There are two ways to add the facet to your project;<br>
  15044. 1. Upon creating a new project you can enable a checkbox for Bindows in the new project wizard.<br>
  15045. 2. You can add the facet to an already existing project by going into Project settings->Modules, clicking the
  15046. module and then clicking the little plus sign and selecting the Bindows facet from the popup menu.<br>
  15047. </li>
  15048. <li><b>Integrated BiPad</b><br>
  15049. BiPad is a new tool window that allows real time previewing of Bindows xml.<br>
  15050. It extracts the code between the Application->Window tags and renders it in an embedded mozilla based browser
  15051. window as you type.
  15052. When active bindows distribution/version is switched, BiPad will be relaunched to use the new distro.
  15053. </li>
  15054. <li><b>Integrated GridPanel2 Designer</b><br>
  15055. The GridPanel2Designer is a new tool window that allows you to visually design Bindows interfaces and forms.
  15056. The designer makes use of the new highly efficient BiGridPanel2 layout component, introduced in Bindows 3.0.
  15057. The code that the designer generates appears in a special tab window in the designer. You can copy this code
  15058. and paste it into your editor and integrate it into your projects.
  15059. </li>
  15060. <li><b>Color coded logging levels</b><br>
  15061. It is now possible to print logging messages at three different levels and colors. New live templates have been
  15062. added to expedite this.<br>
  15063. <table border="black">
  15064. <tr><td><b>Code</b></td> <td><b>Color</b></td> <td><b>Live template(s)</b></td> <td><b>Meaning</b></td></tr>
  15065. <tr><td>BiLog.out("");</td> <td>Black</td> <td>blog, blog2</td> <td>Normal/user message (default)</td></tr>
  15066. <tr><td>BiLog.out("", BiLog.ERROR);</td> <td>Red</td> <td>blogErr</td> <td>Error message</td></tr>
  15067. <tr><td>BiLog.out("", BiLog.SYSTEM);</td><td>Green</td> <td>blogSyst</td> <td>System message</td></tr>
  15068. </table>
  15069. </li>
  15070. <li><b>Updated toolbar in console window</b><br>
  15071. A new clear button has been added to the console view. It clears all text in the console view.
  15072. Both buttons also now have icons.
  15073. </li>
  15074. <li><b>Plugin description improved</b>
  15075. The plugin description inside the plugin manager and in JetBrains' plugin repository now uses html to better
  15076. display the text.
  15077. </li>
  15078. <li><b>Major internal refactorings</b><br>
  15079. We have improved and replaced code in numerous places.
  15080. The internal webserver has been completely rewritten for example.
  15081. </li>
  15082. <li><b>Logo added</b><br>
  15083. The Bindows plugin now properly displays the Bindows logo on the Quick Start menu.
  15084. </li>
  15085. <li><b>Release notes added</b><br>
  15086. The release notes now display properly in IntelliJ IDEA's plugin manager.
  15087. </li>
  15088. <li><b>Dynamically change the server port</b><br>
  15089. If the Bindows port contends with another service, you can now easily switch the Bindows port and
  15090. launch our Bindows app without having to restart IDEA. If you select a port that is currently in use
  15091. you will receive a message declaring that so you should choose another.
  15092. </li>
  15093. <li><b>Remote Bindows locations</b><br>
  15094. Now you may add remote locations (URLs) to the Bindows distributions list.
  15095. </li>
  15096. <li><b>Remote Resources</b><br>
  15097. Added a virtual folder <i>/remote/</i> for the embedded server. You can now refer to resources on
  15098. a different (remote) domain using a path like the following <code>"/remote/mydomain/mypath"</code> and it
  15099. will be translated to <code>"http://mydomain/mypath"</code>. Yet to the client the call is to the
  15100. same domain, and therefore allowed. I.e. no security error due to cross-domain calls.<br>
  15101. <b>Note:</b> There is yet no support for https or other protocols, nor other ports.
  15102. </li>
  15103. <li><b>Arbitrary Browsers</b><br>
  15104. The browsers to appear in the Bindows popup menu are now configured with the aid of a list-box. You may
  15105. add an arbitrary set of browsers to this list and also remove the default browsers.<br>
  15106. Note that Bindows, at this time, only runs in Microsoft Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox. The
  15107. idea with the list is to enable the user to add different versions of the supported browsers.<br>
  15108. To support an arbitrary number of browsers and versions (max 9) the default launcher shortcuts have changed
  15109. from single-stroke to two-stroke. Press alt+B (to indicate the Bindows popup menu) followed by the (1-based)
  15110. ordinal of the menu item representing the desired browser.
  15111. </li>
  15112. <li><b>Fixed security issue</b><br>
  15113. You no longer have to block the server port in your firewall.
  15114. </li>
  15115. <li><b>Distros can now be located on any drive letter</b><br>
  15116. Your Bindows distributions can now be located on any local hard drive. Not just C: in Windows OS.
  15117. </li>
  15118. </ul>
  15119. <p><b>Release Notes Beta 4</b></p>
  15120. <ul>
  15121. <li><b>Linux support</b><br>
  15122. Tested on Ubuntu 7.04.
  15123. </li>
  15124. <li><b>Consolidated browsers into one button</b><br>
  15125. To better accomodate more than two different browsers we have consolidated the two buttons into
  15126. one with a popup where you choose the browser. This will enable use to dynamically add/remove browsers
  15127. in the future.
  15128. </li>
  15129. </ul>
  15130. <p><b>Release Notes beta 3 rev1</b></p>
  15131. <ul>
  15132. <li><b>Fixed a problem with Windows Vista</b><br></li>
  15133. </ul>
  15134. <p><b>Release Notes beta 3</b></p>
  15135. <ul>
  15136. <li><b>Mac OS X support</b> (Linux coming soon).<br>
  15137. You can now launch Bindows applications in Firefox from the plugin. All the other features
  15138. are also available on the Mac. You do not have to specify the path to the Firefox executable
  15139. on the Mac. This is all done automatically for you.
  15140. </li><br>
  15141. <li><b>New user interface layout in settings.</b><br>
  15142. To better facilitate more options we have added some tabs to the plugin settings dialog.
  15143. </li><br>
  15144. <li><b>Multiple instances of IntelliJ IDEA can now be used at the same time with the plugin.</b><br>
  15145. The built-in server is now a common resource shared by all IntelliJ IDEA frames.
  15146. </li><br>
  15147. <li><b>Delete temporary html files checkbox.</b><br>
  15148. This is activated by default. The plugin will erase the temporary html file
  15149. that is used to launch the Bindows application. Sometimes it can be useful to keep this
  15150. file (you can study it or use it as a template for something else). Unchecking this
  15151. will prevent its destruction. Only in debug mode will the plugin be able to delete it
  15152. because it is only then it is receiving signals from the browser.
  15153. </li><br>
  15154. <li><b>More intelligent live templates.</b><br>
  15155. We are now making use of a new feature of IntelliJ IDEA that the good folks at JetBrains
  15156. were kind enough to add. It allows us to create live templates that understand what class
  15157. and what method we are currently in. We have two live templates that benefit from this:
  15158. blog2 and newStaticMethod. E.g. The blog2 is a BiLog.out call that automatically prints
  15159. the line number of JavaScript file, the class name and the method name plus a message
  15160. that you add. To be able to use this new feature you need IntelliJ IDEA built 7087 or later.
  15161. While we wait for JetBrains to release the final version 7, you can find EAP versions here:
  15162. http://www.jetbrains.net/confluence/display/IDEADEV/Selena+EAP
  15163. </li><br>
  15164. <li><b>Variable server port.</b><br>
  15165. You can now change the server port in the plugin settings dialog. After changing it
  15166. you must restart IntelliJ IDEA.
  15167. The plugin automatically changes the server port in your Bindows application so you do not
  15168. have to match the port in your JavaScript code. This is all done automatically for you.
  15169. </li><br>
  15170. <li><b>Friendly names for Bindows distributions.</b><br>
  15171. If you have many Bindows distributions (as we have) it is very useful to be able to rename
  15172. them to whatever you want. This can now be done with the rename button in the plugin
  15173. options dialog.
  15174. </li>
  15175. </ul>
  15176. <p><b>Release Notes beta 2</b></p>
  15177. <ul>
  15178. <li><b>New schema to support Bindows 3.0</b><br>
  15179. The schema is now called: http://www.bindows.net/Schema/3.0/ and has several improvements.
  15180. All different packages are now enumerated and popup in the code completion.
  15181. Several classes that were not useful in markup have been removed, e.g. all abstract classes.
  15182. </li><br>
  15183. <li><b>Auto include of BiLog.js</b><br>
  15184. You no longer have to manually include the file BiLog.js. This file will be included
  15185. automatically by the plugin when debug mode is active. This works in the following way:
  15186. When the browser GETs BiEventTarget.js from the server, BiLog.js is silently attached at
  15187. the end of the file. However, when the obfuscated version of Bindows is used BiEventTarget
  15188. is merged into Application.js and needs to be attached to this file instead. Therefore choose
  15189. between obfuscated or non-obfuscated code in the plug-in settings.
  15190. </li><br>
  15191. <li><b>Live Templates Included.</b><br>
  15192. Several useful live templates are now included with the plug-in. Both for use in xml markup
  15193. and for use in JavaScript. We also added templates for building skeleton applications and classes as well
  15194. as dispose methods event handlers with enumerated event types etc.
  15195. To see which live templates are included, look under "Live Templates" in the IntelliJ IDEA
  15196. settings. To access live templates from your code press Ctrl+J.
  15197. </li><br>
  15198. <li><b>A pause button was added to the Bindows Console</b></li><br>
  15199. <li><b>The layout of the settings dialog should now resize better.</b></li><br>
  15200. <li><b>BiLog.receiveCommands is now spelled correctly.</b></li>
  15201. </ul>
  15202. ]]></change-notes><depends>org.intellij.htmlbrowser</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='4372368' size='1139850' date='1515661757000' url=''><name>NodeJS</name><id>NodeJS</id><description><![CDATA[Node.js integration]]></description><version>173.4301.12</version><vendor email='' url=''>JetBrains</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='173.4301' until-build='173.*'/><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>JavaScript</depends><depends>JavaScriptDebugger</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>4.2</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='34413' size='39875' date='1481015503000' url=''><name>ddescriber for jasmine</name><id>com.karateca.jasmineDescriber</id><description><![CDATA[<p> A plugin to quickly run jasmine unit tests and suites by switching between describe() / fdescribe() / ddescribe() / xdescribe() and it() / fit() / iit() / xit() </p>
  15203. <p> Just type Ctrl + Shift + D (Command + Shift + D on a Mac) to launch a dialog that lets you choose which suites or unit tests you want to include or exclude. </p>
  15204. <p> Use the following shortcuts: (Alt I) to include, (Alt X) to exclude, and (Alt G) to jump to the selected test. The plugin will automatically add an iit/fit or fdescribe/ddescribe to the selected node if you don't have any pending changes. </p>
  15205. <p> I have tested it on Webstorm and Intellij. </p>
  15206. <p> Download the code at: https://github.com/andresdominguez/ddescriber </p>]]></description><version>3.4</version><vendor email='code@karateca.com' url='http://www.andresdominguez.com'>Andres Dominguez</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='107.105' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<ul>
  15207. <li>3.4 Check read-only status before writing file.</li>
  15208. <li>3.3 Another way to fix windows.</li>
  15209. <li>3.2 Try to fix the action not found error on Windows.</li>
  15210. <li>3.1 Fix in action not found error on Mac.</li>
  15211. <li>3.0 Add support for jasmine 2 (fdescribe, fit)</li>
  15212. <li>2.1 Fix some bugs with regular expressions. Jump to test when you double-click.</li>
  15213. <li>2.0 Drop the tool window. Added exclude, multi-select and shortcuts.</li>
  15214. <li>1.2.2 Small enhancements. Expand all nodes on the dialog. More stable tool window.</li>
  15215. <li>1.2.1 Add support for files with multiple top-level describe().</li>
  15216. <li>1.2 Added tool window. Now you can clean all, filter by marked tests, and jump to tests.</li>
  15217. <li>1.1 Added a tree view when you launch the dialog. Added a tool window that shows you all the test files and their internal test structure. </li>
  15218. <li>1.0 First version</li>
  15219. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='20383' size='299750' date='1400920286000' url=''><name>Needs More Dojo</name><id>com.chrisfolger.needsmoredojo</id><description><![CDATA[Tools for working with the dojo toolkit
  15220. <br />
  15221. <br />
  15222. <b>Dojo AMD Module Import Management</b>
  15223. <ul>
  15224. <li>Cyclic dependency analysis action and on the fly inspection for cyclic dependencies (inspection must be enabled) </li>
  15225. <li>Add imports by name instead of module path. Let the plugin insert them for you. Use either absolute or relative path syntax.</li>
  15226. <li>Remove or reorder import statements </li>
  15227. <li>Flags unused imports with a strikethrough and allows you to remove them all at once </li>
  15228. <li>Organize imports alphabetically and remove duplicates </li>
  15229. <li>Detect inconsistently named imports </li>
  15230. <li>Convert between absolute and relative path syntax </li>
  15231. <li>Aware of plugins, modules with resource ids, etc. </li>
  15232. <li>Supports nested require blocks and snippets of JavaScript in non-js files</li>
  15233. </ul>
  15234. <b>Refactoring (must be enabled in settings)</b>
  15235. <ul>
  15236. <li>Rename dojo AMD modules </li>
  15237. <li>Move dojo AMD modules </li>
  15238. <li>Operations update AMD references and paths according to your project's package structure</li>
  15239. </ul>
  15240. <b>Other Dojo Specific Features </b>
  15241. <ul>
  15242. <li>Ctrl+Click supported for dojo/i18n resource strings</li>
  15243. <li>Ctrl+Click supported for attach points when modules use _TemplatedMixin. Ctrl+Shift+O, A also does this</li>
  15244. <li>Convert dojo 'util' style to 'class' style or vice-versa</li>
  15245. <li>Navigate ... declaration supported for modules, methods, and this.inherited references </li>
  15246. </ul> Still very much under development. Please contact me with any feedback!]]></description><version>0.7</version><vendor email='cefolger@gmail.com' url='http://www.chrisfolger.com'>Chris Folger</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='107.105' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<b>0.7 (major release) </b>
  15247. <ul>
  15248. <li>Quick fix to add a mismatched import exception </li>
  15249. <li>Add ability to send an import to the end and beginning of of the list</li>
  15250. <li>Move most items under the Code menu to a Needs More Dojo submenu </li>
  15251. <li>Add the &quot;Dojo Toolkit&quot; module type</li>
  15252. <li>Module names using the parent directory as a prefix are no longer flagged as mismatched (see #153)</li>
  15253. <li>Module naming exceptions work with relative and absolute path references </li>
  15254. <li>Module naming exceptions can have more than one mapping per module </li>
  15255. <li>Add new import has been redone to support selection via hotkeys </li>
  15256. <li>Fix NPE bug caused by templateString references that couldn't be resolved (#148)</li>
  15257. <li>Bug fixes (#145, #149, #156, #159, #160)</li>
  15258. </ul>
  15259. <b>0.6.1</b>
  15260. <ul>
  15261. <li>Compatibility with IntelliJ IDEA 13.1.1 </li>
  15262. </ul>
  15263. <b>0.6</b>
  15264. <ul>
  15265. <li>Move and Rename refactoring is disabled by default</li>
  15266. <li>Goto declaration is supported for methods that reference AMD modules directly</li>
  15267. <li>Goto declaration is supported for this.inherited() references and method references off of this(see doc for details)</li>
  15268. <li>Goto declaration is now supported for AMD module references</li>
  15269. <li>Require blocks and mixed HTML/JS files now supported for all AMD management functionality</li>
  15270. <li>Add AMD import is now case-insensitive. Can be case-sensitive if you have a very large project </li>
  15271. <li>Add option to disable adding an import entry when no module is detected </li>
  15272. <li>Add quickfixes for for swapping two mismatched imports </li>
  15273. <li>Add quickfix for ignoring an unused import </li>
  15274. <li>Add quickfix for removing an unused import </li>
  15275. <li>Add a configurable list of file types to enable Needs More Dojo for</li>
  15276. <li>Fix NPE when using auto-completion on i18n keys (#141)</li>
  15277. <li>Minor bug fixes (#119, #122, #136, #142)</li>
  15278. </ul>
  15279. <b>0.5.2</b>
  15280. <ul>
  15281. <li>Jump to attach point will attempt to resolve absolute file references for templates </li>
  15282. <li>Fix high priority bug with goto declaration using absolute file paths in templated widgets (#123) </li>
  15283. <li>Minor bug fixes (#127, #132, #135)</li>
  15284. </ul>
  15285. <br />
  15286. <br /> Full change-log is available on the github page.]]></change-notes><depends>JavaScript</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.xml</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='101975' size='93673' date='1454218946000' url=''><name>JS Toolbox</name><id>com.karateca.jstoolbox</id><description><![CDATA[JS Toolbox
  15287. <p>An Intellij / Webstorm plugin that provides several tools for javascript development.</p>
  15288. <p>Here is a list of available actions:</p>
  15289. <ul>
  15290. <li>Go to test [Alt T], [Ctrl Command T] on Mac</li>
  15291. <li>Go to view [Alt V], [Ctrl Command V] on Mac</li>
  15292. <li>Go to constructor [Alt G], [Ctrl Command G] on a mac</li>
  15293. <li>Join multi-line strings and variable declarations [Ctrl SHIFT Alt J], [Ctrl Command J] on Mac</li>
  15294. <li>Open current file in browser [Ctrl SHIFT Alt G], [SHIFT Option Command G] on Mac</li>
  15295. <li>Add a semi-color at the end of the line [Ctrl SHIFT ;], [Command SHIFT ;] on Mac</li>
  15296. <li>Sort the selection using a user-defined splitter [SHIFT alt 1], [Command SHIFT 1] on Mac</li>
  15297. <li>Generate a method for the current javascript class</li>
  15298. <li>Override a method from the parent javascript class</li>
  15299. </ul>
  15300. <p>See all the JS Toolbox actions from two locations:</p>
  15301. <ul>
  15302. <li>From Tools &gt; JS Toolbox</li>
  15303. <li>From the editor, right click &gt; JS Toolbox</li>
  15304. </ul> Go to test [Alt T], [Ctrl Command T] on Mac
  15305. <p> Jump between a javascript file and its unit test. You can configure the file name patterns under: </p>
  15306. <p>Settings &gt; JS Toolbox</p>
  15307. <p> And set values for <strong>Unit test suffix</strong> and <strong>File suffix</strong> </p>
  15308. <p> If you need multiple patterns use comma. For example:<br /><br /> Unit test suffix: &quot;Spec.js,-spec.js&quot;<br /> File suffix: &quot;-controller.js,.js&quot;<br /><br /> With this configuration the action will take you from:<br /><br /> &quot;my-component.js&quot; or &quot;my-component-controller.js&quot;<br /><br /> to<br /><br /> &quot;my-componentSpec.js&quot; or &quot;my-component-spec.js&quot; </p> Go to view [Alt V], [Ctrl Command V] on Mac
  15309. <p> Jump between a javascript file and its associated view. You can configure the file name patterns under: </p>
  15310. <p> Settings &gt; JS Toolbox<br /><br /> And set values for <strong>View suffix</strong> and <strong>File suffix</strong><br /><br /> If you need multiple patterns use comma. For example:<br /><br /> File suffix: &quot;-controller.js,.js&quot;<br /> View suffix: &quot;-view.html,.html&quot;<br /><br /> With this configuration the action will take you from:<br /><br /> &quot;my-component.js&quot; or &quot;my-component-controller.js&quot;<br /><br /> to<br /><br /> &quot;my-component.html&quot; or &quot;my-component-view.html&quot; </p> Toggle camel and dash case
  15311. <p> Select some text and then choose the &quot;Toggle camel and dash case&quot; action </p>
  15312. <pre>one-two-three</pre>
  15313. <p>Will turn into</p>
  15314. <pre>oneTwoThree</pre>
  15315. <pre>oneTwoThree</pre>
  15316. <p>Will turn into</p>
  15317. <pre>one-two-three</pre> Go to constructor [Alt G], [Ctrl Command G] on a mac
  15318. <p> Jump to the constructor of the current javascript file. </p> Join multi-line strings and variable declarations [Ctrl SHIFT Alt J], [Ctrl Command J] on Mac
  15319. <p>Join strings and variable declarations</p>
  15320. <p>Turn a multi-line string into a single string. Press Ctrl SHIFT Alt J on any of the string lines or select a block of text and join.</p>
  15321. <pre>
  15322. var s = 'one ' +
  15323. 'two ' +
  15324. 'three';
  15325. </pre>
  15326. <p>Into a single string:</p>
  15327. <pre>
  15328. var s = 'one two three';
  15329. </pre>
  15330. <p>Join multiple vars into a single var:</p>
  15331. <pre>
  15332. var foo = 1;
  15333. var bar = 2;
  15334. </pre>
  15335. <p>Into a single var declaration:</p>
  15336. <pre>
  15337. var foo = 1,
  15338. bar = 2;
  15339. </pre> Open current file in browser [Ctrl SHIFT Alt G], [SHIFT Option Command G] on Mac
  15340. <p>Open the current file in the browser. Configure the URL that you want to use when opening the browser under Settings &gt; JS Toolbox.</p> Generate a method for the current javascript class (Under generate menu)
  15341. <p>Add a new method to the current javascript class. </p>
  15342. <p>You need to use the @constructor annotation to mark the constructor of the class.</p> Override a method from the parent javascript class (Under generate menu)
  15343. <p>Override a parent method in the current javascript class. </p>
  15344. <p>You need to annotate the classes with the @constructor and @extends annotations, otherwise the plugin cannot find the class hierarchy.</p> Sort the selection using a user-defined splitter [Ctrl SHIFT 1], [Command SHIFT 1] on Mac
  15345. <p>For example, select a bunch of arguments, choose sort, and enter a text (eg. ,) to split and sort the result.</p>]]></description><version>1.9</version><vendor email='code@karateca.com' url='http://www.andresdominguez.com'>Andres Dominguez</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='107.105' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<ul>
  15346. <li>1.9 - Implement toggle camel and dash case</li>
  15347. <li>1.8 - Add actions for camel case and dash case</li>
  15348. <li>1.7 - Improve the sort implementation. Add a new dialog</li>
  15349. <li>1.6 - Improve the go view/test. Add line number in open in browser</li>
  15350. <li>1.5 - Accept constructors starting with var. Change shortcuts for sort.</li>
  15351. <li>1.4 - Add sort shortcut</li>
  15352. <li>1.3 - Add shortcut to add a semicolon at the end of the current line.</li>
  15353. <li>1.2.1 - Fix bug finding the parents in override javascript method</li>
  15354. <li>1.2 - Add support for constructors with the following syntax: function MyConstructor() {}</li>
  15355. <li>1.1 - Fix override method bug</li>
  15356. <li>1.0 - Initial version</li>
  15357. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='31119' size='4048136' date='1508417968000' url=''><name>Spy-js</name><id>spy-js</id><description><![CDATA[Allows to trace JavaScript code execution in any browser, on any device and platform]]></description><version>173.3302.13</version><vendor email='' url=''>JetBrains</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='173.3302' until-build='173.*'/><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>JavaScript</depends><depends>JavaScriptDebugger</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.xml</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='118639' size='376568' date='1468954920000' url='https://github.com/idok/eslint-plugin'><name>ESLint</name><id>com.wix.eslint</id><description><![CDATA[ESLint intellij integration.
  15358. <br>
  15359. <p>Support displaying eslint warnings as intellij inspections</p>
  15360. <p>Quick fixes for several rules</p>
  15361. <p>Support for custom eslint rules</p>
  15362. <p>Support for eslint config annotation and completion</p>]]></description><version>1.0.34</version><vendor email='sir_simon_x@yahoo.com' url='https://github.com/idok/eslint-plugin'>Ido</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='139.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<p>1.0.34 Bug fixes</p>
  15363. <p>1.0.33 Bug fixes</p>
  15364. <p>1.0.32 Bug fixes</p>
  15365. <p>1.0.31 Bug fixes</p>
  15366. <p>1.0.30 Fix NPE</p>
  15367. <p>1.0.29 Bug fixes</p>
  15368. <p>1.0.28 Fix default settings, support rc files with extensions, bug fixes</p>
  15369. <p>1.0.27 Bug fixes</p>
  15370. <p>1.0.26 Bug fixes</p>
  15371. <p>1.0.25 Add --ext. Bug fixes</p>
  15372. <p>1.0.24 Add --fix option as an action from code menu. Bug fixes</p>
  15373. <p>1.0.23 Class loading bug fixed</p>
  15374. <p>1.0.22 Intellij 14 / webstorm 9 compatible version</p>
  15375. <p>1.0.21 Bug fixes, doesn't take tab size into account</p>
  15376. <p>1.0.20 Add settings for eslint builtin rules directory to support completion and annotation on eslintrc files</p>
  15377. <p>1.0.19 Fix windows execution and solve version compatibility issue, thanks <a href="https://github.com/eric-isakson" rel="nofollow"></a>eric-isakson<a rel="nofollow"></a></p>
  15378. <p>1.0.18 fix plugin url</p>
  15379. <p>1.0.17 fix default eslint bin</p>
  15380. <p>1.0.16 fix issue finding eslint bin in windows</p>
  15381. <p>1.0.15 fix lag in settings dialog, fix windows issue with running lint</p>
  15382. <p>1.0.14 fix eslintrc configuration in settings</p>
  15383. <p>1.0.13 bug fix</p>
  15384. <p>1.0.12 bug fix related to relative path of eslint</p>
  15385. <p>1.0.11 bug fixes, add quick fix to DotNotation rule</p>
  15386. <p>1.0.10 Add annotation and completion to eslintrc, add version to settings dialog, fix eslintrc not loading bug</p>
  15387. <p>1.0.9 Fix performance issue</p>
  15388. <p>1.0.8 Performance improvements, bug fixes, refresh inspection status when eslintrc or config change</p>
  15389. <p>1.0.7 Fix ClassNotFound Error</p>
  15390. <p>1.0.6 Add configuration options for node interpreter and eslintrc search, bug fixes</p>
  15391. <p>1.0.1 First version.</p>]]></change-notes><depends>JavaScript</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>3.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='26368' size='81308' date='1452664384000' url=''><name>ScaffAngular</name><id>org.weebly.generator</id><description><![CDATA[Scaffold Angular JS Components and respective unit tests.
  15392. <p>This plugin helps to: </p>
  15393. <ul>
  15394. <li>Standardize naming convention of angular components across the application</li>
  15395. <li>Bootstrap jasmine unit tests right next to source file</li>
  15396. <li>Bootstrap ngdoc documentation for the components</li>
  15397. </ul>
  15398. <p></p>
  15399. <p>Important ScaffAngular is now build with Java 7, please update JRE your IDE is running to 7+. You can check which JRE is currently used in Help -&gt; About</p>
  15400. <p>For any bugs or feature requests go to <a href="https://github.com/suparngp/scaffAngular" rel="nofollow">github</a>.</p>]]></description><version>2.1.2</version><vendor email='weeblysup@gmail.com' url=''>Weebly</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='131.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[1/12/2016 - 2.1.2
  15401. <ul>
  15402. <li>fixed typo in service spec template</li>
  15403. </ul> 12/11/2015 - 2.1.1
  15404. <ul>
  15405. <li>fixed missing underscores around component name in factory and service unit test templates</li>
  15406. </ul> 12/08/2015 - 2.1.0
  15407. <ul>
  15408. <li>fixed file naming issues</li>
  15409. </ul> 4/17/2015
  15410. <ul>
  15411. <li>fixed filter unit test stub</li>
  15412. </ul> 4/1/2015
  15413. <ul>
  15414. <li>More components (factory, filter)</li>
  15415. <li>Improved ngdoc</li>
  15416. </ul> 7/22/2014
  15417. <ul>
  15418. <li>Bug Fixes. Mainly around directives.</li>
  15419. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='34180' size='1836090' date='1452468554000' url=''><name>CommonJS AutoComplete</name><id>jballant.CommonJSAutoComplete</id><description><![CDATA[Provides AutoComplete for CommonJS require statements. Attempts to locate corresponding modules or files and complete require statements based on variable names.
  15420. <br />
  15421. <br />
  15422. <a href="https://github.com/jballant/CommonJSAutoComplete" rel="nofollow">Visit Github repo</a> for more documentation and to report issues. If you have a feature request that you would like to make, please post it here as well.]]></description><version>0.2.2</version><vendor email='' url='https://github.com/jballant'>James Ballantine</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='139.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[- Add basic support for ES6 imports
  15423. <br /> - Add support for TypeScript
  15424. <br />]]></change-notes><depends>JavaScript</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><rating>4.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='30497' size='603366' date='1431943579000' url='https://github.com/idok/jscs-plugin'><name>jscs</name><id>com.wix.jscs</id><description><![CDATA[jscs intellij integration.
  15425. <br />
  15426. <p>Support displaying jscs warnings as intellij inspections</p>
  15427. <p>Support for fixing javascript using --fix</p>
  15428. <p>Support presets</p>
  15429. <p>Support esnext</p>
  15430. <p>Support custom esprima</p>]]></description><version>1.0.5</version><vendor email='sir_simon_x@yahoo.com' url='https://github.com/idok'>Ido</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='131.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<p>1.0.5 NPE fix.</p>
  15431. <p>1.0.4 Add support for --fix.</p>
  15432. <p>1.0.3 Add support for esprima option for JSX.</p>
  15433. <p>1.0.2 Add support for esnext option for ES6.</p>
  15434. <p>1.0.1 Add preset.</p>
  15435. <p>1.0.0 First version.</p>]]></change-notes><depends>JavaScript</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='7101' size='26713314' date='1459704964000' url=''><name>SAP/Open UI5</name><id>com.atsebak.ui5</id><description><![CDATA[This is the SAP/Open UI5 Plugin for IDEA Platforms.]]></description><version>2.05</version><vendor email='ahmad@atsebak.com' url='http://www.atsebak.com/win.html'>At Sebak</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<b>Version 2.05</b>
  15436. <ul>
  15437. <li>Update UI5 libraries to 1.36.5</li>
  15438. </ul>
  15439. <b>Version 2.04</b>
  15440. <ul>
  15441. <li>Make Index.html lowercase on project creation to prevent bug running on linux</li>
  15442. </ul>
  15443. <b>Version 2.03</b>
  15444. <ul>
  15445. <li> Added more xsd documents on project creation. </li>
  15446. <li> Change language default to english. </li>
  15447. </ul>
  15448. <b>Version 2.02</b>
  15449. <ul>
  15450. <li> Added xsd to xml type projects for autocompletion for xml views. </li>
  15451. <li> Added css file to html file generated. </li>
  15452. </ul>
  15453. <b>Version 2.01</b>
  15454. <ul>
  15455. <li> Added autocomplete functionality. </li>
  15456. <li> SAP UI5 resource files are added once project is created. </li>
  15457. <li> </li>
  15458. <li> SAP UI5 run configuration is added once project is created. </li>
  15459. <li> Update UI5 Run Configuration to run static content on a webserver without java. </li>
  15460. <li> Change build version and what idea products can use the plugin. </li>
  15461. <li> Fixed UI components. </li>
  15462. <li> Fixed code generation errors. </li>
  15463. </ul>
  15464. <b>Version 2.0</b>
  15465. <ul>
  15466. <li> Complete rewrite of the plugin. </li>
  15467. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>JavaScript</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='5482' size='9553' date='1418712880000' url=''><name>elementor</name><id>com.karateca.elementorIdea</id><description><![CDATA[elementor
  15468. <p> A plugin to connect to <a href="https://github.com/andresdominguez/elementor" rel="nofollow">elementor</a> an improved element explorer for Protractor. </p> Instructions
  15469. <ul>
  15470. <li>Start elementor</li>
  15471. <li>Select a locator or expression that you test against Protractor</li>
  15472. <li>Press SHIFT Ctrl P (Command SHIFT P on a Mac) or right click and select &quot;Test selected locator&quot; to run. </li>
  15473. <li>See the results in a popup</li>
  15474. </ul>]]></description><version>1.0</version><vendor email='code@karateca.com' url='http://www.andresdominguez.com'>Andres Dominguez</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='131.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Version 1.0: Initial version.]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='37545' size='25340' date='1432577599000' url=''><name>JavaScript.next Support Plugin</name><id>com.intellij.lang.javascript.es67</id><description><![CDATA[Javascript ES6/7 syntax improvements and additions. Hope this plugin will be merged in feature to Intellij IDEA]]></description><version>1.2.0</version><vendor email='sergey.mamyan@gmail.com' url='https://github.com/casser/intellij-es67'>Sergey Mamyan</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='141.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Version 1.2.0
  15475. <p>Intellij IDEA 14.1.x now removed AtScript target for javascript and drop annotations, so this version will fix that.</p>
  15476. <ul>
  15477. <li>Migration to Intellij Idea 14.1.3</li>
  15478. </ul> Version 1.1.0
  15479. <p>Support only Intellij IDEA 14.1.x</p>
  15480. <p>Intellij IDEA 14.1.x now support ES6/AtScript natively, but still have syntax several issues, this plugin will fix following</p>
  15481. <ul>
  15482. <li>Migration to Intellij Idea 14.1.x (with AtScript support)</li>
  15483. <li>Annotated imports</li>
  15484. <li>Class members modifiers bug fix.</li>
  15485. <li>Static members annotations bug fix.</li>
  15486. <li>Indentation bug fixes.</li>
  15487. <li>Syntax highlights for annotations and async,await,from</li>
  15488. </ul> Version 1.0.1
  15489. <ul>
  15490. <li>Highlighting bug fix</li>
  15491. </ul> Version 1.0
  15492. <ul>
  15493. <li><a href="https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-134787" rel="nofollow">IDEA-134787</a> ES7 AtScript Annotations Support</li>
  15494. <li><a href="https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-134786" rel="nofollow">IDEA-134786</a> Javascript ES6 async/await support</li>
  15495. <li><a href="https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-134785" rel="nofollow">IDEA-134785</a> Javascript import/export parsing errors</li>
  15496. <li><a href="https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-134784" rel="nofollow">IDEA-134784</a> JavaScript Indentation Broken In for traits, export, import blocks</li>
  15497. <li><a href="https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-134784" rel="nofollow">IDEA-134784</a> traits, export, import block folding</li>
  15498. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>JavaScript</depends><rating>3.4</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='38004' size='7216035' date='1470791689000' url=''><name>Sencha Ext JS</name><id>com.sencha.idea.IdeaPlugin</id><description><![CDATA[Sencha Ext JS
  15499. <p>This plugin provides support for the Ext JS and Sencha Touch frameworks.</p>
  15500. <br>
  15501. <p> To try the plugin for free for 30 days, you must have a valid Sencha Forum ID. If you do not have one, you can try the plugin as part of the <a href="http://pages.sencha.com/Jetbrains-LP_1.html" rel="nofollow">Ext JS 6 trial</a>. You'll be asked to download the file and register for a free Forum ID. </p>
  15502. <br>
  15503. <p> This plugin is available for purchase from the <a href="https://www.sencha.com/store/extjs/" rel="nofollow">Sencha store</a> as part of the Ext JS Pro and Ext JS Premium editions. </p>
  15504. <br>
  15505. <p><a href="https://www.sencha.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?131-IDE-Plugins" rel="nofollow">Sencha IDE Plugins Forum</a></p>
  15506. <p><a href="http://docs.sencha.com/tools/ide_plugins/jetbrains_ide_plugin.html" rel="nofollow">Sencha JetBrains Plugin Guide</a></p> JetBrains IDE Version Support ExtJS Plugin v6.0.10
  15507. <ul>
  15508. <li>IntelliJ 2016.1+</li>
  15509. <li>WebStorm 2016.1+</li>
  15510. <li>PhpStorm 2016.1+</li>
  15511. <li>RubyMine 2016.1+</li>
  15512. <li>PyCharm 2016.1+</li>
  15513. </ul> ExtJS Plugin v6.0.8
  15514. <ul>
  15515. <li>IntelliJ 15.0.2+</li>
  15516. <li>WebStorm 11.0.2+</li>
  15517. <li>PhpStorm 10.0.2+</li>
  15518. <li>RubyMine 8.0.2+</li>
  15519. <li>PyCharm 5.0.2+</li>
  15520. </ul> ExtJS Plugin v6.0.6
  15521. <ul>
  15522. <li>IntelliJ 15.0.0 - 15.0.1</li>
  15523. <li>WebStorm 11.0.0 - 10.0.1</li>
  15524. <li>PhpStorm 10.0.0 - 10.0.1</li>
  15525. <li>RubyMine 8.0.0 - 8.0.1</li>
  15526. <li>PyCharm 5.0.0 - 5.0.1</li>
  15527. </ul> ExtJS Plugin v6.0.5
  15528. <ul>
  15529. <li>IntelliJ 14</li>
  15530. <li>WebStorm 10</li>
  15531. <li>PhpStorm 9</li>
  15532. <li>RubyMine 7</li>
  15533. <li>PyCharm 4</li>
  15534. </ul> Requirements
  15535. <ul>
  15536. <li>Ext JS 4+ or Sencha Touch 2+</li>
  15537. <li>Sencha Cmd 4+ (optional)</li>
  15538. </ul> Features Code Completion (ctrl-space)
  15539. <ul>
  15540. <li>config, method, and property names for all Ext JS and user classes</li>
  15541. <li>values for alias properties such as xtype, controller, viewModel, layout, etc...</li>
  15542. <li>event names in Component.on, .mon, .un, .mun, and listeners objects</li>
  15543. <li>css class names in all config properties and methods ending in 'cls'</li>
  15544. <li>this.lookupReference(...) in controllers with an alias</li>
  15545. <li>controller methods in listeners: { (event): (here) } as well as handler config property</li>
  15546. <li>model/store fields for Ext.grid.Column.dataIndex</li>
  15547. <li>properties from the ViewModel in bind configs</li>
  15548. </ul> Inspections/Quick Fixes
  15549. <ul>
  15550. <li>flags unused classes in the requires/uses arrays (can be configured to remove unused classes automatically via Preferences... Other Settings... Sencha)</li>
  15551. <li>flags classes in the uses/requires arrays which are already listed in parent classes</li>
  15552. <li>flags references to classes not in the requires/uses arrays (can be configured to add referenced classes automatically via Preferences... Other Settings... Sencha)</li>
  15553. <li>flags initComponent method without this.callParent()</li>
  15554. <li>flags references to unknown aliases such as controller: 'missingcontroller' and xtype: 'missingxtype'</li>
  15555. <li>flags references to unknown classes</li>
  15556. <li>flags class when namespace does not match the directory structure</li>
  15557. <li>flags class when name does not match the file name</li>
  15558. <li>flags references to missing controller methods in view event handlers, provides a quickfix to create the missing method.</li>
  15559. </ul> Find Usages
  15560. <ul>
  15561. <li>Right click on any class name to find usages</li>
  15562. </ul> Project Tree Actions
  15563. <ul>
  15564. <li>New Class (will automatically create subdirectories if "." is included - only available within an app or package)</li>
  15565. <li>New View Package (creates a directory containing a view, view model, and view controller - only available within the view directory of an app)</li>
  15566. <li>New App (requires Sencha Cmd - only available outside of an existing app)</li>
  15567. <li>New Workspace (requires Sencha Cmd - only available outside of an existing workspace)</li>
  15568. </ul> Navigation
  15569. <ul>
  15570. <li>provides click-through support for this.callParent() to navigate to the appropriate method on the parent class</li>
  15571. <li>provides click-through support for css class names in configs and methods ending in *cls</li>
  15572. </ul> Refactoring
  15573. <ul>
  15574. <li>rename file - updates the class name</li>
  15575. <li>move file - updates the class namespace</li>
  15576. </ul> Project Templates
  15577. <ul>
  15578. <li>New Ext JS App creates a new single app project using sencha cmd (sencha generate app - requires Sencha Cmd)</li>
  15579. <li>New Ext JS Workspace creates a new multi-app workspace project using sencha cmd (sencha generate workspace - requires Sencha Cmd)</li>
  15580. </ul> Code Generation
  15581. <ul>
  15582. <li>Generate... "Generate columns from model" - within a Ext.grid.Panel with a bound or declared store adds a column for each field in the store's model</li>
  15583. </ul> Class Templates (right-click on project tree... New... Class... )
  15584. <ul>
  15585. <li>Class</li>
  15586. <li>View</li>
  15587. <li>ViewModel</li>
  15588. <li>ViewController</li>
  15589. <li>Model</li>
  15590. <li>Controller</li>
  15591. <li>Store</li>
  15592. </ul> Live Templates
  15593. <ul>
  15594. <li>xc - Inserts Ext.create('', { })</li>
  15595. </ul> Run Configurations
  15596. <ul>
  15597. <li>Sencha App Watch (requires Sencha Cmd)</li>
  15598. </ul> Spell Checking
  15599. <ul>
  15600. <li>Adds many common Ext JS keywords such as xtype, xclass, and event names to the dictionary so they are not flagged as misspellings</li>
  15601. </ul>
  15602. <br>
  15603. <p>The trial version of this plugin is valid for 30 days.</p>]]></description><version></version><vendor email='support@sencha.com' url='https://www.sencha.com/'>Sencha</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Version 6.0.11
  15604. <ul>
  15605. <li>Provides compatibility with JetBrains 2016.2.1 releases</li>
  15606. </ul> Version 6.0.10
  15607. <ul>
  15608. <li>Provides compatibility with JetBrains 2016.2 releases</li>
  15609. </ul> Version 6.0.9
  15610. <ul>
  15611. <li>Provides compatibility with JetBrains 2016.1 releases</li>
  15612. </ul> Version 6.0.8
  15613. <ul>
  15614. <li>Fixed issue where indexing would get stuck in an infinite loop at startup.</li>
  15615. </ul> Version 6.0.7
  15616. <ul>
  15617. <li>Fixed blocker issues related to releases of IntelliJ 15.0.2, WebStorm 11.0.2, and *.0.2 releases of other JetBrains IDE</li>
  15618. </ul> Version 6.0.6
  15619. <ul>
  15620. <li>Fixed issues related to latest major releases of JetBrains IDEs (IntelliJ 15, WebStorm 11, PhpStorm 10, PyCharm 5, RubyMine 8). This release requires upgrading to latest major IDE versions.</li>
  15621. </ul> Version 6.0.5
  15622. <ul>
  15623. <li>Fixed error "Argument for @NotNull parameter 'file' of com/intellij/psi/impl/PsiManagerImpl.findDirectory must not be null" and bug where adding a controller method from a quick fix did not fill in the event parameters.</li>
  15624. </ul> Version 6.0.4
  15625. <ul>
  15626. <li>Added the option to run sencha app watch with the --inspect flag to support integration with Sencha Inspector.</li>
  15627. <li>Users can now add their own templates for new Ext JS Class generation, as long as the template name starts with "Ext JS".</li>
  15628. <li>Fixed several errors reported via the IDE and user forums.</li>
  15629. </ul> Version 6.0.3
  15630. <ul>
  15631. <li>Fixed several errors reported via the IDE and user forums.</li>
  15632. </ul> Version 6.0.2
  15633. <ul>
  15634. <li>Added ability to select themes when creating a Universal Ext JS 6 App</li>
  15635. <li>Fixed several errors reported via the IDE and user forums.</li>
  15636. </ul> Version 6.0.1
  15637. <ul>
  15638. <li>Fixed error reporting for users running Java 1.6 and 1.7</li>
  15639. <li>Fixed several errors reported via the IDE and user forums.</li>
  15640. </ul> Version 6.0.0
  15641. <ul>
  15642. <li>This is first GA commercial release of the Sencha Ext JS plugin.</li>
  15643. <li>Added support for Ext JS 6</li>
  15644. <li>Improved code completion for Ext JS 4 and Sencha Touch 2</li>
  15645. <li>Added code completion support for Ext.widget()</li>
  15646. <li>Requires/uses array inspection no longer marks references to classes required by a parent class as missing</li>
  15647. <li>Library scopes are now respected. This allows you to have multiple Sencha frameworks/versions in a single project. See http://docs.sencha.com/tools/ide_plugins/jetbrains_ide_plugin.html#Projects_with_both_Sencha_Touch_and_Ext_JS</li>
  15648. <li>Plugin now understands toolbar shortcuts '-', '-&gt;', and ' ' and will mark the corresponding classes as required</li>
  15649. <li>Fixed several errors reported via the IDE and through the user forums.</li>
  15650. </ul> Version 0.3.323
  15651. <ul>
  15652. <li>Fixed error reporting</li>
  15653. </ul> Version 0.3.316
  15654. <ul>
  15655. <li>Update EA expiration date to July 5, 2015</li>
  15656. </ul> Version 0.3.312
  15657. <ul>
  15658. <li>Classes are now ordered alphabetically in the requires/uses arrays automatically.</li>
  15659. <li>Classes in the uses or requires array of the parent class or application are no longer flagged if they do not appear in the uses or requires array of the child class.</li>
  15660. <li>If a class exists in both the uses or requires array for both a parent and child class, the child’s requires statement will be flagged as redundant.</li>
  15661. <li>Toolbar shorthand classes are added to requires array when used. </li>
  15662. <li>Classes in requires/uses arrays that are matched by wildcards (.*) are no longer flagged as missing dependencies.</li>
  15663. <li>Added support for completing views, models, and stores configs in controller and application subclasses.</li>
  15664. <li>Now completes region config values when using layout: ‘border’.</li>
  15665. <li>Added completion support for series, axes, and interaction types in in the sencha-charts package.</li>
  15666. <li>Added lots a of little fixes that improve code completion in Sencha Touch.</li>
  15667. <li>Renaming a directory now renames all classes in the directory and nested directories.</li>
  15668. </ul> Version 0.2.251
  15669. <ul>
  15670. <li>Improved performance when opening large files.</li>
  15671. <li>Added support for package creation.</li>
  15672. <li>Improved code completion on Ext JS 4 and Sencha Touch.</li>
  15673. <li>Improved handling of sencha cmd errors.</li>
  15674. <li>Fixed "cannot resolve symbol" errors in bind expressions and improved bind expression completion overall.</li>
  15675. <li>You can now choose an SDK when creating new apps and workspaces.</li>
  15676. <li>Now detects class references by ptype, ftype, when managing the requires array.</li>
  15677. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>JavaScript</depends><depends>com.intellij.css</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='815' size='78708' date='1502432067000' url=''><name>wsplugin</name><id>com.ws.unique.plugin.id</id><description><![CDATA[<b>wsplugin</b>
  15678. <br> Плагин для работы с ws
  15679. <br>
  15680. <br> Что реализованино:
  15681. <br> - переход и автодополнение в xhtml файлах (в тегах component и option)
  15682. <br> - переход и автодополнение в зависимостях requirejs модулей
  15683. <br> - диалог создания компонента
  15684. <br>]]></description><version>0.16</version><vendor email='' url='https://github.com/salahov/wsplugin/'></vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='131.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[0.16 - доработан поиск объявления компонента (define) в js-файлах, работает переход по названиям платформенных компонентов вида Core/.. 0.15 - tmpl-файлы добавлены в индекс]]></change-notes><depends>JavaScript</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.xml</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='3777' size='16764' date='1444964294000' url=''><name>JavaScript Test Finder</name><id>co.leantechniques.idea-js-test-finder</id><description><![CDATA[A simple JavaScript plugin to allow flipping back and forth between a JS test and the production file]]></description><version>0.2</version><vendor email='' url='http://www.leantechniques.co/'>Lean TECHniques</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='131.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='3801' size='104889' date='1462236914000' url=''><name>Symbols for JavaScript</name><id>com.webstorm.symbols</id><description><![CDATA[In JavaScript we quite often use strings as some kind of identifiers. Event and module names are good examples here.
  15685. <br>
  15686. <br> A good IDE should support this in my opinion. With this plugin you can define a format of your identifiers. Each JavaScript string matching this format becomes a 'symbol' which you can rename(Shift + F6), find usages of (Alt + F7) or Go To (CTRL + Click).
  15687. <br>
  15688. <br> By default all strings in format ':hyphen-identifier' are symbols but you can configure recognized formats in File -&gt; Settings -&gt; Other Settings -&gt; JavaScript Symbols.
  15689. <br>
  15690. <br> Find more details on the
  15691. <a href="https://github.com/ziolko/intellij-javascript-symbols" rel="nofollow">project home page</a>.]]></description><version>2.3</version><vendor email='mateusz.mzielinski@gmail.com' url='https://github.com/ziolko'>Mateusz Zieliński</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='141.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Added support for AngularJS binding expressions]]></change-notes><depends>JavaScript</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='4902' size='14431350' date='1506811750000' url=''><name>NetSuite Tools For WebStorm</name><id>netsuite.tools.plugin</id><description><![CDATA[<a href="https://github.com/Topher84/NetSuite-Tools-For-WebStorm" rel="nofollow">[GitHub] NetSuite Tools For WebStorm</a>
  15692. <br>
  15693. <a href="https://www.linkedin.com/in/creece84" rel="nofollow">[LinkedIn] Plugin Author</a>
  15694. <br>
  15695. <br> Open source WebStorm IDE plugin that uses NetSuite SuiteTalk 2017.1 WSDL to provide the ability to:
  15696. <ol>
  15697. <li>Specify <b><i>any</i></b> NetSuite File Cabinet Folder as the project root directory or select from SuiteScripts or SuiteBundles listing</li>
  15698. <li>Upload Folder(s) and File(s) to NetSuite File Cabinet</li>
  15699. <li>Compare local File(s) against NetSuite File Cabinet</li>
  15700. </ol>]]></description><version>1.1.0</version><vendor email='' url=''>Chris Reece</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='163.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[1.1.0 Added 2017.1 WSDL support]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='1447' size='8578' date='1475241387000' url=''><name>Matchmaker</name><id>com.lypeer.matchmaker</id><description><![CDATA[Plugin to easy your work on Wechat Weapp . This can help you inject functions to js file .]]></description><version>1.1</version><vendor email='luoyanglizi@outlook.com' url='https://github.com/lypeer'>lypeer</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='107.105' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<b>1.1</b> (30/09/2016)
  15701. <ul>
  15702. <li>Add support in WebStorm</li>
  15703. </ul>
  15704. <b>1.0</b> (29/09/2016)
  15705. <ul>
  15706. <li>Initial release</li>
  15707. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.all</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='97' size='264238' date='1513849982000' url=''><name>NEJ</name><id>com.netease.NEJ</id><description><![CDATA[happy coding with nej!
  15708. <br>如果有任何使用上的问题,可以联系:
  15709. <br> PoPo: hzwangdong5, mail: hzwangdong5@crop.netease.com (目前维护) PoPo: hzzhenglu, mail: abnerzheng@gmail.com
  15710. <br>]]></description><version>1.0</version><vendor email='abnerzheng@gmail.com' url=''>Abner Zheng</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='107.105' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<b>1.0</b>
  15711. <ul>
  15712. <li>支持NEJ define路径解析</li>
  15713. <li>支持NEJ 智能感知路径</li>
  15714. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>JavaScript</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.xml</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='25671' size='3146425' date='1516685350000' url=''><name>Quokka</name><id>quokka.js</id><description><![CDATA[Quokka is a rapid prototyping playground in your editor, with access to your project's files, inline reporting, code coverage and rich output formatting.]]></description><version>1.0.65</version><vendor email='hello@wallabyjs.com' url='http://quokkajs.com'>Wallaby.js</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='141.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='60' size='44544' date='1502094618000' url=''><name>Roc JS</name><id>com.flageolett.roc</id><description><![CDATA[Makes development with Roc even more pleasant.]]></description><version>1.0.2</version><vendor email='henning.kvinnesland@gmail.com' url='https://github.com/whitefire/roc-completion'>Flageolett</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[1.0.2
  15715. <ul>
  15716. <li>Added button for refreshing completions.</li>
  15717. <li>Improved quality of inserted completions.</li>
  15718. <li>Better handling of auto-popup completions.</li>
  15719. <li>Cursor is now moved to relvant position when a completion has been inserted.</li>
  15720. <li>Webpack-node is no longer reported to be a container.</li>
  15721. <li>Add sub-completions.</li>
  15722. <li>Added inspection for redundant settings.</li>
  15723. <li>Preferred quotes is now honored.</li>
  15724. </ul> 1.0.1
  15725. <ul>
  15726. <li>Switch to more robust method for fetching completions.</li>
  15727. <li>Improve clarity of error-messages.</li>
  15728. <li>Postpone fetching of completions until indexes are ready.</li>
  15729. <li>Prevent NPE when no completions are available.</li>
  15730. </ul> 1.0.0
  15731. <ul>
  15732. <li>Change must come from within!</li>
  15733. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>JavaScript</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><depends>org.jetbrains.plugins.terminal</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='41' size='57909' date='1507688485000' url=''><name>FineI18N</name><id>com.huangmb.idea.fineI18N</id><description><![CDATA[帆软数据分析APP 9.0项目国际化资源辅助插件
  15734. <br> FineReact 9.0 I18N resources helper
  15735. <br>
  15736. <img src="https://plugins.jetbrains.com/files/10088/screenshot_17382.png">]]></description><version>1.0.1</version><vendor email='huangmb413@163.com' url='http://www.fanruan.com'>huangmb</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='141.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[description in english]]></change-notes><depends>JavaScript</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='48' size='8084966' date='1516353293000' url=''><name>Quaty-Helper</name><id>com.linecorp.games.cs.quaty.helper</id><description><![CDATA[A intellij idea plugin help you write script more efficiently ^.^]]></description><version>1.1.8</version><vendor email='chen.yang@navercorp.com' url='https://github.com/BeiKeJieDeLiuLangMao'>贝克街的流浪猫</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='107.105' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Make all image parameter could be string type]]></change-notes><depends>JavaScript</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='933' size='3010' date='1514251727000' url=''><name>NPM Script Runner</name><id>com.github.syuchan1005.npmscriptrunner</id><description><![CDATA[Nodejs package.json scripts runner.]]></description><version>1.0</version><vendor email='syuchan.dev@gmail.com' url='https://twitter.com/syu_chan_1005'>syuchan1005</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>JavaScript</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin></category><ff>"Refactoring"</ff><category name="Refactoring"><idea-plugin downloads='6825' size='37355' date='1445794093000' url=''><name>Thesaurus</name><id>net.tweakers.intellij.thesaurus</id><description><![CDATA[Thesaurus
  15737. <p> Lookup a synonym for the word under the cursor for easier naming of your variable, parameters, methods and classes. Can be used to replace text in a variable, or during renaming. </p>
  15738. <p> To use it, do either of these: </p>
  15739. <ul>
  15740. <li>select a piece of text and go to the Refactor menu. You'll find the Thesaurus option there now.</li>
  15741. <li>rename anything (such as a variable or class). The dropdown on the rename modal window will now list synonyms.</li>
  15742. <p></p> To learn more, take a look at the repository: https://github.com/pascaldevink/intellij-thesaurus
  15743. </ul>]]></description><version>2.0.1</version><vendor email='pascal.de.vink@gmail.com' url='https://github.com/pascaldevink'>Pascal de Vink</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='133.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<b>2.0.1</b>
  15744. <ul>
  15745. <li>Improved documentation</li>
  15746. <li>Fixed namespacing issue</li>
  15747. </ul>
  15748. <b>2.0</b>
  15749. <ul>
  15750. <li>Complete overhaul with added support for PHPStorm on top of IntelliJ IDEA.</li>
  15751. </ul>
  15752. <b>1.0</b>
  15753. <ul>
  15754. <li>First version</li>
  15755. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='4196' size='62834' date='1401711529000' url=''><name>Jonnyzzz Dependencies</name><id>com.eugenePetrenko.idea.dependencies</id><description><![CDATA[This plugin provide an action to analyze project/modules for unused dependencies]]></description><version>1.0.10</version><vendor email='idea@jonnyzzz.name' url='http://blog.jonnyzzz.name'>Eugene Petrenko</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='133.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Fixed exception when IntelliJ is running under 1.6 java (mostly on Mac)]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='6707' size='11601' date='1500731072000' url=''><name>TYPO3 XLIFF Utility</name><id>de.onigunn.intellij.xliff</id><description><![CDATA[Eases the creation/updating of XLIFF translations. Select target text and invoke the "Create/Update XLIFF translation" action. Define your Unit ID and destination file. The given text is automatically replaced by the fluid translate view helper.]]></description><version>0.1.0</version><vendor email='info@onigunn.de' url='http://www.onigunn.de'>onigunn.de</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='141.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<b>0.1.0</b>
  15756. <ul>
  15757. <li>tag values are now CDATA quoted if required</li>
  15758. <li>preserve space can now applied on trans-unit tags</li>
  15759. <li>a lot of internal refactoring/improvement</li>
  15760. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='5705' size='43717' date='1507726363000' url=''><name>AndroidXmlSorter</name><id>org.roana0229.android-xml-sorter</id><description><![CDATA[Android Studio &amp; IntelliJ Plugin for sort xml by name="xxx".
  15761. <br> 'Editor &gt; PopupMenu(Right Click) &gt; Refactor &gt; Sort Xml By Name'
  15762. <br>
  15763. <br> Options
  15764. <br> - Insert space between difference prefix
  15765. <br> - Insert version and encoding
  15766. <br> - Delete comment
  15767. <br> - Code indent number]]></description><version>1.1.0</version><vendor email='roana.enter@gmail.com' url='https://github.com/roana0229/android-xml-sorter'>roana0229</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='141.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Updated Add instant sort shortcut.]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.xml</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='10030' size='17123' date='1509724629000' url=''><name>Es6 intentions</name><id>com.juanpany.es6.intentions</id><description><![CDATA[ES6 custom actions.
  15768. <br>]]></description><version>0.2.3</version><vendor email='juanf.tonina@gmail.com' url=''>Juan</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='131.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Fixed a bug where an unknown file type would cause the plugin to die a horrible death. This was fixed by using the ancient "try all of this and catch any nasty stuff" method]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='201' size='41410' date='1510057639000' url='https://github.com/CoreMedia/jangaroo-idea-migration'><name>Jangaroo Migration to Ext AS 6</name><id>net.jangaroo.idea.migration</id><description><![CDATA[Migrate ActionScript and MXML code from Ext AS 3.4 to Ext AS 6.]]></description><version>1.1</version><vendor email='info@jangaroo.net' url='http://www.jangaroo.net'>Jangaroo</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='163.7743' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Eventually: IDEA 2017 compatibility!]]></change-notes><depends>net.jangaroo.idea.4</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin></category><ff>"Viewer"</ff><category name="Viewer"><idea-plugin downloads='10716' size='7589' date='1501164210000' url=''><name>Show As ...</name><id>Show As ...</id><description><![CDATA[A small plugin to display formatted data out of the debugger.
  15769. <br>
  15770. <br> Uses IntelliJ's build-in formatting capabilities.
  15771. <br> No more need to copy values from debugger to a file to format them there. Following formats are supported:
  15772. <br>
  15773. <ul>
  15774. <li>JSON</li>
  15775. <li>SQL</li>
  15776. <li>XML</li>
  15777. <li>Base64 encoded JSON</li>
  15778. <li>Base64 encoded text</li>
  15779. </ul> Usage: While debugging, a new context menu item ("Show as") is added to every variable, allowing you to display the value of this variable formatted. The context menu item is available in debugger -&gt; variables, debugger -&gt; watches and when evaluating expressions.]]></description><version>0.6</version><vendor email='woezelmann@gmail.com' url=''>Christoph Kamil Wozniak</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='141.2735' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Added SQL formatting.]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.database</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.xdebugger</depends><rating>1.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='40632' size='1059650' date='1435776577000' url=''><name>JSONOnlineViewer</name><id>com.remoterapp.adbremote.jsonviewer.id</id><description><![CDATA[<p>Viewer to allow request json data from online endpoints direct in your favourite IDE</p>
  15780. <p>For open viewer go to View &gt; JSONViewer</p>
  15781. <p>Viewer enable add headers or/and request body to any type of request such as POST, GET etc.</p>
  15782. <p>Every request include its headers, httpmethod, body and url is save to history and could be use later (select from history and double click)</p>]]></description><version>0.1.1</version><vendor email='robslama@gmail.com' url=''>Rob Slama</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='123.72' /><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='807' size='59889' date='1479247356000' url=''><name>TransPlug</name><id>pl.jgorowski.transplug</id><description><![CDATA[<p><b>TransPlug<b> is a simple plugin for JetBrains IDE (PhpStorm, WebStorm etc.) It provides easy way to manage translation files in your project. </b></b></p>
  15783. <p><b><b> </b></b></p>
  15784. <b><b>How to use</b></b>
  15785. <b><b>
  15786. <ol>
  15787. <li> Prepare translation files. All translations should be in one dir. Filename should be like `locale-hereLangCode.json` for example `locale-en.json`</li>
  15788. <li> Install plugin from JetBrains plugin repository.</li>
  15789. <li> To open plugin window use key shortcut `ctrl+alt+shift+k`, or click on tab on bottom of the screen.</li>
  15790. <li> Click `settings` button and pass path for dir with translations (relative to project root).</li>
  15791. <li> Enjoy!</li>
  15792. </ol> Features
  15793. <ul>
  15794. <li> JSON files support </li>
  15795. <li> All translations shown in readable table </li>
  15796. <li> Incomplete translations are marked </li>
  15797. <li> Translation can be added and edited </li> Known issues
  15798. <ul>
  15799. <li> Plugin doesn't work properly when IDE has opened more then one project </li>
  15800. </ul> See me on
  15801. <a href="https://github.com/kubut/TransPlug" rel="nofollow">Github</a>
  15802. </ul></b></b>]]></description><version>0.5.0</version><vendor email='ja@jgorowskipl' url='http://www.jgorowski.pl'>Spline Software</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='139.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<b>0.5.0</b>
  15803. <ul>
  15804. <li> Fixed right-menu</li>
  15805. <li> Fixed add option</li>
  15806. <li> Added option 'Show file' to right menu</li>
  15807. </ul>
  15808. <b>0.4.0</b>
  15809. <ul>
  15810. <li> Translation can be added by right-click</li>
  15811. <li> Translation's key can be copied by right-click</li>
  15812. <li> Few fixes</li>
  15813. </ul>
  15814. <b>0.3.1</b>
  15815. <ul>
  15816. <li> Translation can be added</li>
  15817. <li> Some little fixes</li>
  15818. </ul>
  15819. <b>0.2.0</b>
  15820. <ul>
  15821. <li> Incomplete translations are marked</li>
  15822. <li> Translation can be edited</li>
  15823. </ul>
  15824. <b>0.1.0</b>
  15825. <ul>
  15826. <li> All translations shown in readable table</li>
  15827. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='1996' size='38465' date='1471520967000' url=''><name>Easy-Translation</name><id>com.gogh.android.plugin.easytranslation</id><description><![CDATA[An Intellij/Android Studio plugin that support Chinese English words or sentence translation of each other, this function is simple, but very useful, if you have any questions or suggestions in the course, you can always feedback.
  15828. <br>
  15829. <br>
  15830. <p> Instructions(important update): </p>
  15831. <li>1. Double click to select the English word you want to translate. </li>
  15832. <li>2. Press shortcut key(Alt + A) to view translation result. </li>
  15833. <li>3. To Step 2. you also can right click the word and select menu item "Translate". </li>
  15834. <li>4. Another way is to press shortcut(Alt + S) display translation content in tool window(Floation Mode or Pinned Mode). </li>
  15835. <li>5. Press shortcut key(Shift + F10) to select an translation engine(Google or YouDao) to translate it in web page . </li>
  15836. <br>
  15837. <p> Fixed: </p>
  15838. <li>1. Solve the garbage problem. </li>
  15839. <li>2. The balloon support for mouse events. </li>]]></description><version>1.04.07</version><vendor email='xiaofeng355@gmial.com' url='http://xiaofeng.site/'>Gogh&apos;s Blog</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='141.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Modify compatibility.]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>4.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='14969' size='130269' date='1496643113000' url=''><name>JSON Viewer</name><id>com.potterhsu.jsonviewer</id><description><![CDATA[JetBrains IDE plugin for viewing formatted JSON text on tool window.]]></description><version>0.3</version><vendor email='potterhsu0818@gmail.com' url='https://github.com/potterhsu'>Potter Hsu</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='141.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Bug fix.]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>4.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='1312' size='4800642' date='1509381658000' url=''><name>JWT (JSON Web Token) Analyzer</name><id>com.github.novotnyr.jwt-intellij-plugin</id><description><![CDATA[JSON Web Token Parser and Analyzer.]]></description><version>0.3</version><vendor email='novotnr0@gmail.com' url='https://github.com/novotnyr/jwt-intellij-plugin'>Róbert Novotný</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='143.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[* Allow adding and removing claims from claim table * Handle exception when copying an empty JWT to clipboard]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>3.0</rating></idea-plugin></category><ff>"PluginUploader"</ff><category name="PluginUploader"><idea-plugin downloads='945' size='950355' date='1473664747000' url=''><name>Bugly</name><id>com.tencent.bugly.plugin.idea</id><description><![CDATA[This is the bugly intellij idea plugin, you can use it to quickly upload or replace apk file on bugly.]]></description><version>1.0</version><vendor email='wenjiewu@tencent.com' url='https://bugly.qq.com/v2/'>Bugly</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='107.105' /><change-notes><![CDATA[v1.0 Add:
  15840. <br> - support apk upload
  15841. <br>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin></category><ff>"Folder"</ff><category name="Folder"><idea-plugin downloads='18271' size='42147' date='1463485584000' url=''><name>FavoriteFolders</name><id>FavoriteFolders</id><description><![CDATA[Adds favorite folders into FileChooser dialog toolbar.]]></description><version></version><vendor email='xblackcat@gmail.com' url='https://code.google.com/archive/p/favoritefolders-idea-plugin'>xBlackCat</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.1' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<b>v1.2.0.1</b> - Fix exception at loading plugin in 2016.2 EAP]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><rating>4.8</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='510' size='3442' date='1374617718000' url=''><name>PlainTextr</name><id>ru.salerman.plaintextr</id><description><![CDATA[Mark files in directory as Plain Text recursively.]]></description><version>1.0</version><vendor email='support@salerman.ru' url='http://www.salerman.ru'>Salerman</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='107.105' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Initial compile]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><depends>com.jetbrains.php</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='728' size='3235' date='1491460769000' url=''><name>Exclude Symlinks</name><id>ru.neofusion.ExcludeSymlinks</id><description><![CDATA[Exclude symlinks in subdirectories.]]></description><version>0.1</version><vendor email='evgeniy@neofusion.ru' url='http://neofusion.ru'>Evgeniy NeoFusion</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='45' size='13839' date='1511884966000' url=''><name>Nstack Translation folding</name><id>com.nodesagency.plugin.nstack_translation_folding</id><description><![CDATA[This is a Nstack related plugin. This plugin replaces the Translation class reference expression with a placeholder containing the reference actual value.]]></description><version>2.1</version><vendor email='vlos@nodesagency.com' url='http://www.nodesagancy.com'>Nodes Agency</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.all</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin></category><ff>"Formatting"</ff><category name="Formatting"><idea-plugin downloads='675730' size='18788595' date='1501692434000' url='http://plugins.intellij.net/plugin/?idea&amp;id=6546'><name>Eclipse Code Formatter</name><id>EclipseCodeFormatter</id><description><![CDATA[Allows using Eclipse's code formatter directly from IntelliJ.
  15842. <br> Solves the problem of maintaining a common code style in team environments where both IDEA and Eclipse are used.
  15843. <br>
  15844. <br> Go to
  15845. <a href="https://github.com/krasa/EclipseCodeFormatter#instructions" rel="nofollow">https://github.com/krasa/EclipseCodeFormatter#instructions</a> for instructions how to use it.
  15846. <br>
  15847. <br> Currently supports formatting of
  15848. <br> -Java (bundled Eclipse 4.7 Oxygen (requires JRE 1.8) and 4.4 libs, also emulates Eclipse's imports optimizing, configurable external Eclipse location for Eclipse 4.5+, Workspace Mechanic support)
  15849. <br> -C/C++ (Eclipse 4.6.3 (requires JRE 1.7))
  15850. <br> -JavaScript (Eclipse 4.4)
  15851. <br> -GWT (Eclipse 4.4)
  15852. <br>
  15853. <br>
  15854. <a href="https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_donations&amp;business=75YN7U7H7D7XU&amp;lc=CZ&amp;item_name=Eclipse%20code%20formatter%20%2d%20IntelliJ%20plugin%20%2d%20Donation&amp;currency_code=USD&amp;bn=PP%2dDonationsBF%3abtn_donateCC_LG%2egif%3aNonHostedGuest" rel="nofollow">Small donations are welcomed.</a>]]></description><version></version><vendor email='vojta.krasa@gmail.com' url='https://github.com/krasa/EclipseCodeFormatter'>Vojtech
  15855. Krasa</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='132.637' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<br>16.6, 17.2 (2017-08-02)
  15856. <br>- Global profiles sync fix
  15857. <br>16.5 (2017-07-20)
  15858. <br>- Release of 17.1 with Eclipse 4.6.3
  15859. <br>17.1 (2017-07-14)
  15860. <br>- Javadoc indent fix
  15861. <br>- Improved performance
  15862. <br>17.0 (2017-07-07)
  15863. <br>- Bundled formatters from Eclipse 4.7
  15864. <br>- Introduced Project Specific profile
  15865. <br>- Migrated mixc.xml persistence to a separate file (.idea/eclipseCodeFormatter.xml)
  15866. <br>- Added live template for surrounding with @formatter:off
  15867. <br>- Added HD icons
  15868. <br>16.4 (2017-06-02)
  15869. <br>- Improved compatibility with other formatter plugins
  15870. <br>- Fixed unnecessary mixc.xml changes
  15871. <br>16.3 (2017-04-03)
  15872. <br>- Fixes incorrect parsing of import order from *.prefs
  15873. <br>16.2 (2017-01-30)
  15874. <br>- Update labels in settings dialog
  15875. <br>16.1 (2017-01-10)
  15876. <br>- Support for Workspace Mechanic configuration files (*.epf) (Java formatter only)
  15877. <br>- hooking on IntelliJ API with dynamic proxies
  15878. <br>16.0 (2016-09-07)
  15879. <br>- disabled asserts
  15880. <br>15.9 (2016-08-29)
  15881. <br>- bundled formatters from Eclipse 4.6 - requires JDK 1.8
  15882. <br>- Import order fix for inner classes
  15883. <br>- bundled formatters from Eclipse 4.6
  15884. <br>- support for installation location in a default plugins folder
  15885. <br>15.8 (2016-07-16)
  15886. <br>- Another import order fix
  15887. <br>15.7 (2016-07-01)
  15888. <br>- Import order fix
  15889. <br>15.6 (2016-06-10)
  15890. <br>- configuration enabled for default project
  15891. <br>- external Eclipse location fix for IJ 13
  15892. <br>- import order edge case fixed
  15893. <br>15.5 (2016-05-06)
  15894. <br>- upgraded C, Java formatter from Eclipse 4.5.2
  15895. <br>- installed Eclipse (4.5+) can be chosen to format Java code
  15896. <br>- added new import ordering implementation to match Eclipse 4.5.2
  15897. <br>- fixed: editor tab changes to blue when there's no changes after format
  15898. <br>- repacked and compressed jars to reduce size
  15899. <br>- settings scrollbar fixed
  15900. <br>15.4 (2016-01-25)
  15901. <br>- upgraded C, Java formatter from Eclipse Mars (4.5.1) - requires JRE 1.7
  15902. <br>- fixed settings form for new IJ 15, 16
  15903. <br>15.3 (2015-11-19)
  15904. <br>- upgraded Java formatter from Eclipse Mars SR1 (4.5.1) - requires JRE 1.7
  15905. <br>15.2.x.2 (2015-08-13)
  15906. <br>- IndexOutOfBoundsException fix
  15907. <br>15.2 (2015-08-07)
  15908. <br>- fixed cursor jumping after formatting
  15909. <br>- probably fixed 'Attempt to modify PSI for non-committed Document!' after import optimizing
  15910. <br>- disabled info notification popups
  15911. <br>15.1 (2015-07-21)
  15912. <br>- C/C++ support - requires to run IDE with JRE 1.7, matched for file types defined in: 'Settings | Editor | File Types' with 'C++' name
  15913. <br>- better matching of JS file types
  15914. <br>- upgraded Java formatter from Eclipse Mars 4.5 - requires JRE 1.7
  15915. <br>- configurable use of the old Java formatter from Eclipse 4.4 - requires JRE 1.6
  15916. <br>15.0 (2015-06-22)
  15917. <br>- new IJ 15 API
  15918. <br>14.9 (2015-06-15)
  15919. <br>- fixed reformat for 'only VCS changed text'
  15920. <br>14.8 (2015-01-29)
  15921. <br>- fixed jsp import optimizing
  15922. <br>14.7 (2014-12-02)
  15923. <br>- exception fix for Android Studio
  15924. <br>14.6 (2014-11-05)
  15925. <br>- libs from Eclipse 4.4.1
  15926. <br>- configurable formatting for Live Templates (default off)
  15927. <br>14.5 (2014-10-22)
  15928. <br>- fixed notifications settings for IJ 14
  15929. <br>- import optimizing fix
  15930. <br>- settings scroll pane added
  15931. <br>14.4 (2014-09-12)
  15932. <br>- Live templates formatting fix
  15933. <br>14.3 (2014-09-11)
  15934. <br>- StringIndexOutOfBoundsException when formatting during commit
  15935. <br>14.2 (2014-07-16)
  15936. <br>- java formatter from Eclipse 4.4 - supports Java 1.8
  15937. <br>- language level used for formatting is loaded from project settings
  15938. <br>14.1 (2014-04-08)
  15939. <br>- persisting of project specific enabling/disabling of the formatter
  15940. <br>14.0 (2014-03-31)
  15941. <br>- project specific enabling/disabling of the formatter
  15942. <br> (2014-01-15)
  15943. <br>- error handling
  15944. <br>4.1.0 (2013-11-24)
  15945. <br>- Updated libs for Java formatting to Eclipse 4.3.1
  15946. <br>4.0.0 (2013-11-22)
  15947. <br>- Proper Import Optimizer integration, it is no longer true that IntelliJ's Import Optimizing must be turned off, quite the opposite.
  15948. <br>- Hard-coded using of language level to 1.7 if configured lower in eclipse settings file, to be more user friendly.
  15949. <br>3.9.0 (2013-11-21)
  15950. <br>- IJ 13 API changes
  15951. <br>3.8.1 (2013-10-17)
  15952. <br>- better error messages.
  15953. <br>3.8.0 (2013-10-15)
  15954. <br>- format "Only VCS changed text" fixed
  15955. <br>3.7.0 (2013-08-07)
  15956. <br>- fix for custom static imports order
  15957. <br>- settings validations
  15958. <br>3.6.0 (2013-04-22)
  15959. <br>- import order fix - issue #44
  15960. <br>...
  15961. <br>0.1 (2011-11-01)
  15962. <br>- Initial release]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>4.8</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='27500' size='15267' date='1406409849000' url=''><name>CSSReorder (beta)</name><id>com.rudeshko.csscomb</id><description><![CDATA[<strong>Very early version, use on your own risk. Stay tuned for updates.</strong>
  15963. <br />
  15964. <br /> A tool for sorting CSS properties in specific order (for now using default order as defined on http://csscomb.ru/online/).
  15965. <br />
  15966. <br /> Feel free to contribute:
  15967. <a href="https://github.com/anton-rudeshko/CSSReorder" rel="nofollow">https://github.com/anton-rudeshko/CSSReorder</a>]]></description><version>0.5.1</version><vendor email='anton@rudeshko.com' url='http://www.rudeshko.com'>Anton Rudeshko</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='138.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Upgrading to new platform API to support WebStorm 8, PHPStorm 8 and IDEA 14.]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.css</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>2.7</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='181443' size='37927' date='1510760618000' url=''><name>EditorConfig</name><id>org.editorconfig.editorconfigjetbrains</id><description><![CDATA[A JetBrains IDE plugin supporting the EditorConfig standard]]></description><version>173.3727.2</version><vendor email='' url='http://editorconfig.org'>Kevin Bell, JetBrains</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='173.3727' until-build='173.*'/><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>4.6</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='18265' size='16991' date='1487810913000' url=''><name>Css Alphabetical Rearranger</name><id>CssAlphabeticalRearranger</id><description><![CDATA[This plugin for sorting CSS properties in alphabetical order. To run rearrange your css file press Rearrange Code im Main Menu -&gt; Code -&gt; Rearrange Code. Also you can check Rearrange Entries in Reformat Code dialog (Ctrl+Alt+L).]]></description><version>0.6</version><vendor email='pasechnik.alexander@gmail.com' url=''>Alexander Pasechnik</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='138.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<b>v0.6</b> (23.02.2017)
  15968. <ul>
  15969. <li>Add support for SCSS</li>
  15970. </ul>
  15971. <b>v0.5</b> (25.10.2016)
  15972. <ul>
  15973. <li>Add support for Flexbox properties</li>
  15974. </ul>
  15975. <b>v0.4</b> (28.10.2014)
  15976. <ul>
  15977. <li>Build with new SDK for WebStorm 9, IDEA 14 etc.</li>
  15978. </ul>
  15979. <b>v0.3</b> (17.06.2014)
  15980. <ul>
  15981. <li>Build with JDK 1.6</li>
  15982. </ul>
  15983. <b>v0.2</b> (15.06.2014)
  15984. <ul>
  15985. <li>Now css properties also sorted by prefixes.</li>
  15986. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.css</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><depends>org.jetbrains.plugins.sass</depends><rating>4.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='6277' size='33940' date='1451174704000' url='https://github.com/anton-dev-ua/PipeTableFormatter'><name>Pipe Table Formatter</name><id>anton_dev_ua.PipeTableFormatter</id><description><![CDATA[Small plugin for formatting text blocks that represents a table delimited by pipe (|). For example, can be used to format JBehave examples table.
  15987. <br />
  15988. <br /> Supported delimiters: pipe, comma, tab. When formatting, any of supported delimiters are replaced with pipe.
  15989. <br />
  15990. <br />
  15991. <b>Usage</b>
  15992. <br /> Select text in the editor or place caret inside a table and choose action &quot;Pipe Table&quot; -&gt; &quot;Format&quot; in Code menu or in editor popup menu.
  15993. <br />]]></description><version>0.5.0</version><vendor email='' url='https://github.com/anton-dev-ua/PipeTableFormatter'></vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='123.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<b>Version 0.5.0</b>
  15994. <ul>
  15995. <li>Preserves comment in row commented out with &quot;|--&quot;</li>
  15996. <li>Format Without Outer Pipes action is replaced with Format Preserving Outer State - it preserves indentation and presence/absence of leading/trailing pipes</li>
  15997. </ul>
  15998. <b>Version 0.4.2</b>
  15999. <ul>
  16000. <li>Pipe is treated as primary delimiter - if table contains pipe any other delimiter is ignored </li>
  16001. </ul>
  16002. <b>Version 0.4.1</b>
  16003. <ul>
  16004. <li>Format All Tables action formats only tables delimited with pipe, ignoring tables delimited with comma and tabulation</li>
  16005. </ul>
  16006. <b>Version 0.4</b>
  16007. <ul>
  16008. <li>New action: format all tables in the text</li>
  16009. </ul>
  16010. <b>Version 0.3.1</b>
  16011. <ul>
  16012. <li>New action: format table without outer pipes</li>
  16013. </ul>
  16014. <b>Version 0.3</b>
  16015. <ul>
  16016. <li>Pipe Table actions are added to editor popup menu</li>
  16017. <li>New action: add column</li>
  16018. <li>New action: auto-select table without formatting</li>
  16019. <li>Bug fixes</li>
  16020. </ul>
  16021. <b>Version 0.2.3</b>
  16022. <ul>
  16023. <li>Fixed bug: plugin crashed when column has zero width (no values in the column)</li>
  16024. </ul>
  16025. <b>Version 0.2.2</b>
  16026. <ul>
  16027. <li>Don't mix delimiters when detecting and parsing table, i.e. if table delimiter is pipe then comma is not treated as a delimiter.</li>
  16028. <li>Support for tab delimiter</li>
  16029. </ul>
  16030. <b>Version 0.2.1</b>
  16031. <ul>
  16032. <li>Autoselect table around caret position</li>
  16033. </ul>
  16034. <b>Version 0.2</b>
  16035. <ul>
  16036. <li>Support for comma delimited tables (converting to pipe delimited)</li>
  16037. <li>Support for quoted values</li>
  16038. </ul>
  16039. <b>Version 0.1</b>
  16040. <ul>
  16041. <li>Formatting pipe delimited table to human readable representation</li>
  16042. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='7204' size='163209' date='1465230249000' url=''><name>PhpStorm phpfmt</name><id>phpfmt</id><description><![CDATA[Plugin to format PHP code]]></description><version>1.1.1</version><vendor email='klein.shaked@gmail.com' url=''>phpstorm-phpfmt</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='141.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[The plugin now follows phpfmt's new release process. This means that phpfmt will be updated automatically unless stated otherwise. You are welcome to check the new settings in the settings panel.]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><depends>com.jetbrains.php</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='5556' size='57178' date='1467347735000' url=''><name>ClangFormatIJ</name><id>io.probst.idea.clangformat</id><description><![CDATA[<p>Runs <code>clang-format</code> on the statement or selection.</p>
  16043. <p><code>clang-format</code> is a versatile and beautiful formatter for C++, proto, Java, JavaScript, and TypeScript.</p>
  16044. <p>This plugin does not contain <code>clang-format</code> itself, you must install it separately. <code>clang-format</code> is available in e.g. npm, or homebrew for Mac. This plugin also has no configuration, please use the regular <code>.clang-format</code> mechanism.</p>
  16045. <p>If you are using Mac OS X and have trouble getting it to run, please make sure to set your PATH environment in $HOME/.profile. Mac OS X seems to ignore $HOME/.bash_profile for applications launched from the Finder.</p>]]></description><version>1.0.8</version><vendor email='martin@probst.io' url='http://probst.io/blog/'>Martin Probst</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='141.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<ul>
  16046. <li><b>1.0.8</b> - Pass -style=file to clang-format.</li>
  16047. <li><b>1.0.7</b> - Change the default keybinding to Ctrl/Cmd-Alt-K, which doesn't conflict with known existing bindings.</li>
  16048. <li><b>1.0.6</b> - Search the PATH for the binary.</li>
  16049. <li><b>1.0.5</b> - Use a login shell to find PATH on Mac OS, add a config panel.</li>
  16050. <li><b>1.0.4</b> - Drop crazy PATH logic, recommend $HOME/.profile to users.</li>
  16051. <li><b>1.0.3</b> - Fix location math, add logic to find binary on MacOS X.</li>
  16052. <li><b>1.0.2</b> - Use the full file path, so that clang-format picks up the correct configuration file.</li>
  16053. <li><b>1.0.1</b> - Fix description.</li>
  16054. <li><b>1.0</b> - Initial version.</li>
  16055. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='2770' size='6916' date='1465919812000' url=''><name>Bazel Build Formatter</name><id>com.octogog.idea.bazel-build-formatter</id><description><![CDATA[An IntelliJ plugin to format
  16056. <a href="http://www.bazel.io" rel="nofollow">Bazel</a>'s BUILD and WORKSPACE files using
  16057. <a href="https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildifier" rel="nofollow">buildifier</a>.
  16058. <br>
  16059. <br> You must install
  16060. <a href="https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildifier" rel="nofollow">buildifier</a> separately.
  16061. <br>
  16062. <br> Usage
  16063. <br> =====
  16064. <br> While on a BUILD or WORKSPACE file right-click and select "Format BUILD file". Alternatively use the shortcut Shift-Alt-K.]]></description><version></version><vendor email='pablovp@gmail.com' url=''>pablovp</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='141.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<ul>
  16065. <li><b></b> - Updated link to Bazel in the description.</li>
  16066. <li><b></b> - Updated description.</li>
  16067. <li><b></b> - Updated link to buildifier.</li>
  16068. <li><b></b> - Updated plugin description.</li>
  16069. <li><b>0.1.3</b> - Updated plugin description.</li>
  16070. <li><b>0.1.2</b> - Fixed buffer to disk synchronization issues.</li>
  16071. <li><b>0.1.1</b> - Fixed description.</li>
  16072. <li><b>0.1</b> - Initial commit.</li>
  16073. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='2749' size='50541' date='1469054985000' url='https://github.com/vkurdin/idea-php-lambda-folding'><name>PHP Lambda Folding</name><id>ru.vkurdin.idea.php.lambdafolding</id><description><![CDATA[Plugin folds one-line closures into more concise form and provides some type inference for closure arguments. Closure body must consist of one return statement enclosing expression.]]></description><version>0.3.0</version><vendor email='vasiliy.kurdin@gmail.com' url='https://github.com/vkurdin'>Vasiliy Kurdin</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='143.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<b>v0.3.0:</b> type inference for callables' arguments inside fluent calls to \PhpOption\Option(Some, None)
  16074. <br>
  16075. <br>
  16076. <b>v0.2.0:</b> type inference for arguments of closures passed to array_map(), array_filter(), array_udiff(), array_reduce(), usort(), uasort()
  16077. <br>
  16078. <br>
  16079. <b>v0.1.0:</b> Initial release]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><depends>com.jetbrains.php</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='26118' size='5150759' date='1509135764000' url='https://github.com/google/google-java-format/tree/master/idea_plugin'><name>google-java-format</name><id>google-java-format</id><description><![CDATA[Formats source code using the google-java-format tool. This version of the plugin uses version 1.5 of the tool.1.5]]></description><version></version><vendor email='' url='https://github.com/google/google-java-format'>Google</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='173.0' until-build='173.*'/><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='1702' size='21416' date='1482938425000' url=''><name>LayoutFormat</name><id>com.shang.android.layoutformat</id><description><![CDATA[this is a plugin for android Layout formatting,you can use this plugin to farmat you layout.xml; it can make you layout.xml more beautiful. it will creat new string values in values/strings.xml and dimen values in values/dimens.xml for those hard_coded in layout.xml. Any question,please sent me emails to contact. My email address: 920621870@qq.com
  16080. <br>
  16081. <em>http://www.jianshu.com/p/87a413d7c8a7</em>]]></description><version>1.2.2</version><vendor email='920621870@qq.com' url='https://github.com/shang1101'>shang1101</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='131.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[v1.2.2 keep the order of elements in dimens.xml and string.xml, fixed bug when dimens is minus
  16082. <br> v1.2 fixed bug when dimens is minus,and add rules for android width,height
  16083. <br> v1.1 fixed bugs in Batched Format
  16084. <br> usage
  16085. <em>http://www.jianshu.com/p/87a413d7c8a7</em>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><depends>org.jetbrains.android</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='1061' size='8716' date='1472073803000' url='https://github.com/TobseF/'><name>i18n-Formatter</name><id>de.tfr.idea.plugins.i18n-formatter</id><description><![CDATA[Add
  16086. <em>Format Messages.properties</em> action in
  16087. <em>Edit</em> menu to format the current opened message.property-file.]]></description><version>1.0.4</version><vendor email='tfr@itscope.de' url='https://github.com/tfr'>Tobias Fritz</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='90.10000' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<b>1.0.4</b> (24/08/2016)
  16088. <ul>
  16089. <li>Sort keys inside a group</li>
  16090. <li>Ignore lines with missing value</li>
  16091. <li>Ignore lines with missing key</li>
  16092. </ul>
  16093. <b>1.0.3</b> (14/04/2016)
  16094. <ul>
  16095. <li>Add 'formatter:off' on first line</li>
  16096. </ul>
  16097. <b>1.0.2</b> (03/01/2016)
  16098. <ul>
  16099. <li>Support for all IntelliJ Platform Products</li>
  16100. </ul>
  16101. <b>1.0</b> (02/01/2016)
  16102. <ul>
  16103. <li>Initial release</li>
  16104. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='1643' size='34090328' date='1492004388000' url=''><name>IntelliJ uroboroSQL Formatter</name><id>jp.co.future.ideausqlfmt</id><description><![CDATA[IntelliJ uroboroSQL Formatter
  16105. <p> <img src="https://github.com/future-architect/uroboroSQL-formatter/raw/master/image/uroboroSQLformatter_logo.png"> </p>
  16106. <p>UroboroSQL Formatter is often used in enterprise systems, For formatting to a highly maintainable style even for very long SQL (1 K step or more) It is a plug-in of IntelliJ IDEA.</p>
  16107. <p>In particular, in countries where English is not their mother tongue, such as Japan, comments may be included in SELECT clauses. In that case, we will align the vertical position of the AS clause and the comment, pursuing the viewability which can be said as artistic anymore, This was developed to realize this automatically.</p> How to use
  16108. <p>Use Alt + Shift + L on Windows, Cmd + Ctrl + L on OS X to format currently active document.</p>
  16109. <p>The following options can be selected by the Preferences dialog.</p>
  16110. <ul>
  16111. <li>Convert reserved words and identifiers to upper case</li>
  16112. <li>Using backslash escape sequences</li>
  16113. <li>Comment syntax type(uroboroSQL or DOMA2)</li>
  16114. </ul>]]></description><version>0.2.0</version><vendor email='techblog@future.co.jp' url='https://github.com/future-architect/idea-uroborosql-formatter'>Future
  16115. Architect, Inc.</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Enabled formatting of selected text.]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='229320' size='38566' date='1511714955000' url=''><name>ANSI Highlighter</name><id>com.alayouni.ansiHighlight</id><description><![CDATA[<b><a href="https://rebrand.ly/donatd0ea" rel="nofollow">Donate</a></b>
  16116. <p>This <a href="https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/9707-ansi-highlighter" rel="nofollow">plugin</a> supports the rendering of the most common <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ANSI_escape_code#graphics" rel="nofollow">ANSI graphic rendition sequences</a> under IntelliJ editor. The following features are available:</p>
  16117. <ul>
  16118. <li> Configurable 'ANSI Aware' file extensions:
  16119. <ul>
  16120. <li>Go to Preferences | Editor | File Types</li>
  16121. <li>Under 'Recognized File Types' select 'ANSI Aware'</li>
  16122. <li>Under 'Registered Patterns' add your custom 'ANSI Aware' file name patterns, *.log is added by default</li>
  16123. <li>Press 'Apply'</li>
  16124. </ul> </li>
  16125. <li> Switch between Preview and Plain mode:
  16126. <ul>
  16127. <li>Right click on the editor</li>
  16128. <li>Press 'Switch to Plain/Preview Mode'</li>
  16129. <li>Alternatively use the shortcut 'ctrl meta A' while on the editor</li>
  16130. </ul> </li>
  16131. <li> Only the below graphic rendition codes are supported:
  16132. <ul>
  16133. <li>Reset code (0)</li>
  16134. <li>Bold code (1)</li>
  16135. <li>Italic code (3)</li>
  16136. <li>Single Underline code (4)</li>
  16137. <li>All text foreground color codes (30-37)</li>
  16138. <li>All text background color codes (40-47)</li>
  16139. </ul> </li>
  16140. <li> Customize ANSI colors:
  16141. <ul>
  16142. <li>Go to Preferences | Editor | Colors &amp; Fonts | Console Colors</li>
  16143. <li>Expand 'ANSI Colors'</li>
  16144. <li>Customize the following foreground/background colors:
  16145. <ul>
  16146. <li>Black</li>
  16147. <li>Red</li>
  16148. <li>Green</li>
  16149. <li>Yellow</li>
  16150. <li>Blue</li>
  16151. <li>Magenta</li>
  16152. <li>Cyan</li>
  16153. <li>White</li>
  16154. <li>Other colors are only supported by the console (not by the editor).</li>
  16155. </ul> </li>
  16156. <li>Press 'Apply'</li>
  16157. </ul> </li>
  16158. </ul>]]></description><version>1.2.4</version><vendor email='amd.layouni@gmail.com' url=''>Ahmed Layouni</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='163.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Fixed conflict with 2017.3]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.vcs</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.xml</depends><rating>4.5</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='7692' size='447489' date='1497921214000' url=''><name>JSON Utils</name><id>br.com.matheusfm.jsonutils</id><description><![CDATA[JetBrains IDE plugin for test JSONPath expression and format JSON]]></description><version>1.1</version><vendor email='matheusfaria.moraes@gmail.com' url=''>Matheus Moraes</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[bug fix: path with array operator]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='501' size='7451' date='1501441406000' url='https://github.com/Jukkales/intellij-propertiessort'><name>IntelliJ IDEA Properties Sorter</name><id>de.juserv.intellij-propertiessort</id><description><![CDATA[If you are working on a project where different IDEs are used, properties files will often cause merge conflicts because of different format and ordering. This plugin can sorts and format property files directly in IntelliJ. All properties will be sorted alphabetically and the intention can be grouped by keys or over all.
  16159. <b>How to use</b> Open a .properties file in IntelliJ, press ALT + INS and select Sort Properties...]]></description><version>0.1</version><vendor email='sh[at]nodch[dot]de' url=''>Steffen Herrmann</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Version 0.1
  16160. <ul>
  16161. <li>Quick and Dirty Initial Release.</li>
  16162. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin></category><ff>"Navigation"</ff><category name="Navigation"><idea-plugin downloads='15534' size='26609' date='1418151228000' url='https://github.com/mustah/TabSwitch'><name>TabSwitch</name><id>TabSwitch</id><description><![CDATA[Open files/tabs switcher to quickly switch between tabs with less keystrokes than Recent Files. Open files are selected from a list in most recently used order, similarly to Alt+Tab in Windows or Ctrl-Tab in Opera. By default the action is mapped to Alt+A, but another popular assignment is CMD+E.
  16163. <br />
  16164. <br /> Thanks to Timur Zambalayev for the original plugin, Martin Fuhrer for a major contribution in the form of a rewrite and Mark Scott for patching a bug. Follow further development of
  16165. <a href="https://github.com/mustah/TabSwitch" rel="nofollow">this plugin on GitHub</a> or follow
  16166. <a href="https://twitter.com/_musten_" rel="nofollow">me on twitter</a> for announcements and other things.
  16167. <br />
  16168. <br />]]></description><version>3.0.8</version><vendor email='must.tahir@gmail.com' url=''>Must</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='139.463' /><change-notes><![CDATA[3.0.8: Build with java 1.6.
  16169. <br /> 3.0.7: Bug-fix: reverse recent files array _before_ checking their validity do be added to list.
  16170. <br /> 3.0.6: Remove TabSwitch settings. Is not used anymore.
  16171. <br /> 3.0.5: Project is upgraded to use java 7.
  16172. <br /> 3.0.4: When only one file is opened - do not display the TabSwitch list. Also some refactorings.
  16173. <br /> 3.0.3: Lots of code clean ups. Does not display same file in the list twice anymore.
  16174. <br /> 3.0.2: Do not include directories when listing recent VCS changes popup window. Removed light green background color from popup list.
  16175. <br /> 3.0.1: Added new TabSwitch Action to display modified files in the default change list of your VCS. Large refactoring.
  16176. <br /> 3.0.0: Fixed bug where it moved two steps down on each move-down-action.
  16177. <br /> 2.2.0: Cleaning up some code.
  16178. <br /> 2.1.9: Switch to open tab even if it is located in a different split pane.
  16179. <br /> 2.1.8: The TabSwitch actions are now available during background indexing in Maia.
  16180. <br /> 2.1.7: Fix for mouse over popup changes selection problem reported by Michael Bushe.
  16181. <br /> 2.1.6: RubyMine compatible version.
  16182. <br />
  16183. <br />]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>4.9</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='42761' size='25525' date='1477599221000' url=''><name>BrowseWordAtCaret</name><id>BrowseWordAtCaret</id><description><![CDATA[Allows to easily browse next/previous word at caret and highlight other appearances of selected word.
  16184. <br>
  16185. <br> Usage: Browse with CTRL-ALT-UP, CTRL-ALT-DOWN (note: on default-keymap this shortcut is also for next/previous occurrence).
  16186. <br>]]></description><version>3.0.4</version><vendor email='' url='https://github.com/minman/browse-word-at-caret'>Minas Manthos</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='129.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[See
  16187. <a href="https://github.com/minman/browse-word-at-caret/wiki/Change-Notes" rel="nofollow">change notes</a>.]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='21091' size='100162' date='1458911734000' url=''><name>AltN8</name><id>Alt n 8</id><description><![CDATA[Open Alternate File: i.e. jump from source to test file, maven resource, html file, properties file, etc... configured using regular expressions.
  16188. <br />
  16189. <br /> Usage: Just use [ALT][8] to popup all matching files (Mac OS: [CMD][ALT][8]).
  16190. <br />
  16191. <br /> Thanks to LeapingFrogs.com for the original plugin.]]></description><version>2.2.0</version><vendor email='' url='https://github.com/minman/altn8'>Minas Manthos</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='129.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[See
  16192. <a href="https://github.com/minman/altn8/wiki/Change-Notes" rel="nofollow">change notes</a>.]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='13881' size='76590' date='1356307771000' url='https://github.com/crazyproger/Tabdir'><name>Tabdir</name><id>ru.crazycoder.plugins.tabdir</id><description><![CDATA[<p>Awesome replacement for IDEA's 'Show directory in editor tabs for non-unique filenames'. If you have same named files in different directories this plugin will allow you to have directory names added to tab labels. It only shows path differences so if you have &quot;blog/controllers/index&quot; and &quot;news/controllers/index&quot; it will add either [blog] or [news]. In setting tab 'Tabdir' you can control how prefixes will be formatted.</p>
  16193. <p>Per-project configuration allow specify different formatting rules for each directory in project. To enable per-project configuration enable &quot;<b>Use per project configuration</b>&quot; checkbox(see screenshot №3) and reopen settings window(need close with Ok or Apply buttons). After this you will find 'Tabdir' configuration in project section(screenshot №4) in which different configurations can be specified. </p> Note: that you should turn off IDE Settings → Editor tabs → Show directory in editor tabs for non-unique filenames.]]></description><version>1.6.6</version><vendor email='' url=''>Vladimir Rudev</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='123.72' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<ul>
  16194. <li>1.1 Add possibility to configure tab title format.</li>
  16195. <li>1.2 Fixed NPE for files with no path(in memory).</li>
  16196. <li>1.3 Add possibility to configure per project format for directories.</li>
  16197. <li>1.3.1 Share plugin to all IntelliJ Platform products.</li>
  16198. <li>1.4 Fixed NPE(was in phpstorm), update description.</li>
  16199. <li>1.5 Tabdir-4 issue fixed, copyright updated</li>
  16200. <li>1.6 Tabdir-9, Tabdir-10, Tabdir-11 issues fixed</li>
  16201. <li>1.6.1 Fix for IDEA 12</li>
  16202. <li>1.6.2 IDEA 12(EAP) release only: fixed Tabdir-15</li>
  16203. <li>1.6.3 Rebuild in java1.6</li>
  16204. <li>1.6.4 fixed Tabdir-16</li>
  16205. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>4.3</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='12513' size='2174' date='1308832908000' url=''><name>TabFolder</name><id>TabFolder</id><description><![CDATA[Shows file folder name in the tab if there are several files in the project with this name.
  16206. It's useful for Django projects to distinguish files from different applications.]]></description><version>1.0.1</version><vendor email='' url='http://handyedit.com'>HandyEdit</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='50.4155' /><change-notes><![CDATA[
  16207. text
  16208. ]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='18581' size='45327' date='1413629395000' url=''><name>Remote call</name><id>Remote call</id><description><![CDATA[IntelliJ IDEA plugin for remote call some procedures. At the moment it can open the files on http GET-request to localhost:8091 with &quot;message&quot; parameter looking like &quot;FileName.java:89&quot; or &quot;any/path/FileName.java:89&quot;. In this case plugin will try to find the most appropriate file basing on the specified path in opened projects and navigate to it. By default sending requests is permitted from localhost only. You can change it in Settings | Remote Call. Listening port also can be configured in Settings.]]></description><version>1.8</version><vendor email='zolotov@farpost.com' url='http://farpost.com'>FarPost</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='129.1' /><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><rating>4.4</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='15124' size='57156' date='1344329060000' url='https://github.com/johnlindquist/open-source-plugins'><name>QuickJump</name><id>QuickJump</id><description><![CDATA[QuickJump allows you to quickly navigate the cursor to any position visible in the editor. Simply hit &quot;ctrl+;&quot; then start typing. Once options appear, hit Enter or the number key corresponding to the position where you want the cursor to move.
  16209. <br /> ctrl+; Jump Only
  16210. <br /> ctrl+shift+; Jump and Select
  16211. <br /> ctrl+alt+; Jump and Autocomplete
  16212. <br />
  16213. <br /> When Selecting Enter or #
  16214. <br /> ctrl+# New line after
  16215. <br /> ctrl+shift+# New line before
  16216. <br /> alt+# Space after
  16217. <br /> ctrl+alt+# Space Before]]></description><version>4.3</version><vendor email='johnlindquist@gmail.com' url='https://johnlindquist.com/'>johnlindquist</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='120.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<dl>
  16218. <dt>
  16219. 4.3
  16220. </dt>
  16221. <dd>
  16222. Fixing bug introduced with latest Intellij v11 eap
  16223. </dd>
  16224. <dt>
  16225. 4.2
  16226. </dt>
  16227. <dd>
  16228. Favoring results on the same line over closer results on other lines.
  16229. </dd>
  16230. <dt>
  16231. 4.1
  16232. </dt>
  16233. <dd>
  16234. Added ctrl+shift+alt+; to &quot;Select from Caret&quot;. Hitting alt while selecting selects the space after your selection.
  16235. </dd>
  16236. <dt>
  16237. 4.0
  16238. </dt>
  16239. <dd>
  16240. Added jump modifiers. Add line above/below and and space before/after
  16241. </dd>
  16242. <dt>
  16243. 3.2
  16244. </dt>
  16245. <dd>
  16246. Minor optimizations and minor bug fixes for edges cases
  16247. </dd>
  16248. <dt>
  16249. 3.1
  16250. </dt>
  16251. <dd>
  16252. Support for Intellij 11 EAP, Webstorm 3 EAP, etc (108.XXX). Special characters now invoke quickjump on the first keystroke.
  16253. </dd>
  16254. <dt>
  16255. 3.0
  16256. </dt>
  16257. <dd>
  16258. Adding a ctrl+alt+; which automatically opens code completion
  16259. </dd>
  16260. <dt>
  16261. 2.0
  16262. </dt>
  16263. <dd>
  16264. Added camelCase searching. Also, ctrl+shift+; start a quick jump that will select the entire word when you make your target selection
  16265. </dd>
  16266. <dt>
  16267. 1.1.1
  16268. </dt>
  16269. <dd>
  16270. Fixed minor bug where if you already had text selected, it didn't deselect before jumping.
  16271. </dd>
  16272. <dt>
  16273. 1.1
  16274. </dt>
  16275. <dd>
  16276. You can now expand your search with ctrl+Enter. Adjusting popup sizes.
  16277. </dd>
  16278. <dt>
  16279. 1.0
  16280. </dt>
  16281. <dd>
  16282. Initial Release
  16283. </dd>
  16284. </dl>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><rating>4.7</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='10141' size='4128' date='1365472464000' url=''><name>Identifier Highlighter Reloaded</name><id>Identifier Highlighter Reloaded</id><description><![CDATA[Gives you one-stroke way to navigate to next/previous identifier occurrence.
  16285. <br /> Use Shift+Alt+Up and Shift+Alt+Down (or assign your own shortcuts in Keymap) to navigate up and down to each identifier occurrence.
  16286. <br /> Make sure that these shortcuts are not mapped to e.g. &quot;Move Line Up&quot; and &quot;Move Line Down&quot; in Keymap.
  16287. <br /> Can be used with or without &quot;Highlight usages of element at caret&quot; enabled.
  16288. <br /> Source available at
  16289. <a href="http://github.com/olegych/ih-reloaded" rel="nofollow">http://github.com/olegych/ih-reloaded</a>.]]></description><version>1.02.1</version><vendor email='' url=''>OlegYch</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='80.8000' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Recompile with java 6.]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>4.7</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='180644' size='146828' date='1508089325000' url='https://github.com/johnlindquist/AceJump'><name>AceJump</name><id>AceJump</id><description><![CDATA[AceJump allows you to quickly navigate the cursor to any position visible in the editor. See a demo of
  16290. <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8cgy8ITtsJE" rel="nofollow">AceJump in action</a>! Simply hit "ctrl+;", type a character, then type the matching character to Ace Jump.]]></description><version>3.4.2</version><vendor email='' url='https://github.com/johnlindquist/AceJump'>AceJump</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='143.379' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<a href="https://github.com/johnlindquist/AceJump/blob/master/CHANGES.md" rel="nofollow">Release Notes</a>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><rating>4.4</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='20635' size='2108117' date='1510008596000' url='https://github.com/krasa/FrameSwitcher'><name>Frame Switcher</name><id>FrameSwitcher</id><description><![CDATA[Plugin for more convenient switching between projects/frames/windows than is alt-tab or Window menu.
  16291. <ul>
  16292. <li> Switch or reopen a project - ALT + F2 (repeat for selecting a next item)
  16293. <ul>
  16294. <li>Shift+Enter - reopen a project in the current window.</li>
  16295. <li>Ctrl+Enter - reopen a project in a new window.</li>
  16296. <li>Delete - removes a recent project from the history.</li>
  16297. </ul> </li>
  16298. <li> Close projects - CTRL + ALT + F2 </li>
  16299. </ul>
  16300. <br>Or set your own shortcut in Settings | Keymap.
  16301. <br>
  16302. <br>See File | Settings | Other Settings | FrameSwitcher for options like using mnemonics instead of speed search, max recent projects size and other...
  16303. <br>
  16304. <br> (Big thanks to Eugene Mustaphin for contributions.)]]></description><version>3.10.0-162</version><vendor email='vojta.krasa@gmail.com' url='https://github.com/krasa/FrameSwitcher'>Vojtech
  16305. Krasa</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='162.1121' /><change-notes><![CDATA[3.10.0
  16306. <br> - Workaround for
  16307. <a href="https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-167068" rel="nofollow">IDEA-167068</a> - grabbing focus after a project reopening (tested on Win 10, not bulletproof, can be customized in settings)
  16308. <br>
  16309. <br> 3.8.0
  16310. <br> - added Shift+Enter, Ctrl+Enter shortcuts (#13)
  16311. <br>
  16312. <br> 3.7.0
  16313. <br> - fixed opening in current window (#11)
  16314. <br>
  16315. <br> 3.6.1
  16316. <br> - IJ 12-2016.1: configuration for having the current project in the list
  16317. <br> - IJ 2016.2+: configuration for default selected project
  16318. <br>
  16319. <br> 3.5.2
  16320. <br> - IntelliJ 2016 compatibility
  16321. <br>
  16322. <br> 3.5
  16323. <br> - Delete key for deleting recent projects from history
  16324. <br> - Max recent projects settings changes Registry value of "ide.max.recent.projects"
  16325. <br>
  16326. <br> 3.4
  16327. <br> - underscore not visible for opened projects
  16328. <br>
  16329. <br> 3.3
  16330. <br> - IJ 14 compatibility
  16331. <br>
  16332. <br> 3.2
  16333. <br> - close projects action - closes selected projects
  16334. <br>
  16335. <br> 3.1
  16336. <br> - focus fix after switch
  16337. <br>
  16338. <br> 3.0
  16339. <br> - switching between multiple IDE instances (disabled by default, see Settings)
  16340. <br>
  16341. <br> 2.2
  16342. <br> - fixed compatibility with PhpStorm
  16343. <br>
  16344. <br> 2.1
  16345. <br> - current frame is marked in the list
  16346. <br>
  16347. <br> 2.0
  16348. <br> - recent projects list added to the popup
  16349. <br> - settings for filtering recent projects
  16350. <br> - settings for mnemonics
  16351. <br> - now current frame isn't disabled
  16352. <br>
  16353. <br> 1.4
  16354. <br> - usable during indexing
  16355. <br>
  16356. <br> 1.3
  16357. <br> - used speed search in dialog
  16358. <br>
  16359. <br> 1.2
  16360. <br> - sorting by name with ignored case
  16361. <br>
  16362. <br> 1.1
  16363. <br> - handling of minimized frames
  16364. <br> - changed default shortcut to ALT + F2
  16365. <br> - sorting by name]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='4282' size='68205' date='1435949074000' url=''><name>TabSwitcherExtreme</name><id>TabSwitcherExtreme</id><description><![CDATA[Open files quickly by organizing them in seperate lists. The lists are defined by going to [Settings|TabSwitcher Extreme] and specifying regex patters for their (full) filenames, e.g.
  16366. <br />
  16367. <br /> .*xml for files ending with .xml
  16368. <br /> .*Activity_.* for files with &quot;Activity_&quot; in their name
  16369. <br />
  16370. <br /> (One list per line)
  16371. <br />
  16372. <br /> If any file is not matched by any of the regex patterns, a new list named &quot;Other&quot; is created, where it is then placed.
  16373. <br />
  16374. <br />Initially the plugin binds under alt-A, but one might bind it under ctrl-tab as this is where the standard switcher is.
  16375. <br /> Usage: Hold alt, press A to activate the plugin. Keep holding alt while moving the selection around using arrow keys and pageup and pagedown.
  16376. <br />
  16377. <br />Obviously, the plugin needs work, but it's functional.
  16378. <a href="https://github.com/xorgate/TabSwitcherExtreme" rel="nofollow">Plugin on github</a>
  16379. <br />
  16380. <br />Thanks to Bas Leijdekkers for
  16381. <a href="https://github.com/BasLeijdekkers/TabSwitch" rel="nofollow">the original plugin (github)</a> this one is based off of.]]></description><version>1.0.5</version><vendor email='codestare@gmail.com' url='http://www.codestare.com'>Codestare</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='99.18' /><change-notes><![CDATA[1.0.5: Fix jumping to editor that was dragged outside of main window 1.0.4: Allow cycling through history with repeated keypressed. i.e. alt+a&gt;a&gt;a (or ctrl+tab&gt;tab&gt;tab). Without shift it cycles to older files, with shift to newer files. 1.0.3: Allow filenames in lists to remove certain parts (extension, prefix, any regex will do) 1.0.2: Remember desired position in lists (after up/down) 1.0.1: Fix crash
  16382. <br /> 1.0: First release
  16383. <br />]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>4.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='21059' size='134292' date='1491476187000' url=''><name>emacsIDEAs</name><id>emacsIDEAs</id><description><![CDATA[<p>Porting some great extensions of emacs to Intellij IDEA. such as AceJump, CopyWithoutSelectAction. And new created EditWithoutSelection (Cut/Move/Replace without selection). </p>
  16384. <p><b>AceJump</b></p>
  16385. <ul>
  16386. <li><b>C-L 't' 'm'</b> : <b>Basic Word Jump </b>| Type C-L, then type target char (eg. 't') to jump to, then type marker char (eg. 'm') to move caret.</li>
  16387. <li><b>C-J 't' 'm'</b> : <b>Basic Char Jump </b></li>
  16388. </ul>
  16389. <br>
  16390. <p><b>AceJump, jump to special place</b></p>
  16391. <ul>
  16392. <li><b>C-L ' ' 'm'</b> : <b>Jump to line end or start. </b>| To show marker on line end and line start, type space ' ' as target char</li>
  16393. <li><b>C-L ',' 'm'</b> : <b>Jump to symbol key </b>| Show markers on .{}(|`/\;.{}()[]?_=-+'"!@#$%^&amp;*)_= </li>
  16394. </ul>
  16395. <br>
  16396. <p><b>Copy without selection:</b></p>
  16397. <ul>
  16398. <li><b>C-c w </b> : Copy word</li>
  16399. <li><b>C-c s </b> : Copy string</li>
  16400. <li><b>C-c l </b> : Copy line</li>
  16401. <li><b>C-c b </b> : Copy block between balanced { and } </li>
  16402. <li><b>C-c q </b> : Copy quoted, such as abcd in "abcd"</li>
  16403. <li><b>C-c a </b> : Copy to line beginning</li>
  16404. <li><b>C-c A </b> : Copy to file beginning</li>
  16405. <li><b>C-c e </b> : Copy to line end</li>
  16406. <li><b>C-c E </b> : Copy to file end</li>
  16407. <li><b>C-c p </b> : Copy paragraph</li>
  16408. <li><b>C-c g </b> : Copy paragraph group (e.g.: entire function including white lines) </li>
  16409. <li><b>C-c u </b> : Copy to paragraph begining</li>
  16410. <li><b>C-c d </b> : Copy to paragraph end</li>
  16411. <li><b>C-c ' ' (w | s | l | q | a | A | e | E | p | g | u | d | b) </b> : Type one space to cut related area</li>
  16412. <li><b>C-c ' ' ' ' (w | s | l | q | a | A | e | E | p | g | u | d | b) </b> : Type two space to select related area</li>
  16413. </ul>
  16414. <br>
  16415. <p><b>Replace target (word | line | paragraph) with text at current caret:</b></p>
  16416. <ul>
  16417. <li><b>C-i C-w 't' 'm'</b> : replace target word </li>
  16418. <li><b>C-i C-s 't' 'm'</b> : replace target string </li>
  16419. <li><b>C-i C-l 't' 'm'</b> : replace target line </li>
  16420. <li><b>C-i C-b 't' 'm'</b> : replace target block </li>
  16421. <li><b>C-i C-q 't' 'm'</b> : replace target quote </li>
  16422. <li><b>C-i C-a 't' 'm'</b> : replace target to line begining </li>
  16423. <li><b>C-i C-e 't' 'm'</b> : replace target char to line end </li>
  16424. <li><b>C-i C-p 't' 'm'</b> : replace target paragraph </li>
  16425. <li><b>C-i C-g 't' 'm'</b> : replace target paragraph group </li>
  16426. <li><b>C-i C-u 't' 'm'</b> : replace target to paragraph beginning </li>
  16427. <li><b>C-i C-d 't' 'm'</b> : replace target to paragraph end </li>
  16428. </ul>
  16429. <br>
  16430. <p><b>Obtain target (word | line | paragraph), then replace text at current caret:</b></p>
  16431. <ul>
  16432. <li><b>C-o C-w 't' 'm'</b> : obtain target word, then replace current word</li>
  16433. <li><b>C-o C-s 't' 'm'</b> : obtain target string, then replace current string</li>
  16434. <li><b>C-o C-l 't' 'm'</b> : obtain target line, then replace current line</li>
  16435. <li><b>C-o C-b 't' 'm'</b> : obtain target block </li>
  16436. <li><b>C-o C-q 't' 'm'</b> : obtain target quote </li>
  16437. <li><b>C-o C-a 't' 'm'</b> : obtain target to line beginning</li>
  16438. <li><b>C-o C-e 't' 'm'</b> : obtain target char to line end </li>
  16439. <li><b>C-o C-p 't' 'm'</b> : obtain target paragraph </li>
  16440. <li><b>C-o C-g 't' 'm'</b> : obtain target paragraph group </li>
  16441. <li><b>C-o C-u 't' 'm'</b> : obtain target to paragraph beginning </li>
  16442. <li><b>C-o C-d 't' 'm'</b> : obtain target to paragraph end </li>
  16443. </ul>
  16444. <br>
  16445. <p><b>Copy target (word | line | paragraph), then insert text at current caret:</b></p>
  16446. <ul>
  16447. <li><b>C-w C-w 't' 'm'</b> : Copy target word, then insert at current caret</li>
  16448. <li><b>C-w C-s 't' 'm'</b> : Copy target string, then insert at current caret</li>
  16449. <li><b>C-w C-l 't' 'm'</b> : Copy target line, then insert at current caret</li>
  16450. <li><b>C-w C-b 't' 'm'</b> : Copy target block </li>
  16451. <li><b>C-w C-q 't' 'm'</b> : Copy target quote </li>
  16452. <li><b>C-w C-a 't' 'm'</b> : Copy target to line beginning</li>
  16453. <li><b>C-w C-e 't' 'm'</b> : Copy target char to line end </li>
  16454. <li><b>C-w C-p 't' 'm'</b> : Copy target paragraph </li>
  16455. <li><b>C-w C-g 't' 'm'</b> : Copy target paragraph group </li>
  16456. <li><b>C-w C-u 't' 'm'</b> : Copy target to paragraph beginning </li>
  16457. <li><b>C-w C-d 't' 'm'</b> : Copy target to paragraph end </li>
  16458. </ul>
  16459. <br>
  16460. <p><b>Cut target (word | line | paragraph), then insert text at current caret:</b></p>
  16461. <ul>
  16462. <li><b>C-x C-w 't' 'm'</b> : Cut target word, then insert at current caret</li>
  16463. <li><b>C-x C-s 't' 'm'</b> : Cut target string, then insert at current caret</li>
  16464. <li><b>C-x C-l 't' 'm'</b> : Cut target line, then insert at current caret</li>
  16465. <li><b>C-x C-b 't' 'm'</b> : Cut target block </li>
  16466. <li><b>C-x C-q 't' 'm'</b> : Cut target quote </li>
  16467. <li><b>C-x C-a 't' 'm'</b> : Cut target to line beginning</li>
  16468. <li><b>C-x C-e 't' 'm'</b> : Cut target char to line end </li>
  16469. <li><b>C-x C-p 't' 'm'</b> : Cut target paragraph </li>
  16470. <li><b>C-x C-g 't' 'm'</b> : Cut target paragraph group </li>
  16471. <li><b>C-x C-u 't' 'm'</b> : Cut target to paragraph beginning </li>
  16472. <li><b>C-x C-d 't' 'm'</b> : Cut target to paragraph end </li>
  16473. </ul>
  16474. <br>
  16475. <p><b>Delete target (word | line | paragraph...)</b></p>
  16476. <ul>
  16477. <li><b>C-d C-w 't' 'm'</b> : delete target word</li>
  16478. <li><b>C-d C-s 't' 'm'</b> : delete target string</li>
  16479. <li><b>C-d C-l 't' 'm'</b> : delete target line</li>
  16480. <li><b>C-d C-b 't' 'm'</b> : delete target block </li>
  16481. <li><b>C-d C-q 't' 'm'</b> : delete target quote </li>
  16482. <li><b>C-d C-a 't' 'm'</b> : delete target to line beginning</li>
  16483. <li><b>C-d C-e 't' 'm'</b> : delete target char to line end </li>
  16484. <li><b>C-d C-p 't' 'm'</b> : delete target paragraph </li>
  16485. <li><b>C-d C-g 't' 'm'</b> : delete target paragraph group </li>
  16486. <li><b>C-d C-u 't' 'm'</b> : delete target to paragraph beginning </li>
  16487. <li><b>C-d C-d 't' 'm'</b> : delete target to paragraph end </li>
  16488. </ul>
  16489. <br>
  16490. <br>
  16491. <p><b>Highlight symbol:</b></p>
  16492. <ul>
  16493. <li><b>C-,</b> : hightlight-symbol-prev | Jump to prev occurrence of symbol that around caret</li>
  16494. <li><b>C-.</b> : hightlight-symbol-next | Jump to next occurrence of symbol that around caret</li>
  16495. </ul>
  16496. <br>
  16497. <p><b>Just one space:</b></p>
  16498. <ul>
  16499. <li><b>C-M-Space</b> : Make just one space around caret by Ctrl-Cmd-Space.</li>
  16500. </ul>
  16501. <br>
  16502. <p><b>Separate AceJump copy,cut,select command:</b></p>
  16503. <ul>
  16504. <li><b>C-i C-c 't' 'm'</b> : Copy jump area </li> | C-i C-c means type C-i then continue type C-c
  16505. <li><b>C-i C-x 't' 'm'</b> : Cut jump area </li>
  16506. <li><b>C-i C-i 't' 'm'</b> : Select jump area </li>
  16507. <li><b>C-i C-f 't' 'm'</b> : Basic Jump alias </li>
  16508. </ul>
  16509. <br>
  16510. <p><b>Copy and Replace:</b></p>
  16511. <ul>
  16512. <li><b>C-I C-R (w | s | l | q | a | A | e | E | p | g | u | d) 't' 'm'</b> : copy current word/line/paragraph, jump, then replace target word/line/paragraph </li>
  16513. </ul>]]></description><version>1.4.9</version><vendor email='' url=''>whunmr@gmail.com</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='107.105' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<dl>
  16514. <dt>
  16515. 1.4.9
  16516. </dt>
  16517. <dd>
  16518. --- revert recent unstable changes.
  16519. <br>
  16520. </dd>
  16521. <dd>
  16522. </dd>
  16523. <dt>
  16524. 1.4.8
  16525. </dt>
  16526. <dd>
  16527. --- due to bugs, in 1.4.8 cancel support for: `C-c b' do not support text between `&lt;' and `&gt;', like it works for `(' and `)'
  16528. <br>
  16529. </dd>
  16530. <dd>
  16531. </dd>
  16532. <dt>
  16533. 1.4.7
  16534. </dt>
  16535. <dd>
  16536. --- fix bug: `C-c b' do not support text between `&lt;' and `&gt;', like it works for `(' and `)' : https://github.com/whunmr/emacsIDEAs/issues/22
  16537. <br>
  16538. </dd>
  16539. <dd>
  16540. --- fix bug: can not handle pipelined commands: https://github.com/whunmr/emacsIDEAs/issues/21
  16541. <br>
  16542. </dd>
  16543. <dd>
  16544. </dd>
  16545. <dt>
  16546. 1.4.6
  16547. </dt>
  16548. <dd>
  16549. --- fix 'esc' key can not exit jump mode if ideaVim is activated and in visual mode.
  16550. <br>
  16551. </dd>
  16552. <dd>
  16553. --- To exit jump mode now we can press, ESC, SEMICOLON, or SPACE.
  16554. <br>
  16555. </dd>
  16556. <dd>
  16557. --- reported by @xdidi3r https://github.com/whunmr/emacsIDEAs/issues/19
  16558. <br>
  16559. </dd>
  16560. <dd>
  16561. </dd>
  16562. <dt>
  16563. 1.4.5
  16564. </dt>
  16565. <dd>
  16566. --- fix issue in WebStorm reported by @Centaur.https://github.com/whunmr/emacsIDEAs/issues/18
  16567. <br>
  16568. </dd>
  16569. <dd>
  16570. </dd>
  16571. <dt>
  16572. 1.4.4
  16573. </dt>
  16574. <dd>
  16575. --- fix wrong width of the jump marker background.
  16576. <br>
  16577. </dd>
  16578. <dd>
  16579. </dd>
  16580. <dt>
  16581. 1.4.3
  16582. </dt>
  16583. <dd>
  16584. --- fix https://github.com/whunmr/emacsIDEAs/issues/14 overlay and markers in splitted panes not get cleared after jump.
  16585. <br>
  16586. </dd>
  16587. <dd>
  16588. </dd>
  16589. <dt>
  16590. 1.4.2
  16591. </dt>
  16592. <dd>
  16593. --- Add support for jump/move/copy/cut texts cross Split pane editors.
  16594. <br>
  16595. </dd>
  16596. <dd>
  16597. </dd>
  16598. <dt>
  16599. 1.4.1
  16600. </dt>
  16601. <dd>
  16602. --- Add `paragraph group' concept, which denotes the `paragraph' including white lines.
  16603. <br> Useful when you need copy/cut/move/delete function with white lines inside.
  16604. <br>
  16605. </dd>
  16606. <dd>
  16607. </dd>
  16608. <dt>
  16609. 1.4.0
  16610. </dt>
  16611. <dd>
  16612. --- fix post selection error, in C-O C-A command.
  16613. <br>
  16614. </dd>
  16615. <dd>
  16616. </dd>
  16617. <dt>
  16618. 1.3.9
  16619. </dt>
  16620. <dd>
  16621. --- Add plugin settings panel in the Prefereces -&gt; Other Settings -&gt; emacsIDEAs.
  16622. <br> to config jump marker char's color, and whether select the moved text.
  16623. <br>
  16624. </dd>
  16625. <dd>
  16626. </dd>
  16627. <dt>
  16628. 1.3.8
  16629. </dt>
  16630. <dd>
  16631. --- zap-to-char and copy-to-char. Can be done by C-I C-X and C-I C-C
  16632. <br>
  16633. </dd>
  16634. <dd>
  16635. </dd>
  16636. <dt>
  16637. 1.3.7
  16638. </dt>
  16639. <dd>
  16640. --- compile based on JDK 1.6. to fix error when running in Android Studio 2.1.3.
  16641. <br>
  16642. </dd>
  16643. <dd>
  16644. </dd>
  16645. <dt>
  16646. 1.3.6
  16647. </dt>
  16648. <dd>
  16649. --- fix wrong selection range issue, after using AceJumpMove.* actions.
  16650. <br>
  16651. </dd>
  16652. <dd>
  16653. </dd>
  16654. <dt>
  16655. 1.3.5
  16656. </dt>
  16657. <dd>
  16658. --- Add jump and delete target range action. such as delete target paragraph by: C-d C-p.
  16659. <br> so do not need: First jump to target place, then delete paragraph by C-c space p.
  16660. <br> also apply to other range like (w | s | l | q | a | A | e | E | p | u | d).
  16661. <br>
  16662. </dd>
  16663. <dd>
  16664. </dd>
  16665. <dt>
  16666. 1.3.4
  16667. </dt>
  16668. <dd>
  16669. --- adjust mark char order to make the two level jump markers generates from easy press chars like 'lkasdfj'.
  16670. <br>
  16671. </dd>
  16672. <dd>
  16673. </dd>
  16674. <dt>
  16675. 1.3.3
  16676. </dt>
  16677. <dd>
  16678. --- Upgrade the jump more like avy-jump. http://emacsredux.com/blog/2015/07/19/ace-jump-mode-is-dead-long-live-avy/
  16679. <br> This also fix issue posted by @jmdodge [AceJump: Show two-letter combos up front], https://github.com/whunmr/emacsIDEAs/issues/3
  16680. <br>
  16681. </dd>
  16682. <dd>
  16683. </dd>
  16684. <dt>
  16685. 1.3.2
  16686. </dt>
  16687. <dd>
  16688. --- fix wrong selection issue after "Cut target paragraph" command. C-x C-p 't' 'm'
  16689. <br>
  16690. </dd>
  16691. <dd>
  16692. </dd>
  16693. <dt>
  16694. 1.3.0
  16695. </dt>
  16696. <dd>
  16697. 1. C-i C-s 't' 'm': Select jump area ---changed_to----&gt; C-i C-i 't' 'm'
  16698. <br> 2. Add obtain(copy) remote target(w,l,e,p,b) and replace current(w,l,e,p,b) command:
  16699. <br> C-o C-(w | s | l | q | a | e | p | u | d | b) 3. extend C-i C-(w|l|p) to C-I C-(w | s | l | q | a | e | p | u | d | b)
  16700. </dd>
  16701. <dd>
  16702. </dd>
  16703. <dt>
  16704. 1.2.0
  16705. </dt>
  16706. <dd>
  16707. --- Remove support for command: C-L 't' (c, x, p, P, s) 'm'
  16708. <br> instead using the command: C-i C-(c,x,s) 't' 'm'
  16709. <br>
  16710. </dd>
  16711. <dd>
  16712. </dd>
  16713. <dt>
  16714. 1.1.9
  16715. </dt>
  16716. <dd>
  16717. --- Add action to copy current word | line | paragraph, jump, then replace target word/line/paragraph.
  16718. <br> C-I C-R (w | s | l | q | a | A | e | E | p | u | d) 't' 'm'
  16719. </dd>
  16720. <dd>
  16721. </dd>
  16722. <dt>
  16723. 1.1.8
  16724. </dt>
  16725. <dd>
  16726. --- Add hightlight-symbol-prev and hightlight-symbol-next
  16727. </dd>
  16728. <dd>
  16729. </dd>
  16730. <dt>
  16731. 1.1.7
  16732. </dt>
  16733. <dd>
  16734. --- Let cut to paragraph end(C-c ' ' d) and cut paragraph (C-c ' ' p) skip ending brackets.
  16735. </dd>
  16736. <dd>
  16737. </dd>
  16738. <dt>
  16739. 1.1.6
  16740. </dt>
  16741. <dd>
  16742. --- Add Jump Word Action, and assigned to C-L. Jump Char Action assigned to C-J.
  16743. </dd>
  16744. <dd>
  16745. </dd>
  16746. <dt>
  16747. 1.1.5
  16748. </dt>
  16749. <dd>
  16750. --- Changed AceJump's keymap to be more intuitive one. such as "C-L C-s" for select jump area.
  16751. </dd>
  16752. <dd>
  16753. </dd>
  16754. <dt>
  16755. 1.1.0
  16756. </dt>
  16757. <dd>
  16758. --- Add copy without selection
  16759. </dd>
  16760. <dd>
  16761. </dd>
  16762. <dt>
  16763. 1.0
  16764. </dt>
  16765. <dd>
  16766. --- Add basic AceJump function
  16767. </dd>
  16768. <dd>
  16769. </dd>
  16770. </dl>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='13693' size='18424' date='1397776995000' url=''><name>Navigate From Literal</name><id>navigate-from-literal</id><description><![CDATA[Enables navigation from any string literal or xml attribute value or xml text to a file by name. I.e. Ctrl+B/Ctrl+Click at literal &quot;myFile.txt&quot; will try to navigate to a file named &quot;myFile.txt&quot;, that is located in any project directory. For a literal like &quot;some/path/to/file.txt&quot; it will omit directories and try to resolve &quot;file.txt&quot; in all project directories. Back references (i.e. from files to literals) are ignored, this is by design.]]></description><version>1.8</version><vendor email='max.ishchenko@gmail.com' url='https://github.com/ishchenko/idea-navigate-from-literal'>Max Ishchenko</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='120.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<ul>
  16771. 1.8
  16772. <li>Ingore extensions when matching</li>
  16773. </ul>
  16774. <ul>
  16775. 1.7
  16776. <li>Proper StringIndexOutOfBoundsException fix</li>
  16777. </ul>
  16778. <ul>
  16779. 1.6
  16780. <li>Case insensitive search</li>
  16781. <li>File extension not required, files with matching FileType shown first</li>
  16782. </ul>
  16783. <ul>
  16784. 1.5
  16785. <li>Fixed StringIndexOutOfBoundsException issue</li>
  16786. </ul>
  16787. <ul>
  16788. 1.4
  16789. <li>Support for literals in javascript, php and python</li>
  16790. </ul>
  16791. <ul>
  16792. 1.3
  16793. <li>Checking if PsiLiteral is present allowing for better JetBrains platform support</li>
  16794. </ul>
  16795. <ul>
  16796. 1.2
  16797. <li>Broken xml schema validation fixed</li>
  16798. </ul>
  16799. <ul>
  16800. 1.1
  16801. <li>Navigation from xml attribute values and xml text nodes</li>
  16802. </ul>
  16803. <ul>
  16804. 1.0
  16805. <li>Navigation from any literals, computing simple concatenations</li>
  16806. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='36965' size='54222' date='1440733828000' url=''><name>Tasks Navigation</name><id>org.intellij.tasks.navigation</id><description><![CDATA[<p> Provides navigation to tasks from comments. Quite simple feature, just searches for issue IDs.</p>
  16807. <p> Provides support for task id injection (using IntelliLang plugin) into any string, etc. <br /> Injection allows to navigate to web (open task/issue in browser)<br /> Also code completion for such injection elements provided. For more information about injections, see <a href="https://www.jetbrains.com/idea/help/intellilang.html" rel="nofollow">related documentation</a> </p>
  16808. <p>Dependency on IntelliLang is optional, but highly recommended to install, since it provides nice features.</p>]]></description><version>0.4.0</version><vendor email='Vladislav.Rassokhin@jetbrains.com' url=''>Vladislav Rassokhin from JetBrains</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='129.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[0.4.0
  16809. <p> Migrate to ReferenceInjector to support task id injection. Requires IntelliLang plugin to be enabled.<br /> As result, annotation based resolving removed. </p>
  16810. <p>Some minor improvements</p> 0.3.4
  16811. <p>Fix IDEA 13 EAP compatibility issue (#3)</p> 0.3.3
  16812. <p>Fix NPE</p> 0.3.2
  16813. <p>Add option to disable search for issues in comments</p>
  16814. <p>Improved setting page</p> 0.3.1
  16815. <p>Fix loading in non Intellij IDEA. (Dependency on com.intellij.modules.platform added)</p> 0.3
  16816. <p>Support for navigation to tasks from comments.</p> 0.2.2
  16817. <p>Minor fix in settings.</p> 0.2.1
  16818. <p>Documentation updated.</p> 0.2
  16819. <p>Refactoring.</p> 0.1
  16820. <p>Initial version.</p>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><depends>com.intellij.tasks</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='9256' size='37725' date='1496479684000' url=''><name>Go To Project</name><id>org.github.erikzielke.gotoproject</id><description><![CDATA[Enables opening project windows with speed search]]></description><version>1.2</version><vendor email='erikzielke@hotmail.com' url=''>Erik Zielke</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='107.105' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Go To Last Project-action Fixes in moving last project in top]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='4921' size='5949' date='1479579944000' url=''><name>Open in splitted tab</name><id>org.para.plugin.openInSplittedTab</id><description><![CDATA[<p>Inspired by the assistant-view in Xcode. Opens the declaration / implementation of the current selected symbol within a vertically splitted tab.</p>
  16821. <p>If there already is an splitted tab, it will use this. If not, it will open a new one. There are two actions available: </p>
  16822. <ul>
  16823. <li>"Open in splitted tab": Mimics the behaviour of Xcode and opens the file always in the same tab.</li>
  16824. <li>"Open in splitted (new) tab": Always opens the file in a new tab.</li>
  16825. </ul> The actions have no shortcuts assigned by default and only accessible by the "GoTo"-menu.
  16826. <p></p>]]></description><version>0.2</version><vendor email='raise.rescue@gmail.com' url='https://github.com/parallaxe'>Hendrik von Prince</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='131.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[0.2
  16827. <ul>
  16828. <li>Feature (#9): Added a second action that leaves existing tabs open.</li>
  16829. </ul> 0.1.5
  16830. <ul>
  16831. <li>Bugfix (#8): Reworked how the files are opened. This should improve the stability. Thanks Nazar for reporting and testing!</li>
  16832. </ul> 0.1.4
  16833. <ul>
  16834. <li>Improvement (#5): Calling the "Goto declaration"-action when the API can't resolve a symbol at the current cursor-position. This enables you to use the "Open in splitted tab"-action also in language-injected SQL. Thanks to raveren for this suggestion.</li>
  16835. </ul> 0.1.2 &amp; 0.1.3
  16836. <ul>
  16837. <li>Bugfix (#3): Fixing "Half of line upper than necessary" by deferring the scrolling</li>
  16838. </ul> 0.1.1
  16839. <ul>
  16840. <li>Bugfix (#2): Opens only one instead of two tabs</li>
  16841. </ul> 0.1.0
  16842. <ul>
  16843. <li>Initial release</li>
  16844. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='4372' size='3865' date='1446935199000' url=''><name>GoToTabs</name><id>com.jpospisil.gototabs</id><description><![CDATA[The plugin adds menu actions allowing you to go to a specific tab. You can of course assign keyboard shortcuts the individual actions and for example achieve the behavior known from other editors/IDEs where you can switch between tabs with
  16845. <i>alt+&lt;num&gt;</i>.
  16846. <br />
  16847. <br /> To prevent any conflicts, the plugin doesn't assign any shortcuts by itself, you need to do it manually in the Keymap (section Main menu -&gt; Window -&gt; Editor Tabs -&gt; Go To Tabs).]]></description><version>1.3</version><vendor email='mekishizufu@gmail.com' url='https://github.com/jiripospisil/idea-gototabs'>Jiri Pospisil</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='131.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='2176' size='71836' date='1437542219000' url=''><name>File Search</name><id>com.apphacker.awesome.filesearch.plugin</id><description><![CDATA[Search for files by name anywhere on your computer.]]></description><version>1.0.0</version><vendor email='apphacker@gmail.com' url=''>Apphacker</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='139.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Created the plugin.]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='7926' size='703172' date='1491270896000' url=''><name>Armory</name><id>com.visprogramming.armory</id><description><![CDATA[Advanced navigation tool with multiple project trees support.
  16848. <br> Key features
  16849. <ul>
  16850. <li>Multiple Project Views</li>
  16851. <li>Grouping elements without changing the structure of code</li>
  16852. <li>Custom sorting schemes</li>
  16853. <li>Code secluding (hiding or muting outer code)</li>
  16854. <li>Easy switching between projects</li>
  16855. </ul> For more information see
  16856. <a href="http://www.visprogramming.com/armory/features/?v1" rel="nofollow">Armory Features page</a>]]></description><version>1.39</version><vendor email='support@visprogramming.com' url='http://www.visprogramming.com'>Visual Programming Software</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='139.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[1.39
  16857. <br>
  16858. <ul>
  16859. <li>Added Kotlin in the feature list</li>
  16860. </ul> 1.38
  16861. <br>
  16862. <ul>
  16863. <li>Improved stability under IDEA 2016.3.2. Minor fixes</li>
  16864. </ul> 1.36
  16865. <br> 1.37
  16866. <br>
  16867. <ul>
  16868. <li>Fixed workspace restoring on IDEA 2016.3</li>
  16869. </ul> 1.36
  16870. <br>
  16871. <ul>
  16872. <li>Compatibility with IDEA 2016.3</li>
  16873. <li>Fixed crash (Write access)</li>
  16874. </ul> 1.35
  16875. <br>
  16876. <ul>
  16877. <li>Compatibility with IDEA 2016+</li>
  16878. </ul> 1.34
  16879. <br>
  16880. <ul>
  16881. <li>Fixed bug (crash when dragging)</li>
  16882. </ul> 1.33
  16883. <br>
  16884. <ul>
  16885. <li>Kotlin version update</li>
  16886. <li>Fixed problem with gradle files in Android Studio</li>
  16887. </ul> 1.32
  16888. <br>
  16889. <ul>
  16890. <li>Fixed bug with "Refresh All" action</li>
  16891. </ul> 1.31
  16892. <br>
  16893. <ul>
  16894. <li>PyCharm 5+ crashes fix</li>
  16895. </ul> 1.30
  16896. <br>
  16897. <ul>
  16898. <li>Refresh All action now reloads entire plugin</li>
  16899. <li>Kotlin: restoring cursor position in global functions</li>
  16900. <li>Kotlin: minor bugfixes</li>
  16901. </ul> 1.29
  16902. <br>
  16903. <ul>
  16904. <li>Fixed errors while indexing</li>
  16905. <li>Bigfixing for PyCharm</li>
  16906. </ul> 1.28
  16907. <br>
  16908. <ul>
  16909. <li>Prior Kotlin support</li>
  16910. </ul> 1.27
  16911. <br>
  16912. <ul>
  16913. <li>Added the ability to hide the Element Preview panel</li>
  16914. <li>Code secluding bugfixes</li>
  16915. </ul> 1.26
  16916. <br>
  16917. <ul>
  16918. <li>Auto adjusting Tree View width when expand/collapse nodes</li>
  16919. <li>Project modification time is now visible in the Project List window</li>
  16920. <li>Keymap settings as separated Configurable</li>
  16921. </ul> 1.25
  16922. <br>
  16923. <ul>
  16924. <li>Changing mode of Projects Opening is now available directly from Project List window</li>
  16925. </ul> 1.24
  16926. <br>
  16927. <ul>
  16928. <li>Fixed crash in the WebStorm</li>
  16929. <li>Workaround for unsupported platforms</li>
  16930. </ul> 1.23
  16931. <br>
  16932. <ul>
  16933. <li>Compatibility with IDEA 15</li>
  16934. </ul> 1.22
  16935. <br>
  16936. <ul>
  16937. <li>Bugfixes</li>
  16938. </ul> 1.21
  16939. <br>
  16940. <ul>
  16941. <li>Restoring minimized window on project activation</li>
  16942. <li>Minor improvements</li>
  16943. </ul> 1.2
  16944. <br>
  16945. <ul>
  16946. <li>Introduced the concept of workspace. Added the Workspace List window</li>
  16947. <li>Added the Project List window for quick switching between recent projects</li>
  16948. <li>The plugin can now run under the old Java 1.6</li>
  16949. </ul> 1.10
  16950. <br>
  16951. <ul>
  16952. <li>Navigation from History Window restores cursor position</li>
  16953. <li>Fixed bug: "No Sort" option didn't work in PHP classes</li>
  16954. </ul> 1.09
  16955. <br>
  16956. <ul>
  16957. <li>WebStorm support added</li>
  16958. <li>Fixed bug with inactive Project View buttons</li>
  16959. </ul> 1.08
  16960. <br>
  16961. <ul>
  16962. <li>Navigation between Project Views while indexing</li>
  16963. <li>Fixed proxy problem while error reporting</li>
  16964. </ul> 1.07
  16965. <br>
  16966. <ul>
  16967. <li>[Home] and [End] keys in the "Tree Views" window</li>
  16968. <li>Armory tool window made available while project indexing</li>
  16969. </ul> 1.06
  16970. <br>
  16971. <ul>
  16972. <li>Bug fixes and minor improvements</li>
  16973. </ul> 1.03
  16974. <br>
  16975. <ul>
  16976. <li>Fixed focus bugs in the non-docked mode</li>
  16977. <li>Fixed bug with updating in IDEA CE</li>
  16978. <li>Added an easy way to get trial license</li>
  16979. </ul> 1.02
  16980. <br>
  16981. <ul>
  16982. <li>The plugin is completely free for IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition</li>
  16983. </ul> 1.0 (initial release)
  16984. <br>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><rating>4.5</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='1677' size='782900' date='1514450330000' url='https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/8262?pr='><name>Find Pull Request</name><id>com.github.shiraji.findpullrequest</id><description><![CDATA[This plugin find the pull request of the selected line. If there is no pull request for the line, then open Github commit page which the line is added.
  16985. <br>
  16986. <br>
  16987. <a href="https://github.com/shiraji/find-pull-request" rel="nofollow">GitHub</a> |
  16988. <a href="https://github.com/shiraji/find-pull-request/issues" rel="nofollow">Issues</a>]]></description><version>1.2.0</version><vendor email='isogai.shiraji@gmail.com' url='https://github.com/shiraji'>Shiraji</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='143.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<p>1.2.0</p>
  16989. <ul>
  16990. <li>Disable auto jump when no PR found #30</li>
  16991. <li>Fix the problem with commits that is only exist in local machine</li>
  16992. </ul>
  16993. <p>Older version changes are listed on <a href="https://github.com/shiraji/find-pull-request/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md" rel="nofollow">CHANGELOG.md</a></p>]]></change-notes><depends>Git4Idea</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><depends>org.jetbrains.plugins.github</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='2862' size='781710' date='1465501323000' url=''><name>Open Commit On GitHub</name><id>com.github.shiraji.opencommitongithub</id><description><![CDATA[This plugin add an editor popup menu. The menu opens GitHub page that the selected line is added.]]></description><version>1.0.2</version><vendor email='isogai.shiraji@gmail.com' url='https://github.com/shiraji'>Shiraji</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='143.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<p>1.0.2</p>
  16994. <ul>
  16995. <li>Improve performance</li>
  16996. <li>Make this plugin available to all JetBrain products </li>
  16997. </ul>
  16998. <p>Older version changes are listed on <a href="https://github.com/shiraji/open-commit-on-github/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md" rel="nofollow">CHANGELOG.md</a></p>]]></change-notes><depends>Git4Idea</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><depends>org.jetbrains.plugins.github</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='1330' size='38735' date='1476404555000' url=''><name>Marks</name><id>com.philipleder.plugin.marks</id><description><![CDATA[Marks your files with counts from TODOs and DOITs. Makes your regions and GHERKIN pretty.]]></description><version>1.4.0</version><vendor email='phil@philipleder.com' url='http://philipleder.com'>Phil Leder</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='131.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<li>1.3.1 Sped up the plugin using userData on elements.</li>
  16999. <li>1.3 Added GIVEN WHEN THEN marks.</li>
  17000. <li>1.2 Make regions fancy.</li>
  17001. <li>1.2.1 Added Highlighting to DOITs.</li>
  17002. <li>1.0 Marks class files in the Project View by parsing the files and searching for curtain words in comments.</li>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='607' size='1152666' date='1480190814000' url=''><name>Transliterate Umlauts</name><id>jhunovis.idea.plugin.umlauts</id><description><![CDATA[This plugin is for projects which use German for naming their classes, symbols, and files but restrict the character set used for naming to ASCII. E.g. they would have classes like "Aenderungsauftrag" instead of "Änderungsauftrag". Finding something in such an environment becomes a hassle once the use of native characters is allowed, because now you may encounter both spellings and never know, if you just missed a class when searching by one spelling or the other.
  17003. <p> This is where this plugin steps in. It will produce hits for both spellings, i.e. if the users entered "Änd" in the "navigate to class" field (CTRL+N), IDEA will produce both "Aenderungsauftrag" and "Änderungsauftrag". It also works vice versa with the restriction that this way around the translation is not unique, e.g. searching for "Kaesefondue" would not see the actual class "Käsefondue" because the plugin overdid its job. </p>]]></description><version>0.9.1</version><vendor email='jhunovis+idea@gmail.com' url=''>Jan Hackel</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='141.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Broadened version dependencies.]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='1105' size='5197021' date='1510608343000' url='https://github.com/jpmossin'><name>CharJump</name><id>com.github.jpmossin</id><description><![CDATA[<p>Quickly jump to any single character in the active document.</p>]]></description><version>1.3.0</version><vendor email='' url='https://github.com/jpmossin'>jpmossin</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Added configuration of highlight color]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='355' size='23342' date='1484591628000' url=''><name>Navigate to URL</name><id>navigate-to-url</id><description><![CDATA[Enables navigation from any matching string literal or xml attribute value or xml element text to a url defined by url rules.
  17004. <br> This, for instance, makes a string anywhere in the code like "GD-123", when clicked, navigate to https://mysite.atlassian.net/browse/GD-123
  17005. <br>
  17006. <br> To create url rules, create a file called navigate-url-plugin.properties at the root of any module.
  17007. <br>
  17008. <br> Example "navigate-url-plugin.properties" file contents :
  17009. <br> url1.startsWith=GD-
  17010. <br> url1.navigateTo=https://mysite.atlassian.net/browse/{0}
  17011. <br>
  17012. <br> The source code uses code from the existing plugin: ishchenko/idea-navigate-from-literal.
  17013. <br>
  17014. <br> TODO: Support the traditional configuration UI, if requested by plugin users. The author's use case is for a team where using the normal shared intellij plugin configuration isn't an option. Using a project config file instead provides the shared config automatically for all team members.]]></description><version>1.0-SNAPSHOT</version><vendor email='tom.wadzinski+intellij@gmail.com' url='https://github.com/twadzins/idea-navigate-url-from-literal'>Tom Wadzinski</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='120.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<ul>
  17015. 1.1
  17016. <li>Initial Release</li>
  17017. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='1579' size='71505' date='1507903992000' url='https://github.com/huoguangjin/MultiHighlight'><name>MultiHighlight</name><id>MultiHighlight</id><description><![CDATA[<p>Highlight identifiers with <b>custom colors</b> (like "Highlight Usages in File").</p>
  17018. <p>You can <b>customize</b> your highlight text style, it's helpful when reading source code.</p>
  17019. <p>Shortcut: <b>ctrl+'</b> (or <b>command+'</b> on mac) <a href="https://github.com/huoguangjin/MultiHighlight" rel="nofollow">learn more</a> </p>
  17020. <p><img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/huoguangjin/MultiHighlight/master/screenshot/preview-screen.png" width="350" height="400" alt="nice screenshot"></p>
  17021. <p><img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/huoguangjin/MultiHighlight/master/screenshot/preview-setting.png" width="350" height="275" alt="nice screenshot"></p>]]></description><version>1.0.1</version><vendor email='352886006@qq.com' url='https://github.com/huoguangjin'>HuoGuangjin</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='162.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[add an action to clear all highlights in current editor]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='721' size='20062' date='1491689162000' url=''><name>ModuleLibraries</name><id>ModuleLibraries</id><description><![CDATA[Enhances the project view with module libraries. Each module node in the tree now has a separate listing of its modules. The node "External libraries" is enhanced with the individual modules and their nodes. Please keep in mind that this is a bad hack to get back the old behaviour of IDEA 8.x. It might not work at all in your installation of IntelliJ.]]></description><version>0.4</version><vendor email='' url=''>Joachim Ansorg</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='2239' size='3995' date='1504690033000' url=''><name>IconViewer</name><id>ch.dasoft.iconviewer</id><description><![CDATA[IconViewer
  17022. <br>
  17023. <a href="https://github.com/davidsommer/IconViewer" rel="nofollow">GitHub</a>
  17024. <br> Preview project images as an icon in your project explorer. Helpful if you have a lot of icons in your project,
  17025. <b>IconViewer</b> gives you a nice preview icon.
  17026. <br> Bigger images are scaled to 16x16, supported are:
  17027. <br>
  17028. <ul>
  17029. <li>*.gif</li>
  17030. <li>*.png</li>
  17031. <li>*.bmp</li>
  17032. <li>*.jpg</li>
  17033. <li>*.jpeg</li>
  17034. <li>*.wbmp</li>
  17035. <li>*.svg</li>
  17036. </ul>]]></description><version>1.13</version><vendor email='david.sommer@dasoft.ch' url='https://www.dasoft.ch'>dasoft.ch</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[added svg file Support, thx to https://github.com/kylekatarnls for contribution]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='82' size='5612' date='1509053238000' url=''><name>Navigate Identifier Occurrence</name><id>com.mnw.navigateidentifier</id><description><![CDATA[Shortcuts to navigate from an identifier under the caret to the next/previous occurrence of the identifier.
  17037. <br> With this plugin this actually works. IntelliJ's built in navigation doesn't (it only works, if you try to find that text first).
  17038. <br> Default shortcut: Ctrl+Alt+UP / Ctrl+Alt+UP to navigate to next / previous occurrence (but of course change it as you see fit)]]></description><version>1.1</version><vendor email='mikinw.development@gmail.com' url='http://mikinw.blogspot.co.uk'>MikiNW</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='141.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[1.1 - enabling the plugin for multiple products
  17039. <br> 1.0 - shortcuts to navigate to next/previous identifier]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin></category><ff>"Unit testing"</ff><category name="Unit testing"><idea-plugin downloads='3153' size='17940' date='1239106843000' url=''><name>Unitils plugin</name><id>Unitils plugin</id><description><![CDATA[To make Unitils using easy!]]></description><version>0.1</version><vendor email='linux_china@hotmail.com' url=''>linux_china</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='80.8000' /><change-notes><![CDATA[
  17040. <ul>Initial Version
  17041. <li>Spring Bean name completion for @SpringBean</li>
  17042. <li>Dataset xml file completion for @DataSet</li>
  17043. <li>Annotator support for Spring bean reference by @SpringBean, @SpringBeanByName and @SpringBeanByType
  17044. <li>Annotator support for dataset xml reference by @DataSet</li>
  17045. <li>Auto dataset xml file creation by click annotator icon</li>
  17046. <li>Navigation easy for Unitils</li>
  17047. </ul>
  17048. ]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.spring</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='155948' size='6280057' date='1513092910000' url='https://confluence.jetbrains.com/display/WI/JsTestDriver+IntelliJ+plugin'><name>JSTestDriver Plugin</name><id>JSTestDriver Plugin</id><description><![CDATA[Allows running, debugging JavaScript unit tests and measure test coverage.]]></description><version>173.3942.31</version><vendor email='' url=''>Google, JetBrains</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='173.3942' until-build='173.*'/><change-notes><![CDATA[Bundled with
  17049. <a href="https://confluence.jetbrains.com/display/WI/Patched+JsTestDriver-1.3.5" rel="nofollow">patched JsTestDriver-1.3.5</a>]]></change-notes><depends>JavaScript</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>4.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='157867' size='69436' date='1408406389000' url='https://github.com/oker1/phpunit_codecoverage_display'><name>PHPUnit code coverage</name><id>PHPUnit code coverage</id><description><![CDATA[Displays PHPUnit code coverage of file in the editor.]]></description><version>0.5.0</version><vendor email='zsolt@takacs.cc' url='https://github.com/oker1/phpunit_codecoverage_display'>Zsolt Takacs</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='107.120' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Changelog: v0.5.0
  17050. <ul>
  17051. <li>Atoum support (thanks @jdecool)</li>
  17052. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><rating>3.8</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='3196' size='18065184' date='1310489370000' url='https://github.com/chilicat/JsChilicat'><name>JsChilicat</name><id>JsChilicat</id><description><![CDATA[
  17053. JsChilicat is a javascript test framework integration for intellij idea. JsChilicat is based on Rhino and EnvJs
  17054. for headless JavaScript testing.
  17055. As testframework is QUnit in use. The plugin will add a new Run configuration JsChilicat which let you configure
  17056. a source and a test directory.
  17057. It will present the test results in a JUnit style.
  17058. Added local server for Ajax tests. JsChilicate supports now to write a server interface completely in
  17059. java script. It allows the user to write a mock server for AJAX api tests in a easy way.
  17060. Currently is it possible to receive Forms and JSON objects ans to send JSON objects back.
  17061. Please download the latest jsChilicat release bundle form the project page.
  17062. Feedback is welcome.
  17063. ]]></description><version>1.2.1</version><vendor email='dkuffner@chilicat.net' url='https://github.com/chilicat/JsChilicat'>Chilicat</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='107.105' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Intelij 10.5 compatible. Selenium upgrade.]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='22307' size='53908' date='1382124796000' url=''><name>NUnitJS</name><id>NUnitJS</id><description><![CDATA[NUnitJS integration plugin, NUnitJS is a test framework for NodeJS]]></description><version>2.2</version><vendor email='' url='https://github.com/fmontanari/nunitjs'>Fabio Montanari</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='131.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[fix NodeJS and Javascript 131 plugin compatibility.]]></change-notes><depends>NodeJS</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='15086' size='24361' date='1487603160000' url=''><name>MoreUnit</name><id>MoreUnit</id><description><![CDATA[<img alt="MoreUnit Logo" src="http://moreunit.sourceforge.net/img/logo.png">
  17064. <p>MoreUnit assists you in writing unit tests!</p>
  17065. <p>Features:</p>
  17066. <ul>
  17067. <li>Works for all IntelliJ-based IDEs (AppCode, IDEA, PhpStorm, PyCharm, RubyMine, WebStorm, etc.)</li>
  17068. <li>Jump form your production code to you test code, and vice-versa. To access the command:
  17069. <ul>
  17070. <li>From the main menu: "Navigate" &gt; "Jump to Test" or "Jump to Test Subject".</li>
  17071. <li>From the contextual menu: "Go To" &gt; "Jump to Test" or "Jump to Test Subject".</li>
  17072. <li>From the "Find Action..." pop-up window: "Jump to Test / Test Subject".</li>
  17073. </ul></li>
  17074. <li>Should several candidates be found, a list is displayed for selection.</li>
  17075. <li>Supported naming patterns:
  17076. <ul>
  17077. <li>lower/upper CamelCase or word separated with hyphens, underscores or even spaces</li>
  17078. <li>"test", "tests", "spec" or "should" suffixes (case insensitive, except for CamelCase style)</li>
  17079. <li>"test", "tests" or "spec" prefixes (case insensitive, except for CamelCase style)</li>
  17080. </ul></li>
  17081. <li>Writing tests for your Java code in Scala? Your test code does not have to be written in the same</li> language as you production code!
  17082. <li>Practicing TDD, having integration tests? You likely don't always have a one-to-one relationship between your test and production files...<br> MoreUnit lets you simply jump to the last opened test file (respectively to the last opened production file). To access the command:</li>
  17083. </ul>
  17084. <li>From the main menu: "Navigate" &gt; "Jump to Last Opened Test" or "Jump to Last Opened Test Subject".</li>
  17085. <li>From the contextual menu: "Go To" &gt; "Jump to Last Opened Test" or "Jump to Last Opened Test Subject".</li>
  17086. <li>From the "Find Action..." pop-up window: "Jump to Last Opened Test / Test Subject".</li>]]></description><version>1.0.6</version><vendor email='moreunit.feedback@gmail.com' url='https://github.com/MoreUnit/org.moreunit.intellij.plugin'>MoreUnit</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='131.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<pre>Version 1.0.6
  17087. New feature:
  17088. - Add support for "Tests" prefix/suffix</pre>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>4.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='411862' size='159449' date='1513786273000' url=''><name>Karma</name><id>Karma</id><description><![CDATA[Integration with
  17089. <a href="http://karma-runner.github.io/" rel="nofollow">Karma</a>, a spectacular test runner for JavaScript]]></description><version>173.4127.22</version><vendor email='' url=''>JetBrains</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='173.4127' until-build='173.*'/><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>JavaScript</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>4.3</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='9846' size='485318' date='1386369585000' url=''><name>Behat</name><id>pl.projectspace.idea.plugins.php.behat</id><description><![CDATA[<p>Useful plugin for faster Behat development.</p> General:
  17090. <ul>
  17091. <li>Custom icon for Behat Context and PageObjects files</li>
  17092. </ul> Feature file:
  17093. <ul>
  17094. <li>tag auto completion</li>
  17095. <li>reference provider for Gherkin steps</li>
  17096. </ul> Behat context:
  17097. <ul>
  17098. <li>reference and inspection provider for PageObjcet names</li>
  17099. <li>reference and inspection provider for SubContext names</li>
  17100. <li>create PageObject quick fix for missing classes</li>
  17101. <li>type hinting for getMainContext() method</li>
  17102. <li>type hinting for getSubContext() method</li>
  17103. <li>parameter auto completion for getSubContext() method with names of available contextes</li>
  17104. <li>annotation hinting</li>
  17105. </ul> Page Objects extension:
  17106. <ul>
  17107. <li>quick fix for missing PageObjects and PageObject elements</li>
  17108. <li>reference provider for getElement and hasElement method of PageObject classes</li>
  17109. <li>type hinting for getPage() and getElement() methods</li>
  17110. <li>parameter auto completion for getPage() method with names of available pages in current project</li>
  17111. </ul>]]></description><version>0.4</version><vendor email='michal@przytulski.pl' url=''></vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='129.757' /><change-notes><![CDATA[0.4
  17112. <ul>
  17113. <li>support for PHPStorm 7 and PHPStorm 7.1 EAP</li>
  17114. <li> </li>
  17115. <li>fixed NullPointerExceptions for all PHPStorm versions when using Behat without configuration file</li>
  17116. <li> </li>
  17117. <li>detection of PageObjectExtension</li>
  17118. </ul> 0.3.2
  17119. <ul>
  17120. <li>added getElement inspection</li>
  17121. <li> </li>
  17122. <li>added quick fix for getElement and getPage methods</li>
  17123. <li>fixed NullPointer when accessing context menu with more than one element selected</li>
  17124. <li>fixed Behat installation detection after project reload / new project creation <a href="https://github.com/mprzytulski/phpstorm-behat/issues/10" rel="nofollow">#10</a>, thanks <a href="https://github.com/MaXal" rel="nofollow">MaXal</a><a rel="nofollow"></a></li>
  17125. <a rel="nofollow"> </a>
  17126. <li><a rel="nofollow">fixed NPE during feature file edition </a><a href="https://github.com/mprzytulski/phpstorm-behat/issues/11" rel="nofollow">#11</a>, thanks <a href="https://github.com/MaXal" rel="nofollow">MaXal</a><a rel="nofollow"></a></li>
  17127. <a rel="nofollow"> </a>
  17128. </ul>
  17129. <a rel="nofollow"> 0.3.1
  17130. <ul>
  17131. <li>detecting Behat installation</li>
  17132. </ul> 0.3
  17133. <ul>
  17134. <li>fixed few bugs with element locations</li>
  17135. <li>custom icon files for Behat related php files</li>
  17136. <li>templated for PageObject and Element classes</li>
  17137. <li>custom create new feature file dialog window</li>
  17138. <li>reference provider for hasElement methods of PageObject classes</li>
  17139. <li>Type hinting for getElement() methods which returning Element classes</li>
  17140. <li>refactored code</li>
  17141. </ul> 0.2.1
  17142. <ul>
  17143. <li>fixed application freeze during searching and indexing</li>
  17144. <li>added support for Page Object getElement reference names</li>
  17145. </ul> 0.2
  17146. <ul>
  17147. <li>added references resolving for PageObjects, SubContexts and step definitions</li>
  17148. <li>added code inspection for PageObject names and SubContext names</li>
  17149. <li>added missing Page Object class generation</li>
  17150. </ul> 0.1 <p>First pre public release</p>
  17151. <ul>
  17152. <li>basic type hints for contexts and page object</li>
  17153. <li>some annotation stuff</li>
  17154. </ul></a>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><depends>com.jetbrains.php</depends><depends>cucumber</depends><depends>org.jetbrains.plugins.yaml</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='704' size='16793' date='1440255845000' url=''><name>testNameGenerator</name><id>ro.bogdananton.testNameGenerator</id><description><![CDATA[Shortcut:
  17155. <br /> Ctrl + Alt + U, U
  17156. <br />
  17157. <br /> Features:
  17158. <br /> Supports multiple cursors
  17159. <br /> Can insert test methods based on the current cursor(s) lines contents. Will update method if shortcut is triggered from inside a docblock comment that's followed by a &quot;public function test______&quot; string
  17160. <br /> Uses the project's indent settings; defaults on four spaces.
  17161. <br /> Limitations / bugs:
  17162. <br /> no PHP-only file filtering was set, will trigger and behave the same for any file
  17163. <br />
  17164. <br /> Install: Open PhpStorm's File / Settings... menu, go to Plugins and click the &quot;Install plugin from disk...&quot; button. Search for the jar file (download from the Releases page), click OK and restart the editor.
  17165. <br />]]></description><version>1.3.3</version><vendor email='contact@bogdananton.ro' url=''></vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='131.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='1401' size='41590' date='1488139323000' url=''><name>atoum plugin</name><id>com.atoum.phpstormplugin</id><description><![CDATA[Integrate
  17166. <a href="http://atoum.org/" rel="nofollow">atoum</a> in PHPStorm.
  17167. <br>
  17168. <br> Features :
  17169. <ul>
  17170. <li>Go to the test class from the tested class (shortcut : alt+shift+K)</li>
  17171. <li>Go to the tested class from the test class (shortcut : alt+shift+K)</li>
  17172. <li>Execute tests inside PhpStorm (shortcut : alt+shift+M)</li>
  17173. <li>Easily identify test files by a custom icon</li>
  17174. </ul> More information about those features could be found in the project's
  17175. <a href="https://github.com/atoum/phpstorm-plugin/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md" rel="nofollow">README</a>]]></description><version>0.9.0</version><vendor email='adriengallou@gmail.com' url=''>Adrien Gallou</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='131.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[See
  17176. <a href="https://github.com/atoum/phpstorm-plugin/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md" rel="nofollow">https://github.com/atoum/phpstorm-plugin/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md</a>.]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><depends>com.jetbrains.php</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='3401' size='156460' date='1498647271000' url=''><name>Nette Tester</name><id>cz.jiripudil.intellij.nette.tester</id><description><![CDATA[<a href="https://github.com/jiripudil/intellij-nette-tester" rel="nofollow">Github</a>
  17177. <p>This plugin integrates <a href="https://tester.nette.org" rel="nofollow">Nette Tester</a> into PhpStorm IDE.</p>]]></description><version>2.0.0-beta.3</version><vendor email='me@jiripudil.cz' url='https://jiripudil.cz'>Jiří Pudil</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='141.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[2.0.0-beta.3
  17178. <ul>
  17179. <li>The Create Test dialog does not autoupdate the target namespace and directory if invoked from the directory context (<a href="https://github.com/jiripudil/intellij-nette-tester/issues/26" rel="nofollow">#26</a>)</li>
  17180. <li>Added some handy inspections that make sure all your tests are actually executed (<a href="https://github.com/jiripudil/intellij-nette-tester/issues/3" rel="nofollow">#3</a>, <a href="https://github.com/jiripudil/intellij-nette-tester/issues/32" rel="nofollow">#32</a>)</li>
  17181. <li>You can right-click a single test case file to run it (<a href="https://github.com/jiripudil/intellij-nette-tester/issues/23" rel="nofollow">#23</a>)</li>
  17182. <li>Added support for <code>nette/tester@dev-master</code> for the time being (<a href="https://github.com/jiripudil/intellij-nette-tester/issues/30" rel="nofollow">#30</a>)</li>
  17183. <li>Fixed: bootstrap relative path resolves correctly if the target directory does not exist (<a href="https://github.com/jiripudil/intellij-nette-tester/issues/25" rel="nofollow">#25</a>)</li>
  17184. <li>Fixed: comparison failure reporting was broken on Unix systems</li>
  17185. </ul> 2.0.0-beta.2
  17186. <p>I know I said this release branch would be feature-frozen, but... well... not just yet. I'm far too excited about bringing the new features to be able to postpone them. Semver doesn't play well with the plugin's distribution channel anyway. Here they come:</p>
  17187. <ul>
  17188. <li>In the project settings, you can configure the path to your bootstrap file; it is then automatically required in the created test files (see <a href="https://github.com/jiripudil/intellij-nette-tester/issues/20" rel="nofollow">#20</a> for instructions if it does not work right away)</li>
  17189. <li>You can now right-click a single <em>test method</em> to run or debug it in isolation (<a href="https://github.com/jiripudil/intellij-nette-tester/issues/9" rel="nofollow">#9</a>)</li>
  17190. <li>Fixed: OutputHandler now recognizes and correctly parses the diff command generated on Windows (<a href="https://github.com/jiripudil/intellij-nette-tester/issues/21" rel="nofollow">#21</a>)</li>
  17191. <li>Fixed: OutputHandler no longer reports unsuccessful builds as "terminated" (<a href="https://github.com/jiripudil/intellij-nette-tester/issues/22" rel="nofollow">#22</a>)</li>
  17192. </ul> 2.0.0-beta.1
  17193. <p><strong>After tens of hours of work, here comes a total rework of the plugin.</strong> This beta.1 release marks the feature freeze, now I'd like to focus on fixing bugs and releasing a stable version soon.</p>
  17194. <ul>
  17195. <li>Most importantly, it no longer relies on a specific fork nette/tester. As of 2.0.0, the plugin <strong>supports all 1.* versions of Nette Tester.</strong> Hooray!</li>
  17196. <li>You can navigate between the class and its test, or create a test case for a class easily. The navigation is based on convention (class name + <code>Test</code> suffix), the creation assumes your tests reside in the same namespace as the code; if you use a different scheme, you can configure source to test namespace mapping in the project settings under PHP &gt; Nette Tester.</li>
  17197. <li>The plugin ships with a run configuration producer for directories, so you can right-click a directory and run the tests within it. For this to be truly one-click action, you should configure the Tester executable in the Nette Tester default run configuration template.</li>
  17198. <li>You can view the diff of comparison failures (<code>Assert::same()</code> and alike) right in the test results window.</li>
  17199. <li>Output stack traces are decorated with links to files, provided you set <code>Tester\Dumper::$maxPathSegments</code> to a high enough value in your test environment.</li>
  17200. </ul>
  17201. <p>To support a wide range of Tester versions, I had to drop a few features. However, they should, in some form or another, be back once <a href="https://github.com/nette/tester/pulls/345" rel="nofollow">OutputHandler</a> refactoring is resolved.</p>
  17202. <ul>
  17203. <li>The plugin no longer groups TestCase methods in the test results window.</li>
  17204. <li>The plugin no longer lets you navigate to the tests from the test results window, nor run or debug them directly.</li>
  17205. </ul> 1.0.0-alpha.4
  17206. <ul>
  17207. <li>Fixed compatibility with PhpStorm 2016.3.</li>
  17208. </ul> 1.0.0-alpha.3
  17209. <ul>
  17210. <li>Fixed compatibility with PhpStorm 2016.3.</li>
  17211. </ul> 1.0-alpha2
  17212. <ul>
  17213. <li>Fixed compatibility with PhpStorm 2016.1.</li>
  17214. </ul> 1.0-alpha
  17215. <p>Initial alpha version with basic capabilities:</p>
  17216. <ul>
  17217. <li>Tester run configuration type and editor.</li>
  17218. <li>Displays results in the Test Runner window.</li>
  17219. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><depends>com.jetbrains.php</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='1823' size='61646' date='1488226779000' url=''><name>Drupal Test Runner</name><id>com.mglaman.drupal_run_tests</id><description><![CDATA[Drupal Test Runner With Drupal Test Runner, a new run configuration is added to PhpStorm specifically for Drupal's test running script
  17220. <code>run-tests.sh</code>. This allows you to run Simpletest, Unit, Kernel, Functional, and FunctionalJavascript tests with one single runner.]]></description><version>1.0-rc3</version><vendor email='nmd.matt@gmail.com' url=''>Matt Glaman</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='141.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<p>1.0-rc3</p>
  17221. <ul>
  17222. <li>Only pass `--types` and other Drupal 8 flags if the project is for Drupal 8.</li>
  17223. <li>ix java.lang.NoSuchMethodError on createProcessHandler</li>
  17224. </ul>
  17225. <p>1.0-rc2</p>
  17226. <ul>
  17227. <li>Update deprecated items.</li>
  17228. </ul>
  17229. <p>1.0-rc1:</p>
  17230. <ul>
  17231. <li>Fix deprecation notice on createProcessHandler</li>
  17232. <li>Fix NotNull error when Drupal integration is not yet configured <a rel="nofollow">#17</a></li>
  17233. <li>Unselected test types in the UI output as 'null' in command parameter <a rel="nofollow">#21</a></li>
  17234. <li>Check if `vendor` created for check configuration. (<a rel="nofollow">#16</a>)</li>
  17235. <li>Invalid Drupal Directory configured for this project <a rel="nofollow">#15</a></li>
  17236. <li>Add screenshots for wiki, update README screenshot.</li>
  17237. </ul>
  17238. <p>1.0-beta2:</p>
  17239. <ul>
  17240. <li>Support running specific types.</li>
  17241. <li>Adjust naming and positioning on configure form.</li>
  17242. <li>Link to failed test class files.</li>
  17243. </ul>
  17244. <p>1.0-beta1:</p>
  17245. <ul>
  17246. <li>Allow debugging like phpunit tests. (<a href="https://github.com/mglaman/intellij-drupal-run-tests/issues/14" rel="nofollow">#14</a>)</li>
  17247. <li>Clean up and configuration class and command building.</li>
  17248. <li>Add utility to help build test runner command.</li>
  17249. <li>If Drupal path isn't configured, error for run configuration should link to settings form. (<a href="https://github.com/mglaman/intellij-drupal-run-tests/issues/7" rel="nofollow">#7</a>)</li>
  17250. <li>Document how to setup environment for contributing (<a href="https://github.com/mglaman/intellij-drupal-run-tests/issues/9" rel="nofollow">#9</a>)</li>
  17251. <li>Add support for "repeat" (<a href="https://github.com/mglaman/intellij-drupal-run-tests/issues/11" rel="nofollow">#11</a>)</li>
  17252. <li>Support "die-on-fail" (Fix <a href="https://github.com/mglaman/intellij-drupal-run-tests/issues/13" rel="nofollow">#13</a>)</li>
  17253. </ul>
  17254. <p>1.0-alpha3:</p>
  17255. <ul>
  17256. <li>Add CONTRIBUTING.md</li>
  17257. <li>Concurrency number field doesn't work</li>
  17258. <li>Remove hardcoded --sqlite</li>
  17259. <li>Support Drupal 7</li>
  17260. </ul> 1.0-alpha2
  17261. <ul>
  17262. <li>Add "Class" run option </li>
  17263. <li>Test textfield box is not visible when opening existing config</li>
  17264. </ul> 1.0-alpha1
  17265. <ul>
  17266. <li>Initial work</li>
  17267. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><depends>com.jetbrains.php</depends><depends>com.jetbrains.php.drupal</depends><rating>3.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='13069' size='2962602' date='1474709469000' url=''><name>Spek</name><id>org.jetbrains.spek.spek-idea-plugin</id><description><![CDATA[Official IntelliJ IDEA plugin for
  17268. <a href="http://jetbrains.github.io/spek/" rel="nofollow">Spek</a>.]]></description><version>0.2.5</version><vendor email='raniejaderamiso@gmail.com' url='http://polymorphicpanda.io'>Ranie Jade Ramiso</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='143.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<ul>
  17269. <li>Disable gutter icons when <b>@RunWith(...)</b> is present to avoid confusion.</li>
  17270. <li>Update to Kotlin 1.0.4</li>
  17271. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>org.jetbrains.kotlin</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='8657' size='42492' date='1478542559000' url=''><name>TypeScript spec file generator / navigator</name><id>eu.ydp.idea.tsSpecGenerator</id><description><![CDATA[TypeScript test file generator / navigator.]]></description><version>0.2</version><vendor email='mstocki@ydp.eu' url='http://www.ydp.eu'>Young Digital Planet</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='139.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<strong>0.2</strong>
  17272. <ul>
  17273. <li>Introducing a settings panel</li>
  17274. <li>Editing a template of the generate spec file for a project</li>
  17275. <li>User-defined template supports several variables</li>
  17276. </ul>
  17277. <strong>0.1</strong>
  17278. <ul>
  17279. <li>Basic spec file code generation if file not exists</li>
  17280. <li>Navigation to a spec file if already exists</li>
  17281. <li>Navigation to class file if the action used in a spec file</li>
  17282. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin></category><ff>"Build"</ff><category name="Build"><idea-plugin downloads='2117' size='6629840' date='1192677334000' url='http://www.flopcode.com'><name>BuildFeedback.FreeTTS</name><id>BuildFeedback.FreeTTS</id><description><![CDATA[Provides Buildfeedback via FreeTTS]]></description><version>1.0</version><vendor email='gizmoATflopcodeDOTcom' url='http://www.flopcode.com'>com.flopcode</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='40.3000' /><change-notes><![CDATA[
  17283. ]]></change-notes><depends>BuildFeedback</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='2270' size='6239' date='1192677712000' url='http://www.flopcode.com'><name>BuildFeedback.JavaxSound</name><id>BuildFeedback.JavaxSound</id><description><![CDATA[Plays sound when the build is ready]]></description><version>1.0</version><vendor email='gizmoATflopcodeDOTcom' url='http://www.flopcode.com'>com.flopcode</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='40.3000' /><change-notes><![CDATA[
  17284. Initial Version.
  17285. Outputs a sound with javax sound if
  17286. ]]></change-notes><depends>BuildFeedback</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='45227' size='238479' date='1507117370000' url=''><name>Phing Support</name><id>com.intellij.phing</id><description><![CDATA[Phing build tool support]]></description><version>173.2941.7</version><vendor email='' url=''>JetBrains</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='173.2941' until-build='173.*'/><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>(optional) com.intellij.properties</depends><depends>(optional) com.jetbrains.php</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.xml</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='5660' size='13996' date='1350848732000' url=''><name>OpenJpa extension for DataNucleus integration</name><id>OpenJpaIntegration</id><description><![CDATA[Version 1.1.0 -only- works with DataNucleus Plugin 1.1.0-beta or later! As a result this plugin is also just available for IDEA versions &gt;= 10.5.
  17287. <br />
  17288. <br /> Integration of the OpenJpa JPA class enhancer in IDEA as extension of
  17289. <a href="http://www.datanucleus.org/products/accessplatform_3_0/guides/idea/index.html" rel="nofollow">DataNucleus IDEA enhancer integration</a> plugin.
  17290. <br />
  17291. <p> Not part of- and not supported by DataNucleus!<br /> Since 1.1.0 DataNucleus plugin 1.1.0-beta (or later) has to be installed!<br /> If using DataNucleus plugin versions from 1.0.6 to 1.0.8 stay with 1.0.0!<br /> Leverages the features provided by the <a href="http://plugins.intellij.net/plugin/?idea&amp;id=5381" rel="nofollow">DataNucleus plugin</a> but uses OpenJpa enhancer in the build process.<br /> </p>
  17292. <br /> Important:
  17293. <br />
  17294. <ul>
  17295. <li>Install <a href="http://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/?idea&amp;id=5381" rel="nofollow">DataNucleus plugin</a> first!</li>
  17296. <li>Look at the release notes of <a href="http://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/?idea&amp;id=5381" rel="nofollow">DataNucleus plugin</a>, especially 'Known Issues'.</li>
  17297. <li>Do not post at DataNucleus Forum in case of problems!. You will get _NO_ answer there, as not supported by them. Use this plugins comments instead.</li>
  17298. <li>Tested with openjpa 2.1.1 and 2.2.0 only</li>
  17299. <li>If encountering ClassCastExceptions regarding xerces and the like, you most probably are including openjpa-all.jar and thus having issues with duplicate dependencies (with different versions) - so this plugin is not to be held responsible in such cases.</li>
  17300. </ul>
  17301. <p></p>
  17302. <p></p>
  17303. <br /> Known issues:
  17304. <br />
  17305. <ul>
  17306. <li>When changing enhancer implementation for the first time the selection does not react immediately or needs a reselection to update the configuration.</li>
  17307. </ul>
  17308. <p></p>
  17309. <p></p>
  17310. <br /> Private note:
  17311. <br />
  17312. <ul>
  17313. <li>When finding enough time I will put this project onto sourceforge or github to provide a central point for problem/enhancement inquiries (it's intended to be opensource anyway).</li>
  17314. </ul>
  17315. <p></p>]]></description><version>1.1.0</version><vendor email='' url='http://www.sourceheads.com/'>sourceheads Information Technology GmbH</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='107.105' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<p> <b>1.1.0</b><br /> - Updated to new API provided by parent plugin to support manual enhancer dependencies.<br /> REQUIRES DataNucleus IDEA enhancer integration version 1.1.x!<br /> </p>
  17316. <p> <b>1.0.0</b><br /> - Initial implementation.<br /> </p>]]></change-notes><depends>DataNucleusIntegration</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='8469' size='7743' date='1377228667000' url=''><name>Aardvark</name><id>gw.vark</id><description><![CDATA[IntelliJ IDEA plugin for the Aardvark.
  17317. <p> The plugin adds syntax highlighting and code completion for Aardvark (.vark) files.</p>]]></description><version>0.5</version><vendor email='aardvarkgw@googlegroups.com' url='http://vark.github.io/'>Guidewire Software</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='117.418' /><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>com.guidewire.gosu</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='4788' size='67800' date='1392775612000' url='https://github.com/pepijnve/buildr-plugin'><name>Buildr Plugin</name><id>BuildrPlugin</id><description><![CDATA[Plug-in for Apache Buildr. You must install
  17318. <a href="http://buildr.apache.org/installing.html" rel="nofollow">Buildr</a> in order to use this plug-in. This plugin is a fork of the original Buildr plugin created by Shane Whitbeck.]]></description><version>13.0.0</version><vendor email='pepijn@vaneeckhoudt.net' url='https://github.com/pepijnve/buildr-plugin'>Pepijn Van Eeckhoudt</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='133.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<a href="https://github.com/pepijnve/buildr-plugin/commits/master" rel="nofollow">Change log</a>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='17110' size='13813399' date='1513370300000' url=''><name>Buck for IDEA</name><id>intellij.buck.plugin</id><description><![CDATA[An IntelliJ plugin for Buck build system.
  17319. <br> Features:
  17320. <ul>
  17321. <li>Syntax highlighting for BUCK file</li>
  17322. <li>Keywords auto completion</li>
  17323. <li>Go to buck file with one click</li>
  17324. <li>Go to to paths of dependencies with one click</li>
  17325. <li>Buck file formatter</li>
  17326. <li>Buck line commenter</li>
  17327. <li>Buck dependencies sorter</li>
  17328. </ul>]]></description><version>3.4</version><vendor email='fb-plugins@fb.com' url='www.facebook.com'>Facebook, Inc.</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='172.1294' /><change-notes><![CDATA[3.4
  17329. <ul>
  17330. <li>Enable Layout Preview in Android projects generated by <code>buck project</code>.</li>
  17331. <li>Support Skylark <code>glob</code> API (<code>exclude</code> attribute).</li>
  17332. <li>Auto-complete <code>load</code> functions.</li>
  17333. <li>Add limited support for detecting missing extension files referenced in <code>load</code> function. Currently only targets from the same cell are checked.</li>
  17334. <li>Add limited <code>load</code> function target navigation. Currently only targets from the same cell are supported.</li>
  17335. </ul> 3.3
  17336. <ul>
  17337. <li>"Optimize Imports" now removes duplicate dependencies.</li>
  17338. <li>The paste code will not transform text if within a non-empty string.</li>
  17339. </ul> 3.2
  17340. <ul>
  17341. <li>Fix paste bugs; add unit tests so paste doesn't break again.</li>
  17342. <li>Move adb/buck configuration checks to point of use, so you no longer get Fatal Errors on opening IJ if you don't have adb installed.</li>
  17343. </ul> 3.1
  17344. <ul>
  17345. <li>Detect new package creation, and mark it as a source folder.</li>
  17346. <li>Remove the default folding of large arrays.</li>
  17347. </ul> 3.0
  17348. <ul>
  17349. <li>Make plugin compatible with IntelliJ 2017.1.</li>
  17350. </ul> 2.9
  17351. <ul>
  17352. <li>Add an ability to run tests from editor.</li>
  17353. <li>Find adb based on ANDROID_SDK environment variable.</li>
  17354. <li>Fold BUCK files.</li>
  17355. </ul> 2.8
  17356. <ul>
  17357. <li>Detect resource creation in a Project View's /res directory, and moves the new file to an Android resource module.</li>
  17358. </ul> 2.7.8
  17359. <ul>
  17360. <li>Fixed issues with Buck files showing syntax errors when using the glob function.</li>
  17361. </ul> 2.7.7
  17362. <ul>
  17363. <li>Fix a bug with buck command never finishes. This solves the problem with not showing targets in "Choose Buck Target" pop-up.</li>
  17364. <li>Use buck config to determine Buck file name (default is BUCK).</li>
  17365. </ul> 2.7.6
  17366. <ul>
  17367. <li>Change pasting formatting to have double-quotes and four-space indents.</li>
  17368. </ul> 2.7.5
  17369. <ul>
  17370. <li>Fix go-to-definition to recognize both single- and double-quoted strings.</li>
  17371. <li>Fix how the icon gets initialized for the buck tool window.</li>
  17372. </ul> 2.7.4
  17373. <ul>
  17374. <li>Added support for pasting multiple targets in a Buck file.</li>
  17375. <li>Fixed issues with whitespace when pasting target(s) in a Buck file.</li>
  17376. </ul> 2.7.3
  17377. <ul>
  17378. <li>Removed restriction on IDEA version.</li>
  17379. <li>Added test run configuration.</li>
  17380. </ul> 2.7.2
  17381. <ul>
  17382. <li>Fixed a bug with NullPointerException in BuckEventsQueue.</li>
  17383. <li>Fixed multiple edge cases with autodeps logic.</li>
  17384. </ul> 2.7.1
  17385. <ul>
  17386. <li>Updated upper-bound of plugin to 2016.2.</li>
  17387. </ul> 2.7.0
  17388. <ul>
  17389. <li>Sending events for Buck plugin IntelliJ actions.</li>
  17390. <li>Added adb select path to Tools.</li>
  17391. </ul> 2.6
  17392. <ul>
  17393. <li>Improved server connect/disconnect.</li>
  17394. <li>Moved actions from the UI thread.</li>
  17395. <li>Fixed some compatibility issues.</li>
  17396. </ul> 2.5
  17397. <ul>
  17398. <li>Updated buck icons.</li>
  17399. <li>Made all existing paths in a Buck file clickable.</li>
  17400. <li>Improved grammar.</li>
  17401. <li>Show popup on how to enable the toolbar.</li>
  17402. <li>Disable choose target if indexing not over.</li>
  17403. </ul> 2.4
  17404. <ul>
  17405. <li>Added the plugin to the toolbar.</li>
  17406. <li>Show successful/failed notification on action finished.</li>
  17407. <li>Automatically find buck executable.</li>
  17408. <li>Added install debugging.</li>
  17409. <li>Minor bug fixes.</li>
  17410. </ul> 2.3
  17411. <ul>
  17412. <li>Updated with the new buck API.</li>
  17413. <li>Fixed old commands to work with Buck.</li>
  17414. </ul> 2.2
  17415. <ul>
  17416. <li>Fetch build status via websocket.</li>
  17417. <li>Publish build status notifications.</li>
  17418. </ul> 1.1
  17419. <ul>
  17420. <li>Formatter for buck file.</li>
  17421. <li>Buck dependencies sorter.</li>
  17422. <li>Annotator for wrong buck dependency target.</li>
  17423. <li>Line commenter.</li>
  17424. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='7613' size='42877' date='1440567805000' url=''><name>Gradle Confirmation</name><id>com.github.shiraji.gradleconfirmation</id><description><![CDATA[This plugin shows a confirmation dialog before executing gradle tasks.
  17425. <br />
  17426. <br />
  17427. <a href="https://github.com/shiraji/GradleConfirmation" rel="nofollow">GitHub</a> |
  17428. <a href="https://github.com/shiraji/GradleConfirmation/issues" rel="nofollow">Issues</a>]]></description><version>1.0.0</version><vendor email='isogai.shiraji@gmail.com' url='https://github.com/shiraji'>Shiraji</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='131.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[v1.0.0 Added a function that disables to show the confirmation based on gradle task names]]></change-notes><depends>org.jetbrains.plugins.gradle</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='3885' size='1021736' date='1504540258000' url=''><name>Kobalt</name><id>com.beust.kobalt.intellij</id><description><![CDATA[A plugin for the
  17429. <b>Kobalt</b> build system.]]></description><version>1.130</version><vendor email='cedric@beust.com' url='http://beust.com/kobalt'>Kobalt, by Cédric Beust</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='171.3780.107' /><change-notes><![CDATA[1.130
  17430. <ul>
  17431. <li> Compatibility with IDEA 172.3968.16. </li>
  17432. </ul> 1.129
  17433. <ul>
  17434. <li> Fix NPE while importing detached project. </li>
  17435. </ul> 1.128
  17436. <ul>
  17437. <li> Kotlin configurator: prevent duplication of runtime lib in Build.kt. </li>
  17438. <li> Kotlin configurator: remove kotlin-test lib configuration since it is not a part of Kotlin runtime and could be optional to user. </li>
  17439. </ul> 1.127
  17440. <ul>
  17441. <li> fix Kotlin configurator in correspond to the the new version of Kotlin plugin. </li>
  17442. <li> remove unnecessary findServerPort() call. </li>
  17443. <li> improvement: do not print "task canceled" message in case if task execution failed. </li>
  17444. </ul> 1.126
  17445. <ul>
  17446. <li> add tracking of Kotlin sources (in Build.kt module content roots) for changes. </li>
  17447. <li> fix: prevent endless "resolve project" loop. </li>
  17448. <li> handling for build file classpath dependencies. relates to cbeust/kobalt#410. </li>
  17449. <li> fixed canceling of task execution. </li>
  17450. </ul> 1.125
  17451. <ul>
  17452. <li> implement handling for multiple build content roots. </li>
  17453. <li> increase a little bit waiting time for server start. </li>
  17454. <li> fix possible SOF. </li>
  17455. <li> other fixes. </li>
  17456. </ul> 1.124
  17457. <ul>
  17458. <li> added ability to specify if Kobalt should download all sources/javadoc for all dependencies. </li>
  17459. <li> fix always resync when project opened. </li>
  17460. <li> other fixes. </li>
  17461. </ul> 1.123
  17462. <ul>
  17463. <li> added profiles field in Kobalt settings. </li>
  17464. <li> fix "project directory is already taken" error. </li>
  17465. <li> implemented getDependencyGraph by project root. </li>
  17466. </ul> 1.122
  17467. <ul>
  17468. <li>Implemented Kotlin plugin configurator: This will add ability to include Kotlin runtime dependencies directly to Build.kt file </li>
  17469. <li>Some fixes </li>
  17470. </ul> 1.121
  17471. <ul>
  17472. <li>Kotlin 1.1 </li>
  17473. </ul> 1.120
  17474. <ul>
  17475. <li>Fixed: Incorrect of a Kobalt configuration in Gradle projects. </li>
  17476. </ul> 1.118
  17477. <ul>
  17478. <li>Display the dependencies as a tree instead of a list. </li>
  17479. </ul> 1.117
  17480. <ul>
  17481. <li>Remove duplication of Tasks nodes. </li>
  17482. </ul> 1.115
  17483. <ul>
  17484. <li>Make plugin compatible regarding changes in API (com.intellij.util.net.HttpConfigurable). </li>
  17485. </ul> 1.114
  17486. <ul>
  17487. <li>Better synchronizing progress messages with Websockets. </li>
  17488. </ul> 1.113
  17489. <ul>
  17490. <li>Imported projects are now named after their project name instead of "Kobalt project". </li>
  17491. </ul> 1.112
  17492. <ul>
  17493. <li>Build.kt files can now have breakpoints. </li>
  17494. </ul> 1.103
  17495. <ul>
  17496. <li>Can choose specific Kobalt version </li>
  17497. <li>Fixed bad display of Unicode characters </li>
  17498. <li>Tasks are launched on specific project instead of all projects </li>
  17499. <li>Kobalt launched directly instead of the wrapper </li>
  17500. <li>Fixed detached project bug </li>
  17501. </ul> 1.102
  17502. <ul>
  17503. <li>Template support. </li>
  17504. </ul> 1.101
  17505. <ul>
  17506. <li>Fixed: when "Build.kt" module not imported if no distribution downloaded (distribution already present) </li>
  17507. <li>Fixed: adding "src" dir to "Build.kt" module </li>
  17508. <li>Fixed: adding project SDK to "Build.kt" module </li>
  17509. </ul> 1.100
  17510. <ul>
  17511. <li>Tool window. </li>
  17512. </ul> 1.58
  17513. <ul>
  17514. <li>New server implementation. </li>
  17515. </ul> 1.57
  17516. <ul>
  17517. <li>Sort the tasks alphabetically. </li>
  17518. </ul> 1.56
  17519. <ul>
  17520. <li>Tasks are now properly sent by the server. </li>
  17521. </ul> 1.55
  17522. <ul>
  17523. <li>More robust server process management. </li>
  17524. <li>Always call BuildModule.run (Dmitry Zhuravlev). </li>
  17525. <li>Always save all documents before a build (Dmitry Zhuravlev). </li>
  17526. <li>Don't sync the project if no Build.kt was found (Dmitry Zhuravlev). </li>
  17527. </ul> 1.54
  17528. <ul>
  17529. <li>New Kobalt tool window (Dmitry Zhuravlev). </li>
  17530. </ul> 1.53
  17531. <ul>
  17532. <li>Increase the time out to download the latest zip. </li>
  17533. </ul> 1.52
  17534. <ul>
  17535. <li>Minor bug in the unzipping logic. </li>
  17536. </ul> 1.51
  17537. <ul>
  17538. <li>Did not extract the .zip file if it was found even though the jar file was not present. </li>
  17539. </ul> 1.50
  17540. <ul>
  17541. <li>Dependent projects were no longer being added. </li>
  17542. </ul> 1.48
  17543. <ul>
  17544. <li>Moved the Kobalt menu under "Tools". </li>
  17545. </ul> 1.47
  17546. <ul>
  17547. <li>Fix the "Progress already started" exception. </li>
  17548. </ul> 1.44
  17549. <ul>
  17550. <li>Move sync back to the background </li>
  17551. </ul> 1.43
  17552. <ul>
  17553. <li>Update to 0.680 to receive build errors </li>
  17554. </ul> 1.42
  17555. <ul>
  17556. <li>Better progress indicators </li>
  17557. </ul> 1.41
  17558. <ul>
  17559. <li>Was downloading a new distribution in the wrong directory </li>
  17560. </ul> 1.40
  17561. <ul>
  17562. <li>Configure resource directories correctly </li>
  17563. </ul> 1.39
  17564. <ul>
  17565. <li>Update to the new zip format </li>
  17566. </ul> 1.38
  17567. <ul>
  17568. <li>Update to Kotlin 1.0.0 </li>
  17569. <li>Fix the output directory </li>
  17570. <li>Launch the server in remote debug mode </li>
  17571. </ul> 1.35
  17572. <ul>
  17573. <li>Make each module inherit the project SDK. </li>
  17574. </ul> 1.32
  17575. <ul>
  17576. <li>New organization of modules. </li>
  17577. </ul> 1.31
  17578. <ul>
  17579. <li>Handle dynamic plug-ins better in Build.kt. </li>
  17580. </ul> 1.29
  17581. <ul>
  17582. <li>Automatically enables autocompletion in kobalt/src/Build.kt. </li>
  17583. </ul> 1.27
  17584. <ul>
  17585. <li>Server log is now captured in a temporary file. </li>
  17586. <li>Launching java with absolute path. </li>
  17587. </ul> 1.26
  17588. <ul>
  17589. <li>Dependencies were no longer being set. </li>
  17590. </ul> 1.23
  17591. <ul>
  17592. <li>Automatically loads the latest version of Kobalt on start up. </li>
  17593. </ul> 1.20
  17594. <ul>
  17595. <li>Updated Kotlin 1.0.0-beta-2423. </li>
  17596. </ul> 1.19
  17597. <ul>
  17598. <li>Update to 0.264. </li>
  17599. </ul> 1.17
  17600. <ul>
  17601. <li>Updated to the new distribution URL. </li>
  17602. </ul> 1.14
  17603. <ul>
  17604. <li>$JAVA_HOME no longer necessary. </li>
  17605. </ul> 1.12
  17606. <ul>
  17607. <li>Better handling of module POM files. </li>
  17608. </ul> 1.11
  17609. <ul>
  17610. <li>Fix crash in the protocol parsing. </li>
  17611. </ul> 1.10
  17612. <ul>
  17613. <li>Display build errors in a dialog. </li>
  17614. </ul> 1.6
  17615. <ul>
  17616. <li>Clean up all the libraries and dependencies correctly. </li>
  17617. </ul> 1.0 Initial release.]]></change-notes><depends>(optional) org.jetbrains.kotlin</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='1495' size='142817888' date='1466014019000' url=''><name>BugVM</name><id>com.bugvm.intellij</id><description><![CDATA[<p> Easily create native iOS apps with Java. </p>
  17618. <p> BugVM is free and open source. </p>
  17619. <br>
  17620. <p> Requires Xcode 7 on Mac OSX and at least 1GB of heap space for gradle VM. </p>]]></description><version>1.1.4</version><vendor email='bug@bugvm.com' url='https://bugvm.com'>BugVM</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='141.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>org.jetbrains.android</depends><depends>org.jetbrains.plugins.gradle</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='2621' size='155595' date='1461156406000' url=''><name>ApkPackerPlugin</name><id>RunTaskAction</id><description><![CDATA[A packer plugin for android.]]></description><version>1.4</version><vendor email='nihao-zsj@163.com' url='https://github.com/zhouaijia/IdeaPackerPlugin'>Aijia</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='141.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>org.jetbrains.plugins.gradle</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='26531' size='48477' date='1473671275000' url=''><name>Freeline Plugin</name><id>com.apkfuns.plugin.freeline</id><description><![CDATA[android studio plugin for
  17621. <a href="https://github.com/alibaba/freeline" rel="nofollow">Freeline</a>
  17622. <br>
  17623. <br>
  17624. <img src="http://qiniu.apkfuns.com/54F6776E-B1A4-4693-8858-53E030DD9312.png" width="420" height="200">
  17625. <br>
  17626. <img src="http://qiniu.apkfuns.com/8A1FA6B7-83EE-4749-9C40-311DD0182638.png" width="420" height="200">
  17627. <br>
  17628. <br>
  17629. <br>
  17630. <b>Contributors</b>
  17631. <br>
  17632. <a href="http://github.com/act262" rel="nofollow">act262</a>、
  17633. <a href="http://github.com/pengwei1024" rel="nofollow">舞影凌风</a>、
  17634. <br>
  17635. <br>
  17636. <br>
  17637. <b>ISSUES</b>
  17638. <br>
  17639. <a href="https://github.com/alibaba/freeline/issues" rel="nofollow">Submit Suggestions or Bugs</a>
  17640. <br>
  17641. <br>]]></description><version>1.0.0</version><vendor email='' url='https://github.com/alibaba/freeline/tree/master/android-studio-plugin'>act262, 舞影凌风</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='141.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<ul>
  17642. <li> <b>1.0.0</b><br> run Freeline with debug and Force </li>
  17643. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>org.jetbrains.android</depends><depends>org.jetbrains.plugins.terminal</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='756' size='40689291' date='1513096309000' url=''><name>Merger</name><id>merger4ideaPlugin</id><description><![CDATA[Merger is a tool for constructing arbitrary build algorithms using modules, branches, VCS repositories (svn and git), other builder(ant, maven, npm) and the capabilities of the scala 2.12 language]]></description><version>2.2</version><vendor email='' url=''>SGAZ</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='143.2287' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Build projects with embedded scala SDK.]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.vcs</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='3194' size='8059' date='1475593672000' url=''><name>Execute Gradle Task</name><id>de.tomtec.idea.plugin.gradle.run</id><description><![CDATA[Plugin to be able to execute a gradle task from a context menu action on a module.
  17644. <br> You can also use Ctrl + Alt + G to trigger the Execute dialog in an editor. If used in the editor
  17645. <br> the current module path will be used as the base for running a task.]]></description><version>1.0</version><vendor email='information@tomtec.de' url='https://www.tomtec.de/excellence-in-digital-healthcare/'>TomTec</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><depends>org.jetbrains.plugins.gradle</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='2188' size='7062' date='1477170246000' url=''><name>Gradle Stop</name><id>com.github.shchurov.gradlestop</id><description><![CDATA[A small plugin that allows you to stop any running Gradle process in one click. For instance, it can help you cancel the building process. Note that it requires you to have gradlew executable in the project directory (it's there by default when using Android Studio). After the installation you can find "Gradle Stop" button on Main Toolbar and inside Run Menu. Please leave all your bug-reports and feature-requests on
  17646. <a href="https://github.com/shchurov/GradleStop" rel="nofollow">Github page</a>.]]></description><version>1.1</version><vendor email='shchurov.m@gmail.com' url='https://github.com/shchurov/GradleStop'>Mykhailo Shchurov</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='143.1184' /><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='271' size='2830134' date='1500739786000' url=''><name>BuildStats</name><id>com.pedalbuild.intellij.plugins.buildstats</id><description><![CDATA[BuildStats keeps track of your build activity and send you daily and weekly reports
  17647. <br>]]></description><version>0.1.1</version><vendor email='info@pedalbuild.com' url='https://www.pedalbuild.com'>Pedal</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[NullPointerException Fix]]></change-notes><depends>Git4Idea</depends><depends>org.jetbrains.android</depends><depends>org.jetbrains.plugins.gradle</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='1150' size='34681' date='1496669520000' url=''><name>Run Configuration For External Tools</name><id>de.markiewb.idea.externalrunconfiguration</id><description><![CDATA[It adds a 'Run Configuration' type for 'External Tools'.
  17648. <br>
  17649. <br> The configuration executes nothing, BUT you can associate an 'External Tool' via the 'Before Launch' section. Thus the 'External Tool' is available via the Run-/Debug-Popup.
  17650. <br>
  17651. <br>
  17652. <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/markiewb/idea-externaltools-runconfiguration-plugin/master/doc/RunPopup.png">
  17653. <br>
  17654. <br> It solves or helps you with the issues
  17655. <a href="https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-104897" rel="nofollow">IDEA-104897</a>,
  17656. <a href="https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-168555" rel="nofollow">IDEA-168555</a>,
  17657. <a href="https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-161285" rel="nofollow">IDEA-161285</a> Configuration
  17658. <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/markiewb/idea-externaltools-runconfiguration-plugin/master/doc/Configuration.png">]]></description><version>1.0</version><vendor email='' url='https://github.com/markiewb/idea-externaltools-runconfiguration-plugin'>markiewb</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='131.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[1.0: Initial version]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='2823' size='517290' date='1516629508000' url=''><name>Gradle/Maven Navigation</name><id>tv.twelvetone.gradle.plugin.navigation</id><description><![CDATA[<strong>Overview</strong>
  17659. <p>Open our customized popup dialog and choose from a variety of context-sensitive destinations, including tree nodes, goals, and tasks. For each destination choose from context-sensitive actions such as go, open, run, and debug.</p>
  17660. <p>Say goodbye to bland popup menus and fatigue invoking nested trees. You can configure options under <em>Settings/Appearance/Gradle Navigation</em>. Make sure to assign to the popup command to a convenient, unused function key! </p>
  17661. <p>Because our plugin is now applicable to Gradle, Maven, Android, and other project build engines, we will be changing our name. Stay tuned!</p>
  17662. <strong>Features</strong>
  17663. <p> <em>Destination Popup</em> - A popup window is also provided with buttons to either go to tasks or groups in the Gradle tree, or run tasks directly. You can easily customize the content and order of items in the popup. <br> The navigation popup now includes links to various project and module settings, along with Android resource directories, the Maven project tree, and Maven POM files (if they exist in conventional locations) </p>
  17664. <p> <em>Menu Items</em> - The Gradle/Maven Navigation Plugin for IntelliJ adds additional features to the standard Gradle and Maven plugin. You can now <em>swivel</em> between the source editor, the project view, and the Gradle view. A custom popup displays common destinations and user configured tasks and groups. Commands are added to various context menus in the Project Tree, Gradle Tree, and Editor Window. </p>
  17665. <p> <em>Goto Gradle/Maven</em> - project, task, or group </p>
  17666. <p> <em>Goto Project</em> - gradle settings or build, source root, or resource root </p>
  17667. <p> Gradle Users: This plugin works for both single-project and multi-project Gradle builds. </p>]]></description><version>1.0.38</version><vendor email='support@twelvetone.tv' url='http://www.twelvetone.tv/gradle-navigation-plugin-for-intellij/'>TwelveTone</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<ul>
  17668. <li>task: Update first-time alert message</li>
  17669. <li>task: Update config dialog instructions</li>
  17670. <li>bug: Kotlin DSL projects do not show Gradle navigation targets in popup</li>
  17671. <li>bug: Kotlin DSL project settings file are not recognized</li>
  17672. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>org.jetbrains.plugins.gradle</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin></category><ff>"Code editing"</ff><category name="Code editing"><idea-plugin downloads='8078' size='52290' date='1202346747000' url=''><name>CodeLock</name><id>CodeLock</id><description><![CDATA[Allows locking of classes, methods and regions of code to protect
  17673. improtant parts of the code from accidental change
  17674. ]]></description><version>1.1</version><vendor email='' url=''>Gil Tzadikevitch</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='72.7364' /><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>CodeGraph</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='389064' size='347365' date='1507383434000' url='https://github.com/krasa/StringManipulation'><name>String Manipulation</name><id>String Manipulation</id><description><![CDATA[<p> </p>
  17675. <p> Provides actions for text manipulation: </p>
  17676. <ul>
  17677. <li>Toggle style (camelCase, hyphen-lowercase, HYPHEN-UPPERCASE, snake_case, SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE, dot.case, words lowercase, Words Capitalized, PascalCase) </li>
  17678. <li>To SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE (or to camelCase)</li>
  17679. <li>To snake_case (or to camelCase)</li>
  17680. <li>To dot.case (or to camelCase)</li>
  17681. <li>To hyphen-case (or to camelCase)</li>
  17682. <li>To hyphen-case (or to snake_case)</li>
  17683. <li>To camelCase (Or To Words)</li>
  17684. <li>To camelCase (or to lowercase words)</li>
  17685. <li>To PascalCase (or to camelCase)</li>
  17686. <li>Capitalize selected text</li>
  17687. <li>Invert case</li>
  17688. </ul> -when nothing is selected, then either nothing or whole line or a particular element is selected - report an issue if you find something to improve, each file type needs its own implementation to work flawlessly.
  17689. <p></p>
  17690. <p> Un/Escape: </p>
  17691. <ul>
  17692. <li>Un/Escape selected Java text</li>
  17693. <li>Un/Escape selected JavaScript text</li>
  17694. <li>Un/Escape selected HTML text</li>
  17695. <li>Un/Escape selected XML text</li>
  17696. <li>Un/Escape selected SQL text</li>
  17697. <li>Un/Escape selected PHP text</li>
  17698. <li>Convert diacritics(accents) to ASCII</li>
  17699. <li>Convert non ASCII to escaped Unicode</li>
  17700. <li>Convert escaped Unicode to String</li>
  17701. </ul>
  17702. <p></p>
  17703. <p> Encode/Decode: </p>
  17704. <ul>
  17705. <li>Encode selected text to MD5 Hex16</li>
  17706. <li>De/Encode selected text as URL</li>
  17707. <li>De/Encode selected text to Base64</li>
  17708. </ul>
  17709. <p></p>
  17710. <p> Increment/Decrement: </p>
  17711. <ul>
  17712. <li>Increment/decrement all numbers found.</li>
  17713. <li>Duplicate line and increment/decrement all numbers found.</li>
  17714. <li>Create sequence - Keep first number, replace all other by incrementing</li>
  17715. <li>Increment duplicate numbers</li>
  17716. </ul>
  17717. <p></p>
  17718. <p> Sort with natural order: </p>
  17719. <ul>
  17720. <li>Reversing order of lines</li>
  17721. <li>Shuffle lines</li>
  17722. <li>Sort case-sensitive A-z</li>
  17723. <li>Sort case-sensitive z-A</li>
  17724. <li>Sort case-insensitive A-Z</li>
  17725. <li>Sort case-insensitive Z-A</li>
  17726. <li>Sort line length asc., desc.</li>
  17727. <li>Sort lines by subselection - only one selection/caret per line is handled</li>
  17728. </ul>
  17729. <p></p>
  17730. <p> Align: </p>
  17731. <ul>
  17732. <li>Format selected text to columns/table by a chosen separator/delimiter</li>
  17733. <li>Align text to left/center/right</li>
  17734. </ul>
  17735. <p></p>
  17736. <p> Filter/Remove/Trim...: </p>
  17737. <ul>
  17738. <li>Grep selected text, All lines not matching input text wil be removed. (Does not work in column mode) </li>
  17739. <li>Trim selected text</li>
  17740. <li>Trim all spaces in selected text</li>
  17741. <li>Remove all spaces in selected text</li>
  17742. <li>Remove duplicate lines</li>
  17743. <li>Keep only duplicate lines</li>
  17744. <li>Remove empty lines</li>
  17745. <li>Remove all newlines</li>
  17746. </ul>
  17747. <p></p>
  17748. <p> Other: </p>
  17749. <ul>
  17750. <li>Swap Characters/Selections/Lines/Tokens</li>
  17751. <li>Switch file path separators: Windows&lt;-&gt;UNIX</li>
  17752. </ul>
  17753. <p></p>
  17754. <p>Actions are available under Edit menu, or via the shortcut "alt M" and "alt shift M". You can setup your own shortcuts for better usability. </p>
  17755. <p></p>]]></description><version></version><vendor email='vojta.krasa@gmail.com' url=''>original author: Olivier Smedile, current maintainer: Vojtech Krasa</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='143.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<p> </p> Version 5.7
  17756. <ul>
  17757. <li>Align to Columns improvements</li>
  17758. </ul> Version 5.6
  17759. <ul>
  17760. <li>Sort lines by subselection fix</li>
  17761. </ul> Version 5.5
  17762. <ul>
  17763. <li>Removed action: Capitalize Fully</li>
  17764. <li>Added action: Keep only duplicates</li>
  17765. <li>Added action: Invert case</li>
  17766. <li>Added action: To camelCase (or to lowercase words)</li>
  17767. <li>Added action: Encode/Decode URL according to RFC 3986 (space character as %20 instead of +, using org.springframework.web.util.UriUtils 4.3.9.RELEASE) </li>
  17768. </ul> Version 5.4
  17769. <ul>
  17770. <li>Sorting order fix</li>
  17771. <li>Fixed: Find in Path Dialog shows the popup</li>
  17772. <li>Fixed: Style converting - special characters will not be converted</li>
  17773. </ul> Version 5.3
  17774. <ul>
  17775. <li>Introduced one generic Sort action</li>
  17776. <li>IntelliJ 2017 compatibility</li>
  17777. </ul> Version 5.2
  17778. <ul>
  17779. <li>replaced Swap Characters with a new action: Swap Characters/Selections/Lines/Tokens - depending on what is selected or how many carets there are</li>
  17780. </ul> Version 5.1
  17781. <ul>
  17782. <li>new action: Remove all newlines</li>
  17783. </ul> Version 5.0
  17784. <ul>
  17785. <li>Added String Manipulation actions to Editor Context Menu</li>
  17786. </ul> Version 4.9
  17787. <ul>
  17788. <li>toggle case actions fix: removed separator between upper case letters, separators after digits made consistent </li>
  17789. </ul> Version 4.8
  17790. <ul>
  17791. <li>new action: Switch file path separators: Windows&lt;-&gt;UNIX</li>
  17792. <li>new action: Shuffle lines</li>
  17793. <li>new action: Sort lines by subselection</li>
  17794. </ul> Version 4.7
  17795. <ul>
  17796. <li>new action: dIncrement numbers ( uplicate"1 3 3" =&gt; "1 3 4")</li>
  17797. <li>replaced 'Increment to produce unique sequence' to 'Create Sequence' ("1 5 0" =&gt; "1 2 3")</li>
  17798. <li>Added Base64 options for URL safe, chunked encoding and charset</li>
  17799. <li>Fixed multiline Base64 encoding</li>
  17800. <li>Auto-selection of the whole line will not select the 'new line' character on the end of the line</li>
  17801. <li>Case converting: #14 NoClassDefFoundError fix for WebStorm</li>
  17802. <li>Case converting: improved auto selection handling</li>
  17803. </ul> Version 4.6
  17804. <ul>
  17805. <li>IntelliJ 2016.2 EAP compatibility</li>
  17806. </ul> Version 4.5
  17807. <ul>
  17808. <li>new action: Increment to produce unique sequence of numbers ("0 0 0" =&gt; "1 2 3")</li>
  17809. </ul> Version 4.4
  17810. <ul>
  17811. <li>fixed AssertionError: Wrong line separators</li>
  17812. </ul> Version 4.3
  17813. <ul>
  17814. <li>added action: Align to left/center/right</li>
  17815. <li>added action: Convert diacritics(accents) to ASCII</li>
  17816. <li>added action: Sorting with natural ordering</li>
  17817. </ul> Version 4.2
  17818. <ul>
  17819. <li>added PascalCase support</li>
  17820. </ul> Version 4.1
  17821. <ul>
  17822. <li>fixed converting with numbers (now: v2Counter -&gt; V2_COUNTER, _2_v2_Counter_3 -&gt; 2_V2_COUNTER_3)</li>
  17823. </ul> Version 4.0
  17824. <ul>
  17825. <li>smarter selecting for case converting actions - when nothing is selected, then either a whole line or a particular element is selected - report an issue if you find something to improve, each file type needs its own implementation to work flawlessly.</li>
  17826. <li>fixed whole bunch of edge cases for case converting actions</li>
  17827. <li>new action: Increment/decrement all numbers found</li>
  17828. <li>too many actions, introduced new subgroups</li>
  17829. </ul> Version 3.3
  17830. <ul>
  17831. <li>new action: Remove duplicate lines</li>
  17832. <li>new action: Format selected text to columns/table by a chosen separator/delimiter</li>
  17833. </ul> Version 3.2
  17834. <ul>
  17835. <li>Renamed and added more case converting actions</li>
  17836. </ul> Version 3.1
  17837. <ul>
  17838. <li>Improved converting to camelCase and CONSTANT_CASE</li>
  17839. </ul> Version 3.0
  17840. <ul>
  17841. <li>Popup(Alt+M) disabled when refactoring popups are visible</li>
  17842. </ul> Version 2.9
  17843. <ul>
  17844. <li>To camel case fixed for a lower case word.</li>
  17845. </ul> Version 2.8
  17846. <ul>
  17847. <li>Added properties style action</li>
  17848. </ul> Version 2.7
  17849. <ul>
  17850. <li>Improved constant and camel case actions</li>
  17851. <li>Added hyphen case action</li>
  17852. <li>Added action for switching between all styles (camelCase, hyphen, underscore, words)</li>
  17853. </ul>
  17854. <p> </p>Version 2.6
  17855. <ul>
  17856. <li>Line break fix</li>
  17857. </ul>
  17858. <p></p>
  17859. <p> </p>Version
  17860. <ul>
  17861. <li>Multiple Selections support</li>
  17862. </ul>
  17863. <p></p>
  17864. <p> </p>Version 2.4
  17865. <ul>
  17866. <li>Fixed bug: if end-of-line was selected as last character, then it was removed</li>
  17867. <li>Disabled default shortcut for swap characters</li>
  17868. <li>New actions for PHP escaping</li>
  17869. </ul>
  17870. <p></p>
  17871. <p> </p>Version 2.3
  17872. <ul>
  17873. <li>Fixed: Convert escaped Unicode to String</li>
  17874. </ul>
  17875. <p></p>
  17876. <p> </p>Version 2.2
  17877. <ul>
  17878. <li>Increment/Decrement improvements</li>
  17879. <li>Popup menu works during indexing</li>
  17880. </ul>
  17881. <p></p>
  17882. <p> </p>Version 2.1.1
  17883. <ul>
  17884. <li>Swap Characters - bugfix</li>
  17885. </ul>
  17886. <p></p>
  17887. <p> </p>Version 2.1
  17888. <ul>
  17889. <li>Alt+A - Exchange two selected characters, or ones surrounding the cursor if no selection</li>
  17890. </ul>
  17891. <p></p>
  17892. <p> </p>Version 2.0 - Resurrection of the plugin
  17893. <ul>
  17894. <li>Column selection fix</li>
  17895. <li>Enabled for all IDEs</li>
  17896. <li>Fixed Escaped Unicode to String action</li>
  17897. <li>New action: Capitalize</li>
  17898. <li>New action: Capitalize Fully</li>
  17899. <li>New action: Decode Url</li>
  17900. <li>Added shortcut Alt+M for popup opening</li>
  17901. <li>Improved actions shortcuts in the popup</li>
  17902. </ul>
  17903. <p></p>
  17904. <p> </p>Version 1.3
  17905. <ul>
  17906. <li>Fixed a bug in duplicate and increment actions when line contains '.' and 'e'</li>
  17907. <li>Fixed exception when clicking cancel on grep dialog</li>
  17908. <li>Grep action now warns when no text is selected</li>
  17909. </ul>
  17910. <p></p>
  17911. <p> </p>Version 1.2 New features:
  17912. <ul>
  17913. <li>Convert non ASCII to escaped Unicode</li>
  17914. <li>Convert escaped Unicode to String</li>
  17915. <li>Remove empty lines</li>
  17916. <li>Duplicate and decrement numbers in a text</li>
  17917. </ul> Misc:
  17918. <ul>
  17919. <li>Now works since IDEA 7.0 (build 7361)</li>
  17920. <li>To camel case, now put the first letter on lowercase.</li>
  17921. </ul>
  17922. <p></p>
  17923. <p> </p>Version 1.1 Added following actions:
  17924. <ul>
  17925. <li>Encode to MD5 Hex16</li>
  17926. <li>Encode URL</li>
  17927. <li>De/Encode to Base64</li>
  17928. <li>Escape SQL</li>
  17929. <li>Escape XML</li>
  17930. <li>To Camel case</li>
  17931. <li>To Constant case</li>
  17932. </ul> Duplicate and increment now handles float number which ends with "."
  17933. <p></p>
  17934. <p></p>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><rating>4.9</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='60793' size='98567' date='1499869237000' url=''><name>SmarterEditor</name><id>SmarterEditor</id><description><![CDATA[<b>Smarten up the editor with new editor actions.</b>
  17935. <br> This plugin makes you more productive with IntelliJ. It maps frequently used actions to a single shortcut. You can easily select, format and navigate in selections. And it allows to to split literals at the current position without breaking your code!
  17936. <br>
  17937. <img src="https://www.plugin-dev.com/images/smartereditor/intellij-plugin-intro1.gif" alt="SmarterEditor">
  17938. <br>
  17939. <img src="https://www.plugin-dev.com/images/smartereditor/intellij-plugin-intro2.gif" alt="SmarterEditor">
  17940. <br>
  17941. <b>This is an early release of this plugin. Please vote and provide feedback to help!</b>
  17942. <p>Documentation is available at <a href="https://www.plugin-dev.com/project/smartereditor/" rel="nofollow">plugin-dev.com</a>.</p>]]></description><version>0.12.0</version><vendor email='mail@ansorg-it.com' url='https://www.plugin-dev.com/'>Joachim Ansorg</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Updated documentation]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>4.7</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='9818' size='56957' date='1280113062000' url='https://github.com/ivan-veselovsky/repka/tree/master/extended-code-sense'><name>Extended Code Sense</name><id>extended-code-sense</id><description><![CDATA[Provides some platform code-sense functionality enhancements.]]></description><version>1.3</version><vendor email='ivan At veselovsky.net' url=''>Ivan V.</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='80.8000' /><change-notes><![CDATA[
  17943. <p><b>Version 1.3 changes</b></p>
  17944. <ul>
  17945. <li> fixed IndexOutOfBoundsException in edu.jetbrains.completionWithLiveTemplates.LiveTemplatesCompletionProvider, line 284</li>
  17946. </ul>
  17947. <p><b>Version 1.2 changes</b></p>
  17948. <ul>
  17949. <li> fixed exception "java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: com.intellij.codeInsight.template.CustomLiveTemplate.isApplicable(Lcom/intellij/psi/PsiFile;I)Z" that happened when running under IDEA 9.0.2 and earlier builds.</li>
  17950. </ul>
  17951. <p><b>Version 1.1 changes</b></p>
  17952. <ul>
  17953. <li> fixed arg-live-templates invocation in in-word mode.</li>
  17954. </ul>
  17955. <p><b>Version 1.0 changes</b></p>
  17956. <ul>
  17957. <li> fixed invocation of live templates with arguments.</li>
  17958. <li> fixed context dependency of the templates shown in the completion popup.</li>
  17959. <li> added options to control auto popup invocation in out-of-word context. </li>
  17960. <li> the tests now cover the main functionality. </li>
  17961. </ul>
  17962. <p><b>Version 0.7 changes</b></p>
  17963. <ul>
  17964. <li> revised the base logic of the auto-popup -- now the logic is more straight and psi-independent. </li>
  17965. <li> fixed bug: live templates not applicable to the context were shown (e.g. in comments) </li>
  17966. <li> the tests somewhat enhanced </li>
  17967. </ul>
  17968. <p><b>Version 0.4 changes</b></p>
  17969. <ul>
  17970. <li>Fixed auto-popup in Php array index expressions, like myArr[| .</li>
  17971. </ul>
  17972. <p><b>Version 0.3 changes</b></p>
  17973. <ul>
  17974. <li>Auto pop up now works after "[" (array length expression).</li>
  17975. <li>Auto popup feature extended for all languages, not only Php.</li>
  17976. </ul>
  17977. ]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><rating>3.7</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='898' size='15276' date='1310714564000' url=''><name>Signals</name><id>Signals</id><description><![CDATA[Support for Signals (https://github.com/robertpenner/as3-signals/wiki)
  17978. ]]></description><version>0.1.1</version><vendor email='johnlindquist@gmail.com' url='https://johnlindquist.com/'>johnlindquist</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='80.8000' /><change-notes><![CDATA[0.1 initial release for public testing]]></change-notes><depends>JavaScript</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.ultimate</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.xml</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='101427' size='39975' date='1488795779000' url=''><name>CamelCase</name><id>de.netnexus.camelcaseplugin</id><description><![CDATA[Switch easily between CamelCase, camelCase, snake_case and SNAKE_CASE. See Edit menu or use SHIFT + ALT + U.]]></description><version>2.0.0</version><vendor email='info@netnexus.de' url='https://netnexus.de/'>NetNexus IT Services</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='140.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Introducing the new config panel for the CamelCase Plugin (see Preferences / Editor / Camel Case)]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>4.5</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='52338' size='13287' date='1474497885000' url=''><name>Injection for AppCode</name><id>com.injectionforxcode.injection.plugin.id</id><description><![CDATA[Dynamic Objective-C Code Injection for App Code.
  17979. <br>
  17980. <small>Requires Injection for Xcode plugin to work.</small>]]></description><version>3.6</version><vendor email='support@injectionforxcode.com' url='http://www.injectionforxcode.com'>Injection for Xcode</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='107.105' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Initial Release.
  17981. <br>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='9864' size='4244' date='1429558735000' url=''><name>Enclosing Plugin</name><id>com.lexand.enclosing</id><description><![CDATA[Plugin for enclosing selection with specified character (NetBeans analog)
  17982. <br /> Characters used for enclosing ', &quot;, (, {, [, `.
  17983. <br />
  17984. <br /> Change notes
  17985. <br />
  17986. <br />
  17987. <b>1.0.1</b>
  17988. <ul>
  17989. <li> Support multi-caret mode</li>
  17990. </ul>
  17991. <b>1.0</b>
  17992. <ul>
  17993. <li>Plugin does not work in &quot;Column selection mode&quot;.</li>
  17994. <li>Compatible with other JetBrains products</li>
  17995. </ul>]]></description><version>1.0.1</version><vendor email='dorogikh.alexander@gmail.com' url=''>Alexandr Dorogikh</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='135.1306' /><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='22802' size='754247' date='1481756646000' url=''><name>Wrap to Column</name><id>com.andrewbrookins.wrap_to_column</id><description><![CDATA[<p> Wraps text to the specified column width. Similar to the Emacs command 'Fill Paragraph' and Vim's `gq` (format lines) command. This is a replacement for the native Intellij Fill Paragraph command, which doesn't work quite how I need it to. </p>
  17996. <p> This plugin provies two IDE actions: </p>
  17997. <ul>
  17998. <li> <strong>Wrap Line to Column</strong>: Wraps selected text or the current line if no text is selected. This is useful for IdeaVim users who wish to pair the command with motions like `vip` (select current paragraph). </li>
  17999. <li> <strong>Wrap Paragraph to Column</strong>: Wraps the paragraph (multiple lines) in which the cursor appears. No selection is needed, and will be ignored. </li>
  18000. </ul>
  18001. <p></p>
  18002. <p> <strong>Note:</strong> As of version 1.0, this plugin supports only IDEA 14.1.x-based products and later (e.g., PyCharm 4.1, WebStorm 10, Android Studio 1.3). </p>]]></description><version>1.4.0</version><vendor email='a@andrewbrookins.com' url='https://andrewbrookins.com/'>Andrew Brookins</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='141.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[WrapToColumn 1.4.0 provides a new command -- Wrap Paragraph to Column -- which wraps your current paragraph (with awareness of comment syntax in many languages) without requiring a selection.]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>4.8</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='39673' size='866238' date='1488312892000' url=''><name>DynamicReturnTypePlugin</name><id>com.ptby.dynamicreturntypeplugin</id><description><![CDATA[Intellij/Phpstorm PHP plugin to allow a dynamic return type from ALL method/function calls, not just static methods.
  18003. <br> It can use either the instance type of the passed parameter, string lookup or ::class. It can also use masking and custom javascript callbacks to massage the return type to enable aliasing.
  18004. <br> Internal signature resolution has been completely reworked to allow better chaining/stability of results. It should also play nicely with other plugin service providers etc. It can be configured for :
  18005. <ul>
  18006. <li>Instance method calls</li>
  18007. <li>Static method calls</li>
  18008. <li>Function calls</li>
  18009. </ul>
  18010. <b>Full documentation with examples on github page for custom manipulation with rhino javascript versus the old mask methodology can be found here :-</b>
  18011. <br>
  18012. <a href="https://github.com/pbyrne84/DynamicReturnTypePlugin" rel="nofollow">https://github.com/pbyrne84/DynamicReturnTypePlugin</a>
  18013. <br>
  18014. <br>
  18015. <b>Demo environment which is used to verify edge case are catered for ( example dynamicReturnTypeMeta.json etc. ) can be found here :-</b>
  18016. <br>
  18017. <a href="https://github.com/pbyrne84/DynamicReturnTypePluginTestEnvironment" rel="nofollow">https://github.com/pbyrne84/DynamicReturnTypePluginTestEnvironment</a>
  18018. <br>
  18019. <br> Accepts the following to calculate return type
  18020. <ul>
  18021. <li>Parameter object instance( eg. new \DOMDocument() as a parameter instance value will infer a <br> DOMDocument will be returned )</li>
  18022. <li>Parameter string type ( eg. '\DOMDocument' as a parameter string value will infer a DOMDocument<br> will be returned )</li>
  18023. <li>Class constants that resolve to __CLASS__ will resolve similar to the ::class feature in 5.5 behaves.</li>
  18024. </ul> Configuration Example dynamicReturnTypeMeta.json configuration in project root
  18025. <br> {
  18026. <br> "methodCalls": [
  18027. <br> {
  18028. <br> "class": "\\Phockito",
  18029. <br> "method": "mock",
  18030. <br> "position": 0
  18031. <br> },
  18032. <br> {
  18033. <br> "class": "\\Phockito",
  18034. <br> "method": "verify",
  18035. <br> "position": 0
  18036. <br> },
  18037. <br> {
  18038. <br> "class": "\\Phockito",
  18039. <br> "method": "maskExample",
  18040. <br> "position": 0
  18041. <br> "mask": "Test%sModel"
  18042. <br> }
  18043. <br> ],
  18044. <br> "functionCalls": [
  18045. <br> {
  18046. <br> "function": "\\verify",
  18047. <br> "position": 0
  18048. <br> },
  18049. <br> {
  18050. <br> "function": "\\mock",
  18051. <br> "position": 0
  18052. <br> },
  18053. <br> {
  18054. <br> "function": "\\maskExample",
  18055. <br> "position": 0
  18056. <br> "mask": "Test%sModel"
  18057. <br> }
  18058. <br> ]
  18059. <br> }
  18060. <br>
  18061. <br> Position is the parameter index to infer the return type from.
  18062. <br> Classes and function names must be fully qualified with a leading \ as per example.
  18063. <br> Static method calls should behave the same as instance calls.]]></description><version>2.0.11</version><vendor email='pbyrne84@gmail.com' url='https://github.com/pbyrne84/DynamicReturnTypePlugin'>P Byrne</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='171.3566' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<ul> 2.1.0
  18064. <li> Fix class constants lookup to keep compatible<br> Note chaining off other plugin containers is currently broken in EAP </li>
  18065. </ul>
  18066. <ul> 2.0.10
  18067. <li> Fix static variable lookups as parameters </li>
  18068. </ul>
  18069. <ul> 2.0.9
  18070. <li> Fix lookups as parameters to script engines etc </li>
  18071. </ul>
  18072. <ul>
  18073. <li> Needed to remove parameter from internal function lookup as it was breaking namespaced function resolution. Regression test case has been added for this <a href="https://github.com/pbyrne84/DynamicReturnTypePluginTestEnvironment/blob/master/TestEnvironment/lib/DynamicReturnTypePluginTestEnvironment/MaskedStringParameterTest.php" rel="nofollow">here</a> locatable by ifInNameSpacedShouldBeMaskedMock. </li>
  18074. </ul> 2.0.8
  18075. <ul>
  18076. <li> Fix <a href="https://github.com/pbyrne84/DynamicReturnTypePlugin/issues/58" rel="nofollow">Non backslashed global function lookup has changed in 2016, manual fallback to global is now done.</a>. <br><br> </li>
  18077. <li><b>This plugin has moved to jdk8</b></li>
  18078. </ul> 2.0.7
  18079. <ul>
  18080. <li> Fix <a href="https://github.com/pbyrne84/DynamicReturnTypePlugin/issues/43" rel="nofollow">"Cannot support different handling for the same named method in different classes"</a>. <br><br> Note: There is a small potential for accidental bc break. </li>
  18081. </ul> 2.0.6
  18082. <ul>
  18083. <li> Fix https://github.com/pbyrne84/DynamicReturnTypePlugin/issues/56. Constants are now looked up prior to the <br> script engine. <br> **NOTE** Leading \ is now stripped off the class name as it is passed to the script engine as sometimes it would <br> be there and other times it would not so it should be more consistent now. </li>
  18084. </ul>
  18085. <ul>
  18086. <li> Fix index out of bounds. </li>
  18087. </ul> 2.0.5
  18088. <ul>
  18089. <li> Fixed masks causing issues with ::class as a parameter. This means the following mask types now work as expected.<br> <br> 1. Masks that combine with a fixed type.<br> "%s|\\PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_MockObject" <br> <br> 2. Masks that convert to a list.<br> "%s[]" </li>
  18090. </ul> 2.0.4
  18091. <ul>
  18092. <li> <a href="https://github.com/pbyrne84/DynamicReturnTypePlugin/issues/50" rel="nofollow">Added constant recursion</a> </li>
  18093. </ul> 2.0.3
  18094. <ul>
  18095. <li> Added basic array access <a href="https://github.com/pbyrne84/DynamicReturnTypePluginTestEnvironment/blob/master/TestEnvironment/lib/DynamicReturnTypePluginTestEnvironment/ArrayAccessTest.php" rel="nofollow">examples</a> </li>
  18096. <li> Added <a href="https://github.com/pbyrne84/DynamicReturnTypePluginTestEnvironment/blob/master/TestEnvironment/dynamicReturnTypeMeta.json#L99-99" rel="nofollow">offset get</a> </li>
  18097. </ul> 2.0.2
  18098. <ul>
  18099. <li> Fix ::class resolution in 141.1619 </li>
  18100. </ul> 2.0.1
  18101. <ul>
  18102. <li><a href="https://github.com/pbyrne84/DynamicReturnTypePlugin/issues/35" rel="nofollow">Completely reworked all signature processing to allow fluent chaining between containers, including source container/locator being symfony</a>. examples : <br> <a href="https://github.com/pbyrne84/DynamicReturnTypePluginTestEnvironment/blob/master/TestEnvironment/lib/DynamicReturnTypePluginTestEnvironment/Symfony/TestController.php" rel="nofollow">Symfony controller to other container</a><br> <a href="https://github.com/pbyrne84/DynamicReturnTypePluginTestEnvironment/blob/master/TestEnvironment/lib/DynamicReturnTypePluginTestEnvironment/ChainedDynamicReturnTypeTest.php" rel="nofollow">Generic container to container</a><br> </li>
  18103. </ul> 1.1.7
  18104. <ul>
  18105. Fixed https://github.com/pbyrne84/DynamicReturnTypePlugin/issues/39 as field is not always a field implementation so casts to interface now
  18106. </ul>
  18107. <ul>
  18108. Fixed https://github.com/pbyrne84/DynamicReturnTypePlugin/issues/36 as internal kotlin to java interop was buggy
  18109. </ul>
  18110. <ul>
  18111. <a href="https://github.com/pbyrne84/DynamicReturnTypePlugin/issues/28" rel="nofollow">Added implementation of include file resolution</a>
  18112. </ul> 1.1.6
  18113. <ul>
  18114. <li>Allow configuration of script engines by environment variables to set paths to groovy(IDEA_GROOVY_JAR_PATH) and nashorn(IDEA_JAVASCRIPT_JAR_PATH). For javascript nashorn.jar is required for java 8 installs. For groovy groovy-all-2.2.1.jar is required. This path is only called if it cannot create using default classpath. </li>
  18115. <li><a href="https://github.com/pbyrne84/DynamicReturnTypePlugin/issues/24" rel="nofollow">Multiple types assigned with masks</a></li>
  18116. </ul> 1.1.5
  18117. <ul>
  18118. <li>Alias : to \ in string parameters</li>
  18119. </ul> 1.1.4
  18120. <ul>
  18121. <li>Enable list handling in masks ( use %s[] - only handles strings( not xxx:class ) for now )</li>
  18122. <li>Fix class constant issues</li>
  18123. <li>Fix thread safety on script/config paths</li>
  18124. </ul> 1.1.3
  18125. <ul>
  18126. <li>Fix script loading race condition</li>
  18127. </ul> 1.1.2
  18128. <ul>
  18129. <li>Allow javascript callbacks, <a href="https://github.com/pbyrne84/DynamicReturnTypePlugin" rel="nofollow">documentation...</a></li>
  18130. </ul> 1.1.1
  18131. <ul>
  18132. <li><a href="https://github.com/pbyrne84/DynamicReturnTypePlugin/issues/19#issuecomment-36117500" rel="nofollow">Fixed static method calls returning the configured container</a></li>
  18133. <li>Fix race condition with project reinitialisation</li>
  18134. <li>Allow chaining of one container to another configured container(not fluent) side part of https://github.com/pbyrne84/DynamicReturnTypePlugin/issues/19</li>
  18135. </ul> 1.1.0
  18136. <ul>
  18137. <li><a href="https://github.com/pbyrne84/DynamicReturnTypePlugin/issues/15" rel="nofollow">Removed limitation that the config file have to be in the root, multiple configs are now allowed and merge</a> </li>
  18138. <li>String class constants will now be analyzed<br> </li>
  18139. </ul> 1.0.9
  18140. <ul>
  18141. <li><a href="https://github.com/pbyrne84/DynamicReturnTypePlugin/issues/16" rel="nofollow">Fixed local variables that are returned from factories not having the ability to have dynamic return types</a> </li>
  18142. </ul> 1.0.8
  18143. <ul>
  18144. <li>Compiled with java 1.6 for compatibility<br> </li>
  18145. <li>Fixed issues with global functions called with no leading backslash in namespaces playing with signatures and breaking completion <br> </li>
  18146. </ul> 1.0.7
  18147. <ul>
  18148. <li>Fix ::class for php 5.5<br> </li>
  18149. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><depends>com.jetbrains.php</depends><rating>4.8</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='162385' size='75638' date='1430691142000' url=''><name>PHP Advanced AutoComplete</name><id>net.king2500.plugins.PhpAdvancedAutoComplete</id><description><![CDATA[<p>Adds auto-completion support for various built-in PHP functions and methods, where parameter is a string literal.</p>
  18150. <p>The following functions are currently supported:</p>
  18151. <ul>
  18152. <li><b>header/header_remove</b><br /> HTTP response headers, status codes, charsets, mime-types, locations, and much more<br /><br /></li>
  18153. <li><b>File and folder related functions and methods (fopen, file_get_contents, dir...)</b><br /> Files and/or folders paths relative to the current file (completion and reference)<br /><br /></li>
  18154. <li><b>date</b><br /> Format characters and common format strings<br /><br /></li>
  18155. <li><b>htmlentities/htmlspecialchars</b><br /> Supported charsets<br /><br /></li>
  18156. <li><b>mb_string functions</b><br /> Charset, where required; types for mb_get_info and supported languages for mb_language<br /><br /></li>
  18157. <li><b>ini_get/ini_set/ini_restore/get_cfg_var</b><br /> Known INI variable names<br /><br /></li>
  18158. <li><b>extension_loaded</b><br /> Known PHP extensions<br /><br /></li>
  18159. <li><b>fopen/popen/SplFileInfo::openFile</b><br /> File modes<br /><br /></li>
  18160. <li><b>mysql_connect/mysqli_connect/mysqli/PDO</b><br /> Hostnames, database names and usernames from data sources defined in project<br /><br /></li>
  18161. <li><b>mysql_select_db/mysqli_select_db/mysqli::select_db</b><br /> Database names from data sources defined in project<br /><br /></li>
  18162. <li><b>mysqli_change_user/mysqli::change_user</b><br /> Usernames and database names from data sources defined in project<br /><br /></li>
  18163. <li><b>mysql_set_charset/mysqli_set_charset/mysqli::set_charset</b><br /> Supported charsets for MySQL<br /><br /></li>
  18164. </ul>
  18165. <p><b>Important:</b> You have to start a string literal and press <i>Ctrl</i> + <i>Space</i> to activate the completion popup</p>
  18166. <p>If you have further suggestions/ideas, just send me an e-mail.</p>
  18167. <p><a href="http://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/writeComment?pr=&amp;pluginId=7276" rel="nofollow">Commend and rate this plugin here</a></p>]]></description><version>1.0.4</version><vendor email='phpstorm@king2500.net' url='https://github.com/King2500/PhpAdvancedAutoComplete'>Thomas Schulz</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='129.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[* Changed date format info for 'W' * Fixed StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: String index out of range]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><depends>com.jetbrains.php</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='8465' size='63667' date='1491933911000' url=''><name>File Template Variables</name><id>org.jetbrains.idea.project.template.variables</id><description><![CDATA[This plugins allow to specify or override any variables in the File Template functionality per Project
  18168. <br>]]></description><version>0.4.3</version><vendor email='vova.kravets@gmail.com' url='https://github.com/vkravets/FileTemplatesVariable'></vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='131.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<b>0.4.3</b> @ 11.04.1017
  18169. <ul>
  18170. <li>Merge <a href="https://github.com/vkravets/FileTemplatesVariable/pull/15" rel="nofollow">fix</a> from @JDGrimes add compatible with version &gt;= 131.0</li>
  18171. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='756' size='42189' date='1397301019000' url=''><name>SEL Editor</name><id>fr.assoba.open.sel.plugin</id><description><![CDATA[An IDEA plugin for the SEL language
  18172. <br />]]></description><version>1.0</version><vendor email='jpujo@assoba.fr' url=''>Assoba Open</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='120.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Initial Version
  18173. <br />]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='2752' size='13070' date='1402602946000' url=''><name>Justifier</name><id>net.leppik.intellij.plugin.justifier</id><description><![CDATA[Left or right justify columns of selected text. This makes it easy to format repetitive lines of code into easy to read tables.
  18174. <b>This only works when indenting with spaces, not tabs.</b>
  18175. <p>To use:</p>
  18176. <ol>
  18177. <li> Select a rectangular block of text (alt-click and drag)</li>
  18178. <li> Choose <b>Left Justify</b> under the <b>Edit</b> menu. All the whitespace on the left is moved to the right.</li>
  18179. <li> Choose <b>Right Justify</b> under the <b>Edit</b> menu. All the whitespace on the right is moved to the left.</li>
  18180. </ol>]]></description><version>0.5</version><vendor email='david@leppik.net' url='https://github.com/dleppik'>David Leppik</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='131.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='219900' size='2664765' date='1515968046000' url=''><name>PHP composer.json support</name><id>org.psliwa.idea.composer</id><description><![CDATA[PHP composer.json support
  18181. <br>
  18182. <b>Donate</b> using
  18183. <a href="https://www.paypal.me/psliwa" rel="nofollow">PayPal</a> or
  18184. <a href="https://blockchain.info/address/1Q6f6ZAqYFVzSaBf9AZJ6Ba948jjmQJU4A" rel="nofollow">Bitcoin</a>
  18185. <br>
  18186. <br> This plugin adds auto completion and inspections support for composer.json file in PHP projects.]]></description><version>1.0.24</version><vendor email='me@psliwa.org' url='https://github.com/psliwa/idea-composer-plugin'>psliwa</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='171.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[1.0.24
  18187. <ul>
  18188. <li>There is no any new feature or bug fix - only charity action summary.</li>
  18189. </ul> 1.0.23
  18190. <ul>
  18191. <li>[#52] Add scripts-descriptions to Composer schema</li>
  18192. </ul> 1.0.22
  18193. <p>skipped</p> 1.0.21
  18194. <ul>
  18195. <li>[#44] Timeouts for fetching data via http</li>
  18196. </ul> 1.0.20
  18197. <ul>
  18198. <li>Composer icons for composer.json and composer.lock files</li>
  18199. <li>Treat composer.lock as json file</li>
  18200. </ul> 1.0.19
  18201. <ul>
  18202. <li>[#36] do not offer custom repositories for official repository</li>
  18203. <li>[#39] fix possible NullPointerException - problem with concurrent access to cache</li>
  18204. <li>Update composer-schema.json file version</li>
  18205. </ul> 1.0.18
  18206. <ul>
  18207. <li>[#38] Fix packages names completion after reaching "/" char</li>
  18208. </ul> 1.0.17
  18209. <ul>
  18210. <li>[#37] Fix inspections for scripts</li>
  18211. </ul> 1.0.16
  18212. <ul>
  18213. <li>[#33, #17] Fix NullPointerExceptions</li>
  18214. <li>update composer-schema.json file version</li>
  18215. </ul> 1.0.15
  18216. <ul>
  18217. <li>[#32] Fix email format inspection</li>
  18218. </ul> 1.0.14
  18219. <ul>
  18220. <li>[#30] add support for support.rss and config.sort-packages properties</li>
  18221. <li>update composer-schema.json</li>
  18222. </ul> 1.0.13
  18223. <ul>
  18224. <li>[#24] support for packagist custom repositories</li>
  18225. <li>minor bug fixes for package versions quick fixes and inspections</li>
  18226. <li>update composer-schema.json</li>
  18227. </ul> 1.0.12
  18228. <ul>
  18229. <li>[#28] make "name" and "description" properties once again required only for library</li>
  18230. </ul> 1.0.11
  18231. <ul>
  18232. <li>[#27] enhance misconfiguration inspections + quick fixes</li>
  18233. <li>[#25] navigate to package documentation through clicking package version (ctrl+LMB / cmd+LMB) and get custom documentation url from composer.lock if available</li>
  18234. <li>add support for new composer.json properties</li>
  18235. <li>enable package version inspections and quickfixes by default</li>
  18236. </ul> 1.0.10
  18237. <ul>
  18238. <li>[#23] fix plugin settings</li>
  18239. </ul> 1.0.9
  18240. <ul>
  18241. <li>[#22] Support for "path" repository path + code completion</li>
  18242. <li>Update composer-schema.json file - support for new composer features</li>
  18243. <li>Minor fixes (messages, refactorings etc.)</li>
  18244. </ul> 1.0.8
  18245. <ul>
  18246. <li>[#16] Fix cache invalidation bug</li>
  18247. <li>[#14] "name" and "description" property are required only when package type is "project"</li>
  18248. <li>fix "set property value" quick fix</li>
  18249. </ul> 1.0.7
  18250. <ul>
  18251. <li>[#10] Fix inspection and quick fixes for relative file paths</li>
  18252. <li>Support for completion inline repositories that are defined in "repositories" property as "package" repo type</li>
  18253. <li>Add support for new properties in composer.json file + update descriptions etc.</li>
  18254. <li>Support for named repositories completion and inspections</li>
  18255. <li>Schema inspection messages fixes</li>
  18256. </ul> 1.0.6
  18257. <ul>
  18258. <li>[#7] Fix NullPointerException in files other than composer.json</li>
  18259. <li>Fix NullPointerException while rendering current installed package version in erased file</li>
  18260. </ul> 1.0.5
  18261. <ul>
  18262. <li>[#6] External docs (shift+f1) for packages</li>
  18263. <li>External docs (shift+f1) and quick docs (ctrl+q) for properties</li>
  18264. <li>Version inspections also work in require-dev property</li>
  18265. </ul> 1.0.4
  18266. <ul>
  18267. <li>BETA: Custom repositories support in packages and versions code completion. "composer" repository type is only supported right now, so satis is supported as well. You should enable this feature explicitly for each composer.json file in notification that would be shown when you define custom repositories.</li>
  18268. <li>Inspections for scripts correctness in "scripts" property</li>
  18269. </ul> 1.0.3
  18270. <ul>
  18271. <li>quick fixes that refactor version constraints with "~" and "^" operators to readable equivalents, eg. ~1.2 to &gt;=1.2 &lt;2.0.0. It might be useful when you are not sure what is difference between ~1.2, ~1.2.0 or ^1.2.0 - you can use quick fix to show equivalent version and eventually refactor it.</li>
  18272. <li>omit already existing properties in completion list</li>
  18273. <li>add support for symfony specific properties in "extra" property</li>
  18274. </ul> 1.0.2
  18275. <ul>
  18276. <li>show installed package version (from composer.lock) for currently focused package</li>
  18277. </ul> 1.0.1
  18278. <ul>
  18279. <li>desc sorting of package versions in completion</li>
  18280. <li>improve "next significant release" operators in versions completion</li>
  18281. <li>[#4] support for stability in versions completion</li>
  18282. <li>"already defined property" inspection + quick fix</li>
  18283. <li>completion for repositories in "repositories" property</li>
  18284. <li>[#3] add "proprietary" license to completion</li>
  18285. </ul> 1.0.0
  18286. <ul>
  18287. <li>detect not installed packages + install quick fix - so new packages could be installed from composer.json file. Inspection analyses proper composer.lock file, not "vendor" dir content.</li>
  18288. <li>[#2] completion + reference support for class and static method names in "scripts" property</li>
  18289. <li>completion + reference support for namespaces eg. in "autoload.psr-0" property</li>
  18290. <li>minior enhancements and fixes for schema completion</li>
  18291. <li>new quick fix for invalid "enum" property value</li>
  18292. <li>support for go to urls and emails eg. in "homepage"</li>
  18293. </ul> 0.2.2
  18294. <ul>
  18295. <li>detect unbound version constraints (as inspection) + quick fixes (<a href="https://getcomposer.org/doc/faqs/why-are-unbound-version-constraints-a-bad-idea.md" rel="nofollow">composer faq</a>)</li>
  18296. <li>detect version constraints combining wildcard and comparisons (as inspection) + quick fixes (<a href="https://getcomposer.org/doc/faqs/why-are-version-constraints-combining-comparisons-and-wildcards-a-bad-idea.md" rel="nofollow">composer faq</a>)</li>
  18297. </ul> 0.2.1
  18298. <ul>
  18299. <li>"go to" feature: filepaths (e.g. in "bin") and packages (e.g. in "require") are clickable (CTRL+LMB)</li>
  18300. <li>"create property" quick fix for required properties (e.g. name and authors.name)</li>
  18301. <li>"misconfiguration" inspection - currently there is one misconfiguration detected: not stable project without enabled "prefer-stable" + quick fixes</li>
  18302. </ul> 0.2.0
  18303. <ul>
  18304. <li>Inspections</li>
  18305. <li>composer.json schema validation + related "quick fixes"</li>
  18306. <li>Inspections for filepath existence (for "bin" etc properties) + related "quick fixes": remove entry, create file/directory</li>
  18307. <li>Display property description in completion list</li>
  18308. <li>Minor completion bug fixes</li>
  18309. </ul> 0.1.2
  18310. <ul>
  18311. <li>Generic completion usability improvements</li>
  18312. <li>UI improvements</li>
  18313. <li>Completion for package versions supports ranges (&gt;=, -, comma etc), next significant release markers (~, ^), wildcard (*) etc</li>
  18314. <li>Support for filepath completion in bin, autoload etc</li>
  18315. <li>Performance and bug fixes</li>
  18316. </ul> 0.1.1
  18317. <ul>
  18318. <li>Performance improvements - versions completion caching + prefetching packages form packagist.org</li>
  18319. </ul> 0.1.0
  18320. <ul>
  18321. <li>Property names and values auto completion based on enhanced composer.json schema</li>
  18322. <li>Package names and versions auto completion in require, require-dev etc. properties</li>
  18323. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><depends>com.jetbrains.php</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='1764' size='15397' date='1421577106000' url=''><name>Inc Dec Value</name><id>com.jeremyworboys.incDecValue</id><description><![CDATA[<p>Increment and decrement numbers (integer and floating point) and string casing (upper, lower, capitalize).</p>
  18324. <a href="https://github.com/jeremyworboys/inc-dec-value" rel="nofollow">GitHub</a>]]></description><version>0.1.0</version><vendor email='jw@jeremyworboys.com' url='http://jeremyworboys.com'>Jeremy Worboys</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='131.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<b>Changes in version 0.1.0:</b>
  18325. <ul>
  18326. <li>Initial public release</li>
  18327. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='3570' size='7995' date='1486816191000' url='https://github.com/woru/options-completion-phpstorm-plugin'><name>Options completion plugin</name><id>com.github.woru.options-completion-phpstorm-plugin</id><description><![CDATA[Options completion plugin
  18328. <br> Parses phpDocumentor's hash description (https://github.com/phpDocumentor/fig-standards/blob/master/proposed/phpdoc.md#7-describing-hashes) and shows supported keys.
  18329. <br> What's new:
  18330. <br>
  18331. <ul>
  18332. <li>Support for multiple types in key definition</li>
  18333. </ul>
  18334. <br> Features:
  18335. <br>
  18336. <ul>
  18337. <li>Complete array keys for function parameters</li>
  18338. <li>Show elements type in completion</li>
  18339. </ul>]]></description><version>0.0.7</version><vendor email='ouzo-framework@googlegroups.com' url='http://ouzoframework.org/'>Ouzo contributors</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='107.105' /><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><depends>com.jetbrains.php</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='1330' size='9797' date='1465501789000' url=''><name>Hide Tool Windows Ex</name><id>com.github.shiraji.hidetoolwindowsex</id><description><![CDATA[This plugin adds the functionality to hide tool windows when the developer start typing. It has the same functionality to hide (all/side) tool windows including restorin the windows.
  18340. <br>]]></description><version>0.0.4</version><vendor email='isogai.shiraji@gmail.com' url='https://github.com/shiraji'>Shiraji</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='131.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<p>0.0.4</p>
  18341. <ul>
  18342. <li>Make this plugin available to all products</li>
  18343. </ul>
  18344. <p>0.0.3</p>
  18345. <ul>
  18346. <li>Fix the problem with trigger</li>
  18347. </ul>
  18348. <p>0.0.2</p>
  18349. <ul>
  18350. <li>Fix the problem with initialization</li>
  18351. </ul>
  18352. <p>0.0.1</p>
  18353. <ul>
  18354. <li>Initial release</li>
  18355. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='72477' size='61285' date='1476219725000' url=''><name>Angular Templates</name><id>com.hasintech.intellij.angularTemplates</id><description><![CDATA[Adds a bunch of live templates for different angular snippets. They are all grouped inside
  18356. <b><i>Angular Template</i></b> group.
  18357. <br>]]></description><version>1.1.3</version><vendor email='mirian@hasintech.com' url='http://hasin.ir/'>Hasin Technology</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='138.1029' /><change-notes><![CDATA[- 1.1.3
  18358. <ul>
  18359. <li>Fix blocking Enter and Tab keys in new versions of Intellij platform</li>
  18360. <li>Remove autocompletion contributor for module names in favour of the same feature in AngularJS plugin</li>
  18361. <li>Fix module name suggestion macro not working in new versions of Intellij platform</li>
  18362. </ul> - 1.1.2
  18363. <ul>
  18364. <li>Adding support for module name suggestion.</li>
  18365. </ul> - 1.0.2
  18366. <ul>
  18367. <li>Adding support for all IntelliJ-based IDEs</li>
  18368. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>JavaScript</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><rating>4.5</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='1323' size='64280' date='1446337185000' url=''><name>Global File Template Variables</name><id>com.github.gcds.global.template.variables</id><description><![CDATA[This plugins allow to specify or override any variables in the File Template functionality per Project
  18369. <br />]]></description><version>1.0.2</version><vendor email='aurimas@niekis.lt' url='https://github.com/aurimasniekis/GlobalFileTemplateVariables'></vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='93.13' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<b>1.0.2</b> @ 17.02.2014:
  18370. <ul>
  18371. <li>Fork from vkravets/FileTemplatesVariable</li>
  18372. <li>Initial Commit</li>
  18373. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='2696' size='96147' date='1459579705000' url=''><name>Codic Plugin</name><id>jp.codic.plugins.intellij</id><description><![CDATA[<a href="http://codic.jp" rel="nofollow">codic</a> plugin for the IntelliJ platform products
  18374. <br /> This plugin automatically generates (translate Japanese to English) naming using codic API.
  18375. <br />]]></description><version>1.0.11</version><vendor email='team@codic.jp' url='https://github.com/codic-project/codic-intellij-plugin'>codic</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='135.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<strong>1.0.11</strong>
  18376. <br /> - Fix bug #9 : Support 2016.1.
  18377. <br />
  18378. <strong>1.0.10</strong>
  18379. <br /> - Fix bug (Rate limit error not notified).
  18380. <br />
  18381. <strong>1.0.7</strong>
  18382. <br /> - Add shortcut key for letter casing combo-box (Ctrl+Shift+D).
  18383. <br />
  18384. <strong>1.0.6</strong>
  18385. <br /> - Support v1.1 API.
  18386. <br /> - Enhance key handing in quick look.
  18387. <br />
  18388. <strong>1.0.5</strong>
  18389. <br /> - Fix bug #6 : Add vertical scrollbar in quick-look.
  18390. <br />
  18391. <strong>1.0.4</strong>
  18392. <br /> - Redesign the quick-look popup.
  18393. <br /> - Fix bug #1 : IME dose not work in the quick-look.
  18394. <br />
  18395. <strong>1.0.3</strong>
  18396. <br /> - Fix bug #2.
  18397. <br />
  18398. <strong>1.0.2</strong>
  18399. <br /> - Display API error.
  18400. <br />
  18401. <strong>1.0.1</strong>
  18402. <br /> - Support derived platform products.
  18403. <br />
  18404. <strong>1.0</strong>
  18405. <br /> - First release.]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='1153' size='37703' date='1464060092000' url=''><name>Course Hero Helper Plugin</name><id>com.coursehero.helper</id><description><![CDATA[Code Generation:
  18406. <br> - Service Injector: Inject Symfony2 services via annotations (@InjectParams)
  18407. <br> - Service Test Generator: Generate test skeleton for Symfony2 services
  18408. <br> - API Doc adder: Add API docs quickly]]></description><version>3.0.1</version><vendor email='' url=''>Course Hero</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='131.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[3.0.1
  18409. <p>Service Test Generator:</p>
  18410. <ul>
  18411. <li>Fixed namespace issue</li>
  18412. <li>No longer imports primitive types ("use string")</li>
  18413. </ul> 3.0.0
  18414. <p>Service Test Generator:</p>
  18415. <ul>
  18416. <li>Now uses the same field names and same letter case as the original class instead of making its own</li>
  18417. <li>Now makes sure to create a field for each of the constructor's parameters (even if they are not a service) so that the constructor works...</li>
  18418. <li>Fixed a bug where it could not identify the correct constructor</li>
  18419. <li>Fixed a bug where it would generate gibberish if the constructor parameters did not have strict typing</li>
  18420. </ul>
  18421. <p>Service Injector:</p>
  18422. <ul>
  18423. <li>Now works by manipulating PSI elements instead of Regex, which made things much more consistent and less buggy</li>
  18424. <li>Now takes an optional second word for the service name that will be used as the field name for the injected service</li>
  18425. <li>Now automatically looks up the service class and imports it via a 'use' statement</li>
  18426. <li>Fixed a bug that, when injecting a service, would not let you autocomplete using the newly injected service</li>
  18427. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><depends>com.jetbrains.php</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='45' size='27875' date='1448958796000' url=''><name>Old Town Workflow Plugin</name><id>ru.oldtown.idea.workflowplugin</id><description><![CDATA[Plugin for OldTown Workflow
  18428. <br />]]></description><version>1.1</version><vendor email='and-rey2@yandex.ru' url='https://github.com/old-town/'>OldTown</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='80.8000' /><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><depends>com.jetbrains.php</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='11250' size='18214' date='1461474910000' url=''><name>Auto-Align</name><id>com.line.plugin.auto.align</id><description><![CDATA[Auto-Align allows you to align your code with a pretty print alignment
  18429. <br>
  18430. <br> SHORTCUT : (windows/linux) CONTROL+OPTION+I (mac) CMD+OPTION+I
  18431. <br>
  18432. <br> EXAMPLE :
  18433. <br>
  18434. <pre>
  18435. var hi={
  18436. field : 'val',
  18437. heel: 'red'
  18438. };
  18439. var hi = {
  18440. field : 'val',
  18441. heel : 'red'
  18442. };
  18443. <pre></pre></pre>]]></description><version>1.4</version><vendor email='joeyjiron06@gmail.com' url=''>Joey Jiron</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='141.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>3.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='943' size='4505' date='1450886449000' url=''><name>CoolSharp Code Section Generator</name><id>com.coolsharp.codesection</id><description><![CDATA[This plugin is a section of code automatically makes the source code.
  18444. <br /> // [final/static_property]====================[START]===================[final/static_property]
  18445. <br /> // [final/static_property]=====================[END]====================[final/static_property]
  18446. <br /> // [private/protected/public_property]========[START]=======[private/protected/public_property]
  18447. <br /> // [private/protected/public_property]=========[END]========[private/protected/public_property]
  18448. <br /> // [interface/enum/inner_class]===============[START]==============[interface/enum/inner_class]
  18449. <br /> // [interface/enum/inner_class]================[END]===============[interface/enum/inner_class]
  18450. <br /> // [inherited/listener_method]================[START]===============[inherited/listener_method]
  18451. <br /> // [inherited/listener_method]=================[END]================[inherited/listener_method]
  18452. <br /> // [life_cycle_method]========================[START]=======================[life_cycle_method]
  18453. <br /> // [life_cycle_method]=========================[END]========================[life_cycle_method]
  18454. <br /> // [private_method]===========================[START]==========================[private_method]
  18455. <br /> // [private_method]============================[END]===========================[private_method]
  18456. <br /> // [public_method]============================[START]===========================[public_method]
  18457. <br /> // [public_method]=============================[END]============================[public_method]
  18458. <br /> // [get/set]==================================[START]=================================[get/set]
  18459. <br /> // [get/set]===================================[END]==================================[get/set]
  18460. <br /> For more details, look at the repo on GitHub
  18461. <br />
  18462. <a href="https://github.com/coolsharp/CodeSection" rel="nofollow">https://github.com/coolsharp/CodeSection</a>]]></description><version>1.3</version><vendor email='coolsharp@gmail.com' url='http://coolsharp.blogspot.ru/'>coolsharp</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='107.105' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Version 1.3
  18463. <ul>
  18464. <li>bug fix</li>
  18465. </ul> Version 1.2
  18466. <ul>
  18467. <li>bug fix</li>
  18468. </ul> Version 1.1
  18469. <ul>
  18470. <li>Initial release</li>
  18471. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='1941' size='26755' date='1511096062000' url=''><name>Adders/Removers Generator</name><id>com.ruslanpolutsygan.adderremover</id><description><![CDATA[Generates adders/removers for class properties]]></description><version>0.3.6</version><vendor email='ruslan.polutsygan@gmail.com' url=''>Ruslan Polutsygan</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='131.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[0.3.6
  18472. <li>[bugfix] Support code template without phpdoc - <a href="https://github.com/ruslan-polutsygan/phpstorm-adder-remover-generator-plugin/issues/12" rel="nofollow">Issue #12</a></li>
  18473. <li>[enhancement] New default template for remover - <a href="https://github.com/ruslan-polutsygan/phpstorm-adder-remover-generator-plugin/issues/9" rel="nofollow">Issue #9</a> <a href="https://github.com/ruslan-polutsygan/phpstorm-adder-remover-generator-plugin/pull/10" rel="nofollow">PR #10</a> </li> 0.3.5
  18474. <ul>
  18475. <li>[bugfix] Field typehinted with just `ArrayCollection` is not recognized - <a href="https://github.com/ruslan-polutsygan/phpstorm-adder-remover-generator-plugin/issues/8" rel="nofollow">Issue #8</a></li>
  18476. </ul> 0.3.4
  18477. <ul>
  18478. <li>[enhancement] Inject code to cursor position - <a href="https://github.com/ruslan-polutsygan/phpstorm-adder-remover-generator-plugin/issues/6" rel="nofollow">Issue #6</a></li>
  18479. <li>[enhancement] Recognize concrete Doctrine Collection implementations - <a href="https://github.com/ruslan-polutsygan/phpstorm-adder-remover-generator-plugin/issues/7" rel="nofollow">Issue #7</a></li>
  18480. </ul> 0.3.3
  18481. <ul>
  18482. <li>[bugfix] NoSuchMethodError in PhpStorm 2016.3 - <a href="https://github.com/ruslan-polutsygan/phpstorm-adder-remover-generator-plugin/issues/5" rel="nofollow">Issue #5</a></li>
  18483. </ul> 0.3.2
  18484. <ul>
  18485. <li>[enhancement] ${TYPE_HINT_FQCN} template variable introduced. ${TYPE_HINT} is not fully qualified any more - <a href="https://github.com/ruslan-polutsygan/phpstorm-adder-remover-generator-plugin/issues/3" rel="nofollow">Issue #3</a></li>
  18486. <li>[enhancement] ${THIS_CLASS_NAME} template variable introduced - <a href="https://github.com/ruslan-polutsygan/phpstorm-adder-remover-generator-plugin/issues/2" rel="nofollow">Issue #2</a></li>
  18487. <li>[bugfix] ClassCastException in PhpStorm 2016 - <a href="https://github.com/ruslan-polutsygan/phpstorm-adder-remover-generator-plugin/issues/4" rel="nofollow">Issue #4</a></li>
  18488. </ul> 0.3.1
  18489. <ul>
  18490. <li>[bugfix] EmptySet to TreeSet cast exception fixed - <a href="https://github.com/ruslan-polutsygan/phpstorm-adder-remover-generator-plugin/issues/1" rel="nofollow">Bug #1</a></li>
  18491. </ul> 0.3.0
  18492. <ul>
  18493. <li>[feature] adder and remover methods generated based on file templates(settings-&gt;editor-&gt;file and code templates-&gt;other-&gt;adder/remover)</li>
  18494. <li>[improvement] adder/remover param name generated based on field name (users =&gt; user)</li>
  18495. </ul> 0.2.1
  18496. <ul>
  18497. <li>[improvement] default remover implementation for array property based on array_search</li>
  18498. <li>[bugfix] display "generate .." actions menu items only in php class context</li>
  18499. </ul> 0.2.0
  18500. <ul>
  18501. <li>Update: support for PhpStorm 10</li>
  18502. </ul> 0.1.0
  18503. <ul>
  18504. <li>Init version. Basic adders / removers generators</li>
  18505. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><depends>com.jetbrains.php</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='4786' size='26037' date='1515225601000' url=''><name>Rainbow</name><id>zjhmale.rainbow</id><description><![CDATA[<strong>Rainbow highlighting identifiers and delimiters for IntelliJ IDEA-based IDEs</strong>]]></description><version>1.8.8</version><vendor email='zjhmale@gmail.com' url='https://github.com/zjhmale'>zjhmale</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='131.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Support new version of IntelliJ https://github.com/zjhmale/intellij-rainbow/issues/16]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>3.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='36920' size='83215' date='1515474309000' url=''><name>activate-power-mode</name><id>com.jiyuanime.ActivatePowerModeApplicationPlugin</id><description><![CDATA[activate-power-mode for IDEA.
  18506. <ul>
  18507. <li>根据Atom的插件activate-power-mode的效果移植到IDEA上</li>
  18508. </ul>]]></description><version>0.1.8</version><vendor email='' url='https://github.com/ViceFantasyPlace/activate-power-mode'>ViceFantasyPlace</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='141.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[v0.1.8
  18509. <ul>
  18510. <li>优化Combo开关关闭Combo计算显示</li>
  18511. </ul> v0.1.7
  18512. <ul>
  18513. <li>修复Combo开关关闭Combo计算还是显示问题</li>
  18514. <li>粒子颜色根据EditorHighlighter获取颜色显示</li>
  18515. </ul> v0.1.6
  18516. <ul>
  18517. <li>增加最大Combo数显示</li>
  18518. <li>增加Combo连击数显示</li>
  18519. <li>增加Combo时间间隔显示</li>
  18520. </ul> v0.1.5
  18521. <ul>
  18522. <li>修复删除没有粒子效果</li>
  18523. <li>修复快速敲击时存在残影残留</li>
  18524. </ul> v0.1.4
  18525. <ul>
  18526. <li>增加setting选择窗口</li>
  18527. <li>增加粒子颜色配置项</li>
  18528. <li>整理action的重复代码</li>
  18529. </ul> v0.1.3
  18530. <ul>
  18531. <li>修复在点击enable的时候抛出 java.util.ConcurrentModificationException</li>
  18532. <li>修复在ActivatePowerModeManage destroy 的时候 抛出 java.lang.IllegalStateException</li>
  18533. <li>继续优化多Project的情况</li>
  18534. </ul> v0.1.2
  18535. <ul>
  18536. <li>增加一个Combo值,达到一定Combo值自动开启效果</li>
  18537. <li>优化多个Project和多个Editor的情况实现</li>
  18538. </ul> Features.
  18539. <ul>
  18540. 把Combo, MaxCombo 可视化出来
  18541. <li>做设置数据持久化</li>
  18542. <li>增加设置参数界面</li>
  18543. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='115697' size='8675014' date='1517056783000' url=''><name>Swagger Plugin</name><id>org.zalando.intellij.swagger</id><description><![CDATA[<p>A plugin to help you easily edit Swagger specification files.</p>
  18544. <br>
  18545. <p>Like this plugin? <b>Give it a star</b> at <a href="https://github.com/zalando/intellij-swagger" rel="nofollow">GitHub</a> and spread the word!</p>]]></description><version>1.0.5</version><vendor email='sebastian.monte@zalando.de' url='https://tech.zalando.com/'>Zalando SE</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[https://github.com/zalando/intellij-swagger/releases/tag/1.0.5]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><depends>org.jetbrains.plugins.yaml</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='528' size='3437' date='1464996269000' url=''><name>Jump Source Spec</name><id>jss.JumpSourceSpec</id><description><![CDATA[Easy to swap between source and test file.]]></description><version>1.0.2</version><vendor email='tpedbereznak@agi.com' url='http://www.agi.com'>Analytical Graphics Inc</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='141.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='99334' size='5160' date='1495564455000' url=''><name>Angular 2 TypeScript Live Templates</name><id>com.denis.zaichenko.angular.2.ws.live.templates</id><description><![CDATA[Angular 2 TypeScript Live Templates
  18546. <br>
  18547. <br>]]></description><version>2.0.0</version><vendor email='denis.zaichenko@gmail.com' url='https://github.com/MrZaYaC/ng2-webstorm-snippets'>Denis Zaichenko</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='143.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[update according to Angular 4.0.0 release add RxJS templates change namespace from 'ng-' to 'a-']]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='664' size='45416' date='1467248458000' url=''><name>Hakuna Matata Postfix Completion</name><id>com.cesards.intellij.hakunamatata</id><description><![CDATA[The main purpose of the plugin is adding postfix completion and live templates we can use in our day to day development.
  18548. <br>
  18549. <br>
  18550. <b>Available live templates:</b>
  18551. <ul>
  18552. <li> <b>prsf</b> – Inserts ''private static final'' statement – </li>
  18553. <li> <b>prsfi</b> – Inserts ''private static final int'' statement – </li>
  18554. <li> <b>prsfs</b> – Inserts ''private static final String'' statement – </li>
  18555. <li> <b>ifElse</b> – Inserts ''if else'' statement – </li>
  18556. <li> <b>time</b> – Inserts ''Timber.e(exception, String)'' statement – </li>
  18557. <li> <b>timd</b> – Inserts ''Timber.d(String)'' statement – </li>
  18558. <li> <b>timv</b> – Inserts ''Timber.v(String)'' statement – </li>
  18559. <li> <b>timm</b> – Inserts ''Log method name and its arguments'' statement – </li>
  18560. <li> <b>timw</b> – Inserts ''Timber.w(Exception, String)'' statement – </li>
  18561. <li> <b>timi</b> – Inserts ''Timber.i(String)'' statement – </li>
  18562. <li> <b>timr</b> – Inserts ''Log result of this method'' statement – </li>
  18563. <li> <b>timwtf</b> – Inserts '' Timber.wtf(Exception, String)'' statement – </li>
  18564. </ul>
  18565. <br>
  18566. <b>Available postfix completion templates:</b>
  18567. <ul>
  18568. <li> <b>.emptyCheck</b> </li>
  18569. <li> <b>.newInstanceWithAssignment</b> </li>
  18570. <li> <b>.newInstanceReplacement</b> </li>
  18571. <li> <b>.ifElse</b> </li>
  18572. <li> <b>.assertEquals</b> </li>
  18573. <li> <b>.assertNotEquals</b> </li>
  18574. <li> <b>.assertSame</b> </li>
  18575. <li> <b>.assertNotSame</b> </li>
  18576. <li> <b>.assertThat</b> </li>
  18577. <li> <b>.assertTrue</b> </li>
  18578. <li> <b>.assertFalse</b> </li>
  18579. <li> <b>.whenThen</b> </li>
  18580. <li> <b>.whenThenCallRealMethod</b> </li>
  18581. <li> <b>.whenThenAnswer</b> </li>
  18582. <li> <b>.whenThenReturn</b> </li>
  18583. <li> <b>.whenThenThrow</b> </li>
  18584. <li> <b>.verify</b> </li>
  18585. <li> <b>.verifyNoMoreInteractions</b> </li>
  18586. <li> <b>.verifyZeroInteractions</b> </li>
  18587. <li> <b>.doNothingWhen</b> </li>
  18588. <li> <b>.doReturnWhen</b> </li>
  18589. <li> <b>.doThrowWhen</b> </li>
  18590. <li> <b>.mock</b> </li>
  18591. </ul>
  18592. <br>
  18593. <p> <b>Do you want more information about the live templates and postfix completions included in the plugin?<b> <br> Have a look to the repository's <a href="https://github.com/cesards/HakunaMatataIntelliJPlugin/blob/master/README.md" rel="nofollow">README</a> file </b></b></p>]]></description><version></version><vendor email='cesaryomismo@gmail.com' url='https://github.com/cesards/HakunaMatataIntelliJPlugin'>Cesards</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='141.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<b>* Version 0.4 (Initial release)</b>
  18594. <br>
  18595. <ul>
  18596. <li>First Android, Mockito, Java and Assert type completions added.</li>
  18597. <li>Plain extra and Other extra live templates added.</li>
  18598. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>org.jetbrains.android</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='616' size='5799' date='1470938673000' url=''><name>Hungry Backspace Reloaded</name><id>com.olegych.hungry.backspace.reloaded</id><description><![CDATA[Modifies BackSpace key to hungrily delete whitespace.
  18599. <br> Updated version of https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/162
  18600. <br>]]></description><version>1.0.1</version><vendor email='' url='https://github.com/OlegYch/hungry-backspace-reloaded'>OlegYch</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='141.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Updated to be compatible with IDEA 2016.
  18601. <br>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='530' size='12739' date='1492411671000' url='https://deckard.ai'><name>Deckard</name><id>ai.deckard.intellij.plugin</id><description><![CDATA[Send events to the Deckard app. Deckard will show useful information and pointers while you are working.
  18602. <br>
  18603. <br>
  18604. <b>Installation</b>
  18605. <br>
  18606. <br> 1. Inside your IDE, select Preferences -&gt; Plugins -&gt; Browse Repositories....
  18607. <br>
  18608. <br> 2. Search for deckard.
  18609. <br>
  18610. <br> 3. Click the green Install Plugin button and confirm the installation.
  18611. <br>
  18612. <br> 4. Re-launch your IDE.
  18613. <br>
  18614. <br> 5. Start the Deckard app from
  18615. <a href="https://deckard.ai/" rel="nofollow">deckard.ai</a>.
  18616. <br>
  18617. <br> 6. Double-click on code, or use Cmd+D or Ctrl-D to refresh the content shown in Deckard.
  18618. <br>
  18619. <br> 7. Switch to Deckard with Cmd+Tab or Alt-Tab, and click on links, or use the up and down arrows to navigate easily around your project.
  18620. <br>
  18621. <br>]]></description><version>0.2.14</version><vendor email='support@deckard.ai' url='https://deckard.ai'>Deckard</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='123.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Fix a misinterpretation of tabs vs. spaces.]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='5516' size='4070159' date='1494522990000' url='https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/9174'><name>Emoji Support Plugin</name><id>com.github.shiraji.emoji</id><description><![CDATA[Intellij plugin for supporting auto-complete for Emoji. This plugin heavily rely on
  18622. <a href="https://github.com/WebpageFX/emoji-cheat-sheet.com" rel="nofollow">emoji-cheat-sheet.com</a>]]></description><version>2.0.1</version><vendor email='isogai.shiraji@gmail.com' url='http://github.com/shiraji'>Shiraji</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='143.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<p>2.0.1</p>
  18623. <ul>
  18624. <li>Retina support #7</li>
  18625. </ul>
  18626. <p>Older version changes are listed on <a href="https://github.com/shiraji/emoji/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md" rel="nofollow">CHANGELOG.md</a></p>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='381' size='4190' date='1477638291000' url=''><name>ScaterKnife</name><id>com.xdandroid.scaterknife</id><description><![CDATA[Convert Android ButterKnife Zelezny generated @BindView code to Scala lazy val declaration.]]></description><version>1.0.0</version><vendor email='570396198@qq.com' url='https://github.com/xingda920813'>Da Xing</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[First blood.]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='296' size='92202' date='1515382321000' url=''><name>Input Language Locker</name><id>com.gilecode.langlocker</id><description><![CDATA[Blocks unwanted input language changes while working in IDEs
  18627. <strong>WARNING: Only for Windows!</strong>]]></description><version>2.3</version><vendor email='yagson@gilecode.com' url='http://gilecode.com'>Andrey Mogilev</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='139.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[- Bugfixes and improvements - DLL now uses local hooks instead of global ones]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='6967' size='16082' date='1483284539000' url=''><name>Djaneiro for PyCharm</name><id>pw.mcclure.djaneiro.pycharm</id><description><![CDATA[<p>This was originally a pure port of the Djaneiro plugin for Sublime Text, but new features have been added not found in the original plugin.</p>
  18628. <p>It's a collection of live templates for common patterns encountered when building Django applications (with a couple generic python uses) specifically useful for models, forms, widgets, views, and templates. </p>
  18629. <p>For example, the following expansions for models and forms can be made: </p>
  18630. <pre><code>
  18631. mchar&lt;TAB--&gt; $FIELDNAME$ = models.CharField($name$ , max_length=50)$END$
  18632. fchar&lt;TAB--&gt; $FIELDNAME$ = forms.CharField($ARGS$)$END$
  18633. </code></pre>
  18634. <p>Where each variable between dollar signs($) (e.g., $FIELDNAME$, $NAME$, etc) is a stopping point for the cursor each time enter is pressed.</p>
  18635. <p> The abbreviations generally adhere to the following conventions: </p>
  18636. <ul>
  18637. <li>Model field templates are prefixed by 'm' with the exception of `fk`, `m2m`, and `o2o` fields</li>
  18638. <li>Form field templates are prefixed by 'f'</li>
  18639. <li>Widgets are prefixed by 'w'</li>
  18640. <li>Settings are prefixed by 's'</li>
  18641. <li>Template templates have no prefix, nor do generic python templates</li>
  18642. </ul>
  18643. <p></p>
  18644. <p> For a full listing of the abbreviations, see the github repo: <a href="https://github.com/brmc/pycharm-djaneiro/tree/master/docs" rel="nofollow"> https://github.com/brmc/pycharm-djaneiro/tree/master/docs</a> </p>]]></description><version>1.2</version><vendor email='jetbrains@mcclure.pw' url='https://www.mcclure.pw'>Brian McClure</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='141.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Added support for django settings and fixed a couple bugs]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='51347' size='175731' date='1515184618000' url=''><name>Makefile support</name><id>name.kropp.intellij.makefile</id><description><![CDATA[Support for UNIX Makefiles]]></description><version>1.2.2</version><vendor email='victor.kropp@gmail.com' url='https://victor.kropp.name/projects/makefile/'>Victor Kropp</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='163.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Bugfix release. The last update to support 2016.3.]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>4.8</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='21384' size='24360' date='1487230180000' url='https://github.com/thekalinga/bootstrap4-intellij'><name>Bootstrap 4 &amp; Font awesome</name><id>in.thekalinga.snippet.intellij</id><description><![CDATA[Bootstrap 4 &amp; Font awesome live templates/snippets
  18645. <img width="1200" height="860" src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/thekalinga/bootstrap4-intellij/2.1.2/help.gif">
  18646. <br>
  18647. <p>Documentation can be found <a href="https://github.com/thekalinga/bootstrap4-intellij/tree/2.1.2" rel="nofollow">here</a></p>
  18648. <br>
  18649. <p>Release notes can be found <a href="https://github.com/thekalinga/bootstrap4-intellij/tree/2.1.2/CHANGELOG.md" rel="nofollow">here</a></p>
  18650. <br>
  18651. <p>Have a problem, raise an issue <a href="https://github.com/thekalinga/bootstrap4-intellij/issues" rel="nofollow">here</a></p>
  18652. <br>
  18653. <p>Follow me on Twitter: <a href="https://twitter.com/thekalinga" rel="nofollow"><b>@thekalinga</b></a></p>]]></description><version>2.1.2</version><vendor email='' url='https://github.com/thekalinga'>Ashok Koyi</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='107.105' /><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='374' size='83221' date='1484133646000' url=''><name>view injector</name><id>com.ironman.me</id><description><![CDATA[used to import views to activity or fragment
  18654. <br>
  18655. <em>any annotation supported not just butterkinfe</em>
  18656. <br> based on butterkinfe zelezny]]></description><version>1.1.5</version><vendor email='ironmanlitao@gmail.com' url=''>ironman</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[first edition
  18657. <br>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='20859' size='60671' date='1508989648000' url='https://github.com/1tontech/material2-snippets'><name>Angular Material 2, Flex layout 1, Teradata Covalent 1 &amp; Material icon live templates</name><id>in.oneton.contrib.plugin.angular.material</id><description><![CDATA[Angular Material 2, Flex layout 1, Teradata Covalent 1 &amp; Material icon live templates
  18658. <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/1tontech/material2-snippets/intellij-0.11.0/intellij/help.gif">
  18659. <br>
  18660. <p>Documentation can be found <a href="https://github.com/1tontech/material2-snippets/tree/intellij-0.11.0" rel="nofollow">here</a></p>
  18661. <br>
  18662. <p>Have a problem, raise an issue <a href="https://github.com/1tontech/material2-snippets/issues" rel="nofollow">here</a></p>
  18663. <br>
  18664. <p>Follow us on Twitter: <a href="https://twitter.com/1tontech" rel="nofollow"><b>@1tontech</b></a></p>]]></description><version>0.11.0</version><vendor email='' url='http://github.com/1tontech'>1Ton Technologies</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='107.105' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Since 0.11.0 (25 Oct 2017):
  18665. <ul>
  18666. <li>Changed all triggers from <code>md</code> to <code>mat</code></li>
  18667. </ul> Since 0.10.0 (23 Jun 2017):
  18668. <ul>
  18669. <li>Added support for new <code>accordion</code> &amp; <code>expansion</code> material components</li>
  18670. <li>Fixed issues with few covalent snippets</li>
  18671. <li>Added new attribute directives for existing components</li>
  18672. <li>Made compatible with material <code>2.0.0-beta.7</code> release</li>
  18673. </ul> Since 0.9.0 (22 Jun 2017):
  18674. <ul>
  18675. <li>Now all attribute directives start with <code>@</code></li>
  18676. </ul> Since 0.8.2 (15 Jun 2017): Since 0.8.1 (15 Jun 2017):
  18677. <ul>
  18678. <li>Better documentation</li>
  18679. </ul> Since 0.8.0 (15 Jun 2017):
  18680. <ul>
  18681. <li>Added support for reactive form control variation for each input</li>
  18682. <li>Added support for datepicker in material2</li>
  18683. <li>Added <code>optgroup</code> support for select component. This allows you to group options within select</li>
  18684. <li>Removed <code>fxLayoutWrap</code> as this is deprecated in favor of <code>fxLayout</code></li>
  18685. </ul> Since 0.7.0 (7 Mar 2017):
  18686. <ul>
  18687. <li>Fixed a minor issue with svg set</li>
  18688. </ul> Since 0.6.0 (20 Feb 2017):
  18689. <ul>
  18690. <li>Made tooltip an attribute directive instead of snippet</li>
  18691. </ul> Since 0.5.0 (20 Feb 2017):
  18692. <ul>
  18693. <li>Fixed issue with templates that does not have name such as <code>button/.html</code> will also be included as part of templates</li>
  18694. </ul> Since 0.4.0 (20 Feb 2017):
  18695. <ul>
  18696. <li>Fixed issue with tooltip</li>
  18697. </ul> Since 0.3.0 (19 Feb 2017):
  18698. <ul>
  18699. <li>Fixed issue with input floating placeholder</li>
  18700. </ul> Since 0.2.0 (18 Feb 2017):
  18701. <ul>
  18702. <li>Plugin will show help gif</li>
  18703. </ul> Since 0.1.0 (18 Feb 2017):
  18704. <ul>
  18705. <li>Initial support for Material v2.0.0-beta.2, Teradata covalent v1.0.0-beta.1, Flex layout 1.0.0-beta.5 &amp; Material icons</li>
  18706. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='1963' size='111067' date='1508947485000' url=''><name>QML support</name><id>name.kropp.intellij.qml</id><description><![CDATA[Support for Qt QML]]></description><version>0.3</version><vendor email='victor.kropp@gmail.com' url='https://victor.kropp.name/projects/intellij-qml/'>Victor Kropp</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='171.0' until-build='173.*'/><change-notes><![CDATA[Preview with qmlscene]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='7804' size='337205' date='1508748659000' url=''><name>Phalcon auto-complete</name><id>cyberhck.github.idea.plugin.phalcon</id><description><![CDATA[Provides autocompletions for Phalcon framework]]></description><version>3.2.5</version><vendor email='gautam.nishchal@gmail.com' url='https://github.com/cyberhck'>Nishchal Gautam</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='163.3984' /><change-notes><![CDATA[updated stubs to v3.2.5]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><depends>com.jetbrains.php</depends><rating>4.8</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='189' size='19527' date='1494922798000' url=''><name>UniqueRes</name><id>com.bubiu.plugin.uniqueres</id><description><![CDATA[For java and android developers.
  18707. <br>
  18708. <br> To avoid definite two fields of the same value, consider using @Unique or @Index at the first field.
  18709. <br>
  18710. <br> @Unique : Any two fields mustn't equal the same value.
  18711. <br> @Index : All fields must be auto increased as 0,1,2,3, ... .
  18712. <br>
  18713. <br>
  18714. <a href="https://github.com/jqj1994/UniqueRes" rel="nofollow">Click</a> to see how to easy to use.
  18715. <br>
  18716. <em>This plugin is opened at <a href="https://github.com/jqj1994/UniqueRes" rel="nofollow">Github</a>, if you like it, plz give me a start, tks.</em>]]></description><version>1.5.16</version><vendor email='jqj1994@qq.com' url=''>jqj1994</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='175' size='852608' date='1495657553000' url=''><name>GivWenZen Plugin</name><id>org.psliwa.idea.givwenzen</id><description><![CDATA[Plugin for IntelliJ that provides support for legacy library: GivWenZen]]></description><version>0.3</version><vendor email='me@psliwa.org' url=''></vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[0.3
  18717. <ul>
  18718. <li>Support for string concatenation in DomainStep</li>
  18719. <li>Mark DomainStep method as used when it is used in content.txt files (eg. unused method declaration inspection works)</li>
  18720. </ul> 0.2
  18721. <ul>
  18722. <li>Compatibility with IntelliJ 2016.+</li>
  18723. </ul> 0.1
  18724. <ul>
  18725. <li>Navigation from steps usages to definitions</li>
  18726. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='2356' size='57820' date='1492602737000' url=''><name>PHP Class Templates</name><id>com.aurimasniekis.phpclasstemplates</id><description><![CDATA[Provides additional file templates for php development
  18727. <br>
  18728. <ul>
  18729. <li>PHP Exception Class (With selection which Exception Class to extend)</li>
  18730. <li>PHP Class From Template (New file from <b>File Templates</b> with defined file extension <b>class.php</b></li>
  18731. </ul> PHP Class From Template Usage
  18732. <p>PHP Class From Template uses File Templates with file extension "class.php"</p>]]></description><version>1.0.2</version><vendor email='aurimas@niekis.lt' url='https://aurimas@niekis.lt'>Aurimas Niekis</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><depends>com.jetbrains.php</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='5003' size='15990' date='1492723452000' url=''><name>PHP PSR-4 Namespace Detector</name><id>com.aurimasniekis.phppsr4namespacedetector</id><description><![CDATA[Adds detection of PSR-4 Namespace prefixes based on
  18733. <i>composer.json</i> properties:
  18734. <i>autoload</i>,
  18735. <i>autoload-dev</i>]]></description><version>1.0.1</version><vendor email='aurimas@niekis.lt' url='https://aurimas@niekis.lt'>Aurimas Niekis</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><depends>com.jetbrains.php</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='1463' size='3555' date='1495132343000' url=''><name>yapf-pycharm</name><id>com.toan2.yapf</id><description><![CDATA[Reformat (local) python code using google/yapf Requirement: + YAPF must be pre-installed and could be invoked using sh -c /usr/local/bin/yapf command.]]></description><version>1.2</version><vendor email='binh@toan2.com' url='https://github.com/binh-vu/'>Binh Vu</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='522' size='3591' date='1499247047000' url=''><name>auto generate log</name><id>com.aandk.plugin.log</id><description><![CDATA[Plugin for auto generate debug log.
  18736. <br>
  18737. <li>1. Choose the word you want debug.</li>
  18738. <li>2. Press alt + p.</li> eg.
  18739. <br> In your code:
  18740. <br> int var = caculateValue();
  18741. <br> Choose "var", then press alt+p,
  18742. <br> The following code will be generated.
  18743. <br> Log.i("autolog", "var: " + var);
  18744. <br> Default android log tag is "autolog".
  18745. <br>]]></description><version>1.0</version><vendor email='aandk.wangxin2011@gmail.com' url='https://github.com/AandK'>AandK</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<li>1.0 : init </li>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='610' size='1205809' date='1516539991000' url=''><name>Randomness</name><id>com.fwdekker.randomness</id><description><![CDATA[Insert random strings and numbers with the press of a single key.
  18746. <br>
  18747. <br> Adds actions to insert random data into your editor, which can be useful when writing tests.]]></description><version>1.3.2</version><vendor email='felix@fwdekker.com' url='https://fwdekker.com/'>FWDekker</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<ul>
  18748. <li>All actions can now be given keybinds separately.</li>
  18749. <li>The Randomness action can now also be found in the Tools menu.</li>
  18750. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='192' size='24995' date='1505892265000' url=''><name>Shell Filter</name><id>de.dieploegers.develop.idea.shellfilter</id><description><![CDATA[<p>The Shell Filter plugin for Jetbrains IDEs enables the developer to run an external shell command and insert or replace the returned output into the current Editor.</p>]]></description><version>1.0.1</version><vendor email='jetbrains.dennis@dieploegers.de' url='https://github.com/dploeger/idea.shellfilter'>Dennis Plöger</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='172.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[#1 Added default shortcut CTRL-META-I]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='152' size='198256' date='1509925972000' url=''><name>Stone Editor Support</name><id>com.stoneplugin.unique.plugin.id</id><description><![CDATA[Support for Stone files (github.com/dropbox/stone)]]></description><version>2.0</version><vendor email='jgzuke@gmail.com' url=''>Jason Zukewich</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='107.105' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Break changes: Parsing logic changed to look for annotations below fields/aliases, rather than above.]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='2590' size='34262' date='1506244419000' url=''><name>Svelte</name><id>de.escalon.idea.plugin.svelte</id><description><![CDATA[Idea plugin for
  18751. <a href="https://svelte.technology/" rel="nofollow">Svelte</a> components.]]></description><version>0.0.4</version><vendor email='ds@escalon.de' url='https://github.com/dschulten/sveltejs-idea-plugin'>Escalon Systementwicklung,
  18752. Dietrich Schulten</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='162.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Minimal support for template highlighting and completion]]></change-notes><depends>JavaScript</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='846' size='170477' date='1506570458000' url='https://github.com/cursive-ide/emacs-plus'><name>Emacs+ Patched</name><id>com.cursive-ide.emacsplus</id><description><![CDATA[<p>Emacs like enhancements for IntelliJ IDEA. The new keymaps <b>Emacs+</b> and <b>Mac Emacs+</b>:</p>
  18753. <ul>
  18754. <li>Add comment commands, including a reasonable comment-dwim <b><i>M-;</i></b> and comment-next/previous/kill for files whose language is <i>backed</i> by a Psi file</li>
  18755. <li>Implement Emacs style forward-word <b><i>M-f</i></b> and backward-word <b><i>M-b</i></b></li>
  18756. <li>Enhance <b><i>C-s</i></b> and <b><i>C-r</i></b> to support additional sub-commands on the search string, including:
  18757. <ul>
  18758. <li>isearch yank commands <b><i>C-w</i></b>, <b><i>C-y</i></b>, <b><i>M-y</i></b> and <b><i>C-M-y</i></b></li>
  18759. <li>isearch history <b><i>M-n</i></b> and <b><i>M-p</i></b></li>
  18760. <li>state toggles <b><i>M-c, M-m, M-w</i></b> and <b><i>M-r</i></b></li>
  18761. <li>proper exiting behavior on <b><i>C-g</i></b> and <b><i>ENTER</i></b></li>
  18762. </ul> <br> </li>
  18763. <li>Extend the default Kill Ring behavior so that the following bindings behave as expected:
  18764. <ul>
  18765. <li>yank <b><i>C-y</i></b>, yank-pop <b><i>M-y</i></b> and append-next-kill <b><i>C-M-w</i></b> </li>
  18766. </ul> <br> </li>
  18767. <li>Enhance <b><i>C-x b</i></b> to respond to more keystrokes (e.g. <b><i>C-g, C-n, C-p</i></b>, etc.) and use <i>Recent Files</i> for searches</li>
  18768. <br>
  18769. <li>Implement tri-state recenter <b><i>C-l</i></b></li>
  18770. <li>Implement most of the expected case, space and transposition commands</li>
  18771. <li>Add basic movement bindings on some, but not all, tool windows</li>
  18772. <li>Add <b><i>C-g</i></b> on some, but not all, tool windows and dialogs</li>
  18773. <li>Add <b><i>C-x 1</i></b> and <b><i>C-x 0</i></b> in tool windows</li>
  18774. <li>Add Command as Meta on MacOS when using the <b>Mac Emacs+</b> keymap</li>
  18775. <li>Add assorted bindings of IntelliJ commands to more closely emulate Emacs</li>
  18776. </ul>
  18777. <br>
  18778. <p>This is a patched version of the <a href="https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/7906-emacs-" rel="nofollow">original plugin</a>, which has been abandoned.</p>]]></description><version>0.3.600</version><vendor email='ideogram@ideogram.co.nz' url='https://ideogram.co.nz'>Ideogram, Ltd.</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='171.0' until-build='173.*'/><change-notes><![CDATA[<i>&amp;beta 0.3.600</i>
  18779. <br>
  18780. <ul>
  18781. <li>Update plugin to use API from 2017.x.</li>
  18782. </ul>
  18783. <i>&amp;beta 0.3.500</i>
  18784. <br>
  18785. <ul>
  18786. <li>Update plugin to use API from 2016.3.</li>
  18787. </ul>
  18788. <i>&amp;beta 0.3.400</i>
  18789. <br>
  18790. <ul>
  18791. <li>Recompile plugin completely from decompiled sources.</li>
  18792. <li>Update plugin to use API from 2016.1 &amp; 2016.2.</li>
  18793. </ul>
  18794. <i>&amp;beta 0.3.300</i>
  18795. <br>
  18796. <ul>
  18797. <li>Update plugin to fix API compatibility issues.</li>
  18798. </ul>
  18799. <i>&amp;beta 0.3.200</i>
  18800. <br>
  18801. <ul>
  18802. <li>Restore isearch changes after IntelliJ's backward incompatible changes in IDEA 15</li>
  18803. <br>
  18804. <li>Add back-to-indentation <b><i>M-m</i></b></li>
  18805. <li>Add delete-indentation <b><i>M-^</i></b> (and <b><i>C-u M-^</i></b>)</li>
  18806. </ul>
  18807. <i>&amp;beta 0.3.110</i>
  18808. <br>
  18809. <ul>
  18810. <li>Support multiple carets in comment commands</li>
  18811. <li>Support additional movement commands on <b><i>C-x b</i></b></li>
  18812. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='1883' size='352819' date='1506935074000' url=''><name>Bootstrap3</name><id>com.amintado.bootstrap</id><description><![CDATA[Bootstrap 3 live templates / snippets
  18813. <p><a href="https://github.com/amintado/bootstrap3-phpstorm-plugin" rel="nofollow">GitHub Homepage</a></p>
  18814. <br>]]></description><version>0.1.1</version><vendor email='@amintado' url='https://github.com/amintado/bootstrap3-phpstorm-plugin'>@amintado</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='107.105' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<dl>
  18815. &lt;
  18816. <dt>
  18817. No changes so far...
  18818. </dt>
  18819. <dd></dd>
  18820. </dl>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='34' size='3128483' date='1513689973000' url=''><name>EditUsages</name><id>com.funivan.idea.editUsages</id><description><![CDATA[Find some statements with IDEA and edit it in pleasant way.
  18821. <br> Twitter:
  18822. <a href="http://twitter.com/funivan" rel="nofollow">@funivan</a>]]></description><version>0.0.1</version><vendor email='dev@funivan.com' url='http://funivan.com'>Ivan Shcherbak</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='131.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='7' size='26773' date='1516849417000' url=''><name>ng-zorro</name><id>com.ng-zorro.live-templates.plugin</id><description><![CDATA[<a href="https://ng.ant.design/" rel="nofollow">ng-zorro</a> Live Templates(code snippet) for WebStorm(IntelliJ)]]></description><version>0.0.3</version><vendor email='hsuangm@gmail.com' url='https://github.com/HsuanXyz/ng-zorro-live-templates'>HsuanLee</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[feat: add upload template]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='2' size='887813' date='1516608319000' url=''><name>kodkod</name><id>siosio.kodkod</id><description><![CDATA[generate kdoc plugin.]]></description><version>0.0.1</version><vendor email='siosio12@gmail.com' url='https://github.com/siosio'>Github page</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='173.0' until-build='999.999'/><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>org.jetbrains.kotlin</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin></category><ff>"OS Integration"</ff><category name="OS Integration"><idea-plugin downloads='20647' size='52564' date='1289650130000' url='https://code.google.com/archive/p/nativeneighbourhood'><name>Native Neighbourhood</name><id>Native Neighbourhood</id><description><![CDATA[Provides some actions to integrate IDEA into the native desktop environment.
  18823. <p>Actions include executing the currently active file in the platform's <b>default
  18824. application</b>, showing the active file in the platform <b>file manager</b> and opening a <b>command
  18825. shell</b> in the active file's directory.
  18826. </p><p>
  18827. Integrates the actions into Tools-menu and main toolbar and provides an entry for the
  18828. <b>SelectInTarget</b>-Menu to show in file manager.
  18829. </p><p>
  18830. Additionally a custom <b>binary file type</b> is registered and associated with several extensions.
  18831. These files may be executed in the platform's default application by double-clicking them
  18832. in the project view, for example.
  18833. </p><p>
  18834. Furthermore from native file manager <b>files may be dropped</b> on unused areas of the idea
  18835. frame (empty space in toolwindowbars, editor tab area, toolbar, menubar and statusbar).
  18836. </p><p>
  18837. The action commands may be configured in config/options/other.xml in section
  18838. NativeNeighbourhoodPlugin. Supported replacement variables are
  18839. $FilePath$, $FileDir$, $FileName$ and $PluginsHome$. All Icons
  18840. are loaded from configured "iconsDir" below /org/intellij/plugins/nativeNeighbourhood/icons/.
  18841. </p><p>
  18842. The labels may be customized in META-INF/plugin.xml in plugin directory.
  18843. The associated extensions may be configured in other.xml or using the filetypes-applet
  18844. in IDEA configuration.
  18845. </p>
  18846. ]]></description><version>1.3.0</version><vendor email='f.bruch@gmx.net' url=''>Frank Bruch</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='80.8000' /><change-notes><![CDATA[
  18847. Release 1.3.0 - Support other IDEs based on the IntelliJ platform
  18848. <ul><li>
  18849. Should now work on RubyMine, PyCharm, PhpStorm, WebStorm etc.
  18850. </li></ul>
  18851. Release 1.2.2 - Minor issues
  18852. <ul><li>
  18853. Fix: Preventing complete reindexing on every start for IDEA 8 and later. (Open API Change:
  18854. <a href="http://youtrack.jetbrains.net/issue/IDEA-25207">IDEA-25207</a>)
  18855. </li><li>
  18856. Feature: Show directory path in terminal window title on windows
  18857. (<a href="http://code.google.com/p/nativeneighbourhood/issues/detail?id=3">Issue 3</a>)
  18858. </li></ul>
  18859. Release 1.2.1 - Bugfixes
  18860. <ul><li>
  18861. Fixing Command Shell on Windows.
  18862. </li><li>
  18863. Fixing FileManager & Command Shell on Mac OS X.
  18864. </li></ul>
  18865. Release 1.2 - Linux support
  18866. <ul><li>
  18867. Linux/Gnome Support out of the box (many thanks to Nikita Belenkiy).
  18868. </li><li>
  18869. Linux/KDE Support out of the box (thanks to Clifton Craig).
  18870. </li></ul>
  18871. Release 1.1.1
  18872. <ul><li>
  18873. Platform's default application executes in selected file's parent directory.
  18874. </li><li>
  18875. Bugfix concerning problem with different project-frames.
  18876. </li></ul>
  18877. Release 1.1 - Dropping files, Mac OS X Support
  18878. <ul><li>Dropping of files from native file manager opens idea editors (known issue:
  18879. Dropping unknown filetypes silently fails.) Drop Targets are unused areas of the idea
  18880. frame (empty space in toolwindowbars, editor tab area, toolbar, menubar and statusbar).
  18881. </li><li>Mac OS X Support out of the box (many thanks to Denis N. Antonioli).
  18882. Initializing with default configuration according to autodetected Mac OS X is only done
  18883. for missing config entry "NativeNeighbourhoodPlugin" in other.xml.
  18884. </li><li>Icons are loaded using configured subdir (other.xml), no more need to edit plugin.xml.
  18885. </li></ul>
  18886. ]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>4.8</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='2833' size='6765' date='1408285864000' url=''><name>Finder Info</name><id>com.kstenschke.finderinfo</id><description><![CDATA[Extends the project files popup menu with an option for showing file informations in the Mac OSX finder. Having the files component focussed, the keyboard shortcut [CMD] + [I] opens the finder file informations as well. Additionally, opening the file information brings all finder windows to the front. Please note: this plugin works on Mac OSX only.]]></description><version>1.0.2</version><vendor email='info@stenschke.com' url=''>Kay Stenschke</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='131.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<ul>
  18887. <li>v1.0.2 Bugfix: Evocation via keyboard shortcut w/o any file selected caused null pointer exception</li>
  18888. <li>v1.0.1 Added: Keyboard shortcut - [CMD] + [I]</li>
  18889. <li>v1.0.0 Initial Release</li>
  18890. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>4.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='1324' size='6018' date='1465924530000' url=''><name>AnyBarIdea</name><id>com.github.denofevil.anyBarIdea</id><description><![CDATA[This plugin provides integration with
  18891. <a href="https://github.com/tonsky/AnyBar" rel="nofollow">AnyBar</a> OS X menubar status indicator]]></description><version>0.2</version><vendor email='dennis.ushakov@jetbrains.com' url='https://github.com/denofevil/AnyBarIdea'>Dennis Ushakov</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='141.1532' /><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='22' size='57721' date='1515444046000' url=''><name>Hatchery</name><id>edu.umontreal.hatchery</id><description><![CDATA[<a href="https://github.com/duckietown/hatchery#hatchery" rel="nofollow">Hatchery</a> is plugin for developing applications for the
  18892. <a href="https://ros.org" rel="nofollow">Robot Operating System</a> (ROS).]]></description><version>0.2.1</version><vendor email='breandan.considine@umontreal.ca' url='http://www.umontreal.ca'>Université de Montréal</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='143.379' /><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><depends>org.jetbrains.plugins.yaml</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin></category><ff>"Testing Frameworks Support"</ff><category name="Testing Frameworks Support"><idea-plugin downloads='302' size='45854137' date='1482585156000' url=''><name>Observly Recorder</name><id>com.observly.recorderplugin</id><description><![CDATA[Observly test recorder lets you record feature flows and
  18893. <br> tests them on multiple devices without writing any code. How to use: After installation you will see the observly icon
  18894. <img src="http://res.cloudinary.com/dcyie06nx/image/upload/v1482572924/observly_tiqaho.png"> in the
  18895. <br> toolbar right next to Android help button.
  18896. <br>
  18897. <br> Click on the icon to setup the observly account key once.
  18898. <br> After that just click on that icon to record and test flows.
  18899. <br>]]></description><version>1.0</version><vendor email='info@z21labs.co' url='http://observ.ly/'>Observly</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='141.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>org.jetbrains.android</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='227' size='23159' date='1506525152000' url=''><name>Okey-doke Support</name><id>com.github.s4nchez.okeydoke.idea</id><description><![CDATA[This plugin brings basic
  18900. <a href="https://github.com/dmcg/okey-doke" rel="nofollow">okey-doke</a> support.
  18901. <br>
  18902. <br> Approve tests by using the context popup menu or using Ctrl + F11.]]></description><version>0.5</version><vendor email='ivan@gourame.com' url='http://www.github.com/s4nchez/okey-doke-idea'>Ivan Sanchez</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='141.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<ul>
  18903. <li>0.4 - Add message to status bar after tests are approved.</li>
  18904. <li>0.3 - Kotlin support.</li>
  18905. <li>0.2 - Better detection of context based on caret.</li>
  18906. <li>0.1 - Basic approval.</li>
  18907. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>org.jetbrains.kotlin</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='2002' size='28719' date='1513621959000' url=''><name>Codeception Framework</name><id>com.jetbrains.php.codeception</id><description><![CDATA[Allows to use Codeception test framework for PHP]]></description><version>173.4127.13</version><vendor email='' url=''>JetBrains</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='173.4127' until-build='173.*'/><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.ultimate</depends><depends>com.jetbrains.php</depends><depends>com.jetbrains.php.behat</depends><depends>org.jetbrains.plugins.yaml</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='359' size='8854' date='1493896504000' url='https://github.com/Haehnchen/idea-php-behat-plugin'><name>Behat Enhancement</name><id>de.espend.idea.php.behat</id><description><![CDATA[Features
  18908. <ul>
  18909. <li>Linemarker and intention for test runner in Feature and Scenario</li>
  18910. </ul>]]></description><version>0.1</version><vendor email='daniel@espendiller.net' url='http://espend.de'>Daniel Espendiller</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='171.3780' /><change-notes><![CDATA[0.1
  18911. <ul>
  18912. <li>First release</li>
  18913. <li>Linemarker and intention for test runner in Feature and Scenario <a href="https://github.com/Haehnchen/idea-php-behat-plugin/issues/1" rel="nofollow">#1</a></li>
  18914. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><depends>com.jetbrains.php</depends><depends>com.jetbrains.php.behat</depends><depends>gherkin</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin></category><ff>"Notification/Visualizers"</ff><category name="Notification/Visualizers"><idea-plugin downloads='1175' size='5461406' date='1487583749000' url=''><name>ThreadDumpVisualizer</name><id>ThreadDumpVisualizer</id><description><![CDATA[Thread dump visualizer plugin]]></description><version>0.1.2</version><vendor email='' url=''>csc</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='131.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.diagram</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin></category><ff>"Apps, Notification and Interaction Applications"</ff><category name="Apps, Notification and Interaction Applications"><idea-plugin downloads='1965' size='2849282' date='1478698189000' url=''><name>CommonCode</name><id>com.itheima.sz.plugin.commoncode</id><description><![CDATA[Add common code to your editor.
  18915. <br> Press `Alt + G`
  18916. <br> or
  18917. <br> Open it in Code Menu (`Alt + C`) -&gt; Generate CommonCode... .
  18918. <br>]]></description><version>1.1</version><vendor email='poplar_tang@163.com' url='https://github.com/PoplarTang/CommonCode'>唐杨(PoplarTang)</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='141.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Version 1.1 Support plugin in Android Studio.]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='4306' size='6093810' date='1509483120000' url=''><name>Codealike</name><id>com.codealike.client.intellij.plugin</id><description><![CDATA[Automatically track everything you do when you code. See reports and metrics in real-time and never forget again what you did on the code.
  18919. <br>]]></description><version></version><vendor email='support@codealike.com' url='https://codealike.com'>Codealike</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='141.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Alpha version release.
  18920. <br>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>3.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='486' size='33971' date='1481539037000' url=''><name>CheckCiteForFile</name><id>com.dachmx.android.checkcite.file</id><description><![CDATA[This plugin is check the cite of Class file and its fields
  18921. <br>
  18922. <em>most HTML tags may be used</em>]]></description><version>1.0</version><vendor email='support@yourcompany.com' url='http://www.yourcompany.com'>YourCompany</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='141.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[2016.12.12 init
  18923. <br>
  18924. <em>most HTML tags may be used</em>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='632' size='36352' date='1488957277000' url=''><name>Zh-Translate-En</name><id>zh-translate-en</id><description><![CDATA[Android Studio Plugin. Translate chinese to english.
  18925. <br> How to Use?
  18926. <ul>
  18927. <li>Open Tools Menu or (alt+T)</li>
  18928. <li>Input Chinese</li>
  18929. <li>Press enter</li>
  18930. <li>Enter again will disappear panel</li>
  18931. </ul>]]></description><version>1.0.1</version><vendor email='wo9shihehaiying@163.com' url='https://github.com/hyhe'>hyhe</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Version 1.0.1
  18932. <br> fix bug:android studio 2.3 not work;]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='451' size='35942' date='1489150266000' url=''><name>TemplateCreator</name><id>com.ledongli.GGTemplate.TemplateCreator</id><description><![CDATA[Some Code Template Of Java, Such As Instance And Inner Handler .
  18933. <br>]]></description><version>1.2.4</version><vendor email='guojunfu@ledongli.me' url='http://www.ledongli.cn'>JimmyGG</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[去除多余注释]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='343' size='3019767' date='1496392570000' url=''><name>Flashcards</name><id>org.intellij.flashcards</id><description><![CDATA[<p>Learn IDE keyboard shortcuts using flashcards.</p>
  18934. <p><strong>Source:</strong> <a href="https://github.com/denvned/idea-flashcards" rel="nofollow">https://github.com/denvned/idea-flashcards</a></p>
  18935. <p><strong>Authors:</strong></p>
  18936. <ul>
  18937. <li><a href="mailto:denis.nedelyaev@jetbrains.com" rel="nofollow">Denis Nedelyaev</a></li>
  18938. <li><a href="mailto:oleg.bakhirev@jetbrains.com" rel="nofollow">Oleg Bakhirev</a></li>
  18939. </ul>]]></description><version>0.0.1-alpha</version><vendor email='denis.nedelyaev@jetbrains.com' url='https://github.com/denvned'>Denis Nedelyaev</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Initial version.]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='38350' size='43686' date='1508730816000' url=''><name>Key Promoter X</name><id>Key Promoter X</id><description><![CDATA[<strong>This is a completely rewritten version of the original Key Promoter</strong>
  18940. <br>
  18941. <br>
  18942. <a href="https://github.com/halirutan/IntelliJ-Key-Promoter-X" rel="nofollow">GitHub</a> |
  18943. <a href="https://github.com/halirutan/IntelliJ-Key-Promoter-X/issues" rel="nofollow">Bug Tracker</a> |
  18944. <a href="https://www.paypal.me/halirutan" rel="nofollow">Tip Me!</a>
  18945. <br>
  18946. <br> Shows the user the keyboard short-cuts when a button is pressed with the mouse. This provides an easy way to learn how to replace tedious mouse work with keyboard keys and helps to transition to a faster, mouse free development. Currently, it supports toolbar buttons, menu buttons, and tool windows and the actions therein.
  18947. <br>
  18948. <br> The plugin was initially implemented by Dmitry Kashin and further improved by athiele. The version here is removes the custom pop-up window with IntelliJ internal message balloons. It, therefore, integrates much better into the IDE, fixes glitches and provides a more non-disruptive way of learning shortcut bindings.]]></description><version>5.11</version><vendor email='' url=''>Patrick Scheibe</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='162.0' until-build='190.*'/><change-notes><![CDATA[<ul>
  18949. <li>Fixed version range to make it work for EAP</li>
  18950. <li>Fixed null-action tip on tool-window title buttons</li>
  18951. <li>Fixed exception with wrong entries in the statistic</li>
  18952. <li>Should work on Android Studio now</li>
  18953. <li>Fixed re-appearing tips when custom shortcuts are used</li>
  18954. <li>Made tips for context menus more consistent</li>
  18955. <li>Fixed issue that would show suppressed shortcuts</li>
  18956. <li>Implemented "do not show again"</li>
  18957. <li>Tool-window updates automatically</li>
  18958. <li>Icons for the Key Promoter X</li>
  18959. <li>Tool-window shows now icons of the actions that were called</li>
  18960. <li>Better visualization of the statistics tool-window</li>
  18961. <li>Fixed bug to catch tool-window buttons successfully</li>
  18962. <li>Re-implemented the algorithm that catches button clicks and extracts their information</li>
  18963. <li>Change to internal notification system instead of an custom AWT window</li>
  18964. <li>Built for IntelliJ 2017.1.4</li>
  18965. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='1295' size='6714087' date='1505315364000' url=''><name>Storybook</name><id>oorg.bvic23.intellij.plugin.storybook.Storybook</id><description><![CDATA[This plugin supports Storybook based development in React (Native).]]></description><version>1.0.7</version><vendor email='bvic23@gmail.com' url='http://twitter.com/bvic23'>Viktor Belenyesi</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='141.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[- Small bugfixes]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin></category><ff>"Issue Trackers Integration"</ff><category name="Issue Trackers Integration"><idea-plugin downloads='559' size='421381' date='1512805481000' url=''><name>ideaMantis</name><id>de.domjos.ideaMantis</id><description><![CDATA[IntelliJ-Idea Plugin to create, edit and delete Issues from Mantis BugTracker!]]></description><version>1.1</version><vendor email='webmaster@domjos.de' url='http://domjos.de'>Dominic Joas</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='141.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[0.1
  18966. <ul>
  18967. <li>Add ToolWindow to</li>
  18968. <ul>
  18969. <li>add Issues</li>
  18970. <li>edit Issues</li>
  18971. <li>delete Issues</li>
  18972. <li>add notes to Issues</li>
  18973. <li>add attachments to Issues</li>
  18974. </ul>
  18975. </ul> 0.2
  18976. <ul>
  18977. <li>Add Settings-Screen to connect to MantisBT-Installation</li>
  18978. </ul> 0.3
  18979. <ul>
  18980. <li>Add Context-Menu-Entry to mark text as Bug and add to new Issue</li>
  18981. <li>Add Context-Menu-Entry to add document as Attachment to new Issue</li>
  18982. </ul> 0.4
  18983. <ul>
  18984. <li>change settings and test connection without pressing apply before</li>
  18985. <li>solve bug: no settings at the beginning</li>
  18986. <li>improve View</li>
  18987. </ul> 0.5
  18988. <ul>
  18989. <li>add new projects</li>
  18990. <li>create changeLogs</li>
  18991. <li>add tags</li>
  18992. </ul> 0.7
  18993. <ul>
  18994. <li>add support for every intellij-platform</li>
  18995. </ul> 0.8
  18996. <ul>
  18997. <li>solve the issue with access-levels</li>
  18998. <li>enables showing only several issues (loads a bit faster)</li>
  18999. <li>show custom fields in issues</li>
  19000. <li>filter issues</li>
  19001. <li>get and set profiles</li>
  19002. <li>create new issue from todo in code</li>
  19003. <li>close todo-issue with shortcut</li>
  19004. <li>open todo-issue in browser</li>
  19005. </ul>
  19006. <b>Notice: If you update to this version, you will have to retype your credentials!</b>
  19007. <br> 1.0
  19008. <ul>
  19009. <li>solve Bugs</li>
  19010. </ul> 1.1
  19011. <ul>
  19012. <li>solve Bugs</li>
  19013. <li>add fast-track-mode</li>
  19014. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='354' size='140561' date='1516319106000' url=''><name>Phabricator Tasks Provider</name><id>com.github.mmm444.ijphab</id><description><![CDATA[Provides access to
  19015. <a href="https://www.phacility.com/phabricator/maniphest/" rel="nofollow">Phabricator/Maniphest</a> tasks.]]></description><version>0.6</version><vendor email='' url='http://github.com/mmm444/ijphab'>Michal Rydlo</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='163.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<ul>
  19016. <li>Fix updating issue state</li>
  19017. <li>Request at most 100 issues from Phabricator to prevent errors</li>
  19018. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><depends>com.intellij.tasks</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='79' size='180808' date='1509653645000' url=''><name>SpiraTeam Plugin</name><id>com.inflectra.SpiraTeam</id><description><![CDATA[Plugin for SpiraTeam by Inflectra Corporation]]></description><version>1.3</version><vendor email='support@inflectra.com' url='http://www.inflectra.com'>Inflectra Corporation</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<ul>
  19019. <li>Updated Plugin to be compatible with SpiraTeam version 5.3</li>
  19020. <li>Note that version 1.3 only works with SpiraTeam 5.3 and later</li>
  19021. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin></category><ff>"Administration Tools"</ff><category name="Administration Tools"><idea-plugin downloads='1297' size='4197' date='1478271132000' url=''><name>AlibcTradeCodeAssistant</name><id>com.alibaba.baichuan</id><description><![CDATA[English: It is a code assistant for you to use baichuan sdk quickly. AlibcCodeAssistant(for alibctrade sdk 3.1 version)
  19022. <br> 1.init key:bcinit
  19023. <br> 2.login key:bclogin
  19024. <br> 3.logout key:bclogout
  19025. <br> 4.get user information key:bcuserinfo
  19026. <br> 5.open url page key:bcshowurl
  19027. <br> 6.open detail page key:bcshowdetail
  19028. <br> 7.open shop page key:bcshowshop
  19029. <br> 8.add commodity to my cart key:bcshowaddcart
  19030. <br> 9.open my order page key :bcshoworder
  19031. <br> 10.open my cart page key:bcshowmycart 中文: AlibcCodeAssistant(for 电商sdk 3.1版本)
  19032. <br> 1.初始化代码:bcinit
  19033. <br> 2.登录代码:bclogin
  19034. <br> 3.登出代码:bclogout
  19035. <br> 4.获取登录用户信息代码:bcuserinfo
  19036. <br> 5.打开url页面代码:bcshowurl
  19037. <br> 6.打开详情页面代码:bcshowdetail
  19038. <br> 7.打开店铺页面:bcshowshop
  19039. <br> 8.打开加购页面:bcshowaddcart
  19040. <br> 9.打开订单页面:bcshoworder
  19041. <br> 10.打开我的购物车页面:bcshowmycart]]></description><version>1.1</version><vendor email='' url=''>Alibaichuan</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='141.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[upload to Android Studio]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='35659' size='9476244' date='1488283314000' url=''><name>JB SDK Bintray Downloader</name><id>com.jetbrains.jbre.bintray.downloader</id><description><![CDATA[This plugin shows available JB SDK that have been published on BinTray.
  19042. <br> The plugin allows to install the JB SDK as a boot environment for JB IDEs.]]></description><version>2.2</version><vendor email='support@jetbrains.com' url='http://www.jetbrains.com'>JetBrains s.r.o.</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='162.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Better bundle download]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>4.7</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='519' size='11853' date='1479883174000' url=''><name>FilterTranslate</name><id>com.rd.filtertranslate</id><description><![CDATA[this is a FilterTranslate first: choose the text second:use keys command+shift+x version1.1 support AndroidStudio]]></description><version>1.1</version><vendor email='support@179366099@qq.com' url=''>rd</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='141.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[support AndroidStudio]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='407' size='6397' date='1484301295000' url=''><name>RNMenu</name><id>com.sanyinchen</id><description><![CDATA[This is a android plugin that you can invoke rn menu.
  19043. <br> Shortcut key : Ctrl+Shift+Z]]></description><version>1.0</version><vendor email='sanyinchen@gmail.com' url=''></vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[First version.
  19044. <br>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='464' size='46908' date='1487883132000' url=''><name>Sweep</name><id>Sweep</id><description><![CDATA[The plugin adds a "Sweep files" button to the main toolbar.
  19045. <br> One or more directories of temporary files within the current project can be configured (in the plugin settings) to be emptied when sweeping. The plugin settings allow to delete also hidden files and directories, and to exclude some files/directories from being swept via ignore pattern.
  19046. <br>
  19047. <br>Please note: This plugin is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
  19048. <br>
  19049. <br>The icons used in this plugin are part of the Fugue iconset (http://p.yusukekamiyamane.com/)]]></description><version>1.2.1</version><vendor email='info@stenschke.com' url=''>Kay Stenschke</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='80.8000' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<ul>
  19050. <li>1.2.1
  19051. <ul>
  19052. <li>UI (Settings) and code cleanup, stability improvements: tested and fixed edge cases</li>
  19053. <li>Bugfix: Sweeping was including contents of sub-directories</li>
  19054. </ul> </li>
  19055. <li>1.2.0 Added refresh of project tree after sweeping</li>
  19056. <li>1.1.1 Made OpenApi &gt;= 2016.1 compatible (separated ProjectComponent and Configurable)</li>
  19057. <li>1.1.0
  19058. <ul>
  19059. <li>Made notices darcula compatible</li>
  19060. <li>General code cleanup and updates</li>
  19061. <li>Changed plugin name to "Sweep"</li>
  19062. </ul> </li>
  19063. <li>1.0.2 Extended settings with "ignore pattern" to exclude files/folders containing it, from deletion</li>
  19064. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='555' size='5006897' date='1502186285000' url=''><name>TalkingData ORM Tool</name><id>com.talkingdata.orm.tool</id><description><![CDATA[根据选择的数据库,匹配数据库中的所有表,自动生成domain类、dao接口和mapping文件。
  19065. <br>
  19066. <br> According to the selected database, matching all the tables of the database, automatically generate domain class, dao interface and mapping files.
  19067. <br> 作者: 冰心
  19068. <br> 邮箱: bingxin.li@tendcloud.com
  19069. <br> Blog: http://happyshome.cn
  19070. <br> 主页: https://www.talkingdata.com/]]></description><version>1.3</version><vendor email='bingxin.li@tendcloud.com' url='https://www.talkingdata.com/'>TalkingData</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='141.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[V1.3 重构了部分代码 Part of the code reconstructed]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='82' size='2711' date='1515402956000' url=''><name>Search with Baidu</name><id>com.github.wxisme.unique.plugin.id</id><description><![CDATA[In China, if you are not comfortable with Google, you can install this plugin to search with Baidu.
  19071. <br>]]></description><version>1.3</version><vendor email='wangxucoop@gmail.com' url='https://github.com/wxisme'>Xu Wang</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[1.3-Fix a no-package bug.]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin></category><ff>"Extended Settings for Build Configurations"</ff><category name="Extended Settings for Build Configurations"><idea-plugin downloads='340' size='3576409' date='1491896256000' url=''><name>Mazda</name><id>com.maihaoche.mazda</id><description><![CDATA[This plugin is used for module management in an android gradle project. You can choose which module to be included in the build project by click on the popup window which shows all the project modules. A "Sync the project" is always after the module reset. Which is different with the "Project Stucture",you can choose submodules to be compiled as AAR files and included in the main modules. Usually, the "build.gradle" file of the main module should be configured for different situations, as application or submodule. The application module is defined in local "gradle.properties" file as "singleModuleKey". Project can use this property to configure the "build.gradle" of the application related modules.
  19072. <br> Git:https://github.com/WangYangYang2014/MaiHaoCheMazDa
  19073. <br>
  19074. <em>MaiHaoChe</em>]]></description><version>2.0</version><vendor email='yangyang1@maihaoche.com' url='http://b.maihaoche.com/'>MaiHaoChe.</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='161.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Cheers! The primary complete version of our plugin is now available. Have a nice fun and wait for more coming goods.]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='455' size='780937' date='1510062402000' url=''><name>Gradle External Library Helper</name><id>com.kaygisiz.gradlehelper</id><description><![CDATA[Gradle External Library Helper helps you to find and add external dependencies then sync project from anywhere in project.
  19075. <br>]]></description><version>1.0</version><vendor email='voidideas@gmail.com' url='https://github.com/kaygisiz/Gradle-External-Library-Helper'>Void Ideas</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.all</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin></category><ff>"Cloud Support"</ff><category name="Cloud Support"><idea-plugin downloads='253064' size='35251603' date='1515185546000' url=''><name>[JetForcer] Plugin for handy Force.com development with JetBrains IDEs</name><id>com.jedide.apex</id><description><![CDATA[JetForcer is a Salesforce Apex IDE and plugin for IntelliJ platform. JetForcer simplifies development and deployment of Apex, VisualForce and other Force.com metadata types. JetForcer is available in two versions:
  19076. <ul>
  19077. <li>as a IntelliJ IDEA plugin</li>
  19078. <li>standalone IDE based on IDEA Community Edition</li>
  19079. </ul>
  19080. <br> Resources:
  19081. <ul>
  19082. <li><a href="https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCemDRP-GQ9H1uRLRMqgknGw" rel="nofollow">Getting started</a></li>
  19083. <li><a href="https://youtrack.jetforcer.com" rel="nofollow">Issue tracker</a></li>
  19084. <li><a href="https://twitter.com/JetForcer" rel="nofollow">Twitter</a></li>
  19085. </ul>
  19086. <p></p> The following features are available:
  19087. <ul>
  19088. <li>Offline validation (robust parser, type inference, detects unresolved references)</li>
  19089. <li>Incremental deploy/retrieve, smart check deploy conflicts</li>
  19090. <li>Code insight (Inspections, Intentions, Quick Fixes, Refactorings, Live Templates, Safe delete)</li>
  19091. <li>Rename refactorings</li>
  19092. <li>Code completion (postfix, statements, punctuation, type inference based)</li>
  19093. <li>Powerful navigation (Find In Path, Find Usages, Go To, Show Hierarchy)</li>
  19094. <li>Execute anonymous</li>
  19095. <li>Test framework</li>
  19096. <li>Log viewer</li>
  19097. <li>Code generation utils</li>
  19098. <li>Code coverage</li>
  19099. <li>Foldings</li>
  19100. <li>Structure view</li>
  19101. <li>Code formatting</li>
  19102. </ul>
  19103. <p></p>]]></description><version></version><vendor email='support@jetforcer.com' url='https://jetforcer.com'>JetForcer</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='173.3727' until-build='173.*'/><change-notes><![CDATA[<p></p>
  19104. <ul>
  19105. <li>SOQL:
  19106. <ul>
  19107. <li>Added ability to run SOQL queries</li>
  19108. </ul> </li>
  19109. <li>Debug Log:
  19110. <ul>
  19111. <li>Ability to debug log without creating run config</li>
  19112. <li>Highlight for USER_DEBUG and FATAL_ERROR log lines</li>
  19113. <li>Ability to copy Log Raw Text to Clipboard</li>
  19114. <li>"Speed Search" in debug log content table</li>
  19115. <li>Added "Expand All" / "Collapse All" actions for Debug Log execution tree</li>
  19116. <li>Ability to hide "Details" panel in log content viewer</li>
  19117. <li>Debug log content is shown as execution tree instead of simple table</li>
  19118. <li>Ability to search in debug log</li>
  19119. <li>Added "Open Log Settings" action to log viewer toolbar</li>
  19120. <li>Ability to customize font color depending on log events</li>
  19121. <li>Ability to customize log event color right from the log viewer</li>
  19122. <li>Ability to navigate from log viewer to sources</li>
  19123. <li>Ability to hide some rows in log viewer</li>
  19124. <li>Ability to subscribe to logs from different users</li>
  19125. <li>Added retrospective debugger for logs</li>
  19126. <li>Direct "Debug" action for test run configuration</li>
  19127. <li>Direct "Debug" action for "Execute Anonymous"</li>
  19128. <li>Added breakpoints support</li>
  19129. <li>Ability to debug multiply CODE_UNIT_STARTED events</li>
  19130. <li>Implemented "Resume" action</li>
  19131. <li>Filter already traced entities from completion popup in "New Trace Flag" dialog</li>
  19132. </ul> </li>
  19133. <li>SFDX:
  19134. <ul>
  19135. <li>Made conventional API connections work for DX orgs</li>
  19136. </ul> </li>
  19137. <li>Deploy and Retrieve:
  19138. <ul>
  19139. <li>Deploy/retrieve/edit for FlexiPages</li>
  19140. <li>Deploy/retrieve/edit for ConnectedApps</li>
  19141. <li>Ability to configure notifications on deploy and retrieve</li>
  19142. </ul> </li>
  19143. <li>Lightning:
  19144. <ul>
  19145. <li>Support for 'lightning:datatable' tag</li>
  19146. <li>Resolve/completion/validation support for Lighting Tokens</li>
  19147. <li>Supported multiple components with the same 'aura:id'</li>
  19148. <li>Supported default custom component attributes ('id' and 'rendered') in Lightning and Visualforce</li>
  19149. </ul> </li>
  19150. <li>Quick-fixes, Intentions and Code Generation:
  19151. <ul>
  19152. <li>"Create Visualforce controller method ''" quick-fix</li>
  19153. <li>"Extract method" quick-fix</li>
  19154. <li>"Create trigger" intention action on DML operations</li>
  19155. <li>"Bind constructor parameters to fields" intention action</li>
  19156. <li>@TestSetup method via Alt-Insert creation support</li>
  19157. </ul> </li>
  19158. <li>Execute Anonymous:
  19159. <ul>
  19160. <li>Ability to save Stored execution even if "Stored executions" panel is hidden</li>
  19161. </ul> </li>
  19162. <li>Navigation:
  19163. <ul>
  19164. <li>Ability to quickly navigate from DML operation to related triggers</li>
  19165. </ul> </li>
  19166. <li>Test Framework:
  19167. <ul>
  19168. <li>Retrieve Debug Logs after unit test execution</li>
  19169. <li>Navigate to tests sources right from "Run" tool window</li>
  19170. <li>User-friendly message when running the same test twice</li>
  19171. </ul> </li>
  19172. <li>Completion:
  19173. <ul>
  19174. <li>SObjects aren't suggested now in completion popup inside SELECT, WHERE, HAVING, ORDER BY clauses</li>
  19175. <li>Now IDE doesn't force decapitalize Lightnig/Visualforce custom component names in completion popup</li>
  19176. </ul> </li>
  19177. <li>Quick documentation:
  19178. <ul>
  19179. <li>FQN-s are shown for types in quick documentation info</li>
  19180. </ul> </li>
  19181. <li>Bugfix:
  19182. <ul>
  19183. <li>Formatting does not inserts space in 'foreach' loop</li>
  19184. <li>False positive 'Illegal Type: 'void'' warning inside 'Change signature' dialog</li>
  19185. <li>False positive unused warning on @TestSetup method</li>
  19186. <li>False positive error for @TestVisible annotatio</li>
  19187. <li>Wrong comma position after generating client controller function</li>
  19188. <li>ISE LightMetaAsPsiSObjectField.getTypeClassName must not return null</li>
  19189. <li>Standard sObject isn't retrieved when chosen by name</li>
  19190. <li>Navigate to log viewer from test 'Run' tool window when log viewer is already opened and current active editor is a class editor</li>
  19191. <li>False positive 'Specify Salesforce account' for SFDX projects</li>
  19192. <li>Slow SObject fields completion</li>
  19193. <li>Improved performance in resolve</li>
  19194. <li>AuraHandledException is highlighted as unresolved</li>
  19195. <li>Unresolved default attributes in VF tags</li>
  19196. <li>Unable to retrieve flow</li>
  19197. </ul> </li>
  19198. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.vcs</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.xml</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='239' size='7325679' date='1502724942000' url=''><name>appLariat Plugin</name><id>com.applariat.idea.plugin.id</id><description><![CDATA[appLariat plugin enables automated connectio the the appLariat platform API.
  19199. <br>]]></description><version>1.0</version><vendor email='support@applariat.com' url='http://www.applariat.com'>appLariat</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Add change notes here.
  19200. <br>
  19201. <em>most HTML tags may be used</em>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='50' size='6328184' date='1514425591000' url=''><name>BmobPublishApk</name><id>com.xin.update.bmob</id><description><![CDATA[publish apk to bmob]]></description><version>1.1.1</version><vendor email='proud2008@qq.com' url='http://www.bmob.cn/'>xin</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='131.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[include dependence jar]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin></category><ff>"Miscellaneous"</ff><category name="Miscellaneous"><idea-plugin downloads='1008' size='8173081' date='1506692589000' url=''><name>IdeaFlowDX Metrics</name><id>org.openmastery.ideaflow</id><description><![CDATA[Measure the pain you experience during development, and find out how variations in development technique, code design, and disruptions affect the pain you experience. Intended to be used with the IdeaFlowDX Profiler tools that help you categorize problems with simple #hashtags and add up the pain. MVP Release 6/1/2017]]></description><version>0.19</version><vendor email='' url=''>Open Mastery</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='107.105' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Simplified buttons and cleaned up messages asked with PAIN/AWESOME event prompts.]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='2181' size='26228' date='1516806838000' url=''><name>Darkyenus Time Tracker</name><id>com.darkyen.darkyenustimetracker</id><description><![CDATA[Simple plugin for lightweight tracking of time spent on project.
  19202. <br> Adds a single status bar widget: click or type to start counting, click again to stop. Pauses the timer automatically when idle (after two minutes of inactivity). Time is saved in IDE's workspace files, does not clutter project's directory.
  19203. <br> Right click timer widget for options.
  19204. <br> Optional git VCS integration, injects the time it took to create the commit into the commit message.]]></description><version>1.3.5</version><vendor email='darkyenus@gmail.com' url='http://darkyenus.github.io'>Darkyen</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Version 1.3.5
  19205. <ul>
  19206. <li>Attempt to fix git integration time sometimes not resetting after </li>
  19207. </ul> Version 1.3.4
  19208. <ul>
  19209. <li>Fix thread problem that caused crashes on IntelliJ 2017.3.3</li>
  19210. </ul> Version 1.3.3
  19211. <ul>
  19212. <li>Improve git hook</li>
  19213. <li>Fix widget not being removed on project change</li>
  19214. </ul> Version 1.3.2
  19215. <ul>
  19216. <li>Update for latest IntelliJ</li>
  19217. <li>Don't show days, only hours</li>
  19218. </ul> Version 1.3.1
  19219. <ul>
  19220. <li>Fix exception when closing project window</li>
  19221. </ul> Version 1.3
  19222. <ul>
  19223. <li>Improved behavior when working on multiple projects - trackers in other windows will automatically pause when one in active window starts counting. This can be disabled.</li>
  19224. <li>Added buttons to reset and manually add time</li>
  19225. </ul> Version 1.2
  19226. <ul>
  19227. <li>Added optional git integration and made it possible to configure the behavior, right click the timer widget</li>
  19228. <li>Slightly smarter idle-resume logic</li>
  19229. </ul> Version 1.1.1
  19230. <ul>
  19231. <li>Fix timer auto-start when multiple projects are opened at the same time</li>
  19232. </ul> Version 1.1
  19233. <ul>
  19234. <li>Timer starts automatically on typing</li>
  19235. <li>Time spent hibernating (for example when notebook lid is closed) is no longer counted</li>
  19236. </ul> Version 1.0
  19237. <ul>
  19238. <li>Initial release</li>
  19239. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='104' size='12728' date='1513030203000' url=''><name>Proselint</name><id>name.kropp.intellij.proselint</id><description><![CDATA[Proselint]]></description><version>0.1.1</version><vendor email='victor.kropp@gmail.com' url='https://victor.kropp.name/projects/proselint/'>Victor Kropp</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='171.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Add support for ReStructuredText (by @marcw)]]></change-notes><depends>(optional) org.intellij.plugins.markdown</depends><depends>(optional) org.jetbrains.plugins.rest</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='273' size='21409' date='1508352631000' url=''><name>Coding counter</name><id>com.maff.codingcounter</id><description><![CDATA[Provides different typing statistics (adding, deleting, coping, pasting, etc.).
  19240. <br> There are plans to add more complicated metrics in future.
  19241. <br>
  19242. <br>
  19243. <a href="https://github.com/maff91/Coding-Counter" rel="nofollow">Project page on Github</a>.
  19244. <br>
  19245. <br> Features Counts such parameters for all open projects simultaneously:
  19246. <ul>
  19247. <li>Chars typed.</li>
  19248. <li>Backspace/Del pressed.</li>
  19249. <li>Corrections with backspace (backspace pressed within 1 second after typing).</li>
  19250. <li>Chars cut (Cmd-X).</li>
  19251. <li>Total chars removed (cut, del, backspace).</li>
  19252. <li>Total chars added (typed, pasted).</li>
  19253. </ul> Divides statistics for such periods:
  19254. <ul>
  19255. <li>Today.</li>
  19256. <li>Last Week.</li>
  19257. <li>Last Month.</li>
  19258. <li>All time.</li>
  19259. </ul> Usage To see statistics go to View -&gt; Tool Windows -&gt; Coding Counter.]]></description><version>0.3</version><vendor email='michael.shtmn@gmail.com' url=''>Michael Shtutman</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='104' size='16388' date='1512828272000' url=''><name>Datetimeconverter</name><id>de.imgruntw.plugin.datetimeconverter</id><description><![CDATA[Converter between milliseconds and textual date time.]]></description><version>1.2</version><vendor email='' url='https://github.com/imgruntw/date-time-converter-plugin'>imgruntw</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='172.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Added editable dropdown with some default patterns for the Format cell column.]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>4.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='22' size='8508' date='1513860278000' url=''><name>Project Necromancer</name><id>org.nik.project-necromancer</id><description><![CDATA[Provides 'Resurrect Project' action (in 'Tools' menu) which recreates project directories from its configuration files.]]></description><version>0.1.0</version><vendor email='' url=''>Nikolay Chashnikov</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='171.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>3.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='154' size='45437312' date='1513870740000' url=''><name>Bundled PhpStorm Web Help</name><id>bundled-phpstorm-help</id><description><![CDATA[Bundled PhpStorm Web help served via built-in Web server for offline use.]]></description><version>1.0.33</version><vendor email='' url=''>JetBrains</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='173.0' until-build='173.*'/><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='26' size='956052' date='1515712132000' url=''><name>ExtSee</name><id>com.gmail.blueboxware.extsee</id><description><![CDATA[This plugin adds Kotlin extension functions and extension properties which are defined for a Kotlin or Java class to the Structure View of that class.
  19260. <br>
  19261. <br> See
  19262. <b><a href="https://github.com/BlueBoxWare/ExtSee" rel="nofollow">github.com/BlueBoxWare/ExtSee</a></b> for more information.]]></description><version>1.0</version><vendor email='' url=''>Blue Box Ware</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='171.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>org.jetbrains.kotlin</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='2' size='28328830' date='1516546396000' url='https://github.com/kassak/geo-support'><name>geo-support</name><id>com.github.kassak.geo-support</id><description><![CDATA[Support of geographic data (WKT ...)]]></description><version>0.01</version><vendor email='' url='https://github.com/kassak'></vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='173.4301' until-build='173.*'/><change-notes><![CDATA[Initial WIP version.
  19263. Contains WKT highlighting + preview in QuickDoc]]></change-notes><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin></category><ff>"Android"</ff><category name="Android"><idea-plugin downloads='36581' size='12458001' date='1516716373000' url=''><name>SQLScout (SQLite Support)</name><id>com.idescout.sqlite</id><description><![CDATA[First-class SQLite support for Android Studio and IntelliJ IDEA.
  19264. <br>
  19265. <br> View, manage and update SQLite databases in your Android device (
  19266. <em>in real time</em>) and file system, from Android Studio and IntelliJ IDEA.]]></description><version>4.0.0</version><vendor email='support@idescout.com' url='https://www.idescout.com'>IDEScout, Inc.</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='171.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<b>Version 4.0.0</b>
  19267. <ul>
  19268. <li>Support for database views.</li>
  19269. <li>Ability to save BLOBs as local files.</li>
  19270. <li>"File saved" notifications (SQL files, diagrams and BLOBs) now include a link to reveal the saved file in the system's file manager.</li>
  19271. <li>Support for SQLScout Server 4.0.0, which replaces XML with FlatBuffers for client/server communication in "Live Device" connections. This change fixes several bugs related to String encodings, invalid XML characters present in database columns, and BLOB handling.</li>
  19272. <li>Added support for automatically adding SQLScout Server and the IDEScout Maven repository to build.gradle files.</li>
  19273. <li>Fixed deadlock in IDE when attempting to create a new "Live Device" connection.</li>
  19274. <li>Fixed bug where "Room Migration" action was never enabled if the initial database sync failed to find ADB.</li>
  19275. <li>Fixed bug in "Room Migration" where migration got interrupted when project contained Kotlin code.</li>
  19276. </ul>
  19277. <b>Version 3.3.1</b>
  19278. <ul>
  19279. <li>"Room Migration" wizard now works with projects that do not have a root module.</li>
  19280. <li>Database Console can now delete and update rows in tables without primary keys.</li>
  19281. </ul>
  19282. <b>Version 3.3.0</b>
  19283. <ul>
  19284. <li>Added support for executing SQL statements inside Room's @Query annotation.</li>
  19285. <li>"Room Migration" wizard now can handle column names that are Java or Kotlin keywords.</li>
  19286. <li>Added support for executing parameterized SQL statements.</li>
  19287. <li>Added support for expressions using 'IN' operator.</li>
  19288. <li>Improved code completion for subqueries.</li>
  19289. </ul>
  19290. <b>Version 3.2.0</b>
  19291. <ul>
  19292. <li>Added support for automated migration to Android's Room persistence library.</li>
  19293. </ul>
  19294. <b>Version 3.1.2</b>
  19295. <ul>
  19296. <li>Added support for Android Studio 3.0.1.</li>
  19297. </ul>
  19298. <b>Version 3.1.1</b>
  19299. <ul>
  19300. <li>Fixed plugin jar timestamp issue.</li>
  19301. </ul>
  19302. <b>Version 3.1.0</b>
  19303. <ul>
  19304. <li>Added ability to connect to any database in an Android device, from the 'Device File Explorer' view.</li>
  19305. <li>Now it is possible to download database files from devices using Android 7 or later.</li>
  19306. <li>Android database files can now be downloaded to a user-specified folder.</li>
  19307. <li>Better error messages for failed license validations.</li>
  19308. </ul>
  19309. <b>Version 3.0.0</b>
  19310. <ul>
  19311. <li>Compatible with Android Studio 3.0.0.</li>
  19312. <li>Port used for 'Live Database' connection is now configurable.</li>
  19313. <li>Improvements to SQL editor:
  19314. <ul>
  19315. <li>Added support for comments.</li>
  19316. <li>Improved support for subqueries.</li>
  19317. <li>Added support for 'between' operator.</li>
  19318. <li>Added support for 'when' operator.</li>
  19319. </ul> </li>
  19320. </ul>
  19321. <b>Version 2.0.8</b>
  19322. <ul>
  19323. <li>Compatible with Android Studio 2.3.0.</li>
  19324. <li>Bug fixes.</li>
  19325. </ul>
  19326. <b>Version 2.0.7</b>
  19327. <ul>
  19328. <li>Bug fixes.</li>
  19329. </ul>
  19330. <b>Version 2.0.6</b>
  19331. <ul>
  19332. <li>Support for Android 7 (Nougat.)</li>
  19333. <li>Now 'Live Device Connection' can handle large tables (e.g. 20,000 records.) </li>
  19334. <li>Fixed handling of null values.</li>
  19335. <li>Bug fixes.</li>
  19336. </ul>
  19337. <b>Version 2.0.5</b>
  19338. <ul>
  19339. <li>Compatible with Android Studio 2.2.0.</li>
  19340. <li>Bug fixes.</li>
  19341. </ul>
  19342. <b>Version 2.0.4</b>
  19343. <ul>
  19344. <li>Unified "trial" and "registered" versions. Users no longer need to download 2 versions of the plugin.</li>
  19345. </ul>
  19346. <b>Version 2.0.3</b>
  19347. <ul>
  19348. <li>Fixed license number check.</li>
  19349. </ul>
  19350. <b>Version 2.0.2</b>
  19351. <ul>
  19352. <li>Minor bug fixes.</li>
  19353. </ul>
  19354. <b>Version 2.0.1</b>
  19355. <ul>
  19356. <li>Fixed assertion error thrown when querying an empty table from the 'SQLite Explorer'.</li>
  19357. </ul>
  19358. <b>Version 2.0.0</b>
  19359. <ul>
  19360. <li>Added ability to manage and update databases in Android devices, <em>in real time</em>.</li>
  19361. <li>Editor gutter now displays an "Execute Statement" action next to each SQL statement.</li>
  19362. <li>Bug fixes.</li>
  19363. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.properties</depends><depends>org.jetbrains.android</depends><depends>org.jetbrains.kotlin</depends><depends>org.jetbrains.plugins.gradle</depends><rating>4.7</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='1473' size='15728' date='1498015302000' url=''><name>Generate M.V.P code</name><id>com.leeiidesu.gen.GenerateMVP</id><description><![CDATA[This plugin is a key to generate the MVP of the android code.
  19364. <br>
  19365. <a rel="nofollow">https://github.com/Leeii/LeeFream</a>]]></description><version>2.1</version><vendor email='leeiidesu@gmail.com' url='http://www.leeiidesu.com'>leeiidesu</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[This plugin is a key to generate the MVP of the android code]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><depends>org.jetbrains.android</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='256' size='34895' date='1498632310000' url=''><name>Parcelable Code Generator(for kotlin)</name><id>cn.windfantasy.plugin.parcelablegenerator</id><description><![CDATA[<a href="https://github.com/wznshuai/android-parcelable-intellij-plugin-kotlin" rel="nofollow">Parcelable Code Generator</a> is a plugin which generates Android Parcelable boilerplate code for
  19366. <strong>kotlin class</strong>.
  19367. <br>]]></description><version>0.0.1</version><vendor email='wznshuai@126.com' url='https://github.com/wznshuai/android-parcelable-intellij-plugin-kotlin'>WindFantasy</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='123.72' /><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>org.jetbrains.kotlin</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='390' size='44046' date='1498738023000' url=''><name>log</name><id>com.qiaoshouliang</id><description><![CDATA[help developer to print debug message through Log.e]]></description><version>1.1</version><vendor email='qiaoshouliang@126.com' url='http://www.centling.com'>Centling</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='152' size='41287' date='1499246566000' url=''><name>Morphling Builder</name><id>com.morphling.builder.plugin</id><description><![CDATA[Morphling framework builder for Android Studio.]]></description><version>3.0.0-1.0.0</version><vendor email='zyfgood12@gmail.com' url='https://github.com/Morphling-library'>Morphling-library</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='171.4249.39' /><change-notes><![CDATA[- First Version.]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><depends>org.jetbrains.android</depends><depends>org.jetbrains.plugins.gradle</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='394' size='4216' date='1500819017000' url=''><name>Copy Current Activity</name><id>com.endoidou.copy_current_activity</id><description><![CDATA[Plugin for Android Studio. You can copy current Activity name of connecting Android device. If you use Mac OS, you can copy cmd + ctrl + c. Please change short cut for Windows.]]></description><version>1.0.1</version><vendor email='idou.endo@gmail.com' url='https://github.com/endoidou/CopyCurrentActivity'>Copy Current Activity</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[change description.]]></change-notes><depends>org.jetbrains.android</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='2334' size='65531' date='1510633911000' url=''><name>KotterKnifePlugin(kotlin)</name><id>com.djk.yyy.kotterknife</id><description><![CDATA[kotterknife plugin for kotlin]]></description><version>1.2</version><vendor email='1440418246@qq.com' url='https://github.com/dongjunkun'>Dongjunkun</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[1、add prefix setting]]></change-notes><depends>org.jetbrains.kotlin</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='865' size='902448' date='1514272471000' url=''><name>CustomUI Tool Window</name><id>com.nd.sdp.common.CustomUIToolWindow</id><description><![CDATA[Plugin Function
  19368. <br> Read Remote(Git)Config,List All Common UI Widget
  19369. <br> Display UI preview,UI Dependency,UI Readme
  19370. <br> Updatable UI Widget,Auto import gradle node
  19371. <br>]]></description><version>1.1.0</version><vendor email='young91@vip.qq.com' url='https://github.com/eyyoung'>SDP Common</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[2017.11 Code Completion In XML (1.1.0) 2017.7 First Prepare Release]]></change-notes><depends>org.jetbrains.plugins.gradle</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='271' size='3906' date='1500667647000' url=''><name>Nyandroid Restorer</name><id>me.tatarka.nyandroid.NyandroidRestorer</id><description><![CDATA[Restore our favorite pop-tart-rainbow friend in Android Studio]]></description><version>1.0</version><vendor email='evan@tatarka.me' url='https://github.com/evant/NyandroidRestorer'>NyandroidRestorer</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<ul>
  19372. <li> 1.0 - Initial Release </li>
  19373. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='324' size='42273' date='1501061613000' url=''><name>MvpPlugin</name><id>com.qiaoshouliang.mvpPlugin</id><description><![CDATA[A plugin that helps you to create classes and interfaces for MVP. For more detail see the link below.]]></description><version>2.1</version><vendor email='qiaoshouliang@126.com.com' url='https://github.com/qiaoshouliang/MvpPlugin'>Centling</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Add change notes here.
  19374. <br>
  19375. <em>most HTML tags may be used</em>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='726' size='86681' date='1501661536000' url=''><name>Android ORM Tool</name><id>cn.ieclipse.aorm.as</id><description><![CDATA[The Android ORM (AORM) plugin, help Android developers to add ORM capability with AORM quickly.
  19376. <br>
  19377. <em>Main function</em>
  19378. <br>
  19379. <ul>
  19380. <li>Add AORM annotation</li>
  19381. <li>Add ContentProvider template</li>
  19382. </ul>]]></description><version>1.0.1</version><vendor email='li.jamling@gmail.com' url='https://github.com/Jamling/Android-ORM-ASPlugin'>Jamling</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='141.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[fix generated provider not public in some IDEs aorm lib upgraded to 1.1.5]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='4354' size='83731' date='1501331397000' url=''><name>Android ButterKnife Injector For Lib</name><id>com.jk.kangdi.libbutterknife</id><description><![CDATA[Plugin for generating LibButterKnife injections from selected layout XMLs in activities/fragments/adapters.]]></description><version>1.7.0-SNAPSHOT</version><vendor email='kangdi1118@126.com' url='https://github.com/kangdi437'>Kangdi</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='434' size='113346' date='1501466847000' url=''><name>Dagger Weaver</name><id>com.retryu</id><description><![CDATA[dagger template code builder for mogu live]]></description><version>1.13</version><vendor email='chengyun@meili-inc.com' url=''>retyru</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='141.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[beta version]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='477' size='45861' date='1501568582000' url=''><name>CreateAdapterPlugin</name><id>com.qiaoshouliang.CreateAdapter</id><description><![CDATA[A plugin that helps you to create RecyclerView Adapter with DataBinding. For more detail see the link below.]]></description><version>1.0</version><vendor email='qiaoshouliang@126.com.com' url='https://github.com/qiaoshouliang/RecyclerViewAdapterPlugin'>Centling</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Add change notes here.
  19383. <br>
  19384. <em>most HTML tags may be used</em>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='354' size='46604' date='1503646225000' url=''><name>Mvvm Helper</name><id>com.bmapleaf.mvvm</id><description><![CDATA[Generate Mvvm implements files for Mvvm Frame by bmapleaf.
  19385. <br>]]></description><version>1.4.8</version><vendor email='bmapleaf@126.com' url='http://www.weibo.com/bmapleaf'>ZhangMing</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[1. add file option.]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='612' size='65957' date='1515135433000' url=''><name>Utils</name><id>com.wkp.utils</id><description><![CDATA[Plugin to general some utils class.
  19386. <br>]]></description><version>1.3</version><vendor email='wkp15889686524@gmail.com' url='https://github.com/wkp111'>WKP</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Add some utils for the plugin.]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='902' size='52031' date='1507694102000' url=''><name>SmartFindViewById</name><id>com.khande.idea.plugin.SmartFindViewById</id><description><![CDATA[This plugin is used for generating
  19387. <code>findViewById</code> &amp;
  19388. <code>onClick</code> code automatically in Android develop.
  19389. <br> As you need to findViewById, you must provide a target Android layout file name, then this plugin will attempt to find the Android layout file in the following ways by order smartly:
  19390. <ol>
  19391. <li>User select the layout file name for himself, e.g., user select the <strong>activity_main</strong> in code <code>setContentView(R.layout.activity_main)</code> </li>
  19392. <li>the line where the caret positioning</li>
  19393. <li>If the current class file is an <code>Activity</code> subclass, the <code>setContentView(R.layout.)</code> will be checked</li>
  19394. <li>If the current class file is an <code>Fragment</code> subclass, the <code>inflate(R.layout.)</code> will be checked</li>
  19395. <li>If the current class file is an <code>RecyclerView.Adapter</code> subclass, the <code>inflate(R.layout.)</code> will be checked</li>
  19396. <li>popup an edit dialog to ask user to input the layout file name</li>
  19397. </ol> Once the layout file is found, this plugin will show a dialog to display the detail of the view in the layout file name and it can ignore(uncheck) the findViewById code already exist. You can also check or uncheck to decide which view code to generate.
  19398. <br> Besides, this plugin support to detect the include layout file and use a rootView to findViewById.
  19399. <br> (该插件可以依次通过
  19400. <ol>
  19401. <li>选中布局文件名,如选中代码段 setContentView(R.layout.activity_main) 中的 activity_main</li>
  19402. <li>检测当前光标所在行是否包含布局文件名(通过 R.layout. 前缀判断)</li>
  19403. <li>Activity setContentView(R.layout.xxx) 方法布局文件参数</li>
  19404. <li>Fragment(包括 support_v4 fragment) 中 onCreateView 方法中 inflate(R.layout.xxx... 布局参数</li>
  19405. <li>RecyclerViewAdapter 中 onCreateViewHolder 方法中 inflate(R.layout.xxx... 布局参数</li>
  19406. <li>弹输入框提示手动输入</li>
  19407. </ol> 来逐一尝试获取目标布局文件名,优先级从高到低,一旦有一个方法获取到了有效的布局文件名, 就会展示对应布局文件的所有拥有 id 的 View 控件,然后可以选择生成对应的 findViewById 和 onClick 点击事件代码。
  19408. <br> 目前还支持展示和生成 include 布局下的 View 控件和支持 rootView.findViewById.
  19409. <br>)]]></description><version>1.2.2</version><vendor email='komisha@163.com' url='https://github.com/Khande/SmartFindViewById'>Khande</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='141.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<li>Fix a bug when adding new switch statement to existed onClick method.</li>
  19410. <li>Add TODO comment in onClick method; Make Android RadioButton do not generate onClick by default.</li>
  19411. <li>Generate the findViewById code near the opened editor's caret.</li>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='1112' size='46370' date='1504186757000' url=''><name>ActivityIntentCreater</name><id>cn.yzl.activityintentcreater</id><description><![CDATA[Help generate intent to start activities of Android.
  19412. <br> If you want to transfer data between activity, may have to write a lot of get/set method, and then the next activity out of these parameters. The plug-in can help you accomplish these things, do not have to write a get/set method, create Intent, and provide an initialization parameter to the member variable. See more github:https://github.com/yizeliang/ActivityIntentCreater
  19413. <br>]]></description><version>1.7</version><vendor email='zeliangyi@gmail.com' url='https://github.com/yizeliang/ActivityIntentCreater'>yizeliang</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[bug]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='464' size='11985' date='1505722773000' url=''><name>Dr.Vector Android</name><id>com.drvector</id><description><![CDATA[Dr.Vector
  19414. <br> This plugin helps to deal with vector drawable files. It fixes such float declaration: .128 to 0.128, 1.225.443 to 1.225 0.443, 1.30-.25 to 1.30 -0.25
  19415. <br>
  19416. <br> NumberFormatException may be thrown on some devices when file contains .128 like float numbers
  19417. <br> How to use it
  19418. <br>Option 1: Edit - Doctor Vector - Fix Floating Points
  19419. <br>
  19420. <br>Option 2: Ctrl + Alt + D
  19421. <br>
  19422. <br>Both options require vector drawable (xml) to be opened in editor
  19423. <br>]]></description><version>1.2</version><vendor email='a.n.karpovich@gmail.com' url='https://github.com/eymar/DrVectorAndroid'>Alexandr Karpovich</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='141.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[- v1.2: Added a processing for case with capitalized letters: 3.13A.221 -&gt; 3.13A 0.221]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='214' size='205035' date='1503385143000' url=''><name>MVPAutoGen</name><id>com.luciozhang.plugin.id</id><description><![CDATA[A plugin for Android Studio MVP code automatically generating.
  19424. <br>
  19425. <em>https://github.com/zxchehe/MVPAutoGen</em>]]></description><version>1.0</version><vendor email='821193666@qq.com' url='http://blog.csdn.net/qq_18738333'>luciozhang</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[No change notes here.
  19426. <br>
  19427. <em>https://github.com/zxchehe/MVPAutoGen</em>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='784' size='17580' date='1503630949000' url=''><name>AndroidStudio Template Update Plugin</name><id>com.shanbay.template</id><description><![CDATA[Android Studio Template Update Plugin]]></description><version>1.0.1</version><vendor email='android@shanbay.com' url='http://www.shanbay.com'>扇贝网</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Initial release of the plugin.]]></change-notes><depends>Git4Idea</depends><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='167' size='41928' date='1504328750000' url=''><name>muse-mvp-plugin</name><id>com.musical.ly.plugin.muse-mvp-plugin</id><description><![CDATA[Muse mvp plugin.
  19428. <br>]]></description><version>1.1</version><vendor email='shengjun8486@gmail.com' url='https://github.com/w446108264'>Musical.ly</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[mvp now.
  19429. <br>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='219' size='93320' date='1504848743000' url=''><name>Tree Shape Component</name><id>com.treenear.treeshape</id><description><![CDATA[Create Shape XML For Component
  19430. <br>
  19431. <em>How To Use??Simple Just Choose In Directory res click Right new-&gt;Tree Shape <br> 1.Circle <br> 2.Rectangle <br> 3.Elipze <br> 4.Triangle </em>]]></description><version>1.1</version><vendor email='indotreenear@gmail.com' url='http://www.treenear.com'>Treenear</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[-Center Position -Description Make Shapes Component]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='833' size='130419' date='1505530282000' url=''><name>Log Viewer</name><id>com.josesamuel.logviewer</id><description><![CDATA[LogViewer
  19432. <br>
  19433. <br>
  19434. <b>LogViewer</b> is an Android Studio plugin to view logcat logs.
  19435. <br>
  19436. <br>
  19437. <b>Features</b>
  19438. <ul>
  19439. <li>Easily filter on multiple process</li>
  19440. <li>Add +ve and -ve text filters</li>
  19441. <li>Pause and resume live logs</li>
  19442. <li>One click sharing of logs</li>
  19443. <li>Avoid clutter by folding logs from top, bottom or selection</li>
  19444. <li>Drag and drop log files</li>
  19445. <li>Switch between multiple log sources including devices and files</li>
  19446. </ul>
  19447. <br>
  19448. <img src="https://josesamuel.com/logviewer/LogViewer_usage.gif">
  19449. <br>
  19450. <br>]]></description><version>2.0</version><vendor email='' url='https://josesamuel.com/logviewer/'>LogViewer</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<br>
  19451. <b>Log Viewer 2.0</b>
  19452. <ul>
  19453. <li>Support for file log sources</li>
  19454. <li>Drag and drop support</li>
  19455. <li>Pause and resume live logs</li>
  19456. <li>Folding support</li>
  19457. </ul>
  19458. <br>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><depends>org.jetbrains.android</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='268' size='38576' date='1505099167000' url=''><name>SingleTonGenerator</name><id>com.laomao.space.id</id><description><![CDATA[A plugin that helps you to create singleTon class]]></description><version>1.0</version><vendor email='mxw1462672422@gmail.com' url='http://www.laomao.space'>LaoMao</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Add change notes here.
  19459. <br>
  19460. <em>most HTML tags may be used</em>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='347' size='1143637' date='1515929691000' url=''><name>Wei Studio Tools</name><id>name.gudong.plugin.wb-build-config</id><description><![CDATA[A collection of tools for AndroidStudio and make some actions simple for Weibo Project.
  19461. <br> Tools list:
  19462. <ul>
  19463. <li>gradle.properties file edit tool </li>
  19464. <li>Upload apk tool</li>
  19465. <li>adb tool </li>
  19466. </ul> shot
  19467. <ul>
  19468. <li> <img src="http://7xr9gx.com1.z0.glb.clouddn.com/WX20171130-174747@2x.png"> </li>
  19469. <li> <img src="http://7xr9gx.com1.z0.glb.clouddn.com/WX20171130-175024@2x.png"> </li>
  19470. </ul>]]></description><version>1.4.6</version><vendor email='gudong.name@gmail.com' url='http://www.gudong.name'>GuDong</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.8' /><change-notes><![CDATA[add function]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='436' size='18572' date='1508292446000' url=''><name>AndroidTranslate</name><id>com.zhaoyanjun.AndroidTranslate</id><description><![CDATA[resource translation for Android Studio
  19471. <li>1. Choose the word you want translate.</li>
  19472. <li>2. Press Command + Q.</li>]]></description><version>1.2</version><vendor email='362299465.com' url='http://blog.csdn.net/zhaoyanjun6'>赵彦军博客</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[<li>1.2 : New: fix some bugs.</li>
  19473. <li>1.1 : Fixed: Long click bug.</li>
  19474. <li>1.0 : init </li>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='190' size='57551' date='1513741163000' url=''><name>Plugin for LBSDK</name><id>com.zhuomeng.unique.plugin.id</id><description><![CDATA[You can put LBSDK in your program with this plugin.
  19475. <br>]]></description><version>1.0.3</version><vendor email='fengjingchao@excelliance.cn' url='http://www.loveota.com/product-subpackage.html'>卓盟</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[fix problem of failing to update sdk]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='258' size='9601' date='1507360877000' url=''><name>WhichActivity Plugin</name><id>com.mikyou.plugin.which_activity</id><description><![CDATA[An AndroidStudio plugin of getting an activity name from current app page when adb is active
  19476. <br>]]></description><version>1.1</version><vendor email='android@shanbay.com' url='http://www.shanbay.com'>扇贝网</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[init release detail]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='386' size='18203' date='1510750537000' url=''><name>Android Input</name><id>com.ntilde.androidinput</id><description><![CDATA[Android Input allows you to input text into Android device or emulator easily.
  19477. <br> It remember last used device, so you don't need to select it every time you use it.
  19478. <br> It also remember last sended text, but it select it all by default, so you can send or write without using your mouse.
  19479. <br> If you don't want to send anything you can press ESC key to close the dialog.
  19480. <br> I hope you enjoy this plugin as much I have enjoyd developing it.]]></description><version>1.0</version><vendor email='carlos.sevilla@gmail.com' url='http://www.ntilde.com'>nTilde</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='131.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>org.jetbrains.android</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='367' size='4540' date='1511755968000' url=''><name>Android Add LifeCycle</name><id>com.yangsm.android.lifecycle.plugin.id</id><description><![CDATA[Using this plugin, you can add Activity or Fragment lifecycle method more quickly.
  19481. <br>]]></description><version>1.1</version><vendor email='181326622@qq.com' url='https://www.jetbrains.com'>YANG</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='145.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[modify plugin.xml]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='163' size='52961' date='1514552733000' url=''><name>KotlinExOnClickPlugin</name><id>cn.yzl.kotlin.ex.click</id><description><![CDATA[kotlin-android-extensions view.setonclickLisetener fast.
  19482. <br>]]></description><version>1.3</version><vendor email='zeliangyi@gmail.com' url='https://github.com/yizeliang'>GitHub</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='143.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[support include layout&amp; add readme in github]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><depends>org.jetbrains.kotlin</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='317' size='15056' date='1515136653000' url=''><name>Android Bundle Support</name><id>io.github.lizhangqu.intellij.plugin.android.bundle</id><description><![CDATA[support using android studio apk analyzer to open files such as ap_, ap, aar, jar, so, awb etc.]]></description><version>1.0.0</version><vendor email='li330324@gmail.com' url='https://github.com/lizhangqu/android-bundle-support'>区长</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='171.0' until-build='173.*'/><change-notes><![CDATA[support using android studio apk analyzer to open files such as ap_, ap, aar, jar, so, awb etc.]]></change-notes><depends>org.jetbrains.android</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='44' size='4198631' date='1516114085000' url=''><name>Niddler</name><id>com.icapps.niddler</id><description><![CDATA[This plugin enables the niddler ui inside the IDE]]></description><version>1.0.1</version><vendor email='support@icapps.com' url='https://www.icapps.com'>iCapps &amp; Chimerapps</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='141.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Bugfix: Filtering was case-sensitive]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='12' size='862432' date='1516603937000' url=''><name>TinyPng Plugin</name><id>com.lsjwzh.plugin.tinypng</id><description><![CDATA[This is a plugin for TinyPng.]]></description><version>1.2</version><vendor email='lsjwzh@163.com' url='http://www.github.com/lsjwzh'>lsjwzh</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='162.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[support android studio]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.platform</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='0' size='27572' date='1516986723000' url=''><name>Reactored Generator</name><id>io.intheloup.reactored.generator</id><description><![CDATA[Generate all the files required for a new Reactored screen at once.]]></description><version>0.1-SNAPSHOT</version><vendor email='' url='http://intheloup.io'>Loup</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='171.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><depends>org.jetbrains.android</depends><depends>org.jetbrains.kotlin</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin></category><ff>"Editor Color Schemes"</ff><category name="Editor Color Schemes"><idea-plugin downloads='34178' size='22758' date='1514995732000' url=''><name>ChroMATERIAL</name><id>com.facebook.rucinskic.chromaterial</id><description><![CDATA[<p>ChroMATERIAL is a color scheme that expresses the chromatic nature of Material Design within IntelliJ and Android Studio. In particular, ChroMATERIAL focuses on syntax highlighting of code within the IDE's code editor. It's uniqueness lies in the idea of "enhance influence, not banality"</p>
  19483. <ul>
  19484. <li><b>Color Schemes:</b> Default (dark), Darcula-compatible, Darker</li>
  19485. <li><b>Supported Languages:</b> Java, Kotlin, Groovy, XML, JSON, HTML, Regex, YAML</li>
  19486. <li><b>Supported Features:</b> Android, Android Manifest, Android Resources, Android Native (C / C++), Gradle, Logcat, Files, Property Files, Version Control, Debugger, Diff, XSLT, XPATH, Ignore Files*, Markdown* </li>
  19487. </ul>
  19488. <p>* - via Plugin</p>]]></description><version>2.5.1</version><vendor email='chromaterial.plugin@gmail.com' url='https://github.com/ciscorucinski/ChroMATERIAL'>ChristopherRucinski</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='131.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[v2.5.1
  19489. <ul>
  19490. <li><b>Updated Support:</b> Debugger</li>
  19491. <br>
  19492. <li><b>Notable changes:</b></li>
  19493. <br>
  19494. <ul>
  19495. <li>Fixed Stack Frame colors for Frames not on the top.</li>
  19496. <li>Fixed Evaluated Expression Text on hover.</li>
  19497. </ul>
  19498. </ul>]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='2039' size='1832' date='1509727017000' url=''><name>IdeaLight Color Scheme</name><id>color.scheme.IdeaLight</id><description><![CDATA[Low-contrast light color scheme with light gray background.]]></description><version>0.3</version><vendor email='rustam.vishnyakov@jetbrains.com' url='http://www.jetbrains.com'>Rustam.Vishnyakov</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='142.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Changed doc comment colors for parameters and tags, other fixes.]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='654' size='2637' date='1512418679000' url=''><name>Google Developer Tibau Color Scheme</name><id>color.scheme.Google Developer Tibau</id><description><![CDATA[Google Developer Tibau by @RichellyItalo]]></description><version>0.9</version><vendor email='richellyitalo@gmail.com' url='https://github.com/richellyitalo'>Google Developer Tibau</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='142.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>00</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='6645' size='3218108' date='1515182223000' url=''><name>Rainglow Color Schemes</name><id>com.daylerees.rainglow</id><description><![CDATA[A collection of color themes created by Dayle Rees for all JetBrains platforms.]]></description><version>1.5.2</version><vendor email='me@daylerees.com' url='https://github.com/rainglow/jetbrains'>Dayle Rees</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='131.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[Added Monzo theme.]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin><idea-plugin downloads='662' size='5599' date='1514978901000' url=''><name>Nord Color Scheme</name><id>color.scheme.Nord</id><description><![CDATA[An arctic, north-bluish clean and elegant IntelliJ IDEA editor color scheme.]]></description><version>0.4.0</version><vendor email='development@arcticicestudio.com' url='https://github.com/arcticicestudio/nord-jetbrains-editor'>Arctic Ice Studio</vendor><idea-version min="n/a" max="n/a" since-build='142.0' /><change-notes><![CDATA[]]></change-notes><depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends><rating>5.0</rating></idea-plugin></category></plugin-repository>