Quick Notes plugin provides many features aimed towards easy maintenance and quick access to the Notes. Here are some of the major features of this plugin
Added support for file URI scheme.]]>Use cases:
Multirun + Before Launch Tasks gives even more functionality: read more at http://goo.gl/KwHvx
]]>Version 1.0.1:
Version 1.0.2:
Version 1.0.3:
Version 1.0.4:
For now only one very useful function: Slicy file mover/renamer.
Plugin website: Plugin Developer's Toolbox GitHub Repo
Bug tracking & feature requests: Plugin Developer's Toolbox GitHub Issues
but did not equal this string would not be properly processed.Available template variables:
${NAME} name of the new file specified by you in the 'New' dialog ${USER} current user system login name ${NOW} current system date.Unix: "classic.icon=/path/to/my/icon.png"Supported products
Windows : "classic.icon=c:\\path\\to\\icon.png" (use two '\' as file separator)
The result of each analysis is displayed as a highly detailed report with all the found problems. In addition, every error is explained within the context of your own code and includes comprehensive documentation about how to fix it.
For any support enquiries, please contact support@sensiolabs.com
]]>The detection for which layouts to check for matching ids is based on the following:
The plugin validates text files with RedPen by adding a 'RedPen' inspection, which is enabled by default after installation.
Some errors can be fixed via quick fixes (Alt + Enter)
Language and variant are autodetected per file, however you can manually override them in IDEA status bar.
RedPen settings can be configured and imported/exported using native RedPen config format. All settings are stored per project.
Custom RedPen dictionaries can be put to .idea/redpen directory and JavaScriptValidator scripts can be put to .idea/redpen/js.
The following file types are supported (provided you have necessary plugins installed):
Please report any issues on GitHub.
Source code • Bug tracker page • Give me some love!
PHP 1Up! is a plugin for IntelliJ based IDEs which provides a growing collection of inspections, intentions and other utils for PHP development.
]]>This plugin allows you to quickly generate factory interface for your components and other classes.
Requires: Bazaar (v1.11+) with xmloutput plugin (v0.8+).
Visit our home page. Join us on Facebook. Report issues. Watch our progress. Snoop on developer channel.
--bzr4idea team ]]>
System Requirements:
You might also like CVS Revision Graph Plus
This plugin uses FAMFAMFAM Silk Icons
]]>Based on Shawn Castrianni's VcsRevisionGraph plugin.
Please submit bug reports and feature requests to plugin's issue tracker.
]]>Uses Fugue Icons
]]>Associate your IDEA project with Perforce ("p4") through the built-in version control.
The plugin will keep Your client's open changelists synchronized with the IDEA backed changelists, viewable under the "Changes" view. If the changelists become out of sync, you can force the plugin to re-examine the mappings by pressing the refresh button in the changes view.
Modifying a file, moving a file, copying a file, refactoring a file, and deleting a file will perform the correct Perforce operations, and put the changes into the currently selected IDEA changelist. Per-file history allows for comparing against the depot versions, even against the inherited file history.
Getting Started
Once you install the plugin, you can associate a project directory with Perforce in the project settings (File - Settings..., then navigate to the Version Control panel). Make sure to edit the Perforce configuration to set the proper server connection settings. You can see how the plugin evaluates the properties across your project by viewing the Server Connection tab.
For most people, the environment variables will be sufficient to use the same mechanism to connect to the Perforce server as what the command-line p4
tool does. However, you may need to explicitly set the property values, or use a file that contains the settings.
For SSL, you will want to use a P4PORT
setting that starts with ssl://
(such as ssl://perforce:1666
). If you have the server registered in the authorized hosts, then make sure that `P4TRUST` setting points to that file; or you can add a SSL server fingerprint setting to explicitly state the expected SSL fingerprint.
Full documentation on the configuration settings is on the main project page.
Please visit the GitHub project open issues for a list of known issues, or for reporting new ones.
]]>It requires IDE version 2016.3 or higher and Java 8
It tries to fast-forward commits in remote branches to local branches. It can be configured through the settings to attempt a simple merge, if the local branch cannot be merged to the tracked remote using fast-forward only. In this case, if there are conflict errors, the merge will be aborted and an error notification will be shown. The update, then, should be performed manually for the reported branch, in order to resolve the conflicts. Any possible uncommitted changes to the current branch will be stashed1.0.2
To start loading from CVS use "Update modules from project set file" in the context menu of the project set file.
To do: Automatically launch "Import Modules" wizard.
Fix many issues related to Lighter theme: - Breakpoint colors - Autocomplete - Tree colors - Notifications color - Progress bar - Memory indicator - Scrollbars - Also removed None theme since we can simply uncheck the option in the settings
0.5.1Small update so I can have feedback about possible bugs - Material Headers (experimental)
0.5.0This version is more focused on the UI: - Themed Scrollbars - Material Table Headers - Material Inputs (not applicable everywhere at the moment) - Material Passwords (with option of showing passwords) - Material Tabs - Add option to disable Material Theme only (leaving components, tabs and other options on) - Tab Height customizable - Notification colors - Custom Tree Indents - Better Dialog titles - More UI Icons - Bug fixes (and possibly improvements)
0.4.4Thanks to @mallowigi for taking the project to the next level. This is all him: - Code coverage colors - Notification, Information and Documentation popups - Fix Python Color schemes - Fix Go Color Schemes - New Python component to take the right file icon - Fix next occurence wrong icon - Restore accidently deleted edit icons - C and CPP color schemes - Add option to set bold tabs - Add toggle options to Search Everything - Change trees collapse and expand icons - Themed IDE icons: Checkout, Project Structure, Back, Forward, History, Up, Down, Step Into, Step Out, Compile, Jars, Library... - Other bug fixes and improvements - Fix button background not taking the full width - Themed Memory Indicator - Add .pcss file icon - Fix Console colors - Align text and menu colors with the original theme - Welcome Screen theming - Progress Bar theming - Striped tables theming - Remove some borders added by Darcula - Focused buttons are now distinguable - Paint new breadcrumbs - Restore plugin.xml icon - Make buttons stand out a bit more anyway - Fix Rider error - Fix Ruby Colors schemes - Add option in the settings to enable/disable the new buttons look - Fix issue with Font Scale on HiDPI screens - Put the active tab higlight on the left instead of the right when choosing Placement left. - Messages bundle for easy replacing texts - New Buttons! Now buttons look even more like the Sublime plugin! - Add simple implementation of disabling the Material Theme (only the colors) - Fix some colors again... - Some colors were lost during the last update. This update should fix them. - Fix custom font issue. - Fix issue with theme switcher when some parts of the UI do not update - (hopefully) fix font apply - Updated color schemes to reflect the Sublime plugin's color schemes - New option: Contrast mode. This will allow you to apply a higher contrasted Look and feel - Allow resetting the Active Tab settings with the default ones - Updated file status colors: modified, added, ignored, conflicts... - Replace the "asterisk" icon with an "*edit*" material icon - Set Open and closed folders according to open tabs (still buggy) - Now the active tab indicator is following the user's tabs placement settings! - Started creating settings for customizing the plugin. - Active tab indicator color - Active tab indicator thickness - Fixed issue with tabs in last EAP - Update file icons to use the latest icons from the original Sublime theme repository. - Added a new theme, the Palenight theme, that is a violet shade of the Default theme. - Prevent file icons from being assigned to classes, methods, etc. - #285 @mjdetullio - Separate psd icons from the images group - #292 @Freezystem - Set parent scheme for dark themes to Darcula - #289 @vsch - Load MT file icons before anything else - #292 @mallowigi - Fix font overriding - #279 @mallowigi - Context and menu lighter border - #281 - Add file association for .yaml
files - #297 @thaffenden - Add Dart icon - #296 @seanjohnite - Add htpasswd
to htaccess group - @Freezystem - Add icons for package.json, gruntfile, gulpfile
and webpack
- @mallowigi - Set better color for Parameter hints - @mallowigi
- #240*.es|*.es6
- #240*.kt
- #162*.phtml
- #140*.txt
Forks and pull requests are welcome, although I also take Github issues :)
]]>Available for IntelliJ platform ≥ 135, /!\ Requires Java 8 Runtime /!\
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
]]>3 actions in Window menu :
Resource files with names like 'name_lang.properties' are also affected.
Supported languages:
Java, Scala, Clojure, Kotlin, Python, Haskell, Agda, Rust, JavaScript, TypeScript, Erlang, Go, Groovy, Ruby, Elixir, ObjectiveC, PHP, C#, HTML, XML, SQL, Apex language ...
Select the menu item Help | Find Action...
and search for Calculate Metrics...
. Try the Lines of code metrics profile first, if you haven't used MetricsReloaded before.
Metrics can also be calculated from the command line for integration into build servers. Enter idea metrics -h
for help. For this to work IntelliJ IDEA must NOT be running.
From the comparison tree view, single file differences (on both text and binary files) can easily be viewed and edited with the usual IDEA diff window. Left-side and right-side files can be separately opened as easily.
You can also view differences in compiled Java class structure and bytecode using the usual IDEA diff window, thanks to the built-in Java disassembler.
Blank-only differences in text files are detected, as well as user-defined differences in text files and differences in source file comments, called «non-significant differences».
The plugin provides some basic mass-merging facilities on compared files and directories (copy/delete on compared files or directories).
This plugin works on any IntelliJ Platform product, except the Java disassembler, which is only available on IntelliJ products bundled with Java ASM4 library.
For more information, please read the online help bundled with the plugin (complete plugin sources are also bundled for the IDEA plugin developers' convenience).
]]>A plugin for keeping a list of tasks. A todo-list if you like.
This plugin is a fork of the original plugin with permission of Sergiy Dubovik
To contact me directly: nlsurfman@hotmail.com
Bugs can be reported here: https://github.com/NLSurfMan/tasks/issues
Version 1.8.3 changes
Version 1.8.2 changes
Version 1.8 changes
version 1.0
version 0.6
version 0.5
version 0.2.2
version 0.1
Compatibility (build 163.7743.44, 2016.3.6, JDK 1.6)
]]>Features available:
Report bugs and suggest features here.
]]>You'll love this plugin!
With this plugin you can easily see all your pastes, get links for them, create new pastes, download pastes, open pastes in editor, see trending pastes and more!
Check the project page Ultimate PasteBin IntelliJ IDEA to see some pictures, and informatino!
If you like this plugin, make us happy by donating! Donate
]]>Instructions(important update):
Using intellij to infer Python typing and
add type comments using the typing
See more from https://www.jetbrains.com/help/pycharm/2017.1/type-hinting-in-pycharm.html
Move cursor to the element, and press ctrl shift Y
to add the type comments.
def greeting_with_type(name): return 'Hello ' + name
def greeting_with_type(name): # type: (str) -> str return 'Hello ' + name
It depends on the Python
plugin of intellij, and I think Pycharm also works.
<type>(<scope>): <subject> <BLANK LINE> <body> <BLANK LINE> <footer>]]>
windows: Alt + insert
, Mac: control + Enter
Follow me on Twitter: @JasonMortonNZ
]]>Plugin that provides @soundtrack using iTunes and Spotify. This plugin works only if you use a Mac. @soundtrack can be used either with code completion or as variable in the file templates.
To setup @soundtrack in your templates: Open Preferences go to Editor -> File and Code Templates -> Includes and select "File Header"
Add the following code:
#if (${soundtrack} && ${soundtrack} != "")
* @soundtrack ${soundtrack}
Language support
Make your code more Python-like by helping the snake eat all the curly braces and semicolons!
To start the game type 'snake' in the editor or use "Tools | Run Snake" action.
» Input the changes you want to submit the content.
» reference commit rules.
这是一个帮助你在git提交的时候选择正确的 emoji 表情的插件。
» 输入你要提交的改动内容即可,提交规则可参考 提交日志规则
Fore more information please see the Release Notes.
]]>Please read the installation guidelines here: http://code.google.com/p/css-x-fire/wiki/Installation
Style with pleasure!
]]>Main features:
Important note:
Plugin works only with IDEA trunk builds and git repositories]]>0.5.5 version:
Fixed compatibility issues with Idea 2017.10.5.4 version:
Fixed compatibility issues with Idea 160.5.3 version:
Fixed compatibility issues with Idea 150.5.1 version:
Fixed compatibility issues with Idea 140.5 version:
Thanks to dmitry-cherkas0.4 version:
[Important note] Plugin works only with IDEA trunk builds0.3.2 version:
[Important note] Plugin works only with IDEA trunk builds0.3.1 version:
[Important note] Plugin works only with IDEA trunk builds0.3 version:
[Important note] Plugin works only with IDEA trunk builds0.2.5 version:
[Important note] Plugin works only with IDEA trunk builds0.2.4 version:
[Important note] Plugin works only with IDEA trunk builds0.2.3 version:
[Important note] Plugin works only with IDEA trunk builds0.2.2 version:
[Important note] Plugin works only with IDEA trunk builds0.2.1 version:
[Important note] Plugin works only with IDEA trunk builds0.2 version:
[Important note] Plugin works only with IDEA trunk builds0.1 - Initial revision:
Only Gerrit 2.6 or newer is supported (missing / incomplete REST API in older versions)
If you find any issues, please report them (please use the GitHub issue tracker instead of review comments).
This plugin uses gerrit-rest-java-client for communication with Gerrit REST API. If you need to build a Java application which needs to communicate with Gerrit, this library probably supports you quite a lot.
If you like this plugin, you can support it:
The default shortcut assigned to smart-search is Cmd-Shift-D (Mac OS X) or Ctrl-Shift-D (Windows, Linux).
A menubar command named either "Smart-Search Documentation" can be found in the "Tools" menu.
The plugin either searches for the statement at caret position or the current selection. It will identify the programming language in use and request filtered results accordingly. A non filtered search over all documentation entries can be invoked by adding the Alt modifier key to the shortcut. "Search all Documentation" is also available in the tools menu.
Configuration ShortcutYou can change the shortcut at Preferences -> Keymap -> Plug-ins -> Dash.
Toolbar IconYou can add a button to the toolbar. Right-click the menubar -> Customize […]. You will find the button under "Plug-ins -> Dash".
Supported API Documentation Browsers Kapeli Dash (Mac OS X)Dash is an API Documentation Browser and Code Snippet Manager. Dash stores snippets of code and instantly searches offline documentation sets for 150+ APIs (for a full list, see below). You can even generate your own docsets or request docsets to be included. http://kapeli.com/dash
Velocity (Windows)Velocity gives your Windows desktop offline access to over 150 API documentation sets (provided by Dash for OS X). https://velocity.silverlakesoftware.com
Zeal (Linux & Windows)Zeal is a simple offline API documentation browser inspired by Dash (OS X app). http://zealdocs.org
]]>Generates code in /gen/package/YourGrammarRecognizer.java unless you override in the configuration dialog. Shortcut to generate parsers is ctrl-shift-G / meta-shift-G but it's in Tools menu, popups. Code completion for tokens, rule names. finds tokenVocab option for code gen if there is a tokenVocab option, don't warn about implicit tokens. shortcut conflicted with grammar-kit plugin. Has live grammar interpreter for grammar preview. Right click on rule and say "Test ANTLR Rule". Changes to grammar seen in parse tree upon save of grammar.
You can configure the ANTLR tool options per grammar file; right-click in a grammar or on a grammar element within the structured view. When you change and save a grammar, it automatically builds with ANTLR in the background according to the preferences you have set. ANTLR tool errors appear in a console you can opened by clicking on a button in the bottom tab.
You can use the ctrl-key while moving the mouse and it will show you token information in the preview editor box via tooltips.
Errors within the preview editor are now highlighted with tooltips and underlining just like a regular editor window. The difference is that this window's grammar is specified in your grammar file.
See README.md for more details.
For really big files and slow grammars, there is an appreciable delay when displaying the parse tree or profiling information.
]]>PhpMetrics is a static analysis tool for PHP.
Documentation available on www.phpmetrics.org website.
Only Reviewboard 2.0.5 or newer is supported
If you find any issues, please report them (please use the GitHub issue tracker instead of review comments).
If you like this plugin, you can support it by writing review and voting for it on IntelliJ plugin repository
]]>Version 0.1.3
Version 0.1.2
Version 0.1.1
Version 0.1.0
Linky automatically detects repositories hosted on Bitbucket Cloud or Bitbucket Server.
Both Git and Mercurial repositories are supported. In most cases, no configuration is required. However, if Linky can't detect your repository automatically, you can manually point it to the repository in the IDE settings.
Linky uses Git integration and hg4idea plugins to integrate with Git and Mercurial, respectively. These plugins come with every JetBrains IDE, but you might need to enable them in order to use Bitbucket Linky actions. Both dependencies are optional though, so you can enable only one for the VCS you are using.
Please note that Linky is not officially supported by Atlassian.
Linky provides the following actions in your project:
Copy the link / Open in the Browser
Copies or opens a link to the selected file or commit in Bitbucket. Provides an easy way to generate link to a specific place in the code or to navigate to your repository from the IDE.
Find related Pull Requests
Shows a list of all Pull Requests which include the selected commit.
Available for Bitbucket Cloud repositories only:
Open Pull Request creation page in the Browser
Opens the Pull Request creation page in Bitbucket with pre-filled source and target branches. Source branch will be the branch your local repository is at, target branch will be either the default repository branch, or the branch you manually set for this repository in the Linky configuration.
Shortcut: Ctrl+Shift+X,P on Windows / Cmd+Shift+X,P on Mac
Huge thanks to Brent Plump, Zaki Salleh and Piotr Wilczyński!
4.2: released on 20.11.2017
4.1: released on 27.10.2017
4.0: released on 25.10.2017
3.6: released on 12.10.2017
3.5: released on 12.09.2017
3.4: released on 06.05.2017
3.3: released on 22.03.2017
3.2: released on 02.03.2017
3.1: released on 23.02.2017
3.0: released on 19.02.2017
2.4: released on 05.09.2016
2.3: released on 26.05.2016
2.2: released on 04.03.2016
2.1: released on 30.01.2016
2.0: released on 27.01.2016
1.6: released on 15.01.2016
1.5: released on 01.01.2016
1.4: released on 19.11.2015
1.3: released on 17.11.2015
1.2: released on 03.11.2015
1.0: released on 03.11.2015
Compatibility: YouTrack 5.2+
If you like this plugin, you can support it:
Website | GitHub | Issues | Doc
A translation plugin.
MaxCompute Studio is a plugin for IntelliJ platform allowing data developers works with MaxCompute platform including authoring SQL scripts, UDF extensions, MapReduce programs and other functions like local debugging, data browsing and uploading/downloading, job browsing and analytics, etc.
Features include:
Changes in Version
Changes in Version 2.8.2:
Changes in Version
Changes in Version
Changes in Version 2.8.1:
Changes in Version
Changes in Version
Changes in Version 2.8.0:
Changes in Version
Changes in Version 2.7.0:
Changes in Version
Changes in Version
Changes in Version
Changes in Version
Changes in Version 2.6.2:
Changes in Version 2.6.1:
Changes in Version 2.6.0:
Move the caret int the word you want to translate or pick it,and then use one of the method following, the translate result will be shown in a balloon nearby caret for a moment.
The translate panel is in View -> Tool Window -> Translate,the panel is simple but useful.
Tips:Bug Fixes:
So if you don't track your .idea-folder with git, the notes are also not tracked.
So you can call it "private notes".
]]>Source Code | Gitter | Donate | XMake Homepage
Features:中国朋友可以加QQ群交流及反馈BUG: 343118190
Thanks to everyone who contributed to JBehave Support: https://github.com/witspirit/IntelliJBehave/graphs/contributors
Like this plugin? Give it a star at GitHub and spread the word!
]]>Beame.io tunneling infrastructure allows you to expose local HTTP port so it's accessible via https://YOUR-RANDOM-ID.beameio.net to anyone with the link.
The encryption is end-to-end. TLS is terminated on your machine.
Prerequisites ]]>IdeaVim supports many Vim features including normal/insert/visual modes, motion keys, deletion/changing, marks, registers, some Ex commands, Vim regexps, configuration via ~/.ideavimrc, macros, window commands, etc.
See also:
option for showing search results while typingit
and at
tag block selectionys
, cs
, ds
, S
, enable it with set surround
in your ~/.ideavimrc={motion}
formatting command0.44:
See also the complete changelog.
]]>If you find this plugin useful, please consider inviting me for a beer. I develop this plugin in my free time and I'm more motivated when I have a beer on desk :-)
Specially useful if you are using IdeaVim and want to quickly move the caret a few lines up or down from the current position.
Your code will be send to kopy.io and the link will be in your clipboard.
It will also open your default browser for you!
Usage:In any file you can generate a new KopyPasta! just press your generate shortcut. Code -> Generate.
]]>Many thanks to the TeamDev for providing a free license for JxBrowser, an amazing lightweight Chromium-based Swing/JavaFX component.
]]>Works great with CodeGlance for a Sublime style preview pane in the right gutter.
TODO - lots more.
This is Alpha, so may be buggy. Report any issues here: https://github.com/jawspeak/intellij-joined-tab-scrolling/issues.
Adds a new caret at each line of the selection, it works the same way as in Sublime Text.
Recommended shortcut: CTRL+SHIFT+L
Splits selection into multiple carets by custom character(s).
Recommended shortcut: CTRL+SHIFT+ALT+L
Switches between single and double quotes inside a string literal. It works in most languages and with multiple carets. For JavaScript/CoffeeScript a plugin "JavaScript Intention Power Pack" must be enabled.
Recommended shortcut: CTRL+'
Splits string literal at the caret position and adds concatenation
operators with the caret between them. For example:
var a = "Hello |world.";
will become
var a = "Hello " + | + "world.";
It works in most languages and with multiple carets.
Recommended shortcut: CTRL+.
Moves caret to the first empty line.
Recommended shortcut: CTRL+DOWN/UP
Moves caret to the first empty line with selection.
Recommended shortcut: CTRL+SHIFT+DOWN/UP
Shows current file in the project tool window.
Recommended shortcut: CTRL+SHIFT+Y
Searches the selection or word at the caret via Google.
Recommended shortcut: SHIFT+F1
No shortcuts are set by default. This is done to prevent conflicts.
You can easily set them by going to Settings|Keymap|Plugins|Extra Actions.
Older version changes are listed on CHANGELOG.md
]]>The plugin exists to simplify the developing process while you edit Servicenow scripts. With this plugin, you will be able to download, edit and upload the script back to your instance and then test it afterwards.
InstallationThe Installation is simple. You can install the plugin in any editor of your choice from the Jetbrains family. Although I think WebStorm is the best for editing javascript, but the plugin should work with IntelliJ and others too. After the installation, you will see the new options in the Tools
menu of your IDE.
As you can see, you have three options. Either to Download or Upload a script or in the end, modify the config file. If your config file does not exists, then if you initiate a Download or Upload of a script, the plugin will detect it and ask you to fill out the form.
Config FileThe Config file consits of three options for now.
If you fill out the config file with invalid information, the plugin will not work and display some kind of error message to inform you about this problem.
Usage DownloadThe usage is simple, like you could see before, there are shortcodes avaliable to the various tasks, so you do not need to open the Tools menu all the time. If you would like to display the Download form, you use the Ctrl+Alt+G
shortcut and the Download form will be displayed right away.
There is an example for filling out the input field, but to be sure.
The first value is the tablename, which is sys_script (a.k.a. system script, a.k.a. business rule).
The second value is the field name, which is in most of the cases script
The third value is the sys_id, which is the unique identifier for the given script. These values are separated with the :
delimiter. If you fill these out correctly, you should be able to download the script successfully.
After you edit your previously downloaded script, you should be ready to upload it, to do so, you can use the Ctrl+Alt+U
shortcut. If you have your script open in the web editor of ServiceNow, then you should be able to see the changes, after the script is uploaded.
I plan to do some more improvements, like code autocomplete and others. I am still learning about this system of plugin development. If there is something to be improved (which I am sure there is), then please make a pull request or raise an issue. If you have new features suggestions then please create an issue for that.
The project is licensed under the MIT License.
]]>make the world a better place<->
"make", "the", "world", "a", "better", "place"
"name": "Tom", "friend": "Jerry"
"age": 20If you do not want select the text you want to convert, just add a back quote symbol before you input:
`what a wonderful day-- press shortcut -->
"what", "a", "wonderful", "day"]]>
`what a wonderful day-- press shortcut -->
"what", "a", "wonderful", "day"
"age": 20
Adds missing editor actions for end of word navigation but that is just the beginning:
Copy myColumnData
and paste it over DEFAULT_VALUE
, reverse the order and get myDefaultValue
Works when pasting at the beginning, end and middle of identifiers.
Supports: camelCase, PascalCase, snake_case, SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE, dash-case, dot.case, slash/case
Default prefixes: my
, our
, is
, get
, set
to allow pasting over member fields, static fields, getters and setters.
Plugin website: Missing In Actions GitHub Repo
Bug tracking & feature requests: Missing In Actions GitHub Issues
]]>Add: replace arbitrary string to another string on paste. Useful for quick pasting of template code with changes without needing to edit after paste (treat this as a user provided macro variable).
Can add RegEx search or plain string. Plain string search is case sensitive.
Add: replace user string on paste and duplicate for every character caret of another content. Plain string search is not case sensitive.
For example: if pasting int FormatAbc(int abc) { myAbc = abc; return myAbc; }
with the user search string set to Abc
, with clipboard data for the replacement contains 3 carets with def
, myHij
and setKlmnop
then the paste will result in the following being pasted in:
int FormatDef(int def) { myDef = def; return myDef; }
int FormatHij(int hij) { myHij = hij; return myHij; }
int FormatKlmnop(int klmnop) { myKlmnop = klmnop; return myKlmnop; }
Add: Replace Macro Variables on Enhanced paste and on duplicate for carets paste. Currently only file name derivations are supported. When pasting in a file with name multi-line-image-url
the following will be changed as shown:
to multi-line-image-url
(as is)__FILENAME__
to multilineimageurl
to MultiLineImageUrl
(pascal case)__fileName__
to multiLineImageUrl
(camel case)__file-name__
to multi-line-image-url
(dash case)__FILE-NAME__
(screaming dash case)__file.name__
to multi.line.image.url
(dot case)__FILE.NAME__
(screaming dot case)__file_name__
to multi_line_image_url
(snake case)__FILE_NAME__
(screaming snake case)__file/name__
to multi/line/image/url
(slash case)__FILE/NAME__
(screaming slash case)Fix: NPE when projects are being rapidly opened and closed.
Fix: #17, Caret don’t move across tab-indented lines
Fix: Remove highlighted word carets would not remove the last selection if all carets contained highlighted word selections
Fix: size of color chip when using HiDPI displays that need scaling.
Fix: #16, Hide disabled buttons breaks Recall Selection List and Swap Selection actions
Fix: #15, Selection continuation with the mouse and Shift modifier is broken
Add: multi-caret search accept not found carets action to allow excluding carets with matching search position.
Fix: Exclude $ from being considered as part of identifier for purposes of determining word start/end boundary for highlighted words.
Fix: conversion from dash, dot and slash to snake case was not working.
Add: hide disabled toolbar buttons option to settings
Add: button versions of recall selection and swap text to eliminate button text to save toolbar real-estate
Line Selection Mode
, Forward Search Caret Spawning
and Backward Search Caret Spawning
actions toggle actions to show when active.Change: Recall selection from list action text from Recall Selection
to Selections
to shorten the toolbar button.
Change: split settings into tabbed pane per category
Add: Line Isolation Mode to “highlight” the isolated lines by “lowlighting” the non isolated lines. Especially useful when duplicating a method or methods for modification. This allows isolating the copies which are to be modified so that they are not confused with the originals.
Add: Dark scheme color persistence. Colors in settings reflect the current Dark/Light scheme selection.
Add: Selection Stack to automatically store the last N selections for a file
Add: Recall/Swap selection actions and toolbar buttons
Add: Swap Selection Text actions and toolbar buttons to swap currently selected text with text from a stored selection.
Default hot-key can be changed in Settings|Keymap (search for "Copy as image" action)
Some plugin options are available under Editor|Copy image options
]]> 通过在编辑器中normal模式下输入 :set keep-english-in-normal 来启用该功能.
如果需要回到insert模式时恢复输入法,请使用 :set keep-english-in-normal-and-restore-in-insert
GitHub Repository: 源码和问题反馈
The plugin is an extension of 'IdeaVim' , can switch to English input source in normal mode and restore input source in insert mode.
How To Enable:In normal mode ,in an editor input :set keep-english-in-normal
for auto swith to English input source.
use :set keep-english-in-normal-and-restore-in-insert
, if you want to restore original input source after return insert mode.
Or add the command to the file ~/.ideavimrc
The plugin only support macOS
GitHub RepositorySource and Feedback
]]>:nnoremap <Esc> a<Esc><Esc>
:nmap <Esc> a<Esc>
The default format is : yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssXXX. Go in Preferences to `Date generator` and customize the format.
]]>Supports renaming, copying, deleting and adding files.
Highlights duplicated and incorrect file names.
The code is hackathon-quality, so PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, make sure you're changing content of a directory that is backed up or located under VCS.
]]>Supports single lines, multiple selected lines, multiple carets and block selection.
Default shortcuts are "Shift + Ctrl + Alt + Up/Down" and "Shift + Command + Option + Up/Down" for macOS.
]]>The plugin treats comas (',') as element separators, and treats ('()', '<>', '{}', '[]') as list boundaries. Each swap will happen inside these boundaries. However if an element itself has these boundaries, the swap still happens.
Note: The plugin does not deal with unclosed boundary characters inside a string. It will give you a warning about badly formatted string. In this case you can select the whole string and perform the swap without trouble.
The plugin can also rearrange xml attributes in an xml tag. For this it uses a different approach, it uses intellij's psi hierarchy.
The keyboard shortcuts for these two function can be the same, because normally they won't interfere with each other.
Default shortcuts (but I recommend checking them with your current keymap):
- Shift+Alt+K swap list element forward OR swap xml attribute forward
- Shift+Alt+L swap list element backward OR swap xml attribute backward
If you find this plugin useful, please consider inviting me for a beer. I develop this plugin in my free time and I'm more motivated when I have a beer on desk :-)
Note: it makes no sense to install this plugin if you don't contribute to IntelliJ IDEA sources. Also the plugin requires connection to a server which isn't accessible outside of JetBrains internal network.
6.1.0 - 6.12.0
5.9.0 and 5.10.0
5.2.0 and 5.3.0
By default, the expertise query/help action is mapped to Ctrl+Shift+F1. ]]>
Task titles (and reference ID's) are then added automatically to each commit so Kanbanery will know that some commit is about some task.
You will need to create a Kanbanery account to use this plugin, but don't worry - it's free :-)
]]> You can choose tasks from your project and start them.
Be sure to take a look at the iceScrum & Intellij integration documentation, as it contains a full preview of this plugin.
Task titles (and reference ID's) are then added automatically to each commit so your iceScrum Pro version (as it have an integration with SVN / GIT) will know that some commit is about some task.
]]>Synchronization is performed automatically after successful completion of "Update Project" or "Push" actions. Also you can do sync using VCS -> Sync Settings.
See project page for more info.
]]>Version 1.0
Allows you to translate strings.xml, arrays.xml, plurals.xml into different languages in spreadsheet form, and vice versa.
You can access the plugin from the "Tools" menu at the IDE toolbar
Support more rows of data
Bug fixes and improves stability
> cd /path/to/your/project
> gtm init
Since version 0.5 LiveEdit works as part of JavaScript debug session only.
]]>Support displaying SCSS Lint warnings as intellij inspections
]]>1.1.1 Bug fixes
1.1.0 Idea 145 compatibility
1.0.18 Bug fixes
1.0.17 Bug fixes
1.0.16 Bug fixes
1.0.15 Bug fixes
1.0.14 Bug fixes
1.0.13 Fix compatibility issue with scss-lint 0.39.0
1.0.12 Bug fixes
1.0.11 Remove YAML dependency
1.0.10 Fix PhpStorm compatibility issue
1.0.9 Fix WebStorm 9 compatibility issue
1.0.8 Add quick fix to sort properties
1.0.7 Fixed an NPE bug.
1.0.6 Window path issue and other bug fixes.
1.0.5 Bug fixes.
1.0.4 Bug fixes.
1.0.3 Fix execution issue on windows.
1.0.2 Bug fixes.
1.0.1 First version.
]]>* Meteor project generator
* Resolve for Meteor templates/helpers in Spacebars
* Navigate to Meteor Spacebars templates from *.js code
* JavaScript code completion for Meteor core methods
* Spacebars code completion for templates/helpers
* Server/Client debug, navigate to error from console
* Autoimport Meteor non-standard packages as external library for code completion (the action also available in the 'packages' file)
* Inspections for Spacebars
* Meteor-angular plugin support
]]>Documentation / list of snippets
Follow me on Twitter: @epragt
]]>Add new React Templates file type for *.rt files
Build rt files on the fly
Inspect rt files
Completion for rt-* attributes
Completion for react attributes
]]>1.1.1 Bug fixes
1.1.0 Support new features of react-templates
1.0.30 Bug fixes
1.0.29 Fix other file grouping
1.0.28 Bug fixes
1.0.27 Support branch 143 - IntelliJ IDEA 15, WebStorm 11, PyCharm 5, PhpStorm 10, RubyMine 8, AppCode 3.3, CLion 1.2
1.0.26 Fix NPE
1.0.25 Fix NPE and add switch to controller/code behind file
1.0.24 branch 141 - IntelliJ IDEA 14.1, WebStorm 10, PyCharm 4.1 support
1.0.23 branch 139 - IntelliJ IDEA 14, WebStorm 9, PyCharm 4, PhpStorm 8, RubyMine 7 support
1.0.22 Better support for rt syntax, project template and live template
1.0.21 Bug fixes
1.0.20 Fix crash
1.0.19 Better typescript support (thanks 1two)
1.0.18 Add typescript/es6 support
1.0.17 Bug fixes
1.0.16 initial support for inline expressions in RT
1.0.15 Bug fixes
1.0.14 Bug fixes
1.0.13 Bug fixes, better error reporting
1.0.12 Bug fixes
1.0.11 Update docs
1.0.10 create controller with react-templates file
1.0.9 add modules support for react-templates 0.1.5
1.0.8 add react attributes to code completion, fix temp files issue
1.0.7 improved error handling
1.0.6 Bug fixes. fix sort issue
1.0.5 Bug fixes.
1.0.4 Add new RT file.
1.0.3 Add quick docs for rt-* attributes.
1.0.2 Add option to build common JS output.
1.0.1 Add rt.js files as child nodes.
1.0.0 First version.
]]>Follow me on Twitter: @manolenso
Snippets enhancement: Enhancement
Compiled with Java 1.6]]>Support displaying Sass Lint warnings as intellij inspections
]]>1.0.7 Fixed issue https://github.com/idok/sass-lint-plugin/issues/5 with pull request https://github.com/idok/sass-lint-plugin/pull/19.
1.0.6 Bug fixes.
1.0.5 Bug fixes.
1.0.4 Bug fixes.
1.0.3 Bug fixes.
1.0.2 Bug fixes.
1.0.1 Bug fixes.
1.0.0 First version.
]]>Releases: Changelog
Follow me on Twitter: @manolenso
Gitter: intellij-foundation6
Snippets enhancement: Enhancement
Compiled with Java 1.6]]>
Install stylint and stylint-json-reporter
npm install -g stylint stylint-json-reporter
0.1.0 First experimental version.
]]>Provides the following features:
executable through Preferences -> Tools -> Stylelint]]>Thanks for GoJet plugin, it help this project a lot.
]]>import Func from 'utils';
import * as Utils from 'utils';
import {Func} from 'utils';
import {orig as alias} from 'utils';
import Func from 'utils/Func';
const Func = require('utils').Func;
Video with all the features: www.magicento.com
It consists of an Actionscript cross-compiler and a client-side JavaScript framework.
Please visit http://randoriframework.com for more information.
To quickly get started please follow these lessons.
]]>This plugin supports Symfony 2, 3, 4, ...
Dependency Injection Containerversion 0.5.3
version 0.5.2
version 0.5.1
version 0.5
version 0.4.3
version 0.4.2
version 0.4.1
version 0.4
version 0.3.3
version 0.3.2
version 0.3.1
version 0.3
version 0.2
version 0.1
* PhoneGap/Cordova Project wizard
* Run PhoneGap/Cordova application from IntelliJ toolbar
* Code completion for event types
* Ionic support
]]>Source is available at GitHub, pull requests and issues welcome.
]]>Legal stuff
License : GNU GPL v2 or later
Sources : https://github.com/reedy/phpstorm-plugin-mediawiki
]]>Integrates support for Symfony components in Drupal8 with Symfony Plugin
Пожелания и сообщения об ошибках можете отправлять на почту или оставлять в Кабинете. Там же можете посмотреть планы по развитию.
Check Github repository for list of snippets and for contributing
, public
and tests
folders as source, resource and test foldersnode_modules
and bower_components
as library folders.jshintrc
Navigate → Class...
and Navigate → Related Symbol...
for all major app componentsember generate
This plugin provides "Method References" and "Type Provider" extracted from the Symfony Plugin. You can configure the plugin with simple per project files .ide-toolbox.metadata.json
to support for eg $f->('date_time')->format, new Datetime('caret')
. Also it improves some PhpStorm Core functionality.
or *.trigger
must be present in the project sources or attached libraries]]>jcr_root
, currentPage
, wcmmode
, etc.)jcr:title
, cq:lastModified
, sling:resourceType
, etc.)context
, addSelector
, i18n
, etc.)html
, scriptToken
, unsafe
, etc.)data-sly-use.variable
)data-sly-template.myTemplate="${ @ param1, param2}"
)If you find the plugin helpful and it boosts your productivity, please consider PayPal donation, so I can stay motivated and provide new features faster.
The plugin reads the local project and tries to parse out usage of well-known APIs and provides you with autocompletion on points it knows for example possible parameter names.
The plugin provides you with greater code stability, since the return types of instance creations are inferred, giving you stable auto-completion and insight into the written code.
The plugin parses the available route names in the core and extensions. More precisely it parses the `Configuration/Backend/(Ajax)Routes.php` files.
Thank you to Daniel Espendiller and Adrien Brault for providing their Symfony2 Plugin in the first place. It is a great inspiration for possible solutions and parts of the code.
Contributors ]]>Fork of PHPUnit Autocomplete Assistant
PhpStorm plugin to provide smart autocomplete, code navigation and refactoring features for mocked class methods.
Feature listmethod autocomplete for class, abstract class and trait mock objects;
supported PHPUnit methods:
support (eg. query scopes completion);Support\Fluent
file is evaluated as well as the template
variable in the header of the markdown file. You will find an Twig icon on the gutter and provides navigation to the related template files. {{ "" | trans }}DEMO]]>
Plugin needs pimple container dump (pimple.json) in project root directory. To create it follow instruction at https://github.com/c0nstantx/silex-pimple-dumper
Supported databases:
Supported query languages:
The plugin provides the following features:
Thanks to the embedded Rhino & Scripting API for being part of Java since v1.6. It's an all-in-one plugin which means, anything that was possible only by writing a plugin can be done using plugin-scripts(simple javascript code). And, any tasks that makes more sense to be scripted can be implemented using this tool.
Instead of explaining what this plugin can do in words, we wanted to show some in action.
Getting Started
For the latest information & documentations, please visit the project's homepage]]>This plugin includes support for syntax highlighting, code folding, find usages and go to declaration on parameters and templates, and Structure view.
This plugin is still under development, and updates are subject to our available free time.
Notable older changes
Feel free to file new feature requests as an issue on GitHub, just like a bug.
Donate to support the project.
Compatible with IntelliJ IDEA 2017.
Compatible with IntelliJ IDEA 2017.
Compatible with IntelliJ IDEA 2016.3. New icons for jsfl file type.3.2.1
Compatible with IntelliJ IDEA 2016.
Compatible with IntelliJ IDEA 2016. Updating help url in external documentation provider.3.1.3
Compatible with IntelliJ IDEA
Compatible with IntelliJ IDEA
Reworked annotations in JSFL API:3.1.0
Compatible with IntelliJ IDEA
Compatible with IntelliJ IDEA
Compatible with IntelliJ IDEA 13. JSFL library has been updated for Flash CC http://help.adobe.com/en_US/flash/cs/extend/WS5b3ccc516d4fbf351e63e3d118a9024f3f-7fe7CS5.html2.1.1
Compatible with IntelliJ IDEA
Compatible with IntelliJ IDEA
Language dialect of *.jsfl files is set to JavaScript 1.6 because Flash environment uses this version of the language. Earlier language dialect depended on JavaScript settings. Now it is strictly defined. For more information see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/JavaScript/New_in_JavaScript/
Decreased JDK version. Now the plugin can be run on 1.6 JDK.2.0.0
Compatible with IntelliJ IDEA
Changed icons. Now they are more compatible with IntelliJ IDEA design.1.1
JSFL library has been verified according to an official documentation http://help.adobe.com/en_US/flash/cs/extend/index.html1.0
for resolving symbols defined in modules and a mechanism to synchronize selected environment with the current git branch automatically. 0.3
Open any *.template, *.json or *.yaml file with CloudFormation language inside. There should be number of features available:
Make sure to setup your IDE correctly to gain Python support.
Find us in Github.
AsciiDoc is a text document format, similar to formats like Markdown, for writing notes, documentation, articles, books, ebooks, slideshows, web pages, man pages and blogs. AsciiDoc files can be translated to many formats including HTML, PDF, EPUB, man page. AsciiDoc is, in contrast to Markdown, highly configurable: both the AsciiDoc source file syntax and the backend output markups (which can be almost any type of SGML/XML markup) can be customized and extended by the user.
If you want to use the JavaFX instead of the Swing preview, you'll need to run IntelliJ with 64bit Java. If your IntelliJ distribution doesn't come with 64bit Java, you'll need to have an environment variable `IDEA_JDK` or `IDEA_JDK64` pointing to the installation folder of a 64bit Java. See Jetbrains support database for more information.
0.1.0-rc1 / 0.1.0
Please uninstall the TypoScript plugin from Intellij before you install this one, because this combination can lead to crashes and unforeseeable problems.
Do you know, that this is just a demo of the commercial version of this plugin? In the full version are more features and no ads. You can buy the typoscript plugin in our store. From 9,99€ incl. VAT.
This plugin provides support for the TypoScript configuration language of the TYPO3 CMS and for Neos Fusion of Neos.
The TypoScript code value annotation is an additional feature for the code auto completion.
You can assign a specified data value for any keyword to let PhpStorm know, how to handle keywords that are not defined inside the project or the included tsref.xml.
You can easy advance the tsref.xml by creating a new file called "tsref_additionals_[1,2,...].xml" in the folder "de/sgalinski/typocript/resources/". Then you can add your special values.
// @var [Key] [Type]Example:
// @var plugin.tx_ext.someProperty stdWrap plugin.tx_ext.someProperty { ... }Example2:
plugin { /** My description * to this specific * variable * * @var .tx_ext TEXT */ tx_ext.someProperty { ... } }
We will deliver bugfixes in the future. Please check for updates regularly.
If you find bugs or have feature requests, please open a ticket in our public issue tracker.
In general the usage of this software requires the payment of a small fee. Details about the commercial licence can be found here:
The already released software in our free related gitlab projects belongs to the MIT licence:
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
Elixir support for JetBrains IDEs
files (Elixir SDK, Erlang SDK, and _build
files (Elixir SDK, Erlang SDK, and _build
files (Elixir SDK, Erlang SDK, and _build
)Zephir - Ze(nd Engine) Ph(p) I(nt)r(mediate) - is a high level language that eases the creation and maintainability of extensions for PHP. Zephir extensions are exported to C code that can be compiled and optimized by major C compilers such as gcc/clang/vc++. Functionality is exposed to the PHP language.
]]>Support displaying CoffeeLint warnings as intellij inspections
Support for custom CoffeeLint rules
]]>1.0.4 Add --ext CLI option to include additional file extension.
1.0.3 Use temp folder for temp files.
1.0.2 Bug fixes.
1.0.1 Bug fixes.
1.0.0 First version.
]]>Based on NEON by juzna.cz
Changes 0.9.4: Lexer: fixed EAP compatibility (backported from juzna/Neon)
Changes 0.9.3: fixes crash parsing unfinished quoted scalars
Changes 0.9.2: improved quoted parsing
Changes 0.9.1: rebuilt with Java6
Changes 0.9.0: fixed multiline: |
imports should work properly. Plugin supposes PP implementations. #1658Test::More
imports should work properly even with import argument. #1657<
inside bare <>
transforms diamond to here-doc opener. #1660Fixes:
]]>Markdown language support for IntelliJ platform
A Markdown plugin with GFM and a matching preview style.
Get Markdown Navigator enhanced edition to unlock all productivity features.
Document with pleasure!Work with Markdown files like you do with other languages in the IDE, by getting full support for:
Link to exported HTML
is not selected.Replace File Content
option from non-image target ref drop downs in paste/modify image dialog, and all link options from copy/drop image dialog and link drop/paste ref options dialog.Line
preview element highlight mode.Base64 Encoded
as a link format for pasted images and dropped files to the Paste Image dialog.null
string to the file name in error.FileManager
has been initialized will to return markdown file type (without resolving sub-type).Reference
link map code.:
since PhpStorm is not able to convert FQN strings with class method names.L#
or L#-L#
for line ranges. Now navigating to such an anchor in a project file will move the caret to the line and if second form is used select the lines.HTML block deep parsing
parser option to allow better handling of raw text tag parsing when they are not the first tag on the first line of the block.line-spliced
for code elements split across multiple lines not to appear as two inline code elements in preview.navigate to declaration
opens url in browser, ftp or mail client depending on the link. Can also use line markers for navigation of these elements.GitBook compatibility mode
is enabled in Parser
or double "
quotes will be ignored if the file name is wrapped in them.Built on: 2017-12-19 16:03
Built from: 1.6.3-eap2
]]>Provides the following features:
Meant to serve a base dependency for all YAML-based languages - Ansible, Salt, Cloudify.
Note for Professional/Ultimate edition usersThose editions already include basic YAML support. In case you want to enable this plugin, you'll need to reassign file type mappings:
Go to `Preferences > Editor > File Types` and move `YAML` registered patterns to `SnakeYAML`.
The following PostCSS plugins are supported:
and union
types, and declare type
prolog statements.fuzzy
is used instead of :=
.Bug Fixes:
expressions outside XQuery 3.1 string interpolation contexts.}
is used in direct element contents.Inspections:
IntelliJ Integration:
OpenShift completion is optional and disabled by default. To add OpenShift completion or change the version of Kubernetes in use, go to Settings > Languages > Kubernetes and OpenShift.
FeaturesTo see how to integrate reason tools (bsc, refmt), go to the website.
version 0.35 To support your regular work on Fluid templates, we created this plugin for the popular IntelliJ IDEs from Jetbrains.
This is a free version of the Fluid Plugin
If you want the full stack of features, then buy the enterprise edition in our shop.
Learn more about the plugin on our dedicated product page (german).
License In general the usage of this software requires the payment of a small fee. Details about the commercial licence can be found here:
The already released software in our free related gitlab projects belongs to the MIT licence:
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
, .sty
, .cls
and .bib
filesAll critique, questions, suggestions, requests, bug reports, kudos, and (non-)creative ideas are welcome on the plugin’s GitHub page. If you want to directly chat with us, take a peek at the project's gitter.
]]>The newest TeXiFy IDEA, with loads of new functionality. Starring in this release: BibTeX support! But also many more inspections and much, much, much, MUCH more. Check out the complete changelog to get an idea of this superhuman release.
We thank everyone who submitted issues and provided feedback to make TeXiFy IDEA better. Your input is valuable and well appreciated.
(autocomplete & structure view). (#130)displaymath
& equation*
environments to \[..\]
. (#114){}
when typing multiple characters in sub- or super script in math mode. (#112)\leftX
and \rightX
. (#110)\item
s in listing environments. (#108)Changes
s from \label
s. (#129)\bibitem
s get included in the structure view. (#129)UnresolvedReference
inspection also checks \bibitem
s. (#129)\include
omits the .tex
extension. (#118)\newenvironment
are now added to the autocomplete. (#137).cls
file show up as inclusion in the structure view. (#145).cls
file show up in the autocomplete. (#143)LabelConvention
inspection now updates all other references in the file set. (#114)LatexColorSettingsPage
. (#158){}
after multiletter super- or subscript happens in math-esque environments. (#183)Bug fixes
and \include
not working in PyCharm. (#119)\RequirePackage
not being treated as \usepackage
. (#147).tex
files. (#127)\begin
not showing the environment autocomplete in math mode. (#142)@
not being recognised. (#5)LatexColorSettingsPage
not showing annotation highlighting in demo. (#157)\RequirePackage
and \usepackage
not being recognised in file sets. (#162)UnresolvedReference
errors appearing everywhere ‘randomly’. (#165)TooLargeSection
inspection. (#114){}
after multiletter super- or subscript. (#183)Full list of releases available on the GitHub releases page.
]]>Contributions are always welcome!
]]>Issue tracker: https://github.com/JetBrains/ideolog/issues
]]>See the Wiki at https://github.com/overstory/marklogic-intellij-plugin/wiki
]]>Source Code | Gitter | Donate | Doc
]]>Release notes for 1.2
Release notes for 1.1
Release notes for 1.0
Release notes for 1.0-alpha.5
Release notes for 1.0-alpha.4
Release notes for 1.0-alpha.3
Release notes for 1.0-alpha.2
Simple Find Usages support for variables
Commenter (Cmd/Ctrl + /)
Matching braces helper: closing brace/paren added when open one inputed
This is a beta version. Please contact us at support@bindows.net to suggest features and report problems. More information about the plugin is available here http://www.bindows.net/documentation/tools/intellij_plugin/Release Notes Beta 6
Known Issues in Beta 6
Release Notes Beta 5 rev 1
Release Notes Beta 5
Code | Color | Live template(s) | Meaning |
BiLog.out(""); | Black | blog, blog2 | Normal/user message (default) |
BiLog.out("", BiLog.ERROR); | Red | blogErr | Error message |
BiLog.out("", BiLog.SYSTEM); | Green | blogSyst | System message |
and it
will be translated to "http://mydomain/mypath"
. Yet to the client the call is to the
same domain, and therefore allowed. I.e. no security error due to cross-domain calls.Release Notes Beta 4
Release Notes beta 3 rev1
Release Notes beta 3
Release Notes beta 2
Just type Ctrl + Shift + D (Command + Shift + D on a Mac) to launch a dialog that lets you choose which suites or unit tests you want to include or exclude.
Use the following shortcuts: (Alt I) to include, (Alt X) to exclude, and (Alt G) to jump to the selected test. The plugin will automatically add an iit/fit or fdescribe/ddescribe to the selected node if you don't have any pending changes.
I have tested it on Webstorm and Intellij.
Download the code at: https://github.com/andresdominguez/ddescriber
]]>Here is a list of available actions:
See all the JS Toolbox actions from two locations:
Jump between a javascript file and its unit test. You can configure the file name patterns under:
Settings > JS Toolbox
And set values for Unit test suffix and File suffix
If you need multiple patterns use comma. For example:
Unit test suffix: "Spec.js,-spec.js"
File suffix: "-controller.js,.js"
With this configuration the action will take you from:
"my-component.js" or "my-component-controller.js"
"my-componentSpec.js" or "my-component-spec.js"
Jump between a javascript file and its associated view. You can configure the file name patterns under:
Settings > JS Toolbox
And set values for View suffix and File suffix
If you need multiple patterns use comma. For example:
File suffix: "-controller.js,.js"
View suffix: "-view.html,.html"
With this configuration the action will take you from:
"my-component.js" or "my-component-controller.js"
"my-component.html" or "my-component-view.html"
Select some text and then choose the "Toggle camel and dash case" action
Will turn into
Will turn into
one-two-threeGo to constructor [Alt G], [Ctrl Command G] on a mac
Jump to the constructor of the current javascript file.
Join multi-line strings and variable declarations [Ctrl SHIFT Alt J], [Ctrl Command J] on MacJoin strings and variable declarations
Turn a multi-line string into a single string. Press Ctrl SHIFT Alt J on any of the string lines or select a block of text and join.
var s = 'one ' + 'two ' + 'three';
Into a single string:
var s = 'one two three';
Join multiple vars into a single var:
var foo = 1; var bar = 2;
Into a single var declaration:
var foo = 1, bar = 2;Open current file in browser [Ctrl SHIFT Alt G], [SHIFT Option Command G] on Mac
Open the current file in the browser. Configure the URL that you want to use when opening the browser under Settings > JS Toolbox.
Generate a method for the current javascript class (Under generate menu)Add a new method to the current javascript class.
You need to use the @constructor annotation to mark the constructor of the class.
Override a method from the parent javascript class (Under generate menu)Override a parent method in the current javascript class.
You need to annotate the classes with the @constructor and @extends annotations, otherwise the plugin cannot find the class hierarchy.
Sort the selection using a user-defined splitter [Ctrl SHIFT 1], [Command SHIFT 1] on MacFor example, select a bunch of arguments, choose sort, and enter a text (eg. ,) to split and sort the result.
]]>Support displaying eslint warnings as intellij inspections
Quick fixes for several rules
Support for custom eslint rules
Support for eslint config annotation and completion
]]>1.0.33 Bug fixes
1.0.32 Bug fixes
1.0.31 Bug fixes
1.0.30 Fix NPE
1.0.29 Bug fixes
1.0.28 Fix default settings, support rc files with extensions, bug fixes
1.0.27 Bug fixes
1.0.26 Bug fixes
1.0.25 Add --ext. Bug fixes
1.0.24 Add --fix option as an action from code menu. Bug fixes
1.0.23 Class loading bug fixed
1.0.22 Intellij 14 / webstorm 9 compatible version
1.0.21 Bug fixes, doesn't take tab size into account
1.0.20 Add settings for eslint builtin rules directory to support completion and annotation on eslintrc files
1.0.19 Fix windows execution and solve version compatibility issue, thanks eric-isakson
1.0.18 fix plugin url
1.0.17 fix default eslint bin
1.0.16 fix issue finding eslint bin in windows
1.0.15 fix lag in settings dialog, fix windows issue with running lint
1.0.14 fix eslintrc configuration in settings
1.0.13 bug fix
1.0.12 bug fix related to relative path of eslint
1.0.11 bug fixes, add quick fix to DotNotation rule
1.0.10 Add annotation and completion to eslintrc, add version to settings dialog, fix eslintrc not loading bug
1.0.9 Fix performance issue
1.0.8 Performance improvements, bug fixes, refresh inspection status when eslintrc or config change
1.0.7 Fix ClassNotFound Error
1.0.6 Add configuration options for node interpreter and eslintrc search, bug fixes
1.0.1 First version.
]]>Important ScaffAngular is now build with Java 7, please update JRE your IDE is running to 7+. You can check which JRE is currently used in Help -> About
For any bugs or feature requests go to github.
]]>Support displaying jscs warnings as intellij inspections
Support for fixing javascript using --fix
Support presets
Support esnext
Support custom esprima
]]>1.0.4 Add support for --fix.
1.0.3 Add support for esprima option for JSX.
1.0.2 Add support for esnext option for ES6.
1.0.1 Add preset.
1.0.0 First version.
]]>Support only Intellij IDEA 14.1.x
Intellij IDEA 14.1.x now support ES6/AtScript natively, but still have syntax several issues, this plugin will fix following
To try the plugin for free for 30 days, you must have a valid Sencha Forum ID. If you do not have one, you can try the plugin as part of the Ext JS 6 trial. You'll be asked to download the file and register for a free Forum ID.
This plugin is available for purchase from the Sencha store as part of the Ext JS Pro and Ext JS Premium editions.
The trial version of this plugin is valid for 30 days.
]]>To use it, do either of these:
For open viewer go to View > JSONViewer
Viewer enable add headers or/and request body to any type of request such as POST, GET etc.
Every request include its headers, httpmethod, body and url is save to history and could be use later (select from history and double click)
]]>How to use
Instructions(important update):
on the statement or selection.
is a versatile and beautiful formatter for C++, proto, Java, JavaScript, and TypeScript.
This plugin does not contain clang-format
itself, you must install it separately. clang-format
is available in e.g. npm, or homebrew for Mac. This plugin also has no configuration, please use the regular .clang-format
If you are using Mac OS X and have trouble getting it to run, please make sure to set your PATH environment in $HOME/.profile. Mac OS X seems to ignore $HOME/.bash_profile for applications launched from the Finder.
]]>UroboroSQL Formatter is often used in enterprise systems, For formatting to a highly maintainable style even for very long SQL (1 K step or more) It is a plug-in of IntelliJ IDEA.
In particular, in countries where English is not their mother tongue, such as Japan, comments may be included in SELECT clauses. In that case, we will align the vertical position of the AS clause and the comment, pursuing the viewability which can be said as artistic anymore, This was developed to realize this automatically.
How to useUse Alt + Shift + L on Windows, Cmd + Ctrl + L on OS X to format currently active document.
The following options can be selected by the Preferences dialog.
This plugin supports the rendering of the most common ANSI graphic rendition sequences under IntelliJ editor. The following features are available:
Per-project configuration allow specify different formatting rules for each directory in project. To enable per-project configuration enable "Use per project configuration" checkbox(see screenshot №3) and reopen settings window(need close with Ok or Apply buttons). After this you will find 'Tabdir' configuration in project section(screenshot №4) in which different configurations can be specified.
Note: that you should turn off IDE Settings → Editor tabs → Show directory in editor tabs for non-unique filenames.]]>AceJump
AceJump, jump to special place
Copy without selection:
Replace target (word | line | paragraph) with text at current caret:
Obtain target (word | line | paragraph), then replace text at current caret:
Copy target (word | line | paragraph), then insert text at current caret:
Cut target (word | line | paragraph), then insert text at current caret:
Delete target (word | line | paragraph...)
Highlight symbol:
Just one space:
Separate AceJump copy,cut,select command:
Copy and Replace:
Provides support for task id injection (using IntelliLang plugin) into any string, etc.
Injection allows to navigate to web (open task/issue in browser)
Also code completion for such injection elements provided. For more information about injections, see related documentation
Dependency on IntelliLang is optional, but highly recommended to install, since it provides nice features.
]]>Some minor improvements
0.3.4Fix IDEA 13 EAP compatibility issue (#3)
0.3.3Fix NPE
0.3.2Add option to disable search for issues in comments
Improved setting page
0.3.1Fix loading in non Intellij IDEA. (Dependency on com.intellij.modules.platform added)
0.3Support for navigation to tasks from comments.
0.2.2Minor fix in settings.
0.2.1Documentation updated.
0.1Initial version.
]]>If there already is an splitted tab, it will use this. If not, it will open a new one. There are two actions available:
Older version changes are listed on CHANGELOG.md
]]>Older version changes are listed on CHANGELOG.md
]]>You can customize your highlight text style, it's helpful when reading source code.
Shortcut: ctrl+' (or command+' on mac) learn more
MoreUnit assists you in writing unit tests!
First pre public release
This plugin integrates Nette Tester into PhpStorm IDE.
for the time being (#30)I know I said this release branch would be feature-frozen, but... well... not just yet. I'm far too excited about bringing the new features to be able to postpone them. Semver doesn't play well with the plugin's distribution channel anyway. Here they come:
After tens of hours of work, here comes a total rework of the plugin. This beta.1 release marks the feature freeze, now I'd like to focus on fixing bugs and releasing a stable version soon.
suffix), the creation assumes your tests reside in the same namespace as the code; if you use a different scheme, you can configure source to test namespace mapping in the project settings under PHP > Nette Tester.Assert::same()
and alike) right in the test results window.Tester\Dumper::$maxPathSegments
to a high enough value in your test environment.To support a wide range of Tester versions, I had to drop a few features. However, they should, in some form or another, be back once OutputHandler refactoring is resolved.
Initial alpha version with basic capabilities:
Not part of- and not supported by DataNucleus!
Since 1.1.0 DataNucleus plugin 1.1.0-beta (or later) has to be installed!
If using DataNucleus plugin versions from 1.0.6 to 1.0.8 stay with 1.0.0!
Leverages the features provided by the DataNucleus plugin but uses OpenJpa enhancer in the build process.
- Initial implementation.
buck project
API (exclude
function. Currently only targets from the same cell are checked.load
function target navigation. Currently only targets from the same cell are supported.BugVM is free and open source.
Requires Xcode 7 on Mac OSX and at least 1GB of heap space for gradle VM.
]]>Open our customized popup dialog and choose from a variety of context-sensitive destinations, including tree nodes, goals, and tasks. For each destination choose from context-sensitive actions such as go, open, run, and debug.
Say goodbye to bland popup menus and fatigue invoking nested trees. You can configure options under Settings/Appearance/Gradle Navigation. Make sure to assign to the popup command to a convenient, unused function key!
Because our plugin is now applicable to Gradle, Maven, Android, and other project build engines, we will be changing our name. Stay tuned!
Features Destination Popup - A popup window is also provided with buttons to either go to tasks or groups in the Gradle tree, or run tasks directly. You can easily customize the content and order of items in the popup.
The navigation popup now includes links to various project and module settings, along with Android resource directories, the Maven project tree, and Maven POM files (if they exist in conventional locations)
Menu Items - The Gradle/Maven Navigation Plugin for IntelliJ adds additional features to the standard Gradle and Maven plugin. You can now swivel between the source editor, the project view, and the Gradle view. A custom popup displays common destinations and user configured tasks and groups. Commands are added to various context menus in the Project Tree, Gradle Tree, and Editor Window.
Goto Gradle/Maven - project, task, or group
Goto Project - gradle settings or build, source root, or resource root
Gradle Users: This plugin works for both single-project and multi-project Gradle builds.
]]>Provides actions for text manipulation:
Sort with natural order:
Actions are available under Edit menu, or via the shortcut "alt M" and "alt shift M". You can setup your own shortcuts for better usability.
]]>Version 2.6
Version 2.4
Version 2.3
Version 2.2
Version 2.1.1
Version 2.1
Version 2.0 - Resurrection of the plugin
Version 1.3
Version 1.2 New features:
Version 1.1 Added following actions:
Documentation is available at plugin-dev.com.
]]>Version 1.2 changes
Version 1.1 changes
Version 1.0 changes
Version 0.7 changes
Version 0.4 changes
Version 0.3 changes
This plugin provies two IDE actions:
Note: As of version 1.0, this plugin supports only IDEA 14.1.x-based products and later (e.g., PyCharm 4.1, WebStorm 10, Android Studio 1.3).
]]>The following functions are currently supported:
Important: You have to start a string literal and press Ctrl + Space to activate the completion popup
If you have further suggestions/ideas, just send me an e-mail.
]]>To use:
Service Test Generator:
Service Injector:
var hi={ field : 'val', heel: 'red' }; var hi = { field : 'val', heel : 'red' };]]>
Like this plugin? Give it a star at GitHub and spread the word!
]]> Do you want more information about the live templates and postfix completions included in the plugin?
Have a look to the repository's README file
Older version changes are listed on CHANGELOG.md
]]>It's a collection of live templates for common patterns encountered when building Django applications (with a couple generic python uses) specifically useful for models, forms, widgets, views, and templates.
For example, the following expansions for models and forms can be made:
mchar<TAB--> $FIELDNAME$ = models.CharField($name$ , max_length=50)$END$
fchar<TAB--> $FIELDNAME$ = forms.CharField($ARGS$)$END$
Where each variable between dollar signs($) (e.g., $FIELDNAME$, $NAME$, etc) is a stopping point for the cursor each time enter is pressed.
The abbreviations generally adhere to the following conventions:
For a full listing of the abbreviations, see the github repo: https://github.com/brmc/pycharm-djaneiro/tree/master/docs
]]>Documentation can be found here
Release notes can be found here
Have a problem, raise an issue here
Follow me on Twitter: @thekalinga
]]>Documentation can be found here
Have a problem, raise an issue here
Follow us on Twitter: @1tontech
to mat
& expansion
material components2.0.0-beta.7
support for select component. This allows you to group options within selectfxLayoutWrap
as this is deprecated in favor of fxLayout
will also be included as part of templatesPHP Class From Template uses File Templates with file extension "class.php"
]]>This is a patched version of the original plugin, which has been abandoned.
]]>Integrates the actions into Tools-menu and main toolbar and provides an entry for the SelectInTarget-Menu to show in file manager.
Additionally a custom binary file type is registered and associated with several extensions. These files may be executed in the platform's default application by double-clicking them in the project view, for example.
Furthermore from native file manager files may be dropped on unused areas of the idea frame (empty space in toolwindowbars, editor tab area, toolbar, menubar and statusbar).
The action commands may be configured in config/options/other.xml in section NativeNeighbourhoodPlugin. Supported replacement variables are $FilePath$, $FileDir$, $FileName$ and $PluginsHome$. All Icons are loaded from configured "iconsDir" below /org/intellij/plugins/nativeNeighbourhood/icons/.
The labels may be customized in META-INF/plugin.xml in plugin directory. The associated extensions may be configured in other.xml or using the filetypes-applet in IDEA configuration.
]]>Source: https://github.com/denvned/idea-flashcards
code automatically in Android develop.
subclass, the setContentView(R.layout.)
will be checkedFragment
subclass, the inflate(R.layout.)
will be checkedRecyclerView.Adapter
subclass, the inflate(R.layout.)
will be checked* - via Plugin